Epson l3251 инструкция на русском языке

Дополнительная информация:

Print, scan, and share directly from your iPhone®, iPad®, or iPod® Touch. Print photos, emails, webpages and files including Microsoft® Word, Excel®, PowerPoint® and PDF documents. Also supports Box, Dropbox, Evernote®*1, Google Drive™ and Microsoft OneDrive™. Epson iPrint makes printing easy and convenient whether your printer is in the next room or across the world. Key Features • Print, scan, and share directly from your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad • Print from anywhere in the world to email-enabled Epson printers using remote print functionality • Print photos, PDFs and Microsoft Office documents such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint • Print stored files, email attachments, and online files from Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive • Capture a document with your device camera, format, enhance, then save, ready to print • Scan from your Epson all-in-one and share your file (save to your device, send via email or save online) • Copy documents and photos using your mobile device and a nearby Epson printer • Transfer files between your device and an SD card or USB drive via an Epson printer • Check your printer’s status and ink levels • Print within a complex network environment using manual IP printer setup • Get help with a built-in FAQ section Advanced Features • Print high quality photos with automatic backlight and color cast correction • Choose and print multiple photos • Print your email attachments and stored files • Configure your print options including paper size and type, number of copies, page range and one- or two-sided printing • Print with and without borders • Switch between color or monochrome printing • Choose from different scanning resolutions and image types • Optimize print quality • Buy ink and supplies for your printer • Setup & register to Epson Connect • Manage remote printers

Приобретение нового принтера – это всегда трепетное и волнительное событие. Особенно, если вы впервые сталкиваетесь с установкой и настройкой устройства. Если у вас есть принтер Epson L3251 и вы хотите настроить его самостоятельно, то эта пошаговая инструкция для начинающих будет вам очень полезна. Следуйте указанным ниже шагам и настраивайте ваш принтер без проблем.

Шаг 1: Распаковка принтера и подключение к питанию

Первым шагом после приобретения принтера Epson L3251 является его распаковка. Осторожно извлеките принтер из упаковки и убедитесь, что все комплектующие на месте. Получившиеся пространство для работы устройства должно быть свободным от посторонних объектов, что обеспечит надежную работу принтера. Подключите принтер к электросети, используя прилагаемый кабель питания.

Шаг 2: Установка чернильных картриджей

Перед началом установки чернильных картриджей убедитесь, что принтер выключен. Откройте переднюю крышку принтера и осторожно установите все чернильные картриджи в соответствующие слоты. Убедитесь, что картриджи правильно поставлены и плотно прилегают к контактным площадкам.

Шаг 3: Подключение принтера к компьютеру

Для того чтобы принтер мог взаимодействовать с компьютером, необходимо их связать друг с другом. Подсоедините принтер к компьютеру, используя кабель USB. Один конец кабеля подключите к принтеру, а другой – к свободному порту USB на вашем компьютере.

Продолжение следует…


  1. Покупка принтера Epson L3251
  2. Выбор магазина
  3. Оплата и доставка
  4. Распаковка и подключение принтера
  5. Распаковка устройства
  6. Подключение к компьютеру
  7. Установка драйверов
  8. Настройка принтера
  9. Подключение к Wi-Fi
  10. Настройка параметров печати
  11. Проверка работоспособности

Покупка принтера Epson L3251

Преимущества принтера Epson L3251:

  • Отличное качество печати. Принтер оснащен технологией PrecisionCore, которая обеспечивает четкость и яркость изображений.
  • Высокая скорость печати. Устройство способно печатать до 33 страниц в минуту, что делает его идеальным выбором для работы в офисе.
  • Экономичность. Принтер использует систему непрерывной подачи чернил, что позволяет сэкономить на расходных материалах в сравнении с другими принтерами.
  • Легкость в использовании. Принтер оснащен удобным интерфейсом и интуитивно понятными настройками.

Если вы решили приобрести принтер Epson L3251, вам стоит обратить внимание на следующие моменты:

  1. Цена. Сравните цены в различных магазинах, чтобы выбрать самое выгодное предложение.
  2. Гарантия. Убедитесь, что магазин предлагает гарантию на продукт, чтобы быть уверенным в его качестве.
  3. Доставка. Проверьте возможность доставки принтера до вашего адреса или выберите магазин, который находится неподалеку от вас.

При покупке принтера Epson L3251 вы получите надежное и удобное устройство, которое позволит вам справляться с самыми разнообразными задачами печати.

Выбор магазина

Прежде чем приступать к настройке принтера Epson L3251, важно правильно выбрать магазин, в котором будете приобретать необходимые расходные материалы, такие как чернила и бумага. В настоящее время на рынке существует множество магазинов, предлагающих различные товары для принтеров.

При выборе магазина учитывайте следующие факторы:

  • Надежность. Оптимально выбрать проверенный и надежный магазин, у которого есть положительные отзывы и репутация.
  • Ассортимент. Важно, чтобы магазин предлагал широкий выбор расходных материалов для принтера Epson L3251. Это позволит вам выбрать наиболее подходящие товары по своим требованиям.
  • Цены. Сравните цены на необходимые товары в различных магазинах. Обратите внимание на акции и скидки, которые могут быть доступны в определенные периоды времени.
  • Удобство доставки. Проверьте, какую доставку предлагает магазин и насколько она удобна для вас. Некоторые магазины предлагают бесплатную доставку или доставку на следующий день.

После того, как вы выбрали магазин, вы можете приступить к настройке принтера Epson L3251, имея уверенность, что у вас будут все необходимые расходные материалы.

Оплата и доставка


У нас вы можете выбрать один из нескольких способов оплаты вашего заказа. Мы принимаем оплату наличными при получении заказа или по безналичному расчету.


Мы предлагаем несколько вариантов доставки вашего заказа. Вы можете выбрать удобный для вас способ:

— Самовывоз из нашего офиса.

— Доставка курьером по указанному вами адресу.

— Почтовая доставка почтовыми службами.

Мы всегда стараемся обеспечить быструю и надежную доставку наших товаров. Сроки доставки могут варьироваться в зависимости от вашего местоположения и выбранного способа доставки.

Важно: Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что указываете корректные контактные данные при оформлении заказа. Это позволит нам связаться с вами и уточнить детали доставки, а также оперативно решить любые возникающие вопросы.

Распаковка и подключение принтера

Перед началом настройки принтера Epson L3251 необходимо правильно распаковать и подключить его к компьютеру. В этом разделе мы расскажем вам, как это сделать:

  1. Внимательно откройте коробку с принтером и аксессуарами.
  2. Извлеките принтер из упаковки, аккуратно удаляя защитные материалы и стрепсы.
  3. Проверьте наличие всех комплектующих: принтер, блок питания, USB-кабель, картриджи и диск с программным обеспечением.
  4. Разместите принтер на стабильной поверхности рядом с компьютером или ноутбуком.
  5. Подсоедините принтер к источнику питания при помощи блока питания.
  6. Подключите принтер к компьютеру при помощи USB-кабеля. Один конец кабеля должен быть вставлен в принтер, а другой – в свободный порт USB на компьютере.
  7. Включите принтер, нажав на кнопку питания на передней панели. Дождитесь, пока принтер завершит процесс инициализации.
  8. Установите картриджи в соответствующие отсеки принтера. Для этого откройте крышку и аккуратно вставьте картриджи, следуя инструкциям, предоставленным в комплекте.
  9. Подождите, пока принтер распознает картриджи и выровняет их.

Поздравляем! Вы успешно распаковали и подключили принтер Epson L3251. Теперь можно приступать к его настройке и использованию.

Распаковка устройства

Перед началом настройки принтера Epson L3251 необходимо правильно распаковать устройство. Ниже приведены основные шаги, которые помогут вам выполнить данную операцию:

1. Проверьте целостность и комплектность коробки с принтером. Убедитесь, что нет видимых повреждений и что все компоненты на месте.

2. Откройте коробку, аккуратно снимая скотч и другие крепления. Постарайтесь не повредить упаковку, так как она может быть полезна при транспортировке принтера.

3. Выньте сам принтер из упаковки, держа его за боковые поверхности. Убедитесь, что вы не касаетесь частей, которые могут быть подвержены повреждениям.

4. Удалите все защитные материалы, которые могут находиться внутри и снаружи принтера. Обязательно удалите все закрытия и защитные наклейки.

5. Проверьте наличие всех компонентов, указанных в инструкции. Убедитесь, что у вас есть кабели питания и соединения, а также чернильные картриджи и бумага для печати.

После того как вы распаковали принтер и убедились в полной комплектации всех компонентов, вы готовы приступить к его настройке и подключению.

Подключение к компьютеру

Для начала работы с принтером Epson L3251 необходимо подключить его к компьютеру. Вот пошаговая инструкция для этой процедуры:

  1. Убедитесь, что компьютер выключен.
  2. Найдите порт USB на задней или боковой панели принтера.
  3. Соедините один конец USB-кабеля с портом USB принтера.
  4. Соедините другой конец USB-кабеля с соответствующим портом на компьютере.
  5. Включите компьютер.
  6. Следуйте инструкциям операционной системы по установке драйверов для принтера Epson L3251.
  7. После установки драйверов принтер будет готов к работе с компьютером.

Правильное подключение принтера к компьютеру позволит вам использовать все его возможности и распечатывать документы с высоким качеством.

Установка драйверов

Перед началом использования принтера Epson L3251 необходимо установить соответствующие драйверы на ваш компьютер. Драйверы предоставляются производителем и позволяют операционной системе взаимодействовать с принтером.

Следуйте этим простым инструкциям, чтобы установить драйверы для принтера Epson L3251:

  1. Откройте ваш веб-браузер и перейдите на официальный веб-сайт Epson.
  2. На веб-сайте найдите раздел поддержки или загрузки.
  3. Введите модель вашего принтера (Epson L3251) в поисковую строку или выберите модель из предоставленного списка.
  4. Найдите драйверы для вашей операционной системы (Windows, Mac, Linux) и нажмите на ссылку для загрузки.
  5. Сохраните загруженный файл на вашем компьютере.
  6. Найдите файл скачанного драйвера на вашем компьютере и запустите его.
  7. Следуйте инструкциям мастера установки драйвера, чтобы завершить процесс установки.
  8. После завершения установки перезагрузите компьютер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.

После того, как драйверы будут установлены, ваш компьютер сможет правильно распознавать и взаимодействовать с принтером Epson L3251. Теперь вы готовы начать использовать свой принтер для печати документов и фотографий.

Настройка принтера

Шаг 1: Размещение принтера

Перед началом настройки принтера Epson L3251 удостоверьтесь, что его размещение соответствует следующим требованиям:

  1. Принтер должен стоять на устойчивой поверхности, чтобы избежать его падения или смещения во время работы.
  2. Поместите принтер на расстоянии не менее 10 см от стен и других предметов, чтобы обеспечить нормальную циркуляцию воздуха и охлаждение принтера.
  3. Убедитесь, что принтер находится рядом с розеткой и у вас есть доступ к шнуру питания.

Шаг 2: Подключение к компьютеру

Следующий шаг — это подключение принтера по USB-кабелю к вашему компьютеру:

  1. Возьмите USB-кабель, поставляемый в комплекте с принтером, и подсоедините один конец к порту USB на задней панели принтера.
  2. Вставьте другой конец кабеля в свободный порт USB компьютера.

Шаг 3: Установка программного обеспечения

После подключения принтера необходимо установить соответствующее программное обеспечение:

  1. Вставьте диск с драйверами, также поставляемый в комплекте с принтером, в CD/DVD-привод компьютера. Если у вас нет диска, вы можете скачать последнюю версию драйверов с официального сайта Epson.
  2. Запустите установочный файл и следуйте инструкциям на экране для установки драйверов и программного обеспечения.

Шаг 4: Настройка принтера

По завершения установки программного обеспечения, приступайте к настройке принтера Epson L3251:

  1. Включите принтер, нажав кнопку питания на передней панели.
  2. Откройте меню «Пуск» на компьютере и найдите раздел «Устройства и принтеры».
  3. Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на значке принтера Epson L3251 и выберите «Печать тестовой страницы».
  4. Если тестовая страница успешно напечатана, значит принтер успешно настроен и готов к работе.

Поздравляю! Теперь вы готовы использовать принтер Epson L3251 для печати своих документов.

Подключение к Wi-Fi

Для того чтобы настроить принтер Epson L3251 для работы по Wi-Fi, следуйте инструкциям ниже:

  1. Включите принтер и убедитесь, что он находится в режиме ожидания.
  2. На компьютере откройте меню настроек Wi-Fi.
  3. Найдите доступные сети Wi-Fi и выберите сеть, с которой хотите подключить принтер.
  4. Введите пароль для выбранной сети Wi-Fi и нажмите кнопку подключения.
  5. Ожидайте, пока принтер установит соединение с Wi-Fi.
  6. Когда соединение будет установлено, принтер будет готов к работе по Wi-Fi.

Теперь ваш принтер Epson L3251 успешно подключен к Wi-Fi и готов к использованию. Вы сможете печатать через беспроводную сеть, чтобы упростить работу с принтером и избежать необходимости подключения через USB. Удачной печати!

Настройка параметров печати

После успешной установки драйверов и подключения принтера Epson L3251 к компьютеру, можно приступить к настройке параметров печати.

1. Откройте программу печати, с которой планируете работать (например, Microsoft Word или Adobe Photoshop).

2. В меню выберите пункт «Печать» или нажмите сочетание клавиш Ctrl+P.

3. В окне настроек печати выберите принтер Epson L3251 из списка доступных принтеров.

4. Проверьте, что выбранный принтер является активным и установленным по умолчанию.

5. Нажмите на кнопку «Свойства» или «Дополнительные настройки» для доступа к дополнительным параметрам печати.

6. В открывшемся окне у вас будет возможность настроить различные параметры, такие как:

— Размер бумаги (A4, A5, Letter и др.)

— Ориентацию страницы (портретная или альбомная)

— Качество печати (стандартное, эко, высокое)

— Яркость и контрастность изображения

— Режим печати (черно-белый или цветной)

— Настройки печати фотографий

— И другие параметры, зависящие от выбранного приложения и модели принтера.

7. После того как вы установили все необходимые параметры, нажмите кнопку «ОК» или «Применить», чтобы сохранить изменения.

Теперь вы можете печатать документы и изображения с настроенными параметрами печати на принтере Epson L3251. Убедитесь, что выбранные параметры соответствуют вашим требованиям и типу печатаемого материала.

Обратите внимание, что настройки печати могут различаться в зависимости от выбранного приложения и операционной системы. Если возникнут трудности с настройкой принтера, обратитесь к документации к принтеру или поискайте информацию на официальном сайте производителя.

Проверка работоспособности

После настройки принтера Epson L3251 важно проверить его работоспособность, чтобы убедиться, что все настройки выполнены правильно. Вот несколько шагов для проверки работоспособности:

1. Убедитесь, что принтер подключен к электрической сети и включен. Проверьте, что все провода и кабели правильно подключены.

2. Откройте панель управления на компьютере и найдите раздел «Принтеры и сканеры». Проверьте, что принтер Epson L3251 отображается в списке устройств.

3. Запустите тестовую печать, чтобы убедиться, что принтер работает. Для этого откройте документ или изображение на компьютере, нажмите на кнопку печати и выберите принтер Epson L3251.

4. Проверьте качество печати. Распечатайте тестовый документ с различными элементами: текстом, изображениями, таблицами. Убедитесь, что все элементы печатаются четко и без искажений.

5. Проверьте работу сканера. Установите на компьютер программу для сканирования и попробуйте отсканировать документ или изображение с помощью принтера Epson L3251. Убедитесь, что сканер функционирует без сбоев и отсканированные файлы имеют хорошее качество.

Если вы успешно выполнили все вышеперечисленные шаги, то принтер Epson L3251 полностью готов к работе. В случае возникновения проблем, обратитесь к руководству пользователя или свяжитесь с технической поддержкой.

Users Guide




Maintaining the Printer

Solving Problems

NPD6446-00 EN


Guide to This Manual

Introduction to the Manuals……………….6

Searching for Information……………..6

Printing Only the Pages You Need………….. 7

Aboutis Manual…………….……... 7

Marks and Symbols………….……….7

Notes on Screenshots and Illustrations………8

Operating System References…………….8



Important Instructions

Safety Instructions……..……..………12

Safety Instructions for Ink…………….. 12

Printer Advisories and Warnings..………... 12

Advisories and Warnings for Setting Up the


Advisories and Warnings for Using the Printer. . 13

Advisories and Warnings for Using the

Printer with a Wireless Connection………..14

Advisories and Warnings for Transporting or

Storing the Printer………….……….14

Protecting Your Personal Information………..14

Part Names and Functions

Part Names and Functions.……….……..16

Guide to the Control Panel

Buttons and Functions………….………19

Checking Lights and Printer Status………….20

Loading Paper

Paper Handling Precautions……………24

List of Paper Type………………….... 24

Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder……...25

Loading Envelopes in the Rear Paper Feeder. . . . . . 27

Loading Various Paper……………….28

Loading Prepunched Paper…………….28

Loading Long Papers…………….…..29

Placing Originals

Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass. . . . . . . . . . 31


Printing Documents………..………....34

Printing from a Computer Windows………34

Printing from a Computer Mac OS……….52

Printing Documents from Smart Devices (iOS). . 57

Printing Documents from Smart Devices


Printing on Envelopes……….……… 58

Printing on Envelopes from a Computer

(Windows).……….……..……... 58

Printing on Envelopes from a Computer

(Mac OS)…..……….……..…….59

Printing Web Pages………..……..….. 59

Printing Web Pages from a Computer………59

Printing Web Pages from Smart Devices…….59

Printing Using a Cloud Service………..…..60


Copying Basics…………..………. 63

Making Multiple Copies…………….…..63


Basic Information on Scanning…………....65

What is a «Scan«?………….………..65

Scanning Uses…………….……….65

Available Scanning Methods…….………65

Recommended File Formats to Suit Your


Recommended Resolutions to Suit Your


Scanning Originals to a Computer…………. 67

Scanning from the Control Panel………67

Scanning from a Computer……………..68

Scanning Originals to a Smart Device..……...69

Advanced Scanning.………..……..….69

Scanning Multiple Photos at the Same Time. . . . 69

Maintaining the Printer

Checking the Ink Levels..……….……...72

Improving Print, Copy, and Scan Quality………72

Checking and Cleaning the Print Head….….72

Running Power Cleaning……………74

Preventing nozzle clogging…………..75

Aligning the Print Head………….……75


Cleaning the Paper Path for Ink Smears……..76

Cleaning the Scanner Glass.………..…..76

Cleaning the Printer……..……….77

Cleaning Spilled ink……………..…….78

Checking the Total Number of Pages Fed

rough the Printer…………………78

Saving Power……….……..……..78

Saving Power Windows………………78

Saving Power Mac OS..…………….. 79

Installing or Uninstalling Applications Separately. . 79

Installing the Applications Separately………79

Adding the Printer (for Mac OS Only)……...82

Uninstalling Applications…………..….82

Updating Applications and Firmware………84

Transporting and Storing the Printer…….…..84

Solving Problems

e Printer Does Not Work as Expected………89

e Printer Does Not Turn On or O………89

Power Turns O Automatically……..89

Paper Does Not Feed Properly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Cannot Print.……..……….……..92

Cannot Start Scanning.………………108

Cannot Operate the Printer as Expected. . . . . . 117

Checking Lights and Printer Status…………118

Paper Gets Jammed……….……….121

Removing Jammed Paper……………..121

Preventing Paper Jams…………..…..124

It is Time to Rell the Ink……………….124

Ink Bottle Handling Precautions………...124

Relling the Ink Tanks.……..……….125

Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor. . 129

Print Quality is Poor……….………..129

Copy Quality is Poor……….…….... 137

Scanned Image Problems…………..142

Cannot Solve Problem…………………144

Cannot Solve Printing or Copying Problems. . . 145

Adding or Replacing the Computer or


Connecting to a Printer that has been

Connected to the Network………..…….147

Using a Network Printer from a Second


Using a Network Printer from a Smart Device. . 148

Resetting the Network Connection…….. 148

When Replacing the Wireless Router…..….148

When Changing the Computer….……...149

Changing the Connection Method to the


Making Wi-Fi Settings from the Control Panel. .150

Connecting a Smart Device and Printer Directly

(WiFi Direct)…….………..……...152

About WiFi Direct…………..……. 153

Connecting to Devices Using Wi-Fi Direct. . . . 153

Checking the Network Connection Status…….154

Checking the Network Status Using Network


Printing a Network Connection Report. . . . . . . 155

Printing a Network Status Sheet………… 160

Checking the Network of the Computer

(Windows only)…….……………..160

Product Information

Paper Information………….……..…163

Available Paper and Capacities………….163

Unavailable Paper Types………..…….165

Consumable Products Information…….…..166

Ink Bottle Codes.……..………….. 166

Soware Information………..………..167

Soware for Printing……..………... 167

Soware for Scanning………………..170

Soware for Package Creation……….….171

Soware for Making Settings………….. 171

Soware for Updating…………..….. 173

Product Specications.……..………... 174

Printer Specications..………..…….174

Scanner Specications…………….175

Interface Specications……………….176

Network Specications………….……176


Electrical Specications……………... 177

Environmental Specications…………..178

System Requirements…………….….178

Regulatory Information……………..179

Standards and Approvals…………….. 179

Restrictions on Copying…..……….179

Where to Get Help

Technical Support Web Site………………182

Contacting Epson Support……..…….182

Before Contacting Epson…………….. 182

Help for Users in Europe….……..……182

Help for Users in Taiwan……….……..182

Help for Users in Australia…..………..183


Help for Users in New Zealand…….……183

Help for Users in Singapore…………… 184

Help for Users inailand………….184

Help for Users in Vietnam…….……... 185

Help for Users in Indonesia…….………185

Help for Users in Hong Kong…………..188

Help for Users in Malaysia……..…….. 189

Help for Users in India……………….189

Help for Users in the Philippines…..…….189


Guide to This Manual

Introduction to the Manuals………….……..……….……..….6

Searching for Information……….……….……………….6

Printing Only the Pages You Need..……..……..……….………..7

Aboutis Manual…………….……….……………….…..7

Trademarks…………….……….……………….………. 8


Introduction to the Manuals

e following manuals are supplied with your Epson printer. As well as the manuals, see the help included in the

various Epson soware applications.

Important Safety Instructions (paper manual)

Provides you with instructions to ensure the safe use of this printer.

Start Here (paper manual)

Provides you with information on setting up the printer and installing the soware.

User’s Guide (digital manual)

is manual. is manual is available as PDF and Web manuals. Provides overall information and instructions

on using the printer, on network settings when using the printer on a network, and on solving problems.

You can obtain the latest versions of the above manuals with the following methods.

Paper manual

Visit the Epson Europe support website at, or the Epson worldwide support

website at

Digital manual

To view the Web manual, visit the following website, enter the product name, and then go to Support.

Searching for Information

e PDF manual allows you to search for information you are looking for by keyword, or jump directly to specic

ections using the bookmarks. is section explains how to use a PDF manual that has been opened in Adobe

Acrobat Reader DC on your computer.

Searching by keyword

Click Edit > Advanced Search. Enter the keyword (text) for information you want to nd in the search window,

and then click Search. Hits are displayed as a list. Click one of the displayed hits to jump to that page.

Jumping directly from bookmarks

Click a title to jump to that page. Click + or > to view the lower level titles in that section. To return to the previous

page, perform the following operation on your keyboard.

Windows: Hold down Alt. and then press .

Guide to This Manual


Searching for Information


Mac OS: Hold down the command key, and then press .

Printing Only the Pages You Need

You can extract and print only the pages you need. Click Print in the File menu, and then specify the pages you

want to print in Pages in Pages to Print.

To specify a series of pages, enter a hyphen between the start page and the end page.

Example: 20-25

To specify pages that are not in series, divide the pages with commas.

Example: 5, 10, 15

About This Manual

is section explains the meaning of marks and symbols, notes on descriptions, and operating system reference

information used in this manual.

