Injectomat mc agilia инструкция на русском

Injectomat MC Agilia - шприцевой насос Kabi

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Модель шприцевого насоса Injectomat MC Agilia имеет расширенный набор функций (программирование скорости введения дозы, введение нагрузочной дозы, программирование болюса, графическая история и др.), предназначен для использования в отделениях интенсивной терапии и других специализированных отделениях.

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Варианты программирования инфузии:

Настройка насосов Injectomat MC

  • программирование скорости в мл/ч
  • программирование в единицах дозы (например, мкг/кг/мин) – насос автоматически пересчитает скорость в мл/ч
  • программирование введения определенного объема или дозы за определенное время
  • программирование объема и скорости инфузии
  • Возможность программирования введения нагрузочной дозы/дозы индукции

Характеристики насоса

Диапазон скорости введения от 0,1 до 1200 мл/ч (зависит от объема шприца)
Диапазон скорости введения болюса от 50 до 1200 мл/ч. Возможно как ручное, так и программируемое введение болюса
Варианты объемов шприцев 5, 10, 20, 30/35, 50/60 мл
Программируемая пауза от 1 мин до 24 ч
Журнал 1500 записей
Встроенная батарея NiMH, время работы от батареи 12 часов при скорости инфузии 5 мл/ч
Размеры 345 мм х 135 мм х 170 мм / 2,15 кг

Другие преимущества и особенности

Шприцевой насос Injectomat MC Agilia - стойка и использование

  • В память загружены характеристики 50 моделей шприцев разных производителей, что позволяет учесть их особенности и обеспечить высокую точность при проведении инфузии
  • При установке шприца в насос перемещение толкателя и фиксация поршня осуществляется вручную – нет задержек времени
  • Защита поршня – защитная рамка предотвращает непреднамеренное введение болюса при случайном ударе по толкателю поршня, например при падении насоса или при транспортировке
  • Большой информативный экран – достаточно беглого взгляда, чтобы быстро оценить состояние инфузии
  • Отражение на экране названия вводимого раствора/препарата
  • Возможность установки библиотеки лекарственных препаратов Vigilant® Drug Lib. В ней для каждого препарата программируется ряд параметров: название, мягкие пределы (наиболее высокая используемая скорость введения), жесткие пределы (максимально допустимая скорость введения), допустимые режимы инфузии, что значительно повышает безопасность при проведении инфузии
  • Режим поддержания вены открытой (ПВО) – после завершения инфузии насос автоматически продолжит вводить раствор с небольшой скоростью (от 1 до 5 мл/ч) с целью поддержания проходимости венозного доступа
  • Динамическая система контроля давления – реагирует на стабильное изменение уровня давления в системе (до достижения заданного предела), позволяет быстро обнаружить окклюзию или отсоединение системы и своевременно принять необходимые меры
  • Графическое и цифровое отражение значения давления в системе
  • Графическое отражение истории: объем/введенная доза, давление, скорость
  • Поворачиваемый зажим позволяет крепить насос в необходимом положении
  • Возможность объединения насосов друг с другом
  • Ночной режим – сниженная яркость, выключение звука кнопок; автоматический переход в ночной режим в заданное время
  • Сервисное обслуживание – один раз в три года

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ООО “МЕДПРИБОР ПРО” – официальный поставщик оборудования Fresenius Kabi в России.

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Fresenius Kabi

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  • экспресс доставка в течении 5 часов собственным транспортом компании (Москва и область)
  • курьерской службой или ТК по РФ и торговому союзу (до двери)
  • до пунктов самовывоза

СПОСОБЫ ОПЛАТЫ: при получении или предоплата по счету


  • Бесплатная доставка медицинского оборудования при заказе от 10.000 рублей осуществляется по Москве и МО
  • Бесплатная доставка медицинского оборудования при заказе от 60.000 рублей осуществляется по всей России
  • Платная доставка заказов до 60.000 руб. осуществляется по всей России *
  • Отправка заказов любой стоимостью в страны торгового союза осуществляется платно (в Казахстан, Беларусь и другие страны).

* Стоимость доставки до 60000 руб. рассчитывается в соответсвии с тарифами служб доставки (см. раздел доставки). Стоимость доставки зависит от габаритов товара и веса, подробный расчет вы можете получить у менеджеров интернет-магазина.

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Похожие товары

Injectomat® MC Agilia — Fresenius Kabi

Шприцевой насос Injectomat® MC Agilia — Fresenius Kabi

  • Описание


Шприцевой насос Injectomat MC Agilia обладает расширенным набором функций и является оптимальным выбором для использования в отделениях реанимации и интенсивной терапии.

  • Эргономичный дизайн и дружественный интерфейс
  • Большой информативный экран, хорошо читаемый с расстояния 3–5 м
  • Варианты программирования инфузии:
    • программирование в единицах дозы (мкг/кг/мин, Ед/ч и т.д.) – перерасчет в мл/ч осуществляется автоматически
    • программирование скорости инфузии в мл/ч
    • программирование введения заданного объема за заданное время
    • программирование введения заданного объема с заданной скоростью
  • Широкий выбор единиц для программирования скорости инфузии: нг/мкг/мг/Ед/кЕд/мкал/ кал/ккал/мкмоль/ммоль/моль на кг в мин/ч/сут
  • Быстрая подготовка к инфузии – установка шприца в насос полностью осуществляется вручную
  • Наличие режима микроинфузии, в котором скорость программируется с шагом 0,01 мл/ч
  • Программируемое введение болюса (точное введение объема/дозы с заданной скоростью)
  • Широкий набор функций, обеспечивающих безопасность инфузии и снижение нагрузки на персонал
  • Защита поршня и толкателя — защитная рамка предотвращает непреднамеренное введение болюса и/или повреждение толкателя при случайном ударе по нему
  • Возможность установки библиотеки лекарственных препаратов Vigilant® Drug Lib, в которой для лекарственного препарата задаются типичные параметры инфузии, допустимые режимы, пределы скорости инфузии и введения болюса, что значительно ускоряет подготовку к инфузии и обеспечивает высочайшую безопасность, исключая риск случайной передозировки
  • Динамическая система контроля давления позволяет быстро обнаружить окклюзию или отсоединение системы и своевременно принять необходимые меры
  • Встроенная ручка для удобной переноски и объединения насосов друг с другом
  • Ночной режим – сниженная яркость экрана, выключение звука кнопок; возможность настройки автоматического перехода в ночной режим и выхода из него в заданное время
  • Syringe PumpInstructions for Use

    Injectomat Agilia

    4Intended use
    4Precautions to be taken





    6. MENU ………………Permanent menu .Menu to be selecte

    7. OPTION……………

    8. DRUGS…………….Introduction ……….Infusion mode:
    VolDisplay and symboSafety features andService Options …Drug
    library ……….

    9. USER TEST………

    10. PERFORMANCESRates range ………Volume Limit
    ……..Volume/Time……..Syringe list ………..Accuracy
    …………..Programmable pauPressure managemOcclusion alarm

    11. TECHNICAL CHAElectrical powers..Battery
    ……………..Communication poInfrared
    communicCompliance……….Dimensions — WeigTrumpet curves….

    12. GUIDANCE AND MElectromagnetic emElectromagnetic
    imElectromagnetic imRecommended seInjectomat Agilia




    16d in option



    20ume/time and limit volume
    23 warnings





    sponse time and Bolus volume at occlusion release
    ……………………………………………. 29


    32issions — Table

    munity — Table 202
    32munity — Table 204

    paration distances between portable and mobile RF communication
    equipment and — Table

  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    35Cleaning and
    35Use of the internal

    37Conditions of guarQuality control……Preventive
    maintenServicing …………..Data racks, access_INT 3


    37ories and maintenance tools

  • 41. Introduction

    Injectomat Agilia is the first syringe pump of the Agilia range,
    our new generation of infusion pump.It is simple to use and
    training is fast thanks to its ergonomics and interactive
    screens.Very intuitive, Injectomat Agilia was also developed to
    promote safety. The pusher protection «Push-guard»offers a maximum
    safety in case the pump falls.The monitoring of pressure as well as
    many safety features optimize the operation of Injectomat
    Agilia.Robust and adaptable thanks to a wide choice of options,
    Injectomat Agilia makes it possible to answer thewhole of your

    Intended use Injectomat Agilia is This pump must be

    Precautions to The symbol vis Injectomat Agilia wof the medical
    devicesradiations avoids the uis placed near devicedistances
    between equ The device must noshould always be used The device can
    be etc. If you wish to use tmust be used in a horiz The
    physiological esyringe. Check that thealarm setting times in r In
    case of unexpecalarm, to stop infusionChapter 6). In case whthe
    user should consid2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia_INT

    a syringe pump for intravenous drug infusion. used by
    professionals working in hospitals.

