Инструкция к телевизору toshiba 42hl833r

Инструкцию для Toshiba 42HL833R на русском языке, в формате pdf можно скачать с нашего сайта. Наш каталог предоставляем Вам инструкцию производителя фирмы Toshiba, которая была взята из открытых источников. Ознакомившись с руководством по эксплуатации от Toshiba, Вы на все 100% и правильно сможете воспользоваться всеми функциями устройства.

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Veuillez noter :


Toshiba ne sera en aucun cas responsable des dommages et/ou dysfonctionnements de l’appareil

causés par :

i) un incendie ;

ii) un tremblement de terre ; iii) des dommages accidentels ;

iv) une utilisation intentionnellement incorrecte de l’appareil ;

v) une utilisation dans des endroits inadéquats ;

vi) les dommages et/ou les dysfonctionnements de l’appareil alors qu’il était en possession d’une autre partie ;

vii) les dommages ou les dysfonctionnements causés par l’utilisateur et/ou la négligence/le nonrespect des instructions d’utilisation contenues dans le manuel d’utilisation ;

viii) les dommages ou les dysfonctionnements causés par une utilisation incorrecte ou lorsque l’appareil est utilisé en même temps avec des autres appareils ;

De plus, Toshiba ne sera en aucun cas responsable des dommages et/ou des dysfonctionnements indirects, y compris mais non limité à, les pertes de profit, les interruptions des opérations et les pertes de données enregistrées, que celles-ci soient causées par une utilisation normale ou une utilisation incorrecte de l’appareil.

Si des images fixes d’une diffusion 4:3, de services de texte, de logos d’identification de chaîne, d’un ordinateur, de jeux vidéo, de menus, etc. restent affichées sur l’écran du téléviseur pendant de longues périodes, ceci causer des problèmes ; il est toujours recommandé de baisser les RÉGLAGE de la luminosité et du contraste.

Sur une longue période, l’affichage continu d’images au format 4:3 sur un écran 16:9 peut causer des problèmes de rémanence d’image sur les bords 4:3 ; ceci n’est pas un dysfonctionnement du téléviseur LCD et ceci n’est pas couvert par la garantie du fabricant. Une utilisation régulière des autres modes d’affichage (par ex. Superlive) permettra d’éviter la rétention permanente.

NOTE : Il est possible que les jeux vidéo interactifs utilisant une manette de jeu de type « pistolet » tirant sur une cible à l’écran ne fonctionnent pas avec ce téléviseur.



TENSION DANGEREUSE : le symbole de l’éclair avec une flèche, dans un triangle

équilatéral, vise à alerter l’utilisateur de la présence de « TENSION DANGEREUSE » non isolée, à l’intérieur du bâti du produit, pouvant être suffisante pour provoquer une électrocution.

INSTRUCTIONS : le symbole du point d’exclamation dans un triangle équilatéral vise à alerter l’utilisateur de l’existence d’importantes instructions de maintenance (entretien) et de fonctionnement, figurant dans la littérature qui accompagne l’appareil.

AVERTISSEMENT : pour éviter tout risque d’incendie, tenez les bougies ou toute autre flamme ouverte à distance du produit, et ce à tout moment.



  • Bedienungsanleitung Toshiba 42HL833G
  • Toshiba 42HL833G User Manual
  • Manual Usuario Toshiba 42HL833G
  • Mode d’emploi Toshiba 42HL833G
  • Istruzioni Toshiba 42HL833G
  • инструкция Toshiba 42HL833G
  • Toshiba 42HL833Gの取扱説明書
  • Handleiding Toshiba 42HL833G
  • Manual de uso Toshiba 42HL833G

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Изделие Toshiba 42HL833G, а также другие, которыми Вы пользуетесь ежедневно, наверняка вы получили в комплекте с инструкцией обслуживания. Из опыта наших пользователей мы знаем, что большинство из Вас не уделили этому особого внимания. Большая часть инструкций, сразу же после покупки попадает в корзину для мусора вместе с коробкой — это ошибка. Ознакомьтесь с информацией, касающейся инструкции Toshiba 42HL833G, которая поможет Вам в будущем сэкономить нервы и избежать головной боли.

