Electrolux soft access стиральная машина инструкция

Как пользоваться стиральной машиной Электролюкс

Мощнейший концерн по производству бытовой техники, является одним из лидеров по внедрению новейших технологий. Хорошо это или плохо сказать трудно, как по мне, так чем меньше электроники напичкано в стиральную машину, тем дольше она проработает, но всё-таки эти стиралки очень качественные и не зря пользуются большим спросом у потребителей. Конечно есть небольшие проблемы в самой эксплуатации этих СМА. Дело в том, что они очень чувствительны к недостаточному напору воды и перепадам напряжения. Если вы решили купить стиральную машину Electrolux, то вам в первую очередь надо замерить ток в вашей розетке, если он меньше чем 210 вольт или выше 245 вольт, то лучше отказаться от покупки СМ данного производителя. Вот так потихоньку мы подошли к правилам пользования, а вернее к тому, какие требования предъявляет этот бренд к потребителям. Не надо думать, что Электролюкс это какая-то особенная машинка, требования практически такие же как и у всех остальных, ниже я попробую их перечислить

  • Напор воды → Должен быть не меньше 1 бар. В случае если давление воды в водопроводе будет ниже, стиральная машина может не успеть набрать воду за отведенное на это время, в результате высветится ошибка. Тут надо заметить, что к примеру на Индезите, отведённое время на набор воды, значительно больше по продолжительности, чем в Zanussi и Electrolux, то есть Индезит не страдает такой болячкой
  • Напряжение тока → Я уже писал выше, что оно должно быть не меньше 210 вольт и не выше 245, иногда бывает так, что машинка просто встаёт и всё, и дальше не стирает, даже не выдает каких-либо ошибок — виновником такого положения, очень часто бывает несоответствие напряжения
  • Место установки → Обычно СМА нашего производителя, неприхотливы к вопросу высокой влажности в помещении, но всё-таки лучше установить СМ в комнату, в которой присутствует, как можно меньше влаги

В принципе каких-то сверхъестественных требований, этот бренд не предъявляет и если у вас с напором воды и электричеством всё в порядке, то эта техника будет работать довольно долго. Вот теперь можно поговорить и о том, как увеличить срок службы стиральные машины Электролюкс, ниже я дам несколько советов по этому поводу

  1. Лимонная кислота и калгон → Ни в коем случае не пользуйтесь этой гадостью, эта хрень разъедает крестовину, которая сделана из силумина. Поймите, в самом порошке уже есть присадки, которые убирают накипь и чистят стиральную машину — большего вы не добьётесь
  2. Удлинители и переходники → Это первые враги любых стиральных машин, в следующем пункте я объясню, почему нельзя пользоваться этой хренью
  3. Отдельная розетка → На данный момент в очень многих домах и квартирах стоят бойлеры, когда я приезжаю на вызов, я наблюдаю такую картину — к бойлеру проведена отдельная проводка с отдельной розеткой, а для стиральной машины кинута обыкновенная переноска, в которую воткнут переходник с евро на советскую розетку и в этот переходник всунута вилка от стиральной машины — вам смешно, а обратите внимание как у вас подключена стиральная машина, не думаю что лучше. Теперь давайте посмотрим на то сколько электроэнергии потребляет бойлер — обычно это до 2 кВт, а теперь глянем сколько потребляет тока стиральная машина Электролюкс — от 2,5 до 3 кВт. У вас возникает вопрос, откуда такая мощность, всё просто — на СМА стоит тэн, примерно такой же как на бойлере, мощность его равна 2-2,2 кВт, плюс к этому ещё другая периферия, такая как мотор, мозги, клапан и так далее. Вот теперь подумайте, нужна ли отдельная розетка для стиральной машины?
  4. Режим отжима → Обороты не должны превышать 800 об/мин. Нормальный отжим начинается с 600 оборотов в минуту, а всё что выше 800 это уже замануха от производителя — может быть чуть-чуть лучше выжмет, но зато бельё будет помятым. К тому же вы сократите срок службы подшипников и сальника
  5. Резиновый коврик → Казалось бы мелочь, но эта мелочь поможет стиральной машине уменьшить вибрацию при отжиме, а если в вашем помещении, где стоит стиральная машина, лежит плитка, то резиновый коврик будет способствовать тому, что СМА будет стоять на месте, а не гулять по всей комнате
  6. Стекло люка → Желательно протирать после каждой стирки, таким образом вы будете убирать накипь, которая скапливается при стирке. Если этого не делать, через три-четыре года, на стекле образуется небольшой слой накипи и эта гадость будет действовать как наждачка, приводя в негодность манжету, то есть уплотнительную резинку
  7. По окончанию стирки → Во-первых обязательно выключите стиральную машину из розетки, во-вторых приоткройте дверцу люка и контейнер для порошка на 3-4 см. Такая несложная процедура способствует вентиляции в стиральной машине, благодаря этому вы не будете знать, что такое неприятный запах

