Jerk off инструкция на русском

Joi – jerk off instruction

Joi – jerk off instruction. Рассказываешь как дрочить. В основном мемберы любят слышать речь, малый процент просит текстом. Обычно при этом рукой показываешь на дилдо. Советую почитать скрипты на английской по теме, посмотреть видео.

Например, мягкий стиль: “oh, baby, stroke it slowly from top to bottom, it feels so good, you want to cum. It’s not time yet, take it harder, go faster, just a little harder. Your cock is dripping for me, ohhhh it feels so good…”

Иногда у них мешанина фетишей, например, не рукой на дилдо все изображать, а стопами или титтифак.

Инструкция по дрочке – популяный фетиш, позволяющий заработать без раздевания. Важны: голос, взгляд, эмоции и твоя фантазия. Если словарного запаса не хватает, но нужно выучить готовые сценарии, с каждым разом будет все легче импровизировать.

  • Некоторым мемберам достаточно томного взгляда в камеру и команд сексуальным голосом: “take your cock out and stroke it slowly for me”, “now you should squezze your balls”, то есть простые последовательные действия.
  • Показать действия на своей игрушке. Будет интереснее и реалистичнее, если вы поставите дилдо так, чтобы мемберу казалось, будто вы сидите прямо перед ним и трогаете его собственный член: “repeat after me, i teach you how u can pleased yourself”, “yes do it like me, split on the head of the dick and stroke it harder”. Ваш главный акцент – игрушка и действия с нею; Если вы говорите мемберу “плюнь” – то сами плюете на дилдо.
  • Для опытных существует и хард левел – инструкция + шоу. Мало просто давать инструкции к действиям, нужное еще задействовать все свое тело. Например, говоря “представь, что ты медленно засунул член мне в рот и начал быстро двигаться”, и медленно тоже вставляешь себе в рот игрушку, создавая 3Д-реальность. Или ваш JOI становится парной игрой, как перекидывание “мячика”, то ты ему инструкции, то он тебе.

Важно говорить слова поощрения и восхищения, например “yes goodboy, do it for me”, “i like to see how u stroke your hard cock, its look yammy”.

Продавать инструкцию по дрочке можно на всех платформах: stripchat, chaturbate. Можно делать это как за токены во фри, так и в привате, в том числе за экстра-типы. На LiveJasmin и Skyprivate, это уже может входить в стоимость шоу.
JOI может плавно переходить в такие фетиши как DickRate, CEI and другие.

Cei- cum eating instruction

Cei- cum eating instruction. Инструктируете как съесть свою сперму. Все почти как в предыдущем случае.

Sph – small penis humiliating

Sph – small penis humiliating. Маленького пениса унижение. Ну тут все понятно,  чморить мелкую пипирку.

Пример: Ну показывай, че там у тебя. А что это за червяк, питомец твой домашний? Ты давай член показывай, а не червяка. А, это член? У меня мизинец на ноге больше. Как ты с таким живёшь, трусы наверное женские носишь? Жену наверное только в ноздри можешь?

200 фраз для грязных разговорчиков / dirty talk ты найдешь здесь.

Multiple drags

Что такое multiple drags? – Разновидность smokingfetish, когда делаешь несколько зятяжек подряд. Гуглится вместе со smoking.

Что такое gaping и goatse?

Если знаешь ответ, то напиши мне в комментарии.

Что такое ahegao face?

Ответ что такое ahegao face смотри здесь.

Другие посты на эту тему

  1. Что приказать секс-рабу?
  2. 200 фраз dirty talk / грязных разговорчиков;
  3. Скрипт разговора, когда трогаю его член.

Остались вопросы?

  1. Пиши мне в Телеграм = @WhiteQueen88
  2. Читай мой Телеграм канал Академия Кам Моделей, где я выкладываю полезную информацию для моделей, не только по сайтам, но и по пассивному заработку.

Изображение для заголовка взято с бесплатного фото-стока Freepik.

Исплользуемые источники: тг-канал DROCH TODAY

Не слышал о видео с инструкциями по дрочке? Это отличный способ начать зарабатывать дополнительные деньги, особенно если ты фемдом. Ты удивишься количеству мужчин, которых возбуждает подобный контент, но нет смысла стыдить их. У всех разные вкусы, и мы должны уважать их все.

Итак, вернемся к главному: JOI — это все о том, чтобы рассказать кому-то (чаще всего мужчине), как мастурбировать. Ты можешь использовать всевозможные ресурсы, которые есть у тебя под рукой, чтобы сделать этот опыт еще лучше, например фаллоимитатор, например. Тебе нужно дать как можно больше деталей, включая то, как сильно они должны дрочить, как быстро они должны гладить, и на каких точках они должны сосредоточиться. ДЖОИ глубоко связан с. BDSM (отсюда и упоминание о фемдоме).

Почему ты должен доверять нам

В то время как многие обзоры, руководства или информация, представленная в Интернете, исходит из точки зрения одной модели, партнера или фаната, наши знания основаны на работе один на один с сотни создателей. От cam-моделей до финансовых доминантов, у нас есть дополнительный слой проверки фактов, который приходит только с опытом.

Ты присоединишься к тысячам ежедневных читателей, которые приходят сюда, чтобы узнать именно как начать работать как креатор и зарабатывать больше как креатор.


Заинтересован в приобретении пакетов титров, скриптов и других ресурсов, которые помогут твоему бизнесу? позаботится о тебе.