Marks and Symbols



Instructions that must be followed carefully to avoid bodily injury.



Instructions that must be observed to avoid damage to your equipment.


Provides complementary and reference information.

Guide to This Manual


About This Manual


Marks and Symbols


Related Information

&Links to related sections.

Notes on Screenshots and Illustrations

Screenshots of the printer driver are from Windows 10 or macOS High Sierra. e content displayed on the

screens varies depending on the model and situation.

Illustrations used in this manual are examples only. Although there may be slight dierences depending on

themodel, the method of operation is the same.

Operating System References


In this manual, terms such as «Windows 10″, «Windows 8.1″, «Windows 8″, «Windows 7″, «Windows Vista»,

«Windows XP», «Windows Server 2019″, «Windows Server 2016″, «Windows Server 2012 R2″, «Windows Server

2012″, «Windows Server 2008 R2″, «Windows Server 2008″, «Windows Server 2003 R2«, and «Windows Server

2003″ refer to the following operating systems. Additionally, «Windows» is used to refer to all versions.





10 operating system





8.1 operating system





8 operating system





7 operating system



Windows Vista


operating system





XP operating system





XP Professional x64 Edition operating system



Windows Server


2019 operating system



Windows Server


2016 operating system



Windows Server


2012 R2 operating system



Windows Server


2012 operating system



Windows Server


2008 R2 operating system



Windows Server


2008 operating system



Windows Server


2003 R2 operating system



Windows Server


2003 operating system

Mac OS

In this manual, «Mac OS» is used to refer to Mac OS X v10.6.8 or later.




is a registered trademark, and EPSON EXCEED YOUR VISION or EXCEED YOUR VISION is a

trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation.

Guide to This Manual




Epson Scan 2 soware is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.


Copyright © 1988-1997 Sam Leer

Copyright © 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this soware and its documentation for any purpose is

hereby granted without fee, provided that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in

all copies of the soware and related documentation, and (ii) the names of Sam Leer and Silicon Graphics

may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the soware without the specic, prior written

permission of Sam Leer and Silicon Graphics.









QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED in Japan and other countries.



, Windows


, Windows Server


, and Windows Vista


are registered trademarks of Microso


Apple, Mac, macOS, OS X, Bonjour, ColorSync, Safari, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and iTunes are trademarks of

Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Chrome, Google Play, and Android are trademarks of Google LLC.

Adobe, Acrobat, and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States

and/or other countries.

Firefox is a trademark of the Mozilla Foundation in the U.S. and other countries.

General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identication purposes only and may be trademarks

of their respective owners. Epson disclaims any and all rights in those marks.


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any

means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of

Seiko Epson Corporation. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained

herein. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information herein. e

information contained herein is designed only for use with this Epson product. Epson is not responsible for any

use of this information as applied to other products.

Neither Seiko Epson Corporation nor its aliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for

damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by the purchaser or third parties as a result of accident, misuse, or

abuse of this product or unauthorized modications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or (excluding the U.S.)

failure to strictly comply with Seiko Epson Corporation’s operating and maintenance instructions.

Seiko Epson Corporation and its aliates shall not be liable for any damages or problems arising from the use of

any options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original Epson Products or Epson

Approved Products by Seiko Epson Corporation.

Guide to This Manual




Seiko Epson Corporation shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from electromagnetic interference that

occurs from the use of any interface cables other than those designated as Epson Approved Products by Seiko

Epson Corporation.

© 2020 Seiko Epson Corporation

e contents of this manual and the specications of this product are subject to change without notice.

Guide to This Manual




Important Instructions

Safety Instructions…………..……….……………………. 12

Printer Advisories and Warnings…………..………..……..……12

Protecting Your Personal Information…………..……..………. 14

Safety Instructions

Read and follow these instructions to ensure safe use of this printer. Make sure you keep this manual for future

reference. Also, be sure to follow all warnings and instructions marked on the printer.

Some of the symbols used on your printer are to ensure safety and proper use of the printer. Visit the following

Web site to learn the meaning of the symbols.

Use only the power cord supplied with the printer and do not use the cord with any other equipment. Use of

other cords with this printer or the use of the supplied power cord with other equipment may result in re or

electric shock.

Be sure your AC power cord meets the relevant local safety standard.

Never disassemble, modify, or attempt to repair the power cord, plug, printer unit, scanner unit, or options by

yourself, except as specically explained in the printer’s manuals.

Unplug the printer and refer servicing to qualied service personnel under the following conditions:

e power cord or plug is damaged; liquid has entered the printer; the printer has been dropped or the casing

damaged; the printer does not operate normally or exhibits a distinct change in performance. Do not adjust

controls that are not covered by the operating instructions.

Place the printer near a wall outlet where the plug can be easily unplugged.

Do not place or store the printer outdoors, near excessive dirt or dust, water, heat sources, or in locations

subject to shocks, vibrations, high temperature or humidity.

Take care not to spill liquid on the printer and not to handle the printer with wet hands.

Keep the printer at least 22 cm away from cardiac pacemakers. Radio waves from this printer may adversely

aect the operation of cardiac pacemakers.

Safety Instructions for Ink

Be careful not to touch any ink when you handle the ink tanks, ink tank caps, and opened ink bottles or ink

bottle caps.

If ink gets on your skin, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.

If ink gets into your eyes, ush them immediately with water. If discomfort or vision problems continue aer

a thorough ushing, see a doctor immediately.

If ink gets into your mouth, see a doctor right away.

Do not shake an ink bottle too vigorously or subject it to strong impacts as this can cause ink to leak.

Keep ink bottles out of the reach of children. Do not allow children to drink from the ink bottles.

Printer Advisories and Warnings

Read and follow these instructions to avoid damaging the printer or your property. Make sure you keep this

manual for future reference.

Important Instructions


Printer Advisories and Warnings


Advisories and Warnings for Setting Up the Printer

Do not block or cover the vents and openings in the printer.

Use only the type of power source indicated on the printer’s label.

Avoid using outlets on the same circuit as photocopiers or air control systems that regularly switch on and o.

Avoid electrical outlets controlled by wall switches or automatic timers.

Keep the entire computer system away from potential sources of electromagnetic interference, such as

loudspeakers or the base units of cordless telephones.

e powersupply cords should be placed to avoid abrasions, cuts, fraying, crimping, and kinking. Do not place

objects on top of the power-supply cords and do not allow the power-supply cords to be stepped on or run over.

Be particularly careful to keep all the powersupply cords straight at the ends and the points where they enter

and leave the transformer.

If you use an extension cord with the printer, make sure that the total ampere rating of the devices plugged into

the extension cord does not exceed the cord’s ampere rating. Also, make sure that the total ampere rating of all

devices plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed the wall outlet’s ampere rating.

If you plan to use the printer in Germany, the building installation must be protected by a 10 or 16 amp circuit

breaker to provide adequate short-circuit protection and over-current protection for the printer.

When connecting the printer to a computer or other device with a cable, ensure the correct orientation of the

connectors. Each connector has only one correct orientation. Inserting a connector in the wrong orientation

may damage both devices connected by the cable.

Place the printer on a at, stable surface that extends beyond the base of the printer in all directions. e printer

will not operate properly if it is tilted at an angle.

Allow space above the printer so that you can fully raise the document cover.

Leave enough space in front of the printer for the paper to be fully ejected.

Avoid places subject to rapid changes in temperature and humidity. Also, keep the printer away from direct

sunlight, strong light, or heat sources.

Advisories and Warnings for Using the Printer

Do not insert objects through the slots in the printer.

Do not put your hand inside the printer during printing.

Do not touch the white at cable and ink tubes inside the printer.

Do not use aerosol products that contain ammable gases inside or around the printer. Doing so may cause re.

Do not move the print head by hand; otherwise, you may damage the printer.

Be careful not to trap your ngers when closing the scanner unit.

Do not press too hard on the scanner glass when placing the originals.

Prolonged use of the printer when the ink level is below the lower line could damage the printer. Fill the ink

tank to the upper line while the printer is not operating. To display the correct ink level estimates, reset the ink

level aer lling the tank.

Always turn the printer o using the


button. Do not unplug the printer or turn o the power at the outlet

until the


light stops ashing.

If you are not going to use the printer for a long period, be sure to unplug the power cord from the electrical


Important Instructions


Printer Advisories and Warnings


Advisories and Warnings for Using the Printer


Advisories and Warnings for Using the Printer with a Wireless


Radio waves from this printer may negatively aect the operation of medical electronic equipment, causing

them to malfunction. When using this printer inside medical facilities or near medical equipment, follow

directions from the authorized personnel representing the medical facilities, and follow all posted warnings and

directions on the medical equipment.

Radio waves from this printer may negatively aect the operation of automatically controlled devices such as

automatic doors or re alarms, and could lead to accidents due to malfunction. When using this printer near

automatically controlled devices, follow all posted warnings and directions on these devices.

Advisories and Warnings for Transporting or Storing the Printer

When storing or transporting the printer, avoid tilting it, placing it vertically, or turning it upside down;

otherwise ink may leak.

Before transporting the printer, make sure that the print head is in the home (far right) position.

Protecting Your Personal Information

If you give the printer to someone else or dispose of it, restore the default network settings by using the printer’s


Related Information

&“Buttons and Functions” on page 19

Important Instructions


Protecting Your Personal Information


Part Names and Functions

Part Names and Functions……….……….………………...16

Part Names and Functions

ARear paper feeder Loads paper.

BPaper support Supports loaded paper.

CEdge guide Feeds the paper straight into the printer. Slide to the edges of the paper.

DFeeder guard Prevents foreign substance from entering the printer.

Usually keep this guard closed.

EOutput tray Holds the ejected paper.

FStopper Position the stopper to prevent print outs from falling from the output tray.

ADocument cover Blocks external light while scanning.

BScanner glass Place the originals.

CControl panel Allows you to operate the printer and indicates the printer’s status.

Part Names and Functions


Part Names and Functions


AScanner unit Scans placed originals. Open to remove jammed paper. This unit should

usually be kept closed.

BInk tank cap Open to rell the ink tank.

CInk tank cover

DInk tank unit Contains the ink tanks.

EInk reservoir tank (Ink tank) Supplies ink to the print head.

FFront cover Open when removing jammed paper inside the printer.

GScanner unit support Supports the scanner unit when opening it.

HPrint head Ink is ejected from the print head nozzles underneath.

AAC inlet Connects the power cord.

BUSB port Connects a USB cable to connect with a computer.

Part Names and Functions


Part Names and Functions


Guide to the Control Panel

Buttons and Functions………..……………….……..……...19

Checking Lights and Printer Status….……….……….………. 20

Buttons and Functions

ATurns the printer on or o.

Unplug the power cord after checking that the power light is o.

BWhen a network error occurs, pressing this button cancels the error. Hold this button down for more than 5

seconds to perform Wi-Fi auto setup using the WPS push button.

CPrints a network connection report allowing you to determine the causes of any problems you may have using the

printer on a network. If you need more detailed network settings and connection status, hold this button down for

at least 7 seconds to print a network status sheet.

DStarts monochrome copying on A4 size plain paper. To increase the number of copies (by up to 20 copies), press

this button within one second intervals.

EStarts color copying on A4 size plain paper. To increase the number of copies (by up to 20 copies), press this

button within one second intervals.

FStops the current operation.

Hold this button down for ve seconds until the


button ashes to run print head cleaning.

Functions of Button Combinations

Additional functions are available with dierent combinations of buttons.


Check Scanned Images

Press the and buttons simultaneously to run software on a USB-connected computer

and check scanned images.

+ or

Copy in Draft Mode

Press the


and the or buttons simultaneously to copy in draft mode.

For users in Western Europe, draft mode is not available.

+ PIN Code Setup (WPS)

Hold down the and buttons simultaneously to start PIN Code Setup (WPS).

+ Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) Setup

Hold down the and buttons simultaneously to start Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) Setup.

+ Restore Default Network Settings

Turn the printer on while holding down the button to restore the default network settings.

When the network settings are restored, the printer turns on and the network status lights ash


Guide to the Control Panel


Buttons and Functions


+ Print Nozzle Check Pattern

Turn the printer on while holding down the


button to print the nozzle check pattern.

Checking Lights and Printer Status

Lights on the control panel indicates the status of the printer.

Normal Status

: On

Light Status

The printer is connected to a wireless (Wi-Fi) network.

The printer is connected to a network in Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) mode.

Error Status

When an error occurs, the light turns on or ashes. Details of the error are displayed on the computer screen.

/ : On

/ : Flashing

Light Status Solutions

Wi-Fi connection error has occurred. Press the button to clear the error and try again.

Initial ink charging may not be complete. See the Start Here poster to complete initial ink


No paper is loaded or more than one sheet

has been fed at a time. Load paper and press the or button.

A paper jam has occurred.

Remove the paper and press the or button.

If the paper jam error continues after removing the

paper and turning the power o and on again, paper

may remain inside the printer. Load A4 size paper in

the rear paper feeder, and then press the or

button to remove the paper inside. Load paper in the

portrait direction.

If the error cannot be cleared, contact Epson support.

Guide to the Control Panel


Checking Lights and Printer Status


Light Status Solutions

The printer was not turned o correctly.*

Because the printer was turned o while

operating, the nozzles may have dried

and clogged.

* The power was turned o with a power

strip or breaker, the plug was pulled out of

the outlet, or an electrical failure occurred.

After clearing the error by pressing the or

button, we recommend performing a nozzle

check. Cancel any pending print jobs.

To turn o the printer, make sure you press the



When the


light and the


light ash


An ink pad is nearing or at the end of its

service life.

The ink pads need to be replaced.

Contact Epson or an authorised Epson service

provider to replace the ink pad


. It is not a user-

serviceable part.

When a message saying that you can continue

printing is displayed on the computer, press the

or button to continue printing. The lights stop

ashing for the time being, however, they will

continue to ash at regular intervals until the ink pad

is replaced.

When the


light and the


light ash


A borderless printing ink pad is nearing or at

the end of its service life.

The borderless printing ink pad need to be replaced.

Contact Epson or an authorised Epson service

provider to replace the ink pad


. It is not a user-

serviceable part.

When a message saying that you can continue

printing is displayed on the computer, press the

or button to continue printing. The lights stop

ashing for the time being, however, they will

continue to ash at regular intervals until the ink pad

is replaced.

Borderless printing is not available, but printing with

a border is available.

The printer has started in recovery mode

because the rmware update failed.

Follow the steps below to try to update the rmware


1. Connect the computer and the printer with a USB

cable. (During recovery mode, you cannot update the

rmware over a network connection.)

2. Visit your local Epson website for further


A printer error has occurred. Remove any paper inside the printer. Turn the power

o and on again.

If the error continues to occur after turning the power

o and on again, contact Epson support.

Guide to the Control Panel


Checking Lights and Printer Status


*1 In some print cycles a very small amount of surplus ink may be collected in the ink pad. To prevent ink leakage

from the pad, the printer is designed to stop printing when the pad has reached its limit. Whether and how oen

this is required will vary according to the number of pages you print, the type of material that you print and the

number of cleaning cycles that the printer performs. e need for replacement of the pad does not mean that your

printer has ceased to operate in accordance with its specications. e printer will advise you when the pad

requires replacing and this can only be performed by an authorised Epson Service provider. e Epson warranty

does not cover the cost of this replacement.

*2 In some print cycles a very small amount of surplus ink may be collected in the borderless printing ink pad. To

prevent ink leakage from the pad, the product is designed to stop borderless printing when the pad has reached its

limit. Whether and how oen this is required will vary according to the number of pages you print using the

borderless print option. e need for replacement of the pad does not mean that your printer has ceased to operate

in accordance with its specications. e printer will advise you when the pad requires replacing and this can only

be performed by an authorised Epson Service provider. e Epson warranty does not cover the cost of this


Related Information

&“Removing Jammed Paper” on page 121

&“Contacting Epson Support” on page 182

Guide to the Control Panel


Checking Lights and Printer Status


Loading Paper

Paper Handling Precautions.……..……….……………..…… 24

List of Paper Type…………….……..……….…………….24

Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder……………….……..….25

Loading Envelopes in the Rear Paper Feeder……………..……….….27

Loading Various Paper…….……….……………..………... 28

Paper Handling Precautions

Read the instruction sheets supplied with the paper.

To achieve high-quality printouts with genuine Epson paper, use the paper in the environment stated on the

sheets supplied with the paper.

Fan and align the edges of the paper before loading. Do not fan or curl photo paper. Doing so may damage the

printable side.

If the paper is curled, atten it or curl it slightly in the opposite direction before loading. Printing on curled

paper may cause paper jams and smears on the printout.

Paper feed problems may occur frequently for manual 2-sided printing when printing on one side of pre-

printed paper. Reduce the number of sheets to half or less, or load one sheet of paper at a time if paper jams


Make sure you are using long-grain paper. If you are not sure what type of paper you are using, check the paper

packaging or contact the manufacturer to conrm the paper specications.

Fan and align the edges of the envelopes before loading. When the stacked envelopes are pued up with air,

press them down to atten them before loading.

List of Paper Type

To obtain optimum printing results, select the paper type that suits the paper.

Media Name Media Type

Epson Bright White Ink Jet Paper Plain paper

Loading Paper


List of Paper Type


Media Name Media Type

Epson Ultra Glossy Photo Paper

Epson Value Glossy Photo Paper

Epson Ultra Glossy

Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper Epson Premium Glossy

Epson Premium Semigloss Photo Paper Epson Premium Semigloss

Epson Photo Paper Glossy Photo Paper Glossy

Epson Matte Paper-Heavyweight

Epson Double-Sided Matte Paper

Epson Matte

Epson Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper

Epson Double-sided Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper

Epson Photo Quality Ink Jet

Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder

1. Open the feeder guard and pull out the paper support.

2. Slide the edge guides.

Loading Paper


Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder


3. Load paper at the center of the paper support with the printable side facing up.



Do not load more than the maximum number of sheets specied for the paper. For plain paper, do not load

above the line just under the


symbol inside the edge guide.

Load paper short edge rst. However, when you have set the long edge as the width of the user dened size,

load paper long edge rst.

4. Slide the edge guides to the edges of the paper.

Close the feeder guard aer sliding the edge guides.



Do not place objects on the feeder guard. Doing so may prevent paper from feeding.

5. Slide out the output tray.


Return the remaining paper to its package. If you leave it in the printer, the paper may curl or the print quality may


Loading Paper


Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder


Loading Envelopes in the Rear Paper Feeder

1. Open the feeder guard and pull out the paper support.

2. Slide the edge guides.

3. Load envelopes short edge rst at the center of the paper support with the ap facing down.



Do not load more than the maximum number of sheets specied for the envelopes.

Loading Paper


Loading Envelopes in the Rear Paper Feeder


4. Slide the edge guides to the edges of the envelopes.

Close the feeder guard aer sliding the edge guides.



Do not place objects on the feeder guard. Doing so may prevent paper from feeding.

5. Slide out the output tray.

Loading Various Paper

Loading Pre-punched Paper

Load paper at the center arrow mark of the paper support with the printable side facing up.

Load a single sheet of dened size plain paper with binding holes at the le or right. Adjust the print position of

your le to avoid printing over the holes.

Loading Paper


Loading Various Paper


Loading Pre-punched Paper


Loading Long Papers

When loading paper longer than legal size, store the paper support, and then atten the leading edge of the paper.

Loading Paper


Loading Various Paper


Loading Long Papers


Placing Originals

Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass……….……….………...31

Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass

1. Open the document cover.

2. Remove any dust or stains on the surface of the scanner glass using a so, dry, clean cloth.


If there is any trash or dirt on the scanner glass, the scanning range may expand to include it, so the image of the

original may be displaced or reduced.

3. Place the original face-down and slide it to the corner mark.


A range of 1.5 mm from the corner of the scanner glass is not scanned.

4. Close the cover gently.



When placing bulky originals such as books, prevent exterior light from shining directly onto the scanner


Do not apply too much force to the scanner glass or the document cover. Otherwise, they may be damaged.

Placing Originals


Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass


5. Remove the originals aer scanning.


If you leave the originals on the scanner glass for a long time, they may stick to the surface of the glass.

Related Information

&“Scanner Specications” on page 175

Placing Originals


Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass



Printing Documents.……..……….……..……..………....34

Printing on Envelopes………….……..………..……..…….58

Printing Web Pages…….……….……..……….……..……59

Printing Using a Cloud Service………….……..……….……... 60

Printing Documents

Printing from a Computer — Windows

Printing Using Easy Settings


Operations may dier depending on the application. See the application’s help for details.

1. Load paper in the printer.

“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

2. Open the le you want to print.

3. Select Print or Print Setup from the File menu.

4. Select your printer.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


5. Select Preferences or Properties to access the printer driver window.

6. Change the settings as necessary.

You can see the online help for explanations of the setting items. Right-clicking an item displays Help.

7. Click OK to close the printer driver window.

8. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

&“List of Paper Type” on page 24



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


Adding Printing Presets for Easy Printing

If you create your own preset of frequently used print settings on the printer driver, you can print easily by

selecting the preset from the list.

1. On the printer driver’s Main or More Options tab, set each item (such as Document Size and Paper Type).

2. Click Add/Remove Presets in Printing Presets.

3. Enter a Name and, if necessary, enter a comment.

4. Click Save.


To delete an added preset, click Add/Remove Presets, select the preset name you want to delete from the list, and then

delete it.

5. Click Print.

e next time you want to print using the same settings, select the registered setting name from Printing Presets,

and click OK.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


Printing on 2-Sides

e printer driver will automatically print odd pages and even pages separately. When the odd pages have been

printed, turn over the paper according to the instructions and print the even pages.


is feature is not available for borderless printing.

If you do not use paper that is suitable for 2-sided printing, the print quality may decline and paper jams may occur.

“Paper for 2-Sided Printing” on page 165

Depending on the paper and the data, ink may bleed through to the other side of the paper.

You cannot perform manual 2-sided printing unless EPSON Status Monitor 3 is enabled. If EPSON Status Monitor 3 is

disabled, access the printer driver window, click Extended Settings on the Maintenance tab, and then select Enable

EPSON Status Monitor 3.

However, it may not be available when the printer is accessed over a network or is used as a shared printer.

1. On the printer driver’s Main tab, select the method of 2-Sided Printing.

2. Click Settings, make the appropriate settings, and then click OK.

3. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.

4. Click Print.

When the rst side has nished printing, a pop-up window is displayed on the computer. Follow the on-screen


Related Information

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


Printing a Booklet

You can also print a booklet that can be created by re-ordering the pages and folding the printout.


is feature is not available with borderless printing.

If you do not use paper that is suitable for 2-sided printing, the print quality may decline and paper jams may occur.

“Paper for 2-Sided Printing” on page 165

Depending on the paper and the data, ink may bleed through to the other side of the paper.

You cannot perform manual 2-sided printing unless EPSON Status Monitor 3 is enabled. If EPSON Status Monitor 3 is

disabled, access the printer driver window, click Extended Settings on the Maintenance tab, and then select Enable

EPSON Status Monitor 3.

However, it may not be available when the printer is accessed over a network or is used as a shared printer.

1. On the printer driver’s Main tab, select the type of long-edge binding you want to use from 2-Sided Printing.

2. Click Settings, select Booklet, and then select Center Binding or Side Binding.

Center Binding: Use this method when printing a small number of pages that can be stacked and easily

folded in half.

Side Binding. Use this method when printing one sheet (four pages) at a time, folding each in half, and then

putting them together in one volume.

3. Click OK.

4. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.

5. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


Printing Several Pages on One Sheet

You can print several pages of data on a single sheet of paper.


is feature is not available with borderless printing.

1. On the printer driver’s Main tab, select 2-Up, 4-Up, 6-Up, 8-Up, 9-Up, or 16-Up as the MultiPage setting.

2. Click Layout Order, make the appropriate settings, and then click OK.

3. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.

4. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34

Printing to Fit the Paper Size

Select the paper size you loaded in the printer as the Destination Paper Size setting.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows



is feature is not available with borderless printing.

1. On the printer driver’s More Options tab, make the following settings.

Document Size: Select the size of the paper you set in the application setting.

