Ионосон эксперт инструкция по применению

Быстрое начало процедуры: непосредственно, через меню памяти или через меню показаний · Сочетанная терапия · Водонепроницаемые излучатели из биосовместимого титанового сплава · TPS · Двухчастотные излучатели 1 и 3 МГц · Двухканальная терапия со всеми современными токами низкой исредней частоты · Синхронная или поочередная стимуляция · Электродиагностика


Многофункциональный комбинированный аппарат ИОНОСОН-Эксперт сочетает в себе все преимущества со- временной двухканальной электротерапии, электродиагностики и ультразвуковой терапии в одном аппарате, что позволяет пациенту получить наилучшее и максимально эффективное лечение.

ИОНОСОН-Эксперт генерирует токи низкой и средней частоты, которые можно точно адаптировать к необходимому виду терапии с помощью индивидуального выбора дополнительных параметров (длины и формы импульса, частоты, всплесков, двухфазного режима и многих других).

Два независимых канала с индивидуальной установкой силы тока позволяют гибко варьировать виды терапевти- ческого воздействия. Вы можете одновременно проводить воздействие на два участка с разной чувствительностью, проводить процедуру двум пациентам различными видами тока, проводить одновременное воздействие током и ультразвуком, а также проводить сочетанную терапию. Дисплей обеспечивает прекрасную наглядность параметров


Проведение процедуры  

Для проведения ультразвуковой терапии на выбор предлагаются два эргономичных излучателя (2,5 см2 и 5 см2),которые работают на частотах 1 и 3 МГц. Биологически совместимая и чрезвычайно прочная титановая поверхность обеспечивает наибольшую безопасность и надежность выхода энергии. Излучатели являются водонепроницаемыми и подходят для проведения подводного воздействия.

Ультразвук излучается в непрерывном или и импульсном режиме (4 вида циклов: 1:10, 1:5, 1:3 и 2:5). Визуальный и акустический контроль контакта обеспечивают эффективность проведения лечения. При желании возможно активировать или деактивировать функцию отсчета времени процедуры только при контакте излучателя с телом пациента

Стимулирующий ток:

  • 2 независимых канала с возможностью независимой установки силы тока в каждом канале
  • 2 независимых таймера
  • 5 диагностических меню, включая I/T-кривую (автоматический режим)
  • автоматическое выключение тока (раздельно для обоих каналов)


  • Раздельное и комбинированное лечение
  • Две частоты (1 MГц и 3 MГц) на обоих излучателях (2,5 см2, 5 см2)
  • Непрерывный и импульсный режим излучения ( 4 рабочих цикла)
  • TPS: Инновационная и максимально удобная программа дозировки ультразвука. Зная площадь воздействия, TPS автоматически рассчитывает все требуемые параметры процедуры для того, чтобы обеспечить точное количество энергии поступающей к тканям в Дж/см2.
  • Оптический контроль контакта на аппарате и ультразвуковых излучателях в сочетании со звуковой сигнализацией
  • Эргономичные и водонепроницаемые излучатели из биосовместимого титанового сплава обеспечивают максимально возможную безопасность на ультразвуковом выходе и не вызывают аллергических реакций (поверхность излучателей 2,5 см2 и 5 см2)
  • Высококонтрастный ЖК дисплей
  • Легкое управление одной кнопкой
  • Большой выбор встроенных программ лечения по нозологиям
  • 25 ячеек памяти для индивидуальных программ
  • Попурри (автоматическая последовательность предварительно заданных токов)

Ионосон — лечение защемления седалищного нерва

Высокоэффективный многофункциональный аппарат «Ионосон-Эксперт» — это комбинированный аппарат, предназначенный для электростимулирующей и ультразвуковой терапии. Он особенно эффективен для лечения защемления седалищного нерва.

Данный вид терапии широко применяется в лечении заболеваний позвоночника. Хорошие результаты дает применение аппарата «Ионосон-Эксперт» в период послеоперационной и посттравматической реабилитации.

Записаться на приём

Информацию из данного раздела нельзя использовать для самодиагностики и самолечения. В случае боли или иного обострения заболевания диагностические исследования должен назначать только лечащий врач. Для постановки диагноза и правильного назначения лечения следует обратиться к профильному специалисту.

  • В результате воздействия аппарата «Ионосон-Эксперт»:
  • Как происходит лечение седалищного нерва?
  • Защемление седалищного нерва: лечение за 3 дня!

В результате воздействия аппарата «Ионосон-Эксперт»:

  • возникает обезболивающий эффект;
  • происходит лечение защемления седалищного нерва;
  • улучшается микроциркуляция крови;
  • повышается мышечный тонус;
  • локально прогреваются суставы, мышечные и соединительные ткани.

Противопоказаниями к применению аппарата являются воспалительные заболевания, сопровождающиеся высокой температурой, беременность, туберкулёз, заболевание вен (тромбофлебит, варикозное расширение вен), сахарный диабет, онкологические заболевания, нарушения свёртываемости крови. Также не рекомендуется проводить процедуру Ионосона при наличии имплантированных электростимуляторов.

Как происходит лечение седалищного нерва?

Пациент ложится на кушетку животом вниз. На поясницу и область, где располагается седалищный нерв, кладутся смоченные водой ватные диски. Поверх кладутся 4 накладки от аппарата и все это повязывается ремнями на липучке, чтобы аппликаторы не падали. Ощущения от процедуры необычные, слегка покалывающие, вибрирующие, но абсолютно безболезненные. Через 5 минут медсестра физиотерапии подходит, чтобы увеличить мощность, т.к. идет быстрая адаптация организма к процедуре.

Защемление седалищного нерва: лечение за 3 дня!

Ионосон (электрофорез) крайне эффективен в лечении защемления седалищного нерва. Уже после 1-й процедуры пациенты чувствуют смягчение боли. После 3-7 сеансов боль уходит полностью.


Информация проверена экспертом

Яснева Марианна Валентиновна, рефлексотерапевт, физиотерапевтdiv

Рефлексотерапевт, Физиотерапевт, 26 лет стаж работы

Указанные на сайте цены не являются публичной офертой. Для уточнения стоимости услуг и записи на прием к врачу обращайтесь по телефону 8 (495) 255-37-37.

Цены на Ионосон — лечение защемления седалищного нерва

Наши специалисты

Акинина Ирина Вячеславовнаa


удовлетворены результатом лечения

Сокова Тамара Михайловнаa


удовлетворены результатом лечения

Яснева Марианна Валентиновнаa


удовлетворены результатом лечения

Гуляев Александр Валерьевичa


удовлетворены результатом лечения

Куликова Лариса Станиславовна a


удовлетворены результатом лечения

Помните, что поставить точный диагноз, определить причины и характер заболевания, назначить эффективное лечение может только квалифицированный врач. Записаться на прием к нашим специалистам Вы можете на сайте или по телефону 8 (495) 255-37-37.

Записаться на Ионосон — лечение защемления седалищного нерва в Открытой Клинике

Клиника на Пресне

Клиника на Пресне

Улица 1905 года

ул. 1905 года, д. 7 стр. 1

пн — пт с 8:00-22:00, сб — вс с 9:00-20:00

КДЦ на Пресне

КДЦ на Пресне

Улица 1905 года

ул. 1905 года, д. 7 стр. 1

пн — пт с 8:00-21:00, сб с 9:00-20:00, вс с 9:00-18:00

Ответы на вопросы

Задайте интересующий вопрос врачу

Задайте свой вопрос, мы подберем специалиста который вам ответит, уведомление об ответе придет на вашу электронную почту

Наши преимущества

В «Открытой Клинике» созданы все условия для диагностики, лечения и реабилитации пациентов с патологиями нервной системы. Удобные, светлые, чистые кабинеты и палаты оснащены современным европейским оборудованием экспертного класса.


Индивидуальный подход к каждому пациенту


Успешно вылечено более 400 000 пациентов


Квалифицированные специалисты с богатым практическим опытом


Современные и качественные методы лечения и диагностирования


Приемлемые цены


Комфортное расположение клиники, отсутствие очередей


Мы стремимся к тому, чтобы каждый пациент получал самый высокий уровень заботы и внимания, и нам очень приятно, что они признают наши усилия.

Считаю, что прием прошел отлично, мне все понравилось и никаких претензий к доктору нет. По моему мнению, она уделила мне внимание должным образом. Я обратился к специалисту, потому что у меня проблемы со спиной. С собой на консультацию приносил результаты предыдущих исследований и врач их изучила. Она опросила меня, провела осмотр и назначила курс процедур, которые необходимо проходить у другого доктора. Также врач в полном объеме ответила на все возникающие у меня вопросы. На мой взгляд, Куликову Ларису Станиславовну можно порекомендовать другим людям! Отмечу, что мне уже однозначно становится лучше.

Куликову Л.С. я посетил в первый раз, мне нужен был физиотерапевт именно в «Открытой клинике», а по этому адресу, как я понял, принимает только 1 доктор.

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Внимательное и чуткое отношение, профессиональный подход, хороший результат лечения!
У меня порваны связки на колене и голеностопе. У Марианны Валентиновны получаю консультации по необходимым и желательным физиопроцедурам для лечения и восстановления. Проходила курсы физиопроцедур (магнитные, ультра звуковые, токи, лазерные процедуры). Эффект сразу чувствуется.

На приемах мне нравится все, в том числе сама процедура, которую выполняет врач. На мой взгляд, Лариса Станиславовна — очень приятный, знающий и внимательный доктор, компетентный специалист. Я бы сказала, что она поддерживает любую тему, может расслабить пациента. Ранее я проходила МРТ, с собой взяла результаты, и врач Куликова ознакомилась с ними. Кроме того, у меня было направление на данную процедуру, выданное ортопедом-травматологом. На первичном приеме специалист проводила осмотр. Хотелось бы отметить, что на данный момент, конечно, чувствуется улучшение. Доктор принимает меня без задержек, и, по-моему, спешки в ее работе не было: визиты достаточно длительные. Я обязательно порекомендую данного специалиста моим знакомым, если понадобится. Работу врача я бы оценила на «5».
Я обращалась к доктору Куликовой Ларисе Станиславовне уже 3 раза.