Видеоролики с инструкциями по дрочке не очень распространены, а это значит, что ты можешь начать зарабатывать на них деньги, даже если ты не являешься экспертом. Прежде чем ты начнешь заниматься этими видео, давай дадим тебе немного больше информации, чтобы ты мог предоставить своим будущим клиентам наилучший опыт.

Прежде всего, существует два различных типа инструкций по дрочке.:

Поощрение за дрочку

В этой статье, взятой из hapi.js в действии , я расскажу о Joi , модуле Node.js для проверки данных, который может проверять данные любого типа от простых скалярных типов данных, таких как строки, числа или логические значения, до сложных значений. состоящий из нескольких уровней вложенных объектов и массивов.

Люди часто делают ошибки, и в результате системы, которые мы создаем, должны быть готовы к неправильному использованию. Валидация является неотъемлемой частью почти каждой системы, которую мы используем в нашей повседневной жизни. Давайте использовать торговый автомат с закусками, чтобы проиллюстрировать такую ​​систему.

Торговый автомат имеет несколько входных данных, которые необходимо проверить. Если какой-либо из входов не соответствует его ожиданиям, аппарат прекратит нормальное функционирование и даст некоторую обратную связь пользователю о том, что пошло не так. Например, если вы поместите инородную монету в слот, аппарат отклонит монету и выплюнет ее в лоток возврата монет.

Название изображения

Рисунок 1 — Ежедневный пример проверки, которая происходит в торговых автоматах

Мы полагаемся на отзывы, которые мы получаем от проверки, чтобы убедиться, что мы можем использовать системы правильно. Без этого мы не поняли бы, что делаем неправильно.

Мы используем термин « валидация» и в отношении программного обеспечения. В этой статье я расскажу о Joi, узле Node.js для проверки данных.

Представляем Джой

Joi — это Node-модуль для проверки данных. Joi может проверять данные любого типа: от простых скалярных типов данных, таких как строки, числа или логические значения, до сложных значений, состоящих из нескольких уровней вложенных объектов и массивов.

Если вы работаете с некоторыми данными в вашем приложении, которые поступают из неизвестного источника, например, через общедоступный API, Joi может помочь вам убедиться, что данные находятся в требуемом формате. Проверка таких входных данных и соответствующие действия в случае их неправильности помогут сделать ваши приложения более стабильными и надежными. 

Joi можно использовать как отдельный модуль в любом приложении Node. Джой на самом деле используется внутри многих модулей в гапиосистеме именно для этой цели. Если вы ранее использовали какой-либо из API-интерфейсов hapi неправильно и увидели сообщение об ошибке, это сообщение могло быть получено в результате проверки, выполненной Joi.

Хапи был разработан с Джои в виду. Встроенные в платформу функции проверки, такие как проверка заголовков HTTP и полезных нагрузок, предназначены для бесперебойной работы с Joi.

Как это устроено

Работа с Джой включает в себя процесс из четырех этапов. Эти шаги показаны на рисунке 2. Первым шагом является создание схемы. Схема — это объект, который описывает ваши ожидания и то, с чем вы будете проверять свои реальные данные. Вы можете представить схему как описание вашего идеального объекта.

Существует очень распространенная игра-головоломка, предназначенная для младенцев, где они должны помещать блоки различной формы в отверстия соответствующей формы. Эта игра — хорошая аналогия с тем, как работает Джой. В Joi схема похожа на дыру, а объект, который вы хотите проверить, похож на блок. Любой данный объект либо соответствует схеме, либо нет.

Название изображения

Рисунок 2 — Шаги, сделанные при проверке с Joi

Когда у вас есть схема, вы будете использовать Joi для проверки схемы с некоторыми объектами. Если произошла ошибка проверки, Джой точно скажет вам, что пошло не так. Затем вы можете использовать эту обратную связь, чтобы принять решение и соответствующим образом ответить пользователю.

Простой пример: проверка скалярного типа

Часть данных, которую мы обычно должны проверять в наших приложениях, это пароли. В этом простом примере я проверю формат аргумента пароля в функции updatePassword. Если формат не соответствует требуемому формату, будет выдано сообщение об ошибке. Пароль должен быть строкой и иметь длину от шести до десяти символов.

var Joi = require('joi');
var schema = Joi.string().min(6).max(10);//#A

//#A A string between 6 and 10 characters in length

Чтобы проверить схему относительно реального значения, вы можете использовать Joi.assert(value, schema). При использовании этой функции Джой выдаст ошибку при первой ошибке проверки. Зарегистрированное сообщение об ошибке будет содержать некоторую полезную информацию о том, где проверка не удалась.

var Joi = require('joi');

var schema = Joi.string().min(6).max(10);

var updatePassword = function (password) {

    Joi.assert(password, schema);   //#A
    console.log('Validation success!');  //#B

updatePassword('password');   //#C
updatePassword('pass');   //#D

//#A An error will be thrown here if validation fails
//#B If we got here, the validation was successful
//#C Valid password (8 characters)
//#D Invalid password (4 characters)

Если вы запустите этот небольшой пример в терминале, вы увидите вывод, похожий на следующий:

$ node index.js

Validation success! //#A

index.js:121 //#B
            throw new Error(message + error.annotate());//#B
Error: "pass"//#B

[1] value length must be at least 6 characters long//#C

//#A Success message after validating value 'password'
//#B Error thrown for value 'pass'
//#C Details about what went wrong

Этот предыдущий пример показывает, как проверить простое скалярное значение, но Джой способен на гораздо большее. Часто значения, которые вы хотите проверить, являются более сложными, составными значениями, такими как объекты и массивы.

