Kx td1232 инструкция по программированию

KX-TD816/ KX-TD816B
KX-TD1232/ KX-TD1232B
KX-TD1232D/ KX-TD1232DB


Программирование осуществляется с цифрового телефона KX-T7235 или KX-T7230 и с первого абонентского комплекта (абонент 1, внутренний номер 101), если не назначен управляющий.

При программировании, ниже некоторых пунктов, указаны надписи на индикаторе цифрового телефона.(пр. #CO1-101)

Вход в режим программирования:

2. Ввести код доступа (первоначально *#1234);
3. Затем вводятся номера программ.

Абонент — порядковый номер абонента (место его подключения к АТС): 01…64.

Стирание неправильной записи — CLEAR.

Управляющее программирование.

000 Установка даты и времени.
001 Запись телефонных номеров в память системы (система быстрого набора).
002 Назначение имен абонентам в системе быстрого набора.
003 Установка номеров абонентов.
004 Присвоение имен абонентам.
005 Программирование кнопок на цифровом телефонном аппарате.
006 Назначение оператора и управляющего.
007 Подключение консоли быстрого набора.
008 Сообщения об отсутствии абонента.


В абонентском комплекте аналоговой и цифровой линиям присваиваются разные номера (увеличивается число абонентов АТС). При этом цифровой и аналоговый телефоны работают независимо.


Абонент: KX-TD816   01…16,
        * (*=все абоненты)
    KX-TD1232 01…64,
        * (*=все абоненты)
  Disable (запрет)
  Enable (разрешено)

  Все абоненты — Disable (Запрет)


1.   600.
     XDP Assign
2.   NEXT.
     Jack NO?->
3.   Абонент или NEXT.
4.   SELECT — разрешение или запрет.
5.   STORE.
6.   END.


• Если абонентский комплект используется для подключения консоли быстрого набора (DSS порт) — «Disable».
• Если для абонента установлено «Enable», то нумерация будет следующей:  (пример) 115 — цифровой телефон; 215 — аналоговый телефон.


Класс обслуживания определяет возможности, предоставляемые абонентам.


Абонент: KX-TD816  01…16 ,
       * (-1/-2)
    KX-TD1232 01…64 ,
       * (-1/-2)
       (*=все абоненты,
        -1=первый абонент,
        -2=второй абонент)
  Класс обслуживания:  1…8

  Все абоненты-1/2 — Класс обслуживания 1


1.   601.
     COS Assign
2.   NEXT.
     Jack No?->
3.   Абонент или NEXT.
4.   Класс обслуживания.
5.   STORE
6.   END.


• Каждому классу сервиса присваиваются свои возможности и ограничения в программах [500]-[508], [991].
• В программе [811] назначается класс сервиса для каждого кода пользователя DISA.


Внутренние абоненты разбиваются на группы (для осуществления групповых вызовов, перехвата вызовов и т.д.).


Абонент: KX-TD816  01…16, * (-1/-2),
    KX-TD1232 01…64, * (-1/-2)
        (*= все абоненты,
       -1 = первый абонент,
       -2 = второй абонент)
  Абонентская группа:  1…8

  Все абоненты -1/2 — Абонентская группа 1


1.   602.
     EXT Group Asn
2.   NEXT.
     Jack NO?->
3.   Абонент (01…64) или NEXT.
4.   Номер абонентской группы (1…8).
5.   STORE.
6.   END.


• Каждый абонент может принадлежать только одной группе.


Вызов с внешней линии передается на более чем одного абонента.


Абонент: KX-TD816  01…16 * (-1/-2)
    KX-TD1232 01…64 * (-1/-2)
       (*=все абоненты,
       1=первый абонент,
       2=второй абонент)
  Номер внешней линии (вариант 1):
    KX-TD816  01…08 * (*=все линии)
    KX-TD1232 01…24 * (*=все линии)
   Номер группы внешних линий (вариант 2):
       1…8, * (* =все группы)
       Disable (запрет),
       Immdt (без задержки),
       1RNG (задержка на 1 звонок),
       3RNG (задержка на 3 звонка),
       6RNG (задержка на 6 звонков),
       NoRNG (не звенит)

В разных версиях программного обеспечения используются первый или второй варианты.

  Все абоненты-1/2 —
  Все внешние линии(все группы внешних линий) — Immdt

1.   Адрес программы (603 днем, 604 ночью).
     DIL 1:N Asn Day
2.   NEXT.
     Jack NO?->
3.   Абонент или NEXT.
4.   Номер внешней линии или ->, или <.
5.   SELEKT для выбора назначения или отмены звонков.
6.   STORE — запоминание.
7.   END.          


Каждому абоненту назначается исходящая внешняя линия.


Абонент: KX-TD816  01…16, * (-1/-2)
    KX-TD1232 01…64, * (-1/-2)
       (*=все абоненты,
       1=первый абонент,
       2=второй абонент)
  Номер внешней линии:
    KX-TD816  01…08, * (*=все линии)
    KX-TD1232 01…24, * (*=все линии)
Enable (разрешено)
  Disable (запрет)

  Все абоненты-1/2
  Все внешние линии — Enable — День/Ночь


1.   Адрес программы (605-день, 606-ночь)
     CO Out Day
2.   NEXT
     Jack NO?->
3.   Абонент или NEXT.
4.   Номер внешней линии или -> , <.
5.   SELEKT — разрешение или запрет.
6.   STORE
9.   END


Назначаются абоненты, которым идет вызов с домофона.


Абонент: KX-TD816  01…16, * (-1/-2)
    KX-TD1232 01…64, * (-1/-2)
       ( *= все абоненты,
       1= первый абонент,
       2= второй абонент)
  Номер домофона:
    KX-TD816  1 и 2 (максимум 2 домофона)
    KX-TD1232 1…4 (максимум 4 домофона)

  Абонент 01-1 — Все домофоны;
  Другие абоненты — нет вызова с домофонов — День / Ночь


1.   607 (день) или 608 (ночь).
    Doorphone in Day
2.   NEXT.
    Jack NO?->
3.   Абонент (01…64) или NEXT.
4.   Номер домофона.
5.   STORE.
6.   END.


Назначается номер почтового ящика для каждого абонента, если программу 990-18 устанавливают в «free».


Абонент: KX-TD816  01…16, * (-1/-2)
    KX-TD1232 01…64, * (-1/-2)
       ( *= все абоненты,
       1= первый абонент,
       2= второй абонент)
  Номер почтового ящика: макс.16 цифр.

  Все порты — не установлено.


1.   609.
    Mailbox Id Code
2.   NEXT.
    Jack NO? ->
3.   Абонент (01…64) или NEXT.
    #01-1:Not Stored
4.   Номер почтового ящика.
5.   STORE.
8.   END.


• Система поддерживает максимум 8 портов для соединения с VPS VM или AA портами.
• Номер почтового ящика может имеет максимум 16 цифр   0-9 и знаки *, #, PAUSE.

Panasonic KX-TD816, KX-TD1232 Programming Guide





Digital Super Hybrid System

Programming Guide


Model KX-TD1232

Please read this manual before using the Digital Super Hybrid System. This manual is for software version P341I, P342I or later for KX-TD816 and P241I, P242I or later for KX-TD1232.


About this Programming Guide

This Programming Guide is designed to serve as an overall system programming reference for the Panasonic Digital Super Hybrid System, KX-TD816 / KX-TD1232.

This manual contains the following sections:

Section 1, Programming Instructions

Provides information about what you need or what you should do before/during programming.

Section 2, General Programming

Provides details about the general system programmings.

Section 3, ISDN Programming

Provides details about the system programmings required to use ISDN lines.

The system is in accordance with EuropeanTelecommunication Standard (ETS) specifications below:

ETS 300 092 Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) supplementary service. ETS 300 093 Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) supplementary service.

ETS 300 097 Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP) supplementary service. ETS 300 098 Connected Line Identification Restriction (COLR) supplementary service. ETS 300 122 Generic keypad protocol for the support of supplementary service (ISDN Service Access).

ETS 300 130 Malicious Call Identification (MCID) supplementary service.

ETS 300 182 Advice of Charge (AOC) supplementary service Digital Signalling Syste No.one (DSS1) protocol.

Section 4, E&M Programming

Provides details about the system programmings required to use E&M (TIE) lines.

Section 5, DECT Programming

Provides details about the system programmings required to use the wireless system with a DECT portable station.

Section 6, Default Values

Provides the list of default values for all programmings.

Section 7, Index

Provides the programming titles, important words and phrases to help you access the required information easily.

About the other manuals

Along with this Programming Guide, the following manuals are available to help you install, know the available features and use the KX-TD816 / KX-TD1232 system:

Installation Manual

Provides instructions for installing the hardware and optional equipment.

Features Guide

Provides information about the system features.

User Manual

Provides operating instructions for the end users using proprietary telephones, single line telephones, consoles or DECT portable stations.

Table of Contents


Programming Instructions………………………………………………………



Programming Instructions………………………………………………………………………………



Using Proprietary Telephones …………………………………………………………………………



Programming Methods …………………………………………………………………………………..



Entering Characters ……………………………………………………………………………………….



User Programming Mode………………………………………………………………………………..



Programming Example …………………………………………………………………………………..


2 General Programming ………………………………………………………….



Manager Programming…………………………………………………………………………………..


[000] Date and Time Set …………………………………………………………………………………………


[001] System Speed Dialling Number Set…………………………………………………………………


[002] System Speed Dialling Name Set ……………………………………………………………………



Extension Number Set …………………………………………………………………………………..



Extension Name Set ………………………………………………………………………………………


[005] Flexible CO Button Assignment ……………………………………………………………………..


[006] Operator / Manager Extension Assignment ………………………………………………………


[007] Console Port and Paired Telephone Assignment ……………………………………………….



Absent Messages…………………………………………………………………………………………..


[009] Emergency Dial Number Set ………………………………………………………………………….



Budget Management ……………………………………………………………………………………..



Charge Margin Rate ………………………………………………………………………………………


[015] Quick Dialling Number Set ……………………………………………………………………………



System Programming ……………………………………………………………………………………..



Flexible Numbering ………………………………………………………………………………………


[101] Day / Night Service Switching Mode ………………………………………………………………


[102] Day / Night Service Starting Time…………………………………………………………………..


[103] Automatic Access Outside Line Group Assignment ………………………………………….


[104] Flexible Quick Dialling Number Set ……………………………………………………………….



Account Codes ……………………………………………………………………………………………..



Station Hunting Type …………………………………………………………………………………….



System Password…………………………………………………………………………………………..



One-Touch Transfer by DSS Button ………………………………………………………………..



Expansion Unit Type……………………………………………………………………………………..


[113] VM Status DTMF Set ……………………………………………………………………………………


[114] VM Command DTMF Set ……………………………………………………………………………..



Adjust Time………………………………………………………………………………………………….



ROM Version Display ……………………………………………………………………………………


[117] Voice Mail Number Assignment……………………………………………………………………..


[118] Voice Mail Extension Number Set…………………………………………………………………..


[119] Voice Mail Extension Group Assignment…………………………………………………………



Charge Display Selection……………………………………………………………………………….



Assignment of Denomination …………………………………………………………………………



Charge Verification Assignment ……………………………………………………………………..


[123] Charge Verification ID Code Set……………………………………………………………………..



Hotel Application ………………………………………………………………………………………….



5]User Password……………………………………………………………………………………………….



6]UCD Overflow ………………………………………………………………………………………………



7]UCD Time Table ……………………………………………………………………………………………


[13 0]Phantom Extension Number Set ………………………………………………………………………



8]Off-Hook Monitor………………………………………………………………………………………….



4]Message Waiting Control………………………………………………………………………………..


[15 5]Message Waiting Lamp Assignment ………………………………………………………………..


[15 6]Message Waiting Port Set ……………………………………………………………………………..



Timer Programming………………………………………………………………………………………



0]Hold Recall Time …………………………………………………………………………………………



1]Transfer Recall Time ……………………………………………………………………………………


[20 2]Call Forwarding – No Answer Time……………………………………………………………….



3]Intercept Time ……………………………………………………………………………………………..



4]Pickup Dial Waiting Time ……………………………………………………………………………..


[20 5]Extension-to-Outside Line Call Duration Time………………………………………………..



6]Outside-to-Outside Line Call Duration Time …………………………………………………..



7]First Digit Time……………………………………………………………………………………………



8]Inter Digit Time …………………………………………………………………………………………..


[20 9]Automatic Redial Repeat Times …………………………………………………………………….


[21 0]Automatic Redial Interval Time …………………………………………………………………….



1]Dial Start Time…………………………………………………………………………………………….


[21 2]Call Duration Count Start Time ……………………………………………………………………..


[21 3]DISA Delayed Answer Time …………………………………………………………………………



4]DISA Prolong Time ……………………………………………………………………………………..



5]Outgoing Message Time ……………………………………………………………………………….


[21 6]Message Waiting Ring Interval Time ……………………………………………………………..


[21 7]Timed Reminder Alarm Repeat Times ……………………………………………………………


[21 8]Timed Reminder Alarm Interval Time ……………………………………………………………


[22 1]DISA AA Wait Time…………………………………………………………………………………….


2.4 TRS / ARS Programming ………………………………………………………………………………


[30 0]TRS Override for System Speed Dialling………………………………………………………..


[301-3 05]TRS Denied Code Entry for Levels 2 through 6 ………………………………………..


[306-3 10]TRS Excepted Code Entry for Levels 2 through 6 ……………………………………..



2]ARS Mode ………………………………………………………………………………………………….



3]ARS Time …………………………………………………………………………………………………..


[314-3 21]ARS Leading Digit Entry for Plans 1 through 8 ………………………………………..


[322-3 29]ARS Routing Plans 1 through 8 ………………………………………………………………


[33 0]ARS Modify Removed Digit …………………………………………………………………………


[33 1]ARS Modify Added Number …………………………………………………………………………



Outside Line Programming ……………………………………………………………………………


[40 0]Outside Line Connection Assignment …………………………………………………………….


[40 1]Outside Line Group Assignment ……………………………………………………………………



2]Dial Mode Selection …………………………………………………………………………………….



3]Pulse Speed Selection …………………………………………………………………………………..



4]DTMF Time ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


[407-4 08]DIL 1:1 Extension – Day / Night …………………………………………………………….


[409-4 10]Intercept Extension – Day / Night ……………………………………………………………


[41 1]Host PBX Access Codes……………………………………………………………………………….



2]Pause Time ………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Flash Time………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Disconnect Time …………………………………………………………………………………………


[417] Outside Line Name Assignment ……………………………………………………………………



Pay Tone Assignment…………………………………………………………………………………..



Line Hunting Sequence ………………………………………………………………………………..



COS Programming ……………………………………………………………………………………….


[500-501] Toll Restriction Level – Day / Night………………………………………………………..


[502] Extension-to-Outside Line Call Duration Limit ………………………………………………


[503] Call Transfer to Outside Line………………………………………………………………………..


[504] Call Forwarding to Outside Line …………………………………………………………………..



Executive Busy Override ……………………………………………………………………………..


[506] Executive Busy Override Deny……………………………………………………………………..



Do Not Disturb Override………………………………………………………………………………


[508] Account Code Entry Mode …………………………………………………………………………..



Off-Hook Call Announcement (OHCA) …………………………………………………………



Extension Programming ……………………………………………………………………………….



EXtra Device Port ……………………………………………………………………………………….



Class of Service…………………………………………………………………………………………..



Extension Group Assignment ……………………………………………………………………….


[603-604] DIL 1:N Extension and Delayed Ringing – Day / Night…………………………….


[605-606] Outgoing Permitted Outside Line Assignment – Day / Night ……………………..


[607-608] Doorphone Ringing Assignment – Day / Night ………………………………………..


[609] Voice Mail Access Codes……………………………………………………………………………..



Incoming Call Display …………………………………………………………………………………


[616] Live Call Screening Recording Mode Assignment…………………………………………..



Resource Programming…………………………………………………………………………………


[800] SMDR Incoming / Outgoing Call Log Printout……………………………………………….



SMDR Format…………………………………………………………………………………………….



System Data Printout …………………………………………………………………………………..



Music Source Use ……………………………………………………………………………………….



External Pager BGM……………………………………………………………………………………


[805] External Pager Confirmation Tone…………………………………………………………………


[806-807] Serial Interface (RS-232C) Parameters ……………………………………………………



DISA SecurityType …………………………………………………………………………………….



DISA Tone Detection …………………………………………………………………………………..


[811] DISA / TIE User Codes ……………………………………………………………………………….



DISA DTMF Repeat ……………………………………………………………………………………



Floating Number Assignment ……………………………………………………………………….



Modem Standard …………………………………………………………………………………………



SMDR Output Mode……………………………………………………………………………………


[817] KX-TD197 Baud Rate Set ……………………………………………………………………………


[818] DISA Built-in Automated Attendant Number …………………………………………………



Optional Programming …………………………………………………………………………………



System Additional Information……………………………………………………………………..



COS Additional Information…………………………………………………………………………


3 ISDN Programming…………………………………………………………….



Manager Programming…………………………………………………………………………………


[005] Flexible CO Button Assignment ……………………………………………………………………..


[01 2]ISDN Extension Number Set …………………………………………………………………………


[01 3]ISDN Extension Name Set ……………………………………………………………………………


[01 4]Budget Management on ISDN Port ………………………………………………………………..



System Programming …………………………………………………………………………………….



0]Flexible Numbering ……………………………………………………………………………………….



9]Expansion Unit Type………………………………………………………………………………………


[11 2]ISDN Network Type Assignment …………………………………………………………………..



0]DDI Translation Table ………………………………………………………………………………….


[151-1 52]DDI Ringing Assignment – Day / Night…………………………………………………..



ISDN Line Programming ……………………………………………………………………………….


[41 8]ISDN Line Number Assignment…………………………………………………………………….


[41 9]ISDN Outgoing CLIR Service Assignment……………………………………………………..


[42 1]ISDN DDI / MSN Removed Digit / Added Number Assignment ……………………….



4]ISDN Port Type……………………………………………………………………………………………


[42 5]ISDN Layer 1 Active Mode …………………………………………………………………………..



6]ISDN Configuration ……………………………………………………………………………………..


[42 7]ISDN Data Link Mode………………………………………………………………………………….



8]ISDN TEI Mode…………………………………………………………………………………………..


[42 9]ISDN Extension Multiple Subscriber Number …………………………………………………


[43 0]ISDN Extension Progress Tone ……………………………………………………………………..



7]MSN Assignment…………………………………………………………………………………………


[448-4 49]Extension Ringing Assignment – Day / Night for ISDN …………………………….



0]PRI Configuration ………………………………………………………………………………………..



1]PRI Reference CO ……………………………………………………………………………………….


[452-4 53]ISDN Ring Service Assignment – Day / Night ………………………………………….



Extension Programming ………………………………………………………………………………..



3]ISDN Class of Service ………………………………………………………………………………….


[614-6 15]Outgoing Permitted Outside Line Assignment – Day / Night for ISDN Extension


[61 7]CLIP / COLP Number Assignment for Extension…………………………………………….


[61 8]CLIP / COLP Number Assignment for ISDN Extension …………………………………..



Optional Programming ………………………………………………………………………………….



0]System Additional Information ……………………………………………………………………..


4 E & M Programming ………………………………………………………….



System Programming …………………………………………………………………………………….



0]Flexible Numbering ……………………………………………………………………………………….



9]Expansion Unit Type………………………………………………………………………………………



8]PBX Code …………………………………………………………………………………………………..



9]E&M Signal Assignment ………………………………………………………………………………



Timer Programming………………………………………………………………………………………



0]TIE First / Inter Digit Time ……………………………………………………………………………



TIE Line Routing Table Programming …………………………………………………………..


[34 0]TIE Line Routing Table ………………………………………………………………………………..


[34 1]TIE Modify Removed Digit / Added Dial ……………………………………………………….



TIE Line Programming …………………………………………………………………………………


[43 1]TIE Table Number Assignment ……………………………………………………………………..



2]TIE Incoming Assignment…………………………………………………………………………….



3]TIE Outgoing Assignment …………………………………………………………………………….


[434] TIE Subscriber Number Removed Digit …………………………………………………………



TIE Added Number……………………………………………………………………………………..


[436] TIE Wink Time Out Assignment …………………………………………………………………..



Outside-to-TIE Transfer……………………………………………………………………………….



TIE-to-Outside Transfer……………………………………………………………………………….



TIE-to-TIE Transfer …………………………………………………………………………………….



