Navigation plus инструкция на русском

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Ветеран Клуба

Член Клуба
Сообщения: 465
Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 19, 2011 11:57 pm
Награды: 1
Репутация: 10
Модель: Audi S8 D2 2001
Мотор: AVP 4.2
Город: Рязань
Имя: Дмитрий
Откуда: Третья планета от Солнца

Аватара пользователя


Ветеран Клуба

Член Клуба
Сообщения: 465
Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 19, 2011 11:57 pm
Награды: 1
Репутация: 10
Модель: Audi S8 D2 2001
Мотор: AVP 4.2
Город: Рязань
Имя: Дмитрий
Откуда: Третья планета от Солнца

Аватара пользователя


Ветеран Клуба

Член Клуба
Сообщения: 465
Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 19, 2011 11:57 pm
Награды: 1
Репутация: 10
Модель: Audi S8 D2 2001
Мотор: AVP 4.2
Город: Рязань
Имя: Дмитрий
Откуда: Третья планета от Солнца

Аватара пользователя


Ветеран Клуба

Член Клуба
Сообщения: 465
Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 19, 2011 11:57 pm
Награды: 1
Репутация: 10
Модель: Audi S8 D2 2001
Мотор: AVP 4.2
Город: Рязань
Имя: Дмитрий
Откуда: Третья планета от Солнца

Re: Audi Navigation Plus RNS-D инструкция в фото


Satellite »


0030.JPG (94.38 КБ) 28582 просмотра
0031.JPG (119.54 КБ) 28582 просмотра

Горячий как Солнце и мокрый как дождь !

Аватара пользователя


Ветеран Клуба

Член Клуба
Сообщения: 465
Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 19, 2011 11:57 pm
Награды: 1
Репутация: 10
Модель: Audi S8 D2 2001
Мотор: AVP 4.2
Город: Рязань
Имя: Дмитрий
Откуда: Третья планета от Солнца

Re: Audi Navigation Plus RNS-D инструкция в фото


Satellite »

В данной выкладке инструкции срезано (отсутствует) описание работы GPS системы так как по состоянию на 2015 год она не актуальна, устарела и практически не используется по назначению.
Присутствует описание мультимедийной составляющей — радио, CD, TV и их настройки-регулировки.


Горячий как Солнце и мокрый как дождь !


Сообщения: 166
Зарегистрирован: Чт июл 24, 2014 9:20 pm
Репутация: 0
Модель: AUDI S8D2,D3
Мотор: 4.2AQH,5.2ВSM
Город: Нет такого
Имя: ART

Audi Navigation Plus RNS-D инструкция в фото


artrs8 »

Всем привет! Не подскажите, как сделать чтобы на экран выводилась индикация уровня звука? Громкость меняется, но индикации уровня звука на экране нет.

Последний раз редактировалось artrs8 Сб окт 21, 2017 10:28 am, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

Аватара пользователя


Член Клуба
Сообщения: 629
Зарегистрирован: Вт янв 21, 2014 11:45 am
Репутация: 7
Модель: s8 2000+a8 2,8 1996
Мотор: AQH
Город: По России…
Имя: Гоша(георгий)
Откуда: РСО-Алания

Audi Navigation Plus RNS-D инструкция в фото


григорий »

Вопросик:на а6 и на а8 они размерами одинаковые?взаимозаменяемы?почему спрашиваю-нашёл в продаже от а6 с японского рынка и вроде выглядит поинтереснее,думаю прикупить

Последний раз редактировалось григорий Пт фев 18, 2022 3:02 pm, всего редактировалось 1 раз.


Ветеран Клуба

Член Клуба
Сообщения: 569
Зарегистрирован: Вт июл 30, 2013 7:06 am
Награды: 1
Репутация: 31
Модель: Audi A8 1999 рестайл
Мотор: AQF 4.2
Город: Москва
Имя: Дмитрий

Audi Navigation Plus RNS-D инструкция в фото


Dmar »

григорий писал(а): ↑Пт фев 18, 2022 2:59 pm
на а6 и на а8 они размерами одинаковые

Форма лицевой панели точно отличается. Верхние углы например, на 8 скруглённые, на 6 острые.



