Farming simulator 22 курсплей инструкция

Manual valid for v6.03 — work in progress

This manual aims to describe the Courseplay hud, the changeable settings, and the different drive modes. Most likely, there will be one or the other thing missing.

If you find a topic not dealt with in this manual, please let us know.


In general, controlling Courseplay works with the mouse, due to free keys in Farming Simulator being rather rare. By using the DELETE the Courseplay hud, where you can configure and control the drivers, is activated. Normally, the hud will be opened with the right mouse button. Due to some controls like wheel loader, this will collide with opening the hud. In this case, you can go into our advanced Settings Page and deactivate it either for your current vehicle (first page) or global (second page) if you don’t like to use right mouse button at all.

More functions can be assigned to any key or the mouse buttons in the game’s options menu.


When opening the hud, the mouse controls are activated automatically. Meaning, you can not use the mouse to look around anymore. In order to deactivate the mouse controls, you need to click the right mouse button again. Alternatively you can click on the in the upper right corner of the hud. Doing so closes the hud and deactivates the mouse controls.

The hud is divided into multiple pages. You can navigate through those by clicking on the respective page icon at the very top. The pages’ titles are displayed as a tooltip. Keep in mind the certain pages are deactivated while you’re in a certain mode or vehicle.

In the center section on each page, a multitude of settings and options can be set and commands be given, simply by clicking on the chosen action or its corresponding buttons ///// with the left mouse button. Certain values and settings like scrolling through the course list, the settings of widths, speeds oder percentages etc. can be altered in bigger steps by pressing the CTRL key while clicking on the buttons. Some values and areas (like the course list) also accept the mouse wheel. This is indicated by a mouse wheel icon appearing next to the mouse cursor.

In the bottom part of the hud you’ll find information about the driver, the loaded course and the current status.

HUD: Combine controls

This page is only accessible from combines, choppers, harvesters and tractors with attached combines or choppers. Note that unloading a human player driven combine by a Courseplay unloader is not supported for now.

  • Request driver / Driver requested

    Call a driver manually. If a driver has found the combine and is on his way, the name will be displayed.

  • Start/stop driver

    Manually start or stop the current driver. If stopped, the driver will wait until being called to start again.

  • Send driver home

    Manually send the current driver to follow his course. He will drive the course, unload/overload, and drive on to his first waypoint.

  • Driver priority

    Only displayed for combines and harvesters (not choppers)

    When multiple drivers should unload a combine or harvester, this option defines with which priority the drivers are called.

    • Fill level: The driver with the highest fill level will be called first, no matter the distance to the combine.
    • Distance: The driver closest to the combine will be called first.
  • Stop during unloading

    Only displayed for combines and harvesters (not choppers) in «field work» mode

    When activated, the combine will stop during the unloading process until it’s empty.

HUD: Driver controls

No course loaded

  • Start recording

    With this option, Courseplay’s recording mode is activated. You can drive and record the course that the driver should use later. When recording is active, you can deactivate mouse controls by clicking the right mouse button, so you can look around while driving and recording.

    See: «Recording mode»

  • Copy course

    Lets you copy the exact course and waypoints from another vehicle. Also works with combined, generated or unsaved courses.

    First choose the vehicle whose course you want to copy, then press the button. The current course and waypoints will be overwritten completely.

No course loaded + Fieldwork or fertilizer/seeding mode activated

  • Calculate current field’s edge path

    See also: field scanner

    While standing on a field, the field’s edge/border path can be scanned. It is then displayed as blue lines and yellow dots (can be toggled with ).

    If you want to save the edge path, choose a new field number for it with /. If a field edge path with that number already exists, you can overwrite it, otherwise your can add the path to the list.

    Each manually scanned field is saved in the courseplayFields.xml file and loaded with the savegame.

  • Course generation…

    Opens the advanced course generator

Recording mode

During the recording of a course, each newly recorded waypoint will be displayed with an orange pyramid dummy. Multiple buttons are displayed that let you influence the waypoints’ settings. The buttons’ functions are displayed as a tooltip when hovering over them.

You should make sure to go more or less straight until reaching the third waypoint.

The recorded course is only temporary: the next time you start the savegame, it will be gone, unless you save it first. (See: Manage courses)

  • Stop recording

    When reaching the end point of your route, use «stop recording». It is advised to have the end point ca. 5 to 10 m before the start point, and for it to have about the same direction as the start point. Meaning: don’t stop at a south direction while the course’s start direction is north.

  • Pause/continue recording

    Pause the current recording. This option is only available after the third waypoint. A yellow arrow will be displayed, showing the direction to the last waypoint. Click the pause button again to continue. In addition, while paused you can delete the last waypoint (see «delete last waypoint»).

  • Delete last waypoint

    This option is only available when the recording is paused. The current last waypoint is deleted. You can repeat this until only three waypoints are left.

  • Set waiting point

    While recording, you have the possibility to set waiting points on the course. At those points, the driver, while driving the course, will stop and wait until either you tell him to continue, or the configured waiting time has passed. When a driver reaches a waiting point, a message will be displayed (XYZ has reached waiting point.).

    In certain modes, waiting points have special meanings, other than waiting: in the fertilizer/seeding mode, the wait point defines a position where the worker stops and wait until he got his set min% value reached, this can be done by a player or by a courseplay driver. They also indicate the start and end of the work area, as well as the area where to check for an unload point for shovel filling and unloading mode and for overloader mode, to set the overloading position.

  • Set crossing point

    Crossing points are «signal» or «combination points» where two separate courses can be combined (see Manage courses). In both courses, two crossing points (one in each course) that are closer to each other than 50 metres are determined. The combined course will lead up until the first course’s crossing point, and from there go the second course from its respective crossing point.

    Combination of two courses at their crossing points

    Note: A course’s start and stop points are automatically set as crossing points. Hence, they don’t have to be manually declared as those when recording.

  • Start/finish turn maneuver

    While it is generally advised to have field courses generated, they can also be recorded manually. Setting the turn maneuver later tells the driver to do a turn maneuver on his own at this point — meaning lifting and/or turning off the tool. Clicking once activates the turn maneuver (the button turns green), clicking it again ends it.

  • Reverse driving

    Courseplay supports reverse driving with trailers in many modes. Activating this option later tells the driver to drive this portion of the course in reverse. You should only activate and deactivate it once you’re at a complete stop and not rolling anymore. When active during the recording, you must drive in reverse, otherwise there will be severe driving errors later. Clicking once activates the reverse mode (the button turns green), clicking it again ends it.

    See also: Reverse driving

  • Unload here

    Unload here points are used to tell the driver to create a heap, like a beet rental. They are also used in unloading chaff into a bunker when fill them up in reverse, as well as unloading bales.

Course loaded, not driving

  • Drive course

    When you have recorded or loaded a course, you can «hire» a driver to have him drive the course. From this moment on, you won’t have any manual control over the tractor until you stop the driver.

  • Start course at…

    Some courses have relatively many waypoints in a small area, especially at the starting point (e.g. generated courses with headland). Here you can choose if the driver starts the course at the nearest waypoint (default setting), the next closest (it takes the current vehicle direction into account), the current waypoint or directly at the first waypoint.

Course loaded, not driving + Fieldwork or fertilizer/seeding mode activated

  • If you want to use AutoDrive to refill/unload/parking, the option will be here.

  • Return to first point

    This option is used to define if the driver stays at the last waypoint of the fieldwork course, or drives back to the start.

    In addition, you can also dismiss the driver automatically, as soon as you enter the driver, for quick start driving without dismiss the driver in the HUD.

  • Switch mode

    In order to being able to do many different work types, there are different driving modes. Certain modes are only available for certain types of vehicles. For example, a tractor won’t be allowed to drive in the shovel filling and emptying mode. The current mode will be highlighted in green. The mode names are display as a tooltip when hovering over the buttons.

