Metrologic ms1690 инструкция на русском

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Руководство пользователя Honeywell MS1690 Focus

Руководство пользователя Honeywell MS1690 Focus


Сканер штрих-кода Honeywell MS1690 Focus (Metrologic MS1690 Focus)  

универсален – одинаково успешно сканирует как линейные штрих-коды (EAN8, EAN13, Code39, Code 128 и другие), так и двумерные штрих-коды (PDF417, micro PDF, QR Code, Datamatrix, Aztec и прочие).

 Area Image технология сканирования штрих-кода Секрет скрыт в типе сканирующего элемента. Это уже не лазерный луч и не CCD-технология. В основе принципа Area Image сканирования, по-сути, лежит принцип фотоаппарата: Honeywell MS1690 «видит» штрих-код целиком. Это даёт ему ряд преимуществ: Если часть линий штрих-кода повреждена, то MS1690 Focus всё равно отсканирует штрих-код, подставив недостающую часть из неповреждённого участка (линейным сканерам штрих-ода необходимо, чтобы в плоскости сканирования все линии были целы).

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© 2005 by Metrologic Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this

work may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in any form or by any means

without prior written consent, except by reviewer, who may quote brief

passages in a review, or provided for in the Copyright Act of 1976.

Products and brand names mentioned in this document are trademarks of

their respective companies.

инструкцияHoneywell MS1690 Focus


MS1690 Focus



Area Imaging Bar Code Scanner

Installation and User’s Guide

Посмотреть инструкция для Honeywell MS1690 Focus бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории сканеры штрих-кода, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Honeywell MS1690 Focus или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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MS1690 Focus | MS1690
сканер штрих-кода
5052178398040, 5052178398057, 5052178398064
Руководство пользователя (PDF)

Порты и интерфейсы
Стандартные интерфейсы USB, RS-232, Keyboard wedge
Входное напряжение 5 V
Потребляемая мощность 400 mA
Прочие свойства
Размеры (ШхГхВ) 79 x 183 x 111 mm
Вес и размеры

Цвет товара Черный
Сертификация FCC Part 15nIEC60825-1çnEN55022 Class B
Условия эксплуатации
Диапазон температур при эксплуатации 0 — 40 °C
Диапазон температур при хранении -40 — 60 °C
Диапазон относительной влажности при эксплуатации 0 — 95 %

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Руководство пользователя Honeywell MS1690 Focus

Руководство пользователя Honeywell MS1690 Focus


Сканер штрих-кода Honeywell MS1690 Focus (Metrologic MS1690 Focus)  

универсален – одинаково успешно сканирует как линейные штрих-коды (EAN8, EAN13, Code39, Code 128 и другие), так и двумерные штрих-коды (PDF417, micro PDF, QR Code, Datamatrix, Aztec и прочие).

 Area Image технология сканирования штрих-кода Секрет скрыт в типе сканирующего элемента. Это уже не лазерный луч и не CCD-технология. В основе принципа Area Image сканирования, по-сути, лежит принцип фотоаппарата: Honeywell MS1690 «видит» штрих-код целиком. Это даёт ему ряд преимуществ: Если часть линий штрих-кода повреждена, то MS1690 Focus всё равно отсканирует штрих-код, подставив недостающую часть из неповреждённого участка (линейным сканерам штрих-ода необходимо, чтобы в плоскости сканирования все линии были целы).

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Тема: настройка сканера metrologic ms1690 focus 38 настройка  (Прочитано 23155 раз)

Добрых суток!
Нами были куплено три сканера metrologic ms1690 focus  38. И установлены с официальных сайтов honeywell и metrologic драйвер для сканера и программа для настройки самого сканера — metroset. Установка драйвера и синхронизация сканера и программы прошли успешно. Но второй день не могу настроить этот сканер соответствующим образом… В итоге получилось только , что в программе метросет в окне terminalwindow (как я поняла тестовое окно) в окошке ready to recive  сканер пишет результат при сканировании и издает звук, но в окне output он ничего не пишет…  и если открыть блокнот и просканировать штрихкод также звук издаётся, а эффекта никакого, ничего не записывается. Пожалуйста помогите, ато мои нервы уже на пределе, еще чуть-чуть и он полетит в окно)))


Может кто объяснит что за вкладка Reserved codes в metroset?


а вот мои настройки сканера, может ещё что не указала, или лишнее наоборот.

Scanner: Focus/1690

Scanner Settings that Differ from Defaults:
Enable Standard 2 of 5
Enable Full ASCII Code 39
Enable RSS-14
Enable RSS Limited
Enable Inverse Video Data Matrix
Enable Normal Video Data Matrix
Reserved (6.0)
Don’t transmit RSS-14 Application ID
Don’t transmit RSS-14 Symbology ID
Don’t transmit RSS Limited App ID
Don’t transmit RSS Limited Symbology ID
Enable Low Speed USB
Reserved (164.0)
Reserved (164.1)
Reserved (164.2)
IBM port 5B
Enable ‘D’/’E’ disable/enable
Enable Bar Code Absence Detection
Beep After Transmit
Reserved (202.0)
Reserved (202.2)
Reserved (202.4)
Reserved (202.5)
Reserved (202.6)
Enable ISBT


Убедительная просьба читать топики разделов.,1467.0.html

Для работы с СОМ портом или эмуляцией СОМ порта обязательно необходимо использовать специализированное ПО либо дополнительно установить программу SoftWedge которая может перенаправлять данные из СОМ порта в текстовую строку.