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Грамотный подход к лечению. Оптимизм. Добродушие. Отзывчивость.
Лариса Станиславовна удивительный доктор! Приветливая, отзывчивая, оптимистичная! Высокопрофессиональный доктор, грамотно делает назначения, расписывает план лечения. Перед назначением тщательно всё исследует, досконально расспрашивает анамнез. Очень доходчиво и простым языком объясняет воздействие каждого лечения. Объясняет все процессы воздействия на лечение. Всегда поддержит внутренний дух пациента, расспросит, как настроение, подбодрит добрым оптимистичным словом. Одно удовольствие у неё проходить лечение. Год назад проходила в этой клинике лечение левого плеча. Очень довольна этой клиникой в целом. После грамотного назначения после пятой-шестой процедуры Хилт и магнитов отёк стал спадать. Боль внутри плеча почти прекратилась. Но осталась ещё боль при движениях рукой. Сегодня прошла последнюю процедуру первого курса. Отёка уже нет, воспаление стихает, но есть необходимость во втором курсе процедур, так как боль при движении ещё сохраняется. Лечение продолжу.

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Отличный специалист! Мастер своего дела! Однозначно рекомендую!
Вывихнула коленный сустав (правая нога). Обратилась к специалисту, специалист четко знает, что нужно. Все объяснил, привел примеры. У специалиста большой опыт работы. Лечусь на магнитах и Хилте. Процедуры проходят ежедневно, в комплексе. Обе процедуры очень действенные! Очень довольна и благодарна. Практически ушел отек (вначале был очень сильный). Отека практически нет, буду однозначно продолжать лечение, есть большая польза, результата налицо!

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Лицензии клиники

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert The technical data in this manual is as at the time of printing and subject to alteration. Copyright © 2001 — 2010 by PHYSIOMED ELEKTROMEDIZIN AG All rights, including rights of translation, reproduction by printing, copying or similar methods, even of parts are reserved. Offenders will be liable for damages. Last updated August 30, 2010.

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Accessories 50 IONOSON-IF-Expert 15.2 Additional Accessories Ref.-No. Description 00465 Bergony mask (set) 00460 Bow electrode (set) 00580 Connection cable for PHYSIOPADS adhesive elect. (pair, red/blue) 00139 Connection cable, 65 cm (electrotherapy/vacuum) 00552 Double pad two-field electrode 00140 Elastic rubber strap 00141 Elastic rubber strap 00412 Electrode test pen 00228 Extension for patient lead (blue) 00227 Extension for patient lead (red) 00142 Fastening button 00184 Filling pump 00380 Fixing rings (set of 4) 00413

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Contents 1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………….1 1.1 Instrument Description………………………………………………………………………………………………….1 1.2 Application …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1 1.3 Contraindications………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2 2 Controls an

  • Stimulation Current Therapy 24 IONOSON-IF-Expert 4.4 Preparations and Attaching the Electrodes To prepare the electrodes, proceed as follows: (1) Prior to attaching the electrodes, make sure that both intensity control cir- cuit I <6> and intensity control circuit II / dose <8> are turned down to 0! Warning Take care that the electrodes are by no means touched after the cur- rent is turned up! (2) Plug the patient lead into th

  • Ultrasound Therapy 34 IONOSON-IF-Expert Treatment Procedure (1) Make sure that the instrument is ready. (2) Choose the appropriate transducer and plug it into the transducer connector <13>. (3) Apply ultrasound gel to the area of treatment. (4) Click the TPS symbol. The TPS menu opens: (5) Select the desired values of the variable parameters by rotating and pressing the data selector <5>. (6) Click Therapy to begin the treatment. The

  • Accessories IONOSON-IF-Expert 51 00564 Plate electrode EF 100 (blue/blue) 1,5 m 00657 Plate electrode EF 100 (blue/red) 00656 Plate electrode EF 100 (red/blue) 00535 Plate electrode EF 100 (red/red) 00565 Plate electrode EF 100 (red/red) 1,5 m 00478 Plate electrode EF 100 (set of 2) 00658 Plate electrode EF 100 (set of 4) 00536 Plate electrode EF 200 (blue/blue) 00566 Plate electrode EF 200 (blue/blue) 1,5 m 00660 Plate electrode EF 200 (blue/red) 00659 Plate ele

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Accessories 52 IONOSON-IF-Expert 00177 Ultrasound transducer holder 00541 Vaginal electrode 00149 Viscose cloth 00160 Viscose cover 00158 Viscose cover 00428 Viscose cover 00424 Viscose cover 00433 Viscose cover EF 10 00437 Viscose cover EF 100 00439 Viscose cover EF 200 00464 Viscose sponge 2 cm 00463 Viscose sponge 4,5 cm

  • Indications Menu 38 IONOSON-IF-Expert (4) If suitable, attach the electrodes in the proposed way. (5) Press the button to quit the graphics display. (6) Select the function Therapy . (7) If required, change the treatment parameters. (8) Turn up the intensity of the stimulation current with the intensity control cir- cuit I <6> (and intensity control circuit II/dose <8> if required). Therapy time elapses. Warning Take care that the elec

  • Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 3 2 Controls and Indicators As its LCD is divided in different function fields, IONOSON-IF-Expert allows for clear and easy operation. The plastic housing and the front panel protect the electronic components and sim- plify cleaning. Safety-related components are continuously monitored by the microprocessor, erro- neously initiated operating steps are suppressed, a self-test routine is performed af- ter switching on and possible

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Notes on Operation 20 IONOSON-IF-Expert 3 Notes on Operation 3.1 Connection and Start-up Connecting the unit (7) Check whether the operating voltage of the device (see red window in the mains module) <1>) and the line voltage correspond. (8) Plug the supplied mains lead firmly into the rear panel of the device (mains module <1>) and connect it to the socket. A safe connection is established via a grounding socket outlet with protective wire. 3.2 Start-up Note Prior to switching on the device, please make sure that the activated

  • Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 5 2.1.6 Intensity Control Circuit I <6> The intensity control circuit I <6> serves to set the therapy dose (intensity) in circuit I in steps of 0.5 mA. When turning up the intensity of intensity control circuit I <6> or inten- sity control circuit II/dose <8>, the associated therapy timer on the display <3> will be started as well. Whenever you have to turn down the intensity control circuit I to “0”, the following turn-down signal i

  • Controls and Indicators 6 IONOSON-IF-Expert Automatic output current switch-off IONOSON-IF-Expert disposes of an automatic output current switch-off activated in case the current flow of the electrodes is interrupted (electrode falls off, plug is disconnected from patient lead etc.). The message CHECK ELECTRODES II will appear on the lower status bar<4> and the current will be automatically turned down to a minimum basic current in circuit II. After eliminating the error, th

  • Indications Menu IONOSON-IF-Expert 39 Furthermore, the treatment parameters will be shown. The illustration shows you to which area of the body you can apply ultrasound. This illustration, however, is only a suggestion. (3) Select the function Therapy . (4) If necessary, change the treatment parameters. (5) Increase the ultrasound dose with the intensity control circuit II/dose <8>. Therapy time elapses. (6) After treatment, an acoustic signal will be issue

  • Individual Programs 40 IONOSON-IF-Expert 8 Individual Programs You do not have to set frequently applied forms of therapy every time you want to use them – you can simply save them as individual programs. Such a program is e.g. a certain current mode with all parameters including treatment time. You may save individual programs and restart them as well as delete and overwrite them. All in all, 25 different programs are available with every program disposing of three subordi- n

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 25 4.4.1 Modes of attaching the electrodes Bipolar Here you must use two electrodes of equal size. This is the most common mode especially for pain therapy and circulatory stimula- tion. Unipolar Preferably used when treating small areas, e.g. nerve and muscle stimulation points, especially on the hands or in the face. This therapy mode includes using two electrodes of different size, with the bigger (indifferent) one being fixed proximally in most cases. The size of the indifferent electrode must be big enough not to

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 7 2.1.12 Patient Lead Connector <12> The patient lead connector <12> serves to plug in the patient lead. You can plug plate electrodes, adhesive electrodes or other types of electrodes into the patient lead. Patient Lead — Mode(s) of Attachment The colours of the connectors facilitate easy and cor- rect attachment of the electrodes to the two circuits and to their polarity. Colour of the inner circle: red = circuit I, blue = circuit II Colour of the outer circle: red = anode (+), blue = cathode (-) Type BF comp

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators 4 IONOSON-IF-Expert 2.1.2 Upper Status Bar<2> The upper status bar <2> shows indications or some of the corresponding pa- rameters selected. For example: G . 2.1.3 Display <3> On the display <3>, you can select all of the instrument’s menus and parameters on different levels except for the intensity. The selection is carried out with the data selector <5>. 2.1.4 Lower Status Bar<4> In the lower status bar<4>, messages and prompts are issued, e.g.: PLEASE SELECT A FUNCTION . 2.1.5 Data Selector <5> Use the data selector &l

  • Stimulation Current Therapy 26 IONOSON-IF-Expert It is important for the treatment to know the relation of ions of the respective me- dicament. Depending on the combination of the active agent molecules and their separation in positive and negative particles we speak of cations and anions . Ions migrate as follows: cations to cathode anions to anode . Thus, the particles are named after the pole to which they migrate. The electric charge of the active agents in the medicaments is always named by the manufac- turer

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators 10 IONOSON-IF-Expert 2.3 Operation Selecting a function (e.g. the current mode G) from the start menu (level 1) will lead you to level 2 of the menu. Here you can set the desired parameters for the selected current mode. The following functions are available on level 2: Memory menu; individual programs (single treatments or current modes) can be memorised. Display electrodes: Indicates whether the current is released via plate electrodes (this symbol) or via vacuum electrodes. The vac- uum electrodes are enabled automatically when switching on the vacuum device.