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  • РЕМОНТ AUDI A8/S8 D3 4E 2003-2009
  • ↳   Техподдержка
  • ↳   Помощь в расшифровке ошибок
  • ↳   ФАК по ремонту
  • ↳   Двигатель, система питания и выпуска.
  • ↳   TDI 3.0 4.0 4.2
  • ↳   V6 MPI 3.0 BBJ/ASN
  • ↳   V8 MPI 3.7 4.2 BFL/BFM
  • ↳   V6 FSI 3.2 BPK
  • ↳   V8 FSI 4.2 BVJ
  • ↳   V10 FSI 5.2 BSM
  • ↳   W12 6.0 BHT/BTE/BSB
  • ↳   Система охлаждения и кондиционера, подогрев, Вебасто
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  • ↳   Рулевое управление и подвеска
  • ↳   Рулевая рейка, насос ГУРа
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  • ↳   ABS, ESP, ASR, ручной тормоз
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  • РЕМОНТ AUDI A8/S8 D4 4H 2010-2017
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  • ↳   Помощь в расшифровке ошибок
  • ↳   Двигатель, система питания и выпуска.
  • ↳   hyb AT 2.0
  • ↳   TDI 3.0 V6
  • ↳   TDI 4.2 V8
  • ↳   TFSI 3.0 V6
  • ↳   FSI 4.2 V8
  • ↳   TFSI 4.0 V8
  • ↳   W12 6.3
  • ↳   Система охлаждения и кондиционера, подогрев, Вебасто
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  • ↳   ТО Техническое Обслуживание
  • РЕМОНТ AUDI A8/S8 D5 4N 2018-
  • ↳   Техподдержка
  • Колеса диски покрышки
  • ↳   для D2 (4D)
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Аватар пользователя


Сообщений: 2956
Зарегистрирован: 06 июн 2011, 11:34
Авто: A6 C6 3ТDI ATQ, A4(B6),1.8T,6АКПП
Имя: Максим
Откуда: Минск-Синявка
Контактная информация:

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Инструкция на русском к AUDI Navigation plus RNS-D. Сервисное меню

Инструкция на русском к AUDI Navigation plus RNS-D.

AUDI Navigation plus RNS-D

Ссылка на инструкцию
Ссылка 2 на инструкцию

Сервисное меню:

Последний раз редактировалось bykot 09 июл 2015, 17:18, всего редактировалось 3 раз.

Аватар пользователя

Димон на Аванте

Сообщений: 1846
Зарегистрирован: 22 июн 2009, 02:22
Авто: Аудюся А4
Откуда: Минск
Контактная информация:

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Сообщение Димон на Аванте » 13 апр 2014, 22:25

bykot, спасибо :hi:

Аватар пользователя


Сообщений: 2956
Зарегистрирован: 06 июн 2011, 11:34
Авто: A6 C6 3ТDI ATQ, A4(B6),1.8T,6АКПП
Имя: Максим
Откуда: Минск-Синявка
Контактная информация:

Не в сети

Сообщение bykot » 13 апр 2014, 22:35

Димон на Аванте, пользуйся на здоровье!

Аватар пользователя


Новый пользователь
Сообщений: 3
Зарегистрирован: 05 июл 2014, 00:34
Авто: А4 В6 1,9 TDI AVF, 2002,6МКПП
Имя: ………..
Откуда: Минск
Не в сети

Сообщение conel » 04 сен 2014, 00:22

Ссылка не работает! :cry:

Аватар пользователя


Сообщений: 1437
Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2010, 21:33
Авто: A6 C5 2.4 BDV 2002
Имя: Сергей
Откуда: Брест
Не в сети

Сообщение Сергей73 » 04 сен 2014, 09:45

conel писал(а):Ссылка не работает

Можно тут попробовать.

без разницы откуда растут руки, если они золотые…

Аватар пользователя


Новый пользователь
Сообщений: 3
Зарегистрирован: 05 июл 2014, 00:34
Авто: А4 В6 1,9 TDI AVF, 2002,6МКПП
Имя: ………..
Откуда: Минск
Не в сети

Сообщение conel » 16 сен 2014, 21:54

Инструкция на русском к AUDI Navigation plus RNS-D


Аватар пользователя

Димон на Аванте

Сообщений: 1846
Зарегистрирован: 22 июн 2009, 02:22
Авто: Аудюся А4
Откуда: Минск
Контактная информация:

Не в сети

Сообщение Димон на Аванте » 16 сен 2014, 22:00

а можно ли поменять заставку при включении магнитолы ?

