4 save инструкция по настройке

Раздел для специалистов

Программное обеспечение _4SAVE Soft Setup

Прошивка для эбу с ошибкой электроклапана

Инструкция по виртуальному указателю уровня газа

RU — 4SAVE BEST, ECO — Схема подключения

RU — 4SAVE MAX — Схема подключения

ECO и BEST подключение жгута проводов

эмулятор давления бензина на разных авто схема

Переделка stag на 4SAVE без замены проводки

Распиновка жгута 24пин ECO и BEST

Эмуляторы уровня и давления бензина +OBD MAX8

Подключение эмулятора уровня топлива (архив)

Нормативная документация

Сервисная книжка 4SAVE

АКТ неисправности 4SAVE

  • info@4save.com.ru

  • Москва, ул. 1-й Магистральный пр., вл8с3
2019 — Официальный представитель компании EDDC — 4SAVE

Хотел поделиться с вами своими наблюдениями по настройки ГБО 4save. (МЕТАН)
Все началось с того что как мне показалось ухудшилась динамика при езде на газу, параллельно с этим достаточно сильно упал расход, (я понимаю что многие об этом мечтают, но мне правильная эксплуатация и динамика важнее), давно я хотел заняться самостоятельной настройкой да вот только возможности не было т.к. в работе авто меня все устраивало, а просто так лезть ради эксперимента мне не очень хотелось… И да, еще такой момент, почему я все таки решил все перенастраивать, да потомучто попутно когда начались проблемы я начал мониторить топливные коррекции и работу ДК1, дак вот осциллограмма была рванная, часто залипала, коррекции могли улетать в +20 процентов итд.

Некорректная работа ДК
Примеры привожу специально контрастные

В общем сделал автокалибровку, накатал карты, которые кстати неплохо друг на друга легли, но для меня главный критерий был это показания ДК… Кстати предварительно я отключил автоадаптацию моего блока полностью, т.к. посчитал что она наоборот будет только мешать, гнуть свою линию вообщем.
Далее посадил товарища за штурвал, сам уселся за ноут, открыл вкладку RPM коррекция и начал править до такого состояния чтобы коррекции на всех режимах работы не убегали… В двух словах чтобы сильно не расписывать: е***** я так дня три, вроде все настроишь с горем пополам, на следующий день опять все сбивается, полез делать коррекции по температуре газа, не помогает (только хуже становиться), залез во вкладку MAP коррекция тоже мимо… В общем так и не смог я обуздать ручную настройку ГБО, видимо в силу своего нулевого опыта в таких делах.
Намучавшись, захожу во вкладку самоадаптация, там пять режимов от самой медленной до самой быстрой, устанавливаю последнею, температура активации 60 градусов, включение при отклонение 7%… в этот момент я стоял на холостом ходу и у меня богатило смесь, коррекции были -10% примерно, (блок гбо этого не видит, т.к. к нему лямбда вообще не подключена да и показания эти я брал с ЭБУ авто) и вы знаете за 30 секунд он выровнял смесь в идеал, решил прокатиться, и честно говоря я очень удивился(если не сказать больше), коррекции плавали минимально, лямбда можно сказать не залипала… и по истечении недели все работает также неплохо.
Не знаю как на других блоках, но тут эта фишка мне помогла, может быть кому-нибудь данный опыт поможет при настройке.
Единственный момент т.к. температура активации автоадаптации 60 градусов, а на газ машина переходит в 45, то на ХХ в мороз смесь всегда богатая, пока форсунки и редуктор не прогреются до рабочих значений.
Что получилось в итоге:

С включенной автоадаптацией

UPDATE 06.03.2021
После того как снимал аккумулятор с машины и установил обратно, ГБО отказываеться корректно работать, точнее все настройки газовой смеси сбились и уже не какая автоадаптация не помогает… пробую настроить все в ручном режиме, но танцы с бубном уже надоели, по какойто причине, каждый день газовая карта расползаеться с бензиновой…

1. Improved START-STOP function algorithm.

2. The electro valve missing detection algorithm has been improved to minimize the occurrence of false error detection.

3. The short-circuit detection in electro valve circuit and gas injectors supply circuit has been improved to minimize false error detection and to minimize ECU failure in case of short-circuit.

4. Fixed lambda error false detection in some cars.

5. Added service of AUX outputs (Lite).

6. Added errors (messages):

— Reducer temp. below min. for long time

— Gas temp. below min. for long time

7. Improved gas filling detection algorithm. (VLS with sensor).

8. Improved VLS learning algorithm.

9. Added setting – Disable electro valve current control in case no electro valve (electronic reducer).

1. Improved RPM calculation algorithm.

2. Improved electro valve current detection algorithm.

3. Improved supply voltage detection algorithm.

4. VLS added — Virtual level sensor (gas level).

5. The possibility of changing the current gas level by the user using

the control panel has been added.

6. Improved communication with control panel CP-1 algorithm.

7. The problem of false detection of error G0025 — Not allowed impulses

on RPM input has been fixed.

8. The possibility to delete OBD errors by the user using the control

panel has been added.