Если вы будете следовать всем советам, которые я написал выше, гарантированно срок эксплуатации вашей стиралки увеличится на несколько лет. Я не стал писать про высокую температуру, на которой любят стирать многие хозяйки, так как у каждого есть своё мнение, но я скажу так — если вы будете злоупотреблять стиркой на 90оС, то такие детали как: тэн, замок, блок управления и т.д. прослужат намного меньше, чем вы того ожидали, к тому же проводка на машине будет перегреваться, а это также влияет на срок работы. В общем не пренебрегайте теми советами, которые я вам дал — всё взято из личного опыта и практики

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Весь мануал закачен на яндекс диск, все инструкции находятся в свободном доступе и их можно не только скачать, но и посмотреть в режиме онлайн, без всяких sms и абонплат. Как качать с яндекс диска я рассказывать не буду, думаю вы люди взрослые сами разберётесь в этом вопросе. Если вы житель Украины, то рекомендую установить на google Chrome расширение Yandex Access или просто скачать яндекс браузер, можно также воспользоваться браузером опера с поддержкой VPN, короче говоря способов много. В инструкции по эксплуатации вы можете найти информацию про то, как подсоединить стиральную машину к канализации и водопроводу, а также как пользоваться разными программами. Особое внимание обратите на страничку, где рассказано про чистку системы слива, чтобы ваша стиральная машина нормально работала, фильтр желательно чистить после каждой двадцатой стирки. Если вы не нашли инструкцию именно для своей модели, то можете воспользоваться более-менее похожим руководством, поверьте за исключением дополнительных функций, все остальные программы во многих моделях мало чем отличаются, тут главное вникнуть в суть

  1. Electrolux EW 821 T
  2. Electrolux EW 920 S
  3. Electrolux EW 970 C
  4. Electrolux EW 1022 T
  5. Electrolux EW 1063 S
  6. Electrolux EW 1075 F
  7. Electrolux EW 1077 F
  8. Electrolux EW 1170 C
  9. Electrolux EW 1237 T
  10. Electrolux EW 1277 F
  11. Electrolux EW 1477 F
  12. Electrolux EW 1677 F
  13. Electrolux EWB 105205 W
  14. Electrolux EWC 1050
  15. Electrolux EWC 1150
  16. Electrolux EWC 1350
  17. Electrolux EWF 10020 W
  18. Electrolux EWF 1020
  19. Electrolux EWF 1025
  20. Electrolux EWF 1030
  21. Electrolux EWB 95205 W
  22. Electrolux EWF 106410 W
  23. Electrolux EWF 106510 W
  24. Electrolux EWF 1086
  25. Electrolux EWF 1225
  26. Electrolux EWF 1234
  27. Electrolux EWF 1245
  28. Electrolux EWF 126410 W
  29. Electrolux EWF 127413 W
  30. Electrolux EWF 127570 W
  31. Electrolux EWF 1286
  32. Electrolux EWF 129442 W
  33. Electrolux EWF 1434
  34. Electrolux EWF 1445
  35. Electrolux EWF 146410 W
  36. Electrolux EWF 1486
  37. Electrolux EWF 1645
  38. Electrolux EWG 12740 W
  39. Electrolux EWG 14550 W
  40. Electrolux EWM 126410 W
  41. Electrolux EWN 1030
  42. Electrolux EWN 1220
  43. Electrolux EWN 1220 A
  44. Electrolux EWN 127540 W
  45. Electrolux EWP 106100 W
  46. Electrolux EWP 106300 W
  47. Electrolux EWP 126100 W
  48. Electrolux EWP 126300 W
  49. Electrolux EWN 127540 W
  50. Electrolux EWP 86100 W
  51. Electrolux EWS 800
  52. Electrolux EWS 900 S
  53. Electrolux EWS 1005
  54. Electrolux EWS 1020
  55. Electrolux EWS 1030
  56. Electrolux EWS 1046
  57. Electrolux EWS 1230
  58. Electrolux EWS 10400 W
  59. Electrolux EWS 10412 W
  60. Electrolux EWS 12412 W
  61. Electrolux EWS 85210 A
  62. Electrolux EWS 86110 W
  63. Electrolux EWS 103410 A
  64. Electrolux EWS 105210 A
  65. Electrolux EWS 105215 A
  66. Electrolux EWS 105410 A
  67. Electrolux EWS 105415 A
  68. Electrolux EWS 106110 W
  69. Electrolux EWS 106210 W
  70. Electrolux EWS 106410 S
  71. Electrolux EWS 106410 W
  72. Electrolux EWS 106430 W
  73. Electrolux EWS 106540 W
  74. Electrolux EWS 125210 A
  75. Electrolux EWS 125410 A
  76. Electrolux EWS 126410 W
  77. Electrolux EWS 126510 W
  78. Electrolux EWS 126540 W
  79. Electrolux EWT 811
  80. Electrolux EWT 825
  81. Electrolux EWT 1001
  82. Electrolux EWT 1011
  83. Electrolux EWT 1021
  84. Electrolux EWT 1221
  85. Electrolux EWT 1340
  86. Electrolux EWT 9120 W
  87. Electrolux EWT 10620 W
  88. Electrolux EWT 13620 W
  89. Electrolux EWT 105210 W
  90. Electrolux EWT 105410 W
  91. Electrolux EWT 105510 W
  92. Electrolux EWT 106411 W
  93. Electrolux EWT 106511 W
  94. Electrolux EWT 135210 W
  95. Electrolux EWT 135410 W
  96. Electrolux EWT 135510 W
  97. Electrolux EWT 136411 W
  98. Electrolux EWT 136511 W
  99. Electrolux EWT 136551 W
  100. Electrolux EWT 136640 W
  101. Electrolux EWW 12470 W
  102. Electrolux EWW 126410 W
  103. Electrolux EWW 167580 W
  104. Electrolux EWW 168540 W
  105. Electrolux EWX 12540 W
  106. Electrolux EWX 14550 W
  107. Electrolux NEAT 1200
  108. Electrolux NEAT 1600

