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DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One Manual 

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  • DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage33 3. 3. Functional Functional DescriptionDescription The photo elements used in the integrated optical flame scanner evaluate different spectral ranges ofThe photo elements used in the integrated optical flame scanner evaluate different spectral ranges of the flame. the flame. Those scanners with seThose scann …

  • DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One  PagePage10 10 D-LX D-LX 100100 7.5. D-ZS 087-20 Digital Display Unit7.5. D-ZS 087-20 Digital Display Unit By connecting the D-ZS 087 display unit, the flame intensity can be displayed as a pulse signal, fromBy connecting the D-ZS 087 display unit, the flame intensity can be displayed as a pulse signal, from 0 — 4095 pulses. 0 — 4095 pulses. Fu …

  • DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One  PagePage24 24 D-LX D-LX 100100 12.2. 12.2. D-NG D-NG 24/05 24/05 AC-Power AC-Power SupplySupply D-NG 24/05 D-NG 24/05 70 mm70 mm 118 mm118 mm 77 55 77 � …

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DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One Manual 

  • 36 |

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  •  English 08/2004English 08/2004 DURAGDURAG GmbHGmbH Kollaustraße 105 · D-22453 Hamburg · Tel. Kollaustraße 105 · D-22453 Hamburg · Tel. +49 40 55 42 18-0 · Fax +49 40 58 41 54+49 40 55 42 18-0 · Fax +49 40 58 41 54 Internet: www.durag.deInternet: www.durag.de ·· Email: [email protected]: [email protected] D-LX 100D-LX 100 All-In-OneAll-In-One Flame ScannerFlame Scanner EuropeanEuropean StandardStandard EN 230: 1991EN 230: 1991 Gas applianceGa …


  • DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One |   !!  Important Notice!Important Notice! Flame monitors are safety relevant devices which shall ensure a safeFlame monitors are safety relevant devices which shall ensure a safe operation of furnaces.operation of furnaces. Please read this manual carefully before setting the flame monitor intoPlease read this manual carefully before setting the flame monitor into operation.operation. The adjustment of …


  •  D-LX 100D-LX 100 Table of ContentsTable of Contents 1.1.  General InformationGeneral Information……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1…………………….1  2.2.  Block DiagraBlock Diagramm ……………………………………………………. …


  •   D-LX D-LX 100100 IllustrationsIllustrations (Fig. 1)(Fig. 1)  D-LX 100 block diaD-LX 100 block diagramgram ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2….2  (Fig. 2)(Fig. 2) D-LX 100 with D-ZS 087D-LX 100 with D-ZS 087 ………………………………………………………….. …


  •  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage11 1. 1. General General InformationInformation The D-LX 100 All-In-One Flame Scanner consists of a control unit and an optical flame scanThe D-LX 100 All-In-One Flame Scanner consists of a control unit and an optical flame scanner. ner. TheThe flame scanner is suitable for monitoring flames from a variety of fuels and combustion techniques,flame scanner is suitable for monitoring flames from a variety of fuels and combustion techniques, particula …


  •  PagePage2 2 D-LX D-LX 100100 2. 2. Block Block DiagramDiagram F F22 UBUB FF11 LL— LL++ PPEE RARAZZ UUBB 00VV K1.2K1.2 K1.1K1.1 K1K1 K2K2 K2.2K2.2 0V0V LL XX 11 00 00 -- 00 11 -- 00 00 44 Read backRead back flame relayflame relay ShutterShutte …


  • DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One |  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage33 3. 3. Functional Functional DescriptionDescription The photo elements used in the integrated optical flame scanner evaluate different spectral ranges ofThe photo elements used in the integrated optical flame scanner evaluate different spectral ranges of the flame. the flame. Those scanners with seThose scanners with semiconductor phomiconductor photo elements cover ranto elements cover ranges from short-wave UV-Ages from short- …


  •  PagePage4 4 D-LX D-LX 100100 4. Self-Check4. Self-Check The D-LX 100 All-In-One Flame Scanner is fail-safe and self-checking, in accordance with EuropeanThe D-LX 100 All-In-One Flame Scanner is fail-safe and self-checking, in accordance with European EN standards for EN standards for flame scanning flame scanning equipment. equipment. After power-up, the After power-up, the flame scanner pflame scanner performs a self-erforms a self- check, which is chec …


  •  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage55 If the cause of If the cause of the error is a the error is a defect in the integrated flame scanner,defect in the integrated flame scanner, the red and green LED’s will blink the red and green LED’s will blink alternately.alternately. Pressing the reset button on the front panel of the D-LX 100 acknowledges a fault in the unit andPressing the reset button on the front panel of the D-LX 100 acknowledges a fault …


  •  PagePage6 6 D-LX D-LX 100100 To guarantee the best, most To guarantee the best, most selective flame monitoring, one must determine the correct position of selective flame monitoring, one must determine the correct position of thethe scanner, since the flame must be scanner, since the flame must be visible to the flame scanner at all visible to the flame scanner at all times, regardless of the load rangetimes, regardless of the load range of the of the burner. burner. …


  •  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage77 7.1. Setting the Flame Recognition 7.1. Setting the Flame Recognition ThresholdThreshold By setting the flame recognition threshold on the flame scanner, the operator of the combustionBy setting the flame recognition threshold on the flame scanner, the operator of the combustion system determines whether the flame signal (pulse frequency) of the integrated flame scanner shouldsystem determines whether the f …


  •  PagePage8 8 D-LX D-LX 100100 7.2. Flame Recognition Thresho7.2. Flame Recognition Thresholds as a lds as a Function of the Rocker Switch Function of the Rocker Switch SettingSetting Rocker SwitchRocker Switch SettingSetting Beginning ofBeginning of Range 0/4 mARange 0/4 mA Shut-offShut-off Threshold 5/8 mAThreshold 5/8 mA Switch-OnSwitch-On Threshold 5/8 mAThreshold 5/8 mA End of RangeEnd of Range 20 mA20 mA 0 0 2048 2048 2560 2560 2816 2816 40954095 1 1 1536 …


  •  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage99 7.3. Setting the Amplification7.3. Setting the Amplification In most cases it is unnecessary to set the ampIn most cases it is unnecessary to set the amplification of the photo elification of the photo element signal. lement signal. However, if signalHowever, if signal saturation should occur due to a very intense flame signal, the amplification hook switch can besaturation should occur due to a very int …


  •  PagePage10 10 D-LX D-LX 100100 7.5. D-ZS 087-20 Digital Display Unit7.5. D-ZS 087-20 Digital Display Unit By connecting the D-ZS 087 display unit, the flame intensity can be displayed as a pulse signal, fromBy connecting the D-ZS 087 display unit, the flame intensity can be displayed as a pulse signal, from 0 — 4095 pulses. 0 — 4095 pulses. Furthermore, the minimFurthermore, the minimum and maximum valueum and maximum values are stored, and the thresh …


  •  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage1111 9.2. Infrared Flame Scanner9.2. Infrared Flame Scanner The IR zone of a flame is in many cases laThe IR zone of a flame is in many cases large and, relative to UV radrge and, relative to UV radiation, very intense. iation, very intense. The IR zoneThe IR zone is easy to acquire under different angles of view, is strong in signal, and is not sensitive to absorptionis easy to acquire under different angles of view, is strong in signal …


  •  PagePage12 12 D-LX D-LX 100100 9.3. Selection Criteria for the D-LX 100 9.3. Selection Criteria for the D-LX 100 All-In-One Flame ScannerAll-In-One Flame Scanner Model Model Spectral Spectral Suitable Suitable for for Following Following Fuels Fuels CharacteristicsCharacteristics Range [nm]Range [nm] Gas Gas Oil Oil Coal Coal WoodWood D-LX 100 ULD-LX 100 UL 185 – 260185 – 260 ++ +++ + Monitoring of gas and oil flamesMonitoring of gas and oil flames D-LX 100 U …


