Бортовой компьютер рено каптур инструкция

Всем привет!
Сегодня я хочу рассказать Вам о лайфхаках и скрытых функциях автомобиля Renault Kaptur и Arkana.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)


Предупреждаю, не все функции могут работать на Ваших автомобилях, из-за разницы в комплектациях.

Итак начнем с простого:
1) Аватарка на свой профиль в мультимедийной системе (ММС).
— Формат флешки FAT32.
— В программе Paint меняем размер фотографий, можно сделать несколько разных размеров заранее.
— Записываем на флешку фотографии в папку с любым названием (название я писал по англ.)
— Вставляем флешку в USB разъем ММС и заходим в свой профиль. Нажимаем редактировать и устанавливаем аватар с флешки.
— Вуаля, готово.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)


2) Пол в багажнике регулируется в 2х положениях, можно сделать как вровень так и выпирает =)
— Вытащить полку и вставить ниже или выше)

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

No photo

3) У климат контроля есть режим рециркуляции воздуха, его многие используют для того, что бы посторонний запах не попадал в салон автомобиля, например от вонючего выхлопа впереди идущего грузовика.
Так же его можно использовать для более быстрого прогрева салона автомобиля, например пока вы чистите автомобиль от снега.
Но самое главное, мало кто знает даже из менеджеров в автосалоне Renault, что режим рециркуляции воздуха отключается сам, примерно через 3-5 минут.
Так как с таким режимом ездить как вредно так и опасно. Это продумано и это хорошо!

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Air rec

4) Регулировка ближнего света светодиодных фар.
По сколько светодиодная оптика очень яркая, то во избежание ослепления встречных авто (на горках или кочках) можно выставить на незаслуженном автомобиле регулировку в положение 2.
В этом случае мы так же освещаем себе путь и никаким образом не ослепим встречных водителей.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Down headlight
Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)
Front light

5) Дворники в сервисный режим, что бы не замерзали и отогревались при автозапуске.
— После того, как заглушили двигатель опускаем рычажок включения дворников в самое нижнее положение (крайнее).
— Дворники встанут в сервисный режим и во время автозапуска не опустятся вниз, а прогреются перед поездкой. С ними даже можно немного проехать, например выехать из двора, там скорость маленькая, а дворники не сильно мешают.
— Для того, что бы вернуть дворники на место, просто возвращаем рычажок переключения режимов дворников в свое обычное положение.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)


6) Все обогревы во время автозапуска.
— Зимой можно перед выходом из автомобиля включить все подогревы и заглушить автомобиль.
— Тогда во время автозапуска все обогревы включатся и Вас будет ждать тепленький руль и салон, а так же оттаявшие от льда стекла.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Запчасти на фото: 1501000. Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

7) Магнитола ярко светит после того, как заглушили двигатель.
— Не беда, включите габариты и магнитола будет светить приглушенно и не будет мешать.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Bright light
Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)
Dim light

8) Авто блокировка ЦЗ при наборе скорости
— Для активации просто удерживаем кнопку блокировки ЦЗ несколько секунд, до появления уведомления на БК о том, что данная функция включена. А так же будет щелчок или Бип, подтверждающий активацию.
— Теперь при наборе скорости ЦЗ будет срабатывать автоматически.

(Внимание! В инструкции указано, что при активации данной функции, при аварии двери могут быть заблокированы!)

Данную функцию мы активируем на свой страх и риск. Но это и наша безопасность.

Теперь перейдем к очень полезным функциям и безопасности.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)


1) Провожающий свет.

В автомобиле есть функция провожающего света. Как это работает:
— Вы глушите автомобиль и левым рычажком, отвечающим за свет, моргаете один или несколько раз дальним светом.
— Включается ближний свет фар, который будет светить 30-60-90 или 120 сек. МАКС 2 мин. (120 сек.)
— На приборной панели будет продублировано уведомление о том, что вы активировали данную функцию, а так же время, которое будут светить фары после выхода из авто.
— Для отключения функции нужно нажать левый рычажок от себя.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Set function on display
Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)
Front light #2
Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)
Front light #3

2) Самое важная функция на мой взгляд в мегаполисе — это отключение бесключевого доступа одной кнопкой.
ВНИМАНИЕ если у Вас установлена дополнительная сигнализация, то может не работать.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Car lock #2

Автомобили с бесключевым доступом очень легко угнать, обычно это делают «удочкой». Кто-то идет за вами с ретранслятором и ловит сигнал от ключа, ведь он постоянный. И автомобиль думает, что его открыли родным ключом, заводится и уезжает. Отсутствие ключа после заведения двигателя и во время поездки автомобиль никак не смутит, так как это функция безопасности. Двигатель не должен заглохнуть на ходу, может произойти авария.

Так вот, что бы деактивировать одной кнопкой бесключевой доступ, выполняем следующее:
— Глушим двигатель и выходим из автомобиля.
— Берем ключ-карту и долго удерживаем кнопку закрывания автомобиля. Сек 5-7 до 2х коротких сигналов.
— Автомобиль закроется и через несколько секунд издаст противные 2 бипа.
— После этого система бесключевого доступа будет отключена и автомобиль откроется только с кнопки на брелке.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Car lock

Далее для ее включения нужно зайти в настройки ММС и активировать бесключевой доступ. Но в инструкции сказано, что он активируется сам, но мне пока не довелось проверить.

Эта функция имбовая для парковок торговых комплексов или центра города, где теоретически могут поджидать злоумышленники для угона.

3) Запись на обслуживание автомобиля в официальный ДЦ через приложение или официальный сайт производителя.
Эта функция может сэкономить Вам денежку.
— Заходим в приложение My Renault и выбираем пункт в меню «Сервис».
— В данном разделе можно узнать когда у Вас следующее ТО и записаться в сервис со скидкой на официальном сайте.
— А так же можно перед заменой масла или ТО зайти на сайт Renault.ru и зайти в раздел «Владельцам» — «Акции и с хорошей скидкой записаться к любому дилеру в любом регионе нашей страны со скидкой.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Renault app

К примеру замена масла с фильтром у дилера для приходящего человека с «улицы» 5500, а через сайт 3300. (700р скидка за запись на сайте).

Запчасти на фото: 40005700. Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)


Разница есть и у Renault на сайте постоянно висят сезонные акции, как на переобуть резину так и на замену масла и ТО.

На сегодня у меня все, пишите о тех лайфхаках, которые узнали Вы за свой период эксплуатации.
Сильно не ругайте, многие люди действительно не знают о большей части этих фишек автомобиля.
Если Вы все это знали, то Вы большой молодец

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Front light #4

P.S. Владею данным авто всего 1.5 месяца…

  • Page 1
    Renault CAPTUR Driver’s handbook…
  • Page 2
    Renault cars. Lasting protection and optimum performance for your engine – guaranteed. Whether changing the oil or simply topping up, to find the approved ELF lubricant best suited to your vehicle, ask your Renault dealer for a recommendation or consult your vehi- cle maintenance handbook.
  • Page 3: Driving

    This handbook may also contain information about items of equipment to be introduced later in the model year. Throughout the manual, the “approved Dealer” is your RENAULT Dealer. Enjoy driving your new vehicle.

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Sections Getting to know your vehicle ……. Driving …………..Your comfort …………Maintenance …………Practical advice ………… Technical specifications ……..Alphabetical index ……….

  • Page 7
    RENAULT card: General information, use, deadlocking ……..
  • Page 8: Battery Life

    RENAULT CARD: general information (1/3) The RENAULT card is used Battery life for: Make sure that the correct battery type is being used, and that the battery is – locking/unlocking the doors and in good condition and inserted cor- tailgate (doors, tailgate) and the fuel rectly.

  • Page 9
    The integrated key is used to lock or unlock the front left-hand door if the RENAULT card does not work: – when the RENAULT card battery is drained, flat battery, etc. Driver’s responsibility – use of devices using the same fre- when parking or stopping quency as the card;…
  • Page 10
    Advice INJURY. will be necessary to take the vehi- Avoid leaving the card in hot, cold or cle and all of its RENAULT cards to humid areas. an approved Dealer to initialise the system. Do not keep the RENAULT card in…
  • Page 11: Luggage Compartment

    If a door or the luggage compartment is open RENAULT card not detected or not properly shut, or if a RENAULT alarm card is still in the reader, the doors and If you open a door while the engine…

  • Page 12: Unlocking The Vehicle

    HANDS-FREE RENAULT CARD: use (1/4) Unlocking the vehicle On equipped vehicles, in addition to With the RENAULT card in zone 1 and the functions of the remote control the vehicle locked, press button 3 on RENAULT card, it can be used to lock/…

  • Page 13: Locking The Vehicle

    Remote locking If an opening element (door or boot) is ture inside the passenger compart- With the RENAULT card on you, and open or not properly closed, or a card is ment increases very quickly. doors and tailgate closed, move away…

  • Page 14
    5: the vehi- dles. The vehicle will lock. cle will lock. Note: a RENAULT card must be within The hazard warning lights flash twice the vehicle’s access zone (zone 1) to to indicate that the doors have locked.
  • Page 15
    HANDS-FREE RENAULT CARD: use (4/4) “Hands-free” RENAULT card non- detection alarm With the engine running, if you open and close a door and the card is no longer within range 6, the message “Keycard not detected” and a beep warns you of this.
  • Page 16
    RENAULT CARD: deadlocking If the vehicle is equipped with a dead- Vehicle with RENAULT card locking function, this allows you to lock Press button 2 twice in quick succes- the opening elements and to prevent sion. the doors from being unlocked using the interior handles (for example, by Vehicle with RENAULT “hands-free”…
  • Page 17: Opening And Closing The Doors

    Pull handle 4. With the doors unlocked, pull handle 1. Lights-on reminder buzzer Special feature of the RENAULT If you have switched off the ignition “hands-free” card and left the lights switched on, a re- With the doors locked, press button 2…

  • Page 18: Child Safety

    OPENING AND CLOSING THE DOORS (2/2) Driver’s responsibility when parking or stopping the vehicle Never leave an animal, child or adult who is not self-suffi- cient alone on your vehicle, even for a short time. They may pose a risk to themselves Child safety or to others by starting the engine, activating equipment such as the…

  • Page 19
    “RENAULT Card” information in Section 1. In certain cases, the RENAULT card may not work: – if the RENAULT card battery is weak, flat, etc. – if equipment operating on the same frequency as the card (mobile phones, etc.) is used;…
  • Page 20
    Unlocking the vehicle from the outside is only possible with the RENAULT card in the vehicle’s access zone or using Interior locking/unlocking the key integrated in the RENAULT card.
  • Page 21
    RENAULT ANTI-INTRUDER DEVICE (RAID) Activating/deactivating the function With the engine running, press the button 1 for approximately 5 seconds, until you hear a warning beep. Operating faults If you experience an operating fault (no automatic locking, the indicator light incorporated in button 1 does not light up when trying to lock the open- ing elements, etc.), firstly check that the…
  • Page 22: Front Headrests

    FRONT HEADRESTS To raise the headrest Raise the headrest to its highest po- sition (tilt the seatback backwards if necessary). Press button 1 and lift the headrest to release it. To refit the headrest Insert the headrest rods into the holes (tilt the seatback backwards if neces- sary).

