Miele w1 excellence инструкция по эксплуатации

В какие сроки происходит доставка техники Miele?

Товар из наличия доставят завтра в удобное для вас время или передадут в транспортную компанию, в случае отправки товара в другие регионы России. При наличии свободного транспорта возможна доставка в течение 2-5 часов, необходимо уточнить у оператора. Товар под заказ согласовывается дополнительно и в некоторых случаях требует частичную предоплату, обычно срок поставки занимает 1-4 недели.

Мы непрерывно работаем с 2010 года, наш магазин был среди первых официальных фирменных интернет магазинов Miele в России


Откуда бытовая техника? Это оригинал?

Вся техника оригинальная, привозится из Евросоюза и стран СНГ в заводской упаковке и обрешетке для большей безопасности ее сохранности.


Возможны установка и подключение техники?

Да. Техника будет установлена и подключена специалистами сервисного центра, тарифы подразумевают установку на готовые коммуникации. Все необходимые дополнительные работы согласовываются на месте с мастером.

Где можно посмотреть товары? Есть ли самовывоз?

Ознакомиться с товаром вы можете в нашем магазине на Рублевке, там же находится наш склад, который мы с радостью покажем. Посетив склад, вы сможете лично убедиться в широком ассортименте, качестве товара и его происхождении. При желании можно забрать товар со склада самостоятельно.

Действует ли гарантия на товар?

На все приборы действует гарантия 1 год. При желании за дополнительную плату +5% к стоимости товара, можно приобрести продленную гарантию общим сроком в 2 года. В этот период мы ремонтируем технику Miele за свой счет или меняем ее на новую в случае, если она не подлежит ремонту.

Как можно оплатить товар, и когда внести оплату?

После доставки и приема товара оплату можно совершить наличным средствами или банковской картой (предварительно требуется уведомить оператора для выделения экипажа с терминалом).Так же можно произвести оплату по выставленному банковскому счету (отправка товаров в регионы России осуществляется после полной предоплаты).

Техника в наличии в России или это предзаказ?

На складе в Москве хранится около 1500 — 2500 ед техники Miele в наличии. Это позволяет оперативно собирать полноценные комплекты для покупателей. При необходимости так же возможна поставка практически любого товара из ЕС в максимально короткие сроки, 1-4 недели.


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    Инструкция по эксплуатации стиральной машины Miele Active W1 WSA023WCS.

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    Operating instructions

    for washing machines

    To avoid the risk of accidents or damage to the machine, it is essential to read these instructions before it is installed and used for the first time.


    Caring for the environment ……………………………………………………………………….


    Warning and Safety instructions ……………………………………………………………….


    Operating the washing machine ………………………………………………………………


    Control panel……………………………………………………………………………………………


    Examples on how to operate the machine……………………………………………………


    Before using for the first time ………………………………………………………………….


    Inserting detergent cartridges …………………………………………………………………….


    Setting the language …………………………………………………………………………………


    Removing the transit bars ………………………………………………………………………….


    Starting the calibration programme……………………………………………………………..




    Washing environmentally and economically …………………………………………….





    Prepare the laundry……………………………………………………………………………..



    Select a programme…………………………………………………………………………….



    Load the washing machine…………………………………………………………………..



    Select programme settings ………………………………………………………………….



    Add detergent ……………………………………………………………………………………..




    Detergent dispenser drawer ……………………………………………………………………….





    Start the programme — the end of a programme ……………………………………




    Delay start ………………………………………………………………………………………………


    To select delay start ………………………………………………………………………………….


    To change delay start ………………………………………………………………………………..


    To cancel delay start and begin the programme straight away ……………………….




    Programme chart ……………………………………………………………………………………


    Options …………………………………………………………………………………………………..




    Water plus ……………………………………………………………………………………………….




    Programme sequence……………………………………………………………………………..


    Garment care label symbols…………………………………………………………………….


    Changing the programme sequence ……………………………………………………….


    Cancelling a programme ……………………………………………………………………………


    Interrupting a programme…………………………………………………………………………..


    Changing a programme……………………………………………………………………………..


    Adding or removing laundry after the programme has started ………………………..


    Safety lock……………………………………………………………………………………………….


    Detergent ……………………………………………………………………………………………….


    The correct detergent………………………………………………………………………………..


    Water softeners ………………………………………………………………………………………..


    Dispensing aids ………………………………………………………………………………………..


    Fabric conditioner and liquid starch…………………………………………………………….


    Miele recommended detergents …………………………………………………………………


    Recommended detergents in accordance with Directive (EU) Nr. 1015/2010……


    Cleaning and care …………………………………………………………………………………..


    Cleaning the drum (Hygiene info) ………………………………………………………………..


    External casing and fascia panel…………………………………………………………………


    Cleaning the detergent dispenser drawer …………………………………………………….


    Cleaning the TwinDos system …………………………………………………………………….


    Starting the maintenance programme……………………………………………………..


