Oriswin dg suite 4 инструкция на русском

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Визиограф (модель автором темы не указана) от фирмы FONA Dental s.r.o. (самостоятельный торговый бренд — «FONA«), входящей в состав словацкой компании Sirona Dental Systems Inc. (торговый бренд — «Sirona«), комплектуется, из числа других систем, изготавливающейся на производственных площадях в Италии системой компьютерной стоматологической радиовизиографии (датчиком) FONA CDR.

Как активировать новую версию OrisWin DG Suite 4.0 в комплекте отсутствует USB ключ. После ввода логина и пароля ничего не происходит. При попытке входа в программу сообщает, что установлена Демо версия вставьте USB ключ.

5.4Управление панорамной съемкой

Свойства управления панорамной съемкой: Ключевые характеристики съемки

  • Название драйвера устройства (Device Driver Name): iPan HS USB-интерфейс
  • Направление сканирования (Scan direction): всегда слева направо
  • Ширина изображения (Image width): зависит от установки, как правило, 3070
  • Высота изображения (Image Height): 1603, фиксированные данные датчика
  • Начальная задержка (Initial Timeout): 30 секунд или более (количество секунд для ожидания, до начала получения данных после начала вращения)
  • Задержка при преждевременной остановке (Early stop timeout): 7 секунд или более
  • Извлечь последнее изображение из памяти (Retrieve last image from memory): выбирается в зависимости от желания пользователя, используется для повторной передачи, в случае сбоя связи
  • Калибровать изображение (Calibrate image): как правило, выбирается, чтобы использовать данные калибровки для коррекции полученного изображения
  • Выравнивание изображения (Equalize image): выбирается в зависимости от желания пользователя, для оптимизации контраста изображения
  • Применить удаление пятен (Apply spot remover): для того чтобы удалить черные и белые пятна
  • Изъять темное изображение (Subtract dark image): как правило, выбирается
  • Получить 12-битное изображение (Acquire 12 bit image): выбрать для получения 12-битного изображения; недоступно для получения изображения через интерфейс TWAIN
  • Автоматический контроль облучения (Automatic exposure control): Неактивно
  • Автоматическая повторная отсылка (Auto resend): выбирается для выполнения повторной передачи изображения, в случае обнаружения ошибки при передаче данных.
  • Преобразование (Mapping): Как правило, выбирают нелинейное (традиционное) (Nonlinear (traditional)), при желании MID Contrast (средний контраст) (Арксинус), линейное (Linear) для калибровки
Информация об аппаратном обеспечении (Hardware Info)
  • серийный номер цифрового датчика
  • дата создания калибровочного файла

5.5Последующая обработка, CDR Pan

Свойства управления панорамной съемкой: Ключевые характеристики процесса последующей обработки изображения При активации “Apply Image Enhancement” (Повысить качество изображения), можно выбрать шесть уровней обработки изображения для датчика CDR Pan

  • PanX Soften
  • PanX Sharpen Low
  • PanX Sharpen High
  • iPan Soften
  • iPan Sharpen Low
  • iPan Sharpen High

Уровни обработки изображения PanX и iPan выполняют автоматическое улучшение контрастности (выравнивание гистограммы) и применяют фильтр увеличения резкости (нерезкая маска), также как и функцию удаления пятен.
Степень улучшения контрастности и резкости определяется начальными установками, т.е. Soften является наименьшей степенью, а Sharpen High наибольшей.
Уровень обработки изображения iPan также использует медианный фильтр для удаления артефактов, связанных с движением

5.6Последующая обработка, DG Suite

Изображение на входе OrisWin DG Suite может автоматически обрабатываться относительно коррекции уровня серого (Гамма) и проходить цифровую фильтрацию. Изображение на входе OrisWin DG Suite сохраняется в качестве “оригинального” и проходит специальную последующую обработку в соответствии с выбранной комбинацией фильтров:

  • Коррекция уровня серого для значений Гамма отличных от 1
  • Цифровая фильтрация с использованием комбинации фильтров увеличения резкости и сглаживающих фильтров, а именно:
    Average standard
    Average advanced
    Average maximum
    Sharpen minimum
    Sharpen basic
    Sharpen medium
    Sharpen maximum
    Magic filter

Fona OrisWin DG Suite

Manage and process images from all FONA units

О, нет

ссылка на загрузку не доступна


Enable FONA unit access on your computer and manage related images directly. Work with thumbnails, a fast image preview, and full-screen views of radiographic data generated in accordance with functional specifications. Search for patient records and view details.