    be takenible on the device, recommends this user guide should be
    completely tested in accordance with the applicable
    standards of electromagnetic compatibility

    . Its immunity makes it possible to ensure correct operation.
    The limitation of the emittedndesirable interference with other
    equipments such EEG, ECG, If Injectomat Agilias like surgical
    equipment HF, X-rays, NMR, mobile phones, Wifi points…,
    minimalipment are essential (see page 33).t be used in presence of
    inflammable anaesthetic agents due to a risk of explosion. It away
    from all risk areas.disturbed by pressure or pressure variations,
    mechanical shocks, heat ignition sources,he devices in a specific
    condition, please contact our After-Sales Department. The pumpontal
    and stable position to work correctly.

    ffects of medicine can be influenced by the characteristics of
    the device and disposabley are compatible with prescriptions, the
    characteristics of trumpet curves and occlusionelation to the
    programmed flow rate.ted situation in the pump controls or
    environment, the state of the art safe-design is to and to display
    an error code. The user is invited to be aware of those alarms
    (seeere the device is used to deliver life sustaining therapies,
    like short half-life medications,er adequate provisions for back-up
    therapy delivery solutions.

  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    2. Description of Injectomat Agilia

    1 — Syringe barrel cl2 — Syringe flange c3 — Pusher4 —

    10_INT 5

    asp 5 — Handle 9 — Mains connectionradle 6 — Assembly bolt 10 —
    Fixing button

    7 — Infrared cell 11 — «Swinglock clamp»8 — Communication

    and DC power input-output

    11 9 8



    1 2 3 4

  • 612 — Mains warning13 — Screen14 — Silence Alarm15 — ON/OFF16 —
    Bolus or Prime

    15 16


    17 — 22 — Validationto Value selection 23 — Stop: infusion

    20 — 24 — Menu / Exit21 — Functioning, pre-alarm

    and alarm warnings

    17 1918



    13 14

  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    3. Operations for use

    Installation of Injectomat Agilia

    Injectomat Agilia can be used on a table, pole or rail.

    On table

    Two » Injectomat Agassembled together _INT 7

    On pole On rail

    ilia » maximum can be during infusion

    Three devices maximum can be assembled on a pole or during

    When the devices are assembled, the assembly bolts must be in
    closed position.

    3 pumps on a pole: at least 2 fixing clamps must be locked.

  • 8Using the fixing clamp

    The swinglock clamp is only orientable when closed against the
    pump. It is maintained in its vertical or horizontal position with
    the fixing button. The following images show how to modify the pump
    installation, from a pole to a rail position.

    Unscrew the clamdevice from the p

    Rotate the fixing c90 degrees.



    p screw (A) and disengage the ole. Push the fixing button

    Fold the fixing clamp against the pump. This is the recommended
    position for the swinglock clamp when the device is placed on a
    flat surface.

    lamp downward through Move the fixing clamp outward (A). The
    fixing button is released automatically. Engage the device on the
    rail and use the clamp screw (B) to secure it.


  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    Installing a syringe (patient not connected)

    Connect the extension set to the syringe according to proper
    practices.Check that there is no air bubble left in the

    Place the syringe in its cradle, the flanges correctly inserted
    in the provided slot . Secure the syringe with the syringe barrel

    Move the pusher f_INT 9

    orward to the syringe head. Check the general installation.

  • 10

    1 — Operations for use 2 — Syringe selection

    Check Injectomat Connect the powersource and to the syrinlights
    up. Press the ke For the first startupinternal battery. Press the
    kpump OFF. To disconsupply, disconnect maunplugging the device

    3 — Prime

    Connect the extens Check the patient i To start the prime, pone
    short press, then air bubbles are elimina To stop the prime,
    Connect the patienNote: During priming, set to its maximum

    Agilia is not damaged. supply cord to the main ge pump: the
    mains warning

    y to turn the pump ON., refer on page 35: Use of the

    ey continuously to turn the nect the device from mains ins-wise
    plug first before power inlet.

    The installed syringe must correspond to the syringe displayed.
    OK: to confirm syringe,or, C: to change syringe selection then

    4 — Flow rate selection/start

    ion set to the syringe.s not connected.ress the key twice:

    one continuous press until all ted from the line.

    release the key.t.the occlusion pressure level is lue (900

    Select flow rate. Check the infusion parameters (syringe, flow
    rate, ). Start: press the key to start infusion.

  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    Silence alarm Access to the menu

    Press the key until the flow rate

    te (ml/h) and confirm.e occlusion pressure level is set (900

    Press the key: the infusion stops. Start infusion pressing the
    key. Pause programming: press the key twice. Select the pause
    duration. The pause can also be programmed from the menu. When the
    pause duration is finished, press the key to start infusion.



  • 12

    4. Display and symbols

    Injectomat Agilia displays the infusion parameters in progress
    through specific symbols.

    Continuous display

    Infusion in progressMain indicator lights provide information on
    status of the infusion in progress.

    Pause The symbol flashes when activated.

    Indicator lights


    Alarms and safeties features


    Battery lifeAppears when the device is operating on
    battery.Three different levels of charge are symbolized.

    Mainsconstant yellow

    Main indicator lights provide information on status of the
    infusion in progress.

    Infusion in progressflashing green

    Pre-alarmflashing orange

    Alarmflashing red


    These symbols help the user in programming the pump.


    Access to function

    Previous screen


    Change syringe selection


    Not selected

    Mains disconnection alarm

    Main symbols for alarm and safety features.Pressure increase

    Pressure drop

  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    Selection keys

    Fast increment key

    Increment key

    MENU_INT 13

    Keys for selection of flow rate(ml/h), volume limit (ml),

    Decrement key

    Fast decrement key

    Fast access to maximum values +

    Fast access to minimum values +

    Infused volume

    The menu is dedicated to infusion options that are selected by
    the user.

    Battery life

    Keyboard locking



    Data event log


    Sound level

    Volume limit




    Night mode

  • 14

    5. Alarm and safety features

    Injectomat Agilia has a continuous inspection system that
    functions as soon as the pump is in use. Visualmessages are
    displayed to understand the alarm cause. Press on to silence alarm
    according to tablebelow.

    Control Visual message Infusion stop

    Silence alarm Activation





    Installed syringe





    Volume Limit


    END OF VOLUMEThe max2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia_INT

    Y RM

    NO YES Low battery. Note: Battery alarm activated when at least
    30 minutes battery life remaining. (If the battery has previously
    been charged).

    Y ALARM YES YES (2 min) Discharged battery.Note: The pump will
    turn OFF automatically within 5 minutes. Connect the pump to the

    NECTIONNO YES Mains disconnection. (Alarm Selection :

    refer [Par 13], page 19.E ATION

    YES YES (2 min) Pusher or syringe barrel clasp or flange

    YES YES (2 min) Syringe not correctly installed.Note: The alarm
    goes OFF as soon as the installation is correct. A silence alarm of
    2 min is automatically activated when the pump is switched on.


    NO YES The pre-alarm is triggered when the time before end of
    infusion is less than 5 min and the remaining volume in the syringe
    is less than 10% of the syringe capacity.

    INFUSION YES YES Empty syringe.


    NO YES The pre-alarm is triggered when the time before end of
    volume limit is less than 5 min and the remaining volume in the
    syringe is less than 10% of the syringe capacity.



    YES (*) Limit volume reached.(*) Silence duration for KVO: page

    imum volume that may be infused under single fault condition is
    1 ml.


  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia



    NO YES 5 minutes before V/T alarm or 10% of the total syringe


    Stop/KVO/ YES (*) V/T limit reached.





    Other alarms




    STOP m

    Er — mes(Er01, ErIn case ostop the persists wtechnicia

    Control Visual message Infusion stop

    Silence alarm Activation_INT 15

    continuous mode

    (*) Silence duration for KVO: page 18

    ION RM

    NO YES — 50 mmHg from the programmed limit.

    ION ALARM YES YES (2 min) Programmed limit reached.

    RE DROP NO YES Pressure drop in the infusion line.(This alarm
    can be selected in options).

    RE SE

    NO YES Pressure increase in the infusion line.(This alarm can be
    selected in options).

    R HEAD YES YES Pusher incorrectly inserted.


    YES YES Disengaged mechanism.

    G FLOW NO — Flashing starts 3 seconds after no confirmation of
    selection. An audible alarm is activated 15 seconds afterwards.

