Consumer services
User manual, instruction for use
Floor care
Bagless vaccum cleaner
User manual and frequently asked questions COMPACT POWER XXL
Performance and ergonomics in a compact size
The Tefal Compact Power XXL Canister Vacuum Cleaner offers an impressive capacity in a compact format, for everyday cleaning performance and a more convenient cleaning experience. The XXL 2.5 L capacity is ideal for a wide variety of living spaces—ensuring greater autonomy and an effortless dust-container emptying process—with a deep-cleaning EffiTech Motor and advanced Cyclonic technology for long-lasting performance day after day.
Reference : TW4826EA
Frequent questions
Make sure that the accessories, tube and flexible hose are not completely or partially blocked and that the filters are not clogged.
The overheating protection breaker of your vacuum cleaner has been activated. You should clean the motor filter, change the microactive filter (according to model) and replace the dust bag or empty the dust collector. Then wait 30 minutes before starting your appliance again.
Pull it out completely and press on the cord rewind switch. If the issue is still present contact an authorised service partner.
It could be due to several causes:
• The crosshead regulator is on open position, close it.
• Vacuum flow is blocked: Check the tube, the nozzle and the hose.
• The container or bag is full, change it or clean it (depending on model).
• The filtration system is clogged up, clean or replace it.
If the issue is still present contact an authorised service partner.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
The electro-suction brush is a motorised rotary brush, which gives you high efficiency in cleaning for removing thread, hair and pet hair etc embedded in carpets.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Guarantee section of this website.
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Руководство пользователя
- Рекомендации по использованию
- Если в Вашем пылесосе используется мешок
- Если в Вашем пылесосе не используется мешок
- Пылесос не работает
- Затруднено перемещение всасывающей насадки
- Если шнур питания не убирается полностью
- Если пылесос отключается во время работы
- Пылесос с мешком
- Если пылесос хуже всасывает, шумит, свистит или не работает
- Если индикатор заполнения мешка красного цвета
- Если крышка не закрывается
- Пылесос без мешка
- Если пылесос хуже всасывает, шумит, свистит или не работает
- Если крышка не закрывается
Скачать инструкцию к пылесосу Tefal Compact Power TW3731RA (6,75 МБ)
NC00904286/01 — 45/2016
EN Use Hygiene+ bags only / FR Nutilisez que des sacs Hygiene+ / DE Verwenden Sie ausschlielich Hygiene+-Beutel / NL Gelieve enkel zakken voor Hygiene+ te gebruiken / IT Utilizzare soltanto sacchetti Hygiene+ / ES Utilice nicamente las bolsas Hygiene + / PT Utilizar apenas sacos Hygiene+ / EL Hygiene+ / TR Sadece Hygiene+ torbalarn kullann / AR / FA / RU Hygiene+ / UK Hygiene+ / HK Hygiene+ / TH Hygiene+ / ID Gunakan hanya kantung Hygiene+ / MS Gunakan hanya beg Hygiene+ / VI Ch s dng Hygiene + ti / KO Hygiene+ / PL Stosowa wycznie worki Hygiene+ / CS Pouvejte pouze sky Hygiene+ / HU Kizrlag Hygiene+ zskokat hasznljon / SK Pouvajte iba vreck do vysvaov Hygiene+ / RO Utilizai numai saci Hygiene+ / BG Hygiene+ / SR Koristite samo kese Hygiene+ / HR Upotrebljavajte samo vreice za usisiva Hygiene+ / BS Upotrijebite samo vreice Hygiene+ / SL Uporabljajte samo vreke Hygiene+ / ET Kasutage vaid Hygiene+ kotte / LV Izmantojiet tikai Hygiene+ maisius / LT Naudokite tik Hygiene+ maielius
EN Depending on model / FR Selon modle / DE Je nach Modell / NL Afhankelijk van het model / IT Secondo i modelli / ES Segn modelo / PT Consoante o modelo / EL / TR Modele gre / AR / FA RU / UK / HK / TH / ID Tergantung pada model / MS Bergantung kepada model / VI Theo mu / KO / PL W zalenoci od typu / CS Podle modelu / HU Modelltl fggen / SK V zvislosti od modelu / RO Ovisno o modelu / BG / SR U zavisnosti od modela / HR Ovisno o mo delu / BS Ovisno o modelu / SL Odvisno od modela / ET Sltuvalt mudelist / LV Atbilstoi modelim / LT Pagal model.
ON *
EN The permanent EPA Filter should only be replaced in case of improper use of the appliance (burst bag, vacuuming of liquidsetc).
FR Filtre EPA permanent, ne remplacer quen cas dutilisation anormale de lappareil (clatement du sac, aspiration de liquides, etc).
