Часы гармин солар инстинкт инструкция по применению


Руководство пользователя

© 2020 Garmin Ltd. или подразделения

Все права сохранены. Согласно законодательству о защите авторских прав полное или частичное копирование данного руководства без письменного разрешения компании Garmin не допускается. Компания Garmin оставляет за собой право изменять или улучшать свои продукты и вносить изменения в содержание данного руководства без обязательства уведомлять какое-либо лицо или организацию о таких изменениях или улучшениях. Последние обновления и дополнительные сведения об использовании этого продукта доступны на веб-сайте www.garmin.com.

Garmin®, логотип Garmin, ANT+®, Auto Lap®, Auto Pause®, Edge®, inReach®, Instinct®, QuickFit®, TracBack®, VIRB®, Virtual Partner® и Xero® являются товарными знаками компании Garmin Ltd. или ее подразделений, зарегистрированными в США и других странах. Body Battery, Garmin Connect, Garmin Explore, Garmin Express, Garmin Move IQ, HRM-Swim, HRM-Tri, tempeи TrueUpявляются товарными знаками компании Garmin Ltd. или ее подразделений. Данные товарные знаки запрещено использовать без явного разрешения Garmin.

Androidявляется товарным знаком компании Google Inc. Apple®, iPhone® и Mac® являются товарными знаками компании Apple Inc, зарегистрированными в США и других странах. Текстовый знак и логотипы BLUETOOTH® принадлежат ассоциации Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Любое использование этих знаков компанией Garmin осуществляется по лицензии. Расширенные средства анализа частоты пульса разработаны компанией Firstbeat. Windows® и Windows NT® являются товарными знаками Microsoft Corporation, зарегистрированными в США и других странах. Другие товарные знаки и названия являются собственностью соответствующих владельцев.

Данное устройство имеет сертификацию ANT+®. Список совместимых устройств и приложений см. по адресу: www.thisisant.com/directory. M/N: A03821




Начало работы ………………………………………………………………..


Кнопки ………………………………………………………………………..


Использование часов ………………………………………………….


Просмотр меню элементов управления ……………………


Просмотр виджетов …………………………………………………


Сопряжение смартфона с устройством …………………………….


Зарядка устройства …………………………………………………………


Обновления продукта ………………………………………………………


Настройка Garmin Express …………………………………………..


Зарядка от солнечной энергии…………………………….


Просмотр виджета зарядки от солнечной энергии …………….


Советы по зарядке от солнечной энергии …………………………


Занятия и приложения………………………………………….


Начало занятия ……………………………………………………………….


Советы по записи занятий ……………………………………………


Режимы энергопотребления ………………………………………..


Остановка занятия …………………………………………………………..


Добавление или удаление занятия из Избранного …………….


Создание пользовательского занятия ………………………………


Занятия в помещении ………………………………………………………


Калибровка расстояния для беговой дорожки ………………


Запись силовых тренировок …………………………………………


Занятия на свежем воздухе ……………………………………………..


Просмотр лыжных забегов …………………………………………..


Функция метронома …………………………………………………….


Запуск режима GPS-трекера ………………………………………..


Изменение интервала записи точки трека ………………..


Запись точки трека вручную …………………………………….


Просмотр сведений о точках трека …………………………..


Охота ………………………………………………………………………….


Рыбалка ……………………………………………………………………..


Плавание ………………………………………………………………………..


Термины по плаванию …………………………………………………


Типы гребков ………………………………………………………………


Советы по занятиям плаванием …………………………………..


Отдых во время плавания в бассейне ………………………….


Автоматическая пауза …………………………………………………


Тренировка с журналом упражнений ……………………………


Выключение функции измерения частоты пульса на

запястье во время плавания ………………………………………..


Прыжки с парашютом…………………………………………..


Планирование прыжка ……………………………………………………..


Типы прыжков ……………………………………………………………..


Ввод информации о прыжке ………………………………………..


Ввод данных о ветре для прыжков HAHO и HALO …………….


Сброс данных о ветре …………………………………………………


Ввод данных о ветре для статических прыжков …………………


Постоянные настройки …………………………………………………….




Настройка профиля пользователя ……………………………………


Спортивные цели ………………………………………………………..


Информация о зонах частоты пульса …………………………..


Настройка зон частоты пульса …………………………………


Установка зон частоты пульса с помощью

устройства ……………………………………………………………..


Оценка нагрузки в зонах частоты пульса ………………….


Отслеживание активности ……………………………………………….


Автоподбор цели …………………………………………………………


Напоминание о движении ……………………………………………


Мониторинг сна …………………………………………………………..


Использование функции автоматического

отслеживания сна …………………………………………………..


Использование режима «Не беспокоить» …………………


Время интенсивной активности ……………………………………


Подсчет времени интенсивной активности ……………….


Garmin Move IQ™ ………………………………………………………..


Настройки отслеживания активности ……………………………


Отключение отслеживания активности …………………….


Тренировки ……………………………………………………………………..


Выполнение тренировки из Garmin Connect ………………..


Начало тренировки ……………………………………………………


О календаре тренировок ……………………………………………


Использование планов тренировок Garmin Connect ..


Интервальные тренировки ……………………………………………..


Создание интервальной тренировки …………………………..


Начало интервальной тренировки ………………………………


Остановка интервальной тренировки …………………………


Использование Virtual Partner® ………………………………………


Установка цели тренировки ……………………………………………


Отмена цели тренировки ……………………………………………


Соревнование с результатами предыдущего занятия ……..


Личные рекорды …………………………………………………………….


Просмотр личных рекордов ……………………………………….


Восстановление личных рекордов ……………………………..


Удаление личных рекордов ……………………………………….


Удаление всех личных рекордов ………………………………..




Установка будильника ……………………………………………………


Запуск таймера обратного отсчета …………………………………


Сохранение быстрого таймера …………………………………..


Удаление таймера …………………………………………………….


Использование секундомера ………………………………………….


Синхронизация времени c GPS ………………………………………


Настройка оповещений ………………………………………………….


Добавление дополнительных часовых поясов ………………..




Сохранение местоположения …………………………………………


Сохранение местоположения по двойной сетке ………….


Редактирование сохраненных местоположений ………….


Просмотр альтиметра, барометра и компаса ………………….


Проекция маршрутной точки …………………………………………..


Навигация к пункту назначения ………………………………………


Создание дистанции на устройстве и следование по ней ..


Создание дистанции в Garmin Connect ……………………………


Отправка дистанции на устройство …………………………………


Просмотр или изменение сведений о дистанции …………….


Создание метки «Человек за бортом» и навигация к

отмеченному местоположению ………………………………………


Навигация при помощи функции «Засечь направление» …


Навигация к начальной точке во время занятия ………………


Навигация к начальной точке сохраненного занятия ……….


Остановка навигации ……………………………………………………..


Расчет площади участка ………………………………………………..


Карта …………………………………………………………………………….


Прокрутка и изменение масштаба карты …………………….


Компас ………………………………………………………………………….


Альтиметр и барометр …………………………………………………..




Использование архива …………………………………………………..


Просмотр времени в каждой зоне частоты пульса ………


Просмотр общих результатов …………………………………………


Функция одометра …………………………………………………………


Синхронизация занятий …………………………………………………


Удаление журнала …………………………………………………………


Подключаемые функции…………………………………….


Включение уведомлений Bluetooth …………………………………


Просмотр уведомлений ……………………………………………..


Управление уведомлениями ………………………………………


Отключение подключения смартфона на базе технологии

Bluetooth ……………………………………………………………………


Включение и выключение оповещений о подключении

смартфона ………………………………………………………………..


Поиск потерянного мобильного устройства …………………….


Garmin Connect ………………………………………………………………


Обновление программного обеспечения с помощью

приложения Garmin Connect ………………………………………


Обновление программного обеспечения с помощью

Garmin Express ………………………………………………………….


Использование Garmin Connect на компьютере ………


Синхронизация данных с помощью Garmin Connect

вручную …………………………………………………………………….


Garmin Explore™ ……………………………………………………………


Функции пульсометра………………………………………..


Использование виджета уровня стресса …………………………


Частота пульса на запястье ……………………………………………


Ношение устройства ………………………………………………….


Советы по повышению точности данных о частоте

пульса ………………………………………………………………………


Просмотр виджета частоты пульса …………………………….


Передача данных о частоте пульса на устройства

Garmin ………………………………………………………………………


Передача данных о частоте пульса во время

занятия …………………………………………………………………


Настройка оповещений об аномальной частоте

пульса ………………………………………………………………………


Выключение наручного пульсометра ………………………….


Body Battery™ ………………………………………………………………..


Просмотр виджета Body Battery ………………………………….


Советы по улучшению данных Body Battery ………………..




Получение показаний пульсоксиметра ……………………………


Включение отслеживания сна с пульсоксиметром …………..


Советы по повышению точности показаний

пульсоксиметра ……………………………………………………………..


Настройка устройства………………………………………..


Виджеты ………………………………………………………………………..


Настройка ленты виджетов ………………………………………..


inReachПульт дистанционного управления …………………


Использование пульта дистанционного управления

inReach …………………………………………………………………


Пульт дистанционного управления VIRB …………………….


Управление экшн-камерой VIRB …………………………….


Управление экшн-камерой VIRB во время занятия …


Настройки занятий и приложений …………………………………..


Настройка экранов данных ………………………………………..


Добавление карты для занятия ………………………………….


Оповещения ……………………………………………………………..


Настройка оповещения ………………………………………….


Auto Lap …………………………………………………………………….


Отметка кругов после прохождения определенного

расстояния ……………………………………………………………


Включение Auto Pause® …………………………………………….


Включение автоматического режима для

скалолазания …………………………………………………………….


3D-скорость и расстояние ………………………………………….


Включение и выключение кнопки LAP …………………………


Использование функции смены страниц …………………….


Изменение настроек GPS …………………………………………..


GPS и другие спутниковые системы ……………………….


UltraTrac ……………………………………………………………….


Настройки таймаута для режима энергосбережения …..


Персонализация списка занятий …………………………………….


Удаление занятия или приложения ………………………………..


Настройка меню элементов управления …………………………


Настройка циферблата ………………………………………………….


Настройки датчиков ……………………………………………………….


Настройки компаса ……………………………………………………


Калибровка компаса вручную ………………………………..


Настройка направления на север …………………………..


Настройки альтиметра ……………………………………………….


Калибровка барометрического альтиметра …………….


Настройки барометра ………………………………………………..


Калибровка барометра ………………………………………….


Настройки расположения лазера Xero ………………………..


Настройки карты ……………………………………………………………


Настройки навигации ……………………………………………………..


Настройка функций карт …………………………………………….


Настройки курса ………………………………………………………..


Настройка навигационных оповещений ………………………


Настройки диспетчера питания ………………………………………


Настройка функции энергосбережения ……………………….


Настройка режимов энергопотребления ……………………..


Восстановление режима энергопотребления ………………


Настройки системы ………………………………………………………..


Настройки времени ……………………………………………………


Изменение настроек подсветки ………………………………….


Настройка горячих клавиш …………………………………………


Изменение единиц измерения ……………………………………


Просмотр информации об устройстве …………………………….


Просмотр нормативной информации и сведений о

соответствии стандартам (электронная этикетка) ……….


Беспроводные датчики………………………………………


Сопряжение с беспроводными датчиками ………………………


Использование дополнительного датчика скорости или

вращения педалей велосипеда ………………………………………


Шагомер ………………………………………………………………………..


Оптимизация калибровки шагомера …………………………..


Калибровка шагомера вручную ………………………………….


Настройка скорости и расстояния для шагомера ………..


tempe™ …………………………………………………………………………


Информация об устройстве……………………………….


Технические характеристики ………………………………………….


Информация о времени работы от батареи ………………..


Управление данными …………………………………………………….


Отсоединение USB-кабеля ………………………………………..


Удаление файлов ……………………………………………………..


Обслуживание устройства…………………………………


Уход за устройством ………………………………………………………


Очистка устройства ……………………………………………………


Замена ремешков ………………………………………………………….


Устранение неполадок………………………………………..


На устройстве установлен неправильный язык ……………….


Управление языковыми файлами …………………………………..


Мой смартфон совместим с устройством? ………………………


Не удается подключить телефон к устройству ………………..


Можно ли использовать датчик Bluetooth с часами? ………..


Перезапуск устройства …………………………………………………..


Сброс всех настроек до значений по умолчанию …………….


Установление связи со спутниками …………………………………


Улучшение приема GPS-сигналов ………………………………


Неточное отображение данных о температуре ……………….


Продление времени работы батареи ………………………………


Отслеживание активности ……………………………………………..


Не отображается количество пройденных за день

шагов ………………………………………………………………………..


Кажется, что отображаемое количество пройденных

шагов неточно …………………………………………………………..


Отображаемое на устройстве количество пройденных

шагов не совпадает с количеством шагов, указанным в

моей учетной записи Garmin Connect …………………………


Количество пройденных этажей отображается

некорректно ………………………………………………………………


Индикация времени интенсивной активности мигает …..


Дополнительная информация ………………………………………..




Поля данных ………………………………………………………………….


Размер и окружность колеса …………………………………………..


Условные обозначения …………………………………………………..




Garmin Instinct Solar – Tactical Edition User manual



Сведения о безопасности и другую важную информацию см.

в руководстве Правила техники безопасности и сведения об изделии, которое находится в упаковке изделия.

Перед выполнением какой-либо программы занятий или внесением в нее изменений проконсультируйтесь со своим лечащим врачом.

Начало работы

При первом использовании необходимо настроить часы и ознакомиться с их основными функциями. Для этого рекомендуется выполнить указанные ниже действия.

1 Нажмите CTRL, чтобы включить часы (Кнопки, стр. 1).

2Следуйте приведенным на экране инструкциям для завершения начальной установки.

Во время первоначальной настройки можно установить приложение Garmin Connectи выполнить сопряжение часов со смартфоном для получения уведомлений и много другого (Сопряжение смартфона с устройством,

стр. 2).

3Полностью зарядите устройство (Зарядка устройства,

стр. 2).

4 Начните занятие (Начало занятия, стр. 3).


Нажмите для включения и выключения подсветки.


Нажмите, чтобы включить устройство.


Удерживайте для просмотра меню элементов управления.

Нажмите, чтобы просмотреть список занятий, а также для


запуска или остановки занятия.

Нажмите для выделения опции в меню.

Удерживайте, чтобы просмотреть координаты GPS и

сохранить ваше местоположение.

Нажмите для перехода к предыдущему экрану.


Удерживайте для просмотра меню часов.


Нажмите для прокрутки ленты виджетов и меню.


Удерживайте для просмотра экрана альтиметра,

барометра и компаса (ABC).


Нажмите для прокрутки ленты виджетов и меню.


Удерживайте для просмотра меню.


Использование часов

Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку CTRL для просмотра меню элементов управления.

Меню элементов управления обеспечивает быстрый доступ к часто используемым функциям, таким как

включение режима «Не беспокоить» и функции энергосбережения, а также выключение часов. Вы можете включить режим невидимости, чтобы отключить беспроводную передачу данных и скрыть свое местоположение GPS. Также можно включить режим ночного видения.

В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите UP или DOWN для прокрутки ленты виджетов.

Часы поставляются с предварительно установленными виджетами, обеспечивающими оперативное отображение информации. При сопряжении часов со смартфоном станет доступно больше виджетов.

В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите GPS для запуска занятия, или чтобы открыть приложение (Начало занятия, стр. 3).

Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку MENU, чтобы изменить циферблат, настроить параметры и выполнить сопряжение с беспроводными датчиками.

Просмотр меню элементов управления

В меню элементов управления доступны такие функции, как включение режима «Не беспокоить», блокировка кнопок и отключение устройства. Можно включить режим невидимости и режим ночного видения.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. функции в меню элементов управления можно добавлять, удалять, а также изменять их порядок

(Настройка меню элементов управления, стр. 24).

1 На любом экране нажмите и удерживайте кнопку CTRL.

2С помощью кнопки UP или DOWN переключайтесь между пунктами.

Включение режима ночного видения

При включении режима ночного видения снижается яркость подсветки для использования с очковыми приборами ночного видения.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. при включении режима ночного видения функция измерения частоты пульса на запястье отключается.

1 Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку CTRL.

2 Выберите .

Включение режима невидимости

Можно включить режим невидимости, чтобы предотвратить сохранение и передачу данных о местоположении по GPS и отключить беспроводную связь.

1 Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку CTRL.

2 Выберите .

Просмотр виджетов

Устройство поставляется с несколькими предварительно установленными виджетами, а после его сопряжения со смартфоном становятся доступны дополнительные.

Нажмите кнопку UP или DOWN. Устройство прокрутит ленту виджетов.

Нажмите GPS, чтобы просмотреть дополнительные опции и функции для виджета.

Сопряжение смартфона с устройством

Для использования подключаемых функций устройства Instinct необходимо выполнить его сопряжение непосредственно через приложение Garmin Connect, а не через настройки Bluetooth® на смартфоне.

1Установите на смартфон приложение Garmin Connect через магазин приложений, после чего откройте его.

2Поместите смартфон в пределах 10 м (33 футов) от устройства.

3Нажмите кнопку CTRL, чтобы включить устройство.

При первом включении устройства оно будет в режиме сопряжения.

СОВЕТ. чтобы вручную войти в режим сопряжения, можно зажать кнопку MENU и выбрать Настройки >

Сопряжение телефона.

4Выберите один из вариантов, чтобы добавить свое устройство в учетную запись Garmin Connect:

Если вы выполняете сопряжение устройства с приложением Garmin Connect в первый раз, следуйте инструкциям на экране.

Если ранее уже было выполнено сопряжение другого устройства с приложением Garmin Connect, в меню или выберите пункт Устройства Garmin > Добавить устройство и следуйте инструкциям на экране.

Зарядка устройства


В устройстве используется литий-ионный аккумулятор. Сведения о безопасности и другую важную информацию см.

в руководстве Правила техники безопасности и сведения об изделии, которое находится в упаковке изделия.


Для предотвращения коррозии тщательно очистите и высушите контакты и прилегающие области перед подключением к зарядному устройству или компьютеру. См. инструкции по очистке в приложении.

1Подключите конец USB-кабеля с меньшим разъемом к соответствующему порту на устройстве.

2Вставьте больший разъем USB-кабеля в зарядный порт


3 Устройство необходимо заряжать полностью.

Обновления продукта

На компьютере установите Garmin Express(www.garmin.com/express). На смартфоне установите приложение Garmin Connect.

Оно позволяет с легкостью получать доступ к различным службам для устройств Garmin®:

Обновления ПО

Загрузка данных в приложение Garmin Connect

• Регистрация устройства

Настройка Garmin Express

1Подключите устройство к компьютеру с помощью кабеля USB.

2 Перейдите по ссылке www.garmin.com/express.

3 Следуйте инструкциям на экране.

Зарядка от солнечной энергии

Модели часов с возможностью зарядки от солнечной энергии позволяют заряжать часы во время их использования.

Просмотр виджета зарядки от солнечной энергии

В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите UP или DOWN, чтобы перейти к виджету с информацией о солнечной зарядке.

Появится график интенсивности заряда от солнечной энергии за последние 6 часов.

Советы по зарядке от солнечной энергии

Чтобы максимально увеличить время работы часов от батареи, следуйте этим советам.

При ношении часов не закрывайте циферблат рукавом.

Когда вы не носите часы, направьте циферблат в сторону источника яркого света, например солнечного света или флуоресцентной лампы.

Часы заряжаются быстрее от солнечного света, так как фотоэлемент солнечной батареи оптимизирован под спектр солнечного света.

Чтобы обеспечить максимальную скорость зарядки батареи, заряжайте часы на ярком солнечном свете.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. часы защищают себя от перегрева и автоматически прекращают зарядку, если внутренняя температура превышает пороговое значение для зарядки от солнечной энергии (Технические характеристики,

стр. 29).

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. часы не заряжаются от солнечной энергии при подключении к внешнему источнику питания или при полном заряде батареи.

Занятия и приложения

Устройство можно использовать для занятий внутри помещений, на открытом воздухе, спортивных упражнений и занятий фитнесом. После начала занятия устройство отображает и записывает данные с датчика. Занятия можно сохранить и поделиться ими с сообществом Garmin Connect.

Для получения дополнительной информации об отслеживании активности и точности показателей физической формы перейдите на garmin.com/ataccuracy.


Зарядка от солнечной энергии

Начало занятия

Если необходимо, в начале занятия GPS включается автоматически.

1 В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите GPS.

2Выберите один из следующих вариантов:

Выберите занятие из Избранного.

Нажмите , затем выберите занятие из расширенного списка занятий.

3Если для занятия требуются сигналы GPS, выйдите на улицу, чтобы обеспечить беспрепятственный обзор неба, и дождитесь готовности устройства.

Устройство будет готово к работе после определения частоты пульса, затем оно получает сигналы GPS (при необходимости) и устанавливает подключение с беспроводными датчиками (при необходимости).

4Нажмите GPS для запуска таймера занятия.

Устройство выполняет запись данных по занятию только при включенном таймере.

