Часы casio sgw 400h инструкция

Operation Guide 5176




Congratulations upon your selection of this CASIO watch.

The built-in sensors of this watch measure barometric pressure, temperature and 
altitude. Measured values are then shown on the display. Such features make this 
watch useful when hiking, mountain climbing, or when engaging in other such outdoor 


Warning !

The measurement functions built into this watch are not intended for taking 
measurements that require professional or industrial precision. Values produced 
by this watch should be considered as reasonable representations only.

 Note that CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any 

damage or loss suffered by you or any third party arising through the use of 
this product or its malfunction.


About This Manual

 Depending on the model of your watch, display text 

appears either as dark fi gures on a light background, or 
light fi gures on a dark background. All sample displays 
in this manual are shown using dark fi gures on a light 

 Button operations are indicated using the letters shown 

in the illustration.

 Note that the product illustrations in this manual are 

intended for reference only, and so the actual product 
may appear somewhat different than depicted by an 


Things to check before using the watch

1. Check the Home City and the daylight saving time (DST) setting.

Use the procedure under “To confi gure Home City settings” (page E-14) to confi gure 
your Home City and daylight saving time settings.

Proper World Time Mode data depend on correct Home City, time, and date settings 
in the Timekeeping Mode. Make sure you confi gure these settings correctly.

2. Set the current time.

See “Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings” (page E-17).

The watch is now ready for use.



E-3 About 




Things to check before using the watch

E-9 Mode 



E-13 Timekeeping

E-14 Confi guring Home City Settings


To confi gure Home City settings


To change the Daylight Saving Time (summer time) setting

E-17 Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings


To change the current time and date settings

E-22 Hand 





To adjust home positions


E-23 Barometer/Thermometer


To enter and exit the Barometer/Thermometer Mode


To calibrate the pressure sensor and the temperature sensor

E-30 Altimeter


To take an altimeter reading


To specify a reference altitude value

E-39  Specifying Temperature, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude Units


To specify temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude units


Precautions Concerning Simultaneous Measurement of Altitude and 

E-42  Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone


To enter the World Time Mode


To view the time in another time zone


To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city


E-44 Using 




To enter the Stopwatch Mode


To perform an elapsed time operation


To pause at a split time


To measure two fi nishes

E-46  Using the Countdown Timer


To enter the Countdown Timer Mode


To specify the countdown start time


To perform a countdown timer operation


To stop the alarm

E-49 Using 




To enter the Alarm Mode


To set an alarm time


To test the alarm


To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off


To stop the alarm


E-53 Illumination


To turn on illumination


To change the illumination duration

E-55 Button 




To turn the button operation tone on and off

E-57 Troubleshooting

E-61 Specifi cations


Mode Reference Guide

Your watch has 7 “modes”. The mode you should select depends on what you want to do.

To do this:

Enter this mode:


 View the current time and date in the Home City

Confi gure Home City and daylight saving time (DST) settings

 Confi gure time and date settings 

Timekeeping Mode


View the barometric pressure and temperature at your 
current location

Thermometer Mode


 View the altitude at your current location

 Determine the altitude differential between two locations 

(reference point and current location)

Altimeter Mode


View the current time in one of 48 cities (31 time zones) 
around the globe

World Time Mode


Use the stopwatch to measure elapsed time

Stopwatch Mode


Use the countdown timer

Countdown Timer Mode


Set an alarm time

Alarm Mode



Operation Guide 5176

Congratulations upon your selection of this CASIO watch.


The built-in sensors of this watch measure barometric pressure, temperature and
altitude. Measured values are then shown on the display. Such features make this
watch useful when hiking, mountain climbing, or when engaging in other such outdoor



The measurement functions built into this watch are not intended for taking
measurements that require professional or industrial precision. Values produced
by this watch should be considered as reasonable representations only.

Note that CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any

damage or loss suffered by you or any third party arising through the use of
this product or its malfunction.


Warning !

Things to check before using the watch

1. Check the Home City and the daylight saving time (DST) setting.

Use the procedure under “To confi gure Home City settings” (page E-14) to confi gure
your Home City and daylight saving time settings.


Proper World Time Mode data depend on correct Home City, time, and date settings
in the Timekeeping Mode. Make sure you confi gure these settings correctly.