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Инструкция стиральной машины Electrolux EWT 105510 W

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Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

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Ежегодно компания продает более 60 миллионов своих изделий потребителям из 150 стран под брендами Electrolux, Zanussi, AEG, Grand Cuisine, Frigidaire, REX, Zoppas, Flymo, Partner, Westinghouse, McCulloch, Eureka и другими. Общая численность сотрудников транснациональной компании Electrolux на 2016 год составляет 58 тыс. человек. Актуальное продуктовое портфолио Electrolux включает в себя встраиваемую и отдельно стоящую технику: духовые шкафы, варочные поверхности, вытяжки, холодильники, морозильные лари, винные шкафы, плиты, посудомоечные и стиральные машины, пылесосы, малую бытовую технику, бытовую химию, посуду и разнообразные, полезные аксессуары для приготовления пищи. Компания также производит прачечное и профессиональное кухонное оборудование. По данным компании Electrolux, не менее 50% шеф-поваров ресторанов, отмеченных звездами Мишлен, предпочитают использовать профессиональную технику Electrolux на своей кухне.

Бумажное руководство, даже если имеется, не всегда удобно в использовании, поэтому мы собрали некоторое количество инструкций на нашем сайте. Вы можете абсолютно бесплатно скачать любую из инструкций в формате pdf или воспользоваться просмотром в браузере.

Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование

Тип: Стиральная Машина

Инструкция к Стиральной Машине Electrolux EW 1063 S










EW 1063 S







132 998 631

Dear customer,

Please read these operating instructions carefully

and pay particular attention to the safety notes

indicated in the first pages. We recommend that you

keep this instruction booklet for future reference and

pass it on to any future owners.

Transport damages

When unpacking the appliance, check that it is not

damaged. If in doubt, do not use it and contact the

Service Centre.

The symbols you will see on some paragraphs of this booklet have the following meaning:

The warning triangle and/or the key words (Warning!, Caution!) emphasize information that is particularly

important for your safety or correct functioning of the appliance.

The information marked with this symbol provides additional instructions and practical tips on the use of

the appliance.

Tips and information about economical and ecological use of the machine are marked with this symbol.

Our contribution to the protection of the

environment: we use recycled paper.



Warnings 4-5

Maintenance 18

Bodywork 18

Disposal 5

Detergent dispenser drawer 18


Drain filter 18

Tips for environmental protection 5

Water inlet filter 18

Emergency emptying out 19

Technical specifications 6

Frost precautions 19

Installation 7

Something not working? 20-21

Unpacking 7

Positioning 7

Water inlet 7

Water drainage 8

Electrical connection 8

Your new washing machine 9

Description of the appliance 9

Detergent dispenser drawer 9

Use 10

Control panel 10

Controls 10

Washing hints 11

Sorting the laundry 11

Temperatures 11

Before loading the laundry 11

Maximum loads 11

Laundry weights 11

Removing stains 11

Detergents and additives 12

International wash code symbols 13

Operating sequence 14-15

Washing programmes 16-17



The following warnings are provided in the interests of overall safety. You must read them carefully before

installing or using the appliance.

Leave the porthole door slightly ajar when the


appliance is not in use. This preserves the door

All internal packing must be removed before using

seal and prevents the formation of musty smells.

the appliance. Serious damage may be caused to

Always check that water has emptied out before

the machine or adjacent furniture if the protective

opening the door. If not, drain the water following

transit devices are not removed or are not

the instructions in the instruction book.

completely removed. Refer to the relevant

paragraph in the instruction book.

Always unplug the appliance and shut the water

tap after use.

Any electrical work required to install this appliance

must be carried out by a qualified electrician.

Any plumbing work required to install this

General safety

appliance must be carried out by a qualified

Repairs to the machine must be carried out only by


qualified personnel. Repairs carried out by

After having installed the machine, check that it is

inexperienced persons could cause serious

not standing on its electrical supply cable.

danger. Contact your local Service Centre.

