Your device may be overheating.
Turn the device off and let it cool for at least 1 hour.
If the problem persists, contact Customer Service.
The charger is not properly connected to the device or is faulty.
Check that the charger is properly connected or contact an Approved Services Centre to change the charger.
The device is discharged, please recharge it.
This is perfectly normal. The vacuum cleaner can remain permanently connected to the charger without any risk.
The heat safety device has triggered.
Stop the vacuum cleaner. Check that nothing is obstructing the rotation of the brush. If there is an obstruction, remove it and clean the power-brush, then turn on the vacuum cleaner.
• The tube or hose is partially blocked: unblock them.
• The dust collector is full: empty it and clean it.
• The dust collector is not properly fitted: re-position it correctly.
• The suction head is dirty: remove the power-brush and clean it.
• The foam motor protection filter is full: clean it.
• The rotating brush or hose are obstructed: stop the vacuum and clean the parts.
• The brush is worn: contact an Approved Service Centre to change the brush.
• The belt is worn: contact an Approved Service Centre to change the belt.
The correct charger is not being used or the charger is faulty.
Talk to an Approved Service Centre to change the charger.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
Check the filter, if it is in bad condition, change it.
Empty the dust container.
Check the brush condition and refurbish or change it if necessary.
Check that the battery is fully charged after a complete charging cycle.
If the battery is faulty, please replace it.
Your device may be overheating.
Turn the device off and let it cool for at least 1 hour.
If the problem persists, contact Customer Service.
The charger is not properly connected to the device or is faulty.
Check that the charger is properly connected or contact an Approved Services Centre to change the charger.
The device is discharged, please recharge it.
This is perfectly normal. The vacuum cleaner can remain permanently connected to the charger without any risk.
The heat safety device has triggered.
Stop the vacuum cleaner. Check that nothing is obstructing the rotation of the brush. If there is an obstruction, remove it and clean the power-brush, then turn on the vacuum cleaner.
• The tube or hose is partially blocked: unblock them.
• The dust collector is full: empty it and clean it.
• The dust collector is not properly fitted: re-position it correctly.
• The suction head is dirty: remove the power-brush and clean it.
• The foam motor protection filter is full: clean it.
• The rotating brush or hose are obstructed: stop the vacuum and clean the parts.
• The brush is worn: contact an Approved Service Centre to change the brush.
• The belt is worn: contact an Approved Service Centre to change the belt.
The correct charger is not being used or the charger is faulty.
Talk to an Approved Service Centre to change the charger.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
Check the filter, if it is in bad condition, change it.
Empty the dust container.
Check the brush condition and refurbish or change it if necessary.
Check that the battery is fully charged after a complete charging cycle.
If the battery is faulty, please replace it.
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