Nikon e5600 инструкция на русском

  • Страница 1

    ( En ) ( En ) ( En ) The Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the En DIGITAL CAMERA Printed i n Japan Fuji Bldg., 2-3 Marunouchi 3-chome, TR4K0 9000201( 11) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8331, Japan 6MA0511 1— No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in crit ical articles or revie ws), may be made with[…]

  • Страница 2

    Tra demar k In forma tio n Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Ma c OS , Power Ma cintosh, PowerBook, and Quic k Time are register ed trademarks of Appl e Computer, Inc. F inder, Power Mac, iMa c, and iBook are tradem arks of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademark s of Microsoft Cor poration. Inte rnet is a trademark o f […]

  • Страница 3

    i Notices/Fo r Your Safety For Yo ur Safety To prevent damage to your Nikon product or i njury to yourself or to other s, read the following safety precautions in thei r entirety before usi ng this equipment. Keep these safety instruct ions where all those who use the product will read them. The conse quenc es that could re sult fr om failu re to o[…]

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    ii Notices/Fo r Your Safety • Do not expose ba tteries to flam e or to excessive heat . • Do n o t im me rs e i n or exp o se to wat er . • Do not transport or stor e with metal objects such as necklaces or hairp ins. • Batteries are prone to leakage when fully discharged. T o avoid damage to the product, be sure to remove the batteries whe[…]

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    iii Notices/Fo r Your Safety Cautions To ens ur e co ntin ued e njo yme nt o f you r Nik on p rod uct, obse rv e th e fo llo wing prec auti ons w hen st orin g or us ing th e devi ce: Keep dry The device will b e damaged if imme rse d in wa te r or s ubje cte d to high levels of moisture. Hand le the le ns and all moving parts wi th care Do not app[…]

  • Страница 6

    iv Notices/Fo r Your Safety Notices • No part of the manuals included with this pr oduct m ay be re pr oduced, trans — mitted, transcribed, stor ed in a retrieval system, or translated i nto any language in any form, by any means , without Nikon’s p rior written permission . • Nikon reserves the right to change the specifications of th e h[…]

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    v Notices/Fo r Your Safety Noti ce for cus tomers in Canada CAUTION This class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Int erfer- ence Causing Equipment Regulations. ATTEN TION Cet appar eil n uméri que de la clas se B re- specte toutes les exige nces du Règlement sur le mat érie l brouil leur du Can ada. Notice Conc erning Pr[…]

  • Страница 8

    vi Notices/Fo r Your Safety Bef ore Tak ing Im port ant Pi ctures Befor e taking pictu res on impo rtant occas ions (such as at weddings or before taking the came ra with you on a tr ip), ta ke a tes t shot to ensure tha t the camer a is func tioning normally. Nikon w ill not be held lia ble for d amage s or lost profits that m ay resu lt from prod[…]

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    vii Table of contents For Your Safety ……… …… …. …. …. ….. …. …… …. ….. …. …. …. …… ….. …. …. …. …. ….. i Cautions …. …. …… ….. …. …. …. …. ……. …. …. …. …. ….. …… …. …. ….. …. …. …… …. ….iii Notice s …. …. …. …. ….. …… …. …. ….[…]

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    viii The Shooting Menu …….. ………………. …………. ………………. ……. 65 Using the Shooting Menu ………………………………………….. ……………………… 65 Image Mode……… ….. …. …. …. …… ….. …. …. …. …. ……. …. …. …. ….. …… …. …. …. .. 67 White Bala nce .[…]

  • Страница 11

    1 Before Y ou Begin Before Yo u Begin Introduction Thank you for your pur chase of a Niko n COOL PIX5600 (E5600)/CO OLPIX4 600 (E46 00) d ig ita l came ra . Th is ma nua l h as be en wr itt en to he lp yo u en joy tak ing picture s with yo ur Nikon digi tal camera . Read this m anual thor oughly b efore use, and kee p it ha ndy whe n us ing th e pr[…]

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    2 Before Y ou Begin Parts of the Camera Shutter-re lease but ton ( Q 7) Power sw itch ( Q 12) Viewfinde r ( Q 18) Built-in S peedli ght ( Q 24) Self-timer lamp ( Q 26) Lens ( Q 18) Power-on la mp ( Q 12) Attachin g the Camera Strap Memory card sl ot cover ( Q 10 ) Eye let fo r camera strap Microph one (E56 00 only) ( Q 47) Power connecto r cover fo[…]

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    3 Parts o f the Camera Before Y ou Begin Zoom ( l / O ) button s ( Q 18) Red ( ! ) lamp ( Q 20) Monitor ( Q 5, 18) Battery-ch amber cover ( Q 8) Mode dial ( Q 6) USB co nnector ( Q 50, 56) Audio/video (A V) out connecto r (E5600 only) ( Q 48)/ Video output conne ctor (E4600 only) ( Q 48) Interfa ce connec tor cov er ( Q 48, 50) Tripod soc ket ( Q 2[…]

  • Страница 14

    4 Before Y ou Begin The Monitor Shooting 1 Shooti ng mo de . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 12 Number of expos ures remai ning/ length of m ovie . . . . . . . . 16, 17, 6 0 2 AE-L 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3 Focus in dicator 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 13 Flash m ode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4 Zoom indicator 2 . . . […]

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    5 The Monitor Before Y ou Begin Playback Controlling the Monitor To hide or display ind icators in the monitor, sele ct the Photo info opt ion i n th e MONI TOR SE T- TINGS menu. ( Q 92) Monitor turns off while flas h is cha rging ( Q 20). 2005 . 05 . 01 2005 . 05 . 01 12 : 00 12 : 00 100NIKON 100NIKON 0008 . JPG 0008 . JPG 10 10 8 8 5M 5M S T A R […]

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    6 Before Y ou Begin The Mode Dial Using the mode dial, you can sele ct from se ven sh ooting modes an d setup m ode. Choo se a shoot ing mod e accordin g to shoot ing condi tions. To sel ect a mo de, al ign the mode icon wit h the » J » ma rk next to th e mode di al. e Scene ( Q 28 , 35) Choose f rom t welve «sc enes» suited to […]

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    7 Before Y ou Begin Navigating the Menus The mu lti s elec tor is u sed to n avig ate thro ugh t he c ame ra m enu s. Your ca mera ha s a two s tage shutt er-relea se butto n. The ca mera sets focus an d expos ure whe n the button is pressed halfway . The gree n (AF) lamp n ext to the viewf inder wi ll light whe n the foc us oper ation is com plete[…]

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    8 Firs t St eps First S teps Inserting Batteries Your ca mera us es: • LR6 (AA ) alkaline ba tteries (× 2), or • Nikon EN-MH1 r echarge able nickel-me tal hydr ide (NiMH) batte ries (×2) , or • ZR6 (AA ) nickel m anganes e batter ies (×2), or • FR6/L91 (AA) li thium batt eries ( ×2) Open the batte ry-cham ber cov er • Slide the batter[…]

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    9 Inserting Batteries Firs t St eps Replacing B atteries Turn the camera off and make sure that the power-on lamp has gone out be fore removing or in- serting batteries. Read Batter y Warnings Read and fo llow all warni ngs and instruct ions suppli ed by the battery ma nufacturer . Damaged Bat teries The following batte ries can no t be used: • B[…]

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    10 Firs t St eps Inserting Memory Cards Picture s can be st ored in the camera ‘s internal memory (about 14 MB) or on Se- cure Dig ital ( SD) memo ry car d. If no memory card has been i nserte d in the cam- era, picture s will be stor ed in th e memory , and if th e camera conta ins a me mory card, then pictures will a utomatically be st ored […]

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    11 Inse rting Memor y Cards Firs t St eps Format ting Me mory C ards Memory cards must be formatted before first use. For information on formatting memory cards, see «The SE T-UP Menu: Forma t memory/card» ( Q 97, 98). Removin g Memory Card s Memory cards can b e removed withou t loss of data when the camera is off. To remove memory cards[…]

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    12 Firs t St eps Checking the Battery Lev el Turn the camera on • Press the power switch . The power-on lam p will light. Rotate the mode dial to a setting other than f . Check the battery level in the monitor • Wh en th e came ra is tu rned on for the firs t time, a langua ge sel ection di alog will be d isplay ed. Choose th e desire d languag[…]

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    13 Checkin g the B attery L evel Firs t St eps Turn ing the Cam era O ff To turn the camera off, press the power switch when the power-on lamp is lit. Do not remove the batteries or disconnect the EH-62B AC adapter until the powe r-on lamp ha s gone out. The Powe r-on Lam p Auto Power Off (Standby M ode) If no operations are performed for one minut[…]

  • Страница 24

    14 Firs t St eps Basic Setup The first time the cam era is turned on, a language-selection dialog will be displayed in the monitor. Follow the steps below to c hoose a language a nd set the time and date. The Cloc k Battery When the main batteries a re installed or the camera is powere d by an AC ada pter, the clock ba ttery will charge in about te[…]

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    15 Basi c Se tup Firs t St eps Setting the Clock from PictureProject ( Windows XP/Mac OS X Only) If the cam era is co nnected with th e USB option set to PTP ( Q 49), PictureProjec t (included) c an be u sed to set the camer a clo ck to the s ame ti me and date as th e comput er . See the Pict ureP ro je ct Re fe ren ce M an ua l for detai ls. Sele[…]

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    16 Basic Photog raphy Basic Photogra phy Step 1 — Select P Mode This sectio n details th e basic s teps involv ed in takin g pictures in P (a uto) mode . In this auto matic , «point-a nd-shoo t» mode, the majority of ca mera set tings ar e con trolled by the cam era in response to sh ooting co nditions , produ cing opt imal results in mos[…]

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    17 Step 1 — Selec t P Mode Basic Photog raphy Number of Expos ures Remaining If the number of exposures remaining is zero, the message «OUT OF ME MORY» will be dis played in the monitor. No further pictures c an be tak en until you: • c hoose a lowe r Image mode setting ( Q 67 ) • i nsert a new memory card ( Q 10) • d el et e som e […]

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    18 Basic Photog raphy Step 2 — Frame th e Picture Read y th e cam era Hold the camera ste adily in both hands. Photo- graphs can be fra med in the monitor or the viewfinder . Frame your s ubject Your Ni kon digi tal cam era is equ ipped w ith two types of built -in zo om: op tical zo om, i n which the camera’s t elescopi ng lens can be used t […]

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    19 Step 2 — Fra me the Pi ctu re Basic Photog raphy Digital Zoom In digital zoom, data from the camera’s image sensor are processed digita lly, enlarging the center portion of the picture to fill the frame. Unlike opt ical zoom, digital zoom does not increase the amount of detail visible in the p icture. Instea d, details visible at maximum op[…]

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    20 Basic Photog raphy Step 3 — Focus and Shoot Focus Press the shutt er-release button halfway to set focus and exposure. In P mode, the ca mera will automatically focus on the subject at t he center of the frame. F ocus and exposure will lock while th e shutter-release b utton is pressed halfway. With the shutter-release but ton pressed half- way,[…]

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    21 Step 3 — Foc us and Shoot Basic Photog raphy During Recording While pictures are being recorde d to the memory or memory card, the green (AF) lamp blinks, and the < icon lights or the memory icon } / / blinks. You can continue to take pictures until the < icon is displayed. Do not tu rn the came ra off, eject the me mory ca rd, or rem ove […]

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    22 Basic Photog raphy Step 4 — View the Results (Full-screen Playback Mode) Press t he x bu tton View pi cture s in the monitor To view additional pictures, press the multi se- lector down or right to view pictures in the or- der recorde d, up or left to view pictures in reverse order. To scroll quickly to a particular frame number witho ut viewing[…]

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    23 Step 4 — View the Resul ts (Full-sc reen Playba ck Mode ) Basic Photog raphy Deleting Your Last Shot At any time during shooting, you can press the u button to de lete the last picture taken. The confirmation dial og shown at right will be displayed. Delete the picture as described opposite under «Del eting Unwante d Pic- tures.» Playb[…]

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    24 More on Photography More on Phot ography When Lighting Is Poor: Usin g the Flash The following flash mo des are available: To select the flash mode: Dis pl ay F la sh men u. Highligh t desire d mode (to exit with out chan ging mode , wait for a while or pres s the mul ti se lecto r to l eft). Auto with Red- eye Reductio n The E5600/E4600 Auto wi[…]

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    25 When Lighting Is Poor: Using the Flash More on Photography Exit menu. Flash mode shown by icon at bottom of monitor. Sensitivity ( ISO Equivalency) «Sensitivity» is a measure of ho w quickly the camera responds to light. Your Nikon digital camera normally has a sensitivity roughly equivalent to film with an ISO 50 rating. When lighting[…]

  • Страница 36

    26 More on Photography Taking a Self-Portrait: Using the Self-Timer Wh en the s elf-time r is on , pictur es are taken t en secon ds aft er the s hutter -rele ase butt on is pres sed. Thi s can be used to all ow you to appe ar i n your own pi ctu res or to pr event clo se-up or low-ligh t shots from being blur red by th e camera m ove- ment that oc[…]

  • Страница 37

    27 More on Photography Easy Close-ups: Macro Close-up Mode Macr o close -up mod e is used f or taking close- up shot s of sm all objects at very shor t dis tanc es ( min imum 4 cm/ 1.6 ″ ). Dis play Macr o cl os e-up menu . Exit menu. & icon appears in monitor when camera is in macro close-up. Highlight ON (to exit without changing setting, w[…]

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    28 More on Photography Assist and Scene M odes Your Ni kon digita l camera off ers a choice of four «ass ist» and twe lve «scene » modes. In th ese mode s, camer a sett ings are au tomatic ally optimize d for the se — lecte d sub ject t ype, spar ing yo u the ne cess ity of adju sti ng set ting s one- by- one. Assist Mode s Assi[…]

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    29 Assist an d Scene Mod es More on Photography Assist and S cene Modes Depending on your subject, assist and scene modes may not always produce the desired results. If results are no t to your satisfaction, ch oose P (aut o) an d tr y ag ain. Image Mode The Image mode option is available in the assist mode and scene mode menu ( Q 67) . Assist and […]

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    30 More on Photography Framing Assist The fou r assist mo des offe r a selectio n of framing assist opt ions that allow yo u to compose pic tures with the help of fr aming guides dis played i n the monito r. To use frami ng assis t, rotate the mode dia l to the desi red mode and follow the ste ps belo w. After selec ting mode, display framing as- s[…]

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    31 Frami ng As sist More on Photography i Portrait Assi st i (por trait a ssis t) mode hel ps you f rame portr aits in whic h the main subj ect st ands out clea rly whil e backgro und details are soft ened, len ding the composi tion a sens e of depth (the de- gree of soft ening dep ends on the a mount of light a vail able). A framing assis t menu h[…]

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    32 Framing Assi st More on Photography N Landscape Assist N (landsca pe assi st) mode helps you frame vi vid lands cape shots th at enhan ce outlines , colors, a nd contras t. A framing assist menu help s you frame not only natu ral landsc apes but also citys capes an d portrai t shots featu ring a land mark in the b ackgrou nd. * Other mode s can […]

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    33 Frami ng As sist More on Photography j Sp ort s A ssi st j (spo rts ass ist ) mode is used for dy namic act ion sho ts t hat capt ure mo vi ng obj ec ts. Th e ass is t me nu le ts y ou f reez e the action i n a sin gle shot o r record m otion in a se ries of pic — tures. Sports Assi st In Sports or Sports co mposite mode, the focus is constantly[…]

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    34 Framing Assi st More on Photography m Night Portrait Assist m (night po rtrait ass ist) mode is used for taking po rtrait shots at night, whe n it provides a natural bal ance betw een the m ain sub ject an d the backgroun d. Pi ctures t aken at slow shutte r spee ds ar e adju sted to impr ove q ualit y, sligh tly in- creas ing processi ng time; […]

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    35 More on Photography e Scene Mode e (sc ene) mode offers a menu of twelv e «scenes ,» each correspondi ng to a common situati on, such a s a backlit subj ect, s unset, or int erior s hot. C amera sett ings are auto mat ically adju sted to suit th e select ed scen e, spar — ing you t he necess ity of adjus ting eac h setti ng separat ely[…]

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    36 e Scene Mode More on Photography The fol lowi ng scen es are avail abl e: * Other mode s can be sel ected. The 2 (C amera Sh ake) Icon When the 2 icon app ears in the monitor, pictures may be blurred. In this section, the precautions that you can take to a void blur are indicated by stars:  hold camera in both hands and bra ce elbows a gainst[…]

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    37 e Scene Mo de More on Photography * Other mode s can be sel ected. E DUSK/DAWN Pres erves the colors seen in the weak natural light befor e sunrise or after sunset. Fo cu s is f i xe d at i n fi ni t y.  Picture s taken at slow shutter speeds ar e processed to impr ove quality , slightly increasing time before pictu re s are saved to memory o[…]

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    38 e Scene Mode More on Photography * Other mode s can be sel ected. G MUSEUM Fla sh tu rn s off ( $ ) au tomatica lly. Use th is mode in doors wher e flas h phot ogr aphy is pr ohi bi ted (for ex ampl e, i n muse ums a nd ar t gal le ri es) or in other indo or settings in which you d o not want to use th e flash.  •The Best Shot Selec tor (BS[…]

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    39 e Scene Mo de More on Photography * Other mode s can be sel ected. J BACK LIGHT Use when li ght is c oming fr om behind your subje ct, thr owing their fe atur es into shad ow , o r when your s ubject is in the shade but the backgr ound is bri ghtly lit. The flash will fir e automatically to «fill in» (illuminate) shadows. M UNDERWATER […]