Советы по записи занятий

Зарядите устройство перед началом занятия (Зарядка устройства, стр. 2).

Нажмите BACK для записи кругов.

Чтобы просмотреть дополнительные страницы данных, нажмите кнопку UP или DOWN.

Режимы энергопотребления

Режимы энергопотребления позволяют быстро регулировать настройки системы, занятия и GPS, чтобы продлить срок работы от батареи во время занятия. К примеру, режимы энергопотребления могут отключить сопряженные датчики и включить опцию UltraTrac GPS. Вы также можете создавать собственные режимы энергопотребления.

Во время занятия нажмите и удерживайте кнопку MENU, нажмите Режим мощности и выберите один из предложенных вариантов.

Остановка занятия

1 Нажмите GPS.

2Выберите один из следующих вариантов:

Чтобы возобновить занятие, выберите Возобновить.

Чтобы сохранить занятие и вернуться в режим часов,

выберите Сохранить > Готово.

Чтобы приостановить занятие и возобновить его позже, выберите Заверш. позже.

Чтобы отметить круг дистанции, выберите Lap.

Чтобы вернуться к начальной точке занятия по уже пройденному пути, выберите Назад к началу >


ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. эта функция доступна только для занятий с использованием GPS.

Чтобы вернуться к начальной точке занятия самым коротким маршрутом, выберите Назад к началу >


ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. эта функция доступна только для занятий с использованием GPS.

Чтобы измерить разницу между частотой пульса в конце занятия и частотой пульса через две минуты, выберите ЧП восстановл. и подождите, пока таймер отсчитывает время.

Чтобы удалить занятие и вернуться в режим часов,

выберите Отменить > Да.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. после остановки занятия устройство автоматически сохраняет его по прошествии 30 минут.

Добавление или удаление занятия из Избранного

Список избранных занятий отображается при нажатии кнопки GPS в режиме отображения циферблата и обеспечивает быстрый доступ к занятиям, которые вы выполняете наиболее часто. При первом нажатии кнопки GPS для начала занятия устройство предложит вам выбрать одно из избранных занятий. Вы можете в любое время добавить или удалить избранные занятия.

1 Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку MENU.

2 Выберите Настройки > Занятия и прил..

Избранные занятия отображаются в начале списка на белом фоне. Другие занятия отображаются в расширенном списке на черном фоне.

3Выберите один из следующих вариантов:

Для добавления в Избранное выберите занятие, а затем выберите В Избранное.

Чтобы удалить из Избранного, выберите занятие, а

затем выберите Удалить из Избранного.

Создание пользовательского занятия

1 В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите GPS.

2 Выберите Добавить.

3Выберите один из следующих вариантов:

Выберите Копировать занятие, чтобы создать собственное пользовательское занятие на основе одного из сохраненных занятий.

Чтобы создать пользовательское занятие, выберите


4 При необходимости выберите тип занятия.

5 Выберите имя или введите собственное имя.

К дублирующимся именам занятий добавляется номер, например: Велотренировка(2).

6Выберите один из следующих вариантов:

Выберите параметр, чтобы изменить определенные настройки занятия. Например, можно настроить экраны данных или автоматические функции.

Выберите Готово, чтобы сохранить и использовать пользовательское занятие.

7Выберите Да, чтобы добавить занятие в свой список избранного.

Занятия в помещении

Устройство Instinct можно использовать для тренировок в помещении, например для занятий на беговой дорожке или велотренажере. Для занятий в помещении функция GPS

отключена (Настройки занятий и приложений, стр. 21).

Во время бега или ходьбы с отключенной функцией GPS показатели скорости, расстояния и частоты шагов рассчитываются с помощью акселерометра устройства. Акселерометр калибруется автоматически. Точность данных о скорости, расстоянии и частоте шагов повышается после нескольких занятий бегом или ходьбой вне помещения с использованием GPS.

СОВЕТ. если пользователь держится за поручни во время занятий на беговой дорожке, точность снижается. Для регистрации данных о темпе, расстоянии и частоте шагов можно использовать дополнительный шагомер.

В случае отключения функции GPS во время велотренировок данные о скорости и расстоянии будут недоступны, если не используется дополнительный датчик,

обеспечивающий передачу данных о скорости и расстоянии на устройство (например, датчик скорости или частоты вращения педалей).

Калибровка расстояния для беговой дорожки

Для более точной записи расстояния во время занятия на беговой дорожке можно выполнить калибровку расстояния для беговой дорожки после выполнения пробежки на расстояние не менее 1,5 км (1 миля). При использовании разных беговых дорожек калибровку расстояния для каждой беговой дорожки можно выполнить вручную или после каждого занятия на беговой дорожке.

1Начните занятие на беговой дорожке (Начало занятия,

стр. 3).

2Продолжайте занятие на беговой дорожке, пока устройство Instinct Solar Tactical не зарегистрирует расстояние не менее 1,5 км (1 мили).

3 После завершения пробежки нажмите GPS.

4Выберите один из следующих вариантов:

Чтобы выполнить калибровку расстояния для беговой дорожки в первый раз, выберите Сохранить.

Устройство предложит завершить калибровку на беговой дорожке.

Чтобы выполнить повторную калибровку расстояния для беговой дорожки после первой калибровки,

выберите Калибр. и сохр. > Да.

5Проверьте на дисплее беговой дорожки пройденное расстояние и введите это расстояние на устройстве.

Запись силовых тренировок

Предусмотрена возможность записи подходов во время силовых тренировок. Подход состоит из нескольких повторений одного упражнения.

1 В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите GPS.

2 Выберите Сил. трен..

При первой записи силовой тренировки вы должны выбрать, на какой руке у вас надеты часы.

3 Нажмите GPS для запуска установленного таймера.

4Приступите к выполнению первого подхода.

Устройство обеспечивает подсчет повторений. Количество повторений отображается после выполнения не менее четырех повторений.

СОВЕТ. устройство может выполнять подсчет повторений только одного упражнения для каждого подхода. Если вы хотите выполнить другое упражнение, сначала следует завершить текущий подход и начать новый.

5 Чтобы завершить подход, нажмите BACK.

На часах отображается общее число повторений в подходе. Через несколько секунд на экране появится таймер отдыха.

6При необходимости нажмите DOWN, чтобы изменить количество повторений.

СОВЕТ. также можно добавить использованный вес для подхода.

7После отдыха нажмите BACK для начала следующего подхода.

8Повторите для каждого подхода силовой тренировки, пока не завершите занятие.

9По завершении последнего подхода нажмите GPS, чтобы остановить таймер.

10Выберите Сохранить.

Занятия на свежем воздухе

На устройство Instinct предварительно загружены занятия на свежем воздухе, например бег и езда на велосипеде. Для занятий на свежем воздухе функция GPS включена. Вы можете добавлять новые занятия на основе занятий по умолчанию, таких как ходьба или гребля. Вы также можете добавить пользовательские занятия на свое устройство

(Создание пользовательского занятия, стр. 3).

Просмотр лыжных забегов

Устройство записывает сведения о каждом спуске на горных лыжах или сноуборде с помощью функции автозаезда. Эта функция включена по умолчанию для катания на горных лыжах и сноуборде. Она автоматически записывает новые лыжные забеги на основе движения. Таймер приостанавливает работу при прекращении спуска или при посадке на подъемник. Во время движения на подъемнике отсчет времени таймером не производится. Для перезапуска таймера начните спуск. Сведения о забеге можно просмотреть на приостановленном экране или при активном таймере.

1 Начните лыжный или сноубордный спуск.

2 Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку MENU.

3 Выберите Просмотреть заезды.

4Нажмите кнопку UP или DOWN для просмотра сведений о последнем, текущем или об общем количестве забегов.

Экраны забега содержат время, пройденное расстояние, максимальную скорость, среднюю скорость и общий спуск.

Функция метронома

Функция метронома обеспечивает воспроизведение звуковых сигналов с постоянным ритмом, что помогает повысить эффективность тренировок за счет повышения, снижения или поддержания более постоянной частоты.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. для некоторых занятий эта функция недоступна.

1 В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите GPS.

2 Выберите занятие.

3 Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку MENU.

4 Выберите настройки занятия.

5 Выберите Метроном > Состояние > Включено.

6Выберите один из следующих вариантов:

Выберите Ударов в минуту, чтобы ввести значение частоты, которую необходимо поддерживать.

Выберите Част. оповещ., чтобы настроить частоту ударов.

Выберите Звуки, чтобы настроить звук и вибросигнал для метронома.

7При необходимости выберите Предварит. просмотр, чтобы проверить метроном перед пробежкой.

8Отправьтесь на пробежку (Начало занятия, стр. 3). Запуск метронома выполняется автоматически.

9Чтобы просмотреть экран метронома во время пробежки, нажмите кнопку UP или DOWN.

10При необходимости нажмите и удерживайте кнопку MENU, чтобы изменить настройки метронома.

Запуск режима GPS-трекера

Для увеличения времени работы от батареи во время записи активности в течение нескольких дней можно использовать Экспедиция.

1 В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите GPS.

2 Выберите Экспедиция.

3 Нажмите GPS для запуска таймера занятия.

Устройство переходит в режим пониженного энергопотребления и регистрирует точки GPS-трека один раз в час. Для максимального увеличения времени работы от батареи устройство отключает все датчики и аксессуары, включая подключение к смартфону.

Изменение интервала записи точки трека

В режиме GPS-трекера устройство записывает точки GPSтрека по умолчанию один раз в час. Вы можете изменить частоту записи точек GPS-трека. Если запись точек GPSтрека выполняется реже, время работы устройства от батареи продлевается.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. для максимального увеличения продолжительности работы от батареи запись точек GPSтрека не выполняется после заката. Этот параметр можно настроить в разделе настроек занятия.

1 В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите GPS.

2 Выберите Экспедиция.

3 Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку MENU.

4 Выберите настройки занятия.

5 Выберите Интервал записи.

6 Выберите один из вариантов.

Запись точки трека вручную

В режиме GPS-трекера точки трека записываются автоматически на основе выбранного интервала записи. Вы можете записать точку трека вручную в любое время.

1Чтобы открыть страницу карты в режиме GPS-трекера, нажмите кнопку UP или DOWN.

2 Нажмите GPS.

3 Выберите Добавить точку.

Просмотр сведений о точках трека

1Чтобы открыть страницу карты в режиме GPS-трекера, нажмите кнопку UP или DOWN.

2 Нажмите GPS.

3 Выберите Просмотр точек.

4 Выберите точку трека в списке.

5Выберите один из следующих вариантов:

Чтобы начать навигацию к выбранной точке трека, нажмите Идти к.

Для просмотра дополнительной информации о точке трека выберите Сведения.


Вы можете сохранять местоположения, актуальные для ваших занятий охотой, и просматривать карту сохраненных местоположений.

1 В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите GPS.

2 Выберите Охота.

3На экране данных времени суток нажмите GPS > Начать охоту.

4На экране данных времени суток нажмите GPS и выберите параметр:

Чтобы сохранить текущее местоположение, выберите

Сохранить местополож..

Для просмотра местоположений, сохраненных во время текущего занятия охотой, выберите Места для охоты.

Для просмотра всех ранее сохраненных местоположений выберите Сохр. местополож..

5После завершения занятия перейдите к экрану данных времени суток, нажмите GPS и выберите Завершение охоты.


Пользователь может отслеживать свой ежедневный улов, запустить обратный отсчет времени соревнования или настроить интервальный таймер для контроля своего темпа рыбной ловли.

1 В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите GPS.

2 Выберите Рыбалка.

3На экране данных времени суток нажмите GPS > Начать рыбалку.

4На экране данных времени суток нажмите GPS и выберите параметр:

Чтобы добавить ещё одну рыбу к счетчику пойманных рыб, выберите Регистр. пойм. рыбы.

Чтобы сохранить текущее местоположение, выберите

Сохранить местополож..

Чтобы установить интервальный таймер, время окончания или напоминание о времени окончания занятия, выберите Таймеры рыбалки.

5После завершения занятия перейдите к экрану данных времени суток, нажмите GPS и выберите Закончить поимку рыбы.



Данное устройство предназначено для плавания на поверхности. Погружение с устройством в ходе подводного плавания с аквалангом может привести к его повреждению и аннулированию гарантии.

Термины по плаванию

Участок: один заплыв в бассейне.

Интервал: один или несколько последовательных участков. Новый интервал начинается после отдыха.

Гребки: гребки считаются каждый раз, когда рука, на которую надето устройство, завершает полный цикл.

Балл Swolf: баллы Swolf представляют собой сумму времени для одного участка и число гребков для него. Например, если сложить 30 секунд и 15 гребков, получаем балл Swolf равный 45. Swolf — это значение эффективности тренировок в бассейне и, как в гольфе, более низкое значение является лучшим показателем.

Типы гребков

Определение типа гребков поддерживается только при плавании в бассейне. Тип гребков определяется в конце участка. Типы гребков появляются в вашей истории занятий плаванием и в учетной записи Garmin Connect. Тип гребка также можно указать в одном из полей пользовательских данных (Настройка экранов данных, стр. 22).


Вольный стиль


На спине






Более одного типа гребков в интервале


Используется с функцией записи упражнений (Трени-

ровка с журналом упражнений, стр. 6)

Советы по занятиям плаванием

Перед началом плавания в бассейне следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы выбрать размер бассейна, или введите размер вручную.

При следующем запуске заплыва в бассейне устройство использует размер этого бассейна. Чтобы изменить размер бассейна, нажмите и удерживайте кнопку MENU,

выберите параметры занятия и выберите Размер бассейна.

Кнопка BACK используется для регистрации отдыха во время плавания в бассейне.

Устройство автоматически регистрирует расстояния и интервалы во время плавания в бассейне.

Отдых во время плавания в бассейне

На экране данных отдыха по умолчанию отображается два таймера отдыха. Здесь же отображается время и дистанция последнего завершенного интервала.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. во время отдыха данные о плавании не записываются.

1Чтобы прерваться на отдых во время плавания, нажмите


Отобразится экран данных отдыха с белым текстом на черном фоне.

2Чтобы просмотреть другие экраны данных во время отдыха, нажмите кнопку UP или DOWN (необязательно).

3 Чтобы продолжить плавание, нажмите кнопку BACK.

4Для последующих остановок на отдых повторите описанную процедуру.

Автоматическая пауза

Функция автоматической паузы поддерживается только в бассейне. Устройство автоматически определяет, когда вы отдыхаете, и появляется экран ожидания. Если вы отдыхаете более 15 секунд, устройство автоматически создает интервал отдыха. При возобновлении плавания устройство автоматически начинает новый интервал плавания. Функцию автоматической паузы можно включить в параметрах занятия (Настройки занятий и приложений,

стр. 21).

СОВЕТ. для наилучшей работы функции автоматической паузы минимизируйте движения рук во время отдыха.

Если вы не хотите использовать функцию автоматической паузы, можно нажимать кнопку BACK, чтобы вручную отмечать начало и конец каждого интервала отдыха.

Тренировка с журналом упражнений

Функция журнала упражнений поддерживается только в бассейне. Вы можете использовать журнал упражнений, чтобы вручную записывать упражнения для ног, заплывы с одной рукой и любые другие нагрузки, которых нет среди четырех видов гребков.

1Чтобы открыть экран журнала упражнений во время занятия плаванием в бассейне, нажмите кнопку UP или


2Чтобы запустить таймер упражнения, нажмите кнопку


3После завершения интервала тренировки нажмите кнопку


Таймер упражнения остановится, но таймер тренировки продолжит запись общей длительности занятия.

4 Укажите дистанцию завершенного упражнения.

Увеличение дистанции рассчитывается на основе длины бассейна, указанного в профиле занятий.

5Выберите один из следующих вариантов:

Чтобы начать новый интервал упражнения, нажмите кнопку BACK.

Чтобы начать интервал заплыва, нажмите кнопку UP или DOWN для перехода к экранам тренировки в бассейне.

Выключение функции измерения частоты пульса на запястье во время плавания

Функция измерения частоты пульса на запястье включена по умолчанию для занятий плаванием. Устройство также совместимо с аксессуарами HRM-Tri и HRM-Swim. Если одновременно доступны данные измерения частоты пульса на запястье и данные о частоте пульса нагрудного пульсометра, устройство использует данные о частоте пульса нагрудного пульсометра.

1В виджете частоты пульса нажмите и удерживайте


ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. возможно, вам нужно будет добавить виджет в ленту виджетов (Настройка ленты виджетов,

стр. 20).

2 Выберите Опции > Во время плавания > Выключено

Прыжки с парашютом


Функция «Прыжки с парашютом» предназначена для использования только опытными парашютистами. Функцию «Прыжки с парашютом» не следует использовать в качестве основного альтиметра. Указание неверных данных о прыжке может привести к получению серьезных травм или смерти.

Функция «Прыжки с парашютом» использует военные правила вычисления точки сбрасывания с большой высоты (HARP). Устройство автоматически распознает момент прыжка и начинает навигацию к расчетной точке приземления (DIP) с помощью барометра и электронного компаса.

Планирование прыжка

1 Выберите тип прыжка (Типы прыжков, стр. 6).

2Введите информацию о прыжке (Ввод информации о прыжке, стр. 7).

Устройство вычислит точку HARP.

3Выберите Перейти к HARP для начала навигации к


Типы прыжков

В функции «Прыжки с парашютом» можно выбрать один из трех типов прыжков: «HAHO», «HALO» или «Статический». В соответствии с выбранным типом прыжка необходимо задать дополнительные данные. Высота выброски и высота раскрытия парашюта для всех типов прыжков рассчитываются в футах над уровнем грунта (AGL).

HAHO: высотный прыжок с раскрытием на большой высоте. Прыжок и раскрытие парашюта выполняются на большой высоте. Необходимо задать расчетную точку приземления (DIP) и высоту выброски не менее

1000 футов (305 метров). Предполагается, что значения высоты выброски и высоты раскрытия парашюта совпадают. Как правило, значение высоты выброски находится в диапазоне от 12 000 до 24 000 футов (от 3658 до 7315 метров) над уровнем грунта (AGL).

HALO: высотный затяжной прыжок. Прыжок выполняется на большой высоте, раскрытие парашюта — на малой. Для данного типа прыжка требуется указать те же данные, что и для прыжка HAHO, а также высоту раскрытия парашюта. Высота раскрытия парашюта не должна быть больше высоты выброски. Как правило, значение высоты раскрытия парашюта находится в диапазоне от 2000 до 6000 футов (от 610 до 1829 метров) над уровнем грунта


Статический: предполагается, что скорость и направление ветра остаются неизменными на протяжении всего

прыжка. Высота выброски должна составлять не менее 1000 футов (305 метров).

Ввод информации о прыжке

1 Нажмите кнопку GPS.

2 Выберите Прыжки с парашютом.

3 Выберите тип прыжка (Типы прыжков, стр. 6).

4Выполните одно или несколько действий для ввода информации о прыжке.

Выберите DIP, чтобы установить маршрутную точку для расчетной точки приземления.

Выберите Высота выброски для установки значения высоты выброски AGL (в футах), на которой парашютист выпрыгивает из самолета.

Выберите Высота раскрытия парашюта для установки значения высоты раскрытия парашюта AGL (в футах), на которой парашютист раскрывает парашют.

Выберите Движение по инерции для установки пройденного расстояния по горизонтали (в метрах) в зависимости от скорости самолета.

Выберите Курс к точке HARP для установки направления движения (в градусах) в зависимости от скорости самолета.

Выберите Ветер для установки данных о ветре: скорости (в узлах) и направления (в градусах).

Выберите Постоянные значения для установки дополнительной точной информации для запланированного прыжка. В зависимости от типа прыжка для ввода дополнительной информации можно выбрать Процент максимального значения, Коэффициент безопасности, K-открытый, K- свободное падение или K-статический

(Постоянные настройки, стр. 7).

Выберите Автоматическая навигация к точке DIP

для включения автоматической навигации к точке DIP после прыжка.

Выберите Перейти к HARP для начала навигации к


Ввод данных о ветре для статических прыжков

1 Нажмите кнопку GPS.

2Выберите Прыжки с парашютом > Статический > Ветер.

3 Введите скорость ветра в узлах и выберите Готово.

4Введите направление ветра в градусах и выберите


Постоянные настройки

Выберите Прыжки с парашютом, тип прыжка, а затем выберите Постоянные значения.

Процент максимального значения: установка диапазона прыжка для всех типов прыжков. При установке значения менее 100% величина сноса от точки DIP снижается; при установке значения более 100% величина сноса увеличивается. Более опытные парашютисты могут использовать меньшие значения, тогда как неопытные парашютисты — большие.

Коэффициент безопасности: установка допустимой погрешности прыжка (только для HAHO). Как правило, значение коэффициента безопасности представляет собой целое число от двух и выше и определяется парашютистом с учетом характеристик прыжка.

K-свободное падение: установка значения аэродинамического сопротивления для парашюта во время свободного падения, исходя из класса купола парашюта (только для HALO). Каждый парашют должен иметь маркировку со значением K.