    Cleaning the compartments…………………………………………………………………..


    Cleaning the water inlet filters …………………………………………………………………….




    Problem solving guide …………………………………………………………………………….


    The programme does not start……………………………………………………………………


    The following fault messages appear in the display and the programme stops…


    A message appears in the display at the end of the programme …………………….


    A message appears in the display at the end of the programme …………………….


    Problems with TwinDos ……………………………………………………………………………..


    General problems with the washing machine ……………………………………………….


    An unsatisfactory wash result …………………………………………………………………….


    The door will not open……………………………………………………………………………….


    Opening the door in the event of a blocked drain outlet and/or power failure …..


    After sales service…………………………………………………………………………………..


    Repairs ……………………………………………………………………………………………………


    Optional accessories…………………………………………………………………………………


    Guarantee: U.K…………………………………………………………………………………………


    Guarantee: Other countries ………………………………………………………………………..


    Installation and connection ……………………………………………………………………..


    Front view ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


    Rear view…………………………………………………………………………………………………


    Installation surface ……………………………………………………………………………………


    Transporting the washing machine to its installation site………………………………..


    Removing the transit bars ………………………………………………………………………….


    Re-fitting the transit bars……………………………………………………………………………


    Levelling the machine………………………………………………………………………………..


    Screwing out and adjusting the feet………………………………………………………..


    Building under a continuous worktop/ in a kitchen run………………………………


    Washer-dryer stack ………………………………………………………………………………


    The water protection system………………………………………………………………………


    Connection to the water supply ………………………………………………………………….


    Connection to the drainage system …………………………………………………………….


    Electrical connection U.K. ………………………………………………………………………….


    Technical data…………………………………………………………………………………………


    Consumption data…………………………………………………………………………………..


    Note for test institutes ……………………………………………………………………………….




    Settings ………………………………………………………………………………………………….


    Language ……………………………………………………………………………………………..




    Degree of soiling……………………………………………………………………………………….


    Buzzer volume………………………………………………………………………………………….


    Keypad tone …………………………………………………………………………………………….






    Temperature unit……………………………………………………………………………………….


    Display brightness…………………………………………………………………………………….


    Dark display……………………………………………………………………………………………..


    Machine switch-off……………………………………………………………………………………


    Display maximum load ………………………………………………………………………………


    Display programme name ………………………………………………………………………….


    Memory …………………………………………………………………………………………………..


    Pre-wash Cottons……………………………………………………………………………………..


    Soak duration …………………………………………………………………………………………..


    Gentle action ……………………………………………………………………………………………


    Reduce temp……………………………………………………………………………………………


    Water plus ……………………………………………………………………………………………….


    Water plus level ………………………………………………………………………………………..


    Maximum rinse level………………………………………………………………………………….


    Suds cooling…………………………………………………………………………………………….


    Low water pressure …………………………………………………………………………………..


    Anti-crease ………………………………………………………………………………………………


    Optional accessories ………………………………………………………………………………




    Specialist detergents…………………………………………………………………………………


    Fabric care……………………………………………………………………………………………….





    Caring for the environment

    Disposal of the packing mater-


    The packaging is designed to protect the washing machine from damage during transportation. The packaging materials used are selected from materials which are environmentally friendly for disposal and should be recycled.

    Recycling the packaging reduces the use of raw materials in the manufacturing process and also reduces the amount of waste in landfill sites. Ensure that any plastic wrappings, bags etc. are disposed of safely and kept out of the reach of babies and young children. Danger of suffocation.

    Disposal of your old machine

    Electrical and electronic machines often contain valuable materials. They also contain materials which, if handled or disposed of incorrectly, could be potentially hazardous to human health and to the environment. They are, however, essential for the correct functioning of your machine. Please do not therefore dispose of it with your household waste.

    Please dispose of it at your local community waste collection / recycling centre or contact your Dealer for advice.

    Ensure that it presents no danger to children while being stored for disposal.


    Warning and Safety instructions

    This washing machine complies with current safety requirements. Inappropriate use can, however, lead to personal injury and damage to property.

    To avoid the risk of accidents and damage to the machine, please read these instructions carefully before using it for the first time. They contain important information on its safety, use and maintenance.

    Keep these instructions in a safe place and ensure that new users are familiar with the content. Pass them on to any future user.

    Correct application

    This washing machine is intended for use in domestic households and similar working and residential environments.

    The washing machine is not intended for outdoor use.

    It must be used only as a domestic appliance to wash items which are specified by the manufacturer as being washable on the wash care label. Miele cannot be held liable for damage resulting from incorrect or improper use or operation.

    The washing machine can only be used by people with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience or knowledge, if they are supervised whilst using it or have been shown how to use it safely and recognise and understand the consequences of incorrect operation.


    Warning and Safety instructions

    Safety with children

    Children under 8 years of age must be kept away from the washing machine unless they are constantly supervised.