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 17 (TENS) Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation Fixed parameters Adjustable Pulse shape: square Mono-/biphase T = pulse time: 40-400 μs Bursts: 0-10 Hz Frequency bands: 1-150 Hz, 70-150 Hz Fixed frequency: 1-200 Hz T R T T R monophase biphase Application: Pain therapy for chronic neuralgia and myalgia. 2.4.2 Medium-Frequency Currents (IF) Classic Interference Current Fixed parameters Adjustable Sinusoidal waves Vector function (dynamic function) F bas = basic frequency: 2.0 — 9.5 kHz

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators 12 IONOSON-IF-Expert Current Mode AMF Intensity display for circuit I, (mA), to be set with intensity control I <6> 5 pre-set frequency bands, fixed frequency (SELECT 100 – 250 Hz) Basic frequency (possible values: 2.0 – 9.5 kHz) Current Modes MT, KOTS Intensity display circuit I, to be set with intensity control I <6> Tension time (possible values: 1 to 60 s in steps of 1s; manual release key (only if R > 1s) Release time (possible values: 1 to 60 s) in steps of 1s Ramp (4 s

  • Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 27 4.5.3 Pain Therapy, Hyperaemisation, Detonisation The following current modes can be used for these modes of therapy: G, HV, TENS. Note Working with these current modes, you can always carry out an addi- tional therapy by means of circuit II. Treatment Procedure (1) Attach the electrodes to the respective stimulation points. (2) Select one of the above mentioned current modes from the display <3>, e.g. TENS. (3) Select the variable parameters (e.g. frequency, biphase, etc

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Stimulation Current Therapy 28 IONOSON-IF-Expert 4.6 Therapy using medium-frequency current modes 4.6.1 Therapy using classic interference current IF:: Treatment Procedure (1) Attach the electrodes to the stimulation points. Make sure that the four elec- trodes of the two circuits are fixed crosswise. (2) Select the current mode IF from the display <3>. (3) If necessary, select the vector function DYNAM. . (4) Depending on the indication, select a frequency band or a fixed frequency. (5) If necessary, alter the basic frequency. (6) Set the therapy time. (7) If necessary, plug in the ma

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Accessories IONOSON-IF-Expert 49 15 Accessories Warning For safety reasons, IONOSON-IF-Expert has to be used exclusively with original ac- cessories. The use of other manufacturers’ accessories is at the user’s risk. Warning Plate electrodes are subject to wear and tear. The degree of wearout depends on the current mode, the frequency of use, and the intensity. The greater the galvanic component of the application is, the quicker is the wearout of the electrodes. Since poorly conducting electrodes c

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Individual Programs 42 IONOSON-IF-Expert 8.3 Call Program To call a saved program proceed as follows: (1) Select the menu INDIVID from the display <3>. (2) Select one of the programs F1 to F25 using the data selector <5> and confirm. (3) Select the symbol call program and confirm. The selected program is set. The respective menu appears in the display <3>. The program number appears in the lower status bar <4> (e.g. F3) and, in case of a potpourri, additional indicator do

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Technical Data 48 IONOSON-IF-Expert 14 Technical Data Protection class I acc. to VDE 0750 / IEC 601 BF type CE characterisation acc. to Council Directive concerning medical devices 93/42 EEC Class acc. to EC 93/42 IIa Mains connection 230 VAC ± 10% or 115 VAC ± 10% Power line frequency 50-60 Hz Current consumption 0.3 A (at 230 V) or 0.6 A (at 115 V) Power line input 86 VA Line fuses at 230 V: T 500 mA at 115 V: T 1 A Output data STIMULATION 75 mAs (peak) at 500 Ohm Output data

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Notes on Operation IONOSON-IF-Expert 21 3.4 Instrument Errors If a functional error is detected during the automatic self-test routine or during op- eration, a corresponding note will be displayed on the LCD. A numeric error code will be shown, e.g. ERROR 10. The instrument will be switched off; stimulation cur- rent output is cut off as well. The LCD shows: These error codes simplify localising and eliminating errors. Switch off the instrument and switch it on again. If the error code is still displayed after several runs through the self-test routine, contact your service partner.

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert General Notes 46 IONOSON-IF-Expert 10 General Notes The instrument may only be operated in dry rooms designed for medical purposes, in accordance with VDE 0107, User Class 1 (rooms with patient beds, physical ther- apy rooms and practice rooms). It complies with the technical specifications of IEC 601, VDE 0750 and is assigned to class IIa according to the Council Directive concerning Medical Devices . It is not intended for operation in explosion hazard zones or hydrotherapy rooms. Drastic temperature changes should be avoided, since condensation could be caused within the instru

  • Instrument Overview Front Panel Rear Face Legend 1 Mains Module 6 Intensity Control Circuit I 11 Output Indicator 2 Upper Status Bar 7 Pulse Indicator Circuit I 12 Patient Lead Connector 3 Display 8 Intensity Control Circuit II / Dose 13 Ultrasonic Transducer Connector 4 Lower Status Bar 9 Pulse Indicator Circuit II 14 Manual Release Key or Therapy Pause Button Socket 5 Data Selector 10 Patient Current Indicator 15 VAC Socket Symbols CAUTION! Please refer to the o

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Ultrasound Therapy 32 IONOSON-IF-Expert 5 Ultrasound Therapy 5.1 General Information IONOSON-Expert offers you three possibilities to start ultrasound therapy: • direct start via the ultrasound menu, • start via the indications menu with its proposals for treatment for a multitude of applications (page 46), • start via individual programs (created by yourself, page 49). For additional information, see the supplied therapy booklet Instructions for Ultra- sound Therapy . 5.2 Therapy Treatment Procedure (1) Sele

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators 14 IONOSON-IF-Expert Simultaneous stimulation can also be initiated with the manual release key. Carry out the above-described operational steps 1-5, and then proceed as follows: (3a) With the data selector <5>, first click on the selection field in circuit I. (4a) In the new window, click on the selection field, turn the selector at least one step to the right and confirm this. (5a) In the same window, click on the selection field and turn the selector to the left until the manual release ke

  • Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 23 4.3 Safety Precautions for Stimulation Current Intensity Please observe the following safety precautions when adjusting the intensity of the stimulation current applied to the patient: • Always bear in mind that the patient may display an altered sensitivity, and may therefore not be properly aware of the current strength. • Be especially careful in measuring doses for blonde, light-skinned patients, and for thin-skinned patients. • Explain to patients that if they experience un

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Ultrasound Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 33 (9) After treatment, the timer will switch off automatically. Automatic Coupling Confirmation The optical coupling confirmation at both transducer and instrument enables a sta- ble and efficient therapy. If the ultrasonic waves are badly absorbed by the tissue of the patient, the light at the transducer will start flashing. Now you can choose be- tween counting the effective therapy time or running the timer independently from the coupling (setup menu). The setup menu provides an additional option to choose whether or not it is possi- ble t

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Index IONOSON-IF-Expert 55 stimulation current diagnosis, 1 stimulation current therapy, 22, 24 stimulation frequency, 16 surge current, 29, 30 therapeutic manual, 49 therapy dose, 5 therapy time, 10, 26, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39 timer, 5, 33, 36, 39 TPS, 33 transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation, 17 transducer, 32, 33, 34, 36, 39, 49 treatment mode, 32 tumours, 2 ultrasonic transducer, 7, 8 ultrasound, 1, 2, 5, 15, 36, 38, 49 ultrasound gel, 32, 35 ultrasound therapy, 1, 32, 36, 49 unipolar, 25 upper status bar, 4 VAC socket, 8 vacuum

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 31 (9) Set the therapy time. (10) Slowly turn up the intensity with manual release key pressed (intensity con- trol circuit I <6> or intensity control circuit II / dose <8>) until the muscle contraction is sufficient. The therapy time elapses. Warning Take care that the electrodes are by no means touched after the cur- rent is turned up! Warning When using the manual release key, release a pulse each time you turn up the intensity! (11)

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert 4.6.3 Muscle Stimulation using Medium-frequency Surge Currents …………………………………………… 29 5 Ultrasound Therapy ………………………………………………………………………………………….32 5.1 General Information ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 32 5.2 Therapy ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Simultaneous Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 35 6 Simultaneous Therapy 6.1 General Information and Preparations Simultaneous therapy means the simultaneous treatment with ultrasound and stimulation current. The ultrasonic transducer is one pole of the stimulation current circuit, a plate electrode the other one. It is advisable to use a plate electrode of minimum size EF50 as neutral electrode. The neutral electrode is plugged into the socket No.1 (anode of circuit I) of the pa- tient lead (page 7). Make sure that there is eno

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators 8 IONOSON-IF-Expert Ultrasonic Transducer The ultrasonic transducer <11> (2.5 cm² and 5 cm²) works with the frequencies 1 MHz and 3 MHz. The transducer is automatically calibrated after connecting or switching on the instru- ment. The transducer is watertight and can be used for underwater treatment. Automatic Coupling Confirmation Both transducer and instrument have an optical coupling confirmation, which guar- antees constant and efficient treatment. If the coupling to the tissue of the patient is not efficient enough, the

  • Simultaneous Therapy 36 IONOSON-IF-Expert Warning Take care that the electrodes are by no means touched after the cur- rent is turned up! (10) Rotate the Data Selector <5> until you reach the SIM symbol. Now press the Data Selector <5>, rotate it one position further and press it once again to confirm. A small rectangle is shown in the upper left corner of the SIM symbol to indicate that simultaneous therapy is now activated. (11) Attach the ultrasonic transducer to the tissue. (12) Turn up the ultrasound dose

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Introduction IONOSON-IF-Expert 1 1 Introduction With your IONOSON-IF-Expert, you have acquired a high-quality and extremely ver- satile unit for stimulation current and ultrasound therapy. The instrument will only show its true potential, however, if you are well informed about its functions. For this reason, carefully read the Operating Instructions and familiarise yourself with the use of the instrument. 1.1 Instrument Description IONOSON-IF-Expert is a two-channel stimulation current and ultrasound therapy unit. You can apply all medium-frequency current modes (including the classic inter- ference current) and additionally

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Introduction 2 IONOSON-IF-Expert Simultaneous therapy • Simultaneous application of stimulation current and ultrasound Warning The instrument may only be operated by qualified personnel who have undergone special training! 1.3 Contraindications Contraindications to stimulation current therapy or simultaneous treatment: • Highly inflammatory, fever-prone disorders • Pregnancy • Patients with cardiac pacemakers or other implanted stimulators • Malignant tumours • Spastic paralysis • Skin lesions • Implants containing metal parts within the are

  • Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 11 Current Mode G Switching from galvanic current to medium-frequency inter- rupted direct current . The current setting is displayed in the up- per status bar. Toggling intensity ranges (0 – 3.5 mA or 0 – 25 mA). The current setting is displayed in the upper status bar. Current Modes HV, TENS Switching from monophase to biphase pulse emission. The cur- rent setting is displayed in the upper status bar. Pulse time (possible values: 40 μs – 400 μs) Bursts (possible values: OFF; 1 – 1