2. Set the current time.

See “Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings” (page E-17).

The watch is now ready for use.


E-23 Barometer/Thermometer

E-23 To enter and exit the Barometer/Thermometer Mode
E-28 To calibrate the pressure sensor and the temperature sensor

E-30 Altimeter

E-31 To take an altimeter reading
E-34 To specify a reference altitude value

E-39 Specifying Temperature, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude Units

E-39 To specify temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude units


Precautions Concerning Simultaneous Measurement of Altitude and

E-42 Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone

E-42 To enter the World Time Mode
E-42 To view the time in another time zone
E-43 To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city


About This Manual

Depending on the model of your watch, display text

appears either as dark fi gures on a light background, or
light fi gures on a dark background. All sample displays
in this manual are shown using dark fi gures on a light

Button operations are indicated using the letters shown

in the illustration.

Note that the product illustrations in this manual are

intended for reference only, and so the actual product
may appear somewhat different than depicted by an


E-3 About This Manual

E-4 Things to check before using the watch

E-9 Mode Reference Guide

E-13 Timekeeping

E-14 Confi guring Home City Settings

E-14 To confi gure Home City settings
E-16 To change the Daylight Saving Time (summer time) setting

E-17 Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

E-18 To change the current time and date settings

E-22 Hand Home Position Correction

E-22 To adjust home positions

E-44 Using the Stopwatch

E-44 To enter the Stopwatch Mode
E-44 To perform an elapsed time operation
E-44 To pause at a split time
E-45 To measure two fi nishes

E-46 Using the Countdown Timer

E-46 To enter the Countdown Timer Mode
E-46 To specify the countdown start time
E-48 To perform a countdown timer operation
E-48 To stop the alarm

E-49 Using the Alarm

E-49 To enter the Alarm Mode
E-50 To set an alarm time
E-51 To test the alarm
E-52 To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off
E-52 To stop the alarm




E-53 Illumination

E-53 To turn on illumination
E-53 To change the illumination duration

E-55 Button Operation Tone

E-55 To turn the button operation tone on and off

E-57 Troubleshooting

E-61 Specifi cations


Mode Reference Guide

Your watch has 7 “modes”. The mode you should select depends on what you want to do.

To do this: Enter this mode: See:

View the current time and date in the Home City

Confi gure Home City and daylight saving time (DST) settings

Confi gure time and date settings

View the barometric pressure and temperature at your
current location

View the altitude at your current location

Determine the altitude differential between two locations

(reference point and current location)

View the current time in one of 48 cities (31 time zones)
around the globe

Use the stopwatch to measure elapsed time Stopwatch Mode E-44
Use the countdown timer
Set an alarm time Alarm Mode E-49

Timekeeping Mode E-13

Thermometer Mode

Altimeter Mode E-30

World Time Mode E-42

Countdown Timer Mode




Operation Guide 5176

Selecting a Mode

The illustration below shows which buttons you need to press to navigate between


In any mode (except when a setting screen, with fl ashing digits is on the display),

pressB to illuminate the display.

World Time

World Time



Stopwatch Mode

Stopwatch Mode


General Functions (All Modes)

The functions and operations described in this section can be used in all of the modes.

Auto Return Features

The watch returns to the Timekeeping Mode automatically if you do not perform any

button operation for two or three minutes in the Alarm Mode.

The watch will return to the Timekeeping Mode automatically if you do not perform

any operation for about one hour after entering the Barometer/Thermometer Mode.

If you leave a setting screen with fl ashing digits on the display for two or three minutes
without performing any operation, the watch exits the setting screen automatically.

Initial Screens

When you enter the World Time Mode or Alarm Mode, the data you were viewing
when you last exited the mode appears fi rst.


TheB and D buttons are used on the setting screen to scroll through data on the
display. In most cases, holding down these buttons during a scroll operation scrolls
through the data at high speed.




Thermometer Mode

Thermometer Mode


Timer Mode

Timer Mode

Confi guring Home City Settings

There are two Home City settings: actually selecting the Home City and selecting
either standard time or daylight saving time (DST).

To confi gure Home City settings

1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until the
currently selected city code (Home City) starts to fl ash.
This is the city code setting screen.