If the appliance is placed on a carpeted floor,

Never pull the power supply cable to remove the

ensure that air can circulate freely between the feet

plug from the socket; always take hold of the plug

and the floor.


During high temperature wash programmes the

door glass may get hot. Do not touch it!


This appliance is designed for domestic use. It

must not be used for purposes other than those for

which it was designed.

Only wash fabrics which are designed to be

machine washed. Follow the instructions on each

garment label.

Do not overload the appliance. Follow the

instructions in the instruction book.

Make sure that all pockets are empty. Objects such

as coins, safety pins, pins and screws can cause

extensive damage.

Do not machine wash garments saturated with

petroleum, methylated spirits, trichlorethylene, etc.

If such fluids have been used to remove stains

prior to washing, wait until they have completely

evaporated from the fabric before placing garments

in the appliance.

Place small items such as socks, belts, etc. in a

cloth bag or pillowcase to prevent them getting

trapped between the drum and the tub.

Use only the recommended quantities of fabric

softener. An excessive amount could damage the



Keep all detergents in a safe place out of children’s

Child safety


Children are often not aware of how dangerous

Make sure that children or pets do not climb into

electrical appliances can be. When the machine is


the drum.

working, children should be carefully supervised

and not be allowed to play with the appliance.

When the appliance is to be scrapped, cut off the

electrical supply cable and destroy the plug with

The packaging components (e.g. plastic film,

the remaining cable. Disable the door catch in

polystyrene) can be dangerous to children — danger

order to prevent children from becoming trapped

of suffocation! Keep them out of children’s reach.

inside while playing.


Packaging materials


The materials marked with the symbol are

Use authorised disposal sites for your old appliance.


Help to keep your country tidy!




This means that they can be recycled by disposing of

them properly in appropriate collection containers.

Tips for environmental protection

To save water, energy and to help protect the

With adequate pre-treatment, stains and limited

environment, we recommend that you follow these

soiling can be removed; the laundry can then be


washed at a lower temperature.

Normally soiled laundry may be washed without

Measure out detergent according to the water

prewashing in order to save detergent, water and

hardness, the degree of soiling and the quantity of

time (the environment is protected too!).

laundry being washed.

The machine works more economically if it is fully

Use a short programme for lightly soiled laundry.



Technical specifications

DIMENSIONS Height 85 cm

Width 60 cm

Depth 45 cm

MAXIMUM LOAD Cotton 4.5 kg

Synthetics 1.5 kg

Delicates 1.5 kg

Woollens 1 kg

SPIN SPEED 1000 rpm max.




WATER PRESSURE Minimum 050 kPa

Maximum 800 kPa

This appliance complies with the following EEC Directives:

73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 relating to low voltage

89/336/EEC of 03/05/89 relating to electromagnetic compatibility.



All transit bolts and packing must be removed


before using the appliance.

You are advised to keep all transit devices so that

they can be refitted if the machine ever has to be

transported again.

1. Using a spanner, unscrew and remove the rear

right-hand bolt and lay the machine on its back,

taking care not to squash the hoses. This can be

avoided by placing one of the corner packing

pieces between the machine and the floor.

2. Remove the polystyrene block from the bottom of

the machine and release the two plastic bags.

3. Carefully remove the right-hand bag (1) then the

left-hand bag (2) by pulling them towards the

centre of the machine.

4. Set the machine upright and remove the two

remaining bolts from the back.

5. Pull out the three plastic spacers from the holes

into which the bolts were fitted.

6. Plug all the holes with the plugs supplied with the

instruction booklet.







Install the machine on a flat hard floor.

Make sure that air circulation around the machine is

not impeded by carpets, rugs etc. Check that the

machine does not touch the wall or other kitchen


Carefully level by screwing the adjustable feet in or

out. Never place cardboard, wood or similar

materials under the machine to compensate for any

unevenness in the floor.

Water inlet

Connect the water inlet hose to a tap with a 3/4″


The other end of the inlet hose which connects to the

machine can be turned in any direction. Simply

loosen the fitting, rotate the hose and retighten the

fitting, making sure there are no water leaks.

The inlet hose must not be lengthened. If it is too

short and you do not wish to move the tap, you will

have to purchase a new, longer hose specially

designed for this type of use.





Water drainage

The end of the drain hose can be positioned in three


Hooked over the edge of a sink using the plastic

hose guide supplied with the machine. In this

case, make sure the end cannot come unhooked

when the machine is emptying.

This could be done by tying it to the tap with a piece

of string or attaching it to the wall.

In a sink drain pipe branch. This branch must be

above the trap so that the bend is at least 60 cm

above the ground.

Directly into a drain pipe at a height of not less

than 60 cm and not more than 90 cm.

The end of the drain hose must always be

ventilated, i.e. the inside diameter of the drain pipe

must be larger than the outside diameter of the drain


The drain hose must not be kinked. Run it along the

floor; only the part near the drainage point must be





Electrical connection

This machine is designed to operate on a 220-230 V,

single-phase, 50 Hz supply.