  • Page 23: Front Seats

    FRONT SEATS To move the seat forwards or To tilt the seatback Heated seats backwards Turn the control knob 3 and tilt the seat- With the ignition on, press the switch 4 back to the desired position. for the seat desired. The indicator light Lift handle 1 to unlock.

  • Page 24: Seat Belts

    SEAT BELTS (1/3) Always wear your seat belt when trav- Before starting, first adjust your driv- elling in your vehicle. You must also ing position, then ask all occupants comply with the legislation of the par- to adjust their seat belts to ensure ticular country you are in.

  • Page 25
    SEAT BELTS (2/3) Front seat belt reminder ß warning light This lights up on the central display when the engine is started then, if the driver’s or front passenger’s seat belt (if this seat is occupied) is not fastened and the vehicle has reached approxi- mately 12 mph (20 km/h), it flashes and a bleep sounds for around 2 minutes.
  • Page 26
    SEAT BELTS (3/3) The following information applies to the vehicle’s front and rear seat belts. – No modification may be made to the component parts of the originally fitted restraint system: seat belts, seats and their mountings. For spe- cial operations (e.g. fitting child seats), contact an authorised dealer. –…
  • Page 27
    METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEAT BELTS (1/4) Depending on the vehicle, they will con- – Have the entire restraint sist of: system checked following – front seat belt inertia reel preten- an accident. sioners; – No operation whatso- –…
  • Page 28: Methods Of Restraint In Addition To The Front Seat Belts

    METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEAT BELTS (2/4) Load limiter Airbags for driver and front passenger Above a certain severity of impact, this mechanism is used to limit the force of Fitted to the driver and passenger side. the belt against the body so that it is at The presence of this equipment is in- an acceptable level.

  • Page 29
    METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEAT BELTS (3/4) Operation Operating faults This system is only operational when å Warning light 4 will light up on the ignition is switched on. the instrument panel when the ignition In a severe frontal impact, the air bags is turned on and then go out after a few inflate rapidly, cushioning the impact seconds.
  • Page 30
    METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEAT BELTS (4/4) All of the warnings below are given so that the air bag is not obstructed in any way when it is inflated and also to prevent the risk of serious injuries caused by items which may be dislodged when the air bag inflates. Warnings concerning the driver’s air bag –…
  • Page 31
    METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE REAR SIDE SEAT BELTS Force limiter Above a certain severity of impact, this mechanism is used to limit the force of the belt against the body so that it is at an acceptable level. –…
  • Page 32
    SIDE PROTECTION DEVICES Side Airbags This airbag may be fitted to each of the front seats and is activated at the sides of the seats (door side) to protect the occupants in the event of a severe side impact. Warning relating to the side airbag –…
  • Page 33: Additional Methods Of Restraint

    ADDITIONAL METHODS OF RESTRAINT All of the warnings below are given so that the airbag is not obstructed in any way when it is inflated and also to prevent the risk of serious injuries caused by items which may be dislodged when it inflates. The airbag is designed to complement the action of the seat belt.

  • Page 34: Child Safety: General Information

    CHILD SAFETY: General information (1/2) Carrying children Children, and adults, must be correctly seated and strapped in for all journeys. The children being carried in your vehi- cle are your responsibility. A child is not a miniature adult. Children are at risk of specific injuries as their muscles and bones have not yet fin- Driver’s responsibility ished growing.

  • Page 35
    CHILD SAFETY: General information (2/2) Using a child seat Set a good example by always fas- The level of protection offered by the tening your seat belt and teaching child seat depends on its ability to re- your child: strain your child and on its installation. –…
  • Page 36
    CHILD SAFETY: choosing a child seat Rear-facing child seats Forward-facing child seats Booster cushions A baby’s head is, proportionally, heavier The child’s head and abdomen need to From 15 kg or 4 years, the child can than that of an adult and its neck is very be protected as a priority.
  • Page 37
    CHILD SAFETY: choosing a child/baby seat mounting (1/2) There are two ways of attaching child Attachment using the ISOFIX Before using an ISOFIX seats: via the seat belt or using the system child seat that you pur- ISOFIX system. Authorised ISOFIX child seats are ap- chased for another vehicle, proved in accordance with regulation check that its installation is…
  • Page 38
    CHILD SAFETY: choosing a child/baby seat mounting (2/2) The two rings 1 are located between Rear seats Front passenger seat the seatback and the seat base and are Put the rear parcel shelf down in order Attach the belt hook 3 to the ring 5. identified by a marking.
  • Page 39: Fitting A Child Seat

    CHILD SAFETY: fitting a child seat (1/4) Some seats are not suitable for fitting In the front seat After installing the child seat, if neces- child seats. The diagram on the follow- sary, the seat may be advanced (so as The laws concerning children travel- ing page shows you how to attach a to leave enough space in the rear seats…

  • Page 40
    CHILD SAFETY: fitting a child seat (2/4) In the rear side seat A carrycot can be installed across the vehicle and will take up at least two seats. Position the child with their feet nearest the door. Move the front seat as far forward as possible to install a rear-facing child seat, then move back the seat in front as far as it will go, although without al-…
  • Page 41
    CHILD SAFETY: fitting a child seat (3/4) Fitting diagram Child seat attached using the ISOFIX mounting ü Seat which allows an ISOFIX child seat to be fitted. ± The seats ISOFIX are fitted with an anchorage point which allows a forward-facing ISOFIX child seat with “Universal”…
  • Page 42
    CHILD SAFETY: fitting a child seat (4/4) The table below summarises the information already shown on the diagram on the previous page, to ensure the regula- tions in force are respected. Weight of Front passenger Rear centre Type of child seat Seat size Rear side seats the child…
  • Page 43: Deactivating/Activating The Front Passenger Airbag

    CHILD SAFETY: deactivating/activating the front passenger air bag (1/3) Deactivating the front To deactivate the airbags: with the vehicle stopped and the ignition off, passenger airbags push and turn lock 1 to the OFF posi- (on equipped vehicles) tion. You must deactivate the devices in ad- With the ignition on, you must check dition to the front passenger seat belt before fitting a child seat in the front…

  • Page 44
    CHILD SAFETY: deactivating/activating the front passenger air bag (2/3) The markings on the dashboard and labels A on each side of passenger sun blind 3 (example: label shown above) remind you of these instructions. DANGER Since operation of the front passenger airbag is not compatible with the position of a rear-facing child seat, NEVER…
  • Page 45
    CHILD SAFETY: deactivating/activating the front passenger air bag (3/3) Operating faults It is forbidden to fit a rear-facing child seat to the front passenger seat if the airbags activation/deactivation system is faulty. Allowing any other passenger to sit in that seat is not recommended. Contact your approved dealer as soon as possible.
  • Page 46: Driving Position


  • Page 47: Instrument Panel

    24 Bonnet release control. 5 Multimedia system voice control 14 Storage drawer. button. 25 Controls for: – electric headlight beam adjust- 15 RENAULT card reader. 6 Stalk: ment, – windscreen and rear screen 16 Gear lever. – instrument panel lighting dimmer, wash/wipe;…

  • Page 48
    DRIVING POSITION: RIGHT-HAND DRIVE (1/2) 12 13 1 1.42…
  • Page 49
    – activate/deactivate the parking 9 Stalk: distance control system, – direction indicator lights; 23 RENAULT card reader. – activation/deactivation of the Stop – exterior lights; and Start function. – front fog lights; 24 Glovebox. – rear fog lights.
  • Page 50: Warning Lights

    WARNING LIGHTS (1/5) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. In some cases, the appearance of a Air bag warning light å warning light is accompanied by a mes- This lights up when the ignition sage.

  • Page 51
    WARNING LIGHTS (2/5) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Handbrake on and brake cir- Oil pressure warning light À cuit incident warning light This lights up when the ignition This comes on when the ignition is is switched on and goes out after a few switched on and goes out as soon as seconds.
  • Page 52
    WARNING LIGHTS (3/5) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Toxic Fume Filter System Anti-lock braking warning Ä Warning Light light This lights up when the ignition is For vehicles equipped with this option, switched on and goes out after a few the light comes on when the ignition is seconds.
  • Page 53
    WARNING LIGHTS (4/5) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Speed limiter and cruise Gear change indicator Š‰ Φ control indicator lights This lights up to advise you to change to a higher gear (up arrow) or See the information on the “Speed lim- lower gear (down arrow).
  • Page 54
    WARNING LIGHTS (5/5) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Front seat belt reminder Rear seat belt reminder (depending ß warning light on vehicle) ß This lights up on the central display warning light comes on on when the engine is started then, if the the central display, accompanied by a driver’s or front passenger’s seat belt…
  • Page 55: Displays/Indicators

    DISPLAYS AND INDICATORS (1/2) Rev counter 1 Driving style indicator 3 Low engine oil level warning (graduations x 1000) Please refer to the information on “Eco- When the engine is started, display 2 driving” in Section 2. alerts the driver when the oil level is at its minimum.

  • Page 56
    DISPLAYS AND INDICATORS (2/2) To return to the previous mode, repeat the same operation. Note: once the battery is switched off, the trip computer and warning system automatically returns to the original unit of measurement. Speedometer 5 Instrument panel in miles (option to switch to km/h) (km or miles per hour) –…
  • Page 57: On-Board Computer

    ON-BOARD COMPUTER: general information (1/2) f) distance travelled; g) average speed; h) distance before service; – service counter; – oil change counter; i) Reset the tyre pressure j) cruise control/speed limiter pro- grammed speed; k) clock and temperature; l) trip log, operating faults and informa- tion message readout.

