Yt3300 позиционер инструкция на русском

YT-3300 смарт-позиционерыYT-3300 смарт-позиционеры YT-3300 смарт-позиционеры YTC — необходимы для управления запорной арматурой с высокой точностью по заданному входному сигналу 4-20 мА. Модель позиционера серии 3300/3350 использует высокопроизводительный процессор, обеспечивающий возможность самостоятельной настройки (автокалибровки), изменяемый вид характеристики (линейный, равнопроцентный, быстрым открытие, иные настройки). Наличие строенного дисплея позволяет производить визуальную диагностику, изменения настроек ПИД-регулирования, а опция HART-протокола расширяет возможность передачи данный о состоянии узла в систему управления. Опционально, позиционер снабжается сигналом обратной связи 4-20мА, а также механическими или индуктивными датчиками конечных положений. По умолчанию, во всех моделях установлены пневматические дроссели, позволяющие адаптировать расход воздуха позиционера под любой тип пневматического привода. Степень защиты корпуса — IP66. YT-3300 — корпус алюминиевое литье, YT-3350 — корпус нержавеющая сталь AISI 316. Для подключения фитингов с резьбой G и R к портам подключения сжатого воздуха и манометра NPT — потребуется переходник. Опционально: взрывозащита Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb. Подробнее тех. данные и принадлежности для монтажа смотрите в каталоге.
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YT-3300 смарт-позиционеры — принадлежности

Маркировка Тип Конструкция Исполнение
VZAV-C затвор поворотный дисковый двухстороннего действия
DAPS привод поворотный клино-рычажный одно- / двухсторон. действия
DFPD привод поворотный рейка-шестерня одно- / двухсторон. действия
YT-3300RD позиционеры 2-х сторон. действия, для поворотных приводов — типоразмеры

Маркировка Тип привода Взрывозащита Tраб. / опции управ.
YT-3300RDI5301S поворотный, NAMUR Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -30 — +85°C / датчик О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300RDI5320L поворотный, NAMUR Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -60 — +85°C / HART-протокол
YT-3300RDN5221S поворотный, NAMUR без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / HART, О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300RDN5300L поворотный, NAMUR без взрывозащиты -60 — +85°C / без опций
YT-3300RDN5300S поворотный, NAMUR без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / без опций
YT-3300RDN5301S поворотный, NAMUR без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / датчик О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300RDN5320S поворотный, NAMUR без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / HART-протокол
YT-3300RDN5321S поворотный, NAMUR без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / HART, О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300RS позиционеры односторон. действия, для поворотных приводов — типоразмеры

Маркировка Тип привода Взрывозащита Tраб. / опции управ.
YT-3300RSN1323S поворотный, — без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C/ HART, датчик полож.
YT-3300RSN5121S поворотный, NAMUR без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / HART, О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300RSN5301L поворотный, NAMUR без взрывозащиты -60 — +85°C / датчик О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300RSN5301S поворотный, NAMUR без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / датчик О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300RSN5304S поворотный, NAMUR без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C/ О.С. 4-20мА + датчик
YT-3300RSN5321S поворотный, NAMUR без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / HART, О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300LD позиционеры 2-х сторон. действия, для линейных приводов — типоразмеры

Маркировка Тип привода Взрывозащита Tраб. / опции управ.
YT-3300LDI1300L линейный, 20-100 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -60 — +85°C / без опций
YT-3300LDI1321L линейный, 20-100 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -60 — +85°C / HART, О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300LDI1323L линейный, 20-100 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -60 — +85°C/ HART, датчик полож.
YT-3300LDI1325L линейный, 20-100 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -60 — +85°C/ О.С. 4-20мА + датчик
YT-3300LDN1501S линейный, 20-100 мм без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / датчик О.С. 4-20мА
YT-3300LS позиционеры односторон. действия, для линейных приводов — типоразмеры