K-открытый: установка значения аэродинамического сопротивления для открытого парашюта, исходя из класса купола парашюта (для HAHO и HALO). Каждый парашют должен иметь маркировку со значением K.

K-статический: установка значения аэродинамического сопротивления для парашюта во время статического прыжка, исходя из класса купола парашюта (только для типа прыжка Статический). Каждый парашют должен иметь маркировку со значением K.

Ввод данных о ветре для прыжков HAHO


1 Нажмите кнопку GPS.

2 Выберите Прыжки с парашютом.

3 Выберите тип прыжка (Типы прыжков, стр. 6).

4 Выберите Ветер > Добавить.

5 Выберите высоту.

6 Введите скорость ветра в узлах и выберите Готово.

7Введите направление ветра в градусах и выберите


Значения данных о ветре будут добавлены в список. При вычислении используются только данные о ветре, добавленные в список.

8 Повторите шаги с 5 по 7 для каждой доступной высоты.

Сброс данных о ветре

1 Нажмите кнопку GPS.

2 Выберите Прыжки с парашютом.

3 Выберите HAHO или HALO.

4 Выберите Ветер > Сброс.

Все значения данных о ветре будут удалены из списка.


Настройка профиля пользователя

Настройки профиля, например пол, год рождения, рост, вес и зоны частоты пульса, можно обновить. Устройство использует эту информацию для вычисления точных данных о тренировках.

1В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите и удерживайте кнопку UP.

2 Выберите Настройки > Профиль пользователя.

3 Выберите один из вариантов.

Спортивные цели

Знание зон частоты пульса помогает оценить и улучшить общую подготовку с помощью следующих принципов.

Частота пульса — надежный показатель интенсивности тренировки.

Тренировка в определенных зонах частоты пульса позволяет улучшить состояние сердечно-сосудистой системы.

Зная максимальную частоту пульса, вы можете использовать таблицу (Оценка нагрузки в зонах частоты пульса, стр. 8) для определения оптимальной зоны частоты пульса и достижения поставленных спортивных целей.

Если максимальная частота пульса вам неизвестна, вы можете воспользоваться соответствующим калькулятором в сети Интернет. В некоторых тренажерных залах и фитнесцентрах можно пройти тест и определить максимальную частоту пульса. Максимальный пульс по умолчанию равен 220 ударам в минуту минус возраст.

Информация о зонах частоты пульса

Многие спортсмены используют зоны частоты пульса для оценки состояния и укрепления сердечно-сосудистой системы, а также для повышения общего уровня подготовки. Зона частоты пульса — диапазон частоты пульса за минутный отрезок времени. Зоны частоты пульса пронумерованы от 1 до 5 по нарастанию интенсивности. Обычно зоны частоты пульса рассчитываются на основе процентного значения максимальной частоты пульса.

Настройка зон частоты пульса

Устройство использует информацию профиля пользователя из первоначальной настройки для определения зон частоты пульса по умолчанию. Вы можете установить отдельные зоны частоты пульса для спортивных профилей, например для бега, велоспорта и плавания. Для получения более точных данных о калориях во время занятия установите свое максимальное значение частоты пульса. Также можно вручную установить каждую зону частоты пульса и ввести частоту пульса в состоянии покоя. Зоны можно скорректировать вручную на устройстве или с помощью своей учетной записи Garmin Connect.

1В режиме отображения циферблата нажмите и удерживайте кнопку MENU.

2Выберите Настройки > Профиль пользователя > Частота пульса.

3Выберите Максимальная частота пульса и укажите максимальную частоту пульса.

4Выберите ЧП на отдыхе и укажите частоту пульса в состоянии покоя.

Вы можете использовать средние значения частоты пульса, измеренные устройством, или указать точные значения пульса в состоянии покоя.

5 Выберите Зоны > Расчет по.

6Выберите один из следующих вариантов:

Выберите Уд./мин. для просмотра и изменения зон на основе количества ударов в минуту.

Выберите ЧП %максимум для просмотра и изменения зон на основе процентного значения максимальной частоты пульса.

Выберите %РЧП для просмотра и изменения зон на основе процентного значения резерва частоты пульса (максимальная частота пульса минус частота пульса в состоянии покоя).

7 Выберите зону и укажите значение для каждой зоны.

8Выберите ЧП по видам спорта и выберите спортивный профиль, чтобы добавить отдельные зоны частоты пульса (дополнительно).

Установка зон частоты пульса с помощью устройства

Настройки по умолчанию используют информацию вашего профиля для установки максимальной частоты пульса и зоны частоты пульса на основе процентного значения максимальной частоты пульса.

Проверьте правильность настроек вашего профиля пользователя (Настройка профиля пользователя,

стр. 7).

Регулярно выполняйте пробежки с совместимым наручным или нагрудным пульсометром.

Попробуйте несколько планов кардиотренировок, доступных в вашей учетной записи Garmin Connect.

Просмотрите тенденции изменения частоты пульса и время в зонах в вашей учетной записи Garmin Connect.

Оценка нагрузки в зонах частоты пульса







пульса в



50–60 %


Аэробная тренировка

низкий темп,

начального уровня,

ритмичное дыхание

борьба со стрессом


60–70 %

Комфортный темп,

Общая тренировка

чуть более глубокое


дыхание, можно

системы, хороший


темп восстановления


70–80 %

Средний темп, разго-

Повышение аэробной

варивать становится

способности, опти-


мальная тренировка




80–90 %

Быстрый, слегка

Повышение аэробной

некомфортный темп,

способности и порога,


улучшение показа-


телей скорости


90–100 %

Максимальный темп,

Повышение аэробной

приемлемый только

и мышечной выносли-

для коротких проме-

вости, тренировка

жутков времени,


стесненное дыхание

Отслеживание активности

Функция отслеживания активности обеспечивает регистрацию количества пройденных шагов за день, пройденного расстояния, времени интенсивной активности, пройденных этажей, сожженных калорий и статистических данных о сне за каждый регистрируемый день. Информация по количеству сожженных калорий включает в себя основной обмен веществ и калории, сжигаемые во время занятий.

Количество шагов, пройденных за день, отображается в виджете шагомера. Количество шагов периодически обновляется.

Для получения дополнительной информации об отслеживании активности и точности показателей физической формы перейдите на веб-сайт garmin.com /ataccuracy.

Автоподбор цели

Ваше устройство автоматически рассчитывает, сколько шагов вам нужно пройти за день, основываясь на имеющихся показателях активности. По мере движения в

течение дня на устройстве виден ваш прогресс .

Вместо автоматического расчета цели вы можете задать свою цель в учетной записи Garmin Connect.

Напоминание о движении

Длительное сидение может привести к нежелательному замедлению обмена веществ. Напоминание о движении поможет вам чаще двигаться. После часа бездействия на


You can learn how to correctly setup your GARMIN Instinct Solar Smartwatch using this simple user guide. It contains sections on pairing as well as managing activities.

Garmin logo

INSTINCT® SOLAR Smartwatch Owner’s Manual

GARMIN Instinct Solar Smartwatch visual diagram

© 2020 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries All rights reserved. Under copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Garmin. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content of this manual without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Go to www.garmin.com for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use of this product. Garmin ®, the Garmin logo, and ANT+ ®, Auto Lap ®, Auto Pause ®, Edge ®, inReach ®, Instinct ®, QuickFit ®, TracBack ®, VIRB ®, Virtual Partner ®, and Xero ® are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries. Body Battery ™, Garmin Connect ™, Garmin Explore ™, Garmin Express ™, Garmin Move IQ ™, HRM-Swim ™, HRM-Tri ™, Tempe ™, and TrueUp ™ are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin. Android ™ is a trademark of Google Inc. Apple ®, iPhone ®, and Mac ® are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The BLUETOOTH ® word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Garmin is under license. Advanced heartbeat analytics by Firstbeat. Windows ® and Windows NT ® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. This product is ANT+ ® certified. Visit www.thisisant.com/directory for a list of compatible products and apps. M/N: A03821



See an Important Safety and Product Information guide in the product box for product warnings and other important information. Always consult your physician before you begin or modify any exercise program.

Getting Started

When using your watch for the first time, you should complete these tasks to set it up and get to know the basic features.

  1. Press CTRL to turn on the watch (Buttons, page 1).
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the initial setup. During the initial setup, you can install the Garmin Connect™ app and pair your smartphone with your watch to receive notifications and more (Pairing Your Smartphone with Your Device, page 1).
  3. Charge the device completely (Charging the Device, page 1).
  4. Start an activity (Starting an Activity, page 2).


Buttons visual guide

 1. LIGHT CTRL Press to turn the backlight on and off. Press to turn the device on.
Hold to view the controls menu.
 2. GPS Press to view the activity list and start or stop an activity. Press to choose an option in a menu.
Hold to view GPS coordinates and save your location.
 3. BACKSET Press to return to the previous screen. Hold to view the clock menu.
 4. DOWN ABC Press to scroll through the widget loop and menus.
Hold to view the altimeter, barometer, and compass (ABC) screen.
 5. Press to scroll through the widget loop and menus. Hold to view the menu.

Using the Watch

  • Hold CTRL to view the controls menu. The controls menu provides quick access to frequently used functions, such as turning on do not disturb mode, turning on the battery saver feature, and turning the watch off.
  • From the watch face, press UP or DOWN to scroll through the widget loop. Your watch comes preloaded with widgets that provide at-a-glance information. More widgets are available when you pair your watch with a smartphone.
  • From the watch face, press GPS to start an activity or open an app (Starting an Activity, page 2).
  • Hold MENU to customize the watch face, adjust settings, and pair wireless sensors.

The controls menu contains options, such as turning on do not disturb mode, locking the keys, and turning the device off.

NOTE: You can add, reorder, and remove the options in the controls menu (Customizing the Controls Menu, page 20).

  1. From any screen, hold CTRL.
    The options menu
  2. Press UP or DOWN to scroll through the options.

Your device comes preloaded with several widgets, and more are available when you pair your device with a smartphone.

  • Press UP or DOWN. The device scrolls through the widget loop.
  • Press GPS to view additional options and functions for a widget.

Pairing Your Smartphone with Your Device

To use the connected features of the Instinct device, it must be paired directly through the Garmin Connect app, instead of from the Bluetooth® settings on your smartphone.

  1. From the app store on your smartphone, install and open the Garmin Connect app.
  2. Bring your smartphone within 10 m (33 ft.) of your device.
  3. Press CTRL to turn on the device. The first time you turn on the device, it is in pairing mode. TIP: To manually enter pairing mode, you can hold MENU, and select Settings > Pair Phone.
  4. Select an option to add your device to your Garmin Connect account:
    • If this is the first time you are pairing a device with the Garmin Connect app, follow the on-screen instructions.
    • If you already paired another device with the Garmin Connect app, from the Menu icon or menu, select Garmin Devices > Add Device, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Charging the Device


This device contains a lithium-ion battery. See an Important Safety and Product Information guide in the product box for product warnings and other important information.


To prevent corrosion, thoroughly clean and dry the contacts and the surrounding area before charging or connecting to a computer. Refer to the cleaning instructions in the appendix.

  1. Plug the small end of the USB cable into the charging port on your device.
    Plugging the watch into the power
  2. Plug the large end of the USB cable into a USB charging port.
  3. Charge the device completely.

Product Updates

On your computer, install Garmin Express™ (www.garmin.com/express). On your smartphone, install the Garmin Connect app.

This provides easy access to these services for Garmin® devices:

  • Software updates
  • Data uploads to Garmin Connect
  • Product Registration

Setting Up Garmin Express

  1. Connect the device to your computer using a USB cable.
  2. Go to www.garmin.com/express.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Solar Charging

Watch models with solar charging capability allow you to charge your watch while you use it.

Viewing the Solar Widget

From the watch face, press UP or DOWN to scroll to the solar widget.
A graph of the intensity of solar input for the last 6 hours appears.Solar intensity screen

Tips for Solar Charging

To maximize the battery life of your watch, follow these tips.

  • When you are wearing the watch, avoid covering the face with your sleeve.
  • When you are not wearing the watch, point the face toward a source of bright light, such as sunlight or fluorescent light. The watch will charge faster when exposed to sunlight because the solar charging lens is optimized for the spectrum of sunlight.
  • For maximum battery performance, charge the watch in bright sunlight.

NOTE: The watch protects itself from overheating and stops charging automatically if the internal temperature exceeds the solar charging temperature threshold (Specifications, page 23).

NOTE: The watch does not solar charge when connected to an external power source or when the battery is full.

Activities and Apps

Your device can be used for indoor, outdoor, athletic, and fitness activities. When you start an activity, the device displays and records sensor data. You can save activities and share them with the Garmin Connect community.

For more information about activity tracking and fitness metric accuracy, go to garmin.com/ataccuracy.

Starting an Activity

When you start an activity, GPS turns on automatically (if required).

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. If this is the first time you have started an activity, select the checkbox next to each activity to add to your favorites, and select Done.
  3. Select an option:
    • Select an activity from your favorites.
    • Select Activity list icon, and select an activity from the extended activity list.
  4. If the activity requires GPS signals, go outside to an area with a clear view of the sky, and wait until the device is ready.
    The device is ready after it establishes your heart rate, acquires GPS signals (if required), and connects to your wireless sensors (if required).
  5. Press GPS to start the activity timer. The device records activity data only while the activity timer is running.

Tips for Recording Activities

  • Charge the device before starting an activity (Charging the Device, page 1).
  • Press UP or DOWN to view additional data pages.

Power Modes

Power modes allow you to quickly adjust system settings, activity settings, and GPS settings to extend battery life during an activity. For example, power modes can disconnect paired sensors and turn on the UltraTrac GPS option. You can also create custom power modes.

During an activity, hold MENU, select Power Mode, and select an option.

Stopping an Activity

  1. Press GPS.
  2. Select an option:
    • To resume your activity, select Resume.
    • To save the activity and return to watch mode, select Save > Done.
    • To suspend your activity and resume it at a later time, select Resume Later.
    • To navigate back to the starting point of your activity along the path you traveled, select Back to Start > TracBack.
    NOTE: This feature is available only for activities that use GPS.
    • To navigate back to the starting point of your activity by the most direct path, select Back to Start > Straight Line.
    NOTE: This feature is available only for activities that use GPS.
    • To measure the difference between your heart rate at the end of the activity and your heart rate two minutes later, select Recovery HR, and wait while the timer counts down.
    • To discard the activity and return to watch mode, select Discard > Yes.

NOTE: After stopping the activity, the device saves it automatically after 30 minutes.

Adding or Removing a Favorite Activity

The list of your favorite activities appears when you press GPS from the watch face, and it provides quick access to the activities you use most frequently. The first time you press GPS to start an activity, the device prompts you to select your favorite activities. You can add or remove favorite activities at any time.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
    Your favorite activities appear at the top of the list with a white background. Other activities appear in the extended list with a black background.
  3. Select an option:
    • To add a favorite activity, select the activity, and select Set as Favorite.
    • To remove a favorite activity, select the activity, and select Remove from Favorites.

Creating a Custom Activity

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select Add.
  3. Select an option:
    • Select Copy Activity to create your custom activity starting from one of your saved activities.
    • Select Other to create a new custom activity.
  4. If necessary, select an activity type.
  5. Select a name or enter a custom name.
    Duplicate activity names include a number, for example, Bike(2).
  6. Select an option:
    • Select an option to customize specific activity settings. For example, you can customize the data screens or auto features.
    • Select Done to save and use the custom activity.
  7. Select Yes to add the activity to your list of favorites.

Indoor Activities

The Instinct device can be used for training indoors, such as running on an indoor track or using a stationary bike or indoor trainer. GPS is turned off for indoor activities (Activities and App Settings, page 17).

When running or walking with GPS turned off, speed, distance, and cadence are calculated using the accelerometer in the device. The accelerometer is self-calibrating. The accuracy of the speed, distance, and cadence data improves after a few outdoor runs or walks using GPS.

TIP: Holding the handrails of the treadmill reduces accuracy. You can use an optional foot pod to record pace, distance, and cadence.

Calibrating the Treadmill Distance

To record more accurate distances for your treadmill runs, you can calibrate the treadmill distance after you run at least 1.5 km (1 mi.) on a treadmill. If you use different treadmills, you can manually calibrate the treadmill distance on each treadmill or after each run.

  1. Start a treadmill activity (Starting an Activity, page 2).
  2. Run on the treadmill until your Instinct Solar device records at least 1.5 km (1 mi.).
  3. After you complete your run, press GPS.
  4. Select an option:
    • To calibrate the treadmill distance the first time, select Save.
    The device prompts you to complete the treadmill calibration.
    • To manually calibrate the treadmill distance after the first time calibration, select Calibrate & Save>Yes.
  5. Check the treadmill display for the distance traveled, and enter the distance on your device.

Recording a Strength Training Activity

You can record sets during a strength training activity. A set is multiple repetitions (reps) of a single move.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select Strength. The first time you record a strength training activity, you must select which wrist your watch is on.
  3. Press GPS to start the set timer.
  4. Start your first set. The device counts your reps. Your rep count appears when you complete at least four reps. TIP: The device can only count reps of a single move for each set. When you want to change moves, you should finish the set and start a new one.
  5. Press BACK to finish the set. The watch displays the total reps for the set. After several seconds, the rest timer appears.
  6. If necessary, press DOWN, and edit the number of reps. TIP: You can also add the weight used for the set.
  7. When you are done resting, press BACK to start your next set.
  8. Repeat for each strength training set until your activity is complete.
  9. After your last set, press GPS to stop the set timer.
  10. Select Save.

Outdoor Activities

The Instinct device comes preloaded with outdoor activities, such as running and cycling. GPS is turned on for outdoor activities. You can add new activities based on default activities, such as walking or rowing. You can also add custom activities to your device (Creating a Custom Activity, page 3).

Viewing Your Ski Runs

Your device records the details of each downhill skiing or snowboarding run using the auto-run feature. This feature is turned on by default for downhill skiing and snowboarding. It automatically records new ski runs based on your movement. The timer pauses when you stop moving downhill and when you are on a chairlift. The timer remains paused during the chairlift ride. You can start moving downhill to restart the timer. You can view run details from the paused screen or while the timer is running.

  1. Start a skiing or snowboarding activity.
  2. Hold MENU.
  3. Select View Runs.
  4. Press UP and DOWN to view details of your last run, your current run, and your total runs.

The run screens include time, distance traveled, maximum speed, average speed, and total descent.

Using the Metronome

The metronome feature plays tones at a steady rhythm to help you improve your performance by training at a faster, slower, or more consistent cadence.

NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select the activity settings.
  5. Select Metronome > Status > On.
  6. Select an option:
    • Select Beats / Minute to enter a value based on the cadence you want to maintain.
    • Select Alert Frequency to customize the frequency of the beats.
    • Select Sounds to customize the metronome tone and vibration.
  7. If necessary, select Preview to listen to the metronome feature before you run.
  8. Go for a run (Starting an Activity, page 2). The metronome starts automatically.
  9. During your run, press UP or DOWN to view the metronome screen.
  10. If necessary, hold MENU to change the metronome settings.

Starting an Expedition

You can use the Expedition app to prolong the battery life while recording a multi-day activity.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select Expedition.
  3. Press GPS to start the activity timer. The device enters low power mode and collects GPS track points once an hour. To maximize battery life, the device turns off all sensors and accessories, including the connection to your smartphone.

Changing the Track Point Recording Interval

During an expedition, GPS track points are recorded once an hour by default. You can change how often GPS track points are recorded. Recording track points less frequently maximizes battery life.

NOTE: To maximize battery life, GPS track points are not recorded after sunset. You can customize this option in the activity settings.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select Expedition.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select the activity settings.
  5. Select Recording Interval.
  6. Select an option.

Recording a Track Point Manually

During an expedition, track points are recorded automatically based on the selected recording interval. You can manually record a track point at any time.

  1. During an expedition, press UP or DOWN to view the map page.
  2. Press GPS.
  3. Select Add Point.

Viewing Track Points

  1. During an expedition, press UP or DOWN to view the map page.
  2. Press GPS.
  3. Select View Points.
  4. Select a track point from the list.
  5. Select an option:
    • To start navigating to the track point, select Go To.
    • To view detailed information about the track point, select Details.

Going Hunting

You can save locations relevant to your hunt and view a map of saved locations.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select Hunt.
  3. From the time of day data screen, press GPS > Start Hunt.
  4. From the time of day data screen, press GPS, and select an option:
    • To save your current location, select Save Location.
    • To view locations saved during this hunting activity, select Hunt Locations.
    • To view all previously saved locations, select Saved Locations.
  5. After you complete your activity, scroll to the time of day data screen, press GPS, and select End Hunt.

Going Fishing

You can keep track of your daily fish count, count down your competition time, or set an interval timer to keep track of your fishing pace.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select Fish.
  3. From the time of day data screen, press GPS > Start Fish.
  4. From the time of day data screen, press GPS and select an option:
    • To add the catch to your fish count and save the location, select Log Catch.
    • To save your current location, select Save Location.
    • To set an interval timer, end time, or end time reminder for the activity, select Fish Timers.
  5. After you complete your activity, scroll to the time of day data screen, press GPS, and select End Fish.



