Инструкция к хлебопечке sinbo 4717

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    Инструкция по эксплуатации хлебопечки Sinbo SBM 4717.

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    background image

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    A. Safety recommendations
     Please read the introductions carefully before using the appliance for the first time.
    2. The appliance is designed for household use only not for commercial.
    3. The appliance is applied for AC230V/10A or three-wire electrical outlets with earth ..
    4. Unplug when not in use or cleaning or instillation of accessories.
    5. Do not use in the open air or places with high humidity.
    6. Forbidden to put the power line, plug and machine body (except for pan and kneading paddle) into
    water or other liquid .
    7. Forbidden to put the appliance near water heater, electric heater, electric cooker…etc.
    8. Keep away children from the appliance.
    9. Make sure to allow enough space around the appliance to keep it at least 11cm away from the
    10. Make sure of the installation of pan and no stone like core or flammable staff like paper left in using
    the appliance.
    11. Do not rub or clean the pan with metal-wire brushes.
    12. In working process, do not open the cover or put hands into the pan to avoid danger. Always use
    the oven gloves to handle the pan or hot parts of appliance.
    13. If the power cord is broken, do not replace it by yourself instead of professional staff to avoid electric
    14. In working stage, do not touch the surface of the appliance except the buttons on the control panel

    B. Specifications
    AC220-240V, 50Hz
    Power: 480-580W
    Heating Tube Power: 500W
    Motor Power: 90W
    Delay Timer: 10 hours max
    Note: We reserve the rights to update technical data without prior notice.

    C: Parts’ names of bread maker
    (1) Names of parts
     Roof cover handle, 2. Lid with window, 3. Pan, 4. Kneading paddle, 5. Oven, 6. Body, 7. Control panel
    8. Measuring cup, 9. Measuring spoon, 10. Hook



    Program Selection

    Browning Selection

    time +

         time —

    Weight Selection

    (2) Programs
    Basic white bread,  2. French bread, 3. Sweet bread, 4. Cake, 5. Whole meal bread, 6. Sandwich,
    7. Fast basic white bread, 8. Jam and compotes, 9. Yogurt bread, 10. Traditional dough, 11. Super-fast
    bread, 12. Conking only

    Beep sound
    When the power is on or before resetting, the buzzer will beep once.
    2. The buzzer will beep once when each button is pressed one time. If the buttons are pressed for
    several times in one time, the buzzer will accordingly beep for a while.
    3. The buzzer will beep once when the “On / Off” is pressed.
    4. When the dried fruits are needed to mix in the pan, the buzzer will beep 10times during the process
    of kneading.




    — 1 —




    A. Safety recommendations

    1.Please read the introductions carefully before using the appliance for the first time.

    2.The appliance is designed for household use only not for commercial.

    3.The appliance is applied for AC230V/10A or three-wire electrical outlets with earth ..

    4.Unplug when not in use or cleaning or instillation of accessories.

    5.Do not use in the open air or places with high humidity.

    6.Forbidden to put the power line, plug and machine body (except for pan and kneading paddle) into water or other liquid .

    7.Forbidden to put the appliance near water heater, electric heater, electric cooker…etc.

    8.Keep away children from the appliance.

    9.Make sure to allow enough space around the appliance to keep it at least 11cm away from the surroundings.

    10.Make sure of the installation of pan and no stone like core or flammable staff like paper left in using the appliance.

    11.Do not rub or clean the pan with metal-wire brushes.

    12.In working process, do not open the cover or put hands into the pan to avoid danger. Always use the oven gloves to handle the pan or hot parts of appliance.

    13.If the power cord is broken, do not replace it by yourself instead of professional staff to avoid electric shock.

    14.In working stage, do not touch the surface of the appliance except the buttons on the control panel

    B. Specifications

    Voltage: AC220-240V, 50Hz

    Power: 480-600W

    Heating Tube Power: 500W

    Motor Power: 90W

    Delay Timer: 10 hours max

    Note: We reserve the rights to update technical data without prior notice.

    C: Parts’ names of bread maker

    (1) Names of parts

    1. Roof cover handle, 2. Lid with window, 3. Pan, 4. Kneading paddle, 5. Oven, 6. Body, 7. Control panel 8. Measuring cup, 9. Measuring spoon, 10. Hook



    Program Selection

    Browning Selection

    time +

    time —

    Weight Selection

    (2) Programs

    1. Basic white bread, 2. French bread, 3. Sweet bread, 4. Cake, 5. Whole meal bread, 6. Sandwich,

    7. Fast basic white bread, 8. Jam and compotes, 9. Yogurt bread, 10. Traditional dough, 11. Super-fast bread, 12. Conking only

    Beep sound

    1.When the power is on or before resetting, the buzzer will beep once.

    2.The buzzer will beep once when each button is pressed one time. If the buttons are pressed for several times in one time, the buzzer will accordingly beep for a while.

    3.The buzzer will beep once when the “On / Off” is pressed.

    4.When the dried fruits are needed to mix in the pan, the buzzer will beep 10times during the process of kneading.

    2 —

    5.When the bread making is done, the buzzer will beep 12 times to do reminding and then go into the status of keeping warm.

