Morphy richards intellisteam 470006 инструкция

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Технические характеристики пароварки Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

Аксессуары рисовый лоток; паровой лоток; мини-котелки -2 шт.
Вес 4 кг
Вес в упаковке 5 кг
Емкость 6,8 л
Защита от перегрева и от включения без воды да
Индикатор уровня воды есть
Количество отделений 3, с независимым управлением
Материал корпуса Нержавеющая сталь, BPA-пластик
Мощность 1600 Вт
Ненагревающиеся ручки да
Нескользящие ножки да
Размеры 37х31,8х27 см
Размеры в упаковке 37,5х35х30,8 см
Режимы приготовления еды 8 + пользовательский
Цвет Серебристый
Цифровая панель управления да

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Три независимых пароварки в одном устройстве!

Система приготовления на пару с тремя независимыми пароварками. Паровая система разработана британскими конструкторами и нутрициологами для приготовления вкусных и полезных блюд.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Интеллектуальное управление

Встроенный процессор позволяет выбрать оптимальные режимы для приготовления трех разных блюд одновременно. Вам больше не нужно настраивать время и температуру. Готовьте сразу несколько блюд к назначенному времени. При желании можно не использовать функцию синхронизации.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Быстрое приготовление

В отличие от обычной пароварки система приготовления на пару имеет специальные нагревательные элементы, которые обеспечивают локальное закипание воды в резервуаре. Таким образом, пар поступает в отсеки уже спустя минуту после включения, что позволяет не тратить время на разогрев всего объема воды.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Независимые отсеки

Как устроена стандартная пароварка? Два-три яруса, которые расположены друг над другом. Ароматы и соки неминуемо перемешиваются, и вкусовые качества перестают быть индивидуальными. Это влияет на качество и удовольствие от приготовленной еды. Три независимых устройства системы приготовления на пару позволяют приготовить блюда с сохранением полноценного аромата и вкуса.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Вкусно и полезно

Приготовление на пару позволяет пище оставаться вкусной и сочной. Никакого жира и канцерогенов, которые сопровождают традиционные виды приготовления еды. IntelliSteam 470006 сохраняет на 50% больше питательных веществ, а вкус и внешний вид продуктов остается идеальном за счет использования меньшего количества тепла и воды!

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Горизонтальный дизайн

Нет вертикальных ярусов – нет смешения запахов. Горизонтальный дизайн также позволяет разместить паровую систему без ограничения по вертикали. Храните, где хотите. Даже в самой компактной кухне найдется место.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Большой объём

Большой объем 6,8 л позволяет готовить сразу на всю семью, не тратя время на загрузку партий и подсчет порций. Загрузили отсеки по полной и отдыхайте!

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Режимы и аксессуары

Выбор запрограммированных режимов обрадует любую хозяйку. Овощи, курица, рыба, яйца и бобы – и это далеко не все. Также существует пользовательский режим, который позволяет корректировать время приготовления вручную. В комплект входят поддон для пара, чаша для риса и лотки для соуса.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Безопасные экологичные материалы

При изготовлении системы приготовления на пару IntelliSteam 470006 использован экологичный BPA-пластик, не выделяющий никаких веществ при нагревании, высококачественная нержавеющая сталь. Ручки и опоры паровой системы не скользят и не нагреваются. Крышки выполнены из ударопрочного стекла.

Расширенная гарантия в 2 года

Каждое изделие проходит контроль качества на производстве. К стандартной гарантии в 1 год можно добавить еще 12 месяцев, зарегистрировав покупку на нашем сайте в течение 30 дней.

Инструкция по эксплуатации пароварки Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

  • Крышка
  • Капельный лоток
  • Воронка для воды
  • Пароотвод
  • Резервуар воды
  • Элемент
  • Водная шкала
  • Основной блок
  • Панель управления
  • Паровой лоток
  • Рисовый лоток
  • Задний контейнер
  • Разделитель
  • Мини котелки х2
  • Передний контейнер
  • Кнопка включения/выключения
  • Экран
  • Кнопка заднего нагревателя
  • Кнопка переднего левого нагревателя
  • Кнопка переднего правого нагревателя
  • Кнопка сдвоенного переднего нагревателя
  • Значки продуктов
  • Кнопка Intellisteam
  • Таймер (переднее левое отделение)
  • Таймер (заднее отделение)
  • Таймер (переднее правое отделение)
  • Кнопка старта/паузы
  • Кнопка увеличения
  • Кнопка уменьшения
  • Значок пара
  • Значок поддержания тепла

Перед использованием

ВНИМАНИЕ: Никогда не погружайте основной блок (8), шнур или вилку питания в воду.
Важно помыть все детали, кроме основного блока (8), перед первым использованием. См. инструкции по очистке.

1.   Вымойте резервуар воды (5) в горячей мыльной воде с тряпкой. Промойте и высушите.

2.   Вымойте крышки (1), капельный лоток (2), паровой лоток (10), рисовый лоток (11), мини котелки х2 (14), контейнеры (12), (15) и разделительную стенку (13) в горячей мыльной воде. Промойте и высушите.

Не используйте абразивные продукты для очистки, такие как чистящие порошки/губ-ки, кремы, стальную вату или отбеливатели на любой части устройства, поскольку это может повредить ему.

Обратите внимание, что при первом использовании Intellisteam, можно заметить некоторый дым/пар, выделяющийся сзади основного блока (8), это нормально — это просто смазка, нанесенная в процессе производства. После нескольких использований Intellisteam это прекратится. Это не опасно, не попадёт внутрь и не повлияет на запах пищи, которая готовится в Intellisteam.

Использование Intellisteam

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Если вы хотите остановить готовку, нажмите кнопку паузы (27), и выключите. Осторожно поднимите крышку (1) под углом от себя, чтобы безопасно выпустить пар.
Осторожно извлеките готовую еду из вашего Intellisteam.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Пар может причинить ожоги.
‘Примечание: Если вы установили разное время для каждого отделения, иконка пара начнет мигать каждый раз, когда следующее отделение начнет приготовление. Выполняйте только шаги 5-7 для требуемых отделений. Не выбранный таймер (24), (25), (26) останется на позиции ’00’.

Обзор переднего контейнера

Заданное время готовки
Передний контейнер (15) можно использовать одним из двух способов; как два независимых отделения или как одно большое. См. руководство по установке разделительной стенки (13). Чтобы использовать передний контейнер (15) как единое отделение, извлеките стенку (13) из контейнера и отложите. Следуйте шагам
1-7 ‘Использование Intellisteam’. Используйте кнопку сдвоенного нагревателя (21) для выбора паровой зоны.
Разделительную стенку (13) храните отдельно, когда не используете.
Заданное время готовки
На вашем Intellisteam предустановлено 8 программ. Это ориентир, время можно настроить, используя кнопки увеличения (28) и уменьшения (29).
Для прокрутки вариантов и выбора требуемого времени для каждого отделения, нажимайте соответственно кнопку заднего (18), левого (19), правого (20), или сдвоенного (21) нагревателя несколько раз.
Режим поддержания тепла установлен на 40 минут и не может быть увеличен.
Предустановленное время приготовления:
Листовые и стручковые овощи -16 минут

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Приостановка приготовления

Чтобы приостановить Intellisteam в процессе приготовления, нажмите кнопку старта/паузы (27). Значки пара (30) и продуктов (22) погаснут. Для возобновления снова нажмите кнопку старта/паузы (27). Значок пара (30) загорится.
На паузе можнл поправить время приготовления, как указано в шагах 5-7 ‘Использования Intellisteam’. Для сброса цикла приготовления, нажмите и удерживайте кнопку старта/паузы (27).

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Кнопка Intellisteam

Intellisteam может начать приготовление на пару во всех отделениях одновременно. Это позволит вынимать готовую пищу по готовности, в то время как остальные отделения продолжат приготовление.

  • Следуйте шагам 1-6 ‘Использования Intellisteam’.
  • Нажмите кнопку Intellisteam (23). Это выключит соответствующий значок на экране. Нажмите кнопку старт/пауза (27).
  • Как только в соответствующем отделении таймер достигнет ноля, автоматически включится поддержание тепла. Извлекайте продукты, когда потребуется.
  • Другие отделения продолжат приготовления до достижения таймером ноля.

Сохранение настроек времени
Для сохранения персональных настроек таймера на будущее, удерживайте кнопку старт/пауза (27) три секунды. Прозвучит двойной звуковой сигнал, означающий, что приготовление началось, а настройки времени сохранены.
Возврат к предустановленным значениям
Нажмите и удерживайте одновременно кнопку (23) и кнопку старт/пауза (27) две секунды до звукового сигнала. Intellisteam восстановил исходные предустановки.
Сохранение настроек времени

  • Готовьте мясо, птицу, рыбу, раков и моллюсков, фрукты в фольге, это сохранит соки. Чтобы предотвратить прилипание рыбной кожуры, предварительно слегка смажьте фольгу.
  • Берегитесь пара при снятии крышек (1).
  • Используйте щипцы для извлечения продуктов в фольге из контейнера.
  • Осторожно обращайтесь с котелками, (14) лотком для риса, (11) когда они горячие и наполнены жидкостью.
  • Гид по пароварке содержит информацию по приготовлению до 4-х порций для большинства продуктов. Будьте готовы настраивать время приготовления по собственному усмотрению, когда ближе познакомитесь с пароваркой.
  • Используйте передний контейнер (15) с разделительной стенкой (13) для одиночных порций, а задний, (12) когда готовите 2,3 или 4 порции.
  • Не нагромождайте продукты в контейнерах (12) (15) или рисовом поддоне (11). Разложите продукты, оставляя место для максимального прохождения пара.
  • Для лучших результатов используйте куски продуктов схожего размера. В качестве ориентира, нарезайте картофель кусками по 30 мм брюкву, сельдерей и тыкву разрежьте на куски примерно 20мм. Порежьте лук-порей, кабачки и морковь толщиной примерно в 10 мм, лук полосками по 10 мм.
  • Если куски продуктов отличаются в размерах, и требуется укладка слоями, помещайте меньшие куски сверху.

Сохранение настроек времени
Иногда может потребоваться удаление накипи с водного резервуара (5). Это зависит от жесткости воды из-под крана. Если вы заметите уменьшение производства пара или увеличение времени, требуемого на приготовление, необходимо провести удаление накипи из паровой системы с использованием мягкого раствора от накипи, следуя инструкции для пароварок.
Другой способ — наполнить резервуар до максимума кипящей водой. Добавить раствор от накипи и установить капельный лоток. Установить время варки на 40 минут для каждого элемента (б) и нажать кнопку старт/пауза (27). Хорошо проветрите комнату. Повторите по необходимости, затем вымойте резервуар и капельный лоток в горячем мыльном растворе тряпкой, промойте и высушите.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Не пытайтесь двигать Intellisteam до полного охлаждения водного резервуара.

Уход и очистка

ВНИМАНИЕ: Никогда не погружайте основной блок (8), шнур питания или вилку в воду.
1.   Выключите из сети и оставьте прибор полностью остыть перед очисткой
2.   Не используйте абразивные очистители, такие как чистящие порошки, губки, стальную вату или отбеливатели для очищения каких-либо деталей прибора.
3.   Протрите резервуар (5) и, если потребуется, следуйте инструкции по удалению накипи.
4.   Вымойте крышку (1), капельный лоток (2), паровой лоток (10), рисовый лоток (11), контейнеры (12) (1 б), малые котелки х2 (14) и разделительную стенку (13) в теплой воде с моющей жидкостью. Ополосните и высушите.
Можно также поместить части в посудомоечную машину.
Уход и очистка
5.   Разделительная стенка (13) должна храниться свободно, когда не используется.

Использование аксессуаров

Ваш Intellisteam укомплектован паровым лотком (10), лотком для риса (11) и малыми котелками х2 (14).
Используйте паровой котел (10) для приготовления филе рыбы в фольге. Паровой лоток можно поместить непосредственно в передний (15) или задний (12) контейнер в ‘высокой’ позиции. При необходимости, филе рыбы можно также готовить с паровым лотком.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Лоток для риса (11) идеален для готовки риса, пасты, лапши и зерновых. Добавляйте немного воды при приготовлении этих продуктов. См. гид по пару на стр. 14 для рекомендуемого количества, советов и рекомендаций.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Малые котелки (14) могут использоваться для готовки 1-2 яиц, соусов и одиночных порций риса, лапши, пасты и т. п.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Укладывание кабеля
Для облегчения хранения предусмотрена встроенная укладка кабеля.
1.   Отделите главный блок (8) от остальных компонентов и переверните.
2.   Следуйте за стрелкой, оберните кабель по часовой стрелке, убеждаясь, что кабель уложен в углубление.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

3.   После укладывания, разверните вилку и вставьте в углубление для вилки предусмотренное на корпусе.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Настройка длины кабеля

Если вы захотите уменьшить рабочую длину кабеля, используйте углубление для вилки под основным блоком.
1.   В месте, где кабель выходит из устройства, сворачивайте кабель в углубление до достижения желаемой длины. Удобнее сворачивать против часовой стрелки.
2.   Закрепите кабель, вжав в углубление для кабеля и в вывод для кабеля позади устройства.