The device is intended for surface swimming. Scuba diving with the device may damage the product and will void the warranty.

Swim Terminology

  • Length: One trip down the pool.
  • Interval: One or more consecutive lengths. A new interval starts after a rest.
  • Stroke: A stroke is counted every time your arm wears the device complete a full cycle.
  • Swolf: Your wolf score is the sum of the time for one pool length and the number of strokes for that length. For example, 30 seconds plus 15 strokes equal a wolf score of 45. For open water swimming, the wolf is calculated over 25 meters. Seawolf is a measurement of swimming efficiency and, like golf, a lower score is better.

Stroke Types

Stroke-type identification is available only for pool swimming. Your stroke type is identified at the end of a length. Stroke types appear in your swimming history and in your Garmin Connect account. You can also select stroke type as a custom data field (Customizing the Data Screens, page 17).

Free Freestyle
Back Backstroke
Breast Breaststroke
Fly Butterfly
Mixed More than one stroke type in an interval
Drill Used with drill logging (Training with the Drill Log, page 5)

Tips for Swimming Activities

  • Before starting a pool swimming activity, follow the on-screen instructions to select your pool size or enter a custom size. The next time you start a pool swimming activity, the device uses this pool size. You can hold MENU, select the activity settings, and select Pool Size to change the size.
  • Press BACK to record a rest during pool swimming. The device automatically records swim intervals and lengths for pool swimming.
  • Press BACK to record an interval during open-water swimming.

Resting During Pool Swimming 

The default rest screen displays two rest timers. It also displays the time and distance for the last completed interval.

NOTE: Swim data is not recorded during a rest.

  1. During your swim activity, press BACK to start a rest. The display reverses to white text on a black background, and the rest screen appears.
  2. During a rest, press UP or DOWN to view other data screens (optional).
  3. Press BACK, and continue swimming.
  4. Repeat for additional rest intervals.

Auto Rest

The auto rest feature is available only for pool swimming. Your device automatically detects when you are resting, and the rest screen appears. If you rest for more than 15 seconds, the device automatically creates a rest interval. When you resume swimming, the device automatically starts a new swim interval. You can turn on the auto rest feature in the activity options (Activities and App Settings, page 17).

TIP: For best results using the auto rest feature, minimize your arm motions while resting.

If you do not want to use the auto rest feature, you can select BACK to manually mark the beginning and end of each rest interval.

Training with the Drill Log

The drill log feature is available only for pool swimming. You can use the drill log feature to manually record kick sets, one-arm swimming, or any type of swimming that is not one of the four major strokes.

  1. During your pool swim activity, press UP or DOWN to view the drill log screen.
  2. Press BACK to start the drill timer.
  3. After you complete a drilled interval, press BACK. The drill timer stops, but the activity timer continues to record the entire swim session.
  4. Select a distance for the completed drill. Distance increments are based on the pool size selected for the activity profile.
  5. Select an option:
    • To start another drill interval, press BACK.
    • To start a swim interval, press UP or DOWN to return to the swim training screens.

Turning Off Wrist-based Heart Rate While Swimming

Wrist-based heart rate is turned on by default for swimming activities.

The device is also compatible with the HRM-Pro™ accessory and the HRM-Swim™ accessory. If both wrist-based heart rate and chest heart rate data are available, your device uses the chest heart rate data.

  1. From the heart rate widget, hold MENU. NOTE: You may need to add the widget to your widget loop (Customizing the Widget Loop, page 16).
  2. Select Heart Rate Options > While Swimming > Off.


Setting Up Your User Profile

You can update your gender, birth year, height, weight, and heart rate zone settings. The device uses this information to calculate accurate training data.

  1. From the watch face, hold UP.
  2. Select Settings > User Profile.
  3. Select an option.

Fitness Goals

Knowing your heart rate zones can help you measure and improve your fitness by understanding and applying these principles.

  • Your heart rate is a good measure of exercise intensity.
  • Training in certain heart rate zones can help you improve cardiovascular capacity and strength.

If you know your maximum heart rate, you can use the table (Heart Rate Zone Calculations, page 6) to determine the best heart rate zone for your fitness objectives.

If you do not know your maximum heart rate, use one of the calculators available on the Internet. Some gyms and health centers can provide a test that measures maximum heart rate. The default maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.

About Heart Rate Zones

Many athletes use heart rate zones to measure and increase their cardiovascular strength and improve their level of fitness. A heart rate zone is a set range of heartbeats per minute. The five commonly accepted heart rate zones are numbered from 1 to 5 according to increasing intensity. Generally, heart rate zones are calculated based on percentages of your maximum heart rate.

Setting Your Heart Rate Zones

The device uses your user profile information from the initial setup to determine your default heart rate zones. You can set separate heart rate zones for sports profiles, such as running, cycling, and swimming. For the most accurate calorie data during your activity, set your maximum heart rate. You can also set each heart rate zone and enter your resting heart rate manually. You can manually adjust your zones on the device or use your Garmin Connect account.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > User Profile > Heart Rate.
  3. Select Max. HR, and enter your maximum heart rate.
  4. Select Resting HR, and enter your resting heart rate. You can use the average resting heart rate measured by your device, or you can set a custom resting heart rate.
  5. Select Zones > Based On.
  6. Select an option:
    • Select BPM to view and edit the zones in beats per minute.
    • Select %Max. HR to view and edit the zones as a percentage of your maximum heart rate.
    • Select %HRR to view and edit the zones as a percentage of your heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate).
  7. Select a zone, and enter a value for each zone.
  8. Select Sport Heart Rate, and select a sports profile to add separate heart rate zones (optional).

Letting the Device Set Your Heart Rate Zones

The default settings use your profile information to set your maximum heart rate and your heart rate zones as a percentage of your maximum heart rate.

  • Verify that your user profile settings are accurate (Setting Up Your User Profile, page 5).
  • Run often with the wrist or chest heart rate monitor.
  • Try a few heart rate training plans, available from your Garmin Connect account.
  • View your heart rate trends and time in zones using your Garmin Connect account.

Heart Rate Zone Calculations

Zone % of Maximum Heart Rate Perceived Exertion Benefits
1 50–60% Relaxed, easy pace, rhythmic breathing Beginning-level aerobic training reduces stress
2 60–70% Comfortable pace, slightly deeper breathing, conversation possible Basic cardiovascular training, good recovery pace
3 70–80% Moderate pace, more difficult to hold a conversation Improved aerobic capacity, optimal cardiovascular training
4 80–90% The fast pace and a bit uncomfortable, breathing forcefully Improved anaerobic capacity and threshold, improved speed
5 90–100% Sprinting pace, unsustainable for long periods of time, labored breathing Anaerobic and muscular endurance, increased power

Activity Tracking

The activity tracking feature records your daily step count, distance traveled, intensity minutes, floors climbed, calories burned, and sleep statistics for each recorded day. Your calories burned includes your base metabolism plus activity calories.

The number of steps taken during the day appears on the steps widget. The step count is updated periodically.
For more information about activity tracking and fitness metric accuracy, go to garmin.com/ataccuracy.

Auto Goal

Your device creates a daily step goal automatically, based on your previous activity levels. As you move during the day, the device shows your progress toward your daily goal 1.

Daily goal example

If you choose not to use the auto-goal feature, you can set a personalized step goal on your Garmin Connect account.

Using the Move Alert

Sitting for prolonged periods of time can trigger undesirable metabolic state changes. The move alert reminds you to keep moving. After one hour of inactivity, Move! and the move bar appears. Additional segments appear after every 15 minutes of inactivity. The device also beeps or vibrates if audible tones are turned on (System Settings, page 22). Go for a short walk (at least a couple of minutes) to reset the move alert.

Sleep Tracking

While you are sleeping, the device automatically detects your sleep and monitors your movement during your normal sleep hours. You can set your normal sleep hours in the user settings on your Garmin Connect account. Sleep statistics include total hours of sleep, sleep levels, and sleep movement. You can view your sleep statistics on your Garmin Connect account.
NOTE: Naps are not added to your sleep statistics. You can use do not disturb mode to turn off notifications and alerts, with the exception of alarms (Using Do Not Disturb Mode, page 6).

Using Automated Sleep Tracking

  1. Wear your device while sleeping.
  2. Upload your sleep tracking data to the Garmin Connect site (Manually Syncing Data with Garmin Connect, page 13).

You can view your sleep statistics on your Garmin Connect account.

Using Do Not Disturb Mode

You can use do not disturb mode to turn off the backlight, tone alerts, and vibration alerts. For example, you can use this mode while sleeping or watching a movie.

NOTE: You can set your normal sleep hours in the user settings on your Garmin Connect account. You can enable the During Sleep option in the system settings to automatically enter do not disturb mode during your normal sleep hours (System Settings, page 22).

NOTE: You can add options to the controls menu (Customizing the Controls Menu, page 20).

  1. Hold CTRL.
  2. SelectSleep icon.

Intensity Minutes

To improve your health, organizations such as the World Health Organization recommend at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity, such as brisk walking, or 75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity activity, such as running. The device monitors your activity intensity and tracks your time spent participating in moderate to vigorous-intensity activities (heart rate data is required to quantify vigorous intensity). You can work toward achieving your weekly intensity minutes goal by participating in at least 10 consecutive minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity activities. The device adds the number of moderate activity minutes with the number of vigorous activity minutes. Your total vigorous-intensity minutes are doubled when added.

Earning Intensity Minutes

Your Instinct Solar device calculates intensity minutes by comparing your heart rate data to your average resting heart rate. If the heart rate is turned off, the device calculates moderate intensity minutes by analyzing your steps per minute.

  • Start a timed activity for the most accurate calculation of intensity minutes.
  • Exercise for at least 10 consecutive minutes at a moderate or vigorous intensity level.
  • Wear your device all day and night for the most accurate resting heart rate.

Garmin Move IQ™

When your movements match familiar exercise patterns, the Move IQ feature automatically detects the event and displays it in your timeline. The Move IQ events show activity type and duration, but they do not appear in your activities list or newsfeed. For more detail and accuracy, you can record a timed activity on your device.

Activity Tracking Settings

Hold MENU, and select Settings > Activity Tracking.

Status: Turns off the activity tracking features.

Move Alert: Displays a message and the move bar on the digital watch face and steps screen. The device also beeps or vibrates if audible tones are turned on (System Settings,
page 22).

Goal Alerts: Allows you to turn on and off goal alerts or turn them off only during activities. Goal alerts appear for your daily steps goal, daily floors climbed goal, and weekly intensity minutes goal.

Move IQ: Allows you to turn on and off Move IQ events.
Sleep Pulse Ox: Sets your device to record pulse oximeter readings while you are inactive during the day or continuously while you sleep.

Turning Off Activity Tracking

When you turn off activity tracking, your steps, floors climbed, intensity minutes, sleep tracking and Move IQ events are not recorded.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activity Tracking > Status > Off.


You can create custom workouts that include goals for each workout step and for varied distances, times, and calories. During your activity, you can view workout-specific data screens that contain workout step information, such as the workout step distance or average step pace.

Your device includes several preloaded workouts for multiple activities. You can create and find more workouts using Garmin Connect or select a training plan that has built-in workouts and transfer them to your device.

You can schedule workouts using Garmin Connect. You can plan workouts in advance and store them on your device.

Following a Workout From Garmin Connect

Before you can download a workout from Garmin Connect, you must have a Garmin Connect account (Garmin Connect, page 13).

  1. Select an option:
    • Open the Garmin Connect app.
    • Go to connect.garmin.com.
  2. Select Training > Workouts.
  3. Find a workout, or create and save a new workout.
  4. Select Send to device icon or Send to Device.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Starting a Workout

Before you can start a workout, you must download a workout from your Garmin Connect account.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Training > My Workouts.
  5. Select a workout. NOTE: Only workouts that are compatible with the selected activity appear in the list.
  6. Select Do Workout.
  7. Press GPS to start the activity timer.

After you begin a workout, the device displays each step of the workout, step notes (optional), the target (optional), and the current workout data.

About the Training Calendar

The training calendar on your device is an extension of the training calendar or schedule you set up in Garmin Connect. After you have added a few workouts to the Garmin Connect calendar, you can send them to your device. All scheduled workouts sent to the device appear in the calendar widget. When you select a day in the calendar, you can view or do the workout. The scheduled workout stays on your device whether you complete it or skip it. When you send scheduled workouts from Garmin Connect, they overwrite the existing training calendar.

Using Garmin Connect Training Plans

Before you can download and use a training plan from Garmin Connect, you must have a Garmin Connect account (Garmin Connect, page 13), and you must pair the Instinct device with a compatible smartphone.

  1. From the Garmin Connect app, select or Menu icon .
  2. Select Training > Training Plans.
  3. Select and schedule a training plan.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. Review the training plan in your calendar.

Interval Workouts

You can create interval workouts based on distance or time. The device saves your custom interval workout until you create another interval workout. You can use open intervals for track workouts and when you are running a known distance. Creating an Interval Workout

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Training > Intervals > Edit > Interval > Type.
  5. Select Distance, Time, or Open.
    TIP: You can create an open-ended interval by selecting the Open option.
  6. If necessary, select Duration, enter a distance or time interval value for the workout, and selectCheck icon.
  7. Press BACK.
  8. Select Rest > Type.
  9. Select Distance, Time, or Open.
  10. If necessary, enter a distance or time value for the rest interval, and selectCheck icon.
  11. Press BACK.
  12. Select one or more options:
    • To set the number of repetitions, select Repeat.
    • To add an open-ended warm-up to your workout, select Warm Up > On.
    • To add an open-ended cool down to your workout, select Cool Down > On.

Starting an Interval Workout

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Training > Intervals > Do Workout.
  5. Press GPS to start the activity timer.
  6. When your interval workout has a warm-up, press BACK to begin the first interval.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions.
    After you complete all of the intervals, a message appears.

Stopping an Interval Workout

  • At any time, press BACK to stop the current interval or rest period and transition to the next interval or rest period.
  • After all intervals and rest periods are complete, press BACK to end the interval workout and transition to a timer that can be used for cool down.
  • At any time, press GPS to stop the activity timer. You can resume the timer or end the interval workout.

Using Virtual Partner®

Your Virtual Partner is a training tool designed to help you meet your goals. You can set a pace for the Virtual Partner and race against it.
NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  3. Select an activity.
  4. Select the activity settings.
  5. Select Data Screens > Add > Virtual Partner.
  6. Enter a pace or speed value.
  7. Press UP or DOWN to change the location of the Virtual Partner screen (optional).
  8. Start your activity (Starting an Activity, page 2).
  9. Press UP or DOWN to scroll to the Virtual Partner screen and see who is leading.

Setting a Training Target

The training target feature works with the Virtual Partner feature so you can train toward a set distance, distance and time, distance and pace, or distance and speed goal. During your training activity, the device gives you real-time feedback about how close you are to achieving your training target.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Training > Set a Target.
  5. Select an option:
    • Select Distance Only to select a preset distance or enter a custom distance.
    • Select Distance and Time to select a distance and time target.
    • Select Distance and Pace or Distance and Speed to select a distance and pace or speed target.
    The training target screen appears and displays your estimated finish time. The estimated finish time is based on your current performance and the time remaining.
  6. Press GPS to start the activity timer.

Canceling a Training Target

  1. During an activity, hold MENU.
  2. Select Cancel Target > Yes.

Racing a Previous Activity

You can race a previously recorded or downloaded activity. This feature works with the Virtual Partner feature so you can see how far ahead or behind you are during the activity.
NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Training > Race an Activity.
  5. Select an option:
    • Select From History to select a previously recorded activity from your device.
    • Select Downloaded to select an activity you downloaded from your Garmin Connect account.
  6. Select the activity.
    The Virtual Partner screen appears indicating your estimated finish time.
  7. Press GPS to start the activity timer.
  8. After you complete your activity, press GPS, and select Save.

Personal Records

When you complete an activity, the device displays any new personal records you achieved during that activity. Personal records include your fastest time over several typical races distances and longest run, ride or swim.

Viewing Your Personal Records

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select History > Records.
  3. Select a sport.
  4. Select a record.
  5. Select View Record.

Restoring a Personal Record

You can set each personal record back to the one previously recorded.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select History > Records.
  3. Select a sport.
  4. Select a record to restore.
  5. Select Previous > Yes.
    NOTE: This does not delete any saved activities.

Clearing a Personal Record

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select History > Records.
  3. Select a sport.
  4. Select a record to delete.
  5. Select Clear Record > Yes.
    NOTE: This does not delete any saved activities.

Clearing All Personal Records

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select History > Records.
  3. Select a sport.
  4. Select Clear All Records > Yes.
    The records are deleted for that sport only.
    NOTE: This does not delete any saved activities.


Setting an Alarm

You can set multiple alarms. You can set each alarm to sound once or to repeat regularly.

  1. From any screen, hold SET.
  2. Select Alarms.
  3. Enter the alarm time.
  4. Select Repeat, and select when the alarm should repeat (optional).
  5. Select Sounds, and select a type of notification (optional).
  6. Select Backlight > On to turn on the backlight with the alarm (optional).
  7. Select Label, and select a description for the alarm (optional).

Starting the Countdown Timer

  1. From any screen, hold SET.
  2. Select Timers.
  3. Enter the time.
  4. If necessary, select an option to edit the timer:
    • To automatically restart the timer after it expires, press UP and select Auto Restart > On.
    • To select a type of notification, press UP and select Sounds.
  5. Press GPS to start the timer.

Saving a Quick Timer

You can set up to ten separate quick timers.

  1. From any screen, hold SET.
  2. Select Timers.
  3. Select an option:
    • To save your first quick timer, enter the time, press UP, and select Save.
    • To save additional quick timers, select Add Timer, and enter the time.

Deleting a Timer

  1. From any screen, hold SET.
  2. Select Timers.
  3. Select a timer.
  4. Press UP.
  5. Select Delete.

Using the Stopwatch

  1. From any screen, hold SET.
  2. Select Stopwatch.
  3. Press GPS to start the timer.
  4. Press SET to restart the lap timer.
    Stopwatch screen
  5. The total stopwatch time 2 continues running.
  6. Press GPS to stop both timers.
  7. Press UP, and select an option.

Syncing the Time with GPS

Each time you turn on the device and acquire satellites, the device automatically detects your time zones and the current time of day. You can also manually sync the time with GPS when you change time zones and update for daylight saving time.

  1. From any screen, hold SET.
  2. Select Set Time With GPS.
  3. Wait while the device locates satellites (Acquiring Satellite Signals, page 25).

Setting Alerts

  1. From any screen, hold SET.
  2. Select Alerts.
  3. Select an option:
    • To set an alert to sound a specific number of minutes or hours before the actual sunset occurs, select Til Sunset > Status > On, select Time, and enter the time.
    • To set an alert to sound a specific number of minutes or hours before the actual sunrise occurs, select Til Sunrise > Status > On, select Time, and enter the time.
    • To set an alert to sound when a storm approaches, select Storm > On, select Rate, and select the rate of pressure change.
    • To set an alert to sound every hour, select Hourly > On.

Adding Alternate Time Zones

You can display the current time of day in additional time zones on the alternate time zones widget. You can add up to three alternate time zones.
NOTE: You may need to add the alternate time zones widget to the widget loop (Customizing the Widget Loop, page 16).

  1. From the watch face, press UP or DOWN to view the alternate time zones widget.
  2. Press GPS.
  3. Select Add Zone.
  4. Select a time zone.
  5. If necessary, rename the time zone.


Saving Your Location

You can save your current location to navigate back to it later.

  1. From any screen, hold GPS.
  2. Press GPS.
  3. If necessary, press DOWN to edit location information.

Editing Your Saved Locations

You can delete a saved location or edit its name, elevation, and position information.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select Navigate > Saved Locations.
  3. Select a saved location.
  4. Select an option to edit the location.

Viewing the Altimeter, Barometer, and Compass

The device contains an internal altimeter, barometer, and compass sensors with automatic calibration.

  1. From any screen, hold ABC.
  2. Press UP or DOWN to view separate altimeter, barometer, and compass screens.

Projecting a Waypoint

You can create a new location by projecting the distance and bearing from your current location to a new location.
NOTE: You may need to add the Project Wpt. app to the activities and apps list.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select Project Wpt..
  3. Press UP or DOWN to set the heading.
  4. Press GPS.
  5. Press DOWN to select a unit of measure.
  6. Press UP to enter the distance.
  7. Press GPS to save.
    The projected waypoint is saved with a default name.

Navigating to a Destination

You can use your device to navigate to a destination or follow a course.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Navigation.
  5. Select a category.
  6. Respond to the on-screen prompts to choose a destination.
  7. Select Go To.

Navigation information appears.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Navigation.
  5. Select a category.
  6. Respond to the on-screen prompts to choose a destination.
  7. Select Go To.
  8. Press GPS to begin navigation.

Creating and Following a Course on Your Device

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Navigation > Courses > Create New.
  5. Enter a name for the course, and select.
  6. Select Add Location.
  7. Select an option.
  8. If necessary, repeat steps 6 and 7.
  9. Select Done > Do Course.
    Navigation information appears.
  10. Press GPS to begin navigation.