Output Paper: Select the paper size you loaded in the printer.

Fit to Page is automatically selected.


Click Center to print the reduced image in the middle of the paper.

2. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.

3. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34

Printing a Reduced or Enlarged Document at any Magnication

You can reduce or enlarge the size of a document by a specic percentage.


is feature is not available with borderless printing.

1. On the printer driver’s More Options tab, select the document size from the Document Size setting.

2. Select the paper size you want to print on from the Output Paper setting.

3. Select Reduce/Enlarge Document, Zoom to, and then enter a percentage.

4. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


5. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34

Printing One Image on Multiple Sheets for Enlargement (Creating a Poster)

is feature allows you to print one image on multiple sheets of paper. You can create a larger poster by taping

them together.

1. On the printer driver’s Main tab, select 2×1 Poster, 2×2 Poster, 3×3 Poster, or 4×4 Poster as the MultiPage


2. Click Settings, make the appropriate settings, and then click OK.


Print Cutting Guides allows you to print a cutting guide.

3. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.

4. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


Making Posters Using Overlapping Alignment Marks

Here is an example of how to make a poster when 2×2 Poster is selected, and Overlapping Alignment Marks is

selected in Print Cutting Guides.

1. Prepare Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. Cut o the margins of Sheet 1 along the vertical blue line through the center of

the top and bottom cross marks.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


2. Place the edge of Sheet 1 on top of Sheet 2 and align the cross marks, then temporarily tape the two sheets

together from the back.

3. Cut the taped sheets in two along the vertical red line through the alignment markers (this time, the line to the

le of the cross marks).



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


4. Tape the sheets together from the back.

5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 to tape Sheet 3 and Sheet 4 together.

6. Cut o the margins of Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 along the horizontal blue line through the center of the le and right

side cross marks.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


7. Place the edge of Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 on top of Sheet 3 and Sheet 4 and align the cross marks, and then

temporarily tape them together from the back.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


8. Cut the taped sheets in two along the horizontal red line through the alignment markers (this time, the line

above the cross marks).

9. Tape the sheets together from the back.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


10. Cut o the remaining margins along the outer guide.

Printing with a Header and Footer

You can print information such as a user name and printing date in headers or footers.

1. On the printer driver’s More Options tab, click Watermark Features, and then select Header/Footer.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


2. Settings, and then select the items you want to print and then click OK.


To specify the rst page number, select Page Number from the position you want to print in the header or footer, and

then select the number in Starting number.

If you want to print text in the header or footer, select the position you want to print, and then select Text. Enter the

text you want to print in the text input eld.

3. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.

4. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34

Printing a Watermark

You can print a watermark such as «Condential» or an anti-copy pattern on your printouts. If you print with an

anti-copy pattern, the hidden letters appear when photocopied in order to distinguish the original from the copies.

Anti-Copy Pattern is available under the following conditions:

Paper Type: Plain paper

Borderless: Not selected

Quality: Standard

2-Sided Printing: O, Manual (Long-edge binding), or Manual (Short-edge binding)

Color Correction: Automatic

Short Grain Paper: Not selected


You can also add your own watermark or anti-copy pattern.

1. On the printer driver’s More Options tab, click Watermark Features, and then select Anti-Copy Pattern or


2. Click Settings to change details such as the size, density, or position of the pattern or the mark.

3. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.

4. Click Print.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34

Printing Multiple Files Together

Job Arranger Lite allows you to combine several les created by dierent applications and print them as a single

print job. You can specify the print settings for combined les, such as multi-page layout, and 2-sided printing.

1. On the printer driver’s Main tab, select Job Arranger Lite.

2. Click Print.

When you start printing, the Job Arranger Lite window is displayed.

3. With the Job Arranger Lite window opened, open the le that you want to combine with the current le, and

then repeat the above steps.

4. When you select a print job added to Print Project Lite in the Job Arranger Lite window, you can edit the page


5. Click Print from the File menu to start printing.


If you close the Job Arranger Lite window before adding all the print data to the Print Project, the print job you are

currently working on is canceled. Click Save from the File menu to save the current job. e extension of the saved les

is «ecl«.

To open a Print Project, click Job Arranger Lite on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab to open the Job Arranger Lite

window. Next, select Open from the File menu to select the le.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


Printing Using the Color Universal Print Feature

You can enhance the visibility of texts and images in printouts.

Color Universal Print is only available when the following settings are selected.

Paper Type: Plain paper

Quality: Standard or a higher quality

Color: Color

Applications: Microso® Oce 2007 or later

Text Size: 96 pts or smaller

1. On the printer driver’s More Options tab, click Image Options in the Color Correction setting.

2. Select an option from the Color Universal Print setting.

3. Enhancement Options to make further settings.

4. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.

5. Click Print.


Certain characters may be altered by patterns, such as «+» appearing as «±».

Application-specic patterns and underlines may alter content printed using these settings.

Print quality may decrease in photos and other images when using Color Universal Print settings.

Printing is slower when using Color Universal Print settings.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34

Adjusting the Print Color

You can adjust the colors used in the print job. ese adjustments are not applied to the original data.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


PhotoEnhance produces sharper images and more vivid colors by automatically adjusting the contrast, saturation,

and brightness of the original image data.


PhotoEnhance adjusts the color by analyzing the location of the subject. erefore, if you have changed the location of the

subject by reducing, enlarging, cropping, or rotating the image, the color may change unexpectedly. Selecting the borderless

setting also changes the location of the subject resulting in changes in color. If the image is out of focus, the tone may be

unnatural. If the color is changed or becomes unnatural, print in a mode other than PhotoEnhance.

1. On the printer driver’s More Options tab, select the method of color correction from the Color Correction


Automatic: is setting automatically adjusts the tone to match the paper type and print quality settings.

Custom: Click Advanced, you can make your own settings.

2. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.

3. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34

Printing to Emphasize Thin Lines

You can thicken thin lines that are too thin to print.

1. On the printer driver’s More Options tab, click Image Options in the Color Correction setting.

2. Select Emphasize in Lines.

3. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.

4. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Windows


Printing Clear Bar Codes

You can print a bar code clearly and make it easy to scan. Only enable this feature if the bar code you printed

cannot be scanned.

You can use this feature under the following conditions.

Paper Type: Plain paper, Envelope

Quality: Standard

1. On the printer driver’s Maintenance tab, click Extended Settings, and then select Barcode mode.

2. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.

3. Click Print.


Deblurring may not always be possible depending on the circumstances.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 34

Printing from a Computer — Mac OS

Printing Using Easy Settings


Operations and screens dier depending on the application. See the application’s help for details.

1. Load paper in the printer .

2. Open the le you want to print.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Mac OS


3. Select Print from the File menu or another command to access the print dialog.

If necessary, click Show Details or


to expand the print window.

4. Select your printer.

5. Select Print Settings from the pop-up menu.

6. Change the settings as necessary.

7. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

&“List of Paper Type” on page 24



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Mac OS


Adding Printing Presets for Easy Printing

If you create your own preset of frequently used print settings on the printer driver, you can print easily by

selecting the preset from the list.

1. Set each item such as Print Settings and Layout (Paper Size, Media Type, and so on).

2. Click Presets to save the current settings as a preset.

3. Click OK.


To delete an added preset, click Presets > Show Presets, select the preset name you want to delete from the list, and then

delete it.

4. Click Print.

e next time you want to print using the same settings, select the registered preset name from the Presets.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 52

Printing Several Pages on One Sheet

You can print several pages of data on a single sheet of paper.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Mac OS


1. Select Layout from the pop-up menu.

2. Set the number of pages in Pages per Sheet, the Layout Direction (page order), and Border.

3. Set the other items as necessary.

4. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 52

Printing to Fit the Paper Size

Select the paper size you loaded in the printer as the Destination Paper Size setting.

1. Select the size of the paper you set in the application as the Paper Size setting.

2. Select Paper Handling from the pop-up menu.

3. Select Scale to t paper size.

4. Select the paper size you loaded in the printer as the Destination Paper Size setting.

5. Set the other items as necessary.

6. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 52



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Mac OS


Printing a Reduced or Enlarged Document at any Magnication

You can reduce or enlarge the size of a document by a specic percentage.

1. Select Print from the File menu or another command to access the print dialog.

2. Select Page Setup from the File menu of the application.

3. Select Printer, Paper Size, enter percentage in Scale, and then click OK.


Select the paper size you set in the application as the Paper Size setting.

4. Set the other items as necessary.

5. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 52

Adjusting the Print Color

You can adjust the colors used in the print job. ese adjustments are not applied to the original data.

PhotoEnhance produces sharper images and more vivid colors by automatically adjusting the contrast, saturation,

and brightness of the original image data.



Printing Documents


Printing from a Computer — Mac OS



PhotoEnhance adjusts the color by analyzing the location of the subject. erefore, if you have changed the location of the

subject by reducing, enlarging, cropping, or rotating the image, the color may change unexpectedly. Selecting the borderless

setting also changes the location of the subject resulting in changes in color. If the image is out of focus, the tone may be

unnatural. If the color is changed or becomes unnatural, print in a mode other than PhotoEnhance.

1. Select Color Matching from the pop-up menu, and then select EPSON Color Controls.

2. Select Color Options from the pop-up menu, and then select one of the available options.

3. Click the arrow next to Advanced Settings and make the appropriate settings.

4. Set the other items as necessary.

5. Click Print.

Related Information

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

&“Printing Using Easy Settings” on page 52

Printing Documents from Smart Devices (iOS)

You can print documents from a smart device such as a smartphone or tablet.

Printing Documents Using Epson Smart Panel


Operations may dier depending on the device.

1. If Epson Smart Panel is not installed, install it.

“Application for Easily Operating the Printer from a Smart device (Epson Smart Panel)” on page 170

2. Start Epson Smart Panel.

3. Select the print document menu on the home screen.

4. Select the document you want to print.

5. Start printing.



Printing Documents


Printing Documents from Smart Devices (iOS)


Printing Documents from Smart Devices (Android)

You can print documents from a smart device such as a smartphone or tablet.

Printing Documents Using Epson Smart Panel


Operations may dier depending on the device.

1. If Epson Smart Panel is not installed, install it.

“Application for Easily Operating the Printer from a Smart device (Epson Smart Panel)” on page 170

2. Start Epson Smart Panel.

3. Select the print document menu on the home screen.

4. Select the document you want to print.

5. Start printing.

Printing Documents Using Epson Print Enabler


Operations may dier depending on the device.

1. On your Android device, install the Epson Print Enabler plug-in from Google Play.

2. Go to Settings on your Android device, select Printing, and then enable Epson Print Enabler.

3. From an Android application such as Chrome, tap the menu icon and print whatever is on the screen.


If you do not see your printer, tap All Printers and select your printer.

Printing on Envelopes

Printing on Envelopes from a Computer (Windows)

1. Load envelopes in the printer.

“Loading Envelopes in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 27



Printing on Envelopes


Printing on Envelopes from a Computer (Windows)


2. Open the le you want to print.

3. Access the printer driver window.

4. Select the envelope size from Document Size on the Main tab, and then select Envelope from Paper Type.

5. Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.

6. Click Print.

Printing on Envelopes from a Computer (Mac OS)

1. Load envelopes in the printer.

“Loading Envelopes in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 27

2. Open the le you want to print.

3. Select Print from the File menu or another command to access the print dialog.

4. Select the size as the Paper Size setting.

5. Select Print Settings from the pop-up menu.

6. Select Envelope as the Media Type setting.

7. Set the other items as necessary.

8. Click Print.

Printing Web Pages

Printing Web Pages from a Computer

Epson Photo+ allows you to display web pages, crop the specied area, and then edit and print them. See the

applications help for details.

Printing Web Pages from Smart Devices


Operations may dier depending on the device.

1. Set up your printer for wireless printing.



Printing Web Pages


Printing Web Pages from Smart Devices


2. If Epson Smart Panel is not installed, install it.

“Application for Easily Operating the Printer from a Smart device (Epson Smart Panel)” on page 170

3. Connect your smart device to the same wireless network as your printer.

4. Open the web page you want to print in your web browser app.

5. Tap Share from the menu of the web browser application.

6. Select Smart Panel.

7. Tap Print.

Printing Using a Cloud Service

By using Epson Connect service available on the Internet, you can print from your smartphone, tablet PC, or

laptop, anytime and practically anywhere. To use this service, you need to register the user and the printer in

Epson Connect.

e features available on the Internet are as follows.

Email Print

When you send an email with attachments such as documents or images to an email address assigned to the

printer, you can print that email and the attachments from remote locations such as your home or oce printer.

Epson iPrint

is Application is for iOS and Android, and allows you to print or scan from a smartphone or tablet. You can

print documents, images, and web sites by sending them directly to a printer on the same wireless LAN.



Printing Using a Cloud Service


Remote Print Driver

is is a shared driver supported by Remote Print Driver. When printing using a printer in a remote location,

you can print by changing the printer on the usual applications window.

See the Epson Connect web portal for details on how to setup or print. (Europe only)



Printing Using a Cloud Service



Copying Basics……..……..………..……..……..………63

Making Multiple Copies..……..……..………..……..…….. 63

Copying Basics

You can copy on A4-size paper at the same magnication. Margins with a width of 3 mm appear around the edges

of the paper regardless of whether or not the original has margins around the edges of the paper. When copying

originals smaller than A4-size, margins will be wider than 3 mm depending on the position where you place the


1. Load paper in the printer.

“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

2. Place the originals.

“Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass” on page 31

3. Press the or button.


e color, size, and border of the copied image are slightly dierent from the original.

Making Multiple Copies

You can make multiple copies at a time. You can specify up to 20 copies. Margins with a width of 3 mm appear

around the edges of the paper.

1. Load the same number of sheets of A4-size paper as the number of copies you want to copy.

“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

2. Place the originals.

“Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass” on page 31

3. Press the or button the same number of times as the number of copies you want to make. For

example, if you want to make 10 copies in color, press the button 10 times.


Press the button within one second to change the number of copies. If the button is pressed aer one second, the number

of copies is set and copying starts.

Related Information

&“Copying Basics” on page 63



Making Multiple Copies



Basic Information on Scanning…………..……..……….……..65

Scanning Originals to a Computer……..……………..……….67

Scanning Originals to a Smart Device…………….……..……..….69

Advanced Scanning…………..……….……….……………69

Basic Information on Scanning

What is a «Scan«?

A «scan» is the process of converting the optical information of paper data (such as documents, magazine clippings,

photos, handwritten illustrations, and so on) into digital image data.

You can save scanned data as a digital image such as a JPEG or PDF.

You can then print the image, send it by email, and so on.

Scanning Uses

You can use scanning in a variety of ways to make your life more convenient.

By scanning a paper document and turning it into digital data, you can read it on a computer or a smart device.

By scanning tickets or yers into digital data, you can dispose of the originals and reduce clutter.

By scanning important documents, you can back them up to cloud services or another storage medium, just in

case they get lost.

You can send the scanned photos or documents to friends by email.

By scanning hand-drawn illustrations and so on, you can share them on social media at a much higher quality

than by just taking a photo on your smart device.

By scanning your favorite pages from newspapers or magazines, you can save them and dispose of the originals.

Available Scanning Methods

You can use any of the following methods to scan using this printer.

Scanning to a Computer

ere are two methods of scanning originals to a computer; scanning using the printer’s control panel, and

scanning from the computer.



Basic Information on Scanning


Available Scanning Methods


You can scan easily from the control panel.

Use the scanning application Epson ScanSmart to scan from the computer. You can edit images aer scanning.

Scanning Directly from Smart Devices

You can save scanned images directly to a smart device such as a smart phone or tablet by using the Epson Smart

Panel application on the smart device.

Recommended File Formats to Suit Your Purpose

Generally speaking, the JPEG format is suitable for photos while the PDF format is suitable for documents.

See the following descriptions to choose the best format for what you want to do.

File Format Description

JPEG (.jpg) A le format that allows you to compress the data to be saved. If the compression ratio

is high, the image quality declines, and you cannot convert the image back to the

original quality.

This is the standard image format for digital cameras. This format is suitable for images

that have many colors.



Basic Information on Scanning


Recommended File Formats to Suit Your Purpose


File Format Description

PDF (.pdf) A general le format that can be used across dierent operating systems and provides

the same level of screen display and print result.

You can view PDF les using dedicated PDF reading software or in Web browsers.

Recommended Resolutions to Suit Your Purpose

Resolution indicates the number of pixels (smallest area of an image) for each inch (25.4 mm), and is measured in

dpi (dots per inch). e advantage of increasing the resolution is that the details in the image become ne.

However, it can also have the following disadvantages.

e le size becomes large

(When you double the resolution, the le size becomes about four times larger.)

Scanning, saving, and reading the image takes a long time

e image becomes too large to t the display or print on the paper

See the table and set the appropriate resolution for the purpose of your scanned image.

Purpose Resolution (Reference)

Displaying on a computer

Sending by email

Up to 200 dpi

Printing using a printer 200 to 300 dpi

Scanning Originals to a Computer

ere are two methods of scanning originals to a computer; scanning using the printer’s control panel, and

scanning from the computer.

Scanning from the Control Panel

You can save the scanned image to a computer which is connected to the printer with a USB cable.



Scanning Originals to a Computer


Scanning from the Control Panel



To use this feature, make sure the following applications are installed on your computer.

Epson ScanSmart (Windows 7 or later, or OS X El Capitan or later)

Epson Event Manager (Windows Vista/Windows XP, or OS X Yosemite/OS X Mavericks/OS X Mountain Lion/Mac OS

X v10.7.x/Mac OS X v10.6.8)

Epson Scan 2 (application required to use the scanner feature)

See the following to check for installed applications.

Windows 10: Click the start button, and then check the Epson Soware folder > Epson ScanSmart, and the EPSON folder

> Epson Scan 2.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8: Enter the application name in the search charm, and then check the displayed icon.

Windows 7: Click the start button, and then select All Programs. Next, check the Epson Soware folder > Epson

ScanSmart, and the EPSON folder > Epson Scan 2.

Windows Vista/Windows XP: Click the start button, and then select All Programs or Programs. Next, check the Epson

Soware folder > Epson Event Manager, and the EPSON folder > Epson Scan 2.

Mac OS: Select Go > Applications > Epson Soware.

1. Place the originals.

“Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass” on page 31

2. Press the button and the button simultaneously to start scanning.

When using Windows 7 or later, or OS X El Capitan or later: Epson ScanSmart automatically starts on your

computer, and scanning starts.


See the Epson ScanSmart help for detailed operation information for the soware. Click Help on the Epson

ScanSmart screen to open the help.

You can not only start scanning from the printer but also from your computer by using Epson ScanSmart.

Scanning from a Computer

You can scan from a computer by using Epson ScanSmart.

is application allows you to scan documents and photos easily, and then save the scanned images in simple steps.

1. Place the originals.

“Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass” on page 31

2. Start Epson ScanSmart.

Windows 10

Click the start button, and then select Epson Soware > Epson ScanSmart.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8

Enter the application name in the search charm, and then select the displayed icon.

Windows 7

Click the start button, and then select All Programs > Epson Soware > Epson ScanSmart.



Scanning Originals to a Computer


Scanning from a Computer


Mac OS

Select Go > Applications > Epson Soware > Epson ScanSmart.

3. When the Epson ScanSmart screen is displayed, follow the on-screen instructions to scan.


Click Help to view detailed operation information.

Scanning Originals to a Smart Device


Before scanning, install Epson Smart Panel on your smart device.

Epson Smart Panel screens are subject to change without notice.

Epson Smart Panel contents may vary depending on the product.

1. Place the originals.

“Placing Originals” on page 30

2. Start Epson Smart Panel on your smart device.

3. Select scan menu on the home screen.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions to scan and save the images.

Advanced Scanning

Scanning Multiple Photos at the Same Time

Using Epson ScanSmart, you can scan multiple photos at the same time and save each image individually.

1. Place the photos on the scanner glass. Place them 4.5 mm (0.2 in.) away from the horizontal and vertical edges

of the scanner glass, and place them at least 20 mm (0.8 in.) away from each other.



Advanced Scanning


Scanning Multiple Photos at the Same Time



e photos should be larger than 15×15 mm (0.6×0.6 in.).

2. Start Epson ScanSmart.

Windows 10

Click the start button, and then select Epson Soware > Epson ScanSmart.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8

Enter the application name in the search charm, and then select the displayed icon.

Windows 7

Click the start button, and then select All Programs > Epson Soware > Epson ScanSmart.

Mac OS

Select Go > Applications > Epson Soware > Epson ScanSmart.

3. When the Epson ScanSmart screen is displayed, follow the on-screen instructions to scan.

Scanned photos are saved as individual images.



Advanced Scanning


Scanning Multiple Photos at the Same Time


Maintaining the Printer

Checking the Ink Levels….……….……..……..……….….. 72

Improving Print, Copy, and Scan Quality…………………….……..72

Cleaning the Printer……….……….……….……………77

Cleaning Spilled ink……………….……….……….………78

Checking the Total Number of Pages Fedrough the Printer……………78

Saving Power……..……….……………..……….…….. 78

Installing or Uninstalling Applications Separately..……………….……79

Transporting and Storing the Printer……………..……..………..84

Checking the Ink Levels

To conrm the actual ink remaining, visually check the ink levels in all of the printer’s tanks.



Prolonged use of the printer when the ink level is below the lower line could damage the printer.

Related Information

&“Relling the Ink Tanks” on page 125

Improving Print, Copy, and Scan Quality

Checking and Cleaning the Print Head

If the nozzles are clogged, the printouts become faint, there is visible banding, or unexpected colors appear. If the

nozzles are severely clogged, a blank sheet will be printed. When print quality has declined, rst use the nozzle

check feature to check if the nozzles are clogged. If the nozzles are clogged, clean the print head.



Do not open the front cover or turn o the printer during head cleaning. If the head cleaning is incomplete, you

may not be able to print.

Head cleaning consumes ink and should not be performed more than necessary.

When ink is low, you may not be able to clean the print head.

If print quality has not improved aer repeating nozzle check and head cleaning 3 times, wait for at least 12

hours without printing, and then run the nozzle check again and repeat the head cleaning if necessary. We

recommend turning o the printer by using the


button. If print quality has still not improved, run Power


To prevent the print head from drying out, do not unplug the printer while the power is on.

You can check and clean the print head by using the printer’s control panel.

1. Load A4-size plain paper in the printer.

2. Press the


button to turn o the printer.

Maintaining the Printer


Improving Print, Copy, and Scan Quality


Checking and Cleaning the Print Head


3. Turn the printer on while holding the


button down, and then release the buttons when the power light


e nozzle check pattern is printed.


It may take some time to start printing the nozzle check pattern.

4. Check the printed pattern to see if the print head nozzles are clogged.


All lines are printed. No further steps are needed.

B or close to B

Some nozzles are clogged. Hold the


button down for ve seconds until the power light starts ashing.

Print head cleaning starts.


It may take some time to start print head cleaning.

C or close to C

If most lines are missing or not printed, this indicates most nozzles are clogged. Run Power Cleaning. For

details, see «Related information» below.

5. When the power light stops ashing, print a nozzle check pattern again. Repeat cleaning and printing the

pattern until all lines are printed completely.

Maintaining the Printer


Improving Print, Copy, and Scan Quality


Checking and Cleaning the Print Head




If print quality has not improved aer repeating nozzle check and head cleaning 3 times, wait for at least 12 hours

without printing, and then run the nozzle check again and repeat the head cleaning if necessary. We recommend

turning o the printer by using the


button. If print quality has still not improved, run Power Cleaning.


You can also check and clean the print head from the printer driver.


Click Print Head Nozzle Check on the Maintenance tab.

Mac OS

Apple menu > System Preferences > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax) > Epson(XXXX) > Options

& Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility > Print Head Nozzle Check

Related Information

&“Running Power Cleaning” on page 74

Running Power Cleaning

e Power Cleaning utility allows you to replace all of the ink inside the ink tubes. In the following situations, you

may need to use this feature to improve the print quality.

You printed or performed head cleaning when the ink levels were too low to be seen in the ink tank windows.