Before the cit y code starts to fl ash, the m essage

SET Hold will appear on the dis play. Keep
depressed until SET Hold disappears and the cit y
code star ts to fl ash.



The watch will exi t the settin g mode autom atically if

you do not per form any ope ration for ab out two or
three minutes.

For deta ils about cit y codes, see the “Cit y Code Table”

at the back of thi s manual.



City code

City code

PM indicator

PM indicator

Hour : Minutes

Hour : Minutes

Timekeeping Mode

Timekeeping Mode

Altimeter Mode

Altimeter Mode

Alarm Mode

Alarm Mode

Hand Setting Mode

Hand Setting Mode


Hour hand

Hour hand



Hour : Minutes

Hour : Minutes

Minute hand

Minute hand

PM indicator

PM indicator

Month Day

Month Day

Day of week

Day of week

DST indicator

DST indicator




After all the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

The DST indicator a ppears to indi cate that Daylig ht Saving Tim e is turned on.


After you sp ecify a cit y code, the watch w ill use UTC* of fsets in the World Time

Mode to calcu late the current t ime for othe r time zones bas ed on the curre nt
time in your H ome City.

* Coordinated Universal Time, the world-wide scientifi c standard of timekeeping.

The reference point for UTC is Greenwich, England.

Use the Timekeeping Mode to set and view the current
time and date.

In the Timekeeping Mode, the graphic in the center of

the display indicates the passage of seconds.



2. Press D (East) and B (West) to select the city code

you want to use as your Home City.

Keep pressing D or B until the cit y code you want to

select as you r Home Cit y appears on t he display.

3. Press C to display the DST setting screen.

PressDto toggle between Daylight Saving Time (On)

and Standard Time (

Note that you c annot switch b etween st andard time

and daylight sav ing time (DS T) while U TC is
selected as your Home City.






To change the Daylight Saving Time (summer time) setting

DST indicator

DST indicator

1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until the
currently selected city code (Home City) starts to fl ash.
This is the city code setting screen.

Before the cit y code starts to fl ash, the m essage

SET Hold will appear on the dis play. Keep
depressed until SET Hold disappears and the cit y
code star ts to fl ash.

2. Press C to display the DST setting screen.




To change the current time and date settings

City code

City code

Hour : Minutes

Hour : Minutes

PM indicator

PM indicator


3. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (On)
and Standard Time (

4. After all the settings are the way you want, press A to
return to the Timekeeping Mode.

The DST indicator ap pears to indica te that Daylight

Saving Tim e is turned on.

1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until the
currently selected city code (Home City) starts to fl ash.
This is the city code setting screen.

Before the cit y code starts to fl ash, the m essage

SET Hold will appear on the dis play. Keep
depressed until SET Hold disappears and the cit y
code star ts to fl ash.

2. Use D and B to select the city code you want.



Select you r Home Cit y code before c hanging any

other setting.

For full info rmation on c ity codes , see the “Cit y Code

Table” at the back of thi s manual.



Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they
are off.



Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change
accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home
positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-22).


PressC to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.






Seconds Hour Minute Year Month



Button Operation
Tone On/Off


The follow ing steps expla in how to confi gu re timekeepi ng setting s only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to
change it as described below.

Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city code

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (On)
and Standard Time (



UseD (East) and






Operation Guide 5176

Screen To do this: Do this:

Toggle between 12-hour (



) timekeeping.

Reset the seconds to

Change the hour or minute

Change the year, month, or day



) and 24-hour



UseD (+) and


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.


Hand Home Position Correction

The hour and minute hands of the watch can be thrown off by exposure to strong
magnetism or impact. The watch is designed to correct the hour and minute hand
positions manually.

All of the operations in this section are performed in the Hand Setting Mode, which

you enter by pressing C (page E-11).

To adjust home positions

Hour and minute hands

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and

Correct hour and

minute hand positions

minute hand positions


2. Press C fi ve times to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

The watch will ret urn to the Time keeping Mod e automatica lly if you do not pe rform
any operatio n for about on e hour after e ntering the Baro meter/T hermom eter Mode.

Barometric Pressure

Barometric pressure is displayed in units of 1 hPa (or 0.05 inHg).