Creating a Course on Garmin Connect

Before you can create a course on the Garmin Connect app, you must have a Garmin Connect account (Garmin Connect, page 13).

  1. From the Garmin Connect app, select ormenu icon.
  2. Select Training > Courses > Create Course.
  3. Select a course type.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. Select Done.
    NOTE: You can send this course to your device (Sending a Course to Your Device, page 10).

Sending a Course to Your Device

You can send a course you created using the Garmin Connect app to your device (Creating a Course on Garmin Connect, page 10).

  1. From the Garmin Connect app, select ormenu icon.
  2. Select Training > Courses.
  3. Select a course.
  4. Select > Send to Device.
  5. Select your compatible device.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Viewing or Editing Course Details

You can view or edit course details before you navigate a course.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Navigation > Courses.
  5. Press GPS to select a course.
  6. Select an option:
    • To begin navigation, select Do Course.
    • To view the course on the map and pan or zoom the map, select Map.
    • To begin the course in reverse, select Do Course in Reverse.
    • To view an elevation plot of the course, select Elevation Plot.
    • To change the course name, select Name.
    • To edit the course path, select Edit.
    • To delete the course, select Delete.

Marking and Starting Navigation to a Man Overboard Location

You can save a man overboard (MOB) location, and automatically start navigation back to it.

TIP: You can customize the hold function of the keys to access the MOB function (Customizing the Hot Keys, page 22).

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Navigation > Last MOB.
    Navigation information appears.

Navigating with Sight ‘N Go

You can point the device at an object in the distance, such as a water tower, lock in the direction, and then navigate to the object.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Navigation > Sight ‘N Go.
  5. Point the top of the watch at an object, and press GPS.
    Navigation information appears.
  6. Press GPS to begin navigation.

Navigating to Your Starting Point During an Activity

You can navigate back to the starting point of your current activity in a straight line or along the path you traveled. This feature is available only for activities that use GPS.

  1. During an activity, select GPS > Back to Start.
  2. Select an option:
    • To navigate back to the starting point of your activity along the path you traveled, select TracBack.
    • To navigate back to the starting point of your activity in a straight line, select Straight Line.
    Navigation screen
  3. Your current location1, the track to follow2, and your destination 3 appear on the map.

Navigating to the Starting Point of a Saved Activity

You can navigate back to the starting point of a saved activity in a straight line or along the path you traveled. This feature is
available only for activities that use GPS.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Navigation > Activities.
  5. Select an activity.
  6. Select Back to Start, and select an option:
    • To navigate back to the starting point of your activity along the path you traveled, select TracBack.
    • To navigate back to the starting point of your activity in a straight line, select Straight Line.
    A line appears on the map from your current location to the starting point of the last saved activity.
    NOTE: You can start the timer to prevent the device from timing out to watch mode.
  7. Press DOWN to view the compass (optional).
    The arrow points toward your starting point.

Stopping Navigation

  1. During an activity, hold MENU.
  2. Select Stop Navigation.

Calculating the Size of an Area

Before you can calculate the size of an area, you must acquire satellites.

  1. From the watch face, press GPS.
  2. Select Area Calc.
  3. Walk around the perimeter of the area.
    TIP: You can hold MENU, and select Pan/Zoom to adjust the map (Panning and Zooming the Map, page 11).
  4. Press GPS to calculate the area.
  5. Select an option:
    • To exit without saving, select Done.
    • To convert measurements of the area to a different unit of measure, select Change Units.
    • To save, select Save Activity.

Map icon represents your location on the map. Location names and symbols appear on the map. When you are navigating to a destination, your route is marked with a line on the map.

  • Map navigation (Panning and Zooming the Map, page 11)
  • Map settings (Map Settings, page 21)

Panning and Zooming the Map

  1. While navigating, press UP or DOWN to view the map.
  2. Hold MENU.
  3. Select Pan/Zoom.
  4. Select an option:
    • To toggle between panning up and down, panning left and right, or zooming, press GPS.
    • To pan or zoom the map, press UP and DOWN.
    • To quit, press BACK.


The device has a 3-axis compass with automatic calibration. The compass features an appearance change depending on your activity, whether GPS is enabled, and whether you are navigating to a destination. You can change the compass settings manually (Compass Settings, page 20). To open the compass settings quickly, you can press GPS from the compass widget.
Altimeter and Barometer
The device contains an internal altimeter and barometer. The device collects elevation and pressure data continuously, even in low-power mode. The altimeter displays your approximate elevation based on pressure changes. The barometer displays environmental pressure data based on the fixed elevation where the altimeter was most recently calibrated (Altimeter Settings, page 20). You can press GPS from the altimeter or barometer widgets to open the altimeter or barometer settings quickly.


History includes time, distance, calories, average pace or speed, lap data, and optional sensor information.
NOTE: When the device memory is full, your oldest data is overwritten.
Using History
History contains previous activities you have saved on your device.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select History > Activities.
  3. Select an activity.
  4. Select an option:
    • To view additional information about the activity, select Details.
    • To select a lap and view additional information about each lap, select Laps.
    • To select an interval and view additional information about each interval, select Intervals.
    • To select an exercise set and view additional information about each set, select Sets.
    • To view the activity on a map, select Map.
    • To view your time in each heart rate zone, select Time in Zone (Viewing Your Time in Each Heart Rate Zone, page 12).
    • To view an elevation plot of the activity, select Elevation Plot.
    • To delete the selected activity, select Delete.

Viewing Your Time in Each Heart Rate Zone
Before you can view heart rate zone data, you must complete an activity with heart rate and save the activity.
Viewing your time in each heart rate zone can help you adjust your training intensity.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select History > Activities.
  3. Select an activity.
  4. Select Time in Zone.

Viewing Data Totals
You can view the accumulated distance and time data saved to your device.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select History > Totals.
  3. If necessary, select an activity.
  4. Select an option to view weekly or monthly totals.

Using the Odometer
The odometer automatically records the total distance traveled, elevation gained, and time in activities.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select History > Totals > Odometer.
  3. Press UP or DOWN to view odometer totals.

Syncing Activities
You can sync activities from other Garmin devices to your Instinct Solar device using your Garmin Connect account. For example, you can record a ride with an Edge® device, and view your activity details on your Instinct Solar device.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select History > Options > TrueUp > On.
    When you sync your device with your smartphone, recent activities from your other Garmin devices appear on your Instinct Solar device.

Deleting History

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select History > Options.
  3. Select an option:
    • Select Delete All Activities to delete all activities from the history.
    • Select Reset Totals to reset all distance and time totals.
    NOTE: This does not delete any saved activities.

Connected Features

Connected features are available for your Instinct device when you connect the device to a compatible smartphone using Bluetooth technology. Some features require you to install the Garmin Connect app on the connected smartphone. Go to www.garmin.com/apps for more information.
Phone notifications: Displays phone notifications and messages on your Instinct device.
LiveTrack: Allows friends and family to follow your races and training activities in real-time. You can invite followers using email or social media, allowing them to view your live data on a Garmin Connect tracking page.
Activity uploads to Garmin Connect: Automatically sends your activity to your Garmin Connect account as soon as you finish recording the activity.
Weather: Allows you to view current weather conditions and weather forecasts.
Bluetooth sensors: Allows you to connect Bluetooth-compatible sensors, such as a heart rate monitor.
Find my phone: Locates your lost smartphone that is paired with your Instinct device and currently within range.
Find my device: Locates your lost Instinct device that is paired with your smartphone and currently within range.
Enabling Bluetooth Notifications
Before you can enable notifications, you must pair the Instinct device with a compatible mobile device (Pairing Your Smartphone with Your Device, page 1).

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Phone > Smart Notifications > Status >On.
  3. Select During Activity.
  4. Select a notification preference.
  5. Select a sound preference.
  6. Select Not During Activity.
  7. Select a notification preference.
  8. Select a sound preference.
  9. Select Timeout.
  10. Select the amount of time the alert for a new notification appears on the screen.

Viewing Notifications

  1. From the watch face, press UP or DOWN to view the notifications widget.
  2. Press GPS.
  3. Select a notification.
  4. Press DOWN for more options.
  5. Press BACK to return to the previous screen.

Managing Notifications
You can use your compatible smartphone to manage notifications that appear on your Instinct Solar device. Select an option:
• If you are using an iPhone® device, go to the iOS® notifications settings to select the items to show on the device.
• If you are using an Android™ smartphone, from the Garmin Connect app, select Settings > Notifications.
Turning Off the Bluetooth Smartphone Connection
You can turn off the Bluetooth smartphone connection from the controls menu.
NOTE: You can add options to the controls menu (Customizing the Controls Menu, page 20).

  1. Hold CTRL to view the controls menu.
  2. Select to turn off the Bluetooth smartphone connection on your Instinct device.

Refer to the owner’s manual for your mobile device to turn off Bluetooth technology on your mobile device.
Turning On and Off Smartphone Connection Alerts
You can set the Instinct Solar device to alert you when your paired smartphone connects and disconnects using Bluetooth technology.
NOTE: Smartphone connection alerts are turned off by default.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Phone > Alerts.

Locating a Lost Mobile Device
You can use this feature to help locate a lost mobile device that is paired using Bluetooth technology and is currently within range.
NOTE: You can add options to the controls menu (Customizing the Controls Menu, page 20).

  1. Hold CTRL to view the controls menu.
  2. Select .
    The Instinct device begins searching for your paired mobile device. An audible alert sounds on your mobile device, and the Bluetooth signal strength appears on the  Instinct device screen. The Bluetooth signal strength increases as you move closer to your mobile device.
  3. Press BACK to stop searching.

Garmin Connect
You can connect with your friends on your Garmin Connect account. Your Garmin Connect account gives you the tools to track, analyze, share, and encourage each other. Record the events of your active lifestyle including runs, walks, rides swims, hikes, and more.
You can create your free Garmin Connect account when you pair your device with your phone using the Garmin Connect app, or you can go to connect.garmin.com.
Track your progress: You can track your daily steps, join a friendly competition with your connections, and meet your goals.
Store your activities: After you complete and save a timed activity with your device, you can upload that activity to your Garmin Connect account and keep it as long as you want.
Analyze your data: You can view more detailed information about your activity, including time, distance, heart rate, calories burned, and customizable reports.
Share your activities: You can connect with friends to follow each other’s activities or post links to your activities on your favorite social networking sites.
Manage your settings: You can customize your device and user settings on your Garmin Connect account.
Updating the Software Using the Garmin Connect App 
Before you can update your device software using the Garmin Connect app, you must have a Garmin Connect account, and you must pair the device with a compatible smartphone (Pairing Your Smartphone with Your Device, page 1).
Sync your device with the Garmin Connect app (Manually Syncing Data with Garmin Connect, page 13).
When new software is available, the Garmin Connect app automatically sends the update to your device.
Updating the Software Using Garmin Express
Before you can update your device software, you must download and install the Garmin Express application and add your device (Using Garmin Connect on Your Computer, page 13).

  1. Connect the device to your computer using the USB cable.
    When new software is available, the Garmin Express application sends it to your device.
  2. After the Garmin Express application finishes sending the update, disconnect the device from your computer.
    Your device installs the update.

Using Garmin Connect on Your Computer
The Garmin Express application connects your device to your Garmin Connect account using a computer. You can use the Garmin Express application to upload your activity data to your Garmin Connect account and to send data, such as workouts or training plans, from the Garmin Connect website to your device.

  1. Connect the device to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Go to www.garmin.com/express.
  3. Download and install the Garmin Express application.
  4. Open the Garmin Express application and select Add Device.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Manually Syncing Data with Garmin Connect
NOTE: You can add options to the controls menu (Customizing the Controls Menu, page 20).

  1. Hold CTRL to view the controls menu.
  2. Select» alt=»acer 515 Chromebook Portable Laptop — Icon 2″ width=»18″ height=»14″ data-ezsrc=»https://manuals.plus/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/acer-515-Chromebook-Portable-Laptop-Icon-2.jpg» /> .

Garmin Explore™
The Garmin Explore website and mobile app allow you to plan trips and use cloud storage for your waypoints, routes, and tracks. They offer advanced planning both online and offline, allowing you to share and sync data with your compatible Garmin device. You can use the mobile app to download maps for offline access, and then navigate anywhere without using your cellular service.
You can download the Garmin Explore app from the app store on your smartphone, or you can go to explore.garmin.com.

Heart Rate Features

The Instinct Solar device has a wrist-based heart rate monitor and is also compatible with chest heart rate monitors (sold separately). You can view heart rate data on the heart rate widget. If both wrist-based heart rate and chest heart rate data are available when you start an activity, your device uses the chest heart rate data.
Using the Stress Level Widget
The stress level widget displays your current stress level and a graph of your stress level for the last several hours. It can also guide you through a breathing activity to help you relax.

  1. While you are sitting or inactive, press UP or DOWN from the watch face to view the stress level widget.
  2. Wait until the device begins the stress level reading.
    TIP: If you are too active for the watch to determine your stress level, a message appears instead of a stress level number. You can check your stress level again after several minutes of inactivity.
  3. Press GPS to view a graph of your stress level for the last 2.5 hours.
  4. To start a breathing activity, press DOWN > GPS, and enter the duration for the breathing activity in minutes.

Wrist-based Heart Rate
Wearing the Device

  • Wear the device above your wrist bone.
    NOTE: The device should be snug but comfortable. For more accurate heart rate readings, the device should not move while running or exercising. For pulse oximeter readings, you should remain motionless.
    NOTE: The optical sensor is located on the back of the device.
  • See Tips for Erratic Heart Rate Data, page 14 for more information about wrist-based heart rate.
  • See Tips for Erratic Pulse Oximeter Data, page 15 for more information about the pulse oximeter sensor.
  • For more information about accuracy, go to garmin.com/ataccuracy.
  • For more information about device wear and care, go to www.garmin.com/fitandcare.

Tips for Erratic Heart Rate Data
If the heart rate data is erratic or does not appear, you can try these tips.

  • Clean and dry your arm before putting on the device.
  • Avoid wearing sunscreen, lotion, and insect repellent under the device.
  • Avoid scratching the heart rate sensor on the back of the device.
  • Wear the device above your wrist bone. The device should be snug but comfortable.
  • Wait until the ♥ icon is solid before starting your activity.
  • Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes and get a heart rate reading before starting your activity.
    NOTE: In cold environments, warm up indoors.
  • Rinse the device with fresh water after each workout.

Viewing the Heart Rate Widget
The widget displays your current heart rate in beats per minute (bpm) and a graph of your heart rate for the last 4 hours.

  1. From the watch face, select UP or DOWN to view the heart rate widget.
    NOTE: You may need to add the widget to your widget loop (Customizing the Widget Loop, page 16).
  2. Select GPS to view your average resting heart rate values for the last 7 days.

Broadcasting Heart Rate Data to Garmin Devices
You can broadcast your heart rate data from your Instinct Solar device and view it on paired Garmin devices.
NOTE: Broadcasting heart rate data decreases battery life.

  1. From the heart rate widget, hold MENU.
  2. Select Heart Rate Options > Broadcast Heart Rate.
    The Instinct Solar device starts broadcasting your heart rate data and appears.
    NOTE: You can view only the heart rate widget while broadcasting heart rate data from the heart rate widget.
  3. Pair your Instinct Solar device with your Garmin ANT+® compatible device.
    NOTE: The pairing instructions differ for each Garmin-compatible device. See your owner’s manual.
    TIP: To stop broadcasting your heart rate data, press any button, and select Yes.

Broadcasting Heart Rate Data During an Activity
You can set up your Instinct Solar device to broadcast your heart rate data automatically when you begin an activity. For example, you can broadcast your heart rate data to an Edge device while cycling, or to a VIRB® action camera during an activity.
NOTE: Broadcasting heart rate data decreases battery life.

  1. From the heart rate widget, hold MENU.
  2. Select Heart Rate Options > Broadcast During Activity.
  3. Begin an activity (Starting an Activity, page 2).
    The Instinct Solar device starts broadcasting your heart rate data in the background.
    NOTE: There is no indication that the device is broadcasting your heart rate data during an activity.
  4. Pair your Instinct Solar device with your Garmin ANT+compatible device.
    NOTE: The pairing instructions differ for each Garmin-compatible device. See your owner’s manual.
    TIP: To stop broadcasting your heart rate data, stop the activity (Stopping an Activity, page 2).

Setting an Abnormal Heart Rate Alert

This feature only alerts you when your heart rate exceeds or drops below a certain number of beats per minute, as selected by the user, after a period of inactivity. This feature does not notify you of any potential heart condition and is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical condition or disease. Always defer to your healthcare provider for any heart-related issues.
You can set the heart rate threshold value.

  1. From the heart rate widget, hold MENU.
  2. Select Heart Rate Options > Abnormal Heart Rate Alerts.
  3. Select High Alert or Low Alert.
  4. Set the heart rate threshold value.

Each time your heart rate exceeds or drops below the threshold value, a message appears and the device vibrates.
Turning Off the Wrist-based Heart Rate Monitor
The default value for the Wrist Heart Rate setting is Auto. The device automatically uses the wrist-based heart rate monitor unless you pair an ANT+ heart rate monitor to the device.
NOTE: Disabling the wrist-based heart rate monitor also disables the wrist-based pulse oximeter sensor. You can perform a manual reading from the pulse oximeter widget.

  1. From the heart rate widget, hold MENU.
  2. Select Heart Rate Options > Status > Off.

Body Battery™
Your device analyzes your heart rate variability, stress level, sleep quality, and activity data to determine your overall Body Battery level. Like a gas gauge on a car, it indicates your
amount of available reserve energy. The Body Battery level range is from 0 to 100, where 0 to 25 is low reserve energy, 26 to 50 is medium reserve energy, 51 to 75 is high reserve energy, and 76 to 100 is very high reserve energy. You can sync your device with your Garmin Connect account to view your most up-to-date Body Battery level, long-term trends, and additional details (Tips for Improved Body Battery Data, page 15).
Viewing the Body Battery Widget
The Body Battery widget displays your current Body Battery level and a graph of your Body Battery level for the last several hours.

  1. Press UP or DOWN to view the Body Battery widget.
    NOTE: You may need to add the widget to your widget loop (Customizing the Widget Loop, page 16).
  2. Press GPS to view a combined graph of your Body Battery and stress levels.
  3. Press DOWN to see your Body Battery data since midnight.

Tips for Improved Body Battery Data

  • Your Body Battery level updates when you sync your device with your Garmin Connect account.
  • For more accurate results, wear the device while sleeping.
  • Rest and good sleep charge your Body’s Battery.
  • Strenuous activity, high stress, and poor sleep can cause your Body’s Battery to drain.
  • Food intake, as well as stimulants like caffeine, has no impact on your Body’s Battery.

Pulse Oximeter

The Instinct Solar device has a wrist-based pulse oximeter to gauge the saturation of oxygen in your blood. Knowing your oxygen saturation can help you determine how your body is adapting to exercise and stress. Your device gauges your blood oxygen level by shining light into the skin and checking how much light is absorbed. This is referred to as SpO2. On the device, your pulse oximeter readings appear as an SpO2 percentage. On your Garmin Connect account, you can view additional details about your pulse oximeter readings, including trends over multiple days (Turning On Pulse Oximeter Sleep Tracking, page 15). For more information on pulse oximeter accuracy, go to garmin.com/ataccuracy.
Getting Pulse Oximeter Readings
You can manually begin a pulse oximeter reading by viewing the pulse oximeter widget. The widget displays your most recent blood oxygen saturation percentage.

  1. While you are sitting or inactive, press UP or DOWN to view the pulse oximeter widget.
  2. Wait until the device begins the pulse oximeter reading.
  3. Remain motionless for up to 30 seconds.
    NOTE: If you are too active for the watch to get a pulse oximeter reading, a message appears instead of a percentage. You can check again after several minutes of inactivity. For best results, hold the arm wearing the device at heart level while the device reads your blood oxygen saturation.

Turning On Pulse Oximeter Sleep Tracking
You can set your device to continuously measure your blood oxygen saturation while you sleep.
NOTE: Unusual sleep positions can cause abnormally low sleep-time SpO2 readings.

  1. From the pulse oximeter widget, hold MENU.
  2. Select Sleep Pulse Ox > On.

Tips for Erratic Pulse Oximeter Data
If the pulse oximeter data is erratic or does not appear, you can try these tips.

  • Remain motionless while the device reads your blood oxygen saturation.
  • Wear the device above your wrist bone. The device should be snug but comfortable.
  • Hold the arm wearing the device at heart level while the device reads your blood oxygen saturation.
  • Use a silicone band.
  • Clean and dry your arm before putting on the device.
  • Avoid wearing sunscreen, lotion, and insect repellent under the device.
  • Avoid scratching the optical sensor on the back of the device.
  • Rinse the device with fresh water after each workout.

