Miele softtronic wt 2670 инструкция

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Если ваша Miele WT 2670 WPM неисправна, использовать ее категорически не рекомендуется! Поломка одной детали может спровоцировать перегрузку и выход из строя других элементов. Обнаружив неисправность стиральной машины, лучше сразу доверьте ее специалистам «РемБытТех»! Наш мастер приедет в любое удобное вам время в течение суток после вызова и отремонтирует стиралку с гарантией так, что ваша техника прослужит вам ещё долгие годы.

Models Document Type
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Габаритные размеры

Габаритные размеры (В*Ш*Г) 85*60*60 см
Глубина верхней крышки 58 см
Глубина с открытым люком 96 см


Максимальная загрузка 5 кг
Макс. загрузка (синтетика) 2.5 кг
Макс. загрузка (шерсть) 2 кг
Загрузка при сушке(хлопок) 2.5 кг
Загрузка при сушке(синт.) 1.25 кг
Загрузка при сушке(шерсть) 1 кг



Диаметр люка 30 см
Открывание дверцы на 180* Да


Макс. скорость отжима 1600 об/мин
Мин. остаточная влажность 44 %

Класс энергопотребления и стирки

Класс энергоэффективности A
Энергопотребление за цикл 3.85 кВтч
Класс стирки A
Класс отжима A
Загрузка при тесте 5 кг
Расход воды за цикл 65 л
Время прог. тестирования 149 мин

Режимы сушки

Сушка по таймеру Да
Сушка по влажности(хлопок) 6 режимов
Сушка по влажности (синт.) 3 режима
Сушка по влажности(шерсть) 1 режим


Тип управления электронный


Текстовый дисплей Да
Размер дисплея (В*Ш) 26*68 мм
Светящиеся символы дисплея Да
Цвет светящихся символов желтый
Экранное меню русифицир.


Авт. регулир. уровня воды Да
Разрых. белья после отжима Да
Био-фаза Да
»Ручная стирка» шерсти Да
»Ручная стирка» шелка Да
Режим »замачивание» Да
Минипрограмма (30 мин) Да
Ускоренная стирка Да
Дополнительное полоскание Да
Отложенный старт до 24 часов
Внутреннее освещение 1 х 5 Вт
Модернизация (Upgrade) Да


Индикация этапов программы Да
Инд. времени программы Да
Инд. времени до конца программы Да

Звуковой сигнал

Звуковой сигнал Да
Отключение звук. сигнала Да

Системы безопасности

Защита от детей Да
Термоизолир. стекло люка Да
Самодиагностика неисправн. Да
Контроль дисбаланса Да
Контроль пенообразования Да
Защита от протечек полная
Наим. защиты от протечек Waterproof — Metall
Ворсовый фильтр Да

Тип загрузки


Материал бака нерж. сталь


Потребляемая мощность 2050 Вт
Подключ. к холодной воде Да
Возможность встраивания Да

Цвет и вес

Основные характеристики

Краткое описание 85*60*60 см;5кг;1600об/мин;сушка;фронт.
Гарантия 2 года
Страна Чехия
Высота 85 см
Ширина 60 см
Глубина 60 см

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Инструкция — WT 2670 WPM

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Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

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  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 1

    Operating instructions Washer-dryer WT 2670 WPM T o av oid the risk of accidents or damage to the mac hine it is essential to rea d these instructions bef ore it is installed and used for the f ir st time. M.-Nr . 06 533 680 e n-G B …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 2

    Disposal of the packing material The tr ansport and protectiv e packing has been selected fr om materials which are en vironmentally friendl y for disposal and can normally be rec ycled. Ensure that an y plastic wr appings , bags etc. are disposed saf ely and kept out of the reac h of babies and young children. Danger of suf focation! Rather than j …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 3

    Caring for the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Warning and safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Guide to the machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Contr ol panel …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 4

    DRYING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Separ ate drying ……………………………………………3 3 Extr a option ………………………………………………3 6 Low t emperatur e …………………………………………3 6 Thermospin . …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 5

    Installation and connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 F r o n tv i e w ………………………………………………..6 1 R e a rv i e w………………………………………………..6 2 Installation surface ………………………………………….6 3 Installing the …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 6