    DATION NO YES Flashing starts 3 seconds after no confirmation of
    selection. An audible alarm is activated 15 seconds afterwards.

    signal — — No syringe selection > 2 minutes.

    — — Unauthorized key.

    essage — — End of pause duration.

    sage 02)

    YES — Technical alarm. Press the key.

    f malfunction alarm, note the error message (ErXX). Disconnect
    from the mains and device by pressing the OFF key (10 — 15 seconds
    can be necessary). If the alarm

    hen the device is switched on again, without use on patient,
    contact the qualified ns in your establishment or our After-Sales

  • 16

    6. Menu

    Permanent me

    Operation Key

    Access menu/previous menu:

    Select with:

    Confirm with:

    Selected / Not sel

    FunctionInfused volume


    Battery life



    SyringeDisplay only if [Par 15] «syringe display» not




    Description Operation SymbolDisplay of infused volume and total
    infused volume reset

    Clear the infused volume

    Pressure limit adjustment and DPS mode activation

    Pressure limit DPS mode activation

    Battery life display Display in hour and minute for a selected

    Pause duration adjustment

    Hours and minutes adjustment

    Keyboard locking and unlocking

    LockingThe and keys are never locked.

    Brand capacity and type of the used syringe

    Syringe used

  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    Menu to be selected in option modeFunction Description Operation

    Volume/TimeFunction accessible in STOP mode only

    Volume/time programming Volume Time End VTI (stop, KVO,

    Maintenance Information on Maintenance date

    Data Event logFunction accessible in STOP mode onlySound

    Volume limitFunction accessible in STOP mode


    Night modeOnly if «Manual mode» selected in Ward option [Par

    CAUTION: the menu_INT 17

    maintenance, version, functioning duration, etc.

    SN (serial number) Software version

    Up to 1500 events recorded

    Syringe Pressure limit Flow rate

    Audible level adjustment 7 accessible levels

    Volume limit programming Select VL or OFF End VL (stop, KVO,

    Date and hour dd/mm/yyyy h/minManual Mode change:night/day or

    Manual mode interrupts auto-mode. Night mode is re-activated on
    next defined night cycle [Par 18]

    can change depending on the selected infusion options.

  • 18

    7. Option

    Operation Key

    Options access: when device is turned off

    Option selection:

    Confirm by:

    Previous menu

    Selected / Not sel

    Selected values on us

    Option FuUser [Util 1] Sc

    Display ofsymbols

    [Util 2] MeInsertion ooptions in

    [Util 3] Co[Util 4] PrPressure mDynamic PSystem

    [Util 5] KV(Keep Vei

    [Util 7] Da[Util 8] La2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia_INT



    e are memorized when the device is turned OFF at end of

    nction Choice Description / reen options the different

    Battery Permanent display of battery symbol Pressure Display of
    pressure symbol Volume info. (or) Display of infused volume Time
    info. (or) Display of remaining time of infusion Battery life info.
    (or) Display of battery life Man Choice of symbol «infusion in

    progress» Moonnu options f the different the menu

    Volume limit Volume limit selection Volume/time V/T selection
    Sound level Audible signal selection Maintenance Maintenance
    selection Data event log Display of event log Date/hour Date/hour

    ntrast Screen contrast adjustmentessure

    ode Variable mode (with maximum and limit)

    3 level mode (with thresholds and limit)

    ressure DPS with drop threshold and pressure increase

    No DPS mode activation

    On Open)

    KVO1: OFF, 0.1 to 5 ml/h KVO2: OFF, 0.1 to 5 ml/h Continuous:

    Silence duration: delay for end of V/T or end of VL
    re-activation alarm (60 minutes maximum)

    Continuous mode: at the end of V/T or VL mode, infusion
    continues at the current selected rate.

    te/hour Date selection: dd/mm/yyyy Hour selection: h/minnguage
    Franais / English



  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    Option Functions Option choiceWard Ward code Code: 0000 (default
    code: 0200).

    [Par 1] Beep level 1 tonality 2 tonalities Key Bip Preventive
    silence : refer page 11 «Silence alarm» Silence duration : between
    2 alarm bips (0 to 5 seconds)

    [Par 2] So

    [Par 3] In

    [Par 4] M

    [Par 5] Sy

    [Par 6] Sy

    [Par 7] In

    [Par 8] Em

    [Par 9] Bo

    [Par 10] W

    [Par 11] B

    [Par 12] U

    [Par 13] Mdisconne[Par 14] B

    [Par 15] Sdisplay [Par 18] N! manual mon

    Maint. Maintena_INT 19

    und level 7 available audible levels.itial rate If option
    selected: on turning on the pump, the initial rate will be

    the last selected during the last infusion. If option not
    selected : 0.00 ml/h display.

    aximum rate Per syringe capacity (50cc / 30cc )ringe selection
    Auto confirmation of the syringe or not

    (available only with a single syringe selected — refer to [Par
    6])ringes Available syringe list (activation/disactivation).

    fusion start Mandatory prime or advised primepty syringe «OK»
    flashes at end of infusion pre-alarm or alarm. If confirmed

    the infusion goes on until the syringe is emptylus rates Per
    syringe capacity (50cc / 30cc ).ard name Ward name (press OK for
    each letter or — until reaching the last

    position).io name Biomedical name (press OK for each letter or —
    until reaching

    the last position).ser code User code: mandatory code to modify
    user optionsains supply

    ction alarm Warning beep and message «device operating on
    battery» when the pump is turned on.

    attery life Maximum battery life mode: allow the increase of the
    battery autonomy.

    yringe/ward Syringe brand and capacity or ward name display.

    ight modeode has priority

    ode. Auto-mode d next night

    Screen brightness low

    Green lights low Key beep off

    Manual mode: manual switch from one mode to another Auto mode:
    automatic switch from one mode to another according to the time
    range settings

    nce Code: please contact our technical team.


  • 20

    8. Drugs

    Introduction The «drug» function makes the infusion safe,
    incorporating the drug parameters. The drug library can be created
    with our Vigilant Drug’Lib system which makes drug administration
    safe.Vigilant Drug’Lib in particular allows the drug concentration,
    default flow rate, «hard» flow rate limits (limits whichcannot be
    exceeded during the infusion) and «soft» flow rates limits (limits
    which can be exceeded during theinfusion after a user warning
    message) the permitted infusion modes (Ml/h, V/T) and the bolus
    parameter settingto be added.

    Start-up: Start-u

    3 — No drug sele

    No drug : Select «no drug» Ok: Press . set up procedure (page

    Select drug Select the drug. Ok: Press to confirm the choice of

    nal) 5 — Select flow rate/start

    ion to the syringe.ent is not connected.ress the key twice:

    one continuous press until all ted from the line.

    release the key.t.the occlusion pressure level is lue (900

    Select the flow rate with the increment keys. Check the infusion
    parameters (syringe drug name and parameters, flow rate etc.) Start
    Press to start the infusion.

  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    Infusion mode: Volume/time and limit volumeThe infusion with a
    drug name and associated parameters can also be programmed in
    Mode/Time or LimitVolume mode.

    Start-up: Start-up procedures 1 and 2 page 10.

    3 — Drug selecti

    Select drug : Select the drug. Ok: Press to access and

    TION> to confirm the

    Check the infusion parameters (syringe, drug name and
    parameters, flow rate etc.) Start: Press to start the infusion.

  • 22

    Access to information in the drug library

    Drug library Press

  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    Display and symbols

    Safety feature

    Service Option

    Menu Access to the drug library Access to the drug library.

    Drug information «EYE»: Access to the drug information

    Access to drug name, concentration and drug comments which are
    modifiable with

    Soft limit

    Reset of Volume Infused and V/T and VL Parameters

    OptionService(code 0200)


    Drug lib

    _INT 23

    s and warnings


    Vigilant Drug’Lib.

    Flow rate limit that is allowed to be exceeded after a warning
    and being validated by the user.

    Upper soft limit exceeded Warning message that upper soft limit
    has been exceeded.

    Lower soft limit exceeded Warning message that lower soft limit
    has been exceeded.

    Confirmation that the soft limits have been passed WARNING

    The user must confirm that he/she is authorizing passing the
    soft limit.

    Warning message WARNING

    Drug changed CLEAR: VI and VL

    If a drug or concentration of drug is changed, the volume
    infused and V/T and VL parameters are reset.

    Function Choice Druglib [Par16] Selection Activation of drug
    functions and

    parameters. Storage Memorize last drug used when

    device was switched on.rary [Par17] Library stored in the device
    and modifiable

    with Vigilant Drug ‘Lib.