TIE Security Type ……………………………………………………………………………………….



Voice Path Type…………………………………………………………………………………………..



Voice Level (Transmit)…………………………………………………………………………………



Voice Level (Receive) ………………………………………………………………………………….



TIE Receive Dial…………………………………………………………………………………………



Resource Programming…………………………………………………………………………………


[811] DISA / TIE User Codes ……………………………………………………………………………….



Optional Programming …………………………………………………………………………………



System Additional Information……………………………………………………………………..



DECT Programming …………………………………………………………..



Manager Programming…………………………………………………………………………………


[020] PS Flexible CO Button Assignment……………………………………………………………….



System Programming ……………………………………………………………………………………



Flexible Numbering ………………………………………………………………………………………



Expansion Unit Type……………………………………………………………………………………..



Extension Programming ……………………………………………………………………………….



PS Registration……………………………………………………………………………………………



PS Termination……………………………………………………………………………………………


[653] PS Extension Name Set ……………………………………………………………………………….



SXDP Assignment ………………………………………………………………………………………



PS Budget Management……………………………………………………………………………….


[656] PS Charge Verification Assignment……………………………………………………………….


[657] PS Class of Service ……………………………………………………………………………………..


[658] PS Extension Group Assignment…………………………………………………………………..


[659-660] PS DIL 1:N Extension – Day / Night ………………………………………………………


[661-662] PS Outgoing Permitted Outside Line Assignment – Day / Night ………………..


[663-664] PS Doorphone Ringing Assignment – Day / Night ……………………………………


[665] PS Voice Mail Access Codes ………………………………………………………………………..


[671] PS Extension Number Set …………………………………………………………………………….



PS Password Set………………………………………………………………………………………….


[673] CLIP / COLP Number Assignment for PS ……………………………………………………..


[676] PS Incoming Call Display…………………………………………………………………………….


[680] Cell Station Number Assignment for Master CS……………………………………………..


[681] PS Radio System ID Reference …………………………………………………………………….



Radio Information Data Clear……………………………………………………………………….



Optional Programming …………………………………………………………………………………



System Additional Information……………………………………………………………………..



Default Values …………………………………………………………………….



Index ………………………………………………………………………………….



Programming Instructions

Programming Instructions


1.1Programming Instructions

1.1Programming Instructions

Default Setting

This system has a default factory setting. If any of the programming needs to be changed, you will find the necessary information in the Features Guide. This makes the system very simple to install and customise as required by the customer. Any required changes can be written in «Programming Tables».

Required Telephone Set

One of the following telephone sets is required for System Programming:

• Digital Proprietary Telephone (DPT):

KX-T7536, KX-T7533, KX-T7531, KX-T7436, KX-T7433, KX-T7235, KX-T7230

• Analogue Proprietary Telephone (APT):

KX-T7330, KX-T7130, KX-T7030, KX-T7033

Extensions Used for Programming

Connect one of the above-mentioned telephone sets to either of the following:

Jack number 1

Jack programmed as a manager extension

To assign the manager extension, see Section 2.1 [006]Op erator / Manager Extension Assignment.

User Programming (Manager Programming)

Manager programming items are allowed for any display proprietary telephone user in the system. See Section 1.5 User Programming Mode.


Programming Instructions

1.2 Using Proprietary Telephones

1.2Using ProprietaryTelephones

Soft Buttons and SHIFT Button on the Display DPT

Three soft buttons are provided just below the display of Digital Proprietary Telephones (DPT), KX-T7533, KX-T7536, KX-T7433, KX-T7436, KX-T7230 and KX-T7235. The functions of these soft buttons vary as the programming procedures advance step by step. Those functions that are currently assigned to the buttons are shown on the lower line of the display. (See «Viewing the Display» in this section for more information on the display lines.)

If the SHIFT button indicator is on, two functions are available with each softbutton. To alternate between the two functions, press the SHIFT button on the right side of the display.

Soft button variations

Type 1



KX-T7230 Display


Soft 1

Soft 2

Soft 3


Type 2




to alternate



Soft 1

Soft 2

Soft 3


Soft 1

Soft 2

Soft 3


Type 3





to alternate


Soft 1

Soft 2

Soft 3


Soft 1

Soft 2

Soft 3


Type 4





to alternate




Soft 1

Soft 2

Soft 3


Soft 1

Soft 2

Soft 3


Type 5




to alternate




Soft 1

Soft 2

Soft 3


Soft 1

Soft 2

Soft 3


Programming Instructions


1.2Using Proprietary Telephones

You can use either the soft buttons or the overlay buttons. (For overlay buttons, refer to «Using the Overlay» below.)

Throughout programming you will see instructions such as «Press PREV«. If you use soft buttons, this means press SHIFT, release SHIFT and then press Soft 3. The (PREV) function is performed.


If you use soft buttons and if programming instructions tell you to press the following buttons, you may press soft buttons shown below.


Soft button


SEL+, SEL-, or SEL



Using the Overlay

A programming overlay is packed with the telephone at the factory. This overlay should be used at all times while in programming mode since the functions of the telephone keys change while in programming mode as follows: (The original functions are in parentheses.)

During Normal Operation

During Programming















— /








Programming Instructions

1.2 Using Proprietary Telephones

Location of Controls with the Overlay

The pictures below show the functions of the buttons of the proprietary telephone while in programming mode. There are Overlays for the KX-T7500, KX-T7400 and KX-T7200 series telephones. KX-T7536 and KX-T7230 are used for the examples.














































0 . , ’ : ;































0 . , ’ : ;

#$%&@( )



























0., ,:;

#$%&@( )





Programming Instructions


1.2Using Proprietary Telephones

Viewing the Display

The display gives you helpful information, such as what you should do now, what you have done, etc..

The KX-T7533, KX-T7536, KX-T7433, KX-T7436, KX-T7230 and the KX-T7235 utilise two information lines for programming. The upper line is called the Message Line and the lower one is called the Function Line.

The Message Line (upper) shows you what you should do or what you should select. It also allows you to confirm what you have just entered. The display capacity is 16 digits. If your

entry exceeds the capacity, you can shift the display by pressing or button.

The Function Line (lower) shows the current function of the soft buttons. These functions change with the programming procedures.


Message Line



Function Line

2-Line Display

Message Line



Message Line



Function Line



Function Line

3-Line Display

6-Line Display

Before entering the programming mode

Before entering programming mode, confirm that:

Your telephone is on-hook.

No calls are on hold at your telephone.

Entering the programming mode

Press PROGRAM (or PAUSE) + + # and enter your System

Password (default=1234).

• The display shows the Initial Message: SYG-PGM NO?


If your telephone set does not have a PROGRAM button, substitute it with the PAUSE button.

If nothing is entered in five seconds after the PROGRAM (or PAUSE) button is pressed, it is cancelled.

The System Password entered is not shown on the display. The System Password can be

changed by System Programming. Refer to Section 2.2 [107] System Password.

During the programming mode, your extension is treated as a busy extension.

Only one proprietary telephone can be in programming mode at any one time.


Programming Instructions

1.3 Programming Methods

1.3Programming Methods

Advancing to the next stage

When «SYS-PGM NO? » is displayed, you can select one of the following:

To go to programme [000], press the NEXT button.

To go to another programme, enter the 3-digit programme address.

Rotation of jack number

Each jack of the Digital Super Hybrid System supports the connection of a digital proprietary telephone and a single line device with different extension numbers (eXtra Device Port: XDP function). To programme this function it is necessary to assign two parts for each jack. The first part of jack one is 01-1. The second part of jack one is 01-2. The first part of jack two is 02-1 and so on. The NEXT and PREV buttons can be used to move from jack to jack as required.













The first part of a jack is for a DPT of a XDP-assigned jack. The second part is for a single line device. Programme [600 ]EXtra Device Port assigns which jacks are XDP

Storing your data

Press STORE to store your data.

The STORE indicator lights red and a confirmation tone is emitted.

*Confirmation tone (one beep)

After pressing STORE, you will hear a beep. This informs you that storage is completed.

* Alarm tone (three beeps)

If you hear this alarm, your entry is not valid.

Making another selection within the same programme address

To make the next higher selection, press NEXT.

To make the previous selection, press PREV.

To make a specific selection, press SELECT and then enter the number.

Programming Instructions


1.3Programming Methods

Going to another programme address

After pressing STORE, you can go to another programme with either of the following two methods:

a)To go to the next larger programme address:

Press Soft 1 (SKP+) or VOLUME (DOWN) or rorate the Jog Dial in the counterclockwise direction.

To go to the next smaller programme address:

Press SHIFT + Soft 1 (SKP– ) or VOLUME (UP) or rorate the Jog Dial in the clockwise direction.

b)To go to a specific programme address:

Press END, then enter the programme Address.

Method (1) is useful when you want to perform a series of programmes consecutively. For example, to change the programming in addresses [0XX], use this method.You can move from [000] to [001], from [001] to [002], and so on by pressing the SKP+ or VOLUME . You can move in reverse order from [008] to [007], etc. by pressing the SKP– or VOLUME .

This method can also be used to move between neighboring programme groups: For example, you can move between the programme addresses of the largest [0XX] and [100], the largest [1XX] and [200], and so on. Also, you can move between the smallest programme address [000] and the largest one [9XX].

Method (2) is useful when you wish to jump to another programme address. For example, you have just finished with programme [006] and now you want to go to programme [301]. Neither SKP+ / VOLUME nor SKP– /VOLUME is convenient in this case. So you should press END and enter 301.


The following programming instructions assume that you have already entered the programming mode and that you will use Method (b).

Confirming the entries

You may review the stored programming without making any changes.

Going back to the operation mode

Two ways are available to go back to the operation mode:

a) Lift the handset while in programming mode.

b) When the Initial Message: SYS-PGM NO? is displayed, press the PROGRAM (or PAUSE) button. (Todisplay the Initial Message, press END.)


Programming Instructions

1.4 Entering Characters

1.4Entering Characters

Entering Characters

You can enter characters to store names or messages by using the dialling key pad, buttons or the Jog Dial.

See the Combination Tables below.

Combination Table a

Soft button











SELECT button














































































































Programming Instructions


1.4Entering Characters

Combination Table b

Jog Dial

Display sequence by rotating the Jog Dial






















d ···










g ···
































p ···










s ···










w ···










z (space) ···





? .



; ···











# $







a B b ···


The alphabetical characters correspond to the letters shown on the twelve dialling keys on the proprietary telephone. (except symbols)

In Combination Table a:

If your telephone is a KX-T7531, do not use the provided SELECT button. Use the AUTO ANSWER/MUTE button which becomes the SELECT button when using the overlay.

In Combination Table b:

If you keep rotating the Jog Dial, all of the characters in the table will be displayed.

Character Entering Methods

Please see the following example which shows how to select a desired character. For example, to select the letter «M»:

Select either of the following three methods:

1.Using the SHIFT and Soft buttons

(for KX-T7533 / KX-T7536 / KX-T7433 / KX-T7436 / KX-T7230 / KX-T7235 only)

*See Combination Table a.

a)Press 6. («M» belongs to «6».)

• The Function Line shows: M N O

b)Press the Soft 1 (M) button.

(Press SHIFT to display the lower case of the above letters.)

2.Using the SELECT button * See Combination Table a.

a)Press 6. («M» belongs to «6».)

b)Press the SELECT button once.


Programming Instructions

1.4 Entering Characters

Pressing the SELECT button an appropriate number of times gives you the desired letter. Pressing SELECT twice gives the letter «m», pressing three times gives «N», and so on.

3.Using the Jog Dial

(for KX-T7531 / KX-T7533 / KX-T7536 / KX-T7433 / KX-T7436 only)

*See Combination Table b.

a)Press 6. («M» belongs to «6».)

b)Rotate the Jog Dial one pulse.

Rotating the Jog Dial an appropriate number of pulses gives you the desired letter. Rotating the Jog Dial two pulses gives the letter «m», rotating three pulses gives «N», and so on.


a)Press any dialling keypad.

b)Rotate the Jog Dial until the desired character appears.

If you keep rotating the Jog Dial, all of the characters will be displayed. For example, if you rotate the Jog Dial after pressing 2, characters will appear in the following order: A a B b •••• Z z (space) ! ? . , ‘ : ; * / + — = < > # $ % & @ ( ) A a B b ••••

Example of entering characters: to enter «Mike»:

Using method (1)

*See Combination Table a.

a)Enter 6.





b) Press Soft 1 (M).





c) Enter 4.





d) Press SHIFT.





e) Press Soft 3 (i).





Programming Instructions


1.4Entering Characters

f) Enter 5.





g) Press Soft 2 (k).





h) Enter 3.





i) Press Soft 2 (e).





Using method (2)

* See Combination Table a.


The display shows:


Enter 6.



Press SELEC .



Enter 4.



Press SELECT six times.



Enter 5.



Press SELECT four times.



Enter 3.



Press SELECT four times.


Using method (3)

* See Combination Table b.


The display shows:


Enter 6.



Rotate Jog Dial one pulse.



Enter 4.



Rotate Jog Dial six pulse.



Enter 5.



Rotate Jog Dial four pulses.



Enter 3.



Rotate Jog Dial four pulses.



Programming Instructions

1.4 Entering Characters



The display shows:


Enter 2.



Rotate Jog Dial until «M» appears.



Enter 2.



Rotate Jog Dial until «i» appears.



Enter 2.



Rotate Jog Dial until «k» appears.



Enter 2.



Rotate Jog Dial until «e» appears.



To erase all the letters, press CLEAR.

To erase the last letter, press .

Programming Instructions


1.5User Programming

1.5User Programming Mode

User Programming Mode

Manager programming items (programme address: [0XX]) are accessible by any display proprietary telephone user in the system.

Entering the user programming mode

You can access these programmes by entering the User Programming Mode as follows: Before entering the mode, confirm that:

Your telephone is on-hook.

No calls are on hold at your telephone

Press PROGRAM (or PAUSE) + + and enter the User

Password (default=1234)

After entering the mode, perform the same programming steps as the system programming steps in each programme address.


If your telephone set does not have a PROGRAM button, substitute it with the PAUSE button.

If nothing is entered in five seconds after the PROGRAM (or PAUSE) button is pressed, it is cancelled.

The User Password is not shown on the display. The password can be changed by system

programming. Refer to Section 2.2

[125]User Password.

During the programming mode, your extension is treated as a busy extension.

Only one proprietary telephone can be in programming mode at any one time.


Programming Instructions

1.6 Programming Example

1.6Programming Example

Programming Example

The following programming instructions assume that you have already entered the programming mode and that you will employ method (b) of «Going to another programme

address» in Section 1.3 P

rogramming Methods.

Example: programme [001]

S ystem Speed Dialling Number Set

Sample of Description



[001](1) System Speed Dialling Number Set

Description (3)

(1)Programme address.

(2)Programme title.

(3)Provides a more detailed description of the programme.

Used to program the System Speed Dial numbers. These numbers are available to all extension users. There are 500 numbers from 000 through 499.

Selection (4)


Shows you choices that you can assign.


Shows you the default (factory setting).

Speed dial number: 000 through 499


Shows you programming procedures step by step.

Telephone number: 24 digits (max.)

• While programming, use the overlay.

Default (5)

All speed dial numbers – Not stored



1. Enter 001.(7)


Display: SPD Number Set

2.Press NEXT. (9)

Display: SPD Code?(10)

3.Enter a speed dial number.

To enter speed dial number 000, you can also press NEXT.

Display example: 000:Not Stored

Before starting to programme, enter the programming mode. (See Entering the programming mode in Section 1.2 Using Proprietary Telephones.)

(7)Enter the programme address.

(8)The display shows the programme title. If your telephone has soft buttons, the lower line shows the functions that are currently assigned to them.

(9)Press either Soft 3 (NEXT)shown on the display or the NEXT shown on the overlay.

(10)The message line advises you to enter a speed dial number.

(11)(11) If the telephone number has already been stored, the number is displayed.

4. Enter a telephone number. (12)

To delete the current entry, press CLEAR.(13)

To change the current entry, press

CLEAR and enter the new number.

5. Press STORE.(14)

(12)Enter the telephone number that you want to store. Your entry is displayed as you enter the digits.

(13)Pressing CLEAR erases the whole entry.

(14)Your entry is now stored.

The indicator lights red and a confirmation tone lets you know that storage is completed.

Programming Instructions


1.6Programming Example

Sample of Description


6.To programme another speed dial number, press NEXT or PREV, or SELECT and the desired speed dial number.(15)

7.Repeat steps 4 through 6. (16)

8.Press END.(17)

Conditions (18)

Each speed dial number has a maximum of 24 digits. The valid characters are 0 through 9, and # keys, FLASH, PAUSE, SECRET and (hyphen) buttons.


Features Guide References

System Speed Dialling

(15)Select the best way for you to store another speed dial number. Pressing the NEXT / PREV allows you to select the next higher / lower speed dial number. You can also keep pressing them until the desired one is displayed. If you press SELECT and the desired speed dial number, the selected code is displayed.

(16)You can continue to programme another entry.

(17)After you have stored all your entries, finish this programme by pressing END. After pressing END you can go to any programme address you desire. You can return to the Initial Message mode any time by pressing END.

To go to the next larger programme address, do not press END but press Soft 1 (SKP+) or VOLUME or rorate the Jog Dial in the counter-clockwise direction.

To go to the next smaller programme address, do not press END but press SHIFT + Soft 1 (SKP-)

or VOLUME or rorate the Jog Dial in the counter-clockwise direction.

(18)Tells you what you should notice or consider when doing the programming.

(19)Lists all of the features related to the programming. These features are described in the Features Guide.

Programming Structur


Programming Group




Manager Programming

These programmes may be accessed by the syste

manager of the customer to meet frequent changes

requested by the customer.


System Programming

Entire system programming.


Timer Programming

Flexible system timer setting.


TRS / ARS / TIE Line

Assignment of Toll Restriction, Automatic Route

Routing Table Programming

Selection (ARS) or TIE Line RoutingTable.


Outside Line / ISDN Line /

Setting of outside line, outside line group, ISDN line

TIE Line Programming

or TIE line values.


COS Programming

Setting of Class of Service (COS).


Extension Programming

Setting of extension values.


Programming Instructions

1.6 Programming Example

Programming Structur


Programming Group




Resource Programming

Assignment of customer-supplied peripherals

connected to the system.


Optional Programming

Used to answer the user’s requirements or troubles,

if needed.

Programming Instructions


1.6Programming Example


Programming Instructions


General Programming

2.1Manager Programming

2.1Manager Programming

[000]D ate and Time Set


Sets the current date and time.


Year: 00 through 99

Month: Jan. through Dec.

Day: 1 through 31

Day of the week: SUN / MON / TUE / WED / THU / FRI / SAT

Hour: 00 through 23

Minute: 00 through 59



’95 Jan. 1 SUN 00:00


1. Enter 000.

Display: Day / Time set

2. Press NEXT.

Display example: ’95 Jan. 1 SUN

3. Enter the year.

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new year

4.Press .

5.Keep pressing SELECT until the desired month is displayed.

6.Press .

7.Enter the day.

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new day

8.Press .

9.Keep pressing SELECT until the desired day of the week is displayed.

10.Press STORE.

11.Press NEXT.

Display example: 12:00 PM

12.Enter the hour.

2.1 Manager Programming

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new hour.

13.Press .

14.Enter the minute.

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new minute.

15.Press .

16.Press SELECT for AM or PM.

17.Press STORE.

18.Press END.


After changing an entry, you can press STORE. You do not have to perform the rest of the steps.

• To return to a previous field, press in steps 4 through 9 and steps 13 through 16.

If you hear an alarm after pressing STORE, check that the date is valid.

The clock starts immediately after the STORE button is pressed.

You cannot leave an entry empty.

Features Guide References

Display Message

2.1Manager Programming

[001]S ystem Speed Dialling Number Set


Used to programme the System Speed Dial numbers. These numbers are available to all extension users. There are 500 numbers available from 000 to 499.


Speed dial number: 000 through 499

Telephone number: 24 digits (max.)


All speed dial numbers – Not stored


1. Enter 001.

Display: SPD Number Set

2. Press NEXT.

Display: SPD Code?

3. Enter a speed dial number

To enter speed dial number 000, you can also press NEXT.

Display example: 000:Not Stored

4. Enter a telephone number.

To delete the current entry, press CLEAR.

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new number.

5.Press STORE.

6.To programme another speed dial number, press NEXT or PREV, or SELECT and the desired speed dial numbe .

