Hp elitebook 820 g3 инструкция

Руководство пользователя

© Copyright 2015 HP Development Company,


AMD является товарным знаком Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Bluetooth – товарный знак соответствующего владельца,

используемый Hewlett-Packard Company по лицензии. Java — используемый в США товарный знак Sun Microsystems, Inc. Microsoft и Windows являются товарными знаками или зарегистрированными товарными знаками корпорации Майкрософт в США и/или других странах. NVIDIA является товарным знаком и/или зарегистрированным товарным знаком

NVIDIA Corporation в США и других странах.

Эмблема SD является товарным знаком соответствующего владельца.

Приведенная в этом документе информация может быть изменена без уведомления. Гарантийные обязательства для продуктов

иуслуг HP приведены только в условиях гарантии, прилагаемых к каждому продукту

иуслуге. Никакие содержащиеся здесь сведения не могут рассматриваться как дополнение к этим условиям гарантии. HP не несет ответственности за технические или редакторские ошибки и упущения в данном документе.

Редакция 1-я: август 2015 г.

Номер документа: 830986-251

Уведомление о продукте

В данном руководстве описываются функции, являющиеся общими для большинства моделей. Некоторые функции могут быть недоступны на этом компьютере.

Перечень доступных функций зависит от версии операционной системы Windows. Для поддержки всех возможностей Windows на компьютере, возможно, придется обновить аппаратное и программное обеспечение или драйверы. Дополнительные сведения см. в

разделе http://www.microsoft.com.

Чтобы ознакомиться с последней версией руководства пользователя, перейдите по адресу http://www.hp.com/support и

выберите свою страну. Выберите Драйверы и загружаемые материалы и следуйте инструкциям на экране.

Использование программного обеспечения

Установка, копирование, загрузка или иное использование любого программного продукта, предустановленного на этом компьютере, означает согласие с условиями лицензионного соглашения HP. Если вы не принимаете условия этого соглашения, единственным способом защиты ваших прав является возврат всего неиспользованного продукта (оборудования и программного обеспечения) в течение 14 дней. В таком случае вам будет возмещена уплаченная сумма в соответствии с политикой организации, в которой был приобретен продукт.

За дополнительной информацией или с запросом о полном возмещении стоимости компьютера обращайтесь к продавцу.

Уведомление о безопасности

ВНИМАНИЕ! Во избежание возможных ожогов или перегрева компьютера при работе не держите компьютер на коленях и не закрывайте вентиляционные отверстия. Используйте компьютер только на твердой ровной поверхности. Не допускайте перекрытия воздушного потока жесткими поверхностями, такими как корпус стоящего рядом принтера, или мягкими предметами, такими как подушки, ковры с ворсом или предметы одежды. Кроме того, при работе не допускайте соприкосновения адаптера переменного тока с кожей или мягкими предметами, такими как подушки, ковры или предметы одежды. Компьютер и адаптер питания удовлетворяют требованиям к допустимой для пользователей температуре поверхности, определенным международным стандартом безопасности оборудования, используемого в сфере информационных технологий (IEC 60950-1).


iv Уведомление о безопасности


1 Добро пожаловать ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Поиск сведений ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


2 Компоненты ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Обнаружение оборудования ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Обнаружение программного обеспечения …………………………………………………………………………………………..


Правая панель ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Левая панель ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Экран …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Вид сверху ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Сенсорная панель ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Индикаторы ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Кнопки, динамики и считыватель отпечатков пальцев ……………………………………………………..


Клавиши ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Использование горячих клавиш ……………………………………………………………………………………….


Нижняя панель …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Вид спереди ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Наклейки ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Установка SIM-карты (только для некоторых моделей) …………………………………………………………………….


3 Сетевые подключения ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Подключение к беспроводной сети ………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Использование элементов управления беспроводной связью …………………………………………..


Кнопка беспроводной связи …………………………………………………………………………….


Элементы управления операционной системы …………………………………………………


Подключение к беспроводной ЛВС …………………………………………………………………………………..


Использование модуля HP Mobile Broadband (только в некоторых моделях) …………………….


Использование сервиса HP Mobile Connect (только в некоторых моделях) ………………………..


Использование GPS (только в некоторых моделях) …………………………………………………………..


Использование беспроводных устройств Bluetooth (только в некоторых моделях) …………..


Подключение к проводной сети ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Подключение к локальной сети (LAN) (только в некоторых моделях) ……………………………….


Использование модема (только в некоторых моделях) …………………………………………………….


Подключение кабеля модема ………………………………………………………………………….


В некоторых странах/регионах также требуются специальные адаптеры

кабеля модема ………………………………………………………………………………………………..



4 Навигация по экрану ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Использование сенсорной панели и жестов для сенсорного экрана …………………………………………………..


Касание ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Масштабирование двумя пальцами ………………………………………………………………………………….


Прокручивание двумя пальцами (только на сенсорной панели) ………………………………………..


Касание двумя пальцами (только на сенсорной панели) …………………………………………………..


Проведение одним пальцем (только на сенсорном экране) ………………………………………………


5 Развлекательные функции …………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Использование веб-камеры (только на некоторых моделях) …………………………………………………………….


Использование прикосновения для передачи (только в некоторых моделях) …………………………………..


Запуск обмена ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Использование звука ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Подключение динамиков …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Подключение наушников …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Подключение микрофона ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Подключение наушников …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Использование настроек звука …………………………………………………………………………………………


Использование видео ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Подключение видеоустройств с помощью кабеля VGA (только на некоторых моделях) ……


Обнаружение и подключение проводных мониторов с помощью технологии

MultiStream Transport ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Подключение дисплеев к компьютерам с графическими контроллерами AMD

или Nvidia (с приобретаемым отдельно концентратором) ………………………………..


Обнаружение и подключение беспроводных дисплеев с поддержкой технологии

Miracast (только на некоторых моделях) ………………………………………………………………………….


Обнаружение и подключение сертифицированных дисплеев с поддержкой технологии

Intel WiDi (только на некоторых моделях Intel) …………………………………………………………………


6 Управление питанием ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Завершение работы (выключение) компьютера ……………………………………………………………………………….


Параметры режимов питания ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Использование режимов энергосбережения …………………………………………………………………….


Переход в спящий режим и выход из него ………………………………………………………..


Запрашиваемый пользователем переход в режим гибернации и выход из

него (только в некоторых моделях) …………………………………………………………………


Использование индикатора и параметров электропитания ………………………………


Установка защиты с помощью пароля при выходе из энергосберегающего

режима ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Питание от батареи ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Поиск дополнительных сведений о батарее …………………………………………………….



Использование средства HP Battery Check ………………………………………………………..


Отображение уровня оставшегося заряда батареи …………………………………………..


Увеличение времени разрядки батареи ……………………………………………………………


Работа компьютера при низком уровне заряда батареи …………………………………..


Определение низких уровней заряда батареи ………………………………….


Действия пользователя в условиях низкого уровня заряда батареи …


Экономия энергии батареи ……………………………………………………………………………….


Утилизация батарей …………………………………………………………………………………………


Замена батареи ……………………………………………………………………………………………….


Использование внешнего источника питания переменного тока ……………………………………….


7 Безопасность ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Защита компьютера …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Использование паролей ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Установка паролей в Windows …………………………………………………………………………………………..


Установка паролей в программе Computer Setup (Настройка компьютера) ………………………..


Управление паролем администратора BIOS ………………………………………………………………………


Ввод пароля администратора BIOS …………………………………………………………………..


Управление паролем DriveLock в утилите Computer Setup (Настройка компьютера)

(только в некоторых моделях) …………………………………………………………………………………………


Установка пароля DriveLock ……………………………………………………………………………..


Включение DriveLock (только в некоторых моделях) ……………………………………….


Отключение DriveLock (только в некоторых моделях) ……………………………………..


Ввод пароля DriveLock (только для некоторых моделей) …………………………………


Изменение пароля DriveLock (только для некоторых моделей) ………………………..


Использование Computer Setup (Настройка компьютера) Automatic DriveLock (только

для некоторых моделей) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Ввод пароля Automatic DriveLock (только для некоторых моделей) ………………….


Снятие защиты Automatic DriveLock (только для некоторых моделей) ……………..


Использование антивирусного программного обеспечения ……………………………………………………………….


Использование брандмауэра ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Установка критических обновлений безопасности …………………………………………………………………………….


Использование приложения HP Client Security (только в некоторых моделях) …………………………………..


Использование приложения HP Touchpoint Manager (только в некоторых моделях) ………………………….


Установка дополнительного защитного тросика (только для некоторых моделей) …………………………..


Использование устройства считывания отпечатков пальцев (только в некоторых моделях) …………….


Расположение устройства считывания отпечатков пальцев ……………………………………………..


8 Обслуживание …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Улучшение производительности ………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Дефрагментация диска …………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Очистка диска ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Использование программы HP 3D DriveGuard (только в некоторых продуктах) …………………


Определение состояния HP 3D DriveGuard ………………………………………………………..


Обновление программ и драйверов …………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Очистка компьютера ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Процедуры очистки …………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Очистка экрана ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Очистка боковых панелей и крышки ………………………………………………………………..


Очистка сенсорной панели, клавиатуры или мыши (только в некоторых

продуктах) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Поездки с компьютером и его транспортировка ………………………………………………………………………………..


9 Резервное копирование и восстановление ……………………………………………………………………………………..


Создание носителей для восстановления и резервных копий ……………………………………………………………


Создание носителей для восстановления HP (только на некоторых моделях) …………………..


Использование средств Windows ………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Восстановление ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Восстановление с помощью HP Recovery Manager …………………………………………………………….


Что необходимо знать перед началом работы ………………………………………………….


Использование раздела HP Recovery (только в некоторых моделях) ………………..


Использование носителя для восстановления HP Recovery ………………………………


Изменение порядка загрузки компьютера ………………………………………………………..


Удаление раздела HP Recovery (только в некоторых моделях) …………………………


10 Утилиты Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM и HP Sure Start ……………………………………………………………………….


Использование утилиты Computer Setup …………………………………………………………………………………………..


Запуск утилиты Computer Setup ………………………………………………………………………………………..


Навигация и выбор параметров в утилите Computer Setup ………………………………………………..


Восстановление заводских параметров в утилите Computer Setup ……………………………………


Обновление системы BIOS ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Определение версии BIOS ………………………………………………………………………………..


Загрузка обновления BIOS ………………………………………………………………………………..


Изменение порядка загрузки с помощью запроса f9 …………………………………………………………


Параметры TPM BIOS (только в некоторых моделях) …………………………………………………………………………


Использование программы HP Sure Start (только в некоторых моделях) …………………………………………..


11 HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Загрузка средства HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) на устройство USB …………………………………………….




Технические характеристики …………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Входное питание ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Рабочая среда ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Электростатический разряд ………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Доступ к устройству …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Поддерживаемые специальные возможности ………………………………………………………………………………….


Связь со службой поддержки ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Указатель ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




1Добро пожаловать

После настройки и регистрации компьютера рекомендуем выполнить описанные ниже действия, чтобы воспользоваться всеми преимуществами своего устройства.

СОВЕТ: Для быстрого перехода к начальному экрану из активного приложения или рабочего стола Windows нажмите клавишу Windows на клавиатуре. Чтобы вернуться к предыдущему экрану, нажмите клавишу Windows повторно.

Подключение к Интернету. Настройка проводной или беспроводной сети для подключения к Интернету. Дополнительную информацию см. в разделе Сетевые подключения на стр. 19.

Обновление антивирусной программы. Защита компьютера от повреждений, вызванных вирусами. Программное обеспечение предварительно установлено на компьютере. Дополнительную информацию см. в разделе Использование антивирусного программного обеспечения на стр. 49.

Знакомство с компьютером. Получение сведений о функциях компьютера. Дополнительную информацию см. в разделах Компоненты на стр. 4 и Навигация по экрану на стр. 24.

Поиск установленных программ. Просмотр списка предустановленных на компьютере программ. Нажмите кнопку Пуск, а затем выберите Все приложения.

– или –

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши кнопку Пуск, а затем выберите Программы и функции.

Выполните резервное копирование жесткого диска, создав диски восстановления или флэшнакопитель для восстановления. См. раздел Резервное копирование и восстановление на стр. 57.


Поиск сведений

Информацию о ресурсах, содержащих инструкции, подробные сведения о продукте и т. д. см. в данной таблице.



Инструкции по настройке

Обзор настройки и функций компьютера

Приложение «Приступаем к работе»

Инструкции и советы по устранению неполадок

Запуск приложения «Приступаем к работе».

Выберите кнопку Пуск, а затем выберите

приложение Приступаем к работе.

Поддержка HP

Общение со специалистом службы поддержки HP в

Сведения о поддержке в США см. на веб-странице

интерактивном чате

Номера телефонов службы поддержки HP

http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP. Сведения о

поддержке во всем мире см. на веб-странице

Адреса сервисных центров HP



Руководство по безопасной и комфортной работе

Правильное размещение компьютера

Чтобы просмотреть это руководство, выполните

Рекомендации по организации рабочего места, меры по защите

указанные ниже действия.

здоровья и правила работы с компьютером, которые позволят


Введите support в поле поиска на панели задач,

сделать работу более комфортной и уменьшить риск

возникновения травм

а затем выберите приложение HP Support

Сведения по технике безопасности при работе с


– или –

электрическими и механическими устройствами

Нажмите на значок вопроса на панели задач.


Выберите Мой компьютер, перейдите на вкладку

Технические характеристики, а затем выберите

Руководства пользователя.

– или –

Перейдите по адресу http://www.hp.com/ergo.

Уведомления о соответствии нормам, требованиям к

Сведения о соответствии важным стандартам, в том числе

безопасности и охране окружающей среды

информация о правильной утилизации батареи при

Для перехода к этому документу выполните


следующие действия.


Введите support в поле поиска на панели задач,

а затем выберите приложение HP Support


– или –

Нажмите на значок вопроса на панели задач.


Выберите Мой компьютер, перейдите на вкладку

Технические характеристики, а затем выберите

Руководства пользователя.

Ограниченная гарантия*

Гарантийная информация для данного компьютера

Для перехода к этому документу выполните

следующие действия.

2Глава 1 Добро пожаловать

1.Введите support в поле поиска на панели задач, а затем выберите приложение HP Support Assistant.

– или –

Нажмите на значок вопроса на панели задач.

2.Выберите Мой компьютер, а затем — Гарантия и службы.

– или –

Перейдите по адресу http://www.hp.com/go/ orderdocuments.

* Условия применимой ограниченной гарантии HP находятся вместе с руководствами пользователя на устройстве и (или) на прилагаемом компакт-диске или DVD-диске. Для некоторых стран и регионов компания HP может включать в комплект поставки печатный экземпляр гарантии. Если печатный экземпляр гарантии не предоставляется, его можно заказать на вебстранице http://www.hp.com/go/orderdocuments. Если продукт приобретен в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе, можно отправить запрос в компанию HP по адресу: Hewlett Packard, POD, P.O. Box 200, Alexandra Post Singapore (Сингапур) 911507. Укажите наименование своего продукта, свое имя и фамилию, номер телефона и почтовый адрес.


Обнаружение оборудования

Для просмотра списка оборудования, установленного на компьютере, выполните указанные ниже действия.

Введите в поле поиска на панели задач диспетчер устройств, а затем выберите приложение

Диспетчер устройств.

Будет показан список всех устройств, установленных на компьютере.

Чтобы отобразить информацию об аппаратных компонентах системы и номер версии BIOS, нажмите сочетание клавиш fn+esc (только для некоторых моделей).

Обнаружение программного обеспечения

Чтобы просмотреть список программного обеспечения, установленного на компьютере, выполните указанные ниже действия.

Выберите кнопку Пуск, а затем выберите Все приложения.

– или –

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши кнопку Пуск, а затем выберите Программы и функции.

4Глава 2 Компоненты

Правая панель




Порт USB Type-C (для зарядки)

Подключение любого устройства с разъемом USB Type-C.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Порты USB Type-C позволяют заряжать

некоторые модели сотовых телефонов, ноутбуков,

планшетов и проигрывателей MP3, даже когда компьютер

выключен. Кроме того, некоторые порты USB Type-C имеют

возможность подключения DisplayPort, VGA, HDMI и другие

видеоустройств для предоставления видеовыхода.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Могут потребоваться адаптеры

(приобретаются отдельно).


порт Dual-Mode DisplayPort

Подключение дополнительного устройства цифрового

отображения, такого как высокопроизводительный

монитор или проектор.


Устройство чтения карт памяти

Используется для чтения дополнительных карт памяти,

способных хранить данные, управлять информацией,

выполнять обмен ею или предоставлять к ней общий


(4)Комбинированный разъем аудиовыхода (для наушников) / аудиовхода (для микрофона)

Подключение дополнительных стереодинамиков с внешним питанием, обычных или вставных наушников, гарнитуры или телевизионной акустической системы, а также гарнитуры с микрофоном. Этот разъем не поддерживает дополнительное подключение простого микрофона.

ВНИМАНИЕ! Прежде чем надеть обычные или вставные наушники либо гарнитуру, во избежание повреждения слуха уменьшите громкость. Дополнительные сведения о безопасности см. в разделе Уведомления о соответствии нормам, требованиям к безопасности и охране окружающей среды.

Чтобы просмотреть это руководство, выполните указанные ниже действия.

1.Введите support в поле поиска на панели задач, а затем выберите приложение HP Support Assistant.

– или –

Нажмите на значок вопроса на панели задач.

2.Выберите My PC, перейдите на вкладку Технические характеристики, а затем выберите Руководства пользователя.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. При подключении устройства к разъему динамики компьютера отключаются.




Порт USB 3.0

Используется для подключения дополнительного USB-

устройства, например мыши, клавиатуры, внешнего диска,

принтера, сканера или USB-концентратора.


Разъем RJ-45 (сеть)/индикаторы состояния

Подключение сетевого кабеля.

Светится зеленым (слева): сеть подключена.

Светится желтым (справа): по сети передаются



Стыковочный разъем

Подключение дополнительного стыковочного устройства.


Гнездо SIM-карты

Поддерживает модуль идентификации пользователя (SIM-



Разъем питания

Используется для подключения адаптера переменного


Левая панель




Гнездо замка с тросиком

Крепление к компьютеру дополнительного защитного


ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Защитный тросик — это средство защиты,

однако он не может помешать ненадлежащему

использованию или краже компьютера.


Вентиляционные отверстия (2)

Обеспечение воздушного потока для охлаждения

внутренних компонентов.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Вентилятор компьютера включается

автоматически для охлаждения внутренних компонентов и

предотвращения перегрева. Во время обычной работы

компьютера внутренний вентилятор может включаться и

выключаться; это не является неисправностью.


Порт внешнего монитора

Подключение внешнего монитора или проектора с

интерфейсом VGA.


Порт USB 3.0 для зарядки (с питанием)

Используется для подключения дополнительного USB-

устройства, например мыши, клавиатуры, внешнего

дисковода, принтера, сканера или концентратора USB.

Стандартные порты USB не поддерживают зарядку

некоторых устройств USB или выполняют ее при низком

6Глава 2 Компоненты



токе. Для некоторых устройств USB необходимо питание и,

соответственно, порт с питанием.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Порты USB для зарядки также позволяют

заряжать некоторые модели сотовых телефонов и плееров

MP3, даже если компьютер выключен.


Устройство чтения смарт-карт

Поддержка дополнительных смарт-карт.





Антенны беспроводной глобальной сети

Отправка и получение радиосигналов для связи с другими


беспроводными локальными сетями (WLAN)


Антенны беспроводной глобальной сети

Прием и передача сигналов для работы с беспроводными


глобальными сетями (WWAN)


Внутренние микрофоны

Запись звука.


Индикатор веб-камеры

Светится: веб-камера используется.



Запись видео и съемка фотографий. Некоторые модели также

позволяют проводить видеоконференции и общаться онлайн с

использованием потокового видео.

Для использования веб-камеры выполните нижеуказанные действия.

Экран 7

Введите в поле поиска на панели задач камера, а затем выберите Камера.

*Антенны не видны снаружи компьютера. Для обеспечения оптимальной передачи данных в непосредственной близости от антенн не должно быть никаких препятствий.

Сведения о соответствии нормам беспроводной связи см. в документе Уведомления о соответствии нормам, требованиям к безопасности и охране окружающей среды в разделе, применимом к данной стране или региону.

Чтобы просмотреть это руководство, выполните указанные ниже действия.

1.Введите support в поле поиска на панели задач, а затем выберите приложение HP Support Assistant.

– или –

Нажмите на значок вопроса на панели задач.

2.Выберите My PC, перейдите на вкладку Технические характеристики, а затем выберите Руководства пользователя.

Вид сверху

Сенсорная панель




Указка (только на некоторых моделях)

Перемещение указателя, выбор и запуск объектов на



Левая кнопка указки (только на некоторых

Выполняет функцию левой кнопки мыши.


8Глава 2 Компоненты

HP 820 G3 User Manual




Кнопка/индикатор включения и выключения

Включение и выключение сенсорной панели.

сенсорной панели

Светится: сенсорная панель выключена.

Не светится: сенсорная панель включена.


Зона сенсорной панели

Распознавание жестов пальцев для перемещения курсора и

выбора элементов на экране.


Левая кнопка сенсорной панели

Выполняет функцию левой кнопки мыши.


Правая кнопка указки (только на некоторых

Выполняет функции правой кнопки мыши.



Правая кнопка сенсорной панели

Выполняет функции правой кнопки мыши.





Индикатор Caps Lock

Светится: включен режим Caps Lock, и все буквы вводятся

только в верхнем регистре.


Индикатор питания

Светится: компьютер включен.

Мигает: компьютер находится в спящем режиме,

который позволяет сократить потребление энергии. Компьютер выключает питание экрана и других неиспользуемых компонентов.

Не светится: компьютер выключен или находится в режиме гибернации. Гибернация — это режим энергосбережения, при котором используется минимум энергии.




Индикатор отключения звука

Светится желтым: звук компьютера выключен.

Не светится: звук компьютера включен.


Индикатор выключения микрофона

Желтый: звук микрофона отключен.

Не светится: звук микрофона включен.


Индикатор беспроводной связи

Светится: включено встроенное устройство беспроводной

связи, например устройство беспроводной локальной сети

(WLAN) и/или Bluetooth®.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. На некоторых моделях индикатор

беспроводной связи светится желтым, когда все устройства

беспроводной связи отключены.


Индикатор Num lock

Светится: режим Num lock включен.

10 Глава 2 Компоненты

Кнопки, динамики и считыватель отпечатков пальцев




Кнопка питания

Если компьютер выключен, нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы

включить его.

Если компьютер включен, нажмите и отпустите эту

кнопку для перевода компьютера в режим сна.

Если компьютер находится в спящем режиме, для

выхода из него нажмите и сразу отпустите эту кнопку.

Если компьютер находится в режиме гибернации, для

выхода из него нажмите и сразу отпустите эту кнопку.

ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ. При нажатии и удержании кнопки

питания все несохраненные данные будут утеряны.

Если компьютер не отвечает, а процедуры завершения

работы не дают результата, для выключения компьютера

нажмите и удерживайте кнопку питания не менее 15 секунд.

Дополнительные сведения о параметрах питания см. в

разделе «Электропитание».

Введите в поле поиска на панели задач питания, а

затем выберите Параметры питания и спящего режима.

– или –

Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши кнопку Пуск, а затем выберите Параметры электропитания.

Вид сверху 11





Воспроизведение звука.


Считыватель отпечатков пальцев (только на

Позволяет выполнять вход в систему Windows по отпечатку

некоторых моделях)

пальца вместо пароля.

12 Глава 2 Компоненты





Клавиша esc

При нажатии одновременно с клавишей fn отображаются

сведения о системе.


Клавиша fn

При нажатии одновременно с клавишей со стрелкой,

клавишей num lock или клавишей esc запускаются часто

используемые системные функции.

См. раздел Использование горячих клавиш на стр. 13


Клавиша с эмблемой Windows

Открывает меню Пуск.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Повторное нажатие клавиши Windows

закроет меню Пуск.


Встроенная цифровая панель клавиатуры

Цифровая панель, расположенная поверх алфавитной

клавиатуры, позволяет выполнять операции сложения,

вычитания и прочие арифметические операции. Когда

клавиша num lock включена, панель клавиатуры можно

использовать как клавиши внешней цифровой панели.


Клавиша num lock

Включение и выключение встроенной цифровой панели


Использование горячих клавиш

Чтобы использовать сочетание клавиш, выполните указанные ниже действия.

Нажмите клавишу fn и нажмите соответствующую функциональную клавишу — значки клавиш представлены ниже.

Нажмите fn +




Переход в спящий режим с сохранением данных в системной памяти. Экран и другие компоненты

системы отключаются, а энергопотребление снижается.

Для выхода из спящего режима нажмите и сразу отпустите кнопку питания.

Вид сверху 13

Нажмите fn +




ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ. Во избежание потери информации сохраните данные перед переходом в режим


Включение и выключение подсветки клавиатуры.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Для экономии заряда батареи отключите эту функцию.

Переключение изображения между устройствами отображения, подключенными к системе. Например,

если к компьютеру подключен внешний монитор, можно переключать вывод изображения с экрана

компьютера на этот монитор, а также на оба устройства одновременно, нажимая клавиши fn+f4

нужное количество раз подряд.

Большинство внешних мониторов получает от компьютера видеосигнал в формате внешнего VGA.

Сочетание клавиш fn+f4 служит также для переключения вывода изображения на другие устройства,

которые получают видеосигнал с компьютера.

Постепенное уменьшение яркости экрана при удерживании нажатой клавиши.

Постепенное увеличение яркости экрана при удерживании нажатой клавиши.

Используется для выключения или включения звука динамиков.

Постепенное уменьшение громкости звука динамиков при удерживании нажатой клавиши.

Постепенное увеличение громкости звука динамиков при удерживании нажатой клавиши.

Отключение звука микрофона

Включение или выключение беспроводной связи.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Для установки беспроводного соединения сначала необходимо настроить

беспроводную сеть.


Приостановка или прерывание операции. Заменяет клавишу Break


Блокировка ячеек. Заменяет клавишу Scroll Lock


Отправка программного запроса. Заменяет клавишу Sys Rq

14 Глава 2 Компоненты

Нижняя панель




Стыковочный разъем

Подключение дополнительного стыковочного



Вентиляционные отверстия (2)

Обеспечение потока воздуха, охлаждающего

внутренние компоненты.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Вентилятор компьютера включается автоматически для охлаждения внутренних компонентов и предотвращения перегрева. Во время обычной работы компьютера внутренний вентилятор может включаться и выключаться; это не является неисправностью.