You performed the nozzle check and head cleaning several times and then waited for at least 12 hours without

printing, but print quality still did not improve.

Before running this feature, read the following instructions.



Make sure that there is enough ink in the ink tanks.

Visually check all ink tanks are at least a third full. Low ink levels during Power Cleaning could damage the




An interval of 12 hours is required between each Power Cleaning.

Normally, a single Power Cleaning should resolve the print quality issue within 12 hours. erefore, to avoid

unnecessary ink usage, you must wait 12 hours before you try it again.



is feature eects the service life of the ink pads. e ink pads reach their capacity earlier by running this feature. If

the ink pads have reached the end of their service life, contact Epson Support to request replacement.


When the ink levels are insucient for Power Cleaning, you cannot run this feature. Even in this case, the levels for printing

may remain.

Maintaining the Printer


Improving Print, Copy, and Scan Quality


Running Power Cleaning


Related Information

&“Checking and Cleaning the Print Head” on page 72

Running Power Cleaning (Windows)

1. Access the printer driver window.

2. Click Power Cleaning on the Maintenance tab.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Running Power Cleaning (Mac OS)

1. Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax) and

then select the printer.

2. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility.

3. Click Power Cleaning.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Preventing nozzle clogging

Always use the power button when turning the printer on and o.

Check that the power light is o before you disconnect the power cord.

e ink itself can dry out if it is not covered. Just like placing a cap on a fountain pen or an oil pen to prevent it

from drying, make sure the print head is capped properly to prevent the ink from drying.

When the power cord is unplugged or a power outage occurs while the printer is in operation, the print head may

not be capped properly. If the print head is le as it is, it will dry out causing nozzles (ink outlets) to clog.

In these cases, turn the printer on and o again as soon as possible to cap the print head.

Aligning the Print Head

If you notice a misalignment of vertical lines or blurred images, align the print head.

Aligning the Print Head — Windows

1. Load A4-size plain paper in the printer.

2. Access the printer driver window.

3. Click Print Head Alignment on the Maintenance tab.

Maintaining the Printer


Improving Print, Copy, and Scan Quality


Aligning the Print Head


4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Aligning the Print Head — Mac OS

1. Load A4-size plain paper in the printer.

2. Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and

then select the printer.

3. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility.

4. Click Print Head Alignment.

5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Cleaning the Paper Path for Ink Smears

When the printouts are smeared or scued, clean the roller inside.



Do not use tissue paper to clean the inside of the printer. e print head nozzles may be clogged with lint.

1. Make sure there is no dust or stains on the scanner glass and the document cover.

2. Load A4-size plain paper in the printer.

3. Start copying without placing the original.


Repeat this procedure until the paper is not smeared with ink.

Cleaning the Scanner Glass

When the copies or scanned images are smeared, clean the scanner glass.



Never use alcohol or thinner to clean the printer. ese chemicals can damage the printer.

Maintaining the Printer


Improving Print, Copy, and Scan Quality


Cleaning the Scanner Glass


1. Open the document cover.

2. Use a so, dry, clean cloth to clean the surface of the scanner glass.



If the glass surface is stained with grease or some other hard-to-remove material, use a small amount of

glass cleaner and a so cloth to remove it. Wipe o all remaining liquid.

Do not press the glass surface too hard.

Be careful not to scratch or damage the surface of the glass. A damaged glass surface can decrease the scan


Cleaning the Printer

If the components and the case are dirty or dusty, turn o the printer and clean them using a so, clean cloth that

has been dampened with water. If you cannot remove the dirt, try adding a small amount of mild detergent to the

damp cloth.



Be careful not to get water onto the printer mechanism or any electrical components. Otherwise, the printer

could be damaged.

Never use alcohol or paint thinner to cleanthe components and the case. ese chemicals can damage them.

Maintaining the Printer


Cleaning the Printer


Cleaning Spilled ink

If ink has been spilled, clean it up in the following ways.

If ink adheres to the area around the tank, wipe it o using a napless, clean cloth or cotton swab.

If ink spills on the desk or oor, wipe it o immediately. When ink is dried, it will be dicult to remove the

smear. To prevent the smear from spreading, blot the ink with a dry cloth, and then wipe it with a moist cloth.

If ink gets on your hands, wash them with water and soap.

Checking the Total Number of Pages Fed Through the


You can check the total number of pages fed through the printer. e information is printed together with the

nozzle check pattern.

1. Load A4-size plain paper in the printer.

2. Press the


button to turn o the printer.

3. Turn the printer on while holding the


button down, and then release the buttons when the power light



You can also check the total number of pages fed from the printer driver.


Click Printer and Option Information on the Maintenance tab.

Mac OS

Apple menu > System Preferences > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax) > Epson(XXXX) > Options

& Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility > Printer and Option Information

Saving Power

e printer enters sleep mode or turns o automatically if no operations are performed for a set period. You can

adjust the time before power management is applied. Any increase will aect the product’s energy eciency. Please

consider the environment before making any change.

Depending on the location of purchase, the printer may have a feature that turns it o automatically if it is not

connected to the network for 30 minutes.

Saving Power — Windows

1. Access the printer driver window.

2. Click Printer and Option Information on the Maintenance tab.

Maintaining the Printer


Saving Power


Saving Power — Windows


3. Do one of the following.


Your product may have the Power O Timer feature or Power O If Disconnected and Power O If Disconnected

features depending on the location of purchase.

Select the time period before the printer enters sleep mode as the Sleep Timer setting, and click Send. To

make the printer turn o automatically, select the time period as the Power O Timer setting, and click


Select the time period before the printer enters sleep mode as the Sleep Timer setting, and click Send. To

make the printer turn o automatically, select the time period in the Power O If Inactive or Power O If

Disconnected setting, and then click Send.

4. Click OK.

Saving Power — Mac OS

1. Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and

then select the printer.

2. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility.

3. Click Printer Settings.

4. Do one of the following.


Your product may have the Power O Timer feature or Power O If Inactive and Power O If Disconnected features

depending on the location of purchase.

Select the time period before the printer enters sleep mode as the Sleep Timer setting, and click Apply. To

make the printer turn o automatically, select the time period as the Power O Timer setting, and click


Select the time period before the printer enters sleep mode as the Sleep Timer setting, and click Apply. To

make the printer turn o automatically, select the time period in the Power O If Inactive or Power O If

Disconnected setting, and then click Apply.

Installing or Uninstalling Applications Separately

Connect your computer to the network and install the latest version of applications from the website. Log in to

your computer as an administrator. Enter the administrator password if the computer prompts you.

Installing the Applications Separately


When reinstalling an application, you need to uninstall it rst.

1. Make sure the printer and the computer are available for communication, and the printer is connected to the


Maintaining the Printer


Installing or Uninstalling Applications Separately


Installing the Applications Separ


2. Start EPSON Soware Updater.

e screenshot is an example on Windows.

3. For Windows, select your printer, and then click to check for the latest available applications.

4. Select the items you want to install or update, and then click the install button.



Do not turn o or unplug the printer until the update is complete. Doing so may result in malfunction of the



You can download the latest applications from the Epson website.

If you use Windows Server operating systems, you cannot use Epson Soware Updater. Download the latest

applications from the Epson website.

Related Information

&“Application for Updating Soware and Firmware (EPSON Soware Updater)” on page 173

&“Uninstalling Applications” on page 82

Checking if a genuine Epson printer driver is installed — Windows

You can check if a genuine Epson printer driver is installed on your computer by using one of the following


Select Control Panel > View devices and printers (Printers, Printers and Faxes), and then do the following to

open the print server properties window.

Maintaining the Printer


Installing or Uninstalling Applications Separately


Installing the Applications Separ


Windows Windows 10/Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Server 2019/Windows Server 2016/

Windows Server 2012 R2/Windows Server 2012/Windows Server 2008 R2

Click the printer icon, and then click Print server properties at the top of the window.

Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008

Right-click on the Printers folder, and then click Run as administrator > Server Properties.

Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 R2/Windows Server 2003

From the File menu, select Server Properties.

Click the Driver tab. If your printer name is displayed in the list, a genuine Epson printer driver is installed on

your computer.

Related Information

&“Installing the Applications Separately” on page 79

Checking if a genuine Epson printer driver is installed — Mac OS

You can check if a genuine Epson printer driver is installed on your computer by using one of the following


Maintaining the Printer


Installing or Uninstalling Applications Separately


Installing the Applications Separ


Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and then

select the printer. Click Options & Supplies, and if the Options tab and Utility tab are displayed on the window, a

genuine Epson printer driver is installed on your computer.

Related Information

&“Installing the Applications Separately” on page 79

Adding the Printer (for Mac OS Only)

1. Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax).

2. Click +, and then select Add Other Printer or Scanner.

3. Select your printer, and then select your printer from the Use.

4. Click Add.


If your printer is not listed, check that it is correctly connected to the computer and that the printer is on.

Uninstalling Applications

Log in to your computer as an administrator. Enter the administrator password if the computer prompts you.

Uninstalling Applications — Windows

1. Press the


button to turn o the printer.

2. Quit all running applications.

Maintaining the Printer


Installing or Uninstalling Applications Separately


Uninstalling Applications


3. Open Control Panel:

Windows 10/Windows Server 2019/Windows Server 2016

Click on the start button, and then select Windows System > Control Panel.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 R2/Windows Server 2012

Select Desktop > Settings > Control Panel.

Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP/Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows Server 2008/Windows Server

2003 R2/Windows Server 2003

Click the start button and select Control Panel.

4. Open Uninstall a program (or Add or Remove Programs):

Windows 10/Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows Server 2019/Windows Server

2016/Windows Server 2012 R2/Windows Server 2012/Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows Server 2008

Select Uninstall a program in Programs.

Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 R2/Windows Server 2003

Click Add or Remove Programs.

5. Select the application you want to uninstall.

You cannot uninstall the printer driver if there is any print jobs. Delete or wait to be printed the jobs before


6. Uninstall the applications:

Windows 10/Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows Server 2019/Windows Server

2016/Windows Server 2012 R2/Windows Server 2012/Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows Server 2008

Click Uninstall/Change or Uninstall.

Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 R2/Windows Server 2003

Click Change/Remove or Remove.


If the User Account Control window is displayed, click Continue.

7. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Uninstalling Applications — Mac OS

1. Download the Uninstaller using EPSON Soware Updater.

Once you have downloaded the Uninstaller, you do not need to download it again each time you uninstall the


2. Press the


button to turn o the printer.

3. To uninstall the printer driver, select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or

Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and then remove the printer from the enabled printers list.

4. Quit all running applications.

Maintaining the Printer


Installing or Uninstalling Applications Separately


Uninstalling Applications


5. Select Go > Applications > Epson Soware > Uninstaller.

6. Select the application you want to uninstall, and then click Uninstall.



e Uninstaller removes all drivers for Epson inkjet printers on the computer. If you use multiple Epson inkjet

printers and you only want to delete some drivers, delete all of them rst, and then install the necessary printer

driver again.


If you cannot nd the application you want to uninstall in the application list, you cannot uninstall using the

Uninstaller. In this situation, select Go > Applications > Epson Soware, select the application you want to uninstall,

and then drag it to the trash icon.

Related Information

&“Application for Updating Soware and Firmware (EPSON Soware Updater)” on page 173

Updating Applications and Firmware

You may be able to clear certain problems and improve or add functions by updating the applications and the

rmware. Make sure you use the latest version of the applications and rmware.

1. Make sure that the printer and the computer are connected, and the computer is connected to the internet.

2. Start EPSON Soware Updater, and update the applications or the rmware.



Do not turn o the computer or the printer until the update is complete; otherwise, the printer may



If you cannot nd the application you want to update in the list, you cannot update using the EPSON Soware Updater.

Check for the latest versions of the applications from your local Epson website.

Transporting and Storing the Printer

When you need to store the printer or transport it when moving or for repairs, follow the steps below to pack the


1. Turn o the printer by pressing the



Maintaining the Printer


Transporting and Storing the Printer


2. Make sure the power light turns o, and then unplug the power cord.



Unplug the power cord when the power light is o. Otherwise, the print head does not return to the home

position causing the ink to dry, and printing may become impossible.

3. Disconnect all cables such as the power cord and USB cable.

4. Remove all of the paper from the printer.

5. Make sure there are no originals on the printer.

6. Make sure to install the cap onto the ink tank securely.

7. Close the ink tank cover securely.

8. Prepare to pack the printer as shown below.

Maintaining the Printer


Transporting and Storing the Printer


9. Place the printer in the plastic bag and fold it closed.

10. Pack the printer in its box using the protective materials.

Maintaining the Printer


Transporting and Storing the Printer




When storing or transporting the printer, place the printer in the plastic bag and fold it closed. Avoid tilting the

printer, placing it vertically, or turning it upside down; otherwise ink may leak.

When storing or transporting an ink bottle, do not tilt the bottle and do not subject it to impacts or temperature

changes. Otherwise, ink may leak even if the cap on the ink bottle is tightened securely. Be sure to keep the ink

bottle upright when tightening the cap, and take precautions to prevent ink from leaking when transporting the

bottle, for example, putting the bottle in a bag.

Do not put opened ink bottles in the box with printer.

If print quality has declined the next time you print, clean and align the print head.

Related Information

&“Checking and Cleaning the Print Head” on page 72

&“Aligning the Print Head” on page 75

Maintaining the Printer


Transporting and Storing the Printer


Solving Problems

e Printer Does Not Work as Expected…………….……….……..89

Checking Lights and Printer Status….……….……….……….118

Paper Gets Jammed.……….……..……..………..……....121

It is Time to Rell the Ink.……….……..……..……….…… 124

Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor….……….………….129

Cannot Solve Problem……..……….……..……………..144

The Printer Does Not Work as Expected

The Printer Does Not Turn On or O

Power Does Not Turn On

e following causes can be considered.

The power cord is not plugged in properly to the electrical outlet.


Make sure the power cord is securely plugged in.



button was not pressed for long enough.


Hold down the


button for a little longer.

Power Does Not Turn O



button was not pressed for long enough.


Hold down the


button for a little longer. If you still cannot turn o the printer, unplug the power cord.

To prevent the print head from drying out, turn the printer back on and turn it o by pressing the



Power Turns O Automatically

The Power O Timer feature or Power O If Inactive and Power O If Disconnected feature is




Click Printer and Option Information on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab.

Disable the Power O If Inactive and Power O If Disconnected settings.

Disable the Power O Timer setting.

Mac OS

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print &

Fax), and then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility, and then

click Printer Settings.

Disable the Power O If Inactive and Power O If Disconnected settings.

Disable the Power O Timer setting.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


The Printer Does Not Turn On or O



Your product may have the Power O Timer feature or Power O If Inactive and Power O If Disconnected

features depending on the location of purchase.

Paper Does Not Feed Properly

No Paper Feeds

e following causes can be considered.

The installation location is inappropriate.


Place the printer on a at surface and operate in the recommended environmental conditions.

&“Environmental Specications on page 178

Unsupported paper is being used.


Use paper supported by this printer.

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

&“Unavailable Paper Types” on page 165

Paper handling is inappropriate.


Follow paper handling precautions.

&“Paper Handling Precautions” on page 24

Too many sheets are loaded in the printer.


Do not load more than the maximum number of sheets specied for the paper. For plain paper, do not

load above the line indicated by the triangle symbol on the edge guide.

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

Paper Feeds at a Slant

e following causes can be considered.

The installation location is inappropriate.


Place the printer on a at surface and operate in the recommended environmental conditions.

&“Environmental Specications” on page 178

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Paper Does Not Feed Properly


Unsupported paper is being used.


Use paper supported by this printer.

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

&“Unavailable Paper Types” on page 165

Paper handling is inappropriate.


Follow paper handling precautions.

&“Paper Handling Precautions” on page 24

The paper is loaded incorrectly.


Load paper in the correct direction, and slide the edge guide against the edge of the paper.

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

Too many sheets are loaded in the printer.


Do not load more than the maximum number of sheets specied for the paper. For plain paper, do not

load above the line indicated by the triangle symbol on the edge guide.

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

Several Sheets of Paper are Fed at a Time

e following causes can be considered.

The installation location is inappropriate.


Place the printer on a at surface and operate in the recommended environmental conditions.

&“Environmental Specications” on page 178

Unsupported paper is being used.


Use paper supported by this printer.

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

&“Unavailable Paper Types” on page 165

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Paper Does Not Feed Properly


Paper handling is inappropriate.


Follow paper handling precautions.

&“Paper Handling Precautions” on page 24

The paper is moist or damp.


Load new paper.

Static electricity is causing sheets of paper to stick to each other.


Fan the paper before loading. If the paper still does not feed, load one sheet of paper at a time.

Too many sheets are loaded in the printer.


Do not load more than the maximum number of sheets specied for the paper. For plain paper, do not

load above the line indicated by the triangle symbol on the edge guide.

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

Multiple sheets of paper are loaded.


Load one sheet of paper at a time.

Multiple sheets of paper feed at the same time during manual 2-sided printing.


Remove any paper that is loaded in the paper source before you reload the paper.

Paper Out Error Occurs

Paper is not loaded in the center of the rear paper feeder.


When a paper out error occurs although paper is loaded in the rear paper feeder, reload paper in the

center of the rear paper feeder.

Cannot Print

Cannot Print from Windows

Make sure the computer and the printer are connected correctly.

e cause and solution to the problem dier depending on whether or not they are connected.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


Checking the Connection Status

Use Epson Printer Connection Checker to check the connection status for the computer and the printer. You may

be able to solve the problem depending on the results of the check.

1. Double-click the Epson Printer Connection Checker icon on the desktop.

Epson Printer Connection Checker starts.

If there is no icon on the desktop, follow the methods below to start Epson Printer Connection Checker.

Windows 10

Click the start button, and then select Epson Soware > Epson Printer Connection Checker.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8

Enter the application name in the search charm, and then select the displayed icon.

Windows 7

Click the start button, and then select All Programs > Epson Soware > Epson Printer Connection


2. Follow the on-screen instructions to check.


If the printer name is not displayed, install a genuine Epson printer driver.

“Checking if a genuine Epson printer driver is installed — Windows” on page 80

When you have identied the problem, follow the solution displayed on the screen.

When you cannot solve the problem, check the following according to your situation.

e printer is not recognized over a network connection

“Cannot connect to a Network” on page 93

e printer is not recognized using a USB connection

“e Printer Cannot Connect by USB (Windows)” on page 95

e printer is recognized, but printing cannot be performed.

“Cannot Print Even ough a Connection has been Established (Windows)” on page 96

Cannot connect to a Network

e problem could be one of the following issues.

Something is wrong with the network devices for Wi-Fi connection.


Turn o the devices you want to connect to the network. Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn on the

devices in the following order; wireless router, computer or smart device, and then printer. Move the

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


printer and computer or smart device closer to the wireless router to help with radio wave

communication, and then try to make network settings again.

Devices cannot receive signals from the wireless router because they are too far apart.


Aer moving the computer or the smart device and the printer closer to the wireless router, turn o the

wireless router, and then turn it back on.

When changing the wireless router, the settings do not match the new router.


Make the connection settings again so that they match the new wireless router.

The SSIDs connected from the computer or smart device and computer are dierent.


When you are using multiple wireless routers at the same time or the wireless router has multiple SSIDs

and devices are connected to dierent SSIDs, you cannot connect to the wireless router.

Connect the computer or smart device to the same SSID as the printer.

Example of connecting to dierent SSIDs

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


Example of connecting to SSIDs with a dierent frequency range

A privacy separator on the wireless router is available.


Most wireless routers have a separator function that blocks communication between devices within the

same SSID. If you cannot communicate between the printer and the computer or smart device even if

they are connected to the same network, disable the separator function on the wireless router. See the

manual provided with the wireless router for details.

The IP address is incorrectly assigned.


If the IP address assigned to the printer is 169.254.XXX.XXX, and the subnet mask is, the IP

address may not be assigned correctly.

Print the network connection report, and then check the IP address and the subnet mask assigned to the

printer. To print the network connection report, press the button on the printer’s control panel.

Restart the wireless router or reset the network settings for the printer.

There is a problem with the network settings on the computer.


Try accessing any website from your computer to make sure that your computer’s network settings are

correct. If you cannot access any website, there is a problem on the computer.

Check the network connection of the computer. See the documentation provided with the computer for


The Printer Cannot Connect by USB (Windows)

e following causes can be considered.

The USB cable is not plugged into the electrical outlet correctly.


Connect the USB cable securely to the printer and the computer.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


There is a problem with the USB hub.


If you are using a USB hub, try to connect the printer directly to the computer.

There is a problem with the USB cable or the USB inlet.


If the USB cable cannot be recognized, change the port, or change the USB cable.

Cannot Print Even Though a Connection has been Established (Windows)

e following causes can be considered.

There is a problem with the software or data.


Make sure that a genuine Epson printer driver (EPSON XXXXX) is installed. If a genuine Epson

printer driver is not installed, the available functions are limited. We recommend using a genuine

Epson printer driver.

If you are printing a large data size image, the computer may run out of memory. Print the image at a

lower resolution or a smaller size.

If you have tried all of the solutions and have not solved the problem, try uninstalling and then

reinstalling the printer driver.

You may be able to clear the problem by updating the soware to the latest version. To check the

soware status, use the soware update tool.

&“Checking if a genuine Epson printer driver is installed — Windows” on page 80

&“Checking if a genuine Epson printer driver is installed — Mac OS” on page 81

&“Installing or Uninstalling Applications Separately” on page 79

&“Updating Applications and Firmware” on page 84

There is a problem with the printer’s status.


Click EPSON Status Monitor 3 on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab, and then check the printer

status. If EPSON Status Monitor 3 is disabled, click Extended Settings on the Maintenance tab, and

then select Enable EPSON Status Monitor 3.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


There is still a job waiting to be printed.


Click Print Queue on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab. If unnecessary data remains, select Cancel all

documents from the Printer menu.

The printer is pending or oine.


Click Print Queue on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab.

If the printer is oine or pending, clear the oine or pending setting from the Printer menu.

The printer is not selected as the default printer.


Right-click the printer icon in Control Panel > View devices and printers (or Printers, Printers and

Faxes) and click Set as default printer.


If there are multiple printer icons, see the following to select the correct printer.


USB connection: EPSON XXXX Series

Network connection: EPSON XXXX Series (network)

If you install the printer driver multiple times, copies of the printer driver may be created. If copies such

as «EPSON XXXX Series (copy 1)» are created, right-click the copied driver icon, and then click Remove


Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


The printer port is not set correctly.


Click Print Queue on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab.

Make sure the printer port is set correctly as shown below in Property > Port from the Printer menu.

USB connection: USBXXX, Network connection: EpsonNet Print Port

Suddenly the Printer Cannot Print over a Network Connection

e problem could be one of the following issues.

The network environment has been changed.


When you have changed the network environment, such as the wireless router or provider, try making

network settings for the printer again.

Connect the computer or smart device to the same SSID as the printer.

Something is wrong with the network devices for Wi-Fi connection.


Turn o the devices you want to connect to the network. Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn on the

devices in the following order; wireless router, computer or smart device, and then printer. Move the

printer and computer or smart device closer to the wireless router to help with radio wave

communication, and then try to make network settings again.

The printer is not connected to the network.


Press the button to print the network connection report. If the report shows that the network

connection failed, check the network connection report and then follow the printed solutions.

There is a problem with the network settings on the computer.


Try accessing any website from your computer to make sure that your computer’s network settings are

correct. If you cannot access any website, there is a problem on the computer.

Check the network connection of the computer. See the documentation provided with the computer for


Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


There is still a job waiting to be printed.


Click Print Queue on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab. If unnecessary data remains, select Cancel all

documents from the Printer menu.

The printer is pending or oine.


Click Print Queue on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab.

If the printer is oine or pending, clear the oine or pending setting from the Printer menu.

The printer is not selected as the default printer.


Right-click the printer icon in Control Panel > View devices and printers (or Printers, Printers and

Faxes) and click Set as default printer.


If there are multiple printer icons, see the following to select the correct printer.


