Nano liquid screen protector инструкция

Nano Liquid Protector - жидкая защита экрана Samsung Galaxy

Большинство пользователей, купивших смартфон, опасаются поцарапать дисплей и не снимают заводскую пленку, либо покупают специальную и клеят на экран. Все бы ничего, но зачастую пленочка смотрится весьма похабно и просто сводит на нет прекрасный вид нового телефона. Как «убить» сразу двух зайцев и защитить экран своего устройства, сохранив при этом внешний вид? Тут на помощь приходит Nano Liquid Protector — разработка американских ученых.

В комплект Nano Liquid Protector входит бутылочка с самой жидкостью и салфетка, используя которую можно нанести жидкую пленку на дисплей смартфона или планшета. Достаточно просто капнуть 2 капельки на экран и плавно растереть салфеткой по нему. Впрочем, как выглядит этот процесс можно посмотреть на видео ниже.


Пленка надежно защищает дисплей от царапин и совершенно не портит внешнего вида смартфона. Nano Liquid Protector невозможно нанести неправильно, нано-частицы плавно распределяются по дисплею и не оставляют никаких следов.

Видео 2

Помимо этого нано-пленка защищает экран от воздействия влаги. Жидкости из одного набора хватит для защиты нескольких смартфонов или 1-2 планшетов. Купить комплект можно например в этом магазине всего за 6$.

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Восстановление дисплейных модулей

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Нано-жидкость для защиты экрана смартфона Liquid Screen Protector NANO делает устройство в десять раз более устойчивым к царапинам. Цвета на экране становится более яркими и отчетливыми.

Нано-жидкость для защиты экрана смартфона Liquid Screen Protector NANO покрывает устройство невидимым слоем, который защищает его от царапин и отпечатков пальцев. Благодаря этой жидкости сенсорный экран работает лучше – палец легче скользит по экрану, тем самым работаспособность увеличивается. Нано-жидкость можно исппользовать для покрытия экранов любых устройств — компьютера, ноутбука, телевизора и т.д.


  • Цвет: Прозрачный
  • Совместимость: универсальный
  • Объем: 2,5 мл
  • Количество в упаковке: 1 флакон

You’ve probably heard about the Nano Liquid Screen Protector, and if you are like me, you should be stunned with quite a number of questions regarding this nice tech.

nanotech liquid screen protector

It is supposed to give you an High-definition, Crystal clear, scratch resistance, water repellent and also protect your screen against physical damage up to the 9H level (more on this later in the article).

Some even protect you against radiations that come from your phone, and make your phone almost as strong as diamond.

I mean, does it even work? If it does, how long does it work?

A liquid glass? To some, that sound quite “impossible”. Well, you are about to see another instance where you get reminded that the word “Impossible” says “I’m possible”.

In this guide, I am going to show you everything you need to know about the Nano Liquid Screen Protector. All your questions will be answered here.

So, if you are ready, then let’s dive right in!


  • 1 What Does Nanotechnology Even Mean?
  • 2 What Are Nanotech Liquid Screen Protectors?
  • 3 Do Nanotech Liquid Protectors Work?
  • 4 How Protective Are They Really?
  • 5 How Long Can Nanotech Liquid Screen Protector Work?
  • 6 Is It Made For Plastic or Glass Screen?
  • 7 How to Apply the Nano Liquid Screen Protector
  • 8 Can I Remove Nano Screen Protectors After Applying?
  • 9 Nano Liquid Screen Protector Advantages
  • 10 Nano Liquid Screen Protector Disadvantages
  • 11 How to Remove Liquid Screen Protector

What Does Nanotechnology Even Mean?

Nanotechnology is exactly what it sounds like, technology at the “Nano” level, i.e between 1 to 10 nanometers.

The Nanotech can come in different forms, and has different applications and one of those is the liquid tech screen protector.

The way it works is materials that have very high strength are made or used in the nano very small) scale, and that’s what makes the screen protectors work.

I mean, think about it this way:

If a big strong diamond was cut as a flat material and placed on your screen to protect it, you most likely won’t be in two minds since you know that, first, diamond is strong and second, it’s a pretty big one, right?

Now, what if there was a way to convert that “big strong diamond” to a “very small (i.e nano) but still strong liquid diamond”.

Hey, no no, I’m not saying the Nanotechnology liquid glass protector is made of Diamond. Don’t get me wrong, I’m just trying to explain how Nanotechnology works.