9. Double petrol injectors — support for engines with double petrol

injectors, in which «second» injector in some load ranges are

switched off. The gas ECU detects the type of control


1. Improved START-STOP function algorithm — (Toyota Vellfire).

2. Improved gas inj. sequence advanced. algorithm – fixed occasional engine jerking in case of switchover to petrol.

3. Improved ECU auto calibration algorithm – OBD operation improved during calibration.

4. Improved FPE emulator calibration — there is no need to manually tune the emulator for some cars, eg Range Rover.

5. Improved low engine load detection algorithm, affecting the operation of the OBD eraser.

6. Improved no ignition signal error detection algorithm.

7. Improved no RPM signal error detection algorithm.

8. The possibility of securing the controller with a 4 digit pin code has been added.

9. The auto-calibration algorithm of the controller has been improved — the problem of reporting gas pressure errors has been fixed.

10. A setting has been added that allows to save errors from low gas pressure — for diagnostic purposes.

11. Added saving of messages from the overlap of petrol and gas injectors on the error list — for diagnostic purposes.

12. Added the ability to disable intelligent handling of the petrol injector overlap when adding petrol.

1. Improved lambda 1 B2 detection algorithm.

2. Fixed problem with lambda sensor error appearance in Renault Duster 2,0 car.

3. Improved RPM detection algorithm.

4. Improved gas ECU errors detection algorithm.

5. Fixed problem with occasional ECU blocking, in case of car battery discharge.

6. Fixed problem with lambda sensor error appearance in Fiat 500 81KW 1,6 car.

7. Improved lambda sensor reading through OBD.

8. Fixed problem with no possibility to switch on Auto-Adaption for 6 cylinder engine 1 Bank (lambda sensor 1 B2 not connected).

9. Improved emergency engine start algorithm.

10. Improved valve protection algorithm.

11. Improved RPM detection algorithm (source — camshaft sensor).

12. Multiplier line changed after calibration (when reducer pipe connected)

1. Improved FPE algorithm.

2. Fixed problem with not showing „Inspection time” warning.

3. Added Double petrol injectors setting (Nissan Qashqai, Suzuki Swift)

4. Improved lambda sensor error detection algorithm.

5. Added possibility to read MAP form OBD (for cars which has only MAF sensor).

6. Improved petrol addition algorithm in case of petrol injection pulses overlapped.

7. Added Engine valves protection setting.

8. Improved petrol addition algorithm (gas pressure) map.

9. Improved OBD errors erase algorithm in case of high engine load.

10. Added buzzer sound (every 10 minutes) in case of switchover to petrol (low gas pressure).

11. Fixed problem with OBD not connecting in car Mitsubishi Pajero 2004 year.

12. Fixed problem with not correct ECU standby mode, in case of OBD module switched on (CAN). This could cause increased current consumption.

13. Improved critical system errors detection algorithm.

14. Fixed problem with occasional ECU blocking, in case of car battery discharge.

15. Improved settings saving algorithm to ECU memory.

16. Firmware support terminated for ECU versions which production was over 3 years ago.

1. Improved OBD communication algorithm for vehicles with 2 OBD devices.

2. Remarked message in case of ECU not calibrated.

3. Improved settings saving algorithm to ECU memory.

4. Improved OBD communication algorithm for hybrid vehicles.

5. Fixed bug — Non zero engine load in case ignition off.

6. Improved OL_High detection algorithm (Auto-Adaption).

7. Added new settings:

— Read data delay

— Connect to OBD

— OBD Lambda Type

8. Added autocalibration option «Don’t erase PInj and target maps”.

1. Added fuel pressure emulator FPE support.

2. Improved autocalibration algorithm.

3. Improved settings migration algorithm in case of controller update.

4. Improved engine start from gas algorithm (in case of «Fast start» option is active).

5. !!! Improved gas injectors order change algorithm. Now ECU works in 2 modes:

— Gas injectors order change

— Gas inj. sequence advanced.

For both modes petrol injectors emulators works correct now.

6. Improved fuel overlapping algorithm.

7. Added petrol addition (gas pressure) map.

8. Improved too high pressure error report algorithm in case of petrol addition is active.

9. Improved engine load calculation algorithm.

10.Fixed bug — (not correct load MAP correction map in case of in settings file TURBO engine in set).

11.Improved switchover to gas algorithm in case of Cylinder switchover setting is 0[ms].

12.!!! Fixed bug — engine jerking in case of switchover to petrol when gas pressure to low (6,8 cylinders ECU).

13.Improved OL detection algorithm (Auto-Adaption).

1. Improved OBD communication algorithm for vehicles with 2 OBD devices. (ECU + automatic gear box).

2. Improved lambda sensor detection from OBD algorithm . (in case of 2 lmabda sensors type available for 1 bank)

3. Improved algorithm for ignition error detection.

4. Blocked lambda sensor error reporting in case of lambda sensor from OBD and no lambda data available and OBD disabled or No error if lost conn. set to YES.

5. Added Fuel level emulator setting.

6. Improved gas injectors detection algorithm (Occasional random gas injectors appearance (A1.17 i A1.18 firmware version)).