    6.Working time= Stand by time + Original set work time

    Memory time: After Power is cut off, it can remember to return to status before power down at least 20min’s.

    Notice: The inner temperature of the bread maker has to be cool down below 45? before normal kneading for another time.

    D: Ingredients

    Choosing ingredients plays an important role in the bread making which can make effect on whether you can make delicious breads or not. Here are some reference.

    1. Bread flour

    Bread flour is kinds of gluten flour (sometimes called gluten flour or strong flour with high protein content) which can help in remain the dough’s strength in yeasting. Compared to general flour, bread flour contains high gluten with good fibrous tissue which should been the best choice as bread making ingredients for soft and delicious breads.

    2. All-purpose flour

    All-purpose flour is made of soft and hard wheat which is suitable for fast bread and cake.

    3. Rye flour

    Rye flour is a kind of high-fiber flour which is similar to whole meal flour, also called graham flour. And it has to be mixed with bread flour to rise the bread as big as possible.

    4. Whole meal flour

    The whole meal flour is made from grinded kernels with cereal and bran. Whole meal flour is heavier than all-purpose flour with richer nutrition, heavier bread, smaller size and thicker crust. For most of time, the whole meal flour is always mixed with bread flour to make high-quality and delicious breads. Thus, our appliance has been set to make the whole meal breads with long time stirring and yeasting.

    5. Cake flour

    The cake flour is made from the grinded soft wheat or low-protein wheat as the special cake ingredients. Due to the wheat’s original places, living seasons, grind techniques and different storage life, flours have large differences in yeasting and water sucking although it seems like all of the flours looks similar.

    6. Cornmeal/Oatmeal

    Cornmeal and oatmeal are the adding ingredients which are relatively made from grinded corns and oats in order to increase breads’ flavor and taste.

    7. Yeast

    Baker’s yeast exists in several forms: fresh in small cubes, dried and active to be rehydrated or dried and instant. Fresh yeast is sold in supermarkets, but you can also buy fresh yeast from your local baker’s. In its fresh or instant dried form, yeast should be added directly to the baking pan of your bread maker with the other ingredients. Remember to crumble the fresh yeast with your fingers to make it dissolve more easily. Only active dried yeast must be mixed with a little tepid water before use.

    The following methods can help you tell whether your yeast is fresh or not:

    (1)Pour 1/2 glass of water?40-50??into measuring cup

    (2)Put one spoon of sugar into water and stir to be dissolved, and then scatter 2 spoons of yeast on the surface of water

    3 —

    (3)Put the cup of water on a warm place for 10 min without any stirring

    (4)The bubbles produced by the yeast will reach the mark of 1CUP. If it wouldn’t, your yeast is not fresh.

    8. Salt

    Salt gives taste to food and regulate the yeast’s activity. It should not come into contact with the yeast. Thanks to salt, the dough is firm, compact and does not rise too quickly. It also improves the structure of the dough. Do not use coarse salt or salt substitutes.

    9. Fats and oils

    Fats make the bread softer and tastier. It also stores better and longer. Too much fat slows down rising. If you use butter, cut it into tiny pieces that it is distributed eventually throughout he preparation, or soften it.

    10. Baking powder

    Baking powder is mainly used to yeast fast breads and cakes which do not need yeasting time owing to its making use of principles of chemistry to soften food.

    11. Soda

    Just like the baking powder.

    12. Sugar

    Use white sugar, brown sugar or honey. Do not use unrefined sugar or lumps. Sugar acts as food for the yeasts, gives the bread its good taste and improve browning of the crust. Artificial sweeteners cannot be substituted for sugar as the yeast will not react with them.

    13. Eggs

    Eggs make the dough richer, improve the color of the bread and encourage the development of the soft, white part. If you use eggs, reduce the quantity of liquid you use proportionally.

    14. Water

    Water rehydrates and activates the yeast. It also hydrates the starch in the flour and helps the soft, white part to form. Water can be totally or partially replaced with milk or other liquids. Use liquids at room temperature.

    15. Weighing in bread-making

    One important step in bread-making ingredients is the weighing of ingredients with the specified measuring cup and spoon which will even influence the effect of the breads.

    (1) Weighing of liquid ingredients

    Water, milk and milk powder liquor should be measured by specific cup and you should look the scale marks on the cup horizontally to read.

    Measuring cup should be cleaned carefully to make sure of no other powder left when measuring oil or adding ingredients.

    (2) Measuring of dried powder

    The dried powder measured by measuring cup or spoon should in the natural and loosen state and the mouth of the measuring cup should be stroked off to make sure of precise measurement.

    (3) The order of ingredients

    Generally speaking, the order should be: liquid, egg plus salt, milk powder. The flour shouldn’t completely touched by liquid and then put the yeast on the dried flour (no touch of yeast and salt). Fruit is put into the pan when the buzzer beeps after the dough being stirred for a while. No perishable ingredients like eggs or fruits if you use the function of long timing.