7.Repeat steps 4 through 6.

8.Press END.

2.1 Manager Programming


Each speed dial number has a maximum of 24 digits. The valid characters are 0 through 9, the and # keys, and the FLASH, PAUSE, SECRET and – (hyphen) buttons.

To store a flash signal, press FLASH.


The stored flash will only be effective during a call. (Refer to External Feature Access in the Features Guide.)

To store a hyphen, press the «–» button.

To store a pause, press PAUSE. (Refer to Pause Insertion, Automatic in the

Features Guide.)

To store a feature number to convert pulse signals to DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) signals, press the and # keys.

(Refer to Pulse to Tone Conversion in the Features Guide.)

To prevent displaying of all or part of the number, press SECRET before and after the secret number. (Secret Dialling)

If you are storing an external number, include the line access number (default: 9, 81 through 88) before the number. When dialling, a pause is automatically inserted after the line access number

If you are storing an account code, enter the account code before the line access number. (Refer to Account Code Entry in the Features Guide.)

If you are storing a number for Incoming Outside Call Information Display with name, enter «–» (hyphen) after the line access number. The system starts to compare the calling party’s number or called party’s number with the System Speed Dialling number stored after «–».

Example: 9 – 12345678

(Refer to Incoming Outside Call Information Display in the Features Guide.)

A number consisting of 25 digits or more can be stored by storing it in two speed dial numbers. The line access number should be stored in the first speed dial number.

To access another speed dial number in step 6, press SELECT and start with step 3.

To display parts of the number which have scrolled off the display, press

or .

Programme [ 002]System Speed Dialling Name Set is used to name the speed dial


Features Guide References

Call Directory

System Speed Dialling

2.1Manager Programming

[002]S ystem Speed Dialling Name Set


Assigns names to the system speed dial numbers assigned in program me [001]System Speed Dialling Number Set. KX-T7531, KX-T7533, KX-T7536, KX-T7433, KX-T7436 and KXT7235 telephones can show the stored name during System Speed Dialling.


Speed dial number: 000 through 499

Name: 10 characters (max.)


All speed dial numbers – Not stored


1. Enter 002.

Display: SPD Name Set

2. Press NEXT.

Display: SPD Code?

3. Enter a speed dial number

To enter speed dial number 000, you can also press NEXT.

Display example: 000:Not Stored

4. Enter a name.

For entering characters, see Section 1.4 Entering Characters.

To delete the current entry, press CLEA .

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new name.

5.Press STORE.

6.To programme another speed dial number, press NEXT or PREV, or SELECT and the desired speed dial number.

7.Repeat steps 4 through 6.

8.Press END.


• Speed dial numbers are programmed in programme [001 ]System Speed Dialling Number Set.

• To go to another speed dial number in step 6, press SELECT and start with step 3.

2.1 Manager Programming

Features Guide References

Call Directory

System Speed Dialling

2.1Manager Programming

[003]E xtension Number Set


Assigns an extension number to each extension.


• Jack number:

KX-TD81601 through 16 (-1 / -2) KX-TD123201 through 64 (-1 / -2)

(-1 = first part, -2 = second part)

• Extension Number: 2 through 4 digits



Jack 01-1 through 16-1 = 101 through 116;

Jack 01-2 through 16-2 = 201 through 216


Jack 01-1 through 64-1 = 101 through 164;

Jack 01-2 through 64-2 = 201 through 264


1. Enter 003.

Display: EXT Number Set

2. Press NEXT.

Display: Jack NO?

3. Enter a jack number.

To enter jack number 01, you can also press NEXT.

To select the second part (-2), press NEXT after entering the jack number.

Display: #01-1:EXT101

4. Enter an extension number.

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new number.

5.Press STORE.

6.To programme another jack, press NEXT or PREV, or SELECT and the desired jack number.

7.Repeat steps 4 through 6.

8.Press END.

2.1 Manager Programming


There is a maximum of 32 extension numbers for KX-TD816, and 128 extension numbers for KX-TD1232. Each extension number can be two, three, or four digits, consisting of 0

through 9. The and # keys cannot be used.

For the KX-TD1232, jack numbers 01 through 32 are for the Master System and 33 through 64 are for the Slave, if available.

An extension number is invalid if the first or second digits do not match with the programme [10 0]Flexible Numbering, (01) — (16) 1st through 16th hundred extension blocks» setting. If one digit is assigned as the leading digit, some extensions have two digits and some have three digits. If two digits are assigned, some have three digits and some have four digits.

Two extension numbers can be assigned per jack. If eXtra Device Port (XDP) is disabled for the jack in programme [600] EXtra Device Port, the extension number of the second part (XX-2) is not available. (XX=jack number)

For an explanation of jack numbering, see «Rotation of jack number» in Section 1.3 Programming Methods.

Double entry and incompatible entry for these numbers are invalid. Valid entry example: 10 and 11, 10 and 110. Invalid entry example: 10 and 106, 210 and 21.

To avoid making an invalid entry, check the other extension numbers. The default of each extension number is as follows:

[012] ISDN Extension Number Set

Not stored.

[118] VM Extension Number Set

KX-TD816 – 165 through 178 KX-TD1232 – 165 through 180

[130] Phantom Extension Number Set

Not stored.

[813] Floating Number Assignment

KX-TD816 – 191 through 194, 196, 198, 199, 291 through 294, 298, 299 KX-TD1232 – 191 through 194, 196 through 199, 291 through 294, 296 through 299

[671] PS Extension Number Set

Not stored.

• Programme [ 004]Extension Name Set is used to name the extension numbers.

Features Guide References

Call Directory

Display Message

EXtra Device Port (XDP)

Flexible Numbering

Intercom Calling

2.1Manager Programming

[004]E xtension Name Set


Assigns names to the extension numbers programmed in program me [003]Extension Number Set.


• Jack number:

KX-TD81601 through 16 (-1 / -2) KX-TD123201 through 64 (-1 / -2)

(-1 = first part, -2 = second part)

• Name: 10 characters (max.)


All jacks – Not stored


1. Enter 004.

Display: EXT Name Set

2. Press NEXT.

Display: Jack NO?

3. Enter a jack number.

To enter jack number 01, you can also press NEXT.

To select the second part (-2), press NEXT after entering a jack number.

Display: #01-1:Not Stored

4. Enter a name.

For entering characters, see Section 1.4 Entering Characters.

To delete the current entry, press CLEAR.

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new name.

5.Press STORE.

6.To programme another jack, press NEXT or PREV, or SELECT and the desired jack number.

7.Repeat steps 4 through 6.

8.Press END.


There is a maximum of 32 names for KX-TD816, and 128 names for KX-TD1232. Each name has a maximum of 10 characters.

2.1 Manager Programming

For the KX-TD1232, jack numbers 01 through 32 are for the Master System and 33 through 64 are for the Slave, if available.

For an explanation of jack numbering, see «Rotation of jack number» in Section

1.3Programming Methods.

Features Guide References

Call Directory

Display Message

Intercom Calling

2.1Manager Programming

[005]F lexible CO Button Assignment


Used to determine the use of the flexible CO buttons on proprietary telephones from a centralised telephone.


• Jack number:

KX-TD81601 through 16 KX-TD123201 through 64

• Button Code (plus parameter, if required):

Button Code




KX-TD816: 01 through 08 (Outside line number)

KX-TD1232: 01 through 54 (Outside line number)



2 through 4 digits (Extension number)


(One-Touch Dialling)

16 digits max. (Telephone number)


(Message Waiting)


















(Voice Mail Transfer)

2 through 4 digits (Voice mail extension number)


(Two-Way Record)*

2 through 4 digits (Voice mail extension number)


(Two-Way Transfer)*

2 through 4 digits (Voice mail extension number)


(Live Call Screening)*



(Live Call Screening Cancel)*






(Phantom Extension)

2 through 4 digits (Phantom extension number)


(ISDN Service)

16 digits max. (ISDN service number)






# (Group-CO

1 through 8 (Outside line group number)

CO (Ringer frequency)

1 through 8 (Ring tone type number)

2.1 Manager Programming

*Available when this system is connected to a Voice Processing System which supports digital proprietary telephone integration (e.g. KX-TVP200).



All jacks – CO buttons 1 through 8 = Single-CO 01 through 08; Ring tone type 2

Other CO buttons = Not stored


All jacks – CO buttons 1 through 24 = Single-CO 01 through 24; Ring tone type 2


1. Enter 005.

Display: Flexible Key Asn

2. Press NEXT.

Display: Jack NO?

3. Enter a jack number.

To enter jack number 01, you can also press NEXT.

Display: PT—PGM Mode

4.Press the CO button which is changed to another button. The display shows the contents pre-assigned to the button.

Display example: CO-01

5.Enter a button code (plus parameter, if required).

To change the parameter, press CLEAR and enter the new parameter.

6.Press STORE.

7.To programme another CO button of the same jack, repeat steps 4 through 6. To programme another jack, press SELECT and repeat steps 3 through 6.

8.Press END.


1.Perform the same procedures as steps 1 through 4 above.

2.Enter 2.

3.Press STORE.

4.Press END.


• A centralised telephone is a telephone connected to jack 01 or a jack programmed as a manager extension in programme [006]Op erator / Manager Extension Assignment.

2.1Manager Programming

For the KX-TD1232, jack numbers 01 through 32 are for the Master System and 33 through 64 are for the Slave, if available. Jack numbers in the out-of-service system are unacceptable.

The number of the CO buttons available depends on the telephone type. (Refer to Buttons on Proprietary Telephones and Consoles in the Features Guide.) For the KX-T7500 series telephones, 24 CO buttons can be programmed by adding 12 CO buttons by connecting the KX-T7545 Add-on key Module.

If you press the same CO button again in step 5, you can select a desired ringer frequency for the CO button from eight types of ring tones. When you enter the tone type number (1 through 8), you will hear the selected tone type until STORE is pressed. This selection is possible only for the CO buttons that have been assigned to Single-CO, Group-CO, or Loop-CO.

Features Guide References

Button, Flexible

Buttons on Proprietary Telephones and Consoles

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new jack number.

2.1 Manager Programming

[006] Operator / Manager Extension Assignment


Assigns the jack number for a manager and/or operators. The manager extension can perfor System Programming. The operators have the ability to perform operator services.


OPE-1 (operator 1) / OPE-2 (operator 2) / MNGER (manager)

Jack number:

KX-TD81601 through 16

KX-TD123201 through 64


Operator 1 – Jack 01;

Operator 2 and Manager – Not stored


1. Enter 006.

Display: Operator / Manage

2. Press NEXT to programme operator 1.

Display: OPE-1:Jack01

To programme another item, you can also keep pressing NEXT or PREV until the desired one is displayed.

3. Enter a jack number.

To assign no operator or manager, press CLEAR.

4.Press STORE.

5.To programme another item, press NEXT or PREV.

6.Repeat steps 3 through 5.

7.Press END.


Up to two operators and a manager can be programmed.

For the KX-TD1232, jack numbers 01 through 32 are for the Master System and 33 through 64 are for the Slave, if available.

The manager cannot be assigned the jack number of the Console Port set in programme [00 7]Console Port and Paired Telephone Assignment.

If the assigned jack is in eXtra Device Port (XDP) mode, the proprietary telephone jack is treated as the manager / operator extension.

2.1Manager Programming

Features Guide References

Manager Extension


2.1 Manager Programming

[007] Console Port and Paired Telephone Assignment


Assigns the jack numbers for the console and the paired extension.


• Console number:

KX-TD816 – 1 through 4

KX-TD1232 – 1 through 4 (for Master), 5 through 8 (for Slave)

• Jack number for Console: KX-TD816 – 02 through 16

KX-TD1232 – 02 through 32 (for Master), 33 through 64 (for Slave)

• Jack number for paired extension: KX-TD816 – 01 through 16

KX-TD1232 – 01 through 32 (for Master), 33 through 64 (for Slave)


All consoles – Not stored


1. Enter 007.

Display: DSS Console Asn

2. Press NEXT.

Display: DSS NO?

3. Enter a console number.

To enter console number 1, you can also press NEXT.

Display example: DSS—1:# P:#

4. Enter a jack number for the console.

To delete the current entry, press CLEAR.

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new jack number.

5.Press .

6.Enter a jack number for the paired extension.

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new jack number.

Display example: DSS—1:#02 P:#03

7.Press STORE.

8.To programme another console, press NEXT or PREV, or SELECT and the desired console number

9.Repeat steps 4 through 8.

10.Press END.

2.1Manager Programming


The jack number for the console and that for the paired extension must be entered together.

Multiple consoles cannot be assigned to the same console jack.

Multiple consoles can be paired with the same proprietary telephone jack.

A console jack cannot be assigned the jack 01 and the jack number of manager set in

programme [ 006]Operator / Manager Extension Assignment.

If all incoming outside calls are set to ring at the operator extension telephone in programme [407-4 08]DIL 1:1 Extension – Day / Night, assigning a console to the operator extension makes the operator’s job much easier.

If a single line telephone is assigned as the pair extension, the paired console will not function.

If a console — assigned jack is programmed for eXtra Device Port (XDP), a single line telephone can be connected to the jack in parallel with the console.

Features Guide References


2.1 Manager Programming

[008] Absent Messages


Used to programme the absent messages. An absent message, if set by the extension user, is displayed on the calling extension’s telephone to show the reason for the user’s absence.


Message number: 1 through 9

Message: 16 characters (max.)


1:Will Return Soon

2:Gone Home

3:At Ext %%%

4:Back at %%:%%

5:Out Until %%/%%

6:In a Meeting

7 through 9: Blank (not stored)


1. Enter 008.

Display: Message Asn

2. Press NEXT.

Display: MSG NO?

3. Enter a message number.

To enter message number 1, you can also press NEXT.

Display example: MSG1:Will Return

4. Enter the message.

For entering characters, see Section 1 .4Entering Characters.

To delete the current entry, press CLEAR.

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new message.

5.Press STORE.

6.To programme another message, press NEXT or PREV, or SELECT and the desired message numbe .

7.Repeat steps 4 through 6.

8.Press END.

2.1Manager Programming


Messages 1 through 6 are programmed at the factory but can be changed.

You can enter a maximum of seven «%» characters per message which can be programmed

at each user’s extension. The extension user can enter 0 through 9, and # for the % characters. If the user enters digits less than the number of «%» characters, it is recommended to fill the remaining «%» characters with «#» or ««.

If there are 4-digit extension numbers available in your system, add one «%» to Message 3.

To display parts of the message which have scrolled off the display, press or .

Features Guide References

Absent Message Capability

2.1 Manager Programming

[009] Emergency Dial Number Set


Assigns emergency call numbers.


Emergency dial location number: 1 through 8

Telephone number: 16 digits (max.)


All locations – Not stored


1. Enter 009.

Display: Emergency Call

2. Press NEXT.

Display: Emergency NO?

3. Enter an emergency dial location numbe .

To enter emergency number 1, you can also press NEXT.

Display example: 1:9110

4. Enter a telephone numbe .

To delete the current entry, press CLEAR.

To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new number.

5.Press STORE.

6.To programme another emergency dial number, press NEXT or PREV, or SELECT and the desired emergency dial location numbe .

7.Repeat steps 4 through 6.

8.Press END.


There is a maximum of eight emergency call numbers. Each number has a maximum of 16 digits, consisting of 0 through 9, , #, F (Flash), P (Pause) and – (hyphen) .

No restriction is applied to emergency call numbers.

For outside calls, enter a line access number (9, 81 through 88) before the phone number.

Emergency dial location number (1-8) corresponds to [100] Flexible Numbering – No. 5562.

2.1Manager Programming

Features Guide References

Emergency Call

2.1 Manager Programming

[010] Budget Management


Assigns the charge limitation of a call on the extension basis.


• Jack number:

KX-TD81601 through 16, (-1 / -2) KX-TD123201 through 64, (-1 / -2)

(=all jacks, -1=first part, -2=second part)

• Charge limitation (Charge): 0 through 59999


All jacks – 0


1. Enter 010.

Display: Charge Limit

2. Press NEXT.

Display: Jack NO?

3. Enter a jack number.

To enter jack number 01, you can also press NEXT.

Display example: #01-1: 0

4. Enter a charge limitation.

To delete the charge limitation, press CLEAR.

5.Press STORE.

6.To programme another jack, press NEXT or PREV, or SELECT and the desired jack numbe .

7.Repeat steps 4 through 6.

8.Press END.


If the charge limitation is set «0», no restriction is applied.

For the KX-TD1232, jack numbers 01 through 32 are for the Master System and 33 through 64 are for the Slave, if available.

To assign all jack numbers to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for Jack 01.

2.1Manager Programming

• The displayed currency denomination can be programmed by

[121]Assignment of


Features Guide References

Budget Management

Charge Fee Reference


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  • Page 1

    Kx-td816 model kx-td1232 digital super hybrid system programming guide d1232 digital super hybrid system panasonic panasonic d816 digital super hybrid system please read this manual before using the digital super hybrid system..

  • Page 2: Introduction

    2 introduction introduction about this programming guide this programming guide is designed to serve as an overall system programming reference for the panasonic digital super hybrid system, kx-td816 / kx-td1232. This manual contains the following sections: section 1, programming instructions provid…

  • Page 3: Table of Contents

    Table of contents 3 table of contents 1 programming instructions ………………………………………………………9 1.1 programming instructions ………………………………………………………………………………10 1.2 using proprietary telephones ………………

  • Page 4

    4 table of contents [124] phantom extension number set …………………………………………………………………….. 91 [125] area code assignment …………………………………………………………………………………. 93 [126] caller id modification for loc…

  • Page 5

    Table of contents 5 [311] special carrier access codes ………………………………………………………………………..152 [312] ars mode ………………………………………………………………………………………………….153 [313] ars time ……………

  • Page 6

    6 table of contents [450] did forward group-ii signal code (for mfc-r2) ………………………………………… 221 [451] did backward group-a signal code (for mfc-r2) ……………………………………… 222 [452] did backward group-b signal code (for mfc-r2)…………………….

  • Page 7

    Table of contents 7 [018] budget management for isdn extension……………………………………………………….288 3.2 system programming…………………………………………………………………………………….290 [109] expansion unit type ……………………

  • Page 8

    8 table of contents [744] e1 did receive digit …………………………………………………………………………………. 361 [745] e1 dr2 receiver ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 362 [747] e1 line coding ……..

  • Page 9: Section

    Programming instructions 9 section 1 programming instructions.