    The different modes are described in detail in the Driving modes section.

  • Clear course

    When a course has been recorded or loaded, you can delete the current course selection. The saved course will not be deleted from the save game, only the driver will clear his current course.

Course loaded, driving

  • Stop driver

    Of course you can always stop the activated driver. Later, when reactivating the driver, it will continue from the next valid waypoint.

  • Drive now

    When you’re driving a «filling» course, for example unloading a combine in combi mode, or collecting grass in field work mode, you can force the driver to drive the unloading portion of the route immediately.

  • WIP

  • more to come ?

HUD: Manage courses

On this page you’ll find an overview containing your saved courses and folders. The list can be scrolled through by using the up/down arrows / near the hud’s right edge, or by using the mouse wheel.

The course management system basically works like a regular file system. You can create folders, move courses or other folders to it, and load and delete them. The courses and folders are saved in the courseplay.xml file.

  • Search for first waypoint

    With this option activated, the direction and distance to the course’s first waypoint (in relation to the tractor) are displayed. This can be useful if you don’t remember where the course’s start is.

  • Default change
    8 lines (mouse wheel: 1 line)
    CTRL change
    16 lines (mouse wheel: 8 lines)

    General actions

    • Clear course

      In order to record or load a completely new course, the current course must be cleared with this option. The course will not be deleted from the save game, only the driver will clear his current course.

    • Search for courses and folders

      This option lets you filter your course and folder list. A GUI will open where you can enter the name. When the filter is active, you can deactivate it by clicking .

    • Create new folder

      Creates a new folder on the base level. A GUI will open where you can enter the name.

    • Save course

      Saves the currently active course as a new course in the file system. A GUI will open where you can enter the name.

    Course actions

    • Load/merge

      Loading the course. If there already is a course loaded, the clicked course will be merged into the already loaded one at the first common crossing point. In both courses, two crossing points (one in each course) that are closer to each other than 50 metres are determined. The combined course will lead up until the first course’s crossing point, and from there go the second course from its respective crossing point.

      Combination of two courses at crossing points
    • Append

      If there already is a course loaded, the clicked course will be added at the end of the already loaded course. Otherwise it will be loaded as usual.

    • Delete

      The course will be deleted completely from Courseplay and the save game. It will not be available anymore, not even when loading the game again. A folder can only be deleted if it doesn’t contain any more courses and/or folders.

    • Move to folder

      The course (or folder) will be moved to the then selected folder.

    HUD: Value Settings

    Depending on the Mode you selected, you have a few different options.

    The values can be changed with the mouse wheel.

    • Turning circle (Combi Mode and Overloader Mode, also used for round Headland Corners)

      This value defines the driving tractor’s turning circle, it defines the minimum turning circle for the Pathfinder. The value, like the side offset, is calculated automatically (based on wheel angle, wheel base, track width, number of trailers), as soon as a driver is hired. You can reset it to «automatic» by setting it to 0 (zero).

      Default change
      1 m
      CTRL change
      5 m
    • Start at % (Combi Mode and Overloader Mode)

      This value defines the combine’s fill level percentage that tells the driver to drive to and unload it. When unloading choppers, this value defines when the second unloading driver should join the unloading chain.

      For normal combines, the unloader will only start if the pipe won’t be in the fruit and the option unload on first headland is activated.

      Note: if fruit avoidance is activated, the driver will always drive to the combine at the set %, even when the pipe is in the fruit.

      Default change
      CTRL change
    • Drive on at % (Combi Mode and Overloader Mode)

      This value defines at which trailer fill level percentage the driver should start to drive the course to the unload point. This can be useful if, e.g., the trailer is 97% full and the driver shouldn’t wait 5 more minutes for the next unloading, only to get a measly 3%.

      Default change
      CTRL change
    • Drive on at less then % (Overloader Mode)

      This value defines at which trailer fill level percentage the driver should start to drive the course to the unload point. This can be useful if, e.g., the trailer is 97% full and the driver shouldn’t wait 5 more minutes for the next unloading, only to get a measly 3%.

      Default change
      CTRL change
    • Fill type lists (Grain transport, Fertilizer/Seeding and Field Supply)

      As soon as you added a fill type to load or reload, the fill type will be displayed with a few values:

      Count (only for Grain Transport): How many times will the Driver load that fill type from a silo.

      Max: The maximum value it should try to load (less is accepted too).

      Min: How much should the driver minimal load, if he can’t, he will wait for more to come until he can load the min value.

      Default change
      CTRL change

    HUD: Manage combines

    This page is displayed only in the «combi» and «overloader» modes.

    Here you can choose which Combine(s) you want to unload by clicking the [ ] and mark the Combine(s) with an X -> [X]

    In case you can’t find your Combien on the right field, you can filter the list by choosing a field and only the combines on that field will be shown in the list.

    HUD: Speeds

    Here you can set how fast your driver should drive. Also, you can choose if a course should be driven with the speed used during the recording, or the maximum speed.

    Switching Speed: from recording and Speed: maximum speed determines if the speed used during the recording or the set maximum speed should be used.

    Note: the unloading speed is also used for reversing.

    Default change
    1 kph / 0.6 mph
    CTRL change
    5 kph / 3.1 mph

    HUD: General settings

    • Advanced Settings

      Opens up our advanced settings page.

    • With Combines and Harvester

      • Self unload

        Looks for an empty trailer that can load the harvested fill type and drive to it to unload.

      • Pipe always unfold

        This option will always unfold the pipe when the Combine or Harvester is full, so you won’t have to drive near it to open it.

      • Straw swath

        This option controls the Combine straw swath option (F1 Menu). You can deactivate it completely, activate it only for center part (on headland it will be off) or have it active as normal (default).

      • Unload Combine on Headland

        Allows the Combine to call an Unloader on the 1st Headland. If this option is off, Combine will only call for an Unlader when he created a pocket at 95% fillvolume.

    • With seeder

      • Ridemarkers

        Turns on/off the automatic use of Ridgemarkers.

      • Fertilizer

        With this option you can turn off the fertilize function of seeders, no fertilizer will be used.

    • Fold implements at End

      Turn this option off if you don’t want the worker to fold implements at his last waypoint of fieldwork course. This is useful for Combineheaders that got it own Headerwagon.

    • Show waypoints

      Choose which course waypoints should be displayed.

    • Debug channels

      Should there be any problems with Courseplay, you can activate debug channels that provide prints in the game’s log. This is important information for the developers, so they can find and fix errors.

      Don’t use this unless the developers ask you to!

    Advanced settings

    This side is accessible from General Settings Page.

      Vehicle Settings

    • Use AI turn maneuvers

      Let the AI driver perform the turns.

      This does only work for 3-point attached tools and Combines.

    • Use pathfinding in turn

      Let the pathfinder generate the best way to the next row, this is useful when your next row is behind a corner or on the other side of the field or island.

    • Reversing for pathfinding in turn

      Decide if the pathfinder is allowed to generate a reversing course.

      Towed implements will never get a reversing course.

    • Right click HUD

      On/off the right mouse click to open the HUD, only for the current vehicle.

    • Show temporary waypoints

      If this option is on, the Vehicle will show the waypoints generated by pathfinder or for turns.

    • When to raise implements

      At each end of a line, the implement will be raised, if the line is driven to long or not long enough (depending on the tool) change the value to early/late.

    • When to lower implements

      Basically the same as raise implement, but for the start of the next row.

    • Keep current steering

      Keeps the current steeringmode, that is set for the vehicle.

    • Global Settings

    • Load course at startup

      Will load all course at startup, which will lead into a longer load time of your savegame. You can turn this off to get quicker into your savegame, but when load a course from course Manager, it might take a while until the course is loaded, depending on the amount of waypoints.