Передает ли сканер считанные данные в следующие тестовые утилиты:
*- Для ОС Windows XP может использоваться утилита «HyperTerminal» (Пуск -> Все программы -> Стандартные -> Связь -> «HyperTerminal»). Необходимо выбрать соответствующий номер COM-порта (можно посмотреть из «Диспетчера устройств») и настроить в соответствие с настройками интерфейса сканера (стандартные настройки: скорость передачи данных – 9600бит/сек; биты данных – 8; четность – нет; стоповые биты – 1).
— Для ОС Windows Vista/7 могут использоваться утилиты настройки сканеров «MetroSet2» или «EZConfig» (в зависимости от модели сканера).

Так же Вы можете настроить сканер в режим виртуальной клавиатуры в этом случае данные будут передаватся напрямую в текстовую строку например в программу «блокнот».
Для программирования сканера в режим виртуальной клавиатуры необходимо:
Из руководства по программированию сканера («MetroSelect») необходимо последовательно считать следующие управляющие штрих-коды:
— Сброс заводских настроек: «Recall Defaults» (раздел «Need to start Over?»)
— Включение эмуляции виртуальной клавиатуры: «Enable USB Keyboard Emulation mode» (раздел «USB»)


Кирилл, спасибо за советы, у меня стоит Windows 7, установлена программа metroset. сегодня ещё  установила softwedge.
Если ставлю свойство enable usb emulation mode, то о чудо, он сканирует данные в блокнот, но так как он перестает быть виртуальным ком портом я не могу  синхронизировать с программой metroset, но это ерунда, проблема осталась в том, что в программе, где мы используем сканер для чтения штрихкодов все равно данные не записываются…. звук идет, а данные нет…


Пожалуйста, уточните с каким портом работает Ваше ПО.

Так же попробуйте запрограммировать сканер в режим эмуляции виртуальной клавиатуры.

Из руководства по программированию сканера («MetroSelect») необходимо последовательно считать следующие управляющие штрих-коды:
— Сброс заводских настроек: «Recall Defaults» (раздел «Need to start Over?»)
— Включение эмуляции виртуальной клавиатуры: «Enable USB Keyboard Emulation mode» (раздел «USB»)


Так же Вы можете настроить сканер в режим виртуальной клавиатуры в этом случае данные будут передаватся напрямую в текстовую строку например в программу «блокнот».
Для программирования сканера в режим виртуальной клавиатуры необходимо:
Из руководства по программированию сканера («MetroSelect») необходимо последовательно считать следующие управляющие штрих-коды:
— Сброс заводских настроек: «Recall Defaults» (раздел «Need to start Over?»)
— Включение эмуляции виртуальной клавиатуры: «Enable USB Keyboard Emulation mode» (раздел «USB»)

Да, после того как я настроила сканер в режим виртуальной клавиатуры он стал печатать штрихкоды в блокнот. Но сканер стал использовать usb-порт, а  П.О. у меня работает с com-портом.


Для проверки корректности работы сканера необходимо использовать стандартное ПО «MetroSet2» от производителя сканеров, при этом Вы указывали выше, что сканер корректно передает данные в утилиту.

в программе метросет в окне terminalwindow (как я поняла тестовое окно) в окошке ready to recive  сканер пишет результат при сканировании и издает звук

В случае если сканер корректно работает с ПО «MetroSet2» то он настроен правильно и проблему стоит искать в Вашем ПО.

Для программирования сканера в режим виртуального СОМ порта обратитесь к теме в топике.


Кирилл, в программе проблем нет, проблема в настройки сканера, у меня наверное последний вопрос, вы не знаете как можно в metroset сделать upload сканера c usb-портом (у которого нет com-порта)?


Проблема решена, тема закрыта. Вся проблема была в настройки префиксов.


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    • Страница 1

      METROLOGIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. MS1690 Focus ™ Area Imaging Bar Code Scanner Inst allation and User ’ s Guide 00-02098_Cover_Quark_March_2005.qxd 3/11/2005 9:31 AM Page 1[…]

    • Страница 2

      Copyright © 2005 by Metrologic Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in any form or b y any means without prior written consent, except by reviewer, who may quote br ief passages in a review, or provided for in the Copyright Act of 1976. Products and brand names mentio ned in this doc[…]

    • Страница 3

      ii T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 Scanner and Acce ssories ………………………………………………………………………. 2 Scanner Components ………………………………………………………………..[…]

    • Страница 4

      iii T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Scanner and Cable T erminations Scanner Pinout Connecti ons ……………………………………………………………….. 34 Cable Connector C onfigurat ions ………………………………………………………….. 36 Limited Wa rranty ………………………………………………………..[…]

    • Страница 5

      1 I NTRODUCTION The MS1690 Focus is a high performa nce hand-held area i maging bar code scanner that utilizes high-resolution CMOS imaging sensor s for superior image quality. Focus utilized Omniplanar, Inc.’s S wiftdecoder™ software, for reliable decoding of both 1D and 2D bar code s ymbologies. Sharp images can be captured and transmitted in[…]

    • Страница 6

      2 I NTRODUCTION Scanner and Accessories B ASI C K IT Part # Description MS1690 Focus Area Imaging Bar Code Scanner 00-02544 MetroSelect ® Singl e-Line Configur ation Guide* 00-02065 Supplemental Configuration Guide * 00-02098 MS1690 Focus Area Imaging Bar Code Scanner Installation and User’s Guide* * Available on the Metrologic website — www.met[…]

    • Страница 7

      3 I NTRODUCTION Scanner and Accessories O PTIONAL A CCESSORIES Part # Description 53-53213x-N-3 USB Power/Communication Cable, 2.7 m (9 ft.) coiled cord, lo ng strain relief, black 53-53214x-N-3 USB Power/Communication Cable, 4.5 m (15 ft.) coiled cord, lo ng strain relief, black This cable is for use with full speed USB (-40) interface only. 53-53[…]