Более сложный пример: проверка типа соединения

Давайте представим, что я создаю API, который собирает данные с автоматических метеорологических станций по всему миру. Эти данные затем сохраняются и могут быть получены потребителями API, чтобы получить самые последние данные для своего региона.

Каждый прогноз погоды, отправляемый станциями, должен соответствовать стандартному формату. Отчеты состоят из нескольких полей и могут быть представлены в виде объекта JavaScript. Прогноз погоды из Тайбэя в полдень июля может выглядеть примерно так:

var report = {
    station: 'Taipei',
    datetime: new Date('Wed Jul 22 2015 12:00:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)'),
    temp: 93,
    humidity: 95,
    precipitation: false,
    windDirection: 'E'

Удаленные метеостанции, которые отправляют данные в центральный API, находятся вне моего контроля. Поэтому было бы целесообразно проверить все входящие данные, чтобы убедиться, что они соответствуют стандартному формату. Прием неверных данных от неисправной станции может вызвать неизвестные проблемы для пользователей моего API.

Название изображения

Рисунок 3 — Проверка входящих запросов помогает обеспечить целостность ваших данных  

Понять ваши данные

Первый шаг — подумать об ограничениях, которые я хочу наложить на каждое поле в отчете. Я изложил свои требования к отчетам о погоде в следующей таблице.

Имя поля Тип данных необходимые Другие ограничения
станция строка да максимум 100 символов
Дата и время Дата да
Temp (F) число да От -140 до 140
влажность число да От 0 до 100
осадки логический нет
направление ветра строка нет Один из N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW

Создать схему

В предыдущем подразделе вы видели, что мы можем указать строку JavaScript в схеме, используя Joi.string(). Тогда не удивительно, что эквивалент для объекта есть Joi.object(). Так же , как Joi.string(), Joi.Object()также имеют методы , которые вы можете цепи на него для дальнейшего расширения схемы. Один из этих методов заключается в том keys(), что он позволяет вам добавлять подсхемы для каждого из свойств объекта. Вот пример создания схемы для объекта с ключами:

var schema = Joi.object().keys({             //#A
       prop1: Joi.string(),                  //#B

//#A Top level schema validates an object
//#B Property prop1 validates a string

Создание схем для объектов с ключами настолько распространено, что Joi также предлагает удобное сокращение для вышеупомянутого. Вы можете заменить Joi.object().keys({...})просто {...}:

var schema = {                               //#A
       prop1: Joi.string(),                  //#B

//#A Top level schema validates an object
//#B Property prop1 validates a string

В листинге ниже приведена полная схема проверки отчетов о погоде.

var schema = {
    station: Joi.string().max(100).required(),//#A
    temp: Joi.number().min(-140).max(140).required(),    //#C
    humidity: Joi.number().min(0).max(100).required(),//#D
    precipitation: Joi.boolean(),//#E
    windDirection: Joi.string()
        .valid(['N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W', 'NW'])//#F

//#A A required string of max 100 character length
//#B A required date
//#C A required number between -140 and 140
//#D A required number between 0 and 100
//#E An optional boolean
//#F An optional string with a whitelist of values

Мы можем использовать эту схему для проверки некоторых реальных отчетов о погоде сейчас. Мы можем запустить следующий сценарий, чтобы проверить пример отчета по этой схеме:

var Joi = require('joi');

var report = {
    station: 'Taipei',
    datetime: new Date('Wed Jul 22 2015 12:00:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)'),
    temp: 93,
    humidity: 95,
    precipitation: false,
    windDirection: 'E'

var schema = {
    station: Joi.string().max(100).required(),
    temp: Joi.number().min(-140).max(140).required(),
    humidity: Joi.number().min(0).max(100).required(),
    precipitation: Joi.boolean(),
    windDirection: Joi.string()
        .valid(['N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W', 'NW'])

Joi.assert(report, schema);

Там не должно быть никакого вывода до завершения сценария. Это указывает на то, что проверенное значение было действительным. Теперь давайте попробуем изменить исходный отчет, чтобы он больше не действовал в соответствии со схемой.

var report = {
    station: 'Taipei',
    datetime: new Date('Wed Jul 22 2015 12:00:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)'),
    temp: 34,
    humidity: 93,
    precipitation: false,
    windDirection: 'WE'//#A

//#A Oops, there’s no such direction as WE

Если вы снова запустите скрипт с измененным отчетом, вы должны увидеть ошибку. Сообщение об ошибке будет содержать некоторые полезные выходные данные, чтобы точно определить, что вызвало сбой проверки:

$ node index.js

Error: {
  "station": "Taipei",
  "datetime": "2015-07-22T12:00:00.000Z",
  "temp": 93,
  "humidity": 95,
  "precipitation": false,
  "windDirection" [1]: "WE"

[1] windDirection must be one of N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW

Теперь у вас должно быть довольно хорошее представление об основах работы с Joi, и вы должны признать полезность использования методов проверки в своих приложениях. Для получения дополнительной информации о работе с хапи и Джои, посмотрите мою книгу, hapi.js в действии , от Manning Publications.

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Jerk Off instruction means verbal and sometimes visual prompts on how a man should or can masturbate and when to orgasm, if even allowed by his mistress. Jerk off instruction is often seen as a component of orgasm denial, often practiced by couples in the BDSM community. However, Jerk off Instruction can also be regarded as an element of foreplay for vanilla couples.