    High flow rate

    Low flow rate

  • 24

    Drug libraryOption Function Type of option

    Loaded library

    Loading of a library is acknowledged when the instrument is
    switched on or a syringe is changed

    Vigilant Drug’Lib

    Library pwhich arwith Vigi

    Error messages

    The devi»Error mdrug


    Ok: Press to confirm change of new drug library.(*) WARNING: The
    library must be changed after disconnecting the device from the

    arameters e modifiable lant Drug ‘Lib

    The drug library must be created using Vigilant Drug’Lib, the IV
    Medication Safety Solution by Fresenius Kabi. This software allows
    you to adjust the dilution, the authorised and default infusion
    modes, the flow rate and bolus limits (in ml/h) and can manage up
    to 50 drugs.

    ce will display essage» if the ary is not le with the

    These messages should not appear during normal operation. They
    allow the instrument to self-check consistency between the Vigilant
    Drug’ Lib parameters and the instrument infusion parameters.For
    example: If the instrument incorporates a flow rate limit of 1500
    ml/h, which is not compatible with its maximum performance (1200
    ml/h), the instrument will display an error message.


  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    9. User test

    This protocol allows a quick check of pump functionality.

    Injectomat Agilia serial number

    Name: ________________________________Ward:

    Check the state of upside down), presen Connect the device key:-
    check the good funcluminous indicators.- functioning on mains Open
    the syringe bsyringe).

    Install a 50cc syrinpusher in infusion posConfirm the syringe
    an- the infusion in progre Open the syringe balarm activated.

    Close the syringe bDisengage and move and plunger head
    alarReturn pusher to infus Note the stopper p5 ml bolus: Check the
    0.5 ml. Disconnect mains OFF.The battery symbol in

    Signature_INT 25

    Actions YES NO the device: absence of impact marks and noises
    (turn the device ce of all labels as well as their legibility,
    mains lead. to the mains and press the

    tionality of the display and

    signaled by:

    arrel clasp (do not install the

    ge — syringe barrel clasp and ition.d select a flow rate of 0.1
    ml/ is signaled by man or moon.


    arrel clasp: syringe installation

    arrel clasp.pusher backward. Disengagement ms activated (visible
    on schemes). ion.

    osition/syringe volume and start a syringe stopper has moved to
    5 ml BOLUS lead, the mains indicator turns

    dicates a functioning on battery.

    The device is operational when all the controls are OK.

    Test OK

  • 26


    Rates range

    Volume Limit

    Volume/TimeFlow rate calculation programmed infusion calculated
    at 0.00001

    Syringes (ml) Infusion rateInfusion rate increment: 0.1
    ml/h.Indicated value corresponds to the initial device
    configuration and can be changed.Bolus rate

    50/60 30 20 10 5

    Infusion rate (ml/h) 0.1 to 2000.1 to 120

    0.1 to 120

    0.1 to 60

    0.1 to 60

    Bolus rate (ml/h)

    Prime rate (ml/h)

    Volume Limit (ml)

    Volume to infuse

    Infusion duration2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia_INT

    at volume/time programming: displayed flow rate = programmed
    volume to infuse /duration, the flow rate is displayed rounded off
    at 0.05 ml/h. The real flow rate is ml/h.

    Bolus rate increment: 50 ml/h.50 to 1200

    50 to 600

    50 to600

    50 to350

    50 to250

    1200 600 600 350 250

    Syringes (ml) 0.1 ml increments.KVO (keep vein open) rate: from
    0.1 ml/h to 5 ml/h, stop or selected flow rate (continuous)
    depending on the device configuration. Note: if KVO rate exceeds
    the selected flow rate the device infuses at the selected flow

    50/60 30 20 10 5

    From 0.1 to 999.9

    Syringes (ml) 0.1 ml increments.KVO (keep vein open) rate: from
    0.1 ml/h to 5 ml/h, stop or selected flow rate (continuous)
    depending on the device configuration. Note: if KVO rate exceeds
    the selected flow rate the device infuses at the selected flow

    50/60 30 20 10 5

    From 0.1 to 99.9 (with 0.1 ml increments)

    From 0h01 to 96h00 (with 0h01 increments)




  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    Syringe listInjectomat Agilia offers maximum 50 syringes of
    different types, brands and sizes.



    Brand and type Syringe capacity (ml) This syringe list is
    indicative of most current product codes. To know the exact list of
    your product code, please contact our Sales









    Flow rate accuracy (

    Device accuracy

    Syringe accuracyAccuracy with back pressure of 13.33 k

    Programmable paus_INT 27


    Department. This information can be checked directly in Ward
    Option [Par 6], page 19.

    CAUTION: Fresenius Kabi cannot accept any responsibility for
    errors in flow due to modifications of the specifications of the
    syringes introduced by the manufacturer.


    *) 3 %(*) with selectable syringes, following NF EN/IEC
    60601-2-24 standard.

    1 % 2 %

    Pa 3 %

    e From 1 minute to 24 h 1 minute increments.




  • 28

    Pressure management (refer to user option [Util 4])

    Variable modeMaximum pressure From 500 to 900 mmHg

    50 mmHg increments.Defines the authorized maximum pressure
    during infusion.

    Limit From 100 to maximum — — — : memorization of the

    3 levels mode

    DPS(Dynamic Pressure System)2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia_INT

    limit at the device switch OFF.High From 250 to 900 mmHg

    — — — : memorization of the limit (high/middle/low) at the
    device switch OFF.

    Middle From 150 to 700 mmHg

    Low From 50 to 300 mmHg

    Limit Low, middle, high determined level valuesPressure increase
    Anticipates an occlusion during infusion.

    Pressure decrease

    A pressure decrease indication may be a warning of

    Drop threshold From 100 to 500 mmHg Threshold — — -:
    Deactivation of

    pressure decrease management.Increase threshold From 100 to 200

    Accuracy: the accuracy on the pressure threshold activation is
    75 mmHg or 15%.Note: 1 bar = 750 mmHg = 1000 hPa.


  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    Occlusion alarm response time and Bolus volume at occlusion
    releaseDevice accuracy is linked to the syringe used. Values are
    representative of used syringes during trials and aregiven as
    indicators.Syringes used: B-D Plastipak Luer Lok.B-D Plastipak and
    Luer Lok are registered trademarks of Becton Dickinson.Extension
    sets used: tyNote: No other pressu

    = Mean = Standard deviation


    50 ml




    20 ml





    50 ml5


    20 ml5


    m_INT 29

    pe SE1400Sre measuring device was connected.

    RateOcclusion alarm threshold

    Values are calculated from 10 to 20 measures.

    100 mmHg 500 mmHg 900 mmHg

    ml/h = 25 = 4 = 1h10 = 5

    = 1h40 = 10

    ml/h = 415 = 50 = 12 = 2

    = 20 = 4

    0 ml/h = 45 = 15 = 240 = 20

    = 430 = 40

    ml/h = 12 = 2 = 25 = 4

    = 40 = 6

    ml/h = 130 = 20 = 440 = 50

    = 7 = 1

    0 ml/h = 20 = 5 = 50

    = 11 = 130 = 20

    RateBolus volume at occlusion release

    Values are calculated from 20 measures after completion of the
    automatic anti-bolus function.

    100 mmHg 500 mmHg 900 mmHg

    ml/h = 0.04 ml = 0.02 ml = 0.1 ml

    = 0.04 ml = 0.15 ml

    = 0.05 ml0 ml/h = 0.04 ml = 0.016 ml

    = 0.11 ml = 0.04 ml

    = 0.15 ml = 0.07 ml

    ml/h = 0.06 ml = 0.017 ml = 0.14 ml

    = 0.07 ml = 0.25 ml

    = 0.08 ml0 ml/h = 0.05 ml = 0.015 ml

    = 0.12 ml = 0.06 ml

    = 0.16 ml = 0.07 ml

    m m m

    m m m

    m m m

    m m m

    m m m

    m m m

    m m m

    m m m

    m m m

    m m m

  • 30

    11.Technical characteristics

    Electrical powers Use the main lead supplied with Injectomat

    Battery Disconnect battery

    Parameters are storedthis can be update by u

    CommunicatioThe connector situatedpower and nurse call c

    Infrared commInjectomat Agilia is einformation with the AgThe
    information can th


    Mains power Mains supply : 100 V — 240 V ~ / 50-60 Hz with
    functional earth.

