Kavo primus 1058 life инструкция

  • Турбинные наконечникиСерия MASTERtorqueТурбинные наконечникиСерия EXPERTtorqueТурбинные наконечникиСерия SMARTtorqueТурбинные наконечникиОбзор турбинных наконечников

    Турбинные наконечники

    Ассортимент турбинных наконечников KaVo состоит из трёх серий: MASTER, EXPERT, SMART. При производстве мы тестируем и балансируем каждую роторную группу. Это позволяет снизить уровень шума и соответствовать высочайшим стандартам качества.

    Механические наконечники

    Механические наконечники KaVo  позволяют почувствовать уверенность при лечении наиболее сложных клинических случаев. Механические системы KaVo  — это угловые и прямые наконечники, серия коротких и легких моторов.

    Обработка и уход за наконечниками

    KaVo QUATTROcare PLUS 2124A — программируемый прибор для чистки, смазки и продувки четырех наконечников одновременно. Автоматический дозатор выдает необходимое количество масла для предстерилизационной обработки наконенчика. Соблюдение правил ухода за стомалогическими инструментами позволяет продлить срок службы и уменьшить стоимость ремонта.

    Хирургическая программа

    Хирургическая программа KaVo — это система высококачественных инструментов для имплантологии и хирургии. Основные преимущества — это яркий интуитивно понятный дисплей, легкость настройки и использования, калибровка одним касанием. Физиодиспенсеры MASTERsurg и EXPERTsurg обладают точными настройками крутящего момента и скорости.

    Специализированные инструменты

    Ассортимент специализированных инструментов KaVo включает в себя воздушно-порошковые и воздушно-аброзивные наконечники, воздушные и пьезоскейлеры, а также иструмент для снятия коронок и мостов.

    Микромоторы и быстросъемные соединения

    Пневматические микромоторы KaVo предназначены для работы на низкой скорости: экскавации кариеса, эндодонтии, полировки и препарирования под реставрации в сочетании с повышающим наконечником. Быстросъемные соединение MULTIflex предназначены для быстрого подсоединения к воздушному шлангу турбинных наконечников и других воздушных инструментов. 

    Диагностическая программа KaVo

    KaVo DIAGNOcam — это компактное и мобильное устройство для диагностики кариеса. Для сканирования коронковой части зуба используется технология DIFOTI (цифровая волоконно-оптическая трансиллюминация). При помощи DIAGNOcam можно выявить окклюзионный, интерпроксимальный и вторичный кариес, а также трещины эмали. 

    Расходные материалы

    Расходные материалы и средства для ухода за зубами для вашей повседневной работы.

    Стоматологические установкиESTETICA E70/E80 VisionСтоматологические установкиESTETICA E50 LifeСтоматологические установкиPrimus 1058 LifeСтоматологические установкиESTETICA E30

    Стоматологические установки

    Обзор всех стоматологических установок KaVo. 

    Коммуникация с пациентом

    Оптимальная высокачественная организация коммуникации с пациентом. 

    Операционные лампы

    Светодиодное освещение для вашей практике


    Вы работаете много часов в сидячем положении изо дня в день. Особенно важно принимать устойчивую, эргономически здоровую и удобную позу. Вам нужен стул дантиста, который оказывает положительное долгосрочное воздействие на вашу позу и одновременно обеспечивает свободу передвижения. Новый KaVo PHYSIO ™ Evo, ориентированный на эргономику KaVo, разработан точно в соответствии с потребностями и рабочими процессами стоматологов.

    Уход за техникой

    Гигиена всегда была в центре внимания стоматологической практики. Мы в KaVo осознаем свою ответственность и поэтому на протяжении десятилетий разрабатываем решения, которые делают работу в стоматологическом кабинете более безопасной и простой для всех вовлеченных в процесс.

    Дополнительные опции и аксессуары

    Аксессуары для вашего стоматологического оборудования, включая ультразвуковые весы, моторы, стоматологические стулья и инструменты.

    Лабораторные моторыK-ERGOgripЛабораторные моторыK-POWERgripЛабораторные моторыK5plusЛабораторные моторыK-Control TLC

    Лабораторные моторы

    Лабораторные моторы KaVo пользуются доверием со стороны зубных техников по всему миру. Такие моторы  как K-ERGOgrip, K-POWERgrip и K5 Plus обладают такими характеристиками как: легкий вес, идеальная сбалансированность, мощность и низкий уровень шума.