Аватар пользователя


Сообщений: 1437
Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2010, 21:33
Авто: A6 C5 2.4 BDV 2002
Имя: Сергей
Откуда: Брест
Не в сети

Сообщение Сергей73 » 17 сен 2014, 00:04

Димон на Аванте писал(а):а можно ли поменять заставку

Можно. Про это писал тут. Правда в итоге откатился на родную заставку.

без разницы откуда растут руки, если они золотые…

Аватар пользователя


Новый пользователь
Сообщений: 1
Зарегистрирован: 14 июн 2015, 07:56
Авто: А6С5
Имя: горло
Не в сети

Сообщение wolk6662 » 14 июн 2015, 08:14

Сергей73 писал(а):

conel писал(а):Ссылка не работает

Можно тут попробовать.

не работает

Аватар пользователя


Сообщений: 1437
Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2010, 21:33
Авто: A6 C5 2.4 BDV 2002
Имя: Сергей
Откуда: Брест
Не в сети

Сообщение Сергей73 » 14 июн 2015, 15:38

wolk6662 писал(а):не работает

Только что проверил — работает :pardon:

без разницы откуда растут руки, если они золотые…

Аватар пользователя


Сообщений: 2956
Зарегистрирован: 06 июн 2011, 11:34
Авто: A6 C6 3ТDI ATQ, A4(B6),1.8T,6АКПП
Имя: Максим
Откуда: Минск-Синявка
Контактная информация:

Не в сети

Сообщение bykot » 09 июл 2015, 17:15

добавлено в шапку видео входа и работы в сервисном меню.

Аватар пользователя


Новый пользователь
Сообщений: 2
Зарегистрирован: 16 авг 2015, 09:30
Авто: Audi A4 B6 1.9 TDi 96 kw 2002
Имя: Виталий
Не в сети

Сообщение vitalijs_lv » 31 окт 2015, 13:56

Добрый день друзья. Не нашел подходящей темы.
Недавно отсоединяли аккумулятор и в итоге РНС-Д запросил пароль для включения.
Пароль, который был в книжке не подходит, пробовали раз 6-7 каждый час и нечего.
Специальных ключей нету, пробую методом самоделкина достать его и сравнить серийник или может там пароль написан.

Таков вопрос, имею ВАГ Ком и шнурок, можно ли как то через комп самому узнать пароль или хотя бы серийник магнитол и на край самому сменить пароль?
А то ближайшие спецы за 100+ км от меня.

Аватар пользователя


Сообщений: 2956
Зарегистрирован: 06 июн 2011, 11:34
Авто: A6 C6 3ТDI ATQ, A4(B6),1.8T,6АКПП
Имя: Максим
Откуда: Минск-Синявка
Контактная информация:

Не в сети

Сообщение bykot » 31 окт 2015, 16:28

vitalijs_lv, насколько я читал краем темы с подобными вопросами, то есть калькуляторы, которые по серийнику напишут вам несколько вариантов ключа. Но ввод вроде по 3 ключа, ввели не правильно, следуюший повтор через мин 65 что ли, потом через 10, 20 и т.д.

Аватар пользователя


Новый пользователь
Сообщений: 2
Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2019, 20:44
Авто: A6 C5 Allroad 2.5TDI
Имя: Андрей
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Инструкция на русском к AUDI Navigation plus RNS-D. Сервисное меню

Сообщение UAS » 19 янв 2019, 22:39

может кто дать ссылку на инструкцию, в гугле к сожалению уже ничего не осталось, все ссылки битые.

Аватар пользователя


Сообщений: 19139
Зарегистрирован: 12 июн 2009, 17:59
Авто: Yamaha Tenere 700 (2022)
Имя: Павлентий
Откуда: Минск
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Инструкция на русском к AUDI Navigation plus RNS-D. Сервисное меню

Сообщение Паша » 20 янв 2019, 08:18


В Гугле есть все, просто нужно правильно искать.