Гид по пароварке

Время и размеры порций ниже указаны только для примера. Время может изменяться в зависимости от размера продуктов, размещения продуктов в контейнерах (12), (15) свежести продуктов и личных предпочтений. По мере знакомства с пароваркой, меняйте время приготовления, как вам потребуется.
Листовые и стручковые овощи (предустановленное время: 16 мин)

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Рис/Зерна/Паста/Лапша (предустановленное время: 40 мин)

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Яйца (предустановленное время: 16 мин)

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam


Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Корнеплоды (предустановленное время: 28 мин)

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Мясо/Птица (предустановленное время: 28 мин)
Возможен белый протеиновый осадок на мясе или птице после приготовления. Это нормально.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Советы и рекомендации
•   Маринование мяса и птицы перед приготовлением улучшает вкус. Для наилучших результатов маринуйте от 30 минут до нескольких часов или оставьте на ночь, если позволяет время.
♦   Никогда не готовьте на пару мясо, птицу или морепродукты из заморозки. Сначала дайте полностью разморозиться.
Мясо/Птица (предустановленное время: 28 мин)
Возможен белый протеиновый осадок на мясе или птице после приготовления. Это нормально.

Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteam

Советы и рекомендации
•   Можно приготовить два тонких филе рыбы на паровом лотке (10) и одну или две под, если потребуется. Заметьте, что рыба в нижней позиции приготовится несколько быстрее. Для наилучших результатов оберните рыбу фольгой.
•   Никогда не готовьте на пару морепродукты из заморозки. Сначала дайте полностью разморозиться.
•   Рекомендуемые рецепты для пароварки Вы можете найти в разделе «Рецепты к пароварке» официального блога Morphy Richards: httpsy/


Эксплуатация любого электроприбора требует соблюдения следующих базовых правил.

Пожалуйста, внимательно прочтите инструкцию перед использованием.

•   Прибор могут использовать дети от 8 лет после инструктажа по безопасному использованию и сопряженных угрозах, либо в сопровождении старших.

•   Прибор могут использовать люди с физическими, чувствительными или менталь ными ограничениями, а также люди без опыта и знаний в сопровождении или после инструктажа по безопасному использованию и связанных угрозах.

•   Очистка и обслуживание не допускается детьми, кроме детей от 8 лет в сопрово ждении старших. Дети не должны играть с прибором.

•   ВНИМАНИЕ: Неверное использование прибора может нанести травму.

•   Этот прибор имеет нагревательный элемент, который выделяет остаточное тепло после использования.

•   Держите кабель электропитания прибора вне досягаемости детей до 8 лет.

•   При повреждении кабеля электропитания, его необходимо заменить у производи теля, сервисной службы или квалифицированного специалиста.

•   Этот прибор предназначен для использования в домашнем хозяйстве: фермерских домах, постояльцами отелей, мотелей и иного жилья. Не допускается использова ние в зонах кухонь магазинов, офисов и иных рабочих пространств.

•   Не используйте на улице и рядом с водой.

•   Не помещайте непосредственно под кухонными шкафами -при использовании выделяется существенное количество пара. Не прикасайтесь во время использования к крышкам прибора.

Кабель питания

•   Кабель должен доходить от прибора до розетки без натяжения.

•   Не позволяйте кабелю свисать с края стола и держите вдали от горячих поверхностей.

•   Не позволяйте кабелю проходить на открытом пространстве, например, между низкой розеткой и столом.

Личная безопасность

■   Не касайтесь горячих поверхностей. Используйте прихватки или термостойкие перчатки, когда снимаете крышку и обращаетесь с горячими контейнерами, — будет идти горячий пар.

■   ВНИМАНИЕ: Чтобы не допустить пожар, поражения электрическим током и травм, не погружайте шнур, вилку и сам прибор в воду или иную жидкость.

■   ВНИМАНИЕ: соблюдайте крайнюю осторожность при перемещении пароварки с горячей пищей, водой и другими жидкостями.

■   Отключите от сети, если прибор не используется, перед съемом, установкой принадлежностей и перед очисткой.

■   Не включайте прибор с поврежденным проводом или вилкой после сбоев в работе, падений и любых других повреждений.
■   Не наполняйте сверх максимального уровня. Переполнение пароварки может привести к выбросу кипящей воды и ожогам.

Иные меры безопасности

■   Не используйте принадлежности и инструменты, не рекомендованные Morphy Richards, это может стать причиной пожара, удара током или травмы.

■   Открывая, наклоняйте крышку, направляя пар от себя.

■   Не используйте какие-либо части пароварки и микроволновой печи или на других варочных/разогретых поверхностях.

■   Не помещайте на или рядом с горячей газовой или электроплитой.

■   Не включайте пароварку, если в ней не содержится, по меньшей мере, 1 стакан воды, в противном случае пароварка может получить повреждения.

Всегда убеждайтесь, что вода не опустилась ниже минимального уровня.

Действия при ожогах

Немедленно промойте под холодной водой поврежденную область. Не прерывайтесь, чтобы снять одежду, вызовите медицинскую помощь.

Электрические требования

Убедитесь, что напряжение, указанное в табличке на вашем приборе, соответствует питанию вашей домашней электросети (переменное напряжение).

В случае замены предохранителя, используйте 13 amp BS1362.

ВНИМАНИЕ: Этот прибор должен быть заземлен.

Видео: Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteamplay

Видео: Система приготовления на пару Morphy Richards IntelliSteamplay



Please read and keep these instructions


Health & Safety

The use of any electrical appliance requires the following common sense safety rules.

Please read these instructions carefully before using the product.

This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.

Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children.

For care and cleaning, refer to ‘Care and Cleaning’ section.

WARNING: Misuse of appliance could cause personal injury.

The appliance has a heating element which is subject to residual heat after use.

Keep the appliance and cord out of the reach of children.

If the supply cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.

This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as: farm houses, by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments; bed and breakfast type environments. It is not suitable for use in staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments.



Do not use outdoors or near water.

Do not place directly under kitchen wall cupboards when in use, as it produces large amounts of steam. Avoid reaching over the steamer when in use.

Mains cable

The mains cable should reach from the socket to the base unit without straining the connections.

Do not let the cable hang over the edge of the table or counter and keep it away from any hot surfaces.

Do not let the cable run across an open space e.g. between a low socket and table.

The supply cord should be regularly examined for signs of damage, and if the cord is damaged, the appliance must not be used.

Personal safety

Do not touch hot surfaces. Use oven gloves or a cloth when removing the lid or handling hot containers as hot steam will escape.

WARNING:To protect against fire, electric shock and personal injury, do not immerse cord, plugs, or appliance in water or other liquid.

WARNING: Extreme caution must be used when moving the steamer when containing hot food, water, or other hot liquids.

The temperature of accessible surfaces may be high when the appliance is operating.

Appliances must not be immersed.

Unplug from the socket when not in use, before putting on or taking off attachments, and before cleaning.

Do not operate any appliance with a damaged lead or plug, or after an appliance has malfunctioned, or has been dropped or damaged in any way.

Do not fill above the maximum level. If the steamer is over-filled, boiling water may be ejected which can scald.

Other safety considerations

Do not use attachments or tools not recommended by Morphy Richards as this may cause fire, electric shock or injury.

To open, tilt the lid to direct steam away from you.

Do not use any steamer parts in a microwave or on any cooking/heated surfaces.

Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner, or in a heated oven.

Do not switch the steamer on unless it contains at least 1 cup of water, otherwise the steamer may be damaged.

Always make sure the water does not fall below the minimum level.

Treating scalds


Run cold water over the affected area immediately. Do not stop to remove clothing, get medical help quickly.

Electrical requirements

Check that the voltage on the rating plate of your

appliance corresponds with your house electricity supply which must be A.C. (Alternating Current).

Should the fuse in the mains plug require changing, a 13 amp

BS1362 fuse must be fitted.

WARNING:This appliance must be earthed.



Thank you for your recent purchase of the Intellisteam. Please read this instruction booklet carefully to ensure you get the best performance from your new product.


Health and Safety


Product Overview


Control Panel Features






Before First Use


Using Your Intellisteam


Front Container Overview


Preset Cooking Times


Pausing During Cooking


Steaming Times


Keep Warm


Removing Food From Your Intellisteam


Fitting and Removing The Dividing Wall


Refilling The Water Tank During Use


Boil Dry Alarm and Auto Shut Off


The Intellisteam Button


Saving Time Adjustments


Hints and Tips




Care and Cleaning


Using The Accessories


Cable Tidy


Adjusting The Cable Length


Steaming Guide




Contact Us








Drip Tray


Water Inlet Filler


Steam Vent


Water Tank




Water Gauge


Main Unit


Control Panel


Steam Tray


Rice Tray


Rear Container


Dividing Wall


Small Pots x2


Front Container


On/Off Button

(17)LCD Screen

(18)Rear Heater Button

(19)Front Left Heater Button

(20)Front Right Heater Button

(21)Front Dual Heater Button

(22)Food Icons

(23)Intellisteam Button

(24)Timer (Front Left Compartment)

(25)Timer (Rear Compartment)

(26)Timer (Front Right Compartment)

(27)Start/Pause Button

(28)Increase Button

(29)Decrease Button

(30)Steaming Icon

(31)Keep Warm Icon


Congratulations on your purchase of the Morphy Richards Intellisteam. Intellisteam is the perfectly synchronised meal solution that will allow you to cook healthy, balanced meals all in one product. With its versatile accessories and 3 cooking chambers you can cook proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables in different combinations as well as much, much more including sauces and desserts. Cooking couldn’t be easier with the intelligent control panel and 8 reprogrammable pre-sets, as Intellisteam manages the cooking process for you so all the elements are finished at the same time ready for you to enjoy.


Before First Use

10 Carefully remove the cooked food from your Intellisteam.

WARNING: Never immerse the Main Unit (8), power cord or

*Note: If you have selected different times for each

compartment the steaming icon will flash when each

mains plug in water.

compartment begins the steaming process. Only follow

It is important to wash all parts except the Main Unit (8) before

steps 5-7 for compartments you intend to use.The timer

first use. See ‘Care and Cleaning’ for cleaning instructions.

display (24), (25), (26) will remain at ‘00’ if not selected.


Wash the Water Tank (5) with hot soapy water and a dishcloth.

Front Container Overview

Rinse and dry.

The Front Container (15) can be used in one of


Wash the Lids (1), Drip Tray (2), Steam Tray (10), Rice Tray (11),

Small Pots x2 (14), Containers (12), (15) and Dividing Wall (13) in

two ways; as two individual cooking compartments or one

hot soapy water. Rinse and dry.

large single compartment. See ‘Fitting and Removing the

Do not use abrasive cleaning products, e.g. scouring

Dividing Wall’ for fitting of Dividing Wall (13).

To use the Front Container (15) as a single steaming

powders/pads, cream cleaners, steel wool or bleach on any part

of the product as these will damage it.

compartment, lift the Dividing Wall (13) out of the container and

Please note that when you first use your Intellisteam, you may

set aside. Follow steps 1-7 of ‘Using your Intellisteam’. Use the

Front Dual Heater Button (21) to select the steaming time.

notice some smoke/vapour emitting from the rear of the Main Unit

The Dividing Wall (13) should be stored loose when not in use.

(8), this is normal and is simply grease applied during the

manufacturing process. After using your Intellisteam a few times

Preset Cooking Times

this will stop. This is not dangerous and will not contaminate or

flavour food cooked in your Intellisteam.

Your Intellisteam features 8 preset cooking times. These are a

UsingYour Intellisteam

guide and can be adjusted using the Increase (28) and Decrease

(29) Buttons.


Fill the Water Tank (5) with cold water to the maximum level.

To cycle through the options, and select the desired preset


Fit the Drip Tray (2) to the Water Tank (5) and then place Containers

cooking time for each compartment, press the relevant Rear (18),

(12),(15) on top.