    16. Other ingredients

    You can add ingredients according to your own flavor like dried fruit, cheese, nuts, yogurt, whole meal

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    powder, vanilla and spice. What you should pay attention to is the amount of water. For example, cheese, milk and fresh fruit contain a lot amount of water which will over-humidify the dough, so we should adjust accordingly such as the replacement of dried cheese or dried milk.

    You will naturally understand whether the water is proper for the dough with the method to add water or flavor after being familiar to the functions of bread maker.

    Another point is that you should remember the amount of salt which can influence the yeasting speed. And some ingredients can be mixed in the very beginning like dried milk powder and yogurt while some like dough, nut let and dried fruit have to be added when the buzzer beeps in stirring.

    E: Principle and Bread-making steps

    Bread is a kind of soft baking food which is yeasting, shaping, rising and baking with proper sugar, oil, milk powder, eggs, fruit and additives based on the ingredients of flour, yeast, salt and water.

    Here is the work theory of household bread maker: the appliance imitates the operating procedure of bakeries or bread factories with artificial intelligence, which can render it easy to make breads at home. The appliance can be pressed to automatically finish the tasks of kneading, yeasting, rest, rising, baking and warming in the basis of all ingredients on the introduction book. The operating of dough-stirring is complete with the usage of unidirectional drive and the control of dough-yeasting and bakingtemperature is gorgeous with the application of MCU.

    Operating process: Once the appliance is started, MCU will automatically examine whether the work environment and temperature transmitter are normal to operate or not. After examined, the motor starts to stir the ingredients via drive system and the program starts to control the tubes’ heating, the oven’s work temperature and the yeasting. At the same time, the yeast in the dough is blooming to produce lots of carbon oxidation which realize the bread soft and expanding. The flour in the pan is completely mixed with all ingredients during the stirring-operation and then expands into the largest size during the rising-operation so as to be baked finally into bread.

    The control system consists of power panel and control panel, which is the nerve center of the appliance memorizing all sorts of bread 0r cake making methods. For your own preference, the functions of yeasting and baking as well as stirring via on/off of motor can be chosen to make the breads with shallow or deep color or different crust with different thickness.

    The dough is heated via heating tube in the pan to make the oven reach the yeasting or baking temperature and then the control panel is received the temperature feedback via transducer so as to control the on/off operating of heating tube. When the thermistor goes wrong, the tube will be heating constantly which result in the operation of yeasting. And when the oven temperature exceeds some certain degree, the fuse will be broken to protect the appliance.

    The following formulas for reference:

    1.Measure the ingredients before put into the pan

    2.With water at 20?

    3.Mount the pan and close the cover

    4.Plug in and beep once

    5.Choose the program and press “no/off” button

    6.Beep 10times when the bread is finished and automatically get into the one hour’ warming operation (expect program 7,8,10)

    7.If the function of warming is not needed, you can press the “on/off” button for 3 seconds to finish the program.

    8.Finishing the bread making, use the hook to catch the hook and then hold the handle to lift the pan with the hand cloth.

    9.pour out the bread and stirring paddle from the pan (avoid burning hands)

    10.Cut into slices after cooling down

    F: Recommended Recipes: (The following recipes are just for reference which you can adjust to meet your own taste and flavor.?

    The measuring rang of the following cup is 250ml, the small spoon is 5ml, and the big spoon is 15ml.

    — 5 —

    The weight of a cup of flour is 150g, a cup of water is 250g, a small spoon of salt is 6g, a small spoon of dried yeast is 3.5g, a small spoon of improver is 4.5g, a small spoon of soda is 6g, a small spoon of tartar is 3.5g, a big spoon of sugar is 14g, a big spoon of raisin is 7g, a big spoon of nut is 6g, a big spoon of milk powder is 6.5g, a big spoon of oil is 16g, and an egg is 50-60g.

    Before measuring the liquids with the tools attached to the appliance, the measuring tools have to be put on a flat surface and our eyes must stay the same as the horizontal line; before measuring the solids with the tools attached to the appliance, the measuring tools have to be put on a flat surface and we should avoid the ingredients’ piling up to break the whole balance.

    1. Basic

    2. French

    3. Sweet

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    Sinbo SBM 4717 User Manual

    4. Cake:

    5. Whole Wheat:

    6. Sandwich:

    — 7 —

    7. Traditional dough:

    This program is not to yeast but to knead the dough which is used to make out dumplings’ wrappers and noodles with the pan unheated as well as no color and weight to choose.

    8. Jam:

    Note: When the jam’s been done, please clean the pan or it will damage the paint coat resulting in the shortening of the appliance’s life.

    1.The complete jam should be put in clean bottles or plates and then be stored in the refrigerator to prevent from drying out.

    2.The natural jam made by ourselves may be in density not as good as these with additives sold on the market but it doesn’t mean something is wrong with our jam.

    3.Better taste with the own-made bread.

    4.Jam’s density can be improved with adding 1/2?11/2 cups of edible pectins.

    5.Because of the fresh ingredients, please operate at room temperature (18-25degrees).

    6.The number of the ingredients should be appropriate, no exceeding the fixed number to prevent the ingredients from boiling in operation.

    7.It will taste better if the jam ingredients are grinded by the blender (or chopped up by knife) firstly.

    9. Yogurt bread

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