    Артикуляционная система

    Артикуляторы и лицевая дуга от KaVo: невероятная точность и простота в применении на практике.

    1. Инструкции и руководства
    2. Бренды
    3. KaVo
    4. Primus 1058 Life TM
    5. Инструкция С Настройками

    Instructions for use

    Primus 1058 Life

    [Page 1] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life

    [Page 2] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Manufacturer: Kaltenbach & Voigt GmbH Bismarckring 39 D-88400 Biberach www.kavo.com Distributed by: KaVo Dental GmbH Bismarckring 39 D-88400 Biberach Phone +49 (0) 7351 56-0 Fax +49 (0) 7351 56-1488

    [Page 3] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Table of contents 1 User instructions …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 1.1 User guide ………………………………………………………………………….

    [Page 4] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    3.10.1 Rating plate 1440 ………………………………………………………………………………….. 36 3.11Technical data ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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    6.4 Dentist unit……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 89 7 Safety check — Test instructions ………………………………………………………………………..

    [Page 6] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 1 User instructions | 1.1 User guide 6 / 126 1 User instructions 1.1 User guide Requirement Read these instructions prior to first use to avoid misuse and prevent damage. 1.1.1 Abbreviations Ab- brevi- ation Expl…

    [Page 7] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 1 User instructions | 1.2 Service 1.2 Service KaVo Customer Service: +49 (0) 7351 56-1000 [email protected] or [email protected] Please refer to the serial number of the product…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 1 User instructions | 1.4 Transportation and storage 8 / 126 1.4.2 Damage in transit In Germany If the packaging is visibly damaged on delivery, please proceed as follows: 1. The recipient of the package must rec…

    [Page 9] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 1 User instructions | 1.4 Transportation and storage 1.4.3 Information on the packaging: Storage and transportation Note Please keep the packaging in case you need to return the product for servi- cing or repair….

    [Page 10] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 2 Safety | 2.1 Description of safety instructions 10 / 126 2 Safety 2.1 Description of safety instructions 2.1.1 Warning symbol Warning symbol 2.1.2 Structure DANGER The introduction describes the type and sourc…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 2 Safety | 2.2 Purpose – Proper use «Proper use» includes compliance with all information in the Instructions for Use and ensuring that all inspections and service tasks are performed. The KaVo servic…

    [Page 12] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 2 Safety | 2.2 Purpose – Proper use 12 / 126 The services encompass all the test tasks required in accordance with § 6 of the medical devices operator ordinance (Medizinprodukte-Betreiberverordnung, MP- Betrei…

    [Page 13] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 2 Safety | 2.3 Safety instructions The KaVo Primus 1058 Life equipment system is a dental treatment centre in accordance with ISO 7494 equipped with a patient chair in accordance with ISO 6875. KaVo three-way and…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 2 Safety | 2.3 Safety instructions 14 / 126 WARNING Inappropriate operating conditions. Impairment of the electrical safety of the device. ▶ It is essential to comply with the operating conditions specified in…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 2 Safety | 2.3 Safety instructions CAUTION Malfunctions due to electromagnetic fields. The product meets the applicable requirements regarding electromagnetic fields. Given the complex interactions between equip…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 2 Safety | 2.3 Safety instructions 16 / 126 CAUTION Risk of injury by suspended instruments (S table). Patients may get injured by sharp instrument tips. ▶ When you move the dentist’s unit, make sure that…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 2 Safety | 2.3 Safety instructions CAUTION Third-party device connection assembly kit (optional): Risk of reverse contamination by stagnant water. Infections. If a water consumer is connected to the third-party …

    [Page 18] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.1 Treatment unit versions 18 / 126 3 Product description 3.1 Treatment unit versions 3.1.1 KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM 3.1.2 KaVo Primus 1058 Life S

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.1 Treatment unit versions 3.1.3 KaVo Primus 1058 Life C 3.1.4 KaVo Primus 1058 Life C with right-side set-up kit 19 / 126

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.2 Patient chair Standard and COMPACTchair 20 / 126 3.2 Patient chair Standard and COMPACTchair ① Headrest ② Backrest ③ Chair base ④ Seat ⑤ Arm rest (optional)