    ~ It is essential to r ead these instructions . This w asher -dryer conforms to current saf et y requir ements . Inappropriat e use can, ho weve r , lead to per sonal injur y and damage to property . T o av oid the risk of accidents and damage to the w asher -dryer , please read these instru ctions carefully befor e using it for the f irst time . T …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 7

    Technical safety ~ Befor e set ting up the washer -dryer , chec k it for any e xternally visible damage. Do not install or use a damaged machine . ~ Befor e connecting the w asher -dr yer , ensure that the connection dat a on the data plat e (voltage and connect ed load) match the mains electricity supply . If in any doubt, consult a qualified elec …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 8

    ~ This w asher -dryer may onl y be used in mobile installations su ch as ships if a risk assessment of the installation has been carried out by a suit ably qualif ied engineer . ~ In countries where there ar e areas which ma y be subject to infestation b y cockr oaches or other vermin, pay particular att ention to keeping the machine and its surr o …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 9

    ~ T o pre vent the risk of fir e, the follo wing must not be dried in this w asher -dr yer: – items whic h have not been w ashed. – items , such as workw ear , which hav e not been thoroughl y cleaned and which ar e still soiled with grease, oil or other desposits (suc h as cosmetics , lotions etc). If items ha ve not been thoroughl y cleaned t …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 10

    ~ Only use dy es specified b y the manuf acturer as being suit able for use in a domestic w ashing machine. Alw ays observe the manuf acturer’s instructions carefull y . ~ Colour run and dye r emov ers contain sulphur compounds which can cause damage suc h as corrosion. Do not use these produ cts in this machine. ~ Make sur e that any dispensi …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 11

    Control panel a Start/Stop button F or starting the progr amme selected and cancelling a progr amme once it has started. b Display wit h–,O K ,+a n d Load/Detergent buttons See the follo wing page for mor e details . c m button F or selecting delay start and set ting the time of day . d PC / Optical interface This is used b y service technicians …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 12

    Display When a pr ogramme is select ed the display can be used t o select and change pr ogramme par ameters . — / + buttons F or altering the par ameters highlight ed in the display: — decreases the par ameter or mo ves the highlighting upw ards + increases the par ameter or mo ves the highlighting down war ds . OK button F or confirming the parame …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 13

    Befor e using the machine f or the fir st time ensure that it is corr ectly installed and connect ed. See «Installation and connection». Also chec k that the drain f ilter is secur ely tightened t o prev ent the risk of w ater leaks during use. The w asher -dryer has a sensor which measures the amount of laundr y in the drum. This det erm …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 14

    Reminder to remove transport struts T o av oid the risk of damage, the tr anspor t struts must be remo ved befor e the w asher -dr yer is used for the fir st time. See «Installation and connection» for instru ctions on how to do this . i Remove transport struts OK ^ Af ter remo ving the transport struts (if this has not already been done …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 15

    Energy and water consumption – W ater consumption and energy usage are det er mined by the siz e of the load. T o make the most out of y our machine , load the maximum dry load for the pr ogr amme you are using . – Use the Aut omatic and Express progr ammes for small loads . – When smaller amounts of laundr y are w ashed using the Cot tons pr …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 16

    Brief instructions The headings number ed A , B , C ,… show the oper ating sequence and can be used as brief instructions . Separate washing A Sort the laundry ^ Empt y all pock ets . , F oreign objects (e .g. nails , coins , paper clips , etc.) can cause damage to g ar ments and components in the machine . ^ Badly soiled ar eas , stains etc. sho …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 17

    B Switch the machine on The int erior drum lighting will come on. C Select a programme ^ Select the progr amme you w ant. The pr ogramme select ed will appear in the display . Minimum iron F urther progr ammes: When y ou tur n the progr amme selector to F urther progr ammes , a list of these progr ammes will appear in the display . E Dark garments …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 18

    ^ Y ou can select any e xtras options with the e xtra option but tons . ^ Each press of the t op right hand but ton selects the e xtra option in the follo wing order: P re-w ash or Soak or no option is selected. Not all the e xtra options ar e suitable for use with ev er y w ash progr amme. Y ou can only select e xtr a options which are compatible …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 19