  •  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage1313 10. Technical Data10. Technical Data •• Permissible Permissible ambient ambient temperatures: temperatures: -20°C…+60°C -20°C…+60°C (0(0°°F…+140F…+140°°F,F, (other temperatures upon request)(other temperatures upon request) •• Safety Safety time:……………………………….1 s time:……………………………….1 s (other (other times times available available upon upon requ …


  •  PagePage14 14 D-LX D-LX 100100 10.3. 10.3. D-LX D-LX 100 100 Dimensional Dimensional DrawingDrawing R R 11 11 // 44 »» SS WW  44 66 WW AA FF 44 66 88 � …


  •  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage1515 10.4. 10.4. D-LX D-LX 100 100 Wiring Wiring DiagramDiagram 7 7 88 33 11 22 55 44 66 !! ll xx 11 00 00 -- 00 44 � …


  •  PagePage16 16 D-LX D-LX 100100 10.5. 10.5. D-LX 100 D-LX 100 … /94 Ex … /94 Ex and D-LX and D-LX 100…/95Ex H100…/95Ex Housing for ousing for Hazardous Hazardous AreasAreas D-LX D-LX 100 100 …/94 …/94 Ex Ex D-LX D-LX 100 100 …/95 …/95 ExEx L L XX 11 00 00 -- 00 88 -- 00 00  …


  •  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage1717 10.6. 10.6. Wiring DiagrWiring Diagram for am for D-LX 10D-LX 100…/94Ex 0…/94Ex and Dand D-LX 100…-LX 100…/95Ex/95Ex D-LX 100 Ex D-LX 100 Ex 77 66 55  5 5 4444 33 11 22 FF22 ll xx 11 00 00 -- 00 22 -- 00 00 � …


  •  PagePage18 18 D-LX D-LX 100100 10.7. 10.7. D-LX 100 D-LX 100 … /96 Ex … /96 Ex for Hazardofor Hazardous Areas us Areas Class I, Div. 2Class I, Div. 2, Group A,B,C&, Group A,B,C&DD R R 11 11 // 44 »» SS WW  44 66 WW AA F� …


  • DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One |  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage1919 10.8. 10.8. D-LX 100 D-LX 100 … /97 … /97 Ex for Ex for Hazardous Hazardous Areas ZoAreas Zone 2ne 2 1 1 55 22 22 44 33 mm mm 22 22 RR 11 11 // 44  …


  • DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One |  PagePage20 20 D-LX D-LX 100100 10.9. 10.9. Cable Cable and and ShieldingShielding The D-LX 100 is The D-LX 100 is designed for the connection of 230 VAC designed for the connection of 230 VAC via the fault contact via the fault contact and flame contact, whileand flame contact, while the system operates in the the system operates in the low-voltage 24 VDC range.low-voltage 24 VDC range. If the contacts are to be used in the ”high-voltage” …


  • DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One |  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage2121 11. Maintenance and Service11. Maintenance and Service The optics of the Flame Scanner should be regularly checked for dust and debris and cleaned whenThe optics of the Flame Scanner should be regularly checked for dust and debris and cleaned when necessary. necessary. If the outside of the leIf the outside of the lens regularly accumulans regularly accumulates deposits, the purge ates deposits, the pu …


  • DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One |  PagePage22 22 D-LX D-LX 100100 The replacement of the Shutter block and the UV Cell is to be done in the following manner:The replacement of the Shutter block and the UV Cell is to be done in the following manner: 1. 1. Disconnect Disconnect the scanthe scanner cablener cable.. 2. 2. Remove the coRemove the cover (4 x M3) and the ver (4 x M3) and the housing (4 x M5 housing (4 x M5 – Allen screws).– Allen screws). With Ex-type units there With Ex-type unit …


  •  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage2323 12. Available Accessories12. Available Accessories D-ZS 033 — ID-ZS 033 — I ……………………………….. Ball joint flange with 1Ball joint flange with 1¼ ” threaded connection¼ ” threaded connection D-ZS 033 — IIID-ZS 033 — III ……………………………. Ball joint flange with 1Ball joint flange with 1” threaded connection” threaded connection D-ZS 087-20D-ZS 087-20 ………………….. …


  •  PagePage24 24 D-LX D-LX 100100 12.2. 12.2. D-NG D-NG 24/05 24/05 AC-Power AC-Power SupplySupply D-NG 24/05 D-NG 24/05 70 mm70 mm 118 mm118 mm 77 55 77 55 NN GG � …


  •  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage2525 12.3. 12.3. D-ZS D-ZS 033-I 033-I Ball TBall Type ype Adjustment Adjustment FlangeFlange L L EE 66 00 33 -- 22 77 -- 00 00 44 G 1¼”G 1¼” Flame sensorFlame sensor FlameFlame Viewing pipeViewing pipe  ItemItem Qty. …


  •  PagePage26 26 D-LX D-LX 100100 12.4. 12.4. D-ZS D-ZS 033-III 033-III Ball TBall Type ype Adjustment Adjustment FlangeFlange L L EE 66 00 33 -- 22 88 -- 00 00 33 G 1/2”G 1/2” GG � …


  •  D-LX D-LX 100 100 PagePage2727 12.5. 12.5. Weather Weather Protection Protection HoodHood On outdoor installations the D-WSH 603 Weather Protection Hood protects all D-LE 603 or D-LX 100On outdoor installations the D-WSH 603 Weather Protection Hood protects all D-LE 603 or D-LX 100 flame scanner against becoming rained when they are installed vertically, looking downwards. Theflame scanner against becoming rained when they are installed vertically, looking d …


  •  PagePage30 30 D-LX D-LX 100100 13.5. CUL-Listing13.5. CUL-Listing 13.6. FM-Listing13.6. FM-Listing DURAG INDUSTRIE ELEKTRONIK GmbH & Co KG, Kollaustrasse 105, D-22453 Hamburg, GermanyDURAG INDUSTRIE ELEKTRONIK GmbH & Co KG, Kollaustrasse 105, D-22453 Hamburg, Germany 55 Series Flame Monitor Systems. Types D-UV 55 Series Flame Monitor Systems. Types D-UV 55-10/1 (or 3)/115 (or 230), D-IO 55-10/1 (or 3)/115 (or 230), D-IO 55-10 (or 11, …


  •  PagePage32 32 D-LX D-LX 100100 13.8. 13.8. EC EC Declaration Declaration of of ConformityConformity EC Declaration of ConformityEC Declaration of Conformity ManufacturerManufacturer DURAGDURAGGmbHGmbH Address Address Kollaustraße 105, 22453 HamKollaustraße 105, 22453 Hamburg, Germanyburg, Germany Product Product Description Description Compact Compact Flame Flame MonitorMonitor D-LX 100 …D-LX 100 … The described product complies w …


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Summary of Contents:

[Page 1] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

English 08/2004 DURAG GmbH Kollaustraße 105 · D-22453 Hamburg · Tel. +49 40 55 42 18-0 · Fax +49 40 58 41 54 Internet: www.durag.de · Email: [email protected] D-LX 100 All-In-One Flame Scanner European Standard EN 230: 19…

[Page 2] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

! Important Notice! Flame monitors are safety relevant devices which shall ensure a safe operation of furnaces. Please read this manual carefully before setting the flame monitor into …

[Page 3] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Table of Contents 1. General Information ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1 2. Block Diagram …………………………………………….

[Page 4] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Illustrations (Fig. 1) D-LX 100 block diagram …………………………………………………………………………………………2 (Fig. 2) D-LX 100 with D-ZS 087………………………………………….