    Children 8 years and older may only use the washing machine unsupervised if they have been shown how to use it safely and recognise and understand the consequences of incorrect operation.

    Children must not be allowed to clean or maintain the washing machine unsupervised.

    Please supervise children in the vicinity of the washing machine and do not let them play with it.

    Technical safety

    Please observe the instructions in «Installation and connection» and «Technical data».

    Before setting up the washing machine, check it for any externally visible damage. Do not install or use a damaged machine.

    Before connecting the communication module, ensure that the connection data on the data plate (fuse rating, voltage and frequency) match the mains electricity supply. If in any doubt, consult a qualified electrician.

    Reliable and safe operation of this washing machine can only be assured if it has been connected to the mains electricity supply.


    Warning and Safety instructions

    The electrical safety of this washing machine can only be guaranteed when correctly earthed.

    It is essential that this standard safety requirement is met. If in any doubt, please have the wiring system of the building tested by a qualified electrician.

    Miele cannot be held liable for the consequences of an inadequate earthing system (e.g. electric shock).

    Do not connect the washing machine to the mains electricity supply by a multi-socket adapter, extension lead or similar. These do not guarantee the required safety of the machine (fire hazard due to the risk of overheating).

    Faulty components must only be replaced by genuine Miele original spare parts. Only when these parts are fitted can Miele guarantee the safety standards of the machine.

    The electrical socket must be easily accessible after installation so that the machine can be disconnected from the electricity supply if necessary.

    Unauthorised repairs could result in unforeseen dangers for the user, for which the manufacturer cannot accept liability. Repairs should only be undertaken by a Miele authorised service technician, otherwise any subsequent damage will not be covered by the guarantee.

    If the electrical connection cable is faulty it must only be replaced by a Miele authorised service technician to protect the user from danger.


    Warning and Safety instructions

    The machine must be isolated from the electricity supply when cleaning and maintaining the machine and in the event of a fault.

    The machine must only be connected to the on-site water supply using a new hose kit. Old hose kits must not be re-used. Check the condition of the hoses regularly so that you can replace them in good time and avoid the risk of any water damage.

    The water flow pressure must be at least 100 kPa and should not exceed 1000 kPa.

    In areas which may be subject to infestation by cockroaches or other vermin, pay particular attention to keeping the machine and its surroundings in a clean condition at all times. Any damage which may be caused by cockroaches or other vermin will not be covered by the guarantee.

    The machine must not be used in a non-stationary location (e.g. on a ship).

    Do not make any alterations to the machine, unless authorised to do so by Miele.


    Warning and Safety instructions

    Correct use

    Do not install the washing machine in a room where there is a risk of frost. Frozen hoses may burst or split. The reliability of the electronic control unit may be impaired at temperatures below freezing point.

    Before using the machine for the first time, check that the transit bars at the rear of the machine have been removed (see «Installation and connection — Removing the transit bars»). During spinning, a transit bar which is still in place may result in damage to both the machine and adjacent furniture or appliances.

    Turn off the stopcock if the machine is to be left for any length of time (e.g. holiday), especially if there is no floor drain (gully) in the immediate vicinity.

    Flooding danger.

    If hooking the drain hose into a wash basin, check that the water can drain off quickly enough to prevent the sink from overflowing. Make sure the drain hose is secure, so that the force of the water flowing out of the hose does not dislodge it.

    Take care to ensure that foreign objects (e.g. nails, pins, coins, paper clips) do not find their way into the machine with the laundry. These may damage components of the machine (e.g. suds container, drum), which in turn can result in damage to the laundry.


    Warning and Safety instructions

    Take care when opening the drum door after using the steam function. Danger of burning due to escaping steam and the high temperature of the surface of the drum as well as the porthole glass. Stand back away from the machine and wait until the steam has dissipated.

    The maximum load for this washing machine is 8 kg (dry weight). See the «Programme chart» for the maximum recommended loads for individual programmes.

    If the correct amount of detergent is dispensed, the machine should not need to be descaled. If, however, you do wish to descale it, only use a proprietary natural citric acid based descaling agent. Miele recommends using Miele descaling agent which is available to order online at www.miele-shop.com or from Miele. Strictly observe the instructions on the packaging.

    Textiles which have been pre-treated in solvent based cleaning agents must be thoroughly rinsed in clean water before being washed in the machine.

    Do not use solvent based cleaning agents, e.g. those containing benzine, in this machine, as this may result in damage to component parts and create toxic fumes. Such agents also pose a fire and explosion hazard.

    Do not use solvent based cleaning agents, e.g. those containing benzine, to clean the surfaces of the machine. They can cause damage to plastic surfaces.

    Only use dyes specified by the manufacturer as being suitable for use in a domestic washing machine. Always observe the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.


    Warning and Safety instructions

    Colour run and dye removers contain sulphur compounds which can cause damage such as corrosion. Do not use these products in this machine.