    Maximum consumption: 180 mAMaximum power 15 VA

    External power

    CharacteristicsWeightBattery life

    Battery recharge

    Nurse callSerial cableExternal powerPower output

    Safety of ElectroMedEquipmentsEMC

    before opening device. Avoid short circuits and excessive
    temperatures. in the device flash memory. If the battery is totally
    discharged, the date may be lost butser following mains power

    n port at the back of the device allows different functions
    using the communication, mains


    unicationquipped with an infrared cell located at the back of
    the device. It permits exchange ofilia Link+ rack.en be transmitted
    by dedicated communication cables.

    consumption:Protective fuses: T2AH 250 V included in power

    9 Volts continuous / Power > 15 Watts.Via a specific
    Fresenius Kabi accessory connected to an 8 pins connector.

    6 V 1.8 Ah — NiMH battery.Approximately 140 gMinimum 10 h at a
    rate of 5 ml/h.Minimum 5 h at a rate of 120 ml/h.Pump OFF: < 5
    h. Pump ON: < 15 h.

    Nurse call relay output command.TTL output.9 V / 15 W input.5 V
    / 150 mA to power Nurse Call or Serial Link accessories.

    Conform to the 93/42/CE Medical Directive.

    IP22 Protection against splashing liquid.

    Protection against leakage current:Defibrillation-proof type CF
    applied part.

    Protection against electric shocks: class II.

    Functional earth.

    ical Conform to EN/IEC 60601-1 and EN/IEC 60601-2-24.

    ic Conform to EN/IEC 60601-1-2 and EN/IEC 60601-2-24.



  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    Dimensions — Weight

    Trumpet curveTrumpet curves demoncombination.The test protocol
    usedplease refer to this pubThis graph is therefore overall

    H / L / W 135 x 345 x 160 mm

    Weight around 2.1 Kg

    Screen size 70 x 35 mm



    % v

    ariance fro




    al flo

    w r



    % v

    ariance fro




    al flo

    w r



    % v

    ariance fro




    al flo

    w r

    ate_INT 31

    sstrate the evolution of the minimum and maximum variance of the

    to obtain these results is described in the EN/IEC 60601-2-24.
    For further information,lication.representative of syringes used
    during trials and serve as an indication only of the pump’s

    mpet curves Start-up and instantaneous nominate curves

    Used syringes: B-D Plastipak 50 ml Luer Lok.

    bservation window (minutes)

    Flow rate 1 ml/h

    Maximum authorized %

    Minimum authorized %



    bservation window (minutes)

    Flow rate 5 ml/h

    Maximum authorized %

    Minimum authorized %



    bservation window (minutes)

    Flow rate 20 ml/h

    Maximum authorized %

    Minimum authorized %




    w r




    ) Flow rate 1 ml/h

    Duration (minutes)


    w r




    ) Flow rate 5 ml/h

    Duration (minutes)


    w r




    ) Flow rate 20 ml/h

    Duration (minutes)

  • 32

    12.Guidance and manufacturers declaration on EMC

    Electromagnetic emissions — Table 201Injectomat Agilia is
    intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
    below. The user ofInjectomat Agilia should make sure it is used in
    such an environment.

    ElectromagneInjectomat Agilia is inThe user of Injectomat

    Emissions testCompliance

    obtained by the device

    Electromagnetic environment — guidance

    RF emissionsCISPR 11

    Group 1 Injectomat Agilia uses RF energy only for its internal
    function. Therefore, its RF emissions are

    RF emissionsCISPR 11

    Harmonic emissionsIEC 61000-3-2

    Voltage fluctuationsFlicker emissionsIEC 61000-3-3


    Immunity testIE


    Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)IEC 61000-4-2

    Electrical fastTransient / burstIEC 61000-4-4


    for in

    SurgeIEC 61000-4-5 dif


    Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on
    power supply input linesIEC 61000-4-11





    Power frequency (50/60 Hz)magnetic fieldIEC 61000-4-8

    Note: Ut is the a/c. main

    tic immunity — Table 202tended for use in the electromagnetic
    environment specified below. Agilia should make sure it is used in
    such environment.

    very low and are not likely to cause any interference in nearby
    electronic equipment.

    Class B Injectomat Agilia is suitable for use in all
    establishments, including domestic and hospital

    establishments and those directly connected to the public
    low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for
    domestic purposes.

    Class A

    oes not apply

    C 60601-1-2C 60601-2-24Test level

    Compliance level obtained by the

    deviceElectromagnetic environment — guidance

    8 kV contact 15 kV air

    8 kV contact 15 kV air

    Coatings of the floors out of wooden, tilling, and concrete,
    with a relative humidity level at least 30 %, make it possible to
    guarantee the level of necessary conformity. If it is not possible
    to guarantee this environment, additional precautions must be
    taken, such as: anti-static material usage, preliminary user
    discharge and the wearing of anti-static clothing.

    kV for power supply lines

    1 kV put output lines

    2 kV for power supply lines

    1 kV for input output lines

    Mains power quality should be that of a typical domestic,
    commercial or hospital environment.

    1 kV ferential mode

    2 kVmmon mode

    1 kV differential mode

    2 kV common mode

    Mains power quality should be that of a typical domestic,
    commercial or hospital environment.

    < 5 % Ut95 % dip in Ut)for 0.5 cycle

    < 5 % Ut(> 95 % dip in Ut)

    for 0.5 cycle

    Mains power quality should be that of a typical domestic,
    commercial or hospital environment.

    For short and long interruptions (< than battery life) of
    power mains, the internal battery provides the continuity of

    40 % Ut0 % dip in Ut)for 5 cycles

    40 % Ut(60 % dip in Ut)

    for 5 cycles

    70 % Ut0 % dip in Ut)or 25 cycles

    70 % Ut(30 % dip in Ut)

    for 25 cycles

    < 5 % Ut95 % dip in Ut)

    for 5 sec

    < 5 % Ut(> 95 % dip in Ut)

    for 5 sec

    400 A / m 400 A / m If necessary, the power magnetic field
    should be measured in the intended installation location to assure
    that it is lower than compliance level.If the measured field in the
    location where the Injectomat Agilia is used exceeds the applicable
    magnetic field compliance level above, the Injectomat Agilia should
    be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is
    observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as
    re-orienting or re-locating Injectomat Agilia, or install magnetic

    ge prior to application of the test level.

  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    Electromagnetic immunity — Table 204Injectomat Agilia is
    intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
    below. The user of Injectomat

    Agilia should make sure it is used in such an environment.

    Note 1: At 80 MHz and 8Note 2: these guidelines


    (a) Field strengtmobile radiosaccuracy. Tosurvey shoulexceeds
    the operation. If re-locating In

    (b) Over the freq

    Immunity testIEC 60601-1-2

    IEC 60601-2-24Test level

    Compliance level obtained by the

    deviceElectromagnetic environment — guidance

    Conducted RFIEC 61000-4-6

    10 Vrms150 k

    10 Vrms Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should
    be used no

    Radiated RFIEC 61000-4-3

    10 V80 M_INT 33

    00 MHz, the highest frequency range applies.may not apply to all
    situations. Absorption and reflection from structures, objects and
    people affect propagation.

    hs from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio
    (cellular/cordless) telephones and land, amateur radio, AM and FM
    radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically
    with access the electromagnetic environment due to the fixed RF
    transmitters, an electromagnetic sited be considered. If the
    measured field strength in the location where Injectomat Agilia is
    usedapplicable RF compliance level above, Injectomat Agilia should
    be observed to verify normal

    abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be
    necessary, such as re-orienting orjectomat Agilia, or install
    magnetic shielding.uency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths
    should be less than 10 V/m.

    Hz to 80 MHz closer to any part of the Injectomat Agilia
    including cables, than the recommended separation distance
    calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of

    Recommended separation distance:D = 0.35 P, for a frequency of
    150 kHz to 80 MHzD = 0.35 P, for a frequency of 80 MHz to 800 MHzD
    = 0.7 P, for a frequency of 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz

    Where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in
    Watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and D is the
    recommended separation distance in meter (m).

    /mHz to 2.5 GHz

    10 V/m

    Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by an
    electromagnetic site survey (a), should be less than compliance
    level. (b)Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment
    marked with the following symbol:

  • 34

    Recommended separation distances between portable and mobileRF
    communication equipment and Injectomat Agilia — Table 206Injectomat
    Agilia is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in
    which radiated RF disturbances arecontrolled. The user of
    Injectomat Agilia can help prevent electromagnetic interference by
    maintaining aminimum distance between portable and mobile RF
    communications equipment (transmitters) and InjectomatAgilia as
    recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the
    communication equipment.