[Page 5] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 1 1. General Information The D-LX 100 All-In-One Flame Scanner consists of a control unit and an optical flame scanner. The flame scanner is suitable for monitoring flames from a variety of fuels and combustion techniques, parti…

[Page 6] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 2 D-LX 100 2. Block Diagram F2 UB F1 L- L+ PE RAZ UB 0V K1.2 K1.1 K1 K2 K2.2 0V LX100-01-004 Read back flame relay Shutter Photo element Flame ON Power supply ready for operation Data compare Synchronization Power supply Internal reset Dyna…

[Page 7] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 3 3. Functional Description The photo elements used in the integrated optical flame scanner evaluate different spectral ranges of the flame. Those scanners with semiconductor photo elements cover ranges from short-wave UV-A to i…

[Page 8] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 4 D-LX 100 4. Self-Check The D-LX 100 All-In-One Flame Scanner is fail-safe and self-checking, in accordance with European EN standards for flame scanning equipment. After power-up, the flame scanner performs a self- check, which is consta…

[Page 9] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 5 If the cause of the error is a defect in the integrated flame scanner, the red and green LED’s will blink alternately. Pressing the reset button on the front panel of the D-LX 100 acknowledges a fault in the unit and allo…

[Page 10] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 6 D-LX 100 To guarantee the best, most selective flame monitoring, one must determine the correct position of the scanner, since the flame must be visible to the flame scanner at all times, regardless of the load range of the burner. The 6…

[Page 11] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 7 7.1. Setting the Flame Recognition Threshold By setting the flame recognition threshold on the flame scanner, the operator of the combustion system determines whether the flame signal (pulse frequency) of the integrated flame sc…

[Page 12] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 8 D-LX 100 7.2. Flame Recognition Thresholds as a Function of the Rocker Switch Setting Rocker Switch Setting Beginning of Range 0/4 mA Shut-off Threshold 5/8 mA Switch-On Threshold 5/8 mA End of Range 20 mA 0 2048 2560 2816 4095 1…

[Page 13] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 9 7.3. Setting the Amplification In most cases it is unnecessary to set the amplification of the photo element signal. However, if signal saturation should occur due to a very intense flame signal, the amplification hook switch c…

[Page 14] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 10 D-LX 100 7.5. D-ZS 087-20 Digital Display Unit By connecting the D-ZS 087 display unit, the flame intensity can be displayed as a pulse signal, from 0 — 4095 pulses. Furthermore, the minimum and maximum values are stored, and the thresh…

[Page 15] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 11 9.2. Infrared Flame Scanner The IR zone of a flame is in many cases large and, relative to UV radiation, very intense. The IR zone is easy to acquire under different angles of view, is strong in signal, and is not sensitive to…

[Page 16] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 12 D-LX 100 9.3. Selection Criteria for the D-LX 100 All-In-One Flame Scanner Model Spectral Suitable for Following Fuels Characteristics Range [nm] Gas Oil Coal Wood D-LX 100 UL 185 – 260 ++ + Monitoring of gas and o…

[Page 17] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 13 10. Technical Data • Permissible ambient temperatures: -20°C…+60°C (0°F…+140°F, (other temperatures upon request) • Safety time:……………………………….1 s (other times available upon request) •…

[Page 18] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 14 D-LX 100 10.3. D-LX 100 Dimensional Drawing R1 1 / 4 » SW 46 WAF 46 80 92 90 ca. 93 152 243 mm 22 Purge air connection G 1/2″ Scanning tube connection G 1¼» Viewing angle 6° (D-LX 100 UL vert. 12°) Cover Set screw …

[Page 19] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 15 10.4. D-LX 100 Wiring Diagram 7 8 3 1 2 5 4 6 ! lx100-04-004 F2 F1 0 Volt 0 / 4…20mA D-NG 24/05 PE L+ L- L N L+ L- A C-Power Supply AC Mains DC Mains Protective Earth Protective Earth Contact Circuit Supply Not Connected P…

[Page 20] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 16 D-LX 100 10.5. D-LX 100 … /94 Ex and D-LX 100…/95Ex Housing for Hazardous Areas D-LX 100 …/94 Ex D-LX 100 …/95 Ex LX100-08-003 M20x1.5 G 1” 1/2” NPT(F) (Fig. 8) Dimensional drawing: Ex-proof housing type K Exp…

[Page 21] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 17 10.6. Wiring Diagram for D-LX 100…/94Ex and D-LX 100…/95Ex D-LX 100 Ex 7 6 55 44 3 1 2 F2 lx100-02-003 ! D-NG 24/05 Ex d Chamber Ex e Ch am b er PE L+ L- L N L+ L- AC-Power Supply AC Mains ´ DC Supply Protective Earth …

[Page 22] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 18 D-LX 100 10.7. D-LX 100 … /96 Ex for Hazardous Areas Class I, Div. 2, Group A,B,C&D R1 1 / 4 » SW 46 WAF 46 80 92 90 152 243 mm 22 Purge air connection G 1/2″ Scanning tube connection G 1¼» Viewing angle 6° (D-LX 1…

[Page 23] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 19 10.8. D-LX 100 … /97 Ex for Hazardous Areas Zone 2 152 243 mm 22 R1 1 / 4 » SW 46 WAF 46 80 92 90 LX100_16_000 ca. 22 Cover Set screw Purge air connection G / ” 1 2 Scanning tube connection G 1 / ” 1 4 Viewing angl…

[Page 24] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 20 D-LX 100 10.9. Cable and Shielding The D-LX 100 is designed for the connection of 230 VAC via the fault contact and flame contact, while the system operates in the low-voltage 24 VDC range. If the contacts are to be used in the ”high…

[Page 25] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 21 11. Maintenance and Service The optics of the Flame Scanner should be regularly checked for dust and debris and cleaned when necessary. If the outside of the lens regularly accumulates deposits, the purge air flow should be a…

[Page 26] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 22 D-LX 100 The replacement of the Shutter block and the UV Cell is to be done in the following manner: 1. Disconnect the scanner cable. 2. Remove the cover (4 x M3) and the housing (4 x M5 – Allen screws). With Ex-type units ther…

[Page 27] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 23 12. Available Accessories D-ZS 033 — I ………………. Ball joint flange with 1¼ ” threaded connection D-ZS 033 — III …………….. Ball joint flange with 1” threaded connection D-ZS 087-20 ……………… D…

[Page 28] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 24 D-LX 100 12.2. D-NG 24/05 AC-Power Supply D-NG 24/05 70 mm 118 mm 7575 NG21-01-004 DIN rail according to DIN EN 50022 (Fig. 17) Dimensional drawing: D-NG 24/05 Technical Data on the D-NG 24/05 AC Power Supply: • Power supply…

[Page 29] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 25 12.3. D-ZS 033-I Ball Type Adjustment Flange LE603-27-004 G 1¼” Flame sensor Flame Viewing pipe Item Qty. Designation Material 1 1 Welding flange 1.0718, galvanized 2 1 Flange Al, Leg. 230 3 1 Ball joint A…

[Page 30] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 26 D-LX 100 12.4. D-ZS 033-III Ball Type Adjustment Flange LE603-28-003 G 1/2” G 1 / 2 ” G 1” Purge Air Flame Sensor Flame Sighting Tube Pos. Count Description Material 1 1 Welding flange 1.0718, galvanized surface 2 1 …

[Page 31] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 27 12.5. Weather Protection Hood On outdoor installations the D-WSH 603 Weather Protection Hood protects all D-LE 603 or D-LX 100 flame scanner against becoming rained when they are installed vertically, looking downwards. The …

[Page 32] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 28 D-LX 100 13. Approvals 13.1. DIN-CERTCO 13.2. EC Gas Appliance Directive 90/396/EC

[Page 33] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 29 13.3. EC Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC 13.4. UL-Listing

[Page 34] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 30 D-LX 100 13.5. CUL-Listing 13.6. FM-Listing DURAG INDUSTRIE ELEKTRONIK GmbH & Co KG, Kollaustrasse 105, D-22453 Hamburg, Germany 55 Series Flame Monitor Systems. Types D-UV 55-10/1 (or 3)/115 (or 230), D-IO 55-10 (or 11, 20, 21)…