7. Improved RPM detection algorithm.

1. Fixed problem with occasional system error appearance S1001.

2. In case of lost connection with control panel ECU set warning not error. Thanks this, further gas work is possible.

3. Added warning in case of failure AUX outputs (Ps_Sw_RS_Supply, GLS_AuxOut1, AuxOut2).

4. Improved ignition detection.

5. Added GLS/Aux Out 1 and Aux Out 2 settings.

6. Improved gas injector heating algorithm, minimalized gas pressure increase during gas injector heating.

7. Improved gas injector diagnostic algorithm.

8. Improved petrol addition algorithm in case of petrol injection pulses overlapped.

9. Fixed bug — Reporting gas injectors error out of set in software (A1.17 firmware version).

1. Improved algorithm for detection of gas low pressure in case of no PInj+.

2. Improved algorithm for START-STOP in case of temporary lost connection with OBD.

3. Fixed bug — Reporting lambda sensor error in case of work on petrol and Auto-Adaption on.

4. Added 8 cylinders support (2 Banks).

5. Improved algorithm for max RPM detection in case work on gas.

6. Improved OBD communication algorithm for vehicles with 2 OBD devices. (ECU + automatic gear box).

7. Improved OBD communication algorithm in case of petrol ECU don’t support necessary PID’s.

8. Improved gas injection algorithm in case of petrol injection pulses overlapped and petrol addition active.

9. Improved petrol addition algorithm. In earlier versions 1 cycle may have been incorrect.

10. Improved RPM calculation from PInj pulses algorithm in case of petrol injector overlapped.

11. Improved RPM calculation algorithm for Turbo engines.

12. Fixed bug — Reporting lost communication with control panel (CP) error in case of power supply voltage less then minimum for CP.

13. Improved automatic switchover to petrol algorithm (Auto-Adaption).

14. Improved electrovalve control algorithm for some hardware versions.

15. Improved ECU modes of operation (Engine start, Emergency, Work on gas) in case of battery voltage <10[V].

16. Fixed bug — Not switching off LED’s on switch after ignition off in case of setting Ignition wire (Connected to +battery or Not connected) selected. The problem appeared in the A1.15 firmware version.

17. Fixed bug — Loosing communication with switch in case of power supply voltage >20[V].

1. Improved detection of petrol injection pulses in case of no PInj+.

2. Improved OBD communication algorithm for vehicles with 2 OBD devices. (ECU + automatic gear box).

3. Fixed bug – (not correct OBD correction reading (Astra 2006 1,8)).

4. Improved MAP reading through OBD.

5. (Auto-Adaption) now blocked in case of MAP signal not available.