    For transmitters rated at(m) can be estimated uspower rating of
    the trans

    Note 1: At 80 MHz and 8Note 2: These guidelines


    The use of accesimmunity of the dThe device shoube monitored to

    Rated maximumpower of trans







    a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended
    separation distance d in metersing the equation applicable to the
    frequency of transmitter, where P is the maximum outputmitter in
    watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.

    00 MHz, the separation distance for the highest frequency range
    applies. may not apply to all situations. Absorption and reflection
    from structures, objects and people affect propagation.

    sories and cables, other than those specified, can result in
    increased emissions or decreased evice.

    ld not be used adjacent to other equipment. However, if adjacent
    use is necessary, the device should erify normal operation in the
    configuration in which it will be used (pump with a mains cable, an

    output mitter

    Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter in
    meters (m)

    150 kHz to 80 MHzd = 0.35 P

    80 MHz to 800 MHzd = 0.35 P

    800 MHz to 2.5 GHzd = 0.7 P

    0.04 0.04 0.07

    0.11 0.11 0.22

    0.3 0.3 0.7

    1.1 1.1 2.2

    3.5 3.5 7

  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    13.Cleaning and use conditions

    Cleaning and disinfecting Injectomat Agilia is part of the
    patients immediate environment. It is advisable to clean and
    disinfect thedevices external surfaces regularly and especially
    before connecting a new patient and before any maintenanceoperation
    in order to protect patient and staff.

    1. Prepare the detergent-disinfectant solution.2. Disconnect the
    device from the power supply.3. Moisten the dispos

    each stage of the c4. Start by cleaning th

    the mobile parts. P5. Continue the clean6. Clean the keyboar7.
    Complete the clean8. Do not rinse, leave9. Protect and keep t

    10. Validate the mainte Do not place in an A Do not use:
    TRICCHLORINE and AROCETONE. These aggre Take care also withcracks
    in the plastic, anbe used, in accordancethe accumulation of the
    Please contact theestablishment for furth

    EnvironmentaThe device should bedisconnected via the

    Use of the inteThis device is providedswitches to battery
    moBefore starting for the without using the devicThe maximum life
    of thIn case of frequent mathe device on the batte

    Storage conditionTemperature: — 10C tPressure : 500 hPHumidity :
    10% to _INT 35

    able cloth with the detergent-disinfectant solution, carefully
    wring out the cloth. Repeat at leaning process.e bottom side of the
    device. Then carefully turn the device upside down without touching
    ut down the device on a clean on sides of the device
    without wetting the of the most exposed surfaces, the
    most critical zones and the mains cord.

    to dry.he device clean before reuse.nance protocol by simple
    bacteriological checking.UTOCLAVE nor IMMERSE the device. Do not
    let liquids enter the devices casing.

    agents could damage the plastic parts and cause device

    ALCOHOL BASED SPRAYS (20% — 40% alcohol). They lead to
    tarnishing of and smalld do not provide the necessary cleaning
    prior to disinfecting. Disinfecting SPRAYS may with the
    manufacturer recommendation, from a distance of 30 cm of the
    device, avoid product in liquid form. appropriate service,
    responsible for cleaning and disinfecting products, in your

    er details.

    l conditions stored in a dry and cool place. In case of
    prolonged storage, the battery should beattery access flap situated
    underneath the device. This should be done by a qualified

    rnal battery with a NiMH battery. When the device is
    disconnected from the main, it automatically

    de. first time, charge the battery for approx. 5 hours by
    connecting the power supply corde. e battery achieved after several
    charge/discharge operations, battery life may be
    decrease. To limit this risk, it is recommended to usery mode,
    approximately every 4 weeks, until getting a PRE-ALARM BATTERY

    s and carryingo +60C.a to 1060 hPa.90%, no condensation

    Use conditionsTemperature: 5C to 40C.Pressure : 700 hPa to 1060
    hPa.Humidity : 20% to 90%, no condensation.


  • 36

    Recommendations Fresenius Kabi will not be liable for any
    damages or claims, medical or otherwise, of any nature
    whatsoever,whether direct or consequential, caused by improper use
    of this device. Use only 3 parts syringes from the preprogrammed
    syringes type list on the device, otherwise the specifiedaccuracy
    and functioning level can not be guaranteed. Use only sterile
    catheter extensions, which can resistpressures of up to 2000 hPa.
    Use of certified syringes according to international standards
    avoid introduction ofair in the syringe. Use of a syringe not
    corresponding to one selectable on the device means that accuracy
    levelscannot be guaranteed. The use of non-screflow rates and/or
    high pand good medical pracprecaution should be (e.g. syringes,
    extensio While in use, negatthe injection site or by High
    depression maused (possible leakage Pressure variation minfusion
    system charabacklash. Anti-siphon vsyringe with a line not Do not
    use in conjuthan 2 000 hPa suscep Fresenius Kabi repressure
    infusion devic If there is no one winfusion, this will makeand
    could result in accwhich could later be infreleased. Place the
    connectioas near to the start of tspace and consequentline. When
    the device iattention to correctly sethe extension set is cla In
    order to ensure turned ON when connfor a while, use the

    wable extension lines or syringes may result in spillage if
    infusions are carried out at highressure. Connect the infusion line
    in accordance with procedures in your establishmenttices. Fresenius
    Kabi recommends the use of Luer Lok type infusion lines.

    taken to prevent contamination or injuries while discarding the
    associated disposablen sets, needles, etc.).

    ive pressure variation may occur in the syringe, by the relative
    height from the device tocombined infusion devices such as blood
    pump, alternative clamp, etc.y create syringe siphoning. In this
    situation, you must check the integrity if the syringe), and if
    necessary insert anti-siphon valves.ay generate flow discontinuity
    mainly noticeable at low flow rates and depending of the

    cteristics such as friction force, stickiness, compliance of
    syringes and mechanicalalves will also eliminate any risk of free
    flow during syringe changes. An air leakage in a

    equipped with an anti-siphon valve may generate an uncontrolled
    flow delivery.nction with positive pressure infusion devices that
    could generate back pressure highertible to damage infusion
    disposable and the device.commends the use of one way valves or
    positivees for multi-line infusions.ay valve on a gravity infusion
    line during a multi-line it impossible to detect occlusions on the
    patient side,umulation of the drug being infused in the gravity
    line,used in an uncontrolled manner when the occlusion is

    n between the feeder line and the syringe-driver linehe catheter
    as possible in order to minimize the deadly the impact of any
    change in flow rate on the feeder

    s placed higher than the injection site, please paycure the
    syringe and manipulate the syringe only whenmped or disconnected
    from patient side.all the safety features, the pump must always
    remainected to the patient. Should the pump not being useduse

    Anti-reflux valve



  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia


    Conditions of guaranteeFresenius Kabi guarantees that this
    product is free from defects in material and workmanship during
    theperiod defined by the accepted sales conditions, except for the
    batteries and the accessories.To benefit from the materials and
    workmanship guarantee from our After-Sales Service or agent
    authorized byFresenius Kabi, the following conditions must be
    respected: The device must have been used according to the
    instructions in this Operators Guide. The device must nohandling.
    The device must no The serial number ( In case of non-respparts and
    labor require When return and reDepartment.

    Quality controUpon the hospital requA regular control
    checTechnical manual. Theby any contract or agre

    Preventive maTo ensure normal perevery 3 years. This incThe
    qualified techniciadropped or if any of maCAUTION: Failure to
    functional failure. Internto the pump or user.

    ServicingFor further informatioCustomer service.If a device is
    returnedcarefully, if possible inFresenius Kabi is no

    At the end of the delectrical and electroncompetent recycling
    o_INT 37

    t have been damaged when in storage, at the time of repair, or
    show signs of improper

    t have been altered or repaired by non-qualified personnel.ID/N)
    must not have been altered, changed, or erased.ect of these
    conditions, Fresenius Kabi will prepare an estimate for repair
    covering thed.pair of a device is necessary, please contact
    Fresenius Kabi Customer or After-Sales

    lest, a control check of the device may be performed every 12
    months.k (not included in the guarantee) consists of various
    inspection operations listed in these control checks must be
    performed by an experienced technician and are not coveredement
    provided by Fresenius Kabi.

    intenanceformance of the device, it is recommended that
    preventive maintenance is performedludes battery replacement and it
    should be performed by a qualified technician.ns in your
    establishment or our After-Sales Service should be informed if the
    device islfunctions occurs. In this case, the device must not be
    used.comply with these maintenance procedures can damage the device
    and lead to aal inspection of the device requires the respect of
    particular procedures to void damages

    n concerning the device servicing or use, please contact our
    After-Sales Service or our

    to our After-Sales Department, it is essential to clean and
    disinfect it, then, pack it very its original packaging, before
    sending it.

    t liable for loss or damage to the device during transport to
    our After-Sales Department.

    evice life, return it to an organization competent in the
    treatment of the ic equipment waste. Remove the battery from the
    device and return it to a rganization.