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    40 e Scene Mode More on Photography * Other mode s can be sel ected. To use panorama as sist, follow the steps below. Highlight K (PANORAM A ASS IST). Press I (the center of the multi se- lector). Pan direction displayed in greenish yellow. Select how pictures w ill be joined together in complet ed panorama. This is the direc- tion in which to pan […]

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    41 e Scene Mo de More on Photography Compose the n ext shot to overlap with the previous picture. Take first pictur e. About one third of pic- ture is sho wn superi mposed on view through le ns (if p an direct ion is le ft to right, picture will app ear on l eft side of monito r). Take the next picture . Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all shots in se- […]

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    42 More on Playbac k More on Playba ck Viewing Pictures on the Ca mera Viewing Mult iple Pictures: Thumbnail Playback Pres sing the l ( W ) button in f ull-screen playbac k display s the pi ctur es in th e memory or o n the memo ry card in «c ontact shee ts» of four thumbnail i mages. The f ollowing operat ions can be per formed while thu[…]

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    43 Viewing Pict ures on the Camera More on Playbac k Taking a Closer Look: Playback Zoom Use th e O ( T ) button to zoom in on still im ages dis- played in full- screen p layback. While the picture is zoom ed in, yo u can s ave a cr opped co py of th e pic- ture that co ntains only t he port ion of the i mage v isi- ble in t he monito r. Playba ck […]

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    44 Viewing Pictures on the Camera More on Playbac k Cropping Pictures This o ption lets you crop part of a pictur e and save it as a separa te file. Zoom picture in and out. Scroll pic t ure. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until desired portion of ima ge is displayed in monitor. Confirmation dialog displayed. Select Yes to crea te cropped copy, No to exit wi[…]

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    45 Viewing Pict ures on the Camera More on Playbac k Adjusting a picture tone automa tically Pres s I (the cente r of the mult i selector) in full-scree n playba ck. The tone ad- justed pictur e is crea ted aut omatica lly as a separ ate pict ure. Th is funct ion is ca lled D-Lig hting in the E560 0/E4600 . Using D- Lighting, backlit o r insuffi ci[…]

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    46 Viewing Pictures on the Camera More on Playbac k D-Li ght ing Sam ple s + + Befo re Afte r +[…]

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    47 Viewing Pict ures on the Camera More on Playbac k Voice Memo s: Recording and Playba ck (E5600 on ly) Using the camera’ s mic rophone , you c an record a voice memo by pressing the shutter-rele ase button while a picture wi th the O : @ icon is displayed in full-sc reen pl ayback ( Q 22). Do not touch th e micro- phone dur ing rec ordin g. Voi[…]

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    48 More on Playbac k Viewing Pictures on TV Using the E G-CP14 audio/ video (A V) cab le (E560 0) or E G-CP11 video cable (E460 0) incl uded with your c amera, yo u can co nnect the came ra to a te levisio n or vid eo-cass ette re corde r (VCR). Choosing a Video Mode The Video mode item in the Interf ace option of the SET-UP menu offers a ch oice o[…]

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    49 More on Playbac k Viewing Pictures on a Com puter Using th e UC- E6 USB cable and Pic tureProj ect softw are provi ded with your ca mera, you c an vie w yo ur pho togra phs an d mov ies on a com pute r. Befo re yo u can tra nsfe r (copy) pictures to your computer, you will need to install PictureProject. For more information on installing Pictur[…]

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    50 Viewing Pictur es on a Compu ter More on Playbac k Connecting the USB Cable Tur n the com pute r on a nd wait for it to s tart u p. A fter conf irm ing th at th e cam — era is of f, connec t the UC-E6 USB cab le as show n below . Connec t the came ra directl y to the com puter; do no t connec t the cable via a USB hub or keyboar d. You can now t[…]

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    51 Viewing Pictures on a Com puter More on Playbac k Disconnecting the Camera If PTP is select ed in the USB m enu, yo u can turn the camer a off and d isconnect the USB cabl e on ce tr ansf er is compl et e. If you ha ve no t cha nged t he US B optio n in the camera SET- UP menu f rom its d efault sett ing of Mass sto rage , you must remove th e c[…]

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    52 More on Playbac k Printing Pictures Pictur es sto red in the memo ry or on the me mory card can be printe d in the same way a s pict ures ta ken wi th a fi lm came ra. U sing th e Print s et op ti on in the P LAY — BACK MENU, you can specify the pict ures to be printe d, the nu mber of print s, and t he infor mation to be included with e ach pr […]

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    53 Printin g Pictures More on Playbac k Highlight Print set . Display PRINT SET menu. Highlight Print selected . Pic tures on memory card displayed as thumbnail images. Highlight picture. Select highlighted picture. Selected pic- tures marke d by d icon. «Del ete pr int se t» To cancel the current print order, highlight D ele te prin t se[…]

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    54 Printing Pi ctures More on Playbac k Use the multi selector to specify numbe r of prints (up to 9). To deselect picture, press the multi selec tor down until icon disappears. Repeat steps 5-7 to selec t additional pictures. To exit without alter- ing print order, press ^ button. Press I (the center of the multi selector) to complete print order […]

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    55 Printin g Pictures More on Playbac k Print S et If you display the PRINT SET menu afte r creating a print order, the Date and Info options will be reset. «Dat e» If Dat e is selected, the date of recordi ng will appear on pictures printed using DPOF. The date is based on the photo information re corded with the picture, and will not be[…]

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    56 More on Playbac k Printing Via Direct USB Co nnection Your camer a al low s pict ur es to be pri nte d di rect ly fr om t he came ra us in g Pict — Bridge. If the UC-E6 USB ca ble i s used t o conne ct the c amera to a prin ter tha t supports PictBri dge, pi ctur es can be pr inted dire ctly fro m the memor y or memor y card wi thout havi ng to […]

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    57 Printing Via Direct USB Connection More on Playbac k Highlight Print select ion .* Display PRINT SELECTION dialog. * To pri nt one copy of all pict ures on memo ry card, highlight Print all im- ages and press m ulti selector to right. Scroll through pictures. C urrent picture shown at bottom of display. Use the multi select or to specify number […]

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    58 Printing Via Direct USB Con nection More on Playbac k Display confirmat ion dialog. Press the m ult i selector up or down to highlight option, and press I (the center of the mu lti selector) to select. • Sele ct Star t print to st art print ing. T o inte rrup t prin ting , press I , th en tur n ca mera o f f a nd disco nne ct USB c abl e. • […]

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    59 Printing Via Direct USB Connection More on Playbac k Display confirmation dialog. Press the multi s e lector up or do wn to high light option, press I (the center of the multi selector) to select. • Sele ct Star t print to st art print ing. T o inte rrup t prin ting , press I , th en tur n ca mera o f f a nd disco nne ct USB c abl e. • Sele […]

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    60 Movies Movies W Recording Movies Movi es can b e record ed with so und rec orded v ia the cam era’s bui lt-in micr o- phone, using the E5 600, or sil ent movie s using the E4600: Rotate the mode dial to W Turn the camera on The monitor show s the length of the movie tha t can be recorded. Start recording Press the sh utter- releas e but ton[…]

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    61 W Reco rding M ovies Movies The type of movie re corded can be selected from the f ollowing opt ions: *1 Tota l reco rding time shown is appr ox imate. Time may vary de pendin g on type of memory card used. *2 Total r ecor ding tim e is shor ter with E5600 becau se movie i s record ed wi th sound . Flash Mode Selection in W Mode The flash turns […]

  • Страница 72

    62 W Recording Movi es Movies To sel ect a movi e mode: Select W Mode . Display MO VIE menu. Highlight Movie options . Display MOVIE OPT IONS menu. Highlight mode.* * To exi t without ch anging mod e, press ^ button. Ma ke se lec tio n to retu rn to t he MO VIE menu. Return to sh oot ing mo de. S elected movie mode show n in mo nit or. 1 0h 0m20s 0[…]

  • Страница 73

    63 W Reco rding M ovies Movies The MO VIE menu also incl udes t he f ollow ing foc us opt io ns: To choos e a focus option from t he MOVIE me nu: Highlight Auto-f ocus mode . Display options. Highlight desired fo cus mode. M ake selection. Return to shooting mode. Focu s m ode Description Single AF Camera focuses when shut ter-relea se button is pr[…]

  • Страница 74

    64 Movies Viewing Movies In full-scre en playbac k mode ( Q 22), movies ca n be playe d with so und (E560 0 only). Mo vies ar e indicated by a W icon a nd can be view ed by pr essing I (the cent er of the mul ti se lect or) . Play bac k cont rol s are disp laye d at the t op o f t he moni to r; pres s the mult i select or to left or ri ght to hi gh[…]

  • Страница 75

    65 The Shooting Menu The Shooting Menu Using the Shooting Menu In P ( auto) mode, the following set tings can be adjust ed from the SHOOTING MENU: In P (auto) mode , the SHOOTING MENU is display ed when ^ button is pres sed. To display the SHOOTING MENU: Icon Type Display Using t he Menus option of the SET-UP menu switches the menu display between […]

  • Страница 76

    66 Using the Shoot ing Menu The Shooting Menu To make a selec tion from the SHOOTING MENU: Highlight menu item. Highlight option. To return to pr evious step, press the multi selector to left. Display options. Make selection. To e xit menu and return to shooting mode, press ^ button. Shooting M enu Help Pres sing O ( T ) button when displaying the […]

  • Страница 77

    67 The Shooting Menu Image Mode Image mode Pict ures ta ken w ith a dig ital c amera a re re corded as imag e file s. The size o f the f iles, a nd w ith it the n um- ber of image s that ca n be reco rded in t he memory or on th e memo ry card, de pends on the size an d qualit y of t he i mages . Befo re s hoo tin g, choo se i mage qua li ty and si[…]

  • Страница 78

    68 Image Mode The Shooting Menu The fo llowing t able sho ws the ap proxim ate numb er of pict ures th at can be stored in the memory or on 128- and 2 56-meg abyt e memor y car ds a t di fferen t imag e mode se ttings . * All figures ar e approximate. Fi le size of pictur es depends on scen e recorded, pro ducing wide v ari- ations in numb er of im[…]

  • Страница 79

    69 The Shooting Menu White Balance White balance The color of the ligh t reflecte d from an object v aries with the color of the l ight sour ce. T he human b rain is able to ad apt to such chan ges i n color, wit h the result that we see w hite obje cts as whit e, regardl ess of whether t hey ar e in the sh ade, d irect sunl ight, or un der incande[…]

  • Страница 80

    70 Wh ite Ba la nce The Shooting Menu Preset Wh ite Balan ce Pres et w hite bal anc e is use d whe n sho oti ng under mixed lighting or to comp ensate f or light s ources w ith a stro ng col or cast ( for ex ampl e, t o make pict ures tak — en und er a la mp wi th a r ed sha de lo ok as thoug h they had bee n taken under white light ). Wh en White […]

  • Страница 81

    71 The Shooting Menu Exp. +/- Exp. +/- The EXP. +/- (expos ure comp ensa tion) m enu is used to alte r expos ure fro m the va lue suggeste d by th e came ra, maki ng pictur es bright er or darke r. Expo sure can be adjust ed in the r ange -2. 0 to +2.0 EV . • Wh en th e expo sure com pen sation is a ltered, t he new se tting i s r efle cted i n t[…]

  • Страница 82

    72 The Shooting Menu Continuous Continuous Use the options i n this men u to captur e a fleeting ex — press ion on a p ortrait subject, photograp h a s ubject that is moving un predic tably, or c apture mo tion in a series of pic tures. Restrictions on Cam era Set tings At settings other than Single , the flas h ( Q 24) tur ns off automatically and[…]

  • Страница 83

    73 The Shooting Menu Best Shot Selecto r BSS When the » Best Sh ot Select or» (BS S) is on , the c am- era t akes pict ur es as long as th e shu tter -rel eas e but — ton is he ld down , to a maxi mum o f ten. Thes e images are then compa red and th e sha rpes t pictu re ( the pi c- ture wi th hig hest l evel of d etail) save d to the mem[…]

  • Страница 84

    74 The Shooting Menu Color Options Color Options Use t he op ti ons in thi s menu to ad d s peci al e ffec ts to you r pictures. There are f ive specia l effects to choose from. • The effect yo u choose i s r eflecte d in the pict ure dis- played in th e mon itor . White Balance When Black-and-white , Sepia or Cyanotype is selected, th e White ba[…]

  • Страница 85

    75 The Play back Menu The Playba ck Menu Using the Playback Menu The PLAY BACK ME NU contains the followin g options: To display the PLAYBACK MENU: Display the PLAY BACK M ENU. Option Description Q Print set Select pictures for printing on a D POF-compatible devic e; speci fy number of cop ies and in formation to be included o n prin ts. 52-5 5 Sli[…]

  • Страница 86

    76 Using the Play back Men u The Play back Menu Icon Type Display Using th e Me nu s option of the SET-UP menu switche s the menu display between Text and Icons ( Q 103). Playback Menu Help Pres sing O ( T ) but ton when displaying the PLAYBACK MENU dis plays the help for the se lected item. Print set Print set : Set : Set : Help : Exit : Exit Sele[…]

  • Страница 87

    77 The Play back Menu Slide Show Slide show This opt ion is us ed to play picture s back in a n autom ated «sl ide show » with abo ut three second s be tween e ach pi cture. Highlight Start . Begin slide show. The fo llo wing op erat io ns can be perf or med du rin g the sh ow: «Loop» If Loop is selected in the starting screen ,[…]

  • Страница 88

    78 The Play back Menu Delete Delete The D ELETE me nu contains the follo wing option s: If no memory ca rd is inse rted in the ca mera, pic tures in the internal memory will be deleted . If the ca mera con tains a memory card, p ictur es on th e card will b e delete d. To dele te pic tures in the inte rnal memor y, re- move the memory ca rd. Deleti[…]

  • Страница 89

    79 Delete The Play back Menu Confir mati on di alog d isp layed. Selec t Yes to dele te pictur es, No to exit with out de- letin g pict ur es. Deleting All Pic tures To dele te all unprot ected pict ures in the memory or on t he memo ry card: Highlight Erase all images . Confirmation dialog displayed. Se lect Yes to dele te pictures, No to exit wit[…]

  • Страница 90

    80 The Play back Menu Protect Protect This opti on is used to protect pictur es from acciden tal deletion . Protected files can not be de let ed by press in g the u butto n or using the op tions in the DEL ETE menu . Note, howev er, that pr otected pict ures will be de leted whe n the memo ry or memory ca rd is fo rmatted. Highlight picture. Repeat[…]

  • Страница 91

    81 The Play back Menu Transfer Marking T ransfer marking This option is us ed to m ark pict ures fo r transf er to a compute r and to t urn au tomat ic tr ansf er mar king o n and of f. Transf erring Mo re than 99 9 Pictures No more than 999 pictures can be marked for tr ansfer. If more than 999 pi ctures are marked, use PictureProje ct to transfer[…]

  • Страница 92

    82 Transfer M arking The Play back Menu Marking S elected Pi cture s for Trans fer Highlight Select image(s) . Highlight picture. Repeat ste ps 3 and 4 to sele ct addi- tional pictures. To deselect picture, highlight and press the multi selec- tor down. To exit without c hanging transfer status of picture s, press ^ button. Pictures in memory or on[…]

  • Страница 93

    83 The Play back Menu Small Picture Small pic. To crea te a sm all copy o f a pictu re, selec t Small pic. af ter disp laying the im age in full-sc reen playba ck or sel ecting it in the thumbna il display . Highlight option. C onfirmation dialog displayed. Se lect Yes to create resized copy, No to exit without creating copy. To vi ew th e new, r e[…]

  • Страница 94

    84 The Play back Menu Copy Copy This o ption is used to tr ansfer pictures from th e cam- era ‘s int ernal m emo ry to the me mory card , or v ice versa. } indi cate s the c amera ‘s in tern al me mory and / the memory card. This opti on is d ispl ayed onl y when th e memory card is inserted . Copying Selec ted Pictures Highlight (memo ry[…]

  • Страница 95

    85 Copy The Play back Menu Select highligh ted pi cture. Selec ted pictur es mar ked by A icon. Repea t steps 4 and 5 to s elect add itional picture s. To d eselect pictu re, high light and pre ss the mu lti select or down . Confirmation dialog displayed. Select Yes to copy pictures, No to e xit without copying pictures. Copying All Pictures To cop[…]

  • Страница 96

    86 Copy The Play back Menu Copy • If there is not en ough space in the memory or o n the memory card to rece ive the copy, the message «IMAGE CANNOT BE SAVED» will be displayed ( Q 109). Delete unw anted picture s or insert a new memory card ( if using a memory ca rd) before tryin g again. • Copying of pictur es taken with anot her ma[…]

  • Страница 97

    87 The Set-u p Menu The Set- up Menu Using the Set-up Menu The SET-UP menu con tains the follow ing options: To clear the SET-UP men u from the monitor, rotate the mode di al to another setting or press the x button. Optio n Description Q Welc ome scr een C hoose the welcome screen displayed when the camera is turned on. 89 Date Set the camera cloc[…]

  • Страница 98

    88 Using the Set-up M enu The Set-u p Menu Icon Type Display Using Menus option of the SET-UP menu switches the menu display be- tween Text and Icon s ( Q 103). Set-up Menu Help Pres sing O ( T ) button when displa ying the SET-UP menu dis plays the he lp for the selected item. Welcome screen Welcome screen : Set : Help Choose the image displayed w[…]

  • Страница 99

    89 The Set-u p Menu Welcome Screen Welcome screen This opti on is us ed to choose the welc ome s cree n displ aye d when t he camera is tu rned on. Small Pictur es and Cropped Co pies Resized copies c reated w ith the s mall pictur e a nd cropping options can only be selected for the welco me sc reen if th ey are ( q ) 640 × 480 pi xels or large r[…]