Left (19), Right (20), or Dual (21) Heater Button repeatedly.


Place the food in the Containers (12),(15). Use the Dividing Wall

Keep warm is preset at 40 minutes and cannot be increased.

(13) when required. Refer to ‘Fitting and Removing the Dividing

Wall’ to fit the Dividing Wall in the Front Container (15) to keep

Preset cooking times as follows:

food separate. Cover each Container with the Lid (1).

4Plug your Intellisteam into the mains and switch on using the On/Off Button (16) at the rear of the Main Unit (8).Your Intellisteam will beep and the LCD screen (17) will illuminate.

5To set the steaming time, press the Heater Button (18), (19), (20), (21) relating to the compartment you would like to use. Press the button repeatedly to cycle through the default steaming times and select the required food group (22).

These are the default settings, see ‘Steaming Guide’ for a guide to steaming times.

6Use the Increase (28) or Decrease (29) Buttons to adjust the cooking time (if required). Press while the relevant Timer Icon (24), (25), (26) is flashing. Repeat steps 5-6 for the other compartments (if required).

7Press the Start/Pause Button (27).Your Intellisteam will beep, the Steaming Icon (30) and selected food icons will illuminate and the display times will start counting down.

8When the timers reach zero the alarm will sound.Your Intellisteam will automatically switch to keep warm for 40 minutes (see ‘Keep Warm’ section). The timer will reset to 40 and the Keep Warm Icon

(31)will illuminate.

9When complete or when ready to serve, press the Start/Pause Button (27), and turn your Intellisteam off at the back of the unit or at the mains. Carefully lift the Lid (1) angling it away from you, to release steam safely.

WARNING: Steam can burn.

Leaf/Pod vegetables

16 minutes


30 minutes


40 minutes

Keep Warm

40 minutes


16 minutes


28 minutes


28 minutes


20 minutes

Pausing During Cooking

To pause your Intellisteam during the cooking process press the Start/Pause Button (27). The Steaming Icon (30) and Food Icons (22) will go out. To continue steaming, press the Start/Pause Button (27) again. The Steaming Icon (30) will illuminate.

Whilst your Intellisteam is paused, it is possible to amend the cooking times as detailed in steps 5-7 of ‘Using your Intellisteam’. To cancel the steaming cycle, press and hold the Start/Pause Button (27).


Morphy Richards 470006 Intellisteam Instruction Booklet PDF

Summary of Content for Morphy Richards 470006 Intellisteam Instruction Booklet PDF

FS470006MUK Rev 1

* Register online for your 2 year guarantee. See the back of this instruction book for details, (UK and Ireland customers only).

For competitions, product hints and tips and more join us at

Please read and keep these instructions for future use



FS470006MUK Rev 1.qxp_Layout 1 07/11/2019 15:48 Page 1


Location Do not use outdoors or near water. Do not place directly under kitchen wall cupboards when

in use, as it produces large amounts of steam. Avoid reaching over the steamer when in use. Mains cable

The mains cable should reach from the socket to the base unit without straining the connections.

Do not let the cable hang over the edge of the table or counter and keep it away from any hot surfaces.

Do not let the cable run across an open space e.g. between a low socket and table. Personal safety

Do not touch hot surfaces. Use oven gloves or a cloth when removing the lid or handling hot containers as hot steam will escape.

WARNING: To protect against fire, electric shock and personal injury, do not immerse cord, plugs, or appliance in water or other liquid.

WARNING: Extreme caution must be used when moving the steamer when containing hot food, water, or other hot liquids.

Appliances must not be immersed. Unplug from the socket when not in use, before putting

on or taking off attachments, and before cleaning. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged lead or

plug, or after an appliance has malfunctioned, or has been dropped or damaged in any way.

Do not fill above the maximum level. If the steamer is over-filled, boiling water may be ejected which can scald. Other safety considerations

Do not use attachments or tools not recommended by Morphy Richards as this may cause fire, electric shock or injury.

To open, tilt the lid to direct steam away from you. Do not use any steamer parts in a microwave or on any

cooking/heated surfaces. Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner, or in

a heated oven. Do not switch the steamer on unless it contains at least 1

cup of water, otherwise the steamer may be damaged. Always make sure the water does not fall below the

minimum level. Treating scalds

Run cold water over the affected area immediately. Do not stop to remove clothing, get medical help quickly. Electrical requirements Check that the voltage on the rating plate of your appliance corresponds with your house electricity supply which must be A.C. (Alternating Current). Should the fuse in the mains plug require changing, replace it with a fuse of the same rating as originally fitted.

WARNING: This appliance must be earthed.

The use of any electrical appliance requires the following common sense safety rules. Please read these instructions carefully before using the product.

This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved.

This appliance can be used by persons with reduced mental capabilities or lack of experience if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved.

Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children unless they are older than 8 and supervised. Children shall not play with the appliance.

For care and cleaning, refer to page 10. WARNING: Misuse of appliance could cause personal injury. The appliance has a heating element which is subject to residual heat after use.

Keep the appliance and cord out of the reach of children aged less than 8 years.

If the supply cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.

This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as: farm houses, by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments; bed and breakfast type environments. It is not suitable for use in staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments.

Health and Safety

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Thank you for your recent purchase of the Intellisteam. Please read this instruction booklet carefully to ensure you get the best performance from your new product.


Health and Safety ………………………………………………………………….

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….

Product Overview ………………………………………………………………….

Control Panel Features ………………………………………………………….

Overview …………………………………………………………………………………

Before First Use …………………………………………………………………….

Using Your Intellisteam ………………………………………………………….

Front Container Overview ……………………………………………………..

Preset Cooking Times ……………………………………………………………

Pausing During Cooking ……………………………………………………….

Steaming Times …………………………………………………………………….

Keep Warm …………………………………………………………………………..

Removing Food From Your Intellisteam ………………………………….

Fitting and Removing The Dividing Wall ………………………………….

Refilling The Water Tank During Use ……………………………………….

Boil Dry Alarm and Auto Shut Off …………………………………………..

The Intellisteam Button …………………………………………………………

Saving Time Adjustments ………………………………………………………

Hints and Tips ……………………………………………………………………….

Care and Cleaning ………………………………………………………………..

Descaling ……………………………………………………………………………..

Using The Accessories ………………………………………………………….

Cable Tidy ……………………………………………………………………………..

Adjusting The Cable Length …………………………………………………..

Steaming Guide …………………………………………………………………….

Recipes ………………………………………………………………………………..

Contact Us ……………………………………………………………………………

Notes ……………………………………………………………………………………

Guarantee …………………………………………………………………………….

Contents 2





























FS470006MUK Rev 1.qxp_Layout 1 07/11/2019 15:48 Page 3



(1) Lid

(2) Drip Tray

(3) Water Inlet Filler

(4) Steam Vent

(5) Water Tank

(6) Element

(7) Water Gauge

(8) Main Unit

(9) Control Panel (see page 5)

(10) Steam Tray

(11) Rice Tray

(12) Rear Container

(13) Dividing Wall

(14) Small Pots x2

(15) Front Container

(16) On/Off Button

Product Overview



















FS470006MUK Rev 1.qxp_Layout 1 07/11/2019 15:48 Page 4



(17) LCD Screen

(18) Rear Heater Button

(19) Front Left Heater Button

(20) Front Right Heater Button

(21) Front Dual Heater Button

(22) Food Icons

(23) Intellisteam Button

(24) Timer (Front Left Compartment)

(25) Timer (Rear Compartment)

(26) Timer (Front Right Compartment)

(27) Start/Pause Button

(28) Increase Button

(29) Decrease Button

(30) Steaming Icon

(31) Keep Warm Icon

Control Panel





23 24 25 26 27 22



Leaf/Pod Veg 16 mins

Sauce 30 mins

Rice 40 mins

Keep Warm 40 mins

Eggs 16 mins

Root Vegetables 35 mins

Poultry 28 mins

Fish 20 mins



31 22

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Fit the Drip Tray (2) to the Water Tank (5) and then place Containers (12),(15) on top.

Using Your Intellisteam


Fill the Water Tank (5) with cold water to the maximum level.


Place the food in the Containers (12),(15). Use the Dividing Wall (13) when required. Refer to page 9 to fit the Dividing Wall in the Front Container (15) to keep food separate. Cover each Container with the Lid (1).


Plug your Intellisteam into the mains and switch on using the On/Off Button (16) at the rear of the Main Unit (8). Your Intellisteam will beep and the LCD screen (17) will illuminate.

WARNING: Never immerse the Main Unit (8), power cord or mains plug in water.

It is important to wash all parts except the Main Unit (8) before first use. See page 10 for cleaning instructions.

1. Wash the Water Tank (5) with hot soapy water and a dishcloth. Rinse and dry. 2. Wash the Lids (1), Drip Tray (2), Steam Tray (10), Rice Tray (11), Small Pots x2 (14), Containers (12), (15) and

Dividing Wall (13) in hot soapy water. Rinse and dry.

Do not use abrasive cleaning products, e.g. scouring powders/pads, cream cleaners, steel wool or bleach on any part of the product as these will damage it.

Please note that when you first use your Intellisteam, you may notice some smoke/vapour emitting from the rear of the Main Unit (8), this is normal and is simply grease applied during the manufacturing process. After using your Intellisteam a few times this will stop. This is not dangerous and will not contaminate or flavour food cooked in your Intellisteam.

Before First Use

Congratulations on your purchase of the Morphy Richards Intellisteam. Intellisteam is the perfectly synchronised meal solution that will allow you to cook healthy, balanced meals all in one product. With its versatile accessories and 3 cooking chambers you can cook proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables in different combinations as well as much, much more including sauces and desserts. Cooking couldnt be easier with the intelligent control panel and 8 reprogrammable pre-sets, as Intellisteam manages the cooking process for you so all the elements are finished at the same time ready for you to enjoy.


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To set the steaming time, press the Heater Button (18), (19), (20), (21) relating to the compartment you would like to use. Press the button repeatedly to cycle through the default steaming times and select the required food icon (22).

These are the default settings, see page 12 for a guide to steaming times.


Use the Increase (28) or Decrease (29) Buttons to adjust the cooking time (if required). Press while the relevant Timer Icon (24), (25), (26) is flashing. Repeat steps 5-6 for the other compartments (if required).

Using Your Intellisteam (Continued)


Press the Start/Pause Button (27). Your Intellisteam will beep, the Steaming Icon (30) and selected food icons will illuminate and the display times will start counting down.


When the timers reach zero the alarm will sound. Your Intellisteam will automatically switch to keep warm for 40 minutes (see page 8). The timer will reset to 40 and the Keep Warm Icon (31) will illuminate.


When complete or when ready to serve, press the Start/Pause Button (27), and turn your Intellisteam off at the back of the unit or at the mains. Carefully lift the Lid (1) angling it away from you, to release steam safely. WARNING: Steam can burn.


Carefully remove the cooked food from your Intellisteam.

*Note: If you have selected different times for each compartment the steaming icon will flash when each compartment begins the steaming process. Only follow steps 5-7 for compartments you intend to use. The timer display (24), (25), (26) will remain at 00 if not selected.

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The Front Container (15) can be used in one of two ways; as two individual cooking compartments or one large single compartment. See page 9 for fitting of Dividing Wall (13).

To use the Front Container (15) as a single steaming compartment, lift the Dividing Wall (13) out of the container and set aside. Follow steps 1-7 of Using your Intellisteam. Use the Front Dual Heater Button (21) to select the steaming time.

The Dividing Wall (13) should be stored loose when not in use.

Your Intellisteam features 8 preset cooking times. These are a guide and can be adjusted using the Increase (28) and Decrease (29) Buttons.

To cycle through the options, and select the desired preset cooking time for each compartment, press the relevant Rear (18), Left (19), Right (20), or Dual (21) Heater Button repeatedly.

Keep warm is preset at 40 minutes and cannot be increased.

Preset cooking times as follows:

Leaf/Pod vegetables — 16 minutes

Sauce — 30 minutes

Rice — 40 minutes

Keep Warm — 40 minutes

Eggs — 16 minutes

Root Vegetables — 28 minutes

Poultry — 28 minutes

Fish — 20 minutes

To pause your Intellisteam during the cooking process press the Start/Pause Button (27). The Steaming Icon (30) and Food Icons (22) will go out. To continue steaming, press the Start/Pause Button (27) again. The Steaming Icon (30) will illuminate.