  • Page 10: 1.1

    1.1 programming instructions 10 programming instructions 1.1 programming instructions default setting this system has a default factory setting. If any of the programming needs to be changed, you will find the necessary information in the features guide. This makes the system very simple to install …

  • Page 11: 1.2

    1.2 using proprietary telephones programming instructions 11 1.2 using proprietary telephones soft buttons and shift button on the display dpt three soft buttons are provided just below the display of digital proprietary telephones (dpt), kx-t7433, kx-t7436, kx-t7230 and kx-t7235. The functions of t…

  • Page 12

    1.2 using proprietary telephones 12 programming instructions you can use either the soft buttons or the overlay buttons. (for overlay buttons, refer to «using the overlay» below.) throughout programming you will see instructions such as «press prev». If you use soft buttons, this means press shift, …

  • Page 13

    1.2 using proprietary telephones programming instructions 13 location of controls with the overlay the pictures below show the functions of the buttons of the proprietary telephone while in programming mode. There are overlays for the kx-t7400 and kx-t7200 series telephones. Kx-t7436 and kx-t7230 ar…

  • Page 14

    1.2 using proprietary telephones 14 programming instructions before entering the programming mode before entering programming mode, confirm that: • your telephone is on-hook. • no calls are on hold at your telephone. Entering the programming mode • the display shows the initial message: syg-pgm no? …

  • Page 15: 1.3

    1.3 programming methods programming instructions 15 1.3 programming methods advancing to the next stage when » sys-pgm no? » is displayed, you can select one of the following: • to go to programme [000], press the next button. • to go to another programme, enter the 3-digit programme address. Rotati…

  • Page 16

    1.3 programming methods 16 programming instructions going to another programme address after pressing store, you can go to another programme with either of the following two methods: a) to go to the next larger programme address: press soft 1 (skp+) or volume (down) or rotate the jog dial in the cou…

  • Page 17: 1.4

    1.4 entering characters programming instructions 17 1.4 entering characters entering characters you can enter characters to store names or messages by using the dialling key pad, buttons or the jog dial. See the combination tables below. Combination table a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1 q q z z ! ? 2 2 a a …

  • Page 18

    1.4 entering characters 18 programming instructions combination table b note • the alphabetical characters correspond to the letters shown on the twelve dialling keys on the proprietary telephone. (except symbols) • in combination table b: if you keep rotating the jog dial, all of the characters in …

  • Page 19

    1.4 entering characters programming instructions 19 3. Using the jog dial (for kx-t7433 / kx-t7436 only) * see combination table b. A) press 6. («m» belongs to «6».) b) rotate the jog dial one pulse. • rotating the jog dial an appropriate number of pulses gives you the desired letter. Rotating the j…

  • Page 20

    1.4 entering characters 20 programming instructions f) enter 5. G) press soft 2 ( k ). H) enter 3. I) press soft 2 ( e ). Using method (2) * see combination table a. Using method (3) * see combination table b. Procedures the display shows: 1. Enter 6. 6 2. Press select. M 3. Enter 4. M4 4. Press sel…

  • Page 21

    1.4 entering characters programming instructions 21 or note • to erase all the letters, press clear. • to erase the last letter, press . Procedures the display shows: 1. Enter 2. 2 2. Rotate jog dial until «m» appears. M 3. Enter 2. M2 4. Rotate jog dial until «i» appears. Mi 5. Enter 2. Mi2 6. Rota…

  • Page 22: 1.5

    1.5 user programming 22 programming instructions 1.5 user programming mode user programming mode manager programming items (programme address: [0xx]) are accessible by any display proprietary telephone user in the system. Entering the user programming mode you can access these programmes by entering…

  • Page 23: 1.6

    1.6 programming example programming instructions 23 1.6 programming example programming example the following programming instructions assume that you have already entered the programming mode and that you will employ method (b) of «going to another programme address» in section 1.3 programming meth…

  • Page 24

    1.6 programming example 24 programming instructions programming structure programme address programming group description [0xx] manager programming these programmes may be accessed by the system manager of the customer to meet frequent changes requested by the customer. [1xx] system programming enti…

  • Page 25

    1.6 programming example programming instructions 25 [8xx] resource programming assignment of customer-supplied peripherals connected to the system. [9xx] optional programming used to answer the user’s requirements or troubles, if needed. Programming structure programme address programming group desc…

  • Page 26

    1.6 programming example 26 programming instructions.

  • Page 27: Section

    General programming 27 section 2 general programming.

  • Page 28: 2.1

    2.1 manager programming 28 general programming 2.1 manager programming [000] date and time set description sets the current date and time. A 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock can be selected. Selection • year: 00 through 99 • month: jan. Through dec. • day: 1 through 31 • day of the week: sun / mon / t…

  • Page 29

    2.1 manager programming general programming 29 12. Enter the hour. To change the current entry, press clear and enter the new hour. 13. Press . 14. Enter the minute. To change the current entry, press clear and enter the new minute. 15. Press . 16. Press select for am or pm. 17. Press . 18. Press se…

  • Page 30: [001]

    2.1 manager programming 30 general programming [001] system speed dialling number set description used to programme the system speed dial numbers. These numbers are available to all extension users. There are 500 numbers available from 000 to 499. Selection • speed dial number: 000 through 499 • tel…

  • Page 31

    2.1 manager programming general programming 31 conditions • each speed dial number has a maximum of 24 digits. The valid characters are 0 through 9, the and # keys, and the flash, pause, secret and – (hyphen) buttons. – to store a flash signal, press flash. Note: the stored flash will only be effect…

  • Page 32: [002]

    2.1 manager programming 32 general programming [002] system speed dialling name set description assigns names to the system speed dial numbers assigned in programme [001] system speed dialling number set. Kx-t7433, kx-t7436 and kx-t7235 telephones can show the stored name during system speed diallin…

  • Page 33

    2.1 manager programming general programming 33 features guide references call directory system speed dialling.

  • Page 34: [003]

    2.1 manager programming 34 general programming [003] extension number set description assigns an extension number to each extension. Selection • jack number: kx-td816 – 01 through 16 (-1 / -2) kx-td1232 – 01 through 64 (-1 / -2) (-1 = first part, -2 = second part) • extension number: 2 through 4 dig…

  • Page 35

    2.1 manager programming general programming 35 conditions • there is a maximum of 32 extension numbers for kx-td816, and 128 extension numbers for kx-td1232. Each extension number can be two, three, or four digits, consisting of 0 through 9. The and # keys cannot be used. • for the kx-td1232, jack n…

  • Page 36: [004]

    2.1 manager programming 36 general programming [004] extension name set description assigns names to the extension numbers programmed in programme [003] extension number set. Selection • jack number: kx-td816 – 01 through 16 (-1 / -2) kx-td1232 – 01 through 64 (-1 / -2) (-1 = first part, -2 = second…

  • Page 37

    2.1 manager programming general programming 37 • for the kx-td1232, jack numbers 01 through 32 are for the master system and 33 through 64 are for the slave, if available. • for an explanation of jack numbering, see «rotation of jack number» in section 1.3 programming methods. Features guide referen…

  • Page 38: [005]

    2.1 manager programming 38 general programming [005] flexible co button assignment description used to determine the use of the flexible co buttons on proprietary telephones from a centralised telephone. Selection • jack number: kx-td816 – 01 through 16 kx-td1232 – 01 through 64 • button code (plus …

  • Page 39

    2.1 manager programming general programming 39 default kx-td816: all jacks – co buttons 1 through 8 = single-co 01 through 08; ring tone type 2 other co buttons = not stored kx-td1232: all jacks – co buttons 1 through 24 = single-co 01 through 24; ring tone type 2 programming 1. Enter 005. Display: …

  • Page 40

    2.1 manager programming 40 general programming conditions • a centralised telephone is a telephone connected to jack 01 or a jack programmed as a manager extension in programme [006] operator / manager extension assignment. • for the kx-td1232, jack numbers 01 through 32 are for the master system an…

  • Page 41: [006]

    2.1 manager programming general programming 41 [006] operator / manager extension assignment description assigns the jack number for a manager and/or operators. The manager extension can perform system programming and manager services. The operators have the ability to perform operator services. Sel…

  • Page 42

    2.1 manager programming 42 general programming • if the assigned jack is in extra device port (xdp) mode, the proprietary telephone jack is treated as the manager / operator extension. Features guide references manager extension operator.

  • Page 43: [007]

    2.1 manager programming general programming 43 [007] console port and paired telephone assignment description assigns the jack numbers for the console and the paired extension. Selection • console number: kx-td816 – 1 through 4 kx-td1232 – 1 through 4 (for master), 5 through 8 (for slave) • jack num…

  • Page 44

    2.1 manager programming 44 general programming conditions • the jack number for the console and that for the paired extension must be entered together. • multiple consoles cannot be assigned to the same console jack. • multiple consoles can be paired with the same proprietary telephone jack. • a con…

  • Page 45: [008]

    2.1 manager programming general programming 45 [008] absent messages description used to programme the absent messages. An absent message, if set by the extension user, is displayed on the calling extension’s telephone to show the reason for the user’s absence. Selection • message number: 1 through …

  • Page 46

    2.1 manager programming 46 general programming conditions • messages 1 through 6 are programmed at the factory but can be changed. • you can enter a maximum of seven «%» characters per message which can be programmed at each user’s extension. The extension user can enter 0 through 9, and # for the %…

  • Page 47: [009]

    2.1 manager programming general programming 47 [009] quick dial number set description stores up to eight quick dial numbers. Selection • location number: 1 through 8 • desired number: 16 digits (max.) default all location numbers – not stored programming 1. Enter 009. Display: 009 quick dial 2. Pre…

  • Page 48: [014]

    2.1 manager programming 48 general programming [014] vm name set description assigns a name for each voice mail port. Selection • voice mail (vm) number: kx-td816 – 01 through 12 kx-td1232 – 01 through 24 • name: 10 characters (max.) default all voice mails – v.Mail xx (xx=01 through 24) programming…

  • Page 49: [015]

    2.1 manager programming general programming 49 [015] budget management description assigns the charge limitation of a call on the extension basis. Selection • jack number: kx-td816 – 01 through 16 (-1 / -2), kx-td1232 – 01 through 64 (-1 / -2), ( =all jacks, -1=first part, -2=second part) • charge l…

  • Page 50

    2.1 manager programming 50 general programming features guide references budget management charge fee reference.

  • Page 51: [017]

    2.1 manager programming general programming 51 [017] disa / tie user codes description assigns the direct inward system access (disa) and tie user codes and a class of service (cos) to each code. The code cos determines the toll restriction level of the disa and tie caller. Warning when you enable t…

  • Page 52

    2.1 manager programming 52 general programming 8. To programme another user code, press next or prev, or select and the desired disa / tie user code number. 9. Repeat steps 4 through 8. 10. Press end. Conditions • this setting is required if trunk (outside line) security mode is selected in programm…

  • Page 53: 2.2

    2.2 system programming general programming 53 2.2 system programming [100] flexible numbering description assigns the leading digits of extension numbers and feature numbers for system features. Feature number list number feature default 01 1st hundred extension block 1 02 2nd hundred extension bloc…

  • Page 54

    2.2 system programming 54 general programming 38 external feature access 6 39 station feature clear 790 40 message waiting 70 41 outgoing message 36 42 call forwarding / do not disturb 710 43 call pickup deny 720 44 data line security 730 45 call waiting / ohca / whisper ohca 731 46 executive busy o…

  • Page 55

    2.2 system programming general programming 55 selection • selection number: 01 through 91 (see «feature number list» for the corresponding features.) • feature number: 1 or 2 digits (for selection numbers 01 through 16, 74 through 89); 1 through 3 digits (for selection numbers 17 through 73 and 90 t…

  • Page 56

    2.2 system programming 56 general programming conditions • required digits and valid entries for the feature numbers are as follows. • it is possible to assign the leading digits for extension numbers of the respective extension blocks. Assignment of extension blocks defines the limits for programme…

  • Page 57: [101]

    2.2 system programming general programming 57 [101] day / night service switching mode description this programme is used to determine if night mode is set automatically or manually. Selection manual / auto (automatic) default manual programming 1. Enter 101. Display: 101 day/nt auto 2. Press next. …

  • Page 58: [102]

    2.2 system programming 58 general programming [102] day / night service starting time description sets the starting time on a day of the week basis, when automatic day / night switching is programmed in programme [101] day / night service switching mode. Selection • day of the week selection number:…

  • Page 59

    2.2 system programming general programming 59 10. To programme another day / night mode or day of the week, press next or prev, or select and the day of the week selection number. 11. Repeat steps 4 through 10. 12. Press end. Conditions • to select the desired day, you may keep pressing next in step…

  • Page 60: [103]

    2.2 system programming 60 general programming [103] automatic access outside line group assignment description assigns the sequence in which outside line groups will be accessed when in automatic line access mode. When a user dials the feature number for automatic line access (default=9/0) or presse…

  • Page 61: [105]

    2.2 system programming general programming 61 [105] account codes description assigns the account codes for account code entry, verified – all calls and verified – toll restriction override modes. If verified – all calls is assigned in programme [508] «account code entry mode», an account code is re…

  • Page 62

    2.2 system programming 62 general programming features guide references account code entry toll restriction.

  • Page 63: [106]

    2.2 system programming general programming 63 [106] station hunting type description used to enable or disable hunting and set the station hunting type for each extension group. There are six station hunting types available: circular: all of the extensions in the group are searched until an idle one…

  • Page 64

    2.2 system programming 64 general programming conditions • programme [602] extension group assignment is used to assign the extension group members. • the system supports a maximum of eight jacks (16 jacks during system connection for kx-td1232) for connection to a voice processing system as vm or a…

  • Page 65: [107]

    2.2 system programming general programming 65 [107] system password description assigns the password required for entering system programming mode and for maintenance from a personal computer. Selection password: 4 through 7 digits default 1234 programming 1. Enter 107. Display: 107 sys password 2. …

  • Page 66: [108]

    2.2 system programming 66 general programming [108] automatic hold by co / dss button description enables or disables automatically holding an outside call when a dss (direct station selection) button on the console or proprietary telephone, or a co button on a proprietary telephone is pressed. Thro…

  • Page 67: [109]

    2.2 system programming general programming 67 [109] expansion unit type description assigns the type of expansion units to be used in the system. This allows the system to identify the unit in each expansion unit location. Selection kx-td816 • areas 1; 2 = c (4 co) / s2 (2 s0) / s6 (6 s0) / bd (4 di…

  • Page 68

    2.2 system programming 68 general programming to programme «slave», press next again. Display example: master:c ;e1;e2 3. Keep pressing select until the desired selection in area 1 is displayed. 4. Press to programme another area, if required. 5. Keep pressing select until the desired selection in t…

  • Page 69

    2.2 system programming general programming 69 features guide references none.

  • Page 70: [110]

    2.2 system programming 70 general programming [110] caller id code set description sets the identification code of the calling party (caller id code) to utilise a caller id service provided by a specific central office (co). If an id code transmitted from the co is found in the caller id code table,…

  • Page 71

    2.2 system programming general programming 71 • programme [406] caller id assignment is used to enable the caller id service on an outside line basis. Features guide references caller id.

  • Page 72: [111]

    2.2 system programming 72 general programming [111] caller id name set description with caller id service, the calling party is displayed either by its id code or by its name. If the name display is required, use this programme to give a name to a caller id code stored in programme [110] caller id c…

  • Page 73: [113]

    2.2 system programming general programming 73 [113] vm status dtmf set description sets the dtmf (dual tone multi-frequency) signals transmitted to your voice processing system (vps) to inform the vps of the vps ports states quickly: the following signals are sent to the vps with the assigned dtmf s…

  • Page 74

    2.2 system programming 74 general programming display example: rbt :1 3. Enter a dtmf signal number. To delete the current entry, press clear. To change the current entry, press clear and enter the new number. 4. Press store. 5. To programme another selection, keep pressing next or prev until the de…

  • Page 75: [114]

    2.2 system programming general programming 75 [114] vm command dtmf set description sets the dtmf (dual tone multi-frequency) command signals transmitted to your voice processing system (vps). There are four commands available: leave message; get message; automated attendant service; voice mail serv…

  • Page 76

    2.2 system programming 76 general programming default lv-msg – h; getmsg – *h; aa-svc – #8; vm-svc – #6 programming 1. Enter 114. Display: 114 vm dtmf cmd 2. Press next to programme the lv-msg command. To programme another command, keep pressing next until the desired command is displayed. Display e…

  • Page 77: [115]

    2.2 system programming general programming 77 [115] adjust time description used to adjust the time for checking the normality of system data. Every day at the programmed time, the data adjustment is performed. Selection • hour: 1 through 12 • minute: 00 through 59 • am / pm default 1:00 am programm…

  • Page 78: [116]

    2.2 system programming 78 general programming [116] rom version display description confirms the version of rom of the system. Display example: selection system number: kx-td816 – 0 kx-td1232 – 0 (master) / 1 (slave) default not applicable programming 1. Enter 116. Display: 116 rom version 2. Press …

  • Page 79: [117]

    2.2 system programming general programming 79 [117] voice mail number assignment description assigns the jack number corresponding to the voice mail port for data transmission to the voice processing system. The voice mail port is expandable to six ports (12 ports during system connection for kx-td1…

  • Page 80

    2.2 system programming 80 general programming 10. Press end. Kx-td1232 1. Enter 117. Display: 117 vms port asn 2. Press next to programme the master system. Display example: mast1:# # # 3. Enter a jack number. To delete the current entry, press clear. To change the current entry, press clear and ent…

  • Page 81: [118]

    2.2 system programming general programming 81 [118] voice mail extension number set description assigns the extension number for the voice mail number. These numbers can be used the same way extension numbers are used for station access. This programme is available when this system is connected to a…

  • Page 82

    2.2 system programming 82 general programming conditions • for the kx-td1232, vm-01 through vm-12 are for the master system and vm-13 through vm-24 are for the slave system, if available. • you cannot leave an entry empty. • the first one or two digits of the voice mail extension numbers are subject…

  • Page 83: [119]

    2.2 system programming general programming 83 [119] voice mail extension group assignment description assigns each voice mail number to a voice mail extension group number. This programme is available when this system is connected to a panasonic voice processing system which supports digital proprie…

  • Page 84

    2.2 system programming 84 general programming programmed in [117] voice mail number assignment. «-1» of yy-1 means the first part of the jack number in digital line. «yy-2» means the second part of the jack number in digital line. • to assign all voice mail numbers to one selection, press the key in…

  • Page 85: [120]

    2.2 system programming general programming 85 [120] user password description assigns the password required for entering the user programming mode. In the user programming mode, any display digital proprietary telephone user in the system can set the manager programmings (programme address: [0xx]). …

  • Page 86: [121]

    2.2 system programming 86 general programming [121] walking cos password description assigns the password required for walking cos. Selection password: 4 through 7 digits default 1234 programming 1. Enter 121. Display: 121 cos password 2. Press next. Display example: password:1234 3. Enter a passwor…

  • Page 87: [122]

    2.2 system programming general programming 87 [122] ucd overflow description assigns the destination where the call is transferred to when all extensions in the uniform call distribution (ucd) group are busy. The time table number of the overflow extension must also be assigned. Selection • ucd grou…

  • Page 88

    2.2 system programming 88 general programming features guide references uniform call distribution (ucd).

  • Page 89: [123]

    2.2 system programming general programming 89 [123] ucd time table description assigns the queuing sequence in the uniform call distribution (ucd) time table. The queuing sequences are as follows: s1: sends disa (direct inward system access) outgoing message 1. S2: sends disa outgoing message 2. S3:…

  • Page 90

    2.2 system programming 90 general programming conditions • «sx» can be assigned in a space other than in the first only when another «sx» is assigned in the first space. • an assignment after «tr», «rt» or «blank» is not available. Features guide references uniform call distribution (ucd).

  • Page 91: [124]

    2.2 system programming general programming 91 [124] phantom extension number set description assigns the phantom extension numbers. Each number will be assigned to a flexible co or dss (direct station selection) button and used as a phantom extension button. Selection • location number: 001 through …

  • Page 92

    2.2 system programming 92 general programming to avoid making an invalid entry, check the other extension numbers. The default of each extension number is as follows: [003] extension number set kx-td816 – 101 through 116, 201 through 216 kx-td1232 – 101 through 164, 201 through 264 [012] isdn extens…

  • Page 93: [125]

    2.2 system programming general programming 93 [125] area code assignment description assigns up to ten area codes which are necessary when using the caller id feature. By assigning your area code, the system records the caller’s phone number modified by programmes [126] caller id modification for lo…

  • Page 94

    2.2 system programming 94 general programming call log, incoming.

  • Page 95: [126]

    2.2 system programming general programming 95 [126] caller id modification for local call description assigns removed digits from the received caller’s number of a local call, and adds number to make the final number which serves as the caller id number. The system records the modified caller’s numb…

  • Page 96

    2.2 system programming 96 general programming • there are ten location numbers for modified numbers, which corresponds to those in programme [125] area code assignment. Features guide references caller id call log, incoming.