Customizing Your Device

Your device comes preloaded with widgets that provide at-a-glance information. Some widgets require a Bluetooth connection to a compatible smartphone.
Some widgets are not visible by default. You can add them to the widget loop manually (Customizing the Widget Loop, page 16).
ABC: Displays combined altimeter, barometer, and compass information.
Alternate time zones: Displays the current time of day in additional time zones.
Body Battery: With all-day wear, displays your current Body Battery level and a graph of your level for the last several hours.
Calendar: Displays upcoming meetings from your smartphone calendar.
Calories: Displays your calorie information for the current day.
Dog tracking: Displays your dog’s location information when you have a compatible dog tracking device paired with your Instinct device.
Floors climbed: Tracks your floors climbed and progress toward your goal.
Heart rate: Displays your current heart rate in beats per minute (bpm) and a graph of your average resting heart rate (RHR).
Intensity minutes: Tracks your time spent participating in moderate to vigorous activities, your weekly intensity minutes goal, and progress toward your goal.
inReach® controls: Allows you to send messages on your paired inReach device.
Last activity: Displays a brief summary of your last recorded activity, such as your last run, last ride, or last swim.
Last sport: Displays a brief summary of your last recorded sport.
Moon Phase: Displays the moonrise and moonset times, along with the moon phase, based on your GPS position.
Music controls: Provides music player controls for your smartphone.
My day: Displays a dynamic summary of your activity today. The metrics include timed activities, intensity minutes, floors climbed, steps, calories burned, and more.
Notifications: Alerts you to incoming calls, texts, social network updates, and more, based on your smartphone notification settings.
Pulse oximeter: This allows you to take a manual pulse oximeter reading.
Solar intensity: Displays a graph of the intensity of solar input for the last 6 hours.
Steps: Tracks your daily step count, step goal, and data for previous days.
Stress: Displays your current stress level and a graph of your stress level. You can do a breathing activity to help you relax.
Sunrise and sunset: Displays sunrise, sunset, and civil twilight times.
VIRB controls: Provides camera controls when you have a VIRB device paired with your Instinct device.
Weather: Displays the current temperature and weather forecast.
Xero® device: Displays laser location information when you have a compatible Xero device paired with your Instinct device.

Customizing the Widget Loop
You can change the order of widgets in the widget loop, remove widgets, and add new widgets.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Widgets.
  3. Select a widget.
  4. Select an option:
    • Select Reorder to change the location of the widget in the widget loop.
    • Select Remove to remove the widget from the widget loop.
  5. Select Add Widgets.
  6. Select a widget.
    The widget is added to the widget loop.

inReach Remote
The inReach remote function allows you to control your inReach device using your Instinct device. Go to buy.garmin.com to purchase an inReach device.
Using the inReach Remote
Before you can use the inReach remote function, you must add the inReach widget to the widget loop (Customizing the Widget Loop, page 16).

  1. Turn on the inReach device.
  2. On your Instinct watch, press UP or DOWN from the watch face to view the inReach widget.
  3. Press GPS to search for your inReach device.
  4. Press GPS to pair your inReach device.
  5. Press GPS, and select an option:
    • To send an SOS message, select Initiate SOS.
    NOTE: You should only use the SOS function in a real emergency situation.
    • To send a text message, select Messages > New Message, select the message contacts, and enter the message text or select a quick text option.
    • To send a preset message, select Send Preset, and select a message from the list.
    • To view the timer and distance traveled during an activity, select Tracking.

VIRB Remote
The VIRB remote function allows you to control your VIRB action camera using your device. Go to www.garmin.com/VIRB to purchase a VIRB action camera.
Controlling a VIRB Action Camera
Before you can use the VIRB remote function, you must enable the remote setting on your VIRB camera. See the VIRB Series Owner’s Manual for more information.

  1. Turn on your VIRB camera.
  2. Pair your VIRB camera with your Instinct watch (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page 22).
    The VIRB widget is automatically added to the widget loop.
  3. Press UP or DOWN from the watch face to view the VIRB widget.
  4. If necessary, wait while your watch connects to your camera.
  5. Select an option:
    • To record the video, select Start Recording.
    The video counter appears on the Instinct screen.
    • To take a photo while recording a video, press DOWN.
    • To stop recording video, press GPS.
    • To take a photo, select Take Photo.
    • To take multiple photos in burst mode, select Take Burst.
    • To send the camera to sleep mode, select Sleep Camera.
    • To wake the camera from sleep mode, select Wake Camera.
    • To change video and photo settings, select Settings.

Controlling a VIRB Action Camera During an Activity
Before you can use the VIRB remote function, you must enable the remote setting on your VIRB camera. See the VIRB Series Owner’s Manual for more information.

  1. Turn on your VIRB camera.
  2. Pair your VIRB camera with your Instinct watch (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page 22). When the camera is paired, a VIRB data screen is automatically added to activities.
  3. During an activity, press UP or DOWN to view the VIRB data screen.
  4. If necessary, wait while your watch connects to your camera.
  5. Hold MENU.
  6. Select VIRB Remote.
  7. Select an option:
    • To control the camera using the activity timer, select Settings > Recording Mode > Timer Start/Stop.
    NOTE: Video recording automatically starts and stops when you start and stop an activity.
    • To control the camera using the menu options, select Settings > Recording Mode > Manual.
    • To manually record the video, select Start Recording. The video counter appears on the Instinct screen.
    • To take a photo while recording a video, press DOWN.
    • To manually stop recording video, press GPS.
    • To take multiple photos in burst mode, select Take Burst.
    • To send the camera to sleep mode, select Sleep Camera.
    • To wake the camera from sleep mode, select Wake Camera.

Activities and App Settings
These settings allow you to customize each preloaded activity app based on your needs. For example, you can customize data pages and enable alerts and training features. Not all settings are available for all activity types.
Hold MENU, select Settings > Activities & Apps, select an activity, and select the activity settings.
3D Distance: Calculates your distance traveled using your elevation change and your horizontal movement over the ground.
3D Speed: Calculates your speed using your elevation change and your horizontal movement over the ground (3D Speed and Distance, page 19).
Alerts: Sets the training or navigation alerts for the activity.
Auto Climb: This enables the device to detect elevation changes automatically using the built-in altimeter.
Auto Lap: Sets the options for the Auto Lap® feature (Auto Lap, page 18).
Auto Pause: Sets the device to stop recording data when you stop moving or when you drop below a specified speed (Enabling Auto Pause®, page 18).
Auto Rest: This enables the device to automatically detect when you are resting during a pool swim and create a rest interval (Auto Rest, page 5).
Auto Run: This enables the device to detect ski runs automatically using the built-in accelerometer.
Auto Scroll: This enables you to move through all of the activity data screens automatically while the timer is running (Using Auto Scroll, page 19).
Background Color: Sets the background color of each activity to black or white.
Countdown Start: Enables a countdown timer for pool swimming intervals.
Data Screens: This enables you to customize data screens and add new data screens for the activity (Customizing the Data Screens, page 17).
GPS: Sets the mode for the GPS antenna. Using the GPS + GLONASS or GPS + GALILEO options provides increased performance in challenging environments and faster position acquisition. Using the GPS and another satellite together can reduce battery life more than using the GPS option only.
Using the UltraTrac option records track points and sensor data less frequently (UltraTrac, page 19).
Lap Key: This enables you to record a lap, set, or rest during the activity (Turning On and Off the Lap Key, page 19).
Metronome: Plays tones at a steady rhythm to help you improve your performance by training at a faster, slower, or more consistent cadence (Using the Metronome, page 4).
Pool Size: Sets the pool length for pool swimming.
Power Mode: Sets the default power mode for the activity.
Power Save Timeout: Sets the power-save timeout options for the activity (Power Save Timeout Settings, page 19).
Record After Sunset: Sets the device to record track points after sunset during an expedition.
Recording Interval: Sets the frequency for recording track points during an expedition (Changing the Track Point Recording Interval, page 4).
Rename: Sets the activity name.
Restore Defaults: This allows you to reset the activity settings.
Stroke Detect.: Enables stroke detection for pool swimming.
Customizing the Data Screens
You can show, hide, and change the layout and content of data screens for each activity.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  3. Select the activity to customize.
  4. Select the activity settings.
  5. Select Data Screens.
  6. Select a data screen to customize.
  7. Select an option:
    • Select Layout to adjust the number of data fields on the data screen.
    • Select a field to change the data that appears in the field.
    • Select Reorder to change the location of the data screen in the loop.
    • Select Remove to remove the data screen from the loop.
  8. If necessary, select Add to add a data screen to the loop.
    You can add a custom data screen, or select one of the predefined data screens.

Adding a Map to an Activity
You can add the map to the data screens loop for an activity.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  3. Select the activity to customize.
  4. Select the activity settings.
  5. Select Data Screens > Add > Map.

You can set alerts for each activity, which can help you to train toward specific goals, increase your awareness of your environment, and navigate to your destination. Some alerts are available only for specific activities. There are three types of
alerts: event alerts, range alerts, and recurring alerts.
Event alert: An event alert notifies you once. The event is a specific value. For example, you can set the device to alert you when you reach a specified elevation.
Range Alert: A range alert notifies you each time the device is above or below a specified range of values. For example, you can set the device to alert you when your heart rate is below 60 beats per minute (bpm) and over 210 bpm.
Recurring alert: A recurring alert notifies you each time the device records a specified value or interval. For example, you can set the device to alert you every 30 minutes.

Alert Name Alert Type Description
Cadence Range You can set minimum and maximum cadence values.
Calories Event, recurring You can set the number of calories.
Custom Event, recurring You can select an existing message or create a custom message and select an alert type.
Distance Recurring You can set a distance interval.
Elevation Range You can set minimum and maximum elevation values.
Heart Rate Range You can set minimum and maximum heart rate values or select zone changes. See About Heart Rate Zones, page 5, and Heart Rate Zone Calculations, page 6.
Pace Range You can set minimum and maximum pace values.
Proximity Event You can set a radius from a saved location.
Run/Walk Recurring You can set timed walking breaks at regular intervals.
Speed Range You can set minimum and maximum speed values.
Stroke Rate Range You can set high or low strokes per minute.
Time Event, recurring You can set a time interval.

Setting an Alert

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  3. Select an activity.
    NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.
  4. Select the activity settings.
  5. Select Alerts.
  6. Select an option:
    • Select Add New to add a new alert for the activity.
    • Select the alert name to edit an existing alert.
  7. If necessary, select the type of alert.
  8. Select a zone, enter the minimum and maximum values, or enter a custom value for the alert.
  9. If necessary, turn on the alert.

For event and recurring alerts, a message appears each time you reach the alert value. For range alerts, a message appears each time you exceed or drop below the specified range
(minimum and maximum values).
Auto Lap
Marking Laps by Distance
You can use Auto Lap to mark a lap at a specific distance automatically. This feature is helpful for comparing your performance over different parts of the activity (for example, every 1 mile or 5 kilometers).

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  3. Select an activity.
    NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.
  4. Select the activity settings.
  5. Select Auto Lap.
  6. Select an option:
    • Select Auto Lap to turn Auto Lap on or off.
    • Select Auto Distance to adjust the distance between laps.

Each time you complete a lap, a message appears that displays the time for that lap. The device also beeps or vibrates if audible tones are turned on (System Settings, page 22).
If necessary, you can customize the data pages to display additional lap data (Customizing the Data Screens, page 17).
Customizing the Lap Alert Message
You can customize one or two data fields that appear in the lap alert message.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  3. Select an activity.
    NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.
  4. Select the activity settings.
  5. Select Auto Lap > Lap Alert.
  6. Select a data field to change it.
  7. Select Preview (optional).

Enabling Auto Pause®
You can use the Auto Pause feature to pause the timer automatically when you stop moving. This feature is helpful if your activity includes stoplights or other places where you must stop.
NOTE: History is not recorded while the timer is stopped or paused.

  • Hold MENU.
  • Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  • Select an activity.
    NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.
  • Select the activity settings.
  • Select Auto Pause.
  • Select an option:
    • To pause the timer automatically when you stop moving, select When Stopped.
    • To pause the timer automatically when your pace or speed drops below a specified level, select Custom.

Enabling Auto Climb
You can use the auto climb feature to detect elevation changes automatically. You can use it during activities such as climbing, hiking, running, or biking.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  3. Select an activity.
    NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.
  4. Select the activity settings.
  5. Select Auto Climb > Status > On.
  6. Select an option:
    • Select Run Screen to identify which data screen appears while running.
    • Select Climb Screen to identify which data screen appears while climbing.
    • Select Invert Colors to reverse the display colors when changing modes.
    • Select Vertical Speed to set the rate of ascent over time.
    • Select Mode Switch to set how quickly the device changes modes.

3D Speed and Distance
You can set 3D speed and distance to calculate your speed or distance using both your elevation change and your horizontal movement over the ground. You can use it during activities such as skiing, climbing, navigating, hiking, running, or biking.
Turning On and Off the Lap Key
You can turn on the Lap Key set to record a lap or a rest during an activity using BACK. You can turn off the Lap Key setting to avoid recording laps due to accidental key presses during an activity.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  3. Select an activity.
  4. Select the activity settings.
  5. Select Lap Key.
    The lap key status changes to On or Off based on the current setting.

Using Auto-Scroll
You can use the auto-scroll feature to cycle through all of the activity data screens automatically while the timer is running.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  3. Select an activity.
    NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.
  4. Select the activity settings.
  5. Select Auto-Scroll.
  6. Select a display speed.

Changing the GPS Setting
For more information about GPS, go to www.garmin.com/aboutGPS.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  3. Select the activity to customize.
  4. Select the activity settings.
  5. Select GPS.
  6. Select an option:
    • Select Off to disable GPS for the activity.
    • Select Normal (GPS Only) to enable the GPS satellite system.
    • Select GPS + GLONASS (Russian satellite system) for more accurate position information in situations with poor sky visibility.
    • Select GPS + GALILEO (European Union satellite system) for more accurate position information in situations with poor sky visibility.
    • Select UltraTrac to record track points and sensor data less frequently (UltraTrac, page 19).
    NOTE: Using GPS and another satellite together can reduce battery life more quickly than using GPS only (GPS and Other Satellite Systems, page 19).

GPS and Other Satellite Systems
Using GPS and another satellite system together offers increased performance in challenging environments and faster position acquisition than using GPS only. However, using multiple systems can reduce battery life more quickly than using GPS only.
Your device can use these Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).
GPS: A satellite constellation built by the United States.
GLONASS: A satellite constellation built by Russia.
GALILEO: A satellite constellation built by the European Space Agency.
The UltraTrac feature is a GPS setting that records track points and sensor data less frequently. Enabling the UltraTrac feature increases battery life but decreases the quality of recorded activities. You should use the UltraTrac feature for activities that demand longer battery life and for which frequent sensor data updates are less important.
Power Save Timeout Settings
The timeout settings affect how long your device stays in training mode, for example, when you are waiting for a race to start. Hold MENU, select Settings > Activities & Apps, select an activity, and select the activity settings. Select Power Save Timeout to adjust the timeout settings for the activity.
Normal: Sets the device to enter low-power watch mode after 5 minutes of inactivity.
Extended: Sets the device to enter low-power watch mode after 25 minutes of inactivity. The extended mode can result in shorter battery life between charges.
Customizing Your Activity List

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  3. Select an option:
    • Select an activity to customize the settings, set the activity as a favorite, change the order of appearance, and more.
    • Select Add to add more activities or create custom activities.

Removing an Activity or App

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  3. Select an activity.
  4. Select an option:
    • To remove an activity from your list of favorites, select Remove from Favorites.
    • To delete the activity from the apps list, select Remove.

Customizing the Controls Menu
You can add, remove, and change the order of the shortcut menu options in the controls menu (Viewing the Controls Menu, page 1).

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Controls.
  3. Select a shortcut to customize.
  4. Select an option:
    • Select Reorder to change the location of the shortcut in the controls menu.
    • Select Remove to remove the shortcut from the controls menu.
  5. If necessary, select Add New to add an additional shortcut to the controls menu.

Customizing the Watch Face
You can customize the watch’s face information and appearance.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Watch Face.
  3. Press UP or DOWN to preview the watch face options.
  4. Press GPS.
  5. Select an option:
    • To activate the watch face, select Apply.
    • To customize the data that appears on the watch face, select Customize, press UP or DOWN to preview the options, and press GPS.

Sensors Settings
Compass Settings
Hold MENU, and select Settings > Sensors & Accessories >Compass.
Calibrate: Allows you to manually calibrate the compass sensor (Calibrating the Compass Manually, page 20).
Display: Sets the directional heading on the compass to degrees or milliradians.
North Ref.: Sets the north reference of the compass (Setting the North Reference, page 20).
Mode: Sets the compass to use electronic-sensor data only (On), a combination of GPS and electronic-sensor data when moving (Auto), or GPS data only (Off).
Calibrating the Compass Manually 
Calibrate the electronic compass outdoors. To improve heading accuracy, do not stand near objects that influence magnetic fields, such as vehicles, buildings, and overhead power lines. Your device was already calibrated at the factory, and the device uses automatic calibration by default. If you experience irregular compass behavior, for example, after moving long distances or after extreme temperature changes, you can manually calibrate the compass.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Compass >Calibrate > Start.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
    TIP: Move your wrist in a small figure-eight motion until a message appears.

Setting the North Reference
You can set the directional reference used in calculating heading information.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Compass >North Ref.
  3. Select an option:
    • To set geographic north as the heading reference, select True.
    • To set the magnetic declination for your location automatically, select Magnetic.
    • To set grid north (000º) as the heading reference, select Grid.
    • To set the magnetic variation value manually, select User, enter the magnetic variance, and select Done.

Altimeter Settings
Hold MENU, and select Settings > Sensors & Accessories >Altimeter.
Calibrate: This allows you to manually calibrate the altimeter sensor.
Auto Cal.: Allows the altimeter to self-calibrate each time you turn on GPS tracking.
Elevation: Sets the units of measure for elevation.
Calibrating the Barometric Altimeter
Your device was already calibrated at the factory, and the device uses automatic calibration at your GPS starting point by default. You can manually calibrate the barometric altimeter if you know the correct elevation.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Altimeter.
  3. Select an option:
    • To calibrate automatically from your GPS starting point, select Auto Cal., and select an option.
    • To enter the current elevation manually, select Calibrate > Yes.
    • To enter the current elevation from the digital elevation model, select Calibrate > Use DEM.
    NOTE: Some devices require a phone connection to use DEM for calibration.
    • To enter the current elevation from your GPS starting point, select Calibrate > Use GPS.

Barometer Settings
Hold MENU, and select Settings > Sensors & Accessories >Barometer.
Calibrate: This allows you to manually calibrate the barometer sensor.
Plot: Sets the time scale for the chart in the barometer widget.
Storm Alert: Sets the rate of barometric pressure change that triggers a storm alert.
Watch Mode: Sets the sensor used in watch mode. The Auto option uses both the altimeter and barometer according to your movement. You can use the Altimeter option when your activity involves changes in altitude or the Barometer option when your activity does not involve changes in altitude.
Pressure: Sets how the device displays pressure data.
Calibrating the Barometer
Your device was already calibrated at the factory, and the device uses automatic calibration at your GPS starting point by default. You can manually calibrate the barometer if you know the correct elevation or the correct sea level pressure.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Barometer >Calibrate.
  3. Select an option:
    • To enter the current elevation and sea level pressure (optional), select Yes.
    • To calibrate automatically from the digital elevation model, select Use DEM.
    NOTE: Some devices require a phone connection to use DEM for calibration.
    • To calibrate automatically from your GPS starting point, select Use GPS.

Xero Laser Location Settings
Before you can customize laser location settings, you must pair a compatible Xero device (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page 22).
Hold MENU, and select Sensors & Accessories > XERO Laser Locations > Laser Locations.
During Activity: Enables the display of laser location information from a compatible, paired Xero device during an activity.
Share Mode: Allows you to share laser location information publicly or broadcast it privately.
Map Settings
You can customize how the map appears in the map app and data screens.
From the watch face, hold MENU, and select Settings > Map.
Orientation: Sets the orientation of the map. The North Up option shows north at the top of the screen. The Track Up option shows your current direction of travel at the top of the screen.
User Locations: Shows or hides saved locations on the map.
Auto Zoom: Automatically selects the zoom level for optimal use of your map. When disabled, you must zoom in or out manually.
Navigation Settings
You can customize the map features and appearance when navigating to a destination.
Customizing Map Features

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Navigation > Data Screens.
  3. Select an option:
    • Select Map to turn on or off the map.
    • Select Elevation Plot to turn on or off the elevation plot.
    • Select a screen to add, remove, or customize.

Heading Settings
You can set the behavior of the pointer that appears when navigating.
Hold MENU, and select Settings > Navigation > Type.
Bearing: Points in the direction of your destination.
Course: Shows your relationship to the course line leading to the destination.
Setting Navigation Alerts
You can set alerts to help you navigate to your destination.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Navigation > Alerts.
  3. Select an option:
    • To set an alert for a specified distance from your final destination, select Final Distance.
    • To set an alert for the estimated time remaining until you reach your final destination, select Final ETE.
    • To set an alert when you stray from the course, select Off Course.
  4. If necessary, select Status to turn on the alert.
  5. If necessary, enter a distance or time value, and select .