Check that your domestic electrical installation can

take the maximum load required (2.2 kW), also

taking into account any other appliances in use.

Connect the machine to an earthed socket.

The manufacturer declines any responsibility

for damage or injury through failure to comply

with the above safety precaution.

Should the appliance power supply cable

need to be replaced, this should be carried

out by our Service Centre.


When the appliance is installed the power supply

cable must be easily accessible.

Your new washing machine

This new machine meets all modern requirements for effective treatment of laundry with low water, energy and

detergent consumption.

The temperature selector dial will allow you to choose the most suitable temperature for your laundry.


The automatic cooling of the washing water from 95° to 60°C before draining reduces thermal shock to

fabrics, helping to prevent creasing.

The special wool programme with its new delicate wash system treats your woollens with extreme care.

The balance control device ensures the machine is stable during the spin.

Description of the appliance

1 Detergent dispenser drawer



2 Control panel

3 Drain filter

4 Adjustable feet



Detergent dispenser drawer


Main wash

Fabric softener, starch




Control panel

EW 1063 S



1 Programme chart

6 Anti-crease button

It will help you to choose the most suitable washing

Using this option the last rinse water is not emptied

programme for your laundry.

out, so as to avoid creasing if the laundry is not

removed from the machine immediately after


2 On/Off button

The water can be emptied out by pressing the button

again (emptying will be followed by a spin) or by

Press this button to start the machine. The same

selecting the drain programme “N”.

button is used to switch the machine off.

If the button is not pressed, the programmes end

Before selecting a programme or changing an

with a spin.

ongoing programme the machine must be

switched off by depressing the On/Off button.

7 Door open button

Press to open the door.

3 Spin speed reduction button

By depressing this button the spin speed is reduced

8 “Door locked” pilot light

as follows:

• cotton and linen: from 1000 to 650 rpm

This light comes on when the programme starts,

• synthetics and delicates: from 900 to 650 rpm

indicating that the door is locked.

• wool: from 1000 to 650 rpm

The door cannot be opened until the light goes out.

4 Quick wash button

9 Temperature selector dial


By depressing this button on programmes A-B-C-G

and H the washing time will be reduced.

To select the washing temperature turn the dial to

Max. recommended temperature 60°C.

the required value.

To be used for lightly soiled laundry.

When your laundry is only lightly soiled, a cold wash

can be used (dial to position ).

5 Extra rinse button

10 Programme selector dial

By depressing this button on programmes AB and C

for cotton and linen the machine will perform the

To select the required washing programme turn the

rinses with more water.

dial clockwise.

To be used in areas where the water is very soft or

for people allergic to detergents or who have very

delicate skin.

11 Mains-on light

It comes on when the machine starts operating and

goes out by depressing ON/OFF button to switch the

machine off.


Washing hints

Laundry weights

The following weights are indicative:


Sorting the laundry

bathrobe 1200 g

Follow the wash code symbols on each garment

napkin 100 g

label and the manufacturer’s washing instructions.

quilt cover 700 g

Sort the laundry as follows:

sheet 500 g

whites, coloureds, synthetics, delicates, woollens.

pillow case 200 g


tablecloth 250 g

towelling towel 200 g

95° for normally soiled white cottons and linen

tea cloth 100 g

(e.g. tea cloths, towels, tablecloths,


night dress 200 g

60° for normally soiled, colour fast garments

ladies’ briefs 100 g

(e.g. shirts, night dresses, pyjamas….) in

man’s work shirt 600 g

linen, cotton or synthetic fibres and for

man’s shirt 200 g

lightly soiled white cotton (e.g. underwear).

man’s pyjamas 500 g

(cold)for delicate items (e.g. net curtains), mixed

30°-40° laundry including synthetic fibres and

blouse 100 g

woollens bearing the label «pure new

men’s underpants 100 g

wool, machine washable, non-shrink».

Removing stains

Before loading the laundry

Stubborn stains may not be removed by just water

Never wash whites and coloureds together. Whites

and detergent. It is therefore advisable to treat them

may lose their “whiteness” in the wash.

prior to washing.

New coloured items may run in the first wash; they

Blood: treat fresh stains with cold water. For dried

should therefore be washed separately the first time.

stains, soak overnight in water with a special

Make sure that no metal objects are left in the

detergent then rub in the soap and water.

laundry (e.g. hair clips, safety pins, pins).

Oil based paint: moisten with benzine stain

Button up pillowcases, close zip fasteners, hooks

remover, lay the garment on a soft cloth and dab the

and poppers. Tie any belts or long tapes.

stain; treat several times.

Remove persistent stains before washing. Rub

Dried grease stains: moisten with turpentine, lay

particularly soiled areas with a special detergent or

the garment on a soft surface and dab the stain with

detergent paste.

the fingertips and a cotton cloth.

Treat curtains with special care. Remove hooks or tie

Rust: oxalic acid dissolved in hot water or a rust

them up in a bag or net.

removing product used cold. Be careful with rust

stains which are not recent since the cellulose

Maximum loads

structure will already have been damaged and the

fabric tends to hole.