Jerk Off instruction can be shortened to the acronym JOI. That is the most common word for this sexual practice.

During Jerk Off instruction, the mistress, as an instructor, orders and even sometimes shows a man how to masturbate. The instruction provided by the mistress will usually tell men how hard or soft to jerk off, how rapid his strokes should be, and where and what he should touch. The instructor may also use a visual aid, like a vibrator or a dildo and even a strap-on, to demonstrate to the slave the right jerk off technique.

You need to know that tehre are two types of jerk off instruction:

1. Jerk Off Encouragement

During the jerk off encouragement, the mistress is helping a male slave to reach orgasm so this can be viewed as a positive reinforcement.

2. Jerk Off Humiliation

In the case of jerk off humiliation, the slave is being made by the mistress to feel dirty or even ashamed of his arousal or desire to masturbate. In this situation, the male is engaged in a submissive fetish.

The mistress plays the role of an instructor but, at the same time, she is the one that controls the situation so she can help a man to reach orgasm in the shortest time or she can play with him by teasing him a little. This can be achieved by prolonging the arousal and by making the submissive man wait for a long time to reach orgasm, if the mistress even allows it.

Edging is a practice included in the jerk off instruction that brings the submissive male close to orgasm many times but, in the end, doesn’t allow him to get there.

Jerk Off instruction is a low-risk power exchange practice from BDSM because it is mainly focused on pleasure and not pain.

The Internet is a powerful source of jerk off instruction materials like videos on pornographic websites or live chats.

Young men that wish to get into all this BDSM thing can find JOI as the easiest way to start things. You already know that young guys often watch porn movies and start jerking off. After some time, they figure out that they get a lot more plesure by being controlled by a hot female.

JoyNights is reader-supported. We may earn a commission through products purchased using links on this page. Learn more about our process here

Masturbation is a pretty popular activity among younger men. It is a sexual act that involves you stimulating your sexual organ. While women insert their fingers or toys to please themselves, men often jerk off their penis. As we have hinted, jerking off doesn’t require a partner; it can be practiced alone.

Are you an inexperienced young man who doesn’t know how to jerk off? We are here to help you. There are different healthy ways you can jerk off and explore your body to orgasm. As long as you jerk off properly, the act is a healthy way of understanding your body sexually.

Apart from giving pleasure, jerking off promises an array of health benefits that we will explore in this article. Our guide is arguably your best bet to learn the different ways to masturbate, including the best masturbation positions, different ways for guys to masturbate, how to jerk off without lube, new ways to masturbate, and many more.

What A Good Jerk-off Can Do For You

Opinions on masturbation are divided; while some think it’s harmful, others contend it is quite beneficial. Trust us, masturbation is healthy if done properly. Also, a good jerk-off can greatly benefit your health and mood. Below are some of the benefits you can get from jerking off:

  1. It relieves stress
  2. It helps to sleep better
  3. It helps to boost the mood
  4. It helps to relax the body
  5. It provides pleasure
  6. It helps to relieve sexual tension
  7. It allows better sex
  8. It helps understand the body’s sexual wants and needs

How To Set The Mood

The first thing you need to do before jerking off is to set the mood around you. This action helps you set the right stage for the act and enjoy the pleasure. There are different ways you can set the mood and they are:

1.    Place

Masturbation shouldn’t always be a quickie; it can be an intentional act that you prepare for by setting up the right environment for it. You can pick a room in your house where everything feels relaxing and just right. You can decide to turn on or off the lights in the room depending on how the environment feels like. Such room allows you to get relaxed for the journey ahead.

2.    Music and vids

Listening to sex-themed songs and watching adult videos are probably some of the moves you make before having sex. You can also do them before you jerk off. Doing them gets you in the right mental state and makes the room the right environment for jerking off.

3.    Position

Another way to set the mood before jerking off is positioning yourself in the right way. Do you want to sit on a chair while you jerk off? Do you want to sit down on your bed? Do you want to jerk off while standing? These are questions you need to ask yourself before you embark on the act. Staying in the right position enhances pleasure.

4.    Toys and lubes

Toys and lubes are popular for spicing up sexual activities. There are different toys around to help; whether the best fleshlight girl, the best automatic masturbator or a realistic vagina that mimics the real vagina. You can also easily find the best lube for a handjob to enjoy a seamless action. You might not get a better lube than the Stroke 29 Personal Lubricant which provides you thick, non-greasy, and long-lasting formula for seamless masturbation.

5.    Choose a position

As we mentioned earlier, the position you choose influences the pleasure you receive from jerking off. If you have a Fleshlight toy, you can attach it to the wall and stand to jerk off. You can also sit down and use a realistic vagina to stimulate your penis. Lying down on your bed is another position you can take to jerk off.

6.    Prolong the pleasure

What’s a pleasure if it isn’t enjoyed for a long time? It’s almost nothing. While thinking about pleasuring yourself, you should also be thinking about how to jerk off for a long time. You can decide to take it slow to delay your orgasm and enjoy the stimulation for a longer time.

7.    Dress up

Who says you only have to dress up when you have an outing? You can decide to dress up for a mind-blowing masturbation session. Get yourself into something that gets you aroused to jerk off.