The displayed barometric pressure value changes to
pressure falls outside the range of 260 hPa to 1,100 hPa (7.65 inHg to 32.45 inHg).
The barometric pressure value will reappear as soon as the measured barometric
pressure is within the allowable range.


Temperature is displayed in units of 0.1°C (or 0.2°F).

The displayed temperature value changes to

temperature falls outside the range of –10.0°C to 60.0°C (14.0°F to 140.0°F). The
temperature value will reappear as soon as the measured temperature is within the
allowable range.

1. In the Hand Setting Mode, hold down A for about two
seconds until 0:00 appears on the display.

This is the home position adjustment mode.

2. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.

The hand s are in the corre ct home posi tions if they are

pointed at 12 o’clock. I f they aren’t, u se D (clockwise)
and B (counterclock wise) to adjust their positi ons.

3. Press A to exit the setting screen.

This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to

the current T imekeepin g Mode time.

— — —

if a measured barometric


°C (or °F) if a measured


For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-14).

While 12-hour format is selected for timekeeping, a P (PM) indicator will appear for

times from noon to 11:59 p.m. No indicator appears for times from midnight to
11:59 a.m. With 24-hour format, time is displayed from 0:00 to 23:59, without any
(PM) indicator.

The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to
change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.



This watch uses a pressure sensor to measure air pressure (barometric pressure) and
a temperature sensor to measure temperature.

To enter and exit the Barometer/Thermometer Mode

1. While in the Timekeeping Mode, press C to enter the
Barometer/Thermometer Mode.

BARO will appea r on the display, indic ating

that baromet ric pressure an d temperature
measurem ents are in progre ss. The mea surement
results will a ppear on the di splay after abo ut fi ve

After you press C, the watch will take readings every

fi ve seconds fo r the fi rst three mi nutes, and th en
every two mi nutes after t hat.

This pointer indicates the relative difference between



the most recent barometric pressure reading and the




current barometric pressure value displayed in the



Barometer/Thermometer Mode (page E-23).





Current time

Current time







Display Units

You can select either hectopascals (hPa) or inchesHg (inHg) as the display unit for the
measured barometric pressure, and Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) as the display unit
for the measured temperature value. See “To specify temperature, barometric
pressure, and altitude units” (page E-39).

Barometric Pressure Differential Pointer



Reading Barometric Pressure Differential Pointer

Pressure differential is indicated in the range of ±5 hPa, in 1-hPa units.

If the pointer is located here: It means this:


FINE (+)

The nearby screen shot, for example, shows what the pointer would indicate when

the calculated pressure differential is approximately – 3 hPa (approximately – 0.09


To calibrate the pressure sensor and the temperature sensor


Pressure is falling and weather will tend to deteriorate.

Pressure is rising and weather will tend to improve.



inHg valueshPa values

1.Take a reading with another measurement device to
determine the exact current barometric pressure or

2. With the watch in the Timekeeping Mode, press C to
enter the Barometer/Thermometer Mode.

3. Hold down A until the current temperature value starts
to fl ash on the display. This is the setting screen.

Before the tem perature value s tarts to fl ash, t he

message SET Hold will appear on the display.
Keep A depressed u ntil SET Hold disappears.

4. Press C to move the fl ashing between the temperature
value and barometric pressure value, to select the one
you want to calibrate.

Current pressure greater than
most recent measured pressure

Current pressure less than most
recent measured pressure


Barometric pressure is calculated and displayed using hPa as the standard. The

barometric pressure differential also can be read in inHg units as shown in the
illustration (1 hPa

Pressure Sensor and Temperature Sensor Calibration

The pressure sensor and temperature sensor built into the watch are calibrated at the
factory and normally require no further adjustment. If you notice serious errors in the
pressure readings and temperature readings produced by the watch, you can calibrate
a sensor to the reading of another device to correct the errors.


Incorrectly calibrating the temperature sensor can result in incorrect readings.

Carefully read the following before doing anything.

Compare the readings produced by the watch with those of another reliable and

accurate thermometer.

– If adjustment is required, remove the watch from your wrist and wait for 20 or 30

minutes to give the temperature of the watch time to stabilize.