Whilst your Intellisteam is paused, it is possible to amend the cooking times as detailed in steps 5-7 of Using your Intellisteam. To cancel the steaming cycle, press and hold the Start/Pause Button (27).

Your Intellisteam has been designed so that all food is ready at the same time. When the steaming process begins, the timer will automatically start counting down from the longest cooking time so all the food in your Intellisteam completes cooking at the same time.

When cooking has finished, the alarm will sound and the keep warm function will start automatically for 40 minutes. To stop, press the Start/Pause Button (27) once. After 40 minutes the keep warm function will automatically turn off. Whilst Intellisteam is in keep warm mode, the Keep Warm Icon (31) will appear on the LCD screen (17).

Always check there is water in the Water Tank (5) when using the keep warm function. To check the water level, use the external Water Gauge (7) and fill using the external Water Inlet Filler (3).

WARNING: Use oven gloves to remove the Lids (1) and Containers (12),(15), ensure the Lids are tilted to direct the steam away from you. Do not remove the Drip Tray (2) until it has completely cooled.

When cooking noodles or pasta in the Rice Tray (11), take extra care when draining liquid after cooking.

Front Container Overview

Preset Cooking Times

Pausing During Cooking

Keep Warm

Removing Food From Your Intellisteam

Steaming Times

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Plastic Containers: Slide the Dividing Wall (13) into place.

Stainless Steel Containers: Insert the Dividing Wall (13) at an angle and twist into place.

The Dividing Wall (13) should be stored loose when not in use.

If steaming for a long period, it may be necessary to add extra water. Use the Water Inlet Filler (3) to refill the Water Tank (5) during cooking.

Carefully pour cold water into the Water Inlet Filler (3) using a jug.

When the water level is lower than the MIN level on the Water Gauge (7), beeping will sound continuously.

If this happens mid steam cycle it will automatically shut off, stopping the cooking process.

If this occurs you should press the Start/Pause Button (27) once to silence the beeping and place in pause mode. Refill the Water Tank (5) with water as soon as possible via the Water Inlet Filler (3) as detailed above. Press the Start/Pause Button (27) once more to resume cooking.

You can use your Intellisteam to start the steaming of all compartments at the same time. This will enable you to take out cooked food as required whilst leaving food in other compartments to continue cooking.

1. Follow steps 1-6 of Using your Intellisteam as required.

2. Press the Intellisteam Button (23). This will turn off the Intellisteam light. Press Start/Pause Button (27).

3. When the timer reaches zero on a particular compartment it will automatically switch to keep warm. Remove the food as required.

4. Other compartments will continue to steam until the timer shows zero.

To save your personal time adjustments for future use, hold down the Start/Pause Button (27) for three seconds. One double beep will sound, indicating steaming has begun, the second double beep indicates your time adjustments have been saved.

Reverting Back to Preset Times

Press and hold both the Intellisteam Button (23) and the Start/Pause Button (27) together for two seconds until a beep is heard. Intellisteam is now returned to the original presets.

Saving Time Adjustments

Boil Dry Alarm and Shut Off

The Intellisteam Button

Fitting and Removing the Dividing Wall

Refilling the Water Tank During Use

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Cook meat, poultry, fish, shellfish and fruit in foil as this retains juices. To prevent skin on fish from sticking, lightly grease foil first.

The Containers (12) (15) will become hot. Take care when removing the Lids (1) to avoid steam.

Use tongs where practical to remove food wrapped in foil from the container.

Handle the Small Pots (14) and Rice Tray (11) carefully when hot and full of liquid.

The recipes provided serve two portions.

The cooking guide provides information for up to 4 portions of most foods. Do be prepared to adjust the timings when you are familiar with your steamer to suit personal preference.

Use the Front Container (15) with the Dividing Wall (13) for single portions and use the Rear Container (12) when cooking 2, 3 or 4 portions of food.

Do not crowd food in the Containers (12) (15) or Rice Tray (11). Arrange food with spaces between pieces to allow for maximum steam flow.

For best results use pieces of food that are similar in size. As a guide, cut potatoes/ sweet potatoes into rough chunks of 30mm, swede, celeriac and butternut squash into approximately 20mm chunks. Cut leeks, courgettes and carrots into roughly 10mm thick rounds, onion into 10mm slices.

If pieces of food vary in size and layering is required, place smaller pieces on top.

WARNING: Never immerse the Main Unit (8), power cord or mains plug in water.

1. Unplug from the wall socket and leave the appliance to cool completely before cleaning.

2. Do not clean any part of the unit with abrasive cleaners e.g. scouring powders, pads, steel wool or bleach.

3. Wipe out the Water Tank (5) and, if required, follow the descaling instructions.

4. Wash the Lid (1), Drip Tray (2), Steam Tray (10), Rice Tray (11), Containers (12) (15), Small Pots x2 (14) and Dividing Wall (13) in warm water and washing-up liquid. Rinse and dry.

Alternatively, place in the dishwasher on cool or eco cycle.

5. The Dividing Wall (13) should be stored loose when not in use.

Occasionally, you may need to remove mineral deposits (known as descaling) from the Water Tank (5). This is normal and will depend on the degree of hardness of the water in your area. If you notice a slowing in steam production, or a lengthening of steaming times, you should descale the steaming system using a mild descaling solution and follow instructions for food steamers.

Alternatively, fill the Water Tank to the maximum level with boiling water. Add two sachets of descaling solution and fit the Drip Tray. Set the steaming time to 40 minutes for each Element (6) and press the Start/Pause Button (27). Ventilate the room well. Repeat as necessary, then wash the Water Tank and Drip Tray with hot soapy water and a dishcloth, rinse and dry.

WARNING: Do not attempt to move the Intellisteam until the Water Tank is completely cold.

Your Intellisteam is supplied with a Steam Tray (10), a Rice Tray (11) and Small Pots x2 (14).

Use the Steam Tray (10) when cooking fish fillets in foil. The Steam Tray can be placed directly into either the Front (15) or Rear (12) Container in its high position. If necessary, fish fillets may be cooked in foil underneath the Steam Tray also.

The Rice Tray (11) is ideal for cooking rice, pasta, noodles and grains. A little water is added when cooking these foods. See the Steaming Guide on page 14 for recommended quantities, hints and tips.

Hints and Tips Descaling

Care and Cleaning

Using the Accessories

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The Small Pots (14) may be used when cooking 1-2 eggs, for sauces and single portions of rice, noodles, pasta etc.

See page 9 for fitting of Dividing Wall (13).

In order to help with storage there is an inbuilt cable tidy.

1. Separate the Main Unit (8 ) from the other components and turn upside down.

2. Following the arrow, wrap the cable around clockwise ensuring the cable is in the cable recess.

3. Once you have wrapped the cable back to the starting point, turn the plug back on itself and plug it into plug socket provided.

If you would like to reduce the operating cable length it is possible to do so by using the plug socket recess under the Main Unit (8 ).

1. Where the cable exits the product, coil it in the plug socket recess until your cable is at your desired length. You may find it easier coiling anti clockwise.

2. Secure the cable by pushing into the cable recess and cable exit at the back of the product.

Cable Tidy

Adjusting the Cable Length

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Steaming times and portion sizes stated below are a guide only. Times may vary depending on the size of the food, the spacing of the food in the Containers (12), (15) the freshness of food and personal preference. As you become familiar with the steamer, adjust cooking times as required. Steaming times are for the quantities stated in the guide, for larger or smaller quantities adjust the time accordingly.

Steaming Guide

Leaf and Pod Vegetables (preset time: 16 mins)

Food Type 1 Portion 2 Portions 3 Portions 4 Portions Hints and Tips


Beans Broad beans

Beans Fine green beans

Beans Runner beans

Broccoli florets

Broccoli Tender stem

10 mins 60g/2oz

15 mins 50g/2oz

15 mins 50g/ 2oz

15 mins 60g/ 2oz

12 mins 60g/2oz

12 mins 50g/ 2oz

10 mins 120g/5oz

15 mins 100g/4oz

15 mins 100g/4oz

15 mins 120g/ 5oz

14-15 mins 120g/5oz

12 mins 100g/4oz

11 mins 180g/6oz

15 mins 150g/6oz

15 mins 150g/6oz

15 mins 180g/6oz

16-17 mins 180g/6oz

13 mins 150g/6oz

12 mins 240g/8oz

15 mins 200g/7oz

15 mins 200g/7oz

16 mins 240g/8oz

18 mins 240g/8oz

13 mins 200g/7oz

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Leaf and Pod Vegetables (preset time: 16 mins) Continued

Food Type 1 Portion 2 Portions 3 Portions 4 Portions Hints and Tips


Cauliflower florets





Pak choi

Peas (fresh)

Peas (frozen)


Spinach Baby leaves



Sweetcorn (canned)

Sweetcorn (frozen kernels)

12 mins 50g/ 2oz

15 mins 100g/4oz

13 mins 60g/2oz

12 mins 50g/2oz

15 mins 70g/3oz

8 mins 50g/2oz

10 mins 80g/3oz

10 mins 60g/2oz

10 mins 60g/2oz

12 mins 80g/3oz

10 mins 60g/2oz

15 mins 100g/4oz

13 mins 75g/3oz

7 mins 80g/3oz

12-14 mins 80g/3oz

12 mins 100g/4oz

15 mins 200g/7oz

13 mins 120g/5oz

12 mins 100g/4oz

15 mins 140g/6oz

8 mins 100g/4oz

11 mins 160g/6oz

10 mins 120g/5oz

10 mins 120g/5oz

12 mins 160g/6oz

10 mins 120g/5oz

21 mins 200g/7oz

14 mins 150g/6oz

8 mins 160g/6oz

14 mins 160g/6oz

13 mins 150g/6oz

15 mins 300g/10oz

13 mins 180g/6oz

15-16 mins 150g/6oz

17 mins 210g/7oz

9 mins 150g/6oz

11 mins 240g/8oz

10 mins 180g/6oz

11 mins 180g/6oz

12 mins 240g/8oz

10 mins 180g/6oz

22 mins 300g/10oz

15 mins 225g/8oz

8 mins 240g/8oz

15 mins 240g/8oz

13 mins 200g/7oz

15 mins 400g/14oz

13 mins 240g/8oz

18 mins 200g/7oz

19 mins 280g/9oz

9 mins 200g/7oz

12 mins 320g/10oz

12 mins 240g/8oz

11 mins 240g/8oz

12 mins 320g/10oz

10 mins 240g/8oz

22 mins 400g/14oz

16 mins 300g/10oz

9 mins 320g/10oz

16 mins 320g/10oz

Roughly chop before cooking

Approximately 10mm rounds

Roughly chop before cooking

Approximately 10mm rounds

Roughly cut leaves, stalks to be sliced approximately 10mm thick

Chunks roughly 30 x 30 mm

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Food Type 1 Portion 2 Portions 3 Portions 4 Portions Hints and Tips

Easy cook white rice

Easy cook brown rice

White basmati rice

Brown basmati rice

White long grain rice

Bulgur wheat




Whole wheat pasta

Egg noodles

Ready to wok noodles

Rice noodles

Whole wheat noodles

30 mins 75g/3oz

40-42 mins 75g/3oz

25 mins 75g/3oz

45 mins 75g/3oz

30-31 mins 75g/3oz

16 mins 30g/1oz

15 mins 35g/1oz

25 mins 30g/1oz

30 mins 75g/3oz

30 mins 75g/3oz

20 mins 1 sheet 60g/2oz

16 mins 1 pack 150g/6oz

15 mins 1 pack 150g/6oz

22 mins 1 nest 50g/2oz

31 mins 150g/6oz

44 mins 150g/6oz

25-26 mins 150g/6oz

47 mins 150g/6oz

31-32 mins 150g/6oz

18 mins 60g/2oz

19 mins 70g/2oz

27 mins 60g/2oz

32 mins 150g/6oz

31 mins 150g/6oz

20 mins 2 sheets 120g/5oz

16 mins 2 packs 300g/10oz

15 mins 2 packs 300g/10oz

22 mins 2 nests 100g/4oz

32 mins 225g/8oz

46 mins 225g/8oz

27 mins 225g/8oz

49 mins 225g/8oz

31- 32 mins 225g/8oz

19 mins 90g/3oz

20 mins 105g/4oz

28 mins 90g/3oz

Too large to fit in the Rice Tray

Too large to fit in the Rice Tray

22 mins 3 sheets 180g/7oz

17 mins 3 packs 450g/17oz

17 mins 3 packs 450g/17oz

22 mins 3 nests 150g/6oz

40 mins 300g/10oz

48 mins 300g/10oz

28 mins 300g/10oz

51 mins 300g/10oz

31-32 mins 300g/10oz

20 mins 120g/4oz

21 mins 140g/5oz

29 mins 120g/4oz

Too large to fit in the Rice Tray

Too large to fit in the Rice Tray

Too large to fit in the Rice Tray

Too large to fit in the Rice Tray

Too large to fit in the Rice Tray

Too large to fit in the Rice Tray

Add 100ml cold water per 75g portion of rice and stir

Add 100ml cold water per 75g portion of rice and stir

Add 100ml cold water per 75g portion of rice and stir

Add 100ml cold water per 75g portion of rice and stir

Add 100ml cold water per 75g portion of rice and stir

Add 30ml cold water per 30g portion

Add 30ml cold water per 35g portion

Add 75ml boiling water per 30g portion. Drain if required after cooking, fork up and leave to stand 10 mins

Ensure water covers pasta

Ensure water covers pasta

Ensure boiling water covers noodles. For 1 portion in a Small Pot, break up noodles first to fit.