USB connection: EPSON XXXX Series

Network connection: EPSON XXXX Series (network)

If you install the printer driver multiple times, copies of the printer driver may be created. If copies such

as «EPSON XXXX Series (copy 1)» are created, right-click the copied driver icon, and then click Remove


Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


The printer port is not set correctly.


Click Print Queue on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab.

Make sure the printer port is set correctly as shown below in Property > Port from the Printer menu.

USB connection: USBXXX, Network connection: EpsonNet Print Port

Cannot Print from Mac OS

Make sure the computer and the printer are connected correctly.

e cause and solution to the problem dier depending on whether or not they are connected.

Checking the Connection Status

Use EPSON Status Monitor to check the connection status for the computer and the printer.

1. Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and

then select the printer.

2. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility.

3. Click EPSON Status Monitor.

When the remaining ink levels are displayed, a connection has been successfully established between the computer

and the printer.

Check the following if a connection has not been established.

e printer is not recognized over a network connection

“Cannot connect to a Network” on page 100

e printer is not recognized using a USB connection

e Printer Cannot Connect by USB (Mac OS)” on page 103

Check the following if a connection has been established.

e printer is recognized, but printing cannot be performed.

“Cannot Print Even ough a Connection has been Established (Mac OS)” on page 103

Cannot connect to a Network

e problem could be one of the following issues.

Something is wrong with the network devices for Wi-Fi connection.


Turn o the devices you want to connect to the network. Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn on the

devices in the following order; wireless router, computer or smart device, and then printer. Move the

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


printer and computer or smart device closer to the wireless router to help with radio wave

communication, and then try to make network settings again.

Devices cannot receive signals from the wireless router because they are too far apart.


Aer moving the computer or the smart device and the printer closer to the wireless router, turn o the

wireless router, and then turn it back on.

When changing the wireless router, the settings do not match the new router.


Make the connection settings again so that they match the new wireless router.

The SSIDs connected from the computer or smart device and computer are dierent.


When you are using multiple wireless routers at the same time or the wireless router has multiple SSIDs

and devices are connected to dierent SSIDs, you cannot connect to the wireless router.

Connect the computer or smart device to the same SSID as the printer.

Example of connecting to dierent SSIDs

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


Example of connecting to SSIDs with a dierent frequency range

A privacy separator on the wireless router is available.


Most wireless routers have a separator function that blocks communication between devices within the

same SSID. If you cannot communicate between the printer and the computer or smart device even if

they are connected to the same network, disable the separator function on the wireless router. See the

manual provided with the wireless router for details.

The IP address is incorrectly assigned.


If the IP address assigned to the printer is 169.254.XXX.XXX, and the subnet mask is, the IP

address may not be assigned correctly.

Print the network connection report, and then check the IP address and the subnet mask assigned to the

printer. To print the network connection report, press the button on the printer’s control panel.

Restart the wireless router or reset the network settings for the printer.

There is a problem with the network settings on the computer.


Try accessing any website from your computer to make sure that your computer’s network settings are

correct. If you cannot access any website, there is a problem on the computer.

Check the network connection of the computer. See the documentation provided with the computer for


The device connected to the USB 3.0 port causes radio frequency interference.


When you connect a device to the USB 3.0 port on a Mac, radio frequency interference may occur. Try

the following if you cannot connect to wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) or if operations become unstable.

Place the device that is connected to the USB 3.0 port further away from the computer.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


The Printer Cannot Connect by USB (Mac OS)

e following causes can be considered.

The USB cable is not plugged into the electrical outlet correctly.


Connect the USB cable securely to the printer and the computer.

There is a problem with the USB hub.


If you are using a USB hub, try to connect the printer directly to the computer.

There is a problem with the USB cable or the USB inlet.


If the USB cable cannot be recognized, change the port, or change the USB cable.

Cannot Print Even Though a Connection has been Established (Mac OS)

e following causes can be considered.

There is a problem with the software or data.


Make sure that a genuine Epson printer driver (EPSON XXXXX) is installed. If a genuine Epson

printer driver is not installed, the available functions are limited. We recommend using a genuine

Epson printer driver.

If you are printing a large data size image, the computer may run out of memory. Print the image at a

lower resolution or a smaller size.

If you have tried all of the solutions and have not solved the problem, try uninstalling and then

reinstalling the printer driver.

You may be able to clear the problem by updating the soware to the latest version. To check the

soware status, use the soware update tool.

&“Checking if a genuine Epson printer driver is installed — Windows” on page 80

&“Checking if a genuine Epson printer driver is installed — Mac OS” on page 81

&“Installing or Uninstalling Applications Separately” on page 79

&“Updating Applications and Firmware” on page 84

There is a problem with the status of the printer.


Make sure the printer status is not Pause.

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax),

and then double-click the printer. If the printer is paused, click Resume.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


User feature restrictions are enabled for the printer.


e printer may not print when the user feature restriction is enabled. Contact your printer


Suddenly the Printer Cannot Print over a Network Connection

e problem could be one of the following issues.

The network environment has been changed.


When you have changed the network environment, such as the wireless router or provider, try making

network settings for the printer again.

Connect the computer or smart device to the same SSID as the printer.

Something is wrong with the network devices for Wi-Fi connection.


Turn o the devices you want to connect to the network. Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn on the

devices in the following order; wireless router, computer or smart device, and then printer. Move the

printer and computer or smart device closer to the wireless router to help with radio wave

communication, and then try to make network settings again.

The printer is not connected to the network.


Press the button to print the network connection report. If the report shows that the network

connection failed, check the network connection report and then follow the printed solutions.

There is a problem with the network settings on the computer.


Try accessing any website from your computer to make sure that your computer’s network settings are

correct. If you cannot access any website, there is a problem on the computer.

Check the network connection of the computer. See the documentation provided with the computer for


Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


The Print Settings Menu is Not Displayed.

e following causes can be considered.

The Epson Printer Driver has Not been Installed Correctly


If the Print Settings menu is not displayed on macOS Catalina (10.15) or later, macOS High Sierra

(10.13), macOS Sierra (10.12), OS X El Capitan (10.11), OS X Yosemite (10.10), OS X Mavericks (10.9),

OS X Mountain Lion (10.8), the Epson printer driver has not been installed correctly. Enable it from the

following menu.

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax),

remove the printer, and then add the printer again. See the following to add a printer.

“Adding the Printer (for Mac OS Only)” on page 82

macOS Mojave (10.14) cannot access Print Settings in applications made by Apple such as TextEdit.

Cannot Print from Smart Device

Make sure the smart device and the printer are connected correctly.

e cause and solution to the problem dier depending on whether or not they are connected.

Check the connection with the smart device

Use Epson Smart Panel to check the connection between the smart device and the printer.

Open the Epson Smart Panel. If you cannot connect to the printer, tap [+] at the top of the screen to reset.

If you are not using Epson Smart Panel, see the link below.

Cannot connect to a Network

e problem could be one of the following issues.

Something is wrong with the network devices for Wi-Fi connection.


Turn o the devices you want to connect to the network. Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn on the

devices in the following order; wireless router, computer or smart device, and then printer. Move the

printer and computer or smart device closer to the wireless router to help with radio wave

communication, and then try to make network settings again.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


Devices cannot receive signals from the wireless router because they are too far apart.


Aer moving the computer or the smart device and the printer closer to the wireless router, turn o the

wireless router, and then turn it back on.

When changing the wireless router, the settings do not match the new router.


Make the connection settings again so that they match the new wireless router.

The SSIDs connected from the computer or smart device and computer are dierent.


When you are using multiple wireless routers at the same time or the wireless router has multiple SSIDs

and devices are connected to dierent SSIDs, you cannot connect to the wireless router.

Connect the computer or smart device to the same SSID as the printer.

Example of connecting to dierent SSIDs

Example of connecting to SSIDs with a dierent frequency range

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


A privacy separator on the wireless router is available.


Most wireless routers have a separator function that blocks communication between devices within the

same SSID. If you cannot communicate between the printer and the computer or smart device even if

they are connected to the same network, disable the separator function on the wireless router. See the

manual provided with the wireless router for details.

The IP address is incorrectly assigned.


If the IP address assigned to the printer is 169.254.XXX.XXX, and the subnet mask is, the IP

address may not be assigned correctly.

Print the network connection report, and then check the IP address and the subnet mask assigned to the

printer. To print the network connection report, press the button on the printer’s control panel.

Restart the wireless router or reset the network settings for the printer.

There is a problem with the network settings on the smart device.


Try accessing any website from your smart device to make sure that your smart device’s network settings

are correct. If you cannot access any website, there is a problem on the smart device.

Check the network connection of the computer. See the documentation provided with the smart device

for details.

Suddenly the Printer Cannot Print over a Network Connection

e problem could be one of the following issues.

The network environment has been changed.


When you have changed the network environment, such as the wireless router or provider, try making

network settings for the printer again.

Connect the computer or smart device to the same SSID as the printer.

Something is wrong with the network devices for Wi-Fi connection.


Turn o the devices you want to connect to the network. Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn on the

devices in the following order; wireless router, computer or smart device, and then printer. Move the

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Print


printer and computer or smart device closer to the wireless router to help with radio wave

communication, and then try to make network settings again.

The printer is not connected to the network.


Press the button to print the network connection report. If the report shows that the network

connection failed, check the network connection report and then follow the printed solutions.

There is a problem with the network settings on the smart device.


Try accessing any website from your smart device to make sure that your smart device’s network settings

are correct. If you cannot access any website, there is a problem on the smart device.

Check the network connection of the computer. See the documentation provided with the smart device

for details.

Cannot Start Scanning

Cannot Start Scanning from Windows

Make sure the computer and the printer are connected correctly.

e cause and solution to the problem dier depending on whether or not they are connected.

Checking the Connection Status

Use Epson Printer Connection Checker to check the connection status for the computer and the printer. You may

be able to solve the problem depending on the results of the check.

1. Double-click the Epson Printer Connection Checker icon on the desktop.

Epson Printer Connection Checker starts.

If there is no icon on the desktop, follow the methods below to start Epson Printer Connection Checker.

Windows 10

Click the start button, and then select Epson Soware > Epson Printer Connection Checker.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8

Enter the application name in the search charm, and then select the displayed icon.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Start Scanning


Windows 7

Click the start button, and then select All Programs > Epson Soware > Epson Printer Connection


2. Follow the on-screen instructions to check.


If the printer name is not displayed, install a genuine Epson printer driver.

“Checking if a genuine Epson printer driver is installed — Windows” on page 80

When you have identied the problem, follow the solution displayed on the screen.

When you cannot solve the problem, check the following according to your situation.

e printer is not recognized over a network connection

“Cannot connect to a Network” on page 109

e printer is not recognized using a USB connection

“e Printer Cannot Connect by USB (Windows)” on page 95

e printer is recognized, but scanning cannot be performed.

“Cannot Scan Even ough a Connection has been Correctly Established (Windows)” on page 111

Cannot connect to a Network

e problem could be one of the following issues.

Something is wrong with the network devices for Wi-Fi connection.


Turn o the devices you want to connect to the network. Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn on the

devices in the following order; wireless router, computer or smart device, and then printer. Move the

printer and computer or smart device closer to the wireless router to help with radio wave

communication, and then try to make network settings again.

Devices cannot receive signals from the wireless router because they are too far apart.


Aer moving the computer or the smart device and the printer closer to the wireless router, turn o the

wireless router, and then turn it back on.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Start Scanning


When changing the wireless router, the settings do not match the new router.


Make the connection settings again so that they match the new wireless router.

The SSIDs connected from the computer or smart device and computer are dierent.


When you are using multiple wireless routers at the same time or the wireless router has multiple SSIDs

and devices are connected to dierent SSIDs, you cannot connect to the wireless router.

Connect the computer or smart device to the same SSID as the printer.

Example of connecting to dierent SSIDs

Example of connecting to SSIDs with a dierent frequency range

A privacy separator on the wireless router is available.


Most wireless routers have a separator function that blocks communication between devices within the

same SSID. If you cannot communicate between the printer and the computer or smart device even if

they are connected to the same network, disable the separator function on the wireless router. See the

manual provided with the wireless router for details.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Start Scanning


The IP address is incorrectly assigned.


If the IP address assigned to the printer is 169.254.XXX.XXX, and the subnet mask is, the IP

address may not be assigned correctly.

Print the network connection report, and then check the IP address and the subnet mask assigned to the

printer. To print the network connection report, press the button on the printer’s control panel.

Restart the wireless router or reset the network settings for the printer.

There is a problem with the network settings on the computer.


Try accessing any website from your computer to make sure that your computer’s network settings are

correct. If you cannot access any website, there is a problem on the computer.

Check the network connection of the computer. See the documentation provided with the computer for


The Printer Cannot Connect by USB (Windows)

e following causes can be considered.

The USB cable is not plugged into the electrical outlet correctly.


Connect the USB cable securely to the printer and the computer.

There is a problem with the USB hub.


If you are using a USB hub, try to connect the printer directly to the computer.

There is a problem with the USB cable or the USB inlet.


If the USB cable cannot be recognized, change the port, or change the USB cable.

Cannot Scan Even Though a Connection has been Correctly Established (Windows)

Scanning at a high resolution over a network.


Try scanning at a lower resolution.

Cannot Start Scanning from Mac OS

Make sure the computer and the printer are connected correctly.

e cause and solution to the problem dier depending on whether or not they are connected.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Start Scanning


Checking the Connection Status

Use EPSON Status Monitor to check the connection status for the computer and the printer.

1. Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and

then select the printer.

2. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility.

3. Click EPSON Status Monitor.

When the remaining ink levels are displayed, a connection has been successfully established between the computer

and the printer.

Check the following if a connection has not been established.

e printer is not recognized over a network connection

“Cannot connect to a Network” on page 112

e printer is not recognized using a USB connection

e Printer Cannot Connect by USB (Mac OS)” on page 103

Check the following if a connection has been established.

e printer is recognized, but scanning cannot be performed.

“Cannot Scan Even ough a Connection has been Correctly Established (Mac OS)” on page 114

Cannot connect to a Network

e problem could be one of the following issues.

Something is wrong with the network devices for Wi-Fi connection.


Turn o the devices you want to connect to the network. Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn on the

devices in the following order; wireless router, computer or smart device, and then printer. Move the

printer and computer or smart device closer to the wireless router to help with radio wave

communication, and then try to make network settings again.

Devices cannot receive signals from the wireless router because they are too far apart.


Aer moving the computer or the smart device and the printer closer to the wireless router, turn o the

wireless router, and then turn it back on.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Start Scanning


When changing the wireless router, the settings do not match the new router.


Make the connection settings again so that they match the new wireless router.

The SSIDs connected from the computer or smart device and computer are dierent.


When you are using multiple wireless routers at the same time or the wireless router has multiple SSIDs

and devices are connected to dierent SSIDs, you cannot connect to the wireless router.

Connect the computer or smart device to the same SSID as the printer.

Example of connecting to dierent SSIDs

Example of connecting to SSIDs with a dierent frequency range

A privacy separator on the wireless router is available.


Most wireless routers have a separator function that blocks communication between devices within the

same SSID. If you cannot communicate between the printer and the computer or smart device even if

they are connected to the same network, disable the separator function on the wireless router. See the

manual provided with the wireless router for details.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Start Scanning


The IP address is incorrectly assigned.


If the IP address assigned to the printer is 169.254.XXX.XXX, and the subnet mask is, the IP

address may not be assigned correctly.

Print the network connection report, and then check the IP address and the subnet mask assigned to the

printer. To print the network connection report, press the button on the printer’s control panel.

Restart the wireless router or reset the network settings for the printer.

There is a problem with the network settings on the computer.


Try accessing any website from your computer to make sure that your computer’s network settings are

correct. If you cannot access any website, there is a problem on the computer.

Check the network connection of the computer. See the documentation provided with the computer for


The device connected to the USB 3.0 port causes radio frequency interference.


When you connect a device to the USB 3.0 port on a Mac, radio frequency interference may occur. Try

the following if you cannot connect to wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) or if operations become unstable.

Place the device that is connected to the USB 3.0 port further away from the computer.

The Printer Cannot Connect by USB (Mac OS)

e following causes can be considered.

The USB cable is not plugged into the electrical outlet correctly.


Connect the USB cable securely to the printer and the computer.

There is a problem with the USB hub.


If you are using a USB hub, try to connect the printer directly to the computer.

There is a problem with the USB cable or the USB inlet.


If the USB cable cannot be recognized, change the port, or change the USB cable.

Cannot Scan Even Though a Connection has been Correctly Established (Mac OS)

Scanning at a high resolution over a network.


Try scanning at a lower resolution.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Start Scanning


Cannot Start Scanning from Smart Device

Make sure the smart device and the printer are connected correctly.

e cause and solution to the problem dier depending on whether or not they are connected.

Check the connection with the smart device

Use Epson Smart Panel to check the connection between the smart device and the printer.

Open the Epson Smart Panel. If you cannot connect to the printer, tap [+] at the top of the screen to reset.

If you are not using Epson Smart Panel, see the link below.

Cannot connect to a Network

e problem could be one of the following issues.

Something is wrong with the network devices for Wi-Fi connection.


Turn o the devices you want to connect to the network. Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn on the

devices in the following order; wireless router, computer or smart device, and then printer. Move the

printer and computer or smart device closer to the wireless router to help with radio wave

communication, and then try to make network settings again.

Devices cannot receive signals from the wireless router because they are too far apart.


Aer moving the computer or the smart device and the printer closer to the wireless router, turn o the

wireless router, and then turn it back on.

When changing the wireless router, the settings do not match the new router.


Make the connection settings again so that they match the new wireless router.

The SSIDs connected from the computer or smart device and computer are dierent.


When you are using multiple wireless routers at the same time or the wireless router has multiple SSIDs

and devices are connected to dierent SSIDs, you cannot connect to the wireless router.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Start Scanning


Connect the computer or smart device to the same SSID as the printer.

Example of connecting to dierent SSIDs

Example of connecting to SSIDs with a dierent frequency range

A privacy separator on the wireless router is available.


Most wireless routers have a separator function that blocks communication between devices within the

same SSID. If you cannot communicate between the printer and the computer or smart device even if

they are connected to the same network, disable the separator function on the wireless router. See the

manual provided with the wireless router for details.

The IP address is incorrectly assigned.


If the IP address assigned to the printer is 169.254.XXX.XXX, and the subnet mask is, the IP

address may not be assigned correctly.

Print the network connection report, and then check the IP address and the subnet mask assigned to the

printer. To print the network connection report, press the button on the printer’s control panel.

Restart the wireless router or reset the network settings for the printer.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Start Scanning


There is a problem with the network settings on the smart device.


Try accessing any website from your smart device to make sure that your smart device’s network settings

are correct. If you cannot access any website, there is a problem on the smart device.

Check the network connection of the computer. See the documentation provided with the smart device

for details.

Cannot Operate the Printer as Expected

Operations are Slow

Printing Is Too Slow

e following causes can be considered.

Unnecessary applications are running.


Close any unnecessary applications on your computer or smart device.

The print quality is set to high.


Lower the quality setting.

Bidirectional printing is disabled.


Enable the bidirectional (or high speed) setting. When this setting is enabled, the print head prints while

moving in both directions, and the printing speed increases.


Select Bidirectional Printing on the printer driver’s More Options tab.

Mac OS

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print &

Fax), and then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Options (or Driver). Select On as the

Bidirectional Printing setting.

Quiet Mode is enabled.


Disable Quiet Mode. e printing speed slows down when the printer is running in Quiet Mode.


Select O as the Quiet Mode setting on the printer driver’s Main tab.

Solving Problems


The Printer Does Not Work as Expected


Cannot Operate the Printer as Expected


Mac OS

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print &

Fax), and then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Options (or Driver). Select O as the

Quiet Mode setting.

Printing Slows Down Dramatically During Continuous Printing

The function that prevents the printer mechanism from overheating and being damaged is



You can continue printing. To return to normal printing speed, leave the printer idle for at least 30

minutes. Printing speed does not return to normal if the power is o.

Scanning Speed Is Slow

Scanning at a high resolution.


Try scanning at a lower resolution.

Operation Sounds Are Loud

Quiet Mode is disabled.


If operations sounds are too loud, enable Quiet Mode. Enabling this feature may reduce printing speed.

Windows printer driver

Enable Quiet Mode on the Main tab.

Mac OS printer driver

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print &

Fax), and then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Options (or Driver). Select On as the

Quiet Mode setting.

Checking Lights and Printer Status

Lights on the control panel indicates the status of the printer.

Normal Status

: On

Solving Problems


Checking Lights and Printer Status


Light Status

The printer is connected to a wireless (Wi-Fi) network.

The printer is connected to a network in Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) mode.

Error Status

When an error occurs, the light turns on or ashes. Details of the error are displayed on the computer screen.

/ : On

/ : Flashing

Light Status Solutions

Wi-Fi connection error has occurred. Press the button to clear the error and try again.

Initial ink charging may not be complete. See the Start Here poster to complete initial ink


No paper is loaded or more than one sheet

has been fed at a time. Load paper and press the or button.

A paper jam has occurred.

Remove the paper and press the or button.

If the paper jam error continues after removing the

paper and turning the power o and on again, paper

may remain inside the printer. Load A4 size paper in

the rear paper feeder, and then press the or

button to remove the paper inside. Load paper in the

portrait direction.

If the error cannot be cleared, contact Epson support.

The printer was not turned o correctly.*

Because the printer was turned o while

operating, the nozzles may have dried

and clogged.

* The power was turned o with a power

strip or breaker, the plug was pulled out of

the outlet, or an electrical failure occurred.

After clearing the error by pressing the or

button, we recommend performing a nozzle

check. Cancel any pending print jobs.

To turn o the printer, make sure you press the



Solving Problems


Checking Lights and Printer Status


Light Status Solutions

When the


light and the


light ash


An ink pad is nearing or at the end of its

service life.

The ink pads need to be replaced.

Contact Epson or an authorised Epson service

provider to replace the ink pad


. It is not a user-

serviceable part.

When a message saying that you can continue

printing is displayed on the computer, press the

or button to continue printing. The lights stop

ashing for the time being, however, they will

continue to ash at regular intervals until the ink pad

is replaced.

When the


light and the


light ash


A borderless printing ink pad is nearing or at

the end of its service life.

The borderless printing ink pad need to be replaced.

Contact Epson or an authorised Epson service

provider to replace the ink pad


. It is not a user-

serviceable part.

When a message saying that you can continue

printing is displayed on the computer, press the

or button to continue printing. The lights stop

ashing for the time being, however, they will

continue to ash at regular intervals until the ink pad

is replaced.

Borderless printing is not available, but printing with

a border is available.

The printer has started in recovery mode

because the rmware update failed.

Follow the steps below to try to update the rmware


1. Connect the computer and the printer with a USB

cable. (During recovery mode, you cannot update the

rmware over a network connection.)

2. Visit your local Epson website for further


A printer error has occurred. Remove any paper inside the printer. Turn the power

o and on again.

If the error continues to occur after turning the power

o and on again, contact Epson support.

*1 In some print cycles a very small amount of surplus ink may be collected in the ink pad. To prevent ink leakage

from the pad, the printer is designed to stop printing when the pad has reached its limit. Whether and how oen

this is required will vary according to the number of pages you print, the type of material that you print and the

number of cleaning cycles that the printer performs. e need for replacement of the pad does not mean that your

printer has ceased to operate in accordance with its specications. e printer will advise you when the pad

requires replacing and this can only be performed by an authorised Epson Service provider. e Epson warranty

does not cover the cost of this replacement.

*2 In some print cycles a very small amount of surplus ink may be collected in the borderless printing ink pad. To

prevent ink leakage from the pad, the product is designed to stop borderless printing when the pad has reached its

Solving Problems


Checking Lights and Printer Status


limit. Whether and how oen this is required will vary according to the number of pages you print using the

borderless print option. e need for replacement of the pad does not mean that your printer has ceased to operate

in accordance with its specications. e printer will advise you when the pad requires replacing and this can only

be performed by an authorised Epson Service provider. e Epson warranty does not cover the cost of this


Related Information

&“Removing Jammed Paper” on page 121

&“Contacting Epson Support” on page 182

Paper Gets Jammed

Check the error displayed on the control panel and follow the instructions to remove the jammed paper including

any torn pieces. Next, clear the error.