  • Страница 100

    90 The Set-u p Menu Date Date This option is used to se t the camera clock. This option is availab le after yo u have set the came ra clock when u sing your c amera fo r the first tim e. For m ore infor- mation on se tting the cam era clo ck, see «F irst Steps: Bas ic Setup» ( Q 14). The Camer a Clock The camera clock is less accurate tha[…]

  • Страница 101

    91 Date The Set-u p Menu (Travel Destinati on Time Zon e) To set the cloc k to th e travel destinatio n time z one, high — light and press I (the cent er of t he multi select or) . While the t ravel de stinati on time zone is selecte d, a icon wi ll be displ ayed in the mo nitor when the camer a is in shoo ting mode . To choo se a n ew trav el dest[…]

  • Страница 102

    92 The Set-u p Menu Monitor Settings Monitor settings This opt ion is u sed to set the monito r dis play. Photo Info Sel ect thi s opti on to hide or dis pla y the monitor indicators, o r turn the m onitor o ff. Brightness Press the mul ti selector up or do wn to increase or decreas e the b rightness o f the monitor by moving the indicator on the l[…]

  • Страница 103

    93 The Set-u p Menu Date Imprint Date imprint The Date impr int option is used to imprint the date or th e date and time of record ing on picture s as they are reco rded to the m emory o r mem ory card. It can not be u sed to im- print a date stamp on pictures after record ing. Image M ode Data imprinted at an Image mode setting of TV screen (640) […]

  • Страница 104

    94 The Set-u p Menu Sound Settings Sound settings The option s in this m enu control th e sound se ttings li sted below. Wit h E460 0, so und se tti ngs ca n onl y be s et On or Off . Choo sing Off mutes b utton, shutte r and start-up sou nds. Tone and volume ca nnot be adjusted . Shut ter sou nd Regardless of setting chosen, no sound is played whe[…]

  • Страница 105

    95 The Set-u p Menu Blur Warning Blur warning This optio n is used to disp lay or hid e the camera s hake warning after you have taken a picture. Selecting On disp lays the w arnin g o nly if i nadv erte nt cam — era movement h as caused the picture yo u have just taken to be blurred. Select Yes to keep the picture or No to dele te it. Shooting m o[…]

  • Страница 106

    96 The Set-u p Menu Auto Off Auto off To save ba tter y powe r, the ca mera wi ll enter st andby mode if no operat ions are pe rformed for a prese t length of t ime. Auto off Sleep mode AUTO OFF AUTO OFF : Set : Set OFF 1m Option Description Auto Off Choose how long moni tor will remain on before turni ng off a utomaticall y. Cho ose from thirty se[…]

  • Страница 107

    97 The Set-u p Menu Format memory/card Format card Format memory This opti on is used when you nee d to forma t th e cam- era’ s int ernal me mory or a memor y card . If no memory card is i nserte d in the camera, the inte r- nal memory will be for matte d, and if t he ca mera co n- tains a me mory ca rd, the c ard will be f ormatte d. To form[…]

  • Страница 108

    98 Format memo ry/ca rd The Set-u p Menu Formatt ing Memory/Card • Wh en formattin g memory c ards, us e the Format c ard option o f the came ra. The c amera may be unabl e to access memor y cards formatte d using a compute r or other dev ice. • Do not turn the camera off or re move the batteries or memory card when the mes sage «FORMATT I[…]

  • Страница 109

    99 The Set-u p Menu Language Language Choo se the langu age f or ca mera menus a nd mes sages fro m Deutsc h (German), Englis h , Español (Spanish), Français (Fr ench) , Italia no (Italian ), Nederla nds (Dutch), Svensk a (Swedish), (Japanese), ( Simplified C hinese), (Traditional Chinese) or (Korean). Set USB mode or th e vi deo mode. Afte r cho[…]

  • Страница 110

    100 The Set-u p Menu Auto Transfer Auto transfer Choo se whet her or not to set Trans fer m ark ing option to the picture taken. When t he Auto tr ansfe r option is set to On , all p ictur es taken are set to be trans ferred and V icon is a dded when di spl ayed. Select this op tion to res tore the settings l isted on th e next page to their origin[…]

  • Страница 111

    101 Reset All The Set-u p Menu The following settin gs are affected: Choo sing Reset also clears the cur rent file num ber ( Q 23) from mem ory. Numbering will continue from the lowest nu mber av ailable in the me mory or on the m emory c ard. All oth- er settings are unaffe cted. Resettin g File Numbering to 000 1 To reset file numbering ( Q 23) t[…]

  • Страница 112

    102 The Set-u p Menu Battery Type Battery type This option is used to choose the type o f batteries in serted in the camera. Backup Bat tery If the backup batte ry ( Q 14) is not cha rged sufficiently, the battery type se tting may revert to the default setting. Option D escri ption Alkaline Select thi s option when you have inserted a lkaline (AA)[…]

  • Страница 113

    103 The Set-u p Menu Menus Menus This option is u sed to switch the men u display of th e SHOOTING ME NU, PLAYBACK ME NU or SET-UP menu to Text or Icons . Te x t Icons MENUS MENUS : Set : Set[…]

  • Страница 114

    104 The Set-u p Menu Firmware Version Firmware version Select this option to displ ay the current firmw are version. : Back E5600 V er .XX[…]

  • Страница 115

    105 Technical Notes Technical Notes Optional Accessories At the tim e of writing , the follow ing optiona l accessor ies were av ailable for your Nikon digital came ra. Contac t your local reta iler or Nikon repr esenta tive for de- tails. * 1 Not available in U.S. * 2 Not available in some ar eas. Approved Memo ry Cards The followi ng memo ry ca r[…]

  • Страница 116

    106 Technical Notes Caring for Your Camera Cleaning Lens One k ey to clea ning the lens is to n ot touch it with your fing ers. Re move du st or lint w ith a b lower ( typically a small device with a r ubber bulb attach ed to o ne end that y ou pump to produc e a stream of air out the other) . To remo ve finger prints or ot her s ta ins tha t can n[…]

  • Страница 117

    107 Caring for You r Camera Technical Notes Stor age Turn the came ra off when not i n use and check t hat the power-on lamp i s off be- fore putting the camera away. To prevent mold or mildew, store the camera in a dry, well-venti lated area. If you will not be using the product for long periods, re- move the batteries to prevent leakage and stor […]

  • Страница 118

    108 Technical Notes Error Messages The fol lo wing ta ble l ist s the er ror me ssag es and othe r warni ngs that ap pea r in the mo nitor and ho w to deal wi th them. Display Problem Soluti on Q Z (Flashes) C lock no t set . Set clock to current date and time. 14 WA R N I N G ! ! BA TTERY EXHAUSTED Batteries ex hausted. Turn camera off and re plac[…]

  • Страница 119

    109 Erro r Messag es Technical Notes THIS CARD CANNOT BE USED 4 Error acc essing memory c ard. • Use approved card. • Check that conne ctors ar e clean. 105 — WA R N I N G ! ! THI S CARD CAN- NOT BE READ / OUT OF MEMORY / Camera in sho oting mode : Insufficient memory to recor d pictures at cu rrent setting s. • Choose lower image qual- ity/ […]

  • Страница 120

    110 Error Me ssages Technical Notes WARNING! MODE DIAL IS NOT IN THE PROPER POSITION Mode dial i s positio ned between two mode s. Adju st m ode di al t o sele ct desired mode . 6 THIS I MAGE CAN- NOT BE DEL ETED Attempt to delete prot ected picture. Remove protec tion before deleting pictu re. 80 COMMUNI CA- TIONS ERROR USB cabl e discon nected o […]

  • Страница 121

    111 Technical Notes Troubleshooting If your camer a fail s to functio n as expec ted, check th e list of co mmon proble ms below before consul ting yo ur reta iler or Niko n repr esenta tive . Refer t o the page numbers liste d in the right- most column for infor mation on solvin g the problems lis ted he re . Electronically-Cont rolled Cam eras In[…]

  • Страница 122

    112 Troubleshoo ting Technical Notes No picture is taken when shut ter — release button is pressed • C amera is in playback mode. • Batteries are exhaust ed. •R e d ( ! ) lamp flickers: fla sh is charging. • Gr een (AF) lamp flickers: camera una ble to focus. • Message «C ARD IS NOT FO RMA TTED» appears in monitor: memory ca rd […]

  • Страница 123

    113 Troubleshoo ting Technical Notes Copy can not be cr e- ated using small pic — tur e, cr op, or D- Ligh ting op tion • Pic ture i s a m ov ie. • Pictur e w as cr eated wi th small pi ctur e, cr op, o r D-Ligh t- ing opti on. • There is not enou gh fr ee space in the me mory or on the memory car d to stor e new copy . 64 44, 45 , 83 Can not[…]

  • Страница 124

    114 Technical Notes Specifications T ype E5600/E46 00 digital camera Effective pixels 5. 1 million (E5600); 4.0 million (E4600) CCD E5600 1/2.5” high-density CCD; total pixels: 5 .36 million E4600 1/2.5” high-density CCD; total pixels: 4 .23 million Image size (pixels) 2,592 × 1,944 (2 592) (E560 0 only) 2,288 × 1,712 (2 288) (E460 0 only) 2,[…]

  • Страница 125

    115 Specif ications Technical Notes Sensitivity Approximately equivalent to I SO 50 (auto gain of two to four times) (up to equivale nt of ISO 200) Self-t imer T en-seco nd duration Built-in Speedlight Range (app rox.) W: 0 .4 — 3. 3 m/1 ´4” — 10 ´10” T : 0.4 — 2.0 m/1 ´4” — 6´7 ” Flash control Sensor f lash system Interface USB Vide o […]

  • Страница 126

    116 Index Index Symbol s I button, 7 P (auto) m ode, 6, 16 u (delet e) button, 3, 22, 23, 42, 43, 6 4 ! lamp, see La mp, red ( ! ) N (landscape as sist) mode, 6, 32 W (movie) m ode, 6, 60-64 m (nigh t portra it assi st) mod e, 6, 34 x (play) bu tton, 3, 1 2, 22 i (portra it ass ist) mode, 6, 31 j (sports assist) mod e, 6, 33 O : @ (voice memo), 47 […]

  • Страница 127

    117 Index Index Movies, 60- 64 auto -fo cus mo de, 63 recordin g, 60- 63 view in g, 64 Multi select or, 3, 7 MUSEUM , 38 N NIGHT LANDSCAPE , 37 NTSC, see Vide o mo de Numbe r of exp osures r emain- ing, 16, 17 , 68 O On/off, see Power switch P PAL, see Vi deo mode PANORAMA ASSIST , 40 PARTY/IND OOR , 28, 35, 36 PictBrid ge, 56, 59 PictureProject, 4[…]

  • Страница 128

    ( En ) ( En ) ( En ) The Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the En DIGITAL CAMERA Printed i n Hong Kong Fuji Bldg., 2-3 Marunouchi 3-chome, TR4L 01(11) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8331, Japan 6MA0561 1— No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in crit ical articles or revie ws), may be made withou […]

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Nikon COOLPIX 5600 инструкция по эксплуатации
(62 страницы)

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На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Nikon COOLPIX 5600. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Nikon COOLPIX 5600. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Nikon COOLPIX 5600, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

  • Page 1: Nikon E5600

    ( En ) ( En ) ( En ) The Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the En DIGITAL CAMERA Printed i n Japan Fuji Bldg., 2-3 Marunouchi 3-chome, TR4K0 9000201( 11) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8331, Japan 6MA0511 1— No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in crit ical articles or revie ws), may be made with[…]

  • Page 2: Nikon E5600

    Tra demar k In forma tio n Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Ma c OS , Power Ma cintosh, PowerBook, and Quic k Time are register ed trademarks of Appl e Computer, Inc. F inder, Power Mac, iMa c, and iBook are tradem arks of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademark s of Microsoft Cor poration. Inte rnet is a trademark o f […]

  • Page 3: Nikon E5600

    i Notices/Fo r Your Safety For Yo ur Safety To prevent damage to your Nikon product or i njury to yourself or to other s, read the following safety precautions in thei r entirety before usi ng this equipment. Keep these safety instruct ions where all those who use the product will read them. The conse quenc es that could re sult fr om failu re to o[…]

  • Page 4: Nikon E5600

    ii Notices/Fo r Your Safety • Do not expose ba tteries to flam e or to excessive heat . • Do n o t im me rs e i n or exp o se to wat er . • Do not transport or stor e with metal objects such as necklaces or hairp ins. • Batteries are prone to leakage when fully discharged. T o avoid damage to the product, be sure to remove the batteries whe[…]

  • Page 5: Nikon E5600

    iii Notices/Fo r Your Safety Cautions To ens ur e co ntin ued e njo yme nt o f you r Nik on p rod uct, obse rv e th e fo llo wing prec auti ons w hen st orin g or us ing th e devi ce: Keep dry The device will b e damaged if imme rse d in wa te r or s ubje cte d to high levels of moisture. Hand le the le ns and all moving parts wi th care Do not app[…]

  • Page 6: Nikon E5600

    iv Notices/Fo r Your Safety Notices • No part of the manuals included with this pr oduct m ay be re pr oduced, trans — mitted, transcribed, stor ed in a retrieval system, or translated i nto any language in any form, by any means , without Nikon’s p rior written permission . • Nikon reserves the right to change the specifications of th e h[…]

  • Page 7: Nikon E5600

    v Notices/Fo r Your Safety Noti ce for cus tomers in Canada CAUTION This class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Int erfer- ence Causing Equipment Regulations. ATTEN TION Cet appar eil n uméri que de la clas se B re- specte toutes les exige nces du Règlement sur le mat érie l brouil leur du Can ada. Notice Conc erning Pr[…]

  • Page 8: Nikon E5600

    vi Notices/Fo r Your Safety Bef ore Tak ing Im port ant Pi ctures Befor e taking pictu res on impo rtant occas ions (such as at weddings or before taking the came ra with you on a tr ip), ta ke a tes t shot to ensure tha t the camer a is func tioning normally. Nikon w ill not be held lia ble for d amage s or lost profits that m ay resu lt from prod[…]

  • Page 9: Nikon E5600

    vii Table of contents For Your Safety ……… …… …. …. …. ….. …. …… …. ….. …. …. …. …… ….. …. …. …. …. ….. i Cautions …. …. …… ….. …. …. …. …. ……. …. …. …. …. ….. …… …. …. ….. …. …. …… …. ….iii Notice s …. …. …. …. ….. …… …. …. ….[…]

  • Page 10: Nikon E5600

    viii The Shooting Menu …….. ………………. …………. ………………. ……. 65 Using the Shooting Menu ………………………………………….. ……………………… 65 Image Mode……… ….. …. …. …. …… ….. …. …. …. …. ……. …. …. …. ….. …… …. …. …. .. 67 White Bala nce .[…]

  • Page 11: Nikon E5600

    1 Before Y ou Begin Before Yo u Begin Introduction Thank you for your pur chase of a Niko n COOL PIX5600 (E5600)/CO OLPIX4 600 (E46 00) d ig ita l came ra . Th is ma nua l h as be en wr itt en to he lp yo u en joy tak ing picture s with yo ur Nikon digi tal camera . Read this m anual thor oughly b efore use, and kee p it ha ndy whe n us ing th e pr[…]

  • Page 12: Nikon E5600

    2 Before Y ou Begin Parts of the Camera Shutter-re lease but ton ( Q 7) Power sw itch ( Q 12) Viewfinde r ( Q 18) Built-in S peedli ght ( Q 24) Self-timer lamp ( Q 26) Lens ( Q 18) Power-on la mp ( Q 12) Attachin g the Camera Strap Memory card sl ot cover ( Q 10 ) Eye let fo r camera strap Microph one (E56 00 only) ( Q 47) Power connecto r cover fo[…]

  • Page 13: Nikon E5600

    3 Parts o f the Camera Before Y ou Begin Zoom ( l / O ) button s ( Q 18) Red ( ! ) lamp ( Q 20) Monitor ( Q 5, 18) Battery-ch amber cover ( Q 8) Mode dial ( Q 6) USB co nnector ( Q 50, 56) Audio/video (A V) out connecto r (E5600 only) ( Q 48)/ Video output conne ctor (E4600 only) ( Q 48) Interfa ce connec tor cov er ( Q 48, 50) Tripod soc ket ( Q 2[…]

  • Page 14: Nikon E5600

    4 Before Y ou Begin The Monitor Shooting 1 Shooti ng mo de . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 12 Number of expos ures remai ning/ length of m ovie . . . . . . . . 16, 17, 6 0 2 AE-L 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3 Focus in dicator 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 13 Flash m ode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4 Zoom indicator 2 . . . […]

  • Page 15: Nikon E5600

    5 The Monitor Before Y ou Begin Playback Controlling the Monitor To hide or display ind icators in the monitor, sele ct the Photo info opt ion i n th e MONI TOR SE T- TINGS menu. ( Q 92) Monitor turns off while flas h is cha rging ( Q 20). 2005 . 05 . 01 2005 . 05 . 01 12 : 00 12 : 00 100NIKON 100NIKON 0008 . JPG 0008 . JPG 10 10 8 8 5M 5M S T A R […]

  • Page 16: Nikon E5600

    6 Before Y ou Begin The Mode Dial Using the mode dial, you can sele ct from se ven sh ooting modes an d setup m ode. Choo se a shoot ing mod e accordin g to shoot ing condi tions. To sel ect a mo de, al ign the mode icon wit h the » J » ma rk next to th e mode di al. e Scene ( Q 28 , 35) Choose f rom t welve «sc enes» suited to […]