Маркировка Тип привода Взрывозащита Tраб. / опции управ.
YT-3300LSI0300L линейный, 10-40 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -60 — +85°C / без опций
YT-3300LSI0301L линейный, 10-40 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -60 — +85°C / датчик О.С. 4-20мА
YT-3300LSI0320L линейный, 10-40 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -60 — +85°C / HART-протокол
YT-3300LSI0420S линейный, 10-40 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -30 — +85°C / HART-протокол
YT-3300LSI1300L линейный, 20-100 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -60 — +85°C / без опций
YT-3300LSI1301L линейный, 20-100 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -60 — +85°C / датчик О.С. 4-20мА
YT-3300LSI1320L линейный, 20-100 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -60 — +85°C / HART-протокол
YT-3300LSI1320S линейный, 20-100 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -30 — +85°C / HART-протокол
YT-3300LSI1420S линейный, 20-100 мм Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -30 — +85°C / HART-протокол
YT-3300LSI3321L линейный, — Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb -60 — +85°C / HART, О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300LSN0300L линейный, 10-40 мм без взрывозащиты -60 — +85°C / без опций
YT-3300LSN0300S линейный, 10-40 мм без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / без опций
YT-3300LSN0301L линейный, 10-40 мм без взрывозащиты -60 — +85°C / датчик О.С. 4-20мА
YT-3300LSN0305S линейный, 10-40 мм без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C/ О.С. 4-20мА + датчик
YT-3300LSN0320L линейный, 10-40 мм без взрывозащиты -60 — +85°C / HART-протокол
YT-3300LSN0321L линейный, 10-40 мм без взрывозащиты -60 — +85°C / HART, О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300LSN0323S линейный, 10-40 мм без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C/ HART, датчик полож.
YT-3300LSN1300L линейный, 20-100 мм без взрывозащиты -60 — +85°C / без опций
YT-3300LSN1300S линейный, 20-100 мм без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / без опций
YT-3300LSN1301S линейный, 20-100 мм без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / датчик О.С. 4-20мА
YT-3300LSN1302S линейный, 20-100 мм без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / датчики положения
YT-3300LSN1320L линейный, 20-100 мм без взрывозащиты -60 — +85°C / HART-протокол
YT-3300LSN1321L линейный, 20-100 мм без взрывозащиты -60 — +85°C / О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300LSN1321S линейный, 20-100 мм без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / О.С. 4-20 мА
YT-3300LSN1323S линейный, 20-100 мм без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C/ HART, датчик полож.
YT-3300LSN1401S линейный, 20-100 мм без взрывозащиты -30 — +85°C / датчик О.С. 4-20мА

Пример заказа позиционера:
YT-3300RDN5300S — смарт-позиционер электропневматический, 2-х стороннего действия, для поворотных приводов, без взрывозащиты (стандарт), тип соединения — NAMUR, кабельный ввод / пневмопорт — G1/2 / G1/4, без HART-протокола, рабочая температура: -30 — +85°C
YT-3300RDI5320L — смарт-позиционер электропневматический, 2-х стороннего действия, для поворотных приводов, взрывозащита Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, тип соединения — NAMUR, кабельный ввод / пневмопорт — G1/2 / G1/4, HART-протокол, рабочая температура: -60 — +85°C

Page 1: SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / …€¦ · Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual Ver. 1.13 6 God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic


YT-3300 YT-3300 with limit switch

YT-3350 YT-3303




Page 2: SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / …€¦ · Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual Ver. 1.13 6 God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic

Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 2

Contents 1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

1.1 General Information for the users ………………………………………………………………………………. 5

1.2 Manufacturer Warranty …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

1.3 Explosion Proof Warning (Only for Intrinsic safety type positioners) ……………………………….. 6

2. Product Description ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

2.1 General …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

2.2 Main Features and Functions …………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

2.3 Label Description …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

2.4 Product Code ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

2.4.1 YT-3300 / 3350 series follows suffix symbols as follows. …………………………………………. 12

2.4.2 YT-3303 series follows suffix symbols as follows. …………………………………………………… 13

2.4.3 YT-3301 series follows suffix symbols as follows. …………………………………………………… 14

2.5 Product Specification ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

2.5.1 YT-3300 / 3303 / 3350 Specification ……………………………………………………………………… 15

2.5.2 YT-3301 Specification …………………………………………………………………………………………. 16

2.6 Certifications………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17

2.7 Parts and Assembly ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19

2.7.1 YT-3300 / 3350…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

2.7.2 YT-3303 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20

2.7.3 YT-3301 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21

2.8 Product Dimension …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22

2.8.1 YT-3300 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22

2.8.2 YT-3350 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

2.8.3 YT-3303 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24

2.8.4 YT-3301 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25

3. Installation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 26

3.1 Safety …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26

3.2 Tools for installation ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 26

3.3 Linear positioner Installation ……………………………………………………………………………………. 27

3.3.1 Linear positioner Installation of Standard lever type ………………………………………………… 27 Safety ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28 Standard lever type positioner Installation Steps ……………………………………………… 28