    E Add detergent The load siz e indicator display will be replaced with the det ergent percent age display . Detergent 75% A 40% Add slightl y less than half the amount recommended . . . 50% Add half the amount recommended . . . 60% Add slightl y more than half the amount recommended . . . 75% Add thr ee quar ter s of the amount recommended . . . 10 …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 20

    F Start the programme ^ P ress the f lashing Start/Stop but ton. The estimat ed progr amme duration will count down in the display in one minut e steps . During the fir st 1 0 minutes the machine measur es how muc h w ater is being absorbed by the laundry . The progr amme dur ation may be longer or shorter depending on this absorbency ra te . The p …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 21

    Extra options Y ou can use the Extr a option but tons to augment the basic w ash progr ammes . Pre-wash F or lau ndry with large amounts of dirt (e.g . dust, sand). Soak F or heavily soiled and st ained items with prot ein stains (e.g . blood, fats and oils , cocoa). A length of time of bet ween 30 minut es and 6 hours can be c hosen, in 30 minute …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 22

    Adding or removing laundry after a programme has started Laundr y can be added or remo ved af ter the progr amme has started when using the follo wing progr ammes: – Cot tons – Minimum iron – Aut omatic – Express – Star ch ^ P ress the Door but ton t o open the drum door . , Warning: The water in the machine will be very hot and could cau …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 23

    Spinning The maximum f inal spin speed depends on the progr amme chosen. Programme rpm Cot tons 1 600 Minimum iron 1 200 Delicates 600 Silks 400 W oollens 1 200 Express 1 600 Automatic 1 200 Dark g ar ments 1 200 Shirts 600 Denim 900 Sportswear 1 200 Outerw ear 800 P roofing 1 000 Curtains 600 Separ ate rinse 1 200 Starc h 1 500 Dr ain/Spin 1 600 Y …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 24

    Programme chart Cottons 30°C to 95°C 9876 max. 5.0 kg F abric type Cot tons , linens or cott on mix fabrics . Extr a options P re-w ash or Soak, Short, W ater plus Deter gent P owder det ergent, deter gent for coloured f abrics , liquid deter gent, t ablet detergent and liquid t ab deter gent. Minimum iron 30°C to 60°C 876421 max. 2.5 kg F abri …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 25

    Silks / cold to 30°C c max. 1.0 kg F abric type Silks and other handw ashable fabrics with no wool cont ent, e .g. satin, lace and silk. Note Place socks , tights , br as etc. in a w ashing bag. Extr a option W ater plus Deter gent Liquid deter gent for delicates . Woollens / cold to 40°C ac max. 2.0 kg F abric type Machine-w ashable or hand-w as …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 26

    Automatic cold to 40°C 7621 max. 2.5 kg F abric type Mix ed loads of garments suitable for the Cot tons and Minimum iron pr ogrammes . Sort according to colour . Extr a option P re-w ash or Soak, Short, W ater plus Deter gent P owder det ergent, deter gent for coloured f abrics , liquid deter gent. Dark garments cold to 40°C max. 2.5 kg Garment D …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 27

    Proofing 40°C max. 3.0 kg Item F or treating microf ibre f abrics , skiwear , fine , close weav e cot ton garments (poplin) or tablecloths t o pro vide a wat er and dir t resist ant finish. Notes – The it ems should be freshly w ashed and spun or dried befor e proof ing. – F or best results , the items should be heat-tr eated af terw ards , ei …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 28

    Programme sequence Main wash Rinses Spinning Wa te r lev el W ash rhythm Wa te r leve l Rinses Spinning Final spin Cot tons d a ( 2-3 2) LL Minimum iron d a ( 2-3 3) LL Delicates e b e 3 – L Silks e d e 2 – L W oollens ( c ( 2 LL Express d a ( 2-3 3) LL Aut omatic ( a ( 2-3 3) LL Dark g ar ments ( a ( 3 LL Shirts ( a ( 2 – L Denim ( a ( 3 – …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 29

    This w asher -dryer has fully electr onic controls with aut omatic load recognition. It takes in the right amount of w ater requir ed for the progr amme depending on the amount of lau ndry and its absorbency r ate . This means that progr amme cycles and dur ations can v ar y . The pr ogramme sequ ences outlined in the chart are based on the basic p …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 30