8.    Workout

Working out is another way to prepare yourself for jerking off. It’s not strange to feel horny after a good working out session because the action makes you release hormones such as adrenaline as well as dopamine, also known as the “feel-good” chemical.

Best Male Masturbation Techniques

There are several male masturbation techniques out there. We will be teaching you at least 20 creative ways to masturbate and enjoy sexual pleasure.

1.    Using pillow or sock

Do you have a pillow with an extra softcover? It works just fine for masturbation. Just fold it over and let it form a tight entry. Insert your penis into the hole and move in and out to stimulate your organ.

Even a sock can provide you a space to masturbate. All you need to do is insert a latex glove in the sock and use rubber bands to hold it in place. Use the rubber bands to decide how tight the sock masturbator should be. You can then insert your penis into the makeshift masturbator and screw it. That’s how to jerk off with a sock.

2.    Without lube

Lube is often used for masturbation but have you thought about jerking off without lube? Try it and you’ll likely enjoy it. Masturbating without lube helps your penis to stay hard by retaining blood in your organ. It also helps you to last longer before orgasm.

3.    Without porn

If you’ve been masturbating before, we can safely bet you use porn to get yourself aroused for action. You can decide to jerk off without porn and test your ability to be aroused without watching other people have sex. Create a fantasy and throw yourself into it to keep yourself aroused while you jerk off.

4.    Without hands

Although the hand is the most used tool for masturbation, there are other ways you can masturbate without using your hand. You can lay on your bed and place your erect penis against your soft blanket to jerk off. Just move to hips back and forth so that your penis can rub against the blanket.

5.    Using vibrators

When you hear about a vibrator, the first thing your mind goes to is the popular female masturbator. However, there are now vibrators designed for the penis. With a high-quality one like the Fun Factory Cobra Libre II Rechargeable Vibrator, your penis gets vibrations that feel good on it. With 3.5 insertable inches, this product centers the pleasure around your penis’s head.

6.    Prostate massage

A man’s prostate is also known as his ‘G-spot’ where he can get an intense, full-body pleasure. Gently use one finger to rub the inside and outside of your anal opening. Then, insert a finger to massage your prostate. You can increase the speed as the pleasure builds. If you don’t want to use your fingers, you can go for toys.

7.    Edging

You’re probably familiar with edging. That’s you coming close to climax, then you intentionally stop sexual stimulation to delay your orgasm. You wait for your penis to soften a bit and you return to stimulating it. The aim is usually to make the ultimate climax more intense.

8.    Using cock ring

Another male masturbation technique is getting your penis in a cock ring. A cock ring goes around your penis’s base, trapping the flow of blood in your shaft. This action helps to strengthen your erection while you jerk off.

9.    Friendly hand

Use your preferred hand to pleasure yourself. This move helps you to be in great control as you stimulate your penis.

10.  Watch yourself

Get a mirror in front of you and watch yourself masturbate. It sends a unique wave of pleasure down your spine as you jerk off.

11.  Feel your body

Your body has several erogenous zones, why not massage them to send sparks of pleasure throughout your body? You can rub, tug, pull, or squeeze your ears, mouth, neck, and lips to intensify your climax as you jerk off.

12.  Switch hands

Switching your hands is also a nice way to jerk off. This works like you changing your positions, causing you to feel different sensations that lead to an intense orgasm. You can try out your non-dominant hand to stimulate your penis and enjoy sexual pleasure.

13.  Numb arm

If you want to create a sensation that someone else is masturbating your penis, get your arm numbed. Tie a tiny rope around your arm to help it go numb, then use the hand to stimulate your penis. You will feel the sensation on your penis, but you won’t feel your hand doing the job.

14.  Sideways rub

The sideways rub is a departure from stroking your penis up and down; it is the act of stimulating your organ sideways. You can lay your penis flat on your belly and rub it until you climax.

15.  Ball play

Your testicles are quite sensitive thanks to the several nerve endings in them. So, it’s wise to utilize them as you masturbate. Play with your balls with one hand as you use your other hand to stimulate your penis.

16.  Underwear change

Your underwear can also help you reach climax. Get underwear made from soft-to-touch fabric and stroke your penis through the clothing without touching the organ directly. You can also lie down and move your hips back and forth to stimulate your penis with the underwear on you.

17.  Vary the speed

When masturbating, you must always watch your speed so that you can prolong the pleasure. Change your speed according to the sensations to avoid climaxing too early.

18.  Explore the spots

Apart from the p-spot we discussed, there’s also an F-spot that involves you stimulating your frenulum – the spot where your glans meets your shaft on the underside of your penis just below its head.

19.  Shower

Masturbating inside the shower is quite popular. The water and soap give you just the right lubrication to stimulate your organ to an exciting climax.

20.  Touch the nipples

You might not know this but your nipples can be really sensitive and capable of sending sexual pleasure throughout your body. Try to touch them while you jerk off.

21.   Be creative

As you’ve seen in the many steps above, there are a lot of creative ways to jerk off, you should try to find other exciting ways that make you feel great. Don’t be afraid of experiments and the pleasure will be with you.

Final Thoughts

Jerking off is no doubt an interesting sexual activity that guarantees you amazing sexual pleasure even when you’re alone. Here, you don’t need a partner to help you out; you are enough to help yourself. We have carefully examined many different techniques that can help you learn how to jerk off properly. You have to relax your mind before going ahead with any technique and be creative; don’t restrict yourself to the techniques in our guide.