What Are Nanotech Liquid Screen Protectors?

These are liquids that fill into spaces in your glass, and add special features.

The liquid screen protector is applied on the surface of your default device glass/plastic screen, which hardens the screen without any observable change in the texture or shape of the glass.

Apart from making it harder, it also makes it dust and dirt-proof.

They are kind of “Invisible protectors”, because what you are really doing is adding an invisible glass (that’s way thicker than your normal glass) to your mobile screen.

Do Nanotech Liquid Protectors Work?

If by now, you are still wondering if Nanotechnology liquid screen protectors work, the simple answer is YES.

How Protective Are They Really?

Nanotech liquid protectors have a 9H hardness.

Well, let me put it in another way.

The scale is from 1-10, 1 being the smallest (Talc is 1) and 10 being the hardest (diamond is 10).

NOTE: Regular glasses have a 5H hardness score.

So, when you think about it, these liquid protectors give your device screen an hardness score that is close to that of diamond (9H is equivalent to Sapphire actually).

But, that’s not all.

Your mobile device also becomes scratch-resistance, repel water and even have antibacterial properties.

To make it even cooler, the liquid screen protector by Nanofixit brand has been proven to protect against harmful radiations, reducing it by up to 90%!

How Long Can Nanotech Liquid Screen Protector Work?

As fascinating as these techs are, they aren’t quite permanent.

They have been shown to work for about 2 years, after which is recommended that you replace it.

Although it also depends on how you use your phone, you can decide to change it every year.

Well, that should not be a big surprise.

In fact, when you compare how much they cost to how long they last, it’s like getting too much value than you paid for.

Is It Made For Plastic or Glass Screen?

These liquid protectors are made for glass screen.

The are supposed to make your normal glass screen even stronger.

So, if you apply it to a plastic screen, it will not be as effective.

QUICK TIP: You can also apply the Liquid protector to the back of your phone too if it is made of glass.

How to Apply the Nano Liquid Screen Protector

When you buy the Nano liquid protector, it will come with an enclosed cleaning wipe (an alcohol prep pad).

  1. Wipe your screen with the cleaning wipe which does two things:
    • First, it cleans any dust/dirt that may be on your screen.
    • Also, it prepares your phone for the magic.
  2. Next, apply the liquid to the screen with the pre-treated pen over the entire screen in a circular motion.
  3. Wait for 5 minutes, then polish the screen with another micro fibre cloth.
  4. For even better protection, re-apply the liquid once more, wait for another five minutes and polish the screen once again.
  5. The Nano technology liquid screen protector will become fully absorbed and ready to be tested in 24 – 48 hours.

Can I Remove Nano Screen Protectors After Applying?

I see absolutely no reason why you will need to remove the liquid screen protectors after you apply them on your screen.

Actually, they are not meant to be removed as they basically become a part of your device screen.

However, you can remove it by polishing it off with a nail polish remover and cotton. Rub on the screen for about 2 minutes and then clean with alcohol.

Nano Liquid Screen Protector Advantages

Some of the benefits of Nano liquid screen protectors include:

  • It is cost-effective
  • It is very easy to apply
  • It is neat, smooth and does the work efficiently
  • It can be used to protect phones that have glass backs

Nano Liquid Screen Protector Disadvantages

Some of the downsides of using Nano liquid screen protectors include:

  • You can really damage your phone screen easily from a bad drop, unlike glass where the glass breaks and can be replaced without any damage to screen
  • It cannot be removed easily without potentially damaging the phone screen, unlike tempered glass.
  • It degrades over time and you will need to change it after a few months (or 2 years max) to avoid stories that touch

How to Remove Liquid Screen Protector

There is really no way to easily Nano liquid screen protector without potentially damaging the screen. The best thing you can do is to wait for it to wear out after some months.

What do you think about Liquid screen protectors and what are your experiences so far? Use the comment section below to share. 

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Rated 4.68 out of 5 based on 19 customer ratings

(19 customer reviews)

12.95 99.95 518 €/L

Nano liquid screen protector covers the screen of your device with a transparent coating, which protects it against scratches, reduces the marks of fingerprints and makes it easier to clean the screen.

  • Makes the device 10 times more scratch resistant
  • Can be used for a number of devices
  • As a result colors on the screen look vivid, clear and bright
  • The anti-scratch formula comes with a special anti-bacterial feature that does not allow the dirt to get stuck on display
  • Easy to reapply to your screen as needed.

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