  • Page 58
    ON-BOARD COMPUTER: general information (2/2) Interpreting some of the Automatic resetting of the values displayed after journey parameters resetting Resetting occurs automatically when the maximum value of any of the pa- The values showing average fuel con- rameters is exceeded. sumption, range and average speed will become more stable and reliable the further you travel after pressing the…
  • Page 59
    TRIP COMPUTER: trip settings (1/5) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Examples of selections Interpreting the display selected 101778 km 112.4 km a) Total mileage and trip mileage recorder. FUEL USED b) Journey parameters. Fuel used.
  • Page 60
    TRIP COMPUTER: trip settings (2/5) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Examples of selections Interpreting the display selected RANGE e) Estimated range with remaining fuel. 541 km The value is displayed after driving 400 metres. DISTANCE 522 km f) Distance travelled since last reset.
  • Page 61
    TRIP COMPUTER: trip settings (3/5) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Examples of selections Interpreting the display selected On-board computer with mileage- before-service message h) Mileage before service or oil change. Mileage before service Service in SERVICE With the ignition switched on, the engine not running and…
  • Page 62
    TRIP COMPUTER: trip settings (4/5) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Examples of selections Interpreting the display selected On-board computer with distance before next service message (cntd.) h) Mileage before service or oil change. Mileage before service Oil change in With the ignition switched on and the engine not running,…
  • Page 63
    TRIP COMPUTER: trip settings (5/5) Examples of selections Interpreting the display selected i) Reset the tyre pressure. LEARNING THE Please refer to the information on the “Tyre pressure TIRES SET TPW TYRE PRESSURE loss warning” in Section 2. j) Cruise control/speed limiter programmed speed. SPEED LIMITER CRUISE CONTROL Refer to the information in “Cruise control”…
  • Page 64: Trip Computer And Warning System

    Interpreting the display selected « PARKING BRAKE ON » Indicates that the parking brake has been applied. « PLEASE REMOVE Request to remove the RENAULT card from the reader when you leave the vehicle. KEYCARD » « TRACTION Indicates that you have deactivated the traction control function.

  • Page 65
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM: operating fault messages © These appear with the warning light and mean that you should drive very carefully to an authorised dealer as soon as possible. If you fail to follow this recommendation, you risk damaging your vehicle. They disappear when the display selection key is pressed or after several seconds and are stored in the computer log.
  • Page 66
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM: warning message ® These appear with the warning light and require you to stop immediately, for your own safety, as soon as traf- fic conditions allow. Stop your engine and do not restart it. Contact an approved Dealer. Examples of warning messages are given in the following pages.
  • Page 67: Steering Wheel/Power-Assisted Steering

    STEERING WHEEL/POWER-ASSISTED STEERING Power Assisted Steering Never drive with an inadequately charged battery. Variable power assisted steering The variable power assisted steering system is equipped with an electronic control system which alters the level of assistance to suit the vehicle speed. Steering is made easier during parking manoeuvres (for added comfort) whilst the force needed to steer increases…

  • Page 68: Clock And Exterior Temperature

    CLOCK AND EXTERIOR TEMPERATURE (1/2) 9°C 12:00 Display A Wait a few seconds, the minutes will flash: repeatedly press or press and To access the display 2 for setting the hold button 3 or 4 to set the time. time, press button 3 or 4 on the stalk 1. When setting is complete, the hours Wait a few seconds;…

  • Page 69
    CLOCK AND EXTERIOR TEMPERATURE (2/2) External temperature indicator Special note: When the exterior temperature is — 3°C to + 3°C, the °C characters flash (si- gnalling a risk of ice on the road). External temperature in- Display B dicator Vehicles fitted with touch-screen As ice formation is related multimedia, navigation aid systems, to climatic exposure, local…
  • Page 70: Rear View Mirrors

    REAR VIEW MIRRORS Heated door mirrors With the engine running, mirror de- icing is activated simultaneously with rear screen de-icing/demisting. Folding door mirrors (depending on vehicle) Move button 1 to position F: the door mirrors fold away. To reset them for driving, return to position C, D or E.

  • Page 71: Exterior Lighting And Signals

    EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNALS (1/3) Dipped beam headlights Manual operation Turn the ring 2 until the symbol is oppo- site mark 3. This indicator light on the instrument panel comes on. Automatic operation (depending on vehicle) Turn ring 2 until the AUTO symbol is op- posite mark 3: with the engine running, the dipped beam headlights switch on or off automatically depending on the…

  • Page 72: Front Fog Lights

    EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNALS (2/3) Switching off the lights Front fog lights There are two possibilities: Turn the centre ring 4 on the – manually, move ring 2 to position 0; stalk 1 until the symbol is opposite – the lights will go out automatically mark 5, then release it.

  • Page 73: Rear Fog Light

    EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNALS (3/3) Turning off the fog lights There are two possibilities: – manually, depending on the vehi- cle, turn the ring 4 again to bring the mark 5 opposite the symbol for the fog light that you want to switch off, or bring the ring 4 into position 0.

  • Page 74: Audible And Visual Signals

    AUDIBLE AND VISUAL SIGNALS Direction indicators Move stalk 1 parallel to the steering wheel and in the direction you are going to turn it. One-touch mode When driving, it is possible that the steering wheel may not be turned suf- ficiently to return the stalk automatically to its starting position.

  • Page 75: Headlight Beam Adjustment

    HEADLIGHT BEAM ADJUSTMENT (1/2) For manual settings Examples of positions for adjusting control A according to the load Driver alone or with front passenger Driver with a passenger in front, two or three passengers in the rear and luggage On vehicles fitted with this function, control A allows you to adjust the height Driver with luggage or (load) reaching the maximum of the beams according to the load.

  • Page 76
    HEADLIGHT BEAM ADJUSTMENT (2/2) When driving on the left in a left- hand drive vehicle (or vice versa), you must adjust your lights tempo- rarily during your stay. Temporary adjustment Open the bonnet and identify the mark- ing B next to one of the front headlight projectors.
  • Page 77
    WINDSCREEN WASH/WIPE (1/2) Vehicles with automatic wiper function With the engine running, move stalk 1 – A park. – B automatic wiper function When this position is selected, the system detects water on the windscreen and triggers the wipers at a suitable wiping speed. It is possible to change the triggering threshold and the time sweeps by turning ring 2:…
  • Page 78: Windscreen Washer

    WINDSCREEN WASH/WIPE (2/2) Do not try to lift the wiper blades. They cannot remain detached from the windscreen. To replace the blades, refer to Section 5: “Wiper blades”. In freezing or snowy weather, ensure they are not stuck to the windscreen (including the central area located behind the interior rear-view mirror) and the rear screen before starting…

  • Page 79
    REAR SCREEN WASH/WIPE Rear screen wash/wipe With ignition on, turn the end of the stalk 1 to bring the mark 2 in line with the symbol. When the stalk is re- leased, it returns to the rear windscreen In freezing or snowy weather, ensure wiper position.
  • Page 80: Fuel Grade

    FUEL TANK (1/3) Fuel grade Petrol version It is essential to use unleaded petrol. Use a high-grade fuel that complies The octane rating (RON) must comply with the legislation in force in each with the information given on the label country and which must comply with on the cover A.

  • Page 81
    FUEL TANK (2/3) Filling with fuel With the ignition off, insert the nozzle and insert it fully before turning it on to fill the fuel tank (risk of splashing). Keep the nozzle in this position through- out the entire filling operation. When the pump cuts out automatically at the end of the filling procedure, a maximum of two further filling attempts…
  • Page 82
    Running out of fuel on diesel Vehicles without priming bulb 4 wiring, fuel circuit, injectors, pro- versions Insert the RENAULT card into the 5 tective covers, etc.) as this may be Vehicles with priming bulb 4 card reader. Press the start button 3…
  • Page 83
    Section 2: Driving (Advice on use relating to fuel economy and the environment) Running in …………..Starting/stopping the engine .
  • Page 84: Running In

    RUNNING IN Petrol version Diesel version For the first 600 miles (1,000 km), do For the first 1,000 miles (1,500 km), not exceed 78 mph (130 km/h) in the do not exceed 80 mph (130 km/h) in highest gear, or 3,000 to 3,500 rpm. the highest gear, or 2,500 rpm.

  • Page 85: Starting/Stopping The Engine

    To start, press button 1. If a gear is en- gaged, depress the clutch pedal to start Starting with the boot open in the vehicle. hands-free mode In this case, the RENAULT card must not be located in the luggage compart- ment.

  • Page 86
    In certain cases, the hands-free RENAULT card, insert the card into RENAULT card may not work: reader 2; – when the RENAULT card battery is – vehicles with a RENAULT “hands- drained, flat battery, etc. free” card, with the card in the pas- –…
  • Page 87
    Remote control RENAULT When you leave your vehi- card cle, especially if you have your RENAULT card with With the card in reader 2, press you, check that the engine button 1: the engine will stop. Removing is completely switched off.
  • Page 88
    FUNCTION STOP AND START (1/4) This system enables a reduced fuel For vehicles equipped with manual consumption and lower greenhouse gearboxes: gas emissions. The system is acti- – the gearbox is in neutral; vated automatically when the vehicle is started. While driving, the system stops –…
  • Page 89
    FUNCTION STOP AND START (2/4) Preventing the engine from Conditions for coming out of standing by engine standby In certain situations, such as negotiat- For vehicles equipped with auto- ing a crossroads for instance, it is pos- matic gearboxes: sible to keep the engine running so as –…
  • Page 90
    FUNCTION STOP AND START (3/4) Conditions preventing the Special cases – for vehicles with automatic gear- boxes, the gradient is steeper than standby of the engine With the engine on standby (traffic jam, approximately 12%; traffic lights, etc.), if the driver unfastens Certain conditions prevent the system –…
  • Page 91
    FUNCTION STOP AND START (4/4) Special feature of the automatic The system reactivates automati- engine re-start cally each time the vehicle is started using the start button (please refer Under certain conditions, the engine to “Starting, stopping the engine” in can restart on its own in order to guar- Section 2).
  • Page 92: Special Features Of Petrol Versions

    SPECIAL FEATURES OF PETROL VERSIONS The following operating conditions: If you notice any of the above operating faults, have the necessary repairs car- – driving for long periods when the low ried out as soon as possible by an ap- fuel level warning light is lit;…

  • Page 93: Special Features Of Diesel Versions

    SPECIAL FEATURES OF DIESEL VERSIONS Diesel engine speed Precautions to be taken in winter Diesel engines are fitted with an injec- tion pump which prevents the engine To avoid any faults in icy weather: speed being exceeded irrespective of – ensure that the battery is always fully the gear selected.

  • Page 94: Gear Lever/Handbrake

    GEAR LEVER/HANDBRAKE Handbrake To release: Pull the lever 3 up slightly, press button 2 and then lower the lever to the floor. The red warning light on the instrument panel will come on if you are driving with an incorrectly released handbrake. To apply: Pull lever 3 upwards.