    • scan fields automatically

      Scan all fields at the start of your savegame.

    • Courseplay worker wages

      If you want to give your courseplay drivers money, set this to your desired value (0% is off, 100% is normal GIANTS helper amount).

    • Right click HUD

      On/off the right mouse click to open the HUD, this option is for all vehicles.

    • Click to switch

      If you have your mouse courser active, you can click with the left mouse button on a vehicle to switch into it.

    • Show Mini-HUD

      Simply turns on/off the mini-HUD.

    • Map icons: display text

      Turn on and off what you want to see on the Map.

    • Automatic Repair

      This option will repair your vehicle according to the status of your Vehicle GUI. 100% is completely healthy.

      The values got choosen according to this table: Damage-yield-table.

      It will repair when under 70% health which is 30% damage and will start to gain less crop yield.

      Repair under 25% health, will be 75% damage and is about 25% less crop yield.

    HUD: Vehicle settings

    • Warning lights

      Choose if and when the beacon and hazard lights should be activated.

    • Fuel save option

      When driver is standing still at a certain point for a while, it will turn off the engine to save fuel.

    • Refill fuel at gas station

      Whenever a driver passes by a gas station and refuel point, choose if always refuel or just when under 20%.

    • Covers

      Automatic open/close covers on or off.

    • Waiting time


    • Align w/first waypoint (Align with first waypoint)

      When active, the driver will align the work area before the start point.

    HUD: Offsets

    On this page, you can set different kind of offsets, depending on your course and mode. — WIP

    • Lane offset

      Only available in «fertilizing/seeding» and «field work» modes

      When you have multiple tools driving the same field course, use this option to set their effective lanes.

      See the FAQ for further information (“How to use the offset? — a.k.a. how do I let multiple vehicles drive a fieldwork course?”)

      Default change
      0.1 m
      CTRL change
      0.5 m
    • Symmetric lane change

      Only available in «fertilizing/seeding» and «field work» modes, and only if the lane offset is not zero

      This options determines the type of lane change for a vehicle driving with lane offset.

      • Regular lane change: the vehicle always drives left/right of its lane.
      • Symmetric lane change: The tool switches from left to right / right to left each lane, thus creating a symmetric pattern.

      See the FAQ
      for further information (“How to use the offset? — a.k.a. how do I let multiple vehicles drive a fieldwork course?”)

    • Tool offset horizontal

      Only available in «overloader», «fertilizing/seeding» and «field work», «combine self-unloading» and «Field Supply» modes

      For some tools it might be important not to drive the course exactly in the center line, but slightly to the right or to the left (e.g. bale collectors). This option lets you set this offset. It can also be used for filling / overloading points, to accommodate different vehicle sizes on the same course.

      Default change
      0.5 m
      CTRL change
      1 m
    • Tool offset vertical

      Only available in «overloader», «fertilizing/seeding», «field work», «combine self-unloading» and «Field Supply» modes

      Identical to the horizontal offset, only that the driver drives further ahead/behind the actual course.

      Default change
      0.5 m
      CTRL change
      1 m

    HUD: Shovel positions

    This page is only displayed in Fill and empty shovel mode.

    Position the arm, shovel and grabber to your liking, then click the corresponding button.

    Pro tip: We recommend that you not lift/lower/open etc. the shovel and grabber to their maximum rotations and translations — otherwise they might get stuck during the driving of the course.

    These positions do not have to be set during recording. They also do not indicate when the shovel should have the set position. They can be overwritten at any given time. They will be saved in the vehicles.xml file.

    • Loading position

      The position of the arm, shovel and grabber during loading.

      Shovel in loading position

      Fig. 1: Shovel in loading position
    • Transport position

      The position of the arm, shovel and grabber during transport.

      Shovel in transport position

      Fig. 2: Shovel in transport position
    • Pre-unloading position

      The position of the arm, shovel and grabber before unloading. This position is used so the shovel doesn’t crash into a waiting trailer.

      Shovel in pre-loading position

      Fig. 3: Shovel in pre-loading position
    • Unloading position

      The position of the arm, shovel and grabber during unloading.

      Shovel in unloading position

      Fig. 4: Shovel in unloading position

    HUD: Leveling and compacting settings

    This Mode got 3 different modes: filling up, leveling and compacting.

    • With Version 6.4.0.X, the mode will be automatically selected by the used tool.

    • Automatically stop for

      Drives to the wait point when a CP driver/AD driver or any vehicle with running engine is within the detection range.

    • Detect unloaders in range of

      Set the range of where to detect other vehicles, the detection is a circle, which center is the stop point of the Drivers course.

      The range will be shown when you change the value.

    • Blade width

      General tool width, which will be used to calculate the lines where the driver is able to drive to not touch the walls.

    • Max speed while pushing

      Speed how fast we drive into the silo.

    • Blade height (only in filling up and leveling)

      The automatic height will be measured at the start of the course and is slightly over the ground.

      Increase this value to choose a leveling hight, or when the filling up mode keeps getting stuck at the ground.

    Driving modes

    There are nine different driving modes:

    1. Grain transport
    2. Combi
    3. Overloader
    4. Fertilizing and Seeding
    5. Transfer
    6. Field work
    7. Bale Collector
    8. Field supply
    9. Fill and empty shovel

    Grain transport

    If you don’t add any fill type in the HUD list, the tractor waits at the first waypoint (the middle of the trailer will be positioned on the first waypoint) until his trailer has been filled. As soon as the fill level reaches the set percentage (Drive on at %), the driver starts to drive the course. As soon as he reaches an unloading trigger, he unloads automatically. Afterwards he continues the course to return to the first waypoint.

    The last waypoint should be 5 to 10 m ahead of the first, and have somewhat the same direction as the first.

    For loading a fill type at a trigger (e.g. silo) you have to add up to 5 fill types in the HUD list, which will be loaded when:

  • Run counter is higher then 0
  • Fill type is available in the silo
  • In case one of those conditions can’t be fulfilled, the next fill type will be loaded (if you got more then one).

    In case your selected min value can’t be reached, you will get noticed that there is not enough left in the silo.

    If you have more then one trailer (or a multibin trailer) you can load up to 3 different fill types, by clicking at Separate Trailers.

    Start point, waypoints, unloading trigger and end points in the grain transport mode

    One important thing for a Grain Transport Course is, after you started recording, drive in a straight line, so your first waypoint is a few meters ahead of your start waypoint


    The combi mode is very similar to the Grain transport mode, in that the tractor drives a course and unloads at a trigger. But, in addition, the driver unloads a working combine or chopper on the field.

    The tractor waits at the last waypoint until a combine, chopper or harvester calls him. This will happen if:

  • The combine is driven by Courseplay
  • The combine is selected in the HUD: manage combines by clicking the [ ] it will turn into a [X]
  • The combine’s fill level is above the percentage (Start at %) set for the tractor
  • We also have some conditions on when and where the unloader will go to the combine:

  • On first headland, the combine will only be unloaded while driving, when the option is set to active in the advanced settings Menu, else the combine will create a pocket at around 95% of its fill level
  • If the pipe is in the fruit, the combine will only call the driver after Combien reversed out of the fruit, or in case there is fruit on both sides, he will also create a pocket at 95% of its fill level
  • In case the pipe is not in the fruit, the combine and unloader will arrange a ‘rendezvous’ where they should meet up. Depending on several conditions, it is not guaranteed the unloader will make it in time
  • When the Unloader knows where to go, it will start to drive it’s path to the Combine. When the driver is near, the combine will start to unfold the pipe, as soon as the pipe is fully unfolded, the driver will place the trailer under it with an automatic offset, which can be corrected in the offset menu

    If the trailer isn’t full yet (Drive on at %), the tractor stops or moves back a bit and waits in the field for his next unloading operation. As soon as the trailer’s fill level is above the Drive on at % percentage, the driver will drive to the course’s first waypoint, and from there continue the course, unloading the trailer and returning to the field.