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Stimulation Current Therapy 22 IONOSON-IF-Expert 4 Stimulation Current Therapy This chapter provides you with general information on stimulation current therapy and notes on attaching the electrodes. Moreover, both peculiarities and operating steps are described for different modes of treatment with IONOSON-IF-Expert using low-frequency currents (page 25) and medium-frequency currents (page 28). Warning Always switch on the equipment BEFORE you attach the electrodes to the patient! Only switch off the equipment off AFTER you have removed the elec- trodes from the patient! Take care that the electrodes are by no means touc

  • Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 13 2.3.2 Dual channel operation For all current modes except IF:: you can select additional current modes (dual channel operation) in circuit II . For all current modes except IF and G The current mode set in circuit I (except for G) can also be selected with the same parameters in circuit II. AMF and MT can always be selected. For the MT and KOTS current modes The current mode set in circuit I

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Basic Settings 44 IONOSON-IF-Expert 9.2 Ultrasound The symbols have the following meaning: Unit of ultrasound dose in the impulse indicator dose <9> in W or W/cm 2 Dose threshold, i.e. where instrument switches from continuous to pulsed mode in the mode cont. Acoustic signal when increasing the dose every 0.1 W/cm 2 Connection of coupling confirmation and timer YES timer runs only with successful coupling NO timer runs independently of coupling Back to the basic settings for stimulation current Quit basic settings To alter a parameter, proceed as follows: (1) C

  • Controls and Indicators 18 IONOSON-IF-Expert (AMF) Amplitude-Modulated Medium-Frequency Current Fixed parameters Adjustable Sinusoidal waves F bas = Basic frequency: 2.0 — 9.5 kHz MODE = Modulation frequencies: Frequency bands: pre-set 0.1 — 1 Hz, 1 — 25 Hz, 1 — 50 Hz, 1 — 250 Hz, 100 — 250 Hz or any other Select: fixed frequency: 0 – 250 Hz Application: According to choice of parameters: pain therapy, circulatory stimulation, detonisation a. o

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 15 2.3.3 Parameters for Circuit II (Ultrasound) After choosing the option SONO from the menu for circuit I (ultrasound therapy), you can set the following parameters: Intensity control (dose) from 0.1 to 5.7 W/cm 2 in steps of 0.1 W/cm 2 , adjustable with intensity control II / dose <8> Mode of treatment adjustable parameters are 1/10 , 1/5 , 1/3 , 2/5 , cont. Simultaneous therapy with circuit I ON/OFF Ultrasound frequency (1 or 3 MHz), selected dose is dis- played in the upper status bar <2> Acoustic coupling confirmation ON/OFF

  • Stimulation Current Therapy 30 IONOSON-IF-Expert Note Working with these current modes, you can always carry out an addi- tional therapy by means of circuit II (see also Dual channel operation on page 13). Treatment Procedure using Automatic Surge Current (1) Attach the electrodes to the respective stimulation points. The position of the patient must enable a free movement of the stimulation area. (2) Depending on the indication, select one of the current modes MT or KOTS. (3) Se

  • Cleaning and Disinfection IONOSON-IF-Expert 47 12 Cleaning and Disinfection After treatment, always remove remaining ultrasound gel from the transducer. Clean the transducer, accessories and device on a regular basis with a disinfecting agent based on aldehyde. By any means, switch off the device prior to this and pull the mains plug. Use a soft sponge cloth for cleaning. Be careful that no liquid substances invade the instrument. Prior to cleaning, switch off the instrument and disconnect the power lead. Note The transducer co


  • Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 19 KOTS Medium-Frequency Muscle Training according to Kots Fixed parameters Adjustable T = Contraction 1 – 60 s; manual triggering (manual release key) R = release time between contractions 0 – 60 s T = pulse time: 2 ms, 4 ms, 6 ms, 8 ms, 10 ms; auto Pulse shape: sine, triangle, rectangle R = release time: 10 ms Ramp (surge time): 4 modes Modulation frequencies: 0 – 125 Hz F bas = Basic frequency: 2.0 — 9.5 kHz Sine Triangle Rectangl

  • Controls and Indicators 16 IONOSON-IF-Expert 2.4 Characterisation of the Individual Current Modes Note If not differently selected in the setup menu, all current modes of the unit are emitted in the constant current mode , with the exception of simultaneous treatment (see page 33). Here, the device is automati- cally switched to a mixed mode consisting of constant current and constant voltage mode to avoid unpleasant current sensations when the contact between skin and transducer is interrupted. 2.4.1 Low-frequency Current Modes (LF) (G) Galvanisati

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 29 4.6.2 Pain Therapy, Hyperaemisation, Detonisation using AMF Current Treatment Procedure (1) Attach the electrodes to the respective stimulation points. (2) Select the current mode AMF from the display <3>. (3) Depending on the indication, select a frequency band or a fixed frequency. (4) If necessary, alter the basic frequency. (5) Set the therapy time. (6) If necessary, plug in the manual release key as therapy pause button. (7) Slowly turn up the intensity of the respective c

  • Indications Menu IONOSON-IF-Expert 37 7 Indications Menu Apart from direct access to the individual current modes, the indications menu of- fers you another possibility to start the individual methods of treatment. With the indications menu, you may utilise proven methods of treatment within stimulation current or ultrasound therapy. 7.1 Treatment Procedures with Stimulation Current Proceed as follows to start a treatment with stimulation current via the indications menu: (1) Select the function IND. from the display <3>. (2) Select the desir

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Basic Settings IONOSON-IF-Expert 45 9.3 Setup Menu In the setup menu, you can change additional settings of the instrument: The symbols have the following meaning: Volume and pitch of the therapy timer Volume and pitch of the sound marker (acoustic coupling control) Contrast of the LCD Switching between Constant Current / Constant Voltage Quit setup menu To modify a parameter, proceed as follows: (1) Press the icon SET in any menu. (2) Select the desired parameter with the data selector and confirm. (3) Set the desired value of the parameter. Modifications can be recognised imme- diately by means of acou

  • Index 54 IONOSON-IF-Expert 17 Index accessories, 46, 49 accompanying papers, 52 acoustic signal, 12 active exercises, 1 adhesive electrodes, 7, 24, 47 alternating stimulation, 14 anions, 26 anode, 7, 25, 26, 35 automatic output current switch-off, 6, 45 basic frequency, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 28, 29, 30 biphase, 25, 27 bipolar, 25 bursts, 11, 17 cathode, 7, 25, 26 cations, 26 CC/CV-Umschaltung, 45 CE characterisation, 48 circulatory stimulation, 17, 18, 25 cleaning, 47 Constant Current, 45 Constant Voltage, 45 contraction, 18, 19

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 9 2.2 Overview of Parameters 2.2.1 Start Menu (1 st level) 2.2.2 Example Menu (2 nd level) Current mode G indications menu (therapy suggestions) upper status bar<2> setup menu individual programs (freely configurable) lower status bar<4> current modes (direct access) ultrasound menu (direct access) therapy timers (circuits I + II) current mode parameters circuit I back to previous menu circuit I selection circuit II individual programs (memory men

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Manufacturer’s Recommendations IONOSON-IF-Expert 53 16 Manufacturer’s Recommendations MANUFACTURER’S RECOMMENDATIONS SAFETY REGULATIONS CONTROL according to Medical Devices Directive UNIT: IONOSON-IF-Expert MANUFACTURER: PHYSIOMED ELEKTROMEDIZIN AG Instrument has to undergo a safety regulation control every 18 months. EXTENT: (1) Visual inspection of the instrument, extras and accompanying papers (2) Function of controls and indicators (3) Functional testing of instrument and accessories (4) Curve shapes of output parameters (5) Output current at the patient connector (6) Ele

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Basic Settings IONOSON-IF-Expert 43 9 Basic Settings In the basic settings, you can set different parameters which are rarely altered. Se- lect the button SETMENU from the display <3> to get to the basic settings. There are two different screens for stimulation current and ultrasound. 9.1 Stimulation Current The symbols have the following meaning: Screen contrast Active menu when switching on the instrument (e.g. START MENU ) Active menu when switching on the device START MENU means that the start menu will appear. With LAST CU

  • Notes on Operation IONOSON-IF-Expert 21 3.4 Instrument Errors If a functional error is detected during the automatic self-test routine or during op- eration, a corresponding note will be displayed on the LCD. A numeric error code will be shown, e.g. ERROR 10. The instrument will be switched off; stimulation cur- rent output is cut off as well. The LCD shows: These error codes simplify localising and eliminating errors. Switch off the instrument and switch it on again. If the error code is still displayed after several runs through the self-te

  • Controls and Indicators 6 IONOSON-IF-Expert Automatic output current switch-off IONOSON-IF-Expert disposes of an automatic output current switch-off activated in case the current flow of the electrodes is interrupted (electrode falls off, plug is disconnected from patient lead etc.). The message CHECK ELECTRODES II will appear on the lower status bar<4> and the current will be automatically turned down to a minimum basic current in circuit II. After eliminating the e

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators 10 IONOSON-IF-Expert 2.3 Operation Selecting a function (e.g. the current mode G) from the start menu (level 1) will lead you to level 2 of the menu. Here you can set the desired parameters for the selected current mode. The following functions are available on level 2: Memory menu; individual programs (single treatments or current modes) can be memorised. Display electrodes: Indicates whether the current is released via plate electrodes (this symbol) or via vacuum electrodes. The

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Accessories 52 IONOSON-IF-Expert 00177 Ultrasound transducer holder 00541 Vaginal electrode 00149 Viscose cloth 00160 Viscose cover 00158 Viscose cover 00428 Viscose cover 00424 Viscose cover 00433 Viscose cover EF 10 00437 Viscose cover EF 100 00439 Viscose cover EF 200 00464 Viscose sponge 2 cm 00463 Viscose sponge 4,5 cm

  • Basic Settings 44 IONOSON-IF-Expert 9.2 Ultrasound The symbols have the following meaning: Unit of ultrasound dose in the impulse indicator dose <9> in W or W/cm 2 Dose threshold, i.e. where instrument switches from continuous to pulsed mode in the mode cont. Acoustic signal when increasing the dose every 0.1 W/cm 2 Connection of coupling confirmation and timer YES timer runs only with successful coupling NO timer runs independently of coupling Back to the basic settings for stimulation current Quit basic settings To al

  • Controls and Indicators 4 IONOSON-IF-Expert 2.1.2 Upper Status Bar<2> The upper status bar <2> shows indications or some of the corresponding pa- rameters selected. For example: G . 2.1.3 Display <3> On the display <3>, you can select all of the instrument’s menus and parameters on different levels except for the intensity. The selection is carried out with the data selector <5>. 2.1.4 Lower Status Bar<4> In the