Audi A6 Avant C4 2.5TDi (AAT) 5МКПП 1997 250.000-325.000 км
Audi A6 Avant C6 2.0TDi (BRF) 6МКПП 2006 205.000-423.000 км
Audi A6 Avant C7 2.0TDi (CGLC) 6МКПП 2014 114.000-200.000 км

Аватар пользователя


Новый пользователь
Сообщений: 2
Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2019, 20:44
Авто: A6 C5 Allroad 2.5TDI
Имя: Андрей
Не в сети

Инструкция на русском к AUDI Navigation plus RNS-D. Сервисное меню

Сообщение UAS » 20 янв 2019, 10:06

Инструкция Audi Navigation Plus

Русская инструкция · Ссылка на образ диска Audi Navigation Plus Information Site — 2002 + Audi A4 information.pdf · Audi Navigation Plus.

Right now, Minnesota has a chance to pass the first Fair Repair bill in the nation. We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronics—like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. We have a chance to help the environment and stand up for local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers. We’ve been working with local repair companies, non-profit refurbishers, and tech-savvy politicians to come up with a solution. And they’ve done just that — Minnesota is the first state to consider a Fair Repair Bill. If you agree with us, find out who represents you in the Minnesota House of Representatives. Tell them you support the bipartisan Fair Repair Bill, HF 1048. Tell them that you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible. Dear New Yorkers , Right now, New York has a chance to pass the first Fair Repair bill in the nation. We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronics—like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. We have a chance to help the environment and stand up for local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers. The Fair Repair Bill, known as S3998 in the State Senate and A6068 in the State Assembly, requires manufacturers to provide owners and independent repair businesses with fair access to service information, security updates, and replacement parts. If you agree with us, tell your representatives that you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible. Stand up for the right to repair in New York. Massachusetts , The people of Massachusetts have always stood up for their right to repair. In 2012, voters passed a law that ensured residents’ right to repair their car wherever they wanted. Now, it’s time to do the same for electronics. With the Digital Right to Repair Bill, H.3383, we have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronics — like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. We have a chance to help the environment and stand up for local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers. The Digital Right to Repair Bill requires manufacturers to provide owners and independent repair businesses with fair access to service information, security updates, and replacement parts. If you agree with us, find out who represents you in the Massachusetts legislature. Tell them you support the bipartisan Digital Right to Repair Bill. Tell them that you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible. Stand up for the right to repair in Massachusetts.’,’url’:’’,’og_descr’:’Combination Radio, CD, and GPS navigation unit.

инструкция audi navigation plusинструкция audi navigation plusинструкция audi navigation plus

GPS navigation unit. Audi Navigation Plus RNS-D troubleshooting, repair, and service manuals. 1 Maintenance Инструкция (English). Audi Navigation Plus.

Инструкция на русском к AUDI Navigation plus RNS-D. Сообщение bykot » 13 апр 2014, 20:21. Инструкция на русском к AUDI Navigation plus RNS-D.

Штатные магнитолы для Audi ( Ауди) А3 — продажа, описание, карты, инструкция. RNS-E Navigation Plus для Ауди с доставкой по Москве.

Audi Navigation Plus RNS-D Repair

Audi. Vorsprung durch Technik. Руководство по эксплуатации. Доступно также для автомобилей с системой «MMI Navigation plus » без « Audi connect».

Инструкция по установке VW MFD /. Audi Navigation Plus. Внимание!!! При монтаже необходимо отключить аккумуляторную батарею. Два желтых.

Решил написать мануал для тех, кто стал счастливым обладателем Audi A4 RNS-E Navigation Plus, но не может ей пользовать по причине отсутствия.

Поблагодарили 2 раз(а) в 2 сообщениях. Репутация: 62. Инструкция по эксплуатации Audi Navigation Plus (RNS-D) на русском языке.

Продажа штатных магнитолах и навигаций RNS E Audi Navigation Plus — инструкция. Цены на навигации Audi и автомагнитолы для Ауди установка.

инструкция audi navigation plusинструкция audi navigation plus

Комментарии (11)Просмотров (988)

  • Page 1
    MMI Navigation System plus Operating Manual MMI Navigation System plus Operating Manual Englisch 06.2012 131.566.3MH.20  Audi 1315663MH20 Vorsprung durch Technik…
  • Page 2
    © 2012 AUDI AG permission of AUDI AG. All rights under the laws of copyright are expressly reserved by AUDI AG works continuously to develop and AUDI AG. Subject to alteration and amend- further improve all models. You will appreci- ment.
  • Page 3
    Foreword Thank you for choosing the MMI Navigation System plus. Your new Audi is designed with the latest technology, enabling you to control all on-board electronic systems and other settings centrally via the MMI. We recommend that you read this Operating Manual carefully so that you quick- ly become familiar with all the available functions of the MMI and can take full advantage of them in everyday use.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Listening to the radio ….Audi Phone Box ….Playing media ….