    • Страница 8

      4 I NTRODUCTION Scanner Components Figure 1. Scanner Components Item Description 1 Yellow LED See Visual Indicators (on page 17) 2 White LED See Visual Indicators (on page 17) 3 Blue LED See Visual Indicators (on page 17) 4 Speaker See Audible Indica tors (on page 16) 5 Trigger 6 Red Window LED Aperture 7 Cable Release See The PowerLink Cable (on p[…]

    • Страница 9

      5 I NTRODUCTION T HE P OWER L INK C AB L E C ONNECTING Important: If the PowerLink cable is not fully ‘latched’ the unit can power intermittently. Figure 2. Figure 3. D ISCONNECTING Before removing the cable from the scanner, Metrologic recommends that the power on the host system is off and the power supply has been disco nnected from the Powe[…]

    • Страница 10

      6 I NTRODUCTION Labels Each scanner has a label loc ated on the underside of the head. T his label provides the unit’s model number, date of manufacture, serial numb er, CE and caution information. The follo wing figur e gives an example of the label a nd its location. Figure 5. Label Samples and Location Maintenance Smudges and dirt can interfer[…]

    • Страница 11

      7 I NSTALLING THE S CANNER TO THE H OST S YSTEM RS232 MS1690-14 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the male 10-pin RJ45 end of the PowerLink cable into the 10-pin socket on the Focus. You will hear a ‘click’ when the connection is made. 3. Connect the 9-pin D-type connector of the communication cable to the proper COM port of the host device.[…]

    • Страница 12

      8 I NSTALLING THE S CANNER TO TH E H OST S YSTEM Keyboard Wedge MS1690-47 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the 10-pin RJ45 male end of the PowerLink cable into 10-pi n socket on the Focus. You will hear a ‘click’ when the connection is made. 3. Disconnect the keyboard from the host device. 4. Connect the “Y” ends of the communication ca[…]

    • Страница 13

      9 I NSTALLING THE S CANNER TO TH E H OST S YSTEM Stand Alone Keyboard MS1690-47 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the male 10-pin RJ45 end of the PowerLink cable into the 10-pin socket on the Focus. You will hear a ‘click’ when the connection is made. 3. Plug the other end of the communication cable into the host’s keyboard po rt. 4. Plug […]

    • Страница 14

      10 I NSTALLING THE S CANNER TO TH E H OST S YSTEM IBM MS1690-11 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the male 10-pin RJ45 end of the MVC cable into the 10-pin socket on the Focus. You will hear a ‘click’ when the connection is made. 3. Connect the other end of the MVC cable to the host device. 4. Turn on the host device. 5. Focus will start to […]

    • Страница 15

      11 I NSTALLING THE S CANNER TO THE H OST S YSTEM Integrated USB: Full Speed MS1690-40 Low Speed MS1690-38 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the male 10-pin RJ45 end of the USB cable into the 10-pin socket on the Focus. You will hear a ‘click’ when the connection is made. 3. Plug the USB type A end of the USB cable into the host’s USB port.[…]

    • Страница 16

      12 S TAND K ITS S TAND C OMPONENTS , MLPN 46-00147 Figure 11. Stand Components Item Description Qty. a. Stand Base Qty. 1 b. Flexible Shaft Qty. 1 c. Flexible Shaft Cover Qty. 1 d. Scanner Cradle Qty. 1 e. ¼» – 20 x 3/8″ Flat Head Phillips, 82° Undercut Qty. 2 f. #8 Round Head Wood Screw Qty. 2[…]

    • Страница 17

      13 S TAND K ITS H ARD M OUNTING THE S TAND (O PTIONAL ) Metrologic provides two #8 wood screws for securing the stand base to the counter top. The following figure provides the pilot hole dimensions for securing the stand base. Figure 12. Stand Base Hole Pattern (Not to Scale)[…]

    • Страница 18

      14 S TAND K ITS A SSEMBLING THE S TA N D Figure 13. Assembling the Stand[…]

    • Страница 19

      15 S CANNER O PERATION T WO D EFAULT M ODES OF O PERATION * CodeGate, Out of Stand 1. The IR detects an object in the IR activation range and automatically turns on linear illumination. 2. Aim the scanner’s line of light over the bar code. 3. Pull the trigger to initiate scanning. The scanner’s light output will start to flash as it attempts to[…]

    • Страница 20

      16 S CANNER O PERATION Audible Indicators When the Focus is in operation, it prov ides audi ble feedback. These sounds indicate the status of the scanner. Eight settings are availab le for the tone of the beep (normal, 6 alternate tones and no t one). T o change the tone, refer to the MetroSelect Single-Line Confi guration Guide, MLPN 00-02544 or M[…]

    • Страница 21

      17 S CANNER O PERATION Visual Indicators The MS1690 has three LED indic ators (yellow, white and blue) located on the top of the scanner. When the scanner is on, the flashing or stationary activity of the LEDs indicates the status of the current scan and the scanner. No LEDs are Illuminated The LEDs will not be illuminat ed if the scanner is not re[…]

    • Страница 22

      18 S CANNER O PERATION Failure Modes Long Razzberry Tone – During Power Up Failed to initialize or configure the sc anner. If the scanner does not respond after reprogramming, return the scanner for repair. Short Razzberry Tone – During Scanning An Invalid bar code has been scanne d when in configuration mode or th e trigger has been pulled too[…]