6. Collecting petrol inj. maps blocked now in case of MAP signal not available.

7. Added Injector heating settings.

8. Improved switchover on cold engine algorithm.

9. Improved P->G overlapping and G->P overlapping algorithm.

10. Added Switchover to gas sound settings.

11. Added No Error if lost OBD conn. settings.

12. Improved Petrol injection pulses reading in case of ignition is switched off.

13. Improved OBD connection error detection in case of no PInj+.

1. Improved detection of fuel system status (OBD).

2. Improved OBD communication (ISO14230 fast init) algorithm.

3. Improved OBD interface searching algorithm.

4. Improved LTFT changing (Auto-Adaption) algorithm.

5. Fixed bug – (in some cases did not save error occurrence dates and/or OBD erase history dates).

6. Improved petrol injection sequence detection algorithm.

1. Improved error detection algorithm in the electro valve circuit.

2. Improved control panel LED switching off when ignition wire connected to Battery+ (positive).

3. Improved ignition detection.

4. Improved low voltage supply error detection.

5. Improved RPM error detection.

6. Improved petrol injection error detection.

7. Improved OBD interface searching algorithm.

8. Improved OBD connecting algorithm (5Baud) after ignition is switched on.

9. Improved OBD connection error detection (after ignition off).

10. Improved OBD communication algorithm.

11. Improved cut-off detection algorithm.

12. Improved petrol switchover algorithm.

13. Added Start-Stop system settings in engine parameters.

14. Improved lambda sensor errors detection algorithm.

15. Improved RPM reading through OBD (CAN).

16. Improved switchover on cold engine algorithm.

17. Improved algorithm for communication with switch.

1. Improved (TuneOBD) target map collecting algorithm

2. Improved OBD error auto erase algorithm.

3. Improved manifold pressure reading through OBD.

4. Improved lambda sensor reading through OBD.

5. Added RPM map with the ability to disable adaption for specific areas.

6. Added adaption in OL handling.

7. Added «Petrol addition» option for active OL adaption and lean mixture.

8. Added errors/warnings in case of lambda failure.

9. Changed algorithm for STFT calculation in adaption.

10. Improved detection of fully open gas injectors.

11. Improved OBD communication algorithm for vehicles with 2 OBD devices.

12. Improved wide band lambda sensor reading through OBD.

13. Improved user OBD PID-s reading algorithm.

14. Changed method of connection with OBD to allow for external connection with scan tool when in Petrol Mode.

15. RPM calculation changed for OBD connection.

16. Added option to select connected lambda sensor type.

17. Minimum adaption temperature changed to 60 [C].

18. Faster LTFT changing in adaption.

19. Changed deflection calculation for Tune adaption, allowing for faster response to petrol injection difference.

20. Added Erased OBD error history.

21. Improved algorithm for adding errors to the Error code list.

22. Improved OBD reader refresh rate.

23. Added current Gas ECU Status panel

24. Improved algorithm for switchover to petrol for the purpose of collecting target maps for adaption.

25. Improved «auto stop» algorithm for adaption TuneOBD.

26. OBD connection failure will not now cause switchover to petrol.

27. Improved cut-off detection algorithm.

28. Improved «No RPM» error algorithm.

1. Added Valvetronic and Wankel engines support.

2. Added adaption based on petrol inj. maps. (Tune) and OBD (TuneOBD).

3. Following options added:

— Disable buzzer sound

— Disable check LED (disable the «check» LED in the switch)

4. VERY IMPORTANT — Fixed a bug where pressure and temperature characteristic for the selected gas injector was lost after ECU reset.

After uploading this firmware, please select ‘Gas injector type’ once again to load the correct characteristic.

5. Fixed bug — too long calibration time error when waiting for reducer temperature.

6. Fixed bug — automatic switchover to gas during auto-calibration when waiting for reducer temperature.

7. Fixed bug — ECU switch to standby mode if firmware update is started when engine is running.

8. Fixed bug — Impossible to set non-zero cylinder switchover when gas inj. sequence advanced.

9. «Max Gas injection time» option now works without the need to switch ignition off and on.

10. Changed minimum manifold pressure on petrol injection maps to 0.1 [bar].

11. Added OBD correction reduction.

12. Added ‘fuel overlapping’ during switchover from petrol-to-gas and from gas-to-petrol.

1. MAP reading through OBD option now working.

2. Added CAN extended support.

3. Added (ISO9141, ISO14230..) support.

4. Added automatic OBD interface detection.

5. Improved gas injectors control algorithm.

6. ECU now sets Max gas pressure after calibration.

7. Improved communication with the switch.

8. Improved setting algorithm for the ‘too high gas pressure’ error.

9. Improved RPM detection when connected to OBD.

10. Added VIN reading if connected to OBD.

11. Added feature — OBD speed.

12. Added error if incorrect OBD interface is detected.

13. Improved accuracy of the Gas Injectors Control algorithms.

14. Fixed the error of fast switching from petrol to gas with a button when «fast start» option active.

15. Improved RPM reading from petrol injection pulses.

16. Improved MAP reading by OBD.

17. Improved default settings for OBD.

18. Improved base pressure correction.

1. Improved maps after calibration, added one additional point before the calibration point.

2. Improved Automatic OBD error erase algorithm.

1. Fixed bug when saving Emergency starts count in settings.

2. Added OBD support (currently only CAN STD 500K).

— reading stored petrol ECU errors.

— reading pending petrol ECU errors.

— erasing petrol ECU errors.

— reading user PID-s (OBD reader).

— automatic error clearing.

3. Fixed bug — not saving engine type to EEPROM.

4. Fixed bug — changing maps of petrol injection times and MAP correction maps after uploading settings.

5. Added Freeze frame feature.

6. Changed maps after calibration (number of available points).

7. Reduced time constant for gas level measurement.

8. Added option to supply the gas level sensor from solenoid valve.

9. Added Petrol injection time map erasing after auto-calibration.

10. Optimised auto-calibration times.

11. Improved map after calibration if reducer pipe is not connected.

12. Resolved problem with improper error display in case of low voltage supply.

1. Added injection type feature: sequential/semi-sequential…

2. Added fast start feature

3. Added max gas injection time on cold engine

4. Improved extra injection cutting algorithm

4. Added MAZDA algorithm support

5. Added gas injector flow correction

6. Added gas injector open/close time correction

7. Added gas injection sequence

8. Added gas pressure release

Раздел для специалистов

Программное обеспечение _4SAVE Soft Setup

Прошивка для эбу с ошибкой электроклапана

Инструкция по виртуальному указателю уровня газа

RU — 4SAVE BEST, ECO — Схема подключения

RU — 4SAVE MAX — Схема подключения

ECO и BEST подключение жгута проводов

эмулятор давления бензина на разных авто схема

Переделка stag на 4SAVE без замены проводки

Распиновка жгута 24пин ECO и BEST

Эмуляторы уровня и давления бензина +OBD MAX8

Подключение эмулятора уровня топлива (архив)

Нормативная документация

Сервисная книжка 4SAVE

АКТ неисправности 4SAVE

  • info@4save.com.ru

  • Москва, ул. 1-й Магистральный пр., вл8с3
2019 — Официальный представитель компании EDDC — 4SAVE

1. Improved START-STOP function algorithm.

2. The electro valve missing detection algorithm has been improved to minimize the occurrence of false error detection.

3. The short-circuit detection in electro valve circuit and gas injectors supply circuit has been improved to minimize false error detection and to minimize ECU failure in case of short-circuit.