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Cleaning and Disinfection IONOSON-IF-Expert 47 12 Cleaning and Disinfection After treatment, always remove remaining ultrasound gel from the transducer. Clean the transducer, accessories and device on a regular basis with a disinfecting agent based on aldehyde. By any means, switch off the device prior to this and pull the mains plug. Use a soft sponge cloth for cleaning. Be careful that no liquid substances invade the instrument. Prior to cleaning, switch off the instrument and disconnect the powe

  • Basic Settings IONOSON-IF-Expert 45 9.3 Setup Menu In the setup menu, you can change additional settings of the instrument: The symbols have the following meaning: Volume and pitch of the therapy timer Volume and pitch of the sound marker (acoustic coupling control) Contrast of the LCD Switching between Constant Current / Constant Voltage Quit setup menu To modify a parameter, proceed as follows: (1) Press the icon SET in any menu. (2) Select the desired parameter with the data selector and confirm. (3) S

  • Controls and Indicators 14 IONOSON-IF-Expert Simultaneous stimulation can also be initiated with the manual release key. Carry out the above-described operational steps 1-5, and then proceed as follows: (3a) With the data selector <5>, first click on the selection field in circuit I. (4a) In the new window, click on the selection field, turn the selector at least one step to the right and confirm this. (5a) In the same window, click on the selection field and turn the selector to the left until t

  • Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 23 4.3 Safety Precautions for Stimulation Current Intensity Please observe the following safety precautions when adjusting the intensity of the stimulation current applied to the patient: • Always bear in mind that the patient may display an altered sensitivity, and may therefore not be properly aware of the current strength. • Be especially careful in measuring doses for blonde, light-skinned patients, and for thin-skinned patients. • Explain to patients that if they experience unpleasant or e

  • Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 3 2 Controls and Indicators As its LCD is divided in different function fields, IONOSON-IF-Expert allows for clear and easy operation. The plastic housing and the front panel protect the electronic components and sim- plify cleaning. Safety-related components are continuously monitored by the microprocessor, erro- neously initiated operating steps are suppressed, a self-test routine is performed af- ter switching on and possible malfunctions are displayed. For s

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 17 (TENS) Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation Fixed parameters Adjustable Pulse shape: square Mono-/biphase T = pulse time: 40-400 μs Bursts: 0-10 Hz Frequency bands: 1-150 Hz, 70-150 Hz Fixed frequency: 1-200 Hz T R T T R monophase biphase Application: Pain therapy for chronic neuralgia and myalgia. 2.4.2 Medium-Frequency Currents (IF) Classic Interference Current Fixed parameters Adjustable Sinusoidal waves Vector function (dynamic function) F bas =

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Stimulation Current Therapy 30 IONOSON-IF-Expert Note Working with these current modes, you can always carry out an addi- tional therapy by means of circuit II (see also Dual channel operation on page 13). Treatment Procedure using Automatic Surge Current (1) Attach the electrodes to the respective stimulation points. The position of the patient must enable a free movement of the stimulation area. (2) Depending on the indication, select one of the current modes MT or KOTS. (3) Set the tension time T and the release time R. The release

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Ultrasound Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 33 (9) After treatment, the timer will switch off automatically. Automatic Coupling Confirmation The optical coupling confirmation at both transducer and instrument enables a sta- ble and efficient therapy. If the ultrasonic waves are badly absorbed by the tissue of the patient, the light at the transducer will start flashing. Now you can choose be- tween counting the effective therapy time or running the timer independently from the coupling (setup menu). The setup menu provides an addition

  • Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 29 4.6.2 Pain Therapy, Hyperaemisation, Detonisation using AMF Current Treatment Procedure (1) Attach the electrodes to the respective stimulation points. (2) Select the current mode AMF from the display <3>. (3) Depending on the indication, select a frequency band or a fixed frequency. (4) If necessary, alter the basic frequency. (5) Set the therapy time. (6) If necessary, plug in the manual release key as therapy pause button. (7) Slow

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Manufacturer’s Recommendations IONOSON-IF-Expert 53 16 Manufacturer’s Recommendations MANUFACTURER’S RECOMMENDATIONS SAFETY REGULATIONS CONTROL according to Medical Devices Directive UNIT: IONOSON-IF-Expert MANUFACTURER: PHYSIOMED ELEKTROMEDIZIN AG Instrument has to undergo a safety regulation control every 18 months. EXTENT: (1) Visual inspection of the instrument, extras and accompanying papers (2) Function of controls and indicators (3) Functional testing of instrument and accessories (4) Curve shapes of output parameters (5) Output curre

  • Notes on Operation 20 IONOSON-IF-Expert 3 Notes on Operation 3.1 Connection and Start-up Connecting the unit (7) Check whether the operating voltage of the device (see red window in the mains module) <1>) and the line voltage correspond. (8) Plug the supplied mains lead firmly into the rear panel of the device (mains module <1>) and connect it to the socket. A safe connection is established via a grounding socket outlet with protective wire. 3.2 Start-up Note Prior to switching on the device, please make sure that the activated ultr

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Accessories IONOSON-IF-Expert 51 00564 Plate electrode EF 100 (blue/blue) 1,5 m 00657 Plate electrode EF 100 (blue/red) 00656 Plate electrode EF 100 (red/blue) 00535 Plate electrode EF 100 (red/red) 00565 Plate electrode EF 100 (red/red) 1,5 m 00478 Plate electrode EF 100 (set of 2) 00658 Plate electrode EF 100 (set of 4) 00536 Plate electrode EF 200 (blue/blue) 00566 Plate electrode EF 200 (blue/blue) 1,5 m 00660 Plate electrode EF 200 (blue/red) 00659 Plate electrode EF 200 (red/blue) 00537 Plate electrode EF 200 (red/red) 00480 Plate elec

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Simultaneous Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 35 6 Simultaneous Therapy 6.1 General Information and Preparations Simultaneous therapy means the simultaneous treatment with ultrasound and stimulation current. The ultrasonic transducer is one pole of the stimulation current circuit, a plate electrode the other one. It is advisable to use a plate electrode of minimum size EF50 as neutral electrode. The neutral electrode is plugged into the socket No.1 (anode of circuit I) of the pa- tient lead (page 7). Make sure that there is enough space be

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators 18 IONOSON-IF-Expert (AMF) Amplitude-Modulated Medium-Frequency Current Fixed parameters Adjustable Sinusoidal waves F bas = Basic frequency: 2.0 — 9.5 kHz MODE = Modulation frequencies: Frequency bands: pre-set 0.1 — 1 Hz, 1 — 25 Hz, 1 — 50 Hz, 1 — 250 Hz, 100 — 250 Hz or any other Select: fixed frequency: 0 – 250 Hz Application: According to choice of parameters: pain therapy, circulatory stimulation, detonisation a. o. (MT) Medium-Frequency Muscle Training Fixed parameters Adjustable Sinusoidal

  • Individual Programs 42 IONOSON-IF-Expert 8.3 Call Program To call a saved program proceed as follows: (1) Select the menu INDIVID from the display <3>. (2) Select one of the programs F1 to F25 using the data selector <5> and confirm. (3) Select the symbol call program and confirm. The selected program is set. The respective menu appears in the display <3>. The program number appears in the lower status bar <4> (e.g. F3) and, in case of a potpourri, additional indicator dots showing the position within the potpourri are displayed. The num

  • Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 27 4.5.3 Pain Therapy, Hyperaemisation, Detonisation The following current modes can be used for these modes of therapy: G, HV, TENS. Note Working with these current modes, you can always carry out an addi- tional therapy by means of circuit II. Treatment Procedure (1) Attach the electrodes to the respective stimulation points. (2) Select one of the above mentioned current modes from the display <3>, e.g. TENS. (3) Select the variable parameters (e.g. freq

  • Basic Settings IONOSON-IF-Expert 43 9 Basic Settings In the basic settings, you can set different parameters which are rarely altered. Se- lect the button SETMENU from the display <3> to get to the basic settings. There are two different screens for stimulation current and ultrasound. 9.1 Stimulation Current The symbols have the following meaning: Screen contrast Active menu when switching on the instrument (e.g. START MENU ) Active menu when switching on the device START MENU means tha


  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Introduction 2 IONOSON-IF-Expert Simultaneous therapy • Simultaneous application of stimulation current and ultrasound Warning The instrument may only be operated by qualified personnel who have undergone special training! 1.3 Contraindications Contraindications to stimulation current therapy or simultaneous treatment: • Highly inflammatory, fever-prone disorders • Pregnancy • Patients with cardiac pacemakers or other implanted stimulators • Malignant tumours • Spastic para

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Indications Menu IONOSON-IF-Expert 39 Furthermore, the treatment parameters will be shown. The illustration shows you to which area of the body you can apply ultrasound. This illustration, however, is only a suggestion. (3) Select the function Therapy . (4) If necessary, change the treatment parameters. (5) Increase the ultrasound dose with the intensity control circuit II/dose <8>. Therapy time elapses. (6) After treatment, an acoustic signal will be issued. Turn the intensity down to 0. Automatic Coupling Confirmation The optical coupling confirmation at both transducer and instrument ena

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 31 (9) Set the therapy time. (10) Slowly turn up the intensity with manual release key pressed (intensity con- trol circuit I <6> or intensity control circuit II / dose <8>) until the muscle contraction is sufficient. The therapy time elapses. Warning Take care that the electrodes are by no means touched after the cur- rent is turned up! Warning When using the manual release key, release a pulse each time you turn up the intensity! (11) Release the button. If the manual release key is pressed again, the current at wil

  • Individual Programs IONOSON-IF-Expert 41 (8) To exit the menu, click on the symbol call program . (9) Select an additional therapy mode for circuit II and set the parameters for both circuits. (10) Select one of the programs F1 to F25 to save your settings. (11) Press the data selector. The cursor moves to the line below. (12) Select the symbol Save therapy form and confirm. (13) The cursor moves to the vacant position 1. Confirm again. (14) Select the

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Indications Menu IONOSON-IF-Expert 37 7 Indications Menu Apart from direct access to the individual current modes, the indications menu of- fers you another possibility to start the individual methods of treatment. With the indications menu, you may utilise proven methods of treatment within stimulation current or ultrasound therapy. 7.1 Treatment Procedures with Stimulation Current Proceed as follows to start a treatment with stimulation current via the indications menu: (1) Select the function IND. from the display <3>. (2) Select the desired indication from the indications menu. Treatments with stimulation cu