[Page 35] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

D-LX 100 Page 31 13.7. ATEX Certificate

[Page 36] DURAG D-LX 100 All-In-One

Page 32 D-LX 100 13.8. EC Declaration of Conformity EC Declaration of Conformity Manufacturer DURAG GmbH Address Kollaustraße 105, 22453 Hamburg, Germany Product Description Compact Flame Monitor D-LX 100 … The described product c…

Durag d lx 100 user manual
01/06/2012 · Durag’s D-LX 100 compact flame monitor is designed for continuous, intermittent and 72-hour operation in a unit with the flame scanner and amplifier integrated into a compact housing. This greatly reduces overall cost and simplifies installation as additional costs normally required for mounting the control electronics in a service cabinet or
The DURAG GROUP offers you a number of downloads, to assist you in your daily work and to support you in choosing the correct products and solutions.
Official list of certified measuring- and evaluating-systems according to the European standard EN 15267
d-lx 201 Compact flame monitor Self-monitoring and fail-safe compact flame monitor for the monitoring of gas, oil and coal flames with integrated UV or IR flame sensor.
Swivel mount for alignment of flame monitor to the flame to be monitored (D-ZS 033-I) Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 100 (D-NG 24/25a)
50°C 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C 500°C 600°C-R 820F-904 20 D-R 320 D-R 220 D-R 290 D-R 300-40 D-R 800-RX 250 100% 80% 0% tribo extractive 2 Measurement Dust / Opacity Dust Soot Dust Dust Dust Total Ambient Dust Measuring principle Transmission Backward Scattering Forward Scattering Tribo Beta UV Photo­ meter Beta DURAG Group D­R 220 D­R
D-LX 100 Front Panel Flame Intensity D-L X 1 0 0 9 0 D-Z S 0 8 7 sli_dug_uk_20_000. D-LX 200 G1¼” (opt. NPT1¼“) G½” (opt. NPT½“) IP65 6° Image: NASA Ambient temperature range-20°C +60°C-40°C +85°C. Dual channel design throughout D-LX 200 IR/UV MC 1 MC 2 MC 3 K1 K2 K3 Channel 1 Channel 2 Analog 1 Analog 2 Modbus LED optical Output 4…20 mA Ready for Operation Flame ON. Measurement
Please contact us for the best price and delivery time of Durag D-LX 100 MAN-EN Operating manual English, printed. We will submit your offer to you as soon as possible. You can contact us within the D-LX 100 MAN-EN coded product or any product belonging to the Durag brand.
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d-lx 100 Compact flame monitor Self-monitoring and fail-safe compact flame monitor for the monitoring of gas, oil and coal flames with integrated UV, VIS or IR …
QAL1 Certified measuring- and evaluating-systems
D-LX 100 durag group
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117 – I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133 – I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) ower supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Technische info. Datasheet D-LX 100 Compact Flame Monitor
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing the sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140-12) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 200 (D-NG 24/25a) D-LX 200 Test kit for software supported tests of the compact flame monitors D-LX 200/720
All D-LX 200 types are also available as mod-els for use with fibre optic systems (D-LX 720) Optional versions have a metal connector (/MP) or can be used in hazardous areas (/84Ex, / 87Ex) The connection flange is compatible with cur-rent standard installations of devices D-LE 603 or D-LX 100…
Découvrez les Panasonic DMC-LX100EF – Experts – Le LX100 combine un capteur type 4/3 à un objectif ultra lumineux Leica DC Vario-Summilux de 24 mm et des contrôles manuels. Il offre un niveau de contrôle créatif que seuls les appareils photo plus complexes offrent habituellement.
D-GT 800 UA/UAF, as well as compact flame monitors D-LX 100 UA/UAF/IS/IG and D-LX 200 UA/UAF/IG Power Supply 230 VAC / 50Hz D-ZS 118 Optical adjustment aid for align-ment of the swivel mount on the sighting tube D-ZS 130 Fail-safe relay card Installation in 19“ rack/enclosure 3RU/10HP Power supply 24VDC Protection IP00 Accessories Dimensions
d-lx 100 Contrôleur de flamme compact Contrôleur de flammes compact autocontrôlé et fiable pour la surveillance des flammes produites par le gaz, le fioul et le charbon, avec détecteur de flamme UV, VIS ou IR intégré, à utiliser de préférence sur des installations à brûleur unique.
Are you looking for the best offer for Durag D-LX 100 UA-P SN: 332530 FLAME DETECTOR? Impexron is here to to meet your requirements. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need other products of Durag .
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Le mode d’emploi appareil photo PANASONIC DMCLX100 vous rend service. Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre appareil photo PANASONIC DMCLX100: mode d’emploi, notice d’utilisation, manuel d’instruction
˚ Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05). Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design ˚ Integrated compact device. D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex D-LX 100
View and Download Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX100 owner’s manual online. Lumix DMC-LX100 Digital Camera pdf manual download. Digital Camera Panasonic DMC LX-100 series Instruction Manual. Digital mark sensor (4 pages) Digital Camera Panasonic lumix DMC-LX10 Operating Instructions Manual (64 pages) Digital Camera Panasonic DMC-LX7 Instrucciones Básicas De Funcionamiento. Dmclx7 user …
If you need Panasonic Lumix DC-LX100 II (DC-LX100M2) PDF User Manual / Instruction Guide / Owner’s Manual in other languages, please feel free to leave your comments at the bottom of this page. Related Owner’s Manual, User Guide, Instruction Manual: Leica D-Lux 7 Camera User Manual, Instruction Manual, User Guide (PDF)
DURAG GROUP International > Emissões> Medidores de vazão volumetrica D-FL 100 Volume flow measuring system Suitability-tested and certified impact pressure system to measure velocity and volume flow of dry flue gas or process gas in pipes or ducts.
Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 ATEX Zone 1 . Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 UA/94 Ex auto contrôlé associé à un module de commande Ex

Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design Integrated compact device D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex
the D-UG 660 universally suitable for use in plants of varying fuel types and/or load conditions. level of safety of the DURAG Flame Monitoring System D-UG 660 / D-LE 603 has been ap-proved and certified by numerous independent test institutes, for example: Range Selection and Remote Gain Control Flame Monitor D-UG 660 / D-LE 103 2 Example 1: Adjustment on different fuels Example 2: One
DMC-LX100EF Experts Panasonic France

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Durag D-LX 100 MAN-EN Operating manual English printed

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View and Download Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX100 owner’s manual online. Lumix DMC-LX100 Digital Camera pdf manual download. Digital Camera Panasonic DMC LX-100 series Instruction Manual. Digital mark sensor (4 pages) Digital Camera Panasonic lumix DMC-LX10 Operating Instructions Manual (64 pages) Digital Camera Panasonic DMC-LX7 Instrucciones Básicas De Funcionamiento. Dmclx7 user …
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing the sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140-12) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 200 (D-NG 24/25a) D-LX 200 Test kit for software supported tests of the compact flame monitors D-LX 200/720
d-lx 100 Contrôleur de flamme compact Contrôleur de flammes compact autocontrôlé et fiable pour la surveillance des flammes produites par le gaz, le fioul et le charbon, avec détecteur de flamme UV, VIS ou IR intégré, à utiliser de préférence sur des installations à brûleur unique.
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01/06/2012 · Durag’s D-LX 100 compact flame monitor is designed for continuous, intermittent and 72-hour operation in a unit with the flame scanner and amplifier integrated into a compact housing. This greatly reduces overall cost and simplifies installation as additional costs normally required for mounting the control electronics in a service cabinet or
˚ Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05). Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design ˚ Integrated compact device. D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex D-LX 100
The DURAG GROUP offers you a number of downloads, to assist you in your daily work and to support you in choosing the correct products and solutions.
Are you looking for the best offer for Durag D-LX 100 UA-P SN: 332530 FLAME DETECTOR? Impexron is here to to meet your requirements. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need other products of Durag .