Вид спереди




Индикатор беспроводной связи

Светится: включено встроенное устройство

беспроводной связи, например устройство

беспроводной локальной сети (WLAN) и/или Bluetooth®.

Нижняя панель 15



ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. На некоторых моделях индикатор

беспроводной связи светится желтым, когда все

устройства беспроводной связи отключены.


Индикатор питания

Светится: компьютер включен.

Мигает: компьютер находится в спящем режиме,

который позволяет сократить потребление

энергии. Компьютер выключает питание экрана и

других неиспользуемых компонентов.

Не светится: компьютер выключен или находится

в режиме гибернации. Гибернация — это режим

энергосбережения, при котором используется

минимум энергии.


Индикатор батареи

Когда подключен источник переменного тока:

Светится белым: заряд батареи больше 90 %;

Светится желтым: батарея заряжена на 0–90 %;

Не светится: батарея не заряжается.

Если источник переменного тока отключен (батарея не


мигает желтым: низкий уровень заряда батареи.

При достижении критически низкого уровня

заряда индикатор батареи начинает часто мигать.

Не светится: батарея не заряжается.


Индикатор дисковода

Мигает белым: жесткий диск используется.

Желтый: программа HP 3D DriveGuard временно

запарковала головку жесткого диска.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Дополнительные сведения о программе HP 3D DriveGuard см. в разделе Использование программы HP 3D DriveGuard (только в некоторых продуктах) на стр. 53.


Наклейки на компьютере содержат сведения, которые могут потребоваться при устранении неполадок или поездках с компьютером в другие страны.

ВАЖНО! Наклейки могут быть размещены в таких местах: на нижней панели компьютера, внутри отсека для батареи, под служебной дверцей или на задней панели дисплея.

Сервисная наклейка содержит важную информацию, необходимую для идентификации вашего компьютера. Если вы обратитесь в службу поддержки, наш специалист, скорее всего, попросит вас назвать серийный номер вашего компьютера (а возможно, и номер продукта либо номер модели). Поэтому найдите эти данные, прежде чем связаться со службой поддержки.

Сервисная наклейка на вашем компьютере будет выглядеть как в примерах, приведенных ниже. См. рисунок, наиболее точно соответствующий наклейке на вашем компьютере.

16 Глава 2 Компоненты


HP EliteBook 828 G3 Notebook PC

HP EliteBook 820 G3 Notebook PC

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the Symbol together are registered

trademarks, and DTS Studio Sound is a

trademark of DTS, Inc. © DTS, Inc. All Rights

Reserved .

Product notice

This guide describes features that are common

to most models. Some features may not be

available on your computer.

Not all features are available in all editions of

Windows 10 or Windows 8. This computer may

require upgraded and/or separately purchased

hardware, drivers and/or software to take full

advantage of Windows 10 or Windows 8

functionality. See http://www.microsoft.com

for details.

The information contained herein is subject to

change without notice. The only warranties for

HP products and services are set forth in the

express warranty statements accompanying

such products and services. Nothing herein

should be construed as constituting an

additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for

technical or editorial errors or omissions

contained herein.

Second Edition: March 2016

First Edition: October 2015

Document Part Number: 843203-002

Important Notice about Customer Self-Repair Parts

CAUTION: Your computer includes Customer Self-Repair parts and parts that should only be accessed by an

authorized service provider. See Chapter 5, «Removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair

parts,» for details. Accessing parts described in Chapter 6, «Removal and replacement procedures for

Authorized Service Provider only parts,» can damage the computer or void your warranty.


iv Important Notice about Customer Self-Repair Parts

Safety warning notice

WARNING! To reduce the possibility of heat-related injuries or of overheating the device, do not place the

device directly on your lap or obstruct the device air vents. Use the device only on a hard, at surface. Do not

allow another hard surface, such as an adjoining optional printer, or a soft surface, such as pillows or rugs or

clothing, to block airow. Also, do not allow the AC adapter to contact the skin or a soft surface, such as

pillows or rugs or clothing, during operation. The device and the AC adapter comply with the user-accessible

surface temperature limits dened by the International Standard for Safety of Information Technology

Equipment (IEC 60950-1).


vi Safety warning notice

Table of contents

1 Product description ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

2 External component identication …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Right ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Left ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

Display ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Top …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10

TouchPad …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

Lights ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Buttons, speakers, and ngerprint reader ……………………………………………………………………………. 12

Keys ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13

Using the hot keys …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13

Bottom …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15

Front ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

Locating system information ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

3 Illustrated parts catalog ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18

Computer major components ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18

Display assembly subcomponents ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21

Plastics kit ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22

Cable kit …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23

Mass storage devices …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24

Miscellaneous parts …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25

4 Removal and replacement procedures preliminary requirements ………………………………………………………….. 27

Tools required …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27

Service considerations ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 27

Plastic parts ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27

Cables and connectors ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 28

Drive handling ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28

Grounding guidelines …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 29

Electrostatic discharge damage ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29

Packaging and transporting guidelines ……………………………………………………………….. 30

Workstation guidelines ……………………………………………………………………………………… 30

Equipment guidelines ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 31


5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair parts ……………………………………………………. 32

Component replacement procedures …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 32

Bottom cover ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 32

Battery …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 35

Hard drive ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36

SSD ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 38

Memory modules ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 40

WLAN/Bluetooth combo card ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 42

WWAN module ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 44

Keyboard …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 46

6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized Service Provider parts …………………………………………… 49

Component replacement procedures …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 49

System board …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 49

RTC battery ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 52

Heat sink/fan assembly …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 53

Fingerprint reader assembly ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 55

Touchpad button board ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 56

NFC module ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 57

Smart card reader board ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 58

Speaker assembly …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 59

Display assembly ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 61

Top cover …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 65

7 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 10 ……………………………………………………………… 67

Using Computer Setup ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 67

Starting Computer Setup …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 67

Navigating and selecting in Computer Setup ……………………………………………………………………….. 67

Restoring factory settings in Computer Setup ……………………………………………………………………… 68

Updating the BIOS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 69

Determining the BIOS version …………………………………………………………………………….. 69

Downloading a BIOS update ………………………………………………………………………………. 69

Changing the boot order using the f9 prompt ………………………………………………………………………. 70

TPM BIOS settings (select products only) …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 70

Using HP Sure Start (select products only) …………………………………………………………………………………………… 71

8 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 8 ………………………………………………………………. 72

Using Computer Setup ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 72

Starting Computer Setup …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 72

Navigating and selecting in Computer Setup ……………………………………………………………………….. 72


Restoring factory settings in Computer Setup ……………………………………………………………………… 73

Updating the BIOS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 74

Determining the BIOS version …………………………………………………………………………….. 74

Downloading a BIOS update ………………………………………………………………………………. 74

Changing the boot order using the f9 prompt ………………………………………………………………………. 75

TPM BIOS settings (select products only) …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 75

Using HP Sure Start (select products only) …………………………………………………………………………………………… 76

9 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 7 ………………………………………………………………. 77

Using Computer Setup ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 77

Starting Computer Setup …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 77

Navigating and selecting in Computer Setup ……………………………………………………………………….. 77

Restoring factory settings in Computer Setup ……………………………………………………………………… 78

Updating the BIOS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 79

Determining the BIOS version …………………………………………………………………………….. 79

Downloading a BIOS update ………………………………………………………………………………. 79

Changing the boot order using the f9 prompt ………………………………………………………………………. 80

TPM BIOS settings (select products only) …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 80

Using HP Sure Start (select products only) …………………………………………………………………………………………… 81

10 HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 82

Downloading HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) to a USB device ………………………………………………………….. 82

11 Backing up and recovering Windows 10 …………………………………………………………………………………………. 84

Creating recovery media and backups …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 84

Creating HP Recovery media (select products only) ………………………………………………………………. 84

Using Windows tools …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 85

Restore and recovery …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 86

Recovering using HP Recovery Manager ………………………………………………………………………………. 86

What you need to know before you get started ……………………………………………………. 86

Using the HP Recovery partition (select products only) …………………………………………. 87

Using HP Recovery media to recover …………………………………………………………………… 87

Changing the computer boot order …………………………………………………………………….. 88

Removing the HP Recovery partition (select products only) ………………………………….. 89

12 Backing up and recovering Windows 8 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 90

Backing up your information ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 90

Performing a system recovery ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 90

Using the Windows recovery tools ………………………………………………………………………………………. 90

Using f11 recovery tools ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 91


Using Windows operating system media (purchased separately) …………………………………………… 92

Using Windows Refresh or Windows Reset ………………………………………………………………………….. 93

Using HP Software Setup …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 93

13 Backing up and recovering Windows 7 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 94

Creating recovery media and backups …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 94

Guidelines ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 94

Creating recovery media with HP Recovery Disc Creator ……………………………………………………….. 94

Creating recovery media ……………………………………………………………………………………. 95

Backing up your information ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 95

Performing a system recovery ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 96

Using the Windows recovery tools ………………………………………………………………………………………. 96

Using f11 recovery tools (select models only) ……………………………………………………………………… 97

Using Windows 7 operating system media …………………………………………………………………………… 97

14 Specications ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 99

Input power ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 99

Operating environment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 99

15 Power cord set requirements …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 100

Requirements for all countries ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 100

Requirements for specic countries and regions ………………………………………………………………………………… 100

16 Statement of memory volatility …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 102

Nonvolatile memory usage ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 104

Questions and answers ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 106

Using HP Sure Start (select models only) ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 107

17 Recycling ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 108

Index ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 109


1 Product description

Category Description

Product Name HP EliteBook 828 G3 Notebook PC

HP EliteBook 820 G3 Notebook PC

Processors Processors are attached to the system board.

Sixth-generation Intel® Core™ processors:

Intel Core™ i7-6600U

Intel Core i7-6500U

Intel Core i5-6300U

Intel Core i5-6200U

Intel Core i3-6100U

Chipset Integrated with processor

Intel Skylake Premium, for use with 6th generation Intel Core processors

Intel UMA graphics (with shared video memory)

Up to three independent displays supported with docking solution

Intel HD Graphics 520

Panel 12.5 in (31.75 cm), high-denition (HD), Slim eDP (1366×768), SVA AG, typical brightness: 220 cd/m2 (nits)

with and without webcam

12.5 in (31.75 cm),full high-denition (FHD), UltraSlim eDP (1920×1080), UWVA AG, typical brightness: 300

cd/m2 (nits) with and without webcam

12.5 in (31.75 cm),full high-denition (FHD), UltraSlim eDP (1920×1080) UWVA AG, typical brightness: 300

cd/m2 (nits) with touch and webcam

Memory Two SODIMM customer-accessible/upgradable memory module slots

Supports up to 16 GB of system RAM

DDR4 PC4-17000 (2133 MHz) dual channel support

Supports the following congurations:

16384 MB (8192 MB×2; not supported on computer models with a Windows® 7 32-bit operating system)

12288 (8192 MB + 4096 MB; not supported on computer models with a Windows 7 32-bit operating


8192 MB (8192 MB×1 or 4096 MB×2; not supported on computer models with a Windows 7 32-bit

operating system)

4096 MB (4096 MB×1)

Hard drive HDDs:

Supports 6.35 cm (2.5 in) hard drives in 7.0 mm (.28 in) thicknesses (all hard drives use the same bracket)

Serial ATA

1 TB, 5400 rpm, 7.0 mm


Category Description

500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7.0 mm, self-encrypting (FIPS-140-2; Opal 2)

500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7.0 mm, self-encrypting (Opal 2)

500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7.0 mm

500 GB, 7.0 mm, hybrid, 8 GB cach


M.2 (2280) 512 GB SATA-3 TLC

M.2 (2280) 256 GB PCIe-3×4 SS NVMe

M.2 (2280) 256 GB SATA-3 self-encrypting (Opal 2) MLC

M.2 (2280) 256 GB SATA-3 TLC

M.2 (2280) 240 GB SATA-3 MLC DS

M.2 (2280) 180 GB SATA-3 self-encrypting (Opal 2) MLC

M.2 (2280) 180 GB SATA-3 MLC

M.2 (2280) 128 GB SATA-3 TLC

Audio and video Supports:

DTS Studio Sound

Conexant smart amplier and ambient noise suppression

Dual-array microphone

Dual speakers

Webcamera (720p)

Intel WGI219V 10/100/1000 Ethernet, non-vPro, for use with computer models with i7-6500U,

i5-6200U, or i3-6100U processors

Intel WGI219LM 10/100/1000 Ethernet, iAMT, for use with computer models with i7-6600U or i5-6300U


S3/S4/S5 Wake-on-LAN

Wireless WLAN

Integrated wireless local area network (WLAN) options by way of wireless module

Two WLAN antennas built into display assembly

Integrated wireless personal area network (PAN) supported by Bluetooth® 4.0 or Bluetooth 4.2 combo card

Compatible with Miracast-certied devices

Support for the following WWAN formats:

Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260NGW 802.11a/b/g/n+ac 2×2 Wi-Fi + BT 4.2 combo adapter (i7-6600U,


Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260NGW 802.11a/b/g/n+ac non–vPro 2×2 Wi-Fi + BT 4.2 combo adapter

(i7-6500U, i5-6200U, i3-6100U)

Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165 802.11a/b/g/n+ac 1×1 Wi-Fi + BT 4.0 combo adapter (i7-6500U,

i5-6200U, i3-6100U)

Supports no WLAN option


Supports the following NFC formats:

2 Chapter 1 Product description

Category Description

Integrated NFC Galapagos NXP NPC100 12C NCI 10 mm x 25 mm module

NFC antenna

Supports no NFC option


Integrated wireless wide area network (WWAN) options by way of wireless module

Two WWAN antennas built into display assembly

Supports the following WWAN formats:

HP lt4120 Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ X5 LTE Mobile Broadband Module

HP hs31110 HSPA + Intel Mobile Broadband Module

Supports no WWAN option

External media cards SIM card reader

Memory card reader (SD, SDHC, SDXC)

Ports VGA

USB 3.0 charging

USB 3.0

USB Type-C



Docking connector

Audio-out (headphone)/audio-in (microphone) combo jack

AC port




Dura keys, backlit, spill resistant with drain

Spill resistant with drain


Gestures enabled by default: two-nger scrolling, two-nger pinch-zoom

Taps enabled by default

On/o button


Power requirements 3-cell Li-Ion battery, 44 WHr, 3.91 Ahr

65 W HP Smart AC adapter

45 W HP Smart AC adapter

45 W, 2-prong AC adapter

Security Security lock

Fingerprint reader

Supports Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2 or 2.0 (Inneon, soldered down)

Integrated Smart Card reader (active)


Category Description

Preboot authentication (password, smart card)

Operating system Preinstalled:

Windows 7 Professional 32-bit and 64-bit

Windows 8.1 China 64 (CPPP)

Windows 8.1 High-end Emerging Markets 64

Windows 8.1 Emerging Markets 64

Windows 8.1 High-end Multilingual 64

Windows 8.1 Multilingual 64

Windows 8.1 Professional 64

Windows 8.1 Core for Higher Education (Emerging Markets)

Windows 10 Home 64

Windows 10 Home 64 Single Language

Windows 10 Home 64 Chinese Market (CPPP)

Windows 10 Home High-End

Windows 10 Home High-End Single Language

Windows 10 Professional 64

Windows 10 Professional 64 with downgrade to Windows 7 32- or 64-bit

Windows 10 Professional 64 Chinese Market

Windows 10 Professional 64 with downgrade to Windows 7 32- or 64-bit Chinese Market

NeoKylin Linux 64-bit

FreeDOS 2.0

Restore Media–DR/SR-DVD

Windows 7

Windows 8.1

Windows 10

NeoKylin Linux

Restore Media–OSDVD:

Windows 7 Professional 32- or 64-bit

Windows 8.1 Professional 64-bit

Windows 8.1 64-bit

Windows 8.1 Country Specic 64-bit

Windows 8.1 Emerging Markets 64-bit

Windows 10 Professional 64


Microsoft WHQL

Web-only support:

Windows 7 Enterprise 32

4 Chapter 1 Product description

Category Description

Windows 7 Enterprise 64

Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64

Windows 10 Professional 64

Serviceability End user replaceable parts:

AC adapter


Hard drive


Memory module





2 External component identication


Component Description

(1) USB Type-C (charging) port Connects any USB device with a Type-C connector.

NOTE: USB Type-C ports charge products such as cell phones,

laptops, tablets, and MP3 players, even when the computer is

o. Also, some USB Type-C ports connect DisplayPort, VGA,

HDMI and other video devices to provide video output.

NOTE: Adapters (purchased separately) may be required.

(2) Dual-Mode DisplayPort Connects an optional digital display device, such as a high-

performance monitor or projector.

(3) Memory card reader Reads optional memory cards that store, manage, share, or

access information.

(4) Audio-out (headphone)/Audio-in (microphone)

combo jack

Connects optional powered stereo speakers, headphones,

earbuds, a headset, or a television audio cable. Also connects an

optional headset microphone. This jack does not support

optional microphone-only devices.

WARNING! To reduce the risk of personal injury, adjust the

volume before putting on headphones, earbuds, or a headset.

For additional safety information, refer to the Regulatory,

Safety, and Environmental Notices.

To access this guide:

Windows 10:

Select the Start button, select All apps, select HP Help and

Support, and then select HP Documentation.

Windows 8 or Windows 7:

Select the HP Support Assistant app on the Start screen, select

My computer, and then select User guides.

NOTE: When a device is connected to the jack, the computer

speakers are disabled.

(5) USB 3.0 port Connects an optional USB device, such as a keyboard, mouse,

external drive, printer, scanner or USB hub.

6 Chapter 2 External component identication

Component Description

(6) RJ-45 (network) jack/status lights Connects a network cable.

Green (left): The network is connected.

Amber (right): Activity is occurring on the network.

(7) Docking connector Connects an optional docking device.

(8) SIM card slot Supports a wireless subscriber identity module (SIM) card.

(9) Power connector Connects an AC adapter.

Right 7


Component Description

(1) Security cable slot Attaches an optional security cable to the computer.

NOTE: The security cable is designed to act as a deterrent, but

it may not prevent the computer from being mishandled or


(2) Vents (2) Enable airow to cool internal components.

NOTE: The computer fan starts up automatically to cool

internal components and prevent overheating. It is normal for

the internal fan to cycle on and o during routine operation.

(3) External monitor port Connects an external VGA monitor or projector.

(4) USB 3.0 charging (powered) port Connects an optional USB device, such as a keyboard, mouse,

external drive, printer, scanner or USB hub. Standard USB ports

will not charge all USB devices or will charge using a low current.

Some USB devices require power and require you to use a

powered port.

NOTE: USB charging ports can also charge select models of

cell phones and MP3 players, even when the computer is o.

(5) Smart card reader Supports optional smart cards.

8 Chapter 2 External component identication


Component Description

(1) WLAN antennas* Send and receive wireless signals to communicate with wireless local

area networks (WLANs).

(2) WWAN antennas* Send and receive wireless signals to communicate with wireless wide

area networks (WWANs).

(3) Internal microphones Record sound.

(4) Webcam light On: The webcam is in use.

(5) Webcam Records video and captures photographs. Some models allow you to

video conference and chat online using streaming video.

To use the webcam:

Type camera in the taskbar search box, and then select


*The antennas are not visible from the outside of the computer. For optimal transmission, keep the areas immediately around the

antennas free from obstructions.

For wireless regulatory notices, see the section of the Regulatory, Safety, and Environmental Notices that applies to your country or


To access this guide:

Windows 10:

Select the Start button, select All apps, select HP Help and Support, and then select HP Documentation.

Windows 8 or Windows 7:

Select the HP Support Assistant app on the Start screen, select My computer, and then select User guides.

Display 9



Component Description

(1) Pointing stick (select products only) Moves the pointer and selects or activates items on the screen.

(2) Left pointing stick button (select products only) Functions like the left button on an external mouse.

(3) TouchPad on/o button/TouchPad light Turns the TouchPad on and o.

On: The TouchPad is o.

O: The TouchPad is on.

(4) TouchPad zone Reads your nger gestures to move the pointer or activate

items on the screen.

(5) Left TouchPad button Functions like the left button on an external mouse.

(6) Right pointing stick button (select products


Functions like the right button on an external mouse.

(7) Right TouchPad button Functions like the right button on an external mouse.

10 Chapter 2 External component identication


Component Description

(1) Caps lock light On: Caps lock is on, which switches the key input to all capital


(2) Power light On: The computer is on.

Blinking: The computer is in the Sleep state, a power-saving

state. The computer shuts o power to the display and

other unneeded components.

O: The computer is o or in Hibernation. Hibernation is a

power-saving state that uses the least amount of power.

(3) Mute light Amber: Computer sound is o.

O: Computer sound is on.

(4) Microphone mute light Amber: microphone sound is o.

O: microphone sound is on.

(5) Wireless light On: An integrated wireless device, such as a wireless local area

network (WLAN) device and/or a Bluetooth® device, is on.

NOTE: On some models, the wireless light is amber when all

wireless devices are o.

(6) Num lock light On: Num lock is on.

Top 11

Buttons, speakers, and ngerprint reader

Component Description

(1) Power button When the computer is o, press the button to turn on the


When the computer is on, press the button briey to initiate


When the computer is in the Sleep state, press the button

briey to exit Sleep.

When the computer is in Hibernation, press the button

briey to exit Hibernation.

CAUTION: Pressing and holding down the power button results

in the loss of unsaved information.

If the computer has stopped responding and shutdown

procedures are ineective, press and hold the power button for at

least 15 seconds to turn o the computer.

To learn more about your power settings, see your power


Type power in the taskbar search box, and then select

Power and sleep settings.

or –

Right-click the Start button, and then select Power


(2) Speakers Produce sound.

(3) Fingerprint reader (select products only) Allows a ngerprint logon to Windows, instead of a password


12 Chapter 2 External component identication


Component Description

(1) esc key Displays system information when pressed in combination with

the fn key.

(2) fn key Executes frequently used system functions when pressed in

combination with a function key, the num lock key, or the esc


See Using the hot keys on page 13

(3) Windows key Opens the Start menu.

NOTE: Pressing the Windows key again will close the Start


(4) Embedded numeric keypad A numeric keypad superimposed over the keyboard alphabet

keys that enables you to add, subtract, and perform other

numeric tasks. When num lock is on, the keypad can be used like

an external numeric keypad.

(5) num lock key Turns the embedded numeric keypad on and o.

Using the hot keys

To use a hot key:

Press the fn key, and then press the correct function key represented by the icons below.

Press fn+function key Description

Initiates Sleep, which saves your information in system memory. The display and other system components

turn o and power is conserved.

To exit Sleep, briey press the power button.

CAUTION: To reduce the risk of information loss, save your work before initiating Sleep.

Turns the backlight keyboard o or on.

NOTE: To conserve battery power, turn o this feature.

Top 13

Press fn+function key Description

Switches the screen image among display devices connected to the system. For example, if a monitor is

connected to the computer, repeatedly pressing fn+f4 alternates the screen image from computer display to

monitor display to simultaneous display on both the computer and the monitor.

Most external monitors receive video information on the computer using the external VGA video standard.

The fn+f4 hot key can also alternate images among other devices that are receiving video information on the


Decreases the screen brightness incrementally as long as you hold down the key.

Increases the screen brightness incrementally as long as you hold down the key.

Mutes or restores speaker sound.

Decreases speaker volume incrementally while you hold down the key.

Increases speaker volume incrementally while you hold down the key.

Mutes the microphone.

Turns the wireless feature on or o.

NOTE: A wireless network must be set up before a wireless connection is possible.

RPauses or breaks an operation. This replaces the break key.

CLocks cell. This replaces the scroll lock key.

SSends a programming query. This replaces the sys rq key.

14 Chapter 2 External component identication


Component Description

(1) Docking connector Connects an optional docking device.

(2) Vents (2) Enable airow to cool internal components.

NOTE: The computer fan starts up automatically to cool

internal components and prevent overheating. It is normal

for the internal fan to cycle on and o during routine



Component Description

(1) Wireless light On: An integrated wireless device, such as a wireless local

area network (WLAN) device and/or a Bluetooth® device, is


NOTE: On some models, the wireless light is amber when

all wireless devices are o.

(2) Power light On: The computer is on.

Bottom 15

Component Description

Blinking: The computer is in the Sleep state, a power-

saving state. The computer shuts o power to the

display and other unneeded components.

O: The computer is o or in Hibernation.

Hibernation is a power-saving state that uses the

least amount of power.

(3) Battery light When AC power is connected:

White: The battery charge is greater than 90 percent.

Amber: The battery charge is from 0 to 90 percent.

O: The battery is not charging.

When AC power is disconnected (battery not charging):

Blinking amber: The battery has reached a low

battery level. When the battery has reached a critical

battery level, the battery light begins blinking


O: The battery is not charging.

(4) Drive light Blinking white: The hard drive is being accessed.

Amber: HP 3D DriveGuard has temporarily parked the

hard drive.

Locating system information

Important system information is located on the bottom edge of the tablet or on the keyboard base. You may

need the information when travelling internationally or when you contact support:

(1): Serial number

(2): Product number

(3): Model number

(4): Warranty period

16 Chapter 2 External component identication

Using Windows, briey press the fn+esc key combination to display the System Information screen, which

provides the product name and serial number of your computer, as well as information about the memory,

processor, BIOS, and keyboard.

Locating system information 17

3 Illustrated parts catalog

Computer major components

NOTE: HP continually improves and changes product parts. For complete and current information on

supported parts for your computer, go to http://partsurfer.hp.com, select your country or region, and then

follow the on-screen instructions.

NOTE: Details about your computer, including model, serial number, product key, and length of warranty,

are on the service tag at the bottom of your computer. See Locating system information on page 16 for


Item Component Spare part number

(1) Display assembly: Display assembly: Non-touch display assemblies are spared at the subcomponent level only. For more

non-touch display assembly spare part information, see Display assembly subcomponents on page 21.