    Combine, start point, waypoints, unloading trigger and end points in the combi mode

    You should only use one trailer, as there are some reverse driving operations.

    Manual driving the combine is not supported yet, as we have a communication between the combine and the unloader.


    The overloader mode is somewhat similar to the combi mode, in that the driver unloads a combine. But instead of the driving a course to an unloading trigger, the driver overloads into a waiting trailer.

    The Course is just as in Combi Mode, but in addition, a waiting point will be placed next to a waiting trailer. Later, while driving the course, this waiting point tells the overloader to stop, extend the pipe, and start overloading, as long as the trailer is not full, and the fillvolume is not lower then drive on at less then X%. During, an info message XYZ has reached overload point. will be displayed. When the overloaders fillvolume is lower then drive on at lower then X% and the trailer is full, the driver will continue the course and wait at the last waypoint for his next unloading operation.

    To have a less problematic course, the waypoints before and after the waitpoint should have a straight path to not hit any waiting trailers.

    Start point, waypoints, waiting/overloading point and stop point in the overloader mode

    Fertilize and seeding

    When fertilizing or seeding, there are two sections: one, the actual work part on the field, and two, the course from the field to the refilling trigger and back to the field.

    The field work course will be created with the course generator, which can be found on the Drive Controls Page.

    The second part, the automatic refilling, is a regular «A to B» course. Just start near the field and then go through the fertilizer/liquid manure/seeding trigger (or under an overloader pipe), and back to the field, ending near the field. As soon as a refilling trigger is recognized, the driver stops and refills automatically. If a tool isn’t fillable via a trigger, but rather manually (e.g. a solid manure spreader), an additional waiting point has to be set and the point where the tool should be filled.

    To refill your worker, you got to select a fill type that needs to be refilled and you can add up to 2 fill types (e.g. seed and fertilizer).

    When driving through a trigger the driver will wait until the tool is filled with the percentage set at your fill type max value (default: 100%).

    For refilling at a wait point, the min value should be increase to the value, at where the driver is allowed drive back to work.

    To add the refill course, first load the fieldwork course with and then add your refill course with the .

    Course example:

    Start point, stop point and refill course and trigger in the fertilizer/seeding mode

    As soon as the tool is empty, it goes into transportation mode and the driver follows the refilling course. Back at the field, the driver drives to the point on the field where it last stopped work, sets the tool into work mode, and continues working.


    The transfer mode is the most simple form to get from A to B. It uses a completely regular course with a start and an end point. The driver blindly follows that course, without unloading or other fancy stuff and still stop at the last Waypoint.

    Start point, waypoints and end point in the transfer mode

    Field work

    The field work mode is doing all the other work on the field, like harvesting, cultivation, pressing and collecting bales and so on.

    Basically, it works much the same as the fertilizing/seeding mode, only that the tool can/must be emptied/unloaded instead of being refilled.

    The field work course will be created with the course generator, which can be found on the Drive Controls Page.

    The unload course is similar to the refill course of fertilize and seeding mode, just drive through a unload trigger or silo bunker.

    For Unloading combines in a similar way, you just have to load a field work course, turn on ‘self unload’ and place a trailer that can load the harvested fill type and is on the field or within 20 m of the field edge.

    To add the unload course, first load the fieldwork course with and then add your refill course with the

    Fieldwork diagram

    Start point, stop point and unloading course and trigger in the field work mode

    Tools will be (un)folded and (de)activated automatically.

    Balers and bale wrapper will stay on field for their work.

    To collect bales and unload them where want with an unload course, the unload course must be a bit different. You need to reverse to the place where you want to create a stack and place an ‘unload here’ waypoint where the 1st stack should be.

    Bale Collector/Wrapper

    The old function of this mode got completely replaced by a simple option called ‘self unload’ which is use for Harvester and Combine (not Choppers), that can load the harvested fill type and is on the field or within 20 m of the field edge.

    The Combine will automatically find its way to the trailer. Just set up a Fieldwork Course and activate the ‘self unload’ setting.

    The new Mode is for automatic Bale Collecting and Wrapping.

    This mode requiers a course that starts from the field to a place where you want to unload the stack of Bales in reverse (unload here Waypoint at the end of the reverse path) and back to the field.

    On the first page, you have to choose the Field, where you want to load the bales.

    For Wrapping, as the internal structure of CP always need a course to be started, just do a smal start stop course and just start the driver.

    Field Supply

    The Field supply mode is for transporting anything that you can bring out on a field, like Seeds or liquid manure. The course basically works like Grain Transport, but in addition, you can place a wait point where the Driver stops and is ready to overload to a e.g. a seeder or liquid manure sprayer.

    An Overloader wagon is used for seeds and fertilizer, liqued manure or liqied fertilizer of course require a liquid transport trailer.

    Fill and empty shovel

    This mode lets you fill a shovel in a designated area (e.g. a BGA silo or manure heap) and unload it into a trigger or trailer.

    The course setup has to be as follows:

    All points and directions in the fill and empty shovel mode

    How to record the course (NEW with Version 6.4.0.X):

    1. Start in front of the silo, and drive just inside of the Bunker (only one waypoint will be needed there).

    2. Set the direction to reverse, and reverse back out of the silo (and a bit further).

    3. Set the direction to forwards, and drive to the trigger or trailer that you want to fill. The last 3 or 4 waypoints of that section should be as straight as possible.

    4. About one Vehicle length before the trailer, stop your vehicle, place a waitpoint and set the direction to reverse.

    5. Drive back as straight as possible, set the direction to forwards and drive back to right before the starting point.

    6. Stop the Recording and your course is done.

    Before starting the driver, make sure you’ve set the necessary shovel positions.

    When starting the driver, he will drive to waiting point #1 and set the shovel to the loading position (). He will continue until the shovel is full, then stop and set the shovel to the transport position (). He will then switch to the «reverse out of the silo» part of your recording, and continue to drive the recorded course.

    Four waypoints before waiting point #3 the driver will set the shovel to the pre-unloading position () and start looking for a trigger or a trailer to unload to. If nothing has been found, the driver will stop. If something has been found, the driver continues until the shovel is ready to unload into the bunker/trailer. The shovel will then be set to the unloading position () and unload.

    If filling into a trailer, the trailer does not have to be exactly at/behind waiting point #3, it can in fact be situated slightly in front of it. But, to ensure a perfect procedure, the trailer should be right at your waiting point #3. After unloading, the shovel is set back to the pre-unloading position (); the driver will use the «reverse from bunker/trailer» part of your recording and continue the course from the until it reaches the end point.

    A second way of using Mode9 will be loading something out of the trigger.

    For this, you got to turn on » and create a slightly different course.

    In addition, a new option will appear on the shovel page to add a fill type, that you want to load.

    With Version 6.4.0.X, the course looks just like the normal Mode9 course, but after start, instead of driving into the silo, make sure your shovel in transportposition drives through the loading trigger.

    Leveling and compacting

    For this mode, there are 3 different options:

  • build up

  • leveling

  • compacting

  • The course for all 3 options, is the same. With 6.4.0.X the mode will be automatically selected with the attached tool.

    You attach your tool at the back of your tractor and drive into the bunker. Stay within the first meter of the bunker, the tool points towards the inside of the bunker.

    Start recording the course. The first Waypoint should be inside of the bunker. Drive straight out of the bunker to a save place where you driver can wait for other drivers to unload into the bunker. Place a wait point there and switch to reverse driveing. Then drive in reverse in front of the Bunker and stop the record. That’s all.

    For the option to build up, you should use a shield, that option is best used in a wedge silo.

    For the option compacting, a roller should be used, while leveling can use a shield or a spreader like the Fliegl Duo from ModHub.