4. Fixed lambda error false detection in some cars.

5. Added service of AUX outputs (Lite).

6. Added errors (messages):

— Reducer temp. below min. for long time

— Gas temp. below min. for long time

7. Improved gas filling detection algorithm. (VLS with sensor).

8. Improved VLS learning algorithm.

9. Added setting – Disable electro valve current control in case no electro valve (electronic reducer).

1. Improved RPM calculation algorithm.

2. Improved electro valve current detection algorithm.

3. Improved supply voltage detection algorithm.

4. VLS added — Virtual level sensor (gas level).

5. The possibility of changing the current gas level by the user using

the control panel has been added.

6. Improved communication with control panel CP-1 algorithm.

7. The problem of false detection of error G0025 — Not allowed impulses

on RPM input has been fixed.

8. The possibility to delete OBD errors by the user using the control

panel has been added.

9. Double petrol injectors — support for engines with double petrol

injectors, in which «second» injector in some load ranges are

switched off. The gas ECU detects the type of control


1. Improved START-STOP function algorithm — (Toyota Vellfire).

2. Improved gas inj. sequence advanced. algorithm – fixed occasional engine jerking in case of switchover to petrol.

3. Improved ECU auto calibration algorithm – OBD operation improved during calibration.

4. Improved FPE emulator calibration — there is no need to manually tune the emulator for some cars, eg Range Rover.

5. Improved low engine load detection algorithm, affecting the operation of the OBD eraser.

6. Improved no ignition signal error detection algorithm.

7. Improved no RPM signal error detection algorithm.

8. The possibility of securing the controller with a 4 digit pin code has been added.

9. The auto-calibration algorithm of the controller has been improved — the problem of reporting gas pressure errors has been fixed.

10. A setting has been added that allows to save errors from low gas pressure — for diagnostic purposes.

11. Added saving of messages from the overlap of petrol and gas injectors on the error list — for diagnostic purposes.

12. Added the ability to disable intelligent handling of the petrol injector overlap when adding petrol.

1. Improved lambda 1 B2 detection algorithm.

2. Fixed problem with lambda sensor error appearance in Renault Duster 2,0 car.

3. Improved RPM detection algorithm.

4. Improved gas ECU errors detection algorithm.

5. Fixed problem with occasional ECU blocking, in case of car battery discharge.

6. Fixed problem with lambda sensor error appearance in Fiat 500 81KW 1,6 car.

7. Improved lambda sensor reading through OBD.

8. Fixed problem with no possibility to switch on Auto-Adaption for 6 cylinder engine 1 Bank (lambda sensor 1 B2 not connected).

9. Improved emergency engine start algorithm.

10. Improved valve protection algorithm.

11. Improved RPM detection algorithm (source — camshaft sensor).

12. Multiplier line changed after calibration (when reducer pipe connected)

1. Improved FPE algorithm.

2. Fixed problem with not showing „Inspection time” warning.

3. Added Double petrol injectors setting (Nissan Qashqai, Suzuki Swift)

4. Improved lambda sensor error detection algorithm.

5. Added possibility to read MAP form OBD (for cars which has only MAF sensor).

6. Improved petrol addition algorithm in case of petrol injection pulses overlapped.

7. Added Engine valves protection setting.

8. Improved petrol addition algorithm (gas pressure) map.

9. Improved OBD errors erase algorithm in case of high engine load.

10. Added buzzer sound (every 10 minutes) in case of switchover to petrol (low gas pressure).

11. Fixed problem with OBD not connecting in car Mitsubishi Pajero 2004 year.

12. Fixed problem with not correct ECU standby mode, in case of OBD module switched on (CAN). This could cause increased current consumption.

13. Improved critical system errors detection algorithm.

14. Fixed problem with occasional ECU blocking, in case of car battery discharge.

15. Improved settings saving algorithm to ECU memory.

16. Firmware support terminated for ECU versions which production was over 3 years ago.

1. Improved OBD communication algorithm for vehicles with 2 OBD devices.

2. Remarked message in case of ECU not calibrated.

3. Improved settings saving algorithm to ECU memory.

4. Improved OBD communication algorithm for hybrid vehicles.

5. Fixed bug — Non zero engine load in case ignition off.

6. Improved OL_High detection algorithm (Auto-Adaption).

7. Added new settings:

— Read data delay

— Connect to OBD

— OBD Lambda Type

8. Added autocalibration option «Don’t erase PInj and target maps”.

1. Added fuel pressure emulator FPE support.

2. Improved autocalibration algorithm.

3. Improved settings migration algorithm in case of controller update.

4. Improved engine start from gas algorithm (in case of «Fast start» option is active).

5. !!! Improved gas injectors order change algorithm. Now ECU works in 2 modes:

— Gas injectors order change

— Gas inj. sequence advanced.

For both modes petrol injectors emulators works correct now.

6. Improved fuel overlapping algorithm.

7. Added petrol addition (gas pressure) map.

8. Improved too high pressure error report algorithm in case of petrol addition is active.

9. Improved engine load calculation algorithm.

10.Fixed bug — (not correct load MAP correction map in case of in settings file TURBO engine in set).