Важная подсказка — не забывайте хотя бы раз прочитать инструкцию Toshiba 42HL833G

Если вы не хотите каждый раз читать информационные брошюры, касающиеся, тех или Toshiba 42HL833G иных изделий, достаточно, прочитать их раз — сразу же после покупки устройства. Вы получите основное знания, касающиеся поддержания изделия Toshiba 42HL833G в хорошем эксплуатационном состоянии, так, чтобы без проблем достигнуть его планируемого цикла работы. Затем инструкцию можно отложить на полку и вернуться к ней только в случае, если вы не уверены, правильно ли проводится техобслуживание изделия. Правильный уход является необходимым элементом Вашего удовольствия Toshiba 42HL833G.

Раз в году пересмотрите шкафчик, в котором держите инструкции для всех устройств, — выбросите те, которыми вы уже не пользуетесься. Это поможет Вам сохранять порядок в своей домашней базе инструкций обслуживания.

Summary of Contents for Toshiba 42HL833G

Что находится в инструкции Toshiba 42HL833G? Почему стоит ее прочитать?

  1. Гарантия и подробности, касающиеся техобслуживания изделия
    Хорошей идеей будет прикрепить чек к странице инструкции. Если что-то плохое случится во время использования Toshiba 42HL833G, у вас будет комплект документов, необходимый для гарантийного ремонта. В этой части инструкции вы найдете информацию об авторизованных сервисных центрахToshiba 42HL833G а также, как самостоятельно правильно ухаживать за оборудованием — так, чтобы не потерять гарантийных прав.
  2. Указания по монтажу и Setup
    Не терять нервов и времени на самостоятельную попытку установки и первого запуска изделия. Воспользуйтесь рекомендациями производителя Toshiba 42HL833G чтобы правильно запустить изделие, без лишнего риска повреждения оборудования.
  3. Информация, касающаяся дополнительных запчастей (входящих в комплект а также являющихся опцией)
    Пересматривая эту часть документа вы сможете проверить, доставлен ли ваш Toshiba 42HL833G с полним комплектом аксессуаров. Вы также сможете узнать, какие дополнительные запчасти или аксессуары для Toshiba 42HL833G Вы сможете найти и докупить к своему устройству.
  4. Troubleshooting
    Самые частые проблемы, касающиеся Toshiba 42HL833G и методы их решения. Это очень полезная часть руководства по обслуживанию — она позволит Вам сэкономить много времени на поиск решений. 90% проблем с Toshiba 42HL833G повторяется у многих пользователей.
  5. Требования, касающиеся питания и энергетический класс
    Информация, касающаяся количества потребляемой энергии, а также рекомендации, касающиеся установки и питания Toshiba 42HL833G. Прочитайте, чтобы оптимально пользоваться Toshiba 42HL833G и не использовать большего количества ресурсов, нежели это необходимо для правильной работы изделия.
  6. Специальные функции Toshiba 42HL833G
    Здесь вы можешь узнать, как персонализировать изделие Toshiba 42HL833G. Вы узнаете, какие дополнительные функции могут помочь Вам удобно использовать продукт Toshiba 42HL833G а также, какие функции Вашего устройства оптимальны для выполнения конкретной деятельности.

Как видите в инструкции вы найдете информацию, которая реально поможет Вам в использовании Вашего изделия. Стоит с ней ознакомиться, чтобы избежать разочарований, возникающих из более короткого, нежели предусматривалось, периода исправности изделия Toshiba 42HL833G. Если все же вы не хотите копить инструкции в своем доме, наш сайт поможет Вам в этом — вы должны найти у нас руководство по обслуживанию большинства из своих устройств, а также Toshiba 42HL833G.

Комментарии (0)

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 1

    32A V83*B 32/40L V83*B 26/32EL83*B 32/42HL83*B DIGIT AL Series Register your TV online at: www .toshiba.co.uk/registration …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 2

    2 English Contents Safety Precautions ……………….. 5 Air Circulation ……………………………….. 5 Heat Damage ……………………………….. 5 Mains Supply ………………………………… 5 Do ……………………………………………….. 5 Do not ………………………………………….. 5 In …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 3

    3 English Surround Sound ……………………………. 38 Bass Boost …………………………………… 38 SPDIF T ype ………………………………….. 38 Audio Description ………………………….. 39 Widescreen viewing ……………… 40 Available Picture Size and Position Control ……………………………. …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 4