(2) Keyboard (see Keyboard on page 46)

(3) Top cover 821692-001

18 Chapter 3 Illustrated parts catalog

Item Component Spare part number

(4) Hard drive hardware kit 821665-001

(5) Hard drive (does not include hard drive connector cable or hard drive rubber bracket):

1 TB, 5400 rpm, 7 mm 762990-001

500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm, FIPS 820572-001

500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm, Opal-2 820573-001

500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm 703267-001

500 GB, 5400 rpm, 7 mm, hybrid, 8 GB cache 732000-001

(6) Battery 800514-001

(7) Memory modules

4-GB (2133-MHz, DDR4) 820569-001

8-GB (2133-MHz, DDR4) 820570-001

(8) WLAN/Bluetooth combo card

Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165 802.11ac 1×1 WiFi + BT 4.0 combo adapter 806723-001

Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260NGW 802.11a/g/g/n+ac 2×2 WiFi + BT 4.2 combo adapter 806721-001

Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260NGW 802.11a/b/g/n+ac non-vPro 2×2 WiFi + BT 4.2

combo adapter


(9) WWAN module

HP lt4120 LTE/EVDO/HSPA+ SnapdragonT X5 LTE Mobile Broadband Module 800870-001

HP hs31110 HSPA + Intel Mobile Broadband Module 822828-001

(10) Solid-state drive (SSD)

512 GB, SATA-3 TLC 840633-001

256 GB, PCIe 3×4 821683-001

256 GB, SATA-3 self-encrypting drive Opal-2 821680-001

256 GB, SATA-3 TLC 821681-001

240 GB, SATA-3 831760-001

180 GB, SATA-3, self-encrypting drive Opal-2 821679-001

180 GB, SATA-3 821678-001

128 GB, SATA-3 TLC 821677-001

(11) Smart card reader board (includes cable) 821695-001

(12) Touchpad button board

Touchpad button board 821668-001

Touchpad button board w/NFC antenna 821667-001

(13) NFC module 821666-001

(14) Fingerprint reader board (includes cable, bracket, and bezel) 821693-001

(15) Heat sink/fan assembly 821691-001

Computer major components 19

Item Component Spare part number

(16) System board (includes processor and replacement thermal material, see System board on page 49)

(17) RTC battery 702853-001

(18) Speaker assembly (includes cable) 821684-001

(19) Bottom cover 821662-001

20 Chapter 3 Illustrated parts catalog

Display assembly subcomponents

Item Component Spare part number

(1) Bezel 821658-001

(2) Microphone module 821696-001

(3) Webcam module (includes microphone and cable) 821676-001

(4) Raw panel

HD 821655-001

FHD 821656-001

Display assembly subcomponents 21

Item Component Spare part number

(5) Display cable (spared with the cable kit)

(6) Hinge covers (spared with the plastics kit)

(7) Hinges 821674-001

(8) WWAN antenna (spared with back cover)

(9) WLAN antenna (spared with back cover)

(10) Back cover (includes antennas) 821672-001

Plastics kit

Item Component Spare part number

Plastics kit 821675-001

(1) Fingerprint reader blank (includes bracket)

(2) SD card blank

(3) Hinge covers

Silicone rubber bumpers (not shown)

22 Chapter 3 Illustrated parts catalog

Cable kit

Item Component Spare part number

Cable kit 821669-001

(1) NFC module cable

(2) Pointing stick cable

(3) Display cable

Cable kit 23

Mass storage devices

Item Component Spare part number

(1) Hard drive

1 TB, 5400 rpm, 7 mm 762990-001

500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm, FIPS 820572-001

500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm, Opal-2 820573-001

500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm 703267-001

500 GB, 5400 rpm, 7 mm, hybrid, 8 GB cache 732000-001

(2) Hard drive hardware kit 821665-001

(3) Solid-state drive (SSD)

512 GB, SATA-3 TLC 840633-001

256 GB, PCIe 3×4 821683-001

256 GB, SATA-3 self-encrypting drive Opal-2 821680-001

256 GB, SATA-3 TLC 821681-001

240 GB, SATA-3 831760-001

180 GB, SATA-3, self-encrypting drive Opal-2 821679-001

24 Chapter 3 Illustrated parts catalog

Item Component Spare part number

180 GB, SATA-3 821678-001

128 GB, SATA-3 TLC 821677-001

Miscellaneous parts

Component Spare part number

AC adapter:

65 W Smart Adapter RC/V, emerging markets 693710-001

65 W Smart Adapter NPFC 693711-001

65 W Adapter NPFC S-3P 710412-001

65 W Smart Adapter NPFC, emerging markets 714657-001

45 W Smart Adapter NPFC nSlim 741727-001

45 W Smart Adapter NPFC 2-prong 742436-001

HP Smart AC Adapter 4.5 mm to 7.4 mm adapter 734734-001

HP DisplayPort to HDMI 1.4 Adapter 749288-001

HP Essential Top Load Case 679921-001

HP Business Top Load Case 718550-001

HP Slim Ultrabook Top Load Case 747078-001

Docking station 732252-001

Cable lock docking station 575921-001

HP Ultraslim Keyed Cable Lock 703372-001

HP USB Laser Mouse 674318-001

HP Comfort Grip Wireless Mouse 691922-001

HP USB Travel Mouse 757770-001

HP Mobile Connect 714749-001

Power cord (3-pin, black, 1.83 m):

For use in Argentina 490371-D01

For use in Australia 490371-011

For use in Brazil 490371-202

For use in Denmark 490371-081

For use in Europe 490371-021

For use in India 490371-D61

For use in Israel 490371-BB1

For use in Italy 490371-061

Miscellaneous parts 25

Component Spare part number

For use in Japan 490371-291

For use in North America 490371-001

For use in the People’s Republic of China 490371-AA1

For use in South Africa 490371-AR1

For use in South Korea 490371-AD1

For use in Switzerland 490371-111

For use in Taiwan 490371-AB1

For use in Thailand 490371-201

For use in the United Kingdom 490371-031

Power cord (3-pin, black, 1 m):

For use in Argentina 755530-D01

For use in Australia 755530-011

For use in Brazil 755530-202

For use in Denmark 755530-081

For use in Europe 755530-021

For use in India 755530-D61

For use in Israel 755530-BB1

For use in Italy 755530-061

For use in Japan 755530-291

For use in North America 755530-001

For use in the People’s Republic of China 755530-AA1

For use in South Africa 755530-AR1

For use in South Korea 755530-AD1

For use in Switzerland 755530-111

For use in Taiwan 755530-AB1

For use in Thailand 755530-201

For use in the United Kingdom 755530-031

Power cord (2-pin, black, 1.0 m): For use in Japan 762689-291

Rubber kit (includes pointing stick cover) 828884-001

Screw kit 821664-001

26 Chapter 3 Illustrated parts catalog

4 Removal and replacement procedures

preliminary requirements

Tools required

You will need the following tools to complete the removal and replacement procedures:

Flat-bladed screwdriver

Magnetic screwdriver

Phillips P0 and P1 screwdrivers

Service considerations

The following sections include some of the considerations that you must keep in mind during disassembly

and assembly procedures.

NOTE: As you remove each subassembly from the computer, place the subassembly (and all accompanying

screws) away from the work area to prevent damage.

Plastic parts

CAUTION: Using excessive force during disassembly and reassembly can damage plastic parts. Use care

when handling the plastic

Tools required 27

Cables and connectors

CAUTION: When servicing the computer, be sure that cables are placed in their proper locations during the

reassembly process. Improper cable placement can damage the computer.

Cables must be handled with extreme care to avoid damage. Apply only the tension required to unseat or seat

the cables during removal and insertion. Handle cables by the connector whenever possible. In all cases, avoid

bending, twisting, or tearing cables. Be sure that cables are routed in such a way that they cannot be caught

or snagged by parts being removed or replaced. Handle ex cables with extreme care; these cables tear


Drive handling

CAUTION: Drives are fragile components that must be handled with care. To prevent damage to the

computer, damage to a drive, or loss of information, observe these precautions:

Before removing or inserting a hard drive, shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is

o or in Hibernation, turn the computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

Before handling a drive, be sure that you are discharged of static electricity. While handling a drive, avoid

touching the connector.

Before removing a diskette drive or optical drive, be sure that a diskette or disc is not in the drive and be sure

that the optical drive tray is closed.

Handle drives on surfaces covered with at least one inch of shock-proof foam.

Avoid dropping drives from any height onto any surface.

Avoid exposing an internal hard drive to products that have magnetic elds, such as monitors or speakers.

Avoid exposing an internal hard drive to products that have magnetic elds, such as monitors or speakers.

Avoid exposing a drive to temperature extremes or liquids.

If a drive must be mailed, place the drive in a bubble pack mailer or other suitable form of protective

packaging and label the package “FRAGILE.”

28 Chapter 4 Removal and replacement procedures preliminary requirements

Grounding guidelines

Electrostatic discharge damage

Electronic components are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Circuitry design and structure determine

the degree of sensitivity. Networks built into many integrated circuits provide some protection, but in many

cases, ESD contains enough power to alter device parameters or melt silicon junctions.

A discharge of static electricity from a nger or other conductor can destroy static-sensitive devices or

microcircuitry. Even if the spark is neither felt nor heard, damage may have occurred.

An electronic device exposed to ESD may not be aected at all and can work perfectly throughout a normal

cycle. Or the device may function normally for a while, then degrade in the internal layers, reducing its life


CAUTION: To prevent damage to the computer when you are removing or installing internal components,

observe these precautions:

Keep components in their electrostatic-safe containers until you are ready to install them.

Before touching an electronic component, discharge static electricity by using the guidelines described in this


Avoid touching pins, leads, and circuitry. Handle electronic components as little as possible.

If you remove a component, place it in an electrostatic-safe container.

The following table shows how humidity aects the electrostatic voltage levels generated by dierent


CAUTION: A product can be degraded by as little as 700 V.

Typical electrostatic voltage levels

Relative humidity

Event 10% 40% 55%

Walking across carpet 35,000 V 15,000 V 7,500 V

Walking across vinyl oor 12,000 V 5,000 V 3,000 V

Motions of bench worker 6,000 V 800 V 400 V

Removing DIPS from plastic tube 2,000 V 700 V 400 V

Removing DIPS from vinyl tray 11,500 V 4,000 V 2,000 V

Removing DIPS from Styrofoam 14,500 V 5,000 V 3,500 V

Removing bubble pack from PCB 26,500 V 20,000 V 7,000 V

Packing PCBs in foam-lined box 21,000 V 11,000 V 5,000 V

Grounding guidelines 29

Packaging and transporting guidelines

Follow these grounding guidelines when packaging and transporting equipment:

To avoid hand contact, transport products in static-safe tubes, bags, or boxes.

Protect ESD-sensitive parts and assemblies with conductive or approved containers or packaging.

Keep ESD-sensitive parts in their containers until the parts arrive at static-free workstations.

Place items on a grounded surface before removing items from their containers.

Always be properly grounded when touching a component or assembly.

Store reusable ESD-sensitive parts from assemblies in protective packaging or nonconductive foam.

Use transporters and conveyors made of antistatic belts and roller bushings. Be sure that mechanized

equipment used for moving materials is wired to ground and that proper materials are selected to avoid

static charging. When grounding is not possible, use an ionizer to dissipate electric charges.

Workstation guidelines

Follow these grounding workstation guidelines:

Cover the workstation with approved static-shielding material.

Use a wrist strap connected to a properly grounded work surface and use properly grounded tools and


Use conductive eld service tools, such as cutters, screwdrivers, and vacuums.

When xtures must directly contact dissipative surfaces, use xtures made only of static safe materials.

Keep the work area free of nonconductive materials, such as ordinary plastic assembly aids and


Handle ESD-sensitive components, parts, and assemblies by the case or PCM laminate. Handle these

items only at static-free workstations.

Avoid contact with pins, leads, or circuitry.

Turn o power and input signals before inserting or removing connectors or test equipment.

30 Chapter 4 Removal and replacement procedures preliminary requirements

Equipment guidelines

Grounding equipment must include either a wrist strap or a foot strap at a grounded workstation.

When seated, wear a wrist strap connected to a grounded system. Wrist straps are exible straps with a

minimum of one megohm ±10% resistance in the ground cords. To provide proper ground, wear a strap

snugly against the skin at all times. On grounded mats with banana-plug connectors, use alligator clips

to connect a wrist strap.

When standing, use foot straps and a grounded oor mat. Foot straps (heel, toe, or boot straps) can be

used at standing workstations and are compatible with most types of shoes or boots. On conductive

oors or dissipative oor mats, use foot straps on both feet with a minimum of one megohm resistance

between the operator and ground. To be eective, the conductive must be worn in contact with the skin.

The following grounding equipment is recommended to prevent electrostatic damage:

Antistatic tape

Antistatic smocks, aprons, and sleeve protectors

Conductive bins and other assembly or soldering aids

Nonconductive foam

Conductive tabletop workstations with ground cords of one megohm resistance

Static-dissipative tables or oor mats with hard ties to the ground

Field service kits

Static awareness labels

Material-handling packages

Nonconductive plastic bags, tubes, or boxes

Metal tote boxes

Electrostatic voltage levels and protective materials

The following table lists the shielding protection provided by antistatic bags and oor mats.

Material Use Voltage protection level

Antistatic plastics Bags 1,500 V

Carbon-loaded plastic Floor mats 7,500 V

Metallized laminate Floor mats 5,000 V

Grounding guidelines 31

5 Removal and replacement procedures for

Customer Self-Repair parts

This chapter provides removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair parts.

NOTE: The Customer Self-Repair program is not available in all locations. Installing a part not supported by

the Customer Self-Repair program may void your warranty. Check your warranty to determine if Customer

Self-Repair is supported in your location.

Component replacement procedures

NOTE: Details about your computer, including model, serial number, product key, and length of warranty,

are on the service tag at the bottom of your computer. See Locating system information on page 16 for


NOTE: HP continually improves and changes product parts. For complete and current information on

supported parts for your computer, go to http://partsurfer.hp.com, select your country or region, and then

follow the on-screen instructions.

There are as many as xx screws that must be removed, replaced, and/or loosened when servicing Customer

Self-Repair parts. Make special note of each screw size and location during removal and replacement.

Bottom cover

Description Spare part number

Bottom cover 821662-001

Before removing the bottom cover, follow these steps:

1. Turn o the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the power cord from the computer.

3. Disconnect all external devices from the computer.

Remove the bottom cover:

1. Turn the computer upside down on a at surface.

32 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair parts

2. Remove the 11 rubber plugs (1) and the 11 Phillips PM2.5×5.0 screws beneath them (2) from the

bottom cover.

Be sure to remove the screws in the following order.

3. Remove the SD card blank and the 1 PM2.0×7.0 screw beneath it (3) that secures the bottom cover to

the computer.

4. Pry up on the top (near the display hinge) of the bottom cover to disengage it from the computer (4).

Reverse the removal procedures to install the bottom cover.

NOTE: There are four dierent sizes of rubber plugs. Be sure that you reinstall them over the correct screws.

Component replacement procedures 33

The rubber-plug sizes are as follows.

The rubber-plug locations are as follows.

34 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair parts


Description Spare part number

3-cell, 44 WHr, 3.91 Ah Li-ion battery 800514-001

Before removing the battery, follow these steps:

1. Turn o the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn

the computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the power cord from the computer.

3. Disconnect all external devices from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

To remove the battery:

WARNING! To reduce potential safety issues, use only the user-replaceable battery provided with the

computer, a replacement battery provided by HP, or a compatible battery purchased from HP.

CAUTION: Removing a user-replaceable battery that is the sole power source for the computer can cause

loss of information. To prevent loss of information, save your work or shut down the computer through

Windows before removing the battery.

Loosen the captive screw (1) and lift the tab to remove the battery from the computer (2).

To insert the battery, reverse the removal procedures.

Component replacement procedures 35

Hard drive

Description Spare part number

1 TB, 5400 rpm, 7 mm 762990-001

500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm, FIPS 820572-001

500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm, Opal-2 820573-001

500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm 703267-001

500 GB, 5400 rpm, 7 mm, hybrid, 8 GB cache 732000-001

Before removing the hard drive, follow these steps:

1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.

3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet, and

then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

To remove a hard drive:

1. Loosen the 4 captive screws (1) that secure the hard drive to the chassis.

2. Slide the hard drive (2) away from the center of the computer to disengage it from the connector.

3. Lift to remove the hard drive from the bay (3).

36 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair parts

4. To remove the hard drive cover and bracket from the hard drive, lift the Mylar cover up o the drive,

remove the 4 Phillips PM3.0×3.0 screws (1) that secure the bracket to the drive, and then lift the bracket

up and o the hard drive (2).

Reverse this procedure to install a hard drive.

NOTE: Only a hard drive or an SSD can be installed. To install a hard drive, be sure that the standee is stored

beside the hard drive slot and not installed across from the SSD connector.

Component replacement procedures 37


Description Spare part number

Solid-state drive

512 GB, SATA-3 TLC 840633-001

256 GB, PCIe 3×4 821683-001

256 GB, SATA-3 self-encrypting drive Opal-2 821680-001

256 GB, SATA-3 TLC 821681-001

240 GB, SATA-3 831760-001

180 GB, SATA-3, self-encrypting drive Opal-2 821679-001

180 GB, SATA-3 821678-001

128 GB, SATA-3 TLC 821677-001

Before removing the SSD, follow these steps:

1. Turn o the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the power cord from the computer.

3. Disconnect all external devices from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Disconnect the battery (see Battery on page 35).

Remove the SSD:

1. Remove the Phillips PM2.0×3.0 screw (1) that secures the drive to the system board.

38 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair parts

2. Remove the drive (2) by pulling it away from the connector.

NOTE: mSATA drives are designed with notches to prevent incorrect insertion.

Reverse this procedure to reassemble and install the mSATA drive.

NOTE: Only a hard drive or an SSD can be installed. To install an SSD, be sure that the standee is in place

across from the connector and not stored beside the hard drive slot.

Component replacement procedures 39

Memory modules

NOTE: Primary and expansion memory is installed in a side-by-side conguration in the bottom of the


If only one memory module is installed, it must be installed in the socket labeled 1.

Description Spare part number

4-GB (2133-MHz, DDR4) 820569-001

8-GB (2133-MHz, DDR4) 820570-001

Update BIOS before adding memory modules

Before adding new memory, make sure you update the computer to the latest BIOS.

CAUTION: Failure to update the computer to the latest BIOS prior to installing new memory may result in

various system problems.

To update BIOS:

1. Navigate to www.hp.com.

2. Click Support & Drivers > click Drivers & Software.

3. In the Enter a product name/number box, type the computer model information, and then click Search.

4. Click the link for the computer model.

5. Select the operating system, and then click Next.

6. Under Step 2: Select a Download, click the BIOS link.

7. Click the link for the most recent BIOS.

8. Click the Download button, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Before removing the memory module, follow these steps:

1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.

3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet, and

then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

Remove the memory module:

1. Spread the retaining tabs (1) on each side of the memory module slot to release the memory module.

(The edge of the module opposite the slot rises away from the computer.)

40 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair parts

2. Remove the memory module (2) by pulling the module away from the slot at an angle.

NOTE: Memory modules are designed with a notch to prevent incorrect insertion into the memory

module slot.

NOTE: The computer uses two memory sockets. The socket labeled 2 houses the expansion memory

module and the socket labeled 1 houses the primary memory module. The removal procedure is the

same for both memory sockets.

Reverse this procedure to install a memory module.

Component replacement procedures 41

WLAN/Bluetooth combo card

The computer uses a card that provides both WLAN and Bluetooth functionality.

The WLAN module and WWAN module are not interchangeable.

Description Spare part number

Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165 802.11ac 1×1 WiFi + BT 4.0 combo adapter 806723-001

Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260NGW 802.11a/g/g/n+ac 2×2 WiFi + BT 4.2 combo adapter 806721-001

Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260NGW 802.11a/b/g/n+ac non-vPro 2×2 WiFi + BT 4.2 combo adapter 806722-001

Before removing the WLAN module, follow these steps:

1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.

3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet, and

then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

Remove the WLAN module:

1. Disconnect the WLAN antenna cables (1) from the terminals on the WLAN module.

NOTE: The WLAN antenna cable labeled “1” connects to the WLAN module “Main” terminal labeled “1”.

The WLAN antenna cable labeled “2” connects to the WLAN module “Aux” terminal labeled “2”. If the

computer is equipped with an 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN module, the yellow WLAN antenna cable connects to

the middle terminal on the WLAN module.

2. Remove the one Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screw (2) that secures the WLAN module to the computer. (The edge

of the module opposite the slot rises away from the computer.)

42 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair parts

3. Remove the WLAN module by pulling the module away from the slot at an angle (3).

NOTE: WLAN modules are designed with a notch to prevent incorrect insertion.

NOTE: If the WLAN antennas are not connected to the terminals on the WLAN module, the protective

sleeves must be installed on the antenna connectors, as shown in the following illustration.

Reverse this procedure to install the WLAN module.

Component replacement procedures 43

WWAN module

The WLAN module and WWAN module are not interchangeable.

The WWAN module is available on select models only.

Description Spare part number

HP lt4120 LTE/EVDO/HSPA+ SnapdragonT X5 LTE Mobile Broadband Module 800870-001

HP hs31110 HSPA + Intel Mobile Broadband Module 822828-001

Before removing the WWAN module, follow these steps:

1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.

3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet, and

then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

Remove the WWAN module:

1. Position the computer upside-down.

2. Disconnect the WWAN antenna cables (1) from the terminals on the WWAN module.

NOTE: The red WWAN antenna cable is connected to the WWAN module “Main” terminal. The blue

WWAN antenna cable is connected to the WWAN module “Aux” terminal.

3. Remove the one Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screws (2) that secure the WWAN module to the computer. (The

edge of the module opposite the slot rises away from the computer.)

44 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair parts

4. Remove the WWAN module (3) by pulling the module away from the slot at an angle.

NOTE: WWAN modules are designed with a notch to prevent incorrect insertion.

NOTE: If the WWAN antennas are not connected to the terminals on the WWAN module, the protective

sleeves must be installed on the antenna connectors, as shown in the following illustration.

Reverse this procedure to install the WWAN module.

Component replacement procedures 45


In this section, the rst table provides the main spare part number for the keyboards. The second table

provides the country codes.

Description Spare part number

Keyboard, no backlight 826631-xx1

Keyboard, backlit 826630-xx1

For use in country

or region

Spare part


For use in country

or region

Spare part


For use in country

or region

Spare part


Belgium -A41 India -D61 Slovenia -BA1

Brazil -201 Israel -BB1 South Korea -AD1

Bulgaria -261 Italy -061 Spain -071

Canada -DB1 Japan -291 Sweden and Finland -B71

Czech Republic

and Slovakia

-FL1 Latin America -161 Switzerland -BG1

Denmark -081 The Netherlands -B31 Taiwan AB1

Denmark, Finland, and


-DH1 Northern Africa -FP1 Thailand -281

France -051 Norway -091 Turkey -141

Germany -041 Portugal -131 Turkey -541

Greece -151 Romania -271 United Kingdom -031

Hungary -211 Russia -251 United States -001

Iceland -DD1 Saudi Arabia -171

Before removing the keyboard, follow these steps:

1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.

3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet, and

then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

Remove the keyboard:

1. Remove the 2 Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screws that secure the keyboard to the computer (1).

2. Position the computer upright with the front toward you.

3. Open the computer as far as possible.

46 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair parts

4. Insert a screwdriver or similar thin tool into the hole beside the heat sink/fan assembly, and then press

on the back of the keyboard until it disengages from the computer (2). Rotate the top of the keyboard

upward, and then lift the keyboard up at an angle to disengage the tabs at the bottom of the keyboard.

NOTE: Cables connect the bottom of the keyboard to the system board. Make sure not to prematurely

pull the keyboard cables out of the system board connectors.

5. Slide the keyboard slightly downward toward the palm rest to disengage the top of the keyboard from

the top cover (1). Remove the pointing stick cable (2), the keyboard backlight cable (3), and the

keyboard cable (4).

6. Remove the keyboard (5).

Component replacement procedures 47

Reverse this procedure to install the keyboard.

48 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair parts

6 Removal and replacement procedures for

Authorized Service Provider parts

This chapter provides removal and replacement procedures for Authorized Service Provider only parts.

CAUTION: Components described in this chapter should only be accessed by an authorized service provider.

Accessing these parts can damage the computer or void the warranty.

CAUTION: This computer does not have user-replaceable parts. Only HP authorized service providers should

perform the removal and replacement procedures described here. Accessing the internal part could damage

the computer or void the warranty.

Component replacement procedures

NOTE: Details about your computer, including model, serial number, product key, and length of warranty,

are on the service tag at the bottom of your computer. See Locating system information on page 16 for


NOTE: HP continually improves and changes product parts. For complete and current information on

supported parts for your computer, go to http://partsurfer.hp.com, select your country or region, and then

follow the on-screen instructions.

There are as many as xx screws that must be removed, replaced, and/or loosened when servicing Authorized

Service Provider only parts. Make special note of each screw size and location during removal

and replacement.

System board

NOTE: All system board spare part kits include replacement thermal material.

All system boards use the following part numbers:

xxxxxx-001: Non-Windows operating systems

xxxxxx-601: Windows operating system

Description Spare part number

Intel i7-6600U; UMA graphics memory 831765-xxx

Intel i7-6500U; UMA graphics memory 831764-xxx

Intel i5-6300U; UMA graphics memory 831763-xxx

Intel i5-6200U; UMA graphics memory 831762-xxx

Intel i3-6100U; UMA graphics memory 831761-xxx

Before removing the system board, follow these steps:

Component replacement procedures 49

1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.

3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet, and

then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

6. Remove the following components:

a. Keyboard (see Keyboard on page 46)

b. Hard drive (see Hard drive on page 36)

c. SSD (see SSD on page 38)

When replacing the system board, be sure to remove the following components from the defective system

board and install on the replacement system board:

Memory modules (see Memory modules on page 40)

WLAN/Bluetooth module (see WLAN/Bluetooth combo card on page 42)

WWAN module (see WWAN module on page 44)

RTC battery (see RTC battery on page 52)

Heat sink/ fan assembly (see Heat sink/fan assembly on page 53)

Remove the system board:

1. Disconnect the following cables from the system board:

(1) Speaker cable

(2) WLAN cables

(3) WWAN cables

(4) Display cable

50 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized Service Provider parts

2. Remove the 4 Phillips PM2.5×5.0 screws (1) that secure the system board to the computer.

3. Lift the right side of the system board up at an angle (2).

4. Pull the system board up and toward the right to remove it from the computer (3).

Reverse this procedure to install the system board.