11.Improved switchover to gas algorithm in case of Cylinder switchover setting is 0[ms].

12.!!! Fixed bug — engine jerking in case of switchover to petrol when gas pressure to low (6,8 cylinders ECU).

13.Improved OL detection algorithm (Auto-Adaption).

1. Improved OBD communication algorithm for vehicles with 2 OBD devices. (ECU + automatic gear box).

2. Improved lambda sensor detection from OBD algorithm . (in case of 2 lmabda sensors type available for 1 bank)

3. Improved algorithm for ignition error detection.

4. Blocked lambda sensor error reporting in case of lambda sensor from OBD and no lambda data available and OBD disabled or No error if lost conn. set to YES.

5. Added Fuel level emulator setting.

6. Improved gas injectors detection algorithm (Occasional random gas injectors appearance (A1.17 i A1.18 firmware version)).

7. Improved RPM detection algorithm.

1. Fixed problem with occasional system error appearance S1001.

2. In case of lost connection with control panel ECU set warning not error. Thanks this, further gas work is possible.

3. Added warning in case of failure AUX outputs (Ps_Sw_RS_Supply, GLS_AuxOut1, AuxOut2).

4. Improved ignition detection.

5. Added GLS/Aux Out 1 and Aux Out 2 settings.

6. Improved gas injector heating algorithm, minimalized gas pressure increase during gas injector heating.

7. Improved gas injector diagnostic algorithm.

8. Improved petrol addition algorithm in case of petrol injection pulses overlapped.

9. Fixed bug — Reporting gas injectors error out of set in software (A1.17 firmware version).

1. Improved algorithm for detection of gas low pressure in case of no PInj+.

2. Improved algorithm for START-STOP in case of temporary lost connection with OBD.

3. Fixed bug — Reporting lambda sensor error in case of work on petrol and Auto-Adaption on.

4. Added 8 cylinders support (2 Banks).

5. Improved algorithm for max RPM detection in case work on gas.

6. Improved OBD communication algorithm for vehicles with 2 OBD devices. (ECU + automatic gear box).

7. Improved OBD communication algorithm in case of petrol ECU don’t support necessary PID’s.

8. Improved gas injection algorithm in case of petrol injection pulses overlapped and petrol addition active.

9. Improved petrol addition algorithm. In earlier versions 1 cycle may have been incorrect.

10. Improved RPM calculation from PInj pulses algorithm in case of petrol injector overlapped.

11. Improved RPM calculation algorithm for Turbo engines.

12. Fixed bug — Reporting lost communication with control panel (CP) error in case of power supply voltage less then minimum for CP.

13. Improved automatic switchover to petrol algorithm (Auto-Adaption).

14. Improved electrovalve control algorithm for some hardware versions.

15. Improved ECU modes of operation (Engine start, Emergency, Work on gas) in case of battery voltage <10[V].

16. Fixed bug — Not switching off LED’s on switch after ignition off in case of setting Ignition wire (Connected to +battery or Not connected) selected. The problem appeared in the A1.15 firmware version.

17. Fixed bug — Loosing communication with switch in case of power supply voltage >20[V].

1. Improved detection of petrol injection pulses in case of no PInj+.

2. Improved OBD communication algorithm for vehicles with 2 OBD devices. (ECU + automatic gear box).

3. Fixed bug – (not correct OBD correction reading (Astra 2006 1,8)).

4. Improved MAP reading through OBD.

5. (Auto-Adaption) now blocked in case of MAP signal not available.