  • Page 17: Nikon E5600

    7 Before Y ou Begin Navigating the Menus The mu lti s elec tor is u sed to n avig ate thro ugh t he c ame ra m enu s. Your ca mera ha s a two s tage shutt er-relea se butto n. The ca mera sets focus an d expos ure whe n the button is pressed halfway . The gree n (AF) lamp n ext to the viewf inder wi ll light whe n the foc us oper ation is com plete[…]

  • Page 18: Nikon E5600

    8 Firs t St eps First S teps Inserting Batteries Your ca mera us es: • LR6 (AA ) alkaline ba tteries (× 2), or • Nikon EN-MH1 r echarge able nickel-me tal hydr ide (NiMH) batte ries (×2) , or • ZR6 (AA ) nickel m anganes e batter ies (×2), or • FR6/L91 (AA) li thium batt eries ( ×2) Open the batte ry-cham ber cov er • Slide the batter[…]

  • Page 19: Nikon E5600

    9 Inserting Batteries Firs t St eps Replacing B atteries Turn the camera off and make sure that the power-on lamp has gone out be fore removing or in- serting batteries. Read Batter y Warnings Read and fo llow all warni ngs and instruct ions suppli ed by the battery ma nufacturer . Damaged Bat teries The following batte ries can no t be used: • B[…]

  • Page 20: Nikon E5600

    10 Firs t St eps Inserting Memory Cards Picture s can be st ored in the camera ‘s internal memory (about 14 MB) or on Se- cure Dig ital ( SD) memo ry car d. If no memory card has been i nserte d in the cam- era, picture s will be stor ed in th e memory , and if th e camera conta ins a me mory card, then pictures will a utomatically be st ored […]

  • Page 21: Nikon E5600

    11 Inse rting Memor y Cards Firs t St eps Format ting Me mory C ards Memory cards must be formatted before first use. For information on formatting memory cards, see «The SE T-UP Menu: Forma t memory/card» ( Q 97, 98). Removin g Memory Card s Memory cards can b e removed withou t loss of data when the camera is off. To remove memory cards[…]

  • Page 22: Nikon E5600

    12 Firs t St eps Checking the Battery Lev el Turn the camera on • Press the power switch . The power-on lam p will light. Rotate the mode dial to a setting other than f . Check the battery level in the monitor • Wh en th e came ra is tu rned on for the firs t time, a langua ge sel ection di alog will be d isplay ed. Choose th e desire d languag[…]

  • Page 23: Nikon E5600

    13 Checkin g the B attery L evel Firs t St eps Turn ing the Cam era O ff To turn the camera off, press the power switch when the power-on lamp is lit. Do not remove the batteries or disconnect the EH-62B AC adapter until the powe r-on lamp ha s gone out. The Powe r-on Lam p Auto Power Off (Standby M ode) If no operations are performed for one minut[…]

  • Page 24: Nikon E5600

    14 Firs t St eps Basic Setup The first time the cam era is turned on, a language-selection dialog will be displayed in the monitor. Follow the steps below to c hoose a language a nd set the time and date. The Cloc k Battery When the main batteries a re installed or the camera is powere d by an AC ada pter, the clock ba ttery will charge in about te[…]

  • Page 25: Nikon E5600

    15 Basi c Se tup Firs t St eps Setting the Clock from PictureProject ( Windows XP/Mac OS X Only) If the cam era is co nnected with th e USB option set to PTP ( Q 49), PictureProjec t (included) c an be u sed to set the camer a clo ck to the s ame ti me and date as th e comput er . See the Pict ureP ro je ct Re fe ren ce M an ua l for detai ls. Sele[…]

  • Page 26: Nikon E5600

    16 Basic Photog raphy Basic Photogra phy Step 1 — Select P Mode This sectio n details th e basic s teps involv ed in takin g pictures in P (a uto) mode . In this auto matic , «point-a nd-shoo t» mode, the majority of ca mera set tings ar e con trolled by the cam era in response to sh ooting co nditions , produ cing opt imal results in mos[…]

  • Page 27: Nikon E5600

    17 Step 1 — Selec t P Mode Basic Photog raphy Number of Expos ures Remaining If the number of exposures remaining is zero, the message «OUT OF ME MORY» will be dis played in the monitor. No further pictures c an be tak en until you: • c hoose a lowe r Image mode setting ( Q 67 ) • i nsert a new memory card ( Q 10) • d el et e som e […]

  • Page 28: Nikon E5600

    18 Basic Photog raphy Step 2 — Frame th e Picture Read y th e cam era Hold the camera ste adily in both hands. Photo- graphs can be fra med in the monitor or the viewfinder . Frame your s ubject Your Ni kon digi tal cam era is equ ipped w ith two types of built -in zo om: op tical zo om, i n which the camera’s t elescopi ng lens can be used t […]

  • Page 29: Nikon E5600

    19 Step 2 — Fra me the Pi ctu re Basic Photog raphy Digital Zoom In digital zoom, data from the camera’s image sensor are processed digita lly, enlarging the center portion of the picture to fill the frame. Unlike opt ical zoom, digital zoom does not increase the amount of detail visible in the p icture. Instea d, details visible at maximum op[…]

  • Page 30: Nikon E5600

    20 Basic Photog raphy Step 3 — Focus and Shoot Focus Press the shutt er-release button halfway to set focus and exposure. In P mode, the ca mera will automatically focus on the subject at t he center of the frame. F ocus and exposure will lock while th e shutter-release b utton is pressed halfway. With the shutter-release but ton pressed half- way,[…]

  • Page 31: Nikon E5600

    21 Step 3 — Foc us and Shoot Basic Photog raphy During Recording While pictures are being recorde d to the memory or memory card, the green (AF) lamp blinks, and the < icon lights or the memory icon } / / blinks. You can continue to take pictures until the < icon is displayed. Do not tu rn the came ra off, eject the me mory ca rd, or rem ove […]

  • Page 32: Nikon E5600

    22 Basic Photog raphy Step 4 — View the Results (Full-screen Playback Mode) Press t he x bu tton View pi cture s in the monitor To view additional pictures, press the multi se- lector down or right to view pictures in the or- der recorde d, up or left to view pictures in reverse order. To scroll quickly to a particular frame number witho ut viewing[…]

  • Page 33: Nikon E5600

    23 Step 4 — View the Resul ts (Full-sc reen Playba ck Mode ) Basic Photog raphy Deleting Your Last Shot At any time during shooting, you can press the u button to de lete the last picture taken. The confirmation dial og shown at right will be displayed. Delete the picture as described opposite under «Del eting Unwante d Pic- tures.» Playb[…]

  • Page 34: Nikon E5600

    24 More on Photography More on Phot ography When Lighting Is Poor: Usin g the Flash The following flash mo des are available: To select the flash mode: Dis pl ay F la sh men u. Highligh t desire d mode (to exit with out chan ging mode , wait for a while or pres s the mul ti se lecto r to l eft). Auto with Red- eye Reductio n The E5600/E4600 Auto wi[…]

  • Page 35: Nikon E5600

    25 When Lighting Is Poor: Using the Flash More on Photography Exit menu. Flash mode shown by icon at bottom of monitor. Sensitivity ( ISO Equivalency) «Sensitivity» is a measure of ho w quickly the camera responds to light. Your Nikon digital camera normally has a sensitivity roughly equivalent to film with an ISO 50 rating. When lighting[…]

  • Page 36: Nikon E5600

    26 More on Photography Taking a Self-Portrait: Using the Self-Timer Wh en the s elf-time r is on , pictur es are taken t en secon ds aft er the s hutter -rele ase butt on is pres sed. Thi s can be used to all ow you to appe ar i n your own pi ctu res or to pr event clo se-up or low-ligh t shots from being blur red by th e camera m ove- ment that oc[…]

  • Page 37: Nikon E5600

    27 More on Photography Easy Close-ups: Macro Close-up Mode Macr o close -up mod e is used f or taking close- up shot s of sm all objects at very shor t dis tanc es ( min imum 4 cm/ 1.6 ″ ). Dis play Macr o cl os e-up menu . Exit menu. & icon appears in monitor when camera is in macro close-up. Highlight ON (to exit without changing setting, w[…]

  • Page 38: Nikon E5600

    28 More on Photography Assist and Scene M odes Your Ni kon digita l camera off ers a choice of four «ass ist» and twe lve «scene » modes. In th ese mode s, camer a sett ings are au tomatic ally optimize d for the se — lecte d sub ject t ype, spar ing yo u the ne cess ity of adju sti ng set ting s one- by- one. Assist Mode s Assi[…]

  • Page 39: Nikon E5600

    29 Assist an d Scene Mod es More on Photography Assist and S cene Modes Depending on your subject, assist and scene modes may not always produce the desired results. If results are no t to your satisfaction, ch oose P (aut o) an d tr y ag ain. Image Mode The Image mode option is available in the assist mode and scene mode menu ( Q 67) . Assist and […]

  • Page 40: Nikon E5600

    30 More on Photography Framing Assist The fou r assist mo des offe r a selectio n of framing assist opt ions that allow yo u to compose pic tures with the help of fr aming guides dis played i n the monito r. To use frami ng assis t, rotate the mode dia l to the desi red mode and follow the ste ps belo w. After selec ting mode, display framing as- s[…]

  • Page 41: Nikon E5600

    31 Frami ng As sist More on Photography i Portrait Assi st i (por trait a ssis t) mode hel ps you f rame portr aits in whic h the main subj ect st ands out clea rly whil e backgro und details are soft ened, len ding the composi tion a sens e of depth (the de- gree of soft ening dep ends on the a mount of light a vail able). A framing assis t menu h[…]

  • Page 42: Nikon E5600

    32 Framing Assi st More on Photography N Landscape Assist N (landsca pe assi st) mode helps you frame vi vid lands cape shots th at enhan ce outlines , colors, a nd contras t. A framing assist menu help s you frame not only natu ral landsc apes but also citys capes an d portrai t shots featu ring a land mark in the b ackgrou nd. * Other mode s can […]

  • Page 43: Nikon E5600

    33 Frami ng As sist More on Photography j Sp ort s A ssi st j (spo rts ass ist ) mode is used for dy namic act ion sho ts t hat capt ure mo vi ng obj ec ts. Th e ass is t me nu le ts y ou f reez e the action i n a sin gle shot o r record m otion in a se ries of pic — tures. Sports Assi st In Sports or Sports co mposite mode, the focus is constantly[…]

  • Page 44: Nikon E5600

    34 Framing Assi st More on Photography m Night Portrait Assist m (night po rtrait ass ist) mode is used for taking po rtrait shots at night, whe n it provides a natural bal ance betw een the m ain sub ject an d the backgroun d. Pi ctures t aken at slow shutte r spee ds ar e adju sted to impr ove q ualit y, sligh tly in- creas ing processi ng time; […]

  • Page 45: Nikon E5600

    35 More on Photography e Scene Mode e (sc ene) mode offers a menu of twelv e «scenes ,» each correspondi ng to a common situati on, such a s a backlit subj ect, s unset, or int erior s hot. C amera sett ings are auto mat ically adju sted to suit th e select ed scen e, spar — ing you t he necess ity of adjus ting eac h setti ng separat ely[…]

  • Page 46: Nikon E5600

    36 e Scene Mode More on Photography The fol lowi ng scen es are avail abl e: * Other mode s can be sel ected. The 2 (C amera Sh ake) Icon When the 2 icon app ears in the monitor, pictures may be blurred. In this section, the precautions that you can take to a void blur are indicated by stars:  hold camera in both hands and bra ce elbows a gainst[…]

  • Page 47: Nikon E5600

    37 e Scene Mo de More on Photography * Other mode s can be sel ected. E DUSK/DAWN Pres erves the colors seen in the weak natural light befor e sunrise or after sunset. Fo cu s is f i xe d at i n fi ni t y.  Picture s taken at slow shutter speeds ar e processed to impr ove quality , slightly increasing time before pictu re s are saved to memory o[…]

  • Page 48: Nikon E5600

    38 e Scene Mode More on Photography * Other mode s can be sel ected. G MUSEUM Fla sh tu rn s off ( $ ) au tomatica lly. Use th is mode in doors wher e flas h phot ogr aphy is pr ohi bi ted (for ex ampl e, i n muse ums a nd ar t gal le ri es) or in other indo or settings in which you d o not want to use th e flash.  •The Best Shot Selec tor (BS[…]

  • Page 49: Nikon E5600

    39 e Scene Mo de More on Photography * Other mode s can be sel ected. J BACK LIGHT Use when li ght is c oming fr om behind your subje ct, thr owing their fe atur es into shad ow , o r when your s ubject is in the shade but the backgr ound is bri ghtly lit. The flash will fir e automatically to «fill in» (illuminate) shadows. M UNDERWATER […]

  • Page 50: Nikon E5600

    40 e Scene Mode More on Photography * Other mode s can be sel ected. To use panorama as sist, follow the steps below. Highlight K (PANORAM A ASS IST). Press I (the center of the multi se- lector). Pan direction displayed in greenish yellow. Select how pictures w ill be joined together in complet ed panorama. This is the direc- tion in which to pan […]

  • Page 51: Nikon E5600

    41 e Scene Mo de More on Photography Compose the n ext shot to overlap with the previous picture. Take first pictur e. About one third of pic- ture is sho wn superi mposed on view through le ns (if p an direct ion is le ft to right, picture will app ear on l eft side of monito r). Take the next picture . Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all shots in se- […]

  • Page 52: Nikon E5600

    42 More on Playbac k More on Playba ck Viewing Pictures on the Ca mera Viewing Mult iple Pictures: Thumbnail Playback Pres sing the l ( W ) button in f ull-screen playbac k display s the pi ctur es in th e memory or o n the memo ry card in «c ontact shee ts» of four thumbnail i mages. The f ollowing operat ions can be per formed while thu[…]

  • Page 53: Nikon E5600

    43 Viewing Pict ures on the Camera More on Playbac k Taking a Closer Look: Playback Zoom Use th e O ( T ) button to zoom in on still im ages dis- played in full- screen p layback. While the picture is zoom ed in, yo u can s ave a cr opped co py of th e pic- ture that co ntains only t he port ion of the i mage v isi- ble in t he monito r. Playba ck […]

  • Page 54: Nikon E5600

    44 Viewing Pictures on the Camera More on Playbac k Cropping Pictures This o ption lets you crop part of a pictur e and save it as a separa te file. Zoom picture in and out. Scroll pic t ure. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until desired portion of ima ge is displayed in monitor. Confirmation dialog displayed. Select Yes to crea te cropped copy, No to exit wi[…]

  • Page 55: Nikon E5600

    45 Viewing Pict ures on the Camera More on Playbac k Adjusting a picture tone automa tically Pres s I (the cente r of the mult i selector) in full-scree n playba ck. The tone ad- justed pictur e is crea ted aut omatica lly as a separ ate pict ure. Th is funct ion is ca lled D-Lig hting in the E560 0/E4600 . Using D- Lighting, backlit o r insuffi ci[…]

  • Page 56: Nikon E5600

    46 Viewing Pictures on the Camera More on Playbac k D-Li ght ing Sam ple s + + Befo re Afte r +[…]

  • Page 57: Nikon E5600

    47 Viewing Pict ures on the Camera More on Playbac k Voice Memo s: Recording and Playba ck (E5600 on ly) Using the camera’ s mic rophone , you c an record a voice memo by pressing the shutter-rele ase button while a picture wi th the O : @ icon is displayed in full-sc reen pl ayback ( Q 22). Do not touch th e micro- phone dur ing rec ordin g. Voi[…]

  • Page 58: Nikon E5600

    48 More on Playbac k Viewing Pictures on TV Using the E G-CP14 audio/ video (A V) cab le (E560 0) or E G-CP11 video cable (E460 0) incl uded with your c amera, yo u can co nnect the came ra to a te levisio n or vid eo-cass ette re corde r (VCR). Choosing a Video Mode The Video mode item in the Interf ace option of the SET-UP menu offers a ch oice o[…]

  • Page 59: Nikon E5600

    49 More on Playbac k Viewing Pictures on a Com puter Using th e UC- E6 USB cable and Pic tureProj ect softw are provi ded with your ca mera, you c an vie w yo ur pho togra phs an d mov ies on a com pute r. Befo re yo u can tra nsfe r (copy) pictures to your computer, you will need to install PictureProject. For more information on installing Pictur[…]

  • Page 60: Nikon E5600

    50 Viewing Pictur es on a Compu ter More on Playbac k Connecting the USB Cable Tur n the com pute r on a nd wait for it to s tart u p. A fter conf irm ing th at th e cam — era is of f, connec t the UC-E6 USB cab le as show n below . Connec t the came ra directl y to the com puter; do no t connec t the cable via a USB hub or keyboar d. You can now t[…]

  • Page 61: Nikon E5600

    51 Viewing Pictures on a Com puter More on Playbac k Disconnecting the Camera If PTP is select ed in the USB m enu, yo u can turn the camer a off and d isconnect the USB cabl e on ce tr ansf er is compl et e. If you ha ve no t cha nged t he US B optio n in the camera SET- UP menu f rom its d efault sett ing of Mass sto rage , you must remove th e c[…]

  • Page 62: Nikon E5600

    52 More on Playbac k Printing Pictures Pictur es sto red in the memo ry or on the me mory card can be printe d in the same way a s pict ures ta ken wi th a fi lm came ra. U sing th e Print s et op ti on in the P LAY — BACK MENU, you can specify the pict ures to be printe d, the nu mber of print s, and t he infor mation to be included with e ach pr […]

  • Page 63: Nikon E5600

    53 Printin g Pictures More on Playbac k Highlight Print set . Display PRINT SET menu. Highlight Print selected . Pic tures on memory card displayed as thumbnail images. Highlight picture. Select highlighted picture. Selected pic- tures marke d by d icon. «Del ete pr int se t» To cancel the current print order, highlight D ele te prin t se[…]