3.3.2 YT-3300L / 3350L Installation of Adapter lever type (on tubeless actuator) ………………… 33 Safety ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33 Adapter lever type positioner Installation Steps ……………………………………………….. 34

3.4 Rotary positioner Installation ……………………………………………………………………………………. 36

3.4.1 YT-3300R / 3350R Components …………………………………………………………………………… 36

3.4.2 YT-3303R Components ………………………………………………………………………………………. 37

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 3

3.4.3 YT-3301R / 3302R remote sensor components ……………………………………………………… 37

3.4.4 Rotary Bracket Information (Only YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R) …………………………………. 38

3.4.5 Rotary positioner Installation Steps……………………………………………………………………….. 39

4. Connection — Air ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 41

4.1 Safety …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41

4.2 Supply Pressure Condition ………………………………………………………………………………………. 41

4.3 Piping Condition …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 41

4.4 Connection – Piping with actuator ……………………………………………………………………………. 42

4.4.1 Single acting actuator ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 42

4.4.2 Double acting actuator ………………………………………………………………………………………… 43

5. Connection – Power …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 44

5.1 Safety …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44

5.2 Connection ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 44

5.3 Ground …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 46

6. Adjustments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 47

6.1 Limit Switch Adjustment ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 47

6.2 A/M switch adjustment ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 48

6.3 Orifice Installment ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 49

6.3.1 Plate type Orifice Installment (except YT-3303) ……………………………………………………… 49

6.3.2 Variable Orifice Adjustment (Only YT-3303) …………………………………………………………… 49

7. Optional Sub-PCB Installment ……………………………………………………………………………………… 50

7.1 Installation steps ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 50

8. Auto Calibration and PCB Operation ……………………………………………………………………………. 52

8.1 Warning ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 52

8.2 Button Description ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 52

8.3 Run Mode (RUN) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 52

8.4 Auto Calibration mode (AUTO CAL) …………………………………………………………………………. 53

8.4.1 AUTO1 Calibration (AUTO1) ………………………………………………………………………………… 53

8.4.2 AUTO2 Calibration (AUTO2) ………………………………………………………………………………… 54

8.4.3 AUTO HF Calibration (AUTO HF) …………………………………………………………………………. 54

8.5 Manual Mode (MANUAL) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 55

8.6 Parameter Mode (PARAM) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 55

8.6.1 Dead-Zone (dEAdZONE, %) ………………………………………………………………………………… 56

8.6.2 P Value (KP) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 56

8.6.3 I Value (KI) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 57

8.6.4 D Value (Kd) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 57

8.6.5 P_ (KP_), I_(KI_), D_ (Kd_) Values ………………………………………………………………………. 57

8.6.6 KF Up Value (KFUP) …………………………………………………………………………………………… 58

8.6.7 KF Down Value (KFdN) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 58

8.7 Hand Calibration Mode (HAND CAL) ………………………………………………………………………… 59

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 4

8.7.1 Zero-Point (PV ZERO) and End-Point (PV END) for Valves …………………………………….. 59

8.7.2 Zero-Point (TR ZERO) and End-Point (TR END) for Transmitter ………………………………. 60

8.7.3 Normal / Reverse Feedback Signal (TR NORM / REVS) …………………………………………. 61

8.7.4 Normal / Reverse HART Signal (HT NORM / REVS) ………………………………………………. 61

8.8 Valve Mode (VALVE) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 62

8.8.1 Acting Adjustment (ACT RA / dA) …………………………………………………………………………. 62

8.8.2 Valve flow Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR) ………………………………………………………… 63

8.8.3 User defining flow Characteristics (USER SET) ……………………………………………………… 64

8.8.4 Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP) ……………………………………………………………………………… 65

8.8.5 Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL) ………………………………………………………………………………. 65