Component replacement procedures 51

RTC battery

Description Spare part number

RTC battery 702853-001

Before removing the RTC battery, follow these steps:

1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.

3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet, and

then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).

Remove the RTC battery:

1. Remove the RTC battery cable from the system board (1).

2. Using a at tool, pry the battery out of the socket (2).

Reverse this procedure to install the RTC battery.

52 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized Service Provider parts

Heat sink/fan assembly

NOTE: The heat sink/fan assembly spare part kit includes replacement thermal material.

Description Spare part number

Heat sink/thermal module with fans 821691-001

Before removing the heat sink/fan assembly, follow these steps:

1. Turn o the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the power cord from the computer.

3. Disconnect all external devices from the computer.

4. Bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).

Remove the heat sink/fan assembly:

Disconnect the fan cable (1), loosen the six captive screws on the fan and heat sink following the

sequence stamped on the heat sink (2), and then remove the heat sink/fan assembly from the system

board (3).

CAUTION: Take extreme care when removing the heat sink and fan assembly. The heatpipes between

the fans are very fragile and can be easily damaged and bent during removal.

NOTE: The thermal material must be thoroughly cleaned from the surfaces of the heat sink and the

system board components each time the heat sink is removed. Replacement thermal material is

included with the heat sink, processor, and system board spare part kits.

Component replacement procedures 53

Reverse this procedure to install the heat sink/fan assembly.

54 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized Service Provider parts

Fingerprint reader assembly

Description Spare part number

Fingerprint reader assembly (includes cable, bracket, and bezel) 821693-001

Before removing the ngerprint reader assembly, follow these steps:

1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.

3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet, and

then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).

Remove the ngerprint reader assembly:

1. Remove the Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screw (1) that secures the bracket to the top cover.

2. Slide the bracket right, and then lift it o the top cover (2).

3. Disconnect the ngerprint reader board cable from the system board.

4. Remove the ngerprint reader board and cable assembly from the top cover (3).

Reverse this procedure to install the ngerprint reader assembly.

Component replacement procedures 55

Touchpad button board

Description Spare part number

Touchpad button board 821668-001

Touchpad button board w/NFC antenna 821667-001

Before removing the touchpad button board, follow these steps:

1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.

3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet, and

then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).

Remove the touchpad button board:

1. Disconnect the cable from the touchpad to the smart card reader board (1), and then disconnect the NFC

antenna from the NFC module (2).

2. Lift the tape, and then remove the 3 Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screws (3) that secure the touchpad button

board to the top cover.

3. Lift the bottom of the touchpad button board up, and then pull it forward to remove it from the slot (4).

Reverse this procedure to install the touchpad board.

56 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized Service Provider parts

NFC module

Description Spare part number

NFC (Near Field Communication) module 821666-001

Before removing the NFC module, follow these steps:

1. Turn o the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the power cord from the computer.

3. Disconnect all external devices from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).

Remove the NFC module:

1. Disconnect the system board cable (1) and the NFC antenna from the NFC module.

2. Pry the NFC module from the smart card reader, and the lift it from the computer (2).

NOTE: The NFC antenna is spared with the touchpad.

Reverse the removal procedures to install the NFC module.

Component replacement procedures 57

Smart card reader board

Description Spare part number

Smart card reader board (includes cable) 821695-001

Before removing the card reader board, follow these steps:

1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.

3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet, and

then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).

Remove the smart card reader board:

NOTE: Before you remove the smart card reader, make sure nothing (memory card or plastic insert) in


1. Disconnect the cable from the board (1).

2. Disconnect the cable from the touchpad (2).

3. Remove the 3 Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screws that secure the bracket to the top cover (3), and then lift to

remove it from the computer (4).

58 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized Service Provider parts

4. Lift the smart card reader board left to remove it from the top cover (5).

Reverse this procedure to install the card reader board.

Speaker assembly

Description Spare part number

Speaker assembly (includes cable) 821684-001

Before removing the speaker assembly, follow these steps:

1. Turn o the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the power cord from the computer.

3. Disconnect all external devices from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).

Remove the speaker assembly:

1. Remove the two Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screws that secure the speakers to the computer (1).

Component replacement procedures 59

2. Remove the speaker (2) from the computer.

Reverse this procedure to install the speakers.

60 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized Service Provider parts

Display assembly

Description Spare part number

Display panel assembly, touch screen 821657-001

Before removing the display assembly, follow these steps:

1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.

3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet, and

then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

Remove the display assembly:

1. Position the computer upside down.

2. Disconnect the display cable from the system board.

Component replacement procedures 61

3. Remove the WWAN antennas (1) and WLAN antennas (2) (if equipped) from the routing path along the

base of the computer.

4. Remove the 4 Phillips PM2.5×5.0 screws (1) from the display hinges.

5. Lift the hinges (2) up and remove the top cover from the display assembly (3).

CAUTION: When installing the display assembly, be sure that the wireless antenna cables are routed

and arranged properly.

Failure to properly route the antennas can result in degradation of the computer’s wireless performance.

6. If you need to remove the display bezel, ex the top (1) of the bezel, the inside edges of the left and

right sides (2), and then the bottom (3) of the bezel until it disengages from the display enclosure.

NOTE: Make sure the hinges are not bent (see hinge position in following image) when you remove the


62 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized Service Provider parts

7. Remove the display bezel (4).

The display bezel is available using spare part number 821658-001.

8. If it is necessary to replace the webcam or microphone module, gently pull the module away from the

double-sided tape on the display enclosure (1), and then disconnect the cable from the module (2).

The webcam module is available using spare part number 821676-001. The microphone module is

available using spare part number 821696-001.

Component replacement procedures 63

9. If it is necessary to remove the display panel from the enclosure, remove the 4 Phillips PM2.0×3.0

screws that secure the panel to the display enclosure, and then lift the top of the panel upward.

The raw display panel is available using spare part number 821655-001 for HD panels and 821656-001

for FHD panels.

10. Rotate the display panel all the way over (1), disconnect the display cable from the rear of the panel (2),

and then remove the display panel from the enclosure.

11. If it is necessary to replace the display hinges, remove the 1 Phillips PM2.0×3.0 screw (1) that secure the

hinge covers to the display enclosure, and then remove the hinge covers (2).

64 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized Service Provider parts

12. Remove the 6 Phillips PM2.5×2.5 screws that secure the hinges to the display enclosure (3), and then

remove the display hinges from the display enclosure (4).

Display hinges are available in the Display Hinge Kit using spare part number 821674-001.

13. If it is necessary to replace the display/webcam cable, remove the display/webcam cable assembly from

the routing (1) and then lift it from the computer (2).

The display cable is available in the Cable Kit using spare part number 821669-001.

Reverse this procedure to reassemble and install the display assembly.

Top cover

Description Spare part number

Top cover 821692-001

Component replacement procedures 65

Before removing the top cover, follow these steps:

1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is o or in Hibernation, turn the

computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.

2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.

3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet, and

then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

4. Remove all other components.

Reverse this procedure to install the top cover.

66 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized Service Provider parts

7 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure

Start in Windows 10

Using Computer Setup

Computer Setup, or Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), controls communication between all the input and

output devices on the system (such as disk drives, display, keyboard, mouse, and printer). Computer Setup

includes settings for the types of devices installed, the startup sequence of the computer, and the amount of

system and extended memory.

NOTE: Use extreme care when making changes in Computer Setup. Errors can prevent the computer from

operating properly.

Starting Computer Setup

NOTE: An external keyboard or mouse connected to a USB port can be used with Computer Setup only if USB

legacy support is enabled.

To start Computer Setup, follow these steps:

Start Computer Setup.

Computers or tablets with keyboards:

Turn on or restart the computer, and when the HP logo appears, press f10 to enter Computer


Tablets without keyboards:

Turn o the tablet. Press the power button in combination with the volume down button until

the Startup menu is displayed, and then tap F10 to enter Computer Setup.

Navigating and selecting in Computer Setup

To select a menu or a menu item, use the tab key and the keyboard arrow keys and then press enter, or

use a pointing device to select the item.

NOTE: On tablets without keyboards, you can use your nger to make selections.

To scroll up and down, select the up arrow or the down arrow in the upper-right corner of the screen, or

use the up arrow key or the down arrow key on the keyboard.

To close open dialog boxes and return to the main Computer Setup screen, press esc, and then follow

the on-screen instructions.

Using Computer Setup 67

To exit Computer Setup menus, choose one of the following methods:

To exit Computer Setup menus without saving your changes:

Select the Exit icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

– or –

Select Main, select Ignore Changes and Exit, and then press enter.

To save your changes and exit Computer Setup menus:

Select the Save icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

– or –

Select Main, select Save Changes and Exit, and then press enter.

Your changes go into eect when the computer restarts.

Restoring factory settings in Computer Setup

NOTE: Restoring defaults will not change the hard drive mode.

To return all settings in Computer Setup to the values that were set at the factory, follow these steps:

1. Start Computer Setup. See Starting Computer Setup on page 67.

2. Select Main, and then select Apply Factory Defaults and Exit.

NOTE: On select products, the selections may display Restore Defaults instead of Apply Factory

Defaults and Exit.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

4. To save your changes and exit, select the Save icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, and then

follow the on-screen instructions.

– or –

Select Main, select Save Changes and Exit, and then press enter.

Your changes go into eect when the computer restarts.

NOTE: Your password settings and security settings are not changed when you restore the factory settings.

68 Chapter 7 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 10

Updating the BIOS

Updated versions of the BIOS may be available on the HP website.

Most BIOS updates on the HP website are packaged in compressed les called SoftPaqs.

Some download packages contain a le named Readme.txt, which contains information regarding installing

and troubleshooting the le.

Determining the BIOS version

To decide whether you need to update Computer Setup (BIOS), rst determine the BIOS version on your


BIOS version information (also known as ROM date and System BIOS) can be accessed by pressing fn+esc (if

you are already in Windows) or by using Computer Setup.

1. Start Computer Setup. See Starting Computer Setup on page 67.

2. Select Main, and then select System Information.

3. To exit Computer Setup without saving your changes, select the Exit icon in the lower-right corner of the

screen, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

– or –

Select Main, select Ignore Changes and Exit, and then press enter.

To check for later BIOS versions, see Downloading a BIOS update on page 69.

Downloading a BIOS update

CAUTION: To reduce the risk of damage to the computer or an unsuccessful installation, download and

install a BIOS update only when the computer is connected to reliable external power using the AC adapter. Do

not download or install a BIOS update while the computer is running on battery power, docked in an optional

docking device, or connected to an optional power source. During the download and installation, follow these


Do not disconnect power on the computer by unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet.

Do not shut down the computer or initiate Sleep.

Do not insert, remove, connect, or disconnect any device, cable, or cord.

1. Type support in the taskbar search box, and then select the HP Support Assistant app.

– or –

Select the question mark icon in the taskbar.

2. Select Updates, and then select Check for updates and messages.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

4. At the download area, follow these steps:

a. Identify the most recent BIOS update and compare it to the BIOS version currently installed on your

computer. Make a note of the date, name, or other identier. You may need this information to

locate the update later, after it has been downloaded to your hard drive.

b. Follow the on-screen instructions to download your selection to the hard drive.

Make a note of the path to the location on your hard drive where the BIOS update is downloaded.

You will need to access this path when you are ready to install the update.

Using Computer Setup 69

NOTE: If you connect your computer to a network, consult the network administrator before installing

any software updates, especially system BIOS updates.

BIOS installation procedures vary. Follow any instructions that are revealed on the screen after the download

is complete. If no instructions are revealed, follow these steps:

1. Type file in the taskbar search box, and then select File Explorer.

2. Select your hard drive designation. The hard drive designation is typically Local Disk (C:).

3. Using the hard drive path you recorded earlier, open the folder that contains the update.

4. Double-click the le that has an .exe extension (for example, lename.exe).

The BIOS installation begins.

5. Complete the installation by following the on-screen instructions.

NOTE: After a message on the screen reports a successful installation, you can delete the downloaded le

from your hard drive.

Changing the boot order using the f9 prompt

To dynamically choose a boot device for the current startup sequence, follow these steps:

1. Access the Boot Device Options menu:

Computers or tablets with keyboards:

Turn on or restart the computer, and when the HP logo appears, press f9 to enter the Boot

Device Options menu.

Tablets without keyboards:

Turn o the tablet. Press the power button in combination with the volume down button until

the Startup menu is displayed, and then tap F9 to enter the Boot Device Options menu.

2. Select a boot device, then press enter.

TPM BIOS settings (select products only)

IMPORTANT: Before enabling Trusted Platform Module (TPM) functionality on this system, you must ensure

that your intended use of TPM complies with relevant local laws, regulations and policies, and approvals or

licenses must be obtained if applicable. For any compliance issues arising from your operation/usage of TPM

which violates the above mentioned requirement, you shall bear all the liabilities wholly and solely. HP will

not be responsible for any related liabilities.

TPM provides additional security for your computer. You can modify the TPM settings in Computer Setup


NOTE: If you change the TPM setting to Hidden, TPM is not visible in the operating system.

To access TPM settings in Computer Setup:

1. Start Computer Setup. See Starting Computer Setup on page 67.

2. Select Security, select TPM Embedded Security, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

70 Chapter 7 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 10

Using HP Sure Start (select products only)

Select computer models are congured with HP Sure Start, a technology that continuously monitors the

computer’s BIOS for attacks or corruption. If the BIOS becomes corrupted or is attacked, HP Sure Start

automatically restores the BIOS to its previously safe state, without user intervention.

HP Sure Start is congured and already enabled so that most users can use the HP Sure Start default

conguration. The default conguration can be customized by advanced users.

To access the latest documentation on HP Sure Start, go to http://www.hp.com/support, and select your

country. Select Drivers & Downloads, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Using HP Sure Start (select products only) 71

8 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure

Start in Windows 8

Using Computer Setup

Computer Setup, or Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), controls communication between all the input and

output devices on the system (such as disk drives, display, keyboard, mouse, and printer). Computer Setup

includes settings for the types of devices installed, the startup sequence of the computer, and the amount of

system and extended memory.

NOTE: Use extreme care when making changes in Computer Setup. Errors can prevent the computer from

operating properly.

Starting Computer Setup

NOTE: An external keyboard or mouse connected to a USB port can be used with Computer Setup only if USB

legacy support is enabled.

To start Computer Setup, follow these steps:

Start Computer Setup.

Computers or tablets with keyboards:

Turn on or restart the computer, and when the HP logo appears, press f10 to enter Computer


Tablets without keyboards:

Turn o the tablet. Press the power button in combination with the volume down button until

the Startup menu is displayed, and then tap F10 to enter Computer Setup.

Navigating and selecting in Computer Setup

To select a menu or a menu item, use the tab key and the keyboard arrow keys and then press enter, or

use a pointing device to select the item.

NOTE: On tablets without keyboards, you can use your nger to make selections.

To scroll up and down, select the up arrow or the down arrow in the upper-right corner of the screen, or

use the up arrow key or the down arrow key on the keyboard.

To close open dialog boxes and return to the main Computer Setup screen, press esc, and then follow

the on-screen instructions.

72 Chapter 8 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 8

To exit Computer Setup menus, choose one of the following methods:

To exit Computer Setup menus without saving your changes:

Select the Exit icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

– or –

Select Main, select Ignore Changes and Exit, and then press enter.

To save your changes and exit Computer Setup menus:

Select the Save icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

– or –

Select Main, select Save Changes and Exit, and then press enter.

Your changes go into eect when the computer restarts.

Restoring factory settings in Computer Setup

NOTE: Restoring defaults will not change the hard drive mode.

To return all settings in Computer Setup to the values that were set at the factory, follow these steps:

1. Start Computer Setup. See Starting Computer Setup on page 72.

2. Select Main, and then select Apply Factory Defaults and Exit.

NOTE: On select products, the selections may display Restore Defaults instead of Apply Factory

Defaults and Exit.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

4. To save your changes and exit, select the Save icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, and then

follow the on-screen instructions.

– or –

Select Main, select Save Changes and Exit, and then press enter.

Your changes go into eect when the computer restarts.

NOTE: Your password settings and security settings are not changed when you restore the factory settings.

Using Computer Setup 73

Updating the BIOS

Updated versions of the BIOS may be available on the HP website.

Most BIOS updates on the HP website are packaged in compressed les called SoftPaqs.

Some download packages contain a le named Readme.txt, which contains information regarding installing

and troubleshooting the le.

Determining the BIOS version

To decide whether you need to update Computer Setup (BIOS), rst determine the BIOS version on your


BIOS version information (also known as ROM date and System BIOS) can be accessed by pressing fn+esc (if

you are already in Windows) or by using Computer Setup.

1. Start Computer Setup. See Starting Computer Setup on page 72.

2. Select Main, and then select System Information.

3. To exit Computer Setup without saving your changes, select the Exit icon in the lower-right corner of the

screen, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

– or –

Select Main, select Ignore Changes and Exit, and then press enter.

To check for later BIOS versions, see Downloading a BIOS update on page 74.

Downloading a BIOS update

CAUTION: To reduce the risk of damage to the computer or an unsuccessful installation, download and

install a BIOS update only when the computer is connected to reliable external power using the AC adapter. Do

not download or install a BIOS update while the computer is running on battery power, docked in an optional

docking device, or connected to an optional power source. During the download and installation, follow these


Do not disconnect power on the computer by unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet.

Do not shut down the computer or initiate Sleep.

Do not insert, remove, connect, or disconnect any device, cable, or cord.

1. From the Start screen, type support, and then select the HP Support Assistant app.

2. Select Updates, and then select Check for updates and messages.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

4. At the download area, follow these steps:

a. Identify the most recent BIOS update and compare it to the BIOS version currently installed on your

computer. Make a note of the date, name, or other identier. You may need this information to

locate the update later, after it has been downloaded to your hard drive.

b. Follow the on-screen instructions to download your selection to the hard drive.

Make a note of the path to the location on your hard drive where the BIOS update is downloaded.

You will need to access this path when you are ready to install the update.

NOTE: If you connect your computer to a network, consult the network administrator before installing

any software updates, especially system BIOS updates.

74 Chapter 8 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 8

BIOS installation procedures vary. Follow any instructions that are revealed on the screen after the download

is complete. If no instructions are revealed, follow these steps:

1. From the Start screen, type file, and then select File Explorer.

2. Select your hard drive designation. The hard drive designation is typically Local Disk (C:).

3. Using the hard drive path you recorded earlier, open the folder that contains the update.

4. Double-click the le that has an .exe extension (for example, lename.exe).

The BIOS installation begins.

5. Complete the installation by following the on-screen instructions.

NOTE: After a message on the screen reports a successful installation, you can delete the downloaded le

from your hard drive.

Changing the boot order using the f9 prompt

To dynamically choose a boot device for the current startup sequence, follow these steps:

1. Access the Boot Device Options menu:

Computers or tablets with keyboards:

Turn on or restart the computer, and when the HP logo appears, press f9 to enter the Boot

Device Options menu.

Tablets without keyboards:

Turn o the tablet. Press the power button in combination with the volume down button until

the Startup menu is displayed, and then tap F9 to enter the Boot Device Options menu.

2. Select a boot device, then press enter.

TPM BIOS settings (select products only)

IMPORTANT: Before enabling Trusted Platform Module (TPM) functionality on this system, you must ensure

that your intended use of TPM complies with relevant local laws, regulations and policies, and approvals or

licenses must be obtained if applicable. For any compliance issues arising from your operation/usage of TPM

which violates the above mentioned requirement, you shall bear all the liabilities wholly and solely. HP will

not be responsible for any related liabilities.

TPM provides additional security for your computer. You can modify the TPM settings in Computer Setup


NOTE: If you change the TPM setting to Hidden, TPM is not visible in the operating system.

To access TPM settings in Computer Setup:

1. Start Computer Setup. See Starting Computer Setup on page 72.

2. Select Security, select TPM Embedded Security, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

TPM BIOS settings (select products only) 75

Using HP Sure Start (select products only)

Select computer models are congured with HP Sure Start, a technology that continuously monitors the

computer’s BIOS for attacks or corruption. If the BIOS becomes corrupted or is attacked, HP Sure Start

automatically restores the BIOS to its previously safe state, without user intervention.

HP Sure Start is congured and already enabled so that most users can use the HP Sure Start default

conguration. The default conguration can be customized by advanced users.

To access the latest documentation on HP Sure Start, go to http://www.hp.com/support, and select your

country. Select Drivers & Downloads, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

76 Chapter 8 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 8

9 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure

Start in Windows 7

Using Computer Setup

Computer Setup, or Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), controls communication between all the input and

output devices on the system (such as disk drives, display, keyboard, mouse, and printer). Computer Setup

includes settings for the types of devices installed, the startup sequence of the computer, and the amount of

system and extended memory.

NOTE: Use extreme care when making changes in Computer Setup. Errors can prevent the computer from

operating properly.

Starting Computer Setup

NOTE: An external keyboard or mouse connected to a USB port can be used with Computer Setup only if USB

legacy support is enabled.

To start Computer Setup, follow these steps:

Start Computer Setup.

Computers or tablets with keyboards:

Turn on or restart the computer, and when the HP logo appears, press f10 to enter Computer


Tablets without keyboards:

Turn o the tablet. Press the power button in combination with the volume down button until

the Startup menu is displayed, and then tap F10 to enter Computer Setup.

Navigating and selecting in Computer Setup

To select a menu or a menu item, use the tab key and the keyboard arrow keys and then press enter, or

use a pointing device to select the item.

NOTE: On tablets without keyboards, you can use your nger to make selections.

To scroll up and down, select the up arrow or the down arrow in the upper-right corner of the screen, or

use the up arrow key or the down arrow key on the keyboard.

To close open dialog boxes and return to the main Computer Setup screen, press esc, and then follow

the on-screen instructions.

Using Computer Setup 77

To exit Computer Setup menus, choose one of the following methods:

To exit Computer Setup menus without saving your changes:

Select the Exit icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

– or –

Select Main, select Ignore Changes and Exit, and then press enter.

To save your changes and exit Computer Setup menus:

Select the Save icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

– or –

Select Main, select Save Changes and Exit, and then press enter.

Your changes go into eect when the computer restarts.

Restoring factory settings in Computer Setup

NOTE: Restoring defaults will not change the hard drive mode.

To return all settings in Computer Setup to the values that were set at the factory, follow these steps:

1. Start Computer Setup. See Starting Computer Setup on page 77.

2. Select Main, and then select Apply Factory Defaults and Exit.

NOTE: On select products, the selections may display Restore Defaults instead of Apply Factory

Defaults and Exit.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

4. To save your changes and exit, select the Save icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, and then

follow the on-screen instructions.

– or –

Select Main, select Save Changes and Exit, and then press enter.

Your changes go into eect when the computer restarts.

NOTE: Your password settings and security settings are not changed when you restore the factory settings.

78 Chapter 9 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 7

Updating the BIOS

Updated versions of the BIOS may be available on the HP website.

Most BIOS updates on the HP website are packaged in compressed les called SoftPaqs.

Some download packages contain a le named Readme.txt, which contains information regarding installing

and troubleshooting the le.

Determining the BIOS version

To decide whether you need to update Computer Setup (BIOS), rst determine the BIOS version on your


BIOS version information (also known as ROM date and System BIOS) can be accessed by pressing fn+esc (if

you are already in Windows) or by using Computer Setup.

1. Start Computer Setup. See Starting Computer Setup on page 77.

2. Select Main, and then select System Information.

3. To exit Computer Setup without saving your changes, select the Exit icon in the lower-right corner of the

screen, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

– or –

Select Main, select Ignore Changes and Exit, and then press enter.

To check for later BIOS versions, see Downloading a BIOS update on page 79.

Downloading a BIOS update

CAUTION: To reduce the risk of damage to the computer or an unsuccessful installation, download and

install a BIOS update only when the computer is connected to reliable external power using the AC adapter. Do

not download or install a BIOS update while the computer is running on battery power, docked in an optional

docking device, or connected to an optional power source. During the download and installation, follow these


Do not disconnect power on the computer by unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet.

Do not shut down the computer or initiate Sleep.

Do not insert, remove, connect, or disconnect any device, cable, or cord.

1. Access Help and Support by selecting Start > All Programs > HP Help and Support > HP Support


2. Select Updates, and then select Check for updates and messages.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

4. At the download area, follow these steps:

a. Identify the most recent BIOS update and compare it to the BIOS version currently installed on your

computer. Make a note of the date, name, or other identier. You may need this information to

locate the update later, after it has been downloaded to your hard drive.

b. Follow the on-screen instructions to download your selection to the hard drive.

Make a note of the path to the location on your hard drive where the BIOS update is downloaded.

You will need to access this path when you are ready to install the update.

Using Computer Setup 79

NOTE: If you connect your computer to a network, consult the network administrator before installing

any software updates, especially system BIOS updates.

BIOS installation procedures vary. Follow any instructions that are revealed on the screen after the download

is complete. If no instructions are revealed, follow these steps:

1. Select Start > Computer.

2. Select your hard drive designation. The hard drive designation is typically Local Disk (C:).

3. Using the hard drive path you recorded earlier, open the folder that contains the update.

4. Double-click the le that has an .exe extension (for example, lename.exe).

The BIOS installation begins.

5. Complete the installation by following the on-screen instructions.

NOTE: After a message on the screen reports a successful installation, you can delete the downloaded le

from your hard drive.

Changing the boot order using the f9 prompt

To dynamically choose a boot device for the current startup sequence, follow these steps:

1. Access the Boot Device Options menu:

Computers or tablets with keyboards:

Turn on or restart the computer, and when the HP logo appears, press f9 to enter the Boot

Device Options menu.

Tablets without keyboards:

Turn o the tablet. Press the power button in combination with the volume down button until

the Startup menu is displayed, and then tap F9 to enter the Boot Device Options menu.

2. Select a boot device, then press enter.

TPM BIOS settings (select products only)

IMPORTANT: Before enabling Trusted Platform Module (TPM) functionality on this system, you must ensure

that your intended use of TPM complies with relevant local laws, regulations and policies, and approvals or

licenses must be obtained if applicable. For any compliance issues arising from your operation/usage of TPM

which violates the above mentioned requirement, you shall bear all the liabilities wholly and solely. HP will

not be responsible for any related liabilities.

TPM provides additional security for your computer. You can modify the TPM settings in Computer Setup


NOTE: If you change the TPM setting to Hidden, TPM is not visible in the operating system.