  • Page 5
    Table of Contents Other settings ….Troubleshooting ….Playing media .
  • Page 6: Notes About This Operating Manual

    Notes about this Operating Manual This Operating Manual contains important in- CAUTION formation, tips, suggestions and warnings. Texts with this symbol draw your attention Please ensure that this Operating Manual is to a possible risk of damage to your vehi- always kept in the vehicle.

  • Page 7: Controls

    Overview Controls and displays at a glance The Multi Media Interface (MMI) combines different communication, navigation* and entertain- ment systems in your Audi. Fig. 1 MMI controls and displays You can operate your MMI system via the MMI your vehicle’s equipment and features, control console, the multi-function steering please refer to your Owner’s Manual.

  • Page 8: Cleaning And Care

    Notes on software licences For information on the MMI system’s software and its licence conditions, select: MENU but- ton > control button Setup MMI > Version in- formation > section Software info; or go to oder Name, Abteilung, Datum…

  • Page 9: Mmi Control Console

    MMI control console MMI control console Note Switching the MMI When you switch on the MMI system, very high/very low volume levels are automati- system on/off cally reduced/increased to a preset level. The MMI system is switched on/off automati- How to use the cally when the ignition is switched on/off.

  • Page 10: Mmi Touch

    MMI control console Calling up the main menu – To select a different character: Turn the ro- tary pushbutton clockwise or anti-clockwise Press the button. The MMI menus MENU ► and press it (e.g. Radio) are displayed. – To enter a space: Move your finger from left Calling up a menu directly to right across the touch pad.

  • Page 11: Speller For Letters/Numbers

    MMI control console Operating the DVD main menu – To confirm your selection: Press the rotary pushbutton. – To select a menu option: Move your finger up/down or to the left/right on the touch pad. Speller for letters/numbers Applies to vehicles: with phone pre-installation or navigation system Fig.

  • Page 12: Menus And Symbols

    MMI control console Symbol / marking Explanation  To switch from lower case to upper case letters and vice versa. 0-9/A-Z To switch the speller from letters to numbers and vice versa. List To display a list of suggestions. /Delete To delete the character to the left of the cursor.

  • Page 13
    MMI control console Symbol / marking Explanation Entries that can be changed using the speller for letters/num- Entry field bers ð page 9 Settings for the selected function that can be called up by press- Selection list ing the rotary pushbutton Submenu with additional functions that can be called up by Arrow pressing the rotary pushbutton…
  • Page 14: Multi-Function Steering Wheel

    Multi-function steering wheel Multi-function steering – To confirm your selection: Press the left thumbwheel. wheel – To scroll through lists rapidly: Scroll the How to use the left thumbwheel quickly. controls – To open/leave a submenu: Press the but-  ton.

  • Page 15: Using The Telephone

    Multi-function steering wheel For more information about the speech dia- Note logue system, refer to ð page 17. – The functions of the telephone can be Navigation cue during active route operated using the multi-function steer- guidance* ing wheel only if the telephone equip- ment was installed at the factory.

  • Page 16: Navigation

    Multi-function steering wheel active. The call on hold will remain in the hold Display when route guidance is active queue and can be retrieved by selecting Re- Applies to vehicles: with navigation system sume. Conference: Up to five callers and one caller on hold can take part in a conference (depend- ing on the network service).

  • Page 17: Listening To The Radio

    Pay attention to traffic rules such as one-way streets or pedestrian zones. – To select a source: Select and confirm a source, e.g. Audi music interface. Listening to the radio – To call up the radio via the overview of sources: Select and confirm a waveband.

  • Page 18
    Speech dialogue system Fig. 13 Overview of commands oder Name, Abteilung, Datum…
  • Page 19: Speech Dialogue System

    Speech dialogue system Speech dialogue Speak in a normal tone without long pauses. system Avoid speaking when the speech dialogue sys- tem is saying a cue. How to use the speech Close doors, windows and sun roof* to reduce dialogue system background noise.