Наш сайт предоставляет бесплатную загрузку Fona OrisWin DG Suite 4.1. Наш встроенный антивирус проверил эту закачку и признал ее как 100% безопасную.

Самая популярная версия среди пользователей программы 4.1. Эта программа также называется «OrisWin DG Suite — Fona».

ПО принадлежит к категории Фото, а точнее к подкатегории Просмотр и редактирование. Вы можете найти следующий загрузочный файл программы: OrisWinDGSuite.exe.

От разработчика:

FONA OrisWin DG Suite is a powerful imaging program that designed for supporting images from all FONA units. It provides thumbnails, a fast image preview and full screen views of radiographic images. It also allows you to search patients dental images in a fast and convenient manner.

Мы предлагаем оценить другие программы, такие как Simple Slide Show, Photo Cleaner или SPX Editor, которые часто используются вместе с Fona OrisWin DG Suite.

10 нояб., 2022

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    Page 1: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2.0

    Contents 1 Minimum system requirements ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

    2 Supported operating systems …………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

    3 Recommended monitor parameters ………………………………………………………………………………… 3

    4 New features of OrisWin DG Suite version 4.2.0 ……………………………………………………………….. 4

    4.1 New Full mouth series / status and follow-ups …………………………………………………………….. 4

    4.2 New Import of images from other applications or folders (i. e. CDR Dicom users) …………….. 6

    4.3 New Multiple monitor support + special function to send the image to the 2nd monitor ……… 7

    4.4 New 2 print layouts (Pano + Ceph) for even larger printed images …………………………………. 8

    4.5 New Embedded E-Mail client allows sending images directly from the OrisWin (i. e. Gmail,

    Yahoo etc. account) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

    4.6 New Search for patients according Social ID speeds up the search ……………………………….. 9

    4.7 New option to save the image with or without Gamma correction to PACS ……………………. 10

    4.8 New Intraoral cameras support for intraoral photography to get fully documented case …… 11

    5 Improved workflow ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

    5.1 Double-click on patient name automatically opens the image database without extra clicks 12

    5.2 Optimized measurement tools for seamless work………………………………………………………. 12

    5.3 Possibility to apply the Metal Artefact Reduction filter repeatedly on 3D volume …………….. 12

    5.4 Added closing button for every displayed image to speed up the workflow …………………….. 13

    5.5 New visualisation of 3D volume using smoother rendering for nicer image renders …………. 14

    5.6 Fixed problem with Study instance UID for XPan DG with USB connection when image

    received from DICOM WorkList ………………………………………………………………………………………… 14

    5.7 All DICOM functions hidden when the license is not purchased ……………………………………………. 14

    5.8 New more self-explaining icons in 3D module …………………………………………………………………. 14

    5.9 Simplified exporting of all types of images from 3D studies for easy print or export …………………….. 15

    5.10 Enabled exports in DEMO mode to demonstrate even more functions …………………………………… 15

    6 Technical improvements ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

    6.1 Prevention of creating new database when server database is offline, no more local

    databases created locally………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

    6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives /

    PCs 16

    6.3 Default backup of the patient database every 7 days, incl. patient data and images with the

    possibility to recover from the selected recovery point …………………………………………………………. 17

    Page 2: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    6.4 ScaNeo default IP address is now always as ScaNeo factory default ………. 18

    6.5 Fixed languages issues with missing translations ………………………………………………………. 18

    6.6 Support for Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified ……………………………………………… 18

    6.7 Information of the software version extended for build number …………………………………….. 18

    6.8 Added DICOM tags with exposure parameters for XPan 3D, XPan DG and XPan DG Plus 18

    Page 3: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    1 Minimum system requirements Computer platform: IBM platform (Standard PC platform)

    Memory: 4 GB or more

    CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 3GHz or better

    Hard Drive 100 GB free space or more

    PCI (only for Art Plus): one free PCI slot (PCIe) full height

    Graphic Card: AGP or PCI Express or integrated non-PCI connected (PCI displays

    adapters are not supported unless approved by FONA)

    2 Supported operating systems — Windows 7, Windows 8

    — 32 bits or 64 bits (recommended 64 bits)

    3 Recommended monitor parameters Size of screen: recommended 24”

    Minimum contrast ratio: 500:1

    Min. resolution: 1680×1024 or higher

    Touchscreen: Recommended Multi-touch supported Touchscreen

    Highly recommended is medical monitor, i. e. EIZO brand.