    4 English Setting the Modes …………………………. 59 Navigating Pages using Auto ………….. 59 Navigating Pages using LIST ………….. 59 Control Buttons……………………………… 59 PC Settings ………………………….. 60 Horizontal and V ertical Position……….. 60 Horizontal Width ……………………… …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 5

    5 English Safety Precautions This equipment has been designed and manufactured to meet international safety standards but, like any electrical equipment, care must be taken to obtain the best results and for safety to be assured. Please read the points below for your own safety . They are of a general nature, intended to help with all electronic co …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 6

    6 English Installation and important information Where to install Locate the television away from direct sunlight and strong lights, soft, indirect lighting is recommended for comfortable viewing. Use curtains or blinds to prevent direct sunlight falling on the screen. Place the TV set on a stable, level surface that can support the weight of the T …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 7

    7 English Removing the Pedestal Stand: 1. Carefully lay the front of the unit face down on a at, cushioned surface such as a quilt or a blan — ket. Leave the stand protruding over the edge of the surface. NOTE: Extreme care should always be used when removing the pedestal stand to avoid dam- age to the LCD panel. 2. Remove the screws. 3. Once yo …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 8

    8 English Digital Switchover How to re-tune: As new services are broadcast it will be neces- sary to re-tune the television in order to view them. Auto tuning will completely retune the television and can be used to update the chan- nel list. Press MENU button on the remote control unit. Select Auto tuning option. A screen will appear warning that …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 9

    9 English Re-tuning: TO SHIBA 4 Steps TOSHIBA Digital TV * This process may affect any save d informatio n stored on your product, including your fav ourites list. Please consult yo ur instruction manual or contact the manufacturer using the details above. TOSHIBA Customer Helpline: 0844 856 0730 TOSHIBA Online Support: www .toshiba.co.uk/tv-dvd-su …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 10

    10 English Manual re -tu nin g If your Freeview TV or bo x pick s up a di erent reg i onal se rv ice to your prefer red se rv ice (e .g . BBC En gl and in st ead of BBC Sc o tland, or IT V Central in st ead of IT V An gl ia ), you can use this manual re-tune gu ide. 80 0 or above, this gu ide wi ll help you put them in your prefer red po sition . r …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 11

    11 English Language Country Tuner Mode Auto tuning ATV Manual Tuning DTV Manual Tuning DTV Settings AV connection Picture Position Quick Setup English UK Antenna Enter OK Back RETURN 1/2 SET UP OK OK OK OK OK DTV Manual T uning OK RF Channel Start Scan 5 Signal Strength Quality Weak Average Strong Poor Back RETURN Edit Input 0−9 …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 12

    12 English 12 In TV mode: Display on-screen information In T ext mode: Access the index page 13 Mute the sound 14 Display the QUICK access menu 15 Exit the menu system 16 Display EPG 17 Go to the previous level of the menu 18 Display the on-screen menu 19 Menu navigation: ▲, ▼, ◄, ►: In T ext mode: Change the page Conrm the selection 20 …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 13

    13 English Connecting External Equipment Before connecting any external equipment, turn off all main power switches. If there is no switch remove the mains plug from the wall socket. Connect the power cord into the AC-IN socket found at the back of the TV . HDMI 1 INPUT SOCKET RGB/ PC AC−IN HDMI 2 INPUT SOCKET For 26/32EL83*B | 32/42HL83*B HDMI 1 …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 14

    14 English Aerial cables: — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Connect the aerial to the ANT socket on the rear of the television. If you use a decoder and/or media recorder , connect through the decoder and/or media recorder to the television. SCART cables: — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Connect the video recorder IN/OUT or decoder TV socke …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 15

    15 English HDMI-LINK Connections The basic functions of connected audio/video equipment can be controlled using the television’s remote control if a HDMI-LINK compatible device is connected. The back of your television AV amplifier HDMI out Playback equipment HDMI out HDMI in Playback equipment HDMI out For 26/32EL83*B | 32/42HL83*B The back of y …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 16

    16 English Connecting an HDMI or DVI device to the HDMI input The HDMI input on your television receives digital audio and uncompressed digital video from an HDMI source device or uncompressed digital video from a DVI (Digital Visual Interface) source device. This input is designed to accept HDCP (High-Bandwidth Digital-Content Protection) programm …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 17