    • Страница 23

      19 S CANNER O PERATION Depth of Field by Minimum Bar Code Element Width Figure 16. Depth of Field by Minimum Bar Cod e Element Width M INIMUM B AR C ODE E LEMENT W IDTH 1D PDF A B C D E F G mm .132 .19 .254 .33 .533 .254 .381 mils 5.2 7.5 10.4 13 21 10 15.9 Specifications are subjec t to change without notice.[…]

    • Страница 24

      20 S CANNER O PERATION IR Activation Range The MS1690 has a built in obj ect detection sensor that instantly turns on the scanner when an object is presented with in the scanner’s IR activation Area. Figure 17. IR Activation Area Specifications are subjec t to change without notice .[…]

    • Страница 25

      21 T ROUBLESHOOTING G UIDE The following guide is for reference purposes only. Contact a Metrologic representative at 1-800-ID-Met ro or 1- 800-436-3876 to preserve the lim ited warranty terms. All Interfaces MS1690 Series Troubleshooting Gui de Symptoms Possible Causes Solution No power is being supplied to the scanner. Check transformer, outlet a[…]

    • Страница 26

      22 T ROUBLESHOOTING G UIDE Symptoms Possible Causes Solution The unit powers up, but does not beep when bar code is scanned. The beeper is disabled and no tone is selected. Enable the beeper and select a tone. The unit powers up, but does not scan and/or beep. The bar code symbology tryi ng to be scanned is not enabled. UPC/EAN, Code 39, interleave[…]

    • Страница 27

      23 T ROUBLESHOOTING G UIDE Symptoms Possible Causes Solution The print quality of the bar code is suspect. Check print mode. The type of printer could be the problem. Change print settings (i.e. change to econo mode or high speed) . The aspect ratio of the bar code is out of tolerance. Check print mode. The type of printer could be the problem. Cha[…]

    • Страница 28

      24 T ROUBLESHOOTING G UIDE Symptoms Possible Causes Solution The unit is transmitting each character twi ce. The configuration is not set correctly. Increase interscan code delay setting. Adjust whether the F0 break is transmitted. It may be necessary to try this in both settings. Alpha characters show as lower case. The computer is in Caps Lock mo[…]

    • Страница 29

      25 D ESIGN S PECIFICATIONS MS1690 D ESIGN S PECIFICATIONS O PER AT IO NAL Light Source: LED 645 nm Pulse Duration: 1 ms to 8 ms Maximum Output of an Osram LED: Maximum 85 mA emits 3,120 mlm Depth of Scan Field: 0 mm – 230 mm (0″ – 9″) fo r 0.330 mm (13 mil) Bar Code at Default Setting 49 mm W x 19 mm H (1.9” W x 0. 8” H) at 20 mm […]

    • Страница 30

      26 D ESIGN S PECIFICATIONS MS1690 D ESIGN S PECIFICATIONS E LECTRICAL Input Voltage: 5.0VDC ± 0.25V Peak = 2 W (Typical) Operating = 1.65 W (Typical) Power: Idle / Standby = 800 mW (Typical) Peak = 400 mA (Typical) Operation = 330 mA (Typical) Current: Idle / Standby = 160 mA (Typical) DC Transformer: Class 2; 5.2VDC @ 650 mA EMC: FCC, ICES-003 &a[…]

    • Страница 31

      27 A PPLICATIONS AND P ROTOCOLS The model number on each scann er includes the scanner number a nd factory default communications proto col. S CANNER V ERSION I DENTIFIER C OMMUNICATION P ROTOCOL ( S ) 11 IBM 468X/469X, RS232-TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS 14 RS232 (TX, RX, RTS, CTS, DTR) 38 Low Speed USB 40 Full-speed USB MS1690 — 47 Keyboard Wedge, Stand-Alo[…]

    • Страница 32

      28 D EFAULT S ETTINGS – C OMMUNICATION P ARAMETER S Many functions of the scanner can be “confi g ured” – that is, enabled or disabled. The scanner is shipped from the fact or y programmed to a set of default conditions. The default param eter of the scanner has an asterisk (*) in the charts on the following pages. If an asterisk is not in […]

    • Страница 33

      29 D EFAULT S ETTINGS – C OMMUNICATION P ARAMETER S PARAMETER DEFAULT RS232 IBM 46XX KBW USB Maxicode 9 9 9 9 Aztec 9 9 9 9 Postals 9 9 9 9 Mod 43 Check on Code 39 9 9 9 9 MSI-Plessy 10/10 Check Digit 9 9 9 9 MSI-Plessy Mod 10 Check Digit * 9 9 9 9 Paraf Support ITF 9 9 9 9 ITF Symbol Lengths Variable 9 9 9 9 Symbol Length Lock None 9 9 9 9 Beepe[…]

    • Страница 34

      30 D EFAULT S ETTINGS – C OMMUNICATION P ARAMETER S PARAMETER DEFAULT RS232 IBM 46XX KBW USB Transmit lead zero on UPC-E 9 9 9 9 Transmit UPC-A number system * 9 9 9 9 Transmit UPC-A Manufacturer ID# * 9 9 9 9 Transmit UPC-A Item ID# * 9 9 9 9 Transmit Codabar Start/Stop C haracters 9 9 9 9 CLSI Editing (Enabl e) 9 9 9 9 Transmit Mod 43 Check dig[…]

    • Страница 35

      31 D EFAULT S ETTINGS – C OMMUNICATION P ARAMETER S PARAMETER DEFAULT RS232 IBM 46XX KBW USB XON/XOFF Handshaking 9 ACK/NAK 9 Two Digit Supplements 9 9 9 9 Five Digit Supplements 9 9 9 9 Bookland 9 9 9 9 977 (2 digit) Supple mental Requirement 9 9 9 9 Supplements are not Required * 9 9 9 9 Two Digit Redundancy * 9 9 9 9 Five digit Redundancy 9 9 […]