Remove the jammed paper carefully. Removing the paper vigorously may cause damage to the printer.

When removing jammed paper, avoid tilting the printer, placing it vertically, or turning it upside down;

otherwise ink may leak.

Removing Jammed Paper



Never touch the buttons on the control panel while your hand is inside the printer. If the printer starts operating, it

could cause an injury. Be careful not to touch the protruding parts to avoid injury.

1. Remove the jammed paper.

Solving Problems


Paper Gets Jammed


Removing Jammed Paper


2. Open the front cover.

3. Open the scanner unit until it clicks.



Do not touch the parts shown in the illustration inside the printer. Doing so may cause a malfunction.

4. Remove the jammed paper.

Solving Problems


Paper Gets Jammed


Removing Jammed Paper




Do not touch the parts shown in the illustration inside the printer. Doing so may cause a malfunction.

5. Close the scanner unit.

For safety, the scanner unit is closed in two steps.


e scanner unit must be closed completely before it can be opened again.

Solving Problems


Paper Gets Jammed


Removing Jammed Paper


6. Close the front cover.

Preventing Paper Jams

Check the following if paper jams occur frequently.

Place the printer on a at surface and operate in the recommended environmental conditions.

“Environmental Specications” on page 178

Use the paper supported by this printer.

“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

Follow paper handling precautions.

“Paper Handling Precautions” on page 24

Load paper in the correct direction, and slide the edge guide against the edge of the paper.

“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

Do not load more than the maximum number of sheets specied for paper.

Load one sheet of paper at a time if you have loaded several sheets of paper.

It is Time to Rell the Ink

Ink Bottle Handling Precautions

Read the following instructions before relling ink.

Storing precautions for ink

Keep the ink bottles out of direct sunlight.

Do not store the ink bottles in high or freezing temperatures.

Epson recommends using the ink bottle before the date printed on the package.

When storing or transporting an ink bottle, do not tilt the bottle and do not subject it to impacts or temperature

changes. Otherwise, ink may leak even if the cap on the ink bottle is tightened securely. Be sure to keep the ink

bottle upright when tightening the cap, and take precautions to prevent ink from leaking when transporting the

bottle, for example, putting the bottle in a bag.

Aer bringing an ink bottle inside from a cold storage site, allow it to warm up at room temperature for at least

three hours before using it.

Solving Problems


It is Time to Rell the Ink


Ink Bottle Handling Precautions


Do not open the ink bottle package until you are ready to ll the ink tank. e ink bottle is vacuum packed to

maintain its reliability. If you leave an ink bottle unpacked for a long time before using it, normal printing may

not be possible.

Once you open an ink bottle, we recommend using it as soon as possible.

Handling precautions for relling ink

For optimum print results do not maintain low ink levels for extended periods of time.

Use ink bottles with the correct part code for this printer.

e ink for this printer must be handled carefully. Ink may splatter when the ink tanks are being lled or relled

with ink. If ink gets on your clothes or belongings, it may not come o.

Do not shake too vigorously or squeeze the ink bottles.

If the ink tank is not lled up to the lower line, rell the ink soon. Prolonged use of the printer when the ink

level is below the lower line could damage the printer.

Ink consumption

To maintain optimum print head performance, some ink is consumed from all ink tanks during maintenance

operations such as print head cleaning. Ink may also be consumed when you turn the printer on.

When printing in monochrome or grayscale, color inks instead of black ink may be used depending on the

paper type or print quality settings. is is because a mixture of color inks is used to create black.

e ink in the ink bottles supplied with your printer is partly used during initial setup. In order to produce high

quality printouts, the print head in your printer will be fully charged with ink. is one-o process consumes a

quantity of ink and therefore these bottles may print fewer pages compared to subsequent ink bottles.

Quoted yields may vary depending on the images that you are printing, the paper type that you are using, the

frequency of your prints and environmental conditions such as temperature.

Relling the Ink Tanks

1. Open the ink tank cover.

Solving Problems


It is Time to Rell the Ink


Relling the Ink Tanks


2. Open the ink tank cap.



Make sure that the color of the ink tank matches the ink color that you want to rell.

3. While holding the ink bottle upright, turn the cap slowly to remove it.



Epson recommends the use of genuine Epson ink bottles.

Be careful not to spill any ink.

Solving Problems


It is Time to Rell the Ink


Relling the Ink Tanks


4. Check the upper line (a) in the ink tank.

5. Align the top of the ink bottle with the lling port, and then insert it straight into the port to ll ink until it

stops automatically at the upper line.

When you insert the ink bottle into the lling port for the correct color, ink starts pouring and the ow stops

automatically when the ink reaches the upper line.

If the ink does not start owing into the tank, remove the ink bottle and reinsert it. However, do not remove

and reinsert the ink bottle when the ink has reached the upper line; otherwise ink may leak.

Solving Problems


It is Time to Rell the Ink


Relling the Ink Tanks


6. When you have nished relling the ink, remove the ink bottle, and then close the ink tank cap securely.



Do not leave the ink bottle inserted; otherwise the bottle may be damaged or ink may leak.


If any ink remains in the ink bottle, tighten the cap and store the bottle upright for later use.

7. Close the ink tank cover rmly.

Related Information

&“Ink Bottle Codes” on page 166

&“Ink Bottle Handling Precautions” on page 124

&“Cleaning Spilled ink” on page 78

Solving Problems


It is Time to Rell the Ink


Relling the Ink Tanks


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor

Print Quality is Poor

Color Missing, Banding, or Unexpected Colors Appear in Printout

The print head nozzles may be clogged.


Perform a nozzle check to see if the print head nozzles are clogged. Perform a nozzle check, and then

clean the print head if any of the print head nozzles are clogged. If you have not used the printer for a

long time, the print head nozzles may be clogged and ink drops may not be discharged.

If you printed when the ink levels were too low to be seen in the ink tank windows, rell the ink tanks

to the upper lines and then use the Power Cleaning utility to replace the ink inside the ink tubes. Aer

you use the utility, perform a nozzle check to see if print quality has improved.

&“Checking and Cleaning the Print Head” on page 72

&“Running Power Cleaning” on page 74

Print Quality is Poor with Black Ink

The print head nozzles may be clogged.


Perform a nozzle check to see if the print head nozzles are clogged. Perform a nozzle check, and then

clean the print head if any of the print head nozzles are clogged. If you have not used the printer for a

long time, the print head nozzles may be clogged and ink drops may not be discharged.

“Checking and Cleaning the Print Head” on page 72

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Print Quality is Poor


If you cannot solve the problem using head cleaning, you can print immediately with a mixture of

color inks to create composite black by changing the following settings in Windows.

Click Extended Settings on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab. If you select Use a Mixture of Color

Inks to Create Black, you can print at Standard print quality when the Paper Type is Plain paper or


Note that this feature cannot solve nozzle clogging. To solve nozzle clogging, we recommend

contacting Epson support for repairs.

Colored Banding Appears at Intervals of Approximately 2.5 cm

e following causes can be considered.

The paper type setting does not match the paper loaded.


Select the appropriate paper type setting for the type of paper loaded in the printer.

&“List of Paper Type” on page 24

The print quality is set to low.


When printing on plain paper, print using a higher quality setting.


Select High from Quality on the printer driver‘s Main tab.

Mac OS

Select Fine as Print Quality from the print dialog’s Print Settings menu.

The print head position is out of alignment.


Align the print head.


Click Print Head Alignment on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab.

Mac OS

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print &

Fax), and then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility, and then

click Print Head Alignment.

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Print Quality is Poor


Blurry Prints, Vertical Banding, or Misalignment

e following causes can be considered.

The print head position is out of alignment.


Align the print head.


Click Print Head Alignment on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab.

Mac OS

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print &

Fax), and then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility, and then

click Print Head Alignment.

The bidirectional printing setting is enabled.


If print quality does not improve even aer aligning the print head, disable the bidirectional setting.

During bidirectional (or high speed) printing, the print head prints while moving in both directions, and

vertical lines may be misaligned. Disabling this setting may slow down printing speed but improve print



Clear Bidirectional Printing on the printer driver’s More Options tab.

Mac OS

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print &

Fax), and then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Options (or Driver). Select O as the

Bidirectional Printing setting.

Printout Comes Out as a Blank Sheet

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Print Quality is Poor


The print head nozzles may be clogged.


Perform the nozzle check, and then try Power Cleaning if the print head nozzles are clogged.

&“Checking and Cleaning the Print Head” on page 72

&“Running Power Cleaning” on page 74

Multiple sheets of paper are fed into the printer at the same time.


See the following to prevent multiple sheets of paper being fed into the printer at the same time.

&“Several Sheets of Paper are Fed at a Time” on page 91

Paper Is Smeared or Scued

e following causes can be considered.

Paper is loaded incorrectly.


When horizontal banding (perpendicular to the printing direction) appears, or the top or bottom of the

paper is smeared, load paper in the correct direction and slide the edge guides to the edges of the paper.

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

The paper path is smeared.


When vertical banding (horizontal to the printing direction) appears, or the paper is smeared, clean the

paper path.

&“Cleaning the Paper Path for Ink Smears” on page 76

The paper is curled.


Place the paper on a at surface to check if it is curled. If it is, atten it.

The print head is rubbing the surface of the paper.


When printing on thick paper, the print head is close to the printing surface and the paper may be

scued. In this case, enable the reduce scu setting. If you enable this setting, print quality may decline or

printing may slow down.

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Print Quality is Poor



Click Extended Settings on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab, and then select Short Grain Paper.

The back of the paper was printed before the side that had already been printed was dry.


When performing manual 2-sided printing, make sure that the ink is completely dry before reloading the


Printed Photos are Sticky

The print was made on the wrong side of the photo paper.


Make sure you are printing on the printable side. When printing on the wrong side of the photo paper,

you need to clean the paper path.

&“Cleaning the Paper Path for Ink Smears” on page 76

Images or Photos are Printed in Unexpected Colors

e following causes can be considered.

The print head nozzles may be clogged.


Perform a nozzle check to see if the print head nozzles are clogged. Perform a nozzle check, and then

clean the print head if any of the print head nozzles are clogged. If you have not used the printer for a

long time, the print head nozzles may be clogged and ink drops may not be discharged.

Color correction has been applied.


When printing from the Windows printer driver, the Epson auto photo adjustment setting is applied by

default depending on the paper type. Try change the setting.

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Print Quality is Poor


On the More Options tab, select Custom in Color Correction, and then click Advanced. Change the

Scene Correction setting from Automatic to any other option. If changing the setting does not work, use

any color correction method other than PhotoEnhance in Color Management.

&“Adjusting the Print Color” on page 50

Cannot Print Without Margins

Borderless is not set in the print settings.


Make borderless setting in the print settings. If you select a paper type that does not support borderless

printing, you cannot select Borderless. Select a paper type that supports borderless printing.


Select Borderless on the printer driver’s Main tab.

Mac OS

Select a borderless paper size from Paper Size.

&“Paper for Borderless Printing” on page 165

Edges of the Image are Cropped During Borderless Printing

Because the image is slightly enlarged, the protruding area is cropped.


Select a smaller enlargement setting.


Click Settings next to the Borderless checkbox on the printer driver’s Main tab, and then change the


Mac OS

Change the Expansion setting from the print dialog’s Print Settings menu.

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Print Quality is Poor


The Position, Size, or Margins of the Printout Are Incorrect

e following causes can be considered.

The paper is loaded incorrectly.


Load paper in the correct direction, and slide the edge guide against the edge of the paper.

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

The size of the paper is set incorrectly.


Select the appropriate paper size setting.

The margin setting in the application software is not within the print area.


Adjust the margin setting in the application so that it falls within the printable area.

&“Printable Area” on page 174

Printed Characters Are Incorrect or Garbled

e following causes can be considered.

The USB cable is not connected correctly.


Connect the USB cable securely to the printer and the computer.

There is a job waiting to be printed.


Cancel any paused print jobs.

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Print Quality is Poor


The computer has been manually put into the Hibernate mode or the Sleep mode while



Do not put the computer manually into the Hibernate mode or the Sleep mode while printing. Pages of

garbled text may be printed next time you start the computer.

You are using the printer driver for a dierent printer.


Make sure that the printer driver you are using is for this printer. Check the printer name on the top of

the printer driver window.

The Printed Image Is Inverted

The image is set to invert horizontally in the print settings.


Clear any mirror image settings in the printer driver or the application.


Clear Mirror Image on the printer drivers More Options tab.

Mac OS

Clear Mirror Image from the print dialog’s Print Settings menu.

Mosaic-Like Patterns in the Prints

Images or photos with a low resolution were printed.


When printing images or photos, print using high-resolution data. Images on web sites are oen low

resolution although they look good enough on the display, and so print quality may decline.

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Print Quality is Poor


Copy Quality is Poor

Color Missing, Banding, or Unexpected Colors Appear in Copies

The print head nozzles may be clogged.


Perform a nozzle check to see if the print head nozzles are clogged. Perform a nozzle check, and then

clean the print head if any of the print head nozzles are clogged. If you have not used the printer for a

long time, the print head nozzles may be clogged and ink drops may not be discharged.

If you printed when the ink levels were too low to be seen in the ink tank windows, rell the ink tanks

to the upper lines and then use the Power Cleaning utility to replace the ink inside the ink tubes. Aer

you use the utility, perform a nozzle check to see if print quality has improved.

&“Checking and Cleaning the Print Head” on page 72

&“Running Power Cleaning” on page 74

You have made a copy in draft mode.


If you press the


and the or buttons simultaneously, the printer copies in dra mode.

Simply press the the or button on their own.


For users in Western Europe, the dra mode is not available.

Colored Banding Appears at Intervals of Approximately 2.5 cm

e following causes can be considered.

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Copy Quality is Poor


The paper type setting does not match the paper loaded.


Select the appropriate paper type setting for the type of paper loaded in the printer.

&“List of Paper Type” on page 24

The print head position is out of alignment.


Align the print head.


Click Print Head Alignment on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab.

Mac OS

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print &

Fax), and then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility, and then

click Print Head Alignment.

Blurry Copies, Vertical Banding, or Misalignment

e following causes can be considered.

The print head position is out of alignment.


Align the print head.


Click Print Head Alignment on the printer driver’s Maintenance tab.

Mac OS

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print &

Fax), and then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility, and then

click Print Head Alignment.

The bidirectional printing setting is enabled.


If print quality does not improve even aer aligning the print head, disable the bidirectional setting.

During bidirectional (or high speed) printing, the print head prints while moving in both directions, and

vertical lines may be misaligned. Disabling this setting may slow down printing speed but improve print


Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Copy Quality is Poor



Clear Bidirectional Printing on the printer driver’s More Options tab.

Mac OS

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print &

Fax), and then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Options (or Driver). Select O as the

Bidirectional Printing setting.

Printout Comes Out as a Blank Sheet

The print head nozzles may be clogged.


Perform the nozzle check, and then try Power Cleaning if the print head nozzles are clogged.

&“Checking and Cleaning the Print Head” on page 72

&“Running Power Cleaning” on page 74

Multiple sheets of paper are fed into the printer at the same time.


See the following to prevent multiple sheets of paper being fed into the printer at the same time.

&“Several Sheets of Paper are Fed at a Time” on page 91

Paper Is Smeared or Scued

e following causes can be considered.

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Copy Quality is Poor


Paper is loaded incorrectly.


When horizontal banding (perpendicular to the printing direction) appears, or the top or bottom of the

paper is smeared, load paper in the correct direction and slide the edge guides to the edges of the paper.

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

The paper path is smeared.


When vertical banding (horizontal to the printing direction) appears, or the paper is smeared, clean the

paper path.

&“Cleaning the Paper Path for Ink Smears” on page 76

The paper is curled.


Place the paper on a at surface to check if it is curled. If it is, atten it.

The Position, Size, or Margins of the Copies are Incorrect

e following causes can be considered.

The paper is loaded incorrectly.


Load paper in the correct direction, and slide the edge guide against the edge of the paper.

&“Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feeder” on page 25

The size of the paper is set incorrectly.


Select the appropriate paper size setting.

The originals are not placed correctly.


Make sure the original is placed correctly against the alignment marks.

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Copy Quality is Poor


If the edge of the scanned image is missing, move the original slightly away from the edge of the

scanner glass. You cannot scan the area within approximately 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) from the edge of the

scanner glass.

&“Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass” on page 31

There is dust or dirt on the scanner glass.


When placing the originals on the scanner glass, remove any dust or dirt that has stuck to the originals,

and clean the scanner glass. If there is dust or stains on the glass, the copy area may extend to include the

dust or stains, resulting in the wrong copying position or small images.

&“Cleaning the Scanner Glass” on page 76

Uneven Colors, Smears, Dots, or Straight Lines Appear in the Copied Image

e following causes can be considered.

The paper path is dirty.


Load and eject paper without printing to clean the paper path.

There is dust or dirt on the originals or the scanner glass.


Remove any dust or dirt that adheres to the originals, and clean the scanner glass.

&“Cleaning the Scanner Glass” on page 76

The original was pressed with too much force.


If you press with too much force, blurring, smudges, and spots may occur.

Do not press with too much force on the original or the document cover.

&“Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass” on page 31

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Copy Quality is Poor


Moiré (Cross-Hatch) Patterns Appear in the Copied Image

If the original is a printed document such as a magazine or a catalog, a dotted moiré pattern



Place the original at a slightly dierent angle.

An Image of the Reverse Side of the Original Appears in the Copied Image

e following causes can be considered.

When scanning thin originals, images on the back may be scanned at the same time.


Place the original on the scanner glass and then place a piece of black paper over it.

&“Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass” on page 31

Scanned Image Problems

Uneven Colors, Dirt, Spots, and so on Appear when Scanning from the Scanner


Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Scanned Image Problems


There is dust or dirt on the originals or the scanner glass.


Remove any dust or dirt that adheres to the originals, and clean the scanner glass.

&“Cleaning the Scanner Glass” on page 76

The original was pressed with too much force.


If you press with too much force, blurring, smudges, and spots may occur.

Do not press with too much force on the original or the document cover.

&“Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass” on page 31

Oset Appears in the Background of Scanned Images

When scanning thin originals, images on the back may be scanned at the same time.


When scanning from the scanner glass, place black paper or a desk pad over the original.

&“Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass” on page 31

Cannot Scan the Correct Area on the Scanner Glass

The originals are not placed correctly.


Make sure the original is placed correctly against the alignment marks.

If the edge of the scanned image is missing, move the original slightly away from the edge of the

scanner glass. You cannot scan the area within approximately 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) from the edge of the

scanner glass.

&“Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass” on page 31

Solving Problems


Printing, Copying, and Scanning Quality is Poor


Scanned Image Problems


There is dust or dirt on the scanner glass.


Remove any trash or dirt from the scanner glass and document cover. If there is any trash or dirt around

the original, the scanning range expands to include it.

&“Cleaning the Scanner Glass” on page 76

When scanning multiple originals using Epson ScanSmart, there is not enough of a gap

between the originals.


When placing multiple originals on the scanner glass, make sure there is a gap of at least 20 mm (0.8 in.)

between the originals.

Cannot Solve Problems in the Scanned Image

Check the following if you have tried all of the solutions and have not solved the problem.

There are problems with the scanning software settings.


Use Epson Scan 2 Utility to initialize the settings for the scanner soware.


Epson Scan 2 Utility is an application supplied with the scanner soware.

1. Start the Epson Scan 2 Utility.

Windows 10

Click the start button, and then select EPSON > Epson Scan 2 Utility.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8

Enter the application name in the search charm, and then select the displayed icon.

Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP

Click the start button, and then select All Programs or Programs > EPSON > Epson Scan 2 >

Epson Scan 2 Utility.

Mac OS

Select Go > Applications > Epson Soware > Epson Scan 2 Utility.

2. Select the Other tab.

3. Click Reset.

If initialization does not solve the problem, uninstall and re-install the scanner soware.

&“Installing or Uninstalling Applications Separately” on page 79

Cannot Solve Problem

If you cannot solve the problem aer trying all of the solutions, contact Epson support.

Solving Problems


Cannot Solve Problem


If you cannot solve printing or copying problems, see the following related information.

Related Information

&“Cannot Solve Printing or Copying Problems” on page 145

Cannot Solve Printing or Copying Problems

Try the following problems in order starting at the top until you solve the problem.

Make sure you match the paper type loaded in the printer to the paper type settings in the printer driver.

Use a higher quality setting on the printer driver.

To check the actual ink remaining, visually check the ink levels in the printer’s tanks. Rell the ink tanks if the

ink levels are below the lower lines.

Align the print head.

“Aligning the Print Head” on page 75

Run a nozzle check to see if the print head nozzles are clogged.

If there are missing segments in the nozzle check pattern, the nozzles may be clogged. Repeat head cleaning and

the nozzle check alternately 3 times and check if the clogging has cleared.

Note that print head cleaning uses some ink.

“Checking and Cleaning the Print Head” on page 72

Turn o the printer, wait for at least 12 hours, and then check if the clogging has cleared.

If the problem is clogging, leaving the printer for a while without printing may solve the problem.

You can check the following items while the printer is o.

Check that you are using genuine Epson ink bottles.

Try to use genuine Epson ink bottles. e use of non-genuine ink bottles may cause print quality to decline.

Make sure that there are no paper fragments le inside the printer.

When you remove the paper, do not touch the translucent lm with your hand or the paper.

Check the paper.

Check if the paper is curled or loaded with the printable side facing up.

“Paper Handling Precautions” on page 24

“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

“Unavailable Paper Types” on page 165

If you turn o the printer, wait for at least 12 hours, and if print quality has still not improved, run Power


“Running Power Cleaning” on page 74

If you cannot solve the problem by checking the solutions above, you may need to request repairs. Contact Epson


Related Information

&“Before Contacting Epson” on page 182

&“Contacting Epson Support” on page 182

Solving Problems


Cannot Solve Problem


Cannot Solve Printing or Copying Problems


Adding or Replacing the Computer or


Connecting to a Printer that has been Connected to the Network…….……..147

Resetting the Network Connection……….……..……….……..148

Connecting a Smart Device and Printer Directly (WiFi Direct).……….…..152

Checking the Network Connection Status………………..……..….154

Connecting to a Printer that has been Connected to

the Network

When the printer has already been connected to the network, you can connect a computer or a smart device to the

printer over the network.

Using a Network Printer from a Second Computer

We recommend using the installer to connect the printer to a computer. You can run the installer using one of the

following methods.

Setting up from the website

Access the following website, and then enter the product name. Go to Setup, and then start setting up.

Setting up using the soware disc (only for the models that come with a soware disc and users with Windows

computers with disc drives.)

Insert the soware disc into the computer, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Selecting the Printer

Follow the on-screen instructions until the following screen is displayed, select the printer name you want to

connect to, and then click Next.

Follow the on-screen instructions.

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Connecting to a Printer that has been Connected t


Using a Network Printer from a Smart Device

You can connect a smart device to the printer using one of the following methods.

Connecting over a wireless router

Connect the smart device to the same Wi-Fi network (SSID) as the printer.

See the following for more details.

“Making Settings for Connecting to the Smart Device” on page 148

Connecting by Wi-Fi Direct

Connect the smart device to the printer directly without a wireless router.

See the following for more details.

“Connecting a Smart Device and Printer Directly (Wi-Fi Direct)” on page 152

Re-setting the Network Connection

is section explains how to make the network connection settings and change the connection method when

replacing the wireless router or the computer.

When Replacing the Wireless Router

When you replace the wireless router, make settings for the connection between the computer or the smart device

and the printer.

You need to make these settings if you change your Internet service provider and so on.

Making Settings for Connecting to the Computer

We recommend using the installer to connect the printer to a computer. You can run the installer using one of the

following methods.

Setting up from the website

Access the following website, and then enter the product name. Go to Setup, and then start setting up.