Power Manager Settings
Hold MENU, and select Settings > Power Manager.
Battery Saver: Allows you to customize system settings to extend battery life in watch mode (Customizing the Battery Saver Feature, page 21).
Power Modes: Allows you to customize system settings, activity settings, and GPS settings to extend battery life during an activity (Customizing Power Modes, page 21).
Customizing the Battery Saver Feature 
The battery saver feature allows you to quickly adjust system settings to extend battery life in watch mode.
You can turn on the battery saver feature from the controls menu (Viewing the Controls Menu, page 1).

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Power Manager > Battery Saver.
  3. Select Status to turn on the battery-saver feature.
  4. Select Edit, and select an option:
    • Select Watch Face to enable a low-power watch face that updates once per minute.
    • Select Phone to disconnect your paired phone.
    • Select Activity Tracking to turn off all-day activity tracking, including steps, floors climbed, intensity minutes, sleep tracking, and Move IQ events.
    • Select Wrist Heart Rate to turn off the wrist heart rate monitor.
    • Select Backlight to disable the automatic backlight.
    The watch displays the hours of battery life gained with each setting change.
  5. Select During Sleep to enable the battery-saver feature during your normal sleep hours.
    TIP: You can set your normal sleep hours in the user settings on your Garmin Connect account.
  6. Select Low Battery Alert to receive an alert when the battery is low.

Customizing Power Modes
Your device comes preloaded with several power modes, allowing you to quickly adjust system settings, activity settings, and GPS settings to extend battery life during an activity. You can customize existing power modes and create new custom power modes.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Power Manager > Power Modes.
  3. Select an option:
    • Select a power mode to customize.
    • Select Add to create a custom power mode.
  4. If necessary, enter a custom name.
  5. Select an option to customize specific power mode settings.
    For example, you can change the GPS setting or disconnect your paired phone.
    The watch displays the hours of battery life gained with each setting change.
  6. If necessary, select Done to save and use the custom power mode.

Restoring a Power Mode
You can reset a preloaded power mode to the factory default settings.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Power Manager > Power Modes.
  3. Select a preloaded power mode.
  4. Select Restore > Yes.

System Settings
Hold MENU, and select Settings > System.
Language: Sets the language displayed on the device.
Time: Adjusts the time settings (Time Settings, page 22).
Backlight: Adjusts the backlight settings (Changing the Backlight Settings, page 22).
Sounds: Sets the device sounds, such as key tones, alerts, and vibrations.
Do Not Disturb: Turns on or off do not disturb mode. Use the During Sleep option to turn on do not disturb mode automatically during your normal sleep hours. You can set
your normal sleep hours on your Garmin Connect account.
Hot Keys: Allows you to assign shortcuts to devise keys (Customizing the Hot Keys, page 22).
Auto Lock: Allows you to lock the keys automatically to prevent accidental key presses. Use the During Activity option to lock the keys during a timed activity. Use the Not During Activity option to lock the keys when you are not recording a timed activity.
Units: Sets the units of measure used on the device (Changing the Units of Measure, page 22).
Format: Sets general format preferences, such as the pace and speed shown during activities, the start of the week, and geographical position format and datum options.
Data Recording: Sets how the device records activity data. The Smart recording option (default) allows for longer activity recordings. The Every Second recording option provides more detailed activity recordings, but may not record entire activities that last for longer periods of time.
USB Mode: Sets the device to use mass storage mode or Garmin mode when connected to a computer.
Reset: Allows you to reset user data and settings (Resetting All Default Settings, page 25).
Software Update: Allows you to install software updates downloaded using Garmin Express.
Time Settings
Hold MENU, and select Settings > System > Time.
Time Format: Sets the device to show time in a 12-hour, 24-hour, or military format.
Set Time: Sets the time zone for the device. The Auto option sets the time zone automatically based on your GPS position.
Time: Allows you to adjust the time if it is set to the Manual option.
Alerts: Allows you to set hourly alerts, as well as sunrise and sunset alerts that sound a specific number of minutes or hours before the actual sunrise or sunset occurs.
Sync With GPS: Allows you to manually sync the time with GPS when you change time zones, and to update for daylight saving time.
Changing the Backlight Settings 

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > System > Backlight.
  3. Select an option:
    • Select During Activity.
    • Select Not During Activity.
  4. Select an option:
    • Select Keys to turn on the backlight for key presses.
    • Select Alerts to turn on the backlight for alerts.
    • Select Gesture to turn on the backlight by raising and turning your arm to look at your wrist.
    • Select Timeout to set the length of time before the backlight turns off.
    • Select Brightness to set the brightness level of the backlight.

Customizing the Hot Keys
You can customize the hold function of individual keys and combinations of keys.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > System > Hot Keys.
  3. Select a key or combination of keys to customize.
  4. Select a function.

Changing the Units of Measure
You can customize the units of measure displayed on the device.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > System > Units.
  3. Select a measurement type.
  4. Select a unit of measure.

Viewing Device Information
You can view device information, such as the unit ID, software version, regulatory information, and license agreement.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > About.

Viewing E-label Regulatory and Compliance Information
The label for this device is provided electronically. The e-label may provide regulatory information, such as identification numbers provided by the FCC or regional compliance markings, as well as applicable product and licensing information.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > About.

Wireless Sensors

Your device can be used with wireless ANT+ or Bluetooth sensors. For more information about compatibility and purchasing optional sensors, go to buy.garmin.com.
Pairing Your Wireless Sensors
The first time you connect a wireless sensor to your device using ANT+ or Bluetooth technology, you must pair the device and sensor. After they are paired, the device connects to the sensor automatically when you start an activity and the sensor is active and within range.

  1. If you are pairing a heart rate monitor, put on the heart rate monitor.
    The heart rate monitor does not send or receive data until you put it on.
  2. Bring the device within 3 m (10 ft.) of the sensor.
    NOTE: Stay 10 m (33 ft.) away from other wireless sensors while pairing.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Add New.
  5. Select an option:
    • Select Search All.
    • Select your sensor type.

After the sensor is paired with your device, the sensor status changes from Searching to Connected. Sensor data appears in the data screen loop or a custom data field.
Using an Optional Bike Speed or Cadence Sensor
You can use a compatible bike speed or a cadence sensor to send data to your device.

  • Pair the sensor with your device (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page 22).
  • Set your wheel size (Wheel Size and Circumference, page 28).
  • Go for a ride (Starting an Activity, page 2).

Foot Pod
Your device is compatible with the foot pod. You can use the foot pod to record pace and distance instead of using GPS when you are training indoors or when your GPS signal is weak. The foot pod is on standby and ready to send data (like the heart rate monitor).
After 30 minutes of inactivity, the foot pod powers off to conserve the battery. When the battery is low, a message appears on your device. Approximately five hours of battery life remain.
Improving Foot Pod Calibration
Before you can calibrate your device, you must acquire GPS signals and pair your device with the foot pod (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page 22).
The foot pod is self-calibrating, but you can improve the accuracy of the speed and distance data with a few outdoor runs using GPS.

  1. Stand outside for 5 minutes with a clear view of the sky.
  2. Start a running activity.
  3. Run on a track without stopping for 10 minutes.
  4. Stop your activity and save it.

Based on the recorded data, the foot pod calibration value changes, if necessary. You should not need to calibrate the foot pod again unless your running style changes.
Calibrating Your Foot Pod Manually
Before you can calibrate your device, you must pair your device with the foot pod sensor (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page 22).
Manual calibration is recommended if you know your calibration factor. If you have calibrated a foot pod with another Garmin product, you may know your calibration factor.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories.
  3. Select your foot pod.
  4. Select Cal. Factor > Set Value.
  5. Adjust the calibration factor:
    • Increase the calibration factor if your distance is too low.
    • Decrease the calibration factor if your distance is too high.

Setting Foot Pod Speed and Distance
Before you can customize the foot pod speed and distance, you must pair your device with the foot pod sensor (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page 22).
You can set your device to calculate speed and distance using your foot pod data instead of GPS data.

  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories.
  3. Select your foot pod.
  4. Select Speed or Distance.
  5. Select an option:
    • Select Indoor when you are training with GPS turned off, usually indoors.
    • Select Always to use your foot pod data regardless of the GPS setting.

The temple is an ANT+ wireless temperature sensor. You can attach the sensor to a secure strap or loop where it is exposed to ambient air, and therefore, provides a consistent source of accurate temperature data. You must pair the tempe with your device to display temperature data from the temple.

Device Information


Battery type Rechargeable, built-in lithium-ion battery
Battery life Up to 24 days in smartwatch mode
Water rating 10 ATM1
Operating and storage temperature range From -20º to 60ºC (from -4º to 140ºF)
USB charging temperature range From 0º to 45ºC (from 32º to 113ºF)
Solar charging temperature range From 0º to 60ºC (from 32º to 140ºF)
Wireless frequency/protocol 2.4 GHz @ 0 dBm nominal

Battery Life Information
The actual battery life depends on the features enabled on your devices, such as activity tracking, wrist-based heart rate, smartphone notifications, GPS, internal sensors, and connected sensors (Maximizing the Battery Life, page 25).

Battery Life Battery Life With Solar Mode
Up to 24 days Up to 24 days plus 30 days2 Smartwatch mode with activity tracking and 24/7 wrist-based heart rate monitoring
Up to 30 hours Up to 30 hours plus 8 hours3 GPS mode with wrist-based heart rate
Up to 70 hours Up to 70 hours plus 75 hours3 Max. battery GPS mode
Up to 28 days Up to 28 days plus 40 days2 Expedition GPS mode
Up to 56 days Up to 56 days plus unlimited2 Battery saver watch mode

Data Management
NOTE: The device is not compatible with Windows® 95, 98, Me, Windows NT®, and Mac® OS 10.3 and earlier.
Disconnecting the USB Cable
If your device is connected to your computer as a removable drive or volume, you must safely disconnect your device from your computer to avoid data loss. If your device is connected to your Windows computer as a portable device, it is not necessary to safely disconnect the device.

  1. Complete an action:
    • For Windows computers, select the Safely Remove Hardware icon in the system tray and select your device.
    • For Apple® computers, select the device, and select File >Eject.
    1 The device withstands pressure equivalent to a depth of 100 m. For more information, go to www.garmin.com/waterrating.
    2 All-day wear with 3 hr./day outside in 50,000 lux conditions.
    3 With use in 50,000 lux conditions.
  2. Disconnect the cable from your computer.

Deleting Files
If you do not know the purpose of a file, do not delete it. Your device memory contains important system files that should not be deleted.

  1. Open the Garmin drive or volume.
  2. If necessary, open a folder or volume.
  3. Select a file.
  4. Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
    NOTE: If you are using an Apple computer, you must empty the Trash folder to completely remove the files.

Device Maintenance

Device Care
Do not use a sharp object to clean the device.
Avoid chemical cleaners, solvents, and insect repellents that can damage plastic components and finishes.
Thoroughly rinse the device with fresh water after exposure to chlorine, salt water, sunscreen, cosmetics, alcohol, or other harsh chemicals. Prolonged exposure to these substances can damage the case.
Avoid pressing the keys underwater.
Avoid extreme shock and harsh treatment, because it can degrade the life of the product.
Do not store the device where prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures can occur, because it can cause permanent damage.
Cleaning the Device
Even small amounts of sweat or moisture can cause corrosion of the electrical contacts when connected to a charger.
Corrosion can prevent charging and data transfer.

  1. Wipe the device using a cloth dampened with a mild detergent solution.
  2. Wipe it dry.
    After cleaning, allow the device to dry completely.
    TIP: For more information, go to www.garmin.com/fitandcare.

Changing the Bands
You can replace the bands with new Instinct bands or compatible QuickFit® 22 bands.

  1. Use a paper clip to push in the watch pin.
  2. Remove the band from the watch.
  3. Select an option:
    • To install Instinct bands, align one side of the new band with the holes on the device, push in the exposed watch pin, and press the band into place.
    NOTE: Make sure the band is secure. The watch pin should align with the holes on the device.
    • To install QuickFit 22 bands, remove the watch pin from the Instinct band, replace the watch pin on the device, and press the new band into place.
    NOTE: Make sure the band is secure. The latch should close over the watch pin.
  4. Repeat the steps to change the other band.


My device is in the wrong language
You can change the device language selection if you have accidentally selected the wrong language on the device.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Scroll down to the last item in the list and press GPS.
  3. Scroll down to the second to last item in the list, and press GPS.
  4. Press GPS.
  5. Select your language.
  6. Press GPS.

Managing Language Files
You can remove language files from your device to increase the amount of available storage space. If necessary, you can install the language files again later.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > System > Language.
  3. Select a language.
  4. Select an option:
    • To remove the language file, select Delete.
    • To install the language file, select Install, connect the device to your computer using a USB cable, and sync with the Garmin Express application.

Is my smartphone compatible with my device?
The Instinct Solar device is compatible with smartphones using Bluetooth technology.
Go to www.garmin.com/ble for compatibility information.
My phone will not connect to the device
If your phone will not connect to the device, you can try these tips.

  • Turn off your smartphone and your device, and turn them back on again.
  • Enable Bluetooth technology on your smartphone.
  • Update the Garmin Connect app to the latest version.
  • Remove your device from the Garmin Connect app and the Bluetooth settings on your smartphone to retry the pairing process.
  • If you bought a new smartphone, remove your device from the Garmin Connect app on the smartphone you intend to stop using.
  • Bring your smartphone within 10 m (33 ft.) of the device.
  • On your smartphone, open the Garmin Connect app, select or , and select Garmin Devices > Add Device to enter pairing mode.
  • From the watch face, hold MENU, and select Settings >Phone > Pair Phone.

Can I use my Bluetooth sensor with my watch?
The device is compatible with some Bluetooth sensors. The first time you connect a sensor to your Garmin device, you must pair the device and the sensor. After they are paired, the device connects to the sensor automatically when you start an activity and the sensor is active and within range.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Add New.
  3. Select an option:
    • Select Search All.
    • Select your sensor type.
    You can customize the optional data fields (Customizing the Data Screens, page 17).

Restarting Your Device

  1. Hold CTRL until the device turns off.
  2. Hold CTRL to turn on the device.

Resetting All Default Settings
You can reset all of the device settings to the factory default values.

  1. Hold MENU.
  2. Select Settings > System > Reset.
  3. Select an option:
    • To reset all of the device settings to the factory default values and delete all user-entered information and activity history, select Delete Data and Reset Settings.
    • To reset all of the device settings to the factory default values and save all user-entered information and activity history, select Reset Default Settings.

Acquiring Satellite Signals
The device may need a clear view of the sky to acquire satellite signals. The time and date are set automatically based on the GPS position.
TIP: For more information about GPS, go to www.garmin.com/aboutGPS.

  1. Go outdoors to an open area.
    The front of the device should be oriented toward the sky.
  2. Wait while the device locates satellites.
    It may take 30–60 seconds to locate satellite signals.

Improving GPS Satellite Reception

  • Frequently sync the device to your Garmin Connect account:
    ◦ Connect your device to a computer using the USB cable and the Garmin Express application.
    ◦ Sync your device to the Garmin Connect app using your Bluetooth-enabled smartphone.
    While connected to your Garmin Connect account, the device downloads several days of satellite data, allowing it to quickly locate satellite signals.
  • Take your device outside to an open area away from tall buildings and trees.
  • Remain stationary for a few minutes.

The temperature reading is not accurate
Your body temperature affects the temperature reading for the internal temperature sensor. To get the most accurate temperature reading, you should remove the watch from your wrist and wait 20 to 30 minutes.
You can also use an optional tempe external temperature sensor to view accurate ambient temperature readings while wearing the watch.
Maximizing the Battery Life
You can do several things to extend the life of the battery.

  • Change the power mode during an activity (Power Modes, page 2).
  • Turn on the battery saver feature from the controls menu (Viewing the Controls Menu, page 1).
  • Reduce the backlight timeout (Changing the Backlight Settings, page 22).
  • Reduce the backlight brightness.
  • Use UltraTrac GPS mode for your activity (UltraTrac, page 19).
  • Turn off Bluetooth technology when you are not using connected features (Connected Features, page 12).
  • When pausing your activity for a longer period of time, use the resume later option (Stopping an Activity, page 2).
  • Turn off activity tracking (Turning Off Activity Tracking, page 7).
  • Use a watch face that is not updated every second. For example, use a watch face without a second hand (Customizing the Watch Face, page 20).
  • Limit the smartphone notifications the device displays (Managing Notifications, page 12).
  • Stop broadcasting heart rate data to paired Garmin devices (Broadcasting Heart Rate Data to Garmin Devices, page 14).
  • Turn off wrist-based heart rate monitoring (Turning Off the Wrist-based Heart Rate Monitor, page 15).
    NOTE: Wrist-based heart rate monitoring is used to calculate vigorous-intensity minutes and calories burned.
  • Turn on manual pulse oximeter readings.

Activity Tracking
For more information about activity tracking accuracy, go to garmin.com/ataccuracy.
My daily step count does not appear The daily step count is reset every night at midnight.
If dashes appear instead of your step count, allow the device to acquire satellite signals and set the time automatically.
My step count does not seem accurate If your step count does not seem accurate, you can try these tips.

  • Wear the device on your non-dominant wrist.
  • Carry the device in your pocket when pushing a stroller or lawn mower.
  • Carry the device in your pocket when actively using your hands or arms only.
    NOTE: The device may interpret some repetitive motions, such as washing dishes, folding laundry, or clapping your hands, as steps.

The step counts on my device and my Garmin Connect account don’t match
The step counts on your Garmin Connect account update when you sync your device.

  1. Select an option:
    • Sync your step count with the Garmin Connect application (Using Garmin Connect on Your Computer, page 13).
    • Sync your step count with the Garmin Connect app (Manually Syncing Data with Garmin Connect, page 13).
  2. Wait while the device syncs your data.
    Syncing can take several minutes.
    NOTE: Refreshing the Garmin Connect app or the Garmin Connect application does not sync your data or update your step count.

The floors climbed amount does not seem accurate
Your device uses an internal barometer to measure elevation changes as you climb floors. A floor climbed is equal to 3 m (10 ft.).

  • Avoid holding handrails or skipping steps while climbing stairs.
  • In windy environments, cover the device with your sleeve or jacket as strong gusts can cause erratic readings.

My intensity minutes are flashing
When you exercise at an intensity level that qualifies toward your intensity minutes goal, the intensity minutes flash. Exercise for at least 10 consecutive minutes at a moderate or
vigorous intensity level.
Getting More Information
You can find more information about this product on the Garmin website.

  • Go to support.garmin.com for additional manuals, articles, and software updates.
  • Go to buy.garmin.com, or contact your Garmin dealer for information about optional accessories and replacement parts.
  • Go to www.garmin.com/ataccuracy for information about feature accuracy. This is not a medical device.