  • Page 97: [127]

    2.2 system programming general programming 97 [127] caller id modification for long distance call description assigns removed digits from the received caller’s number of a long distance call, and adds number to make the final number which serves as the caller id number. The system records the modifi…

  • Page 98: [128]

    2.2 system programming 98 general programming [128] pbx code description assigns the pbx code as your location number if the «pbx code method» is employed for tie line network calling. Selection pbx code: 1 through 3 digits default not stored programming 1. Enter 128. Display: 128 pbx code 2. Press …

  • Page 99: [129]

    2.2 system programming general programming 99 [129] e&m signal assignment description assigns the e&m signal. There are three signals available: continuous: continuous e&m (wink/immediate) pulsed ans: pulsed e&m with answer signal (wink only) pulsed no ans: pulsed e&m without answer signal (wink onl…

  • Page 100: [130]

    2.2 system programming 100 general programming [130] message waiting control description assigns the data ports which communicate with the message waiting lamp adaptor unit (kx-td194). Selection • unit (td194) number: kx-td816 – 1 kx-td1232 – 1 through 6 • jack number: kx-td816 – 02 through 16 kx-td…

  • Page 101

    2.2 system programming general programming 101 jacks assigned to consoles and paired telephones jacks already assigned to the message waiting adaptor unit if the unit is connected to a port which is not assigned as the data port, a clicking sound may be heard from the unit. Please make sure that the…

  • Page 102: [131]

    2.2 system programming 102 general programming [131] message waiting lamp assignment description assigns the message waiting light pattern. Selection message waiting light pattern number: 01 through 12 default 1 programming 1. Enter 131. Display: 131 mw lamp 2. Press next. Display: mw lamp no:1 3. E…

  • Page 103

    2.2 system programming general programming 103 features guide references message waiting 1.25s 500 ms 250 ms 5s 10± s 500 ms 500 ms 250 ms 250 ms 250 ms pattern 01 pattern 02 pattern 03 pattern 04 pattern 05 pattern 06 500 ms 500 ms 250 ms 20± s 5 s 500 ms 1.25 s 1.25 s 1.25 s 250 ms 250 ms 1.25 s 5…

  • Page 104: [132]

    2.2 system programming 104 general programming [132] message waiting port set description assigns which single line telephone port is connected to the kx-td194 port. Selection • unit (td194) number: kx-td816 – 1 kx-td1232 – 1 through 6 • message waiting port number: 01 through 16 • single line telep…

  • Page 105

    2.2 system programming general programming 105 12. Press end. Conditions • to programme another unit, start from step 1. • for the kx-td1232, the unit numbers 1 through 3 are for the master system and 4 through 6 are for the slave system, and jack numbers 01 through 32 are for master system and 33 t…

  • Page 106: [134]

    2.2 system programming 106 general programming [134] hotel application description assigns whether the hotel application is enabled or disabled. Selection on / off default off programming 1. Enter 134. Display: 134 hotel on/off 2. Press next. Display example: hotel:off 3. Keep pressing select until …

  • Page 107: [135]

    2.2 system programming general programming 107 [135] did number conversion selection description selects whether the direct inward dialling (did) number is allocated as an extension number or is converted using the transfer table. Selection ext number / transfer table default ext number programming …

  • Page 108: [136]

    2.2 system programming 108 general programming [136] did / ddi number assignment description assigns the direct inward dialling (did) number which is converted from the did subscriber number using the programmes [433] did / tie subscriber number removed digit and [434] did / tie added number. And al…

  • Page 109

    2.2 system programming general programming 109 • to use this programme for did numbers, «transfer table» must be selected beforehand in programme [135] did number conversion selection. • to use this programme for ddi numbers, «use» must be selected beforehand in programme [154] did transfer table fo…

  • Page 110: [137-138]

    2.2 system programming 110 general programming [137-138] did / ddi extension – day / night description determines the extension which receive a direct inward dialling (did) or direct dialling in (ddi) call in both the day and night modes. Selection • location number: 001 through 200 • extension numb…

  • Page 111

    2.2 system programming general programming 111 • to use this programme for did, «transfer table» must be selected first in programme [135] did number conversion selection, and then the did number must be assigned in programme [136] did / ddi number assignment. • to use this programme for ddi, «use» …

  • Page 112: [139]

    2.2 system programming 112 general programming [139] did / ddi extension name set description assigns names to the direct inward dialling (did) or direct dialling in (ddi) extension assigned in programme [136] did / ddi number assignment. Selection • location number: 001 through 200 • extension numb…

  • Page 113

    2.2 system programming general programming 113 direct inward dialling (did).

  • Page 114: [141]

    2.2 system programming 114 general programming [141] charge rate decimal point assignment description assigns how many decimal places to set for the charge rate. Selection number of decimal places: 0 through 8 default 2 programming 1. Enter 141. Display: 141 deci. Point 2. Press next. Display exampl…

  • Page 115: [142]

    2.2 system programming general programming 115 [142] charge rate assignment description assigns the rate to each outside line. Selection • outside line number: kx-td816 – 01 through 08, kx-td1232 – 01 through 24, ( =all outside lines) • desired number: 10 digits max. (including the decimal point) de…

  • Page 116

    2.2 system programming 116 general programming • a maximum of ten digits, consisting of 0 through 9 and (decimal point), can be assigned as the rate. The number of spaces depends on the assignment in programme [141] charge rate decimal point assignment. To assign the rate «0.25» when the decimal pla…

  • Page 117: [143]

    2.2 system programming general programming 117 [143] charge display selection description assigns the initial display format of charge fee. Selection in meter / in charge default in meter programming 1. Enter 143. Display: 143 charge meter 2. Press next. Display example: in meter 3. Keep pressing se…

  • Page 118: [144]

    2.2 system programming 118 general programming [144] currency assignment description assigns the currency required for your country. Selection 2 characters (max.) default $ programming 1. Enter 144. Display: 144 currency 2. Press next. Display example: currency: $ 3. Enter a currency. To delete the …

  • Page 119: [148]

    2.2 system programming general programming 119 [148] off-hook monitor description enables or disables to perform the off-hook monitor. Selection enable / disable default enable programming 1. Enter 148. Display: 148 hook monitor 2. Press next. Display example: monitor:enable 3. Keep pressing select …

  • Page 120: [150]

    2.2 system programming 120 general programming [150] lunch service starting / ending time description sets the lunch starting and ending time for each day of the week. Selection • day of the week selection number: 1 (sunday) / 2 (monday) / 3 (tuesday) / 4 (wednesday) / 5 (thursday) / 6 (friday) / 7 …

  • Page 121

    2.2 system programming general programming 121 conditions • this programming can only be used if «auto (automatic)» is selected in programme [101] day / night service switching mode. • lunch / break service ends at the assigned time. For example: if lunch is 3:00 – 4:00 pm, day mode starts at 4:01 p…

  • Page 122: [151]

    2.2 system programming 122 general programming [151] break service starting / ending time description sets the break starting and ending time for each day of the week. Selection • day of the week selection number: 1 (sunday) / 2 (monday) / 3 (tuesday) / 4 (wednesday) / 5 (thursday) / 6 (friday) / 7 …

  • Page 123

    2.2 system programming general programming 123 conditions • this feature can only be used if «auto (automatic)» is selected in programme [101] day / night service switching mode. • lunch / break service ends at the assigned time. For example: if lunch is 3:00 – 4:00 pm, day mode starts at 4:01 pm. I…

  • Page 124: [152]

    2.2 system programming 124 general programming [152] charge verification assignment description assigns the extension which is allowed to refer or clear for the call information on the extension, outside line, account code, and the total. Selection • jack number: kx-td816 – 01 through 16, kx-td1232 …

  • Page 125: [153]

    2.2 system programming general programming 125 [153] charge verification id code set description assigns an id code required to refer the charge information. Selection 4 digits (0000 through 9999) default 1234 programming 1. Enter 153. Display: 153 charge id 2. Press next. Display example: code:1234…

  • Page 126: 2.3

    2.3 timer programming 126 general programming 2.3 timer programming [200] hold recall time description assigns the length of the hold recall timer. This timer is used to alert an extension that a call has been held for an extended period of time. Selection time (seconds): 0 through 240 (0=hold recal…

  • Page 127: [201]

    2.3 timer programming general programming 127 [201] transfer recall time description sets the number of rings before transfer recall occurs. If a transferred call is not answered after the programmed number of rings, the call returns to the original caller. Selection number of rings: 0 through 48 (0…

  • Page 128: [202]

    2.3 timer programming 128 general programming [202] call forwarding – no answer time description sets the number of rings for the call forwarding – no answer feature. If a call is not answered after the programmed number of rings, the call is forwarded to the destination. Selection number of rings: …

  • Page 129: [203]

    2.3 timer programming general programming 129 [203] intercept time description sets the number of rings for the intercept routing – no answer (irna) feature. If a call is not answered after the programmed number of rings, the call is redirected to the programmed extension. Selection number of rings:…

  • Page 130: [204]

    2.3 timer programming 130 general programming [204] pickup dial waiting time description sets the number of seconds for pickup dialling. If the telephone user lifts the handset, the programmed party is called when the time expires. Selection time (seconds): 1 through 5 default 1 s programming 1. Ent…

  • Page 131: [205]

    2.3 timer programming general programming 131 [205] extension-to-outside line call duration time description sets the maximum time allowed for a conversation with an outside party. If an outside call is originated or answered by a programmed extension user and the timer expires, the call is disconne…

  • Page 132: [206]

    2.3 timer programming 132 general programming [206] outside-to-outside line call duration time description sets the maximum time allowed for a conversation between two outside parties. When the timer expires, the outside-to-outside line call is disconnected. Selection time (minutes): 1 through 64 de…

  • Page 133: [207]

    2.3 timer programming general programming 133 [207] first digit time description sets the maximum time allowed between the start of an outside dial tone and the first digit dialled on an outgoing outside call. If an extension user fails to dial any digits during this time, the dtmf (dual tone multi-…

  • Page 134: [208]

    2.3 timer programming 134 general programming [208] inter digit time description assigns the maximum time allowed between digits on an outgoing toll call. If an extension user fails to dial any digits during this time, the dtmf (dual tone multi-frequency) receiver is released. This timer applies unt…

  • Page 135: [209]

    2.3 timer programming general programming 135 [209] automatic redial repeat times description sets the number of times automatic redial is tried. Automatic redialling of the last dialled or saved number is done up to the specified number of times. Selection number of times: 1 through 30 default kx-t…

  • Page 136: [210]

    2.3 timer programming 136 general programming [210] automatic redial interval time description sets the interval time between automatic redial attempts. Selection time (seconds): 3 through 120 ( 10 is the actual time) default kx-td816bx, kx-td1232(d)bx/ml, kx-tdn1232 – 60 s kx-td816hk, kx-td1232hk –…

  • Page 137: [211]

    2.3 timer programming general programming 137 [211] dial start time description sets the number of milliseconds the system waits before dialling after an outside line is seized. Selection time (milliseconds): 0 through 40 ( 100 is the actual time) default kx-td816bx, kx-td1232(d)bx/ml/x, kx-tdn1232 …

  • Page 138: [212]

    2.3 timer programming 138 general programming [212] call duration count start time description sets the number of seconds the system waits between the end of dialling and the start of the station message detail recording (smdr) timer for outgoing toll calls. When the system has sent out all the digi…

  • Page 139: [213]

    2.3 timer programming general programming 139 [213] disa delayed answer time description assigns the number of rings between a call received and the answer by the direct inward system access (disa) feature. Selection number of rings: 0 through 6 default 1 ring programming 1. Enter 213. Display: 213 …

  • Page 140: [214]

    2.3 timer programming 140 general programming [214] disa prolong time description sets the maximum allowable prolonged time for an outside-to-outside line call via the direct inward system access (disa) feature. An outside-to-outside line call is initially limited by the «outside-to-outside line cal…

  • Page 141: [215]

    2.3 timer programming general programming 141 [215] outgoing message time description sets the maximum allowable recording time for outgoing messages (ogm). Selection time (seconds): 0 / 16 / 32 / 64 (0=no recording) default 32, 0, 32, 0 (for ogm 1 through 4 from left to right) programming 1. Enter …

  • Page 142: [216]

    2.3 timer programming 142 general programming [216] message waiting ring interval time description sets the message waiting ring interval time for a single line telephone. Selection time (minutes): 0 through 64 (0=no ring) default 0 min programming 1. Enter 216. Display: 216 mw ring time 2. Press ne…

  • Page 143: [217]

    2.3 timer programming general programming 143 [217] timed reminder alarm ring time description sets the number of seconds the timed reminder alarm rings. Selection time (seconds): 30 through 240 default 30 s programming 1. Enter 217. Display: 217 timed remind 2. Press next. Display example: reminder…

  • Page 144: [218]

    2.3 timer programming 144 general programming [218] disa aa wait time description sets the number of seconds the system waits for a second digit entry. If the timer expires, the system assumes that the first digit is a disa (direct inward system access) built-in auto attendant number if assigned in …

  • Page 145: [219]

    2.3 timer programming general programming 145 [219] call park recall time description sets the number of rings before call park recall occurs. Call park recall is used to alert an extension that a call has been parked for an extended period of time. Selection number of rings: 0 through 48 (0=call pa…

  • Page 146: [220]

    2.3 timer programming 146 general programming [220] tie first / inter digit time description assigns the maximum time allowed between the start of the dial tone and the first digit dialled (first digit time), and between digits (inter digit time) on an tie call. If an extension user fails to dial an…

  • Page 147: 2.4

    2.4 trs / ars programming general programming 147 2.4 trs / ars programming [300] trs override for system speed dialling description allows you to enable toll restriction override for system speed dial numbers. If this is enabled, all extension users can make system speed dialling calls with no rest…

  • Page 148: [301-305]

    2.4 trs / ars programming 148 general programming [301-305] trs denied code entry for levels 2 through 6 description these allow you to specify the numbers which are toll-restricted for each toll restriction level as follows: programme [301]: restricts levels 2 through 6 programme [302]: restricts l…

  • Page 149

    2.4 trs / ars programming general programming 149 conditions • there is a maximum of 20 toll call numbers which can be restricted for each programme. Each number has a maximum of ten digits, consisting of 0 through 9, and . The character » » can be used as a wild card character. • programmes [306-31…

  • Page 150: [306-310]

    2.4 trs / ars programming 150 general programming [306-310] trs excepted code entry for levels 2 through 6 description these allow you to assign numbers which are exceptions to the toll restriction specified in programmes [301] through [305] as follows: programme [306]: applies to level 2 programme …

  • Page 151

    2.4 trs / ars programming general programming 151 conditions there is a maximum of five numbers for each programme. Each number has a maximum of ten digits, consisting of 0 through 9, and . The character » » can be used as a wild card character. Features guide references toll restriction.

  • Page 152: [311]

    2.4 trs / ars programming 152 general programming [311] special carrier access codes description assigns special carrier numbers. This allows the system to recognise the user-dialled special carrier number in order to insert the required pause and apply toll restriction. Selection • location number:…

  • Page 153: [312]

    2.4 trs / ars programming general programming 153 [312] ars mode description allows you to turn on or off the automatic route selection (ars) mode. Ars, if enabled, selects the least expensive route to be used for an outside call. Selection on / off default off programming 1. Enter 312. Display: 312…

  • Page 154: [313]

    2.4 trs / ars programming 154 general programming [313] ars time description assigns times for the four automatic route selection (ars) time schedules. It is possible to split a day into four time zones (maximum) so that the least expensive line is selected for that time. According to the service ho…

  • Page 155

    2.4 trs / ars programming general programming 155 conditions • enter a starting time for each time schedule. Select «disable» for idle schedules. • you cannot leave an entry empty. • to assign all days of the week, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for …

  • Page 156: [314-321]

    2.4 trs / ars programming 156 general programming [314-321] ars leading digit entry for plans 1 through 8 description by entering numbers into each leading digit plan (programmes below) you are starting the process to determine which outside line group will be used to route the call. These eight pla…

  • Page 157

    2.4 trs / ars programming general programming 157 conditions each number has a maximum of ten digits, consisting of 0 through 9, and . The character » » can be used as a wild card character (i.E., «do not care» digit). The system scans all the ars leading digit plans simultaneously from left to righ…

  • Page 158: [322-329]

    2.4 trs / ars programming 158 general programming [322-329] ars routing plans 1 through 8 description assigns the outside line group and modification plan to be used for each route plan and time schedule. Selection • time schedule: a / b / c / d • outside line group number: 1 through 8 • modificatio…

  • Page 159

    2.4 trs / ars programming general programming 159 11. Press end. Conditions • up to three outside line groups and modification plans can be assigned for each time schedule. The outside line group number and modification table number must be entered together. The highest priority outside line group n…

  • Page 160: [330]

    2.4 trs / ars programming 160 general programming [330] ars modify removed digit description determines how the dialled number should be modified before transmitting to the central office. You can delete the digits from the beginning of the dialled number. Selection • modification table number: 1 th…

  • Page 161: [331]

    2.4 trs / ars programming general programming 161 [331] ars modify added number description determines how the dialled number should be modified before transmitting to the central office. Assigned numbers are added to the beginning of the dialled number. Selection • modification table number: 1 thro…

  • Page 162: [332]

    2.4 trs / ars programming 162 general programming [332] extra entry table selection description selects the code table which enables an extra 400 entries within denied or except code table. Selection • deny / except • level number: 2 through 6 default except — 2 programming 1. Enter 332. Display: 33…

  • Page 163: [333]

    2.4 trs / ars programming general programming 163 [333] trs entry code assignment for extra table description used to specify the numbers for extra denied or excepted code table for expansion. Selection • location number: 001 through 400 • toll call number: 10 digits (max.) default all locations – n…

  • Page 164: [334]

    2.4 trs / ars programming 164 general programming [334] emergency dial number set description stores up to ten emergency call numbers. Emergency numbers are not subject to toll restriction, account code – verified mode and electronic station lockout. Selection • location number: 01 through 10 • emer…

  • Page 165: [340]

    2.4 trs / ars programming general programming 165 [340] tie line routing table description the tie line routing table can be programmed. This table is referenced by the system to identify the outside line route, when an extension user makes a tie call. A routing pattern appropriate for each call is …

  • Page 166

    2.4 trs / ars programming 166 general programming conditions • each tie line access number has a maximum of three digits, consisting of 0 through 9 and . The character » » can be used as a wild card character. • programme [341] tie modify removed digit / added number is used to modify the tie line a…

  • Page 167: [341]

    2.4 trs / ars programming general programming 167 [341] tie modify removed digit / added number description assigns the removed digits and added numbers of a received tie call. Digits are removed and added from the beginning of the dialled digits. Selection • location number: 01 through 32 • number …

  • Page 168

    2.4 trs / ars programming 168 general programming features guide references tie line service.

  • Page 169: 2.5

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 169 2.5 outside line programming [400] outside line connection assignment description used to identify the outside lines which are connected to the system(s). This prevents users from originating a call to a line which is not connected. Selection • ou…

  • Page 170

    2.5 outside line programming 170 general programming • outside lines 25 through 54 become available when the kx-td290 or kx-td188 expansion unit is installed in the kx-td1232. • to assign all outside lines to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents progra…

  • Page 171: [401]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 171 [401] outside line group assignment description each outside line must be assigned to an outside line group. This programme defines the outside line group assignment for each outside line. For example, if there are multiple telephone service compa…

  • Page 172

    2.5 outside line programming 172 general programming 8. Press end. Conditions • for the kx-td1232, outside lines 01 through 12 are for the master system and outside lines 13 through 24 are for the slave, if available. • outside lines 25 through 54 become available when the kx-td290 or kx-td188 expan…

  • Page 173: [402]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 173 [402] dial mode selection description each outside line can be programmed for dtmf (dual tone multi-frequency), pulse (rotary) or call blocking. This programme assigns your choice to each line. Dtmf: the dialling signals from an extension, either …

  • Page 174

    2.5 outside line programming 174 general programming 8. Press end. Conditions • for the kx-td1232, outside lines 01 through 12 are for the master system and outside lines 13 through 24 are for the slave, if available. • to assign all lines to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the…

  • Page 175: [403]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 175 [403] pulse speed selection description an outside line set for pulse or call blocking mode in programme [402] dial mode selection can have two pulse rates, 10 pps (low) and 20 pps (high). This programme sets the pulse speed for each outside line …

  • Page 176

    2.5 outside line programming 176 general programming • programme [990] system additional information, area 02 — bit 7, and bits 12 and 11 are used to select a pulse break ratio and inter-digit pause, if needed. Features guide references dial type selection.

  • Page 177: [404]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 177 [404] dtmf time description an outside line set to dtmf (dual tone multi-frequency) mode in programme [402] dial mode selection can have two settings. This programme sets the duration of the dtmf signals sent to an outside line to dtmf mode. Selec…

  • Page 178

    2.5 outside line programming 178 general programming features guide references dial type selection.

  • Page 179: [405]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 179 [405] cpc signal detection incoming set description assigns the expected minimum duration of the calling party control (cpc) signal on incoming outside calls. If this is programmed, the system disconnects the line when the cpc signal is detected. …

  • Page 180

    2.5 outside line programming 180 general programming • programme [415] cpc signal detection outgoing set is used to programme cpc signal detection for outgoing outside calls. Features guide references calling party control (cpc) signal detection direct inward system access (disa).

  • Page 181: [406]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 181 [406] caller id assignment description enables the caller id feature for the outside lines to which a caller id service is offered by a central office by contract. Selection • outside line (co) number: kx-td816 – 01 through 08, kx-td1232 – 01 thro…

  • Page 182

    2.5 outside line programming 182 general programming features guide references caller id.