DE E PA D a u e r f i l t e r, n u r b e i unsachgemer Verwendung des Gerts auszutauschen (Platzen des Beutels, Ansaugen von Flssigkeiten usw.).
NL De vaste EPA filter moet alleen vervangen worden wanneer het apparaat onjuist wordt gebruikt (als de zak scheurt, wanneer er vloeistoffen zijn opgezogen enz.).
IT Filtro EPA permanente, sostituire solo in caso di utilizzo anomalo dellapparecchio (rottura del sacchetto, aspirazione di liquidi, ecc.).
ES Filtro EPA permanente, sustituir solo en caso de un funcionamiento inadecuado del aparato (rotura de la bolsa, aspiracin de lquidos, etc.).
PT Filtro EPA permanente, a substituir apenas em caso de utilizao anormal do aparelho (rebentamento do saco, aspirao de lquidos, etc.).
( , … ..).
TR EPA filtre, cihazn normal almamas halinde deitiriniz (torbann patlamas, svlarn ekilmesi, vs.).
RU EPA, ( , ..).
UK EPA-, ( , ..).
TH EPA ( )
ID Filter EPA permanen, ganti jika penggunaan alat tidak seperti biasa (kantung bocor, menghisap cairan, dll.).
MS Penapis EPA tetap, hanya digantikan sekiranya perkakas anda digunakan dalam keadaan luar biasa (beg pecah, sedutan cecair, dsb).
VI B lc EPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) c nh, ch thay th trong trng hp thit b hot ng bt thng (v ti ng rc, ht cht lng vv…).
KO EPA ( , ). PL Niewymienny filtr EPA. Wymiana konieczna jedynie w przypadku niestandardowego uytkowania urzdzenia (rozerwanie worka, wcignicie pynw do urzdzenia itd.).
CS Permanentn EPA filtr by ml bt vymnn pouze v ppad nesprvnho pouit pstroje (protren vaku, vyst tekutin atd.).
HU Az lland EPA szrt csak a kszlk helytelen hasznlata esetn kell kicserlni (a zsk elszakadsa, folyadk felszvs stb.).
SK Permanentn EPA filter by mal by vymenen iba v prpade nesprvneho pouitia prstroja (prasknut sku, nast tekutin atd.).
RO Filtru EPA permanent, a nu se nlocui dect n cazul utilizrii neconforme a aparatului (spargerea sacului, aspirarea de lichide etc.).
BG EPA, ( , .).
SR Zamenite trajni EPA filter ako aparat ne radi ispravno (pucanje kese, usisavanje tenosti itd.).
HR Trajni EPA filter potrebno je promijeniti samo u sluaju ee uporabe (pucanje vreice, usisavanje tekuina itd.).
BS Zamijenite trajni EPA filter u sluaju neispravnog rada aparata (pucanje vreice, usisavanje tekuine itd.).
SL Trajnega filtra EPA ni treba menjavati razen v primeru neobiajno intezivne uporabe sesalnika (e vreka poi, pri sesanju tekoin ipd).
ET EPA psifilter, rge vahetage seda vlja muidu, kui vaid seadme ebastandardse kasutuse puhul (koti rebenemine, vedelike sisseimemine jne).
LV EPA filtrs ilgstoai izmantoanai, kas jmaina tikai gadjum, ja ierces darbb vrojami traucjumi (prplsis maisi, idrumu skana utt.).
LT Pastov EPA filtr keiskite tik tada, kai prietaisas netinkamai veikia (plyus maieliui, siurbiant skysius ir t. t.).