Durag D-LX 100 MAN-EN Operating manual English printed
Download Panasonic Lumix DC-LX100 II DC-LX100M2 PDF User

View and Download Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX100 owner’s manual online. Lumix DMC-LX100 Digital Camera pdf manual download. Digital Camera Panasonic DMC LX-100 series Instruction Manual. Digital mark sensor (4 pages) Digital Camera Panasonic lumix DMC-LX10 Operating Instructions Manual (64 pages) Digital Camera Panasonic DMC-LX7 Instrucciones Básicas De Funcionamiento. Dmclx7 user …
Official list of certified measuring- and evaluating-systems according to the European standard EN 15267
d-lx 201 Compact flame monitor Self-monitoring and fail-safe compact flame monitor for the monitoring of gas, oil and coal flames with integrated UV or IR flame sensor.
01/06/2012 · Durag’s D-LX 100 compact flame monitor is designed for continuous, intermittent and 72-hour operation in a unit with the flame scanner and amplifier integrated into a compact housing. This greatly reduces overall cost and simplifies installation as additional costs normally required for mounting the control electronics in a service cabinet or
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117 – I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133 – I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) ower supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Technische info. Datasheet D-LX 100 Compact Flame Monitor
If you need Panasonic Lumix DC-LX100 II (DC-LX100M2) PDF User Manual / Instruction Guide / Owner’s Manual in other languages, please feel free to leave your comments at the bottom of this page. Related Owner’s Manual, User Guide, Instruction Manual: Leica D-Lux 7 Camera User Manual, Instruction Manual, User Guide (PDF)
the D-UG 660 universally suitable for use in plants of varying fuel types and/or load conditions. level of safety of the DURAG Flame Monitoring System D-UG 660 / D-LE 603 has been ap-proved and certified by numerous independent test institutes, for example: Range Selection and Remote Gain Control Flame Monitor D-UG 660 / D-LE 103 2 Example 1: Adjustment on different fuels Example 2: One
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing the sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140-12) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 200 (D-NG 24/25a) D-LX 200 Test kit for software supported tests of the compact flame monitors D-LX 200/720
D-LX 100 Front Panel Flame Intensity D-L X 1 0 0 9 0 D-Z S 0 8 7 sli_dug_uk_20_000. D-LX 200 G1¼” (opt. NPT1¼“) G½” (opt. NPT½“) IP65 6° Image: NASA Ambient temperature range-20°C 60°C-40°C 85°C. Dual channel design throughout D-LX 200 IR/UV MC 1 MC 2 MC 3 K1 K2 K3 Channel 1 Channel 2 Analog 1 Analog 2 Modbus LED optical Output 4…20 mA Ready for Operation Flame ON. Measurement
The DURAG GROUP offers you a number of downloads, to assist you in your daily work and to support you in choosing the correct products and solutions.
Are you looking for the best offer for Durag D-LX 100 UA-P SN: 332530 FLAME DETECTOR? Impexron is here to to meet your requirements. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need other products of Durag .
D-GT 800 UA/UAF, as well as compact flame monitors D-LX 100 UA/UAF/IS/IG and D-LX 200 UA/UAF/IG Power Supply 230 VAC / 50Hz D-ZS 118 Optical adjustment aid for align-ment of the swivel mount on the sighting tube D-ZS 130 Fail-safe relay card Installation in 19“ rack/enclosure 3RU/10HP Power supply 24VDC Protection IP00 Accessories Dimensions
Le mode d’emploi appareil photo PANASONIC DMCLX100 vous rend service. Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre appareil photo PANASONIC DMCLX100: mode d’emploi, notice d’utilisation, manuel d’instruction
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Download Panasonic Lumix DC-LX100 II DC-LX100M2 PDF User

Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117 – I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133 – I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) ower supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Technische info. Datasheet D-LX 100 Compact Flame Monitor
Are you looking for the best offer for Durag D-LX 100 UA-P SN: 332530 FLAME DETECTOR? Impexron is here to to meet your requirements. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need other products of Durag .
˚ Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05). Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design ˚ Integrated compact device. D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex D-LX 100
All D-LX 200 types are also available as mod-els for use with fibre optic systems (D-LX 720) Optional versions have a metal connector (/MP) or can be used in hazardous areas (/84Ex, / 87Ex) The connection flange is compatible with cur-rent standard installations of devices D-LE 603 or D-LX 100…
Please contact us for the best price and delivery time of Durag D-LX 100 MAN-EN Operating manual English, printed. We will submit your offer to you as soon as possible. You can contact us within the D-LX 100 MAN-EN coded product or any product belonging to the Durag brand.
d-lx 100 Compact flame monitor Self-monitoring and fail-safe compact flame monitor for the monitoring of gas, oil and coal flames with integrated UV, VIS or IR …
D-GT 800 UA/UAF, as well as compact flame monitors D-LX 100 UA/UAF/IS/IG and D-LX 200 UA/UAF/IG Power Supply 230 VAC / 50Hz D-ZS 118 Optical adjustment aid for align-ment of the swivel mount on the sighting tube D-ZS 130 Fail-safe relay card Installation in 19“ rack/enclosure 3RU/10HP Power supply 24VDC Protection IP00 Accessories Dimensions
D-LX 100 Front Panel Flame Intensity D-L X 1 0 0 9 0 D-Z S 0 8 7 sli_dug_uk_20_000. D-LX 200 G1¼” (opt. NPT1¼“) G½” (opt. NPT½“) IP65 6° Image: NASA Ambient temperature range-20°C 60°C-40°C 85°C. Dual channel design throughout D-LX 200 IR/UV MC 1 MC 2 MC 3 K1 K2 K3 Channel 1 Channel 2 Analog 1 Analog 2 Modbus LED optical Output 4…20 mA Ready for Operation Flame ON. Measurement

DMC-LX100EF Experts Panasonic France
Durag D-LX 100 MAN-EN Operating manual English printed

D-LX 100 Front Panel Flame Intensity D-L X 1 0 0 9 0 D-Z S 0 8 7 sli_dug_uk_20_000. D-LX 200 G1¼” (opt. NPT1¼“) G½” (opt. NPT½“) IP65 6° Image: NASA Ambient temperature range-20°C 60°C-40°C 85°C. Dual channel design throughout D-LX 200 IR/UV MC 1 MC 2 MC 3 K1 K2 K3 Channel 1 Channel 2 Analog 1 Analog 2 Modbus LED optical Output 4…20 mA Ready for Operation Flame ON. Measurement
DURAG GROUP International > Emissões> Medidores de vazão volumetrica D-FL 100 Volume flow measuring system Suitability-tested and certified impact pressure system to measure velocity and volume flow of dry flue gas or process gas in pipes or ducts.
the D-UG 660 universally suitable for use in plants of varying fuel types and/or load conditions. level of safety of the DURAG Flame Monitoring System D-UG 660 / D-LE 603 has been ap-proved and certified by numerous independent test institutes, for example: Range Selection and Remote Gain Control Flame Monitor D-UG 660 / D-LE 103 2 Example 1: Adjustment on different fuels Example 2: One
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117 – I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133 – I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) ower supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Technische info. Datasheet D-LX 100 Compact Flame Monitor
View and Download Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX100 owner’s manual online. Lumix DMC-LX100 Digital Camera pdf manual download. Digital Camera Panasonic DMC LX-100 series Instruction Manual. Digital mark sensor (4 pages) Digital Camera Panasonic lumix DMC-LX10 Operating Instructions Manual (64 pages) Digital Camera Panasonic DMC-LX7 Instrucciones Básicas De Funcionamiento. Dmclx7 user …
˚ Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05). Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design ˚ Integrated compact device. D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex D-LX 100
If you need Panasonic Lumix DC-LX100 II (DC-LX100M2) PDF User Manual / Instruction Guide / Owner’s Manual in other languages, please feel free to leave your comments at the bottom of this page. Related Owner’s Manual, User Guide, Instruction Manual: Leica D-Lux 7 Camera User Manual, Instruction Manual, User Guide (PDF)
Please contact us for the best price and delivery time of Durag D-LX 100 MAN-EN Operating manual English, printed. We will submit your offer to you as soon as possible. You can contact us within the D-LX 100 MAN-EN coded product or any product belonging to the Durag brand.
50°C 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C 500°C 600°C-R 820F-904 20 D-R 320 D-R 220 D-R 290 D-R 300-40 D-R 800-RX 250 100% 80% 0% tribo extractive 2 Measurement Dust / Opacity Dust Soot Dust Dust Dust Total Ambient Dust Measuring principle Transmission Backward Scattering Forward Scattering Tribo Beta UV Photo­ meter Beta DURAG Group D­R 220 D­R
Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 ATEX Zone 1 . Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 UA/94 Ex auto contrôlé associé à un module de commande Ex
Swivel mount for alignment of flame monitor to the flame to be monitored (D-ZS 033-I) Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 100 (D-NG 24/25a)