    [Page 21] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.3 Device body with patient unit 3.3 Device body with patient unit ① Patient element ② Unit body The central control is housed in the unit body. ③ Pressurised water bottle (suppleme…

    [Page 22] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.4 Dentist unit versions 22 / 126 3.4 Dentist unit versions 3.4.1 TM/C table ① Handle ② Turbine (multiflex coupling) ③ INTRA LUX motor KL 703 or INTRA LUX motor KL 701 ④ Ultrasoni…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.4 Dentist unit versions 3.4.2 S table Note The holder assignment and arrangement of the instruments can be changed as needed and does not have to follow the picture. ① Control element …

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.5 Assistant element – Versions 24 / 126 3.5 Assistant element – Versions 3.5.1 Standard assistant unit ① Three-function or multifunctional handpiece ② Spray mist suction ③ Cont…

    [Page 25] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.5 Assistant element – Versions 3.5.2 Assistant element right, left (optional, only in conjunction with patient chair Standard) ① Triple function handpiece ② Spray mist suction ③ …

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.6 Three function handpiece (3F handpiece) 26 / 126 3.6 Three function handpiece (3F handpiece) ① MF handpiece hose ② Gripping sleeve ③ Media buttons (air/water) ④ Labelled blue: …

    [Page 27] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.8 X-ray viewer 1440 3.8 X-ray viewer 1440 X-ray viewer 1440 Note The KaVo X-ray viewer 1440 is a type 1 radiological viewing device in accord- ance as defined in DIN 6856-3. 3.9 Controls…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.9 Controls 28 / 126 Dentist element S-table A Group of keys for menu selection (MEMOspeed optional) B Group of keys for the timer C Group of keys for the handpieces D Group of keys for t…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.9 Controls Assistant element key Dentist element key Name «Chair up» key «AP 0» key (automatic position 0) «Chair down» key «SP» key (rinsing posi…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.9 Controls 30 / 126 Key Name Control element «Bowl rinsing» key Dentist element and assistant element «Intensive germ reduc- tion» key Assistant element (op- tional) …

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.10 Rating plate and identification plate Item Name Function with hand- piece mounted Function with hand- piece removed ① «Spray pre-selection/ AP» footswitch Moves the dental…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.10 Rating plate and identification plate 32 / 126 Internal attachment site for rating plate Outside attachment site for rating plate SN Serial number Read and take note of the content of…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.10 Rating plate and identification plate Operating mode: Operating time of the patient chair: 25 seconds Pause time of the patient chair: 400 seconds (The permissible operating times cor…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.10 Rating plate and identification plate 34 / 126 Nameplate dentist element (e.g. table TM) / marking of the applied parts of type BF Type Device type SN Year of manufacture — serial num…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.10 Rating plate and identification plate Rating plate Service table 1568 Site for affixing the rating plate 4 5 6 7 ① Device type ② Material number ③ Year and month manufactured …

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.11 Technical data 36 / 126 3.10.1 Rating plate 1440 1 3 2 4 5 6 8 9 7 Rating plate X-ray viewer 1440 ① Device type ② SN: Year and month manufactured — Serial number ③ Material nu…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.11 Technical data Electrical system Electrical lead 3 x 2.5 mm 2 Free end above the floor 1 000 mm Input voltages 100/110/120/130/220/230/240 V AC Frequency 50/60 Hz Input voltage set by…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.11 Technical data 38 / 126 Electrical multifunctional handpiece Safety extra-low voltage according to DIN EN 60601-1: 24 V AC ± 10% (non-grounded voltage) Frequency 50/60 Hz Type of use…

    [Page 39] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.11 Technical data WARNING Risk of infection if the «Water block, compact» is used without addi- tional safeguards. Contamination of the treatment water and/or drinking water s…

    [Page 40] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.11 Technical data 40 / 126 Air supply WARNING Non-compliance with national guidelines concerning the quality of the dental air. Infection hazard. ▶ Note and comply with the national g…

    [Page 41] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.11 Technical data Cannula connecting pieces according to DIN EN ISO 7494 — 2 Diameter of cannula of saliva ejector and surgical suction 7mm Diameter of cannula of spray mist suction 1…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.11 Technical data 42 / 126 Maximum loads Max. patient weight load on patient chair Standard 185 kg Max. patient weight load COMPACTchair 135 kg Tray holder of the dentist element — loada…