  • Controls and Indicators 16 IONOSON-IF-Expert 2.4 Characterisation of the Individual Current Modes Note If not differently selected in the setup menu, all current modes of the unit are emitted in the constant current mode , with the exception of simultaneous treatment (see page 33). Here, the device is automati- cally switched to a mixed mode consisting of constant current and constant voltage mode to avoid unpleasant current sensations when the contact between skin and transducer is interrupted. 2.4.1 L

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert 4.6.3 Muscle Stimulation using Medium-frequency Surge Currents …………………………………………… 29 5 Ultrasound Therapy ………………………………………………………………………………………….32 5.1 General Information ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 32 5.2 Therapy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 32 5.3 TPS…………………………………………………………………………………………

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 11 Current Mode G Switching from galvanic current to medium-frequency inter- rupted direct current . The current setting is displayed in the up- per status bar. Toggling intensity ranges (0 – 3.5 mA or 0 – 25 mA). The current setting is displayed in the upper status bar. Current Modes HV, TENS Switching from monophase to biphase pulse emission. The cur- rent setting is displayed in the upper status bar. Pulse time (possible values: 40 μs – 400 μs) Bursts (possible values: OFF; 1 – 10

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Ultrasound Therapy 32 IONOSON-IF-Expert 5 Ultrasound Therapy 5.1 General Information IONOSON-Expert offers you three possibilities to start ultrasound therapy: • direct start via the ultrasound menu, • start via the indications menu with its proposals for treatment for a multitude of applications (page 46), • start via individual programs (created by yourself, page 49). For additional information, see the supplied therapy booklet Instructions for Ultra- sound Therapy . 5.2 Therapy Treatment Procedure (1) Select the function SONO from the display <3> (circuit II). (2) Select the desired transduc

  • Contents 1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………….1 1.1 Instrument Description………………………………………………………………………………………………….1 1.2 Application …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1 1.3 Contraindications…………………………………………………….

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators 12 IONOSON-IF-Expert Current Mode AMF Intensity display for circuit I, (mA), to be set with intensity control I <6> 5 pre-set frequency bands, fixed frequency (SELECT 100 – 250 Hz) Basic frequency (possible values: 2.0 – 9.5 kHz) Current Modes MT, KOTS Intensity display circuit I, to be set with intensity control I <6> Tension time (possible values: 1 to 60 s in steps of 1s; manual release key (only if R > 1s) Release time (possible values: 1 to 60 s) in steps of 1s Ramp (4 settings m 1 to m 4 ) with different rise times. The current setting is displayed in the upper status bar

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 19 KOTS Medium-Frequency Muscle Training according to Kots Fixed parameters Adjustable T = Contraction 1 – 60 s; manual triggering (manual release key) R = release time between contractions 0 – 60 s T = pulse time: 2 ms, 4 ms, 6 ms, 8 ms, 10 ms; auto Pulse shape: sine, triangle, rectangle R = release time: 10 ms Ramp (surge time): 4 modes Modulation frequencies: 0 – 125 Hz F bas = Basic frequency: 2.0 — 9.5 kHz Sine Triangle Rectangle Applic

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Index 54 IONOSON-IF-Expert 17 Index accessories, 46, 49 accompanying papers, 52 acoustic signal, 12 active exercises, 1 adhesive electrodes, 7, 24, 47 alternating stimulation, 14 anions, 26 anode, 7, 25, 26, 35 automatic output current switch-off, 6, 45 basic frequency, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 28, 29, 30 biphase, 25, 27 bipolar, 25 bursts, 11, 17 cathode, 7, 25, 26 cations, 26 CC/CV-Umschaltung, 45 CE characterisation, 48 circulatory stimulation, 17, 18, 25 cleaning, 47 Constant Current, 45 Constant Voltage, 45 contraction, 18, 19 contraction time, 12, 30 contraindications, 2 controls, 3 coupling confi

  • Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 9 2.2 Overview of Parameters 2.2.1 Start Menu (1 st level) 2.2.2 Example Menu (2 nd level) Current mode G indications menu (therapy suggestions) upper status bar<2> setup menu individual programs (freely configurable) lower status bar<4> current modes (direct access) ultrasound menu (direct access) therapy timers (circuits I + II) current mode parameters circuit I back to previous menu circuit I selection circuit II individual programs (memory menu) electrodes display (plate

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 13 2.3.2 Dual channel operation For all current modes except IF:: you can select additional current modes (dual channel operation) in circuit II . For all current modes except IF and G The current mode set in circuit I (except for G) can also be selected with the same parameters in circuit II. AMF and MT can always be selected. For the MT and KOTS current modes The current mode set in circuit I can also be selected in circuit II, whereby individual parameters can be set independently for both circuits. With circuits I and II, stimula- tio

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Stimulation Current Therapy 24 IONOSON-IF-Expert 4.4 Preparations and Attaching the Electrodes To prepare the electrodes, proceed as follows: (1) Prior to attaching the electrodes, make sure that both intensity control cir- cuit I <6> and intensity control circuit II / dose <8> are turned down to 0! Warning Take care that the electrodes are by no means touched after the cur- rent is turned up! (2) Plug the patient lead into the patient lead connector <12> with the guide rails f

  • Individual Programs 40 IONOSON-IF-Expert 8 Individual Programs You do not have to set frequently applied forms of therapy every time you want to use them – you can simply save them as individual programs. Such a program is e.g. a certain current mode with all parameters including treatment time. You may save individual programs and restart them as well as delete and overwrite them. All in all, 25 different programs are available with every program disposing of three subordi- nated treatments. In consequence, you may save a c

  • Simultaneous Therapy 36 IONOSON-IF-Expert Warning Take care that the electrodes are by no means touched after the cur- rent is turned up! (10) Rotate the Data Selector <5> until you reach the SIM symbol. Now press the Data Selector <5>, rotate it one position further and press it once again to confirm. A small rectangle is shown in the upper left corner of the SIM symbol to indicate that simultaneous therapy is now activated. (11) Attach the ultrasonic trans

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Accessories IONOSON-IF-Expert 49 15 Accessories Warning For safety reasons, IONOSON-IF-Expert has to be used exclusively with original ac- cessories. The use of other manufacturers’ accessories is at the user’s risk. Warning Plate electrodes are subject to wear and tear. The degree of wearout depends on the current mode, the frequency of use, and the intensity. The greater the galvanic component of the application is, the quicker is the wearout of the electrodes. Since poorly conducting electrodes can lead to skin impairment, we recommend checking the electrodes regularly (at least once per quarter) using the

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Accessories 50 IONOSON-IF-Expert 15.2 Additional Accessories Ref.-No. Description 00465 Bergony mask (set) 00460 Bow electrode (set) 00580 Connection cable for PHYSIOPADS adhesive elect. (pair, red/blue) 00139 Connection cable, 65 cm (electrotherapy/vacuum) 00552 Double pad two-field electrode 00140 Elastic rubber strap 00141 Elastic rubber strap 00412 Electrode test pen 00228 Extension for patient lead (blue) 00227 Extension for patient lead (red) 00142 Fastening button 00184 Filling pump 00380 Fixing r

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert General Notes 46 IONOSON-IF-Expert 10 General Notes The instrument may only be operated in dry rooms designed for medical purposes, in accordance with VDE 0107, User Class 1 (rooms with patient beds, physical ther- apy rooms and practice rooms). It complies with the technical specifications of IEC 601, VDE 0750 and is assigned to class IIa according to the Council Directive concerning Medical Devices . It is not intended for operation in explosion hazard zones or hydrotherapy rooms. Drastic temperature changes shoul

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert The technical data in this manual is as at the time of printing and subject to alteration. Copyright © 2001 — 2010 by PHYSIOMED ELEKTROMEDIZIN AG All rights, including rights of translation, reproduction by printing, copying or similar methods, even of parts are reserved. Offenders will be liable for damages. Last updated August 30, 2010.

  • Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 5 2.1.6 Intensity Control Circuit I <6> The intensity control circuit I <6> serves to set the therapy dose (intensity) in circuit I in steps of 0.5 mA. When turning up the intensity of intensity control circuit I <6> or inten- sity control circuit II/dose <8>, the associated therapy timer on the display <3> will be started as well. Whenever you have to turn down the intensity control circuit I to “0”, the following turn-down signal is displayed

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Stimulation Current Therapy 26 IONOSON-IF-Expert It is important for the treatment to know the relation of ions of the respective me- dicament. Depending on the combination of the active agent molecules and their separation in positive and negative particles we speak of cations and anions . Ions migrate as follows: cations to cathode anions to anode . Thus, the particles are named after the pole to which they migrate. The electric charge of the active agents in the medicaments is always named by the manufac- turer. Treatment Procedure (1) Use an alcoholic swab to remove cutaneous fa

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Index IONOSON-IF-Expert 55 stimulation current diagnosis, 1 stimulation current therapy, 22, 24 stimulation frequency, 16 surge current, 29, 30 therapeutic manual, 49 therapy dose, 5 therapy time, 10, 26, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39 timer, 5, 33, 36, 39 TPS, 33 transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation, 17 transducer, 32, 33, 34, 36, 39, 49 treatment mode, 32 tumours, 2 ultrasonic transducer, 7, 8 ultrasound, 1, 2, 5, 15, 36, 38, 49 ultrasound gel, 32, 35 ultrasound therapy, 1, 32, 36, 49 unipolar, 25 upper status bar, 4 VAC socket, 8 vacuum application unit, 8 vector display,

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 15 2.3.3 Parameters for Circuit II (Ultrasound) After choosing the option SONO from the menu for circuit I (ultrasound therapy), you can set the following parameters: Intensity control (dose) from 0.1 to 5.7 W/cm 2 in steps of 0.1 W/cm 2 , adjustable with intensity control II / dose <8> Mode of treatment adjustable parameters are 1/10 , 1/5 , 1/3 , 2/5 , cont. Simultaneous therapy with circuit I ON/OFF Ultrasound frequency (1 or 3 MHz), selected dose is dis-

  • Stimulation Current Therapy 28 IONOSON-IF-Expert 4.6 Therapy using medium-frequency current modes 4.6.1 Therapy using classic interference current IF:: Treatment Procedure (1) Attach the electrodes to the stimulation points. Make sure that the four elec- trodes of the two circuits are fixed crosswise. (2) Select the current mode IF from the display <3>. (3) If necessary, select the vector function DYNAM. . (4) Depending on the indication, select a frequency band or a fixed frequency. (5) If necessary, alter the basic frequency. (6) Set the therapy tim