6. Collecting petrol inj. maps blocked now in case of MAP signal not available.

7. Added Injector heating settings.

8. Improved switchover on cold engine algorithm.

9. Improved P->G overlapping and G->P overlapping algorithm.

10. Added Switchover to gas sound settings.

11. Added No Error if lost OBD conn. settings.

12. Improved Petrol injection pulses reading in case of ignition is switched off.

13. Improved OBD connection error detection in case of no PInj+.

1. Improved detection of fuel system status (OBD).

2. Improved OBD communication (ISO14230 fast init) algorithm.

3. Improved OBD interface searching algorithm.

4. Improved LTFT changing (Auto-Adaption) algorithm.

5. Fixed bug – (in some cases did not save error occurrence dates and/or OBD erase history dates).

6. Improved petrol injection sequence detection algorithm.

1. Improved error detection algorithm in the electro valve circuit.

2. Improved control panel LED switching off when ignition wire connected to Battery+ (positive).

3. Improved ignition detection.

4. Improved low voltage supply error detection.

5. Improved RPM error detection.

6. Improved petrol injection error detection.

7. Improved OBD interface searching algorithm.

8. Improved OBD connecting algorithm (5Baud) after ignition is switched on.

9. Improved OBD connection error detection (after ignition off).

10. Improved OBD communication algorithm.

11. Improved cut-off detection algorithm.

12. Improved petrol switchover algorithm.

13. Added Start-Stop system settings in engine parameters.

14. Improved lambda sensor errors detection algorithm.

15. Improved RPM reading through OBD (CAN).

16. Improved switchover on cold engine algorithm.

17. Improved algorithm for communication with switch.

1. Improved (TuneOBD) target map collecting algorithm

2. Improved OBD error auto erase algorithm.

3. Improved manifold pressure reading through OBD.

4. Improved lambda sensor reading through OBD.

5. Added RPM map with the ability to disable adaption for specific areas.

6. Added adaption in OL handling.

7. Added «Petrol addition» option for active OL adaption and lean mixture.

8. Added errors/warnings in case of lambda failure.

9. Changed algorithm for STFT calculation in adaption.

10. Improved detection of fully open gas injectors.

11. Improved OBD communication algorithm for vehicles with 2 OBD devices.

12. Improved wide band lambda sensor reading through OBD.

13. Improved user OBD PID-s reading algorithm.

14. Changed method of connection with OBD to allow for external connection with scan tool when in Petrol Mode.

15. RPM calculation changed for OBD connection.

16. Added option to select connected lambda sensor type.

17. Minimum adaption temperature changed to 60 [C].

18. Faster LTFT changing in adaption.

19. Changed deflection calculation for Tune adaption, allowing for faster response to petrol injection difference.

20. Added Erased OBD error history.

21. Improved algorithm for adding errors to the Error code list.

22. Improved OBD reader refresh rate.

23. Added current Gas ECU Status panel

24. Improved algorithm for switchover to petrol for the purpose of collecting target maps for adaption.

25. Improved «auto stop» algorithm for adaption TuneOBD.

26. OBD connection failure will not now cause switchover to petrol.

27. Improved cut-off detection algorithm.

28. Improved «No RPM» error algorithm.

1. Added Valvetronic and Wankel engines support.

2. Added adaption based on petrol inj. maps. (Tune) and OBD (TuneOBD).

3. Following options added:

— Disable buzzer sound

— Disable check LED (disable the «check» LED in the switch)

4. VERY IMPORTANT — Fixed a bug where pressure and temperature characteristic for the selected gas injector was lost after ECU reset.

After uploading this firmware, please select ‘Gas injector type’ once again to load the correct characteristic.

5. Fixed bug — too long calibration time error when waiting for reducer temperature.

6. Fixed bug — automatic switchover to gas during auto-calibration when waiting for reducer temperature.

7. Fixed bug — ECU switch to standby mode if firmware update is started when engine is running.

8. Fixed bug — Impossible to set non-zero cylinder switchover when gas inj. sequence advanced.

9. «Max Gas injection time» option now works without the need to switch ignition off and on.

10. Changed minimum manifold pressure on petrol injection maps to 0.1 [bar].

11. Added OBD correction reduction.

12. Added ‘fuel overlapping’ during switchover from petrol-to-gas and from gas-to-petrol.

1. MAP reading through OBD option now working.

2. Added CAN extended support.

3. Added (ISO9141, ISO14230..) support.

4. Added automatic OBD interface detection.

5. Improved gas injectors control algorithm.

6. ECU now sets Max gas pressure after calibration.

7. Improved communication with the switch.

8. Improved setting algorithm for the ‘too high gas pressure’ error.

9. Improved RPM detection when connected to OBD.

10. Added VIN reading if connected to OBD.

11. Added feature — OBD speed.

12. Added error if incorrect OBD interface is detected.

13. Improved accuracy of the Gas Injectors Control algorithms.

14. Fixed the error of fast switching from petrol to gas with a button when «fast start» option active.

15. Improved RPM reading from petrol injection pulses.

16. Improved MAP reading by OBD.

17. Improved default settings for OBD.

18. Improved base pressure correction.

1. Improved maps after calibration, added one additional point before the calibration point.

2. Improved Automatic OBD error erase algorithm.

1. Fixed bug when saving Emergency starts count in settings.

2. Added OBD support (currently only CAN STD 500K).

— reading stored petrol ECU errors.

— reading pending petrol ECU errors.

— erasing petrol ECU errors.

— reading user PID-s (OBD reader).

— automatic error clearing.