  • Page 183: [407-408]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 183 [407-408] dil 1:1 extension – day / night description the direct in lines (dil) 1:1 feature allows incoming outside calls to be directed to a specific extension. When an outside line is assigned as dil 1:1, it is necessary to assign the destinatio…

  • Page 184

    2.5 outside line programming 184 general programming • to assign all outside lines to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for outside line 01. • if an outside line is also programmed for dil 1:n in programmes [603-604] dil 1:n extension and…

  • Page 185: [409-410]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 185 [409-410] intercept extension – day / night description intercept routing provides an automatic re-direction of calls which cannot or have not been answered (irna: intercept routing – no answer). These programmes set the destination in both day an…

  • Page 186

    2.5 outside line programming 186 general programming voice mail extension numbers – [118] voice mail extension number set phantom extension numbers – [124] phantom extension number set floating numbers – [813] floating number assignment features guide references intercept routing.

  • Page 187: [411]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 187 [411] host pbx access codes description assigns host pbx access codes. If the system is installed behind a host pbx, an access code is required to make an outside call. Up to four codes can be stored for an outside line group assigned to the line….

  • Page 188

    2.5 outside line programming 188 general programming • there is a maximum of four access codes per outside line group. Each code has one or two digits, consisting of 0 through 9, and . • if conflicting access codes (such as 8 and 81) are stored for the same outside line group, the 1-digit code (8) o…

  • Page 189: [412]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 189 [412] pause time description assigns the length of the pause time. The programmed pause time is automatically inserted after a line access number or a host pbx access code programmed in [411] host pbx access codes or manually inserted if the pause…

  • Page 190: [413]

    2.5 outside line programming 190 general programming [413] flash time description assigns the length of the flash time. If your system is installed behind a host pbx, external feature access (efa) is necessary to obtain their services. To enable it, select a required hooking signal sending time for …

  • Page 191

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 191 • programme [401] outside line group assignment is used to assign each outside line to an outside line group. Features guide references external feature access flash.

  • Page 192: [414]

    2.5 outside line programming 192 general programming [414] disconnect time description determines the amount of time between successive accesses to the same outside line. Selection • outside line group (trg) number: 1 through 8, ( =all outside line groups) • time (seconds): 1.5 / 4.0 default all out…

  • Page 193: [415]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 193 [415] cpc signal detection outgoing set description enables or disables calling party control (cpc) signal detection during the time between the originated outside call and the established outside call. If this is enabled, the system disconnects t…

  • Page 194

    2.5 outside line programming 194 general programming • for the kx-td1232, outside lines 01 through 12 are for the master system and outside lines 13 through 24 are for the slave, if available. • to assign all outside lines to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows th…

  • Page 195: [416]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 195 [416] reverse circuit assignment description enables or disables reverse circuit detection. This programme is only available for the following models: kx-td816bx/hk, kx- td1232dbx/ml, tdn1232. Selection • outside line (co) number: kx-td816 – 01 th…

  • Page 196: [417]

    2.5 outside line programming 196 general programming [417] outside line name assignment description assigns a name to each outside line so that the extension user can view the outside line number and name when receiving an outside call. If caller id is assigned, each extension can select either the …

  • Page 197

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 197 • outside lines 25 through 54 become available when the kx-td290 or kx-td188 expansion unit is installed in the kx-td1232. • to assign all outside lines to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents progra…

  • Page 198: [430]

    2.5 outside line programming 198 general programming [430] did / tie format number assignment description assigns a direct inward dialling (did) and tie format number to each outside line group. Selection • outside line group (trg) number: 1 through 8, ( =all outside line groups) • did / tie format …

  • Page 199: [431]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 199 [431] did / tie incoming assignment description assigns a did / tie incoming method, immediate or wink, to each did / tie format according to your central office service. Immediate: incoming did and tie calls can be received right after the receiv…

  • Page 200

    2.5 outside line programming 200 general programming e1 line service tie line service.

  • Page 201: [432]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 201 [432] did / tie outgoing assignment description assigns a did and tie outgoing method, immediate or wink, to each did / tie format according to your central office service. Immediate: outgoing did and tie numbers can be transmitted right after sei…

  • Page 202

    2.5 outside line programming 202 general programming features guide references direct inward dialling (did) e1 line service tie line service.

  • Page 203: [433]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 203 [433] did / tie subscriber number removed digit description assigns the removed digits of received a did and tie subscriber number for each did / tie format. In this case, digits are removed from the beginning of the received digits. Selection • d…

  • Page 204: [434]

    2.5 outside line programming 204 general programming [434] did / tie added number description assigns the added number to the did and tie subscriber number which is determined in programme [433] did / tie subscriber number removed digit. This makes the final number which serves as the extension numb…

  • Page 205: [435]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 205 [435] did / tie wink time out assignment description the did / tie outgoing method can be set to the wink mode in programme [432] did / tie outgoing assignment. This programme sets the time the system waits for the confirmation wink signal after a…

  • Page 206

    2.5 outside line programming 206 general programming e1 line service tie line service.

  • Page 207: [436]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 207 [436] outside-to-tie transfer description enables or disables transferring an incoming outside call to the tie line on an outside line group basis. This restriction applies to the following: 1) a tie call using disa 2) call forwarding to a tie lin…

  • Page 208: [437]

    2.5 outside line programming 208 general programming [437] tie-to-outside transfer description enables or disables transferring tie calls to an outside line on an outside line group basis. This restriction applies to the following: 1) an outside call through another pbx 2) call forwarding to an outs…

  • Page 209: [438]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 209 [438] tie-to-tie transfer description enables or disables transferring tie calls to a tie line on an outside line group basis. This restriction applies to the following: 1) a tie call through another pbx 2) call forwarding to a tie line 3) call tr…

  • Page 210: [439]

    2.5 outside line programming 210 general programming [439] tie security type description assigns the security mode for tie calls. There are two modes, non security and trunk security (outside line security). Non security mode allows the caller to access an outside line without dialling a tie user co…

  • Page 211: [440]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 211 [440] line hunting sequence description assigns the hunting sequence of idle lines, seizing from the smallest to the largest line number or vice versa in an outside line group, on an outside line group basis. Selection • outside line group (trg) n…

  • Page 212: [441]

    2.5 outside line programming 212 general programming [441] voice path type description assigns the voice path type on an outside line basis. Selection • outside line (co) number: kx-td816 – 05 through 08, kx-td1232 – 09 through 12 (master), 21 through 24 (slave), ( =all outside lines) • 2 wire / 4 w…

  • Page 213: [442]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 213 [442] voice level (transmit) description assigns the transmitted voice level on an outside line port basis. This programme is valid only when the voice path type is set to «4 wire». Selection • outside line (co) number: kx-td816 – 05 through 08, k…

  • Page 214: [443]

    2.5 outside line programming 214 general programming [443] voice level (receive) description assigns the received voice level on an outside line basis. This programme is valid only when the voice path type is set to «4 wire». Selection • outside line (co) number: kx-td816 – 05 through 08, kx-td1232 …

  • Page 215: [444]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 215 [444] tie receive dial description assigns whether the system receives tie dial numbers on an outside line basis. If «no» is selected, the dialled number is treated as a local number and sent to dil 1:1 or dil 1:n. Selection • outside line (co) nu…

  • Page 216: [445]

    2.5 outside line programming 216 general programming [445] did forward timer (for mfc-r2) description assigns the length of waiting time of the incoming direct inward dialling (did) call forward signal from your central office. Selection • did format number: 1 through 8, ( =all did formats) • time (…

  • Page 217: [446]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 217 [446] did backward timer (for mfc-r2) description assigns the length of waiting time of the outgoing outside call backward signal from your central office. Selection • did format number: 1 through 8, ( =all did formats) • time (seconds): 1 through…

  • Page 218: [447]

    2.5 outside line programming 218 general programming [447] did disappearance timer (for mfc-r2) description assigns the length of waiting time of the stop signal from your central office. Selection • did format number: 1 through 8, ( =all did formats) • time (seconds): 1 through 30 default all did f…

  • Page 219: [448]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 219 [448] did first dial start time (for mfc-r2) description assigns the number of milliseconds the system waits before dialling a direct inward dialling (did) number after an outside line is seized. Selection • did format number: 1 through 8, ( =all …

  • Page 220: [449]

    2.5 outside line programming 220 general programming [449] did forward group-i signal code (for mfc-r2) description assigns a direct inward dialling (did) call forward group-i signal code according to your central office service. Selection • code number: 01 through 15 • not use / dial 1 / dial 2 / d…

  • Page 221: [450]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 221 [450] did forward group-ii signal code (for mfc-r2) description assigns a direct inward dialling (did) call backward group-ii signal code according to your central office service. Selection • code number: 01 through 15 • not use / subscriber / ope…

  • Page 222: [451]

    2.5 outside line programming 222 general programming [451] did backward group-a signal code (for mfc-r2) description assigns a direct inward dialling (did) call backward group-a signal code according to your central office service. Selection • code number: 01 through 15 • not use / next digit / comp…

  • Page 223: [452]

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 223 [452] did backward group-b signal code (for mfc-r2) description assigns a direct inward dialling (did) call backward group-b signal code according to your central office service. Selection • code number: 01 through 15 • not use / idle / busy / con…

  • Page 224: [457-458]

    2.5 outside line programming 224 general programming [457-458] dil 1:1 – lunch / break group description assigns a lunch / break group to each direct in lines (dil) 1:1 destination. Selection • outside (co) line number: kx-td816 – 01 through 08 kx-td1232 – 01 through 24 • group number: 1 through 8 d…

  • Page 225

    2.5 outside line programming general programming 225 2. Press next. Display: co line no? 3. Enter an outside line number. To enter outside line number 01, you can also press next. Display example: co01: 4. Enter a group number. To change the current entry, press clear and the new number. Display exa…

  • Page 226: 2.6

    2.6 cos programming 226 general programming 2.6 cos programming [500-501] toll restriction level – day / night description each extension must be assigned a class of service (cos). These programmes set the toll restriction value for each cos in day or night mode. Selection • cos number: 1 through 8,…

  • Page 227

    2.6 cos programming general programming 227 features guide references day / night service toll restriction.

  • Page 228: [502]

    2.6 cos programming 228 general programming [502] extension-to-outside line call duration limit description allows you to restrict the duration of outside calls on a class of service (cos) basis. Selection • cos number: 1 through 8, ( =all cos) • disable (no limit) / enable (limit) default all cos –…

  • Page 229

    2.6 cos programming general programming 229 features guide references call forwarding call transfer conference.

  • Page 230: [503]

    2.6 cos programming 230 general programming [503] call transfer to outside line description determines which classes of services (cos) are allowed to perform the call transfer to outside line function. Selection • cos number: 1 through 8, ( =all cos) • enable / disable default all cos – disable prog…

  • Page 231: [504]

    2.6 cos programming general programming 231 [504] call forwarding to outside line description determines which classes of services (cos) are allowed to perform the call forwarding to outside line function. Selection • cos number: 1 through 8, ( =all cos) • disable / enable default all cos – disable …

  • Page 232: [505]

    2.6 cos programming 232 general programming [505] executive busy override description determines which classes of services (cos) are allowed to perform executive busy override. Executive busy override allows the user to interrupt an established call. Selection • cos number: 1 through 8, ( =all cos) …

  • Page 233: [506]

    2.6 cos programming general programming 233 [506] executive busy override deny description determines which classes of services (cos) are allowed to deny executive busy override. Executive busy override deny allows the user to prevent executive busy override from being executed by another extension …

  • Page 234: [507]

    2.6 cos programming 234 general programming [507] do not disturb override description determines which classes of services (cos) are allowed to perform do not disturb (dnd) override. Selection • cos number: 1 through 8, ( =all cos) • disable / enable default all cos – disable programming 1. Enter 50…

  • Page 235: [508]

    2.6 cos programming general programming 235 [508] account code entry mode description determines the account code mode to be used by each class of service (cos). Option mode: the user can enter any account code, if needed. Verified – all calls mode: the user must always enter a pre-assigned account …

  • Page 236

    2.6 cos programming 236 general programming • programme [105] account codes is used to define the account codes for the verified modes. Features guide references account code entry toll restriction.

  • Page 237: [509]

    2.6 cos programming general programming 237 [509] off-hook call announcement (ohca) description determines which class of service (cos) are allowed to perform the off-hook call announcement (ohca) and whisper ohca function. Selection • cos number: 1 through 8, ( =all cos) • enable / disable default …

  • Page 238: [510]

    2.6 cos programming 238 general programming [510] night service access description enables or disables switching the day / night service on a class of service (cos) basis. Selection • cos number: 1 through 8, ( =all cos) • enable / disable default all cos – disable programming 1. Enter 510. Display:…

  • Page 239: [511]

    2.6 cos programming general programming 239 [511] pt programming level description determines the station programming level on a class of service (cos) basis. There are two levels as follows. Level 1: enables all station programming. Level 2: disables co button programming in station programming. Se…

  • Page 240

    2.6 cos programming 240 general programming features guide references station programming.

  • Page 241: 2.7

    2.7 extension programming general programming 241 2.7 extension programming [600] extra device port description extra device port (xdp) allows a single line telephone (slt) to be connected to the same jack as a digital proprietary telephone (dpt). This programme assigns which jacks are xdp. The slt …

  • Page 242

    2.7 extension programming 242 general programming • to assign all jacks to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for jack 01. • immediately after changing your assignment, the changed setting may not work for a maximum of eight seconds. Featu…

  • Page 243: [601]

    2.7 extension programming general programming 243 [601] class of service description programmes each extension for class of service (cos). The cos determines the call handling abilities of each extension. Selection • jack number: kx-td816 – 01 through 16 (-1 / -2), kx-td1232 – 01 through 64 (-1 / -2…

  • Page 244

    2.7 extension programming 244 general programming • for an explanation of jack numbering, see «rotation of jack number» in section 1.3 programming methods. • to assign all jacks to one cos, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for jack 01. • programme [017…

  • Page 245: [602]

    2.7 extension programming general programming 245 [602] extension group assignment description assigns each extension to an extension group. Extension groups are used for group call pickup, station hunting, and paging – group. Selection • jack number: kx-td816 – 01 through 16 (-1 / -2), kx-td1232 – …

  • Page 246

    2.7 extension programming 246 general programming • for an explanation of jack numbering, see «rotation of jack number» in section 1.3 programming methods. • to assign all jacks to one extension group, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for jack 01. Feat…

  • Page 247: [603-604]

    2.7 extension programming general programming 247 [603-604] dil 1:n extension and delayed ringing – day / night description the direct in lines (dil) 1:n feature can be assigned to ring more than one extension. All incoming calls from the programmed outside lines are directed to the specified extens…

  • Page 248

    2.7 extension programming 248 general programming 9. Press end. Conditions • an extension can be assigned as the destination of as many outside lines as required. • for the kx-td1232, jack numbers 01 through 32 are for the master system and 33 through 64 are for the slave, if available. Jack numbers…

  • Page 249: [605-606]

    2.7 extension programming general programming 249 [605-606] outgoing permitted outside line assignment – day / night description determines the outside lines which can be accessed by an extension in both day and night modes. The extension users can make outgoing outside calls using the assigned outs…

  • Page 250

    2.7 extension programming 250 general programming conditions • for the kx-td1232, jack numbers 01 through 32 are for the master system and 33 through 64 are for the slave, if available. Jack numbers in the out-of-service system are unacceptable. • for an explanation of jack numbering, see «rotation …

  • Page 251: [607-608]

    2.7 extension programming general programming 251 [607-608] doorphone ringing assignment – day / night description these programmes assign the extensions which will ring when a doorphone call is received during the day and night modes. Programmed extensions are also allowed to open the door. Selecti…

  • Page 252

    2.7 extension programming 252 general programming • for an explanation of jack numbering, see «rotation of jack number» in section 1.3 programming methods. • to assign all jacks to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for jack 01. • two door…

  • Page 253: [609]

    2.7 extension programming general programming 253 [609] voice mail access codes description assigns a mailbox number for each extension, only if programme [990] system additional information, area 02 — bit 8 is set to «free». Selection • jack number: kx-td816 – 01 through 16 (-1 / -2) kx-td1232 – 01…

  • Page 254

    2.7 extension programming 254 general programming • for an explanation of jack numbering, see «rotation of jack number» in section 1.3 programming methods. • the system supports a maximum of eight jacks (16 jacks during system connection for kx-td1232) for connection to a voice processing system as …

  • Page 255: [610]

    2.7 extension programming general programming 255 [610] live call screening recording mode assignment description assigns whether to close the mailbox or keep recording the conversation after a call is intercepted. This programme is available when this system is connected to a panasonic voice proces…

  • Page 256

    2.7 extension programming 256 general programming • to assign all jacks to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for jack 01. Features guide references voice mail integration for digital proprietary telephones.

  • Page 257: [619]

    2.7 extension programming general programming 257 [619] extension call forwarding – no answer time description the number of rings before the call is forwarded is programmable for each extension. Selection • jack number: kx-td816 – 01 through 16 (-1 / -2), kx-td1232 – 01 through 64 (-1 / -2), (-1 = …

  • Page 258

    2.7 extension programming 258 general programming features guide references call forwarding.

  • Page 259: [620]

    2.7 extension programming general programming 259 [620] lunch / break group assignment description assigns extensions for a lunch / break group. A lunch / break group can be assigned to up to 8 extensions (pt / slt). Selection • group number: 1 through 8 • location number: 1 through 8 • extension nu…

  • Page 260: [621]

    2.7 extension programming 260 general programming [621] cordless pt extension port description prevents the cordless proprietary telephone speakerphone functions from working in the following cases, if connected to extension ports such as kx-t7890; a) bgm: start or end the bgm. B) lcs: work on the p…

  • Page 261

    2.7 extension programming general programming 261 conditions • if «yes» is selected for a jack for wired proprietary telephone, the speakerphone functions written in the description do not work. Connect a cordless proprietary telephone if «yes» is selected. Features guide references none.

  • Page 262: 2.8

    2.8 resource programming 262 general programming 2.8 resource programming [800] smdr incoming / outgoing call log printout description used to determine which calls will produce a station message detail recording (smdr) printout. Selection • outgoing calls: all (all calls) / toll (toll calls only) /…

  • Page 263

    2.8 resource programming general programming 263 features guide references station message detail recording (smdr).

  • Page 264: [801]

    2.8 resource programming 264 general programming [801] smdr format description used to match the smdr output to the paper size being used in the printer. Page length determines the number of lines per page. Skip perforation determines the number of lines to be skipped at the end of every page. Selec…

  • Page 265: [802]

    2.8 resource programming general programming 265 [802] system data printout description starts or stops printing the system data. All or a specific range of the current system- programmed data is printed out. The ranges are as follows: manager: manager programming [0xx] system: system programming [1…

  • Page 266

    2.8 resource programming 266 general programming conditions • it is necessary to connect a printer to the serial interface (rs-232c) port provided on the system. • you may stop printing by pressing the end button while records are being printed out. • you cannot restart the printout while records ar…

  • Page 267: [803]

    2.8 resource programming general programming 267 [803] music source use description assigns the music source to be used for music on hold and background music (bgm). Selection • hold / bgm • music source number: kx-td816 – 1 / no use kx-td1232 – 1 through 4 / no use default hold and bgm – music 1 pr…

  • Page 268

    2.8 resource programming 268 general programming • to disable music, press clear in steps 3 and 6. • programme [804] external pager bgm is used to enable / disable bgm for each external pager. Features guide references background music (bgm).

  • Page 269: [804]

    2.8 resource programming general programming 269 [804] external pager bgm description used to determine which external pagers will receive background music (bgm). External bgm is turned on and off by the operator or manager. Selection • external pager number: kx-td816 – 1 kx-td1232 – 1 through 4 • d…

  • Page 270

    2.8 resource programming 270 general programming features guide references background music (bgm).