Recommended loads are indicated in the

Mould stains: treat with bleach, rinse well (whites

programme charts.

and fast coloureds only).

General rules:

Grass: soap lightly and treat with bleach (whites and

Cotton, linen: drum full but not too tightly packed;

fast coloureds only).

Synthetics: drum no more than half full;

Ball point pen and glue: moisten with acetone (*),

Delicate fabrics and woollens: drum no more than

lay the garment on a soft cloth and dab the stain.

one third full.

Lipstick: moisten with acetone as above, then treat

Washing a maximum load makes the most efficient

stains with methylated spirits. Remove any residual

use of water and energy.

marks from white fabrics with bleach.

For heavily soiled laundry, reduce the load size.


Red wine: soak in water and detergent, rinse and

Quantity of detergent to be used

treat with acetic or citric acid, then rinse. Treat any

The type and quantity of detergent will depend on

residual marks with bleach.

the type of fabric, load size, degree of soiling and

Ink: depending on the type of ink, moisten the fabric

hardness of the water used.

first with acetone (*), then with acetic acid; treat any

Water hardness is classified in so-called “degrees” of

residual marks on white fabrics with bleach and then

hardness. Information on hardness of the water in

rinse thoroughly.

your area can be obtained from the relevant water

Tar stains: first treat with stain remover, methylated

supply company, or from your local authority.

spirits or benzine, then rub with detergent paste.

Follow the product manufacturers’ instructions on

(*) do not use acetone on artificial silk.

quantities to use.

Use less detergent if:

Detergents and additives

you are washing a small load,

Good washing results also depend on the choice of

the laundry is lightly soiled,

detergent and use of the correct quantities to avoid

large amounts of foam form during washing.

waste and protect the environment. Although

biodegradable, detergents contain substances

which, in large quantities, can upset the delicate

Degrees of water hardness

balance of nature.

The choice of detergent will depend on the type of


fabric (delicates, woollens, cottons, etc.), the colour,

Level Characteristic

washing temperature and degree of soiling.



All commonly available washing machine detergents



may be used in this appliance:

powder detergents for all types of fabric,

0- 7




powder detergents for delicate fabrics (60°C max)



and woollens,



liquid detergents, preferably for low temperature





wash programmes (60°C max) for all types of

more than

more than

fabric, or special for woollens only.


very hard



The detergent and any additives must be placed in

the appropriate compartments of the dispenser

drawer before starting the wash programme.

If using concentrated powder or liquid detergents, a

programme without prewash must be selected.

The washing machine incorporates a recirculation

system which allows an optimal use of the

concentrated detergent.

Pour liquid detergent into the dispenser drawer

compartment marked just before starting the


Any fabric softener or starching additives must be

poured into the compartment marked before

starting the wash programme.

Follow the product manufacturer’s recommendations

on quantities to use and do not exceed the «MAX»

mark in the detergent dispenser drawer.


International wash code symbols

These symbols appear on fabric labels, in order to help you choose the best way to treat your laundry.


Energetic wash





Max. wash

Max. wash

Max. wash

Max. wash









Hand wash Do not

Delicate wash






at all

Bleaching Bleach in cold water Do not bleach

Ironing Hot iron

Warm iron

Lukewarm iron

Do not iron

max 200°C

max 150°C

max 110°C




Dry cleaning Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning in

Dry cleaning

Do not

in all solvents


in petrol,

dry clean

petrol, pure alcohol,

pure alcohol

R 111 & R 113

and R 113





Drying Flat On the line On clothes

Tumble dry

Do not



le dr



4. Select the temperature

Turn the dial to the required setting.

5. Select the required option(s)

6. Select the programme and start

the machine

Turn the programme selector dial clockwise to the

required programme and press the ON/OFF button:

the mains on light and door locked light come on

and the machine starts to operate.



Operating sequence

Before washing your first load of laundry, we

recommend that you run a cotton cycle at 60°C, with

the machine empty, in order to remove any

manufacturing residue from the drum and tub.

Pour half a measure of detergent into the main wash

compartment and start up the machine.

1. Place the laundry in the drum

Open the door by depressing button .

Place the laundry in the drum, one item at a time,

shaking them out as much as possible.

Close the door.

2. Measure out the detergent

Pull out the dispenser drawer until it stops. Measure

out the amount of detergent recommended by the

manufacturer in a graduated cup and pour it into the

main wash compartment .

If you wish to carry out a programme with prewash,

pour detergent into the appropriate compartment

marked .

3. Measure out the additives

If required, pour fabric softener into the compartment

marked , without exceeding the «MAX» mark.




7. At the end of the programme

The machine stops automatically.

If you have selected a programme which ends with


the water of the last rinse left in the tub (option ),

drain the water before opening the door. Select

programme N (drain) or depress again button .

Wait one or two minutes before opening the door to

give the electric locking mechanism time to release

it. The door can be opened when the relevant light

goes out.