UseD (+) and B (–) to adjust the calibration value in the units shown below.

Temperature 0.1°C (0.2°F)
Barometric Pressure 1 hPa (0.05 inHg)

To return the currentl y fl ashing value to it s initial facto ry default se tting, press

and D at the same ti me. OFF will appear at t he fl ashing lo cation for ab out one
second, fo llowed by the init ial default valu e.


0.03 inHg).



6. Press A to return to the Barometer/Thermometer Mode screen.

Barometer and Thermometer Precautions

The pressure sensor built into this watch measures changes in air pressure, which

you can then apply to your own weather predictions. It is not intended for use as a
precision instrument in offi cial weather prediction or reporting applications.

Sudden temperature changes can affect pressure sensor readings.

Temperature measurements are affected by your body temperature (while you are

wearing the watch), direct sunlight, and moisture. To achieve a more accurate
temperature measurement, remove the watch from your wrist, place it in a well
ventilated location out of direct sunlight, and wipe all moisture from the case. It
takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes for the case of the watch to reach the actual
surrounding temperature.



Operation Guide 5176




Congratulations upon your selection of this CASIO watch.


The built-in sensors of this watch measure barometric pressure, temperature and

altitude. Measured values are then shown on the display. Such features make this

watch useful when hiking, mountain climbing, or when engaging in other such outdoor



Warning !

The measurement functions built into this watch are not intended for taking

measurements that require professional or industrial precision. Values produced

by this watch should be considered as reasonable representations only.

Note that CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any

damage or loss suffered by you or any third party arising through the use of

this product or its malfunction.


About This Manual

Depending on the model of your watch, display text

appears either as dark fi gures on a light background, or

light fi gures on a dark background. All sample displays

in this manual are shown using dark fi gures on a light


Button operations are indicated using the letters shown

in the illustration.

Note that the product illustrations in this manual are

intended for reference only, and so the actual product

may appear somewhat different than depicted by an



Things to check before using the watch

1. Check the Home City and the daylight saving time (DST) setting.

Use the procedure under “To confi gure Home City settings” (page E-14) to confi gure

your Home City and daylight saving time settings.


Proper World Time Mode data depend on correct Home City, time, and date settings

in the Timekeeping Mode. Make sure you confi gure these settings correctly.

2. Set the current time.

See “Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings” (page E-17).

The watch is now ready for use.



E-3 About This Manual

E-4 Things to check before using the watch

E-9 Mode Reference Guide

E-13 Timekeeping

E-14 Confi guring Home City Settings

E-14 To confi gure Home City settings

E-16 To change the Daylight Saving Time (summer time) setting

E-17 Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

E-18 To change the current time and date settings

E-22 Hand Home Position Correction

E-22 To adjust home positions


E-23 Barometer/Thermometer

E-23 To enter and exit the Barometer/Thermometer Mode

E-28 To calibrate the pressure sensor and the temperature sensor

E-30 Altimeter

E-31 To take an altimeter reading

E-34 To specify a reference altitude value

E-39 Specifying Temperature, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude Units

E-39 To specify temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude units


Precautions Concerning Simultaneous Measurement of Altitude and


E-42 Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone

E-42 To enter the World Time Mode

E-42 To view the time in another time zone

E-43 To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city


E-44 Using the Stopwatch

E-44 To enter the Stopwatch Mode

E-44 To perform an elapsed time operation

E-44 To pause at a split time

E-45 To measure two fi nishes

E-46 Using the Countdown Timer

E-46 To enter the Countdown Timer Mode

E-46 To specify the countdown start time

E-48 To perform a countdown timer operation

E-48 To stop the alarm

E-49 Using the Alarm

E-49 To enter the Alarm Mode

E-50 To set an alarm time

E-51 To test the alarm

E-52 To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off

E-52 To stop the alarm


E-53 Illumination

E-53 To turn on illumination

E-53 To change the illumination duration

E-55 Button Operation Tone

E-55 To turn the button operation tone on and off

E-57 Troubleshooting

E-61 Specifi cations


Mode Reference Guide

Your watch has 7 “modes”. The mode you should select depends on what you want to do.