Gently separate, add 1 tbsp cold water per portion and stir

Gently separate, add 1 tbsp cold water per portion and stir

Ensure boiling water covers noodles.

Rice/Grains/Pasta/Noodles (preset time: 40 mins)

Hints and Tips Rinse rice and grains such as couscous, quinoa and bulgur wheat under cold running water prior to

cooking. Using boiling water for noodles, pasta, rice and other grains reduces the recommended cooking times by

about two minutes. Gently separate ready to wok and rice noodles before cooking in the Rice Tray as they will cook more

quickly than when used straight from the packet. Similarly before cooking a single portion of ready to wok or egg noodles in the Small Pot (14), it will be necessary to lightly break them up so that they fit.

Use a good quality brand when cooking pasta.

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Eggs (preset time: 16 mins) The timings are for medium size hens eggs.

Food Type 1 Portion 2 Portions 3 Portions 4 Portions Hints and Tips

Soft boiled

Hard boiled

12 mins x1

20 mins x1

12 mins x2

20 mins x2

12 mins x3

20 mins x3

12 mins x4

20-22 mins x4

Use Rice Tray (11). 2 eggs may also be cooked in Small Pot (14) for 14 minutes in Front Container (15).

Use Rice Tray (11). 2 eggs may also be cooked in a Small Pot (14) for 22 mins in Front Container (15).


Food Type 1 Portion 2 Portions 3 Portions 4 Portions Hints and Tips

Dessert apples


15 mins x1

21 mins x1

15 mins x2

22 mins x2

20-21 mins x3

22 mins x3

21-22 mins x4

22 mins x4

Peel, core and cut into approximately 10mm thick slices and cook in foil. Add a little lemon juice to prevent browning.

Peel, halve and core before cooking in foil. Add a little lemon juice to prevent browning.

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Root Vegetables (preset time: 28 mins)

Food Type 1 Portion 2 Portions 3 Portions 4 Portions Hints and Tips

Butternut squash



New potatoes

Old potatoes




Sweetcorn (whole cobs)

Sweet potatoes

10-12 mins 100g/4oz

25 mins 100g/4oz

30 mins 100g/4oz

21 mins 180g/6oz

23-25 mins 180g/6oz

18 mins 50g/2oz

24 mins 100g/4oz

20-21 mins 100g/4oz

21 mins 180g/6oz

14 mins 200g/7oz

26 mins 200g/7oz

30 mins 200g/7oz

24-25 mins 350g/12oz

24-25 mins 350g/12oz

18 mins 100g/4oz

24 mins 200g/7oz

22 mins 200g/7oz

21 mins 350g/12oz

16 mins 300g/10oz

26-27 mins 300g/10oz

30 mins 300g/10oz

25-26 mins 530g/19oz

24-26 mins 530g/19oz

20 mins 150g/6oz

24 mins 300g/10oz

24 mins 300g/10oz

23-24 mins 530g/19oz

18 mins 400g/14oz

28-30 mins 400g/14oz

32 mins 400g/14oz

26-28 mins 760g/27oz

28-30 mins 760g/27oz

22 mins 200g/7oz

24 mins 400g/14oz

25 mins 400g/14oz

25-26 mins 760g/27oz

Cut into approximately 20mm chunks

Cut into 10mm rounds

Cut into approximately 20mm chunks

Cut into approximately 30mm chunks

Sliced, approx. 10mm thick

Cut into chunks approx. 60mm x 30mm

Cut into approximately 20mm chunks

Cut into approximately 30mm chunks

30-32 mins for 1 whole cob 250g/9oz

30-32 mins for 2 whole cobs 500g/18oz

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Food Type 1 Portion 2 Portions 3 Portions 4 Portions Hints and Tips

Chicken breast whole, skinless and boneless

Duck breast whole, skinless and boneless

Chicken drumsticks

Turkey breast steak

20 mins x1 150g/6oz

20 mins x1 120g/5oz

40 mins x2 200g/7oz

12 mins x1 100g/4oz

23 mins x2 300g/11oz

23 mins x2 240g/8oz

48 mins x4 400g/14oz

13 mins x2 200g/7oz

29 mins x3 450g/16oz

29 mins x3 360g/12oz

50 mins x6 600g/21oz

15 mins x3 300g/10oz

32 mins x4 600g/21oz

32 mins x4 480g/16oz

50 mins x8 800g/28oz

20 mins x4 400g/14oz

Wrap in single layer of foil to retain juices

Wrap in single layer of foil to retain juices

Wrap in single layer of foil to retain juices

Wrap in foil to retain juices.

Meat/Poultry (preset time: 28 mins) White protein residue on meat and poultry may be apparent after cooking. This is normal.

Hints and Tips

Marinating meat and poultry before cooking, improves flavour. For best results marinate for a minimum of 30 minutes or several hours or overnight if time permits.

Never steam meat or poultry or seafood from frozen. Allow to thaw completely first.

Food Type 1 Portion 2 Portions 3 Portions 4 Portions Hints and Tips

Thick fillet of fish

Thin fillet of fish

Whole fish, cleaned


King prawns (raw)


17 mins 130g/5oz

14 mins 100g/4oz

11 mins 250g/9oz

7 mins 100g/4oz

6 mins x3 70g/3oz

20 mins 260g/9oz

15-16 mins 200g/7oz

12 mins 500g/18oz

9 mins 200g/7oz

7 mins x6 150g/5oz

22 mins 390g/13oz

17 mins 300g/10oz

15 mins 750g/27oz

12 mins 300g/10oz

7 mins x9 230g/8oz

25 mins 520g/18oz

21 minutes 400g/14oz

17 mins 1kg/36oz

15-16 mins 400g/14oz

9 mins x12 300g/10oz

Wrap in single layer of foil to retain juices

Wrap in single layer of foil in Steam Tray (10). For 3 and 4 fillets, place fish in foil on top of and below tray.

Wrap in foil to retain juices. Use Steam Tray (10).

Wrap in foil to retain juices.

Wrap in foil to retain juices.

Fish/Shellfish (preset time: 20 mins)

21 mins for 1 whole fish 250g/9oz

Hints and Tips

It is possible to cook two thin fish fillets on the Steam Tray (10) and one or two under it if required. Be aware that the fish in the lower position will cook slightly more quickly. Wrap the fish in foil for best results.

Never steam fish or seafood from frozen. Allow to thaw completely first.

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The recipes in this book have been developed and tested by Morphy Richards specifically for your Intellisteam. They include healthy meals for two people complete with sides such as vegetables and rice. In addition there are a selection of desserts when you fancy a treat. The cooking times for the recipes are a guide and will be affected by the size and freshness of the ingredients used.

Always ensure food is thoroughly cooked before serving.

Recipes serve 2 people. If you reduce the portion sizes, please adjust the cooking times as appropriate.


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Method: 1 Lightly grease a piece of foil big enough to make a parcel,

then place the fish on it side by side. Add a 2g knob of butter to each, add the thyme sprigs and season with salt and pepper, then seal the foil parcel and place in the Rear Container, leaving room on one side for the Small Pot.

2 Next make the sauce: put 25g butter, lemon zest and juice and the thyme leaves into the Small Pot and place next to the fish.

3 Position the Dividing Wall in the Front Container. Put the potatoes into one compartment. Mix the leek, carrot and beans together and put in the other compartment. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

4 Set the time for the fish and sauce using the fish preset (20 mins). Adjust to 19 minutes. Set the time for the potatoes using the root vegetables preset (28 mins), adjust to 25 minutes. Set the time for the vegetables using the leaf and pod vegetables preset (16 minutes) and adjust to 15 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

Ingredients: 2 x 140g thick cod fillets

4g butter

2 small fresh thyme sprigs

A little salt and freshly ground black pepper

Sauce: 25g butter

Finely grated zest and juice of half a lemon

tbsp fresh thyme leaves

Vegetables: 350g small new potatoes

100g leek thinly sliced

50g carrot sliced into fine strips

75g fine green beans, trimmed and halved

Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 25 minutes Serves: 2

Steamed Cod with Lemon and Thyme Dressing and Vegetables

Fish/Shellfish Recipes

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Method: 1 Brush a piece of foil with tsp oil then put salmon onto it,

brush with the remaining oil and sprinkle with the sesame seeds. Form a parcel and place in the Rear Container leaving room for a Small Pot.

2 Gently break up the noodles and place in the Small Pot. Mix the water and stock powder together and add to the noodles. Place in the Rear Container next to the fish.

3 Position the Dividing Wall in the Front Container. Mix the vegetables together and put into one compartment.

4 Make the sauce: pour coconut milk into a Small Pot and stir in the sweet chilli sauce, ginger and coriander. Place the Pot in the other compartment. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

5 Set the time for the fish and noodles using the fish preset (20 minutes), adjust to 19 minutes, set the time for the vegetables using the leaf and pod preset (16 minutes), adjust to 14 minutes. Set the time for the sauce using the sauce preset (30 minutes) and then press the Start/Pause Button.

6 When ready, stir the noodles before serving.

Ingredients: 2 x 130g salmon fillets

1 tsp sesame oil

1 tsp sesame seeds

Noodles: 1 x 150g sachet medium ready to

wok noodles

2 tbsp boiling water

tsp vegetable stock powder

Vegetables: 75g sugar snap peas, halved

35g spring onions, thinly sliced

60g carrot, cut into strips

Sauce: 150ml light coconut milk

1 tbsp sweet chilli sauce

tsp fresh ginger, finely grated

1 tbsp coriander leaves, chopped

Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Serves: 2

Sesame Salmon Noodles and Steamed Greens with Coconut Milk and Sweet Chilli Sauce

Method: 1 Remove the Dividing Wall from the Front Container and put

the eggs in a Small Pot in one side. In the other side put the fish in a foil parcel.

2 Rinse the rice under cold running water and then drain and place in the Rice Tray with the onion, curry powder, salt and water. Stir the mixture and then place into the Rear Container. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

3 Set the time for the rice using the rice preset (40 minutes) adjust to 31 minutes. Use the Front Dual Heater Button to set the time for the fish and eggs using the fish preset (20 minutes). Press the Start/Pause Button.

4 When ready, immediately plunge the eggs into a bowl of cold water. Leave for a minute then peel and roughly chop. Leave the rice to keep warm, while you remove the fish skin and flake the fish.

5 Add the eggs and fish to the rice and gently stir, add the chopped parsley and then serve immediately with a squeeze of lemon, salad and crusty bread.

Ingredients: 2 x 140g thick smoked haddock fillets

2 medium eggs

Rice: 150g easy cook long grain rice

50g onion, very finely chopped,

level tsp hot curry powder,

Good pinch salt

200ml water

To Serve: 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley, lemon


Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 31 minutes Serves: 2


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Method: 1 Fit the Dividing Wall in the Front Container. Make a foil parcel

for the prawns and put into one compartment. Put the peas into the Small Pot and put in the other side.

2 Put the rice and onion in the Rice Tray, add the wine and stir.

3 Sprinkle on the stock powder, lemon juice and zest, season with a little pepper and stir again then dot the butter evenly on the surface.

4 Add the water to the rice mixture and stir well. Place the Rice Tray into the Rear Container and cover both Containers with the Lids.

5 Set the time for the rice using the rice preset (40 minutes). Set the time for the prawns using the fish preset (20 minutes) and adjust to 9 minutes. Set the time for the peas using the leaf and pod preset (16 minutes) and adjust to 19 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

6 When ready, first remove the prawns from the container to stop them cooking any more. Stir the rice, add the prawns with 2 tbsp of the prawn juices. Drain the peas of any liquid, then stir them into the rice. Adjust the seasoning if necessary and then serve the risotto with a sprinkling of chopped parsley.