Depress the ON/OFF button again to switch the

machine off. The mains on light goes out.

Remove the laundry.

Turn the drum by hand to make sure it is completely

empty, so as to avoid any forgotten items being

damaged in a subsequent wash (e.g. shrinking) or

their colour running into a load of whites.

Release any buttons which have been pressed.

Turn the water tap off and unplug the machine.

Leave the door ajar to air the machine.


Programme table

Washing programmes for cotton and linen

Max load: 4.5 kg




Temp. Fabrics









Prewash at



example work garments,

Wash at

A 60°-95°




sheets, household linen,


underwear, towels

3 rinses

Long spin


Wash at

PREWASH, for example





48 125

household linen, sheets, shirts,

3 rinses

Long spin


Prewash at



PREWASH, for example shirts,

Wash at

A 40°-60°




blouses, household linen,



3 rinses

Long spin


Wash at

PREWASH, for example shirts,







blouses, terry cloths,

3 rinses


Long spin


Wash at








example shirts, blouses,

3 rinses


Long spin


This programme can be used

3 rinses


for rinsing hand washed




Long spin




Separate spin for cotton and

Long spin



Long spin

In compliance with EC directive 92/75, the consumption figures indicated on the energy label refer to the 60°C

wash programme for cotton (programme B).

* The consumption data shown on this chart is to be considered purely indicative, as it may vary depending on

the quantity and type of laundry, on the inlet water temperature and on the ambient temperature. It refers to the

highest temperature for each wash programme.


Programme table

Washing programmes for synthetics, mixed fabrics, delicates and wool

Max load: 1.5 kg, wool 1 kg





Temp. Fabrics









Prewash at


40 °C

PREWASH, for example

G 40°-60°

Wash at




underwear, coloured items,


shirts, blouses

3 rinses

Short spin

Wash at





WASH, for example shirts,


50 80

3 rinses

blouses, mixed fabrics

Short spin


Wash at

Special programme for


J 30°-40°

garments bearing the Pure




3 rinses

new wool, non-shrink, machine

Short spin

washable label

Wash at

DELICATES, for example








3 rinses

Short spin

This programme can be used


3 rinses


for rinsing hand washed




Short spin




Separate spin for hand washed

Drain and


synthetics, delicates and wool

short spin

Short spin

For emptying out the last rinse


Draining of

water of the programmes with




the anti-crease option .

* The consumption data shown on this chart is to be considered purely indicative, as it may vary depending on

the quantity and type of laundry, on the inlet water temperature and on the ambient temperature. It refers to the

highest temperature for each wash programme.


1. Bodywork

Clean the outside of the machine with warm water

and a neutral, non-abrasive household detergent.

Rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

Important: do not use methylated spirits, solvents or

similar products to clean the bodywork.

2. Detergent dispenser drawer

After a while, detergents and fabric softeners leave

deposits in the drawer.

Clean the drawer from time to time by rinsing it under

a running tap. To remove the drawer from the

machine, press the button in the rear left-hand


To facilitate cleaning, the top part of the additive

compartment can be removed.

Detergent can also accumulate inside the drawer

recess: clean it with an old toothbrush. Refit the

drawer after cleaning.





3. Drain filter

The drain filter collects threads and small objects

inadvertently left in the laundry. Check regularly that

the filter is clean.

Open the filter door.

Place a container under the filter and unscrew it.

Pull out the filter.

Clean the filter under a running tap, then refit it,

screwing it fully in.

4. Water inlet filter

If you notice that the machine is taking longer to fill,

check that the filter in the water inlet hose is not


Turn off the water tap.

Unscrew the hose from the tap.

Clean the filter with a stiff brush.

Screw the hose back onto the tap.







5. Emergency emptying out

If the water is not discharged (outlet pump is

blocked, filter or drain pipe are clogged), proceed as


follows to empty out the machine:

pull out the plug from the power socket;

close the water tap;

if necessary, wait until the water has cooled down;

place a bowl on the floor;

put the drain hose end into the bowl and let the

water come out.

Should it not be possible to have access to the drain

hose because, for example, the appliance is built in

the kitchen furniture, slightly loosen the drain filter

after placing a bowl on the floor, to let the water

come out slowly.

At the end screw the filter again.

6. Frost precautions

If the machine is installed in a place where the

temperature could drop below 0°C, proceed as


Close the water tap and unscrew the water inlet

hose from the tap.

Place the end of the drain hose and that of the inlet

hose in a bowl placed on the floor.

Select programme N (drain) and run it until the

machine stops.

Remove the plug from the socket.

Screw the water inlet hose back on and put the

drain hose back in its place.

By doing this, any water remaining in the machine is

removed, avoiding the formation of ice and,

consequently, breakage of the affected parts.

When you use the machine again, make sure that

the ambient temperature is above 0°C.


Something not working?

Problems which you can resolve yourself.

Problem Possible cause

The door is not firmly closed.

The machine does not start up:

The machine is not plugged in or there is no power

at the socket.