    • Страница 36

      32 C ONFIGURATION M ODES The MS1690 Focus Series has thr ee modes of configur ation. • Bar Codes The MS1690 can be configur ed by scanning the bar codes included in the Metrologic Single-Line Config uration Guide ( MLPN 00-02544 ). This manual can be downloaded for FREE from Metrologic’s website ( • MetroSet 2 This user-fr[…]

    • Страница 37

      33 U PGRADING THE F LASH ROM F IRMWARE The MetroSet2 program is a functional c omponent of Metrologic’s ne w line of Flash- based scanners. T his program allo ws the user of a Metrologic scanner to quickly upgrade to a ne w or custom version of firmware. It requires the use of a personal computer runnin g Windows 95 or greater and the use of a se[…]

    • Страница 38

      34 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS Scanner Pinout Connections MS1690-14, RS232 Pin Function 1 Ground 2 RS232 Transmit Output 3 RS232 Receive Input 4 RTS Output 5 CTS Input 6 DTR Input 7 Reserved 8 Reserved 9 +5VDC The MS1690 scanner interfaces terminate to a 10-pin, RJ45 Female Socket. The serial # label indic ates the interface enabled when the […]

    • Страница 39

      35 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS MS1690-38, Low Speed USB Pin Function 1 GND/USB- 2 Transmit 3 Receive 4 RTS Output 5 CTS Input 6 D+ 7 USB + V 8 D- 9 +5VDC 10 Shield Ground MS1690-40, Full Speed USB Pin Function 1 GND/USB- 2 Transmit 3 Receive 4 RTS Output 5 CTS Input 6 D+ 7 USB + V 8 D- 9 +5VDC 10 Shield Ground Figure 19.[…]

    • Страница 40

      36 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS Cable Connector Configurations (Host End) “Standard” PowerLink Cable 53-53000-3 Coiled Pin Function 1 Shield Ground 2 RS232 Transmit Output 3 RS232 Receive Input 4 DTR Input/Light Pen Source 5 Power/Signal Ground 6 Reserved 7 CTS Input 8 RTS Output 9 +5VDC Stand Alone Keyboard PowerLink Cable 53-53020-3 Pin […]

    • Страница 41

      37 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS Cable Connector Configuration (Host End) Keyboard Wedge Po werLink Cable 53-53002-3 Coiled Pin Function 1 Keyboard Clock 2 Keyboard Data 3 No Connect 4 Power Ground 5 +5 VDC Pin Function 1 PC Data 2 No Connect 3 Power Ground 4 +5 VDC 5 PC Clock 6 No Connect Metrologic will supply an adap ter cable with a 5-pin D[…]

    • Страница 42

      38 L IMITED W ARRANTY The MS1690 Focus ™ scanne rs are manufactured by Metrologic at its Bla ckwood, New Jersey, U .S.A. facility. The MS16 90 Focus scanners hav e a five (5) year limited warranty fro m the date o f manufacture. Metrologic warrants and repre sents that all MS1690 Fo cus scanners are free of al l defects in material, workmanship a[…]

    • Страница 43

      39 P RODUCT S AFETY Notices This equipment has been tested an d found to comply with limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to par t 15 of t he FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protecti on agai nst harmful interfere nce when the equipment is operated in a commercial environme nt. This equipment generates uses, and c[…]

    • Страница 44

      40 P RODUCT S AFETY Caution Use of controls or adjustments or perfo rmance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazar dous radiation exposure . Under no circumstances should the customer attempt to service the L ED scanner. Never attempt to look at the LED beam, even if the scanner appears to be nonfunctional. Never open th[…]

    • Страница 45

      41 P ATENTS Worldwide Patents Pendin g[…]

    • Страница 46

      42 I NDEX A AC …………………………….2, 7–11, 26 Accessories……………………………… 2 Adapter ………………………………2, 37 Aperture …………………………………..4 Audible Indicator …………..17–18, 33 B Bar Code ………………. 21–24, 25, 32 Bar Code Element……………………19 B[…]

    • Страница 47

      43 I NDEX M Maintenance …………………………….6 Meteor ……………………………………33 MetroSelect ………………….16, 27, 32 MetroSet2 ………………………………33 Mode of Operation ………………….. 15 N Notices …………………………………..39 P Patent……………………………….[…]

    • Страница 48

      44 N OTES[…]

    • Страница 49

      45 C ONTACT I NFORMATION AND O FFICE L OCATIONS C ORPORATE H EADQUA RTERS N ORTH A MERICA E UROPEAN , M IDDLE E AST & A FRICA N H EAD QUA RT ERS USA, New Jerse y Germany , Munich Metrologic Instruments, Inc. Metrologic Instruments GmbH Tel: 1-800-ID-METRO Fax : 856-228-6673 Tel: 49-89-89019-0 Fax: 49-89-8901 9-200 Email: Em […]

    • Страница 50


    • Страница 51


    • Страница 52

      April 2005 Printed in the USA 00 — 0 2098 B[…]

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 1

      METROLOGIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. MS1690 Focus ™ Area Imaging Bar Code Scanner Inst allation and User ’ s Guide 00-02098_Cover_Quark_March_2005.qxd 3/11/2005 9:31 AM Page 1 …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 2

      Copyright © 2005 by Metrologic Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in any form or b y any means without prior written consent, except by reviewer, who may quote br ief passages in a review, or provided for in the Copyright Act of 1976. Products and brand names mentio ned in this doc …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 3

      ii T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 Scanner and Acce ssories ………………………………………………………………………. 2 Scanner Components ……………………………………………………………….. …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 4

      iii T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Scanner and Cable T erminations Scanner Pinout Connecti ons ……………………………………………………………….. 34 Cable Connector C onfigurat ions ………………………………………………………….. 36 Limited Wa rranty ……………………………………………………….. …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 5