  • Page 20: Notes On The Overviews Of Commands

    Speech dialogue system one of the buttons on the MMI control – You can select an entry from a list both console (except the rotary pushbutton). via the speech dialogue system and us- ing the rotary pushbutton. – The dialogue is paused when an incom- ing telephone call is received;…

  • Page 21: Navigation

    Speech dialogue system Function Say: Calling a contact from the direc- Call (XY), e.g. Call John Smith tory Dialling a specific number stored Call (XY) business | private | land line | mobile, for a contact e.g. Call John Smith private Dialling a phone number when an Call | Call business number | Call private number | Call land address card is open…

  • Page 22
    Calculating three alternative Calculate alternative routes routes The following special destinations Next Audi Service | Next railway station | Next airport | can be set directly as the destina- Next hotel | Next hospital | Next parking space | Next serv- tion…
  • Page 23: Radio

    Function Say: Selecting a source directly Jukebox | CD | SD card | Audi music interface | Bluetooth | To select an audio/video* file Video | Playlists | Artist | Album | Tracks | Genres | Album from the jukebox:…

  • Page 24: Media Drives/Connections

    Restricted functionality: If you experience re- audio/video* files from the jukebox or connect stricted functionality, reset the Media set- a portable player to the Audi music interface tings to the factory defaults ð page 31. and operate it via the MMI.

  • Page 25: Jukebox

    Media drives/connections Laser devices: Laser devices are divided into ð page 59. Video files are copied into the the safety classes 1 to 4, as specified by DIN Videos category in the media centre. IEC 76 (CO) 6/VDE 0837. The optical readers Deleting the jukebox installed in your vehicle are classified as safe- ty class 1.

  • Page 26: Dvd Drive

    Media drives/connections SD card readers – When handing over your vehicle e.g. to a new buyer, reset the jukebox to the fac- The SD card readers are located in the glove tory settings ð page 31. box. DVD drive The DVD drive is located in the glove box. Fig.

  • Page 27: Bluetooth Audio Players

    Select and confirm You can connect your portable player (e.g. the desired Bluetooth audio player and then MP3 player) to the Audi music interface using select and confirm the Audio player profile. special adapter cables*. The adapter cables*…

  • Page 28
    – It cannot be guaranteed that portable Setup players which do not meet the specifica- The Audi music interface is located in the cen- tion USB 2.0 will function via the MMI. tre console beneath the centre armrest. – USB hubs are not supported.
  • Page 29: Supported Media And File Formats

    700 MB; DVD±R/RW; standard video DVD and audio DVD compatible with video DVD; Audi music interface: portable players (e.g. iPod® ð page 25, MTP players, USB mass storage devices belonging to “USB Device Subclass 1 and 6” compatible with USB 2.0: USB sticks, USB MP3 players that do not require special driver soft- ware, external USB flash memories and external USB hard drives) Album covers Album covers up to 800×800 px.

  • Page 30: Troubleshooting

    Please observe the notes on the Audi music interface audio player*: The portable ð page 25/Bluetooth audio player* ð page 25. For information player/Bluetooth audio player is on which devices are supported, please see the Audi mobile de- not supported. vice database ( Audi music interface: When…

  • Page 31: System Settings

    System settings System settings Time zone When selecting the correct time zone, a list of Setting the time/date corresponding countries is displayed as an ex- The time can be set manually or via GPS*. ample. Date The Date can be set manually. The Time source must be set to manual.

  • Page 32: Adjusting The System Volume

    > Tone > Systems. MENU ► Telephone* Ring tone: see ð page 38 oder Name, Abteilung, Datum Applies to vehicles with Bang & Olufsen Sound System and Audi Sound System (6-channel) Applies to vehicles with Bang & Olufsen sound system…

  • Page 33: Restarting The Mmi System (Reset)

    System settings Restarting the MMI as the language of the navigation cues* and speech dialogue system* can be altered. system (Reset) The number of languages available depends on the market. Measurement units The following measurement units can be set in the MMI display and the driver information system: –…

  • Page 34
    MMI software via USB or an SD card. For further information on the System up- date, please go online (e.g. bluetooth) or ask an Audi dealer. Version information The software version of the MMI and the navi- gation database* are displayed.
  • Page 35: Communication

    – According to health organisations, mo- instructions for your mobile phone, or go bile phones may interfere with the func- online (e.g. tion of pacemakers. A minimum distance – The maximum range of the Bluetooth of 20 cm should be kept between the connection is limited to the interior of mobile phone aerial and the pacemaker.