The main fuse has blown.

The programme selector dial is not positioned correctly

and the ON/OFF button has not been depressed.

The water tap is closed.

The machine does not fill:

The inlet hose is squashed or kinked.

The filter in the inlet hose is blocked.

The door is not properly closed.

The end of the drain hose is too low. Refer to

The machine fills then empties

relevant paragraph in water drainage section.


The drain hose is squashed or kinked.

The machine does not empty

The option has been selected.

and/or does not spin:

The laundry is not evenly distributed in the drum.

The drain filter is clogged.

There is water on the floor:

Too much detergent or unsuitable detergent

(creates too much foam) has been used.

Check whether there are any leaks from one of the

inlet hose fittings. It is not always easy to see this

as the water runs down the hose; check to see if it

is damp.

The drain hose is damaged.

Unsatisfactory washing results:

Too little detergent or unsuitable detergent has

been used.

Stubborn stains have not been treated prior to


The correct temperature was not selected.

Excessive laundry load.

The machine vibrates or is

The transit bolts and packing have not been



The support feet have not been adjusted.

The laundry is not evenly distributed in the drum.

Maybe there is very little laundry in the drum.

The programme is still running.

The door will not open:

The door lock has not been released. The door

locked light is on.

There is water in the drum.



If you are unable to identify or solve the problem,

contact our service centre. Before telephoning, make

a note of the model, serial number and purchase

date of your machine: the Service Centre will require

this information.



Problem Possible cause

The electronic unbalance detection device has cut

Spinning starts late or the

in because the laundry is not evenly distributed in

machine does not spin:

the drum. The laundry is redistributed by reverse

rotation of the drum. This may happen several

times before the unbalance disappears and normal

spinning can resume. If, after 10 minutes, the

laundry is still not evenly distributed in the drum,

the machine will not spin. In this case, redistribute

the load manually and select the spin programme.

The machine is fitted with a type of motor which

The machine makes an unusual

makes an unusual noise compared with other


traditional motors. This new motor ensures a softer

start and more even distribution of the laundry in

the drum when spinning, as well as increased

stability of the machine.

Machines based on modem technology operate

No water is visible in the drum

very economically using very little water without

affecting performance.

Bästa kund,

vi ber dig att läsa igenom den här bruksanvisningen


Framför allt är det viktigt att du läser

säkerhetsinformationen på de första sidorna i

bruksanvisningen. Förvara alltid bruksanvisningen

lättillgänglig, så att du snabbt kan hitta den och slå

upp information i den vid ett senare tillfälle. Om du

säljer maskinen ska bruksanvisningen överlämnas till

nästa ägare.


Kontrollera att maskinen inte är skadad. Eventuella

transportskador skall omedelbart anmälas till den

som ansvarat för transporten. Skador, felaktigheter

och ev. saknade delar skall omedelbart anmälas till


Så här använder du bruksanvisningen

Några stycken i bruksanvisningen är försedda med en symbol. Dessa symboler betyder följande:

Här finns viktig information om olämplig användning av tvättmaskinen som skulle kunna

förorsaka person- och egendomsskada.

Här finns information, som är särskilt viktig för att erhålla bästa möjliga tvättresultat.

Här finns viktiga miljö- och energispartips.

Vårt bidrag till miljöskyddet är att vi använder returpapper.



Avkalkning av maskinen 37

Viktig säkerhetsinformation 24-25

Åtgärd vid frysrisk 37


Nödtömning 37

Energisparråd 25

Om maskinen inte fungerar 38-39

Service och reservdelar 40


Konsumentköp EHL 40

Garanti (gäller för Finland) 40

Din nya maskin 26


Konsumentkontakt 40

Beskrivning av maskinen 26


Tvättmedelslådan 26

Tekniska data 40

Bruk 27

Kontrollpanel 27

Installation 41

Beskrivning av maskinens panelfunktioner 27-28

Uppackning 41

Tillbehör 41

Viktiga råd och tips

Transportsäkring 41

för dig som tvättar 29

Placering 41

Sortering av tvätt 29

Nivåjustering 41

Temperaturer 29

Vattenanslutning 42

Hur mycket tvätt per omgång? 29

Avloppsanslutning 42

Tvättmedel och tillsatser 29-30

— Över kanten på en vask 42

Tvättmärkning 31

— Anslutning till golvbrunn 42

— Anslutning till vattenlås 42

Så här använder du

Elektrisk anslutning 43

tvättmaskinen 32

Lägg i tvätten 32

Fyll på tvättmedel 32

Tillsätt sköljmedel 32

Tryck på önskad tillvalsknapp 32

Välj önskad temperatur 32

Välj önskat program och starta maskinen 32

Avslutat tvättprogram 33

Programöversikt 34-35

Skötsel och rengöring 36

Rengöring av höljet 36

Rengöring av tvättmedelslådan 36

Rengöring av lådöppningen 36

Rengöring av avloppssilen 36

Rengöring av tilloppsslangens filter 37

Rengöring av maskinen 37


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