    17 English HDMI cable HDMI device HDMI out (not supplied) For 32A V83*B | 32/40L V83*B T o view the HDMI device video, press the button to select HDMI 1 or HDMI 2 mode. …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 18

    18 English T o connect a DVI device Connect an HDMI-to-DVI adapter cable (HDMI type A connector) to the HDMI 1 terminal and audio cables to the PC/HDMI1 (AUDIO) socket (see illustration). • The recommended HDMI-to-DVI adapter cable length is 6.6ft (2m). • An HDMI-to-DVI adapter cable transfers video only . • Separate analogue audio cables are …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 19

    19 English DVI device HDMI-to-DVI adapter cable (not supplied) Audio cable for HDMI to television connection (not supplied) For 32A V83*B | 32/40L V83*B T o ensure that the HDMI or DVI device is reset properly , it is recommended that you follow these procedures: • When turning on your electronic components, turn on the television rst, and the …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 20

    20 English Connecting a Computer With either an RGB/PC or an HDMI connection, you can watch your computer ’s display on the televi- sion and hear the sound from the televisions speakers. T o connect a PC to the HDMI terminal When connecting a PC to the HDMI terminal on the television, use an HDMI-to-DVI adapter cable and an analogue audio cable. …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 21

    21 English the back of your television HDMI-to-DVI adapter cable (not supplied) 2 Computer Audio cable for PC to television connection (not supplied) For 32A V83*B | 32/40L V83*B For acceptable PC and video signal formats, see page 22. NOTE: • The edges of the images may be hidden. • If connecting a certain PC model with a unique PC signal, the …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 22

    22 English Acceptable Video signals through HDMI terminals Resolution H. Frequency (KHz) V . Frequency (Hz) 480i 15.734 60.000 480p 31.500 60.000 576i 15.625 50.000 576p 31.250 50.000 720p 37.500 50.000 720p 45.000 60.000 1080i 28.125 50.000 1080i 33.750 60.000 1080p 27.000 24.000 1080p 28.125 25.000 1080p 33.750 30.000 1080p 56.250 50.000 1080p 67 …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 23

    23 English Digital On-Screen Information and Programme Guide When viewing in digital mode, the on-screen information and programme guide provide access to programme details for all available channels. On-Screen Information Icons Icons will appear on the Information screen giv — ing details about the programmes being broad — cast. Details of these i …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 24

    24 English Frequently Asked Questions Q Why is there no sound or picture? A Check that the television is on and that all connections are made properly . Q There is a picture, but why is there little or no colour? A The colour is factory set to Auto to auto- matically display the best colour system. When using an external source, if there is little …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 25

    25 English Q Why are the colours wrong when an NTSC source is played? A Connect the source via a SCART cable and play . Select Manual setting from the SETUP menu and set the Colour System to Auto. Manual setting EXT 1 Colour system: Auto A Back RETURN Select Change Save OK Q What can be done if the user-dened password has been forgotten? A Use t …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 26

    26 English Using the Controls While all the necessary adjustments and controls for the television are made using the remote control, the buttons on the television may be used for some functions. HDMI 2 INPUT SOCKET Common Interface USB RED LED − Standby GREEN LED − Power on GREEN LED − On Timer For 26/32EL83*B | 32/42HL83*B HDMI 2 INPUT SOCKE …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 27

    27 English Switching On If the RED LED is unlit check that the plug is connected to the power supply . If the picture does not appear press on the remote control, it may take a few moments. T o put the television into Standby press on the remote control. T o view the television press again. The picture may take a few seconds to appear . Using the R …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 28

    28 English Before switching on the television put your decoder and media recorder to Standby if they are connected. T o set up the television use the buttons on the remote control as detailed on page 12. T uning the T elevision Quick Setup For rst time use, plug in the television and press the button. The Quick Setup screen will appear . Quick S …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 29

    29 English When Store is selected, the conrmation window appears. Location No Back RETURN Select Auto tuning OK You have selected [Store]. This mode consumes more energy. Are you sure you want to set to this mode? Press ◄ or ► to select Ye s or No . Press to enter the Auto tuning menu. NOTE: Please make sure the aerial is con — nected to the …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 30