8.8.6 Split Range Mode (SPLIT) …………………………………………………………………………………… 66

8.8.7 Custom Zero Setting Mode (CST ZERO) ………………………………………………………………. 66

8.8.8 Custom End Setting Mode (CST ENd)…………………………………………………………………… 67

8.8.9 Interpolation Mode (ITP ON/OFF, ITP USER SET) …………………………………………………. 68

8.8.10 Acting Type (SINGLE / dOUBLE) ……………………………………………………………………… 69

8.8.11 Lever Type (STd / AdT) ……………………………………………………………………………………. 69

8.9 Diagnostic (dIAGNO) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 70

8.9.1 PST Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 70

8.9.2 PST Mode …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 71

8.9.3 PST CFG …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 71 START PO ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 72 TARGET 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 72 TARGET 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 72 INTERVAL ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 73 TOL……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 73 LIMIT TM ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 73 LATENCY …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 74

8.9.4 PST RSLT …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 74

8.10 View Mode (VIEW) …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 75

9. Error and Warning Code ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 77

9.1 Error code ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 77

9.2 Warning code ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 78

10. Main Software Map ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 79

11. Intrinsically installation drawing ……………………………………………………………………………….. 80

11.1 FM certification ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 80

11.2 CSA certification …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 81

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 5

1. Introduction

1.1 General Information for the users

Thank you for purchasing Young Tech Co., Ltd products. Each product has been fully

inspected after its production to offer you the highest quality and reliable performance.

Please read the product manual carefully prior to installing and commission the product.

The manual should be provided to the end-user.

Factory Mutual approved Intrinsically Safe and Non-Incendive units must be

Installed Per drwg SKC_18601_150326.pdf

CSA approved Intrinsically Safe and Non-Incendive units must be Installed Per

drwg SKC-8465.pdf

The manual can be altered or revised without any prior notice. Any changes in

product’s specification, design, and/or any components may not be printed immediately

but until the following revision of the manual.

When the manual refers to “Valve Zero / Zero” means the final valve position upon

pneumatic pressure has been fully exhausted from positioner’s OUT1 port. The valve

zero position may differ between linear direct and reverse actions. (DA/RA)

The manual should not be duplicated or reproduced for any purpose without prior

approval from Young Tech Co., Ltd, Gimpo-si, South Korea.

In case of any other problems that are not stated in this manual, please make immediate

contact to Young Tech co., Ltd.

Positioner is an accessory of the control valve, so please make sure to read the

applicable instruction manual of the control valve prior to installation and operation.

1.2 Manufacturer Warranty

For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Manufacturer will

not be responsible for any damages caused by user ’s negligence.

Any modifications or repairs to the product may only be performed if expressed in this

manual. Injuries and physical damages caused by customer’s modifying or repairing the

product without a prior consultation with Young Tech co., Ltd will not be compensated. If

any alterations or modifications are necessary, please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd


Manufacturer warrants the product from the date of original purchase of the product for

eighteen (18) months, except as otherwise stated.

Manufacturer warranty will not cover products that have been subjected to abuse,

accidents, alterations, modifications, tampering, negligence, misuse, faulty installation,

lack of reasonable care, repair or service in any way that is not contemplated in the

documentation for the product, or if the model or serial number has been altered,

tampered with, defaced or removed; damages that occurs in shipment, due to act of

Page 6: SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / …€¦ · Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual Ver. 1.13 6 God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic

Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 6

God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic damage. Improper or incorrectly

performed maintenance will void this limited warranty.

For detailed warranty information, please contact the corresponding local Young Tech

Co., Ltd office or main office in South Korea.

1.3 Explosion Proof Warning (Only for Intrinsic safety type positioners)

Please ensure the unit is being used and installed in conformity with local, regional, and

national explosion proof within the proper safety barrier environment.

Refer to “2.6 Certifications”

Explosion proof type of cables and gaskets should be used, when explosion gases are

present at the installation site.

Positioner has 2 ports for power connection. Explosion proof type wires and packing

should be used. Blind plug is required when any port is not being used.

Ring terminal with surface area of more than 0.195mm2 with M4 spring washer should

be used to connect the power.

For external ground terminal, ring terminal with surface area of more than 5.5mm2

should be used.

Wiring in these applications shall utilize appropriate methods for Class I, Division 2 /

Zone 2

Substitution of components may impair intrinsic safety.

Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2.

EXPLOSION HAZARD. Do not connect or disconnect wiring unless all sources of power

have been removed or the area is known to be non-hazardous.

(French) RISQUE D’EXPLOSION. Ne pas raccorder ou débrancher le câblage à moins

Toutes les sources d’énergie ont été enlevées ou la zone est connue pour être non


The enclosure of models YT-3300, YT-3301, and YT-3303 contains aluminum, which is

considered to constitute a potential risk of ignition when subjected to impact or friction.

Care must be used during installation in locating this equipment to prevent impact or


Parts of the enclosure are made of non-metallic materials. To prevent the risk of

Electrostatic sparking, clean the enclosure only with a damp cloth.

The product must be installed in such a manner as to minimize the risk of impact or

friction with other metal surfaces.

For Intrinsically Safe installations, the product must be connected to suitably rated

intrinsically safe equipment, and must be installed in accordance with applicable

intrinsically safe installation standards.

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 7

2. Product Description

2.1 General

YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Smart Valve Positioner accurately controls valve stroke

in response to an input signal of 4~20mA from the controller. Built-in micro-processor

optimizes the positioner’s performance and provides unique functions such as Auto-

Calibration, PID Control, and HART Protocol Communications.

2.2 Main Features and Functions

LCD display enables users to monitor the positioner status.

User will easily understand the method of using 4 buttons because it work same in all

versions of firmware interfaces.

When unexpected situation like momentary blackout happens, our positioner boot-time

only take 0.5 second and this can minimize the travel of valve which consequentially

increase the safety of system.

Positioner operates normally even there are sudden changes in supply pressure and / or

high vibration environment.

YT-3301 remote positioner is stronger on high temperature and vibration environment

because it is separated into feedback sensor and positioner.

The method of Auto Calibration is very simple.

As an advantage of having very low air consumption, It could greatly reduce operating

costs in large-scale plants.

It is compatible with most of controllers.

Orifices can be installed even in the field to minimize the hunting occurrence and

optimize operating conditions.

Various information about positioner can be processed by HART communication (HART

option) Valve system becomes more stable by outputting analog feedback signal.

Different valve characteristics can be adjusted – Linear, Quick Open, Equal Percentage,

and Custom which user can make 18 points characterizations.

Tight Shut – Close and Shut — Open can be set.

PID parameters can be adjusted in the field without any additional communicator.

A/M switch can be used to direct supply air to the actuator or to manually operate the

positioner or valve without any signal.

Split range 4~12mA or 12~20mA can be set.

Operating temperature for sensor module of YT-3301 is -40 ~ 120.

Operating temperature for positioners is -30 ~ 85 or -40 ~ 85 (Please check certified

explosion proof temperature)

Hand calibration function can set Zero point or End point manually.

It has IP66, Type 4X(FM) protection grade.

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 8

Epoxy polyester powder coating resists the corrosion process. (except YT-3350).

Maintenance of the positioner is easy because of modularized inner structure.

SIL2 certified.(For more information, see SIL Safety Instruction on homepage)

2.3 Label Description

• MODEL : Indicates the model number and any options of the positioner.

• EXPLOSION PROOF : Indicates certified explosion proof grade.

• INGRESS PROTECTION : Indicates protection grade.

• INPUT SIGNAL : Indicates input signal range.

• OPERATING TEMP. : Indicates the allowable operating temperature.

• AMBIENT TEMP. : Indicates the allowable ambient temperature for explosion proof.

• SUPPLY PRESSURE : Indicates the supply pressure range.

• Ui, Ii, Pi, Ci, Li : Indicates the allowable electrical data in the certificate.

ATEX: Ui = 28 V, Ii = 93 mA, Pi = 651 mW, Ci = 0.6 nF, Li = 10 μH

FM: Ui = 28 V, Ii = 93 mA, Pi = 651 mW, Ci = 0.55 nF, Li = 12 μH

You can also see the details in the certificate.

• SERIAL NUMBER : Indicates unique serial number.

• YEAR : Indicates manufactured year.