Téléchargez votre mode d’emploi ou notice appareil

Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design Integrated compact device D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex
Are you looking for the best offer for Durag D-LX 100 UA-P SN: 332530 FLAME DETECTOR? Impexron is here to to meet your requirements. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need other products of Durag .
the D-UG 660 universally suitable for use in plants of varying fuel types and/or load conditions. level of safety of the DURAG Flame Monitoring System D-UG 660 / D-LE 603 has been ap-proved and certified by numerous independent test institutes, for example: Range Selection and Remote Gain Control Flame Monitor D-UG 660 / D-LE 103 2 Example 1: Adjustment on different fuels Example 2: One
Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 ATEX Zone 1 . Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 UA/94 Ex auto contrôlé associé à un module de commande Ex
˚ Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05). Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design ˚ Integrated compact device. D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex D-LX 100
d-lx 201 Compact flame monitor Self-monitoring and fail-safe compact flame monitor for the monitoring of gas, oil and coal flames with integrated UV or IR flame sensor.
50°C 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C 500°C 600°C-R 820F-904 20 D-R 320 D-R 220 D-R 290 D-R 300-40 D-R 800-RX 250 100% 80% 0% tribo extractive 2 Measurement Dust / Opacity Dust Soot Dust Dust Dust Total Ambient Dust Measuring principle Transmission Backward Scattering Forward Scattering Tribo Beta UV Photo­ meter Beta DURAG Group D­R 220 D­R
D-LX 100 Front Panel Flame Intensity D-L X 1 0 0 9 0 D-Z S 0 8 7 sli_dug_uk_20_000. D-LX 200 G1¼” (opt. NPT1¼“) G½” (opt. NPT½“) IP65 6° Image: NASA Ambient temperature range-20°C 60°C-40°C 85°C. Dual channel design throughout D-LX 200 IR/UV MC 1 MC 2 MC 3 K1 K2 K3 Channel 1 Channel 2 Analog 1 Analog 2 Modbus LED optical Output 4…20 mA Ready for Operation Flame ON. Measurement

Téléchargez votre mode d’emploi ou notice appareil

Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing the sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140-12) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 200 (D-NG 24/25a) D-LX 200 Test kit for software supported tests of the compact flame monitors D-LX 200/720
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D-GT 800 UA/UAF, as well as compact flame monitors D-LX 100 UA/UAF/IS/IG and D-LX 200 UA/UAF/IG Power Supply 230 VAC / 50Hz D-ZS 118 Optical adjustment aid for align-ment of the swivel mount on the sighting tube D-ZS 130 Fail-safe relay card Installation in 19“ rack/enclosure 3RU/10HP Power supply 24VDC Protection IP00 Accessories Dimensions
˚ Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05). Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design ˚ Integrated compact device. D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex D-LX 100

D-LX 100 durag group
QAL1 Certified measuring- and evaluating-systems

Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 ATEX Zone 1 . Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 UA/94 Ex auto contrôlé associé à un module de commande Ex
Please contact us for the best price and delivery time of Durag D-LX 100 MAN-EN Operating manual English, printed. We will submit your offer to you as soon as possible. You can contact us within the D-LX 100 MAN-EN coded product or any product belonging to the Durag brand.
d-lx 100 Compact flame monitor Self-monitoring and fail-safe compact flame monitor for the monitoring of gas, oil and coal flames with integrated UV, VIS or IR …
D-GT 800 UA/UAF, as well as compact flame monitors D-LX 100 UA/UAF/IS/IG and D-LX 200 UA/UAF/IG Power Supply 230 VAC / 50Hz D-ZS 118 Optical adjustment aid for align-ment of the swivel mount on the sighting tube D-ZS 130 Fail-safe relay card Installation in 19“ rack/enclosure 3RU/10HP Power supply 24VDC Protection IP00 Accessories Dimensions
01/06/2012 · Durag’s D-LX 100 compact flame monitor is designed for continuous, intermittent and 72-hour operation in a unit with the flame scanner and amplifier integrated into a compact housing. This greatly reduces overall cost and simplifies installation as additional costs normally required for mounting the control electronics in a service cabinet or
50°C 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C 500°C 600°C-R 820F-904 20 D-R 320 D-R 220 D-R 290 D-R 300-40 D-R 800-RX 250 100% 80% 0% tribo extractive 2 Measurement Dust / Opacity Dust Soot Dust Dust Dust Total Ambient Dust Measuring principle Transmission Backward Scattering Forward Scattering Tribo Beta UV Photo­ meter Beta DURAG Group D­R 220 D­R
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117 – I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133 – I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) ower supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Technische info. Datasheet D-LX 100 Compact Flame Monitor
Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design Integrated compact device D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex
Swivel mount for alignment of flame monitor to the flame to be monitored (D-ZS 033-I) Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 100 (D-NG 24/25a)
˚ Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05). Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design ˚ Integrated compact device. D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex D-LX 100

QAL1 Certified measuring- and evaluating-systems

Are you looking for the best offer for Durag D-LX 100 UA-P SN: 332530 FLAME DETECTOR? Impexron is here to to meet your requirements. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need other products of Durag .
˚ Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05). Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design ˚ Integrated compact device. D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex D-LX 100
Découvrez les Panasonic DMC-LX100EF – Experts – Le LX100 combine un capteur type 4/3 à un objectif ultra lumineux Leica DC Vario-Summilux de 24 mm et des contrôles manuels. Il offre un niveau de contrôle créatif que seuls les appareils photo plus complexes offrent habituellement.
d-lx 100 Compact flame monitor Self-monitoring and fail-safe compact flame monitor for the monitoring of gas, oil and coal flames with integrated UV, VIS or IR …
The DURAG GROUP offers you a number of downloads, to assist you in your daily work and to support you in choosing the correct products and solutions.
d-lx 100 Contrôleur de flamme compact Contrôleur de flammes compact autocontrôlé et fiable pour la surveillance des flammes produites par le gaz, le fioul et le charbon, avec détecteur de flamme UV, VIS ou IR intégré, à utiliser de préférence sur des installations à brûleur unique.