EN Users guide FR Guide de lutilisateur DE Bedienungsanleitung NL Gebruiksaanwijzing IT Manuale duso ES Gua del usuario PT Guia de utilizao EL TR Kullanm klavuzu AR FA RU UK HK TH ID instruksi
MS Panduan pengguna VI Hng dn d nh cho ngi s dng KO PL Instrukcja obsugi CS Nvod k pouit HU Hasznlati tmutat SK Pouvatesk prruka RO Ghidul utilizatorului BG SR Korisniko uputstvo HR Upute za uporabu BS Korisniki prirunik SL Navodila za uporabnika ET Kasutusjuhend LV Lietoanas pamcba LT Naudotojo vadovas
BAG ZR2005 XX / ZR2007 XX
www.rowenta.com | www.tefal.com | www.moulinex.com
EN Please read carefully the Safety and use instructions booklet before first use / FR Veuillez lire attentivement le livret Consignes de scurit et dutilisation avant la premire utilisation / DE Lesen Sie vor dem erstmaligen Gebrauch aufmerksam die Broschre Sicherheits- und Bedienungshinweise durch / NL Gelieve vr het eerste gebruik aandachtig het boekje met de veiligheids- en gebruiksvoorschriften door te nemen / IT Leggere con attenzione il libretto Norme di sicurezza e duso al primo utilizzo / ES Lea detenidamente el libro Instrucciones de seguridad y de uso antes de utilizar el aparato por primera vez / PT Leia atentamente o manual Instrues de segurana e utilizao antes da primeira utilizao / EL / TR lk kullanmdan nce Gvenlik ve kullanm talimatlar kitapn dikkatlice okuyun / AR FA / RU / UK HK / TH / MS Sila baca dengan teliti lampiran Panduan keselamatan dan penggunaan sebelum menggunakan pada kali pertama / ID Baca buklet Petunjuk keselamatan dan penggunaan secara cermat sebelum penggunaan pertama / VI Vui lng c k cun Hng dn S dng v Bin php An ton trc khi s dng ln u / KO , PL Przed pierwszym uyciem prosz uwanie przeczyta broszur Zalecenia dotyczce bezpieczestwa i uytkowania / CS Ped prvnm pouitm si, prosm, peliv prostudujte Bezpenostn pokyny pro pouit HU Az els hasznlat eltt figyelmesen olvassa el a Biztonsgi elrsok s hasznlati tmutat cm fejezetet SK Pred prvm pouitm si pozorne pretajte Bezpenostn odporania a pouitie / RO nainte de prima utilizare, citii cu atenie manualul Instruciuni de siguran i de utilizare / BG , / SR Pre prve upotrebe, paljivo proitajte Bezbednosno I uputstvo za upotrebu / HR Molimo da prije prve uporabe paljivo proitate prirunik Sigurnosne upute / BS Prije prve upotrebe paljivo proitajte knjiicu Sigurnosne upute / SL Pred prvo uporabo natanno preberite Navodila za varno uporabo / ET Palun lugege enne esimest korda kasutamist hoolikalt ohutus- ja kasutusjuhendit / LV Pirms izmantojat ierci pirmoreiz, ldzu rpgi izlasiet broru Nordjumi par drobu un lietoanu / LT Atidiai perskaitykite knygel Saugos ir naudojimo reikalavimai prie naudodami rengin pirm kart.
EN Depending on model / FR Selon modle / DE Je nach Modell / NL Afhankelijk van het model / IT Secondo i modelli / ES Segn modelo / PT Consoante o modelo / EL / TR Modele gre / AR / FA / RU / UK / HK / TH / ID Tergantung pada model / MS Bergantung kepada model / VI Theo mu / KO / PL W zalenoci od typu / CS Podle modelu / HU Modelltl fggen / SK V zvislosti od modelu / RO Ovisno o modelu / BG / SR U zavisnosti od modela / HR Ovisno o mo delu / BS Ovisno o modelu / SL Odvisno od modela / ET Sltuvalt mudelist / LV Atbilstoi modelim / LT Pagal model.
EN Depending on model / FR Selon modle / DE Je nach Modell / NL Afhankelijk van het model / IT Secondo i modelli / ES Segn modelo / PT Consoante o modelo / EL / TR Modele gre / AR / FA / RU / UK / HK / TH / ID Tergantung pada model / MS Bergantung kepada model / VI Theo mu / KO / PL W zalenoci od typu / CS Podle modelu / HU Modelltl fggen / SK V zvislosti od modelu / RO Ovisno o modelu / BG / SR U zavisnosti od modela / HR Ovisno o mo delu / BS Ovisno o modelu / SL Odvisno od modela / ET Sltuvalt mudelist / LV Atbilstoi modelim / LT Pagal model.
www.moulinex.com www.tefal.com www.rowenta.com
EN For further usage information / FR Pour plus dinformations sur lutilisation / DE Weitere Informationen zur Bedienung / NL Voor meer informatie over het gebruik / IT Per maggiori informazioni sullutilizzo / ES Para obtener ms informacin sobre su uso / PT Para obter mais informaes sobre a utilizao / EL / TR Kullanm hakknda daha fazla bilgi iin / AR / FA / RU / UK / HK : / TH : / ID Untuk informasi penggunaan lebih lanjut / MS Maklumat untuk kegunaan lanjut / VI bit thm thng tin v cch s dng: / KO : / PL Wicej informacji na temat korzystania z urzdzenia / CS Pro vce informac o pouit / HU A hasznlatra vonatkoz tovbbi informcik / SK Pre alie informcie o pouvan / RO Pentru mai multe informaii privind utilizarea / BG / SR Za vie informacija o upotrebi / HR Za vie informacija o upotrebi BS Za vie informacija o upotrebi / SL Ve informacij o uporabi / ET Tiendava teabe saamiseks kasutamise kohta
Пылесос Tefal COMPACT POWER TW3981EA синий
750 Вт, уборка: сухая, пылесборник — мешок, 3 л
Код товара: 1695253