Fig. L-1: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 Non-explosion proof

Fig. L-2: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 Intrinsic safety type (ATEX, IECEx, KCs, NEPSI)

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Ver. 1.13 9

Fig. L-3: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 / 3302 Intrinsic safety type (FM, CSA)

Fig. L-4: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 Non-explosion proof (TRCU)

Fig. L-5: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 Intrinsic safety type (TRCU)

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Ver. 1.13 10

Fig. L-6: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 Intrinsic safety type (INMETRO)

Fig. L-7: YT-3350 Non-explosion proof

Fig. L-8: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (ATEX, IECEx, KCs, NEPSI)

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Ver. 1.13 11

Fig. L-9: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (FM, CSA)

Fig. L-10: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (TRCU)

Fig. L-11: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (INMETRO)

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Ver. 1.13 12

2.4 Product Code

2.4.1 YT-3300 / 3350 series follows suffix symbols as follows.

YT-3300 / 3350 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Motion Type L :

R :

Linear (positioner is attached the right yoke of actuator.)


2 Acting type S :

D :



3 Explosion Proof N :

i :

A :



Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex iaD IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP66

FM & CSA :

Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6

Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100/T85; Class III

Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T5/T6,

Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga; Ex tb IIIC T100/T85 Db

Type 4X(FM), IP66

4 Lever Type


0 :

1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

6 :

10 ~ 40 mm (Standard type)

20 ~ 100 mm (Standard type)

90 ~ 150 mm (Standard type)

16 ~ 30 mm (Adapter type)

16 ~ 60 mm (Adapter type)

16 ~ 100 mm (Adapter type)

90 ~ 150 mm (Adapter type)


1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

M6 x 34L

M6 x 63L

M8 x 34L

M8 x 63L


5 Conduit — Air

Connection Type

1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

G 1/2 — PT 1/4

G 1/2 — NPT 1/4 (YT-3350 is available for No. 2 ONLY)

G 1/2 — G 1/4

M20*1.5P — NPT 1/4

NPT 1/2 — NPT 1/4

6 Communication 0 :

2 :


+ HART Communication

7 Option

0 :

1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :


+ Position Transmitter

+ Limit Switch(Mechanical Type)

+ Limit Switch(Proximity Type)

+ Position Transmitter and Limit Switch (Mechanical Type)

+ Position Transmitter and Limit Switch (Proximity Type)

8 Operating Temp. S :

L :

-30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

-40 ~ 85 (-40 ~ 185)

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Ver. 1.13 13

2.4.2 YT-3303 series follows suffix symbols as follows.

YT-3303 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Motion Type L :

R :

Linear (positioner is attached the left yoke of actuator.)


2 Acting type S :

D :



3 Explosion Proof N :

i :

A :



Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex iaD IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP66

FM & CSA :

Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6

Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100/T85; Class III

Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T5/T6,

Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga; Ex tb IIIC T100/T85 Db

Type 4X(FM), IP66

4 Lever Type


1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

10 ~ 40 mm

20 ~ 70 mm

50 ~ 100 mm

100 ~ 150 mm


1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

M6 x 34L

M6 x 63L

M8 x 34L

M8 x 63L


5 Conduit –

Air Connection Type

1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

G 1/2 — PT 1/4

G 1/2 — NPT 1/4

G 1/2 — G 1/4

M20*1.5P(Adapter type) — NPT 1/4

NPT 1/2 — NPT 1/4

6 Communication 0 :

2 :


+ HART Communication

7 Option 0 :

1 :


+ Position Transmitter

8 Operating Temp.

S :

L :

-30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

-40 ~ 85 (-40 ~ 185)

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Ver. 1.13 14

2.4.3 YT-3301 series follows suffix symbols as follows.

YT-3301 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Motion Type L :

R :



2 Acting type S :

D :



3 Explosion Proof N :

i :

A :



Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex iaD IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP66

FM & CSA :

Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6

Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100/T85; Class III

Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T5/T6,

Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga; Ex tb IIIC T100/T85 Db

Type 4X(FM), IP66

4 Lever Type


1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

10 ~ 40 mm

20 ~ 70 mm

50 ~ 100 mm

100 ~ 150 mm

Rotary 5 : Namur

5 Conduit –

Air Connection Type

1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

G 1/2 — PT 1/4

G 1/2 — NPT 1/4

G 1/2 — G 1/4

M20*1.5P(Adapter type) — NPT 1/4

NPT 1/2 — NPT 1/4

6 Communication 0 :

2 :


+ HART Communication

7 Option 0 :

1 :


+ Position Transmitter

8 Operating Temp.

S :

L :

-30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

-40 ~ 85 (-40 ~ 185)

9 Cable Length 1) 1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :





1) Maximum cable length is 20m.