    [Page 43] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 3 Product description | 3.12 KaVo Service table 1568 (optional accessory) X-ray viewer 1440 Input voltage 24 V AC Frequency 50/60 Hertz Power consumption max. 35 VA ON-time 100 % Lights 2x Osram Lumilux de Luxe G…

    [Page 44] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.1 Switching the device on and off 44 / 126 4 Operation 4.1 Switching the device on and off Note Always switch the machine off before leaving the office. ▶ Switch on the device using the main swi…

    [Page 45] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.2 Adjusting the dental chair 4.2 Adjusting the dental chair 4.2.1 Adjusting the arm rest (optional) Armrest for the standard dental chair To make it easier for the patient to sit in the chair, the…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.2 Adjusting the dental chair 46 / 126 4.2.2 Adjust head rest Adjust double-jointed knob headrest with knob CAUTION Adjusting the headrest. Injury to the neck muscles. ▶ Make sure that the patie…

    [Page 47] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.2 Adjusting the dental chair Setting the push button of 2-joint headrest (optional) CAUTION Adjusting the headrest. Injury to the neck muscles. ▶ Make sure that the patient is aware of the head…

    [Page 48] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.2 Adjusting the dental chair 48 / 126 4.2.3 Positioning the dental chair manually CAUTION Danger of injury from overload or dynamic load. Patient chair may be damaged by overloading it. ▶ Do no…

    [Page 49] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.2 Adjusting the dental chair Positioning the chair and backrest manually using the foot control The cross switch of the foot control assumes the function of the button wheel on the dentist element…

    [Page 50] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.2 Adjusting the dental chair 50 / 126 The four chair positions can be saved on the control panels. Two of these four positions can be saved with the foot control. It is for example recommendable t…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.2 Adjusting the dental chair Note The memory is erased when you turn off the device. After turning on the device again (for example in the morning or after lunch), the chair does not execute a spe…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.2 Adjusting the dental chair 52 / 126 ① Spray preselection/AP footswitch ② Blown air/AP footswitch ③ Foot pedal The chair positions can be recalled with two foot switches; the standard setti…

    [Page 53] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.2 Adjusting the dental chair Saving an automatic position with the foot control ① Spray preselection/AP footswitch ② Blown air/AP footswitch ③ Foot pedal The chair positions can be saved on …

    [Page 54] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.2 Adjusting the dental chair 54 / 126 CAUTION Pinching from the treatment chair. The safety shutoff of the treatment chair is activated by lifting the respective component. Depending on the patie…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.2 Adjusting the dental chair Safety shutoff for the COMPACTchair patient chair ① Patient element pivoted over dental chair ② Assistant element ③ Backrest ④ Bracket on the foot control ⑤ …

    [Page 56] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.3 Moving the patient chair 56 / 126 Note The chair’s position cannot be changed with the key wheels when a safety shutoff is activated. Exception: The patient unit safety switch only stops th…

    [Page 57] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.4 Move the dentist’s unit 4.4 Move the dentist’s unit NOTICE Damage from overloading the dentist element. Exceeding the maximum weight of more than 2 kg by adding handpieces, ac- cessori…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.4 Move the dentist’s unit 58 / 126 4.4.1 Move the cart CAUTION Moving and overloading the cart. Danger of tipping and damaging the cart. ▶ Only use the card on a continuously smooth floor….

    [Page 59] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.5 Move the patient unit 4.5 Move the patient unit 4.5.1 Swing the patient unit by hand The swinging range is about 250 o . CAUTION The left armrest can collide with the manually adjusted patient&…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.6 Moving the assistant element 60 / 126 ▶ To set a lower level, pull the assistant unit all the way up until the lock re- leases, and then lower the assistant unit. Mounting the tray holder ▶ …

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.6 Moving the assistant element Pivoting range of assistant element r, l (optional) ▶ Move the backrest up before swinging the assistant element. ▶ Move the assistant element to the desired pos…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu 62 / 126 4.7 Using functions through the menu 4.7.1 Using the user menu The following options can be opened in the user menu: Op- tion Feature Description 1 Firm…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu Option 1: Displaying the firmware version The firmware version is displayed Option 2: Setting the time of day ▶ Press the «SET» (S2) key to change th…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu 64 / 126 Option 3: Set the date ▶ Press the «SET» (S2) key to change the values of day, month, and year. ð The value to be changed flashes. ▶ Pres…