    Advanced course generator

    The course generator is accessible from the Driver Controls HUD Page, but only on fieldwork or fertilizing/seeding mode.

    Keep in mind that some setting combinations, big fields and smal working width can lead into long generation times.
    Your Game won’t simple crash and your computer is not hanging up.
    Patience is the key to success!

    There are several options that will be listed here. To find the best course for you, we suggest you to try different settings. To do that, just change a value and press ‘generate course’. If you don’t like the result, change an other value and just press ‘generate course’ again.

    The Field can be selected by clicking the arrows, use the scroll wheel, or simply click on the Field on the PDA.

    1. Field edge path:

      Current loaded course — you can record a round course and save it to use in the course generator, keep in mind that once a course is generated, the current loaded course is no longer your round course.

      Scanned Fields from the Map

      User generated Fields, by using the calculate current field’s path option in the HUD. (The field number will be displayed with a ‘(User)’ in it.

    2. Starting position:

      Current vehicle position

      South-west/north-west/north-east/south-east corner

      Select position on map — this can be done by simply click on the PDA at the position where the start should be

    3. Bypass islands:

      Off — will ignore any islands on the Field

      Single — will make a simple round bypass

      Circle — will generate a complete circle around the island, which will be driven around completely once

    4. Skip rows (0-3):

      This is useful to prevent turns that will do a reverse maneuver

      On odd shaped fields, can lead to visual lines across off field parts, which won’t be driven when you have turned on ‘use Pathfinder in turns’ on the advanced settings page.

    5. Multiple tools (0-8):

      This is the only option you need, when you want to use more then one tool on a field

      You don’t have to add any work width, just set the work width for one tool, the rest will be calculated automatically

      Very important note — do not start a multi tool course with headlands in a corner, it will lead to a bad or up to not working at all inner path (explanation picture might follow)

    6. Working width:

      Work tool working width should be already set here

      If this is not the case, the yellow button on the right will set the work tool width to the work width setting

      Some tools do not send the correct working width, in this case, use the arrows or mouse wheel to adjust to the correct working width manualy

    7. Headland:

      • Around:

      Headland passes (1-50, generator might reduce it to a fitting value)

      Headland counter-/clockwise

      Start working on (Headland passes / up/down rows) — This setting switches the start with the stop position, keep that in mind if you select a starting position on the map

      Headland corner — smooth — will generate a simple smooth corner

      Headland corner — turn — will generate a sharp corner with a turn maneuver

      Headland corner — round — will generate a round corner, the radius depends on the set turn radius, set on the value setting page on the HUD

      Headland overlap (0-20%)

      • Narrow Field:

      Headland counter-/clockwise

      • Short edges:

      Headland passes (1-50, generator might reduce it to a fitting value)

      Start working on (Headland passes / up/down rows) — same as for ‘around’

      Headland overlap (0-20%)

    8. Field center (experimental)

      up/down — simple rows that will be next to each other

      racetrack — some kind of spirals which will lead into each other if that makes sense at all, feel free to try it out :)

      spiral — the rows will get close to the edge line by line

      lands (4- 24) — best for Combines and Harvester with the pipe on the left side, so the pipe is most of its time outside of the fruit

    9. Course explanation:

      Start of course is based on vehicle position

      The algorithm calculates the direction of the up/down tracks in the middle automatically. It finds the direction where
      the number of the generated tracks is the minimum while the field can be covered in a single pass.

      Due to the nature of this automatic alignment, the up/down tracks won’t necessarily start where the headland ends,
      so often, there’s a connecting track is needed between the two (see the above picture). The vehicle will raise and
      turn off implements while traveling on that connecting track.

      Course example:

      A generated course with one lane of headland
    10. The driver returns to the starting point instead of stopping at the end point

    Field scanner

    The Courseplay field scanner scans the map’s fields and generates a field edge (field border) path. These edge paths can be used as the basis for a course generation. There’s no need to drive around the field manually anymore. The automatic scanner runs on every savegame load and does not save or load the paths. The progress of the scan is displayed.

    When you start a new savegame, there will be a dialog where you can activate/deactivate the automatic scan.

    The scanner also features a manual scan setting: drive onto the field, and use the corresponding buttons and orders to create and save your custom field edge path. These custom field scans are saved into and loaded from the courseplayFields.xml file. Please see HUD: Drive controls for detailed information.

    The field scanner can only scan fields that have a field (cultivated, plowed, seeded) terrain. Meaning: if you’ve sown grass on a field, it doesn’t count as a regular field anymore and the edge points can not be scanned. So if you plan to convert a field to a grass area, make sure to manually scan it first and save the path so you can use it later for generating courses.

    There are multiple scanner settings that can be set in the courseplay.xml file (courseplayFields tag).

    • automaticScan: activate («true») or deactivate («false») the automatic scan

    • onlyScanOwnedFields: if activated («true»), only the fields that you own are scanned. Also when you buy a new field, it will be scanned immediately. If deactivated («false»), all fields are scanned.

    • debugScannedFields: if activated («true»), debug information concerning the automatic scan will be printed in the log.

    • debugCustomLoadedFields: if activated («true»), debug information concerning the manual scan will be printed in the log.

    • scanStep: determines how detailed the path is going to be. Only change if the developer asks you to.

    On some maps, fields are too close together to be scanned correctly. The automatic scanner will most likely stop and/or crash. At the moment there is no viable solution for that problem.

    Reverse driving

    Courseplay can handle reversing with a trailer attached. Both tandem and pivot trailers are supported. Reversing works both with straight and curved routes. This can be especially useful if a tip trigger or unloading point can’t be really reached from the front or the sides. Only one trailer is supported, not multiple simultaneously.

    Be aware of a couple of regulations when reversing with a trailer:

    • The tractor will align the trailer according to the next waypoint, so there should be enough lateral space.

    • The course should be recorded without a trailer attached, so the real intended course is recorded instead of the tractor’s steering.

    • Be aware of the trailer’s length; the radius around curves shouldn’t be too narrow.

    • When driving backwards, the tip trigger will be found behind the trailer.

    Unloading in silage silos can also be done in reverse. When recording the route, reverse to the backend of the silage bin, place an unload here waypoint and change to forward again and continue the route. Unloading will be done at the last found heap.

    The AI workers can be very finicky in Farming Simulator 22. Sometimes, they’re able to navigate a field or a road any way you tell them to, and don’t get stuck on traffic, trees or other obstructions—other times, they’re hopeless and manage to get stuck at every turn on the smallest pebble. A lot of players have been clamoring for a better AI system for years to fix these issues, but GIANTS has been pretty poor about updating the AI in-game leaving modders to fill in the gap. Courseplay in Farming Simulator 22  is that mod, and it works wonders.

    The mod itself just goes into your mods folder inside your FS22 Documents directory in Windows. Once it’s there, just enable it when loading a save or starting a new game. From there, you can create and manage courses for most of your field work right off the bat. There are even options to do a lot more than just basic field prep. You can do weeding, baling and even mowing. The mod can do just about anything. The only thing it really can’t do is forestry, and for the most part, it does really well at those tasks.

    Farming Sim 22 Courseplay in Action

    Courseplay in Farming Simulator 22 Explained

    So what is Courseplay in Farming Simulator 22? Simple, it’s a modded script that allows the player to automatically generate routes for each field in their farm, and assign those routes to a given set of tools. This can be helpful for the automation of plowing, liming, fertilizing and other vital tasks on the farm. It can even record routes that you manually set and save those. In short, it’s a nice stopgap to a better AI worker system You could also technically use Courseplay to handle driving routes, although the path generation system isn’t great at detecting roads, so it’s better to focus on using another mod for that. Autodrive is that mod, but that’s beyond the scope of this guide.