To access TPM settings in Computer Setup:

1. Start Computer Setup. See Starting Computer Setup on page 77.

2. Select Security, select TPM Embedded Security, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

80 Chapter 9 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 7

Using HP Sure Start (select products only)

Select computer models are congured with HP Sure Start, a technology that continuously monitors the

computer’s BIOS for attacks or corruption. If the BIOS becomes corrupted or is attacked, HP Sure Start

automatically restores the BIOS to its previously safe state, without user intervention.

HP Sure Start is congured and already enabled so that most users can use the HP Sure Start default

conguration. The default conguration can be customized by advanced users.

To access the latest documentation on HP Sure Start, go to http://www.hp.com/support, and select your

country. Select Drivers & Downloads, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Using HP Sure Start (select products only) 81

10 HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI)

HP PC Hardware Diagnostics is a Unied Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) that allows you to run diagnostic

tests to determine whether the computer hardware is functioning properly. The tool runs outside the

operating system so that it can isolate hardware failures from issues that are caused by the operating system

or other software components.

When HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) detects a failure that requires hardware replacement, a 24-digit

Failure ID is generated. This ID can then be provided to support to help determine how to correct the problem.

NOTE: To start diagnostics on a convertible computer, your computer must be in notebook mode and you

must use the keyboard attached.

To start HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI), follow these steps:

1. Turn on or restart the computer, quickly press esc.

NOTE: The HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) download instructions are provided in English only, and

you must use a Windows computer to download and create the HP UEFI support environment because

only .exe les are oered.

2. Press or tap f2.

The BIOS searches three places for the diagnostic tools, in the following order:

a. Connected USB drive

NOTE: To download the HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) tool to a USB drive, see Downloading

HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) to a USB device on page 82.

b. Hard drive


3. When the diagnostic tool opens, select the type of diagnostic test you want to run, and then follow the

on-screen instructions.

NOTE: If you need to stop a diagnostic test, press esc.

Downloading HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) to a USB device

NOTE: The HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) download instructions are provided in English only, and you

must use a Windows computer to download and create the HP UEFI support environment because only .exe

les are oered.

There are two options to download HP PC Hardware Diagnostics to a USB device.

Download the latest UEFI version

1. Go to http://www.hp.com/go/techcenter/pcdiags. The HP PC Diagnostics home page is displayed.

2. In the HP PC Hardware Diagnostics section, click the Download link, and then select Run.

82 Chapter 10 HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI)

Download any version of UEFI for a specic product

1. Go to http://www.hp.com/support, and then select your country. The HP Support page is displayed.

2. Click Drivers & Downloads.

3. In the text box, enter the product name, and then click Go.

– or –

Click Find Now to let HP automatically detect your product.

4. Select your computer, and then select your operating system.

5. In the Diagnostic section, follow the on-screen instructions to select and download the UEFI version

you want.

Downloading HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) to a USB device 83

11 Backing up and recovering Windows 10

This chapter provides information about the following processes. The information in the chapter is standard

procedure for most products.

Creating recovery media and backups

Restoring and recovering your system

For additional information, refer to the HP support assistant app.

Type support in the taskbar search box, and then select the HP Support Assistant app.

or –

Click the question mark icon in the taskbar.

IMPORTANT: If you will be performing recovery procedures on a tablet, the tablet battery must be at least

70% charged before you start the recovery process.

IMPORTANT: For a tablet with a detachable keyboard, connect the keyboard to the keyboard dock before

beginning any recovery process.

Creating recovery media and backups

The following methods of creating recovery media and backups are available on select products only. Choose

the available method according to your computer model.

Use HP Recovery Manager to create HP Recovery media after you successfully set up the computer. This

step creates a backup of the HP Recovery partition on the computer. The backup can be used to reinstall

the original operating system in cases where the hard drive is corrupted or has been replaced. For

information on creating recovery media, see Creating HP Recovery media (select products only)

on page 84. For information on the recovery options that are available using the recovery media, see

Using Windows tools on page 85.

Use Windows tools to create system restore points and create backups of personal information.

For more information, see Recovering using HP Recovery Manager on page 86.

NOTE: If storage is 32 GB or less, Microsoft System Restore is disabled by default.

Creating HP Recovery media (select products only)

If possible, check for the presence of the Recovery partition and the Windows partition. From the Start menu,

select File Explorer, and then select This PC.

If your computer does not list the Windows partition and the Recovery partition, you can obtain recovery

media for your system from support. See the Worldwide Telephone Numbers booklet included with the

computer. You can also nd contact information on the HP website. Go to http://www.hp.com/support,

select your country or region, and follow the on-screen instructions.

84 Chapter 11 Backing up and recovering Windows 10

You can use Windows tools to create system restore points and create backups of personal information,

see Using Windows tools on page 85.

If your computer does list the Recovery partition and the Windows partition, you can use HP Recovery

Manager to create recovery media after you successfully set up the computer. HP Recovery media can be

used to perform system recovery if the hard drive becomes corrupted. System recovery reinstalls the

original operating system and software programs that were installed at the factory and then congures

the settings for the programs. HP Recovery media can also be used to customize the system or restore

the factory image if you replace the hard drive.

Only one set of recovery media can be created. Handle these recovery tools carefully, and keep

them in a safe place.

HP Recovery Manager examines the computer and determines the required storage capacity for

the media that will be required.

To create recovery discs, your computer must have an optical drive with DVD writer capability, and

you must use only high-quality blank DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-R DL, or DVD+R DL discs. Do not use

rewritable discs such as CD±RW, DVD±RW, double-layer DVD±RW, or BD-RE (rewritable Blu-ray)

discs; they are not compatible with HP Recovery Manager software. Or, instead, you can use a high-

quality blank USB ash drive.

If your computer does not include an integrated optical drive with DVD writer capability, but you

would like to create DVD recovery media, you can use an external optical drive (purchased

separately) to create recovery discs. If you use an external optical drive, it must be connected

directly to a USB port on the computer; the drive cannot be connected to a USB port on an external

device, such as a USB hub. If you cannot create DVD media yourself, you can obtain recovery discs

for your computer from HP. See the Worldwide Telephone Numbers booklet included with the

computer. You can also nd contact information on the HP website. Go to http://www.hp.com/

support, select your country or region, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Be sure that the computer is connected to AC power before you begin creating the recovery media.

The creation process can take an hour or more. Do not interrupt the creation process.

If necessary, you can exit the program before you have nished creating all of the recovery DVDs.

HP Recovery Manager will nish burning the current DVD. The next time you start HP Recovery

Manager, you will be prompted to continue.

To create HP Recovery media:

IMPORTANT: For a tablet with a detachable keyboard, connect the keyboard to the keyboard dock before

beginning these steps.

1. Type recovery in the taskbar search box, and then select HP Recovery Manager.

2. Select Create recovery media, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

If you ever need to recover the system, see Recovering using HP Recovery Manager on page 86.

Using Windows tools

You can create recovery media, system restore points, and backups of personal information using Windows


NOTE: If storage is 32 GB or less, Microsoft System Restore is disabled by default.

For more information and steps, see the Get started app.

Select the Start button, and then select the Get started app.

Using Windows tools 85

Restore and recovery

There are several options for recovering your system. Choose the method that best matches your situation

and level of expertise:

IMPORTANT: Not all methods are available on all products.

Windows oers several options for restoring from backup, refreshing the computer, and resetting the

computer to its original state. For more information see the Get started app.

Select the Start button, and then select the Get started app.

If you need to correct a problem with a preinstalled application or driver, use the Reinstall drivers and/or

applications option (select products only) of HP Recovery Manager to reinstall the individual application

or driver.

Type recovery in the taskbar search box, select HP Recovery Manager, select Reinstall drivers

and/or applications, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

If you want to recover the Windows partition to original factory content, you can choose the System

Recovery option from the HP Recovery partition (select products only) or use the HP Recovery media.

For more information, see Recovering using HP Recovery Manager on page 86. If you have not already

created recovery media, see Creating HP Recovery media (select products only) on page 84.

On select products, if you want to recover the computer’s original factory partition and content, or if you

have replaced the hard drive, you can use the Factory Reset option of HP Recovery media. For more

information, see Recovering using HP Recovery Manager on page 86.

On select products, if you want to remove the recovery partition to reclaim hard drive space, HP

Recovery Manager oers the Remove Recovery Partition option.

For more information, see Removing the HP Recovery partition (select products only) on page 89.

Recovering using HP Recovery Manager

HP Recovery Manager software allows you to recover the computer to its original factory state by using the

HP Recovery media that you either created or that you obtained from HP, or by using the HP Recovery

partition (select products only). If you have not already created recovery media, see Creating HP Recovery

media (select products only) on page 84.

What you need to know before you get started

HP Recovery Manager recovers only software that was installed at the factory. For software not provided

with this computer, you must either download the software from the manufacturers website or reinstall

the software from the media provided by the manufacturer.

IMPORTANT: Recovery through HP Recovery Manager should be used as a nal attempt to correct

computer issues.

HP Recovery media must be used if the computer hard drive fails. If you have not already created

recovery media, see Creating HP Recovery media (select products only) on page 84.

To use the Factory Reset option (select products only), you must use HP Recovery media. If you have not

already created recovery media, see Creating HP Recovery media (select products only) on page 84.

If your computer does not allow the creation of HP Recovery media or if the HP Recovery media does not

work, you can obtain recovery media for your system from support. See the Worldwide Telephone

Numbers booklet included with the computer. You can also nd contact information from the HP

86 Chapter 11 Backing up and recovering Windows 10

website. Go to http://www.hp.com/support, select your country or region, and follow the on-screen


IMPORTANT: HP Recovery Manager does not automatically provide backups of your personal data. Before

beginning recovery, back up any personal data you want to retain.

Using HP Recovery media, you can choose from one of the following recovery options:

NOTE: Only the options available for your computer display when you start the recovery process.

System Recovery—Reinstalls the original operating system, and then congures the settings for the

programs that were installed at the factory.

Factory Reset—Restores the computer to its original factory state by deleting all information from the

hard drive and re-creating the partitions. Then it reinstalls the operating system and the software that

was installed at the factory.

The HP Recovery partition (select products only) allows System Recovery only.

Using the HP Recovery partition (select products only)

The HP Recovery partition allows you to perform a system recovery without the need for recovery discs or a

recovery USB ash drive. This type of recovery can be used only if the hard drive is still working.

To start HP Recovery Manager from the HP Recovery partition:

IMPORTANT: For a tablet with a detachable keyboard, connect the keyboard to the keyboard dock before

beginning these steps (select products only).

1. Type recovery in the taskbar search box, select Recovery Manager, and then select HP Recovery


— or

For computers or tablets with keyboards attached, press f11 while the computer boots, or press and

hold f11 as you press the power button.

For tablets without keyboards:

Turn on or restart the tablet, and then quickly hold down the volume down button; then select f11.

— or —

Turn on or restart the tablet, and then quickly hold down the Windows button; then select f11.

2. Select Troubleshoot from the boot options menu.

3. Select Recovery Manager, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Using HP Recovery media to recover

You can use HP Recovery media to recover the original system. This method can be used if your system does

not have an HP Recovery partition or if the hard drive is not working properly.

1. If possible, back up all personal les.

2. Insert the HP Recovery media, and then restart the computer.

NOTE: If the computer does not automatically restart in HP Recovery Manager, change the computer

boot order. See Changing the computer boot order on page 88.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Restore and recovery 87

Changing the computer boot order

If your computer does not restart in HP Recovery Manager, you can change the computer boot order, which is

the order of devices listed in BIOS where the computer looks for startup information. You can change the

selection to an optical drive or a USB ash drive.

To change the boot order:

IMPORTANT: For a tablet with a detachable keyboard, connect the keyboard to the keyboard dock before

beginning these steps.

1. Insert the HP Recovery media.

2. Access BIOS:

For computers or tablets with keyboards attached:

Turn on or restart the computer or tablet, quickly press esc, and then press f9 for boot options.

For tablets without keyboards:

Turn on or restart the tablet, and then quickly hold down the volume down button; then select f9.

— or —

Turn on or restart the tablet, and then quickly hold down the Windows button; then select f9.

3. Select the optical drive or USB ash drive from which you want to boot.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

88 Chapter 11 Backing up and recovering Windows 10

Removing the HP Recovery partition (select products only)

HP Recovery Manager software allows you to remove the HP Recovery partition to free up hard drive space.

IMPORTANT: After you remove the HP Recovery partition, you will not be able to perform System Recovery

or create HP recovery media from the HP Recovery partition. So before you remove the Recovery partition,

create HP Recovery media; see Creating HP Recovery media (select products only) on page 84.

NOTE: The Remove Recovery Partition option is only available on products that support this function.

Follow these steps to remove the HP Recovery partition:

1. Type recovery in the taskbar search box, and then select HP Recovery Manager.

2. Select Remove Recovery Partition, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Restore and recovery 89

12 Backing up and recovering Windows 8

To protect your information, use Windows backup and restore utilities to back up individual les and folders,

back up your entire hard drive, create system repair media (select models only) by using the installed optical

drive (select models only) or an optional external optical drive, or create system restore points. In case of

system failure, you can use the backup les to restore the contents of your computer.

From the Start screen, type restore, and then select from the list of displayed options.

NOTE: For detailed instructions on various backup and restore options, perform a search for these topics in

Windows Help and Support.

In case of system instability, HP recommends that you print the recovery procedures and save them for later


NOTE: Windows includes the User Account Control feature to improve the security of your computer. You

may be prompted for your permission or password for tasks such as installing software, running utilities, or

changing Windows settings. For more information, see Windows Help and Support.

Backing up your information

Recovery after a system failure is as good as your most recent backup. You should create system repair media

and your initial backup immediately after initial system setup. As you add new software and data les, you

should continue to back up your system on a regular basis to maintain a reasonably current backup.

For more information on the Windows backup features, see Windows Help and Support.

Performing a system recovery

In case of system failure or instability, the computer provides the following tools to recover your les:

Windows recovery tools: You can use Windows Backup and Restore to recover information you have

previously backed up. You can also use Windows Automatic Repair to x problems that might prevent

Windows from starting correctly.

f11 recovery tools: You can use the f11 recovery tools to recover your original hard drive image. The

image includes the Windows operating system and software programs installed at the factory.

NOTE: If you are unable to boot (start up) your computer and you cannot use the system repair media you

previously created (select models only), you must purchase Windows operating system media to reboot the

computer and repair the operating system. For additional information, see Using Windows operating system

media (purchased separately) on page 92.

Using the Windows recovery tools

To recover information you previously backed up, see Windows Help and Support for steps on restoring les

and folders.

To recover your information using Automatic Repair, follow these steps:

90 Chapter 12 Backing up and recovering Windows 8

CAUTION: Some Startup Repair options will completely erase and reformat the hard drive. All les you have

created and any software installed on the computer are permanently removed. When reformatting is

complete, the recovery process restores the operating system, as well as the drivers, software, and utilities

from the backup used for recovery.

1. If possible, back up all personal les.

2. If possible, check for the presence of the Recovery Image partition and the Windows partition.

From the Start screen, type file, and then click File Explorer.

– or –

From the Start screen, type pc, and then select This PC.

NOTE: If the Windows partition and the Recovery Image partition are not listed, you must recover your

operating system and programs using the Windows operating system DVD and the Driver Recovery

media (both purchased separately). For additional information, see Using Windows operating system

media (purchased separately) on page 92.

3. If the Windows partition and the Recovery Image partition are listed, restart the computer by pressing

and holding the shift key while clicking Restart.

4. Select Troubleshoot, then select Advanced Options, and then select Startup Repair.

5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

NOTE: For additional information on recovering information using the Windows tools, perform a search for

these topics in Windows Help and Support.

Using f11 recovery tools

CAUTION: Using f11 completely erases hard drive contents and reformats the hard drive. All les that you

have created and any software that you have installed on the computer are permanently removed. The f11

recovery tool reinstalls the operating system and HP programs and drivers that were installed at the factory.

Software not installed at the factory must be reinstalled.

To recover the original hard drive image using f11:

1. If possible, back up all personal les.

2. If possible, check for the presence of the Recovery Image partition: From the Start screen, type pc, and

then select This PC.

NOTE: If the Recovery Image partition is not listed, you must recover your operating system and

programs using the Windows operating system media and the Driver Recovery media (both purchased

separately). For additional information, see Using Windows operating system media (purchased

separately) on page 92.

3. If the Recovery Image partition is listed, restart the computer, and then press esc while the “Press the

ESC key for Startup Menu” message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

4. Press f11 while the “Press <F11> for recovery” message is displayed on the screen.

5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Performing a system recovery 91

Using Windows operating system media (purchased separately)

To order a Windows operating system DVD, contact support. See the Worldwide Telephone Numbers booklet

included with the computer. You can also nd contact information from the HP website. Go to

http://www.hp.com/support, select your country or region, and follow the on-screen instructions.

CAUTION: Using a Windows operating system media completely erases hard drive contents and reformats

the hard drive. All les that you have created and any software that you have installed on the computer are

permanently removed. When reformatting is complete, the recovery process helps you restore the operating

system, as well as drivers, software, and utilities.

To initiate a full install of the operating system using a Windows operating system DVD:

NOTE: This process takes several minutes.

1. If possible, back up all personal les.

2. Insert the Windows operating system DVD into the optical drive, and then restart the computer.

3. When prompted, press any keyboard key.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

After the installation is completed:

1. Eject the Windows operating system media and then insert the Driver Recovery media.

2. Install the Hardware Enabling Drivers rst, and then install Recommended Applications.

92 Chapter 12 Backing up and recovering Windows 8

Using Windows Refresh or Windows Reset

When your computer is not working properly and you need to regain system stability, the Windows Refresh

option allows you to start fresh and keep what is important to you.

The Windows Reset option allows you to perform detailed reformatting of your computer, or remove personal

information before you give away or recycle your computer. For more information on these features, see

Windows Help and Support.

Using HP Software Setup

HP Software Setup can be used to reinstall drivers or select software that has been corrupted or deleted from

the system.

1. From the Start screen, type HP Software Setup.

2. Open HP Software Setup.

3. Follow the on-screen directions to reinstall drivers or select software.

Performing a system recovery 93

13 Backing up and recovering Windows 7

Your computer includes HP and Windows tools to help you safeguard your information and retrieve it if you

ever need to. These tools will help you return your computer to a proper working state, all with simple steps.

This section provides information about the following processes:

Creating recovery media and backups

Restoring and recovering your system

Creating recovery media and backups

Recovery after a system failure is only as good as your most recent backup.

1. After you successfully set up the computer, create HP Recovery media. This step creates a Windows 7

operating system DVD and a Driver Recovery DVD. The Windows DVD can be used to reinstall the original

operating system in cases where the hard drive is corrupted or has been replaced. The Driver Recovery

DVD installs specic drivers and applications. See Creating recovery media with HP Recovery Disc

Creator on page 94.

2. Use Windows Backup and Recovery tools to perform the following:

Back up individual les and folders

Back up your entire hard drive (select models only)

Create system repair discs (select models only) with the installed optical drive (select models only)

or an optional external optical drive

Create system restore points

NOTE: This guide describes an overview of backing up, restoring, and recovering options. For more details

about the tools provided, see Help and Support. To access Help and Support, select Start > Help and Support.

NOTE: HP recommends that you print the recovery procedures and save them for later use, in case of

system instability.

In case of system failure, you can use the backup les to restore the contents of your computer. See Backing

up your information on page 95.


When creating recovery media or backing up to discs, use any of the following types of discs (purchased

separately): DVD+R, DVD+R DL, DVD-R, DVD-R DL, or DVD±RW. The discs you use will depend on the type

of optical drive you are using.

Be sure that the computer is connected to AC power before you start the recovery media creation

process or the backup process.

Creating recovery media with HP Recovery Disc Creator

HP Recovery Disc Creator is a software program that oers an alternative way to create recovery media. After

you successfully set up the computer, you can create recovery media using HP Recovery Disc Creator. This

recovery media allows you to reinstall your original operating system as well as select drivers and

94 Chapter 13 Backing up and recovering Windows 7

applications if the hard drive becomes corrupted. HP Recovery Disc Creator can create two kinds of recovery


Windows 7 operating system DVD—Installs the operating system without additional drivers or


Driver Recovery DVD—Installs specic drivers and applications only, in the same way that the HP

Software Setup utility installs drivers and applications.

Creating recovery media

NOTE: The Windows 7 operating system DVD can be created only once. Thereafter, the option to create that

media will not be available after you create a Windows DVD.

To create the Windows DVD:

1. Select Start > All Programs > Productivity and Tools > HP Recovery Disc Creator.

2. Select Windows disk.

3. From the drop-down menu, select the drive for burning the recovery media.

4. Click the Create button to start the burning process.

After the Windows 7 operating system DVD has been created, create the Driver Recovery DVD:

1. Select Start > All Programs > Productivity and Tools > HP Recovery Disc Creator.

2. Select Driver disk.

3. From the drop-down menu, select the drive for burning the recovery media.

4. Click the Create button to start the burning process.

Backing up your information

You should create system repair media and your initial backup immediately after initial system setup. As you

add new software and data les, you should continue to back up your system on a regular basis to maintain a

reasonably current backup. You should also create Windows system repair media (select models only) which

can be used to start up (boot) the computer and repair the operating system in case of system instability or

failure. Your initial and subsequent backups allow you to restore your data and settings if a failure occurs.

You can back up your information to an optional external hard drive, a network drive, or discs.

Note the following when backing up:

Store personal les in the Documents library, and back it up regularly.

Back up templates that are stored in their associated directories.

Save customized settings that appear in a window, toolbar, or menu bar by taking a screen shot of your

settings. The screen shot can be a time-saver if you have to reset your preferences.

When backing up to discs, number each disc after removing it from the drive.

NOTE: For detailed instructions on various backup and restore options, perform a search for these topics in

Help and Support. To access Help and Support, select Start > Help and Support.

NOTE: Windows includes the User Account Control feature to improve the security of your computer. You

may be prompted for your permission or password for tasks such as installing software, running utilities, or

changing Windows settings. Refer to Help and Support. To access Help and Support, select Start > Help and


Creating recovery media and backups 95

To create a backup using Windows Backup and Restore:

NOTE: The backup process may take over an hour, depending on le size and the speed of the computer.

1. Select Start > All Programs > Maintenance > Backup and Restore.

2. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your backup, create a system image (select models only), or

create system repair media (select models only).

Performing a system recovery

In case of system failure or instability, the computer provides the following tools to recover your les:

Windows recovery tools: You can use Windows Backup and Restore to recover information you have

previously backed up. You can also use Windows Startup Repair to x problems that might prevent

Windows from starting correctly.

f11 recovery tools (select models only): You can use the f11 recovery tools to recover your original hard

drive image. The image includes the Windows operating system and software programs installed at the


NOTE: If you are unable to boot (start up) your computer and you cannot use the system repair media you

previously created (select models only), you must purchase Windows 7 operating system media to reboot the

computer and repair the operating system. For additional information, see Using Windows 7 operating system

media on page 97.

Using the Windows recovery tools

Using the Windows recovery tools, you can:

Recover individual les

Restore the computer to a previous system restore point

Recover information using recovery tools

NOTE: For detailed instructions on various recovery and restore options, perform a search for these topics

in Help and Support. To access Help and Support, select Start > Help and Support.

NOTE: Windows includes the User Account Control feature to improve the security of your computer. You

may be prompted for your permission or password for tasks such as installing software, running utilities, or

changing Windows settings. Refer to Help and Support. To access Help and Support, select Start > Help and


To recover information you previously backed up:

1. Select Start > All Programs > Maintenance > Backup and Restore.

2. Follow the on-screen instructions to recover your system settings, your computer (select models only),

or your les.

To recover your information using Startup Repair, follow these steps:

CAUTION: Some Startup Repair options will completely erase and reformat the hard drive. All les you have

created and any software installed on the computer are permanently removed. When reformatting is

complete, the recovery process restores the operating system, as well as the drivers, software, and utilities

from the backup used for recovery.

96 Chapter 13 Backing up and recovering Windows 7

1. If possible, back up all personal les.

2. If possible, check for the presence of the Windows partition.

To check for the Windows partition, select Start > Computer.

NOTE: If the Windows partition is not listed, you must recover your operating system and programs

using the Windows 7 operating system DVD and the Driver Recovery media. For additional information,

see Using Windows 7 operating system media on page 97.

3. If the Windows partition is listed, restart the computer, and then press f8 before the Windows operating

system loads.

4. Select Startup Repair.

5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

NOTE: For additional information on recovering information using the Windows tools, select Start > Help

and Support.

Using f11 recovery tools (select models only)

CAUTION: Using f11 completely erases hard drive contents and reformats the hard drive. All les that you

have created and any software that you have installed on the computer are permanently removed. The f11

recovery tool reinstalls the operating system and HP programs and drivers that were installed at the factory.

Software not installed at the factory must be reinstalled.

To recover the original hard drive image using f11:

1. If possible, back up all personal les.

2. If possible, check for the presence of the HP Recovery partition: click Start, right-click Computer, click

Manage, and then click Disk Management.

NOTE: If the HP Recovery partition is not listed, you must recover your operating system and programs

using the Windows 7 operating system media and the Driver Recovery media. For additional information,

see Using Windows 7 operating system media on page 97.

3. If the HP Recovery partition is listed, restart the computer, and then press f11 before the Windows

operating system loads.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Using Windows 7 operating system media

If you cannot use the recovery media you previously created using the HP Recovery Disc Creator (select

models only), you must purchase a Windows 7 operating system DVD to reboot the computer and repair the

operating system.

To order a Windows 7 operating system DVD, go to the HP website. For U.S. support, go to

http://www.hp.com/support. For worldwide support, go to http://welcome.hp.com/country/us/en/

wwcontact_us.html. You can also order the DVD by calling support. For contact information, see the

Worldwide Telephone Numbers booklet included with the computer.

CAUTION: Using a Windows 7 operating system DVD completely erases hard drive contents and reformats

the hard drive. All les that you have created and any software that you have installed on the computer are

permanently removed. When reformatting is complete, the recovery process helps you restore the operating

system, as well as drivers, software, and utilities.

To initiate recovery using a Windows 7 operating system DVD:

Performing a system recovery 97

NOTE: This process takes several minutes.

1. If possible, back up all personal les.

2. Restart the computer, and then insert the Windows 7 operating system DVD into the optical drive before

the Windows operating system loads.