  • Page 36
    – For further information on using a phone Please confirm any connection queries on your in your car, please go online (e.g. mobile phone. or ask an Audi dealer. After bonding: The signal strength bar ð page 10, Fig. 6 and Bluetooth symbol…
  • Page 37: Calling Up The Telephone

    Telephone Calling up the From a list telephone Applies to vehicles: with phone pre-installation Applies to vehicles: with phone pre-installation Fig. 26 Selecting a telephone number from the call list Fig. 25 Telephone functions Important: A telephone number must be stor- Important: A mobile phone must be connec- ed in the call list, the favourites or in the di- ted to the MMI system ð…

  • Page 38: Answering/Ignoring Telephone Calls

    Telephone Via the speller Listening to voice mail messages Applies to vehicles: with phone pre-installation Applies to vehicles: with phone pre-installation Select: button > control button Mail- ► box. – To enter the mailbox number: Select and confirm List and select and confirm the de- sired number.

  • Page 39: During A Telephone Call

    Telephone on hold and to answer the incoming call. If Switch: You can switch between two phone you select Ignore, the incoming call will be calls (one of them will be on hold at any given declined. time). Select End call to end whichever call is active.

  • Page 40: Other Settings

    Telephone data if required. Enter a Phone number. Se- Storing from the call list lect and confirm Store contact. Applies to vehicles: with phone pre-installation – To store an existing telephone number as a You can store telephone numbers from the favourite: Select and confirm Create favour- call list in the directory.

  • Page 41: Audi Phone Box

    MMI display. The Bluetooth discovera- Phone Box bility of the MMI can be switched on/off using The Audi Phone Box is located in the centre the settings visible/invisible. Devices which console beneath the centre armrest. have already been bonded can connect via Bluetooth even when discoverability is deacti- vated.

  • Page 42
    Always keep the centre armrest closed when driving. Note – The Audi Phone Box is not available in all countries. Your Audi dealer will be able to provide you with more detailed infor- mation.
  • Page 43: Directory

    For more information on which mobile phones are supported, please go online (e.g. Fig. 33 List of contacts bluetooth) or contact an Audi dealer. Select: button > Directory. – In certain cases, contacts from a mobile ►…

  • Page 44: Using A Contact

    Directory Surname/First name – Contacts that have been edited in the MMI directory cannot be updated auto- Enter the surname and first name using the matically on the connected mobile speller. phone. We recommend that you edit Phone numbers contacts on a mobile phone directly on the mobile phone.

  • Page 45: Editing/Deleting A Contact

    Important: An SD card must be inserted in the ing, select and confirm Start route guid- SD card reader ð page 24, or a USB mass stor- ance. age device must be connected to the Audi mu- sic interface ð page 25. Editing/deleting a contact Select: button >…

  • Page 46: Other Settings

    Directory – Never store important data on SD cards (public) can be deleted by selecting Delete or USB mass storage devices. Audi shall public contacts. not accept any liability whatsoever for the loss of data or media. Other settings Applies to vehicles: with phone pre-installation Select: button >…

  • Page 47: Navigation

    – For information on updating the naviga- Applies to vehicles: with navigation system tion data, please contact your Audi deal- The navigation system guides you directly to your destination, avoiding traffic obstruc- tions and using alternative routes if desired.

  • Page 48
    Navigation are listed below the entry field (large towns information on this location (e.g. address or first and then other towns in alphabetical or- traffic information) will be displayed der). In addition, the total number of towns Stacked map content: If several special desti- found is displayed ð…
  • Page 49
    Navigation destination is located directly on or in the im- Setting a favourite/home address as the mediate vicinity of your route. destination Applies to vehicles: with navigation system In vicinity of destination: You can select spe- Using the favourites makes it easier to enter cial destinations from different categories;…
  • Page 50: Starting/Stopping Route Guidance

    Navigation The following information is displayed in the Entering a destination via the coordinates legend menu of the tour plan ð Fig. 41: Applies to vehicles: with navigation system Location of the vehicle Select: button > control button Desti- Symbol for entering a stopover ►…

  • Page 51: How To Use The Map

    Navigation How to use the map Display of upcoming turn-off Additional information ð page 52 Applies to vehicles: with navigation system Crosshairs switched on: Additional information on the point selec- ted with the crosshairs: If you use the crosshairs to select a point on the map, any existing information on this location, e.g.