    Garment care label symbols / Hand w ash (If no temper ature is specified use the lo west temper ature or cold) h Do not w ash apf Dry clean D Do not dry clean x Any oxidising bleac hing agent can be used { Only use an o xygen based bleach or a non-c hlorine bleach z Do not bleach Tumble dry q At normal temper ature r At low t emperatur e s Do not t …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 31

    The right amount to dispense will depend on the following: – The soiling le vel of the laundr y Lightly soiled No visible dirt or stains . Normally soiled Visibl y dir ty and/or just a few slight stains . Heavil y soiled Stains and soiling clearl y visible. – The w ater har dness level. Check with y our local wat er supplier if you do not kno w …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 32

    Fabric conditioners or liquid starch F abric conditioner s make garments sof t to handle and help pr event static cling when tumble drying. Star ch stif fens and gives body t o items of laundr y , e.g. shir ts , tablecloths and bed linen. ^ Dispense according t o the amou nt specified on the pac kaging. Automatic dispensing of fabric conditioner or …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 33

    Separate drying The separ ate drying progr amme must be used if the load in the w ash progr amme is great er than the maximum load permitt ed for drying, or if you onl y want t o dr y part of the load that w as washed. ^ Befor e drying check the drying symbol on the car e label. q Dr y at normal temper ature r Dr y at a low t emperatur e (select th …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 34

    A Sort the laundry ^ Sort the lau ndry according to type of fibre / w eave and the r esidual moisture cont ent. T his will help achie ve an ev en drying result. B Switch the machine on The int erior drum lighting will come on. C Select a programme ^ T urn the selector to the drying progr amme you r equire . The pr ogramme select ed will appear in t …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 35

    D Load the drum ^ Open the drum door . ^ Load the laundr y loosely int o the drum. Do not ov erload the drum. See the «P rogr amme chart» in the «Dr ying» section for recommended loads f or each progr amme. Ov erloading can cause unnecessar y wear and t ear to the laundr y and give a disappointing drying result. E Close the drum …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 36

    Extra option Low temperature The t emperatur e is reduced during the drying progr amme. F or all delicate or minimum iron f abrics with the r symbol on the car e label (e.g . acrylic garments). With the e x ception of the Express progr amme, the ther mospin is not carried out when the Low t emperatur e e xtra option has been select ed. Because the …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 37

    Programme chart Cottons max. 2.5 kg* Extra dry, Normal+, Normal**, Timed drying 1) F abric type Single and multi-lay ered cot ton f abrics such as t owelling , jerse ywear , underwear , flannelet te bed linen. Note Do not use Extr a dr y for jerse y fabrics as the y hav e a tendency to shrink. Extr a options Low t emperatur e, ther mospin max. 1 60 …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 38

    Delicates max. 1.0 kg* 8 minutes F abric type F or delicate f abrics made of synthetic fibr es , mix ed fibres , eas y care cot ton shirts and blouses . Note This pr ogramme is for «loosening» up f abrics . The y are not completel y dried in this progr amme. Remov e garments imme — diatel y at the end of the progr amme. Woollens max. 1.0 …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 39

    Shirts max. 1.0 kg* Normal+, Normal, Hand iron r , Timed drying 1) Garment Shirts and blouses . Extr a option Thermospin max. 600 rpm Denim max. 2.5 kg* Extra dry, Normal+, Normal Hand iron r , Hand iron rr , Machine iron, Timed drying 1) Extr a option Thermospin max. 900 rpm Sportswear max. 2.0 kg* Normal+, Normal, Hand iron r , Timed drying 1) Ga …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 40

    Smoothing max. 2.5 kg* 8 minutes F abric type Cot ton and linen f abrics . Minimum ir on items made of mix ed fibr es , cot tons or synthetics , e.g. trousers , jackets , shirts . Note Smooths out creasing caused during the spin c ycle in the w ash progr amme. F abrics are not complet ely dried in this progr amme. Remo ve garments as soon as the pr …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 41

    Washing and drying in a continuous sequence Wher e the amou nt of laundr y to be w ashed and dried in one progr amme does not e xceed the maximum weight permit ted for the drying progr amme, washing and drying in one continuous sequ ence is recommended. It is very important to r ead both the «W ashing» and «Dr ying» sections bef …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 42