D-LX 100 durag group
Durag’s compact flame monitor June 2012 – OEN

Swivel mount for alignment of flame monitor to the flame to be monitored (D-ZS 033-I) Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 100 (D-NG 24/25a)
Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design Integrated compact device D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex
D-LX 100 Front Panel Flame Intensity D-L X 1 0 0 9 0 D-Z S 0 8 7 sli_dug_uk_20_000. D-LX 200 G1¼” (opt. NPT1¼“) G½” (opt. NPT½“) IP65 6° Image: NASA Ambient temperature range-20°C 60°C-40°C 85°C. Dual channel design throughout D-LX 200 IR/UV MC 1 MC 2 MC 3 K1 K2 K3 Channel 1 Channel 2 Analog 1 Analog 2 Modbus LED optical Output 4…20 mA Ready for Operation Flame ON. Measurement
50°C 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C 500°C 600°C-R 820F-904 20 D-R 320 D-R 220 D-R 290 D-R 300-40 D-R 800-RX 250 100% 80% 0% tribo extractive 2 Measurement Dust / Opacity Dust Soot Dust Dust Dust Total Ambient Dust Measuring principle Transmission Backward Scattering Forward Scattering Tribo Beta UV Photo­ meter Beta DURAG Group D­R 220 D­R

QAL1 Certified measuring- and evaluating-systems
D-LX 100 durag group

Please contact us for the best price and delivery time of Durag D-LX 100 MAN-EN Operating manual English, printed. We will submit your offer to you as soon as possible. You can contact us within the D-LX 100 MAN-EN coded product or any product belonging to the Durag brand.
Are you looking for the best offer for Durag D-LX 100 UA-P SN: 332530 FLAME DETECTOR? Impexron is here to to meet your requirements. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need other products of Durag .
All D-LX 200 types are also available as mod-els for use with fibre optic systems (D-LX 720) Optional versions have a metal connector (/MP) or can be used in hazardous areas (/84Ex, / 87Ex) The connection flange is compatible with cur-rent standard installations of devices D-LE 603 or D-LX 100…
Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 ATEX Zone 1 . Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 UA/94 Ex auto contrôlé associé à un module de commande Ex
DURAG GROUP International > Emissões> Medidores de vazão volumetrica D-FL 100 Volume flow measuring system Suitability-tested and certified impact pressure system to measure velocity and volume flow of dry flue gas or process gas in pipes or ducts.
50°C 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C 500°C 600°C-R 820F-904 20 D-R 320 D-R 220 D-R 290 D-R 300-40 D-R 800-RX 250 100% 80% 0% tribo extractive 2 Measurement Dust / Opacity Dust Soot Dust Dust Dust Total Ambient Dust Measuring principle Transmission Backward Scattering Forward Scattering Tribo Beta UV Photo­ meter Beta DURAG Group D­R 220 D­R
the D-UG 660 universally suitable for use in plants of varying fuel types and/or load conditions. level of safety of the DURAG Flame Monitoring System D-UG 660 / D-LE 603 has been ap-proved and certified by numerous independent test institutes, for example: Range Selection and Remote Gain Control Flame Monitor D-UG 660 / D-LE 103 2 Example 1: Adjustment on different fuels Example 2: One
Official list of certified measuring- and evaluating-systems according to the European standard EN 15267
D-GT 800 UA/UAF, as well as compact flame monitors D-LX 100 UA/UAF/IS/IG and D-LX 200 UA/UAF/IG Power Supply 230 VAC / 50Hz D-ZS 118 Optical adjustment aid for align-ment of the swivel mount on the sighting tube D-ZS 130 Fail-safe relay card Installation in 19“ rack/enclosure 3RU/10HP Power supply 24VDC Protection IP00 Accessories Dimensions

QAL1 Certified measuring- and evaluating-systems

Please contact us for the best price and delivery time of Durag D-LX 100 MAN-EN Operating manual English, printed. We will submit your offer to you as soon as possible. You can contact us within the D-LX 100 MAN-EN coded product or any product belonging to the Durag brand.
d-lx 100 Contrôleur de flamme compact Contrôleur de flammes compact autocontrôlé et fiable pour la surveillance des flammes produites par le gaz, le fioul et le charbon, avec détecteur de flamme UV, VIS ou IR intégré, à utiliser de préférence sur des installations à brûleur unique.
D-GT 800 UA/UAF, as well as compact flame monitors D-LX 100 UA/UAF/IS/IG and D-LX 200 UA/UAF/IG Power Supply 230 VAC / 50Hz D-ZS 118 Optical adjustment aid for align-ment of the swivel mount on the sighting tube D-ZS 130 Fail-safe relay card Installation in 19“ rack/enclosure 3RU/10HP Power supply 24VDC Protection IP00 Accessories Dimensions
Découvrez les Panasonic DMC-LX100EF – Experts – Le LX100 combine un capteur type 4/3 à un objectif ultra lumineux Leica DC Vario-Summilux de 24 mm et des contrôles manuels. Il offre un niveau de contrôle créatif que seuls les appareils photo plus complexes offrent habituellement.
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117 – I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133 – I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) ower supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Technische info. Datasheet D-LX 100 Compact Flame Monitor
If you need Panasonic Lumix DC-LX100 II (DC-LX100M2) PDF User Manual / Instruction Guide / Owner’s Manual in other languages, please feel free to leave your comments at the bottom of this page. Related Owner’s Manual, User Guide, Instruction Manual: Leica D-Lux 7 Camera User Manual, Instruction Manual, User Guide (PDF)
Swivel mount for alignment of flame monitor to the flame to be monitored (D-ZS 033-I) Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 100 (D-NG 24/25a)
˚ Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05). Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design ˚ Integrated compact device. D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex D-LX 100
Le mode d’emploi appareil photo PANASONIC DMCLX100 vous rend service. Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre appareil photo PANASONIC DMCLX100: mode d’emploi, notice d’utilisation, manuel d’instruction
Are you looking for the best offer for Durag D-LX 100 UA-P SN: 332530 FLAME DETECTOR? Impexron is here to to meet your requirements. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need other products of Durag .
Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design Integrated compact device D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex
50°C 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C 500°C 600°C-R 820F-904 20 D-R 320 D-R 220 D-R 290 D-R 300-40 D-R 800-RX 250 100% 80% 0% tribo extractive 2 Measurement Dust / Opacity Dust Soot Dust Dust Dust Total Ambient Dust Measuring principle Transmission Backward Scattering Forward Scattering Tribo Beta UV Photo­ meter Beta DURAG Group D­R 220 D­R
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing the sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140-12) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 200 (D-NG 24/25a) D-LX 200 Test kit for software supported tests of the compact flame monitors D-LX 200/720
View and Download Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX100 owner’s manual online. Lumix DMC-LX100 Digital Camera pdf manual download. Digital Camera Panasonic DMC LX-100 series Instruction Manual. Digital mark sensor (4 pages) Digital Camera Panasonic lumix DMC-LX10 Operating Instructions Manual (64 pages) Digital Camera Panasonic DMC-LX7 Instrucciones Básicas De Funcionamiento. Dmclx7 user …
Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 ATEX Zone 1 . Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 UA/94 Ex auto contrôlé associé à un module de commande Ex

QAL1 Certified measuring- and evaluating-systems
D-LX 100 durag group

Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing the sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140-12) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 200 (D-NG 24/25a) D-LX 200 Test kit for software supported tests of the compact flame monitors D-LX 200/720
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117 – I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133 – I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) ower supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Technische info. Datasheet D-LX 100 Compact Flame Monitor
Tagged by visitors: Lumix LX100 Manual, lx100 user guide, panasonic lx100 manual, lx100 manual, panasonic lx100 user manual, panasonic lumix lx 100 manual, lumix lx100 manual pdf, panasonic lx100 manual pdf, panasonic lumix lx100 user guide, panasonic lumix dmc lx100 manual, user guide panasonic lumix lx100, panasonic lumix lx100 camera user manual, instructions for wifi imac with panasonic
d-lx 201 Compact flame monitor Self-monitoring and fail-safe compact flame monitor for the monitoring of gas, oil and coal flames with integrated UV or IR flame sensor.
The DURAG GROUP offers you a number of downloads, to assist you in your daily work and to support you in choosing the correct products and solutions.
01/06/2012 · Durag’s D-LX 100 compact flame monitor is designed for continuous, intermittent and 72-hour operation in a unit with the flame scanner and amplifier integrated into a compact housing. This greatly reduces overall cost and simplifies installation as additional costs normally required for mounting the control electronics in a service cabinet or
DURAG GROUP International > Emissões> Medidores de vazão volumetrica D-FL 100 Volume flow measuring system Suitability-tested and certified impact pressure system to measure velocity and volume flow of dry flue gas or process gas in pipes or ducts.