    If detergent comes into contact with the eyes, rinse them thoroughly with lukewarm water immediately. If swallowed, seek medical assistance immediately and retain the packaging or label for reference. Those with skin problems or sensitive skin should avoid their skin coming into contact with detergent.


    Accessory parts may only be fitted when expressly approved by Miele. If other parts are used, guarantee, performance and product liability claims will be invalidated.

    A Miele tumble dryer can be stacked on top of a Miele washing machine using the appropriate stacking kit (available as an optional accessory). Please make sure you order the correct one for the Miele washing machine and Miele tumble dryer.

    If installing the machine on a Miele plinth, (available as an optional accessory, depending on country), please make sure you order the correct one for this washing machine.

    Miele cannot be held liable for damage caused by non-compliance

    with these Warning and Safety instructions.


    Operating the washing machine

    Control panel

    a Display with sensors

    See the next page for more information.

    b Start/Stop button

    For starting the programme selected and cancelling a programme once it has started.

    c Temperature button

    For selecting the temperature.

    d Spin speed button

    For selecting the spin speed.

    e Delay start button

    For selecting delay start.

    f Option buttons

    Various options can be added to the wash programme.

    g Programme selector

    For selecting the wash programme.

    h Optical interface PC

    For service technicians.

    i button

    For switching the washing machine on and off.

    To save energy the washing machine will switch off automatically 15 minutes after the end of the pro- gramme/anti-crease phase or after being switched on if no other selection is made.


    Operating the washing machine

    j sensor

    Scrolls down the list to the next option or decreases a value.

    k OK button

    Confirms the programme selected, a value set or opens a sub-menu.

    l sensor

    Scrolls up the list to the next option or increases a value.

    m Dos sensor

    Switches on automatic detergent dispensing.

    n Cap sensor

    Activates cap dosing via the detergent dispenser drawer.

    o EcoFeedback sensor

    Provides information about the energy and water consumption of the programme. Please also refer to «Washing environmentally and economically — EcoFeedback».

    Sensors to light up when the display can be operated via the sensors.

    Programme duration

    After the programme has started the programme duration will appear in the display in hours and minutes.

    If delay start has been selected, the programme duration will appear at the end of the delay start time.

    Delay start

    The delay start time selected will appear in the display.

    After the programme has started the delay start time will begin to count down.

    Once the delay start time has elapsed, the estimated programme duration will appear in the display.


    Operating the washing machine

    Standard display

    The standard display shows the following from left to right:

    2:59 1600

    the programme duration

    the selected wash temperature

    the selected spin speed

    Examples on how to operate

    the machine

    Scrolling through a list

    The arrows in the display indicate that a list is available.

    Touching the sensor scrolls down the list to the next option and touching the

    sensor scrolls up the list to the next option. The OK sensor is used to activate the option which is currently in the display.

    Identifying options selected

    If an option has been activated, this will be indicated by a tick next to it.

    Setting numerical values

    A numerical value is highlighted in white. Touching the sensor decreases the value and touching the sensor increases it. The OK sensor is used to activate the value which is currently in the display.

    Exiting a sub-menu

    Select Back to exit a sub-menu.


    Before using for the first time

    Removing the detergent cart-

    ridges from the drum

    There are two cartridges containing UltraPhase1 and UltraPhase2 detergent for automatic detergent dispensing in the drum.

    Reach under the door grip and pull the door open.

    Take the two cartridges out of the drum.

    Shut the door with a gentle swing.

    Inserting detergent cartridges

    The detergent cartridges removed from the drum are components of the Miele 2-phase system consisting of:

    1.UltraPhase 1 (base detergent)

    2.UltraPhase 2 (detergent enhancer)

    These detergent cartridges are for single use only. Replacement detergent cartridges are available to order from Miele or via the internet at www.miele-shop.com (see end of this booklet for details). Empty cartridges should be disposed of via your local recycling system.

    Remove the caps from the detergent cartridges.


    Before using for the first time

    Press the TwinDos access panel. The panel will spring open.

    Drop the panel down.

    Push the UltraPhase 1 cartridge into compartment 1 and the

    UltraPhase 2 cartridge into compartment 2, until they lock into position.

    The TwinDos system is now ready for use.

    Removing the protective foil

    and stickers


    the protective foil from the door.

    any stickers from the front and the lid.

    Please do not remove any labels (e.g. the data plate), visible when you open the door.

    This washing machine has undergone a complete functional test at the factory and there will be some residual water in the drum from this process.


    Before using for the first time

    Before using the machine for the first time ensure that it is correctly installed and connected. See «Installation and connection». Also check that the drain filters are securely tightened to prevent the risk of water leaks during use.

    Switch on the washing ma-


    Press the button.

    The welcome screen will light up.

    Setting the language

    You will be asked to select the language you want for the display. It is possible to change the language at any time via «Settings».

    Touch the or sensor until the language you want appears in the display.