    D Load the drum ^ Open the drum door and load the laundr y loosely in the drum. F ollow the load size indicat or and do not ov erload. Do not use deter gent dispensing aids , e.g . plastic dispenser balls , for w ashing follow ed immediatel y by the drying progr amme. These dispensers can melt during the drying progr amme and cause damage to the ma …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 43

    ^ Open the drum door fully . , Warning, the metal cap located on the inside of the door glass is very hot after drying. Do not tou ch it. Danger of burning! ^ Remo ve the laundr y . ^ Check the folds in the door seal for an y small articles , e .g. but tons whic h might be lodged there . R emove an y fluf f from drying from around the door seal. Ch …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 44

    Cancelling a programme Y ou can cancel a progr amme at any time af ter it has started. ^ P ress the Start/Stop but ton brief ly or turn the progr amme selector to St op . … During w ashing: The su ds will be pumped aw ay and the w ashing progr amme is cancelled. … During drying: The g ar ments will be cooled down befor e the door can be opened. …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 45

    Altering the spin speed ^ P ress the OK but ton. The spin speed will be shown highlight ed. Y ou can use the – and + but tons to c hange the spin speed up until the final spin begins . Y ou can change the thermospin speed up until the ther mospin begins . Altering the drying level / drying time Y ou can alter the drying lev el or drying time duri …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 46

    With dela y star t you can c hoose when you w ant the progr amme to end. The start of a progr amme can be delayed from 30 minut es up to a maximum of 24 hours , allowing you t o make use of night-time economy electricity r ates , for e xample. The curr ent time of day needs to ha ve been set for dela y start to work correctl y . To select Delay sta …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 47

    , Disconnect the machine fr om the electricity supply by s witching off at the w all socket and withdr awing the plug befor e any cleaning and maintenance w ork. Cleaning the machine , Do not use solv ents , abr asive cleaners , glass cleaners or all-purpose cleaning agents . These might damage plastic surfaces and other components because of the c …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 48

    ^ Clean the siphon. 1 . Remov e the siphon from compartment § and rinse under w ar m running wat er . Clean the siphon tube in the same w ay . 2 . Replace the siphon. If star ching fr equently , thor oughly clean the siphon and siphon tube regularl y . A build-up of starc h will cause them to get clogged. Cleaning the detergent dispenser drawer ho …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 49

    Cleaning the porthole glass ^ F rom time t o time you should also clean … – the door glass on the inside using a mild deter gent or soap and wat er . – the metal cap on the inside of the door glass with a suitable pr oprietary stainless st eel cleaning agent follo wing the manuf acturer’s instructions on the pac kaging. ^ Wipe dry using …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 50

    What to do, i f… With the help of the f ollowing not es , minor f aults in the performance of the appliance, some of which may r esult from incorrect oper ation, can be put right without contacting the Service Department. , Repair w ork to electrical appliances should onl y be carried out by a suitably qualified per son in accordance with local a …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 51

    Fault messages in the display Message in the display Possible cause Remedy A q Drain fault – The w ater outlet is block ed or restrict ed. – The dr ain hose has been fix ed too high. – Clean the dr ain filter and the dr ain pump as described in «Opening the drum door in the ev ent of a blocked dr ain outlet and/or pow er f ailure». …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 52

    Problems with the load size indicator Problem Possible cause Remedy The display indicates a load of <25% or no load size is indicated when the drum is full. Ther e was laundr y in the drum when the machine w as switc hed on. This has decalibr ated the sensor from the zer o setting . T o recalibr ate the sensor t o the zer o setting: – Remo ve …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 53

    General problems Problem Possible cause Remedy The machine shakes during the spin cycle. The mac hine feet are not lev el. Lev el the machine (see «Installation and connection»). The pump makes strange noises. This is not a f ault! These noises occur at the end of a pump sequence as a normal part of the operation. Large amounts of deterge …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 54

    An unsatisfactory wash result Problem Possible cause Remedy Liquid detergent does not give the required result. Liquid deter gents usually contain no bleac hing agents . The y do not remo ve fruit, coff ee and tea st ains . – Use a gener al purpose deter gent containing a bleaching agent. – P our stain remo ver s into compartment j and liquid d …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 55