There comes a time when we all need a little help to reach an orgasm. Whether this help is in the form of a partner who teases us and makes us lose our mind or it’s a hot girl on the other side of the screen encouraging us to climax or it’s something else entirely, it doesn’t matter. Everyone has their kinks and preferences in sex and porn. 

Through running this blog, both my girl and I have gotten requests for writing something erotic, something that is less a review and more about getting up close and personal. 

Maybe you’d like to know how I please a woman? 

Or maybe you’d enjoy picturing my curvy girlfriend having fun with your erection? 

Whatever the reason is, these requests have encouraged us to slowly, cautiously, venture into the world of JOI. Let’s start nice and slow, first with a definition of what that is, then where you can find great JOI, and finally, something sexy that my girl wrote specifically for you. 

What Is JOI and What Does It Mean?

cartoon of woman holding lollies over her breasts

JOI stands for Jerk Off Instructions, as it says in the title of this post. Basically, it is a role play where someone on the other side of the proverbial internet line encourages you to touch yourself and achieve an orgasm. 

This person can be of any sexual orientation and gender identity you like, and the JOI can come in the form of a porn video, a live stream, an audio recording, or a written story. That last one you will find in this review if you’re patient enough. 

JOI is a porn niche that many people enjoy. Some, in fact, find that they can’t orgasm without good JOI, or that they don’t appreciate their alone time as much. 

Regardless of why you’re curious about this, let me direct you to the best JOI I’ve ever stumbled upon. These will make your blood hot, dick hard, and toes curling in a blink of an eye.

The Best R/JOI You Need To See

woman in blue lingerie taking selfie on bed

Are you even truly surprised that there are endless JOI on Reddit? Well, you shouldn’t be. Reddit is porn heaven, where there are no kinks or fetishes without a lovely community that will welcome you with open arms. This social media platform is abundant with spicy stories and instructions for you to play around with and try to up your jerk-off game. 

Here, I will list my favorite JOI that you can find in the r/joi subreddit. They are video instructions, meaning you can just sit back and relax, unzip your pants and enjoy the ride. While the posts usually contain just a preview of the JOI, you usually can find the full version of the video in the comment section. 

Why don’t we start off with a mature bang:

MILF Shows Off Her Ass

With a low, sultry voice, right at the beginning, you know that this MILF means business. She is insanely hot, with shapely legs, perfectly round tits that she squeezes and kneads, and an ass that is maybe not too plump but is definitely worth the watch. She starts off the video in a skimpy silver dress and silver heels but ends it completely naked. 

You might notice grumbling about the lack of nipples in the comment section, and that would be my one complaint, too. This MILF keeps it tame and coy throughout, which isn’t a bad thing, but after eighteen minutes, you do wish for something more explicit to tip you over the edge. Overall, a nice, slightly vanilla experience.

Please Jerk Off So We Can Continue The Lesson

Following a clear storyline, this JOI begins with you being in the middle of a piano lesson with a hot MILF piano teacher. Raylene, as her name apparently is, is a convincing actress as she plays the part of a teacher who likes her student and is at first surprised at seeing him having pulled his dick out during the lesson.

However, she quickly recovers and starts undressing to encourage you. Unlike the previous MILF, this one doesn’t shy away from dirty talk or getting fully naked and spread open in front of you. A shot of her sucking on her own nipples is truly a sight to behold, so you can’t miss out on this steamy JOI. 

She Catches You Staring but Doesn’t Mind

What would you do if you suddenly found yourself near a hot blonde whose tits are hanging out of her loose top? You’d stare at them, of course! This is how the JOI starts, and it continues with those boobs coming out for some fun and an enticing JOI time.

The sad part is that the full video of this clip has been removed from the original website for whatever reason. You can still watch the preview on r/joi, but you can also search for more videos in the Downblouse Jerk series. It’s an entire genre and a website, so you can find plenty of more content like this in no time. 

Hot First Attempt at a JOI

This cutie doesn’t show her face, but she does a great job of making you beg for more. It is her first attempt at a JOI, but she checks all the boxes: husky voice, teasing and dirty talk, clear instructions, touching herself, exposing her small boobs, cute and hot and quickly getting you hard. 

While I don’t have any real complaints about this one, some of the other guys have suggested the addition of a countdown in her videos, which I wholeheartedly agree with. The countdown puts added pressure, makes you feel like you’re racing against time, and makes the orgasm that much more intense at the end. Do let me know in the comments what this hot girl’s last sentence does for you.

Busty Curly JOI

In one of the rare JOI on this list that includes sex toys, this curly babe is bound to make you hot and bothered in seconds. She is a little older, but a lot cuter, and her curly hair is something you will definitely want to pull on in ecstasy. At the same time, her boobs are huge and the way she sucks on her dildo leaves little to the imagination. 

The downside to this JOI is that, much like another one on this list, it has been removed from its original site. You only get the preview on Reddit, as well as a slightly longer version in a link at the top of the post. This longer version comes without any sound, though, so you have to imagine the glorious sucking noises this MILF is surely making. What a shame. 

Not Yet

Ever wanted to try orgasm denial? Now’s your chance, with the queen or edging herself. This redhead dom is very clear about what’s going to happen in the video: she is going to tease you and play with you, and she is going to satisfy herself with a toy, but you are absolutely not allowed to climax until she says it’s okay. I’m all about these types of games.

The sexy dom has a nice voice and an even nicer pussy. She uses a dildo to masturbate for you, with mind-reeling squelching noises, and good luck keeping it together when she starts licking her own juice off her fingers. While her acting may use a bit more polishing, this JOI is definitely worth checking out.