    The best thing about Courseplay in Farming Simulator 22 is that it can handle tasks and field layouts that the AI workers just cannot handle. If you have a basic square field with no obstructions or awkward turns, Courseplay can also help you get those little bits that the normal AI often misses. Anyway, let’s on with the guide.

    Making a Route in Courseplay

    When you first install the mod, you will need to start designing routes when you want to use it. Luckily, the modders have built a fairly complex route generation tool for field work that can handle most basic route creation automatically. It’s fairly easy to navigate the menus once you understand them, although it can take some getting used to. The gear icon in the options menu will allow you to adjust Courseplay settings but for route generation, you want the main map screen.

    Let’s use a weeder-equipped tractor to illustrate the process of generating a course and putting it to use. When you first go into the tractor, you can hit the DELETE key to bring up the menu for the mod. You will see a few options show up when you first enter a tractor and bring up the Courseplay UI. You will see Work Width, which is vital to getting good route. You will see a red line across your unfolded tool and this is the boundary that the AI tries to avoid slamming into things. If you have a 9.0m work width tool, set it to a slightly higher value, say 9.2m. This forces the game to be extra careful when planning routes. This is best for when you have a complex field layout with obstructions that you want to avoid. Also, if you ever climb into the cab and the Work Width isn’t updated to the correct value, click Work Width and the game should resize the outline to the proper value. Offset values also listed on the UI are sort of the same thing. What this does is try to guess where the center of the tool is to account for turn radius. Changing this value will cause the tool to appear further to one side than it normally is. This can be useful for when you need to make very tight turns with a large tool.

    Now, on to making a route. For the purposes of this guide, we’re going to use the route generation tool.

    • Click the Field Position coordinates window, then click the start position on your field where you want your route to begin.
    • Click the Target Position coordinates window, then click the start position on the field where you want your route to begin.
    • Click the CP: OPEN/CLOSE COURSE GENERATOR button to open the course creation window.
    • Choose the settings you want to define your field. If you’re doing basic courses, you can usually leave these on the default
    • Click CP: GENERATE FIELDWORK COURSE. This will create a series of line waypoints on the field you’ve defined, and paste those into the course window for the currently running tool.
    • You should see a start and stop point on the map screen. Take a moment to look at the map layout that the tool generated and make sure its what you want. If not, generate the course again with new settings.
    • Once you’ve made your route, click Close the C/P by pressing ESC.
    • You can run your route by clicking the play button on the UI, don’t forget to save your course for later use.

    Planning a course in Courseplay in FS22

    Tips for Course Creation

    • Multiple Tools can be helpful if you have a large field that you plan to work in tandem on. Set this to more than 1, depending on how many AI you plan to run on a field. If you want a Cultivator and Weeder working a field at the same time, set it to 2.
    • The number of Headlands will define how big the border is around your field before the tractors start cutting rows during work. This can help better cover the edges of the field. A small field is fine with 0-1 Headlands, while larger ones can have 2-4 depending on size.
    • Choose Headland Corners relative to the field. A square field can easily use Sharp corners to fully cover the acreage. A more complex layout should use Rounded.
    • Field Center defines where the course tool should try to aim for covering the field relative to its central point. If you’re running basic rows without skips, keep this on the default.
    • When creating a route, you can change the waypoint setting. First Waypoint will force the tool back to the beginning of a course, while Nearest Waypoint will force the tool to continue using the nearest node. For most cases, just use First Waypoint.
    • Keep in mind that tractors will drive through active fields to get to the beginning of a route. It’s strongly recommended to turn off Crop Destruction if you’re using Courseplay.

    Saving a Course

    Once you’ve generated a route, the UI will update to say Temporary Course, open the Courses menu in the options screen, then make a new folder. Name it whatever you like, then click SAVE COURSE. When saving a route, make sure to click the folder, then click ACTIVATE, this will bring up a text box for naming your route. For ease of access later, properly organize your routes now. I like to name each folder after a given tractor or other vehicles, then I name each route after the task it’s designed to do. For example, if I have a John Deere 7810 doing weeding on field 3, then the route will be saved to a “7810” folder with the name “7810 3 Weeder”. That way, I know exactly where each route is, and what it’s designed to do. This doesn’t work as well for player-designed fields that don’t have a marker on the map, but it’s better than a wily-nilly approach.

    Folders in Courseplay in Farming Simulator 22

    To load a course that’s been saved, click the No Course/Temporary Course button on the UI, opening up the courses screen. Then, click LOAD COURSE, choosing the one you want from your selection. Keep in mind, if you had a temporary course that hasn’t been saved, loading a saved one will overwrite it.

    You can also plan your farm to make route generation easier. One way you can also improve the detection of boundaries—both for AI workers and Courseplay—is to paint a dirt track around the borders of each field using the in-game landscaping tool. Keep obstructions out of this dirt track and your workers will have a much easier time navigating things when you tell them to do something. This also helps if you have Only turning on the field disabled. That option is a bit tricky to use with larger tools, so a border around your field makes it easier for the worker to make their way around.

    Another thing you should learn how to do is make custom fields. When on the map screen, there will be an option for DRAW CUSTOM FIELD. Use the Right Mouse Button to draw a box around the field you wish to define, clicking SAVE CUSTOM FIELD when you’re finished. This will put a marker on the map for that field, such as CP-1, and then you can use that field to make courses via the generation tool. it’s pretty handy if you’re on a modded map like I am here with a custom field. Clicking the marker on the map will allow you to rename or edit the custom field to your liking. The editing tool is super useful if you have a very unique field layout that you want Courseplay to handle.

    That’s it for the basics of making courses via Courseplay in Farming Simulator 22, go out there and see what kind of trouble you can get up to.

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    Moд Courseplay v7.0.0.5 для Farming Simulator 2022

    Всем известный скрипт Курсплей! Можно сказать главный помощник по хозяйству! Теперь доступен и на 22-ой ферме!
    Это наверное самый популярный мод в игре . Скрипт Курсплей дает возможность в игре создать маршруты и задачи для разного рода техники, а затем выполнить их. Это означает, что создав маршрут для вашего трактора, или, например, грузовика, он будет самостоятельно выполнять указанную работу без вашего дальнейшего участия. Как вы можете понять — это куда интереснее и, и тем более, функциональнее стандартных наемных рабочих в FS 2022.
    После загрузки и установки модификации Courseplay в игру Фермер Симулятор 22, вы сможете создавать маршруты для различной с/х техники. Как пример, если вам надо отправить трактор для какой-нибудь работы: на вспашку земли, посев будущего урожая или его его сбор, то вам необходимо лишь указать номер поля. Грузовой автомобиль можно научить доставлять на продажу какой-нибудь ваш товар или транспортировать грузы из пункта Б в пункт А. Все зависит только от вашей фантазии, т.к возможностей у скрипта множество.
    Как пользоваться модом Курсплей в ФС 22?
    Ничего сложного на самом деле! После того, как вы скачали и установили данный мод вам необходимо нажать следующее сочетание клавиш: Ctrl плюс Delete. Перед вашими глазами должно будет появиться меню на русском языке. В нем все достаточно просто и понятно. Но, если вкратце, то все сводится к созданию маршрута для необходимой вам единицы техники и его дальнейшего воспроизведения, то есть, вы указываете куда ей поехать, каким маршрутом, и что сделать в итоге.
    Правда есть одно НО: первый раз, что бы создать маршрут, вам придется его проехать самому. Тем самым вы укажите точки следования, повороты и т. п. Ну а далее техника уже запомнит маршрут и ваши действия и сможет передвигаться самостоятельно.
    Особенности версии:
    — Можно выбрать количество рейсов с базы на точку продажи;
    — После указанного количества рейсов он встает в конечной точке и сообщает об этом;
    — Также пока трактор ждет наполнение бункера комбайна, он глушит двигатель;
    — Исправлены мелкие ошибки;
    — Показал себя стабильно
    На сегодня актуальная / последняя официальная — v7.0.0.5