Setting up using the soware disc (only for the models that come with a soware disc and users with Windows

computers with disc drives.)

Insert the soware disc into the computer, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Making Settings for Connecting to the Smart Device

You can use the printer from a smart device when you connect the printer to the same Wi-Fi network (SSID) as the

smart device. To use the printer from a smart device, set up from the following website. Access to the website from

the smart device that you want to connect to the printer. > Setup

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Re-setting the Network Connection


When Repl


When Changing the Computer

When changing the computer, make connection settings between the computer and the printer.

Making Settings for Connecting to the Computer

We recommend using the installer to connect the printer to a computer. You can run the installer using one of the

following methods.

Setting up from the website

Access the following website, and then enter the product name. Go to Setup, and then start setting up.

Setting up using the soware disc (only for the models that come with a soware disc and users with Windows

computers with disc drives.)

Insert the soware disc into the computer, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Follow the on-screen instructions.

Changing the Connection Method to the Computer

is section explains how to change the connection method when the computer and the printer have been


Changing from USB to a Network Connection

Using the installer and re-set up in a dierent connection method.

Setting up from the website

Access the following website, and then enter the product name. Go to Setup, and then start setting up.

Setting up using the soware disc (only for the models that come with a soware disc and users with Windows

computers with disc drives.)

Insert the soware disc into the computer, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Selecting Change the Connection Methods

Follow the on-screen instructions until the following screen is displayed.

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Re-setting the Network Connection


Changing t


Select the network connection that you want to use, Connect via wireless network (Wi-Fi) or Connect via wired

LAN (Ethernet), and then click Next.


e displayed connection method diers depending on the model.

Follow the on-screen instructions.

Making Wi-Fi Settings from the Control Panel

You can make network settings from the printer’s control panel in several ways. Choose the connection method

that matches the environment and conditions that you are using.

If the wireless router supports WPS, you can make settings by using push button setup.

Aer connecting the printer to the network, connect to the printer from the device that you want to use (computer,

smart device, tablet, and so on.)

Related Information

&“Making Wi-Fi Settings by Push Button Setup” on page 150

&“Making Wi-Fi Settings by PIN Code Setup (WPS)” on page 152

Making Wi-Fi Settings by Push Button Setup

You can automatically set up a Wi-Fi network by pressing a button on the wireless router. If the following

conditions are met, you can set up by using this method.

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Re-setting the Network Connection


Making Wi


e wireless router is compatible with WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup).

e current Wi-Fi connection was established by pressing a button on the wireless router.


If you cannot nd the button or you are setting up using the soware, see the documentation provided with the wireless


1. Hold down the [WPS] button on the wireless router until the security light ashes.

If you do not know where the [WPS] button is, or there are no buttons on the wireless router, see the

documentation provided with your wireless router for details.

2. Hold down the button on the printer for at least ve seconds until the light and the light ash


e connection setting will start. When a connection is established, the light turns on.


e printer is in a connection error status when the light and the light ash simultaneously. Aer clearing

the printer error by pressing the button on the printer, reboot the wireless router, place it close to the printer and try

again. If it still does not work, print a network connection report and check the solution.

Related Information

&“Checking the Network Connection Status” on page 154

&“Printing a Network Connection Report” on page 155

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Re-setting the Network Connection


Making Wi


Making Wi-Fi Settings by PIN Code Setup (WPS)

You can connect to an wireless router by using a PIN code that is printed on the network status sheet. You can use

this method to set up if an wireless router is capable of WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup). Use a computer to enter a

PIN code into the wireless router.

1. Load papers.

2. Hold down the button on the printer for at least seven seconds.

e network status sheet is printed.

3. While holding down the button, press the button until the light and the light ash


4. Use your computer to enter the PIN code (an eight digit number) printed on [WPS-PIN Code] column of the

network status sheet into the wireless router within two minutes.

When a connection is established, the light turns on.


See the documentation provided with your wireless router for details on entering a PIN code.

e printer is in a connection error status when the light and the light ash simultaneously. Aer

clearing the printer error by pressing the button on the printer, reboot the wireless router, place it close to the

printer and try again. If it still does not work, print a network connection report and check the solution.

Related Information

&“Printing a Network Status Sheet” on page 160

&“Checking the Network Connection Status” on page 154

&“Printing a Network Connection Report” on page 155

Connecting a Smart Device and Printer Directly (Wi-Fi


Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) allows you to connect a smart device directly to the printer without a wireless router and

print from the smart device.

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Connecting a Smart Device and Printer Directly (Wi


About Wi-Fi Direct

Use this connection method when you are not using Wi-Fi at home or at the oce, or when you want to connect

the printer and the computer or smart device directly. In this mode, the printer acts as an wireless router and you

can connect the devices to the printer without having to use a standard wireless router. However, devices directly

connected to the printer cannot communicate with each other through the printer.

e printer can be connected by Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) connection simultaneously. However, if you

start a network connection in Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) connection when the printer is connected by Wi-Fi, the

Wi-Fi is temporarily disconnected.

Connecting to Devices Using Wi-Fi Direct

is method allows you to connect the printer directly to devices without a wireless router. e printer acts as a

wireless router.

1. While holding down the button, press the button until the light and the light ash


Wait until the process ends.

When a connection is established, the light turns on.


If you enable Wi-Fi Direct once, it remains enabled unless you restore the default network settings.

2. Load papers.

3. Hold down the button on the printer for at least seven seconds.

e network status sheet is printed. You can check the SSID and Password for Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) on

this sheet.

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Connecting a Smart Device and Printer Directly (Wi


4. On the computer’s network connection screen or the smart device’s Wi-Fi screen, select the same SSID shown

on the network status sheet to connect.

5. Enter the password printed on the network status sheet into the computer or smart device.

You can conrm the status of Wi-Fi Direct on the network status sheet.


When you connect from a smart device using Wi-Fi Direct connection (for Android)

When you are using an Android device and connect to the printer using Wi-Fi Direct, the light and light ash

simultaneously on the printer.

Press the button to allow the connection request.

Press the button if you want to reject the connection request.

Related Information

&“Printing a Network Status Sheet” on page 160

&“Checking the Network Connection Status” on page 154

Checking the Network Connection Status

You can check the network connection status in the following way.

Related Information

&“Checking the Network Status Using Network Light” on page 154

&“Printing a Network Connection Report” on page 155

Checking the Network Status Using Network Light

You can check the network connection status using the network light on the printer’s control panel.

Related Information

&“Checking Lights and Printer Status” on page 20

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Checking the Network Connection Status




Printing a Network Connection Report

You can print a network connection report to check the status between the printer and the wireless router.

1. Load papers.

2. Press the button.

e network connection report is printed.

Messages and Solutions on the Network Connection Report

Check the messages and error codes on the network connection report, and then follow the solutions.

a. Error code

b. Messages on the Network Environment

Related Information

&“E-1” on page 156

&“E-2, E-3, E-7” on page 156

&“E-5” on page 157

&“E-6” on page 157

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Checking the Network Connection Status




&“E-8” on page 157

&“E-9” on page 158

&“E-10” on page 158

&“E-11” on page 158

&“E-12” on page 159

&“E-13” on page 159

&“Message on the Network Environment” on page 160



Make sure your hub or other network device is turned on.

If you want to connect the printer by Wi-Fi, make Wi-Fi settings for the printer again because it is disabled.

E-2, E-3, E-7


Make sure your wireless router is turned on.

Conrm that your computer or device is connected correctly to the wireless router.

Turn o the wireless router. Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn it on.

Place the printer closer to your wireless router and remove any obstacles between them.

If you have entered the SSID manually, check if it is correct. Check the SSID from the Network Status part on

the network connection report.

If an wireless router has multiple SSIDs, select the SSID that is displayed. When the SSID is using a non-

compliant frequency, the printer does not display them.

If you are using push button setup to establish a network connection, make sure your wireless router supports

WPS. You cannot use push button setup if your wireless router does not support WPS.

Makes sure your SSID uses only ASCII characters (alphanumeric characters and symbols). e printer cannot

display an SSID that contains non-ASCII characters.

Makes sure you know your SSID and password before connecting to the wireless router. If you are using a

wireless router with its default settings, the SSID and password are located on a label on the wireless router. If

you do not know your SSID and password, contact the person who set up the wireless router, or see the

documentation provided with the wireless router.

If you are connecting to an SSID generated from a tethering smart device, check for the SSID and password in

the documentation provided with the smart device.

If your Wi-Fi connection suddenly disconnects, check for the conditions below. If any of these conditions are

applicable, reset your network settings by downloading and running the soware from the following website. > Setup

Another smart device was added to the network using push button setup.

e Wi-Fi network was set up using any method other than push button setup.

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Checking the Network Connection Status




Related Information

&“Making Settings for Connecting to the Computer” on page 149

&“Making Wi-Fi Settings from the Control Panel” on page 150



Make sure the wireless router’s security type is set to one of the following. If it is not, change the security type on

the wireless router, and then reset the printer’s network settings.

WEP-64 bit (40 bit)

WEP-128 bit (104 bit)








* WPA PSK is also known as WPA Personal. WPA2 PSK is also known as WPA2 Personal.



Check if MAC address ltering is disabled. If it is enabled, register the printers MAC address so that it is not

ltered. See the documentation provided with the wireless router for details. You can check the printers MAC

address from the Network Status part on the network connection report.

If your wireless router is using shared authentication with WEP security, make sure the authentication key and

index are correct.

If the number of connectable devices on the wireless router is less than the number of network devices that you

want to connect, make settings on the wireless router to increase the number of connectable devices. See the

documentation provided with the wireless router to make settings.

Related Information

&“Making Settings for Connecting to the Computer” on page 149



Enable DHCP on the wireless router if the printers Obtain IP Address setting is set to Auto.

If the printer’s Obtain IP Address setting is set to Manual, the IP address you manually set is invalid due to out

of range (for example: Set a valid IP address from the printer’s control panel.

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Checking the Network Connection Status




Related Information

&“Printing a Network Status Sheet” on page 160



Check the following.

Devices are turned on.

You can access the Internet and other computers or network devices on the same network from the devices you

want to connect to the printer.

If still does not connect your printer and network devices aer conrming the above, turn o the wireless router.

Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn it on. en reset your network settings by downloading and running the

installer from the following website. > Setup

Related Information

&“Making Settings for Connecting to the Computer” on page 149



Check the following.

Other devices on the network are turned on.

Network addresses (IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway) are correct if you have set the printer’s

Obtain IP Address to Manual.

Reset the network address if they are incorrect. You can check the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway

from the Network Status part on the network connection report.

If DHCP is enabled, change the printers Obtain IP Address setting to Auto. If you want to set the IP address

manually, check the printers IP address from the Network Status part on the network connection report, and then

select Manual on the network settings screen. Set the subnet mask to [].

If still does not connect your printer and network devices, turn o the wireless router. Wait for about 10 seconds,

and then turn it on.

Related Information

&“Printing a Network Status Sheet” on page 160



Check the following.

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Checking the Network Connection Status




e default gateway address is correct if you set the printers TCP/IP Setup setting to Manual.

e device that is set as the default gateway is turned on.

Set the correct default gateway address. You can check the default gateway address from the Network Status part

on the network connection report.

Related Information

&“Printing a Network Status Sheet” on page 160



Check the following.

Other devices on the network are turned on.

e network addresses (IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway) are correct if you are entering them


e network addresses for other devices (subnet mask and default gateway) are the same.

e IP address does not conict with other devices.

If still does not connect your printer and network devices aer conrming the above, try the following.

Turn o the wireless router. Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn it on.

Make network settings again using the installer. You can run it from the following website. > Setup

You can register several passwords on a wireless router that uses WEP security type. If several passwords are

registered, check if the rst registered password is set on the printer.

Related Information

&“Printing a Network Status Sheet” on page 160

&“Making Settings for Connecting to the Computer” on page 149



Check the following.

Network devices such as a wireless router, hub, and router are turned on.

e TCP/IP Setup for network devices has not been set up manually. (If the printer’s TCP/IP Setup is set

automatically while the TCP/IP Setup for other network devices is performed manually, the printers network

may dier from the network for other devices.)

If it still does not work aer checking the above, try the following.

Turn o the wireless router. Wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn it on.

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Checking the Network Connection Status




Make network settings on the computer that is on the same network as the printer using the installer. You can

run it from the following website. > Setup

You can register several passwords on a wireless router that uses the WEP security type. If several passwords are

registered, check if the rst registered password is set on the printer.

Related Information

&“Printing a Network Status Sheet” on page 160

&“Making Settings for Connecting to the Computer” on page 149

Message on the Network Environment

Message Solution

The Wi-Fi environment needs to be

improved. Turn the wireless router o and

then turn it on. If the connection does not

improve, see the documentation for the

wireless router.

After moving the printer closer to the wireless router and removing any

obstacles between them, turn o the wireless router. Wait for about 10

seconds, and then turn it on. If it still does not connect, see the

documentation supplied with the wireless router.

*No more devices can be connected.

Disconnect one of the connected devices if

you want to add another one.

Computer and smart devices that can be connected simultaneously are

connected in full in the Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) connection. To add another

computer or smart device, disconnect one of the connected devices or

connect it to the other network rst.

You can conrm the number of wireless devices which can be connected

simultaneously and the number of connected devices by checking the

network status sheet.

Printing a Network Status Sheet

You can check the detailed network information by printing it such as the maximum number of devices you can

connect by Wi-Fi Direct (simple AP).

1. Load papers.

2. Hold down the button on the printer’s control panel for at least 7 seconds.

e network status sheet is printed.

Checking the Network of the Computer (Windows only)

By using the command prompt, check the connection status of the computer and the connection path to the

printer. is will lead you to solve the problems.

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Checking the Network Connection Status




ipcong command

Display the connection status of the network interface that is currently used by the computer.

By comparing the setting information with actual communication, you can check whether the connection is

correct. In case there are multiple DHCP servers on the same network, you can nd out the actual address

assigned to the computer, the referred DNS server, etc.

Format : ipcong /all

Examples :

pathping command

You can conrm the list of routers passing through the destination host and the routing of communication.

Format : pathping

Examples : pathping

Adding or Replacing the Computer or Devices


Checking the Network Connection Status




Product Information

Paper Information…………………..……….……..……..163

Consumable Products Information……….……….……….….166

Soware Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

Product Specications………….……….……..……..…….174

Regulatory Information………….……..………..……..…..179

Paper Information

Available Paper and Capacities

Genuine Epson Paper

Epson recommends using genuine Epson paper to ensure high-quality printouts.


e availability of paper varies by location. For the latest information on paper available in your area, contact Epson


See the following for information on available paper types for borderless and 2-sided printing.

“Paper for Borderless Printing” on page 165

“Paper for 2-Sided Printing” on page 165

Paper suitable for printing documents

Media Name Size Loading Capacity


Epson Bright White Ink Jet Paper A4 Up to the line indicated

by the triangle symbol

on the edge guide.

Paper suitable for printing documents and photos

Media Name Size Loading Capacity


Epson Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper A4 80

Epson Double-sided Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper Letter, A4 80

Epson Matte Paper-Heavyweight A4 20

Epson Double-Sided Matte Paper A4 1

Paper suitable for printing photos

Media Name Size Loading Capacity


Epson Ultra Glossy Photo Paper A4, 13×18 cm (5×7 in.), 10×15 cm (4×6 in.) 20


Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper A4, 13×18 cm (5×7 in.), 16:9 wide

size(102×181 mm), 10×15 cm (4×6 in.) 20


Epson Premium Semigloss Photo Paper A4, 13×18 cm (5×7 in.), 10×15 cm (4×6 in.) 20


Product Information


Paper Information


Available Paper and Capacities


Media Name Size Loading Capacity


Epson Photo Paper Glossy A4, 13×18 cm (5×7 in.), 10×15 cm (4×6 in.) 20


Epson Value Glossy Photo Paper A4, 10×15 cm (4×6 in.) 20


* Load one sheet of paper at a time if the paper does not feed correctly or if the printout has uneven colors or smears.

Various other paper types

Media Name Size Loading Capacity


Epson Photo Quality Self Adhesive Sheets A4 1

Commercially Available Paper


See the following for information on available paper types for borderless and 2-sided printing.

“Paper for Borderless Printing” on page 165

“Paper for 2-Sided Printing” on page 165

Plain papers

Plain paper includes copy paper.

Size Loading Capacity (Sheets)

Letter, A4, B5, A5, A6, B6, 16K (195×270 mm) Up to the line indicated by the triangle symbol on

the edge guide.


Legal, 8.5×13 in., Indian-Legal 1

User Dened



54×86 to 215.9×1200


*1 Load one sheet of paper at a time if the paper does not feed correctly or if the printout has uneven colors or smears.

*2 Only printing from computer is available.


Size Loading Capacity (Envelopes)

Envelope #10, Envelope DL, Envelope C6 10

Product Information


Paper Information


Available Paper and Capacities


Paper for Borderless Printing

Genuine Epson Paper

Epson Ultra Glossy Photo Paper (10×15 cm (4×6 in.) )

Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper (10×15 cm (4×6 in.), 16:9 wide size(102×181 mm))

Epson Premium Semigloss Photo Paper (10×15 cm (4×6 in.) )

Epson Photo Paper Glossy (10×15 cm (4×6 in.) )

Epson Value Glossy Photo Paper (10×15 cm (4×6 in.) )

Related Information

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

Paper for 2-Sided Printing

Genuine Epson Paper

Epson Bright White Ink Jet Paper

Epson Double-sided Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper

Epson Double-Sided Matte Paper

Related Information

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

Commercially Available Paper

Plain paper, Copy paper

Related Information

&“Available Paper and Capacities” on page 163

Unavailable Paper Types

Do not use the following papers. Using these types of paper causes paper jams and smears on the printout.

Papers that are wavy

Papers that are torn or cut

Papers that are folded

Papers that are damp

Papers that are too thick or too thin

Papers that have stickers

Product Information


Paper Information


Unavailable Paper Types


Do not use the following envelopes. Using these types of envelope causes paper jams and smears on the printout.

Envelopes that are curled or folded

Envelopes with adhesive surfaces on the aps or window envelopes

Envelopes that are too thin

ey may curl during printing.

Consumable Products Information

Ink Bottle Codes

Epson recommends the use of genuine Epson ink bottles.

e following are the codes for genuine Epson ink bottles.



Epson warranty does not cover damage caused by inks other than those specied, including any genuine Epson

ink not designed for this printer or any third party ink.

Other products not manufactured by Epson may cause damage that is not covered by Epsons warranties, and

under certain circumstances, may cause erratic printer behavior.


Ink bottle codes may vary by location. For the correct codes in your area, contact Epson support.

Although the ink bottles may contain recycled materials, this does not aect printer function or performance.

Specications and appearance of the ink bottle are subject to change without prior notice for improvement.

For Europe

Product BK: Black C: Cyan M: Magenta Y: Yellow

ET-2810 Series 104 104 104 104

L3250 Series 103 103 103 103


Visit the following website for information on Epson’s ink bottle yields.

For Australia and New Zealand

BK: Black C: Cyan M: Magenta Y: Yellow

522 522 522 522

Product Information


Consumable Products Information


Ink Bottle Codes


For Asia

BK: Black C: Cyan M: Magenta Y: Yellow

003 003 003 003

Software Information

is section introduces the network services and soware products available for your printer from the Epson


Software for Printing

Application for Printing from a Computer (Windows Printer Driver)

e printer driver controls the printer according to the commands from an application. Making settings on the

printer driver provides the best printing results. You can also check the status of the printer or keep it in top

operating condition using the printer driver utility.


You can change the language of the printer driver. Select the language you want to use from the Language setting on the

Maintenance tab.

Accessing the printer driver from applications

To make settings that apply only to the application you are using, access from that application.

Select Print or Print Setup from the File menu. Select your printer, and then click Preferences or Properties.


Operations dier depending on the application. See the application’s help for details.

Accessing the printer driver from the control panel

To make settings that apply to all of the applications, access from the control panel.

Windows 10/Windows Server 2019/Windows Server 2016

Click on the start button, and then select Windows System > Control Panel > View devices and printers in

Hardware and Sound. Right-click on your printer, or press and hold it and then select Printing preferences

Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 R2/Windows Server 2012

Select Desktop > Settings > Control Panel > View devices and printers in Hardware and Sound. Right-click

on your printer, or press and hold it and then select Printing preferences

Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2

Click the start button, and select Control Panel > View devices and printers in Hardware and Sound. Right-

click on your printer and select Printing preferences.

Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008

Click the start button, and select Control Panel > Printers in Hardware and Sound. Right-click on your printer

and select Printing preferences.

Product Information


Software Information


Software for Printing


Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 R2/Windows Server 2003

Click the start button, and select Control Panel > Printers and Other Hardware > Printers and Faxes. Right-

click on your printer and select Printing preferences.

Accessing the printer driver from the printer icon on the task bar

e printer icon on the desktop task bar is a shortcut icon allowing you to quickly access the printer driver.

If you click the printer icon and select Printer Settings, you can access the same printer settings window as the one

displayed from the control panel. If you double-click this icon, you can check the status of the printer.


If the printer icon is not displayed on the task bar, access the printer driver window, click Monitoring Preferences on the

Maintenance tab, and then select Register the shortcut icon to the taskbar.

Starting the utility

Access the printer driver window. Click the Maintenance tab.

Making Operation Settings for the Windows Printer Driver

You can make settings such as enabling EPSON Status Monitor 3.

1. Access the printer driver window.

2. Click Extended Settings on the Maintenance tab.

3. Make the appropriate settings, and then click OK.

See the online help for explanations of the setting items.

Related Information

&“Application for Printing from a Computer (Windows Printer Driver)” on page 167

Application for Printing from a Computer (Mac OS Printer Driver)

e printer driver controls the printer according to the commands from an application. Making settings on the

printer driver provides the best printing results. You can also check the status of the printer or keep it in top

operating condition using the printer driver utility.

Accessing the printer driver from applications

Click Page Setup or Print on the File menu of your application. If necessary, click Show Details (or


) to expand

the print window.


Depending on the application being used, Page Setup may not be displayed in the File menu, and the operations for

displaying the print screen may dier.See the application’s help for details.

Starting the utility

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and then

select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility.

Product Information


Software Information


Software for Printing


Guide to Mac OS Printer Driver

Epson Printer Utility

You can run a maintenance feature such as nozzle check and print head cleaning, and by starting EPSON Status

Monitor, you can check printer status and error information.

Accessing the Operation Settings Window of the Mac OS Printer Driver

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and then

select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Options (or Driver).

Application for Quick and Fun Printing from a Computer (Epson Photo+)

Epson Photo+ is an application that allows you to easily print images with a variety of layouts. You can also

perform image correction and adjust the position while viewing a preview of your document. You can also

brighten up your images by adding text and stamps wherever you like. When printing on genuine Epson photo

paper, the ink performance is maximized creating a beautiful nish with excellent coloring.

See the application’s help for details.


Windows Server operating systems are not supported.

To use this application the printer driver for this printer must be installed.

Starting on Windows

Windows 10

Click the start button, and then select Epson Soware > Epson Photo+.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8

Enter the application name in the search charm, and then select the displayed icon.

Product Information


Software Information


Software for Printing


Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP

Click the start button, and select All Programs or Programs > Epson Soware > Epson Photo+.

Starting on Mac OS

Select Go > Applications > Epson Soware > Epson Photo+.

Related Information

&“Installing the Applications Separately” on page 79

Application for Easily Operating the Printer from a Smart device (Epson Smart


Epson Smart Panel is an application that allows you to perform printer operations easily including printing,

copying, or scanning from a smart device such as a smartphone or tablet. You can connect the printer and smart

device over a wireless network, check the ink levels and printer status, and check for solutions if an error occurs.

You can also copy easily by registering a copy favorite.

Search for and install Epson Smart Panel from App Store or Google Play.

Application for Printing Easily from an Android Application (Epson Print


Epson Print Enabler is an application that allows you to wirelessly print your documents, emails, photos, and web

pages right from your Android phone or tablet (Android v4.4 or later). With a few taps, your Android device will

discover an Epson printer that is connected to the same wireless network.