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Stimulation Current Therapy 22 IONOSON-IF-Expert 4 Stimulation Current Therapy This chapter provides you with general information on stimulation current therapy and notes on attaching the electrodes. Moreover, both peculiarities and operating steps are described for different modes of treatment with IONOSON-IF-Expert using low-frequency currents (page 25) and medium-frequency currents (page 28). Warning Always switch on the equipment BEFORE you attach the electrodes to the patient! Only switch off the equipment off AFTER you have removed the elec-

  • Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 25 4.4.1 Modes of attaching the electrodes Bipolar Here you must use two electrodes of equal size. This is the most common mode especially for pain therapy and circulatory stimula- tion. Unipolar Preferably used when treating small areas, e.g. nerve and muscle stimulation points, especially on the hands or in the face. This therapy mode includes using two electrodes of different size, with the bigger

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators 8 IONOSON-IF-Expert Ultrasonic Transducer The ultrasonic transducer <11> (2.5 cm² and 5 cm²) works with the frequencies 1 MHz and 3 MHz. The transducer is automatically calibrated after connecting or switching on the instru- ment. The transducer is watertight and can be used for underwater treatment. Automatic Coupling Confirmation Both transducer and instrument have an optical coupling confirmation, which guar- antees constant and efficient treatment. If the coupling to the tissue of the patient is not efficient enough, the l

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Ultrasound Therapy 34 IONOSON-IF-Expert Treatment Procedure (1) Make sure that the instrument is ready. (2) Choose the appropriate transducer and plug it into the transducer connector <13>. (3) Apply ultrasound gel to the area of treatment. (4) Click the TPS symbol. The TPS menu opens: (5) Select the desired values of the variable parameters by rotating and pressing the data selector <5>. (6) Click Therapy to begin the treatment. The selected and calculated parameters become active. T

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Indications Menu 38 IONOSON-IF-Expert (4) If suitable, attach the electrodes in the proposed way. (5) Press the button to quit the graphics display. (6) Select the function Therapy . (7) If required, change the treatment parameters. (8) Turn up the intensity of the stimulation current with the intensity control cir- cuit I <6> (and intensity control circuit II/dose <8> if required). Therapy time elapses. Warning Take care that the electrodes are by no means touched after the cur- rent is turne

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Technical Data 48 IONOSON-IF-Expert 14 Technical Data Protection class I acc. to VDE 0750 / IEC 601 BF type CE characterisation acc. to Council Directive concerning medical devices 93/42 EEC Class acc. to EC 93/42 IIa Mains connection 230 VAC ± 10% or 115 VAC ± 10% Power line frequency 50-60 Hz Current consumption 0.3 A (at 230 V) or 0.6 A (at 115 V) Power line input 86 VA Line fuses at 230 V: T 500 mA at 115 V: T 1 A Output data STIMULATION 75 mAs (peak) at 500 Ohm

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 7 2.1.12 Patient Lead Connector <12> The patient lead connector <12> serves to plug in the patient lead. You can plug plate electrodes, adhesive electrodes or other types of electrodes into the patient lead. Patient Lead — Mode(s) of Attachment The colours of the connectors facilitate easy and cor- rect attachment of the electrodes to the two circuits and to their polarity. Colour of the inner circle: red = circuit I, blue = circuit II Colour of the outer circle: red = anode (+), blue =

  • Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Instrument Overview Front Panel Rear Face Legend 1 Mains Module 6 Intensity Control Circuit I 11 Output Indicator 2 Upper Status Bar 7 Pulse Indicator Circuit I 12 Patient Lead Connector 3 Display 8 Intensity Control Circuit II / Dose 13 Ultrasonic Transducer Connector 4 Lower Status Bar 9 Pulse Indicator Circuit II 14 Manual Release Key or Therapy Pause Button Socket 5 Data Selector 10 Patient Current Indicator 15 VAC Socket Symbols CAUTION! Please refer to the operating instructions and consider the physiological effects!

Download or browse on-line these Operating Instructions Manual for Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert Medical Equipment.

Summary of Contents:

[Page 1] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert


[Page 2] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

The technical data in this manual is as at the time of printing and subject to alteration. Copyright © 2001 — 2010 by PHYSIOMED ELEKTROMEDIZIN AG All rights, including rights of translation, reproduction by printing, copying or simi…

[Page 3] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Instrument Overview Front Panel Rear Face Legend 1 Mains Module 6 Intensity Control Circuit I 11 Output Indicator 2 Upper Status Bar 7 Pulse Indicator Circuit I 12 Patient Lead Connector 3 Display 8 Intensity Control Circuit …

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[Page 5] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Contents 1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………….1 1.1 Instrument Description………………………………………………………………….

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4.6.3 Muscle Stimulation using Medium-frequency Surge Currents …………………………………………… 29 5 Ultrasound Therapy ………………………………………………………………………………………….32…

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Introduction IONOSON-IF-Expert 1 1 Introduction With your IONOSON-IF-Expert, you have acquired a high-quality and extremely ver- satile unit for stimulation current and ultrasound therapy. The instrument will only show its true potential…

[Page 8] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Introduction 2 IONOSON-IF-Expert Simultaneous therapy • Simultaneous application of stimulation current and ultrasound Warning The instrument may only be operated by qualified personnel who have undergone special training! 1.3 C…

[Page 9] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 3 2 Controls and Indicators As its LCD is divided in different function fields, IONOSON-IF-Expert allows for clear and easy operation. The plastic housing and the front panel protect the elec…

[Page 10] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Controls and Indicators 4 IONOSON-IF-Expert 2.1.2 Upper Status Bar<2> The upper status bar <2> shows indications or some of the corresponding pa- rameters selected. For example: G . 2.1.3 Display <3> On the display…

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Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 5 2.1.6 Intensity Control Circuit I <6> The intensity control circuit I <6> serves to set the therapy dose (intensity) in circuit I in steps of 0.5 mA. When turning up the inten…

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Controls and Indicators 6 IONOSON-IF-Expert Automatic output current switch-off IONOSON-IF-Expert disposes of an automatic output current switch-off activated in case the current flow of the electrodes is interrupted (electrode falls off, …

[Page 13] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 7 2.1.12 Patient Lead Connector <12> The patient lead connector <12> serves to plug in the patient lead. You can plug plate electrodes, adhesive electrodes or other types of electro…

[Page 14] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Controls and Indicators 8 IONOSON-IF-Expert Ultrasonic Transducer The ultrasonic transducer <11> (2.5 cm² and 5 cm²) works with the frequencies 1 MHz and 3 MHz. The transducer is automatically calibrated after connecting or switchi…

[Page 15] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 9 2.2 Overview of Parameters 2.2.1 Start Menu (1 st level) 2.2.2 Example Menu (2 nd level) Current mode G indications menu (therapy suggestions) upper status bar<2&g…

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Controls and Indicators 10 IONOSON-IF-Expert 2.3 Operation Selecting a function (e.g. the current mode G) from the start menu (level 1) will lead you to level 2 of the menu. Here you can set the desired parameters for the selected current …

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Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 11 Current Mode G Switching from galvanic current to medium-frequency inter- rupted direct current . The current setting is displayed in the up- per status bar. Toggling intensity ranges (0 – …

[Page 18] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Controls and Indicators 12 IONOSON-IF-Expert Current Mode AMF Intensity display for circuit I, (mA), to be set with intensity control I <6> 5 pre-set frequency bands, fixed frequency (SELECT 100 – 250 Hz) Basic frequency (p…

[Page 19] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 13 2.3.2 Dual channel operation For all current modes except IF:: you can select additional current modes (dual channel operation) in circuit II . For all current modes except I…

[Page 20] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Controls and Indicators 14 IONOSON-IF-Expert Simultaneous stimulation can also be initiated with the manual release key. Carry out the above-described operational steps 1-5, and then proceed as follows: (3a) With the data selector <5>,…

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Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 15 2.3.3 Parameters for Circuit II (Ultrasound) After choosing the option SONO from the menu for circuit I (ultrasound therapy), you can set the following parameters: Intensity control (dose) …

[Page 22] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Controls and Indicators 16 IONOSON-IF-Expert 2.4 Characterisation of the Individual Current Modes Note If not differently selected in the setup menu, all current modes of the unit are emitted in the constant current mode , with the exce…

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Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 17 (TENS) Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation Fixed parameters Adjustable Pulse shape: square Mono-/biphase T = pulse time: 40-400 μs Bursts: 0-10 Hz Frequency bands: 1-150…

[Page 24] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Controls and Indicators 18 IONOSON-IF-Expert (AMF) Amplitude-Modulated Medium-Frequency Current Fixed parameters Adjustable Sinusoidal waves F bas = Basic frequency: 2.0 — 9.5 kHz MODE = Modulation frequencies: Frequency bands: …

[Page 25] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Controls and Indicators IONOSON-IF-Expert 19 KOTS Medium-Frequency Muscle Training according to Kots Fixed parameters Adjustable T = Contraction 1 – 60 s; manual triggering (manual release key) R = release time between contr…

[Page 26] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Notes on Operation 20 IONOSON-IF-Expert 3 Notes on Operation 3.1 Connection and Start-up Connecting the unit (7) Check whether the operating voltage of the device (see red window in the mains module) <1>) and the line voltage cor…

[Page 27] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Notes on Operation IONOSON-IF-Expert 21 3.4 Instrument Errors If a functional error is detected during the automatic self-test routine or during op- eration, a corresponding note will be displayed on the LCD. A numeric error code will b…

[Page 28] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Stimulation Current Therapy 22 IONOSON-IF-Expert 4 Stimulation Current Therapy This chapter provides you with general information on stimulation current therapy and notes on attaching the electrodes. Moreover, both peculiarities and operati…

[Page 29] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 23 4.3 Safety Precautions for Stimulation Current Intensity Please observe the following safety precautions when adjusting the intensity of the stimulation current applied to the patient: �…

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Stimulation Current Therapy 24 IONOSON-IF-Expert 4.4 Preparations and Attaching the Electrodes To prepare the electrodes, proceed as follows: (1) Prior to attaching the electrodes, make sure that both intensity control cir- cuit I <6>…