    Page 4: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    4 New features of OrisWin DG Suite version 4.2.0

    4.1 New Full mouth series / status and follow-ups

    Capture intraoral, panoramic or ceph images easily into schemes you prefer. Pick one of the

    predefined layouts (9 layouts) and easily double-click for acquisition of images. The image will

    be auto accepted and saved and you can acquire another one. No need to touch the mouse

    nor keyboard, just easily start taking images (sensors CDR, CDRelite) or scan them one after

    another (ScaNeo).

    It is applicable for

    — Check-ups / Bitewings

    — Full mouth series

    — Endo cases

    — Ortho / Ceph cases

    — Implant cases follow-up

    — Full case documentation

    — Intraoral camera photos

    Select one of prefered layout from the list or create your own one:

    You can also select one as default – for the convenience.

    Page 5: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    Just double-click and start acquisition:

    Or place them manually from the existing library – just drag and drop.

    Every position has also the name which can be changed.

    And you can use the predefined order or change it for your convenience.

    Page 6: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    You can save, export or print the whole series as one image

    with optionally black or white background to save the toner of

    your printer.

    Create also your own layouts just by drag and drop any image

    to the desired place.

    Save every visit / every case as extra page with your

    diagnostic notes or name, i. e. Endo 21 or IO check-ups. The

    time stamp will be also always present.

    4.2 New Import of images from other applications or folders (i. e. CDR Dicom users)

    Move all your old images from previous software’s to OrisWin just with few clicks! Patient

    folders with their demographic information will be created automatically.

    This feature is great for transition from CDR Dicom to OrisWin or from any other systems

    storing images as DICOM images.

    Keep all patient data in only one database — in new OrisWin — without the need of switching

    environments. Keep all patient data documented in one folder – does not matter if it is X-ray,

    intraoral image or panoramic image.

    Page 7: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    4.3 New Multiple monitor support + special function to send the image to the 2nd


    Send the current working window to the 2nd monitor mounted on the treatment center or just

    send the image to the 2nd screen clicking on the little button present at every 2D image in the

    corner. The function supports up to 4 monitors.

    Primary monitor

    Secondary monitor

    For return easily use the ESC button.

    Page 8: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    4.4 New 2 print layouts (Pano + Ceph) for even larger printed images

    Get bigger printouts of your PANO and CEPH images with two new layouts. Print 1:1 for

    PANO and with ratio 0,8 for CEPH image.

    4.5 New Embedded E-Mail client allows sending images directly from the OrisWin (i.

    e. Gmail, Yahoo etc. account)

    Send one or more images from your patient database to the recipient seamlessly, without

    extra steps to export and attach the image in your web-based e-mail clients.

    You can select the preferred format: DICOM or JPG or BMP and type: elaborated (with all

    measurements and adjustments of colors), or original.

    Page 9: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    4.6 New Search for patients according Social ID speeds up the search

    Use the Patient ID for searching of patients – just type part or whole Social ID to the search

    field and results will be filtered.

    Page 10: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    4.7 New option to save the image with or without Gamma correction to PACS

    Without Gamma correction

    With gamma correction applied (Gamma = 1.3)

    Page 11: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    You can manage the settings in Settings -> DICOM-> Storage:

    4.8 New Intraoral cameras support for intraoral photography to get fully documented


    You can use any FONA camera to acquire images to the patient images folder. Both FONA

    1000 and FONA 2000 intraoral cameras are supported in OrisWin.

    For acquisition, use the button in the acquisition toolbar.

    Page 12: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    5 Improved workflow

    5.1 Double-click on patient name automatically opens the image database without

    extra clicks

    Just double click and get the list of patient images preview.

    5.2 Optimized measurement tools for seamless work

    The measurement tool has been optimized to be smoother for easier measuring.

    5.3 Possibility to apply the Metal Artefact Reduction filter repeatedly on 3D volume

    The filter can be adjusted if not sufficient or if it is set to be too aggressive. You can always

    obtain optimal image with reduced Metal artefacts.

    Page 13: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    5.4 Added closing button for every displayed image to speed up the workflow

    Closing button saves the clicks and allows to keep only images which are desired to be

    displayed on the desktop.

