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Инструкция — EW 1259 W

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Информация отображена на картинке

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Информация отображена на картинке

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Для Вашего удобства
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• Просмотр в полноэкранном режиме — легко просмотреть руководство пользователя (без загрузки его на свой компьютер), Вы можете использовать режим полноэкранного просмотра.
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Многие люди предпочитают читать документы не на экране, а в печатной версии.
Возможность печати руководства пользователя также была предусмотрена на нашем сайте,
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    W A S H E R — D RY E R



    EW 1259 W


    Dear customer,

    Please read these operating instructions carefully and pay particular attention to the safety notes indicated in the first pages. We recommend that you keep this instruction booklet for future reference and pass it on to any future owners.

    Transport damages

    When unpacking the appliance, check that it is not damaged. If in doubt, do not use it and contact the Service Centre.

    The symbols you will see on some paragraphs of this booklet have the following meaning:

    The warning triangle and/or the key words (Warning!, Caution!) emphasize information that is particularly important for your safety or correct functioning of the appliance.

    The information marked with this symbol provides additional instructions and practical tips on the use of the appliance.

    Tips and information about economical and ecological use of the machine are marked with this symbol.

    Our contribution to the protection of the environment: we use environmentally friendly paper.





    Operating sequence


    Washing programmes




    Special programmes


    Tips for environmental protection 31

    Timed dryings


    International wash code symbols


    Technical specifications










    Detergent dispenser drawer


    Drain filter




    Water inlet filter


    Water inlet


    Emergency emptying out


    Water drainage


    Frost precautions


    Electrical connection


    Your new washer-dryer


    Something not working?


    Description of the appliance


    Door locked pilot light


    Detergent dispenser drawer




    Control panel






    Programme information


    Washing hints


    Sorting the laundry




    Before loading the laundry


    Maximum loads


    Laundry weights


    Removing stains


    Detergents and additives


    Drying hints




    Garments not suitable for drying


    Drying symbols on garment labels


    Duration of the drying cycle


    Fibre residue


    Additional drying





    The following warnings are provided in the interests of overall safety. You must read them carefully before installing or using the appliance.


    All internal packing must be removed before using the appliance. Serious damage may be caused to the machine or adjacent furniture if the protective transit devices are not removed or are not completely removed. Refer to the relevant paragraph in the instruction book.

    Any electrical work required to install this appliance must be carried out by a qualified electrician.

    Any plumbing work required to install this appliance must be carried out by a qualified plumber.

    After having installed the machine, check that it is not standing on its electrical supply cable.

    If the appliance is placed on a carpeted floor, ensure that air can circulate freely between the feet and the floor.


    Never touch the machine while standing on a wet floor or being barefoot.

    This appliance is designed for domestic use. It must not be used for purposes other than those for which it was designed.

    Only wash and dry fabrics which are designed to be machine washed and dried. Follow the instructions on each garment label.

    Do not overload the appliance. Follow the instructions in the instruction book.

    Make sure that all pockets are empty. Objects such as coins, safety pins, pins and screws can cause extensive damage.

    Do not machine wash garments saturated with petroleum, methylated spirits, trichlorethylene, etc. If such fluids have been used to remove stains prior to washing, wait until they have completely evaporated from the fabric before placing garments in the appliance.

    Place small items such as socks, belts, etc. in a cloth bag or pillowcase to prevent them getting trapped between the drum and the tub.

    If you use a liquid detergent with a dispenser which has to be placed directly in the drum, remember to remove this dispenser before drying.

    Use only the recommended quantities of fabric softener. An excessive amount could damage the laundry.

    Leave the porthole door slightly ajar when the appliance is not in use. This preserves the door seal and prevents the formation of musty smells.

    Always check that water has emptied out before opening the door. If not, drain the water following the instructions in the instruction book.

    Always unplug the appliance and shut the water tap after use.

    General safety

    Repairs to the machine must be carried out only by qualified personnel. Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons could cause serious danger. Contact your local Service Centre.

    Never pull the power supply cable to remove the plug from the socket; always take hold of the plug itself.

    During high temperature wash programmes and during the drying cycle the door glass may get hot. Do not touch it!


    Child safety

    Children are often not aware of how dangerous electrical appliances can be. When the machine is working, children should be carefully supervised and not be allowed to play with the appliance.

    The packaging components (e.g. plastic film, polystyrene) can be dangerous to children — danger of suffocation! Keep them out of children’s reach.

    Keep all detergents in a safe place out of children’s reach.

    Make sure that children or pets do not climb into the drum.

    When the appliance is to be scrapped, cut off the electrical supply cable and destroy the plug with the remaining cable. Disable the door catch in order to prevent children from becoming trapped inside while playing.


    Packaging materials

    The materials marked with the symbol are recyclable.




    This means that they can be recycled by disposing of them properly in appropriate collection containers.