    An unsatisfactory drying result Problem Possible cause Remedy The laundry is still damp after a drying cycle. The load w as too small for the electr onics to assess the residual moisture corr ectly . In future dry small loads in a timed drying progr amme. The laundry has formed a ring in the drum during the spin because it w as distributed unev enl …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 56

    The drum door cannot be opened by pressing the Door button Problem Remedy The machine is not connected to the electricity supply and / or is not switched on. Insert the plug in the socket and s witch on and / or switc h the machine on with the I-On/0-Off but ton. The electronic programme locking has been activated. Deactiv ate progr amme locking as …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 57

    Opening the drum door in the event of a blocked drain outlet and/or power failure ^ Switc h the machine off . Ther e is a lever behind the det ergent dr awer f ascia panel. ^ Remov e the lever . ^ Use it to open the access f lap. Blocked drain outlet If the dr ain outlet is blocked, up to 25 litres of w ater will be r etained in the machine . , Cau …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 58

    Once the flo w of wat er ceases: ^ Remo ve the dr ain filt er completely . ^ Clean it thoroughly . ^ Remo ve any for eign objects (e.g. but tons , coins , etc.) and fluff fr om the filt er housing. T ur n the impeller by hand to c heck that it rotat es freely . ^ P ut the drain f ilter back in place and secure . , Make sur e the drain f ilter is se …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 59

    Changing the lamp for the drum lighting The mac hine will still operat e with no lamp in place or if the lighting is f aulty . ^ Remo ve the yellow le ver from behind the deter gent dra wer facia panel. ^ Switc h the machine on and open the drum door . ^ Now disconnect the mac hine from the electricity supply , see «Warning and Saf et y instru …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 60

    In the ev ent of any faults whic h you cannot remedy y ourself , please cont act: – your Miele dealer , or – the Miele Service Department (see back co ver for contact det ails). When cont acting the Service Department, please qu ote the model and serial number of your appliance , both of which ar e shown on the data plate visible abo ve the doo …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 61

    Front view a Inlet hose (with f le xible, w aterproof metallic out er sleev e) b Electricity supply cable c — f Fle xible dr ain hose (with detac hable swiv el elbow) g C ontrol panel h Det ergent dispenser dr aw er i Drum door j A ccess to dr ain filt er , dr ain pump and emergenc y release k Handle r ecesses for mo ving the machine l F our height …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 62

    Rear view a P rotru ding lid for holding when moving the mac hine b Electricity supply cable c T r ansit bar cov ers d Inlet hose (with f le xible, w aterproof metallic out er sleev e) e Dr ain hose Installation and connection 62 …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 63

    Installation surface A concret e floor is the most suitable installation surface , being f ar less prone t o vibration during the spin cy cle than wooden f loorboards or a carpet ed surface . Please note the f ollowing points: ^ The mac hine must be level and securel y positioned. ^ T o av oid vibr ations during spinning, the machine should not be …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 64

    ^ Using the spanner supplied turn the lef t-hand transit bar 90°, then ^ withdr aw the tr ansit bar . ^ T urn the right-hand transit bar 90°, then ^ withdr aw the tr ansit bar . Installation and connection 64 …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 65

    , T o av oid the risk of injury the holes for the tr ansit bars must be cov ered af ter the tr ansit bars ha ve been remo ved. ^ Fit the cov ers on to the t wo holes . Then plug the holes as sho wn with the caps . , The mac hine must not be moved without the tr ansit fit tings in place. Stor e them in a safe place for future use. The y must be re-f …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 66

    Screwing out and adjusting the feet The f our adjustable screw f eet are used to le vel the machine . All f our feet ar e scre wed in when the machine is deliver ed. ^ Using the spanner supplied tur n counter nut 2 in a clockwise dir ection. Then turn counter nut 2 together with foot 1 t o unscrew . ^ Use a spirit level t o check the machine is st …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 67

    The Miele water protection system The Miele w ater pr otection sy stem prot ects machine from w ater damage . The s ystem consists of thr ee main components: 1) the inlet hose 2) the electronic unit and the machine housing 3) the dr ain hose 1) Inlet hose – The inlet hose is t ested to withst and pressur e of more than 1 4,000 kPa. – It has a p …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 68