    Автор мода: Courseplay.devTeam

    Courseplay Beta for Farming Simulator 2022

    Modhub release (latest by date)
    GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases)
    GitHub Pre-Releases (by Asset)
    GitHub issues

    Download the latest developer version (the file

    Courseplay Website

    What Works

    • Multiplayer support
    • Fieldwork mode:
      • Course generator for complex fields with many option like headlands or beets with combines and so on ..
      • Up to 5 workers with the same tools can work together on a field with the same course (multi tools)
      • Generate courses for vine work
      • Save/load/rename/move courses
      • Load courses for baling, straw or grass collection and so on
      • Combines can automatically unload into nearby trailers (combine self unload)
    • Bale collector mode:
      • Wrapping bales on a field without a course
      • Collecting bales on the field without a course and unloading them with AutoDrive
    • Combine unloader mode:
      • Unload combines on the field
      • Sending the giants helper or AutoDrive to unload at an unload station
      • Creating heaps of sugar beets or other fruits on the field
      • Unloading a loader vehicle, like the ROPA Maus and letting AutoDrive or Giants unload the trailer after that
    • Silo load mode:
      • Loading from a heap or bunker silo with loader, like the ROPA Maus
      • Using a wheel loader or a front loader to load from a heap or a bunker silo and unload to:
        • Unloading to nearby trailers
        • Unloading to an unloading station, which needs to be selected on the AI menu
    • Bunker silo mode:
      • Compacting the silo with or without tools like this one Silo distributor
      • Using a shield in a silo with a back wall to push the chaff to the back of silo
    • Misc:
      • Creating custom fields by recording the boarder with a vehicle or drawing on the AI Map.
      • Course editor in the buy menu to edit courses or custom fields.
    • Mod support with AutoDrive:
      • Sending the fieldwork driver to refill seeds/fertilizers and so on.
      • Sending the fieldworker/ bale collector to unload collected straw and so on.
      • Sending the fieldwork driver to refuel or repair.
    • Bale collector mod support for:
      • Pallet Autoload Specialization
      • Universal Autoload


    Courseplay functions are now documented in the in-game help menu:


    If you prefer videos, YouTube has many great tutorials

    Turning on Debug Channels

    When there’s an issue, you can turn on debug logging on the Courseplay vehicle settings page for each vehicle. This will
    enable logging of debug information for only this vehicle. Devs need those logs for troubleshooting and fixing bugs.

    What information is logged when you activated the debug logging for the vehicle depends on the active debug channels. This
    are similar to those we had in CP 19, but the way to turn them on/off is different: you can bring up the debug channel menu
    by pressing Shift+4, then use Shift+1 and Shift+3 to select a channel, and then Shift+2 to toggle the selected debug channel
    (green is on).

    Remember, you have to activate debug mode for the vehicle in the vehicle settings page, otherwise nothing is logged, even if
    the channel is active.

    Developer version

    Please be aware you’re using a developer version, which may and will contain errors, bugs, mistakes and unfinished code. Chances are you computer will explode when using it. Twice. If you have no idea what «beta», «alpha», or «developer» means and entails, steer clear. The Courseplay team will not take any responsibility for crop destroyed, savegames deleted or baby pandas killed.

    You have been warned.

    If you’re still ok with this, please remember to post possible issues that you find in the developer version. That’s the only way we can find sources of error and fix them.
    Be as specific as possible:

    • tell us the version number
    • only use the vehicles necessary, not 10 other ones at a time
    • which vehicles are involved, what is the intended action?
    • Post! The! Log! to Gist or PasteBin
    • For more details on how to post a proper bug report, visit our Wiki

    Help Us Out

    We work long, hard, in our own free time at developing and improving Courseplay. If you like the project, show us your undying love:



    See Contributors


    People and teams who support us

    • Ameyer1233 ModHoster Profile

    • Burning Gamers YouTube Channel

    • Mario Hirschfeld YouTube Channel

    Курсплей — это мод для Farming Simulator 22, который позволяет вам автоматизировать различные процессы в игре, такие как перемещение техники, выполнение работы на полях и другие задачи. Вот пошаговая инструкция о том, как пользоваться Курсплеем в Farming Simulator 22:

    Шаг 1: Установка Курсплея
    — Перейдите на официальный сайт Курсплея или воспользуйтесь магазином модов Farming Simulator 22 и скачайте мод Курсплей.
    — Загрузите файл мода формата ZIP в папку Mods вашей игры. Обычно эта папка находится здесь: Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator22\mods.
    — Запустите игру и активируйте Курсплей в меню модификаций.

    Шаг 2: Создание задач
    — Откройте меню Курсплея, нажав клавишу Ctrl + Delete на клавиатуре (по умолчанию).
    — Нажмите кнопку Новая точка для создания новой задачи.
    — Укажите необходимые действия (например, доработка поля, перемещение техники и т. д.), используя доступные опции в меню.
    — Нажмите кнопку Сохранить и дайте имя этой задаче.

    Шаг 3: Редактирование и запуск задач
    — Откройте меню Курсплея.
    — Нажмите на созданную вами задачу и выберите Редактировать.
    — Настройте параметры задачи по вашему усмотрению, такие как время начала и окончания, скорость работы, количество повторений и т. д.
    — Сохраните изменения и закройте меню редактирования.
    — Нажмите на задачу и выберите Запустить.

    Дополнительные советы:
    — Советуем сохранять резервные копии своих сохраненных игр перед использованием мода Курсплей, чтобы в случае проблем можно было восстановить прогресс.
    — При создании задачи удостоверьтесь, что все опции и настройки правильно указаны. Неправильно настроенные задачи могут привести к нежелательным результатам.
    — Используйте Курсплей для автоматизации рутинных задач, таких как уборка урожая, покос травы и других повторяющихся действий.
    — Внимательно изучите документацию мода Курсплей и посмотрите видеоуроки на YouTube, чтобы более полно понять его возможности и функционал.

    Надеюсь, эта инструкция поможет вам овладеть Курсплеем в Farming Simulator 22 и сделает процесс игры более эффективным и удобным. Удачной игры!

    Football Manager 2022 – популярная футбольная симуляция, позволяющая игрокам управлять футбольными клубами и привести их к победе. Один из важных аспектов в игре – это курс плей, который влияет на тактику команды и стиль игры. Если вы хотите успешно разрабатывать свою команду, то включение курса плей является обязательным шагом.

    Включение курса плей в Football Manager 2022 – простая процедура, которая позволит вам использовать его возможности в игре. Для этого необходимо выполнить несколько шагов. Во-первых, откройте игру и выберите вашу команду. Затем перейдите во вкладку “Тактика” и выберите подраздел “Курс плей”. В этом разделе у вас будет возможность включить или выключить курс плей, а также настроить его под ваши предпочтения.

    При включении курса плей вы сможете выбрать различные тактические настройки для своей команды. Вы можете выбрать агрессивную тактику с акцентом на нападении, защитную тактику или сбалансированный подход. Кроме того, вы сможете настроить свою команду на конкретные игровые ситуации, как например, защиту или атаку на стандартные положения.

    Включение курса плей в Football Manager 2022 поможет вам повысить эффективность вашей команды и достичь хороших результатов. Управление тактикой и стилем игры – это важные аспекты футбольного менеджмента, и благодаря курсу плей вы сможете лучше контролировать вашу команду на поле.

    Каталоги учебных курсов ФС 22

    В игре Фермерский симулятор 22 (ФС 22) игрокам доступны различные учебные курсы, которые помогут им освоить основы игрового процесса и научиться эффективно управлять своим фермерским хозяйством. Каталоги учебных курсов представлены в игре в виде списка, где каждый каталог содержит информацию о конкретной тематике курса.