      1 I NTRODUCTION The MS1690 Focus is a high performa nce hand-held area i maging bar code scanner that utilizes high-resolution CMOS imaging sensor s for superior image quality. Focus utilized Omniplanar, Inc.’s S wiftdecoder™ software, for reliable decoding of both 1D and 2D bar code s ymbologies. Sharp images can be captured and transmitted in …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 6

      2 I NTRODUCTION Scanner and Accessories B ASI C K IT Part # Description MS1690 Focus Area Imaging Bar Code Scanner 00-02544 MetroSelect ® Singl e-Line Configur ation Guide* 00-02065 Supplemental Configuration Guide * 00-02098 MS1690 Focus Area Imaging Bar Code Scanner Installation and User’s Guide* * Available on the Metrologic website — www.met …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 7

      3 I NTRODUCTION Scanner and Accessories O PTIONAL A CCESSORIES Part # Description 53-53213x-N-3 USB Power/Communication Cable, 2.7 m (9 ft.) coiled cord, lo ng strain relief, black 53-53214x-N-3 USB Power/Communication Cable, 4.5 m (15 ft.) coiled cord, lo ng strain relief, black This cable is for use with full speed USB (-40) interface only. 53-53 …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 8

      4 I NTRODUCTION Scanner Components Figure 1. Scanner Components Item Description 1 Yellow LED See Visual Indicators (on page 17) 2 White LED See Visual Indicators (on page 17) 3 Blue LED See Visual Indicators (on page 17) 4 Speaker See Audible Indica tors (on page 16) 5 Trigger 6 Red Window LED Aperture 7 Cable Release See The PowerLink Cable (on p …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 9

      5 I NTRODUCTION T HE P OWER L INK C AB L E C ONNECTING Important: If the PowerLink cable is not fully ‘latched’ the unit can power intermittently. Figure 2. Figure 3. D ISCONNECTING Before removing the cable from the scanner, Metrologic recommends that the power on the host system is off and the power supply has been disco nnected from the Powe …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 10

      6 I NTRODUCTION Labels Each scanner has a label loc ated on the underside of the head. T his label provides the unit’s model number, date of manufacture, serial numb er, CE and caution information. The follo wing figur e gives an example of the label a nd its location. Figure 5. Label Samples and Location Maintenance Smudges and dirt can interfer …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 11

      7 I NSTALLING THE S CANNER TO THE H OST S YSTEM RS232 MS1690-14 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the male 10-pin RJ45 end of the PowerLink cable into the 10-pin socket on the Focus. You will hear a ‘click’ when the connection is made. 3. Connect the 9-pin D-type connector of the communication cable to the proper COM port of the host device. …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 12

      8 I NSTALLING THE S CANNER TO TH E H OST S YSTEM Keyboard Wedge MS1690-47 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the 10-pin RJ45 male end of the PowerLink cable into 10-pi n socket on the Focus. You will hear a ‘click’ when the connection is made. 3. Disconnect the keyboard from the host device. 4. Connect the “Y” ends of the communication ca …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 13

      9 I NSTALLING THE S CANNER TO TH E H OST S YSTEM Stand Alone Keyboard MS1690-47 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the male 10-pin RJ45 end of the PowerLink cable into the 10-pin socket on the Focus. You will hear a ‘click’ when the connection is made. 3. Plug the other end of the communication cable into the host’s keyboard po rt. 4. Plug …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 14

      10 I NSTALLING THE S CANNER TO TH E H OST S YSTEM IBM MS1690-11 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the male 10-pin RJ45 end of the MVC cable into the 10-pin socket on the Focus. You will hear a ‘click’ when the connection is made. 3. Connect the other end of the MVC cable to the host device. 4. Turn on the host device. 5. Focus will start to …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 15

      11 I NSTALLING THE S CANNER TO THE H OST S YSTEM Integrated USB: Full Speed MS1690-40 Low Speed MS1690-38 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the male 10-pin RJ45 end of the USB cable into the 10-pin socket on the Focus. You will hear a ‘click’ when the connection is made. 3. Plug the USB type A end of the USB cable into the host’s USB port. …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 16

      12 S TAND K ITS S TAND C OMPONENTS , MLPN 46-00147 Figure 11. Stand Components Item Description Qty. a. Stand Base Qty. 1 b. Flexible Shaft Qty. 1 c. Flexible Shaft Cover Qty. 1 d. Scanner Cradle Qty. 1 e. ¼» – 20 x 3/8″ Flat Head Phillips, 82° Undercut Qty. 2 f. #8 Round Head Wood Screw Qty. 2 …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 17

      13 S TAND K ITS H ARD M OUNTING THE S TAND (O PTIONAL ) Metrologic provides two #8 wood screws for securing the stand base to the counter top. The following figure provides the pilot hole dimensions for securing the stand base. Figure 12. Stand Base Hole Pattern (Not to Scale) …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 18

      14 S TAND K ITS A SSEMBLING THE S TA N D Figure 13. Assembling the Stand …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 19

      15 S CANNER O PERATION T WO D EFAULT M ODES OF O PERATION * CodeGate, Out of Stand 1. The IR detects an object in the IR activation range and automatically turns on linear illumination. 2. Aim the scanner’s line of light over the bar code. 3. Pull the trigger to initiate scanning. The scanner’s light output will start to flash as it attempts to …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 20