    Connection to the water supply The mac hine should be connected to a mains w ater supply in accor dance with local and national safety regulations . The German authorities do not requir e it to ha ve a non-return v alve as the w asher -dr yer has been designed to comply with DIN r egulations . The mac hine is designed to oper ate with a flo w press …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 69

    Connection to the drainage system The mac hine drains via a dr ain pump with a delivery head of 1 metre . T he dr ain hose must not be kinked as this restricts dr ainage. The swiv el elbow at the end of the hose can be turned in either direction, or can be detached if requir ed, with a sharp twist and pull. If requir ed the drain hose can be e xten …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 70

    Electrical connection U.K. All electrical work should be carried out by a suit ably qualif ied and competent person, in strict accordance with national and local safety regulations . Ensure po wer is not supplied to the appliance until aft er installation work has been carried out. The appliance is supplied with a mains cable with moulded plug read …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 71

    Load Consumption data Energy Water Duration in kWh in litres Short Normal Washing Cottons 95°C 5.0 k g 1 .70 42 1 h 53 min 2 h 08 min 60°C 1) 5.0 kg 0.85 42 1 h 29 min 1 h 58 min 40°C 1) 5.0 kg 0.49 42 1 h 29 min 1 h 58 min Minimum iron 40°C 1) 2.5 kg 0.44 49 1 h 05 min 1 h 20 min Delicates 30°C 1 .0 k g 0.33 65 49 min 59 min Automatic 40°C 2 …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 72

    Height 850 mm Width 595 mm Depth 580 mm Depth with door open 975 mm Height for building under 820 mm Width f or building under 600 mm Depth for building under 600 mm W eight 1 0 1 k g Maximum floor load 1 600 Newton (appr ox. 1 60 kg) Capacity — W ashing Capacity — Drying 5.0 kg dry laundr y 2.5 kg dry laundr y V oltage see data plat e Connect ed l …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 73

    The Set tings menu is used to alt er the machine ‘s electronics t o suit changing r equirements . Set tings can be altered at an y time. To open the Settings menu A S witch on the mac hine. T he main menu will appear . 15:03 Select programme B Af ter a f ew seconds an additional line will appear in the display . 15:03 Select programme Settings …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 74

    Time of day Y ou fir st hav e to decide whether you w ant the time to show in the displa y . Then y ou have t o select either a 24 hour or 1 2 hour clock. Then set the curr ent time of day . To select a 24 hour or 12 hour clock ^ Use the – and + but tons to select the clock option set ting you w ant and confirm your selection b y pressing the OK …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 75

    Gentle action Activ ating gentle action redu ces the drum action and is suitable for w ashing slightly soiled items mor e gently . It should be activ ated f or garments with a single bar under the care label and f or articles which feel too har d aft er they hav e been dried. Gentle action can be activ ated for the Cot tons and the Minimum ir on pr …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 76

    Distribution controller The maximum f inal spin speed is limited t o prev ent the laundr y sticking to the drum. (This set ting is only av ailable when w ashing and dr ying in a continuous sequ ence). Ther e are 4 diff erent options: 1 200 rpm (fact ory default set ting) 1 1 00 rpm 1 000 rpm 900 rpm. A tick will appear beside the option t o show th …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 77

    Lock The s ystem loc k prev ents your machine being used without y our knowledge . When the s ystem loc k has been activ ated, you ha ve to ent er a code af ter switc hing the machine on. Otherwise the machine cannot be oper ated. To activate the lock C Back A X Activate ^ Select Activ ate and confirm your selection. ^ The display will no w request …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 78

    Temperature Y ou can choose for the t emperatur e to be displa yed as °C/Celsius or °F/F ahr enheit . A tick will appear beside the option t o show that it has been set. ^ Select the option you w ant and confirm your selection. Buzzer When the buzz er fu nction has been activ ated, an audible t one sou nds at the end of a progr amme or when Rinse …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 79

    Standby T o sav e energy , the display goes out af ter 1 0 minutes and the indicat or light for the Start/Stop but ton will st ar t flashing slo wly . Ther e are t wo options: On Standb y is activ ated: – if a progr amme is not selected af ter the machine has been s witched on. – af ter a progr amme has started. – at the end of a progr amme. …

  • Miele WT 2670 WPM — page 80

    Alter ation rights reserved/2208 M.-Nr . 06 533 680 / 02 …

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