If you want more you can check out this amazing list of NSFW sub-reddits.

Other Amazing Jerk Off Instructions

sexy blue lingerie

If you’re not in a position to watch videos, maybe you’ll be more interested in audio JOI? Most of these are hosted on an erotic literature site, but they are actual audio recordings of people urging others to climax. 

Some of these are meant for women, so, ladies, you’re in exactly the right spot if you’ve come for some sexy voices to help you relax and get comfortable with touching yourself. Here are some of the best JOI audios out there:

Touch Yourself

Since this audio is over thirty-seven minutes long, you know you’ll have plenty of time to tease yourself before you’re ready to come. The male voice here has a slight British accent that my girlfriend tells me is incredibly sexy, and he is very good at reassuring you and making you feel safe. 

He introduces some elements of intimacy and gentleness, which you don’t often find in JOI for men. But this guy knows what women want, and he’s very detailed in his descriptions. The way his voice gets deeper and raspier at the end as he himself is nearing orgasm is truly something that will send hot shivers down your spine. 

Session 5

Secret Dreamer is a male recorder, but he is aware that he has a male fanbase as well, and he wanted to create a special treat for his male listeners. So essentially, this is a JOI meant for men loving men. Similarly to the previous one, the recorder has a nice accent that makes him sound foreign and seductive. 

He guides you to relax and lie down, and the entire audio is slow and sensual. He takes generous breaks for you to follow the pace without any problems, for you to actually perform what he’s asking you to do. I am not into gay erotica, but I think I would have liked him to just pick up the pace a tiny bit near the end so that the release after the build-up is more explosive.

The Succubus

If you’re unfamiliar with fantasy lore, a succubus is a type of demon that usually takes the form of a gorgeous woman intent on having sex with you over and over again. In this audio JOI, that is exactly what happens: you have summoned a succubus, and now she is focused solely on you, eager to get you hard and hear what you sound like when you orgasm. 

The female voice is smooth, easy to like and understand, and she plays the part of a dark, mysterious hell creature so well. She is not there to actually instruct you on how to jerk off, but to narrate a sex scene with you, complete with her moans and whiny whispers. With an unconventional twist, this JOI shouldn’t be overlooked in any way. 

Cock Worship III

Eve’s Cock Worship III starts with a naughty bang, without any slow overture or introduction of any kind. This sexy girl is all about worshipping your dick, and she is very open and honest about all the situations in which she loves it. She waxes poetic about your cock, more in a dirty way than in a literature way, which we all appreciate. 

Her voice is accompanied by wet and sucking sounds, as though you really are jerking off right next to her and obediently following her instructions; as though she really is on her knees in front of you and eager to take you in her mouth. I have to say that I haven’t heard audio this filthy in a long time, and I barely got to the end of it before I came. 

JOI Challenge

Exactly what its title says, this JOI is an orgasm challenge for women. Namely, the man narrating the JOI will count from one hundred to zero, at which point he will orgasm, and he hopes that you will, too. His rich voice reminds my girlfriend of Jamie Dornan, the 50 Shades of Gray actor, and his British accent is nothing to be sneered at. 

The countdown he does may not be for everyone, however. He is really into the counting and a little less into actually describing anything other than providing kissing and sucking noises at the same time. My girl says this didn’t exactly work for her since she felt pressured to come at the right time. But the myriad of positive comments this audio has suggests that plenty of ladies think otherwise.

Cum Edge With Me

Similarly to The Succubus JOI, this one is more of sex simulation and an audio sex story in first person POV than an actual JOI. Nevertheless, it gets the job done and so I’m including it in this list as one of my favorite stories ever that made me blackout a little when I came. The girl talking to you is consumed with want and so eager to get her hands on your body that it’s insane.

She does a wonderful job describing what she’d like you to do to her, what she’d like to do to you, followed by plenty of blowjob wet sounds. She also talks about how she’d like to ride you, and that is the part where I knew I’d be coming back to this JOI as many times as I possibly could.

If you enjoy these audios, you’ll love our nsfw asmr audios.

My Girlfriend Writes Her Own Jerk Off Instructions For You (Tell Her What You Think)

my girlfriend laying on a bed in her lingerie

Hi, baby. Did you miss me?

Missed my big tits? These pink nipples have been waiting for you. Look at how one is already peeking out of my lace bra. It’s happy to see you again.

I’m also happy to see you again. I told my boyfriend you’re the best cock I’ve ever had, including him.

He didn’t like that so much. Whatever. He doesn’t have any say in it, since he’s allowed me to fuck whoever I want.

And I want you, baby. I’m so excited to play with you again. 

Are you hard? Do you want to touch yourself for me? Just slowly, palm yourself over your clothes. Feel your dick, and imagine I’m feeling it. Fuck, I love it so much. I love feeling it grow under my hand. I love knowing that my body, my voice, my tits and my already wet little pussy are making you bigger. Harder. More eager. 

Do you like the lingerie set I picked out for you today? The red bra and the panties you can see my pussy through. If I turn around, you can see my whole ass, round as it is, since it’s just a string thong. If I bend over, you can see how ready I am for you. I bet you want to dip your finger inside, don’t you? 

Not yet! 

First, I want you to take out your cock. Oh my, it’s bigger than I remember it. Mmmmm, I’d love to wrap my lips around the head. You like the heat of my mouth, don’t you? You remember how good it felt when I swallowed you whole? 