    Confirm your selection of the language by touching the OK sensor.

    Removing the transit bars

    A reminder to remove the transit bars will appear in the display.

    Failure to remove the transit bars can result in damage to the washing machine and to adjacent cabinetry or appliances.

    Remove the transit bars as described in «Installation and connection».

    Confirm the removal of the transit bars with the OK sensor.


    Before using for the first time

    Starting the calibration pro-


    The following message appears in the


    Open and run Cottons 90°C without


    Touch the sensor repeatedly until you have read all the rows of text.

    The OK sensor will light up.

    Confirm the message with the

    OK sensor.

    For optimum water and energy consumption and excellent wash results, it is important to calibrate the washing machine.

    To do this the Cottons 90 °C must be started without laundry and without detergent.

    No other programmes can be started until calibration has been carried out.

    Open the stopcock.

    Turn the programme selector to Cottons.

    Press the Start/Stop button.

    The calibration programme has started. This will take approx. 2 hours.

    At the end of the programme the following message will be displayed:

    Set up complete

    Reach under the door grip and pull the door open.

    Tip: Leave the door slightly open to allow the drum to dry.

    Switch the washing machine off with the button.



    The washing machine has an integrated detergent dispensing unit.

    The TwinDos system can be used in two ways:

    1.with the Miele 2 Phase System or

    2.with any other liquid detergent and/or fabric conditioner.

    The Miele 2 Phase system

    The Miele 2 Phase system uses a base detergent (UltraPhase 1) and a detergent enhancer (UltraPhase 2). In order to achieve optimum results, the agents are dispensed separately during the wash process. The 2 Phase system cleans both white and coloured textiles thoroughly. UltraPhase 1 and UltraPhase 2 single use cartridges are available to order from Miele or via the internet at www.miele-shop.com (see end of this booklet for contact details).

    Liquid detergent/Fabric conditioner

    Refillable TwinDos containers are required for liquid detergent and/or fabric conditioner. These are available to order from Miele or via the internet at www.miele-shop.com (see end of this booklet for details).

    How TwinDos works

    Automatic detergent dispensing for a wash cycle is activated via the Dos sensor.

    Tip: The washing machine is delivered pre-set for the Miele 2 Phase system for hardness range II ( ).

    The settings only need to be changed if you wish to use a different detergent or if the water hardness is different.

    See «Settings — TwinDos» for more information.

    Automatic dispensing cannot be selected with some programmes, depending on the detergent present in the TwinDos system. For example, automatic dispensing cannot be activated for the Woollens programme if the Miele 2 Phase system is being used. This prevents woollen garments being damaged by a detergent which is not suitable for washing wool.


    Washing environmentally and economically

    Energy and water consumption

    Water consumption and energy usage are determined by the size of the load.

    To make the most of your machine, load the maximum dry load for the programme you are using.

    When smaller amounts of laundry are washed, the automatic load recognition system will reduce the amount of water and energy used.

    Use the Express 20 programme for small, lightly soiled loads.

    Modern detergents make it possible to wash at lower temperatures (e.g.

    20 °C). Washing using lower temperature settings will save energy.

    To maintain the hygiene of the machine, carry out a hot wash (60 °C or above) using powder detergent at regular intervals. Hygiene info will appear in the display to remind you to carry out a hot wash.


    For precise dispensing use automatic detergent dispensing.

    Adjust the dosage to the degree of soiling of the laundry.

    Do not exceed the amounts of detergent recommended by the manufacturer on the packaging.

    When drying with a tumble dryer

    Selecting the highest possible spin speed for the wash programme will save energy when drying in a tumble dryer afterwards.


    Washing environmentally and economically


    You can call up information about the energy and water consumption of your washing machine with the EcoFeedback sensor.

    The following information will appear in the display:

    an estimate of the energy and water consumption before the programme begins.

    the actual energy and water consumption during the programme or at the end of the programme.

    1. Estimate

    After selecting a programme, touch the EcoFeedback sensor.

    The estimated energy consumption levels will be displayed as a bar chart.

    Touch the or sensor to change to the estimated water consumption levels.

    The more bars ( ) visible, the higher the energy or water consumption.

    The estimate will vary depending on the wash programme, temperature and any options selected.

    The display will change automatically or you can return to the standard display by touching the OK sensor.

    2. Actual consumption

    You can view the actual amount of energy and water used by the programme which has just been run both during and at the end of the programme.

    Touch the EcoFeedback sensor.

    Touch the or to switch to the water consumption display.

    The consumption will alter as the programme progresses.

    If the door is opened or the washing machine has switched off automatically at the end of the programme, the data will revert to the estimated consumption.

    Tip: You can view the consumption data for the last wash programme in

    Settings under Consumption.


    1. Prepare the laundry

    Empty all pockets.

    Foreign objects (e.g. nails, coins, paper clips, etc.) can cause damage to garments and to components in the machine.

    Check the laundry before washing and remove any foreign objects.