3. When prompted, press any keyboard key.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

5. Click Next.

6. Select Repair your computer.

7. Follow the on-screen instructions.

After the repair is completed:

1. Eject the Windows 7 operating system DVD and then insert the Driver Recovery DVD.

2. Install the Hardware Enabling Drivers rst, and then install Recommended Applications.

98 Chapter 13 Backing up and recovering Windows 7

14 Specications

Input power

The power information in this section may be helpful if you plan to travel internationally with the computer.

The computer operates on DC power, which can be supplied by an AC or a DC power source. The AC power

source must be rated at 100–240 V, 50–60 Hz. Although the computer can be powered from a standalone DC

power source, it should be powered only with an AC adapter or a DC power source supplied and approved by

HP for use with this computer.

The computer can operate on DC power within the following specications.

Input Power Rating

Operating voltage and current 19.5 V dc @ 2.31 A – 45 W

19.5 V dc @ 3.33 A – 65 W

NOTE: This product is designed for IT power systems in Norway with phase-to-phase voltage not exceeding

240 V rms.

NOTE: The computer operating voltage and current can be found on the system regulatory label.

Operating environment

Factor Metric U.S.


Operating (writing to optical disc) 5°C to 35°C 41°F to 95°F

Nonoperating -20°C to 60°C -4°F to 140°F

Relative humidity (noncondensing)

Operating 10% to 90% 10% to 90%

Nonoperating 5% to 95% 5% to 95%

Maximum altitude (unpressurized)

Operating -15 m to 3,048 m -50 ft to 10,000 ft

Nonoperating -15 m to 12,192 m -50 ft to 40,000 ft

Input power 99

15 Power cord set requirements

The wide-range input feature of the computer permits it to operate from any line voltage from 100 to 120

volts AC, or from 220 to 240 volts AC.

The 3-conductor power cord set included with the computer meets the requirements for use in the country or

region where the equipment is purchased.

Power cord sets for use in other countries and regions must meet the requirements of the country or region

where the computer is used.

Requirements for all countries

The following requirements are applicable to all countries and regions:

The length of the power cord set must be at least 1.0 m (3.3 ft) and no more than 2.0 m (6.5 ft).

All power cord sets must be approved by an acceptable accredited agency responsible for evaluation in

the country or region where the power cord set will be used.

The power cord sets must have a minimum current capacity of 10 amps and a nominal voltage rating of

125 or 250 V AC, as required by the power system of each country or region.

The appliance coupler must meet the mechanical conguration of an EN 60 320/IEC 320 Standard Sheet

C13 connector for mating with the appliance inlet on the back of the computer.

Requirements for specic countries and regions

Country/region Accredited agency Applicable note number

Australia EANSW 1

Austria OVE 1

Belgium CEBC 1

Canada CSA 2

Denmark DEMKO 1

Finland FIMKO 1

France UTE 1

Germany VDE 1

Italy IMQ 1

Japan METI 3

The Netherlands KEMA 1

Norway NEMKO 1

The People’s Republic of China COC 5

South Korea EK 4

100 Chapter 15 Power cord set requirements

Country/region Accredited agency Applicable note number

Sweden SEMKO 1

Switzerland SEV 1

Taiwan BSMI 4

The United Kingdom BSI 1

The United States UL 2

1. The exible cord must be Type HO5VV-F, 3-conductor, 1.0-mm² conductor size. Power cord set ttings (appliance coupler

and wall plug) must bear the certication mark of the agency responsible for evaluation in the country or region where it will be


2. The exible cord must be Type SPT-3 or equivalent, No. 18 AWG, 3-conductor. The wall plug must be a two-pole grounding type

with a NEMA 5-15P (15 A, 125 V) or NEMA 6-15P (15 A, 250 V) conguration.

3. The appliance coupler, exible cord, and wall plug must bear a “T” mark and registration number in accordance with the Japanese

Dentori Law. The exible cord must be Type VCT or VCTF, 3-conductor, 1.00-mm² conductor size. The wall plug must be a two-

pole grounding type with a Japanese Industrial Standard C8303 (7 A, 125 V) conguration.

4. The exible cord must be Type RVV, 3-conductor, 0.75-mm² conductor size. Power cord set ttings (appliance coupler and wall

plug) must bear the certication mark of the agency responsible for evaluation in the country or region where it will be used.

5. The exible cord must be Type VCTF, 3-conductor, 0.75-mm² conductor size. Power cord set ttings (appliance coupler and wall

plug) must bear the certication mark of the agency responsible for evaluation in the country or region where it will be used.

Requirements for specic countries and regions 101

16 Statement of memory volatility

The purpose of this chapter is to provide general information regarding nonvolatile memory in HP Business

PCs. This chapter also provides general instructions for restoring nonvolatile memory that can contain

personal data after the system has been powered o and the hard drive has been removed.

HP Business PC products that use Intel®-based or AMD®-based system boards contain volatile DDR memory.

The amount of nonvolatile memory present in the system depends upon the system conguration. Intel-

based and AMD-based system boards contain nonvolatile memory subcomponents as originally shipped from

HP, assuming that no subsequent modications have been made to the system and assuming that no

applications, features, or functionality have been added to or installed on the system.

Following system shutdown and removal of all power sources from an HP Business PC system, personal data

can remain on volatile system memory (DIMMs) for a nite period of time and will also remain in nonvolatile

memory. Use the steps below to remove personal data from the PC, including the nonvolatile memory found

in Intel-based and AMD-based system boards.

1. Follow steps (a) through (j) below to restore the nonvolatile memory that can contain personal data.

Restoring or reprogramming nonvolatile memory that does not store personal data is neither necessary

nor recommended.

a. Turn on or restart the computer, and then press esc while the “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu”

message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

NOTE: If the system has a BIOS administrator password, enter the password at the prompt.

b. Select Main, select Restore Defaults, and then select Yes to load defaults.

c. Select the Security menu, select Restore Security Level Defaults, and then select Yes to restore

security level defaults.

d. If an asset or ownership tag is set, select the Security menu and scroll down to the Utilities menu.

Select System IDs, and then select Asset Tracking Number. Clear the tag, and then make the

selection to return to the prior menu.

e. If a DriveLock password is set, select the Security menu, and scroll down to Hard Drive Tools

under the Utilities menu. Select Hard Drive Tools, select DriveLock, then uncheck the checkbox

for DriveLock password on restart. Select OK to proceed.

f. If an Automatic DriveLock password is set, select the Security menu, scroll down to Hard Drive

Tools under the Utilities menu. Select Hard Drive Tools, scroll down to Automatic DriveLock, then

select the desired hard drive and disable protection. At the automatic drive lock warning screen,

select Yes to continue. Repeat this procedure if more than one hard drive has an Automatic

DriveLock password.

g. Select the Main menu, and then select Reset BIOS Security to factory default. Click Yes at the

warning message.

h. Select the Main menu, select Save Changes and Exit, select Yes to save changes and exit, and then

select Shutdown.

102 Chapter 16 Statement of memory volatility

i. Reboot the system. If the system has a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and/or ngerprint reader,

one or two prompts will appear—one to clear the TPM and the other to Reset Fingerprint Sensor;

press or tap F1 to accept or F2 to reject.

j. Remove all power and system batteries for at least 24 hours.

2. Complete one of the following:

Remove and retain the storage drive.

– or –

Clear the drive contents by using a third party utility designed to erase data from an SSD.

– or –

Clear the contents of the drive by using the following BIOS Setup Secure Erase command option


IMPORTANT: If you clear data using Secure Erase, it cannot be recovered.

a. Turn on or restart the computer, and then press esc while the “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu”

message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

b. Select the Security menu and scroll down to the Utilities menu.

c. Select Hard Drive Tools.

d. Under Utilities, select Secure Erase, select the hard drive storing the data you want to clear, and

then follow the on-screen instructions to continue.

– or –

Clear the contents of the drive by using the following Disk Sanitizer command steps:

IMPORTANT: If you clear data using Disk Sanitizer, it cannot be recovered.

NOTE: The amount of time it takes for Disk Sanitizer to run can take several hours. Plug the computer

into an AC outlet before starting.

a. Turn on or restart the computer, and then press esc while the “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu”

message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

b. Select the Security menu and scroll down to the Utilities menu.

c. Select Hard Drive Tools.

d. Under Utilities, select Disk Sanitizer, select the hard drive storing the data you want to clear, and

then follow the on-screen instructions to continue.


Nonvolatile memory usage


Memory Type

Amount (Size) Does this





Does this


retain data

when power

is removed?

What is the

purpose of this


How is data input into this


How is this memory


HP Sure Start ash

(select models


2 MBytes No Yes Provides


backup of

critical System

BIOS code, EC

rmware, and

critical PC


data for select

platforms that

support HP

Sure Start.

For more


see Using HP

Sure Start

(select models


on page 107.

Data cannot be written to this

device via the host processor.

The content is managed

solely by the HP Sure Start

Embedded Controller.

This memory is protected

by the HP Sure Start

Embedded Controller.

Real Time Clock

(RTC) battery

backed-up CMOS



256 Bytes No Yes Stores system

date and time

and noncritical


RTC battery backed-up CMOS

is programmed using the

Computer Setup (BIOS), or

changing the Microsoft

Windows date & time.

This memory is not write-


Controller (NIC)


64 KBytes (not



No Yes Stores NIC


and NIC


NIC EEPROM is programmed

using a utility from the NIC

vendor that can be run from


A utility is required to

write data to this memory

and is available from the

NIC vendor. Writing data

to this ROM in an

inappropriate manner will

render the NIC non-


DIMM Serial

Presence Detect


conguration data

256 Bytes per


module, 128



(not customer


No Yes Stores memory



DIMM SPD is programmed by

the memory vendor.

Data cannot be written to

this memory when the

module is installed in a

PC. The specic write-

protection method varies

by memory vendor.

System BIOS 4 MBytes to 5


Yes Yes Stores system

BIOS code and




System BIOS code is

programmed at the factory.

Code is updated when the

system BIOS is updated.

Conguration data and

settings are input using the

Computer Setup (BIOS) or a

custom utility.

NOTE: Writing data to

this ROM in an

inappropriate manner can

render the PC non-


A utility is required for

writing data to this

memory and is available

on the HP website; go to


support, and select your

country. Select Drivers &

104 Chapter 16 Statement of memory volatility


Memory Type

Amount (Size) Does this





Does this


retain data

when power

is removed?

What is the

purpose of this


How is data input into this


How is this memory


Downloads, and then

follow the on-screen


Intel Management

Engine Firmware

(present in only

specic ZBook and

EliteBook models.

For more

information, go to


support, and

select your

country. Select

Drivers &

Downloads, and

then follow the



1.5 MBytes or 5


Yes Yes Stores


Engine Code,



Data and iAMT

third-party data


Management Engine Code is

programmed at the factory.

Code is updated via Intel

secure rmware update

utility. Unique Provisioning

Data can be entered at the

factory or by an

administrator using the

Management Engine (MEBx)

setup utility. The third party

data store contents can be

populated by a remote

management console or local

applications that have been

registered by an

administrator to have access

to the space.

The Intel chipset is

congured to enforce

hardware protection to

block all direct read/write

access to this area. An

Intel utility is required for

updating the rmware.

Only rmware updates

digitally signed by Intel

can be applied using this


Bluetooth ash 2 Mbit No Yes Stores



and rmware.

Bluetooth ash is

programmed at the factory.

Tools for writing data to this

memory are not publicly

available but can be obtained

from the silicon vendor.

A utility is required for

writing data to this

memory and is made

available through newer

versions of the driver

whenever the ash

requires an upgrade.

802.11 WLAN


4 Kbit to 8 Kbit No Yes Stores


and calibration


802.11 WLAN EEPROM is

programmed at the factory.

Tools for writing data to this

memory are not made public.

A utility is required for

writing data to this

memory and is typically

not made available to the

public unless a rmware

upgrade is necessary to

address a unique issue.

Web camera 64 Kbit No Yes Stores webcam


and rmware.

Webcam memory is

programmed using a utility

from the device

manufacturer that can be run

from Windows.

A utility is required for

writing data to this

memory and is typically

not made available to the

public unless a rmware

upgrade is necessary to

address a unique issue.

Fingerprint reader 512 KByte ash Yes Yes Stores



Fingerprint reader memory is

programmed by user

enrollment in HP

ProtectTools Security


Only a digitally signed

application can make the

call to write to the ash.

Nonvolatile memory usage 105

Questions and answers

1. How can the BIOS settings be restored (returned to factory settings)?

IMPORTANT: Restore defaults does not securely erase any data on your hard drive. See question and

answer 6 for steps to securely erase data.

Restore defaults does not reset the Custom Secure Boot keys. See question and answer 7 for

information about resetting the keys.

a. Turn on or restart the computer, and then press esc while the “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu”

message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

b. Select Main, and then select Restore defaults.

c. Follow the on-screen instructions.

d. Select Main, select Save Changes and Exit, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

2. What is a UEFI BIOS, and how is it dierent from a legacy BIOS?

The Unied Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) BIOS is an industry-standard software interface

between the platform rmware and an operating system (OS). It is a replacement for the older BIOS

architecture, but supports much of the legacy BIOS functionality.

Like the legacy BIOS, the UEFI BIOS provides an interface to display the system information and

conguration settings and to change the conguration of your computer before an OS is loaded. BIOS

provides a secure run-time environment that supports a Graphic User Interface (GUI). In this

environment, you can use either a pointing device (Touchscreen, TouchPad, pointing stick, or USB

mouse) or the keyboard to navigate and make menu and conguration selections. The UEFI BIOS also

contains basic system diagnostics.

The UEFI BIOS provides functionality beyond that of the legacy BIOS. In addition, the UEFI BIOS works to

initialize the computer’s hardware before loading and executing the OS; the run-time environment

allows the loading and execution of software programs from storage devices to provide more

functionality, such as advanced hardware diagnostics (with the ability to display more detailed system

information) and advanced rmware management and recovery software.

HP has provided options in Computer Setup (BIOS) to allow you to run in legacy BIOS, if required by the

operating system. Examples of this requirement would be if you upgrade or downgrade the OS.

3. Where does the UEFI BIOS reside?

The UEFI BIOS resides on a ash memory chip. A utility is required to write to the chip.

4. What kind of conguration data is stored on the DIMM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) memory

module? How would this data be written?

The DIMM SPD memory contains information about the memory module, such as size, serial number,

data width, speed/timing, voltage, and thermal information. This information is written by the module

manufacturer and stored on an EEPROM. This EEPROM cannot be written to when the memory module is

installed in a PC. Third-party tools do exist that can write to the EEPROM when the memory module is

not installed in a PC. Various third-party tools are available to read SPD memory.

5. What is meant by “Restore the nonvolatile memory found in Intel-based system boards”?

This message relates to clearing the Real Time Clock (RTC) CMOS memory that contains PC conguration


6. How can the BIOS security be reset to factory defaults and data erased?

106 Chapter 16 Statement of memory volatility

IMPORTANT: Resetting will result in the loss of information.

These steps will not reset Custom Secure Boot Keys. See question and answer 7 for information about

resetting the keys.

a. Turn on or restart the computer, and then press esc while the “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu”

message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

b. Select Main, and then select Reset BIOS Security to Factory Default.

c. Follow the on-screen instructions.

d. Select Main, select Save Changes and Exit, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

7. How can the Custom Secure Boot Keys be reset?

Secure Boot is a feature to ensure that only authenticated code can start on a platform. If you enabled

Secure Boot and created Custom Secure Boot Keys, simply disabling Secure Boot will not clear the keys.

You must also select to clear the Custom Secure Boot Keys. Use the same Secure Boot access procedure

you used to create the Custom Secure Boot Keys, but make the selection to clear or delete all Secure

Boot Keys.

a. Turn on or restart the computer, and then press esc while the “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu”

message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

b. Select the Security menu, select Secure Boot Conguration, and then follow the on-screen


c. At the Secure Boot Conguration window, select Secure Boot, select Clear Secure Boot Keys, and

then follow the on-screen instructions to continue.

Using HP Sure Start (select models only)

Select computer models are congured with HP Sure Start, a technology that continuously monitors your

computer’s BIOS for attacks or corruption. If the BIOS becomes corrupted or is attacked, HP Sure Start

restores the BIOS to its previously safe state, without user intervention. Those select computer models ship

with HP Sure Start congured and enabled. HP Sure Start is congured and already enabled so that most

users can use the HP Sure Start default conguration. The default conguration can be customized by

advanced users.

To access the latest documentation on HP Sure Start, go to http://www.hp.com/support, and select your

country. Select Drivers & Downloads, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Using HP Sure Start (select models only) 107

17 Recycling

When a non-rechargeable or rechargeable battery has reached the end of its useful life, do not dispose of the

battery in general household waste. Follow the local laws and regulations in your area for battery disposal.

HP encourages customers to recycle used electronic hardware, HP original print cartridges, and rechargeable

batteries. For more information about recycling programs, see the HP Web site at http://www.hp.com/recycle.

108 Chapter 17 Recycling



AC adapter, spare part numbers 25


spare part numbers 25


disconnecting 42, 44

audio, product description 2

audio-out (headphone)/audio-in

(microphone) combo jack,

identifying 6


back cover

spare part number 22

Backup and Restore 96

backup tools 94

backups 84

creating 95

recovering 96


removal 35

spare part number 19, 35

battery light 16


spare part number 21


determining version 69, 74, 79

downloading an update 69, 74,


updating 69, 74, 79

Bluetooth card

spare part number 42

boot order

changing 88

bottom cover

spare part number 20, 32


left pointing stick 10

left TouchPad 10

power 12

right pointing stick 10

right TouchPad 10


cable lock docking station, spare part

number 25

cable lock, spare part number 25

caps lock light, identifying 11


spare part numbers 25

chipset, product description 1


bottom 15

display 9

front 15

left side 8

right side 6

top 10

computer major components 18

Computer Setup

navigating and selecting 67, 72,


restoring factory settings 68,

73, 78

connector, power 7


display assembly

removal 61

spare part numbers 61

subcomponents 21

display bezel

removal 62

display cable

spare part number 22

display hinge

removal 64

display image, switching 14

display panel

product description 1

docking connector, identifying 7, 15

docking station, spare part number


drive light 16

Driver Recovery DVD,

creating 94

using for restore 97

Dual-Mode DisplayPort

identifying 6


embedded numeric keypad,

identifying 13

esc key, identifying 13

external monitor port 8


f11 recovery 91, 97

ngerprint reader assembly

removal 55

spare part number 55

ngerprint reader board

spare part number 19

ngerprint reader, identifying 12

fn key, identifying 13


hard drive

product description 1

removing 36

spare part numbers 19, 24, 36

hard drive hardware kit

spare part number 19, 24

hard drive recovery 91, 97

heat sink

removal 53

spare part numbers 53

heat sink/fan assembly

spare part number 19


removal 64


spare part number 22

hot keys

microphone mute 14

Sleep 13

switching screen image 14

using 13

HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI)

using 82

HP Recovery Disc Creator, using 94

Index 109

HP Recovery Manager

correcting boot problems 88

starting 87

HP Recovery media

creating 84

recovery 87

HP Recovery partition

checking for presence 97

recovery 87

removing 89

using for recovery 97

HP Sure Start 107


input power 99

integrated webcam light,

identifying 9

internal microphones, identifying 9



audio-out (headphone)/audio-in

(microphone) combo 6

network 7

RJ-45 (network) 7



product description 3

removal 46

spare part number 18

spare part numbers 46


embedded numeric 13


esc 13

fn 13

Windows key 13



serial number 16

legacy support, USB 67, 72, 77


battery 16

caps lock 11

drive 16

microphone mute 11

num lock 11

power 11, 15

RJ-45 (network) 7

webcam 9

wireless 11, 15



nonvolatile 102

volatile 102

memory card reader, identifying 6

memory module

product description 1

removal 40

spare part number 19

spare part numbers 40


product description 2

microphone module

spare part number 21

microphone mute key, identifying


microphone mute light, identifying


minimized image recovery 87

minimized image, creating 86

model name 1


spare part numbers 25


network jack, identifying 7

NFC module

removal 57

spare part number 57

spare part numbers 19

nonvolatile memory 102

num lock light 11


operating environment 99

operating system, product

description 4

original system recovery 86


pointing device, product

description 3

pointing stick 10


Dual-Mode DisplayPort 6

external monitor 8

product description 3

USB 3.0 charging (powered) 8

USB Type-C (charging) 6

power button, identifying 12

power connector, identifying 7

power cord

set requirements 100

power lights 11, 15

power requirements, product

description 3


product description 1

product description

audio 2

chipset 1

display panel 1

external media cards 3

hard drive 1

keyboard 3

memory module 1

microphone 2

operating system 4

pointing device 3

ports 3

power requirements 3

processors 1

product name 1

security 3

serviceability 5

video 2

wireless 2

product name 1

product name and number,

computer 16


raw panel

spare part number 21


options 86

recovery 93

discs 85, 87

HP Recovery Manager 86

media 87

starting 87

supported discs 85

system 86

USB ash drive 87

using HP Recovery media 85

110 Index

recovery media

creating 84

creating using HP Recovery

Manager 85

recovery media, creating 94

recovery media, using for restore


recovery partition 91, 97

removing 89

recovery tools 94

recovery tools, Windows 96

recovery, system 96

refresh 93

regulatory information 16


procedures 32, 49

removing personal data from volatile

system memory 102

reset 93

restoring the hard drive 91, 97

RJ-45 (network) jack, identifying 7

RJ-45 (network) lights, identifying


RTC battery

removal 52

spare part number 20, 52

rubber kit, spare part number 26


screen image, switching 14

screw kit, spare part number 26

security cable slot, identifying 8

security, product description 3

serial number 16

serial number, computer 16

serviceability, product description 5

setup utility

navigating and selecting 67, 72,


restoring factory settings 68,

73, 78


spare part numbers 25

SIM card slot, identifying 7


security cable 8

SIM card 7

smart card 8

smart card reader

spare part number 19

smart card reader board

removal 58

spare part number 58

smart card slot 8

solid-state drive

removal 38

spare part numbers 19, 24, 38

speaker assembly

removal 59

spare part number 20, 59

speakers, identifying 12

Startup Repair, using 96

supported discs, recovery 85

Sure Start

using 71, 76, 81

system board

removal 49

spare part number 20

spare part numbers 49

system information

locating 16

system memory, removing personal

data from volatile 102

system recovery 86

system restore point

creating 85

system restore point, creating 84


top cover

removal 65

spare part number 65


buttons 10

touchpad button board

removal 56

spare part number 19, 56

TouchPad zone

identifying 10

TPM settings 70, 75, 80


USB 3.0 charging (powered),

identifying 8

USB 3.0 port 6

USB legacy support 67, 72, 77

USB ports, identifying 6

USB Type-C (charging) port,

identifying 6


vents, identifying 8, 15

video, product description 2


warranty period 16

webcam 9

webcam light, identifying 9

webcam module

removal 63

spare part number 21

webcam, identifying 9


Refresh 93

Reset 93

system restore point 84, 85

Windows 7 operating system DVD

creating 94

using for restore 97

Windows 7 operating system media

creating 94

using for restore 97

Windows key, identifying 13

Windows operating system DVD 92

Windows Startup Repair, using 96

Windows tools

using 85

wireless antennas

disconnecting 42, 44

wireless antennas, identifying 9

wireless light 11, 15

wireless, product description 2

WLAN antenna

spare part number 22

WLAN antennas, identifying 9

WLAN/Bluetooth combo card

removal 42

spare part number 19, 42

WWAN antenna

spare part number 22

WWAN antennas, identifying 9

WWAN module

removal 44

spare part number 44

spare part numbers 19



spare part numbers 18

Index 111

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    © Copyright 2015 HP Development Company,


    AMD is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices,

    Inc. Bluetooth is a trademark owned by its

    proprietor and used by HP Inc. under license.

    Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the

    U.S. and other countries. Linux® is the

    registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the

    U.S. and other countries. Microsoft and

    Windows are either registered trademarks or

    trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the

    United States and/or other countries.

    Qualcomm is a trademark of Qualcomm

    Incorporated, registered in the United States

    and other countries, used with permission.

    For DTS patents, see http://patents.dts.com.

    Manufactured under license from DTS

    Licensing Limited. DTS, the Symbol, & DTS and

    the Symbol together are registered

    trademarks, and DTS Studio Sound is a

    trademark of DTS, Inc. © DTS, Inc. All Rights

    Reserved .

    Product notice

    This guide describes features that are common

    to most models. Some features may not be

    available on your computer.

    Not all features are available in all editions of

    Windows 10 or Windows 8. This computer may

    require upgraded and/or separately purchased

    hardware, drivers and/or software to take full

    advantage of Windows 10 or Windows 8

    functionality. See http://www.microsoft.com

    for details.

    The information contained herein is subject to

    change without notice. The only warranties for

    HP products and services are set forth in the

    express warranty statements accompanying

    such products and services. Nothing herein

    should be construed as constituting an

    additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for

    technical or editorial errors or omissions

    contained herein.

    First Edition: October 2015

    Document Part Number: 843203-001


  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Important Notice about Customer Self-Repair Parts

    CAUTION: Your computer includes Customer Self-Repair parts and
    parts that should only be accessed by an

    authorized service provider. See Chapter 5, «Removal and
    replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair

    parts,» for details. Accessing parts described in Chapter 6,
    «Removal and replacement procedures for

    Authorized Service Provider only parts,» can damage the computer
    or void your warranty.


  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    iv Important Notice about Customer Self-Repair Parts

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Safety warning notice

    WARNING! To reduce the possibility of heat-related injuries or
    of overheating the device, do not place the

    device directly on your lap or obstruct the device air vents.
    Use the device only on a hard, at surface. Do not

    allow another hard surface, such as an adjoining optional
    printer, or a soft surface, such as pillows or rugs or

    clothing, to block airow. Also, do not allow the AC adapter
    to contact the skin or a soft surface, such as

    pillows or rugs or clothing, during operation. The device and
    the AC adapter comply with the user-accessiblesurface temperature
    limits dened by the International Standard for Safety of
    Information Technology

    Equipment (IEC 60950-1).