    [Page 65] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu Option 5: Setting the language ▶ Press the «Decrease value» or «Increase value» key to select the menu lan- guage. The following languages …

    [Page 66] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu 66 / 126 4.7.2 Standby menu Standby menu as default setting The unit starts in the standby menu. Select function The display shows display fields with symbols fo…

    [Page 67] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu Note The device acts like on level E when level switching is deactivated. ▶ To switch between levels, keep the «Direction of motor rotation» and the …

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu 68 / 126 ▶ Press the selection keys «+» ② and «-» ① to switch between multiple status messages. ▶ Press the «OK» selection …

    [Page 69] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu 4.7.3 Operating the MEMOspeed menu (optional) The MEMOspeed menu is used to display and set handpiece-specific values. The display depends on which instrument wa…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu 70 / 126 ▶ Press the «Increase value» key to increase the speed. ð The intensity is shown on the display. ▶ Press the «Save» key to save…

    [Page 71] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu Setting the speed Note The speed can be set at level E only with the foot pedal. The speed cannot be saved in level E. Motor KL 701/KL 703 COMFORTdrive 200XD Min…

    [Page 72] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu 72 / 126 Key Feature One LED is on: Spray air cooling status Both LEDs are on: Spray cooling status ▶ Press the «Save» key to save the values. You ca…

    [Page 73] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu Settings menu for minimal/maximal intensity ▶ Press the «min/max» (S4) keyed to toggle between the settings menus for minimal and maximal intensity i…

    [Page 74] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu 74 / 126 Key Feature No LED is on: No cooling Both LEDs are on: Spray cooling status ▶ Press the «Save» key to save the values. You can save after se…

    [Page 75] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.7 Using functions through the menu 4.7.4 Using the CONEXIOcom (optional) Note To start the CONEXIOcom menu, no handpiece may be removed. Note For all CONEXIOcom functions, the dental unit must be …

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.8 Using function through the dentist or assistant unit 76 / 126 No Icon Setting 3 Next image/video To be able to communicate efficiently with the pa- tient, individual images can be selected and d…

    [Page 77] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.8 Using function through the dentist or assistant unit Key Name Feature Control ele- ment «Intensive germ reduction» key Intensive germ reduction/rinsing function See also: 2 Servicing i…

    [Page 78] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.8 Using function through the dentist or assistant unit 78 / 126 ð Once the key is released, the current value is saved. 4.8.2 Using lamp and X-ray image viewer The following buttons are available…

    [Page 79] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.8 Using function through the dentist or assistant unit Setting the timer Requirement Standby menu is selected. ▶ To set a timer time (e.g. Timer 1), press the «Timer» key until you hea…

    [Page 80] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.8 Using function through the dentist or assistant unit 80 / 126 Note The speed is not shown in the display cannot be saved. The minimum and maximum speed depends upon the type of turbine that is u…

    [Page 81] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.8 Using function through the dentist or assistant unit T M ▶ Press the «Direction of motor rotation» foot pedal. ð The direction of motor rotation is reversed each time the cross-sw…

    [Page 82] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.9 Operating the foot switch 82 / 126 4.9 Operating the foot switch 4.9.1 General functions The footswitches of the foot control have two functions. The function of the con- trol depends on whether…

    [Page 83] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.9 Operating the foot switch 4.9.5 Setting the cooling condition ▶ Remove the handpiece (e.g turbine, motor) from the holder. ð The handpiece is active. ▶ Press the «Preselected spray&quo…

    [Page 84] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.10 Service table 1568 (optional accessory) 84 / 126 4.9.9 Using CONEXIOcom (fee-based additional option) No Setting ① U-shaped switch Discard image/video Press briefly — deletes the selected ima…

    [Page 85] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.10 Service table 1568 (optional accessory) CAUTION Over-travel beyond swivel range. Property damage. ▶ Comply with rotary knob swivel range of 180°. The service table 1568 can be locked in 4 s…