    Sort the laundry

    Sort the laundry by colour and by care label. Most garments have a textile care label in the collar or side seam.

    Tip: Dark textiles often contain excess dye and should be washed separately several times before being included in a mixed load. Always wash whites and coloureds separately.

    Pre-treat stains

    Badly soiled areas, stains etc. should be cleaned as soon as possible, preferably whilst still fresh. Spillages should be carefully dabbed off using a soft, colourfast cloth. Do not rub.

    Tip: Badly soiled areas can be pretreated with liquid detergent, stain removers etc. first, following the manufacturer’s instructions. With particularly stubborn stains ask your dry cleaner for advice.

    Solvent-based cleaners (e.g. benzine) can damage plastic parts. When pre-treating garments, make sure that any plastic parts (e.g. buttons) are protected from cleaning agent.

    Chemical (solvent-based) cleaning agents can cause severe damage to the washing machine.

    Do not use solvent-based cleaning agents in this machine.

    General tips

    Curtains: Remove lead weights first or place in a laundry bag.

    Underwiring and collar stiffeners: Any loose wiring in bras, shirt collar stiffeners, etc. should be removed or sewn in.

    Close any zips, attach velcro fasteners, fasten hooks and eyes etc. before washing.

    Fasten duvet covers, pillow cases etc. to prevent small items from being rolled up inside them.

    Do not wash any items in this washing machine which are specified by the manufacturer as not washable on the care label ( symbol).


    2. Select a programme

    Switch on the washing ma-


    Press the button.

    Programme selection

    A. Selecting a programme via the programme selector:

    Turn the programme selector to the required programme.

    The load for the programme selected will appear in the display. This will then be replaced by the standard display.

    B. Selecting a programme using the programme selector at the «Further programmes» position:

    Turn the programme selector to Further programmes.

    The following will appear in the display:

    Touch the or sensor until the programme you want appears in the display.

    Confirm the programme with the OK sensor.

    The maximum load for the relevant programme will appear in the display. Preset programme parameters will be displayed depending on the programme selected.


    MIELE W 196, W1 User Manual

    3. Load the washing machine

    Open the door

    Close the door

    Reach under the door grip and pull the door open.

    Check the drum for pets or foreign objects before loading it with laundry.

    Unfold the laundry and load loosely into the drum.

    Mixing both large and small items gives better wash results and also helps distribute the load evenly during spinning.

    Please note the maximum load for the different wash programmes. The relevant programme load is always shown in the display when you select a programme.

    The most efficient use of energy and water is achieved when a full load is washed. However, do not overload as this reduces cleaning efficiency and causes creases.

    Make sure that no items are caught between the door and the seal.

    Shut the door with a gentle swing.


    4. Select programme settings

    Degree of soiling

    Lightly soiled

    No visible dirt or stains. Possibly slight body odour.

    Normally soiled

    Visibly dirty and/or just a few slight stains.

    Heavily soiled

    Soiling and/or stains clearly visible.

    The following will appear in the display:

    Degree of soiling

    The display will change automatically to the degree of soiling query:

    Set the degree of soiling with the and sensors and confirm your selection with the OK sensor.

    The following parameters will change depending on the degree of soiling selected:

    the detergent dosage amount with automatic detergent dispensing

    with the Heavy degree of soiling setting, a pre-wash will be carried out automatically for some programmes (see «Options»).

    the rinse water level will be adjusted

    the programme durations (with light soiling the programme duration will be shorter)

    In the Express 20 programme the degree of soiling cannot be selected. Express 20 is designed for lightly soiled laundry.

    Tip: You can alter the default setting for the degree of soiling or switch off the degree of soiling query in Settings (see «Settings — Degree of soiling»).

    Select a temperature

    You can alter the pre-set temperature of a wash programme.

    Press the Temperature button.

    The following will appear in the display:


    Set the temperature you want with the and sensors and confirm your selection with the OK sensor.


    4. Select programme settings

    Selecting a spin speed

    You can alter the pre-set spin speed of a wash programme.

    Press the Spin speed button.

    The following will appear in the display:

    Set the spin speed you want with the

    and sensors and confirm your selection with the OK sensor.

    Select options

    Press the button for the option you want.

    The indicator light in the button will come on.

    Not all options are suitable for use with every programme. You can only select options which are compatible with the programme being used.

    See «Options».

    Switch on delay start (if re-


    The start of a programme can be delayed from 15 minutes up to 24 hours, allowing you to make use of night-time economy electricity rates, for example.

    See «Delay start».


    5. Add detergent

    There are several options for adding detergent.


    Before using TwinDos for the first time the display will show information about the factory default settings for TwinDos. The following will appear in the display:

    UltraPhase 1+2 set for medium water hard-

    ness level. Change in «Settings»/ «TwinDos»

    Touch the sensor repeatedly until until you have read all the rows of text.

    The OK sensor will light up.