  • Page 95: Driving Advice, Eco-Driving

    DRIVING ADVICE, ECO-DRIVING (1/5) Driving style indicator 2 Fuel consumption is accredited in ac- cordance with a standard regulatory Informs you about the driving style method. Identical for all manufactu- adopted in real time. You will be notified rers, this enables vehicles to be com- by the colour of warning light 2.

  • Page 96: Journey Record

    DRIVING ADVICE, ECO-DRIVING (2/5) An overall rating from 0 to 100 is dis- played to let you assess your eco driv- ing performance. The higher the rating, the lower the fuel consumption. Eco advice is given to help improve your performance. With your favourite journeys saved, you can evaluate your performance.

  • Page 97
    DRIVING ADVICE, ECO-DRIVING ( 3/5) ECO mode ECO mode is a function which opti- mises fuel consumption. It acts on all elements which consume fuel (engine power, heating and/or air conditioning, etc). Activating the function Disabling the function Press switch 4. Press switch 4.
  • Page 98
    DRIVING ADVICE, ECO-DRIVING (4/5) – Avoid sudden acceleration. – Brake as little as possible. If you an- ticipate an obstacle or bend in ad- vance, you may then simply release the accelerator pedal. – Do not try to maintain the same speed up a hill, accelerate no more than you would on the level.
  • Page 99
    DRIVING ADVICE, ECO-DRIVING (5/5) – In vehicles fitted with air condi- tioning, it is normal to observe an increase in fuel consumption (espe- cially in urban conditions) when it is used. For vehicles fitted with manual air conditioning, switch off the system when it is not required.
  • Page 100: Maintenance And Antipollution Advice

    MAINTENANCE AND ANTIPOLLUTION ADVICE Your vehicle complies with criteria for In addition, replacing engine, fuel – Air filter, fuel filter: a choked ele- recycling and recovering vehicles at the supply system and exhaust compo- ment will reduce efficiency. It must end of their service life which will come nents with parts other than those origi- be replaced.

  • Page 101: Environment

    This commitment is illustrated by the lation. less fuel (eg. 140 g/km, equivalent to Renault eco² signature. 5.3 l/100 km for a diesel vehicle). Recycling Our vehicles are also equipped with a Manufacture…

  • Page 102: Tyre Pressure Loss Warning

    TYRE PRESSURE LOSS WARNING (1/7) If fitted on the vehicle, this system System identification warns the driver of pressure loss in one There are two tyre pressure loss warn- or several tyres. ing systems: – System A: can be seen on the label A in the vehicle.

  • Page 103
    TYRE PRESSURE LOSS WARNING (2/7) Operating conditions – driving with snow chains; – fitting a single new tyre; The system should be reset with an – use of tyres not approved by the net- inflation pressure equal to that given work.
  • Page 104
    TYRE PRESSURE LOSS WARNING (3/7) SYSTEM A (cntd.) Display The display 2 on the instrument panel Resetting the standard level for the informs you of any tyre pressure faults tyre pressures (flat tyre, punctured tyre, etc.). This should be done: “INFLATE TIRES AND SET TPW”…
  • Page 105
    TYRE PRESSURE LOSS WARNING (4/7) SYSTEM A (cntd.) Readjustment of tyre pressures After each change of wheel/tyre, read- just the tyre pressure and launch the The tyre pressures must be adjusted “RECALIBRATE SET TPW” reset of the tyre pressure reference when cold (please refer to the label lo- value.
  • Page 106
    TYRE PRESSURE LOSS WARNING (5/7) Resetting the standard level for the tyre pressures This should be done: – when the standard tyre pressure needs to be changed to adapt to usage conditions (empty, carrying a load, motorway driving, etc.); – after swapping a wheel (however this practice is not recommended);…
  • Page 107
    TYRE PRESSURE LOSS WARNING (6/7) Reinitialisation is carried out after a few “PUNCTURE” minutes’ driving.  The warning light comes on Note: steady, accompanied by the message The standard tyre pressure cannot be “PUNCTURE” and a beep. less than that recommended and indi- cated on the door frame.
  • Page 108
    TYRE PRESSURE LOSS WARNING (7/7) SYSTEM B (cntd.) Readjustment of tyre pressures Emergency spare wheel The tyre pressures must be adjusted If the vehicle is equipped with an emer- — “CHECK TYRE PRESSURE when cold (please refer to the label lo- gency spare wheel, it will not have a SENSORS”…
  • Page 109: Driving Correction Devices/Aids

    DRIVING CORRECTION DEVICES AND AIDS (1/5) Anti-lock braking system Depending on the vehicle, this is com- Operating faults: posed of: (ABS) © – lit up on the in- – anti-lock braking system (ABS); Under heavy braking, the ABS prevents strument panel alongside messages the wheels from locking, allowing the –…

  • Page 110: Electronic Stability Program

    DRIVING CORRECTION DEVICES AND AIDS (2/5) Electronic stability program Understeer control Operating faults (ESC) with understeer control This system optimises the action of the When the system detects an operat- and traction control ESC in the case of pronounced under- ing fault the message “Check ESC”…

  • Page 111: Emergency Brake Assist

    DRIVING CORRECTION DEVICES AND AIDS (3/5) Emergency brake assist Hazard warning lights switching on Depending on the vehicle, these may This system supplements the ABS light up in the event of sudden decel- and helps reduce vehicle stopping dis- eration. tances.

  • Page 112: Grip Control

    DRIVING CORRECTION DEVICES AND AIDS (4/5) Grip control “Soft ground” mode Turn the button 1: the integrated warn- If fitted on the vehicle, grip control  makes it easier to control the vehicle on ing light comes on, along with low grip surfaces (soft ground, etc.).

  • Page 113
    DRIVING CORRECTION DEVICES AND AIDS (5/5) Hill start assistance The hill start assistance Depending on the gradient of the in- system cannot completely cline, this system assists the driver prevent the vehicle from when starting on a hill. It prevents the rolling backwards in all sit- vehicle from rolling backwards, de- uations (extremely steep gradients,…
  • Page 114
    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: speed limiter function (1/3) The speed limiter function helps you Controls Switching on stay within the driving speed limit that 1 Main “On/Off” switch.  Press the side switch 1 . Indicator you choose, known as the limit speed. light 6 comes on, lit orange, and the 2 Limit speed activation, storage and message “SPEED LIMITER”…
  • Page 115: Speed Limiter

    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: speed limiter function (2/3) Varying the limit speed Exceeding the limit speed The limit speed may be changed by re- It is possible to exceed the limit speed peatedly pressing: at any time. To do this: press the accel- erator pedal firmly and fully (beyond –…

  • Page 116
    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: speed limiter function (3/3) Recalling the limit speed If a speed has been saved, it can be re- called by pressing switch 4 ((R)). Putting the function on Switching off the function standby The speed limiter function is deac- tivated if you press switch 1: in this The speed limiter function is suspended case a speed is no longer stored.
  • Page 117
    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: cruise control function (1/4) This function is an addi- tional driving aid. However, the function does not take the place of the driver. Therefore, it can under no circum- The cruise control function helps you to Controls stances replace the driver’s respon- maintain your driving speed at a speed sibility to respect speed limits and to…
  • Page 118: Cruise Control

    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: cruise control function (2/4) Switching on Activating cruise control Driving  At a steady speed (above 18 mph Once a cruising speed is stored and Press switch 1 side (30 km/h approximately)) press switch 2 the cruise control function is active, Indicator light 6 comes on, lit green, and or (+): the function is activated and the you may lift your foot off the accelera-…

  • Page 119
    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: cruise control function (3/4) Exceeding the cruising speed The cruising speed may be exceeded at any time by depressing the accelera- tor pedal. While it is being exceeded, the cruising speed flashes on the in- strument panel. Then, release the accelerator: after a few seconds, the vehicle will automati- cally return to its set cruising speed.
  • Page 120
    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: cruise control function (4/4) Returning to the cruising speed If a speed is stored, it can be recalled, once you are sure that the road con- ditions are suitable (traffic, road sur- face, weather conditions, etc.). Press switch 4 (R) if the vehicle speed is above 20 mph (30 km/h).
  • Page 121: Parking Distance Control

    PARKING DISTANCE CONTROL (1/2) Operating principle Ultrasonic detectors, installed in the rear bumper (depending on the vehi- cle), measure the distance between the vehicle and an obstacle whilst revers- ing. This measurement is indicated by beeps which become more frequent the closer you come to the obstacle, until they become a continuous beep when the vehicle is approximately 30 centi-…

  • Page 122
    PARKING DISTANCE CONTROL (2/2) Operating faults Depending on the vehicle, when the system detects an operating fault, the message “check parking distance con- trol” appears on the instrument panel, accompanied by the warning light © and a beep lasting approxi- mately 5 seconds.
  • Page 123: Reversing Camera

    REVERSING CAMERA (1/2) Operation Note: This function is an additional – ensure that the reversing camera is When going into reverse gear (and up aid. It cannot, therefore, not obscured (dirt, mud, snow, etc.); to around 5 seconds after shifting into under any circumstances –…

  • Page 124
    REVERSING CAMERA (2/2) Static guide line 4: The fixed clearance gauge comprises coloured markers A, B and C, indicat- ing the distance behind the vehicle: – A (red) approximately 30 centime- tres from the vehicle; – B (yellow) approximately 70 centi- metres from the vehicle;…
  • Page 125: Selector Lever

    AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (1/3) Driving in automatic mode Move lever 1 to position D. In most road conditions you will en- counter, you will not need to touch your lever again: the gears will change au- tomatically at the right time and at the most suitable engine speed because the automatic system takes into ac- count the vehicle load and road contour…

  • Page 126: Automatic Gearbox

    AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (2/3) Special cases Special circumstances In certain driving conditions (for exam- – If the bends and road surface do ple, engine protection, operation of the not allow you to stay in automatic Electronic Stability Programme: the au- mode (e.g. in the mountains), we tomatic system may change gear auto- recommend that you change to matically.

  • Page 127: Automatic Transmission

    AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (3/3) Parking the vehicle Operating faults When the vehicle is stopped, move the – when driving, if the ‘check gearbox’ lever to position P while keeping your message appears on the instrument foot on the brake pedal: the gearbox is panel, it indicates a fault.

  • Page 128
  • Page 129: Your Comfort

    Section 3: Your comfort Air Vents …………..Manual air conditioning/heating system .

