Автомагнитола пионер mvh 150ub инструкция на русском языке

Support for MVH-150UB | Pioneer

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Support for MVH-150UB

RDS тюнер с подсвечиваемым USB и AUX-входом на фронтальной панели, воспроизведением файлов в формате WMA/MP3/WAV (модель для России)


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Operating this unit

SLA (source level adjustment)

SLA (Source level adjustment) lets you adjust the volume level of each source to prevent radical changes in volume when switching between sources.

!Settings are based on the FM volume level, which remains unchanged.

!The MW/LW volume level can also be adjusted with this function.

!When selecting FM as the source, you cannot switch to SLA.

1Press M.C. to display the setting mode.

2Turn M.C. to adjust the source volume. Adjustment range: +4 to –4

System menu


PW SAVE (power saving) is canceled if the vehicle battery is disconnected and will need to be turned back on once the battery is reconnected. When PW SAVE (power saving) is off, depending on connection methods, the unit may continue to draw power from the battery if your vehicle’s ignition doesn’t have an ACC (accessory) position.

1Press M.C. to display the main menu.

2Turn M.C. to change the menu option and press to select SYSTEM.

3Turn M.C. to select the system menu function.

Once selected, the following system menu functions can be adjusted.

LANGUAGE (multi-language)

This unit can display the text information from a compressed audio file even for information embedded in English or Russian.

!If the embedded language and the selected language setting are not the same, text information may not display properly.

!Some characters may not be displayed properly.

1Turn M.C. to select the desired setting. ENG (English)—РУС (Russian)

CLOCK SET (setting the clock)

1Press M.C. to display the setting mode.

2Press M.C. to select the segment of the clock display you wish to set.


3Turn M.C. to adjust the clock.

12H/24H (time notation)

1Press M.C. to select the desired setting. 12H (12-hour clock)—24H (24-hour clock)

AUTO PI (auto PI seek)

The unit can automatically search for a different station with the same programming, even during preset recall.

1 Press M.C. to turn Auto PI seek on or off.

AUX (auxiliary input)

Activate this setting when using an auxiliary device connected to this unit.

1 Press M.C. to turn AUX on or off.

PW SAVE (power saving)

Switching this function on enables you to reduce the consumption of battery power.

!Turning on the source is the only operation allowed when this function is on.

1 Press M.C. to turn the power save on or off.

Operating this unit

Switching the dimmer setting

SP-P/O MODE (rear output and preout setting)

You can adjust the brightness of illumination.

The rear speaker leads output and the RCA output

1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.

of this unit can be used to connect a full-range

speaker or subwoofer. Select a suitable option for

2 Turn M.C. to display ILLUMI and press to

your connection.

1 Press M.C. to display the setting mode.


2 Turn M.C. to select the desired setting.

3 Press M.C. to select the desired setting.

You can select any one of the options in the fol-

lowing list:

OFF (off)—ON (on)


REAR/SUB.W – Select when there is a full-

! You can also change the dimmer setting by

range speaker connected to the rear speak-

pressing and holding /DIMMER.

er leads output and there is a subwoofer

connected to the RCA output.

Initial menu


SUB.W/SUB.W – Select when there is a

subwoofer connected directly to the rear

1 Press and hold SRC/OFF until the unit

speaker leads output without any auxiliary

turns off.

amp and there is a subwoofer connected

to the RCA output.

2 Press and hold SRC/OFF until the main

! REAR/REAR – Select when there is a full-

menu appears in the display.

range speaker connected to the rear speak-

er leads output and the RCA output.

3 Turn M.C. to change the menu option

If there is a full-range speaker connected to

and press to select INITIAL.

the rear speaker leads output and the RCA

output is not used, you may select either

4 Turn M.C. to select the initial menu func-



Once selected, the following initial menu func-

System menu

tions can be adjusted.

1 Press and hold SRC/OFF until the unit

FM STEP (FM tuning step)

turns off.

Normally, the FM tuning step employed by seek

tuning is 50 kHz. When AF or TA is on, the tuning

2 Press and hold SRC/OFF until the main

step automatically changes to 100 kHz. It may be

menu appears in the display.

preferable to set the tuning step to 50 kHz when

AF is on.

3 Turn M.C. to change the menu option

! The tuning step remains at 50 kHz during man-

and press to select SYSTEM.

ual tuning.

1 Press M.C. to select the FM tuning step.

4 Turn M.C. to select the system menu

50 (50 kHz)—100 (100 kHz)


Once selected, the following system menu functions can be adjusted.

For details, refer to System menu on this page.

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    Инструкция автомагнитолы Pioneer MVH-150UB

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    • Формат файла: pdf

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    Наша библиотека содержит 2 инструкции для MVH-150UB Pioneer

    Инструкция по эксплуатации Pioneer MVH-150UB, 32 страницы

    Распознанные языки:   English
    Страницы: 32
    Размер: 1.01 MB
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