Data Fields
%HRR: The percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate).
24-Hour Max.: The maximum temperature recorded in the last
24 hours from a compatible temperature sensor.
24-Hour Min.: The minimum temperature recorded in the last
24 hours from a compatible temperature sensor.
Ambient Press.: The uncalibrated ambient pressure.
Average HR: The average heart rate for the current activity.
Average Pace: The average pace for the current activity.
Average Swolf: The average wolf score for the current activity.
Your wolf score is the sum of the time for one length plus the number of strokes for that length (Swim Terminology, page 4). In open water swimming, 25 meters is used to calculate your wolf score.
Avg. %HRR: The average percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate) for the current activity.
Avg. Ascent: The average vertical distance of ascent since the last reset.
Avg. Cadence: Cycling. The average cadence for the current activity.
Avg. Cadence: Running. The average cadence for the current activity.
Avg. Descent: The average vertical distance of descent since the last reset.
Avg. Lap Time: The average lap time for the current activity.
Avg. Moving Speed: The average speed when moving for the current activity.
Avg. Nautical Speed: The average speed in knots for the current activity.
Avg. Overall Speed: The average speed for the current activity, including both moving and stopped speeds.
Avg. Speed: The average speed for the current activity.
Avg. Stark/Len: The average number of strokes per pool length during the current activity.
Avg. Stark Rate: Swimming. The average number of strokes per minute (spm) during the current activity.
Avg. Stark Rate: Paddlesports. The average number of strokes per minute (spm) during the current activity.
Avg Dist Per Stk: Swimming. The average distance traveled per stroke during the current activity.
Avg Dist Per Stk: Paddlesports. The average distance traveled per stroke during the current activity.
Avg HR %Max.: The average percentage of maximum heart rate for the current activity.
Baro. Pressure: The calibrated current pressure.
Battery Level: The remaining battery power.
Bearing: The direction from your current location to a destination. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Cadence: Cycling. The number of revolutions of the crank arm. Your device must be connected to a cadence accessory for this data to appear.
Cadence: Running. The steps per minute (right and left).
Calories: The number of total calories burned.
Compass Hdg.: The direction you are moving is based on the compass.
Course: The direction from your starting location to a destination. The course can be viewed as a planned or set route. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Dest. What: The last point on the route to the destination. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Dist. Per Stroke: Paddlesports. The distance traveled per stroke.
Dist. Remaining: The remaining distance to the final destination. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Distance: The distance traveled for the current track or activity.
Distance To Next: The remaining distance to the next waypoint on the route. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Elapsed Time: The total time recorded. For example, if you start the timer and run for 10 minutes, then stop the timer for 5 minutes, then start the timer and run for 20 minutes, your elapsed time is 35 minutes.
Elevation: The altitude of your current location above or below sea level.
Estimated Total Distance: The estimated distance from the start to the final destination. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
ETA: The estimated time of day when you will reach the final destination (adjusted to the local time of the destination). You must be navigating for this data to appear.
ETA at Next: The estimated time of day when you will reach the next waypoint on the route (adjusted to the local time of the waypoint). You must be navigating for this data to appear.
ETE: The estimated time remaining until you reach the final destination. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Floors Climbed: The total number of floors climbed up for the day.
Floors Descended: The total number of floors climbed down for the day.
Floors per Minute: The number of floors climbed up per minute.
Glide Ratio: The ratio of horizontal distance traveled to the change in vertical distance.
Glide Ratio Dest.: The glide ratio required to descend from your current position to the destination elevation. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
GPS: The strength of the GPS satellite signal.
GPS Elevation: The altitude of your current location using GPS.
GPS Heading: The direction you are moving is based on GPS.
Grade: The calculation of rising (elevation) over run (distance).
For example, if for every 3 m (10 ft.) you climb you travel 60 m (200 ft.), the grade is 5%.
Heading: The direction you are moving.
Heart Rate: Your heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). Your device must be connected to a compatible heart rate monitor.
HR %Max.: The percentage of maximum heart rate.
HR Zone: The current range of your heart rate (1 to 5). The default zones are based on your user profile and maximum heart rate (220 minus your age).
Int. Avg. %HRR: The average percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate) for the current swim interval.
Int. Avg. %Max.: The average percentage of maximum heart rate for the current swim interval.
Int. Avg. HR: The average heart rate for the current swim interval.
Int. Distance: The distance traveled for the current interval.
Int. Max. %HRR: The maximum percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate) for the current swim interval.
Int. Max. %Max.: The maximum percentage of maximum heart rate for the current swim interval.
Int. Max. HR: The maximum heart rate for the current swim interval.
Int. Pace: The average pace for the current interval.
Int. Seawolf: The average wolf score for the current interval.
Interval Lengths: The number of pool lengths completed during the current interval.
Interval Time: The stopwatch time for the current interval.
Int Stark/Len: The average number of strokes per pool length during the current interval.
Int Stark Rate: The average number of strokes per minute (spm) during the current interval.
Int Stark Type: The current stroke type for the interval.
L. Lap HR %Max.: The average percentage of maximum heart rate for the last completed lap.
L. Lap Stk. Rate: Swimming. The average number of strokes per minute (spm) during the last completed lap.
L. Lap Stk. Rate: Paddlesports. The average number of strokes per minute (spm) during the last completed lap.
L. Lap Strokes: Swimming. The total number of strokes for the last completed lap.
L. Lap Strokes: Paddlesports. The total number of strokes for the last completed lap.
L. Lap Swolf: The wolf score for the last completed lap.
L. Len. Stk. Rate: The average number of strokes per minute (spm) during the last completed pool length.
L. Len. Stk. Type: The stroke type used during the last completed pool length.
L. Len. Strokes: The total number of strokes for the last completed pool length.
Lap %HRR: The average percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate) for the current lap.
Lap Ascent: The vertical distance of the ascent for the current lap.
Lap Cadence: Cycling. The average cadence for the current lap.
Lap Cadence: Running. The average cadence for the current lap.
Lap Descent: The vertical distance of descent for the current lap.
Lap Distance: The distance traveled for the current lap.
Lap Dist Per Stk: Swimming. The average distance traveled per stroke during the current lap.
Lap Dist Per Stk: Paddlesports. The average distance traveled per stroke during the current lap.
Lap HR: The average heart rate for the current lap.
Lap HR %Max.: The average percentage of maximum heart rate for the current lap.
Lap Pace: The average pace for the current lap.
Laps: The number of laps completed for the current activity.
Lap Speed: The average speed for the current lap.
Lap Stark Rate: Swimming. The average number of strokes per minute (spm) during the current lap.
Lap Stark Rate: Paddlesports. The average number of strokes per minute (spm) during the current lap.
Lap Strokes: Swimming. The total number of strokes for the current lap.
Lap Strokes: Paddlesports. The total number of strokes for the current lap.
Lap Swolf: The wolf score for the current lap.
Lap Time: The stopwatch time for the current lap.
Last Lap %HRR: The average percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate) for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Ascent: The vertical distance of the ascent for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Cad.: Cycling. The average cadence for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Cad.: Running. The average cadence for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Descent: The vertical distance of descent for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Dist.: The distance traveled for the last completed lap.
Last Lap HR: The average heart rate for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Pace: The average pace for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Speed: The average speed for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Time: The stopwatch time for the last completed lap.
Last Len. Pace: The average pace for your last completed pool length.
Last Len. Seawolf: The wolf score for the last completed pool length.
Lengths: The number of pool lengths completed during the current activity.
L Lap Dist P Stk: Swimming. The average distance traveled per stroke during the last completed lap.
L Lap Dist P Stk: Paddlesports. The average distance traveled per stroke during the last completed lap.
Max. Ascent: The maximum rate of ascent in feet per minute or meters per minute since the last reset.
Max. Descent: The maximum rate of descent in meters per minute or feet per minute since the last reset.
Max. Elevation: The highest elevation reached since the last reset.
Max. Nautical Speed: The maximum speed in knots for the current activity.
Maximum Speed: The top speed for the current activity.
Min. Elevation: The lowest elevation reached since the last reset.
Moving Time: The total time moving for the current activity.
Nautical Dist: The distance traveled in nautical meters or nautical feet.
Nautical Speed: The current speed in knots.
Next Waypoint: The next point on the route. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Off Course: The distance to the left or right by which you have strayed from the original path of travel. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Pace: The current pace.
Repeat On: The timer for the last interval plus the current rest (pool swimming).
Reps: During a strength training activity, the number of repetitions in a workout set.
Rest Timer: The timer for the current rest (pool swimming).
Set Timer: During a strength training activity, the amount of time spent in the current workout set.
Speed: The current rate of travel.
Stopped Time: The total time stopped for the current activity.
Stroke Rate: Swimming. The number of strokes per minute (ppm).
Stroke Rate: Paddlesports. The number of strokes per minute (spm).
Strokes: Swimming. The total number of strokes for the current activity.
Strokes: Paddlesports. The total number of strokes for the current activity.
Sunrise: The time of sunrise is based on your GPS position.
Sunset: The time of sunset based on your GPS position.
Swim Time: The swimming time for the current activity, not including rest time.
Temperature: The temperature of the air. Your body temperature affects the temperature sensor. You can pair a temp sensor with your device to provide a consistent source of accurate temperature data.
Time in Zone: The time elapsed in each heart rate zone.
Time of Day: The time of day based on your current location and time settings (format, time zone, daylight saving time).
Timer: The current time of the countdown timer.
Time to Next: The estimated time remaining before you reach the next waypoint in the route. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Total Ascent: The total elevation distance ascended since the last reset.
Total Descent: The total elevation distance descended since the last reset.
V Dist to Dest: The elevation distance between your current position and the final destination. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Vert. Spd.: The rate of ascent or descent over time.
Vert Spd to Tgt: The rate of ascent or descent to a predetermined altitude. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
VMG: The speed at which you are closing on a destination along a route. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Wheel Size and Circumference
Your speed sensor automatically detects your wheel size. If necessary, you can manually enter your wheel circumference in the speed sensor settings.
The tire size is marked on both sides of the tire. This is not a comprehensive list. You can also measure the circumference of your wheel or use one of the calculators available on the internet.

Tire Size Wheel Circumference (mm)
20 × 1.75 1515
20 × 1-3/8 1615
22 × 1-3/8 1770
22 × 1-1/2 1785
24 × 1 1753
24 × 3/4 Tubular 1785
24 × 1-1/8 1795
24 × 1.75 1890
24 × 1-1/4 1905
24 × 2.00 1925
24 × 2.125 1965
26 × 7/8 1920
26 × 1-1.0 1913
26 × 1 1952
26 × 1.25 1953
26 × 1-1/8 1970
26 × 1.40 2005
26 × 1.50 2010
26 × 1.75 2023
26 × 1.95 2050
26 × 2.00 2055
26 × 1-3/8 2068
26 × 2.10 2068
26 × 2.125 2070
26 × 2.35 2083
26 × 1-1/2 2100
26 × 3.00 2170
27 × 1 2145
27 × 1-1/8 2155
27 × 1-1/4 2161
27 × 1-3/8 2169
29 x 2.1 2288
29 x 2.2 2298
29 x 2.3 2326
650 x 20C 1938
650 x 23C 1944
650 × 35A 2090
650 × 38B 2105
650 × 38A 2125
700 × 18C 2070
700 × 19C 2080
700 × 20C 2086
700 × 23C 2096
700 × 25C 2105
700C Tubular 2130
700 × 28C 2136
700 × 30C 2146
700 × 32C 2155
700 × 35C 2168
700 × 38C 2180
700 × 40C 2200
700 × 44C 2235
700 × 45C 2242
700 × 47C 2268


Safety icons

GUID-3B99F80D-E0E8-488B-8B77-3D1DF0DB9E20 v2

View the manual for the Garmin Instinct Solar here, for free. This manual comes under the category smartwatch and has been rated by 26 people with an average of a 8.9. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Garmin Instinct Solar or do you need help? Ask your question here

The Garmin Instinct Solar is a smartwatch available in the color Graphite. Its digital display has a resolution of 128 x 128 pixels, providing clear visibility for various functions. The display size measures 23 x 23 millimeters. The watch case is made of Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP), ensuring its lightweight yet durable composition. The band material utilized is silicone, offering a comfortable and flexible fit.

In terms of design, the Garmin Instinct Solar has a round shape, imparting a classic and timeless aesthetic. One of its notable features is its waterproof protection, which allows for worry-free use even while swimming or engaging in water-based activities.

The Garmin Instinct Solar utilizes solar power to extend its battery life, making it an eco-friendly and reliable companion for outdoor enthusiasts. It offers various tracking options like heart rate monitoring, GPS navigation, and activity tracking for a wide range of sports and outdoor activities. Additionally, it provides essential smart notifications when connected to compatible smartphones.

Equipped with advanced technologies, this smartwatch brings convenience and functionality to the user’s wrist. Its robust build and dependable performance make it suitable for demanding environments and active lifestyles.

Please note that the above description is based on the provided specifications and does not include subjective opinions on the product’s performance or desirability.

Instinct Solar | 010-02293-00
User manual (PDF), Safety instructions (PDF)
Watch case color Graphite
Band color Black
Buckle color Black
Color name Graphite
Watch case material Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Band material Silicone
Band size
Shape Round
Wrist size range 132 — 224 mm
Protection features Waterproof
Market positioning Smartwatch
Watch case size 45 mm
Display type Digital
Display resolution 128 x 128 pixels
Display diagonal 0.9 «
Display size (HxV) 23 x 23 mm
Watch glass type Corning Gorilla Glass
Display technology MIP
Built-in microphone
Built-in speaker(s)
Built-in camera
FM radio
Mobile operating systems supported Android, iOS
Compatible memory cards Not supported
RAM capacity 16 MB
Heart rate monitor Yes
Heart rate contact sensors Yes
Heart rate sensor type Optical
Distance traveled Yes
Pedometer Yes
Calories burned Yes
Accelerometer Yes
Personal goals Yes
Quality of sleep Yes
Caller ID Yes
Smart notifications Yes
Weather display Yes
Calendar notifications Yes
Anti-lost alert function Yes
Timer Yes
Electronic compass Yes
Thermometer Yes
Barometer Yes
Altimeter Yes
Vibrating alarm clock Yes
Military standard MIL-STD-810G
Mobile network connection No
ANT+ enabled Yes
GPS (satellite) Yes
Galileo Yes
Ports & interfaces
USB port
Wi-Fi No
Bluetooth version
Near Field Communication (NFC) No
Headphone connectivity
Battery technology
Battery capacity — mAh
Battery life (max) — h
Battery life (GPS mode) 30 h
Auto standby
Wireless charging
Weight & dimensions
Width 45 mm
Depth 45 mm
Thickness 15.3 mm
Weight 53 g
Packaging content

show more

Can’t find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Garmin Instinct Solar below.

What is the weight of the Garmin Instinct Solar?

The Garmin Instinct Solar has a weight of 53 g.

Does a smartwatch have functionalities that a smartphone does not have?

In general, a smartwatch has no functionalities that a smartphone does not have.

Do I need to switch off my smartwatch at night?

It is sensible for you to switch off your smartwatch at night, this ensures longer battery life.

Do I need internet for GPS?

No, no internet is required to receive GPS.

What does the abbreviation GPS stand for?

The abbreviation GPS stands for ‘Global Positioning System’.

What is GPS?

GPS is a system that can be used all over the globe to determine your location by means of satellites.

What is bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a way of exchanging data wirelessly between electronic devices via radio waves. The distance between the two devices that exchange data can in most cases be no more than ten metres.

What is the screen size of the Garmin Instinct Solar?

The screen size of the Garmin Instinct Solar is 0.9 «.

What is the screen resolution of the display of the Garmin Instinct Solar?

The screen resolution of the Garmin Instinct Solar is 128 x 128 pixels.

What is the width of the Garmin Instinct Solar?

The Garmin Instinct Solar has a width of 45 mm.

What is the depth of the Garmin Instinct Solar?

The Garmin Instinct Solar has a depth of 45 mm.

How do I set up the Garmin Instinct Solar for the first time?

To set up your Garmin Instinct Solar, start by charging the device fully. Then, press and hold the middle button to power it on. Follow the prompts on the screen to select your language, set the time and date, and personalize your preferences.

How can I track my daily activity using the Garmin Instinct Solar?

To track your activity, simply wear your Instinct Solar throughout the day. It automatically detects and records steps, distance, calories burned, and active minutes. You can view your daily activity stats by accessing the respective widget on the watch or syncing it with the Garmin Connect mobile app.

What are the different sports modes available on the Garmin Instinct Solar?

The Instinct Solar offers a wide range of sports modes, including running, swimming, cycling, hiking, and more. To select a specific sports mode, navigate to the activity menu by pressing the bottom left button and select your preferred activity. You can further customize each mode and access advanced metrics by long-pressing the middle button.

Can I receive notifications from my smartphone on the Garmin Instinct Solar?

Yes, you can receive notifications such as calls, text messages, emails, and social media alerts on your Instinct Solar. Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on both your smartwatch and smartphone, and pair them. Customize the notification settings through the Garmin Connect app to choose which alerts you want to receive on your watch.

How can I use the Garmin Instinct Solar to navigate during outdoor adventures?

The Instinct Solar offers built-in GPS and navigation features to aid in outdoor exploration. To navigate, access the navigation menu by pressing the top right button. From there, select options like trackback, breadcrumbs, or navigate to a specific location using saved waypoints or coordinates. The watch will provide you with detailed directions and guidance.

Does the Garmin Instinct Solar have a heart rate monitor?

Yes, the Garmin Instinct Solar has a heart rate monitor. This allows users to track their heart rate during activities and monitor their overall heart health.

Is the Garmin Instinct Solar waterproof?

Yes, the Garmin Instinct Solar is waterproof. This means that users can wear it while swimming or participating in other water-related activities without worrying about damaging the watch.

Does the Garmin Instinct Solar display show distance travelled?

Yes, the Garmin Instinct Solar displays the distance travelled. This is useful for tracking runs, hikes, or other outdoor activities where users may want to keep track of their distance.

Can the Garmin Instinct Solar be used with Android and iOS devices?

Yes, the Garmin Instinct Solar is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. This allows users to easily sync their watch with their smartphone and access additional features and data.

Does the Garmin Instinct Solar support memory cards?

No, the Garmin Instinct Solar does not support memory cards. Users will need to rely on the internal 16 MB RAM capacity for storing data and information.

Is the manual of the Garmin Instinct Solar available in English?

Yes, the manual of the Garmin Instinct Solar is available in English .

Is your question not listed? Ask your question here

user manualGarmin Instinct Solar




Owner’s Manual

View the manual for the Garmin Instinct Solar here, for free. This manual comes under the category smartwatch and has been rated by 26 people with an average of a 8.9. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Garmin Instinct Solar or do you need help? Ask your question here

  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Solar Charging
  • Activities and Apps
  • Training
  • Clocks
  • Navigation
  • History
  • Connected Features
  • Heart Rate Features
  • Pulse Oximeter
  • Customizing Your Device
  • Wireless Sensors
  • Device Information
  • Device Maintenance
  • Troubleshooting
  • Appendix

The Garmin Instinct Solar is a round-shaped smartwatch with a 0.9″ digital display that has a resolution of 128 x 128 pixels. The display size is 23 x 23 millimeters, making it easy to read notifications, messages, and fitness data. The watch case is made of durable Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) material, and the band is made of silicone, providing a comfortable and secure fit.

One of the standout features of the Garmin Instinct Solar is its solar charging capability. The watch can be recharged using sunlight, extending the battery life up to 54 days in smartwatch mode and up to 38 hours in GPS mode. The watch is also waterproof, making it suitable for swimming and water sports.

The Garmin Instinct Solar is designed for outdoor enthusiasts and fitness enthusiasts. It comes with several tracking features, including heart rate monitoring, steps taken, calories burned, and distance covered. It also has GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo satellite tracking, which provide accurate location data for outdoor activities such as hiking, running, and cycling.

The watch also has a range of smart features, including notifications for calls, texts, and emails, music control, and payment options through Garmin Pay. The watch is compatible with both iOS and Android devices and can sync with various fitness apps.

Overall, the Garmin Instinct Solar is a reliable and durable smartwatch that meets the needs of fitness enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers. Its solar charging feature and waterproof design make it a convenient and practical choice for those who enjoy being active outdoors.

Instinct Solar | 010-02293-00
User manual (PDF), Safety instructions (PDF)
Watch case colour Graphite
Band colour Black
Buckle colour Black
Colour name Graphite
Watch case material Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Band material Silicone
Band size
Shape Round
Wrist size range 132 — 224 mm
Protection features Waterproof
Market positioning Smartwatch
Watch case size 45 mm
Display type Digital
Display resolution 128 x 128 pixels
Display diagonal 0.9 «
Display size (HxV) 23 x 23 mm
Watch glass type Corning Gorilla Glass
Display technology MIP
Built-in microphone
Built-in speaker(s)
Built-in camera
FM radio
Mobile operating systems supported Android, iOS
Compatible memory cards Not supported
RAM capacity 16 MB
Heart rate monitor Yes
Heart rate contact sensors Yes
Heart rate sensor type Optical
Distance travelled Yes
Pedometer Yes
Calories burned Yes
Accelerometer Yes
Personal goals Yes
Quality of sleep Yes
Caller ID Yes
Smart notifications Yes
Weather display Yes
Calendar notifications Yes
Anti-lost alert function Yes
Timer Yes
Electronic compass Yes
Thermometer Yes
Barometer Yes
Altimeter Yes
Vibrating alarm clock Yes
Military standard MIL-STD-810G
Mobile network connection No
ANT+ enabled Yes
GPS (satellite) Yes
Galileo Yes
Ports & interfaces
USB port
Wi-Fi No
Bluetooth version
Near Field Communication (NFC) No
Headphone connectivity
Battery technology
Battery capacity — mAh
Battery life (max) — h
Battery life (GPS mode) 30 h
Auto standby
Wireless charging
Weight & dimensions
Width 45 mm
Depth 45 mm
Thickness 15.3 mm
Weight 53 g
Packaging content

show more

Can’t find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Garmin Instinct Solar below.

What is the weight of the Garmin Instinct Solar?

The Garmin Instinct Solar has a weight of 53 g.

Does a smartwatch have functionalities that a smartphone does not have?

In general, a smartwatch has no functionalities that a smartphone does not have.

Do I need to switch off my smartwatch at night?

It is sensible for you to switch off your smartwatch at night, this ensures longer battery life.

Do I need internet for GPS?

No, no internet is required to receive GPS.

What does the abbreviation GPS stand for?

The abbreviation GPS stands for ‘Global Positioning System’.

What is GPS?

GPS is a system that can be used all over the globe to determine your location by means of satellites.

What is bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a way of exchanging data wirelessly between electronic devices via radio waves. The distance between the two devices that exchange data can in most cases be no more than ten metres.

What is the screen size of the Garmin Instinct Solar?

The screen size of the Garmin Instinct Solar is 0.9 «.

What is the screen resolution of the display of the Garmin Instinct Solar?

The screen resolution of the Garmin Instinct Solar is 128 x 128 pixels.

What is the width of the Garmin Instinct Solar?

The Garmin Instinct Solar has a width of 45 mm.

What is the depth of the Garmin Instinct Solar?

The Garmin Instinct Solar has a depth of 45 mm.

Is the manual of the Garmin Instinct Solar available in English?

Yes, the manual of the Garmin Instinct Solar is available in English .

Is your question not listed? Ask your question here

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