  • Page 52: Calling Up Traffic Information

    Navigation Calling up traffic with a red warning symbol. Any other traffic obstructions which are relevant for your route information are sorted by distance to your current loca- Applies to vehicles: with navigation system tion. Traffic obstructions that you have avoi- When the traffic avoidance function is activa- ded on your route are marked with the sym- ted, the MMI system uses the traffic informa-…

  • Page 53
    Navigation – Delete: Select and confirm a favourite/your Route type: You can select a short, fast or home address. Select and confirm Delete fa- economical (eco) route. vourite/home address. Motorway/Vignette/Toll road/Tunnel/Ferry/ Motorail: If you do not want the navigation Storing a destination in the directory system to include motorways, vignette/toll Applies to vehicles: with navigation system roads, tunnels, ferries or motorail transit…
  • Page 54
    Navigation Petrol station msg on the map. The map scale varies according to the length of the route. The map is set to face When the fuel gauge is below the reserve north. zone, a message will appear when this func- tion is on.
  • Page 55
    Navigation Tour settings Applies to vehicles: with navigation system Select: button > control button Tour. ► Calculate alternative routes Up to three suggested routes and their char- acteristics are displayed in the map’s legend menu. The route which was calculated on the basis of your criteria is highlighted.
  • Page 56: Entertainment

    Listening to the radio Listening to the radio Note Calling up the radio – If you leave the range of DAB* reception, radio stations of the selected ensemble The radio supports the wavebands DAB* (digi- ð page 56 are marked with a crossed- tal radio), FM and AM.

  • Page 57: Other Settings

    Listening to the radio Memory list Select and confirm the desired memory posi- tion. The memory list can contain up to 50 stations from all wavebands. Displaying the radio text (FM, DAB*) – To store a station: Select control button Additional information as a supplement to Memory >…

  • Page 58
    Listening to the radio Volume of announcements: see ð page 30. the L band. When this option is on, stations from the L band will also be received. TP symbol Meaning Station sorting (FM) Displayed The traffic programme func- tion is switched on and traffic A-Z: The stations are displayed in the station announcements will cut in.
  • Page 59: Troubleshooting

    Listening to the radio playback is interrupted for announce- Note ments. You can cancel an announcement If the Traffic programme or DAB an- while it is being played by briefly pressing nouncements* function is switched on, the ON/OFF button. Troubleshooting Subject Advice A station with poor reception is no lon-…

  • Page 60: Playing Media

    Possible sources are ð Fig. 49: Jukebox ð page 23 SD card reader ð page 24 DVD drive ð page 24 Audi music interface (e.g. iPod®, USB or external audio/video input*) ð page 25 Bluetooth audio player* ð page 25 Note Fig.

  • Page 61: Media Centre

    Playing media Media centre overview. The first track of the selected album will be played. In the media centre several categories for se- Folders lecting audio/video files are available. The folder structure or the track/chapter list of the selected source will be displayed. Se- lect a folder (if applicable) and select and con- firm a track.

  • Page 62: Other Settings

    Artists, Albums or files in the playlist will be played and shown in Genres. When you are using an iPod® random order. (source: Audi music interface), the cate- Repeat track gories Podcasts, Audiobooks and Com- posers are available additionally.

  • Page 63
    Important: A video DVD must be playing. mately one minute. The password can only be reset by an Audi workshop. You can select the subtitle setting manually. It depends on the video DVD whether differ- ent languages are available.
  • Page 64: Index

    Data storage (media drives) ..22 Audi Phone Box ….. . 39 Date .

  • Page 65
    File formats ……27 Audi music interface ….25 Files Jukebox .
  • Page 66
    Mute ……7, 12 Audi music interface ….25 Bluetooth audio player .
  • Page 67
    Index Notes Reduced display Cleaning and care of MMI control console 6 Media ……60 Data protection (storing a contact) .
  • Page 68
    Index Source, selecting (media) ….58 Track Fast forward/rewind ….59 Special destination ….46, 48 Pausing/resuming .

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