  • Page 130
    AIR VENTS, air outlets (1/2) 1 Left-hand side window demister 5 Right-hand air vent. outlet. 6 Right-hand side window demister 2 Left-hand air vent. outlet. 3 Windscreen demisting vents. 7 Passenger footwell heater out- 4 Centre air vents. lets. 8 Control panel…
  • Page 131: Air Vents

    AIR VENTS, air outlets (2/2) Centre air vents. Side air vents Air flow Air flow Move the control knob 10 (beyond the To open air vent 11, press on the air resistance point). vent (point 12) until it is open as far as required.

  • Page 132: Manual Air Conditioning/Heating System

    MANUAL AIR CONDITIONING (1/3) The air conditioning system is used for: – lowering the temperature inside the passenger compartment; – eliminating condensation more quickly. The controls Switching air conditioning on or off 1 Adjusting the air temperature. (depending on vehicle) 2 Adjusting the ventilation speed.

  • Page 133: Passenger Compartment

    MANUAL AIR CONDITIONING (2/3) Distribution of air in the passenger compartment There are five air distribution options. Turn control 4 to choose the distribution option. The air flow is directed to the windscreen and the front side window demisting vents. The air flow is distributed be- tween all the air vents, the front side window demisting vents, the…

  • Page 134
    MANUAL AIR CONDITIONING (3/3) Adjusting the air temperature Turn control 1 to obtain the desired temperature. The further towards the red the slide is, the higher the tempera- ture will be. When the air conditioning system is used for long periods, it may begin to feel cold.
  • Page 135: Automatic Climate Control

    AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL (1/4) Varying the ventilation speed In automatic mode, the system uses the most suitable amount of air to reach and maintain the desired comfort level. You can still adjust the ventilation speed by turning control 6 to increase or reduce the ventilation speed.

  • Page 136
    AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL (2/4) Clear View function Press button 3 – the integrated indica- tor light comes on. This function quickly demists and de- ices the windscreen, the rear screen, the front side windows, and the door mirrors (depending on the vehicle). The air conditioning and rear screen de-ic- ing functions must be activated.
  • Page 137
    AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL (3/4) Rear screen de-icing/ Switching air conditioning on demisting or off Press button 8 – the integrated indica- In automatic mode, the system switches tor light comes on. This function en- the air conditioning system on or off, ables rapid demisting or de-icing of the depending on the climate conditions.
  • Page 138
    AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL (4/4) Air recirculation (isolation of the passenger compartment) This function is managed automatically (operation is confirmed by a warning light on button 7), but you can also acti- vate it manually. – during recirculation, air is taken from the passenger compartment and is recycled, with no air being taken from outside the vehicle;…
  • Page 139: Air Conditioning: Information And Advice On Use

    AIR CONDITIONING: information and advice on use Advice on use Fuel consumption Operating faults In some situations, (air conditioning You will normally notice an increase in As a general rule, contact your ap- off, air recirculation activated, ventila- fuel consumption (especially in town) proved dealer in the event of an oper- tion speed at zero or low, etc.) you may when the air conditioning is operating.

  • Page 140: Electric Windows

    Driver’s responsibility Never leave your vehicle with the RENAULT card or key inside, and never leave a child, adult who is not self-sufficient or a pet, even for a short while. They may pose a risk to themselves or to others by starting the engine or activating equipment (such as the gear lever or electric windows).

  • Page 141
    ELECTRIC WINDOWS (2/2) One-touch mode Operating faults Depending on the vehicle, this mode In case of a fault when closing a window, works in addition to the operation of the the system reverts to normal mode: electric windows described previously. pull the switch concerned up as often It is only fitted to the driver’s window.
  • Page 142: Interior Lighting

    INTERIOR LIGHTING Courtesy light Soft lighting 4 Boot light 5 Press switch 2 for: It comes on: It comes on when the boot is opened. – on opening the storage drawer; – permanent lighting; – on opening one of the doors. This –…

  • Page 143: Passenger Compartment Storage/Fittings

    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE, FITTINGS (1/5) Front door storage pockets 1 Sun visor storage 2 Centre console storage compartment 3 They can hold a 1.5-litre bottle. This can be used for storing motorway tickets, cards, etc. Nothing should be placed Ensure that no hard, heavy on the floor area in front of or pointed objects are the driver as such objects…

  • Page 144
    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE, FITTINGS (2/5) Dashboard storage Passenger storage drawer Glovebox compartment 5 To open, press the button 7 to unlock To open the glovebox, lift catch 8. the drawer and pull the handle 6. To open it, press the lid 4. Maximum load allowed in the pas- senger storage compartment: 6 kg, evenly distributed.
  • Page 145
    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE, FITTINGS (3/5) Storage compartment 9 Front seat storage net 11 Cup holders 10 This can be used for storing a mobile ashtray, cup holder, etc. When turning corners, accelerating or braking, Ensure that no hard, heavy ensure that the recepta- or pointed objects are cle being held by the cup placed in the “open”…
  • Page 146
    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE, FITTINGS (4/5) Rear centre console storage Removable rear central Rear door storage compartment 12 storage compartment 13 compartment 14 This can be used for storing a mobile It is fixed on the rear central storage They can hold a 0.5-litre bottle. ashtray, cup holder, etc.
  • Page 147: Sun Visor

    STORAGE, CABIN FITTINGS SUN VISOR (5/5)/ Grab handle 15 Passenger’s spectacles Front sun visor compartment 16 This offers support and can be held Lower the sun visor 17 on the wind- when the vehicle is being driven. Do screen or unclip it and lower it over the not use it for getting into or out of the side window.

  • Page 148: Ashtray/Cigarette Lighter

    ASHTRAY, CIGARETTE LIGHTER, ACCESSORIES SOCKET Accessories socket 1 It is provided for connecting accessories approved by our Technical Department. Cigar lighter 1 Ashtray With the ignition on, push in the ciga- It can be housed in either position 2 rette lighter 1. It will spring back with a or 3.

  • Page 149
    REAR HEAD RESTS Position for use To raise the headrest Raise the headrest as far as possible to Raise the headrest as far as it will go, use it in the high position. Check that it then press button A and remove the is correctly locked.
  • Page 150: Sliding Rear Bench Seat

    SLIDING REAR BENCH SEAT (1/2) To move forwards or backwards To unlock the seat: When moving the rear – in the rear, lift the two levers 1 simul- seats, ensure that nothing taneously; obstructs the anchorage points (passenger’s arm or –…

  • Page 151
    SLIDING REAR BENCH SEAT (2/2) To replace the seatback, proceed in the reverse order to removal. Refit the seatback and click it back into place. When moving the rear seats, ensure that nothing obstructs the anchorage points (passenger’s arm or leg, a pet, gravel, cloth, toys, etc.).
  • Page 152
    BOOT To open Opening the doors manually from the inside Press button 1 and lift the tailgate. If it is impossible to unlock the tailgate, it can be done manually from inside: To close – access the luggage compartment by Lower the tailgate using the handles 2 tilting the rear bench seatback(s), inside the tailgate to help you.
  • Page 153: Rear Parcel Shelf

    REAR PARCEL SHELF Removal – lift one side of the parcel shelf; – pull the parcel shelf towards you – Unhook the two straps 1 of the door (movement B), beginning with the of the boot; part most raised. – lift the parcel shelf 2 to half height in To refit, proceed in the reverse order to order to unclip it (movement A);…

  • Page 154
    BOOT FITTINGS (1/2) Mobile floor 1 Intermediate position Storage position In the blocked position, it allows you to This allows for more space to store Depending on the vehicle, the mobile access the tools stored under the boot things in the boot. floor is reversible.
  • Page 155
    BOOT FITTINGS (2/2) Hook 4 Anchorage points You can use this to secure a bag. Attachment points 5 If your vehicle is not equipped with anchorage points, you can get them from an authorised dealer. 3.27…
  • Page 156: Transporting Objects In The Luggage Compartment

    TRANSPORTING OBJECTS IN THE LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT Always position the objects transported so that the largest surface is against: – The rear bench seatback for normal loads (example A). – The front seatbacks with the rear seatbacks folded down, the mobile floor in the flat-floor position (exam- ple B).

  • Page 157: Transporting Objects

    TRANSPORTING OBJECTS towbar Maximum dimension A: 775 mm. Permissible nose weight, maxi- mum permissible towing weight, braked and unbraked: refer to the information on “Weights” in Section 6. Choice and fitting of towing equipment Maximum weight of towing equip- ment: 15 kg For fitting and conditions of use, If the towbar ball obscures the regis- refer to the equipment’s fitting in-…

  • Page 158: Roof Bars

    ROOF BARS/SPOILER Precautions during use Handling the tailgate Before handling the tailgate, check the objects and/or accessories (bike rack, roof box, etc.) fitted to the roof bars: these must be correctly positioned and secured, so as not to hinder the opera- tion of the tailgate.

  • Page 159: Multimedia Equipment

    MULTIMEDIA EQUIPMENT The presence and location of this equip- ment depends on the vehicle version. 1 Multimedia touchscreen; 2 Multimedia sockets; 3 Steering column control; 4 Voice commands; 5 Microphone. Refer to the equipment instructions for information on how to operate this equipment.

  • Page 160
  • Page 161
    Section 4: Maintenance Bonnet …………… . Engine oil level: general information .
  • Page 162: Bonnet

    BONNET (1/2) To open the bonnet, pull the handle 1. Unlocking the bonnet catch To open, push tab 2 to the left as you When working in the engine open the bonnet. compartment, ensure that the windscreen wiper stalk Opening the bonnet is in the park position.

  • Page 163: Closing The Bonnet

    BONNET (2/2) Closing the bonnet Check that nothing has been left in the engine compartment. To close the bonnet again, hold the bonnet in the middle and lower it to 30 cm above the closed position, then release it. It will latch automatically under its own weight.

  • Page 164: Engine Oil Level: General Information

    ENGINE OIL LEVEL: general information It is normal for an engine to use oil for – remove the dipstick and wipe with a lubrication and cooling of moving parts clean, lint-free cloth; and it is normal to top up the level be- –…

  • Page 165: Engine Oil Level: Topping Up/Filling

    ENGINE OIL LEVEL: topping up/filling (1/2) Topping up/filling – Unscrew cap 1; – top up the level (as a guide, the ca- The vehicle must be parked on level pacity between the minimum and ground and the engine should be cold maximum reading on the dipstick 2 (for instance, before the engine is is between 1.5 and 2 litres, depend-…

  • Page 166: Oil Change

    ENGINE OIL LEVEL: topping up, filling OIL CHANGE (2/2) Oil change Engine oil grade Service interval: refer Refer to the Maintenance Service Maintenance Service Booklet for your Booklet for your vehicle. vehicle. Oil change capacity Filling: take care when Please refer to the maintenance docu- topping up the oil that ment for your vehicle, or contact an au- no oil drips onto engine…

  • Page 167: Coolant Level

    LEVELS (1/3) Frequency of checking coolant level Replacement interval Check the coolant level regularly Refer to the Maintenance Document for (very severe damage is likely to be your vehicle. caused to the engine if it runs out of coolant). If the level needs to be topped up, only use products approved by our Technical Department which ensure: –…

  • Page 168: Brake Fluid Level

    LEVELS (2/3) Level 2 It is normal for the level to drop as the brake shoes become worn, but it must never drop lower than the “MINI» warn- ing line. If you wish to check the disc and drum wear yourself, you should obtain the document explaining the checking pro- cedure from the manufacturer’s net- work or web site.