  • Page 64: Nikon E5600

    54 Printing Pi ctures More on Playbac k Use the multi selector to specify numbe r of prints (up to 9). To deselect picture, press the multi selec tor down until icon disappears. Repeat steps 5-7 to selec t additional pictures. To exit without alter- ing print order, press ^ button. Press I (the center of the multi selector) to complete print order […]

  • Page 65: Nikon E5600

    55 Printin g Pictures More on Playbac k Print S et If you display the PRINT SET menu afte r creating a print order, the Date and Info options will be reset. «Dat e» If Dat e is selected, the date of recordi ng will appear on pictures printed using DPOF. The date is based on the photo information re corded with the picture, and will not be[…]

  • Page 66: Nikon E5600

    56 More on Playbac k Printing Via Direct USB Co nnection Your camer a al low s pict ur es to be pri nte d di rect ly fr om t he came ra us in g Pict — Bridge. If the UC-E6 USB ca ble i s used t o conne ct the c amera to a prin ter tha t supports PictBri dge, pi ctur es can be pr inted dire ctly fro m the memor y or memor y card wi thout havi ng to […]

  • Page 67: Nikon E5600

    57 Printing Via Direct USB Connection More on Playbac k Highlight Print select ion .* Display PRINT SELECTION dialog. * To pri nt one copy of all pict ures on memo ry card, highlight Print all im- ages and press m ulti selector to right. Scroll through pictures. C urrent picture shown at bottom of display. Use the multi select or to specify number […]

  • Page 68: Nikon E5600

    58 Printing Via Direct USB Con nection More on Playbac k Display confirmat ion dialog. Press the m ult i selector up or down to highlight option, and press I (the center of the mu lti selector) to select. • Sele ct Star t print to st art print ing. T o inte rrup t prin ting , press I , th en tur n ca mera o f f a nd disco nne ct USB c abl e. • […]

  • Page 69: Nikon E5600

    59 Printing Via Direct USB Connection More on Playbac k Display confirmation dialog. Press the multi s e lector up or do wn to high light option, press I (the center of the multi selector) to select. • Sele ct Star t print to st art print ing. T o inte rrup t prin ting , press I , th en tur n ca mera o f f a nd disco nne ct USB c abl e. • Sele […]

  • Page 70: Nikon E5600

    60 Movies Movies W Recording Movies Movi es can b e record ed with so und rec orded v ia the cam era’s bui lt-in micr o- phone, using the E5 600, or sil ent movie s using the E4600: Rotate the mode dial to W Turn the camera on The monitor show s the length of the movie tha t can be recorded. Start recording Press the sh utter- releas e but ton[…]

  • Page 71: Nikon E5600

    61 W Reco rding M ovies Movies The type of movie re corded can be selected from the f ollowing opt ions: *1 Tota l reco rding time shown is appr ox imate. Time may vary de pendin g on type of memory card used. *2 Total r ecor ding tim e is shor ter with E5600 becau se movie i s record ed wi th sound . Flash Mode Selection in W Mode The flash turns […]

  • Page 72: Nikon E5600

    62 W Recording Movi es Movies To sel ect a movi e mode: Select W Mode . Display MO VIE menu. Highlight Movie options . Display MOVIE OPT IONS menu. Highlight mode.* * To exi t without ch anging mod e, press ^ button. Ma ke se lec tio n to retu rn to t he MO VIE menu. Return to sh oot ing mo de. S elected movie mode show n in mo nit or. 1 0h 0m20s 0[…]

  • Page 73: Nikon E5600

    63 W Reco rding M ovies Movies The MO VIE menu also incl udes t he f ollow ing foc us opt io ns: To choos e a focus option from t he MOVIE me nu: Highlight Auto-f ocus mode . Display options. Highlight desired fo cus mode. M ake selection. Return to shooting mode. Focu s m ode Description Single AF Camera focuses when shut ter-relea se button is pr[…]

  • Page 74: Nikon E5600

    64 Movies Viewing Movies In full-scre en playbac k mode ( Q 22), movies ca n be playe d with so und (E560 0 only). Mo vies ar e indicated by a W icon a nd can be view ed by pr essing I (the cent er of the mul ti se lect or) . Play bac k cont rol s are disp laye d at the t op o f t he moni to r; pres s the mult i select or to left or ri ght to hi gh[…]

  • Page 75: Nikon E5600

    65 The Shooting Menu The Shooting Menu Using the Shooting Menu In P ( auto) mode, the following set tings can be adjust ed from the SHOOTING MENU: In P (auto) mode , the SHOOTING MENU is display ed when ^ button is pres sed. To display the SHOOTING MENU: Icon Type Display Using t he Menus option of the SET-UP menu switches the menu display between […]

  • Page 76: Nikon E5600

    66 Using the Shoot ing Menu The Shooting Menu To make a selec tion from the SHOOTING MENU: Highlight menu item. Highlight option. To return to pr evious step, press the multi selector to left. Display options. Make selection. To e xit menu and return to shooting mode, press ^ button. Shooting M enu Help Pres sing O ( T ) button when displaying the […]

  • Page 77: Nikon E5600

    67 The Shooting Menu Image Mode Image mode Pict ures ta ken w ith a dig ital c amera a re re corded as imag e file s. The size o f the f iles, a nd w ith it the n um- ber of image s that ca n be reco rded in t he memory or on th e memo ry card, de pends on the size an d qualit y of t he i mages . Befo re s hoo tin g, choo se i mage qua li ty and si[…]

  • Page 78: Nikon E5600

    68 Image Mode The Shooting Menu The fo llowing t able sho ws the ap proxim ate numb er of pict ures th at can be stored in the memory or on 128- and 2 56-meg abyt e memor y car ds a t di fferen t imag e mode se ttings . * All figures ar e approximate. Fi le size of pictur es depends on scen e recorded, pro ducing wide v ari- ations in numb er of im[…]

  • Page 79: Nikon E5600

    69 The Shooting Menu White Balance White balance The color of the ligh t reflecte d from an object v aries with the color of the l ight sour ce. T he human b rain is able to ad apt to such chan ges i n color, wit h the result that we see w hite obje cts as whit e, regardl ess of whether t hey ar e in the sh ade, d irect sunl ight, or un der incande[…]

  • Page 80: Nikon E5600

    70 Wh ite Ba la nce The Shooting Menu Preset Wh ite Balan ce Pres et w hite bal anc e is use d whe n sho oti ng under mixed lighting or to comp ensate f or light s ources w ith a stro ng col or cast ( for ex ampl e, t o make pict ures tak — en und er a la mp wi th a r ed sha de lo ok as thoug h they had bee n taken under white light ). Wh en White […]

  • Page 81: Nikon E5600

    71 The Shooting Menu Exp. +/- Exp. +/- The EXP. +/- (expos ure comp ensa tion) m enu is used to alte r expos ure fro m the va lue suggeste d by th e came ra, maki ng pictur es bright er or darke r. Expo sure can be adjust ed in the r ange -2. 0 to +2.0 EV . • Wh en th e expo sure com pen sation is a ltered, t he new se tting i s r efle cted i n t[…]

  • Page 82: Nikon E5600

    72 The Shooting Menu Continuous Continuous Use the options i n this men u to captur e a fleeting ex — press ion on a p ortrait subject, photograp h a s ubject that is moving un predic tably, or c apture mo tion in a series of pic tures. Restrictions on Cam era Set tings At settings other than Single , the flas h ( Q 24) tur ns off automatically and[…]

  • Page 83: Nikon E5600

    73 The Shooting Menu Best Shot Selecto r BSS When the » Best Sh ot Select or» (BS S) is on , the c am- era t akes pict ur es as long as th e shu tter -rel eas e but — ton is he ld down , to a maxi mum o f ten. Thes e images are then compa red and th e sha rpes t pictu re ( the pi c- ture wi th hig hest l evel of d etail) save d to the mem[…]

  • Page 84: Nikon E5600

    74 The Shooting Menu Color Options Color Options Use t he op ti ons in thi s menu to ad d s peci al e ffec ts to you r pictures. There are f ive specia l effects to choose from. • The effect yo u choose i s r eflecte d in the pict ure dis- played in th e mon itor . White Balance When Black-and-white , Sepia or Cyanotype is selected, th e White ba[…]

  • Page 85: Nikon E5600

    75 The Play back Menu The Playba ck Menu Using the Playback Menu The PLAY BACK ME NU contains the followin g options: To display the PLAYBACK MENU: Display the PLAY BACK M ENU. Option Description Q Print set Select pictures for printing on a D POF-compatible devic e; speci fy number of cop ies and in formation to be included o n prin ts. 52-5 5 Sli[…]

  • Page 86: Nikon E5600

    76 Using the Play back Men u The Play back Menu Icon Type Display Using th e Me nu s option of the SET-UP menu switche s the menu display between Text and Icons ( Q 103). Playback Menu Help Pres sing O ( T ) but ton when displaying the PLAYBACK MENU dis plays the help for the se lected item. Print set Print set : Set : Set : Help : Exit : Exit Sele[…]

  • Page 87: Nikon E5600

    77 The Play back Menu Slide Show Slide show This opt ion is us ed to play picture s back in a n autom ated «sl ide show » with abo ut three second s be tween e ach pi cture. Highlight Start . Begin slide show. The fo llo wing op erat io ns can be perf or med du rin g the sh ow: «Loop» If Loop is selected in the starting screen ,[…]

  • Page 88: Nikon E5600

    78 The Play back Menu Delete Delete The D ELETE me nu contains the follo wing option s: If no memory ca rd is inse rted in the ca mera, pic tures in the internal memory will be deleted . If the ca mera con tains a memory card, p ictur es on th e card will b e delete d. To dele te pic tures in the inte rnal memor y, re- move the memory ca rd. Deleti[…]

  • Page 89: Nikon E5600

    79 Delete The Play back Menu Confir mati on di alog d isp layed. Selec t Yes to dele te pictur es, No to exit with out de- letin g pict ur es. Deleting All Pic tures To dele te all unprot ected pict ures in the memory or on t he memo ry card: Highlight Erase all images . Confirmation dialog displayed. Se lect Yes to dele te pictures, No to exit wit[…]

  • Page 90: Nikon E5600

    80 The Play back Menu Protect Protect This opti on is used to protect pictur es from acciden tal deletion . Protected files can not be de let ed by press in g the u butto n or using the op tions in the DEL ETE menu . Note, howev er, that pr otected pict ures will be de leted whe n the memo ry or memory ca rd is fo rmatted. Highlight picture. Repeat[…]

  • Page 91: Nikon E5600

    81 The Play back Menu Transfer Marking T ransfer marking This option is us ed to m ark pict ures fo r transf er to a compute r and to t urn au tomat ic tr ansf er mar king o n and of f. Transf erring Mo re than 99 9 Pictures No more than 999 pictures can be marked for tr ansfer. If more than 999 pi ctures are marked, use PictureProje ct to transfer[…]

  • Page 92: Nikon E5600

    82 Transfer M arking The Play back Menu Marking S elected Pi cture s for Trans fer Highlight Select image(s) . Highlight picture. Repeat ste ps 3 and 4 to sele ct addi- tional pictures. To deselect picture, highlight and press the multi selec- tor down. To exit without c hanging transfer status of picture s, press ^ button. Pictures in memory or on[…]

  • Page 93: Nikon E5600

    83 The Play back Menu Small Picture Small pic. To crea te a sm all copy o f a pictu re, selec t Small pic. af ter disp laying the im age in full-sc reen playba ck or sel ecting it in the thumbna il display . Highlight option. C onfirmation dialog displayed. Se lect Yes to create resized copy, No to exit without creating copy. To vi ew th e new, r e[…]

  • Page 94: Nikon E5600

    84 The Play back Menu Copy Copy This o ption is used to tr ansfer pictures from th e cam- era ‘s int ernal m emo ry to the me mory card , or v ice versa. } indi cate s the c amera ‘s in tern al me mory and / the memory card. This opti on is d ispl ayed onl y when th e memory card is inserted . Copying Selec ted Pictures Highlight (memo ry[…]

  • Page 95: Nikon E5600

    85 Copy The Play back Menu Select highligh ted pi cture. Selec ted pictur es mar ked by A icon. Repea t steps 4 and 5 to s elect add itional picture s. To d eselect pictu re, high light and pre ss the mu lti select or down . Confirmation dialog displayed. Select Yes to copy pictures, No to e xit without copying pictures. Copying All Pictures To cop[…]

  • Page 96: Nikon E5600

    86 Copy The Play back Menu Copy • If there is not en ough space in the memory or o n the memory card to rece ive the copy, the message «IMAGE CANNOT BE SAVED» will be displayed ( Q 109). Delete unw anted picture s or insert a new memory card ( if using a memory ca rd) before tryin g again. • Copying of pictur es taken with anot her ma[…]

  • Page 97: Nikon E5600

    87 The Set-u p Menu The Set- up Menu Using the Set-up Menu The SET-UP menu con tains the follow ing options: To clear the SET-UP men u from the monitor, rotate the mode di al to another setting or press the x button. Optio n Description Q Welc ome scr een C hoose the welcome screen displayed when the camera is turned on. 89 Date Set the camera cloc[…]

  • Page 98: Nikon E5600

    88 Using the Set-up M enu The Set-u p Menu Icon Type Display Using Menus option of the SET-UP menu switches the menu display be- tween Text and Icon s ( Q 103). Set-up Menu Help Pres sing O ( T ) button when displa ying the SET-UP menu dis plays the he lp for the selected item. Welcome screen Welcome screen : Set : Help Choose the image displayed w[…]

  • Page 99: Nikon E5600

    89 The Set-u p Menu Welcome Screen Welcome screen This opti on is us ed to choose the welc ome s cree n displ aye d when t he camera is tu rned on. Small Pictur es and Cropped Co pies Resized copies c reated w ith the s mall pictur e a nd cropping options can only be selected for the welco me sc reen if th ey are ( q ) 640 × 480 pi xels or large r[…]

  • Page 100: Nikon E5600

    90 The Set-u p Menu Date Date This option is used to se t the camera clock. This option is availab le after yo u have set the came ra clock when u sing your c amera fo r the first tim e. For m ore infor- mation on se tting the cam era clo ck, see «F irst Steps: Bas ic Setup» ( Q 14). The Camer a Clock The camera clock is less accurate tha[…]

  • Page 101: Nikon E5600

    91 Date The Set-u p Menu (Travel Destinati on Time Zon e) To set the cloc k to th e travel destinatio n time z one, high — light and press I (the cent er of t he multi select or) . While the t ravel de stinati on time zone is selecte d, a icon wi ll be displ ayed in the mo nitor when the camer a is in shoo ting mode . To choo se a n ew trav el dest[…]

  • Page 102: Nikon E5600

    92 The Set-u p Menu Monitor Settings Monitor settings This opt ion is u sed to set the monito r dis play. Photo Info Sel ect thi s opti on to hide or dis pla y the monitor indicators, o r turn the m onitor o ff. Brightness Press the mul ti selector up or do wn to increase or decreas e the b rightness o f the monitor by moving the indicator on the l[…]

  • Page 103: Nikon E5600

    93 The Set-u p Menu Date Imprint Date imprint The Date impr int option is used to imprint the date or th e date and time of record ing on picture s as they are reco rded to the m emory o r mem ory card. It can not be u sed to im- print a date stamp on pictures after record ing. Image M ode Data imprinted at an Image mode setting of TV screen (640) […]

  • Page 104: Nikon E5600

    94 The Set-u p Menu Sound Settings Sound settings The option s in this m enu control th e sound se ttings li sted below. Wit h E460 0, so und se tti ngs ca n onl y be s et On or Off . Choo sing Off mutes b utton, shutte r and start-up sou nds. Tone and volume ca nnot be adjusted . Shut ter sou nd Regardless of setting chosen, no sound is played whe[…]

  • Page 105: Nikon E5600

    95 The Set-u p Menu Blur Warning Blur warning This optio n is used to disp lay or hid e the camera s hake warning after you have taken a picture. Selecting On disp lays the w arnin g o nly if i nadv erte nt cam — era movement h as caused the picture yo u have just taken to be blurred. Select Yes to keep the picture or No to dele te it. Shooting m o[…]

  • Page 106: Nikon E5600

    96 The Set-u p Menu Auto Off Auto off To save ba tter y powe r, the ca mera wi ll enter st andby mode if no operat ions are pe rformed for a prese t length of t ime. Auto off Sleep mode AUTO OFF AUTO OFF : Set : Set OFF 1m Option Description Auto Off Choose how long moni tor will remain on before turni ng off a utomaticall y. Cho ose from thirty se[…]

  • Page 107: Nikon E5600

    97 The Set-u p Menu Format memory/card Format card Format memory This opti on is used when you nee d to forma t th e cam- era’ s int ernal me mory or a memor y card . If no memory card is i nserte d in the camera, the inte r- nal memory will be for matte d, and if t he ca mera co n- tains a me mory ca rd, the c ard will be f ormatte d. To form[…]

  • Page 108: Nikon E5600

    98 Format memo ry/ca rd The Set-u p Menu Formatt ing Memory/Card • Wh en formattin g memory c ards, us e the Format c ard option o f the came ra. The c amera may be unabl e to access memor y cards formatte d using a compute r or other dev ice. • Do not turn the camera off or re move the batteries or memory card when the mes sage «FORMATT I[…]

  • Page 109: Nikon E5600

    99 The Set-u p Menu Language Language Choo se the langu age f or ca mera menus a nd mes sages fro m Deutsc h (German), Englis h , Español (Spanish), Français (Fr ench) , Italia no (Italian ), Nederla nds (Dutch), Svensk a (Swedish), (Japanese), ( Simplified C hinese), (Traditional Chinese) or (Korean). Set USB mode or th e vi deo mode. Afte r cho[…]