[Page 31] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 25 4.4.1 Modes of attaching the electrodes Bipolar Here you must use two electrodes of equal size. This is the most common mode especially for pain therapy and circulatory stimula- tion. …

[Page 32] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Stimulation Current Therapy 26 IONOSON-IF-Expert It is important for the treatment to know the relation of ions of the respective me- dicament. Depending on the combination of the active agent molecules and their separation in positive and ne…

[Page 33] Physiomed IONOSON-IF-Expert

Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 27 4.5.3 Pain Therapy, Hyperaemisation, Detonisation The following current modes can be used for these modes of therapy: G, HV, TENS. Note Working with these current modes, you can…

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Stimulation Current Therapy 28 IONOSON-IF-Expert 4.6 Therapy using medium-frequency current modes 4.6.1 Therapy using classic interference current IF:: Treatment Procedure (1) Attach the electrodes to the stimulation points. Make su…

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Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 29 4.6.2 Pain Therapy, Hyperaemisation, Detonisation using AMF Current Treatment Procedure (1) Attach the electrodes to the respective stimulation points. (2) Select the current mode …

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Stimulation Current Therapy 30 IONOSON-IF-Expert Note Working with these current modes, you can always carry out an addi- tional therapy by means of circuit II (see also Dual channel operation on page 13). Treatment Procedure using…

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Stimulation Current Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 31 (9) Set the therapy time. (10) Slowly turn up the intensity with manual release key pressed (intensity con- trol circuit I <6> or intensity control circuit II / dose <8>) unti…

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Ultrasound Therapy 32 IONOSON-IF-Expert 5 Ultrasound Therapy 5.1 General Information IONOSON-Expert offers you three possibilities to start ultrasound therapy: • direct start via the ultrasound menu, • start via the indications m…

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Ultrasound Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 33 (9) After treatment, the timer will switch off automatically. Automatic Coupling Confirmation The optical coupling confirmation at both transducer and instrument enables a sta- ble and efficient …

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Ultrasound Therapy 34 IONOSON-IF-Expert Treatment Procedure (1) Make sure that the instrument is ready. (2) Choose the appropriate transducer and plug it into the transducer connector <13>. (3) Apply ultrasound gel to the area of …

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Simultaneous Therapy IONOSON-IF-Expert 35 6 Simultaneous Therapy 6.1 General Information and Preparations Simultaneous therapy means the simultaneous treatment with ultrasound and stimulation current. The ultrasonic transducer is one…

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Simultaneous Therapy 36 IONOSON-IF-Expert Warning Take care that the electrodes are by no means touched after the cur- rent is turned up! (10) Rotate the Data Selector <5> until you reach the SIM symbol. Now press the Data Select…

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Indications Menu IONOSON-IF-Expert 37 7 Indications Menu Apart from direct access to the individual current modes, the indications menu of- fers you another possibility to start the individual methods of treatment. With the indications m…

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Indications Menu 38 IONOSON-IF-Expert (4) If suitable, attach the electrodes in the proposed way. (5) Press the button to quit the graphics display. (6) Select the function Therapy . (7) If required, change the treatment parameters….

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Indications Menu IONOSON-IF-Expert 39 Furthermore, the treatment parameters will be shown. The illustration shows you to which area of the body you can apply ultrasound. This illustration, however, is only a suggestion. (3) Select the f…

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Individual Programs 40 IONOSON-IF-Expert 8 Individual Programs You do not have to set frequently applied forms of therapy every time you want to use them – you can simply save them as individual programs. Such a program is e.g. a certain…

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Individual Programs IONOSON-IF-Expert 41 (8) To exit the menu, click on the symbol call program . (9) Select an additional therapy mode for circuit II and set the parameters for both circuits. (10) Select one of the programs F1 to F2…

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Individual Programs 42 IONOSON-IF-Expert 8.3 Call Program To call a saved program proceed as follows: (1) Select the menu INDIVID from the display <3>. (2) Select one of the programs F1 to F25 using the data selector <5> and …

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Basic Settings IONOSON-IF-Expert 43 9 Basic Settings In the basic settings, you can set different parameters which are rarely altered. Se- lect the button SETMENU from the display <3> to get to the basic settings. There are two dif…

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Basic Settings 44 IONOSON-IF-Expert 9.2 Ultrasound The symbols have the following meaning: Unit of ultrasound dose in the impulse indicator dose <9> in W or W/cm 2 Dose threshold, i.e. where instrument switches from cont…

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Basic Settings IONOSON-IF-Expert 45 9.3 Setup Menu In the setup menu, you can change additional settings of the instrument: The symbols have the following meaning: Volume and pitch of the therapy timer Volume and pitch of the s…

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General Notes 46 IONOSON-IF-Expert 10 General Notes The instrument may only be operated in dry rooms designed for medical purposes, in accordance with VDE 0107, User Class 1 (rooms with patient beds, physical ther- apy rooms and practice ro…

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Cleaning and Disinfection IONOSON-IF-Expert 47 12 Cleaning and Disinfection After treatment, always remove remaining ultrasound gel from the transducer. Clean the transducer, accessories and device on a regular basis with a disinfecting…

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Technical Data 48 IONOSON-IF-Expert 14 Technical Data Protection class I acc. to VDE 0750 / IEC 601 BF type CE characterisation acc. to Council Directive concerning medical devices 93/42 EEC Class acc. to EC 93/42 IIa M…

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Accessories IONOSON-IF-Expert 49 15 Accessories Warning For safety reasons, IONOSON-IF-Expert has to be used exclusively with original ac- cessories. The use of other manufacturers’ accessories is at the user’s risk. Warn…

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Accessories 50 IONOSON-IF-Expert 15.2 Additional Accessories Ref.-No. Description 00465 Bergony mask (set) 00460 Bow electrode (set) 00580 Connection cable for PHYSIOPADS adhesive elect. (pair, red/blue) 00139 Connection cable, 65 cm …

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Accessories IONOSON-IF-Expert 51 00564 Plate electrode EF 100 (blue/blue) 1,5 m 00657 Plate electrode EF 100 (blue/red) 00656 Plate electrode EF 100 (red/blue) 00535 Plate electrode EF 100 (red/red) 00565 Plate electrode EF 100 (re…

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Accessories 52 IONOSON-IF-Expert 00177 Ultrasound transducer holder 00541 Vaginal electrode 00149 Viscose cloth 00160 Viscose cover 00158 Viscose cover 00428 Viscose cover 00424 Viscose cover 00433 Viscose cover EF 10 00437 Viscose c…

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Manufacturer’s Recommendations IONOSON-IF-Expert 53 16 Manufacturer’s Recommendations MANUFACTURER’S RECOMMENDATIONS SAFETY REGULATIONS CONTROL according to Medical Devices Directive UNIT: IONOSON-IF-Expert MANU…

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Index 54 IONOSON-IF-Expert 17 Index accessories, 46, 49 accompanying papers, 52 acoustic signal, 12 active exercises, 1 adhesive electrodes, 7, 24, 47 alternating stimulation, 14 anions, 26 anode, 7, 25, 26, 35 automatic output curre…

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Index IONOSON-IF-Expert 55 stimulation current diagnosis, 1 stimulation current therapy, 22, 24 stimulation frequency, 16 surge current, 29, 30 therapeutic manual, 49 therapy dose, 5 therapy time, 10, 26, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39 t…

Аппараты Ионосон – фонофорез, диагностика и электротерапия в одном приборе

Многофункциональный комбинированный аппарат Ионосон от Physiomed удачно совмещает в себе все методы электростимуляции, диагностики и ультразвуковой терапии в одном приборе. Он поможет быстро восстановиться после травм, способен поднять на ноги человека с заболеваниями периферической нервной системы, снимет боль, избавит от усталости, полезен при лечении заболеваний опорно-двигательного и аппарата.

Линейка аппаратов Ионосон включает 4 модели: Эксперт, Эвидент, Бэсик и Бэсик на батареях. Все они характеризуются высокой надёжностью, превосходной эргономикой, рассчитаны на профессиональное применение в медицинских центрах и санаторно-курортных учреждениях.

Все модели имеют два автономных, отдельно настраиваемых, каналов и 2 независимых таймера, что позволяет гибко устанавливать необходимые методы терапевтического воздействия. Так, импульсные токи низкой частоты нормализуют венозный кровоток, устраняют нарушения лимфотока. Воздействуя на мышечные структуры, они подготавливают и укрепляют атонические мышцы к регулярным нагрузкам. Среднечастотные токи (MT и KOTS) также используются для мышечной стимуляции, а электростимуляция двухполюсным током AMF – для амплипульс-терапии. Можно одномоментно воздействовать на 2 участка тела, проводить процедуру сразу двум пациентам, и даже задействовать ток и УЗК. Эргономичный дисплей позволяет легко контролировать работу.

Преимущества аппаратов Ионосон

  • Функциональность. Ionoson генерирует низко- и среднечастотные токи, которые легко адаптируются к нужному виду терапии путём установки необходимых настроек. Помимо этого, оборудование оснащено большим списком встроенных программ для лечения свыше 500 болезней по показаниям, что позволяет легко подобрать оптимальный метод воздействия, исходя из заболевания. Также с Ионосон можно проводить диагностику. Для этого в приборе предусмотрено несколько диагностических режимов. Их точное количество зависит от модели. Так, в Ionoson Expert их 5.
  • Специальный режим TPS для дозирования ультразвука, рассчитывающий нужные для конкретного сеанса характеристики, исходя из площади воздействия.
  • Безопасность и высокий уровень эргономики. Излучатели для проведения фонофореза не провоцируют перегрузок кисти врача, даже если он использует прибор на протяжении всей рабочей смены. Каждый излучатель защищён водонепроницаемым корпусом, управляется одной кнопкой. Конструкторы предусмотрели оптический контроль контакта на УЗ-излучателях и приборе, звуковую сигнализацию.
  • Надёжность. Производитель гарантирует стабильную работу в интенсивном режиме, обеспечение высокой точности параметров. Вся продукция имеет сертификаты.
  • Комфорт для пациентов. Процедуры проходят с максимальным уровнем комфорта. Выполненные из титанового сплава излучатели являются гиппоаллергенными и не вызывают раздражений в зонах воздействий даже у людей с очень чувствительной кожей.

Аппаратная физиотерапия используется в профилактических мерах при многих болезнях. При ее применении намного ускоряется реабилитация после медикаментозных и хирургических методов лечения. Ionoson – лучший пример внедрения современных технологий в область медицины.

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