    Touch the OK sensor to confirm.

    Miele 2 Phase system

    UltraPhase 1 and UltraPhase 2 need to be dispensed in different ratios depending on the colour mix of the laundry load.

    Touch the Dos sensor.

    Use the and sensors to select the colour mix of the laundry and confirm with the OK sensor.

    UltraPhase 1 and UltraPhase 2 will be dispensed accordingly.

    Liquid detergent/Fabric conditioner

    It is possible to use other types of liquid detergent/fabric conditioner. Refillable TwinDos containers (optional accessories) are required for this.

    The washing machine’s electronic settings need to be adjusted accordingly. See «Settings — TwinDos».

    Touch the Dos sensor.

    Confirm the option displayed with the

    OK button or select another detergent or fabric conditioner with the and sensors.

    Tip: The recommended detergent(s) is shown in the display and marked with a tick ( ).

    The appropriate amount of detergent and/or fabric conditioner for the programme will now be dispensed.

    Adding stain remover

    There are two options for adding stain remover in addition to using the automatic dispensing system:

    Use the Booster cap

    Add stain remover to the compartment.


    5. Add detergent

    Detergent dispenser drawer

    Too little detergent results in:

    Laundry not getting properly clean and with time it may become grey and hard to the touch.

    Greasy particles clinging to laundry.

    Limescale deposits on the heater elements.

    Too much detergent results in:

    Excessive foam which causes a low level of agitation and poor wash, rinse and spin results.

    High water consumption (an additional rinse cycle will automatically switch in).

    A burden to the environment.

    Pull out the detergent dispenser drawer and add detergent to the compartments as follows:

    Detergent for the pre-wash (divide the total recommended amount as follows: add ⅓ to compartment and ⅔ to compartment )

    Detergent for the main wash, including Soak, if selected


    Fabric conditioner, liquid starch or capsules.

    See «Detergent» for further information.



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    W1 drawing, slanted facia, straight facia, measures in mm


    W1 drawing, slanted facia, straight facia, measures in mm


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    1. Manuals
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    3. Miele Manuals
    4. Washer
    5. W1

    Manuals and User Guides for Miele W1. We have 2 Miele W1 manuals available for free PDF download: Additional Instructions, Operating Instructions Manual

    Miele W1 Additional Instructions

    Miele W1 Additional Instructions (160 pages)

    ctions for Miele@home with WiFi module

    Brand: Miele
    Category: Washer
    Size: 2.06 MB

    Table of Contents
      • Einbindung ins WLAN-Netzwerk


      • T1 und W1 mit 1-Zeiligem Display


      • Integration I Trådløst Netværk


      • T1 Og W1 Med 1-Linjet Display


      • T1 Og W1 Med 4-Linjet Display


      • Integration into a Wifi Network


      • T1 and W1 with 1 Line Display


          • Controlling Your Washing Machine or Tumble Dryer Remotely


      • Conexión a Su Red Wifi


      • T1 y W1 con Display de 1 Línea


      • T1 y W1 con Display de 4 Líneas


          • Manejar a Distancia la Secadora O la Lavadora


          • Ajustar un Intervalo de Tiempo


      • Liittäminen WLAN-Verkkoon


      • T1 Ja W1, Joissa Yksirivinen Näyttö


      • T1 Ja W1, Joissa 4-Rivinen Näyttö


          • Pesukoneen Tai Kuivausrummun Etäkäyttö


      • T1 Et W1 Avec Écran 1 Ligne


      • T1 Et W1 Avec Écran 4Lignes


          • Commande À Distance du Sèche-Linge Ou du Lave-Linge


          • Définir Une Plage Horaire


      • Collegamento Alla Rete WLAN


      • T1 E W1 Display a 1 Riga


        • Funzionamento da Remoto


      • T1 E W1 con Display a 4 Righe


        • Funzionamento da Remoto


        • Funzionamento da Remoto


          • Comandare da Remoto L’asciugabiancheria O la Lavatrice


      • T1 Og W1, Med Display Med 1 Linje


      • T1 Og W1 Med 4 Linjers Display


          • Innstilling Av Tidsrom


      • T1 E W1 Com Visor de 1Linha


          • Comandar À Distância O Secador Ou a Máquina de Lavar Roupa


          • Definir um Período de Tempo


      • T1 I W1 Z 1-Wierszowym Wyświetlaczem


          • Zdalna Obsługa Suszarki Lub Pralki


          • Ustawianie Przedziału Czasu


      • T1 Och W1 Med 1-Delad Display


        • Miele@Home (Ej I Sverige)


      • T1 Och W1 Med 4-Delad Display


        • Miele@Home (Ej I Sverige)


        • Miele@Home (Ej I Sverige)



    Miele W1 Operating Instructions Manual

    Miele W1 Operating Instructions Manual (96 pages)