  • Page 110: Nikon E5600

    100 The Set-u p Menu Auto Transfer Auto transfer Choo se whet her or not to set Trans fer m ark ing option to the picture taken. When t he Auto tr ansfe r option is set to On , all p ictur es taken are set to be trans ferred and V icon is a dded when di spl ayed. Select this op tion to res tore the settings l isted on th e next page to their origin[…]

  • Page 111: Nikon E5600

    101 Reset All The Set-u p Menu The following settin gs are affected: Choo sing Reset also clears the cur rent file num ber ( Q 23) from mem ory. Numbering will continue from the lowest nu mber av ailable in the me mory or on the m emory c ard. All oth- er settings are unaffe cted. Resettin g File Numbering to 000 1 To reset file numbering ( Q 23) t[…]

  • Page 112: Nikon E5600

    102 The Set-u p Menu Battery Type Battery type This option is used to choose the type o f batteries in serted in the camera. Backup Bat tery If the backup batte ry ( Q 14) is not cha rged sufficiently, the battery type se tting may revert to the default setting. Option D escri ption Alkaline Select thi s option when you have inserted a lkaline (AA)[…]

  • Page 113: Nikon E5600

    103 The Set-u p Menu Menus Menus This option is u sed to switch the men u display of th e SHOOTING ME NU, PLAYBACK ME NU or SET-UP menu to Text or Icons . Te x t Icons MENUS MENUS : Set : Set[…]

  • Page 114: Nikon E5600

    104 The Set-u p Menu Firmware Version Firmware version Select this option to displ ay the current firmw are version. : Back E5600 V er .XX[…]

  • Page 115: Nikon E5600

    105 Technical Notes Technical Notes Optional Accessories At the tim e of writing , the follow ing optiona l accessor ies were av ailable for your Nikon digital came ra. Contac t your local reta iler or Nikon repr esenta tive for de- tails. * 1 Not available in U.S. * 2 Not available in some ar eas. Approved Memo ry Cards The followi ng memo ry ca r[…]

  • Page 116: Nikon E5600

    106 Technical Notes Caring for Your Camera Cleaning Lens One k ey to clea ning the lens is to n ot touch it with your fing ers. Re move du st or lint w ith a b lower ( typically a small device with a r ubber bulb attach ed to o ne end that y ou pump to produc e a stream of air out the other) . To remo ve finger prints or ot her s ta ins tha t can n[…]

  • Page 117: Nikon E5600

    107 Caring for You r Camera Technical Notes Stor age Turn the came ra off when not i n use and check t hat the power-on lamp i s off be- fore putting the camera away. To prevent mold or mildew, store the camera in a dry, well-venti lated area. If you will not be using the product for long periods, re- move the batteries to prevent leakage and stor […]

  • Page 118: Nikon E5600

    108 Technical Notes Error Messages The fol lo wing ta ble l ist s the er ror me ssag es and othe r warni ngs that ap pea r in the mo nitor and ho w to deal wi th them. Display Problem Soluti on Q Z (Flashes) C lock no t set . Set clock to current date and time. 14 WA R N I N G ! ! BA TTERY EXHAUSTED Batteries ex hausted. Turn camera off and re plac[…]

  • Page 119: Nikon E5600

    109 Erro r Messag es Technical Notes THIS CARD CANNOT BE USED 4 Error acc essing memory c ard. • Use approved card. • Check that conne ctors ar e clean. 105 — WA R N I N G ! ! THI S CARD CAN- NOT BE READ / OUT OF MEMORY / Camera in sho oting mode : Insufficient memory to recor d pictures at cu rrent setting s. • Choose lower image qual- ity/ […]

  • Page 120: Nikon E5600

    110 Error Me ssages Technical Notes WARNING! MODE DIAL IS NOT IN THE PROPER POSITION Mode dial i s positio ned between two mode s. Adju st m ode di al t o sele ct desired mode . 6 THIS I MAGE CAN- NOT BE DEL ETED Attempt to delete prot ected picture. Remove protec tion before deleting pictu re. 80 COMMUNI CA- TIONS ERROR USB cabl e discon nected o […]

  • Page 121: Nikon E5600

    111 Technical Notes Troubleshooting If your camer a fail s to functio n as expec ted, check th e list of co mmon proble ms below before consul ting yo ur reta iler or Niko n repr esenta tive . Refer t o the page numbers liste d in the right- most column for infor mation on solvin g the problems lis ted he re . Electronically-Cont rolled Cam eras In[…]

  • Page 122: Nikon E5600

    112 Troubleshoo ting Technical Notes No picture is taken when shut ter — release button is pressed • C amera is in playback mode. • Batteries are exhaust ed. •R e d ( ! ) lamp flickers: fla sh is charging. • Gr een (AF) lamp flickers: camera una ble to focus. • Message «C ARD IS NOT FO RMA TTED» appears in monitor: memory ca rd […]

  • Page 123: Nikon E5600

    113 Troubleshoo ting Technical Notes Copy can not be cr e- ated using small pic — tur e, cr op, or D- Ligh ting op tion • Pic ture i s a m ov ie. • Pictur e w as cr eated wi th small pi ctur e, cr op, o r D-Ligh t- ing opti on. • There is not enou gh fr ee space in the me mory or on the memory car d to stor e new copy . 64 44, 45 , 83 Can not[…]

  • Page 124: Nikon E5600

    114 Technical Notes Specifications T ype E5600/E46 00 digital camera Effective pixels 5. 1 million (E5600); 4.0 million (E4600) CCD E5600 1/2.5” high-density CCD; total pixels: 5 .36 million E4600 1/2.5” high-density CCD; total pixels: 4 .23 million Image size (pixels) 2,592 × 1,944 (2 592) (E560 0 only) 2,288 × 1,712 (2 288) (E460 0 only) 2,[…]

  • Page 125: Nikon E5600

    115 Specif ications Technical Notes Sensitivity Approximately equivalent to I SO 50 (auto gain of two to four times) (up to equivale nt of ISO 200) Self-t imer T en-seco nd duration Built-in Speedlight Range (app rox.) W: 0 .4 — 3. 3 m/1 ´4” — 10 ´10” T : 0.4 — 2.0 m/1 ´4” — 6´7 ” Flash control Sensor f lash system Interface USB Vide o […]

  • Page 126: Nikon E5600

    116 Index Index Symbol s I button, 7 P (auto) m ode, 6, 16 u (delet e) button, 3, 22, 23, 42, 43, 6 4 ! lamp, see La mp, red ( ! ) N (landscape as sist) mode, 6, 32 W (movie) m ode, 6, 60-64 m (nigh t portra it assi st) mod e, 6, 34 x (play) bu tton, 3, 1 2, 22 i (portra it ass ist) mode, 6, 31 j (sports assist) mod e, 6, 33 O : @ (voice memo), 47 […]

  • Page 127: Nikon E5600

    117 Index Index Movies, 60- 64 auto -fo cus mo de, 63 recordin g, 60- 63 view in g, 64 Multi select or, 3, 7 MUSEUM , 38 N NIGHT LANDSCAPE , 37 NTSC, see Vide o mo de Numbe r of exp osures r emain- ing, 16, 17 , 68 O On/off, see Power switch P PAL, see Vi deo mode PANORAMA ASSIST , 40 PARTY/IND OOR , 28, 35, 36 PictBrid ge, 56, 59 PictureProject, 4[…]

  • Page 128: Nikon E5600

    ( En ) ( En ) ( En ) The Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the En DIGITAL CAMERA Printed i n Hong Kong Fuji Bldg., 2-3 Marunouchi 3-chome, TR4L 01(11) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8331, Japan 6MA0561 1— No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in crit ical articles or revie ws), may be made withou […]

  • Nikon E5600 — page 1

    ( En ) ( En ) ( En ) The Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the En DIGITAL CAMERA Printed i n Japan Fuji Bldg., 2-3 Marunouchi 3-chome, TR4K0 9000201( 11) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8331, Japan 6MA0511 1— No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in crit ical articles or revie ws), may be made with …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 2

    Tra demar k In forma tio n Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Ma c OS , Power Ma cintosh, PowerBook, and Quic k Time are register ed trademarks of Appl e Computer, Inc. F inder, Power Mac, iMa c, and iBook are tradem arks of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademark s of Microsoft Cor poration. Inte rnet is a trademark o f …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 3

    i Notices/Fo r Your Safety For Yo ur Safety To prevent damage to your Nikon product or i njury to yourself or to other s, read the following safety precautions in thei r entirety before usi ng this equipment. Keep these safety instruct ions where all those who use the product will read them. The conse quenc es that could re sult fr om failu re to o …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 4

    ii Notices/Fo r Your Safety • Do not expose ba tteries to flam e or to excessive heat . • Do n o t im me rs e i n or exp o se to wat er . • Do not transport or stor e with metal objects such as necklaces or hairp ins. • Batteries are prone to leakage when fully discharged. T o avoid damage to the product, be sure to remove the batteries whe …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 5

    iii Notices/Fo r Your Safety Cautions To ens ur e co ntin ued e njo yme nt o f you r Nik on p rod uct, obse rv e th e fo llo wing prec auti ons w hen st orin g or us ing th e devi ce: Keep dry The device will b e damaged if imme rse d in wa te r or s ubje cte d to high levels of moisture. Hand le the le ns and all moving parts wi th care Do not app …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 6

    iv Notices/Fo r Your Safety Notices • No part of the manuals included with this pr oduct m ay be re pr oduced, trans — mitted, transcribed, stor ed in a retrieval system, or translated i nto any language in any form, by any means , without Nikon’s p rior written permission . • Nikon reserves the right to change the specifications of th e h …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 7

    v Notices/Fo r Your Safety Noti ce for cus tomers in Canada CAUTION This class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Int erfer- ence Causing Equipment Regulations. ATTEN TION Cet appar eil n uméri que de la clas se B re- specte toutes les exige nces du Règlement sur le mat érie l brouil leur du Can ada. Notice Conc erning Pr …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 8

    vi Notices/Fo r Your Safety Bef ore Tak ing Im port ant Pi ctures Befor e taking pictu res on impo rtant occas ions (such as at weddings or before taking the came ra with you on a tr ip), ta ke a tes t shot to ensure tha t the camer a is func tioning normally. Nikon w ill not be held lia ble for d amage s or lost profits that m ay resu lt from prod …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 9

    vii Table of contents For Your Safety ……… …… …. …. …. ….. …. …… …. ….. …. …. …. …… ….. …. …. …. …. ….. i Cautions …. …. …… ….. …. …. …. …. ……. …. …. …. …. ….. …… …. …. ….. …. …. …… …. ….iii Notice s …. …. …. …. ….. …… …. …. …. …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 10

    viii The Shooting Menu …….. ………………. …………. ………………. ……. 65 Using the Shooting Menu ………………………………………….. ……………………… 65 Image Mode……… ….. …. …. …. …… ….. …. …. …. …. ……. …. …. …. ….. …… …. …. …. .. 67 White Bala nce . …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 11

    1 Before Y ou Begin Before Yo u Begin Introduction Thank you for your pur chase of a Niko n COOL PIX5600 (E5600)/CO OLPIX4 600 (E46 00) d ig ita l came ra . Th is ma nua l h as be en wr itt en to he lp yo u en joy tak ing picture s with yo ur Nikon digi tal camera . Read this m anual thor oughly b efore use, and kee p it ha ndy whe n us ing th e pr …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 12

    2 Before Y ou Begin Parts of the Camera Shutter-re lease but ton ( Q 7) Power sw itch ( Q 12) Viewfinde r ( Q 18) Built-in S peedli ght ( Q 24) Self-timer lamp ( Q 26) Lens ( Q 18) Power-on la mp ( Q 12) Attachin g the Camera Strap Memory card sl ot cover ( Q 10 ) Eye let fo r camera strap Microph one (E56 00 only) ( Q 47) Power connecto r cover fo …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 13

    3 Parts o f the Camera Before Y ou Begin Zoom ( l / O ) button s ( Q 18) Red ( ! ) lamp ( Q 20) Monitor ( Q 5, 18) Battery-ch amber cover ( Q 8) Mode dial ( Q 6) USB co nnector ( Q 50, 56) Audio/video (A V) out connecto r (E5600 only) ( Q 48)/ Video output conne ctor (E4600 only) ( Q 48) Interfa ce connec tor cov er ( Q 48, 50) Tripod soc ket ( Q 2 …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 14

    4 Before Y ou Begin The Monitor Shooting 1 Shooti ng mo de . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 12 Number of expos ures remai ning/ length of m ovie . . . . . . . . 16, 17, 6 0 2 AE-L 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3 Focus in dicator 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 13 Flash m ode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4 Zoom indicator 2 . . . …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 15

    5 The Monitor Before Y ou Begin Playback Controlling the Monitor To hide or display ind icators in the monitor, sele ct the Photo info opt ion i n th e MONI TOR SE T- TINGS menu. ( Q 92) Monitor turns off while flas h is cha rging ( Q 20). 2005 . 05 . 01 2005 . 05 . 01 12 : 00 12 : 00 100NIKON 100NIKON 0008 . JPG 0008 . JPG 10 10 8 8 5M 5M S T A R …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 16

    6 Before Y ou Begin The Mode Dial Using the mode dial, you can sele ct from se ven sh ooting modes an d setup m ode. Choo se a shoot ing mod e accordin g to shoot ing condi tions. To sel ect a mo de, al ign the mode icon wit h the » J » ma rk next to th e mode di al. e Scene ( Q 28 , 35) Choose f rom t welve «sc enes» suited to …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 17

    7 Before Y ou Begin Navigating the Menus The mu lti s elec tor is u sed to n avig ate thro ugh t he c ame ra m enu s. Your ca mera ha s a two s tage shutt er-relea se butto n. The ca mera sets focus an d expos ure whe n the button is pressed halfway . The gree n (AF) lamp n ext to the viewf inder wi ll light whe n the foc us oper ation is com plete …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 18

    8 Firs t St eps First S teps Inserting Batteries Your ca mera us es: • LR6 (AA ) alkaline ba tteries (× 2), or • Nikon EN-MH1 r echarge able nickel-me tal hydr ide (NiMH) batte ries (×2) , or • ZR6 (AA ) nickel m anganes e batter ies (×2), or • FR6/L91 (AA) li thium batt eries ( ×2) Open the batte ry-cham ber cov er • Slide the batter …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 19

    9 Inserting Batteries Firs t St eps Replacing B atteries Turn the camera off and make sure that the power-on lamp has gone out be fore removing or in- serting batteries. Read Batter y Warnings Read and fo llow all warni ngs and instruct ions suppli ed by the battery ma nufacturer . Damaged Bat teries The following batte ries can no t be used: • B …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 20

    10 Firs t St eps Inserting Memory Cards Picture s can be st ored in the camera ‘s internal memory (about 14 MB) or on Se- cure Dig ital ( SD) memo ry car d. If no memory card has been i nserte d in the cam- era, picture s will be stor ed in th e memory , and if th e camera conta ins a me mory card, then pictures will a utomatically be st ored …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 21

    11 Inse rting Memor y Cards Firs t St eps Format ting Me mory C ards Memory cards must be formatted before first use. For information on formatting memory cards, see «The SE T-UP Menu: Forma t memory/card» ( Q 97, 98). Removin g Memory Card s Memory cards can b e removed withou t loss of data when the camera is off. To remove memory cards …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 22

    12 Firs t St eps Checking the Battery Lev el Turn the camera on • Press the power switch . The power-on lam p will light. Rotate the mode dial to a setting other than f . Check the battery level in the monitor • Wh en th e came ra is tu rned on for the firs t time, a langua ge sel ection di alog will be d isplay ed. Choose th e desire d languag …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 23

    13 Checkin g the B attery L evel Firs t St eps Turn ing the Cam era O ff To turn the camera off, press the power switch when the power-on lamp is lit. Do not remove the batteries or disconnect the EH-62B AC adapter until the powe r-on lamp ha s gone out. The Powe r-on Lam p Auto Power Off (Standby M ode) If no operations are performed for one minut …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 24

    14 Firs t St eps Basic Setup The first time the cam era is turned on, a language-selection dialog will be displayed in the monitor. Follow the steps below to c hoose a language a nd set the time and date. The Cloc k Battery When the main batteries a re installed or the camera is powere d by an AC ada pter, the clock ba ttery will charge in about te …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 25

    15 Basi c Se tup Firs t St eps Setting the Clock from PictureProject ( Windows XP/Mac OS X Only) If the cam era is co nnected with th e USB option set to PTP ( Q 49), PictureProjec t (included) c an be u sed to set the camer a clo ck to the s ame ti me and date as th e comput er . See the Pict ureP ro je ct Re fe ren ce M an ua l for detai ls. Sele …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 26

    16 Basic Photog raphy Basic Photogra phy Step 1 — Select P Mode This sectio n details th e basic s teps involv ed in takin g pictures in P (a uto) mode . In this auto matic , «point-a nd-shoo t» mode, the majority of ca mera set tings ar e con trolled by the cam era in response to sh ooting co nditions , produ cing opt imal results in mos …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 27

    17 Step 1 — Selec t P Mode Basic Photog raphy Number of Expos ures Remaining If the number of exposures remaining is zero, the message «OUT OF ME MORY» will be dis played in the monitor. No further pictures c an be tak en until you: • c hoose a lowe r Image mode setting ( Q 67 ) • i nsert a new memory card ( Q 10) • d el et e som e …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 28