    Use authorised disposal sites for your old appliance. Help to keep your country tidy!

    Tips for environmental protection

    To save water, energy and to help protect the environment, we recommend that you follow these tips:

    Normally soiled laundry may be washed without prewashing in order to save detergent, water and time (the environment is protected too!).

    The machine works more economically if it is fully loaded (for both washing and drying cycles).

    The machine will consume less energy if the laundry is adequately spun before being dried.

    With adequate pre-treatment, stains and limited soiling can be removed; the laundry can then be washed at a lower temperature.

    Measure out detergent according to the water hardness, the degree of soiling and the quantity of laundry being washed.



    Technical specifications



    85 cm


    60 cm


    58 cm





    5.0 kg

    2.5 kg


    2.5 kg

    2.0 kg


    2.5 kg


    2 kg


    1200 rpm max.


    220-230 V/50 Hz


    2200 W


    10 A



    500 kPa


    800 kPa

    This appliance complies with the following EEC Directives: 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 relating to low voltage

    89/336/EEC of 03/05/89 relating to electromagnetic compatibility.


    AEG-Electrolux EW1259W User Manual



    All transit bolts and packing must be removed before using the appliance.

    You are advised to keep all transit devices so that they can be refitted if the machine ever has to be transported again.

    1.Using a spanner, unscrew and remove the rear right-hand bolt and lay the machine on its back, taking care not to squash the hoses. This can be avoided by placing one of the corner packing pieces between the machine and the floor.

    2.Remove the polystyrene block from the bottom of the machine and release the two plastic bags.

    3.Carefully remove the right-hand bag (1) then the left-hand bag (2) by pulling them towards the centre of the machine.

    4.Set the machine upright and remove the two remaining bolts from the back.

    5.Pull out the three plastic spacers from the holes into which the bolts were fitted.

    6.Plug the open holes with the plugs which you will find in the plastic envelope containing the instruction booklet.


    Install the machine on a flat hard floor.

    Make sure that air circulation around the machine is not impeded by carpets, rugs etc. Check that the machine does not touch the wall or other kitchen units.

    Carefully level by screwing the adjustable feet in or out. Never place cardboard, wood or similar materials under the machine to compensate for any unevenness in the floor.

    Water inlet

    Connect the water inlet hose to a tap with a 3/4″ thread.

    The other end of the inlet hose which connects to the machine can be turned in any direction. Simply loosen the fitting, rotate the hose and retighten the fitting, making sure there are no water leaks.

    The inlet hose must not be lengthened. If it is too short and you do not wish to move the tap, you will have to purchase a new, longer hose specially designed for this type of use.



    Water drainage

    The end of the drain hose can be positioned in three ways:

    Hooked over the edge of a sink using the plastic hose guide supplied with the machine. In this case, make sure the end cannot come unhooked when the machine is emptying.

    This could be done by tying it to the tap with a piece of string or attaching it to the wall.

    In a sink drain pipe branch. This branch must be above the trap so that the bend is at least 60 cm above the ground.

    Directly into a drain pipe at a height of not less than 60 cm and not more than 90 cm.

    The end of the drain hose must always be ventilated, i.e. the inside diameter of the drain pipe must be larger than the outside diameter of the drain hose.

    The drain hose must not be kinked. Run it along the floor; only the part near the drainage point must be raised.

    Electrical connection

    This machine is designed to operate on a 220-230 V, single-phase, 50 Hz supply.

    Check that your domestic electrical installation can take the maximum load required (2.2 kW), also taking into account any other appliances in use.

    Connect the machine to an earthed socket.

    The manufacturer declines any responsibility for damage or injury through failure to comply with the above safety precaution.

    Should the appliance power supply cable need to be replaced, this should be carried out by our Service Centre.


    Your new washer-dryer

    This new machine, which is fitted with the Direct Spray system, patented Electrolux, meets all modern needs for effective treatment of laundry with low water, energy and detergent consumption.

    Further savings are achieved by washing small loads of laundry, since water and electricity consumption is proportional to the quantity and type of laundry being washed.

    The programme selector dial combines the function of programme and temperature selection, making it easier to set the programme.

    The programme progress display shows the programme steps selected and the programme phase which is running.

    The special wool programme with its new delicate wash system treats your woollens with extreme care.

    The drying programmes will give your wash that soft, relaxed feel whatever the weather.

    The balance control device ensures the machine is stable during the spin.

    Automatic cooling of the wash water to 60°C before draining, with the 95°C programme. This reduces thermal shock to fabrics, helping to prevent creasing.

    Description of the appliance


    Detergent dispenser drawer




    Programme chart


    Control panel


    Door locked pilot light


    Drain filter



    Adjustable feet


    Door locked pilot light

    It stays on during the whole programme indicating that the door is locked.

    When the light goes out, the door can be opened (see page 40).

    Detergent dispenser drawer


    Main wash

    Fabric softener, starch




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