Ingredients: 165g raw king prawns

100g frozen peas

Rice: 150g Arborio risotto rice

100g onion, very finely chopped

6 tbsp dry white wine

2 level tsp vegetable stock powder

Zest and juice lemon

A little salt and freshly ground black pepper

25g unsalted butter

250ml boiling water

Garnish: Chopped fresh parsley

Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 40 minutes Serves: 2

Prawn and Pea Risotto

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Method: 1 Prepare the sauce first: put the tomatoes into a bowl and pour

boiling water over them. When the skin splits, remove it and discard. Cut open the tomatoes and discard the seeds and core.

2 Finely chop the tomato flesh and mix with a crushed garlic clove, the parsley, olive oil and a little salt and pepper.

3 Lightly grease a piece of foil and lay the two fish fillets on it side by side. Spoon the tomato mixture over them and make into a parcel. Place in the Rear Container on the Steam Tray in its high position.

4 Put the Dividing Wall into the Front Container. Put the peas, onion and crushed garlic into a Small Pot with the vegetable stock powder and water. Put into one side. In the other, put the new potatoes. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

5 Set time for fish using fish preset (20 minutes). Set time for peas using the leaf and pod preset (16 minutes) and adjust to 30 minutes. Set the time for the potatoes using the root vegetables preset (28 minutes) and adjust to 25 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

6 When ready drain the liquid from the peas and serve the fish with a little fresh lemon.

Ingredients: 2 x 100g sea bass fillets

Sauce: 180g ripe fresh tomatoes

clove garlic, crushed

1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

tsp olive oil

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Vegetables: 120g frozen peas

30g onion, very finely chopped

1 clove garlic, crushed

level tsp vegetable stock powder

50ml water

350g new potatoes

To Serve: Fresh lemon

Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Serves: 2

Sea Bass Fillets with Fresh Tomato and Herb Sauce, Peas with Garlic and New Potatoes

Method: 1 Prepare the broth first: divide the ingredients equally between

the two Small Pots, stir gently and then put them into the Front Container with the Dividing Wall removed.

2 Make sure the cleaned mussels are all fully closed (tap gently on a chopping board). Discard any that remain open or any with damaged shells.

3 Put the mussels into the Rear Container. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

4 Set the time for the mussels using the fish preset (20 minutes) and adjust to 12 minutes. Set the time for the sauce using the sauce preset (30 minutes) and the Front Dual Heater Button and adjust to 24 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

5 When ready, discard any mussels that have not opened. Serve the mussels with the broth poured over them, sprinkled with a little extra chopped parsley, lemon wedges and some fresh bread for dipping.

Ingredients: 500g fresh mussels, cleaned with

beard removed

Broth: 1 shallot, very finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, crushed

30g unsalted butter

Zest of 1 lemon

3 tbsp lemon juice

250ml dry white wine

1 tbsp chopped parsley

A little salt and freshly ground black pepper

To Serve: Chopped parsley, lemon wedges,

good bread

Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 24 minutes Serves: 2 as a starter

Macs Fresh Mussels with a Garlic and White Wine Broth

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Meat Recipes

Method: 1 Prepare the marinade for the meat first: mix the olive oil,

orange juice, spices and coriander in a shallow dish and season with a little salt and pepper.

2 Place the sliced lamb in the dish and turn so that it is evenly coated. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, longer if possible.

3 When ready to cook, discard any liquid marinade and put the meat into a foil parcel. Remove the Dividing Wall from the Front Container and put the parcel in.

4 Put the couscous in the Rice Tray and add the onion, apricots, almonds and stock powder. Season with a little salt and pepper and add the water and stir. Put into the Rear Container and cover both Containers with the Lids.

5 Set the time for the couscous using the rice preset (40 minutes) and adjust to 24 minutes. Set the time for the meat using the poultry preset (28 minutes) and adjust to 30 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

6 Meanwhile make the salsa: put all the ingredients into a small serving bowl and mix well.

7 When ready to serve, fluff the couscous up with a fork, check the seasoning and serve the meat with the juices poured over. Garnish with a few sprigs of watercress and serve the salsa.

Ingredients: 300g lamb leg steaks, cut into thin


Marinade: 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 tbsp fresh orange juice

1 level tsp cumin

level tsp turmeric

2 level tsp harissa paste

5g fresh coriander, chopped

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Couscous: 140g couscous, rinsed and drained

50g red onion, finely chopped

75g ready to eat soft dried apricots, chopped

35g almonds, roughly chopped

level tsp vegetable stock powder

A little salt and freshly ground black pepper

120ml water

Salsa: 2 medium oranges, peeled, and finely


Juice of half an orange

10g red onion, finely chopped

2g coriander leaves, chopped

Garnish: Watercress

Preparation time: 30 minutes, plus marinating time Cooking time: 30 minutes Serves: 2

Moroccan Lamb with Fruit and Nut Couscous and Orange and Coriander Salsa

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Method: 1 Prepare the sauce first: In a bowl, mix the onion, garlic, chilli,

chorizo and parsley with the passata and add a little freshly ground black pepper.

2 Remove the Dividing Wall from the Front Container. Divide the tomato sauce equally between the two Small Pots and place in the Front Container.

3 Put the penne into the Rice Tray, cover with boiling water, stir and then carefully place in the Rear Container. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

4 Set time for penne using rice preset (40 minutes) and adjust to 29 minutes. Set time for sauce using the Front Dual Heater Button and sauce preset (30 minutes), adjust to 45 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

5 When ready, carefully drain the penne, then return to the Rice Tray. Pour over the sauce, adjust the seasoning if necessary and serve sprinkled with a little Parmesan cheese.

Ingredients: 150g whole wheat penne

Sauce: 50g onion, very finely chopped

1 garlic clove, crushed

7g green chilli, very finely chopped with seeds

75g chorizo, chopped

3 tbsp parsley, chopped

500g tomato passata

Freshly ground black pepper

To Serve: Parmesan cheese, garlic bread

Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes Serves: 2

Whole Wheat Penne with a Chilli Chorizo Sauce

Poultry/Chicken Recipes

Method: 1 Mix the yogurt, spice marinade and coriander in a

non-metallic bowl and stir in the chicken. Season with a little salt and pepper, cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

2 Rinse the rice under cold running water and then place into the Rice Tray. Add the water. Stir in the vegetable stock powder and add the lemon zest and cardamom pods. Place the Rice Tray into the Rear Container.

3 Place the chicken and marinade onto some tin foil, spread out well and make a parcel. Remove the Dividing Wall from the Front Container and put the parcel in. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

4 Set time for rice using rice preset (40 mins) and then adjust to 25 minutes. Set time for the chicken using the poultry preset (28 minutes) using the Front Dual Heater Button and press the Start/Pause Button.

5 When ready, discard the lemon zest, then serve garnished with lemon wedges and fresh coriander. To serve, 2 tbsp natural yogurt mixed with a little lemon juice to taste makes a simple dressing.

Ingredients: 2 tbsp low fat natural yogurt

2 tbsp tandoori spice marinade

1 tbsp fresh coriander leaves, chopped

2 x 150g skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized chunks

A little salt and freshly ground black pepper

Rice: 150g basmati rice

200ml water

1 level tsp vegetable stock powder

1 strip pared lemon zest

4 green cardamom pods, lightly crushed

To Serve: Lemon wedges, chopped fresh

coriander and lemon yogurt dressing

Preparation time: 10 minutes plus marinating Cooking time: 28 minutes Serves: 2

Tandoori Chicken with Zesty Cardamom Rice

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Method: 1 Coat the sliced duck breasts in the hoisin sauce. Cover and

refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

2 Make a foil parcel for the duck and marinade. Position the Dividing Wall in the Front Container and place the duck in one of the front compartments.

3 Separate and rinse the pak choi, then slice the stalks and roughly cut the leaves.

3 In a bowl, toss the pak choi and stir fry vegetables with the sesame oil and 5 spice powder and then place into the other front compartment.

4 Put the noodles into the Rice Tray in the Rear Container and cover them with boiling water. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

5 Set the time for the noodles using the rice preset (40 minutes) and adjust to 20 minutes. Set time for the duck using the poultry preset (28 minutes). Set time for the stir fry vegetables using the leaf and pod preset (16 minutes), and adjust to 12 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

6 When ready stir the noodles and carefully drain before serving.

7 Serve the duck with the hoisin juices, sprinkle on sesame seeds and garnish with spring onions.

Ingredients: 2 x 150g skinless duck breasts,

thinly sliced

2 tbsp hoisin sauce

Vegetables: 150g head pak choi

180g pack fresh stir fry vegetables

1 tbsp sesame oil

level tsp Chinese 5 spice powder

Noodles: 2 sheets medium egg noodles

Boiling water to cover

Garnish: 2 spring onions, thinly sliced

tsp sesame seeds

Preparation time: 10 minutes plus marinating Cooking time: 28 minutes Serves: 2

Hoisin Duck with Egg Noodles and Steamed Chinese-Spiced Vegetables

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Method: 1 Put the chicken breasts side by side on foil and make a parcel.

Place in the Rear Container leaving room for a Small Pot.

2 Put the Dividing Wall into the Front Container and put the potatoes in one side, the green vegetables in the other.

3 Mix the wine, cream and pesto in the Small Pot and season with a little salt and pepper. Put the Small Pot in the Rear Container next to the chicken. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

4 Set the time for the chicken and sauce using the poultry preset (28 minutes) and adjust to 23 minutes. Set the time for the potatoes using the root vegetable preset (28 minutes) and adjust to 24 minutes. Set the time for the green vegetables using the leaf and pod preset (16 minutes) and adjust to 12 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

5 When ready, stir the sauce, check the seasoning then serve spooned over the chicken.

Ingredients: 2x 150g skinless and boneless

chicken breasts

Vegetables: 350g miniature potatoes

180g pack sugar snap peas, trimmed fine beans and tender stem broccoli

Sauce: 2 tbsp dry white wine

100ml whipping cream

1 tbsp pesto

A little salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 24 minutes Serves: 2

Chicken in a Creamy Pesto Sauce with Baby Vegetables

Method: 1 Put the orange zest, juice, maple syrup and chilli flakes into a

non-metallic bowl. Add a little salt and pepper and stir well, then add the chicken, coating with the glaze. Turn the chicken over to coat and then cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, turning from time to time.

2 Put the chicken into a foil parcel, discard the glaze and place in the Rear Container. Put the butternut squash cubes next to the chicken.

3 Position the Dividing Wall in the Front Container. Rinse the rice under cold running water and place in the Small Pot. Cover with the water, add the vegetable stock powder and stir. Place the Small Pot in one front compartment. Put the corn on the cob into the other compartment. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

4 Set the time for the chicken and butternut using the poultry preset (28 minutes) and adjust to 24 minutes. Set the time for the corn on the cob using root vegetables preset (28 minutes) and adjust to 16 minutes. Set time for rice using the rice preset (40 minutes) and adjust to 30 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

5 When ready, add the butter and rosemary to butternut squash in a bowl and crush lightly with a fork.

Ingredients: 2 x 150g skinless boneless chicken


Finely grated zest and juice of an orange

1 tbsp maple syrup

tsp dried chilli flakes

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Vegetables: 1 corn on the cob, halved

300g butternut squash, peeled deseeded and cut into chunks

Rice: 100g white and wild rice

150ml water

level tsp vegetable stock powder

To Serve: 7g butter

tsp fresh rosemary, finely chopped

Preparation time: 15 minutes plus marinating Cooking time: 30 minutes Serves: 2

Maple-Glazed Chicken with Corn on the Cob and Crushed Butternut Squash

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Method: 1 First, mix the marinade ingredients together in a bowl.

2 Chop the chicken into bitesize pieces and add to the bowl and mix well. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, longer if possible.

3 When ready to cook, remove the Dividing Wall from the Front Container. Make a foil parcel for the chicken and place in the Front Container.

4 Put the quinoa into the Rice Tray and cover with the boiling water. Put into the Rear Container and cover both Containers with the Lids.

5 Set the time for the quinoa using the rice preset (40 minutes) and adjust to 29 minutes. Set the time for the chicken using the poultry preset (28 minutes) and adjust to 25 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

6 When ready allow the quinoa to stand for 10 minutes before draining off any water and forking up.

7 To assemble the salad: put the quinoa in a large mixing bowl, add 2 tbsp oil and the juice of a lemon. Stir in the chopped herbs. Add the drained chicken, spring onions, walnuts and cucumber and serve immediately garnished with a few walnut halves and lemon wedges.