3. Fixed bug — not saving engine type to EEPROM.

4. Fixed bug — changing maps of petrol injection times and MAP correction maps after uploading settings.

5. Added Freeze frame feature.

6. Changed maps after calibration (number of available points).

7. Reduced time constant for gas level measurement.

8. Added option to supply the gas level sensor from solenoid valve.

9. Added Petrol injection time map erasing after auto-calibration.

10. Optimised auto-calibration times.

11. Improved map after calibration if reducer pipe is not connected.

12. Resolved problem with improper error display in case of low voltage supply.

1. Added injection type feature: sequential/semi-sequential…

2. Added fast start feature

3. Added max gas injection time on cold engine

4. Improved extra injection cutting algorithm

4. Added MAZDA algorithm support

5. Added gas injector flow correction

6. Added gas injector open/close time correction

7. Added gas injection sequence

8. Added gas pressure release

Стал обращать внимание, что долговременная коррекция при езде стала вываливаться у меня из нуля.Сначала не сильно, потом по нарастающей.Стала долго заводиться машина, и не важно, после длительного простоя или нет.Мыл форсунки, менял фильтра, свечи ничего не помогало.А оказалось что не там искал.Эллементарно порвалась мембрана в редукторе ГБО и через вак.трубку подсекал газ в цилиндры обогащая смесь.Газ стоял BRC, и наверное владельцы этих установок меня поймут, с ним все хорошо, раз настроил и забыл, но если нужно поднастроить, то проблема с поиском мастера глобальна.Так и получилось у меня, в нашем регионе нет представителя этой компании.Поэтому принял решение сменить редуктор и ЭБУ на другую фирму.Почитал в интернете про разного уровня установки и пришел к выводу ставить диджитроник.Позвонил в контору по установке и при общении с мастером появилось другое решение, ставить ЭБУ 4Save.Это оборудование вообще не нужно настраивать, включил режим настройки по ОБД и оно само настраивает топливную карту.Редуктор поставил Томасетто АТ13 Super до 280л.с.(зачем, расскажу в следующих записях), до этого стоял на 180 лошадок.И очень необходимая процедура была выполненна, заменена медная магистраль на пластик, надеюсь не буду теперь видеть столько стружки в фильтре грубой очистки.После установки всего добра и настроек, тачка ожила коррекции в нулях, поехала еще интереснее, чем на прошлом оборудовании.Я прям очень доволен, расход на нем снизился.

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)

Избавился наконец от красного клапана, мозолившего мне глаза

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)

Было так((

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)

Цена вопроса: 17 000 ₽
Пробег: 151 000 км

Кабель для диагностики ГБО универсальный (GS-U3F…

  • Артикул: 19100

Кабель для диагностики ГБО универсальный (GS-U3F...

Для ГБО:
• AC / STAG, 200, 300, 400, PLUS, PREMIUM, 4, ISA2, 400DPI, Q-BOX, NEXT, MAX
• DIGITRONIC / DGI 3D S Power, DGI, MAXI 2, IQ, 2568 OBD, MP-32,48, MP6C
• 4GAS / 4GAS
• LPGTECH / TECH 100, TECH 200, 204, 224, TECH 300, 320, 324, 326, 328

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При предоплате стоимость пересылки всего 350 рублей. Все товары отправляем Первым классом — ускоренная авиа почта.

* Обращаем ваше внимание на то, что данный интернет-сайт носит исключительно информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи 437 (2) Гражданского кодекса РФ.

Основным направлением деятельности нашей компании является продажа диагностического оборудования и автомобильных ключей зажигания. 

О компьютерной диагностике

Диагностическое оборудование или, как часто говорят, автосканер — незаменимый инструмент для ремонта автомобиля. В продаже имеются мультимарочные диагностические сканеры, диагностические комплексы для автосервиса, оборудование для диагностики грузового транспорта, диагностические комплексы для диагностики мототехники, оригинальные мультимарочные сканеры Launch (Лаунч), марочные адаптеры для диагностики, программаторы одометров, приборы для прописывания новых ключей, оборудование для чип тюнинга, переходники на OBD2 и т.д.

Большая часть наших покупателей — частные лица. Это люди, которые в первую очередь хотят сэкономить на дорогостоящей компьютерной диагностике в автосервисе, а также желающие сами разобраться в устройстве своего автомобиля. Объяснить большую популярность на диагностические адаптеры просто — мы стараемся предлагать нашим клиентам лучшие цены и качество оборудования, а также доставку товара в кратчайшие сроки.

Второй тип покупателей — это люди покупающие Диагностическое оборудование для бизнеса. Мы продаем диагностические комплексы на базе ноутбука или планшетного компьютера, которые могут работать более чем с 70 марками автомобилей. Подход к каждому клиенту строго индивидуален. Ситуация: Человек решил открыть открыть диагностический пост в своем автосервисе, но ни опыта, ни оборудования у него нет, как и желания тратить большую сумму, так как не известна рентабельность затеи открытия диагностического поста.
Наша работа — определить регион проживания клиента, автомобили каких марок наиболее востребованы в данном регионе и другие немаловажные вопросы. Мы понимаем, что угодили
клиенту, когда он в очередной раз делает заказ на нашем сайте.

О ключах зажигания
Также наш магазин предлагает огромный выбор автомобильных ключей зажигания. В продаже более 650 видов различных ключей зажигания: Оригинальные выкидные ключи,
выкидные ключи под переделку из простого в выкидной, смарт ключи, болванки простых ключей, чипы иммобилайзера для ключей, а также различные запчасти для ключей, 
такие, как сменные лезвия, логотипы, батарейки и т.д. Если у Вас возникли трудности при выборе ключа зажигания — мы осуществляем подбор ключей зажигания по фотографии, просто
пришлите фото Вашего ключа нам на почту mail@eobd.ru

Гарантии и Акции

Благодаря проверенным поставщикам качество нашей продукции на высоком уровне, процент нисправного оборудования крайне мал. На все диагностическое оборудование мы предоставляем «нашу» гарантию от 6 месяцев.

Все клиенты, делающие повторный заказ в нашем магазине, получают гарантированную скидку 5% (при оформлении последующего заказа в графе Доп.информация укажите номер предыдущего заказа)

С Уважением, команда EOBD.RU

4save  виртуальный уровень газа

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