    30 English Setting the Channels Note: When Parental Block is activated, the 4-digit password is needed. Auto T uning The Auto tuning function will completely re- tune the television and can be used to update the channel list. NOTE: It is recommended that Auto tuning is run periodically to ensure that all new services are added. NOTE: All the curren …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 31

    31 English Press ▲ or ▼ to select T uning Mode and press ◄ or ► to select AT V , DTV or A TV and DTV . Auto tuning Tuning Mode Start Scan Scan type Start Frequency (MHz) End Frequency Modulation Symbol Rate Network ID ATV and DTV Quick Scan 113.000 MHz Auto Auto Auto Auto OK Previous settings will be lost! Press EXIT for no change. Back RET …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 32

    32 English DTV mode — Antenna Press MENU . Press ◄ o r ► to select SETUP and press to enter the sub- menu.. Press ▲ or ▼ to select DTV Manual T un — ing and press to enter the submenu. Enter OK Back RETURN 1/2 SETUP Language Country Tuner Mode Auto tuning ATV Manual Tuning DTV Manual Tuning DTV Settings AV connection Picture Position Quick …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 33

    33 English DTV mode — Cable Press MENU . Press ◄ o r ► to select SETUP and press to enter the sub- menu.. Press ▲ or ▼ to select DTV Manual T un — ing and press to enter the submenu. Enter OK Back RETURN 1/2 SETUP Language Country Tuner Mode Auto tuning ATV Manual Tuning DTV Manual Tuning DTV Settings AV connection Picture Position Quick Se …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 34

    34 English DTV Settings Channels The channel order may be changed to suit your personal preference. NOTE: This function is only available in DTV mode. Press MENU . Press ◄ o r ► to select SETUP and press to enter the sub- menu. PICTURE SOUND SETUP APPLICATIONS PREFERENCES Press ▲ or ▼ to select DTV Settings and press to enter the submenu. P …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 35

    35 English Press ◄ or ► to highlight the skip ( ) box. Channel Options Back RETURN Select Enter OK TV CH 800 Name DEEJAY TV Press to select. A tick appears in the box. NOTE: Skipped channels cannot be selected by P or P but still be accessed by direct entry (when tuned a icon will be displayed in the banner to indicate as a skipped channel). Pa …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 36

    36 English Subtitle and Audio Y ou can choose the Subtitle T ype or Audio T ype from Normal or Hearing Impaired . If the Hearing Impaired is selected, it provides subtitle services to deaf and hard of hearing viewers with additional descriptions. Subtitle Language or Audio Language allow a programme or lm to be viewed with a choice of soundtrack …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 37

    37 English Selecting Channels T o select a channel use the numbered buttons on the remote control. Channels can also be selected using P and P . Stereo and Bilingual T ransmissions If stereo or dual language broadcasts are transmitted the word Stereo or Dual will ap- pear on the screen each time channels are changed, disappearing after a few second …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 38

    38 English Sound Controls V olume Controls and Mute Sound V olume Press or to adjust the volume. Sound Mute Press on the remote once to turn the sound off and again to cancel. Dual If a programme or lm is being broadcast with a soundtrack in more than one language, the DUAL feature allows selection between them. Press MENU . Press ◄ o r ► to …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 39

    39 English Audio Description Audio Description is an additional narration describing on-screen action, body language, ex — pressions and movements for people with visual disabilities while watching the TV . This function enables you to choose the type of narrations. Press MENU . Press ◄ o r ► to select SOUND and press to enter the submenu.. Pre …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 40

    40 English Subtitle Widescreen viewing Depending on the type of broadcast being transmitted, programmes can be viewed in a number of formats. Wide Use this setting when watching a widescreen DVD, widescreen video tape or a 16:9 broadcast (when available). Due to the range of widescreen formats (16:9, 14:9, 20:9 etc.) black bars may be visible on th …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 41

    41 English A vailable Picture Size and Position Control Wide 4:3 Super Live Cinema Subtitle 14:9 Native Normal Dot by Dot A TV o o o o o o x x x DTV SD o o o o o o x x x HD o o o o x o o x x Scart o o o o o o x x x CVBS o o o o o o x x x YPbPr SD o o o o o o x x x HD o o o o x x x x x HDMI SD o o o o o o o x x HD o o o o x x o x x D-SUB o x x x x x …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 42