    18 Basic Photog raphy Step 2 — Frame th e Picture Read y th e cam era Hold the camera ste adily in both hands. Photo- graphs can be fra med in the monitor or the viewfinder . Frame your s ubject Your Ni kon digi tal cam era is equ ipped w ith two types of built -in zo om: op tical zo om, i n which the camera’s t elescopi ng lens can be used t …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 29

    19 Step 2 — Fra me the Pi ctu re Basic Photog raphy Digital Zoom In digital zoom, data from the camera’s image sensor are processed digita lly, enlarging the center portion of the picture to fill the frame. Unlike opt ical zoom, digital zoom does not increase the amount of detail visible in the p icture. Instea d, details visible at maximum op …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 30

    20 Basic Photog raphy Step 3 — Focus and Shoot Focus Press the shutt er-release button halfway to set focus and exposure. In P mode, the ca mera will automatically focus on the subject at t he center of the frame. F ocus and exposure will lock while th e shutter-release b utton is pressed halfway. With the shutter-release but ton pressed half- way, …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 31

    21 Step 3 — Foc us and Shoot Basic Photog raphy During Recording While pictures are being recorde d to the memory or memory card, the green (AF) lamp blinks, and the < icon lights or the memory icon } / / blinks. You can continue to take pictures until the < icon is displayed. Do not tu rn the came ra off, eject the me mory ca rd, or rem ove …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 32

    22 Basic Photog raphy Step 4 — View the Results (Full-screen Playback Mode) Press t he x bu tton View pi cture s in the monitor To view additional pictures, press the multi se- lector down or right to view pictures in the or- der recorde d, up or left to view pictures in reverse order. To scroll quickly to a particular frame number witho ut viewing …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 33

    23 Step 4 — View the Resul ts (Full-sc reen Playba ck Mode ) Basic Photog raphy Deleting Your Last Shot At any time during shooting, you can press the u button to de lete the last picture taken. The confirmation dial og shown at right will be displayed. Delete the picture as described opposite under «Del eting Unwante d Pic- tures.» Playb …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 34

    24 More on Photography More on Phot ography When Lighting Is Poor: Usin g the Flash The following flash mo des are available: To select the flash mode: Dis pl ay F la sh men u. Highligh t desire d mode (to exit with out chan ging mode , wait for a while or pres s the mul ti se lecto r to l eft). Auto with Red- eye Reductio n The E5600/E4600 Auto wi …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 35

    25 When Lighting Is Poor: Using the Flash More on Photography Exit menu. Flash mode shown by icon at bottom of monitor. Sensitivity ( ISO Equivalency) «Sensitivity» is a measure of ho w quickly the camera responds to light. Your Nikon digital camera normally has a sensitivity roughly equivalent to film with an ISO 50 rating. When lighting …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 36

    26 More on Photography Taking a Self-Portrait: Using the Self-Timer Wh en the s elf-time r is on , pictur es are taken t en secon ds aft er the s hutter -rele ase butt on is pres sed. Thi s can be used to all ow you to appe ar i n your own pi ctu res or to pr event clo se-up or low-ligh t shots from being blur red by th e camera m ove- ment that oc …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 37

    27 More on Photography Easy Close-ups: Macro Close-up Mode Macr o close -up mod e is used f or taking close- up shot s of sm all objects at very shor t dis tanc es ( min imum 4 cm/ 1.6 ″ ). Dis play Macr o cl os e-up menu . Exit menu. & icon appears in monitor when camera is in macro close-up. Highlight ON (to exit without changing setting, w …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 38

    28 More on Photography Assist and Scene M odes Your Ni kon digita l camera off ers a choice of four «ass ist» and twe lve «scene » modes. In th ese mode s, camer a sett ings are au tomatic ally optimize d for the se — lecte d sub ject t ype, spar ing yo u the ne cess ity of adju sti ng set ting s one- by- one. Assist Mode s Assi …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 39

    29 Assist an d Scene Mod es More on Photography Assist and S cene Modes Depending on your subject, assist and scene modes may not always produce the desired results. If results are no t to your satisfaction, ch oose P (aut o) an d tr y ag ain. Image Mode The Image mode option is available in the assist mode and scene mode menu ( Q 67) . Assist and …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 40

    30 More on Photography Framing Assist The fou r assist mo des offe r a selectio n of framing assist opt ions that allow yo u to compose pic tures with the help of fr aming guides dis played i n the monito r. To use frami ng assis t, rotate the mode dia l to the desi red mode and follow the ste ps belo w. After selec ting mode, display framing as- s …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 41

    31 Frami ng As sist More on Photography i Portrait Assi st i (por trait a ssis t) mode hel ps you f rame portr aits in whic h the main subj ect st ands out clea rly whil e backgro und details are soft ened, len ding the composi tion a sens e of depth (the de- gree of soft ening dep ends on the a mount of light a vail able). A framing assis t menu h …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 42

    32 Framing Assi st More on Photography N Landscape Assist N (landsca pe assi st) mode helps you frame vi vid lands cape shots th at enhan ce outlines , colors, a nd contras t. A framing assist menu help s you frame not only natu ral landsc apes but also citys capes an d portrai t shots featu ring a land mark in the b ackgrou nd. * Other mode s can …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 43

    33 Frami ng As sist More on Photography j Sp ort s A ssi st j (spo rts ass ist ) mode is used for dy namic act ion sho ts t hat capt ure mo vi ng obj ec ts. Th e ass is t me nu le ts y ou f reez e the action i n a sin gle shot o r record m otion in a se ries of pic — tures. Sports Assi st In Sports or Sports co mposite mode, the focus is constantly …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 44

    34 Framing Assi st More on Photography m Night Portrait Assist m (night po rtrait ass ist) mode is used for taking po rtrait shots at night, whe n it provides a natural bal ance betw een the m ain sub ject an d the backgroun d. Pi ctures t aken at slow shutte r spee ds ar e adju sted to impr ove q ualit y, sligh tly in- creas ing processi ng time; …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 45

    35 More on Photography e Scene Mode e (sc ene) mode offers a menu of twelv e «scenes ,» each correspondi ng to a common situati on, such a s a backlit subj ect, s unset, or int erior s hot. C amera sett ings are auto mat ically adju sted to suit th e select ed scen e, spar — ing you t he necess ity of adjus ting eac h setti ng separat ely …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 46

    36 e Scene Mode More on Photography The fol lowi ng scen es are avail abl e: * Other mode s can be sel ected. The 2 (C amera Sh ake) Icon When the 2 icon app ears in the monitor, pictures may be blurred. In this section, the precautions that you can take to a void blur are indicated by stars:  hold camera in both hands and bra ce elbows a gainst …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 47

    37 e Scene Mo de More on Photography * Other mode s can be sel ected. E DUSK/DAWN Pres erves the colors seen in the weak natural light befor e sunrise or after sunset. Fo cu s is f i xe d at i n fi ni t y.  Picture s taken at slow shutter speeds ar e processed to impr ove quality , slightly increasing time before pictu re s are saved to memory o …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 48

    38 e Scene Mode More on Photography * Other mode s can be sel ected. G MUSEUM Fla sh tu rn s off ( $ ) au tomatica lly. Use th is mode in doors wher e flas h phot ogr aphy is pr ohi bi ted (for ex ampl e, i n muse ums a nd ar t gal le ri es) or in other indo or settings in which you d o not want to use th e flash.  •The Best Shot Selec tor (BS …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 49

    39 e Scene Mo de More on Photography * Other mode s can be sel ected. J BACK LIGHT Use when li ght is c oming fr om behind your subje ct, thr owing their fe atur es into shad ow , o r when your s ubject is in the shade but the backgr ound is bri ghtly lit. The flash will fir e automatically to «fill in» (illuminate) shadows. M UNDERWATER …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 50

    40 e Scene Mode More on Photography * Other mode s can be sel ected. To use panorama as sist, follow the steps below. Highlight K (PANORAM A ASS IST). Press I (the center of the multi se- lector). Pan direction displayed in greenish yellow. Select how pictures w ill be joined together in complet ed panorama. This is the direc- tion in which to pan …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 51

    41 e Scene Mo de More on Photography Compose the n ext shot to overlap with the previous picture. Take first pictur e. About one third of pic- ture is sho wn superi mposed on view through le ns (if p an direct ion is le ft to right, picture will app ear on l eft side of monito r). Take the next picture . Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all shots in se- …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 52

    42 More on Playbac k More on Playba ck Viewing Pictures on the Ca mera Viewing Mult iple Pictures: Thumbnail Playback Pres sing the l ( W ) button in f ull-screen playbac k display s the pi ctur es in th e memory or o n the memo ry card in «c ontact shee ts» of four thumbnail i mages. The f ollowing operat ions can be per formed while thu …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 53

    43 Viewing Pict ures on the Camera More on Playbac k Taking a Closer Look: Playback Zoom Use th e O ( T ) button to zoom in on still im ages dis- played in full- screen p layback. While the picture is zoom ed in, yo u can s ave a cr opped co py of th e pic- ture that co ntains only t he port ion of the i mage v isi- ble in t he monito r. Playba ck …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 54

    44 Viewing Pictures on the Camera More on Playbac k Cropping Pictures This o ption lets you crop part of a pictur e and save it as a separa te file. Zoom picture in and out. Scroll pic t ure. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until desired portion of ima ge is displayed in monitor. Confirmation dialog displayed. Select Yes to crea te cropped copy, No to exit wi …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 55

    45 Viewing Pict ures on the Camera More on Playbac k Adjusting a picture tone automa tically Pres s I (the cente r of the mult i selector) in full-scree n playba ck. The tone ad- justed pictur e is crea ted aut omatica lly as a separ ate pict ure. Th is funct ion is ca lled D-Lig hting in the E560 0/E4600 . Using D- Lighting, backlit o r insuffi ci …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 56

    46 Viewing Pictures on the Camera More on Playbac k D-Li ght ing Sam ple s + + Befo re Afte r + …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 57

    47 Viewing Pict ures on the Camera More on Playbac k Voice Memo s: Recording and Playba ck (E5600 on ly) Using the camera’ s mic rophone , you c an record a voice memo by pressing the shutter-rele ase button while a picture wi th the O : @ icon is displayed in full-sc reen pl ayback ( Q 22). Do not touch th e micro- phone dur ing rec ordin g. Voi …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 58

    48 More on Playbac k Viewing Pictures on TV Using the E G-CP14 audio/ video (A V) cab le (E560 0) or E G-CP11 video cable (E460 0) incl uded with your c amera, yo u can co nnect the came ra to a te levisio n or vid eo-cass ette re corde r (VCR). Choosing a Video Mode The Video mode item in the Interf ace option of the SET-UP menu offers a ch oice o …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 59

    49 More on Playbac k Viewing Pictures on a Com puter Using th e UC- E6 USB cable and Pic tureProj ect softw are provi ded with your ca mera, you c an vie w yo ur pho togra phs an d mov ies on a com pute r. Befo re yo u can tra nsfe r (copy) pictures to your computer, you will need to install PictureProject. For more information on installing Pictur …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 60

    50 Viewing Pictur es on a Compu ter More on Playbac k Connecting the USB Cable Tur n the com pute r on a nd wait for it to s tart u p. A fter conf irm ing th at th e cam — era is of f, connec t the UC-E6 USB cab le as show n below . Connec t the came ra directl y to the com puter; do no t connec t the cable via a USB hub or keyboar d. You can now t …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 61

    51 Viewing Pictures on a Com puter More on Playbac k Disconnecting the Camera If PTP is select ed in the USB m enu, yo u can turn the camer a off and d isconnect the USB cabl e on ce tr ansf er is compl et e. If you ha ve no t cha nged t he US B optio n in the camera SET- UP menu f rom its d efault sett ing of Mass sto rage , you must remove th e c …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 62

    52 More on Playbac k Printing Pictures Pictur es sto red in the memo ry or on the me mory card can be printe d in the same way a s pict ures ta ken wi th a fi lm came ra. U sing th e Print s et op ti on in the P LAY — BACK MENU, you can specify the pict ures to be printe d, the nu mber of print s, and t he infor mation to be included with e ach pr …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 63

    53 Printin g Pictures More on Playbac k Highlight Print set . Display PRINT SET menu. Highlight Print selected . Pic tures on memory card displayed as thumbnail images. Highlight picture. Select highlighted picture. Selected pic- tures marke d by d icon. «Del ete pr int se t» To cancel the current print order, highlight D ele te prin t se …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 64

    54 Printing Pi ctures More on Playbac k Use the multi selector to specify numbe r of prints (up to 9). To deselect picture, press the multi selec tor down until icon disappears. Repeat steps 5-7 to selec t additional pictures. To exit without alter- ing print order, press ^ button. Press I (the center of the multi selector) to complete print order …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 65

    55 Printin g Pictures More on Playbac k Print S et If you display the PRINT SET menu afte r creating a print order, the Date and Info options will be reset. «Dat e» If Dat e is selected, the date of recordi ng will appear on pictures printed using DPOF. The date is based on the photo information re corded with the picture, and will not be …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 66

    56 More on Playbac k Printing Via Direct USB Co nnection Your camer a al low s pict ur es to be pri nte d di rect ly fr om t he came ra us in g Pict — Bridge. If the UC-E6 USB ca ble i s used t o conne ct the c amera to a prin ter tha t supports PictBri dge, pi ctur es can be pr inted dire ctly fro m the memor y or memor y card wi thout havi ng to …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 67

    57 Printing Via Direct USB Connection More on Playbac k Highlight Print select ion .* Display PRINT SELECTION dialog. * To pri nt one copy of all pict ures on memo ry card, highlight Print all im- ages and press m ulti selector to right. Scroll through pictures. C urrent picture shown at bottom of display. Use the multi select or to specify number …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 68

    58 Printing Via Direct USB Con nection More on Playbac k Display confirmat ion dialog. Press the m ult i selector up or down to highlight option, and press I (the center of the mu lti selector) to select. • Sele ct Star t print to st art print ing. T o inte rrup t prin ting , press I , th en tur n ca mera o f f a nd disco nne ct USB c abl e. • …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 69

    59 Printing Via Direct USB Connection More on Playbac k Display confirmation dialog. Press the multi s e lector up or do wn to high light option, press I (the center of the multi selector) to select. • Sele ct Star t print to st art print ing. T o inte rrup t prin ting , press I , th en tur n ca mera o f f a nd disco nne ct USB c abl e. • Sele …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 70

    60 Movies Movies W Recording Movies Movi es can b e record ed with so und rec orded v ia the cam era’s bui lt-in micr o- phone, using the E5 600, or sil ent movie s using the E4600: Rotate the mode dial to W Turn the camera on The monitor show s the length of the movie tha t can be recorded. Start recording Press the sh utter- releas e but ton …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 71

    61 W Reco rding M ovies Movies The type of movie re corded can be selected from the f ollowing opt ions: *1 Tota l reco rding time shown is appr ox imate. Time may vary de pendin g on type of memory card used. *2 Total r ecor ding tim e is shor ter with E5600 becau se movie i s record ed wi th sound . Flash Mode Selection in W Mode The flash turns …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 72

    62 W Recording Movi es Movies To sel ect a movi e mode: Select W Mode . Display MO VIE menu. Highlight Movie options . Display MOVIE OPT IONS menu. Highlight mode.* * To exi t without ch anging mod e, press ^ button. Ma ke se lec tio n to retu rn to t he MO VIE menu. Return to sh oot ing mo de. S elected movie mode show n in mo nit or. 1 0h 0m20s 0 …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 73

    63 W Reco rding M ovies Movies The MO VIE menu also incl udes t he f ollow ing foc us opt io ns: To choos e a focus option from t he MOVIE me nu: Highlight Auto-f ocus mode . Display options. Highlight desired fo cus mode. M ake selection. Return to shooting mode. Focu s m ode Description Single AF Camera focuses when shut ter-relea se button is pr …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 74

    64 Movies Viewing Movies In full-scre en playbac k mode ( Q 22), movies ca n be playe d with so und (E560 0 only). Mo vies ar e indicated by a W icon a nd can be view ed by pr essing I (the cent er of the mul ti se lect or) . Play bac k cont rol s are disp laye d at the t op o f t he moni to r; pres s the mult i select or to left or ri ght to hi gh …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 75

    65 The Shooting Menu The Shooting Menu Using the Shooting Menu In P ( auto) mode, the following set tings can be adjust ed from the SHOOTING MENU: In P (auto) mode , the SHOOTING MENU is display ed when ^ button is pres sed. To display the SHOOTING MENU: Icon Type Display Using t he Menus option of the SET-UP menu switches the menu display between …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 76

    66 Using the Shoot ing Menu The Shooting Menu To make a selec tion from the SHOOTING MENU: Highlight menu item. Highlight option. To return to pr evious step, press the multi selector to left. Display options. Make selection. To e xit menu and return to shooting mode, press ^ button. Shooting M enu Help Pres sing O ( T ) button when displaying the …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 77

    67 The Shooting Menu Image Mode Image mode Pict ures ta ken w ith a dig ital c amera a re re corded as imag e file s. The size o f the f iles, a nd w ith it the n um- ber of image s that ca n be reco rded in t he memory or on th e memo ry card, de pends on the size an d qualit y of t he i mages . Befo re s hoo tin g, choo se i mage qua li ty and si …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 78

    68 Image Mode The Shooting Menu The fo llowing t able sho ws the ap proxim ate numb er of pict ures th at can be stored in the memory or on 128- and 2 56-meg abyt e memor y car ds a t di fferen t imag e mode se ttings . * All figures ar e approximate. Fi le size of pictur es depends on scen e recorded, pro ducing wide v ari- ations in numb er of im …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 79

    69 The Shooting Menu White Balance White balance The color of the ligh t reflecte d from an object v aries with the color of the l ight sour ce. T he human b rain is able to ad apt to such chan ges i n color, wit h the result that we see w hite obje cts as whit e, regardl ess of whether t hey ar e in the sh ade, d irect sunl ight, or un der incande …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 80