8 2 tbsp natural yogurt mixed with a little lemon juice makes a simple dressing.

Ingredients: 300g skinless, boneless chicken

thigh fillets

Marinade: Juice and zest of 1 lemon

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 clove garlic, crushed

2 level tsp fresh mint, chopped

1 level tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Quinoa: 120g quinoa, rinsed and drained

300ml boiling water

Salad: 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Juice of 1 lemon

3 level tbsp mint, chopped

1 level tbsp parsley, chopped

50g spring onions, chopped

50g walnuts, roughly chopped

100g cucumber, peeled, deseeded and diced (prepared weight)

To Serve: Lemon yogurt dressing, flatbread

Preparation time: 30 minutes, plus marinating time Cooking time: 29 minutes Serves: 2

Warm Chicken and Quinoa Salad with Walnuts

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Method: 1 Prepare the marinade first: in a bowl, mix together the garlic,

soy sauce, sriracha, vinegar, honey and season with a little salt and pepper. Stir in the chicken, cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, longer if possible.

2 Drain the chicken of marinade and place in a foil parcel into the Rear Container.

3 Cut the pepper into strips and place in a mixing bowl with the onion. Add 1 tbsp oil and mix well. Remove the Dividing Wall from the Front Container and place the vegetables into it. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

4 Set the time for the chicken using the poultry preset (28 minutes) and adjust to 25 minutes. Set the time for the vegetables using the leaf and pod preset (16 minutes) and adjust to 15 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

5 Meanwhile, mix the sauce ingredients together in a small serving dish, shred the lettuce and slice the tomatoes.

6 To serve, discard the liquid from the chicken. Divide the chicken and vegetables between the tortilla wraps, add salad and sauce and serve immediately.

Ingredients: 300g skinless, boneless chicken thigh

fillets, cut into bitesize pieces.

Marinade: 1 small clove garlic, crushed

1 tbsp light soy sauce

1 tbsp hot sriracha sauce

1 tsp white wine vinegar

2 tbsp clear honey

A little salt and freshly ground black pepper

Vegetables: 1 red pepper, core and seeds


1 green pepper, core and seeds removed

100g red onion, peeled and thinly sliced

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Sriracha sauce: 4 heaped tbsp soured cream

tsp sriracha sauce

Pinch salt

To Serve: 4 regular flour tortillas, shredded

iceberg lettuce, sliced tomatoes

Preparation time: 15 minutes, plus marinating time Cooking time: 25 minutes Serves: 2

Honeyed Sriracha Chicken Wraps

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Vegetable Recipes

Method: 1 In a non-metallic bowl, mix the chopped tomatoes with the

onion, garlic, ginger, salt and spices.

2 Add the potatoes and chick peas, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

3 Stir in 100ml of the coconut milk then transfer the tomato mixture to the Rice Tray and place in the Rear Container.

4 Put the Dividing Wall into the Front Container. Put the rice and 150ml coconut milk into a Small Pot, stir well and place in one compartment. Put the baby spinach into the other compartment. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

5 Set time for curry using root vegetables preset (28 mins) and adjust to 60 minutes. Set time for rice using rice preset (40 minutes), adjust to 28 minutes. Then set the time for the spinach using the leaf and pod preset (16 minutes), adjust to 12 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

6 When ready, gently stir the spinach through the curry, fork up the rice and serve with natural yogurt and naan bread.

Ingredients: 200g can chopped tomatoes

100g onion, very finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

1 tbsp fresh ginger, finely grated

level tsp salt

1 level tsp hot chilli powder

1 level tsp cumin

1 level tsp turmeric

200g peeled Maris Piper potatoes, cut into 10mm cubes

400g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed

100ml light coconut milk

Rice: 100g basmati rice, rinsed and


150ml light coconut milk

130g baby spinach leaves

To Serve: Natural yogurt and naan bread.

Preparation time: 15 minutes plus marinating Cooking time: 60 minutes Serves: 2

Potato, Spinach and Chickpea Curry with Coconut Rice

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Method: 1 Remove the tops from the peppers. Then split the peppers

lengthways taking care not to cut in half. Remove the core and seeds and discard.

2 Mix together leek, parsley and olive oil, then add the Parmesan and breadcrumbs. Mix in the feta cheese and season with salt and pepper to taste.

3 Stuff the mixture into the peppers.

4 Remove the Dividing Wall from the Front Container and place the peppers inside.

5 Put the couscous, vegetable powder and the water into the Rice Tray. Stir in the spring onions and pine nuts. Put the Rice Tray in the Rear Container and cover both Containers with the Lids.

6 Set time for couscous using the rice preset (40 minutes) and adjust to 20 minutes. Set time for peppers using the leaf and pod preset (16 minutes) and adjust to 20 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

7 When cooked allow to stand for 5 minutes. Fluff up the couscous with a fork and garnish with the parsley.

Ingredients: 2 x 110g sweet long red peppers

80g white part of leek, finely chopped

1 tbsp parsley, chopped

1 tbsp olive oil

10g Parmesan cheese, finely grated

10g fresh white breadcrumbs

50g feta cheese, finely crumbled

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Couscous: 100g couscous

1 level tsp vegetable stock powder

90ml water

20g spring onions, finely chopped

10g pine nuts

Garnish: Parsley sprigs

Preparation time: 25 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes Serves: 2

Sweet Red Peppers Stuffed with Leeks and Feta Cheese with Spring Onion and Pine Nut Couscous

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Method: 1 Gently loosen the noodles and put into the Rice Tray. Sprinkle

on the curry powder and add the water. Mix gently. Put into the Rear Container.

2 Put the onion, peppers, mangetout, cashew nuts and garlic in a mixing bowl and add the sesame oil. Stir well so that all the vegetables are coated. Fit the Dividing Wall to the Front Container and put the vegetables in one compartment.

3 Mix the sauce ingredients in a Small Pot and place in the other compartment. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

4 Set the time for the noodles using the rice preset (40 minutes) and adjust to 15 minutes. Set the time for the vegetables using the leaf and pod preset (16 minutes). Set the time for the sauce using the sauce preset (30 minutes) and adjust to 20 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

5 When ready, gently stir the noodles and divide between two plates. Stir the hot chilli sauce then spoon 1 tbsp over the noodles. Serve the vegetables on top with another spoonful or two of the sauce according to taste.

Ingredients: 2 x 150g sachets straight to wok

thread fine noodles

2 tsp mild curry powder

2 tbsp water

Vegetables: 100g onion, sliced

80g red pepper, sliced

80g yellow pepper, sliced

100g mangetout

50g cashew nuts

2 cloves garlic, crushed

2 tbsp sesame oil

Sauce: 2 tbsp light soy sauce

3 tbsp sriracha hot chilli sauce

4 tbsp lime juice

2 tsp clear honey

Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes Serves 2

Singapore Noodles with a Hot Chilli Sauce

Dessert Recipes

Method: 1 Peel the pears, cut in half lengthways and remove the core.

2 Brush all over with a little lemon juice and then place on tin foil with the cut side uppermost.

3 Sprinkle each pear half with a little cinnamon. Make a foil parcel and place in the Rear Container. Cover the Container with the Lid.

4 Set the time for the pears using the leaf and pod preset (16 minutes) adjust to 22 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

5 When ready serve warm or cold with a little of the juice from the foil and fresh cream or crme fraiche.

Ingredients: 2 firm pears

1 tbsp lemon juice

A little cinnamon

To Serve: Crme fraiche or fresh single cream

Preparation time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 22 minutes Serves: 2

Cinnamon Pears

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Method: 1 Lightly grease 2 x 200ml ramekins.

2 Slice the stem ginger thinly and put into the bottom of the ramekins, then spoon 1 tbsp stem ginger syrup into each ramekin to cover the base.

3 In a mixing bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the egg, then stir in the vanilla extract.

4 Sieve in the flour, ginger and salt and fold in the flour with a metal tablespoon. Stir in the mashed banana.

5 Spoon the creamed mixture into each ramekin and level the tops. Cover tightly with pieces of greased foil.

6 Put the ramekins in the Rear Container.

7 Position the Dividing Wall in the Front Container then prepare the sauce: Put the butter, sugar and golden syrup in the Small Pot and place in one compartment. Cover both Containers with the Lids.

8 Set time for puddings using the sauce preset (30 minutes) and adjust to 35 minutes. Set the time for the sauce using the sauce preset (30 minutes) and press the Start/Pause Button.

9 When ready remove the ramekins from the Rear Container using oven gloves and run a knife around the ramekin edge to loosen the puddings. Then put a side plate over the top of each pudding and invert. Put the plate on the work surface and very carefully remove the ramekin.

10 Stir the sauce thoroughly and spoon over each pudding. Serve warm with ice cream or custard.

Ingredients: 1 piece stem ginger in syrup, plus 2

tbsp syrup from the jar

35g softened unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing

35g light muscovado sugar

1 medium egg, beaten

tsp vanilla extract

35g self-raising flour

level tsp ground ginger

Pinch salt

80g ripe banana, mashed

1 tbsp golden syrup

Sauce: 10g unsalted butter

10g light muscovado sugar

1 tbsp golden syrup

To Serve: Vanilla ice cream or custard

Preparation time: 25 minutes Cooking time: 35 minutes Serves: 2

Ginger and Banana Sponge Pudding with Sticky Toffee Sauce

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Method: 1 Put the fruit in the Rice Tray and sprinkle on the sugar.

2 Place in the Rear Container and cover the Container with the Lid.

3 Set the time using the leaf and pod preset (16 minutes) and adjust to 11 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

4 When ready gently spoon the juices over the fruit.

5 Serve warm or cold with crme fraiche, ice cream or cream.

Ingredients: 100g blueberries

100g strawberries, hulled and halved lengthways

100g blackberries

100g raspberries

1 level tbsp caster sugar

To Serve: Crme fraiche, ice cream or fresh


Preparation time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 11 minutes Serves 2

Soft Berry Compote

Method: 1 Grease the inside of two 200ml pudding moulds or ramekins.

2 Put the cocoa into one mould and evenly coat the sides and base, then tip into the other mould and repeat.

3 Put the butter and chocolate into a heatproof bowl and melt over a pan of simmering water. Dont allow the bottom of the bowl to touch the water. Stir occasionally then leave to cool.

4 Put the egg, egg yolk and sugar into a mixing bowl and whisk on high speed for 3 -4 minutes until pale in colour and thickened enough to hold the trail of the whisk.

5 With a spatula, gently fold in the chocolate and butter mixture and then fold in the flour.

6 Divide the mixture between the two moulds and place in the Rear Container. Cover the Container with the Lid.

7 Set the time using the sauce preset (30 minutes) and adjust to 17 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

8 When ready remove the moulds from the Intellisteam container using oven gloves and leave to rest for 2 minutes on the work surface. Then put a side plate over the top of the fondant and invert. Put the plate on the work surface and very carefully remove the mould. Serve warm with cream or ice cream.

Ingredients: 50g unsalted butter,

plus a little extra for greasing

tbsp cocoa

50g dark chocolate (85% cocoa)

1 medium egg and 1 egg yolk

50g caster sugar

1 level tbsp plain flour

To Serve: Cream or ice cream

Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 17 minutes plus 2 minutes resting Serves: 2

Chocolate Fondant

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Method: 1 Grease the pudding basin and place a circle of non-stick

baking paper into the base.

2 Put the dried fruit into a mixing bowl and stir in the brandy.

3 Stir in all the remaining ingredients, mix well and then place into the prepared basin, lightly press down the mixture and level the surface.

4 Cover the pudding with a double layer of non-stick baking paper, and then a layer of foil. Form around the basin and secure with string.

5 Place the basin into the Rear Container and cover the Container with the Lid.

6 Set the time for the pudding using the rice preset (40 minutes) and adjust to 60 minutes. Press the Start/Pause Button.

7 When an hour has elapsed, the Intellisteam will beep and switch onto Keep Warm. Cancel this by pressing the Start/Pause Button and then reset as point 6 above for a further 60 minutes, topping up the water level in the Water Tank if necessary.

8 To serve the pudding, remove from the Rear Container using oven gloves and leave to stand for 5 minutes before carefully running a palette knife around the edge of the basin, invert onto a serving plate, remove the baking paper circle and then serve with white sauce or brandy butter as desired.