    42 English Picture Position The Picture Position may now be adjusted to suit personal preference. Press MENU . Press ◄ o r ► to select SOUND and press to enter the submenu.. PICTURE SOUND SETUP APPLICATIONS PREFERENCES Press ▲ or ▼ to select Picture Position and press to enter the submenu. Enter OK Back RETURN 1/2 SETUP Language Country Tun …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 43

    43 English Black/White Level This function increases the strength of dark areas of the picture, which improves picture denition. In the Picture Settings menu, press ▲ or ▼ to select Black/White Level . Press ◄ or ► to adjust the level from Off , Low , Middle to High . The effect depends on the broadcast and is most noticeable on dark col …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 44

    44 English Base Colour Adjustment The Base Colour adjustment feature allows the adjustment of individual colours to suit per- sonal preference. This can be useful when using an external source. It only can be adjusted when 3D Colour management is set to On . In the PICTURE menu, press ▲ or ▼ to select Base Colour Adjustment and press to enter t …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 45

    45 English View Photo Files Insert a USB storage device and press on the remote. Use ▲ or ▼ to select MEDIA and press . TV 1 2 3C HDMI1 HDMI2 MEDIA PC Inputs Enjoy Photos through USB Port The Photo Viewer allows you to playback image les from a USB storage device. Image Photo Resolution (Mstat suggest) Required DRAM size (Mbytes) Remark JPEG …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 46

    46 English Press ▲, ▼, ◄ or ► to select the de — sired photo and press to view. Press MENU to change the settings when viewing a photo. Move Select OK 00001 / 00004 0000−1.jpg Off On 15 sec −−−− / −− / −− −− : −− 788 X 1157 Prev. EXIT EXIT Press ◄ or ► to: • : Go to the previous photo • : Go to the next pho …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 47

    47 English Enjoy Music through USB Port The MP3 Player allows you to playback music les from a USB storage device. Audio Codec File Extension Bit Rate Remark MPEG1 Layer2 MP3 32Kbps~ 448Kbps(Bit rate) 32KHz ~ 48KHz(Sampling rate) MPEG1 Layer3 MP3 32Kbps ~ 320Kbps(Bit rate) 32KHz ~ 48KHz(Sampling rate) Play Music Files Insert a USB storage device …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 48

    48 English Repeat Settings Press ◄ or ► to select . Press to select Off , One or Folder . Using the Play List Press ◄ or ► to select and press . Press ▲ or ▼ to select music and press to play music. Press EXIT on the remote to collapse the list. 00001 / 00003 001.MP3 00:00:02 / 00:02:42 16 Off Play List 001.MP3 002.wma 003.avi 001 .MP 3 …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 49

    49 English Enjoy V ideos through USB Port The Video V iewer allows you to playback video les from a USB storage device. File Extension Container Video Codec SPEC Bit Rate (Mbit/sec) Prole Remark dat, mpg, mpeg MPG, MPEG Mpeg1,2 1080P@ 30fps 20 Main Prole MP4: GMC is not sup- ported ts, trp, tp, m2ts MPEG2 -TS H264-TS MPEG2 ,H.264 1080P@ 30 …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 50

    50 English Press MENU to change the settings when viewing a video. MOVE Select OK 00001 / 00001 002.wmv 00:00:08 / 00:02:28 16 Off Pause Play EXIT EXIT Press ◄ or ► to: • / : Play or pause the selected video • : Fast back the selected vi deo • : Fast forward the selected vi deo • : Go to the previous vi deo • : Go to the next vi deo ? …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 51

    51 English Video Info Info display le status information (content number , video title, audio track, subtitle, pro- gram, size, etc.). Press MENU to change the settings when playing a video. Press ◄ or ► to and press . 00001 / 00001 27.avi 00:00:08 / 00:02:28 16 Off Info. 27.avi Resolution: AudioTrack: Subtitle: Program: Size: 720 x 576 1 / …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 52

    52 English Equipment Control The HDMI-LINK mode on the television’s remote control allows the control of connected HDMI-LINK equipment being watched. T o control the HDMI-LINK input source, rst select the equipment with HDMI-LINK input source selection, then switch the mode on the remote control to HDMI-LINK and press any buttons. The availabl …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 53