    В каталоге учебных курсов ФС 22 вы сможете найти курсы, посвященные различным аспектам фермерского дела. Например, в одном из каталогов будет представлен курс по обработке почвы, где вы изучите различные методы возделывания и удобрения земли для достижения наивысших урожаев. В другом каталоге вы найдете учебный курс по разведению животных, где вам расскажут о различных породах животных, их содержании и уходе.

    Каждый каталог учебных курсов в ФС 22 содержит подробную информацию о тематике курса, его продолжительности, условиях прохождения и вознаграждении за успешное завершение. Вы сможете выбрать подходящий вам курс и начать проходить его в любое удобное время. Обучение на курсах поможет вам стать настоящим профессионалом в индустрии фермерства.

    В каталоге учебных курсов ФС 22 также представлены отзывы и рейтинги других игроков, которые уже прошли выбранный вами курс. Эта информация поможет вам сделать правильный выбор и выбрать курс, который будет максимально полезен и интересен для вас.

    Подготовка к включению курса Плей

    Подготовка к включению курса Плей

    Перед тем, как включить курс Плей в футбольном симуляторе FS 22, необходимо выполнить несколько подготовительных шагов.

    1. Проверьте наличие обновлений

    1. Проверьте наличие обновлений

    Перед включением курса Плей убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия игры FS 22. Проверьте наличие доступных обновлений и установите их, если они имеются.

    2. Обеспечьте наличие модификации курса Плей

    Перед включением курса Плей убедитесь, что у вас есть необходимая модификация. Проверьте её наличие в вашей установленной игре. Если модификации нет, скачайте её с официального сайта или из надёжного источника.

    3. Следуйте инструкциям

    После установки обновлений и модификации курса Плей внимательно ознакомьтесь с инструкциями по включению. Читайте подробное руководство и следуйте указанным шагам. Ни один шаг не должен быть пропущен или выполнен неправильно, чтобы успешно включить курс Плей.

    Подготовка к включению курса Плей требует внимательности и точного следования инструкциям. Не забывайте проверять наличие обновлений и обеспечивать наличие модификации. Только так вы сможете получить полноценный опыт от игры в FS 22 со включенным курсом Плей.

    Скачивание и установка программы Плей

    Для того чтобы получить доступ к функциям и курсу Плей в Фарминг Симуляторе 22, вам понадобится скачать и установить специальную программу Плей.

    1. Переходite на официальный сайт

    Перейдите на официальный сайт Плей, используя любой веб-браузер.

    2. Начните загрузку

    На главной странице сайта найдите раздел “Скачать Плей” или аналогичную надпись. Нажмите на ссылку, чтобы начать загрузку программы.

    3. Установка Плей

    3. Установка Плей

    Когда загрузка завершится, найдите скачанный файл на вашем компьютере и запустите его. Следуйте инструкциям инсталлятора для установки программы Плей.

    4. Создание аккаунта

    4. Создание аккаунта

    После установки запустите программу Плей. Вам будет предложено создать новый аккаунт или войти существующим. Если у вас уже есть аккаунт, введите свои данные для входа.

    5. Активация курса

    После входа в аккаунт перейдите в раздел “Курсы” или аналогичный раздел на сайте Плей. Найдите курс по Фарминг Симулятору 22 и нажмите на кнопку активации. Следуйте инструкциям на экране для завершения активации курса.

    После завершения всех этих шагов, вы сможете использовать курс Плей в Фарминг Симуляторе 22 для повышения своих навыков и получения нового игрового опыта.

    Настройка программы Плей для ФС 22

    Настройка программы Плей для ФС 22

    Шаг 1: Скачайте и установите программу Плей на ваш компьютер. Она доступна для скачивания на официальном сайте разработчиков. После установки запустите программу.

    Шаг 2: В главном меню программы найдите раздел “Настройки”. Откройте его, чтобы приступить к настройке программы Плей для ФС 22.

    Шаг 3: В разделе “Настройки” найдите вкладку “Курсы”. Откройте ее, чтобы увидеть список доступных курсов для добавления в программу.

    Шаг 4: В списке курсов найдите необходимый курс для ФС 22. Если его нет в списке, воспользуйтесь функцией “Добавить курс” и введите название и ссылку на курс.

    Шаг 5: После выбора курса нажмите кнопку “Применить” или “Сохранить”, чтобы сохранить настройки.

    Шаг 6: Теперь курс плей для ФС 22 будет доступен в программе Плей. При запуске игры выберите этот курс, чтобы начать игру с его настройками и заданиями.

    Шаг 7: Если вам необходимо изменить настройки курса, можно вернуться в раздел “Настройки” и отредактировать соответствующие параметры.

    Благодаря программе Плей вы сможете настроить и добавить курсы для игры ФС 22, что позволит вам получить новый игровой опыт и испытать себя в различных ситуациях и заданиях.

    Работа с курсом Плей в ФС 22

    1. Включение курса Плей в ФС 22

    1. Включение курса Плей в ФС 22

    Для включения курса Плей в ФС 22 необходимо выполнить несколько шагов.

    Во-первых, убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия игры ФС 22. Если у вас старая версия, обновите ее до актуальной версии.

    Далее, откройте настройки игры и найдите раздел, отвечающий за управление курсами. Обычно этот раздел находится в меню “Настройки игры” или “Управление курсами”.

    В этом разделе вы увидите список доступных курсов. Найдите курс Плей в этом списке и выберите его.

    После выбора курса Плей, нажмите кнопку “Применить” или “Сохранить”, чтобы сохранить изменения и включить курс.

    2. Использование курса Плей в ФС 22

    После включения курса Плей в ФС 22, вы сможете использовать его в игре.

    Курс Плей предоставляет новые возможности и функции для вашего игрового процесса. Он может включать в себя изменения в геймплее, улучшенную графику, новые транспортные средства и многое другое.

    Чтобы воспользоваться функционалом курса Плей, просто играйте в игру и наслаждайтесь новым опытом, который он предоставляет.

    Обратите внимание, что некоторые курсы могут изменять правила или настройки игры. Перед установкой и использованием курса Плей, ознакомьтесь с его описанием и рекомендациями разработчиков.

    Проверка запуска курса Плей

    1. Проверьте установленную версию игры

    Перед началом проверки запуска курса Плей в Football Manager 2022 убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя доступная версия игры. Обновления могут исправлять некоторые ошибки и проблемы, связанные с запуском курса.

    2. Проверьте наличие курса Плей в вашем игровом клиенте

    2. Проверьте наличие курса Плей в вашем игровом клиенте

    Убедитесь, что курс Плей установлен в вашем игровом клиенте. Зайдите в раздел “Моя коллекция” или “Мои курсы” и найдите курс Плей среди доступных установленных игр. Если курс Плей отсутствует, попробуйте выполнить поиск или переустановить игровой клиент.

    3. Проверьте наличие обновлений для курса Плей

    Если курс Плей установлен в вашем игровом клиенте, проверьте наличие доступных обновлений для него. Откройте страницу курса в вашем игровом клиенте и проверьте наличие кнопки “Обновить” или “Проверить наличие обновлений”. Если такая кнопка есть, нажмите ее и дождитесь завершения процесса обновления курса.

    4. Проверьте системные требования для запуска курса Плей

    Убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует системным требованиям для запуска курса Плей. Проверьте минимальные и рекомендуемые требования, указанные в описании курса, и сравните их с характеристиками вашего компьютера.

    5. Обратитесь за помощью к разработчикам курса Плей

    Если вы выполнили все вышеперечисленные шаги и курс Плей все равно не запускается, обратитесь за помощью к разработчикам курса. Они смогут предоставить более подробную информацию и помочь решить возникшие проблемы со запуском курса Плей в Football Manager 2022.

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