      16 S CANNER O PERATION Audible Indicators When the Focus is in operation, it prov ides audi ble feedback. These sounds indicate the status of the scanner. Eight settings are availab le for the tone of the beep (normal, 6 alternate tones and no t one). T o change the tone, refer to the MetroSelect Single-Line Confi guration Guide, MLPN 00-02544 or M …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 21

      17 S CANNER O PERATION Visual Indicators The MS1690 has three LED indic ators (yellow, white and blue) located on the top of the scanner. When the scanner is on, the flashing or stationary activity of the LEDs indicates the status of the current scan and the scanner. No LEDs are Illuminated The LEDs will not be illuminat ed if the scanner is not re …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 22

      18 S CANNER O PERATION Failure Modes Long Razzberry Tone – During Power Up Failed to initialize or configure the sc anner. If the scanner does not respond after reprogramming, return the scanner for repair. Short Razzberry Tone – During Scanning An Invalid bar code has been scanne d when in configuration mode or th e trigger has been pulled too …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 23

      19 S CANNER O PERATION Depth of Field by Minimum Bar Code Element Width Figure 16. Depth of Field by Minimum Bar Cod e Element Width M INIMUM B AR C ODE E LEMENT W IDTH 1D PDF A B C D E F G mm .132 .19 .254 .33 .533 .254 .381 mils 5.2 7.5 10.4 13 21 10 15.9 Specifications are subjec t to change without notice. …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 24

      20 S CANNER O PERATION IR Activation Range The MS1690 has a built in obj ect detection sensor that instantly turns on the scanner when an object is presented with in the scanner’s IR activation Area. Figure 17. IR Activation Area Specifications are subjec t to change without notice . …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 25

      21 T ROUBLESHOOTING G UIDE The following guide is for reference purposes only. Contact a Metrologic representative at 1-800-ID-Met ro or 1- 800-436-3876 to preserve the lim ited warranty terms. All Interfaces MS1690 Series Troubleshooting Gui de Symptoms Possible Causes Solution No power is being supplied to the scanner. Check transformer, outlet a …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 26

      22 T ROUBLESHOOTING G UIDE Symptoms Possible Causes Solution The unit powers up, but does not beep when bar code is scanned. The beeper is disabled and no tone is selected. Enable the beeper and select a tone. The unit powers up, but does not scan and/or beep. The bar code symbology tryi ng to be scanned is not enabled. UPC/EAN, Code 39, interleave …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 27

      23 T ROUBLESHOOTING G UIDE Symptoms Possible Causes Solution The print quality of the bar code is suspect. Check print mode. The type of printer could be the problem. Change print settings (i.e. change to econo mode or high speed) . The aspect ratio of the bar code is out of tolerance. Check print mode. The type of printer could be the problem. Cha …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 28

      24 T ROUBLESHOOTING G UIDE Symptoms Possible Causes Solution The unit is transmitting each character twi ce. The configuration is not set correctly. Increase interscan code delay setting. Adjust whether the F0 break is transmitted. It may be necessary to try this in both settings. Alpha characters show as lower case. The computer is in Caps Lock mo …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 29

      25 D ESIGN S PECIFICATIONS MS1690 D ESIGN S PECIFICATIONS O PER AT IO NAL Light Source: LED 645 nm Pulse Duration: 1 ms to 8 ms Maximum Output of an Osram LED: Maximum 85 mA emits 3,120 mlm Depth of Scan Field: 0 mm – 230 mm (0″ – 9″) fo r 0.330 mm (13 mil) Bar Code at Default Setting 49 mm W x 19 mm H (1.9” W x 0. 8” H) at 20 mm …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 30

      26 D ESIGN S PECIFICATIONS MS1690 D ESIGN S PECIFICATIONS E LECTRICAL Input Voltage: 5.0VDC ± 0.25V Peak = 2 W (Typical) Operating = 1.65 W (Typical) Power: Idle / Standby = 800 mW (Typical) Peak = 400 mA (Typical) Operation = 330 mA (Typical) Current: Idle / Standby = 160 mA (Typical) DC Transformer: Class 2; 5.2VDC @ 650 mA EMC: FCC, ICES-003 &a …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 31

      27 A PPLICATIONS AND P ROTOCOLS The model number on each scann er includes the scanner number a nd factory default communications proto col. S CANNER V ERSION I DENTIFIER C OMMUNICATION P ROTOCOL ( S ) 11 IBM 468X/469X, RS232-TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS 14 RS232 (TX, RX, RTS, CTS, DTR) 38 Low Speed USB 40 Full-speed USB MS1690 — 47 Keyboard Wedge, Stand-Alo …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 32

      28 D EFAULT S ETTINGS – C OMMUNICATION P ARAMETER S Many functions of the scanner can be “confi g ured” – that is, enabled or disabled. The scanner is shipped from the fact or y programmed to a set of default conditions. The default param eter of the scanner has an asterisk (*) in the charts on the following pages. If an asterisk is not in …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 33

      29 D EFAULT S ETTINGS – C OMMUNICATION P ARAMETER S PARAMETER DEFAULT RS232 IBM 46XX KBW USB Maxicode 9 9 9 9 Aztec 9 9 9 9 Postals 9 9 9 9 Mod 43 Check on Code 39 9 9 9 9 MSI-Plessy 10/10 Check Digit 9 9 9 9 MSI-Plessy Mod 10 Check Digit * 9 9 9 9 Paraf Support ITF 9 9 9 9 ITF Symbol Lengths Variable 9 9 9 9 Symbol Length Lock None 9 9 9 9 Beepe …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 34