  • Page 271: [805]

    2.8 resource programming general programming 271 [805] external pager confirmation tone description used to remove the confirmation tone for external pagers. The default setting sends confirmation tone 2 to the external pagers before paging is broadcast. This programming applies to all the external …

  • Page 272: [806-807]

    2.8 resource programming 272 general programming [806-807] serial interface (rs-232c) parameters description assigns the communication parameters for the serial interface (rs-232c) for port 1 (for kx- td816 and master system of kx-td1232) or port 2 (for slave system of kx-td1232). New line code: sel…

  • Page 273

    2.8 resource programming general programming 273 display example: baud rate:9600 6. Keep pressing select until the desired selection is displayed. 7. Press store. 8. Press next to programme word length. Display example: word lengt:8bits 9. Keep pressing select until the desired selection is displaye…

  • Page 274: [809]

    2.8 resource programming 274 general programming [809] disa security type description assigns the security mode for outside calls attempted by the disa (direct inward system access) caller. There are three modes as follows. Non security mode: allows the caller to access an outside line without diall…

  • Page 275: [810]

    2.8 resource programming general programming 275 [810] disa tone detection description enables or disables tone detection for outside-to-outside line calls via the direct inward system access (disa) feature. Enabling tone detection allows the system to detect the end of the call. Selection enable / …

  • Page 276: [812]

    2.8 resource programming 276 general programming [812] disa dtmf repeat description selects whether the system transmits dtmf (dual tone multi-frequency) signals directly to the central office (co) or if the system repeats the dtmf signals to co in order to adjust gain. This can be done for an outsi…

  • Page 277: [813]

    2.8 resource programming general programming 277 [813] floating number assignment description assigns the floating numbers for external pagers, disa (direct inward system access) messages, modem and extension groups. These numbers can be used in the same way extension numbers are used for station ac…

  • Page 278

    2.8 resource programming 278 general programming 110. Invalid entry example: 10 and 106, 210 and 21. To avoid making an invalid entry, check the other extension numbers. The default of each extension number is as follows: [003] extension number set kx-td816 – 101 through 116, 201 through 216 kx-td12…

  • Page 279: [814]

    2.8 resource programming general programming 279 [814] modem standard description assigns the modem standard. There are two standards available – bell and ccitt. Selection bell / ccitt default ccitt programming 1. Enter 814. Display: 814 modem type 2. Press next. Display example: modem:ccitt 3. Keep…

  • Page 280: [815]

    2.8 resource programming 280 general programming [815] disa built-in automated attendant number description assigns the disa (direct inward system access) built-in automated attendant (aa) number. The extension number and the floating number can be assigned as a one digit number and used as a disa b…

  • Page 281: [816]

    2.8 resource programming general programming 281 [816] smdr output mode description assigns the smdr output mode. There are two standards available – regular and charge. Selection regular / charge default regular programming 1. Enter 816. Display: 816 smdr mode 2. Press next. Display example: smdr:r…

  • Page 282: [817]

    2.8 resource programming 282 general programming [817] kx-td197 / kx-td198 baud rate set description assigns the kx-td197 / kx-td198 standard. There are two standards available — bell and ccitt-v.34. Selection bell / v.34-9600 / v.34-14400 / v.34-19200 / v.34-28800 / v.34-33600 default v.34-33600 pr…

  • Page 283: Section

    Isdn programming 283 section 3 isdn programming.

  • Page 284: 3.1

    3.1 manager programming 284 isdn programming 3.1 manager programming [012] isdn extension number set description assigns an extension number to each port which is connected to the isdn s0 unit. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through 06 kx-td1232 – 01 through 12 • extension number: 2 or 3 dig…

  • Page 285

    3.1 manager programming isdn programming 285 30 through 39 are effective as msn’s. The extension user can call any terminal equipment on the isdn s0 bus with msn individually. Pressing «30» calls all extensions on the isdn s0 bus simultaneously. • port numbers 01 through 06 are for the master system…

  • Page 286: [013]

    3.1 manager programming 286 isdn programming [013] isdn extension name set description assigns names to the isdn extension numbers programmed in programme [012] isdn extension number set. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through 06 kx-td1232 – 01 through 12 • name: 10 characters (max.) default…

  • Page 287

    3.1 manager programming isdn programming 287 features guide references integrated services digital network (isdn) extension.

  • Page 288: [018]

    3.1 manager programming 288 isdn programming [018] budget management for isdn extension description assigns the charge limitation of a call on the isdn extension port basis. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through 06, kx-td1232 – 01 through 12, ( =all ports) • charge limitation (charge): 0 th…

  • Page 289

    3.1 manager programming isdn programming 289 features guide references budget management charge fee reference.

  • Page 290: 3.2

    3.2 system programming 290 isdn programming 3.2 system programming [109] expansion unit type description assigns the type of expansion units to be used in the system. This allows the system to identify the unit in each expansion unit location. Selection kx-td816 • areas 1; 2 = c (4 co) / s2 (2 s0) /…

  • Page 291

    3.2 system programming isdn programming 291 display: 109 expand c,e1 2. Press next to programme the master system. To programme «slave», press next again. Display example: master:c ;e1;e2 3. Keep pressing select until the desired selection in area 1 is displayed. 4. Press to programme another area, …

  • Page 292

    3.2 system programming 292 isdn programming features guide references none.

  • Page 293: [112]

    3.2 system programming isdn programming 293 [112] isdn network type assignment description assigns the type of isdn network. Selection isdn network mode: 000 through 255 default kx-td816hk/kx-td1232hk: mode 39 others: mode 51 programming 1. Enter 112. Display: 112 switch type 2. Press next. Display …

  • Page 294: [140]

    3.2 system programming 294 isdn programming [140] ddi number / phantom extension number conversion description used to convert a direct dialling in (ddi) number to a phantom extension number in order to send an incoming ddi call to a specific extension. Selection • location number: 000 through 128 •…

  • Page 295: [149]

    3.2 system programming isdn programming 295 [149] isdn data assignment description assigns the following isdn data. Selection (1) adpcm type: a-law / m-law (2) status message: send / stop (3) status receiving mode: disc (disconnect) / ignr (ignore) (4) number type: 0 (unknown) / 1 (international num…

  • Page 296

    3.2 system programming 296 isdn programming (3) status receiving mode: disc (4) numbering type: 0 (unknown) (5) numbering plan: 1 (isdn/telephone numbering plan) (6) t200 extension timer: 1.0 s (7) t203 extension timer: 10.0 s (8) t302 extension timer: 15.0 s (9) t303 extension timer: 4.0 s (10) t30…

  • Page 297

    3.2 system programming isdn programming 297 conditions • after this assignment, you should reset the system so that this assignment is activated. Features guide references integrated services digital network (isdn).

  • Page 298: [154]

    3.2 system programming 298 isdn programming [154] did transfer table for ddi call description selects whether the did transfer table is used for ddi calls. Selection use / no use default no use programming 1. Enter 154. Display: 154 ddi trans 2. Press next. Display example: no use 3. Keep pressing s…

  • Page 299: 3.3

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 299 3.3 isdn line programming [418] outside line number assignment for isdn / e1 description assigns your isdn network or e1 line telephone number. Your isdn network telephone number is sent to the called party with the clip (calling line identification pre…

  • Page 300

    3.3 isdn line programming 300 isdn programming conditions • each number has a maximum of 16 digits, consisting of 0 through 9. • for the kx-td1232, outside lines 01 through 12 are for the master system and outside lines 13 through 24 are for the slave, if available. • to display parts of the number …

  • Page 301: [419]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 301 [419] isdn outgoing clir service assignment description assigns whether isdn clir (calling line identification restriction) service is enabled or disabled for outgoing outside calls. If disabled, the subscriber’s number of your system is informed to the…

  • Page 302

    3.3 isdn line programming 302 isdn programming features guide references calling line identification restriction (clir).

  • Page 303: [420]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 303 [420] isdn ring service assignment description assigns the isdn ring service type for each outside line. Isdn: a call is received using the direct dialling in (ddi) or multiple subscriber numbers (msn) ringing service which is assigned in programme [425…

  • Page 304

    3.3 isdn line programming 304 isdn programming • to assign all outside lines to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for outside line 01. • lunch / break mode will only work when «regular» is assigned in this programme. Features guide refere…

  • Page 305: [421]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 305 [421] ddi removed digit / added number assignment description assigns the removed digits and added number to a subscriber’s number, and a ddi number sent from the network. Selection • outside line (co) number: kx-td816 – 01 through 08, kx-td1232 – 01 th…

  • Page 306

    3.3 isdn line programming 306 isdn programming conditions • for the kx-td1232, outside lines 01 through 12 are for the master system and outside lines 13 through 24 are for the slave, if available. • each added number has a maximum of four digits, consisting of 0 through 9. • to assign all outside l…

  • Page 307: [423]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 307 [423] isdn port type description assigns the type of each port to either outside line or extension line on an isdn port basis. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through 04, kx-td1232 – 01 through 12, ( =all ports) • co (outside line) / extension de…

  • Page 308

    3.3 isdn line programming 308 isdn programming features guide references integrated services digital network (isdn).

  • Page 309: [424]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 309 [424] isdn layer 1 active mode description assigns the active mode of layer 1 on an isdn port basis. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through 06, kx-td1232 – 01 through 12, ( =all ports) • permanent / call default kx-td816: port 05 and 06 – call; …

  • Page 310

    3.3 isdn line programming 310 isdn programming features guide references integrated services digital network (isdn).

  • Page 311: [425]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 311 [425] isdn configuration description assigns the configuration on an isdn port basis. This programme is available for isdn extensions only. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through 06, kx-td1232 – 01 through 12, ( =all ports) • point (point to poi…

  • Page 312

    3.3 isdn line programming 312 isdn programming • after this assignment, you should reset the system to make this assignment is effective. Features guide references integrated services digital network (isdn).

  • Page 313: [426]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 313 [426] isdn data link mode description assigns the data link mode on an isdn port basis. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through 06, kx-td1232 – 01 through 12, ( =all ports) • permanent / call default kx-td816: port 05 and 06 – call; other ports –…

  • Page 314

    3.3 isdn line programming 314 isdn programming features guide references integrated services digital network (isdn).

  • Page 315: [427]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 315 [427] isdn tei mode description assigns the terminal endpoint identifier (tei) mode on an isdn port basis. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through 06, kx-td1232 – 01 through 12, ( =all ports) • fix 0 through 63 / automatic default kx-td816: port …

  • Page 316

    3.3 isdn line programming 316 isdn programming • to assign all ports to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for port 01. • after this assignment, you should reset the system to make this assignment effective. Features guide references integ…

  • Page 317: [428]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 317 [428] isdn extension multiple subscriber number description selects whether the multiple subscriber numbers (msn) are allocated to each terminal equipment (e.G. Isdn telephone) on the isdn s0 bus or not on an isdn port basis. Selection • port number: kx…

  • Page 318

    3.3 isdn line programming 318 isdn programming features guide references multiple subscriber numbers (msn) ringing service.

  • Page 319: [429]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 319 [429] isdn extension progress tone description enables or disables to send the progress tone to isdn extension on isdn port basis. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through 06, kx-td1232 – 01 through 12, ( =all ports) • enable / disable (no tone) d…

  • Page 320

    3.3 isdn line programming 320 isdn programming features guide references integrated services digital network (isdn) extension.

  • Page 321: [454]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 321 [454] msn assignment description assigns a maximum of ten multiple subscriber numbers (msn) on an isdn port basis. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through 06 kx-td1232 – 01 through 12 • location number: 01 through 10 • msn: 20 digits (max.) defau…

  • Page 322

    3.3 isdn line programming 322 isdn programming • for the kx-td1232, port numbers 01 through 06 are for the master system and 07 through 12 are for the slave, if available. • this programme becomes available when «multipoint» is selected in programme [425] isdn configuration. Features guide reference…

  • Page 323: [455-456]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 323 [455-456] extension ringing assignment – day / night for isdn description determines which extension receives a call on a msn basis of the isdn port in both the day and night modes. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through 06 kx-td1232 – 01 throug…

  • Page 324

    3.3 isdn line programming 324 isdn programming conditions • each extension number can be 2 through 4 digits, consisting of 0 through 9. • these programmes become available when «multipoint» is selected in programme [425] isdn configuration. • for the kx-td1232, port numbers 01 through 06 are for the…

  • Page 325: [460]

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 325 [460] pri configuration description assigns the number of b channels which are actually used out of the 30 pri line channels. The crc4 mode can be also assigned. This programme is only available for the kx-td1232 with the primary rate interface isdn exp…

  • Page 326: [721]

    3.3 isdn line programming 326 isdn programming [721] pri / e1 reference co description assigns which outside line number system data each pri line or e1 line uses. After assigning this programme, the following programme data will become available for pri outside lines 25 through 54. • [407-408] dil …

  • Page 327

    3.3 isdn line programming isdn programming 327 conditions • to assign all outside lines to the same selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for outside line 25. Features guide references e1 line service integrated services digital network (isdn).

  • Page 328: 3.4

    3.4 extension programming 328 isdn programming 3.4 extension programming [611] ddi number / extension number conversion description used to convert a direct dialling in (ddi) number to an extension number in order to place an incoming ddi call at a specific extension. Selection • jack number: kx-td8…

  • Page 329

    3.4 extension programming isdn programming 329 • for the kx-td1232, jack numbers 01 through 32 are for the master system and 33 through 64 are for the slave, if available. • for an explanation on jack numbering, see «rotation of jack number» in section 1.3 programming methods. • to use this programm…

  • Page 330: [612]

    3.4 extension programming 330 isdn programming [612] ddi number / floating number conversion description used to convert a direct dialling in (ddi) number to an floating number in order to place an incoming ddi call at a specific floating station. Selection • floating station: operator / pager 1 / p…

  • Page 331: [613]

    3.4 extension programming isdn programming 331 [613] isdn class of service description programmes a class of service (cos) number for each isdn extension port. The cos determines the call handling abilities of each port. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through 06, kx-td1232 – 01 through 12, (…

  • Page 332

    3.4 extension programming 332 isdn programming • to assign all ports to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for port 01. Features guide references class of service (cos).

  • Page 333: [614-615]

    3.4 extension programming isdn programming 333 [614-615] outgoing permitted outside line assignment – day / night for isdn extension description determines which outside lines can be accessed by an isdn extension in both the day and night modes. The extension users can make outgoing outside calls us…

  • Page 334

    3.4 extension programming 334 isdn programming conditions • for the kx-td1232, port numbers 01 through 06 are for the master system and 07 through 12 are for the slave, if available. • to assign all ports to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents program…

  • Page 335: [616]

    3.4 extension programming isdn programming 335 [616] ddi number / isdn extension number conversion description used to convert a direct dialling in (ddi) number to an isdn extension number in order to place an incoming ddi call at a specific extension. Selection • port number: kx-td816 – 01 through …

  • Page 336

    3.4 extension programming 336 isdn programming features guide references direct dialling in (ddi).

  • Page 337: [617]

    3.4 extension programming isdn programming 337 [617] clip / colp number assignment for extension description selects the type of additional number for the clip and colp information when making and answering a call through an isdn line. You can select the type from one of the following: ddi: subscrib…

  • Page 338

    3.4 extension programming 338 isdn programming • to use this programme, «ddi conversion number» must be selected in programme [990] system additional information, area 06 — bit 13. Features guide references calling / connected line identification presentation (clip / colp).

  • Page 339: [618]

    3.4 extension programming isdn programming 339 [618] clip / colp number assignment for isdn extension description selects the type of additional number for the clip and colp information when making and answering a call through an isdn line. You can select the type from one of the following: ddi: sub…

  • Page 340

    3.4 extension programming 340 isdn programming features guide references calling / connected line identification presentation (clip / colp).

  • Page 341: Section

    E1 programming 341 section 4 e1 programming.

  • Page 342: 4.1

    4.1 system programming 342 e1 programming 4.1 system programming [109] expansion unit type description assigns the type of expansion units to be used in the system. This allows the system to identify the unit in each expansion unit location. Selection kx-td816 • areas 1; 2 = c (4 co) / s2 (2 s0) / s…

  • Page 343

    4.1 system programming e1 programming 343 display: 109 expand c,e1 2. Press next to programme the master system. To programme «slave», press next again. Display example: master:c ;e1;e2 3. Keep pressing select until the desired selection in area 1 is displayed. 4. Press to programme another area, if…

  • Page 344

    4.1 system programming 344 e1 programming features guide references none.

  • Page 345: 4.2

    4.2 e1 outside line programming e1 programming 345 4.2 e1 outside line programming [418] outside line number assignment for isdn / e1 description assigns your isdn network or e1 line telephone number. Your isdn network telephone number is sent to the called party with the clip (calling line identifi…

  • Page 346

    4.2 e1 outside line programming 346 e1 programming conditions • each number has a maximum of 16 digits, consisting of 0 through 9. • for the kx-td1232, outside lines 01 through 12 are for the master system and outside lines 13 through 24 are for the slave, if available. • to display parts of the num…

  • Page 347: 4.3

    4.3 extension programming e1 programming 347 4.3 extension programming [622] extension ani number description assigns the identification number of the calling party to utilise the automatic number identification (ani) feature provided by the e1 line service. This programme is available for the kx-td…

  • Page 348

    4.3 extension programming 348 e1 programming • for an explanation of jack numbering, see «rotation of jack number» in section 1.3 programming methods. • to assign all jacks to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for jack 01. Features guide …

  • Page 349: 4.4

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 349 4.4 e1 line programming [707] e1 clock mode description assigns a clock mode for the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection external / internal default external programming 1. Enter 707. Display: 707 clock mode 2. Press next….

  • Page 350: [720]

    4.4 e1 line programming 350 e1 programming [720] e1 tie ringing service description sets a call receiving type for the e1 channels assigned to tie. If «dil» is selected, dil 1:1 or dil 1:n will perform. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • outside (co) line number: 25 thro…

  • Page 351: [721]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 351 [721] pri / e1 reference co description assigns which outside line number system data each pri line or e1 line uses. After assigning this programme, the following programme data will become available for pri outside lines 25 through 54. • [407-408] dil 1:1 …

  • Page 352

    4.4 e1 line programming 352 e1 programming conditions • to assign all outside lines to the same selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the display shows the contents programmed for outside line 25. Features guide references e1 line service integrated services digital network (isdn).

  • Page 353: [722]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 353 [722] e1 answer wait timer description assigns an automatic disconnect timer to stop making a call on e1 line, if the called party does not answer. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • outside (co) line number: 25 through 54, ( = …

  • Page 354: [723]

    4.4 e1 line programming 354 e1 programming [723] e1 sending tie caller id description sends a caller id on the dtmf (dual tone multi-frequency) signalling on the e1 channels assigned to tie. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • outside (co) line number: 25 through 54, ( = …

  • Page 355

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 355 features guide references e1 line service tie line service.

  • Page 356: [740]

    4.4 e1 line programming 356 e1 programming [740] e1 channel assignment description assigns a channel type to each e1 channel. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • e1 channel number: 01 through 30, ( =all e1 channels) • channel type: dr2 / e&m-c / e&m-p / disable default al…

  • Page 357: [741]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 357 [741] e1 dial mode description assigns a dial type to each e1 channel. For dr2 channel, only the dial sending mode can be assigned in this programme. For dial receiving mode, the assignment in programme [745] e1 dr2 receiver is activated. For the other chan…

  • Page 358

    4.4 e1 line programming 358 e1 programming features guide references e1 line service.