    53 English One T ouch Play The function of HDMI-LINK will automatically power on the television that was in standby mode and switch the television’s input source to the port connected with the audio/video equipment by powering-on or playing from the audio/video equipment. NOTE: This feature is dependent on the connected equipment and television s …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 54

    54 English Auto Standby When the Auto Standby is enabled, switching off the television will automatically switch of f all connected HDMI-LINK equipment. In the HDMI-LINK Setup menu, press ▲ or ▼ to select Auto Standby . Press ◄ or ► to select On or Off . Amplier Control In the HDMI-LINK Setup menu, press ▲ or ▼ to select Amplier C …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 55

    55 English Preference Controls On Timer This feature allows you to set the television to turn on automatically to a preset channel at a certain time of day or after a certain length of time. When On timer is set to On , the green On T imer indicator on the front of the television is lit. Press MENU . Press ◄ o r ► to select APPLICA TIONS and pr …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 56

    56 English EPG EPG (Electronic Programme Guide) supports 9 sets of timers. Y ou can set or cancel a timer for a selected programme within the guide. When the TV is on and the timer activates, a dialogue box is shown informing you that the programme is about to start. When the TV is in standby mode and the timer activates, the TV will wake up with b …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 57

    57 English Panel Lock Panel Lock disables the buttons on the televi — sion. All buttons on the remote control can still be used. Press MENU . Press ◄ o r ► to select PREFERENCES and press to enter the submenu. PICTURE SOUND SETUP APPLICA TIONS PREFERENCES Press ▲ or ▼ to select Panel Lock and press ◄ or ► to select On or Off .. Back RET …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 58

    58 English System Upgrade Press MENU . Press ◄ o r ► to select SETUP and press to enter the sub- menu. PICTURE SOUND SETUP APPLICATIONS PREFERENCES Press ▲ or ▼ to select System Upgrade and press to enter the submenu. Press ▲ or ▼ to select Auto Upgrade an d press ◄ or ► to select On or Off . Software Upgrade Auto Upgrade USB Upgrad …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 59

    59 English Control Buttons Below is a guide to the functions of the remote control text buttons. Displays the index/initial page: Press to access the index/initial page. The page displayed is dependant on the broad- caster . Reveals concealed text: T o discover the solutions on quiz and joke pages press the button. Holds a wanted page: At times it …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 60

    60 English PC Settings • Most of the picture controls and functions are available. However features not available will be greyed out. • In the PC input mode, the Manual Setting is not displayed. • First press until the video input mode list appears on the screen, then press ▲ or ▼ and in order to select the PC input mode. • This functio …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 61

    61 English Input Selection and A V Connections Use the Input Selection feature if the television does not switch over automatically when using an external device. Lip Sync Mode This option activates an auto audio/video display timing adjustment function that allows HDMI source devices to accurately perform synchronization automatically . All of the …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 62

    62 English • This television complies with the specication listed below . • Design and specications are subject to change without notice. Specications and Accessories DVB-T Broadcast systems/ channels Broadcast systems/channels UK UHF 21-68 P AL-I UHF UK21-UK69 France VHF 05-10 (VHF 01-05) UHF 21-69 P AL-B/G UHF E21-E69 VHF E2-E12, S1- …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 63

    63 English Dimensions (H x W x D mm) (approx.) Model 26EL83*B 467 x 643 x 181 32A V83*B 558 x 786 x 233 32L V83*B 32EL83*B 542 x 770 x 201 32HL83*B 40L V83*B 679 x 977 x 274 42HL83*B 677 x 1007 x 238 Weight (approx.) Model 26EL83*B 6.5kg 32A V83*B 10.0kg 32L V83*B 32EL83*B 32HL83*B 40L V83*B 16.5kg 42HL83*B 15.0kg Headphone Socket R3.5mm stereo Ope …

  • Toshiba 42HL833F — page 64

    64 English 64 Cleaning the screen and cabinet… T urn off the power , clean the screen and cabinet with a soft, dry cloth. We recommend that you do not use any proprietary polishes or solvents on the screen or cabinet as this may cause damage. Disposal… The following information is only for EU-member states: Disposal of products The crossed out …

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