    [Page 86] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 4 Operation | 4.10 Service table 1568 (optional accessory) 86 / 126 Dimensions and swing ranges (in mm)

    [Page 87] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 5 Preparation methods DIN EN ISO 17664 5 Preparation methods DIN EN ISO 17664 Note The preparation methods can be found in the care instructions. 87 / 126

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 6 Accessories and kits | 6.1 Device 88 / 126 6 Accessories and kits 6.1 Device Name Description Water block DVGW with integrated water germ re- duction system With a DVGW permit and electronic monitoring of the f…

    [Page 89] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 6 Accessories and kits | 6.3 Assistant unit Name Description 2-hinge head rest with rotary knob Controlled by rotary knob 2-hinge headrest with push button Controlled by push button Backrest Progress Correct work…

    [Page 90] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 7 Safety check — Test instructions | 7.1 Introduction 90 / 126 7 Safety check — Test instructions 7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 General instructions Note The safety check may only be carried out by one or more electrici…

    [Page 91] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 7 Safety check — Test instructions | 7.1 Introduction Note KaVo offers a medical device book for keeping an inventory and recording es- sential master data on the medical device. The medical device book is only a…

    [Page 92] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 7 Safety check — Test instructions | 7.1 Introduction 92 / 126 Note If it should be impossible to check single ME devices that are functionally connected to an ME system individually for technical reasons, the ME…

    [Page 93] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 7 Safety check — Test instructions | 7.2 Instructions for the safety check 7.1.6 Notes on repeat testing Note The value determined in these tests must be documented and evaluated to- gether with the measuring pro…

    [Page 94] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 7 Safety check — Test instructions | 7.2 Instructions for the safety check 94 / 126 7.2.2 Visual inspection (inspection by examination) Check the following items in advance: ▪ Has the equipment of the ME device…

    [Page 95] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 7 Safety check — Test instructions | 7.2 Instructions for the safety check ▪ Condition of air and water connections ▪ Any damage on the sight window and the casing of the camera ERGOcam ▪ Expiry date of the…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 7 Safety check — Test instructions | 7.2 Instructions for the safety check 96 / 126 Note Any irregularities determined in the visual inspection must be recorded in the test protocol. It is essential to determine …

    [Page 97] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 7 Safety check — Test instructions | 7.2 Instructions for the safety check Using the measuring cable ① the unit is disconnected from the mains supply and connection of the treatment centre to the safety tester …

    [Page 98] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 7 Safety check — Test instructions | 7.2 Instructions for the safety check 98 / 126 Connecting the safety tester without the KaVo measuring cable to the treatment centre ▶ Switch L + N of the on-site power supp…

    [Page 99] KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM

    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 7 Safety check — Test instructions | 7.2 Instructions for the safety check Note Additional measuring points AP X must be taken into consideration in the presence of accessories: e.g. accessories such as PIEZO ult…

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    Instructions for use Primus 1058 Life 7 Safety check — Test instructions | 7.2 Instructions for the safety check 100 / 126 Note In this measurement the resistance of the protective earth connection of the supply network can be taken into consideratio…

    Document’s Content and Additional Information Share Manual

    KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM Care instructions

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    • Care instructions for KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM
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    • KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM Care instructions ESTETICA E50 Life 2 Setup methods according to ISO 17664 | 2.4 Preparation of the dentist unit Approved disinfectants: ▪ CaviCide / CaviWipes (Metrex) ▪ Microcide AF Liquid (Schülke & Mayr) ▪ FD 322 (Dürr Dental) ▪ Incidin Liquid (Ecolab) ▶ Clean the surfaces and upholstery with a soft cloth and water, and wipe-dis- infect t …

    • KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM Care instructions ESTETICA E50 Life 3 Replacing and checking cleaning and germ reduction agents | 3.1 Replenish OXYGENAL 6 50 / 58 Removing and cleaning the water bottle ▶ Slowly turn the water bottle counterclockwise to take it off. Note This allows the over-pressure to be released slowly from the water bottle. Note The water in the water bottle needs to …

    • KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM Table of contents 1 User instructions …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 1.1 User guide …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 1.1.1 Abbreviations …………………………………………….. …

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    KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM Care instructions

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    KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM Care instructions

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    KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM Short instructions for use

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    KaVo KaVo Primus 1058 Life TM User manual manual

    • 126 |

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