    70 Wh ite Ba la nce The Shooting Menu Preset Wh ite Balan ce Pres et w hite bal anc e is use d whe n sho oti ng under mixed lighting or to comp ensate f or light s ources w ith a stro ng col or cast ( for ex ampl e, t o make pict ures tak — en und er a la mp wi th a r ed sha de lo ok as thoug h they had bee n taken under white light ). Wh en White …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 81

    71 The Shooting Menu Exp. +/- Exp. +/- The EXP. +/- (expos ure comp ensa tion) m enu is used to alte r expos ure fro m the va lue suggeste d by th e came ra, maki ng pictur es bright er or darke r. Expo sure can be adjust ed in the r ange -2. 0 to +2.0 EV . • Wh en th e expo sure com pen sation is a ltered, t he new se tting i s r efle cted i n t …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 82

    72 The Shooting Menu Continuous Continuous Use the options i n this men u to captur e a fleeting ex — press ion on a p ortrait subject, photograp h a s ubject that is moving un predic tably, or c apture mo tion in a series of pic tures. Restrictions on Cam era Set tings At settings other than Single , the flas h ( Q 24) tur ns off automatically and …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 83

    73 The Shooting Menu Best Shot Selecto r BSS When the » Best Sh ot Select or» (BS S) is on , the c am- era t akes pict ur es as long as th e shu tter -rel eas e but — ton is he ld down , to a maxi mum o f ten. Thes e images are then compa red and th e sha rpes t pictu re ( the pi c- ture wi th hig hest l evel of d etail) save d to the mem …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 84

    74 The Shooting Menu Color Options Color Options Use t he op ti ons in thi s menu to ad d s peci al e ffec ts to you r pictures. There are f ive specia l effects to choose from. • The effect yo u choose i s r eflecte d in the pict ure dis- played in th e mon itor . White Balance When Black-and-white , Sepia or Cyanotype is selected, th e White ba …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 85

    75 The Play back Menu The Playba ck Menu Using the Playback Menu The PLAY BACK ME NU contains the followin g options: To display the PLAYBACK MENU: Display the PLAY BACK M ENU. Option Description Q Print set Select pictures for printing on a D POF-compatible devic e; speci fy number of cop ies and in formation to be included o n prin ts. 52-5 5 Sli …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 86

    76 Using the Play back Men u The Play back Menu Icon Type Display Using th e Me nu s option of the SET-UP menu switche s the menu display between Text and Icons ( Q 103). Playback Menu Help Pres sing O ( T ) but ton when displaying the PLAYBACK MENU dis plays the help for the se lected item. Print set Print set : Set : Set : Help : Exit : Exit Sele …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 87

    77 The Play back Menu Slide Show Slide show This opt ion is us ed to play picture s back in a n autom ated «sl ide show » with abo ut three second s be tween e ach pi cture. Highlight Start . Begin slide show. The fo llo wing op erat io ns can be perf or med du rin g the sh ow: «Loop» If Loop is selected in the starting screen , …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 88

    78 The Play back Menu Delete Delete The D ELETE me nu contains the follo wing option s: If no memory ca rd is inse rted in the ca mera, pic tures in the internal memory will be deleted . If the ca mera con tains a memory card, p ictur es on th e card will b e delete d. To dele te pic tures in the inte rnal memor y, re- move the memory ca rd. Deleti …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 89

    79 Delete The Play back Menu Confir mati on di alog d isp layed. Selec t Yes to dele te pictur es, No to exit with out de- letin g pict ur es. Deleting All Pic tures To dele te all unprot ected pict ures in the memory or on t he memo ry card: Highlight Erase all images . Confirmation dialog displayed. Se lect Yes to dele te pictures, No to exit wit …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 90

    80 The Play back Menu Protect Protect This opti on is used to protect pictur es from acciden tal deletion . Protected files can not be de let ed by press in g the u butto n or using the op tions in the DEL ETE menu . Note, howev er, that pr otected pict ures will be de leted whe n the memo ry or memory ca rd is fo rmatted. Highlight picture. Repeat …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 91

    81 The Play back Menu Transfer Marking T ransfer marking This option is us ed to m ark pict ures fo r transf er to a compute r and to t urn au tomat ic tr ansf er mar king o n and of f. Transf erring Mo re than 99 9 Pictures No more than 999 pictures can be marked for tr ansfer. If more than 999 pi ctures are marked, use PictureProje ct to transfer …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 92

    82 Transfer M arking The Play back Menu Marking S elected Pi cture s for Trans fer Highlight Select image(s) . Highlight picture. Repeat ste ps 3 and 4 to sele ct addi- tional pictures. To deselect picture, highlight and press the multi selec- tor down. To exit without c hanging transfer status of picture s, press ^ button. Pictures in memory or on …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 93

    83 The Play back Menu Small Picture Small pic. To crea te a sm all copy o f a pictu re, selec t Small pic. af ter disp laying the im age in full-sc reen playba ck or sel ecting it in the thumbna il display . Highlight option. C onfirmation dialog displayed. Se lect Yes to create resized copy, No to exit without creating copy. To vi ew th e new, r e …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 94

    84 The Play back Menu Copy Copy This o ption is used to tr ansfer pictures from th e cam- era ‘s int ernal m emo ry to the me mory card , or v ice versa. } indi cate s the c amera ‘s in tern al me mory and / the memory card. This opti on is d ispl ayed onl y when th e memory card is inserted . Copying Selec ted Pictures Highlight (memo ry …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 95

    85 Copy The Play back Menu Select highligh ted pi cture. Selec ted pictur es mar ked by A icon. Repea t steps 4 and 5 to s elect add itional picture s. To d eselect pictu re, high light and pre ss the mu lti select or down . Confirmation dialog displayed. Select Yes to copy pictures, No to e xit without copying pictures. Copying All Pictures To cop …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 96

    86 Copy The Play back Menu Copy • If there is not en ough space in the memory or o n the memory card to rece ive the copy, the message «IMAGE CANNOT BE SAVED» will be displayed ( Q 109). Delete unw anted picture s or insert a new memory card ( if using a memory ca rd) before tryin g again. • Copying of pictur es taken with anot her ma …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 97

    87 The Set-u p Menu The Set- up Menu Using the Set-up Menu The SET-UP menu con tains the follow ing options: To clear the SET-UP men u from the monitor, rotate the mode di al to another setting or press the x button. Optio n Description Q Welc ome scr een C hoose the welcome screen displayed when the camera is turned on. 89 Date Set the camera cloc …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 98

    88 Using the Set-up M enu The Set-u p Menu Icon Type Display Using Menus option of the SET-UP menu switches the menu display be- tween Text and Icon s ( Q 103). Set-up Menu Help Pres sing O ( T ) button when displa ying the SET-UP menu dis plays the he lp for the selected item. Welcome screen Welcome screen : Set : Help Choose the image displayed w …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 99

    89 The Set-u p Menu Welcome Screen Welcome screen This opti on is us ed to choose the welc ome s cree n displ aye d when t he camera is tu rned on. Small Pictur es and Cropped Co pies Resized copies c reated w ith the s mall pictur e a nd cropping options can only be selected for the welco me sc reen if th ey are ( q ) 640 × 480 pi xels or large r …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 100

    90 The Set-u p Menu Date Date This option is used to se t the camera clock. This option is availab le after yo u have set the came ra clock when u sing your c amera fo r the first tim e. For m ore infor- mation on se tting the cam era clo ck, see «F irst Steps: Bas ic Setup» ( Q 14). The Camer a Clock The camera clock is less accurate tha …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 101

    91 Date The Set-u p Menu (Travel Destinati on Time Zon e) To set the cloc k to th e travel destinatio n time z one, high — light and press I (the cent er of t he multi select or) . While the t ravel de stinati on time zone is selecte d, a icon wi ll be displ ayed in the mo nitor when the camer a is in shoo ting mode . To choo se a n ew trav el dest …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 102

    92 The Set-u p Menu Monitor Settings Monitor settings This opt ion is u sed to set the monito r dis play. Photo Info Sel ect thi s opti on to hide or dis pla y the monitor indicators, o r turn the m onitor o ff. Brightness Press the mul ti selector up or do wn to increase or decreas e the b rightness o f the monitor by moving the indicator on the l …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 103

    93 The Set-u p Menu Date Imprint Date imprint The Date impr int option is used to imprint the date or th e date and time of record ing on picture s as they are reco rded to the m emory o r mem ory card. It can not be u sed to im- print a date stamp on pictures after record ing. Image M ode Data imprinted at an Image mode setting of TV screen (640) …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 104

    94 The Set-u p Menu Sound Settings Sound settings The option s in this m enu control th e sound se ttings li sted below. Wit h E460 0, so und se tti ngs ca n onl y be s et On or Off . Choo sing Off mutes b utton, shutte r and start-up sou nds. Tone and volume ca nnot be adjusted . Shut ter sou nd Regardless of setting chosen, no sound is played whe …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 105

    95 The Set-u p Menu Blur Warning Blur warning This optio n is used to disp lay or hid e the camera s hake warning after you have taken a picture. Selecting On disp lays the w arnin g o nly if i nadv erte nt cam — era movement h as caused the picture yo u have just taken to be blurred. Select Yes to keep the picture or No to dele te it. Shooting m o …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 106

    96 The Set-u p Menu Auto Off Auto off To save ba tter y powe r, the ca mera wi ll enter st andby mode if no operat ions are pe rformed for a prese t length of t ime. Auto off Sleep mode AUTO OFF AUTO OFF : Set : Set OFF 1m Option Description Auto Off Choose how long moni tor will remain on before turni ng off a utomaticall y. Cho ose from thirty se …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 107

    97 The Set-u p Menu Format memory/card Format card Format memory This opti on is used when you nee d to forma t th e cam- era’ s int ernal me mory or a memor y card . If no memory card is i nserte d in the camera, the inte r- nal memory will be for matte d, and if t he ca mera co n- tains a me mory ca rd, the c ard will be f ormatte d. To form …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 108

    98 Format memo ry/ca rd The Set-u p Menu Formatt ing Memory/Card • Wh en formattin g memory c ards, us e the Format c ard option o f the came ra. The c amera may be unabl e to access memor y cards formatte d using a compute r or other dev ice. • Do not turn the camera off or re move the batteries or memory card when the mes sage «FORMATT I …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 109

    99 The Set-u p Menu Language Language Choo se the langu age f or ca mera menus a nd mes sages fro m Deutsc h (German), Englis h , Español (Spanish), Français (Fr ench) , Italia no (Italian ), Nederla nds (Dutch), Svensk a (Swedish), (Japanese), ( Simplified C hinese), (Traditional Chinese) or (Korean). Set USB mode or th e vi deo mode. Afte r cho …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 110

    100 The Set-u p Menu Auto Transfer Auto transfer Choo se whet her or not to set Trans fer m ark ing option to the picture taken. When t he Auto tr ansfe r option is set to On , all p ictur es taken are set to be trans ferred and V icon is a dded when di spl ayed. Select this op tion to res tore the settings l isted on th e next page to their origin …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 111

    101 Reset All The Set-u p Menu The following settin gs are affected: Choo sing Reset also clears the cur rent file num ber ( Q 23) from mem ory. Numbering will continue from the lowest nu mber av ailable in the me mory or on the m emory c ard. All oth- er settings are unaffe cted. Resettin g File Numbering to 000 1 To reset file numbering ( Q 23) t …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 112

    102 The Set-u p Menu Battery Type Battery type This option is used to choose the type o f batteries in serted in the camera. Backup Bat tery If the backup batte ry ( Q 14) is not cha rged sufficiently, the battery type se tting may revert to the default setting. Option D escri ption Alkaline Select thi s option when you have inserted a lkaline (AA) …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 113

    103 The Set-u p Menu Menus Menus This option is u sed to switch the men u display of th e SHOOTING ME NU, PLAYBACK ME NU or SET-UP menu to Text or Icons . Te x t Icons MENUS MENUS : Set : Set …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 114

    104 The Set-u p Menu Firmware Version Firmware version Select this option to displ ay the current firmw are version. : Back E5600 V er .XX …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 115

    105 Technical Notes Technical Notes Optional Accessories At the tim e of writing , the follow ing optiona l accessor ies were av ailable for your Nikon digital came ra. Contac t your local reta iler or Nikon repr esenta tive for de- tails. * 1 Not available in U.S. * 2 Not available in some ar eas. Approved Memo ry Cards The followi ng memo ry ca r …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 116

    106 Technical Notes Caring for Your Camera Cleaning Lens One k ey to clea ning the lens is to n ot touch it with your fing ers. Re move du st or lint w ith a b lower ( typically a small device with a r ubber bulb attach ed to o ne end that y ou pump to produc e a stream of air out the other) . To remo ve finger prints or ot her s ta ins tha t can n …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 117

    107 Caring for You r Camera Technical Notes Stor age Turn the came ra off when not i n use and check t hat the power-on lamp i s off be- fore putting the camera away. To prevent mold or mildew, store the camera in a dry, well-venti lated area. If you will not be using the product for long periods, re- move the batteries to prevent leakage and stor …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 118

    108 Technical Notes Error Messages The fol lo wing ta ble l ist s the er ror me ssag es and othe r warni ngs that ap pea r in the mo nitor and ho w to deal wi th them. Display Problem Soluti on Q Z (Flashes) C lock no t set . Set clock to current date and time. 14 WA R N I N G ! ! BA TTERY EXHAUSTED Batteries ex hausted. Turn camera off and re plac …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 119

    109 Erro r Messag es Technical Notes THIS CARD CANNOT BE USED 4 Error acc essing memory c ard. • Use approved card. • Check that conne ctors ar e clean. 105 — WA R N I N G ! ! THI S CARD CAN- NOT BE READ / OUT OF MEMORY / Camera in sho oting mode : Insufficient memory to recor d pictures at cu rrent setting s. • Choose lower image qual- ity/ …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 120

    110 Error Me ssages Technical Notes WARNING! MODE DIAL IS NOT IN THE PROPER POSITION Mode dial i s positio ned between two mode s. Adju st m ode di al t o sele ct desired mode . 6 THIS I MAGE CAN- NOT BE DEL ETED Attempt to delete prot ected picture. Remove protec tion before deleting pictu re. 80 COMMUNI CA- TIONS ERROR USB cabl e discon nected o …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 121

    111 Technical Notes Troubleshooting If your camer a fail s to functio n as expec ted, check th e list of co mmon proble ms below before consul ting yo ur reta iler or Niko n repr esenta tive . Refer t o the page numbers liste d in the right- most column for infor mation on solvin g the problems lis ted he re . Electronically-Cont rolled Cam eras In …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 122

    112 Troubleshoo ting Technical Notes No picture is taken when shut ter — release button is pressed • C amera is in playback mode. • Batteries are exhaust ed. •R e d ( ! ) lamp flickers: fla sh is charging. • Gr een (AF) lamp flickers: camera una ble to focus. • Message «C ARD IS NOT FO RMA TTED» appears in monitor: memory ca rd …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 123

    113 Troubleshoo ting Technical Notes Copy can not be cr e- ated using small pic — tur e, cr op, or D- Ligh ting op tion • Pic ture i s a m ov ie. • Pictur e w as cr eated wi th small pi ctur e, cr op, o r D-Ligh t- ing opti on. • There is not enou gh fr ee space in the me mory or on the memory car d to stor e new copy . 64 44, 45 , 83 Can not …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 124

    114 Technical Notes Specifications T ype E5600/E46 00 digital camera Effective pixels 5. 1 million (E5600); 4.0 million (E4600) CCD E5600 1/2.5” high-density CCD; total pixels: 5 .36 million E4600 1/2.5” high-density CCD; total pixels: 4 .23 million Image size (pixels) 2,592 × 1,944 (2 592) (E560 0 only) 2,288 × 1,712 (2 288) (E460 0 only) 2, …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 125

    115 Specif ications Technical Notes Sensitivity Approximately equivalent to I SO 50 (auto gain of two to four times) (up to equivale nt of ISO 200) Self-t imer T en-seco nd duration Built-in Speedlight Range (app rox.) W: 0 .4 — 3. 3 m/1 ´4” — 10 ´10” T : 0.4 — 2.0 m/1 ´4” — 6´7 ” Flash control Sensor f lash system Interface USB Vide o …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 126

    116 Index Index Symbol s I button, 7 P (auto) m ode, 6, 16 u (delet e) button, 3, 22, 23, 42, 43, 6 4 ! lamp, see La mp, red ( ! ) N (landscape as sist) mode, 6, 32 W (movie) m ode, 6, 60-64 m (nigh t portra it assi st) mod e, 6, 34 x (play) bu tton, 3, 1 2, 22 i (portra it ass ist) mode, 6, 31 j (sports assist) mod e, 6, 33 O : @ (voice memo), 47 …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 127

    117 Index Index Movies, 60- 64 auto -fo cus mo de, 63 recordin g, 60- 63 view in g, 64 Multi select or, 3, 7 MUSEUM , 38 N NIGHT LANDSCAPE , 37 NTSC, see Vide o mo de Numbe r of exp osures r emain- ing, 16, 17 , 68 O On/off, see Power switch P PAL, see Vi deo mode PANORAMA ASSIST , 40 PARTY/IND OOR , 28, 35, 36 PictBrid ge, 56, 59 PictureProject, 4 …

  • Nikon E5600 — page 128

    ( En ) ( En ) ( En ) The Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the En DIGITAL CAMERA Printed i n Hong Kong Fuji Bldg., 2-3 Marunouchi 3-chome, TR4L 01(11) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8331, Japan 6MA0561 1— No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in crit ical articles or revie ws), may be made withou …

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