  • Page 169: Windscreen Washer Reservoir

    LEVELS /FILTERS (3/3) Filters The replacement of filter components (air filter, cabin filter, diesel filter, etc.) is scheduled in the maintenance opera- tions for your vehicle. Replacement intervals for filter el- ements: refer to the Maintenance Document for your vehicle. Windscreen washer reservoir Before performing any action in the engine com-…

  • Page 170: Tyre Pressure

    TYRE PRESSURE (1/2) Vehicle fitted with a tyre pressure loss warning system If under-inflated (puncture, low pres-  sure, etc.), the warning light the instrument panel comes on. See “Tyre pressure loss warning” in chap- ter 2. Label A B: dimension of the tyres fitted to the vehicle.

  • Page 171
    TYRE PRESSURES (2/2) Special note concerning fully laden Tyre safety and use of snow chains: vehicles (Maximum Permissible All-Up Refer to the information on “Tyres” in Weight) and towing a trailer: the maxi- Section 5 for the servicing conditions mum speed must be limited to 60 mph and, depending on the version, the use (100 km/h) and the tyre pressure in- of chains.
  • Page 172: Battery

    BATTERY Depending on the vehicle, the battery 1 is located under a cover and does not require any maintenance. You should not open it or add any fluid. Replacing the battery As this operation is complex, we advise you to contact an approved Dealer. Label A Observe the indications on the battery: Before performing any…

  • Page 173: Bodywork Maintenance

    BODYWORK MAINTENANCE (1/2) What you should not do You should A well-maintained vehicle will last longer. It is therefore recommended to Do not degrease or clean mechani- Wash your car frequently, with the maintain the exterior of the vehicle reg- cal components (e.g.

  • Page 174
    BODYWORK MAINTENANCE (2/2) Vehicles with a matte paint Using a roller type car wash Respect local regulations about wash- ing vehicles (e.g. do not wash your ve- finish Return the windscreen wiper stalk to hicle on a public highway). the Park position (refer to the informa- This type of paint requires certain pre- Observe the vehicle stopping distances tion on the “Windscreen washer, wiper”…
  • Page 175: Interior Trim Maintenance

    INTERIOR TRIM MAINTENANCE (1/2) Glass instrument panel Textiles (seats, door trim, etc) A well-maintained vehicle will last longer. It is therefore recommended to (e.g.: instrument panel, clock, exterior Vacuum-clean the textiles regularly. maintain the interior of the vehicle regu- temperature display, radio display, mul- larly.

  • Page 176
    INTERIOR TRIM MAINTENANCE (2/2) Removal/replacing removable You should not: equipment originally fitted in You are strongly advised not to po- the vehicle sition objects such as deodorants, scents, etc. near air vents, as this could If you need to remove equipment in damage your dashboard trim.
  • Page 177
    SEAT COVERINGS (1/5) Depending on the vehicle, certain seat covers have markings to show that the front passenger seat has Precautions in use ISOFIX attachments. Make sure Once the covers are removed: when refitting or replacing the seat – do not use the seats; cover that it has the same markings Depending on the vehicle, it is possible –…
  • Page 178: Front Seat

    SEAT COVERINGS (2/5) Replacing the seatback cover Removing the base cover – Incline the seatback towards the – Open the zip fastener 4 of the base; rear; – remove the cover according to the – position the cover on the seatback; method shown (movement A).

  • Page 179
    SEAT COVERINGS (3/5) Rear bench seat Removing the base cover B Replacing the base cover B – Open the zip fasteners 7 and 8 for – Position the cover on the base B; – Bring the front seats forward; the base B; –…
  • Page 180
    SEAT COVERINGS (4/5) – attach the self-grip bands; – ensure that the seatback cover is correctly positioned C under the guide of the central seatbelt 10; – attach the self-grip bands 13; – slide the lower cover between the seatback C and the base B; –…
  • Page 181
    SEAT COVERINGS (5/5) Replacing the seatback cover D – Position the cover on the seat- back D; – close the zip fastener 20; – attach the self-grip bands 19; – slide the lower cover between the seatback D and the base; –…
  • Page 182
  • Page 183: Practical Advice

    RENAULT card: battery ……..

  • Page 184: Puncture, Emergency Spare Wheel

    PUNCTURE, EMERGENCY SPARE WHEEL In case of puncture Emergency spare wheel Depending on the vehicle, a tyre infla- – Open the tailgate; tion kit or emergency spare wheel is – place the mobile floor in the mid-way provided (refer to the following pages). position (please refer to the section Vehicle fitted with a tyre pressure on “Boot storage”…

  • Page 185
    TYRE PRESSURE KIT (1/3) Do not attempt to use the The kit is only approved for inflation kit if the tyre has inflating the tyres of the ve- been damaged as a result hicle originally equipped of driving with a puncture. with the kit.
  • Page 186
    TYRE PRESSURE KIT (2/3) With the engine running and the – press switch 4 to inflate the tyre to parking brake applied, the recommended pressure (please refer to the information in the section – unroll the hose from the container; on “Tyre pressure”);…
  • Page 187
    TYRE PRESSURE KIT (3/3) Precautions when using the Once the tyre is correctly inflated, remove the kit: slowly unscrew the in- flation adapter 1 to prevent any repair The kit should not be operated for more product from escaping and store the than 15 consecutive minutes.
  • Page 188: Tools

    TOOLS Jack 2 Fold it correctly before refitting it in its housing (ensure that the wheelbrace is correctly positioned). Hubcap tool 3 This tool is used to remove the wheel trims. Wheel bolt guide 4 To finish loosening or starting to tighten the wheel bolts.

  • Page 189: Wheel Trims — Wheel

    WHEEL TRIMS — WHEEL Remove the wheel trim using hubcap tool 1 (located in the tool kit) by en- gaging the hook in the opening near valve 2. To refit it, align it with valve 2. Push the retaining hooks in fully, starting with side A near the valve, followed by B and C, finishing at D opposite the valve.

  • Page 190: Changing A Wheel

    CHANGING A WHEEL (1/2) Vehicles equipped with a jack Continue to crank the jack so that the baseplate is correctly positioned (it and wheelbrace should be underneath the vehicle and If necessary, remove the wheel trim. aligned with the jack head). Use the wheelbrace 1 to slacken off the Turn it a few times to lift the wheel off wheel bolts.

  • Page 191
    CHANGING A WHEEL (2/2) Undo the bolts and take off the wheel. Vehicle fitted with a tyre pressure loss warning system Fit the emergency spare wheel on the central hub and turn it to locate the If under-inflated (puncture, low pres- mounting holes in the wheel and the …
  • Page 192: Tyres (Tyre And Wheel Safety, Use In Winter)

    TYRES (1/3) Tyre and wheel safety When the tyre tread has been worn to the level of the warning strips, they The tyres are the only contact between become visible 2: it is then neces- the vehicle and the road, so it is essen- sary to replace your tyres because the tial to keep them in good condition.

  • Page 193: Tyre Pressures

    TYRES (2/3) Tyre pressures Pressures should be checked when the Vehicle fitted with a tyre pressure tyres are cold; ignore higher pressures loss warning system Adhere to the tyre pressures (including which may be reached in hot weather If under-inflated (puncture, low pres- the emergency spare wheel).

  • Page 194: Changing Wheels Around

    TYRES (3/3) Emergency spare wheel Use in winter Snow or Winter tyres We would recommend that these be Refer to the information on the Chains fitted to all four wheels to ensure that “Emergency spare wheel” and in- For safety reasons, fitting snow your vehicle retains maximum adhe- structions on “Changing a wheel”…

  • Page 195
    FRONT HEADLIGHTS: changing bulbs (1/3) Main beam headlight To change the bulb: – remove cover B; – disconnect the wiring 4 (black lead); – unclip the spring 3 and remove the bulb. Bulb type: H1. It is essential to use anti-U.V. 55W bulbs so as not to damage the plastic on the headlights.
  • Page 196
    FRONT HEADLIGHTS: changing bulbs (2/3) Front side light To change a bulb, remove the cover B. Pull the bulb holder 6 to access the bulb. Bulb type: W5W. To comply with local legislation, or as a precaution, you can obtain an emergency kit containing a set of Before performing any spare bulbs and fuses from an ap-…
  • Page 197
    FRONT HEADLIGHTS: changing bulbs (3/3) Additional lights If you wish to fit fog lights to your ve- hicle, please see an authorised dealer. Daytime running lights 7 Please see an authorised dealer. Front fog lights 8 – Access the bulb holder via the un- Any operation on (or modi- derneath of the vehicle;…
  • Page 198
    REAR AND SIDE LIGHTS: changing bulbs (1/2) Side lights/brake and Pull on the outside A of the light and 4 Side light and brake light remove the rear light unit. Bulb type: P21/5W. direction indicator lights Remove the bulb holder by releasing 5 Direction indicator lights Open the boot lid and remove screws 1.
  • Page 199
    REAR AND SIDE LIGHTS: changing bulbs (2/2) High-level brake light 6 Number plate lights 8 Side indicator lights 10 Consult an approved dealer. – Unclip light 8 by pressing tab 9; The wing mirror needs to be removed; consult an authorised dealer. –…
  • Page 200: Interior Lighting: Changing Bulbs

    INTERIOR LIGHTING: changing bulbs (1/2) Courtesy light Soft lighting 2 Unclip the lens (using a flat-blade Please contact an authorised dealer. screwdriver or similar). Remove the bulb concerned. Bulb type 1: W5W. The bulbs are under pres- sure and can break when replaced.

  • Page 201: Luggage Compartment Light

    INTERIOR LIGHTING: changing bulbs (2/2) Luggage compartment light Press tab 4 to release the bulb holder and access bulb 5. Unclip light 3 by pressing the tabs on Bulb type: C5W festoon type bulb. each side (using a flat-blade screw- driver or similar).