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Ver. 1.13 15

2.5 Product Specification

2.5.1 YT-3300 / 3303 / 3350 Specification

Model YT-3300 / 3303 YT-3350

Housing Material Aluminum Die-casting Stainless Steel 316

Motion Type Linear Rotary Linear Rotary

Acting Type Single / Double

Input Signal 4~20mA DC

Minimum Current Signal 3.2mA(Standard), 3.8mA(Hart Included)

Supply Pressure 0.14 ~ 0.7 MPa (1.4 ~ 7 bar)

Stroke 10 ~ 150 mm 0 ~ 90° 10 ~ 150 mm 0 ~ 90°

Impedance Max. 500Ω @ 20mA DC

Air Connection PT, NPT, PF(G) 1/4 NPT 1/4

Gauge Connection PT, NPT 1/8 NPT 1/8

Conduit Entry G(PF) 1/2 or NPT 1/2 or M20*1.5P G(PF) 1/2

Ingress Protection IP66, Type 4X(FM)

Explosion Proof


Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex iaD IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP66


Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6

Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100/T85; Class III

Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T5/T6,

Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga; Ex tb IIIC T100/T85 Db



Standard Type -30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

Low Temp. Type -40 ~ 85 (-40 ~ 185)

LCD Operating Temperature -30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

Ambient Temperature

Of Explosion proof

T5 -40 ~ 60 (-40 ~ 140)

T6 -40 ~ 40 (-40 ~ 104)

Linearity ±0.5% F.S.

Hysteresis ±0.5% F.S.

Sensitivity ±0.2% F.S

Repeatability ±0.3% F.S.

Flow Capacity 70 LPM (Sup.=0.14 MPa)

Air Consumption Below 2 LPM (Sup.=0.14 MPa @ idle)

Output Characteristic Linear, Quick Open, EQ%, User Set

Vibration No Resonance up to 100Hz @ 6G

Humidity 5-95% RH @ 40

Communication (Option) HART Communication (Rev. 7)

Feedback Signal (Option) 4~20mA (DC 9~28V)

Weight 2 Kg (4.4 lb) 5.1 Kg (11.2 lb)

Painting Epoxy Polyester Powder Coating —

Tested under ambient temperature of 20’C, absolute pressure of 760mmHg, and humidity of 65%.

Please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd for detailed testing specification.

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Ver. 1.13 16

2.5.2 YT-3301 Specification

Model YT-3301 / 3302

Housing Material Aluminum Die-casting

Motion Type Linear Rotary

Acting Type Single / Double

Input Signal 4~20mA DC

Minimum Current Signal 3.2mA(Standard), 3.8mA(Hart Included)

Supply Pressure 0.14 ~ 0.7 MPa (1.4 ~ 7 bar)

Stroke 10 ~ 150 mm 0 ~ 90°

Impedance Max. 500Ω @ 20mA DC

Air Connection PT, NPT, PF(G) 1/4

Gauge Connection PT, NPT, 1/8

Conduit Entry G(PF) 1/2 or NPT 1/2 or M20*1.5P

Ingress Protection IP66, Type 4X(FM)

Explosion Proof


Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex iaD IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP66


Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6

Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100/T85; Class III

Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T5/T6,

Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga; Ex tb IIIC T100/T85 Db



Sensor -40 ~ 120 (-40 ~ 248)

Body Standard -30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

Low temp. -40 ~ 85 (-40 ~ 185)

LCD Operating Temperature -30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

Ambient Temperature

Of Explosion proof

T5 -40 ~ 60 (-40 ~ 140)

T6 -40 ~ 40 (-40 ~ 104)

Linearity ±0.5% F.S.

Hysteresis ±0.5% F.S.

Sensitivity ±0.2% F.S

Repeatability ±0.3% F.S.