Search for and install Epson Print Enabler from Google Play.

Software for Scanning

Application for Scanning from a Computer (Epson ScanSmart)

is application allows you to scan documents and photos easily, and then save the scanned images in simple steps.

See the Epson ScanSmart help for details on using the features.

Starting on Windows

Windows 10

Click the start button, and then select Epson Soware > Epson ScanSmart.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8

Enter the application name in the search charm, and then select the displayed icon.

Product Information


Software Information


Software for Scanning


Windows 7

Click the start button, and then select All Programs > Epson Soware > Epson ScanSmart.

Starting on Mac OS

Select Go > Applications > Epson Soware > Epson ScanSmart.

Software for Package Creation

Application for Creating Driver Packages (EpsonNet SetupManager)

EpsonNet SetupManager is a soware to create a package for a simple printer installation, such as installing the

printer driver, installing EPSON Status Monitor and creating a printer port. is soware allows the administrator

to create unique soware packages and distribute them among groups.

For more information, visit your regional Epson website.

Software for Making Settings

Application for Conguring Printer Operations (Web Cong)

Web Cong is an application that runs in a web browser, such as Internet Explorer and Safari, on a computer or

smart device. You can conrm the printer status or change the network service and printer settings. To use the

Web Cong, connect the printer and the computer or device to the same network.

e following browsers are supported.

Microso Edge, Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox


, Chrome


, Safari


*Use the latest version.


e initial value of the Web Cong administrator password is the product serial number. Check the product serial number

on the label on the printer.

Running Web Cong on a Web Browser

1. Check the printer’s IP address.

Select the network icon on the printer‘s home screen, and then select the active connection method to conrm

the printer’s IP address.


You can also check the IP address by printing the network connection report.

2. Launch a Web browser from a computer or smart device, and then enter the printer’s IP address.


IPv4: http://the printer’s IP address/

Product Information


Software Information


Software for Making Settings


IPv6: http://[the printer’s IP address]/



IPv6: http://[2001:db8::1000:1]/


Using the smart device, you can also run Web Cong from the product information screen of the Epson Smart Panel.

Since the printer uses a self-signed certicate when accessing HTTPS, a warning is displayed on the browser

when you start Web Cong; this does not indicate a problem and can be safely ignored.

Related Information

&“Printing a Network Connection Report” on page 155

Running Web Cong on Windows

When connecting a computer to the printer using WSD, follow the steps below to run Web Cong.

1. Open the printer list on the computer.

Windows 10

Click on the start button, and then select Windows System > Control Panel > View devices and printers

in Hardware and Sound.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8

Select Desktop > Settings > Control Panel > View devices and printers in Hardware and Sound (or


Windows 7

Click the start button, and select Control Panel > View devices and printers in Hardware and Sound.

Windows Vista

Click the start button, and select Control Panel > Printers in Hardware and Sound.

2. Right-click on your printer and select Properties.

3. Select the Web Ser vice tab and click the URL.

Since the printer uses a self-signed certicate when accessing HTTPS, a warning is displayed on the browser

when you start Web Cong; this does not indicate a problem and can be safely ignored.

Running Web Cong on Mac OS

1. Select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and

then select the printer.

2. Click Options & Supplies> Show Printer Webpage.

Since the printer uses a self-signed certicate when accessing HTTPS, a warning is displayed on the browser

when you start Web Cong; this does not indicate a problem and can be safely ignored.

Product Information


Software Information


Software for Making Settings


Application for Setting up the Device on a Network (EpsonNet Cong)

EpsonNet Cong is an application that allows you to set the network interface addresses and protocols. See the

operations guide for EpsonNet Cong or the application’s help for more details.

Starting on Windows

Windows 10/Windows Server 2019/Windows Server 2016

Click the start button, and then select EpsonNet > EpsonNet Cong.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 R2/Windows Server 2012

Enter the application name in the search charm, and then select the displayed icon.

Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP/Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows Server 2008/Windows Server

2003 R2/Windows Server 2003

Click the start button, and select All Programs or Programs > EpsonNet > EpsonNet Cong SE > EpsonNet


Starting on Mac OS

Go > Applications > Epson Soware > EpsonNet > EpsonNet Cong SE > EpsonNet Cong.

Related Information

&“Installing the Applications Separately” on page 79

Software for Updating

Application for Updating Software and Firmware (EPSON Software Updater)

EPSON Soware Updater is an application that installs new soware, and updates rmware over the Internet. If

you want to check for update information regularly, you can set the interval for checking for updates in EPSON

Soware Updater’s Auto Update Settings.


Windows Server operating systems are not supported.

Starting on Windows

Windows 10

Click the start button, and then select Epson Soware > EPSON Soware Updater.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8

Enter the application name in the search charm, and then select the displayed icon.

Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP

Click the start button, and then select All Programs (or Programs) > Epson Soware > EPSON Soware



You can also start EPSON Soware Updater by clicking the printer icon on the task bar on the desktop, and then selecting

Soware Update.

Product Information


Software Information


Software for Updating


Starting on Mac OS

Select Go > Applications > Epson Soware > EPSON Soware Updater.

Related Information

&“Installing the Applications Separately” on page 79

Product Specications

Printer Specications

Print Head Nozzle Placement Black ink nozzles: 180

Color ink nozzles: 59 for each color

Weight of Paper


Plain Paper 64 to 90 g/m(17 to 24lb)

Envelopes Envelope #10, DL, C6: 75 to 100 g/m (20 to 27 lb)

* Even when the paper thickness is within this range, the paper may not feed in the printer or the print quality may decline

depending on the paper properties or quality.

Printable Area

Printable Area for Single Sheets

Print quality may decline in the shaded areas due to the printer’s mechanism.

Printing with borders

A 3.0 mm (0.12 in.)

B 3.0 mm (0.12 in.)

C 41.0 mm (1.61 in.)

D 37.0 mm (1.46 in.)

Product Information


Product Specications


Printer Specications


Borderless printing

A 44.0 mm (1.73 in.)

B 40.0 mm (1.57 in.)

Printable Area for Envelopes

Print quality may decline in the shaded areas due to the printer’s mechanism.

A 3.0 mm (0.12 in.)

B 3.0 mm (0.12 in.)

C 18.0 mm (0.71 in.)

D 41.0 mm (1.61 in.)

Scanner Specications

Scanner Type Flatbed

Photoelectric Device CIS

Eective Pixels 10200×14040 pixels (1200 dpi)

Maximum Document Size 216×297 mm (8.5×11.7 in.)

A4, Letter

Scanning Resolution 1200 dpi (main scan)

2400 dpi (sub scan)

Output Resolution 50 to 9600 dpi in 1 dpi increments

Color Depth Color

48 bits per pixel internal (16 bits per pixel per color internal)

24 bits per pixel external (8 bits per pixel per color external)


16 bits per pixel internal

8 bits per pixel external

Black and white

16 bits per pixel internal

1 bits per pixel external

Product Information


Product Specications


Scanner Specications


Light Source LED

Interface Specications

For Computer Hi-Speed USB


* USB 3.0 cables are not supported.

Network Specications

Wi-Fi Specications

Standards IEEE802.11b/g/n


Frequency Range 2.4 GHz

Coordination Modes Infrastructure, Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP)


Wireless Securities


WEP (64/128bit), WPA2-PSK (AES)



*1 IEEE802.11n is only available for the HT20.

*2 Not supported for IEEE 802.11b.

*3 Simple AP mode is compatible with a Wi-Fi connection (infrastructure).

*4 Wi-Fi Direct supports WPA2-PSK (AES) only.

*5 Complies with WPA2 standards with support for WPA/WPA2 Personal.

Network Functions and IPv4/IPv6

Functions Supported Remarks

Network Printing EpsonNet Print (Windows) IPv4

Standard TCP/IP (Windows) IPv4, IPv6

WSD Printing (Windows) IPv4, IPv6 Windows Vista or


Bonjour Printing (Mac OS) IPv4, IPv6

IPP Printing (Windows, Mac


IPv4, IPv6

PictBridge Printing (Wi-Fi) IPv4 Digital camera

Epson Connect (Email Print,

Remote Print)


Product Information


Product Specications


Network Specications


Functions Supported Remarks

Network Scanning Epson Scan 2 IPv4, IPv6

Event Manager IPv4

Epson Connect (Scan to



Fax Send a fax IPv4

Receive a fax IPv4

Security Protocol




Dimensions Storage

Width: 375 mm (14.8 in.)

Depth: 347 mm (13.7 in.)

Height: 179 mm (7.0 in.)


Width: 375 mm (14.8 in.)

Depth: 578 mm (22.8 in.)

Height: 253 mm (10.0 in.)



Approx. 3.9 kg (8.6 lb)

* Without the ink and the power cord.

Electrical Specications

Power Supply Rating AC 100-240 V AC 220-240 V

Rated Frequency Range 50-60 Hz 50-60 Hz

Rated Current 0.4-0.2 A 0.2 A

Power Consumption (with USB Con-


Standalone copying: Approx. 12.0 W


Ready mode: Approx. 4.5 W

Sleep mode: Approx. 0.7 W

Power o: Approx. 0.2 W

Standalone copying: Approx. 12.0 W


Ready mode: Approx. 4.5 W

Sleep mode: Approx. 0.7 W

Power o: Approx. 0.2 W

Product Information


Product Specications


Electrical Specications



Check the label on the printer for its voltage.

For European users, see the following Website for details on power consumption.

Environmental Specications

Operation Use the printer within the range shown in the following graph.

Temperature: 10 to 35°C (50 to 95°F)

Humidity: 20 to 80% RH (without condensation)

Storage Temperature: -20 to 40°C (-4 to 104°F)


Humidity: 5 to 85% RH (without condensation)

* You can store for one month at 40°C (104°F).

Environmental Specications for Ink Bottles

Storage Temperature -20 to 40 °C (-4 to 104 °F)


Freezing Temperature -15 °C (5 °F)

Ink thaws and is usable after approximately 2 hours at 25 °C (77 °F).

* You can store for one month at 40 °C (104 °F).

System Requirements


Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 or later (32-bit, 64-bit)

Windows XP SP3 (32-bit)

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2

Windows Server 2003 (SP2) or later

Mac OS

Mac OS X v10.6.8 or later


Mac OS may not support some applications and features.

e UNIX File System (UFS) for Mac OS is not supported.

Product Information


Product Specications


System Requirements


Regulatory Information

Standards and Approvals

Standards and Approvals for European Model

For European users

Hereby, Seiko Epson Corporation declares that the following radio equipment model is in compliance with

Directive 2014/53/EU. e full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following website.


For use only in Ireland, UK, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Luxemburg,

Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece,

Slovenia, Malta, Bulgaria, Czech, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia.

Epson cannot accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a non-

recommended modication of the products.

Frequency Maximum Radio-Frequency Power Transmitted

2400-2483.5 MHz 20 dBm (EIRP)

Standards and Approvals for Australian Model


Epson hereby declares that the following equipment Models are in compliance with the essential requirements and

other relevant provisions of AS/NZS4268:


Epson cannot accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a non-

recommended modication of the products.

Restrictions on Copying

Observe the following restrictions to ensure the responsible and legal use of the printer.

Copying of the following items is prohibited by law:

Bank bills, coins, government-issued marketable securities, government bond securities, and municipal


Unused postage stamps, pre-stamped postcards, and other ocial postal items bearing valid postage

Product Information


Regulatory Information


Restrictions on Copying


Government-issued revenue stamps, and securities issued according to legal procedure

Exercise caution when copying the following items:

Private marketable securities (stock certicates, negotiable notes, checks, etc.), monthly passes, concession

tickets, etc.

Passports, driver’s licenses, warrants of tness, road passes, food stamps, tickets, etc.


Copying these items may also be prohibited by law.

Responsible use of copyrighted materials:

Printers can be misused by improperly copying copyrighted materials. Unless acting on the advice of a

knowledgeable attorney, be responsible and respectful by obtaining the permission of the copyright holder before

copying published material.

Product Information


Regulatory Information


Restrictions on Copying


Where to Get Help

Technical Support Web Site………………..……..……….….182

Contacting Epson Support……..……………..……….……..182

Technical Support Web Site

If you need further help, visit the Epson support website shown below. Select your country or region and go to the

support section of your local Epson website. e latest drivers, FAQs, manuals, or other downloadables are also

available from the site. (Europe)

If your Epson product is not operating properly and you cannot solve the problem, contact Epson support services

for assistance.

Contacting Epson Support

Before Contacting Epson

If your Epson product is not operating properly and you cannot solve the problem using the troubleshooting

information in your product manuals, contact Epson support services for assistance. If Epson support for your area

is not listed below, contact the dealer where you purchased your product.

Epson support will be able to help you much more quickly if you give them the following information:

Product serial number

(e serial number label is usually on the back of the product.)

Product model

Product soware version

(Click About, Version Info, or a similar button in the product soware.)

Brand and model of your computer

Your computer operating system name and version

Names and versions of the soware applications you normally use with your product


Depending on the product, network settings may be stored in the products memory. Due to breakdown or repair of a

product, settings may be lost. Epson shall not be responsible for the loss of any data, for backing up or recovering settings

even during a warranty period. We recommend that you make your own backup data or take notes.

Help for Users in Europe

Check your Pan-European Warranty Document for information on how to contact Epson support.

Help for Users in Taiwan

Contacts for information, support, and services are:

World Wide Web

Where to Get Help


Contacting Epson Support


Help for Users in Taiwan


Information on product specications, drivers for download, and products enquiry are available.

Epson HelpDesk

Phone: +886-2-80242008

Our HelpDesk team can help you with the following over the phone:

Sales enquiries and product information

Product usage questions or problems

Enquiries on repair service and warranty

Repair service center:

TekCare corporation is an authorized service center for Epson Taiwan Technology & Trading Ltd.

Help for Users in Australia

Epson Australia wishes to provide you with a high level of customer service. In addition to your product manuals,

we provide the following sources for obtaining information:

Internet URL

Access the Epson Australia World Wide Web pages. Worth taking your modem here for the occasional surf! e

site provides a download area for drivers, Epson contact points, new product information and technical support (e-


Epson Helpdesk

Phone: 1300-361-054

Epson Helpdesk is provided as a nal backup to make sure our clients have access to advice. Operators on the

Helpdesk can aid you in installing, conguring and operating your Epson product. Our Pre-sales Helpdesk sta

can provide literature on new Epson products and advise where the nearest dealer or service agent is located. Many

types of queries are answered here.

We encourage you to have all the relevant information on hand when you ring. e more information you prepare,

the faster we can help solve the problem. is information includes your Epson product manuals, type of

computer, operating system, application programs, and any information you feel is required.

Transportation of Product

Epson recommends retaining product packaging for future transportation. Securing the ink tank with tape and

keeping the product upright is also recommended.

Help for Users in New Zealand

Epson New Zealand wishes to provide you with a high level of customer service. In addition to your product

documentation, we provide the following sources for obtaining information:

Where to Get Help


Contacting Epson Support


Help for Users in New Zealand


Internet URL

Access the Epson New Zealand World Wide Web pages. Worth taking your modem here for the occasional surf!

e site provides a download area for drivers, Epson contact points, new product information and technical

support (e-mail).

Epson Helpdesk

Phone: 0800 237 766

Epson Helpdesk is provided as a nal backup to make sure our clients have access to advice. Operators on the

Helpdesk can aid you in installing, conguring and operating your Epson product. Our Pre-sales Helpdesk sta

can provide literature on new Epson products and advise where the nearest dealer or service agent is located. Many

types of queries are answered here.

We encourage you to have all the relevant information on hand when you ring. e more information you prepare,

the faster we can help solve the problem. is information includes your Epson product documentation, type of

computer, operating system, application programs, and any information you feel is required.

Transportation of Product

Epson recommends retaining product packaging for future transportation. Securing the ink tank with tape and

keeping the product upright is also recommended.

Help for Users in Singapore

Sources of information, support, and services available from Epson Singapore are:

World Wide Web

Information on product specications, drivers for download, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Sales Enquiries,

and Technical Support via e-mail are available.

Epson HelpDesk

Toll Free: 800-120-5564

Our HelpDesk team can help you with the following over the phone:

Sales enquiries and product information

Product usage questions or problem troubleshooting

Enquiries on repair service and warranty

Help for Users in Thailand

Contacts for information, support, and services are:

World Wide Web

Information on product specications, drivers for download, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and e-mail are


Where to Get Help


Contacting Epson Support


Help for Users in Thailand


Epson Call Centre

Phone: 66-2685-9899


Our Call Centre team can help you with the following over the phone:

Sales enquiries and product information

Product usage questions or problems

Enquiries on repair service and warranty

Help for Users in Vietnam

Contacts for information, support, and services are:

Epson Service Center

65 Truong Dinh Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Phone(Ho Chi Minh City): 84-8-3823-9239, 84-8-3825-6234

29 Tue Tinh, Quan Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi City, Vietnam

Phone(Hanoi City): 84-4-3978-4785, 84-4-3978-4775

Help for Users in Indonesia

Contacts for information, support, and services are:

World Wide Web

Information on product specications, drivers for download

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Sales Enquiries, questions through e-mail

Epson Hotline

Phone: +62-1500-766

Fax: +62-21-808-66-799

Our Hotline team can help you with the following over the phone or fax:

Sales enquiries and product information

Technical support

Where to Get Help


Contacting Epson Support


Help for Users in Indonesia


Epson Service Center

Province Company Name Address Phone


JAKARTA Epson Sales and

Service Jakarta


Wisma Keiai Lt. 1 Jl. Jenderal

Sudirman Kav. 3 Jakarta Pusat — DKI



SERPONG Epson Sales and

Service Serpong

Ruko Melati Mas Square Blok A2

No.17 Serpong-Banten

082120090084 / 082120090085

SEMARANG Epson Sales and

Service Semarang

Komplek Ruko Metro Plaza Block

C20 Jl. MT Haryono No. 970


024 8313807 / 024 8417935

JAKARTA Epson Sales and

Service Jakarta


Ruko Mall Mangga Dua No. 48 Jl.

Arteri Mangga Dua, Jakarta Utara —


021 623 01104

BANDUNG Epson Sales and

Service Bandung

Jl. Cihampelas No. 48 A Bandung

Jawa Barat 40116

022 420 7033

MAKASSAR Epson Sales and

Service Makassar

Jl. Cendrawasih NO. 3A, kunjung

mae, mariso, MAKASSAR — SULSEL


0411- 8911071

MEDAN Epson Service

Center Medan

Jl. Bambu 2 Komplek Graha Niaga

Nomor A-4, Medan — SUMUT

061- 42066090 / 42066091

PALEMBANG Epson Service

Center Palembang

Jl. H.M Rasyid Nawawi No. 249

Kelurahan 9 Ilir Palembang

Sumatera Selatan

0711 311 330

PEKANBARU Epson Service

Center PekanBaru

Jl. Tuanku Tambusai No. 459 A Kel.

Tangkerang barat Kec Marpoyan

damai Pekanbaru — Riau 28282

0761- 8524695

PONTIANAK Epson Service

Center Pontianak

Komp. A yani Sentra Bisnis G33, Jl.

Ahmad Yani — Pontianak

Kalimantan Barat

0561- 735507 / 767049


SAMARINDA Epson Service

Center Samarinda

Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim (M. Yamin)

Kelurahan Sempaja Selatan

Kecamatan Samarinda UTARA —


0541 7272 904

Where to Get Help


Contacting Epson Support


Help for Users in Indonesia


Province Company Name Address Phone


SURABAYA Epson Sales &

Service Surabaya


Jl. Haji Abdul Wahab Saimin, Ruko

Villa Bukit Mas RM-11, Kec. Dukuh

Pakis, Surabaya — 60225

031- 5120994

YOGYAKARTA Epson Service

Center Yogyakarta

YAP Square, Block A No. 6 Jl. C

Simanjutak Yogyakarta — DIY

0274 581 065

JEMBER Epson Service

Center Jember

JL. Panglima Besar Sudirman Ruko

no.1D Jember-Jawa Timur (Depan

Balai Penelitian & Pengolahan


0331- 488373 / 486468



Jl. Piere Tendean Blok D No 4

Kawasan Mega Mas Boulevard —

Manado 95111

0431- 8805896





CENTER Cirebon

Jl. Tuparev No. 04 ( Depan Hotel

Apita ) Cirebon, JAWA BARAT

0231– 8800846



Ruko Metro Boulevard B1

Jababeka cikarang — Jawa Barat,

021- 89844301 / 29082424



Jl. Diponegoro No.56, MADIUN —


0351- 4770248


SERVICE Purwokerto

Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 4 Kranji

Purwokerto — JAWA TENGAH

0281- 6512213



Jl.Pajajaran No 15B Kel Bantarjati

Kec Bogor Utara — JAWA BARAT


0251- 8310026



Jl. Ahmad Yani No.45C, SERANG —


0254- 7912503



Jl. Juanda No. 58, Palu — Sulteng 0451- 4012 881

Where to Get Help


Contacting Epson Support


Help for Users in Indonesia


Province Company Name Address Phone







Jl. Gatot Soebroto NO. 153


0511- 6744135 (TEKNISI) /



SERVICE Denpasar



0361- 3446699 / 9348428



CIBIS Business Park Tower 9 LT.

MEZZANINE, Jalan TB Simatupang

No.2, Jakarta Selatan — DKI


021- 80866777






031- 99444940 / 99446299 / 99446377



Jl. Diponegoro No.37 (Samping

Bank Mandiri Syariah) Kel.Ahusen,

Kec.Sirimau — Ambon 97127

For other cities not listed here, call the Hot Line: 08071137766.

Help for Users in Hong Kong

To obtain technical support as well as other aer-sales services, users are welcome to contact Epson Hong Kong


Internet Home Page

Epson Hong Kong has established a local home page in both Chinese and English on the Internet to provide users

with the following information:

Product information

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Latest versions of Epson product drivers

Technical Support Hotline

You can also contact our technical sta at the following telephone and fax numbers:

Phone: 852-2827-8911

Fax: 852-2827-4383

Where to Get Help


Contacting Epson Support


Help for Users in Hong Kong


Help for Users in Malaysia

Contacts for information, support, and services are:

World Wide Web

Information on product specications, drivers for download

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Sales Enquiries, questions through e-mail

Epson Call Centre

Phone: 1800-81-7349 (Toll Free)


Sales enquiries and product information

Product usage questions or problems

Enquiries on repair services and warranty

Head Oce

Phone: 603-56288288

Fax: 603-5628 8388/603-5621 2088

Help for Users in India

Contacts for information, support, and services are:

World Wide Web

Information on product specications, drivers for download, and products enquiry are available.


Service, product information, and ordering consumables (BSNL Lines)

Toll-free number: 18004250011

Accessible 9am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday (Except public holidays)

Service (CDMA & Mobile Users)

Toll-free number: 186030001600

Accessible 9am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday (Except public holidays)

Help for Users in the Philippines

To obtain technical support as well as other aer sales services, users are welcome to contact the Epson Philippines

Corporation at the telephone, fax numbers and e-mail address below:

Where to Get Help


Contacting Epson Support


Help for Users in the Philippines


World Wide Web

Information on product specications, drivers for download, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and E-mail

Enquiries are available.

Epson Philippines Customer Care

Toll Free: (PLDT) 1-800-1069-37766

Toll Free: (Digital) 1-800-3-0037766

Metro Manila: (632) 8441 9030

Web Site:


Accessible 9am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday (Except public holidays)

Our Customer Care team can help you with the following over the phone:

Sales enquiries and product information

Product usage questions or problems

Enquiries on repair service and warranty

Epson Philippines Corporation

Trunk Line: +632-706-2609

Fax: +632-706-2663

Where to Get Help


Contacting Epson Support


Help for Users in the Philippines


L3250 Series


Установите приложение Epson для печати на свое интеллектуальное устройство.

Приложение можно запустить, как только завершится его установка. Настройка начнется сразу.

App Store

Приложение можно загрузить из App Store корпорации Apple Inc.

Если настройка не выполняется, нажмите на эту кнопку. »

Ваше интеллектуальное устройство готово!

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