  • Page 359: [742]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 359 [742] e1 cpc (in) description sets a cpc signal detection time to each e1 channel on receiving a call. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • e1 channel number: 01 through 30, ( =all e1 channels) • time: 00 through 15 ( 80 milliseco…

  • Page 360: [743]

    4.4 e1 line programming 360 e1 programming [743] e1 cpc (out) description sets a cpc signal detection time to each e1 channel on making a call. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • e1 channel number: 01 through 30, ( =all e1 channels) • time: 00 through 15 ( 80 millisecond…

  • Page 361: [744]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 361 [744] e1 did receive digit description sets a maximum number of the received dial digits for each e1 channel assigned to mfc-r2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • e1 channel number: 01 through 30, ( =all e1 channels) • digit to…

  • Page 362: [745]

    4.4 e1 line programming 362 e1 programming [745] e1 dr2 receiver description sets a dial receiving type to each e1 channel assigned to dr2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • e1 channel number: 01 through 30, ( =all e1 channels) • dial receiving type: pulse / dtmf / mfc-…

  • Page 363: [747]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 363 [747] e1 line coding description sets a line coding for the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection ami / hdb3 default hdb3 programming 1. Enter 747. Display: 747 line coding 2. Press next. Display example: hdb3 3. Keep pressi…

  • Page 364: [748]

    4.4 e1 line programming 364 e1 programming [748] e1 frame sequence description sets a frame format for the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection pcm30 / pcm30-crc default pcm30 programming 1. Enter 748. Display: 748 frame seq 2. Press next. Display example: pcm30 3. …

  • Page 365: [749]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 365 [749] e1 frame option description assigns a frame option for the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection c=a, d=b / c=0, d=0 / c=1, d=0 / c=0, d=1 / c=1, d=1 default c=0, d=1 programming 1. Enter 749. Display: 749 frame option…

  • Page 366: [750]

    4.4 e1 line programming 366 e1 programming [750] e1 first dial timer (dr2 / tie) description sets a timer to prevent the first dial being sent too early on the e1 channels assigned to dr2 and e&m. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time: 001 through 255 ( 32 milliseconds i…

  • Page 367: [751]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 367 [751] e1 %break description sets a «%break» for the e1 line assigned pulse. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection 60% / 67% default 60% programming 1. Enter 751. Display: 751 %break 2. Press next. Display example: e1 %break:60% 3. Ke…

  • Page 368: [752]

    4.4 e1 line programming 368 e1 programming [752] e1 dial click tone description sets to send a dial click tone of the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection yes (to send) / no (not to send) default yes programming 1. Enter 752. Display: 752 click tone 2. Press next. D…

  • Page 369: [753]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 369 [753] e1 inter digit pause description sets a time of the inter digit pause for the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time (milliseconds): 630 / 830 / 1030 default 830 ms programming 1. Enter 753. Display: 753 dgt pause …

  • Page 370: [754]

    4.4 e1 line programming 370 e1 programming [754] e1 flash detection description sets a flash detection time for the e1 line assigned to e&m-c. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time (milliseconds): 208-1016 / 80-1016 / 208-1544 / 80-1544 / disable default 208-1016 program…

  • Page 371: [755]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 371 [755] e1 answer decision timer description sets an answering detection time for the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time: 001 through 255 ( 32 milliseconds is the actual time) default 001 programming 1. Enter 755. Disp…

  • Page 372: [756]

    4.4 e1 line programming 372 e1 programming [756] e1 seizure ack wait timer description sets the waiting time to acknowledge the seizure of the e1 line assigned to dr2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time: 01 through 20 ( 0.5 seconds is the actual time) default 05 progr…

  • Page 373: [757]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 373 [757] e1 pulse type description sets a dialling pulse type for the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection type-a / type-b / type-c default type-a programming 1. Enter 757. Display: 757 pulse type 2. Press next. Display exampl…

  • Page 374: [758]

    4.4 e1 line programming 374 e1 programming [758] e1 dr2 signalling type description sets a dr2 signalling type. Normal: ccitt option-1: ansi option-2: ccitt + mfc-r2 (group-c) option-3: dialling mode=ansi, receiving mode=ccitt this programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection normal / op…

  • Page 375: [759]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 375 [759] e1 inter digit timer description sets a maximum time the system waits before answering a call on the e1 line assigned to dr2 of option 1 signalling. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time (seconds): 03 through 15 default 05…

  • Page 376: [760]

    4.4 e1 line programming 376 e1 programming [760] e1 bit position for dial pulse description sets a bit position for dial pulse on the e1 line assigned to dr2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection a-bit / b-bit default a-bit programming 1. Enter 760. Display: 760 dial bit 2. …

  • Page 377: [761]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 377 [761] e1 bit position for clear back description sets a bit position for clear back on the e1 line assigned to dr2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection a-bit / b-bit / ab-bit default a-bit programming 1. Enter 761. Display: 761 cle…

  • Page 378: [762]

    4.4 e1 line programming 378 e1 programming [762] e1 e&m signalling type description sets an e&m signalling type for the e1 line. Type-1: a-bit control, default setting=0 type-2: a-bit control, default setting=1 type-3: b-bit control, default setting=0 type-4: b-bit control, default setting=1 this pr…

  • Page 379: [763]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 379 [763] e1 e&m pulse length (seizure) description sets a pulse length when seizing an e1 line assigned to e&m. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time (milliseconds): 150 / 600 default 150 ms programming 1. Enter 763. Display: 763 s…

  • Page 380: [764]

    4.4 e1 line programming 380 e1 programming [764] e1 e&m pulse length (answer) description sets a pulse length when answering an e1 line assigned to e&m. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time (millisecond): 150 / 600 default 600 ms programming 1. Enter 764. Display: 764 a…

  • Page 381: [765]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 381 [765] e1 e&m pulse length (clear) description sets a pulse length when clearing an e1 line assigned to e&m. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time (milliseconds): 150 / 600 default 600 ms programming 1. Enter 765. Display: 765 cl…

  • Page 382: [766]

    4.4 e1 line programming 382 e1 programming [766] e1 meter pulse detection mode description sets the charge meter pulse detection mode for the e1 line assigned to dr2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection no detection / outgoing only / both calls default no detection programm…

  • Page 383: [767]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 383 [767] e1 meter pulse detection bit position description sets a bit position for charge meter pulse detection on the e1 line assigned to dr2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection a-bit / b-bit / c-bit / d-bit default b-bit programmin…

  • Page 384: [768]

    4.4 e1 line programming 384 e1 programming [768] e1 meter pulse detection length description sets a length of charge meter pulse detection on the e1 line assigned to dr2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time (milliseconds): 01 through 60 ( 8 is the actual time) default …

  • Page 385: [769]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 385 [769] e1 dsp gain (dtmf transmit) description assigns a dtmf transmitting level from dsp on the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection level: 01 through 16 default 03 programming 1. Enter 769. Display: 769 dtmf tx dsp 2. Pres…

  • Page 386: [770]

    4.4 e1 line programming 386 e1 programming [770] e1 dsp gain (dtmf receive) description assigns a dtmf receiving level on dsp on the e1 line. This program is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection level: 01 through 32 default 16 programming 1. Enter 770. Display: 770 dtmf rx dsp 2. Press next. …

  • Page 387: [771]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 387 [771] e1 dsp gain (mfc-r2 transmit) description assigns a mfc-r2 transmitting level from dsp on the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection level: 01 through 32 default 16 programming 1. Enter 771. Display: 771 mfc tx dsp 2. P…

  • Page 388: [772]

    4.4 e1 line programming 388 e1 programming [772] e1 dsp gain (mfc-r2 receive) description assigns a mfc-r2 receiving level on dsp on the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection level: 01 through 16 default 08 programming 1. Enter 772. Display: 772 mfc rx dsp 2. Press n…

  • Page 389: [773]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 389 [773] e1 frame error detection description sets the frame error detection for the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection no / yes default no programming 1. Enter 773. Display: 773 err detect 2. Press next. Display example: er…

  • Page 390: [774]

    4.4 e1 line programming 390 e1 programming [774] e1 error rate description sets the number of times of the frame error detection for the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection number of times: 0 through 7 ( 16 is the actual number of time) (0=no limit) default 0 progr…

  • Page 391: [775]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 391 [775] e1 ani service mode description sets the automatic number identification (ani) mode for the e1 line. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection none / incoming only / outgoing only / both calls default none programming 1. Enter 775….

  • Page 392: [776]

    4.4 e1 line programming 392 e1 programming [776] e1 ani maximum digits description assigns the maximum digits for automatic number identification (ani) number. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection number of digits: 00 through 16 (00=no ani number) default 00 programming 1. E…

  • Page 393: [777]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 393 [777] e1 mfc-r2 forward timer description sets the length of waiting time of the incoming call forward signal on the e1 line assigned to mfc-r2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time (seconds): 01 through 30 default 15 s program…

  • Page 394: [778]

    4.4 e1 line programming 394 e1 programming [778] e1 mfc-r2 backward timer description sets the length of waiting time of the outgoing call backward signal on the e1 line assigned to mfc-r2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time (seconds): 01 through 30 default 15 s progr…

  • Page 395: [779]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 395 [779] e1 mfc-r2 disappearance timer description sets the length of waiting time of the stop signal on the e1 line assigned to mfc-r2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection time (seconds): 01 through 30 default 24 s programming 1. Ent…

  • Page 396: [780]

    4.4 e1 line programming 396 e1 programming [780] e1 group-i description assigns a signal code for group-i parameters on the e1 line assigned to mfc-r2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • parameter number: 01 (ani start) / 02 (ani complete) / 03 (ani reject) • signal code…

  • Page 397: [781]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 397 [781] e1 group-ii description assigns a signal type for group-ii parameters on the e1 line assigned to mfc-r2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • parameter number: 01 through 15 • signal type: undefined / subscriber / operator /…

  • Page 398: [782]

    4.4 e1 line programming 398 e1 programming [782] e1 group-a description assigns a signal code for group-a parameters on the e1 line assigned to mfc-r2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • parameter number: 01 (address complete) / 02 (ani request) / 03 (set up speech) / 04…

  • Page 399: [783] E1 Group-B

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 399 [783] e1 group-b description assigns a signal code for group-b parameters on the e1 line assigned to mfc-r2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • parameter number: 01 (idle(1)) / 02 (idle(2)) / 03 (idle(3)) / 04 (no billing) / 05 …

  • Page 400: [784]

    4.4 e1 line programming 400 e1 programming [784] e1 group-c description assigns a signal code for group-c parameters on the e1 line assigned to mfc-r2. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection • parameter number: 01 (group-c ani(n+1)) / 02 (group-ii ani) • signal code: 00 throug…

  • Page 401: [785]

    4.4 e1 line programming e1 programming 401 [785] e1 tone type for making calls description sets a tone type for busy or reorder mode when making a call using the e1 line assigned to dr2-mfc. This programme is available for the kx-td1232 only. Selection busy+reorder / busy / reorder default busy+reor…

  • Page 402

    4.4 e1 line programming 402 e1 programming.

  • Page 403: Section

    Optional programming 403 section 5 optional programming.

  • Page 404: 5.1

    5.1 optional programming 404 optional programming 5.1 optional programming [990] system additional information description allows the following programming items to be changed, if required. Each bit in each area represents a programming item. Chart for the areas and bits bit number 16 15 14 13 12 11…

  • Page 405

    5.1 optional programming optional programming 405 explanation area bit description selection default features guide references 01 1 sound source during transfer. 0 : ringback tone 1 : music on hold 1 • call transfer • music on hold 2 result of pressing the hookswitch lightly and then placing down th…

  • Page 406

    5.1 optional programming 406 optional programming 02 1 if an outside party is transferred and unanswered, assigns whether transfer recall occurs at the transfer initiating extension or at operator 1. 0 : initiating extension 1 : operator 1 0 call transfer 2 if the restriction of outside call duratio…

  • Page 407

    5.1 optional programming optional programming 407 02 8 determines whether an extension mailbox number is substituted by the extension number or it is programmable (free). If a call is forwarded or rerouted to the vps, this system automatically transmits the mailbox number to the vps to specify the u…

  • Page 408

    5.1 optional programming 408 optional programming 03 1-16 these bits are provided to assign pad switch control (volume control of received calls on an outside line). This can be assigned for each outside line. The bits 1 through 16 in area 03 correspond to outside lines 1 through 16 and the bits 1 t…

  • Page 409

    5.1 optional programming optional programming 409 05 1 reserved 2 have an option to restrict the disa outside-to-outside line extending time. 10 attempts are allowed. 0 : 10 times 1 : no limitation 1 disa 3 enables or disables retry by dialling » » during disa outside call. 0 : disable 1 : enable 1 …

  • Page 410

    5.1 optional programming 410 optional programming 05 7 [for vm dpt integration] enables or disables sending the follow on id when an outside call is routed to a voice mail port by irna. [for vm inband integration] enables or disables sending the follow on id when an outside call is routed to a voice…

  • Page 411

    5.1 optional programming optional programming 411 05 12 selects the smdr format for an incoming call with caller id. The caller’s number only or caller’s number only or caller’s number and name is selected. 0 : + caller no. 1 : + caller no. + name 1 smdr 13 enables or disables the smdr printout for …

  • Page 412

    5.1 optional programming 412 optional programming 06 1 determines whether the account code is printed out or not (shown in dots) by the smdr. 0 : not printed out 1 : printed out 1 account code entry 2,3 reserved 4 enables or disables sending outside line access number «9/0» to a tie line. When you d…

  • Page 413

    5.1 optional programming optional programming 413 06 12 assigns how the number is changed via the isdn line into an extension number which receives incoming ddi calls. 0 : the number converted in [421] 1 : the number equals the number from the isdn line minus the subscriber’s number programmed in [4…

  • Page 414

    5.1 optional programming 414 optional programming 07 1 enables or disables the dtmf signals to the isdn line. 0 : enable 1 : disable 1 none 2,3 reserved 4 enables or disables the whisper ohca feature. 0 : any telephone 1 : kx-t7400 series telephones only 1 whisper ohca 5 enables or disables the hook…

  • Page 415

    5.1 optional programming optional programming 415 07 11,10 determines how the call is treated when a call from did arrives at a dnd extension or busy extension which has disabled call waiting. If «irna» whose destination is disa is selected, a reorder tone is sent. 01 : irna 10 / 11 : receive at the…

  • Page 416

    5.1 optional programming 416 optional programming selection • area code: 01 through 10 • selection: see «selection» in the explanation table. 09 1 determines the ring interval time for incoming calls with caller id. 0 : short 1 : normal 1 caller id 2 reserved 4,3 selects the led flashing pattern of …

  • Page 417

    5.1 optional programming optional programming 417 default see «default» shown in the explanation table. Programming 1. Enter 990. Display: 990 sys add data 2. Press next. Display: area no? 3. Enter an area code (01 through 10). Display example: 0010100011000001 4. Keep pressing or to move the cursor…

  • Page 418: [991]

    5.1 optional programming 418 optional programming [991] cos additional information description 1. Sets the number of digits allowed to dial out during an analogue outside call on a class of service (cos) basis. If an outside party hangs up and the extension user tries to dial out still on the outsid…

  • Page 419

    5.1 optional programming optional programming 419 5. Enter your selection (0 or 1). To change the current entry, press store and the new selection. 6. To programme another bit, repeat steps 4 and 5. 7. Press store. 8. To programme another cos, press select and the desired cos number. 9. Repeat steps…

  • Page 420

    5.1 optional programming 420 optional programming.

  • Page 421: Section

    Default values 421 section 6 default values.

  • Page 422

    422 default values 2 general programming programme default [000] date and time set ’93 jan. 1 fri 12:00 am 12 [001] system speed dialling number set all speed dial numbers – not stored [002] system speed dialling name set all speed dial numbers – not stored [003] extension number set kx-td816: jack …

  • Page 423

    Default values 423 [100] flexible numbering see «feature number list». [101] day / night service switching mode manual [102] day / night service starting time every day of the week – day – 9:00 am / night – 5:00 pm [103] automatic access outside line group assignment 12345678 [105] account codes all…

  • Page 424

    424 default values [118] voice mail extension number set kx-td816: vm-01=165, vm-02=166, vm-03=167, vm- 04=168, vm-05=169, vm-06=170, vm-07=177, vm-08=178, vm-09=181, vm-10=182, vm- 11=183, vm-12=184 kx-td1232: vm-01=165, vm-02=166, vm-03=167, vm- 04=168, vm-05=169, vm-06=170, vm-07=177, vm-08=178, …

  • Page 425

    Default values 425 [136] did / ddi number assignment all locations – not stored [137-138] did / ddi extension – day / night all locations – not stored [139] did / ddi extension name set all locations – not stored [141] charge rate decimal point assignment 2 [142] charge rate assignment all outside l…

  • Page 426

    426 default values [209] automatic redial repeat times kx-td816bx, kx-td1232(d)bx/ml, kx- tdn1232 – 10 times kx-td816hk, kx-td1232hk – 3 times kx-td1232x – 2 times [210] automatic redial interval time kx-td816bx, kx-td1232(d)bx/ml, kx- tdn1232 – 60 s kx-td816hk, kx-td1232hk – 900 s (15 min) kx-td123…

  • Page 427

    Default values 427 [314-321] ars leading digit entry for plans 1 through 8 all locations – not stored [322-329] ars routing plans 1 through 8 all time schedules – not stored [330] ars modify removed digit all modification tables – 0 [331] ars modify added number all modification tables – not stored …

  • Page 428

    428 default values [407-408] dil 1:1 extension – day / night all outside lines – disable (day / night) [409-410] intercept extension – day / night all outside line groups – disable (day / night) [411] host pbx access codes all outside line groups – not stored [412] pause time all outside line groups…

  • Page 429

    Default values 429 [445] did forward timer (for mfc-r2) all did formats – 15 s [446] did backward timer (for mfc-r2) all did formats – 15 s [447] did disappearance timer (for mfc-r2) all did formats – 24 s [448] did first dial start time (for mfc-r2) all did formats – 2 [449] did forward group-i sig…

  • Page 430

    430 default values [510] night service access all cos – disable [511] pt programming level all cos – lvl1 [600] extra device port all jacks – disable [601] class of service all jacks-1/2 – cos 1 [602] extension group assignment all jacks-1/2 – extension group 1 [603-604] dil 1:n extension and delaye…

  • Page 431

    Default values 431 3 isdn programming [806-807] serial interface (rs-232c) parameters port 1 / port 2: new line code = cr+lf; baud rate = 9600; word length = 8; parity bit = mark; stop bit = 1 [809] disa security type trunk [810] disa tone detection enable [812] disa dtmf repeat dial and call – repe…

  • Page 432

    432 default values [149] isdn data assignment (1) adpcm type: kx-td816hk / kx- td1232hk=m-law, others=a-law (2) status message: send (3) status receiving mode: disc (4) numbering type: 0 (unknown) (5) numbering plan: 1 (isdn/telephone numbering plan) (6) t200 extension timer: 1.0 s (7) t203 extensio…

  • Page 433

    Default values 433 [425] isdn configuration kx-td816: ports 05 and 06 – multipoint; other ports – point kx-td1232: all ports – point [426] isdn data link mode kx-td816: port 05 and 06 – call; other ports – permanent kx-td1232: all ports – permanent [427] isdn tei mode kx-td816: port 05 and 06 – auto…

  • Page 434

    434 default values 4 e1 programming programme default [109] expansion unit type kx-td816: c;e kx-td1232: master and slave – c;e1;e2 [418] outside line number assignment for isdn / e1 all outside lines – not stored [622] extension ani number all jacks-1/2 – not stored [707] e1 clock mode external [72…

  • Page 435

    Default values 435 [755] e1 answer decision timer 001 [756] e1 seizure ack wait timer 05 [757] e1 pulse type type-a [758] e1 dr2 signalling type normal [759] e1 inter digit timer 05 [760] e1 bit position for dial pulse a-bit [761] e1 bit position for clear back a-bit [762] e1 e&m signalling type typ…

  • Page 436

    436 default values 5 optional programming [779] e1 mfc-r2 disappearance timer 24 s [780] e1 group-i parameter 01 – 14; parameter 02 – 15; parameter 03 – 12 [781] e1 group-ii parameter 02 – subscriber; other parameters – undefined [782] e1 group-a parameter 01 – 03; parameter 02 – 05; parameter 03 – …

  • Page 437: Section

    Index 437 section 6 index.

  • Page 438

    438 index a aa hunting 63 aa service 75 absent messages 45 account button 38 account code 31 , 61 account code entry 61 account code entry mode 235 adjust time 77 alarm tone 15 ani (automatic number identification) 347 , 391 , 392 another extension message waiting button 38 area code assignment 93 a…

  • Page 439

    Index 439 dial tone 405 , 410 , 415 did / ddi extension name set 112 did / ddi extension – day / night 110 did / ddi number assignment 108 did / tie added number 204 did / tie format number assignment 198 did / tie incoming assignment 199 did / tie outgoing assignment 201 did / tie subscriber number…

  • Page 440

    440 index extension call forwarding – no answer time 257 extension group assignment 245 extension hooking signal 407 extension name set 36 extension number set 34 extension ringing assignment – day / night for isdn 323 extensions used for programming 10 extension-to-outside line call duration limit …

  • Page 441

    Index 441 message waiting ring type 410 modem standard 279 msn (multiple subscriber numbers) 317 , 321 , 413 msn assignment 321 multiple subscriber numbers (msn) 317 , 321 , 413 music on hold 267 , 414 music source use 267 n next button 12 night button 38 night service 57 , 58 night service access 2…

  • Page 442

    442 index t termination hunting 63 , 412 tie added number 204 tie first / inter digit time 146 tie format number assignment 198 tie incoming assignment 199 tie line routing table 165 tie modify removed digit / added number 167 tie outgoing assignment 201 tie receive dial 215 tie security type 210 ti…

  • Page 443

    Kyushu matsushita electric co., ltd. 1-62, 4-chome, minoshima, hakata-ku, fukuoka 812-8531, japan printed in japan psqx2112za warning: this is a class a product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. Copy…

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