    Page 14: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    5.5 New visualisation of 3D volume using smoother rendering for nicer image renders

    The great overview and tool for the communication with the patient is now smoother and you

    can benefit of the visualisation color coding: LUT, LUT Bone+Tissue or LUT Bone.


    5.6 Fixed problem with Study instance UID for XPan DG with USB connection when

    image received from DICOM WorkList

    5.7 All DICOM functions hidden when the license is not purchased

    5.8 New more self-explaining icons in 3D module

    Page 15: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    5.9 Simplified exporting of all types of images from 3D studies for easy print or export

    Acquire screenshots, export them or print them using the layout you prefer.

    5.10 Enabled exports in DEMO mode to demonstrate even more functions

    6 Technical improvements

    6.1 Prevention of creating new database when server database is offline, no more

    local databases created locally

    When the server is offline, if database is selected as “This database is always available”, the

    software will not continue, unless the user decides to use another database. This prevents to

    have patients stored in local PCs databases.

    Page 16: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    When database is not found (server is not accessible), the software will warn the user:

    If you still proceed, the main required database will be shown as inaccessible and you will

    have the option to select another database manually.

    6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed

    drives / PCs

    The Backup and Restore utility can be found in the installation folder:

    In the subfolder OrisWin_BackUpRestore.

    It can be used for the backup of settings from version 3.xx Standard edition and transferred to

    the version 4.xx (in this case all settings except filters is transmitted).

    The utility can be used by technicians to take a snapshot of last working configuration.

    The utility back-ups:

    — All plug-in filters and user filters

    — All Printer scripts

    — All settings of acquisition for all connected FONA devices

    — Complete settings of OrisWin incl. databases, DICOM communication etc.

    Page 17: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    — All calibration data (for all our technologies)

    6.3 Default backup of the patient database every 7 days, incl. patient data and images

    with the possibility to recover from the selected recovery point

    All patient data (images and patient details) are stored to the folder \DB_Backup_V4 in the

    folder with time stamp.

    Page 18: Installation and release notes for OrisWin DG Suite 4.2...6.2 New Backup/Recovery of all OrisWin settings to allow technicians to recover failed drives / PCs 16 6.3 Default backup

    Bank: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s. ǀ Account No.: 1140166007/1111 ǀ IBAN: SK6711110000001140166007 ǀ BIC: UNCRSKBX Register: ID: 45 691 118 ǀ VAT: SK 2023132870 ǀ Company registered in Business Register SR County court Bratislava I, insertion No.: 68465/B

    FONA Dental, s.r.o., Štefánikova 7, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic ǀ Office: Ševčenkova 34 (C5 building), 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Contact: Phone: +421 2 322 32 400 ǀ E-Mail: [email protected] ǀ Web: www.fonadental.com

    You can also call this function manually from the Database management.

    Whole ArchiMed with details about the backup are saved in the backup folder:

    6.4 ScaNeo default IP address is now always as ScaNeo factory


    When ScaNeo is linked to the acquisition button, no more settings is needed, unless you need

    to adjust the ScaNeo for Local Area Network settings.

    6.5 Fixed languages issues with missing translations

    6.6 Support for Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified

    6.7 Information of the software version extended for build number

    6.8 Added DICOM tags with exposure parameters for XPan 3D, XPan DG and

    XPan DG Plus

    Your Donation Will Be Matched 1-to-1! Can You Chip In?

    Dear Patron: Please don’t scroll past this. The Internet Archive is a nonprofit fighting for universal access to quality information. We build and maintain all our own systems, but we don’t charge for access, sell user information, or run ads. Instead, we’re powered by online donations averaging about $14. We’d be deeply grateful if you’d join the one in a thousand users that support us financially.

    Right now, we have a matching gift campaign that will double the impact of every donation. We understand that not everyone can donate right now, but if you can afford to contribute this Thursday, we promise it will be put to good use. Our resources are crucial for knowledge lovers everywhere—so if you find all these bits and bytes useful, please pitch in.

    Your Donation Will Be Matched! Can You Chip In?
    Dear Patron: Please don’t scroll past this. Right now we have a matching gift campaign that will double the impact of every donation. We understand that not everyone can give right now, but if you can afford to contribute this Thursday, we promise it will be put to good use. If you find all these bits and bytes useful, please pitch in.

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