    Brand: Miele
    Category: Washer
    Size: 1.96 MB

    Table of Contents
    • Caring for the Environment


    • Warning and Safety Instructions


    • Operating the Washing Machine


    • How the Control Field Works


    • Before Using for the First Time


    • Remove the Transit Bars


    • Starting the Calibration Programme


    • Washing Environmentally and Economically


    • Load the Washing Machine


    • Select Programme Settings


    • Degree of Soiling of the Laundry


    • Replacing Detergent Cartridges


    • Detergent Dispenser Drawer


    • Starting the Programme


    • Adding Laundry During a Programme Sequence (Addload)


    • Delay Start/Smartstart


    • The Following Extra Options Can be Selected in Addition to the Programmes


    • Garment Care Label Symbols


    • Changing the Programme Sequence


    • Changing a Programme (Safety Lock)


    • Cancelling a Programme


    • Fabric Conditioner and Liquid Starch


    • Recommended Miele Detergents


    • Recommended Detergents in Accordance with Directive (EU) Nr. 1015/2010


    • Cleaning the External Casing and the Control Panel


    • Cleaning the Detergent Dispenser Drawer


    • Hygiene Info(Cleaning the Drum)


    • Cleaning the Water Inlet Filter


    • The Programme Does Not Start


    • The Programme Is Cancelled and a Fault Indicator Light Lights up in the Control Panel


    • During the Programme Sequence, a Symbol Appears in the Time Display


    • At the End of the Programme, an Indicator Light Lights up in the Control Panel


    • Messages or Faults with the Twindos System


    • General Problems with the Washing Machine


    • An Unsatisfactory Wash Result


    • The Door will Not Open


    • Opening the Door in the Event of a Blocked Drain Outlet And/Or Power Cut


    • Contact in the Event of a Fault


    • Transporting the Washing Machine to Its Installation Site


    • Removing the Transit Bars


    • Fitting the Transit Bars


    • Screwing out and Adjusting the Feet


    • Installing under a Continuous Worktop


    • The Water Protection System


    • Connection to the Water Supply


    • EU Conformity Declaration


    • Conformity Declaration


    • Programmable Functions


    • Choosing and Selecting a Programmable Function


    • Editing and Saving a Programmable Function


    • Exit Programming Level


    • Control Panel Switch-Off Status


    • Longer Pre-Wash Cottons


    • Backlight Brightness Dimmed


    • Ultraphase 1 Dispensing Quantity


    • Ultraphase 2 Dispensing Quantity


    • Copyrights and Licences for the Communication Module


    • Detergents and Care Products



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    В какие сроки происходит доставка техники Miele?

    Товар из наличия доставят завтра в удобное для вас время или передадут в транспортную компанию, в случае отправки товара в другие регионы России. При наличии свободного транспорта возможна доставка в течение 2-5 часов, необходимо уточнить у оператора. Товар под заказ согласовывается дополнительно и в некоторых случаях требует частичную предоплату, обычно срок поставки занимает 1-4 недели.

    Мы непрерывно работаем с 2010 года, наш магазин был среди первых официальных фирменных интернет магазинов Miele в России


    Откуда бытовая техника? Это оригинал?

    Вся техника оригинальная, привозится из Евросоюза и стран СНГ в заводской упаковке и обрешетке для большей безопасности ее сохранности.

    Скриншот 06-07-2023 085832.jpg

    Возможны установка и подключение техники?

    Да. Техника будет установлена и подключена специалистами сервисного центра, тарифы подразумевают установку на готовые коммуникации. Все необходимые дополнительные работы согласовываются на месте с мастером.

    Где можно посмотреть товары? Есть ли самовывоз?

    Ознакомиться с товаром вы можете в нашем магазине на Рублевке, там же находится наш склад, который мы с радостью покажем. Посетив склад, вы сможете лично убедиться в широком ассортименте, качестве товара и его происхождении. При желании можно забрать товар со склада самостоятельно.

    Действует ли гарантия на товар?

    На все приборы действует гарантия 1 год. При желании за дополнительную плату +5% к стоимости товара, можно приобрести продленную гарантию общим сроком в 2 года. В этот период мы ремонтируем технику Miele за свой счет или меняем ее на новую в случае, если она не подлежит ремонту.

    Как можно оплатить товар, и когда внести оплату?

    После доставки и приема товара оплату можно совершить наличным средствами или банковской картой (предварительно требуется уведомить оператора для выделения экипажа с терминалом).Так же можно произвести оплату по выставленному банковскому счету (отправка товаров в регионы России осуществляется после полной предоплаты).

    Техника в наличии в России или это предзаказ?

    На складе в Москве хранится около 1.500 — 2.500 ед техники Miele в наличии. Это позволяет оперативно собирать полноценные комплекты для покупателей. При необходимости так же возможна поставка практически любого товара из ЕС в максимально короткие сроки, 1-4 недели.

    Скриншот 06-07-2023 085450.jpg

    Стиральная машина Miele Active W1 WSA023WCS — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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