9 To store, leave the pudding until cold, then remove the paper and foil, re-cover with fresh paper and foil as before and secure with string. Store the pudding in the fridge for up to one month.

10When ready to use, reheat straight from the fridge and steam in the Rear Container as detailed above for 2 hours.

Ingredients: 75g currants

50g raisins

50g sultanas

50g mixed peel

1 tbsp brandy

1 tsp mixed spice

25g plain flour

Pinch salt

50g fresh white breadcrumbs

50g dark brown soft sugar

50g suet

Zest of lemon

1 medium egg, beaten

2 tbsp milk

2 level tbsp black treacle

Preparation time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 2 hours, plus 2 hours to reheat Serves: 4

Christmas Pudding

Notes: This pudding is improved if made up to a month in advance and stored in the fridge until needed. It can

be conveniently re-steamed straight from the fridge when required. However, if you dont have enough time to prepare the pudding in advance, 2 hours steaming is sufficient.

You will need a pudding basin (not plastic) of approximately 750ml capacity. Make sure this will fit into the Rear Container with the lid fitted properly before you begin. If preferred, 4 individual non-stick dariole moulds, each of approximately 200ml capacity may be used. In this case, follow the recipe below but divide the mixture equally between the four moulds.

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Helpline If you are having a problem with your appliance, please call our Helpline, as we are more likely to be able to help than the retailer you purchased the item from.

Please have the product name, model number and serial number to hand when you call to help us deal with your enquiry quicker.

UK Helpline: 0344 871 0944

IRE Helpline: 1800 409 119

Spares: 0344 873 0710

Talk To Us

If you have any questions or comments, or want some great tips or recipe ideas to help you get the most out of your products, join us online:



Twitter: @loveyourmorphy



Contact Us

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The After Sales Division Morphy Richards Ltd Mexborough, South Yorkshire, England, S64 8AJ

Helplines (office hours) UK 0344 871 0944 Spare Parts 0344 873 0710 Republic of Ireland 1800 409 119

Your standard one year guarantee is extended for an additional 12 months when you register the product within 28 days of purchase with Morphy Richards. If you do not register the product with Morphy Richards within 28 days, your product is guaranteed for 1 year. To validate your 2 year guarantee register with us online at Or call our customer registration line UK 0344 871 0242 IRE 1800 409 119 N.B. Each qualifying product needs to be registered with Morphy Richards individually.

Please note that the 2 year guarantee is only available in the UK and Ireland. Please refer to the one year guarantee for more information.

It is important to retain the retailers receipt as proof of purchase. Staple your receipt to this back cover for future reference.

Please quote the following information if the product develops a fault. These numbers can be found on the base of the product.

Model no.

Serial no.

All Morphy Richards products are individually tested before leaving the factory. In the unlikely event of any appliance proving to be faulty within 28 days of purchase, it should be returned to the place of purchase for it to be replaced.

If the fault develops after 28 days and within 12 months of original purchase, you should contact the Helpline number quoting Model number and Serial number on the product, or write to Morphy Richards at the address shown.

You may be asked to return a copy of proof of purchase.

Subject to the exclusions set out below (see Exclusions), the faulty appliance will then be repaired or replaced as appropriate and dispatched usually within 7 working days of receipt.

If, for any reason, this item is replaced or repaired during the 1 year guarantee period, the guarantee on the new item will be calculated from original purchase date. Therefore it is vital to retain your original till receipt or invoice to indicate the date of initial purchase.

To qualify for the 1 year guarantee, the appliance must have been used according to the instructions supplied. For example, crumb trays should have been emptied regularly.

Morphy Richards shall not be liable to replace or repair the goods under the terms of the guarantee where:

1 The fault has been caused or is attributable to accidental use, misuse, negligent use or used contrary to the manufacturers recommendations or where the fault has been caused by power surges or damage caused in transit.

2 The appliance has been used on a voltage supply other than that stamped on the products.

3 Repairs have been attempted by persons other than our service staff (or authorised dealer).

4 The appliance has been used for hire purposes or non domestic use.

5 The appliance is second hand.

6 Morphy Richards reserves the right not to carry out any type of servicing under the guarantee at its discretion

7 Plastic filters for all Morphy Richards kettles and coffee makers are not covered by the guarantee.

8 Batteries and damage from leakage are not covered by the guarantee.

This guarantee does not confer any rights other than those expressly set out above and does not cover any claims for consequential loss or damage. This guarantee is offered as an additional benefit and does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer. Morphy Richards products are intended for household use only. See usage limitations within the location safety instructions.

Morphy Richards has a policy of continuous improvement in product quality and design. The company, therefore reserves the right to change the specification of its models at any time.

For electrical products sold within the European Community. At the end of the electrical products useful life, it should not be disposed of with household waste.

Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice in your country

ExclusionsRegistering Your 2 Year Guarantee

Your 1 Year Guarantee



UK: 0344 871 0944 EIRE: 1800 409 119 SPARES: 0344 873 0710

FS470006MUK Re

Manualsnet FAQs

If you want to find out how the 470006 Morphy Richards works, you can view and download the Morphy Richards 470006 Intellisteam Instruction Booklet on the Manualsnet website.

Yes, we have the Instruction Booklet for Morphy Richards 470006 as well as other Morphy Richards manuals. All you need to do is to use our search bar and find the user manual that you are looking for.

The Instruction Booklet should include all the details that are needed to use a Morphy Richards 470006. Full manuals and user guide PDFs can be downloaded from

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Morphy Richards 470006 Questions and Answers

#2 How timer works, can i set it to start in 5h ?

This machine does not have a delay timer. Whatever you are steaming you set the steaming time for each compartment according to what vegetable, meat or fish times you require. After pressing the start button it immediately starts to steam the item where you have set the longest time, it then begins the next compartment when the time has elapsed to that setting and so on until it reaches zero minutes when all your foods are cooked. On reaching zero it switches to a 40 minute keep warm period.

#3 How do you cook eggs in the steamer?

To cook eggs in their shells is similar to boiling them. Put them in one compartment, which one you use depends on how many eggs. And set the time you want, I add on 3 minutes to allow steam to get up. Alternatively, if you want a more precise result, before putting the eggs in, set a long enought time, wait for steam up, then put the eggs in the selected compartent, taking care not to scold yourself. Turn off the steamer at the required time

[Page 1] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

Intellisteam Please read and keep these instructions o FS470006MAUS Rev1.qxp_Morphy Richards Instruction Book 05/11/2019 14:47 Page 1

[Page 2] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

2 Health & Safety The use of any electrical appliance requires the following common sense safety rules. Please read these instructions carefully before using the product. • This appliance is not intended for use by persons (inc…

[Page 3] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

3 Location • Do not use outdoors or near water. • Do not place directly under kitchen wall cupboards when in use, as it produces large amounts of steam. Avoid reaching over the steamer when in use. Mains cable • …

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4 1 3 5 6 7 8 4 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 16 g Overview FS470006MAUS Rev1.qxp_Morphy Richards Instruction Book 05/11/2019 14:47 Page 4

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5 o 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 22 Leaf/Pod Veg 16 mins Sauce 30 mins Rice 40 mins Keep Warm 40 mins Eggs 16 mins Root Vegetables 35 mins Poultry 28 mins Fish 20 mins 17 31 22 g Control Panel FS470006MAUS Rev1.qxp_Morphy Richards Instruction …

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6 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 FS470006MAUS Rev1.qxp_Morphy Richards Instruction Book 05/11/2019 14:47 Page 6

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7 9 10 13 11 12 15 14 16 o FS470006MAUS Rev1.qxp_Morphy Richards Instruction Book 05/11/2019 14:47 Page 7

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8 21 2019 1817 FS470006MAUS Rev1.qxp_Morphy Richards Instruction Book 05/11/2019 14:47 Page 8

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9 Introduction Thank you for your recent purchase of the Intellisteam. Please read this instruction booklet carefully to ensure you get the best performance from your new product. Contents Health and Safety …

[Page 10] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

10 Before First Use WARNING: Never immerse the Main Unit (8), power cord or mains plug in water. It is important to wash all parts except the Main Unit (8) before first use. See ‘Care and Cleaning’ for cleaning instruc…

[Page 11] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

11 Steaming Times Your Intellisteam has been designed so that all food is ready at the same time. When the steaming process begins, the timer will automatically start counting down from the longest cooking time so all the food in …

[Page 12] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

12 Descaling Occasionally, you may need to remove mineral deposits (known as descaling) from the Water Tank (5). This is normal and will depend on the degree of hardness of the water in your area. If you notice a slowing in steam p…

[Page 13] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

13 Steaming Guide Steaming times and portion sizes stated below are a guide only. Times may vary depending on the size of the food, the spacing of the food in the Containers (12), (15) the freshness of food and personal preference….

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1414 Food Type 1 Portion 2 Portions 3 Portions 4 Portions Hints and Tips Sprouts 15 mins 21 mins 22 mins …

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1515 Rice noodles 15 mins 15 mins 17 mins To large to fit Gently separate, add 1 tbsp cold 1 pack 2 packs …

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16 Root Vegetables (preset time: 28 mins) Food Type 1 Portion 2 Portions 3 Portions 4 Portions Hints and Tips Butternut squash 10-12 mins …

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17 Fish/Shellfish (preset time: 20 mins) Food Type 1 Portion 2 Portions 3 Portions 4 Portions Hints and Tips Thick fillet of fish 17 mins …

[Page 18] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

18 Recipes The recipes in this book have been developed and tested by Morphy Richards specifically for your Intellisteam. They include healthy meals for two people complete with sides such as vegetables and rice. In addition there are a sele…

[Page 19] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

19 Fish/Shellfish Recipes Steamed Cod with Lemon and Thyme Dressing and Vegetables Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 25 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients: • 2 x 140g thick cod fillets • 4…

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20 Kedgeree Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 31 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients: • 2 x 140g thick smoked haddock fillets • 2 medium eggs Rice: • 150g easy cook long grain r…

[Page 21] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

21 Sea Bass Fillets with Fresh Tomato and Herb Sauce, Peas with Garlic and New Potatoes Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients: • 2 x 100g sea bass fillets Sauce:…

[Page 22] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

22 Meat Recipes Moroccan Lamb with Fruit and Nut Couscous and Orange and Coriander Salsa Preparation time: 30 minutes, plus marinating time Cooking time: 30 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients: • 300g lamb l…

[Page 23] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

23 Poultry/Chicken Recipes Tandoori Chicken with Zesty Cardamom Rice Preparation time: 10 minutes plus marinating Cooking time: 28 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients: • 2 tbsp low fat natural yogurt • …

[Page 24] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

24 Maple-Glazed Chicken with Corn on the Cob and Crushed Butternut Squash Preparation time: 15 minutes plus marinating Cooking time: 30 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients: • 2 x 150g skinless boneless chicken breast…

[Page 25] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

25 Warm Chicken and Quinoa Salad with Walnuts Preparation time: 30 minutes, plus marinating time Cooking time: 29 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients: • 300g skinless, boneless chicken thigh fillets Marinade…

[Page 26] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

26 Vegetable Recipes Potato, Spinach and Chickpea Curry with Coconut Rice Preparation time: 15 minutes plus marinating Cooking time: 60 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients: • 200g can chopped tomatoes • …

[Page 27] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

27 Singapore Noodles with a Hot Chilli Sauce Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes Serves 2 Ingredients: • 2 x 150g sachets straight to wok thread fine noodles • 2 tsp mild curry powder …

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28 2 Slice the stem ginger thinly and put into the bottom of the ramekins, then spoon 1 tbsp stem ginger syrup into each ramekin to cover the base. 3 In a mixing bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Grad…

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29 Christmas Pudding Preparation time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 2 hours, plus 2 hours to reheat Serves: 4 Notes: • This pudding is improved if made up to a month in advance and stored in the fridge until needed…

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30 THIS SECTION IS ONLY APPLICABLE FOR CUSTOMERS IN UK AND IRELAND REGISTERING YOUR TWO YEAR GUARANTEE Your standard one year guarantee is extended for an additional 12 months when you register the product within 28 days of purchase with …

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31 stamped on the products. 3 Repairs have been attempted by persons other than our service staff (or authorised dealer). 4 Where the appliance has been used for hire purposes or non domestic use. 5 The appliance is second h…

[Page 32] Morphy Richards IntelliSteam 470006

g Morphy Richards products are intended for household use only. Morphy Richards has a policy of continuous improvement in product quality and design. The Company, therefore, reserves the right to change the specification of its…

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