Durag D-LX 100 MAN-EN Operating manual English printed

˚ Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05). Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design ˚ Integrated compact device. D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex D-LX 100
d-lx 201 Compact flame monitor Self-monitoring and fail-safe compact flame monitor for the monitoring of gas, oil and coal flames with integrated UV or IR flame sensor.
The DURAG GROUP offers you a number of downloads, to assist you in your daily work and to support you in choosing the correct products and solutions.
Découvrez les Panasonic DMC-LX100EF – Experts – Le LX100 combine un capteur type 4/3 à un objectif ultra lumineux Leica DC Vario-Summilux de 24 mm et des contrôles manuels. Il offre un niveau de contrôle créatif que seuls les appareils photo plus complexes offrent habituellement.
Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design Integrated compact device D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex
D-GT 800 UA/UAF, as well as compact flame monitors D-LX 100 UA/UAF/IS/IG and D-LX 200 UA/UAF/IG Power Supply 230 VAC / 50Hz D-ZS 118 Optical adjustment aid for align-ment of the swivel mount on the sighting tube D-ZS 130 Fail-safe relay card Installation in 19“ rack/enclosure 3RU/10HP Power supply 24VDC Protection IP00 Accessories Dimensions
Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 ATEX Zone 1 . Détecteur de flamme D-LE 603 UA/94 Ex auto contrôlé associé à un module de commande Ex
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing the sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140-12) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 200 (D-NG 24/25a) D-LX 200 Test kit for software supported tests of the compact flame monitors D-LX 200/720
01/06/2012 · Durag’s D-LX 100 compact flame monitor is designed for continuous, intermittent and 72-hour operation in a unit with the flame scanner and amplifier integrated into a compact housing. This greatly reduces overall cost and simplifies installation as additional costs normally required for mounting the control electronics in a service cabinet or

DMC-LX100EF Experts Panasonic France
Durag’s compact flame monitor June 2012 – OEN

D-GT 800 UA/UAF, as well as compact flame monitors D-LX 100 UA/UAF/IS/IG and D-LX 200 UA/UAF/IG Power Supply 230 VAC / 50Hz D-ZS 118 Optical adjustment aid for align-ment of the swivel mount on the sighting tube D-ZS 130 Fail-safe relay card Installation in 19“ rack/enclosure 3RU/10HP Power supply 24VDC Protection IP00 Accessories Dimensions
The DURAG GROUP offers you a number of downloads, to assist you in your daily work and to support you in choosing the correct products and solutions.
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117 – I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133 – I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) ower supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Technische info. Datasheet D-LX 100 Compact Flame Monitor
Official list of certified measuring- and evaluating-systems according to the European standard EN 15267
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˚ Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05). Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design ˚ Integrated compact device. D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex D-LX 100
Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing the sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140-12) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 200 (D-NG 24/25a) D-LX 200 Test kit for software supported tests of the compact flame monitors D-LX 200/720
Swivel mount for alignment of flame monitor to the flame to be monitored (D-ZS 033-I) Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117-I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133-I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) Wide range power supply unit for supply of several D‑LX 100 (D-NG 24/25a)
Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design Integrated compact device D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex
DURAG GROUP International > Emissões> Medidores de vazão volumetrica D-FL 100 Volume flow measuring system Suitability-tested and certified impact pressure system to measure velocity and volume flow of dry flue gas or process gas in pipes or ducts.
d-lx 100 Compact flame monitor Self-monitoring and fail-safe compact flame monitor for the monitoring of gas, oil and coal flames with integrated UV, VIS or IR …

DMC-LX100EF Experts Panasonic France

50°C 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C 500°C 600°C-R 820F-904 20 D-R 320 D-R 220 D-R 290 D-R 300-40 D-R 800-RX 250 100% 80% 0% tribo extractive 2 Measurement Dust / Opacity Dust Soot Dust Dust Dust Total Ambient Dust Measuring principle Transmission Backward Scattering Forward Scattering Tribo Beta UV Photo­ meter Beta DURAG Group D­R 220 D­R
The DURAG GROUP offers you a number of downloads, to assist you in your daily work and to support you in choosing the correct products and solutions.
All D-LX 200 types are also available as mod-els for use with fibre optic systems (D-LX 720) Optional versions have a metal connector (/MP) or can be used in hazardous areas (/84Ex, / 87Ex) The connection flange is compatible with cur-rent standard installations of devices D-LE 603 or D-LX 100…
DURAG GROUP International > Emissões> Medidores de vazão volumetrica D-FL 100 Volume flow measuring system Suitability-tested and certified impact pressure system to measure velocity and volume flow of dry flue gas or process gas in pipes or ducts.
d-lx 100 Compact flame monitor Self-monitoring and fail-safe compact flame monitor for the monitoring of gas, oil and coal flames with integrated UV, VIS or IR …
Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design Integrated compact device D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex
d-lx 201 Compact flame monitor Self-monitoring and fail-safe compact flame monitor for the monitoring of gas, oil and coal flames with integrated UV or IR flame sensor.
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the D-UG 660 universally suitable for use in plants of varying fuel types and/or load conditions. level of safety of the DURAG Flame Monitoring System D-UG 660 / D-LE 603 has been ap-proved and certified by numerous independent test institutes, for example: Range Selection and Remote Gain Control Flame Monitor D-UG 660 / D-LE 103 2 Example 1: Adjustment on different fuels Example 2: One
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Thermal isolator with electrical insulation (D-ZS 117 – I) Ball valve for closing sighting tube (D-ZS 133 – I) Terminal box for connecting the flame monitor (D-ZS 140 / 141) ower supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05) Technische info. Datasheet D-LX 100 Compact Flame Monitor
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˚ Power supply unit to supply two D-LX 100 (D-NG 24/05). Functional description The D-LX 100 flame monitor analyses flame ra-diation using the integrated flame sensor signal. The flame intensity is present as a current at one output 0/4…20mA for further analysis. Design ˚ Integrated compact device. D-LX 100 / 94 Ex D-LX 100 / 95 Ex D-LX 100
d-lx 100 Contrôleur de flamme compact Contrôleur de flammes compact autocontrôlé et fiable pour la surveillance des flammes produites par le gaz, le fioul et le charbon, avec détecteur de flamme UV, VIS ou IR intégré, à utiliser de préférence sur des installations à brûleur unique.

Компактный монитор пламени DURAG является устройством, обеспечивающим безопасность технологического процесса и предназначен для контроля факела горелки.

Обладает встроенными средствами самодиагностики и блокировки при отказе.

Режим работы Непрерывный, периодический, 72-часовой
Напряжение питания 24 В постоянного тока
Потребляемая мощность 5 Вт
Степень защиты IP 67 (в стандартном исполнении), IP 65 (во взрывозащищенном исполнении)
Реле пламени Сухой контакт НО, 230 VAC, 2A
Реле состояния Сухой контакт НО, 230 VAC, 2A
Время срабатывания 1, 3, 5 секунд (указывается при заказе)
Диапазон чувствительности сенсора УФ или ИК
Угол обзора
Количество наборов настроек 1
Регулировка порога срабатывания 10-ступенчатая
Индикация Светодиоды
Сигнал интенсивности пламени 0/4…20 мА
Температура эксплуатации -20…+60°С
Размеры / Вес 90 х 92 х 350 мм / 1.8 кг (стандартная модель и /97Ex), Ø130 х 313 мм / 4.3 кг (модель /94Ex)
Присоединение к визирной трубе G1¼» (стандартная модель и /97Ex), G1″ (модель /94Ex)
Присоединение воздуха на продувку G½» (стандартная модель и /97Ex), у модели /94Ex данный штуцер отсутствует, используйте специальный кронштейн D-ZS 033-III
Виды взрывозащиты II 3G Ex nA nC T5/T6 (модель /97Ex), II 2G Ex de IIC T5/T6 (модель /94Ex)

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