      30 D EFAULT S ETTINGS – C OMMUNICATION P ARAMETER S PARAMETER DEFAULT RS232 IBM 46XX KBW USB Transmit lead zero on UPC-E 9 9 9 9 Transmit UPC-A number system * 9 9 9 9 Transmit UPC-A Manufacturer ID# * 9 9 9 9 Transmit UPC-A Item ID# * 9 9 9 9 Transmit Codabar Start/Stop C haracters 9 9 9 9 CLSI Editing (Enabl e) 9 9 9 9 Transmit Mod 43 Check dig …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 35

      31 D EFAULT S ETTINGS – C OMMUNICATION P ARAMETER S PARAMETER DEFAULT RS232 IBM 46XX KBW USB XON/XOFF Handshaking 9 ACK/NAK 9 Two Digit Supplements 9 9 9 9 Five Digit Supplements 9 9 9 9 Bookland 9 9 9 9 977 (2 digit) Supple mental Requirement 9 9 9 9 Supplements are not Required * 9 9 9 9 Two Digit Redundancy * 9 9 9 9 Five digit Redundancy 9 9 …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 36

      32 C ONFIGURATION M ODES The MS1690 Focus Series has thr ee modes of configur ation. • Bar Codes The MS1690 can be configur ed by scanning the bar codes included in the Metrologic Single-Line Config uration Guide ( MLPN 00-02544 ). This manual can be downloaded for FREE from Metrologic’s website ( • MetroSet 2 This user-fr …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 37

      33 U PGRADING THE F LASH ROM F IRMWARE The MetroSet2 program is a functional c omponent of Metrologic’s ne w line of Flash- based scanners. T his program allo ws the user of a Metrologic scanner to quickly upgrade to a ne w or custom version of firmware. It requires the use of a personal computer runnin g Windows 95 or greater and the use of a se …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 38

      34 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS Scanner Pinout Connections MS1690-14, RS232 Pin Function 1 Ground 2 RS232 Transmit Output 3 RS232 Receive Input 4 RTS Output 5 CTS Input 6 DTR Input 7 Reserved 8 Reserved 9 +5VDC The MS1690 scanner interfaces terminate to a 10-pin, RJ45 Female Socket. The serial # label indic ates the interface enabled when the …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 39

      35 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS MS1690-38, Low Speed USB Pin Function 1 GND/USB- 2 Transmit 3 Receive 4 RTS Output 5 CTS Input 6 D+ 7 USB + V 8 D- 9 +5VDC 10 Shield Ground MS1690-40, Full Speed USB Pin Function 1 GND/USB- 2 Transmit 3 Receive 4 RTS Output 5 CTS Input 6 D+ 7 USB + V 8 D- 9 +5VDC 10 Shield Ground Figure 19. …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 40

      36 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS Cable Connector Configurations (Host End) “Standard” PowerLink Cable 53-53000-3 Coiled Pin Function 1 Shield Ground 2 RS232 Transmit Output 3 RS232 Receive Input 4 DTR Input/Light Pen Source 5 Power/Signal Ground 6 Reserved 7 CTS Input 8 RTS Output 9 +5VDC Stand Alone Keyboard PowerLink Cable 53-53020-3 Pin …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 41

      37 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS Cable Connector Configuration (Host End) Keyboard Wedge Po werLink Cable 53-53002-3 Coiled Pin Function 1 Keyboard Clock 2 Keyboard Data 3 No Connect 4 Power Ground 5 +5 VDC Pin Function 1 PC Data 2 No Connect 3 Power Ground 4 +5 VDC 5 PC Clock 6 No Connect Metrologic will supply an adap ter cable with a 5-pin D …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 42

      38 L IMITED W ARRANTY The MS1690 Focus ™ scanne rs are manufactured by Metrologic at its Bla ckwood, New Jersey, U .S.A. facility. The MS16 90 Focus scanners hav e a five (5) year limited warranty fro m the date o f manufacture. Metrologic warrants and repre sents that all MS1690 Fo cus scanners are free of al l defects in material, workmanship a …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 43

      39 P RODUCT S AFETY Notices This equipment has been tested an d found to comply with limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to par t 15 of t he FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protecti on agai nst harmful interfere nce when the equipment is operated in a commercial environme nt. This equipment generates uses, and c …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 44

      40 P RODUCT S AFETY Caution Use of controls or adjustments or perfo rmance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazar dous radiation exposure . Under no circumstances should the customer attempt to service the L ED scanner. Never attempt to look at the LED beam, even if the scanner appears to be nonfunctional. Never open th …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 45

      41 P ATENTS Worldwide Patents Pendin g …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 46

      42 I NDEX A AC …………………………….2, 7–11, 26 Accessories……………………………… 2 Adapter ………………………………2, 37 Aperture …………………………………..4 Audible Indicator …………..17–18, 33 B Bar Code ………………. 21–24, 25, 32 Bar Code Element……………………19 B …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 47

      43 I NDEX M Maintenance …………………………….6 Meteor ……………………………………33 MetroSelect ………………….16, 27, 32 MetroSet2 ………………………………33 Mode of Operation ………………….. 15 N Notices …………………………………..39 P Patent………………………………. …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 48

      44 N OTES …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 49

      45 C ONTACT I NFORMATION AND O FFICE L OCATIONS C ORPORATE H EADQUA RTERS N ORTH A MERICA E UROPEAN , M IDDLE E AST & A FRICA N H EAD QUA RT ERS USA, New Jerse y Germany , Munich Metrologic Instruments, Inc. Metrologic Instruments GmbH Tel: 1-800-ID-METRO Fax : 856-228-6673 Tel: 49-89-89019-0 Fax: 49-89-8901 9-200 Email: Em …

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 50

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 51

    • Metrologic MS1690 — page 52

      April 2005 Printed in the USA 00 — 0 2098 B …

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