How about stroking your cock a little for me? Without rush, slowly, from the bottom up to the tip. Like that, yes. 

Need a little wetness? Use lube or lotion, or spit into your hand. Imagine me licking a stripe from your balls all the way up to the head, maintaining eye contact the whole time. I love watching you when your dick is in my mouth. I love seeing your reactions, and I love how you watch me while I’m blowing you. 

That’s it, baby, I’m going to make you feel so good. I’m slipping off the straps of my bra, and my tits are so big they’re already spilling out. They’re all-natural, baby, and they really want you to squeeze them. I love it when you play with my nipples when you twist them and suck them into your mouth. 

Fuck, I’m so wet. Are you stroking your cock, baby? Does it feel good? Don’t you dare go faster! This isn’t about a quick, easy release. This is going to be a build-up, slow and steady, and you’re going to be begging me to cum by the end of it. 

See how there’s already a wet patch on my panties? If I sit down and spread my legs, my smooth, smooth legs, you can clearly see how much I need you. 

If I pull the thong to the side, you get a nice shot of my clean pussy, pink and shining. Want to put a finger in? 

Keep jerking off and imagine how you’re putting a finger in my mouth. I want to make it nice and wet so you can then take that finger and slide it into me. Oh, I go tense all over.

I would go crazy on that one finger. In and out, in and out of my heat… I would need you to add more and fast because I’m impatient and hungry to be filled up. 

Are you still stroking yourself slowly? Want to make it a tiny bit quicker? Just a little bit, just enough to picture yourself jerking off while you’re fucking me with your fingers. Keep it wet, baby, keep it nice and wet and easy for yourself.

I wouldn’t last long before I’d be pleading for your cock. I meant it when I said I loved it. I don’t even want you to take off my panties. I just want you to keep them out of the way, align yourself, and tease me with your cockhead. Smearing my juices down, all the way to my ass, making me shiver, and back up again. 

Then I want you to slam into me as hard as you can. 

I would cry out. I know you like it hard, I know you like to pound into me with such force that my tits bounce all over. 

Do you feel it? Is your hand working you just the way you want it to? 

Can you picture looking down at where your cock is going inside my pussy? How my legs are wide-stretching every day for you – and how my wetness makes lewd noises just for you. 

I would moan so loud. You know I can barely control myself. I don’t care who hears. Are you also being loud, baby? I want to hear how you breathe hard, I want to hear you moan as you pump your cock, the way I moan for you as you fuck me. 

It’s coming, isn’t it? I feel it, oh fuck, I really feel it… White heat pooling in your gut, my tits in your face, my new lacy thong completely ruined as you take me without mercy. 

Want to come for me, baby? Are you going really fast now? Are you close? 

I’m close. I’m so close… I want you to come, okay? I want you to come, please, please baby, fill me up all the way to the brim. I want you to come for me, bury yourself inside as my pussy clenches around you, as you shoot your load as deep as you can. If I’m lucky, a little bit will drip out once you pull away and leave a nice picture for you to remember me by. 

If I’m lucky, next time you’ll have a go at fucking my ass.

See you soon!

Where To Find More Jerk Off Instructions

After that porn-filled break, here is a brief list of some more websites you can browse for JOI, whether in audio, video or text form:

  • Tumblr
  • PornHub
  • Erome (one of the biggest collections)
  • Spankbang
  • These erotic sites

Hope you enjoyed this and if you want more let me know. My girlfriends thinking about doing voice JOI so, if you want that let us know and she will make it happen.


I’m Willow, I’m Brandon’s girlfriend and we run this blog together (with the help of some friends). We both have an open relationship and both love being kinky (I mean who doesn’t?). I love writing, music and my Womanizer. If you have any questions leave them in the comments.

Updated: FEBRUARY 20, 2018

Jerkoff instruction is verbal and sometimes visual prompts about how a man should masturbate and when to orgasm, if at all. Jerkoff instruction is often a component of orgasm denial, as practiced by couples in the BDSM community. However, it can also be an element of foreplay for vanilla couples.

Jerkoff instruction is often shortened to the acronym JOI.

More About Jerkoff Instruction (JOI)

During Jerkoff instruction, an instructor tells and sometimes shows a man how to masturbate. The instruction will usually tell men how hard or soft to jerk off, how rapid his strokes should be, and where he should touch. The instructor may also use a visual aid, like a dildo or vibrator, to demonstrate the right technique.

There are two main types of jerkoff instruction: jerkoff encouragement, which is positive reinforcement helping a male to orgasm, and jerkoff humiliation, which plays on submissive fetishes by making the man feel dirty or ashamed of his arousal and desire to masturbate.

During jerkoff instruction, the instructor may aim to help a man orgasm as soon as possible or tease him a little. The instructor may want to prolong arousal and make the man wait a long time for an orgasm, if indeed he has one at all. A practice called edging may bring the man close to orgasm many times, but never let him quite get there.

Jerkoff instruction can be an accessible way to experiment with BDSM, as the man masturbating must forfeit some level of control to his instructor. However, it is a low-risk power exchange compared to many BDSM practices, as it focuses entirely on pleasure, not pain.

A man may enjoy jerkoff instruction with his partner or seek this kind of sexual pleasure from other sources. Some sex workers make jerkoff instruction part of their repertoire. There are also many online sources for jerkoff instruction, including videos archived on pornographic websites and live video chats.

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