To do this: Enter this mode: See:

View the current time and date in the Home City

Confi gure Home City and daylight saving time (DST) settings

Confi gure time and date settings

Timekeeping Mode E-13

View the barometric pressure and temperature at your

current location


Thermometer Mode


View the altitude at your current location

Determine the altitude differential between two locations

(reference point and current location)

Altimeter Mode E-30

View the current time in one of 48 cities (31 time zones)

around the globe

World Time Mode E-42

Use the stopwatch to measure elapsed time Stopwatch Mode E-44

Use the countdown timer

Countdown Timer Mode


Set an alarm time Alarm Mode E-49

Operation Guide 5176




Congratulations upon your selection of this CASIO watch.


The built-in sensors of this watch measure barometric pressure, temperature and

altitude. Measured values are then shown on the display. Such features make this

watch useful when hiking, mountain climbing, or when engaging in other such outdoor



Warning !

The measurement functions built into this watch are not intended for taking

measurements that require professional or industrial precision. Values produced

by this watch should be considered as reasonable representations only.

Note that CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any

damage or loss suffered by you or any third party arising through the use of

this product or its malfunction.


About This Manual

Depending on the model of your watch, display text

appears either as dark fi gures on a light background, or

light fi gures on a dark background. All sample displays

in this manual are shown using dark fi gures on a light


Button operations are indicated using the letters shown

in the illustration.

Note that the product illustrations in this manual are

intended for reference only, and so the actual product

may appear somewhat different than depicted by an



Things to check before using the watch

1. Check the Home City and the daylight saving time (DST) setting.

Use the procedure under “To confi gure Home City settings” (page E-14) to confi gure

your Home City and daylight saving time settings.


Proper World Time Mode data depend on correct Home City, time, and date settings

in the Timekeeping Mode. Make sure you confi gure these settings correctly.

2. Set the current time.

See “Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings” (page E-17).

The watch is now ready for use.



E-3 About This Manual

E-4 Things to check before using the watch

E-9 Mode Reference Guide

E-13 Timekeeping

E-14 Confi guring Home City Settings

E-14 To confi gure Home City settings

E-16 To change the Daylight Saving Time (summer time) setting

E-17 Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

E-18 To change the current time and date settings

E-22 Hand Home Position Correction

E-22 To adjust home positions


E-23 Barometer/Thermometer

E-23 To enter and exit the Barometer/Thermometer Mode

E-28 To calibrate the pressure sensor and the temperature sensor

E-30 Altimeter

E-31 To take an altimeter reading

E-34 To specify a reference altitude value

E-39 Specifying Temperature, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude Units

E-39 To specify temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude units


Precautions Concerning Simultaneous Measurement of Altitude and


E-42 Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone

E-42 To enter the World Time Mode

E-42 To view the time in another time zone

E-43 To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city


E-44 Using the Stopwatch

E-44 To enter the Stopwatch Mode

E-44 To perform an elapsed time operation

E-44 To pause at a split time

E-45 To measure two fi nishes

E-46 Using the Countdown Timer

E-46 To enter the Countdown Timer Mode

E-46 To specify the countdown start time

E-48 To perform a countdown timer operation

E-48 To stop the alarm

E-49 Using the Alarm

E-49 To enter the Alarm Mode

E-50 To set an alarm time

E-51 To test the alarm

E-52 To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off

E-52 To stop the alarm


E-53 Illumination

E-53 To turn on illumination

E-53 To change the illumination duration

E-55 Button Operation Tone

E-55 To turn the button operation tone on and off

E-57 Troubleshooting

E-61 Specifi cations


Mode Reference Guide

Your watch has 7 “modes”. The mode you should select depends on what you want to do.

To do this: Enter this mode: See:

View the current time and date in the Home City

Confi gure Home City and daylight saving time (DST) settings

Confi gure time and date settings

Timekeeping Mode E-13

View the barometric pressure and temperature at your

current location


Thermometer Mode


View the altitude at your current location

Determine the altitude differential between two locations

(reference point and current location)

Altimeter Mode E-30

View the current time in one of 48 cities (31 time zones)

around the globe

World Time Mode E-42

Use the stopwatch to measure elapsed time Stopwatch Mode E-44

Use the countdown timer

Countdown Timer Mode


Set an alarm time Alarm Mode E-49

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