  • 38

    Data racks, accessories and maintenance toolsInjectomat Agilia
    is compatible with the Agilia accessories range.For further
    information, please contact our Commercial Department.

    Data managemen

    Maintenance CD

    Vigilant, the IV M


    Duo Agilia 2 channels accessory for power supply centralisation

    Y Duo Agilia cable

    DC-DC converter Agili

    Nurse call Agilia

    Link 4 Agilia

    Link 6 Agilia

    Link 8 Agilia

    Link 4 + Agilia

    Link 6 + Agilia

    Link 8 + Agilia

    RS 232 cable for Agilia

    USB cable for Agilia

    Vigilant Ethernet cable

    Vigilant WIFI cable for

    Partner Agilia

    Maintenance kit Agilia

    Vigilant Drug Lib for 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia_INT


    & tools

    edication Safety Solution

    2 channels cable for DC/DC power centralisation 073497

    a Cable for transportation (ambulances) 073494

    Nurse call cable (4000 V isolated) 073496

    Rack 4 slots for power centralisation 073480

    Rack 6 slots for power centralisation 073481

    Rack 8 slots for power centralisation 073498

    Rack 4 slots for power centralisation and communication


    Rack 6 slots for power centralisation and communication


    Rack 8 slots for power centralisation and communication


    Communication cable for RS232 connection (4000V isolated)

    Communication cable for USB connection (4000V isolated)

    for Agilia Communication cable for Ethernet connection(4000V


    Agilia Communication cable for WIFI connection (4000V isolated)

    Maintenance CD 067037

    Maintenance tool box 178950

    Agilia Software for drugs adjustment 073473

  • 2309-11_nu_injectomat_agilia

    This user guide may contain inModifications may thus be
    maBecause of the evolution of theapplicable only for the device
    This user guide may not be reregistered trademarks in the n

    Revision date: July 2010_INT 39

    accuracies or typographical errors. de and will be included in
    later editions. standards, lawful texts and material, the
    characteristics indicated by the text and the images of this
    document are

    that it accompanies.produced in whole or in part without the
    written consent of Fresenius Kabi. Injectomat, Vigilant and Agilia
    are ame of Fresenius Kabi in selected countries.

    Fresenius Vial S.A.SLe Grand CheminF-38590

  • 2309









    Injectomat AgiliaIntroductionIntended usePrecautions to be

    Description of Injectomat AgiliaOperations for useDisplay and
    symbolsAlarm and safety featuresMenuPermanent menuMenu to be
    selected in option mode

    OptionDrugsIntroductionInfusion mode: Volume/time and limit
    volumeDisplay and symbolsSafety features and warningsService
    OptionsDrug library

    User testPerformancesRates rangeVolume LimitVolume/TimeSyringe
    listAccuracyProgrammable pausePressure managementOcclusion alarm
    response time and Bolus volume at occlusion release

    Technical characteristicsElectrical powersBatteryCommunication
    portInfrared communicationComplianceDimensions — WeightTrumpet

    Guidance and manufacturers declaration on EMCElectromagnetic
    emissions — Table 201Electromagnetic immunity — Table
    202Electromagnetic immunity — Table 204Recommended separation
    distances between portable and mobile RF communication equipment
    and Injectomat Agilia — Table 206

    Cleaning and use conditionsCleaning and
    disinfectingEnvironmental conditionsUse of the internal

    ServicesConditions of guaranteeQuality controlPreventive
    maintenanceServicingData racks, accessories and maintenance

  1. Главная

  2. Каталог

  3. Реанимация и анестезиология

  4. Инфузионные насосы

  5. Инфузионный насос Fresenius Injectomat MC Agilia

Модель шприцевого насоса Injectomat MC Agilia имеет расширенный набор функций (программирование скорости введения дозы, введение нагрузочной дозы, программирование болюса, графическая история и др.), предназначен для использования в отделениях интенсивной терапии и других специализированных отделениях.



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Инфузионный насос Fresenius Injectomat MC Agilia

Технические характеристики инфузионного насоса Fresenius Injectomat MC Agilia

Состояние Новое
Тип аппарата Шприцевой
Режим инфузии Болюсная инфузия, Открытой вены KVO, С заданной скоростью
Количество шприцев 1
Время непрерывной работы, ч 12
Дополнительные возможности Встроенная память результатов, Вывод воздуха из шприца

Подробное описание инфузионного насоса Fresenius Injectomat MC Agilia

Подробное описание инфузионного насоса Fresenius Injectomat MC Agilia

Варианты программирования инфузии:

  • программирование скорости в мл/ч
  • программирование в единицах дозы (например, мкг/кг/мин) – насос автоматически пересчитает скорость в мл/ч
  • программирование введения определенного объема или дозы за определенное время
  • программирование объема и скорости инфузии
  • возможность программирования введения нагрузочной дозы/дозы индукции


  • В память загружены характеристики 50 моделей шприцев разных производителей, что позволяет учесть их особенности и обеспечить высокую точность при проведении инфузии
  • При установке шприца в насос перемещение толкателя и фиксация поршня осуществляется вручную – нет задержек времени
  • Защита поршня – защитная рамка предотвращает непреднамеренное введение болюса при случайном ударе по толкателю поршня, например при падении насоса или при транспортировке
  • Большой информативный экран – достаточно беглого взгляда, чтобы быстро оценить состояние инфузии
  • Отражение на экране названия вводимого раствора/препарата
  • Возможность установки библиотеки лекарственных препаратов Vigilant® Drug Lib. В ней для каждого препарата программируется ряд параметров: название, мягкие пределы (наиболее высокая используемая скорость введения), жесткие пределы (максимально допустимая скорость введения), допустимые режимы инфузии, что значительно повышает безопасность при проведении инфузии
  • Режим поддержания вены открытой (ПВО) – после завершения инфузии насос автоматически продолжит вводить раствор с небольшой скоростью (от 1 до 5 мл/ч) с целью поддержания проходимости венозного доступа
  • Динамическая система контроля давления – реагирует на стабильное изменение уровня давления в системе (до достижения заданного предела), позволяет быстро обнаружить окклюзию или отсоединение системы и своевременно принять необходимые меры
  • Графическое и цифровое отражение значения давления в системе
  • Графическое отражение истории: объем/введенная доза, давление, скорость
  • Поворачиваемый зажим позволяет крепить насос в необходимом положении
  • Возможность объединения насосов друг с другом
  • Ночной режим – сниженная яркость, выключение звука кнопок; автоматический переход в ночной режим в заданное время

В этом сегменте ПМК также рекомендует

Fresenius Injectomat MC Agilia

Fresenius Injectomat MC Agilia

Цена по запросу



СКОРОСТЬ ИНФУЗИИ 0.1 — 1200 мл/час в обычном режиме, в зависимости от объема шприца (0.1мл/час шаг).

0,1-9,99 мл/час в микро режиме.

ТОЧНОСТЬ ИНФУЗИИ ± 1% механизм; ± 2 % шприц.

ОБЪЕМ ШПРИЦЕВ 5, 10, 20, 30/35, 50/60 мл.



• Доза

Единицы дозировки: ng, μg, mg, cal, kcal, U, kU, mmol, mol, Kmol / kg.

Единицы времени: 24ч / ч / мин.

Разведение: X единиц / мл или X единиц / Y мл.

• Объем или доза / время: 0.1 — 99.9 единиц ; 00 ч 01 — 96 ч 00.

• Предел объема 0.1 — 999.9 мл.

ВВЕДЕННЫЙ ОБЪЕМ/ДОЗА Объем: 0.1 — 999.9 мл.

ПРОМЫВКА 3 режима: обязательный, не обязательный, рекомендованный / скорость:1200 мл/час.

БОЛЮС Ручной болюс: скорость: 50 — 1200 мл/час (50 мл/час шаг).

Программируемый болюс (доза или объем / время): 0.1 — 99.9 единиц / 0.1 — 1200 мл время автоматический


ДОЗА ИНДУКЦИИ Доза или объем / время: 0.1 — 99.9 единиц / 00 мин 01 — 59 час 59 автоматический расчет скорости.

ОКОНЧАНИЕ ИНФУЗИИ (О/В &ПО) ПВО 1 и ПВО 2: 0.1 — 5 мл/час регулируемая и сохраняемая, продолжительная инфузия, остановка.