  • Page 202: Renault Card: Battery

    (insert the next time the vehicle is started, the strument panel, replace the RENAULT the RENAULT card in the card reader) message will disappear. card battery, press button 1 pulling and lock/unlock the vehicle (refer to the…

  • Page 203: Fuses

    FUSES (1/3) Fuses in passenger compartment A Clip 1 Fuses in engine compartment B Some functions are protected by fuses If any electrical component does not Remove the fuse using tweezers 1, lo- located in the engine compartment work, check the condition of the fuses. cated at the back of flap A.

  • Page 204
    FUSES (2/3) Allocation of fuses (the presence of certain fuse depends on the vehicle equipment level) 5.22…
  • Page 205
    FUSES (3/3) Number Allocation Number Allocation Number Allocation Central locking of opening Power-assisted steering, Rear windscreen wiper elements heated front seat, radio Injection, daytime running UCE energy management Power-assisted steering lights UCE energy management Airbag Headlight beam adjustment, Automatic gearbox injection Alarm Dipped beam headlights…
  • Page 206: Battery

    BATTERY: breakdown recovery (1/2) To avoid all risk of sparks: Connecting a battery charger – Ensure that any electrical consumers The battery charger must be com- (courtesy lights, etc.) are switched patible with a battery with nominal off before disconnecting or recon- voltage of 12 volts.

  • Page 207
    BATTERY: breakdown recovery (2/2) Starting the vehicle using the battery from another vehicle If you have to use the battery from an- other vehicle to start, obtain suitable jump leads (with a large cross section) from an approved dealer or, if you al- ready have jump leads, ensure that they are in perfect condition.
  • Page 208: Fitting A Radio

    FITTING A RADIO – In all cases, it is very important to follow the manufacturer’s instruc- tions carefully. – The specifications of the brack- Radio location 1 Door speakers 2 ets and wires (available from our network) vary depending on the Unclip the blanking cover.

  • Page 209: Accessories

    ACCESSORIES Electrical and electronic accessories Before installing this type of accessory (particularly for transmitters/receivers: frequency bandwidth, power level, po- sition of the aerial, etc.), make sure it is compatible with your vehicle. You can get advice from an authorised dealer. Connect accessories with a maximum power of 120 Watts only.

  • Page 210: Windscreen Wiper Blades

    WINDSCREEN WIPER BLADES (1/2) Check the condition of the wiper blades. You are responsible for their service life: – clean the blades, windscreen and rear screen regularly with soapy water; – do not use them when the wind- screen or rear screen are dry; –…

  • Page 211
    WINDSCREEN WIPER BLADES (2/2) To refit To refit the wiper blade, proceed in re- verse order to removal. Make sure that the blade is correctly locked in position. Rear screen wiper blade 5 – With the ignition off, lift wiper arm 6; –…
  • Page 212
    If your vehicle is the towing or R for vehicles with automatic gear- vehicle, do not exceed the maximum boxes), insert the RENAULT card in the towing weight for your vehicle (refer to card reader, then press the engine start the information on “Weights”…
  • Page 213
    Unclip cover 5 or 7 by sliding a flat tool (never use the drive shafts or any other (or the key integrated in the RENAULT part of the vehicle) card) under the cover. These towing points may only be used…
  • Page 214
    Dealer as soon as possible. Using the RENAULT card POSSIBLE CAUSES WHAT TO DO The RENAULT card does not lock or Card battery is flat. Replace the battery. You can still lock/ unlock the doors. unlock and start your vehicle (refer to the in- formation on “Locking, unlocking the open-…
  • Page 215: Operating Faults

    Starting conditions are not Please refer to the information on “Starting, stopping fulfilled. the engine” in Section 2. The RENAULT “hands-free” Insert the card in the card reader in order to start the card does not work. engine. Please refer to the information on “Starting, stopping the engine”…

  • Page 216
    OPERATING FAULTS (3/6) On the road POSSIBLE CAUSES WHAT TO DO Vibrations. Tyres not inflated to correct pres- Check the tyre pressures: if this is not the sures, incorrectly balanced or dam- problem, have them checked by an ap- aged. proved Dealer.
  • Page 217
    OPERATING FAULTS (4/6) On the road POSSIBLE CAUSES WHAT TO DO Steering becomes heavy. Assistance overheating. Consult an approved dealer. The engine is overheating. The cool- Engine cooling fan not working. Stop the vehicle, switch off the engine and ant temperature indicator is in the contact an approved dealer.
  • Page 218
    OPERATING FAULTS (5/6) Electrical equipment POSSIBLE CAUSES WHAT TO DO The wipers do not work. Wiper blades stuck. Free the blades before using the wipers. Faulty electrical circuit. Consult an approved dealer. Fuse damaged. Replace the fuse, refer to the information on “Fuses”.
  • Page 219
    OPERATING FAULTS (6/6) Electrical equipment POSSIBLE CAUSES WHAT TO DO Traces of condensation in the lights. Traces of condensation may be a nat- ural phenomenon caused by varia- tions in temperature. In this case, the traces will disappear slowly once the lights are switched The front seat belt reminder light An object is stuck between the floor Remove all objects from underneath the…
  • Page 220
  • Page 221: Technical Specifications

    Section 6: Technical specifications Vehicle identification plate …………Engine identification plate .

  • Page 222: Vehicle Identification Plate

    VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION PLATES The information shown on the ve- 4 MAM (Maximum Authorised hicle identification plate should be Mass). quoted on all correspondence or 5 GTW (Gross train weight: vehicle orders. fully loaded, with trailer). 6 MPAW (Maximim Permissible The presence and location of the in- Weight) for front axle.

  • Page 223: Engine Identification Plate

    ENGINE IDENTIFICATION PLATES Please quote the information on the engine plate or label A in all corre- spondence or orders. (Location varies depending on engine) 1 Engine type. 2 Engine suffix. 3 Engine number.

  • Page 224: Dimensions

    DIMENSIONS (in metres) 0,866 2,606 0,650 1,531 4,121 1,579* 1,516 1,957 * unladen…

  • Page 225: Engine Specifications

    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Versions 0.9 TCe 1.2 TCe 1.5 dCi Engine type H4B Turbo H5F Turbo K9K Turbo (see engine plate) Cubic capacity (cc) 1 197 1461 Diesel: the label located It is essential that you use unleaded petrol of the octane rating stated on the Type of fuel in the fuel filler flap label inside the fuel filler flap.

  • Page 226: Towing Weights

    WEIGHTS (in kg) The weights indicated for a basic vehicle without options: they vary depending on the your vehicle’s equipment. Consult your approved Dealer. Maximum permissible all-up weight (MMAC) Weights are indicated on the vehicle identification plate (refer to Maximum permissible all-up weight (MMTA) the information on “Vehicle identification plates”…

  • Page 227: Replacement Parts And Repairs

    REPLACEMENT PARTS AND REPAIRS Original parts are based on strict specifications and are subject to highly-specialised tests. Therefore, they are of at least the same level of quality as the parts fitted originally. If you always fit genuine replacement parts to your vehicle, you will ensure that it performs well. Furthermore, repairs carried out within the manufacturer’s Network using original parts are guaranteed according to the conditions set out on the reverse of the repair order.

  • Page 228: Service Sheets

    SERVICE SHEETS (1/6) VIN: ……………… Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □ ……..□ Anti-corrosion check: OK □ Not OK* □ *See specific page Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □…

  • Page 229
    SERVICE SHEETS (2/6) VIN: ……………… Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □ ……..□ Anti-corrosion check: OK □ Not OK* □ *See specific page Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □…
  • Page 230
    SERVICE SHEETS (3/6) VIN: ……………… Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □ ……..□ Anti-corrosion check: OK □ Not OK* □ *See specific page Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □…
  • Page 231
    SERVICE SHEETS (4/6) VIN: ……………… Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □ ……..□ Anti-corrosion check: OK □ Not OK* □ *See specific page Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □…
  • Page 232
    SERVICE SHEETS (5/6) VIN: ……………… Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □ ……..□ Anti-corrosion check: OK □ Not OK* □ *See specific page Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □…
  • Page 233
    SERVICE SHEETS (6/6) VIN: ……………… Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □ ……..□ Anti-corrosion check: OK □ Not OK* □ *See specific page Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □…
  • Page 234: Anticorrosion Check

    ANTICORROSION CHECK (1/5) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair, it is indicated below. VIN: …………Corrosion repair operation to be carried Stamp out: Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: 6.14…

  • Page 235
    ANTICORROSION CHECK (2/5) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair, it is indicated below. VIN: …………Corrosion repair operation to be carried Stamp out: Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: 6.15…
  • Page 236
    ANTICORROSION CHECK (3/5) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair, it is indicated below. VIN: …………Corrosion repair operation to be carried Stamp out: Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: 6.16…
  • Page 237
    ANTICORROSION CHECK (4/5) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair, it is indicated below. VIN: …………Corrosion repair operation to be carried Stamp out: Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: 6.17…
  • Page 238
    ANTICORROSION CHECK (5/5) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair, it is indicated below. VIN: …………Corrosion repair operation to be carried Stamp out: Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: 6.18…
  • Page 239: Alphabetical Index

    ALPHABETICAL INDEX (1/5) ABS …………..1.46, 2.27 → 2.31 catalytic converter……….. 2.10 – 2.11 accessories……………. 5.27 central door locking ……1.5 → 1.10, 1.13 → 1.15 accessories socket …………3.20 changing a bulb ………….5.13 → 5.19 additional methods of restraint ………. 1.27 changing a wheel…………

  • Page 240
    ALPHABETICAL INDEX (2/5) driving ..2.2 → 2.5, 2.10 – 2.11, 2.13 → 2.17, 2.20 → 2.26, passenger compartment filter ……..4.9 2.24 → 2.40, 2.43 → 2.45 fitting a radio …………..5.26 driving aids …………2.27 → 2.42 fittings …………..3.15 → 3.19 driving position front passenger air bag deactivation ………
  • Page 241
    ALPHABETICAL INDEX (3/5) horn: brake lights …………5.16 – 5.17 flash …………….1.68 dipped beam headlights ….1.44, 1.65, 5.13 → 5.15 hubcap tool …………..5.6 – 5.7 direction indicators ……1.44, 1.68, 5.13 → 5.16 fog lights ………… 1.44, 1.67, 5.17 hazard warning …………
  • Page 242
    ………… 2.41 – 2.42 storage compartment……….3.15 → 3.19 rear view mirrors …………..1.64 storage compartments ………..3.15 → 3.19 RENAULT ANTI-INTRUDER DEVICE (RAID) ….1.15 sun visor …………….3.19 RENAULT card switching on the vehicle ignition ……..2.3 → 2.5 battery …………….
  • Page 243
    ALPHABETICAL INDEX (5/5) transporting objects in the luggage compartment ……..3.28 on the roof …………..6.6 trims ………………5.7 trip computer and warning system… 1.44 → 1.48, 1.51 → 1.60 tyre inflation kit…………5.3 → 5.5 tyre pressure..2.20 → 2.26, 2.24 → 2.26, 4.10 – 4.11, 5.11 tyre pressure loss warning….
  • Page 246
    RENAULT S.A.S. SOCIÉTÉ PAR ACTIONS SIMPLIFIÉE AU CAPITAL DE 533 941 113 € / 13-15, QUAI LE GALLO 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT R.C.S. NANTERRE 780 129 987 — SIRET 780 129 987 03591 / TÉL. : 0810 40 50 60 NU 1007-7 – 99 91 098 39R – 10/2015 – Edition anglaise…