  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    vi Safety warning notice

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Table of contents

    1 Product description

    2 External component
    identication ……………………………………………………………………………………………………







    Buttons, speakers, and ngerprint reader


    Using the hot keys



    Locating system information

    3 Illustrated parts catalog

    Computer ma jor components

    Display assembly subcomponents

    Plastics kit

    Cable kit

    Mass storage devices

    Miscellaneous parts

    4 Removal and replacement procedures preliminary requirements

    Tools required

    Service considerations

    Plastic parts

    Cables and connectors

    Drive handling

    Grounding guidelines

    Electrostatic discharge damage

    Packaging and transporting guidelines

    Workstation guidelines

    Equipment guidelines


  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer Self-Repair
    parts …………………………………………………….

    Component replacement procedures

    Bottom cover


    Hard drive

    38Memory modules

    WLAN/Bluetooth combo card

    WWAN module


    6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized Service
    Provider parts ……………………………………………

    Component replacement procedures

    System board

    RTC battery
    52Heat sink/fan assembly

    Fingerprint reader assembly

    Touchpad button board

    NFC module

    Smart card reader board

    Speaker assembly

    Display assembly

    Top cover

    7 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 10

    Using Computer
    Setup ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

    Starting Computer Setup

    Navigating and selecting in Computer Setup

    Restoring factory settings in Computer Setup

    Updating the BIOS

    Determining the BIOS version

    Downloading a BIOS update

    Changing the boot order using the f9 prompt

    TPM BIOS settings (select products only)

    Using HP Sure Start (select products only)

    8 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 8

    Using Computer
    Setup ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

    Starting Computer Setup

    Navigating and selecting in Computer Setup


  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Restoring factory settings in Computer Setup

    Updating the BIOS

    Determining the BIOS version

    Downloading a BIOS update

    Changing the boot order using the f9 prompt

    TPM BIOS settings (select products only)
    75Using HP Sure Start (select products only)

    9 Computer Setup (BIOS), TPM, and HP Sure Start in Windows 7

    Using Computer Setup

    Starting Computer Setup

    Navigating and selecting in Computer Setup

    Restoring factory settings in Computer Setup

    Updating the BIOS

    Determining the BIOS version
    79Downloading a BIOS update

    Changing the boot order using the f9 prompt

    TPM BIOS settings (select products only)

    Using HP Sure Start (select products only)

    10 HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI)

    Downloading HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) to a USB device

    11 Backing up and recovering Windows 10
    84Creating recovery media and backups

    Creating HP Recovery media (select products only)

    Using Windows tools

    Restore and recovery

    Recovering using HP Recovery Manager

    What you need to know before you get started

    Using the HP Recovery partition (select products only)
    …………………………………………. 87

    Using HP Recovery media to recover

    Changing the computer boot order

    Removing the HP Recovery partition (select products only)
    ………………………………….. 89

    12 Backing up and recovering Windows 8

    Backing up your information

    Performing a system recovery

    Using the Windows recovery tools

    Using f11 recovery tools


  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Using Windows operating system media (purchased separately)
    …………………………………………… 92

    Using Windows Refresh or Windows Reset

    Using HP Software Setup

    13 Backing up and recovering Windows 7

    Creating recovery media and backups


    Creating recovery media with HP Recovery Disc Creator

    Creating recovery media

    Backing up your information

    Performing a system recovery

    Using the Windows recovery tools

    Using f11 recovery tools (select models only)

    Using Windows 7 operating system media

    Specications …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

    Input power

    Operating environment

    15 Power cord set requirements

    Requirements for all countries

    Requirements for specic countries and regions

    16 Statement of memory volatility

    Nonvolatile memory usage

    Questions and answers

    Using HP Sure Start (select models only)

    17 Recycling



  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    1 Product description

    Category Description

    Product Name HP EliteBook 820 G3 Notebook PC

    Processors Processors are attached to the system board.

    Sixth-generation Intel® Core™ processors:

    ● Intel Core™ i7-6600U

    ● Intel Core i7-6500U

    ● Intel Core i5-6300U

    ● Intel Core i5-6200U

    ● Intel Core i3-6100U

    Chipset Integrated with processor

    Intel Skylake Premium, for use with 6th generation Intel Core

    Intel UMA graphics (with shared video memory)

    Up to three independent displays supported with docking

    ● Intel HD Graphics 520

    Panel 12.5 in (31.75 cm), high-denition (HD), Slim eDP
    (1366×768), SVA AG, typical brightness: 220 cd/m2 (nits)

    with and without webcam

    12.5 in (31.75 cm),full high-denition (FHD), UltraSlim
    eDP (1920×1080), UWVA AG, typical brightness: 300

    cd/m2 (nits) with and without webcam

    12.5 in (31.75 cm),full high-denition (FHD), UltraSlim
    eDP (1920×1080) UWVA AG, typical brightness: 300cd/m2 (nits) with
    touch and webcam

    Memory Two SODIMM customer-accessible/upgradable memory module

    Supports up to 16 GB of system RAM

    DDR4 PC4-17000 (2133 MHz) dual channel support

    Supports the following congurations:

    ● 16384 MB (8192 MB×2; not supported on computer models with a
    Windows® 7 32-bit operating system)

    ● 12288 (8192 MB + 4096 MB; not supported on computer models
    with a Windows 7 32-bit operating


    ● 8192 MB (8192 MB×1 or 4096 MB×2; not supported on computer
    models with a Windows 7 32-bit

    operating system)

    ● 4096 MB (4096 MB×1)

    Hard drive HDDs:

    Supports 6.35 cm (2.5 in) hard drives in 7.0 mm (.28
    in) thicknesses (all hard drives use the same bracket)

    Serial ATA

    ● 1 TB, 5400 rpm, 7.0 mm

    ● 500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7.0 mm, self-encrypting (FIPS-140-2; Opal


  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Category Description

    ● 500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7.0 mm, self-encrypting (Opal 2)

    ● 500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7.0 mm

    ● 500 GB, 7.0 mm, hybrid, 8 GB cach


    ● M.2 (2280) 512 GB SATA-3 TLC

    ● M.2 (2280) 256 GB PCIe-3×4 SS NVMe

    ● M.2 (2280) 256 GB SATA-3 self-encrypting (Opal 2) MLC

    ● M.2 (2280) 256 GB SATA-3 TLC

    ● M.2 (2280) 240 GB SATA-3 MLC DS

    ● M.2 (2280) 180 GB SATA-3 self-encrypting (Opal 2) MLC

    ● M.2 (2280) 180 GB SATA-3 MLC

    ● M.2 (2280) 128 GB SATA-3 TLC

    Audio and video Supports:

    DTS Studio Sound

    Conexant smart amplier and ambient noise suppression

    Dual-array microphone

    Dual speakers

    Webcamera (720p)

      ● Intel WGI219V 10/100/1000 Ethernet, non-vPro, for use
    with computer models with i7-6500U,

    i5-6200U, or i3-6100U processors

    ● Intel WGI219LM 10/100/1000 Ethernet, iAMT, for use with
    computer models with i7-6600U or i5-6300U


    S3/S4/S5 Wake-on-LAN

    Wireless WLAN

    Integrated wireless local area network (WLAN) options by way of
    wireless module

    Two WLAN antennas built into display assembly

    Integrated wireless personal area network (PAN) supported by
    Bluetooth® 4.0 or Bluetooth 4.2 combo card

    Compatible with Miracast-certied devices

    Support for the following WWAN formats:

    ● Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260NGW 802.11a/b/g/n+ac 2×2 Wi-Fi
    + BT 4.2 combo adapter (i7-6600U,


    ● Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260NGW 802.11a/b/g/n+ac non–vPro
    2×2 Wi-Fi + BT 4.2 combo adapter

    (i7-6500U, i5-6200U, i3-6100U)

    ● Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165 802.11a/b/g/n+ac 1×1 Wi-Fi +
    BT 4.0 combo adapter (i7-6500U,

    i5-6200U, i3-6100U)

    Supports no WLAN option


    Supports the following NFC formats:

    Integrated NFC Galapagos NXP NPC100 12C NCI 10 mm x 25 mm

    2 Chapter 1 Product description

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Category Description

    NFC antenna

    Supports no NFC option


    Integrated wireless wide area network (WWAN) options by way of
    wireless module

    Two WWAN antennas built into display assembly

    Supports the following WWAN formats:

    ● HP lt4120 Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ X5 LTE Mobile Broadband

    ● HP hs31110 HSPA + Intel Mobile Broadband Module

    Supports no WWAN option

    External media cards SIM card reader

    Memory card reader (SD, SDHC, SDXC)

    Ports VGA

    USB 3.0 charging

    USB 3.0

    USB Type-C



    Docking connector

    Audio-out (headphone)/audio-in (microphone) combo jack

    AC port




    Dura keys, backlit, spill resistant with drain

    Spill resistant with drain


    Gestures enabled by default: two-nger scrolling,
    two-nger pinch-zoom

    Taps enabled by default

    On/of button


    Power requirements 3-cell Li-Ion battery, 44 WHr, 3.91 Ahr

    65 W HP Smart AC adapter

    45 W HP Smart AC adapter

    45 W, 2-prong AC adapter

    Security Security lock

    Fingerprint reader

    Supports Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2 or 2.0
    (Inneon, soldered down)

    Integrated Smart Card reader (active)

    Preboot authentication (password, smart card)


  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Category Description

    Operating system Preinstalled:

    ● Windows 7 Professional 32-bit and 64-bit

    ● Windows 8.1 China 64 (CPPP)

    ● Windows 8.1 High-end Emerging Markets 64

    ● Windows 8.1 Emerging Markets 64

    ● Windows 8.1 High-end Multilingual 64

    ● Windows 8.1 Multilingual 64

    ● Windows 8.1 Professional 64

    ● Windows 8.1 Core for Higher Education (Emerging Markets)

    ● Windows 10 Home 64

    ● Windows 10 Home 64 Single Language

    ● Windows 10 Home 64 Chinese Market (CPPP)

    Windows 10 Home High-End

    ● Windows 10 Home High-End Single Language

    ● Windows 10 Professional 64

    ● Windows 10 Professional 64 with downgrade to Windows 7 32- or

    ● Windows 10 Professional 64 Chinese Market

    ● Windows 10 Professional 64 with downgrade to Windows 7 32- or
    64-bit Chinese Market

    ● NeoKylin Linux 64-bit

    ● FreeDOS 2.0

    Restore Media–DR/SR-DVD

    ● Windows 7

    ● Windows 8.1

    ● Windows 10

    ● NeoKylin Linux

    Restore Media–OSDVD:

    ● Windows 7 Professional 32- or 64-bit

    ● Windows 8.1 Professional 64-bit

    ● Windows 8.1 64-bit

    ● Windows 8.1 Country Specic 64-bit

    ● Windows 8.1 Emerging Markets 64-bit

    ● Windows 10 Professional 64


    ● Microsoft WHQL

    Web-only support:

    ● Windows 7 Enterprise 32

    ● Windows 7 Enterprise 64

    4 Chapter 1 Product description

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Category Description

    ● Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64

    ● Windows 10 Professional 64

    Serviceability End user replaceable parts:

    AC adapter


    Hard drive


    Memory module





  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    2 External component identication


    Component Description

    (1) USB Type-C (charging) port Connects any USB device with a
    Type-C connector.

    NOTE: USB Type-C ports charge products such as cell phones,

    laptops, tablets, and MP3 players, even when the computer is

    of. Also, some USB Type-C ports connect DisplayPort,

    HDMI and other video devices to provide video output.

    NOTE: Adapters (purchased separately) may be required.

    (2) Dual-Mode DisplayPort Connects an optional digital display
    device, such as a high-

    performance monitor or projector.

    (3) Memory card reader Reads optional memory cards that store,
    manage, share, or

    access information.

    (4) Audio-out (headphone)/Audio-in (microphone)

    combo jack

    Connects optional powered stereo speakers, headphones,

    earbuds, a headset, or a television audio cable. Also connects

    optional headset microphone. This jack does not support

    optional microphone-only devices.

    WARNING! To reduce the risk of personal injury, adjust the

    volume before putting on headphones, earbuds, or a headset.

    For additional safety information, refer to the Regulatory,

    Safety, and Environmental Notices .

    To access this guide:

    Windows 10:

    Select the Start button, select All apps, select HP Help

    Support, and then select HP Documentation.

    Windows 8 or Windows 7:

    Select the HP Support Assistant app on the Start screen,

    My computer, and then select User guides.

    NOTE: When a device is connected to the jack, the computer

    speakers are disabled.

    (5) USB 3.0 port Connects an optional USB device, such as a
    keyboard, mouse,

    external drive, printer, scanner or USB hub.

    6 Chapter 2 External component identication

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Component Description

    (6) RJ-45 (network) jack/status lights Connects a network

    ● Green (left): The network is connected.

    ● Amber (right): Activity is occurring on the network.

    (7)   Docking connector Connects an optional docking

    (8) SIM card slot Supports a wireless subscriber identity module
    (SIM) card.

    (9) Power connector Connects an AC adapter.

    Right 7

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual



    Component Description

    (1) Security cable slot Attaches an optional security cable to
    the computer.

    NOTE: The security cable is designed to act as a deterrent,

    it may not prevent the computer from being mishandled or


    (2)   Vents (2) Enable airow to cool internal

    NOTE: The computer fan starts up automatically to cool

    internal components and prevent overheating. It is normal

    the internal fan to cycle on and of during routine

    (3) External monitor port Connects an external VGA monitor or

    (4) USB 3.0 charging (powered) port Connects an optional USB
    device, such as a keyboard, mouse,

    external drive, printer, scanner or USB hub. Standard USB

    will not charge all USB devices or will charge using a low

    Some USB devices require power and require you to use a

    powered port.

    NOTE: USB charging ports can also charge select models ofcell
    phones and MP3 players, even when the computer is of.

    (5)   Smart card reader Supports optional smart cards.

    8 Chapter 2 External component identication

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual



    Component Description

    (1) WLAN antennas* Send and receive wireless signals to
    communicate with wireless local

    area networks (WLANs).

    (2) WWAN antennas* Send and receive wireless signals to
    communicate with wireless wide

    area networks (WWANs).

    (3) Internal microphones Record sound.

    (4) Webcam light On: The webcam is in use.

    (5) Webcam Records video and captures photographs. Some models
    allow you to

    video conference and chat online using streaming video.

    To use the webcam:

    ▲ Typecamera in the taskbar search box, and then select


    *The antennas are not visible from the outside of the computer.
    For optimal transmission, keep the areas immediately around the

    antennas free from obstructions.

    For wireless regulatory notices, see the section of the
    Regulatory, Safety, and Environmental Notices  that
    applies to your country or


    To access this guide:

    Windows 10:

    Select the Start button, select All apps, select HP Help
    and Support, and then select HP Documentation.

    Windows 8 or Windows 7:

    Select the HP Support Assistant app on the Start screen,
    select My computer, and then select User guides.

    Display 9

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual




    Component Description

    (1)   Pointing stick (select products only) Moves the
    pointer and selects or activates items on the screen.

    (2)   Left pointing stick button (select products only)
    Functions like the left button on an external mouse.

    (3)   TouchPad on/of button/TouchPad light Turns the
    TouchPad on and of.

    ● On: The TouchPad is of.

    ●   Of: The TouchPad is on.

    (4)   TouchPad zone Reads your nger gestures to move
    the pointer or activate

    items on the screen.

    (5)   Left TouchPad button Functions like the left button
    on an external mouse.

    (6)   Right pointing stick button (select products


    Functions like the right button on an external mouse.

    (7)   Right TouchPad button Functions like the right button
    on an external mouse.

    10 Chapter 2 External component identication

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    Component Description

    (1)   Caps lock light On: Caps lock is on, which switches
    the key input to all capital


    (2) Power light ● On: The computer is on.

    ● Blinking: The computer is in the Sleep state, a

    state. The computer shuts of power to the display and

    other unneeded components.

    ●   Of: The computer is of or in Hibernation.
    Hibernation is a

    power-saving state that uses the least amount of power.

    (3) Mute light   ● Amber: Computer sound is of.

    ●   Of: Computer sound is on.

    (4) Microphone mute light   ● Amber: microphone sound is

    ●   Of: microphone sound is on.

    (5) Wireless light On: An integrated wireless device, such as a
    wireless local area

    network (WLAN) device and/or a Bluetooth® device, is on.

    NOTE: On some models, the wireless light is amber when all

    wireless devices are of.

    (6) Num lock light On: Num lock is on.

    Top 11

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    Buttons, speakers, and ngerprint reader

    Component Description

    (1) Power button   ● When the computer is of, press
    the button to turn on the


    ● When the computer is on, press the button briey to


    ● When the computer is in the Sleep state, press the button

    briey to exit Sleep.

    ● When the computer is in Hibernation, press the button

    briey to exit Hibernation.

    CAUTION: Pressing and holding down the power button results

    in the loss of unsaved information.

    If the computer has stopped responding and shutdown

    procedures are inefective, press and hold the power button
    for at

    least 15 seconds to turn of the computer.

    To learn more about your power settings, see your power


    ▲ Typepower in the taskbar search box, and then select

    Power and sleep settings.

     ‒  or –

    Right-click the Start button, and then select Power


    (2)   Speakers Produce sound.

    (3)   F ingerprint reader (select products only) Allows a
    ngerprint logon to Windows, instead of a password


    12 Chapter 2 External component identication

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    Component Description

    (1)   esc key Displays system information when pressed
    in combination with

    the fn key.

    (2)   fn key Executes frequently used system functions
    when pressed in

    combination with a function key, the num lock key, or the


    See Using the hot keys on page 13

    (3) Windows key Opens the Start menu.

    NOTE: Pressing the Windows key again will close the Start


    (4)   Embedded numeric keypad A numeric keypad superimposed
    over the keyboard alphabet

    keys that enables you to add, subtract, and perform othernumeric
    tasks. When num lock is on, the keypad can be used like

    an external numeric keypad.

    (5) num lock key Turns the embedded numeric keypad on and

    Using the hot keys

    To use a hot key:

    ▲ Press the fn key, and then press the correct function key
    represented by the icons below.

    Press fn+function key Description

    Initiates Sleep, which saves your information in system memory.
    The display and other system components

    turn of and power is conserved.

    To exit Sleep, briey press the power button.

    CAUTION: To reduce the risk of information loss, save your work
    before initiating Sleep.

    Turns the backlight keyboard of or on.

    NOTE: To conserve battery power, turn of this feature.

    Top 13

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    Press fn+function key Description

    Switches the screen image among display devices connected to the
    system. For example, if a monitor is

    connected to the computer, repeatedly pressing
    fn+f4 alternates the screen image from computer display to

    monitor display to simultaneous display on both the computer and
    the monitor.

    Most external monitors receive video information on the computer
    using the external VGA video standard.

    The fn+f4 hot key can also alternate images among other
    devices that are receiving video information on the


    Decreases the screen brightness incrementally as long as you
    hold down the key.

    Increases the screen brightness incrementally as long as you
    hold down the key.

    Mutes or restores speaker sound.

    Decreases speaker volume incrementally while you hold down the

    Increases speaker volume incrementally while you hold down the

    Mutes the microphone.

    Turns the wireless feature on or of.

    NOTE: A wireless network must be set up before a wireless
    connection is possible.

    R Pauses or breaks an operation. This replaces the break

    C Locks cell. This replaces the scroll lock key.

    S Sends a programming query. This replaces the sys rq key.

    14 Chapter 2 External component identication

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    Component Description

    (1)   Docking connector Connects an optional docking

    (2)   Vents (2) Enable airow to cool internal

    NOTE: The computer fan starts up automatically to cool

    internal components and prevent overheating. It is normal

    for the internal fan to cycle on and of during routine



    Component Description

    (1) Wireless light On: An integrated wireless device, such as a
    wireless local

    area network (WLAN) device and/or a Bluetooth® device, is


    NOTE: On some models, the wireless light is amber when

    all wireless devices are of.

    (2) Power light ● On: The computer is on.

    Bottom 15

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    Component Description

    ● Blinking: The computer is in the Sleep state, a power-

    saving state. The computer shuts of power to the

    display and other unneeded components.

    ●   Of: The computer is of or in Hibernation.

    Hibernation is a power-saving state that uses the

    least amount of power.

    (3) Battery light When AC power is connected:

    ● White: The battery charge is greater than 90 percent.

    ● Amber: The battery charge is from 0 to 90 percent.

    ●   Of: The battery is not charging.

    When AC power is disconnected (battery not charging):

    ● Blinking amber: The battery has reached a low

    battery level. When the battery has reached a critical

    battery level, the battery light begins blinking


    ●   Of: The battery is not charging.

    (4) Drive light   ● Blinking white: The hard drive is being

    ● Amber: HP 3D DriveGuard has temporarily parked the

    hard drive.

    Locating system informationImportant system information is
    located on the bottom edge of the tablet or on the keyboard base.
    You may

    need the information when travelling internationally or when you
    contact support:

    (1): Serial number

    (2): Product number

    (3): Model number

    (4): Warranty period

    16 Chapter 2 External component identication

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    3 Illustrated parts catalog

    Computer major componentsNOTE: HP continually improves and
    changes product parts. For complete and current information on

    supported parts for your computer, go to
    http://partsurfer.hp.com, select your country or region, and

    follow the on-screen instructions.

    NOTE: Details about your computer, including model, serial
    number, product key, and length of warranty,

    are on the service tag at the bottom of your computer. See
    Locating system information on page 16 for


    Item Component Spare part number

    (1) Display assembly: Display assembly: Non-touch display
    assemblies are spared at the subcomponent level only. For more

    non-touch display assembly spare part information, see Display
    assembly subcomponents on page 21.

    (2) Keyboard (see Keyboard on page 46)

    (3) Top cover 821692-001

    18 Chapter 3 Illustrated parts catalog


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    Item Component Spare part number

    (16) System board (includes processor and replacement
    thermal material, see System board on page 49)

    (17) RTC battery 702853-001

    (18) Speaker assembly (includes cable) 821684-001

    (19) Bottom cover 821662-001

    20 Chapter 3 Illustrated parts catalog

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    Display assembly subcomponents

    Item Component Spare part number

    (1) Bezel 821658-001

    (2) Microphone module 821696-001

    (3) Webcam module (includes microphone and cable)

    (4) Raw panel

      HD 821655-001

      FHD 821656-001

    Display assembly subcomponents 21

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Item Component Spare part number

    (5) Display cable  (spared with the cable kit)

    (6) Hinge covers (spared with the plastics kit)

    (7) Hinges 821674-001

    (8) WWAN antenna (spared with back cover)

    (9) WLAN antenna (spared with back cover)

    (10) Back cover (includes antennas) 821672-001

    Plastics kit

    Item Component Spare part number

      Plastics kit 821675-001

    (1) Fingerprint reader blank (includes bracket)

    (2) SD card blank

    (3) Hinge covers

      Silicone rubber bumpers (not shown)

    22 Chapter 3 Illustrated parts catalog

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    Cable kit

    Item Component Spare part number

      Cable kit 821669-001

    (1) NFC module cable

    (2) Pointing stick cable

    (3) Display cable

    Cable kit 23

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    Mass storage devices

    Item Component Spare part number

    (1) Hard drive

      1 TB, 5400 rpm, 7 mm 762990-001

      500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm, FIPS 820572-001

      500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm, Opal-2 820573-001

      500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm 703267-001

      500 GB, 5400 rpm, 7 mm, hybrid, 8 GB cache 732000-001

    (2) Hard drive hardware kit 821665-001

    (3) Solid-state drive (SSD)

      512 GB, SATA-3 TLC 840633-001

      256 GB, PCIe 3×4 821683-001

      256 GB, SATA-3 self-encrypting drive Opal-2

      256 GB, SATA-3 TLC 821681-001

      240 GB, SATA-3 831760-001

      180 GB, SATA-3, self-encrypting drive Opal-2

    24 Chapter 3 Illustrated parts catalog

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    Item Component Spare part number

      180 GB, SATA-3 821678-001

      128 GB, SATA-3 TLC 821677-001

    Miscellaneous partsComponent Spare part number

    AC adapter:

    65 W Smart Adapter RC/V, emerging markets 693710-001

    65 W Smart Adapter NPFC 693711-001

    65 W Adapter NPFC S-3P 710412-001

    65 W Smart Adapter NPFC, emerging markets 714657-001

    45 W Smart Adapter NPFC nSlim 741727-001

    45 W Smart Adapter NPFC 2-prong 742436-001

    HP Smart AC Adapter 4.5 mm to 7.4 mm adapter 734734-001

    HP DisplayPort to HDMI 1.4 Adapter 749288-001

    HP Essential Top Load Case 679921-001

    HP Business Top Load Case 718550-001

    HP Slim Ultrabook Top Load Case 747078-001

    Docking station 732252-001

    Cable lock docking station 575921-001

    HP Ultraslim Keyed Cable Lock 703372-001

    HP USB Laser Mouse 674318-001

    HP Comfort Grip Wireless Mouse 691922-001

    HP USB Travel Mouse 757770-001

    HP Mobile Connect 714749-001

    Power cord (3-pin, black, 1.83 m):

    For use in Argentina 490371-D01

    For use in Australia 490371-011

    For use in Brazil 490371-202

    For use in Denmark 490371-081

    For use in Europe 490371-021

    For use in India 490371-D61

    For use in Israel 490371-BB1

    For use in Italy 490371-061

    Miscellaneous parts 25

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    4 Removal and replacement procedures

    preliminary requirements

    Tools requiredYou will need the following tools to complete the
    removal and replacement procedures:

    ● Flat-bladed screwdriver

    ● Magnetic screwdriver

    ● Phillips P0 and P1 screwdrivers

    Service considerations

    The following sections include some of the considerations that
    you must keep in mind during disassembly

    and assembly procedures.

    NOTE: As you remove each subassembly from the computer, place
    the subassembly (and all accompanying

    screws) away from the work area to prevent damage.

    Plastic parts

    CAUTION: Using excessive force during disassembly and reassembly
    can damage plastic parts. Use care

    when handling the plastic

    Tools required 27

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    Cables and connectors

    CAUTION: When servicing the computer, be sure that cables are
    placed in their proper locations during the

    reassembly process. Improper cable placement can damage the

    Cables must be handled with extreme care to avoid damage. Apply
    only the tension required to unseat or seat

    the cables during removal and insertion. Handle cables by the
    connector whenever possible. In all cases, avoid

    bending, twisting, or tearing cables. Be sure that cables are
    routed in such a way that they cannot be caughtor snagged by parts
    being removed or replaced. Handleex cables with extreme care;
    these cables tear


    Drive handling

    CAUTION: Drives are fragile components that must be handled with
    care. To prevent damage to the

    computer, damage to a drive, or loss of information, observe
    these precautions:

    Before removing or inserting a hard drive, shut down the
    computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is

    of or in Hibernation, turn the computer on, and then shut
    it down through the operating system.