ПАУЗА Программируемая от 1 мин до 24 часов, шаг 1 минута.

ИСТОРИЯ СОБЫТИЙ 1500 последних событий.

ГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ ИСТОРИЯ Объем / доза введенная, давление, скорость..

НОЧНОЙ РЕЖИМ В ночном режиме уменьшается яркость дисплея и зеленых индикаторов. Выключение звука кнопок. Ночной

режим может быть включен непосредственно, либо запрограммирован по времени.

ПРОГРАММИРУЕМЫЕ РЕЖИМЫ Без названия лекарства: инфузия без отображения названия лекарства на дисплее.

Маркировка лекарств: инфузия с отображением названия лекарства.

Vigilant Drug’Lib: режим введения лекарств с дополнительными параметрами.

МАРКИРОВКА ЛЕКАРСТВ Вывод на дисплей одного из 50 лекарств из предустановленного списка.

БИБЛИОТЕКА ЛЕКАРСТВ Программируемая с помощью Vigilant® библиотека лекарств для повышения безопасности инфузии.

До 120 лекарств (зависит от размера комментариев) разделенных на 4 библиотеки.


КОНТРОЛЬ ДАВЛЕНИЯ 2 доступных режима: изменяемый (от 50 до 750 мм Hg, 25-50 мм Hg шаг) либо выбор из 3 предустановленных.

ДСД Динамическая Система Давления ДСД – предупреждение об изменениях давления.

Быстрое определение повышения давления, падения давления (отсоединение магистрали, утечка).

МОНИТОРИНГ ДАВЛЕНИЯ Графическое изображение давления в инфузионной линии и выбранного предела давления в виде


СИСТЕМА АНТИ-БОЛЮС Снижение болюса после устранения причины окклюзии до 0.2 мл макс.


СТАТУС Зеленые индикаторы для нормальной работы, оранжевые – претревога и предупреждения, красные – тревога.

Сигналы видны с расстояния 5 м.

Все тревоги разъясняются специальными символами , текстовыми сообщениями и звуковым сигналом.

КОНТРОЛЬ УСТАНОВКИ ШПРИЦА Контроль установки кромки шприца, определение головки поршня, проверка анти-сифонной системы, контроль

фиксации корпуса шприца.

КОНТРОЛЬ ИНФУЗИИ Претревога окклюзии, тревога окклюзии, претревога окончания инфузии, тревога окончания инфузии,

претревога достижения предела объема, тревога достижения предела объема, блок кнопок, жесткие и мягкие

ограничения скорости.

КОНТРОЛЬ НАСОСА Тревога механизма, претревога по заряду батареи, тревога разряженной батареи, время заряда батареи в часах

и минутах для выбранной скорости, не подтвержденные установки, технические тревоги с кодами (авто-тест,

вращение мотора), проверка приводящего механизма, проверка прибора, ошибка коммуникации

СЕРВИС Предупреждение о необходимости планового сервиса.


ЗАЩИТА ПОРШНЯ Защита поршня шприца от механических ударов “Push-Guard”.

ЭКРАН Монохромный (голубой) LCD дисплей, размер 66 мм x 33 мм (128 x 64 пикселей).

ПОВОРАЧИВАЕМЫЙ ЗАЖИМ Поворачиваемый зажим, позволяющий крепить насос на стойку либо рельсу /стойка: 20-40мм максимум; рельса:

25-35 x 10 мм.

СОВМЕСТИМОСТЬ Возможность комбинации 3-х насосов между собой без дополнительных приспособлений.

РАЗМЕРЫ (В/Ш/Г)/ВЕС 160 x 345 x 135 мм/2150 г.

БАТАРЕЯ Батарея: NI/MH / Минимальный заряд: 10 часов при скорости 5 мл/час.

Замена батареи: независимый компонент– не требует проведения специфических тестов.

СООТВЕТСТВИЕ СТАНДАРТАМ EN/IEC 60601-1 и EN/IEC 60601-2-24 / CE 0459 маркировано в соответствии EEC 93/42 Европейская Директива по

мед. оборудованию / ЭМС.


ЭЛЕКТРО СОВМЕСТИМОСТЬ Защита от утечки напряжения: CF тип – защита от электрошока: класс II.

ЭЛЕКТРОПИТАНИЕ 100 — 240 Vac / 15 VA, внешний источник 9 Vdc.

В наличии документация на медицинское оборудование фирмы Fresenius (в т.ч. на русском языке):

Modification: 20 October 2023

Техническая документация (Technical Documentation/Manual) на 2008K [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Техническая документация Technical Documentation/Manual на 2008K [Fresenius]

Инструкция по наладке (Adjustment Instruction) на 2008K Calibration procedures [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Инструкция по наладке Adjustment Instruction на 2008K Calibration procedures [Fresenius]

Техническая документация (Technical Documentation/Manual) на 2008K2 [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Техническая документация Technical Documentation/Manual на 2008K2 [Fresenius]

Схема электрическая (Electric scheme (circuit)) на 4008 B/E/S/H [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Схема электрическая Electric scheme (circuit) на 4008 B/E/S/H [Fresenius]

Инструкция по эксплуатации (Operation (Instruction) manual) на 4008 BVM [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Инструкция по эксплуатации Operation (Instruction) manual на 4008 BVM [Fresenius]

Техническая документация (Technical Documentation/Manual) на 4008 E/B/H/S [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Техническая документация Technical Documentation/Manual на 4008 E/B/H/S [Fresenius]

Инструкция по эксплуатации (Operation (Instruction) manual) на 4008B v3.2 [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Инструкция по эксплуатации Operation (Instruction) manual на 4008B v3.2 [Fresenius]

Инструкция по эксплуатации (Operation (Instruction) manual) на 4008B v3.2 1996 [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Инструкция по эксплуатации Operation (Instruction) manual на 4008B v3.2 1996 [Fresenius]

Инструкция по эксплуатации (Operation (Instruction) manual) на 4008H/S v4.0 OCM Дополнительные инструкции [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Инструкция по эксплуатации Operation (Instruction) manual на 4008H/S v4.0 OCM Дополнительные инструкции [Fresenius]

Инструкция по эксплуатации (Operation (Instruction) manual) на 4008S [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Инструкция по эксплуатации Operation (Instruction) manual на 4008S [Fresenius]

Сервисная инструкция (Service manual) на 5008 [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Сервисная инструкция Service manual на 5008 [Fresenius]

Инструкция по эксплуатации (Operation (Instruction) manual) на 5008 [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Инструкция по эксплуатации Operation (Instruction) manual на 5008 [Fresenius]

Техническая документация (Technical Documentation/Manual) на 5008 (Диагностика гидравлики) [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Техническая документация Technical Documentation/Manual на 5008 (Диагностика гидравлики) [Fresenius]

Инструкция по эксплуатации (Operation (Instruction) manual) на 5008S [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Инструкция по эксплуатации Operation (Instruction) manual на 5008S [Fresenius]

Техническая документация (Technical Documentation/Manual) на Ionometer 2 [Fresenius] Анализаторы

Техническая документация Technical Documentation/Manual на Ionometer 2 [Fresenius]

Техническая документация (Technical Documentation/Manual) на Ionometer 3 [Fresenius] Анализаторы

Техническая документация Technical Documentation/Manual на Ionometer 3 [Fresenius]

Инструкция по эксплуатации (Operation (Instruction) manual) на Ionometer 3 [Fresenius] Анализаторы

Инструкция по эксплуатации Operation (Instruction) manual на Ionometer 3 [Fresenius]

Сервисная инструкция (Service manual) на multiFiltrate [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Сервисная инструкция Service manual на multiFiltrate [Fresenius]

Техническая документация (Technical Documentation/Manual) на multiFiltrate [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Техническая документация Technical Documentation/Manual на multiFiltrate [Fresenius]

Инструкция по эксплуатации (Operation (Instruction) manual) на multiFiltrate V1.9 [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Инструкция по эксплуатации Operation (Instruction) manual на multiFiltrate V1.9 [Fresenius]

Инструкция по эксплуатации (Operation (Instruction) manual) на multiFiltrate V5.2 [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Инструкция по эксплуатации Operation (Instruction) manual на multiFiltrate V5.2 [Fresenius]

Инструкция по эксплуатации (Operation (Instruction) manual) на Prometeus серии 4008Н «Прометей» [Fresenius] Гемодиализ

Инструкция по эксплуатации Operation (Instruction) manual на Prometeus серии 4008Н "Прометей" [Fresenius]

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