1. Приборная панель и органы управления

Приборная панель Renault Kaptur

1. Боковой дефлектор. 2. Рычаг переключателя: указателей поворотов; наружного освещения; противотуманных фар; заднего противотуманного фонаря. 3. Щиток приборов. 4. Местоположение подушки безопасности водителя, звуковой сигнал. 5. Кнопка голосового управления мультимедийной системой. 6. Рычаг переключателя: стеклоочистителей/стеклоомывателей ветрового и заднего стекол; информации на дисплее бортового компьютера. 7. Центральные дефлекторы. 8. Сопло обдува ветрового стекла. 9. Выключатель: огни аварийной сигнализации, центральный замок. 10. Отсек для размещения вещей. 11. Сенсорный экран мультимедийной системы. 12. Органы управления отоплением и кондиционером. 13. Местоположение подушки безопасности пассажира. 14. Перчаточный ящик. 15. Считывающее устройство для ключа-карты RENAULT. 16. Переключатель режимов 4×2 (2WD), 4×4 (4WD). 17. Рычаг переключения передач. 18. Кнопка включения/выключения экономичного режима ECO. 19. Общий выключатель системы регулировки/ограничения скорости. 20. Стояночный тормоз. 21. Прикуриватель/розетка для электроаксессуаров. 22. Кнопка запуска/остановки двигателя. 23. Дистанционное управление аудиосистемой и системой навигации. 24. Рычаг регулировки положения рулевого колеса по высоте. 25. Органы управления системы регулировки/ограничения скорости. 26. Ручка привода замка капота. 27. Выключатели: электрическая регулировка света фар в вертикальной плоскости, регулятор яркости подсветки приборов, включение/выключение системы контроля дистанции при парковке, кнопка режима ESC, модель 4×4 (4WD).

ПримечаниеНаличие и работа сигнальных ламп зависит от комплектации автомобиля и страны поставщика.

Сигнальные лампы Renault Kaptur

Щиток приборов (А) подсвечивается при включении зажигания. Регулировка яркости подсветки осуществляется поворотом регулятора (1). При включении некоторых сигнальных ламп появляется сообщение.

Сигнальная лампа требует немедленно отогнать автомобиль на сервисную станцию компании-производителя с соблюдением мер предосторожности. Несоблюдение этого предписания может привести к повреждению автомобиля.ВНИМАНИЕСигнальная лампа указывает на то, что в целях безопасности необходимо немедленно остановить автомобиль, как только это позволят условия движения. Остановите двигатель и не запускайте его. Обратитесь на сервисную станцию компании-производителя.Отсутствие визуальной или звуковой обратной связи указывает на неисправность щитка приборов. При этом необходимо немедленно остановиться, как только позволят условия движения. Убедитесь, что автомобиль неподвижен и обратитесь на сервисную станцию компании-производителя.

Сигнальные лампы системы поддержания/ ограничения скорости

Сигнальная лампа включения габаритных огней

Сигнальная лампа ближнего света фар

Сигнальная лампа включения дальнего света фар

Сигнальная лампа включения противотуманных фар

Сигнальная лампа включения заднего противотуманного фонаря

Сигнальная лампа включения указателей левого поворота

Сигнальная лампа включения указателей правого поворота

Сигнальная лампа включения стояночного тормоза или электрического стояночного тормоза

Сигнальная лампа функционирования электроподогрева сидений

Она показывает, что включен подогрев одного из сидений.

Сигнальная лампа системы снижения токсичности

1. Лампа загорается при включении зажигания и гаснет при запуске двигателя.

2. Если лампа горит постоянным светом, необходимо срочно обратиться на сервисную станцию компании-производителя.

3. Если лампа мигает, нужно снижать частоту вращения коленчатого вала двигателя, пока мигание не прекратится. Срочно обратитесь на сервисную станцию компании-производителя.

Сигнальная лампа минимального уровня топлива в баке

Лампа загорается при включении зажигания и гаснет через несколько секунд.

Если лампа загорается при движении и раздается непродолжительный звуковой сигнал, необходимо как можно скорее заправить топливный бак.

Сигнальная лампа непристегнутого ремня безопасности водителя, и, в зависимости от комплектации автомобиля, ремня безопасности переднего пассажира

Она загорается при включении зажигания, если ремни безопасности водителя или переднего пассажира (если сиденье занято) не пристегнуты, при достижении скорости примерно 20 км/ч лампа мигает и в течение примерно 120 секунд звучит предупредительный сигнал.

Если на подушке сиденья пассажира будет лежать какая-то вещь, может включиться сигнальная лампа.

Оповещение о непристегнутом ремне безопасности на заднем сиденье

Загорается сигнальная лампа сопровождаемая, в некоторых комплектациях автомобиля, сообщением на щитке приборов, отображающим число пристегнутых ремней, в течение примерно 30 секунд при каждом запуске двига-

теля, открывании двери или пристеги- вании/отстегивании ремня безопасности на заднем сиденье. Необходимо убедиться, что задние пассажиры надежно пристегнуты, и что указанное количество пристегнутых ремней соответствует числу занятых мест на задних сиденьях.

Сигнальная лампа неисправности антиблокировочной системы

Лампа загорается при включении зажигания и гаснет примерно через три секунды. Если сигнальная лампа не гаснет после включения зажигания или если она загорается во время движения автомобиля, это указывает на неисправность антиблокировочной системы. В этом случае торможение будет происходить как на автомобиле, не оборудованном антиблокировочной системой. Следует срочно обратиться на сервисную станцию компании-производителя.

Сигнальная лампа подушки безопасности

Загорается при запуске двигателя и гаснет примерно через три секунды. Если при включении зажигания сигнальная лампа не загорается или не гаснет, это свидетельствует о неисправности системы подушек безопасности. Следует срочно обратиться на сервисную станцию компании-производителя.

Сигнальная лампа устройств адаптации к стилю вождения

Сигнальная лампа необходимости проведения обслуживания

Лампа загорается при включении зажигания и гаснет примерно через три секунды. Она может включиться одновременно с другими сигнальными лампами и/или с выводом сообщений на щиток приборов. При загорании этой сигнальной лампы следует как можно скорее доставить автомобиль на сервисную станцию компании-производителя с соблюдением мер предосторожности. Несоблюдение этого предписания может привести к повреждению автомобиля.

Сигнальная лампа экстренной остановки

На автомобилях без выключателя (1), она загорается при включении зажигания и гаснет примерно через три секунды. Загорается одновременно с другими сигнальными лампами и/или с появлением сообщений на щитке приборов и подачей звукового сигнала.

Сигнальная лампа неисправности тормозной системы

Если лампа загорается при торможении одновременно с сигнальной лампой и раздается звуковой сигнал, это указывает на низкий уровень тормозной жидкости или на неисправность тормозной системы. Следует остановиться и обратиться на сервисную станцию компании-производителя.

Сигнальная лампа заряда аккумуляторной батареи

Лампа загорается при включении зажигания и гаснет примерно через три секунды. Если эта лампа загорается одновременно с сигнальной лампой и раздается звуковой сигнал, это указывает на неисправность в электрической цепи.

Сигнальная лампа падения давления масла в двигателе

Лампа загорается при включении зажигания и гаснет примерно через три секунды. Если эта лампа загорается во время движения одновременно с сигнальной лампой и раздается звуковой сигнал, следует немедленно остановиться и выключить зажигание. Проверьте уровень масла. Если уровень нормальный, значит причина загорания лампы иная и следует обратиться на сервисную станцию компании-производителя.

Сигнальная лампа температуры охлаждающей жидкости

Лампа загорается при включении зажигания и гаснет после запуска двигателя. Если эта лампа загорается во время движения одновременно с сигнальной лампой и раздается звуковой сигнал, следует немедленно остановиться и выключить зажигание. Проверьте уровень охлаждающей жидкости. Если уровень нормальный, причина загорания лампы иная, и следует обратиться на сервисную станцию компании-производителя.

Предупреждающая сигнальная лампа пересечения линии разметки

Индикатор ждущего р ежима двигателя

Обычно пользователи нашего сайта находят эту страницу по следующим запросам:
номер кузова Renault Kaptur, давление в шинах Renault Kaptur, неисправности Renault Kaptur, подготовка к зиме Renault Kaptur, тормоза Renault Kaptur, масляный фильтр Renault Kaptur, топливный фильтр Renault Kaptur, фильр салона Renault Kaptur, регулировка фар Renault Kaptur

2. Эксплуатация автомобиля

Щиток приборов

Бортовой компьютер

В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля, бортовой компьютер (1) отображает следующие показания:

эксплуатация автомобиля Renault Kaptur с 2016 года, эксплуатация автомобиля Рено Каптур с 2016 года

Подробное описание перечисленных функций смотрите далее.

Клавиши выбора индикации

Можно прокрутить следующую информацию последовательными короткими нажатиями на кнопки: вверх (кнопка 2) или вниз (кнопка 3).

эксплуатация автомобиля Renault Kaptur с 2016 года, эксплуатация автомобиля Рено Каптур с 2016 года

Индикация зависит от оборудования автомобиля и страны.

1. Счетчик общего пробега и пробега за поездку.

2. Данные о поездке:

  • используемое топливо;
  • средний расход топлива;
  • текущий расход топлива;
  • предполагаемый запас хода;
  • пройденный путь;
  • средняя скорость.

3. Пробег до предстоящего очередного технического обслуживания.

4. Меню индивидуальных настроек автомобиля.

5. Бортовой журнал, последовательный вывод информационных сообщений и сообщений о неисправностях.

Обнуление счетчика пробега за поездку

Включив индикацию «Счетчик пробега за поездку», удерживать нажатой одну из кнопок (2) или (3) до обнуления показаний.

Обнуление данных о поездке (кнопка обнуления показаний)

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