    Before handling a drive, be sure that you are discharged of
    static electricity. While handling a drive, avoid

    touching the connector.Before removing a diskette drive or
    optical drive, be sure that a diskette or disc is not in the drive
    and be sure

    that the optical drive tray is closed.

    Handle drives on surfaces covered with at least one inch of
    shock-proof foam.

    Avoid dropping drives from any height onto any surface.

    Avoid exposing an internal hard drive to products that have
    magnetic elds, such as monitors or speakers.

    Avoid exposing an internal hard drive to products that have
    magnetic elds, such as monitors or speakers.

    Avoid exposing a drive to temperature extremes or liquids.

    If a drive must be mailed, place the drive in a bubble pack
    mailer or other suitable form of protective

    packaging and label the package “FRAGILE.”

    28 Chapter 4 Removal and replacement procedures preliminary

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    Grounding guidelines

    Electrostatic discharge damage

    Electronic components are sensitive to electrostatic discharge
    (ESD). Circuitry design and structure determine

    the degree of sensitivity. Networks built into many integrated
    circuits provide some protection, but in many

    cases, ESD contains enough power to alter device parameters or
    melt silicon junctions.

    A discharge of static electricity from a nger or other
    conductor can destroy static-sensitive devices or

    microcircuitry. Even if the spark is neither felt nor heard,
    damage may have occurred.

    An electronic device exposed to ESD may not be afected at
    all and can work perfectly throughout a normal

    cycle. Or the device may function normally for a while, then
    degrade in the internal layers, reducing its life


    CAUTION: To prevent damage to the computer when you are removing
    or installing internal components,

    observe these precautions:

    Keep components in their electrostatic-safe containers until you
    are ready to install them.

    Before touching an electronic component, discharge static
    electricity by using the guidelines described in this


    Avoid touching pins, leads, and circuitry. Handle electronic
    components as little as possible.

    If you remove a component, place it in an electrostatic-safe

    The following table shows how humidity afects the
    electrostatic voltage levels generated by diferent


    CAUTION: A product can be degraded by as little as 700 V.

    Typical electrostatic voltage levels

      Relative humidity

    Event 10% 40% 55%

    Walking across carpet 35,000 V 15,000 V 7,500 V

    Walking across vinyl oor 12,000 V 5,000 V 3,000 V

    Motions of bench worker 6,000 V 800 V 400 V

    Removing DIPS from plastic tube 2,000 V 700 V 400 V

    Removing DIPS from vinyl tray 11,500 V 4,000 V 2,000 V

    Removing DIPS from Styrofoam 14,500 V 5,000 V 3,500 V

    Removing bubble pack from PCB 26,500 V 20,000 V 7,000 V

    Packing PCBs in foam-lined box 21,000 V 11,000 V 5,000 V

    Grounding guidelines 29

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    Equipment guidelines

    Grounding equipment must include either a wrist strap or a foot
    strap at a grounded workstation.

    ● When seated, wear a wrist strap connected to a grounded
    system. Wrist straps are exible straps with a

    minimum of one megohm ±10% resistance in the ground cords. To
    provide proper ground, wear a strap

    snugly against the skin at all times. On grounded mats with
    banana-plug connectors, use alligator clips

    to connect a wrist strap.

    ● When standing, use foot straps and a grounded oor mat.
    Foot straps (heel, toe, or boot straps) can be

    used at standing workstations and are compatible with most types
    of shoes or boots. On conductive

    oors or dissipative oor mats, use foot straps on both
    feet with a minimum of one megohm resistance

    between the operator and ground. To be efective, the
    conductive must be worn in contact with the skin.

    The following grounding equipment is recommended to prevent
    electrostatic damage:

    ● Antistatic tape

    ● Antistatic smocks, aprons, and sleeve protectors

    ● Conductive bins and other assembly or soldering aids

    ● Nonconductive foam

    ● Conductive tabletop workstations with ground cords of one
    megohm resistance

    ● Static-dissipative tables or oor mats with hard ties to
    the ground

    ● Field service kits

    ● Static awareness labels

    ● Material-handling packages

    ● Nonconductive plastic bags, tubes, or boxes

    ● Metal tote boxes

    ● Electrostatic voltage levels and protective materials

    The following table lists the shielding protection provided by
    antistatic bags and oor mats.

    Material Use Voltage protection level

    Antistatic plastics Bags 1,500 V

    Carbon-loaded plastic Floor mats 7,500 V

    Metallized laminate Floor mats 5,000 V

    Grounding guidelines 31

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    5 Removal and replacement procedures for

    Customer Self-Repair parts

    This chapter provides removal and replacement procedures for
    Customer Self-Repair parts.

    NOTE: The Customer Self-Repair program is not available in all
    locations. Installing a part not supported by

    the Customer Self-Repair program may void your warranty. Check
    your warranty to determine if Customer

    Self-Repair is supported in your location.

    Component replacement procedures

    NOTE: Details about your computer, including model, serial
    number, product key, and length of warranty,

    are on the service tag at the bottom of your computer. See
    Locating system information on page 16 for


    NOTE: HP continually improves and changes product parts. For
    complete and current information on

    supported parts for your computer, go to
    http://partsurfer.hp.com, select your country or region, and

    follow the on-screen instructions.

    There are as many as xx screws that must be removed, replaced,
    and/or loosened when servicing Customer

    Self-Repair parts. Make special note of each screw size and
    location during removal and replacement.

    Bottom cover

    Description Spare part number

    Bottom cover 821662-001

    Before removing the bottom cover, follow these steps:

    1. Turn of the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the
    power cord from the computer.

    3. Disconnect all external devices from the computer.

    Remove the bottom cover:

    1. Turn the computer upside down on a at surface.

    32 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer
    Self-Repair parts


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    2. Remove the 11 rubber plugs (1) and the 11 Phillips
    PM2.5×5.0 screws beneath them (2) from the

    bottom cover.

    Be sure to remove the screws in the following order.

    3. Remove the SD card blank and the 1 PM2.0×7.0 screw beneath it
    (3) that secures the bottom cover to

    the computer.

    4. Pry up on the top (near the display hinge) of the bottom
    cover to disengage it from the computer (4).

    Reverse the removal procedures to install the bottom cover.

    NOTE: There are four diferent sizes of rubber plugs. Be
    sure that you reinstall them over the correct screws.

    Component replacement procedures 33

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    The rubber-plug sizes are as follows.

    The rubber-plug locations are as follows.

    34 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer
    Self-Repair parts

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    Description Spare part number

    3-cell, 44 WHr, 3.91 Ah Li-ion battery 800514-001

    Before removing the battery, follow these steps:

    1. Turn of the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn

    the computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the
    power cord from the computer.

    3. Disconnect all external devices from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    To remove the battery:

    WARNING! To reduce potential safety issues, use only the
    user-replaceable battery provided with the

    computer, a replacement battery provided by HP, or a compatible
    battery purchased from HP.

    CAUTION: Removing a user-replaceable battery that is the sole
    power source for the computer can cause

    loss of information. To prevent loss of information, save your
    work or shut down the computer through

    Windows before removing the battery.

    ▲ Loosen the captive screw (1) and lift the tab to remove
    the battery from the computer (2).

    To insert the battery, reverse the removal procedures.

    Component replacement procedures 35

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    Hard drive

    Description Spare part number

    1 TB, 5400 rpm, 7 mm 762990-001

    500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm, FIPS 820572-001

    500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm, Opal-2 820573-001

    500 GB, 7200 rpm, 7 mm 703267-001

    500 GB, 5400 rpm, 7 mm, hybrid, 8 GB cache 732000-001

    Before removing the hard drive, follow these steps:

    1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the

    3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging
    the power cord from the AC outlet, andthen unplugging the AC
    adapter from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    To remove a hard drive:

    1. Loosen the 4 captive screws (1) that secure the hard
    drive to the chassis.

    2. Slide the hard drive (2) away from the center of the
    computer to disengage it from the connector.

    3. Lift to remove the hard drive from the bay (3).

    36 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer
    Self-Repair parts

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    4. To remove the hard drive cover and bracket from the hard
    drive, lift the Mylar cover up of the drive,

    remove the 4 Phillips PM3.0×3.0 screws (1) that secure the
    bracket to the drive, and then lift the bracket

    up and of the hard drive (2).

    Reverse this procedure to install a hard drive.

    NOTE: Only a hard drive or an SSD can be installed. To install a
    hard drive, be sure that the standee is stored

    beside the hard drive slot and not installed across from the SSD

    Component replacement procedures 37

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    Description Spare part number

    Solid-state drive

    512 GB, SATA-3 TLC 840633-001

    256 GB, PCIe 3×4 821683-001

    256 GB, SATA-3 self-encrypting drive Opal-2 821680-001

    256 GB, SATA-3 TLC 821681-001

    240 GB, SATA-3 831760-001

    180 GB, SATA-3, self-encrypting drive Opal-2 821679-001

    180 GB, SATA-3 821678-001

    128 GB, SATA-3 TLC 821677-001

    Before removing the SSD, follow these steps:

    1. Turn of the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the
    power cord from the computer.

    3. Disconnect all external devices from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Disconnect the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    Remove the SSD:

    1. Remove the Phillips PM2.0×3.0 screw (1) that secures the
    drive to the system board.

    38 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer
    Self-Repair parts

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    Memory modules

    NOTE: Primary and expansion memory is installed in a
    side-by-side conguration in the bottom of the


    If only one memory module is installed, it must be installed in
    the socket labeled 1.

    Description Spare part number

    4-GB (2133-MHz, DDR4) 820569-001

    8-GB (2133-MHz, DDR4) 820570-001

    Update BIOS before adding memory modules

    Before adding new memory, make sure you update the computer to
    the latest BIOS.

    CAUTION: Failure to update the computer to the latest BIOS prior
    to installing new memory may result in

    various system problems.

    To update BIOS:

    1. Navigate to www.hp.com.

    2. Click Support & Drivers > click Drivers
    & Software.

    3. In the Enter a product name/number box, type the
    computer model information, and then click Search.

    4. Click the link for the computer model.

    5. Select the operating system, and then click Next.

    6. Under Step 2: Select a Download, click the
    BIOS link.

    7. Click the link for the most recent BIOS.

    8. Click the Download button, and then follow the on-screen

    Before removing the memory module, follow these steps:

    1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the

    3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging
    the power cord from the AC outlet, and

    then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    Remove the memory module:

    1. Spread the retaining tabs (1) on each side of the memory
    module slot to release the memory module.

    (The edge of the module opposite the slot rises away from the

    40 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer
    Self-Repair parts


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    2. Remove the memory module (2) by pulling the module away
    from the slot at an angle.

    NOTE: Memory modules are designed with a notch to prevent
    incorrect insertion into the memory

    module slot.

    NOTE: The computer uses two memory sockets. The socket labeled 2
    houses the expansion memory

    module and the socket labeled 1 houses the primary memory
    module. The removal procedure is the

    same for both memory sockets.

    Reverse this procedure to install a memory module.

    Component replacement procedures 41

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    WLAN/Bluetooth combo card

    The computer uses a card that provides both WLAN and Bluetooth

    The WLAN module and WWAN module are not interchangeable.

    Description Spare part number

    Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165 802.11ac 1×1 WiFi + BT 4.0
    combo adapter 806723-001

    Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260NGW 802.11a/g/g/n+ac 2×2 WiFi +
    BT 4.2 combo adapter 806721-001

    Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260NGW 802.11a/b/g/n+ac non-vPro
    2×2 WiFi + BT 4.2 combo adapter 806722-001

    Before removing the WLAN module, follow these steps:

    1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the

    3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging
    the power cord from the AC outlet, andthen unplugging the AC
    adapter from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    Remove the WLAN module:

    1. Disconnect the WLAN antenna cables (1) from the
    terminals on the WLAN module.

    NOTE: The WLAN antenna cable labeled “1” connects to the WLAN
    module “Main” terminal labeled “1”.

    The WLAN antenna cable labeled “2” connects to the WLAN module
    “Aux” terminal labeled “2”. If the

    computer is equipped with an 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN module, the
    yellow WLAN antenna cable connects to

    the middle terminal on the WLAN module.

    2. Remove the one Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screw (2) that secures
    the WLAN module to the computer. (The edge

    of the module opposite the slot rises away from the

    42 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer
    Self-Repair parts

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    WWAN module

    The WLAN module and WWAN module are not interchangeable.

    The WWAN module is available on select models only.

    Description Spare part number

    HP lt4120 LTE/EVDO/HSPA+ SnapdragonT X5 LTE Mobile Broadband
    Module 800870-001

    HP hs31110 HSPA + Intel Mobile Broadband Module 822828-001

    Before removing the WWAN module, follow these steps:

    1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the

    3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging
    the power cord from the AC outlet, and

    then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    Remove the WWAN module:

    1. Position the computer upside-down.

    2. Disconnect the WWAN antenna cables (1) from the
    terminals on the WWAN module.

    NOTE: The red WWAN antenna cable is connected to the WWAN module
    “Main” terminal. The blue

    WWAN antenna cable is connected to the WWAN module “Aux”

    3. Remove the one Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screws (2) that secure
    the WWAN module to the computer. (Theedge of the module opposite
    the slot rises away from the computer.)

    44 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer
    Self-Repair parts

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    4. Remove the WWAN module (3) by pulling the module away
    from the slot at an angle.

    NOTE: WWAN modules are designed with a notch to prevent
    incorrect insertion.

    NOTE: If the WWAN antennas are not connected to the terminals on
    the WWAN module, the protective

    sleeves must be installed on the antenna connectors, as shown in
    the following illustration.

    Reverse this procedure to install the WWAN module.

    Component replacement procedures 45

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual



    In this section, the rst table provides the main spare part
    number for the keyboards. The second table

    provides the country codes.

    Description Spare part number

    Keyboard, no backlight 826631-xx1

    Keyboard, backlit 826630-xx1

    For use in country

    or region

    Spare part


    For use in country

    or region

    Spare part


    For use in country

    or region

    Spare part


    Belgium -A41 India -D61 Slovenia -BA1

    Brazil -201 Israel -BB1 South Korea -AD1

    Bulgaria -261 Italy -061 Spain -071

    Canada -DB1 Japan -291 Sweden and Finland -B71

    Czech Republic

    and Slovakia

    -FL1 Latin America -161 Switzerland -BG1

    Denmark -081 The Netherlands -B31 Taiwan -AB1

    Denmark, Finland, and


    -DH1 Northern Africa -FP1 Thailand -281

    France -051 Norway -091 Turkey -141

    Germany -041 Portugal -131 Turkey -541

    Greece -151 Romania -271 United Kingdom -031

    Hungary -211 Russia -251 United States -001

    Iceland -DD1 Saudi Arabia -171

    Before removing the keyboard, follow these steps:

    1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the

    3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging
    the power cord from the AC outlet, and

    then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    Remove the keyboard:

    1. Remove the 2 Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screws that secure the
    keyboard to the computer (1).

    2. Position the computer upright with the front toward you.

    3. Open the computer as far as possible.

    46 Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures for Customer
    Self-Repair parts

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    4. Insert a screwdriver or similar thin tool into the hole
    beside the heat sink/fan assembly, and then press

    on the back of the keyboard until it disengages from the
    computer (2). Rotate the top of the keyboard

    upward, and then lift the keyboard up at an angle to disengage
    the tabs at the bottom of the keyboard.

    NOTE: Cables connect the bottom of the keyboard to the system
    board. Make sure not to prematurely

    pull the keyboard cables out of the system board connectors.

    5. Slide the keyboard slightly downward toward the palm rest to
    disengage the top of the keyboard from

    the top cover (1). Remove the pointing stick cable (2), the
    keyboard backlight cable (3), and the

    keyboard cable (4).

    6. Remove the keyboard (5).

    Component replacement procedures 47

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    6 Removal and replacement procedures for

    Authorized Service Provider parts

    This chapter provides removal and replacement procedures for
    Authorized Service Provider only parts.

    CAUTION: Components described in this chapter should only be
    accessed by an authorized service provider.

    Accessing these parts can damage the computer or void the

    CAUTION: This computer does not have user-replaceable parts.
    Only HP authorized service providers should

    perform the removal and replacement procedures described here.
    Accessing the internal part could damage

    the computer or void the warranty.

    Component replacement procedures

    NOTE: Details about your computer, including model, serial
    number, product key, and length of warranty,

    are on the service tag at the bottom of your computer. See
    Locating system information on page 16 for


    NOTE: HP continually improves and changes product parts. For
    complete and current information on

    supported parts for your computer, go to
    http://partsurfer.hp.com, select your country or region, and

    follow the on-screen instructions.

    There are as many as xx screws that must be removed, replaced,
    and/or loosened when servicing Authorized

    Service Provider only parts. Make special note of each screw
    size and location during removal

    and replacement.

    System boardNOTE: All system board spare part kits include
    replacement thermal material.

    All system boards use the following part numbers:

    xxxxxx-001: Non-Windows operating systems

    xxxxxx-601: Windows operating system

    Description Spare part number

    Intel i7-6600U; UMA graphics memory 831765-xxx

    Intel i7-6500U; UMA graphics memory 831764-xxx

    Intel i5-6300U; UMA graphics memory 831763-xxx

    Intel i5-6200U; UMA graphics memory 831762-xxx

    Intel i3-6100U; UMA graphics memory 831761-xxx

    Before removing the system board, follow these steps:

    Component replacement procedures 49


  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the

    3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging
    the power cord from the AC outlet, and

    then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    6. Remove the following components:

    a. Keyboard (see Keyboard on page 46)

    b. Hard drive (see Hard drive on page 36)

    c. SSD (see SSD on page 38)

    When replacing the system board, be sure to remove the following
    components from the defective system

    board and install on the replacement system board:

    ● Memory modules (see Memory modules on page 40)

    ● WLAN/Bluetooth module (see WLAN/Bluetooth combo card on page

    ● WWAN module (see WWAN module on page 44)

    ● RTC battery (see RTC battery on page 52)

    ● Heat sink/ fan assembly (see Heat sink/fan assembly on page

    Remove the system board:

    1. Disconnect the following cables from the system board:

    (1) Speaker cable

    (2) WLAN cables

    (3) WWAN cables

    (4) Display cable

    50 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized
    Service Provider parts

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    2. Remove the 4 Phillips PM2.5×5.0 screws (1) that secure
    the system board to the computer.

    3. Lift the right side of the system board up at an angle

    4. Pull the system board up and toward the right to remove it
    from the computer (3).

    Reverse this procedure to install the system board.

    Component replacement procedures 51

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    RTC battery

    Description Spare part number

    RTC battery 702853-001

    Before removing the RTC battery, follow these steps:

    1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the

    3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging
    the power cord from the AC outlet, and

    then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).Remove
    the RTC battery:

    1. Remove the RTC battery cable from the system board (1).

    2. Using a at tool, pry the battery out of the socket

    Reverse this procedure to install the RTC battery.

    52 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized
    Service Provider parts

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Heat sink/fan assembly

    NOTE: The heat sink/fan assembly spare part kit includes
    replacement thermal material.

    Description Spare part number

    Heat sink/thermal module with fans 821691-001

    Before removing the heat sink/fan assembly, follow these

    1. Turn of the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the
    power cord from the computer.

    3. Disconnect all external devices from the computer.

    4. Bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).

    Remove the heat sink/fan assembly:

    ▲ Disconnect the fan cable (1), loosen the six captive screws on
    the fan and heat sink following the

    sequence stamped on the heat sink (2), and then remove the heat
    sink/fan assembly from the system

    board (3).

    CAUTION: Take extreme care when removing the heat sink and fan
    assembly. The heatpipes between

    the fans are very fragile and can be easily damaged and bent
    during removal.

    NOTE: The thermal material must be thoroughly cleaned from the
    surfaces of the heat sink and the

    system board components each time the heat sink is removed.
    Replacement thermal material is

    included with the heat sink, processor, and system board spare
    part kits.

    Component replacement procedures 53

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Reverse this procedure to install the heat sink/fan

    54 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized
    Service Provider parts

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Fingerprint reader assembly

    Description Spare part number

    Fingerprint reader assembly (includes cable, bracket, and bezel)

    Before removing the ngerprint reader assembly, follow these

    1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the

    3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging
    the power cord from the AC outlet, and

    then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).Remove
    the ngerprint reader assembly:

    1. Remove the Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screw (1) that secures the
    bracket to the top cover.

    2. Slide the bracket right, and then lift it of the top
    cover (2).

    3. Disconnect the ngerprint reader board cable from the
    system board.

    4. Remove the ngerprint reader board and cable assembly
    from the top cover (3).

    Reverse this procedure to install the ngerprint reader

    Component replacement procedures 55

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Touchpad button board

    Description Spare part number

    Touchpad button board 821668-001

    Touchpad button board w/NFC antenna 821667-001

    Before removing the touchpad button board, follow these

    1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the

    3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging
    the power cord from the AC outlet, and

    then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).

    Remove the touchpad button board:

    1. Disconnect the cable from the touchpad to the smart card
    reader board (1), and then disconnect the NFC

    antenna from the NFC module (2).

    2. Lift the tape, and then remove the 3 Phillips PM2.5×3.0
    screws (3) that secure the touchpad button

    board to the top cover.

    3. Lift the bottom of the touchpad button board up, and then
    pull it forward to remove it from the slot (4).

    Reverse this procedure to install the touchpad board.

    56 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized
    Service Provider parts

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    NFC module

    Description Spare part number

    NFC (Near Field Communication) module 821666-001

    Before removing the NFC module, follow these steps:

    1. Turn of the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the
    power cord from the computer.

    3. Disconnect all external devices from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).

    Remove the NFC module:

    1. Disconnect the system board cable (1) and the NFC
    antenna from the NFC module.

    2. Pry the NFC module from the smart card reader, and the lift
    it from the computer (2).

    NOTE: The NFC antenna is spared with the touchpad.

    Reverse the removal procedures to install the NFC module.

    Component replacement procedures 57

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Smart card reader board

    Description Spare part number

    Smart card reader board (includes cable) 821695-001

    Before removing the card reader board, follow these steps:

    1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the

    3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging
    the power cord from the AC outlet, and

    then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).Remove
    the smart card reader board:

    NOTE: Before you remove the smart card reader, make sure nothing
    (memory card or plastic insert) in


    1. Disconnect the cable from the board (1).

    2. Disconnect the cable from the touchpad (2).

    3. Remove the 3 Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screws that secure the
    bracket to the top cover (3), and then lift to

    remove it from the computer (4).

    58 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized
    Service Provider parts

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    4. Lift the smart card reader board left to remove it from the
    top cover (5).

    Reverse this procedure to install the card reader board.

    Speaker assembly

    Description Spare part number

    Speaker assembly (includes cable) 821684-001

    Before removing the speaker assembly, follow these steps:

    1. Turn of the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the
    power cord from the computer.

    3. Disconnect all external devices from the computer.

    4. Remove the bottom cover (see Bottom cover on page 32).

    5. Remove the battery (see Battery on page 35).

    6. Remove the system board (see System board on page 49).

    Remove the speaker assembly:

    1. Remove the two Phillips PM2.5×3.0 screws that secure the
    speakers to the computer (1).

    Component replacement procedures 59

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    2. Remove the speaker (2) from the computer.

    Reverse this procedure to install the speakers.

    60 Chapter 6 Removal and replacement procedures for Authorized
    Service Provider parts

  • 8/17/2019 HP Elitebook 820 G3 Manual


    Display assembly

    Description Spare part number

    Display panel assembly, touch screen 821657-001

    Before removing the display assembly, follow these steps:

    1. Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the
    computer is of or in Hibernation, turn the

    computer on, and then shut it down through the operating

    2. Disconnect all external devices connected to the

    3. Disconnect the power from the computer by rst unplugging
    the power cord from the AC outlet, and

    then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.


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  • Размер:
    2.42 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(94 страницы)

  • Языки:Шведский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.47 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(104 страницы)

  • Языки:Немецкий
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.48 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(84 страницы)

  • Языки:Немецкий
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(104 страницы)

  • Языки:Немецкий
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.43 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(98 страниц)

  • Языки:Нидерландский
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    2.43 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(81 страница)

  • Языки:Нидерландский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    1.98 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(101 страница)

  • Языки:Нидерландский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.41 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(100 страниц)

  • Языки:Нидерландский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.46 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(97 страниц)

  • Языки:Иврит
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    3.16 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(92 страницы)

  • Языки:Иврит
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    3.17 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(77 страниц)

  • Языки:Иврит
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.59 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(81 страница)

  • Языки:Финский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    1.96 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(95 страниц)

  • Языки:Датский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.46 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(99 страниц)

  • Языки:Финский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.39 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(99 страниц)

  • Языки:Датский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.42 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(96 страниц)

  • Языки:Литовский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.46 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(81 страница)

  • Языки:Датский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    1.99 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(101 страница)

  • Языки:Литовский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.41 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(93 страницы)

  • Языки:Корейский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.87 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(82 страницы)

  • Языки:Литовский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    1.98 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(99 страниц)

  • Языки:Корейский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.85 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(78 страниц)

  • Языки:Корейский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.38 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(97 страниц)

  • Языки:Хорватский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.45 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(82 страницы)

  • Языки:Хорватский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    1.97 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(99 страниц)

  • Языки:Хорватский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.4 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(77 страниц)

  • Языки:Эстонский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(75 страниц)

  • Языки:Турецкий
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.1 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(71 страница)

  • Языки:Китайский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.29 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(77 страниц)

  • Языки:Португальский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.02 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(78 страниц)

  • Языки:Шведский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.02 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(77 страниц)

  • Языки:Индонезийский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(78 страниц)

  • Языки:Немецкий
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.03 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(71 страница)

  • Языки:Иврит
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.48 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(78 страниц)

  • Языки:Нидерландский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.02 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(76 страниц)

  • Языки:Датский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.02 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(75 страниц)

  • Языки:Корейский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.27 MB



HP EliteBook 820 G3 инструкция по эксплуатации
(80 страниц)

  • Языки:Литовский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.02 MB


На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для HP EliteBook 820 G3. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации HP EliteBook 820 G3. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить HP EliteBook 820 G3, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

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