Flow Capacity 70 LPM (Sup.=0.14 MPa)

Air Consumption Below 2 LPM (Sup.=0.14 MPa @ idle)

Output Characteristic Linear, Quick Open, EQ%, User Set

Vibration No Resonance up to 100Hz @ 6G

Humidity 5-95% RH @ 40

Communication (Option) HART Communication (Rev. 7)

Feedback Signal (Option) 4~20mA (DC 9~28V)


Positioner 2.2 Kg (4.9 lb)

Sensor 0.6 Kg (1.2 lb) 1.0 Kg (2.1 lb)

Cable(5M) 0.6 Kg (1.3 lb)

Painting Epoxy Polyester Powder Coating

Tested under ambient temperature of 20’C, absolute pressure of 760mmHg, and humidity of 65%.

Please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd for detailed testing specification.

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 17

2.6 Certifications

※ All certifications below are posted on YTC homepage(

KCs (Korea)

Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : Ex ia IIC T5/T6, Ex iaD T100/T85, IP66

Certification No. : 12-KB2BO-0398X(YT-3300)

12-KB2BO-0399X(YT-3300+LS(Dry contact))



12-KB2BO-0401X(YT-3350+LS(Dry contact))




Ambient temperature : -40 ~ +60 (T5/T100), -40 ~ +40 (T6/T85)


Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : II 2G Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, II 2D Ex ia IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP6X

Certification No. : EPS 12 ATEX 1 456 X

Ambient temperature : -40 ~ +60 (T5), -40 ~ +40 (T6)


Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : Ex II 2G Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex II 2D Ex ia IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP6X

Certification No. : IECEx EPS 12.0017X

Ambient temperature : -40 ~ +60 (T5/T100), -40 ~ +40 (T6/T85)


Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : Ex ia IIC T5/T6

Certification No. : GYJ11.1599X


Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : 1Ex ia IIC «T6 … T5» Gb X, Ex ia IIIC «T85 ° C … T100 ° C» Db X

Certification No. : RU C-KR.MЮ62.B.04756

Ambient temperature : -40 ~ +60 (T5/T100), -40 ~ +40 (T6/T85)


Rating : Class I, Div 1, Groups ABCD Class I, Zone 0 AEx ia IIC Class II/III, Div 1, Groups EFG Class I, II, III, Div 2, Groups ABCDEFG NEMA Type 4X, IP66 Certificate No.: FM16US0268X

Ambient temperature : -40 to +60(T5), -40 to +40(T6)

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Ver. 1.13 18


Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6

Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100/T85

Class III Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga

Ex tb IIIC T100/T85 Db


Certificate No.: CSA 17.70131426

Ambient temperature : -40 to +60(T5), -40 to +40(T6)


Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex ia IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP66

Certification No. : DNV 17.0070 X

Ambient temperature : -40 ~ +60 (T5), -40 ~ +40 (T6)

SIL2 (in a redundant structure up to SIL 3)

Intended application : Safety function is defined as to move into fail-safe-position, when

signal to positioner in interrupted.

Certification No. : V 460.02/15

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

— EMC directive 2014/30/EC from April 2016

— EC Directive for CE conformity marking

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Ver. 1.13 19

2.7 Parts and Assembly

2.7.1 YT-3300 / 3350

Fig. 2-1: YT-3300 / 3350 exploded view

1. Base Cover 8. Pilot Block

2. PCB Cover 9. Base body

3. Main PCB 10. Feedback Lever

4. Torque Motor 11. Auto Manual Switch

5. Main Shaft 12. Gauge Block

6. Potentiometer

7. Pilot

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Ver. 1.13 20

2.7.2 YT-3303

Fig. 2-2: YT-3303 exploded view

1. Base Cover 7. Potentiometer

2. PCB Cover 8. Base body Pilot Block

3. Main PCB 9. Auto Manual Switch

4. Support PCB 10. Main Shaft

5. Pilot 11. Feedback Lever

6. Torque Motor

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Ver. 1.13 21

2.7.3 YT-3301

Fig. 2-3: YT-3301 exploded view 1. Base cover of Positioner 9. Dome cover of Feedback sensor

2. PCB cover of Positioner 10. Base cover of Feedback sensor

3. PCB of Positioner 11. Terminal of Feedback sensor

4. Pilot of Positioner 12. Main shaft of Feedback sensor

5. Torque motor of Positioner 13. Potentiometer of Feedback sensor

6. Body base of Positioner 14. Base body of Feedback sensor

7. Gauge block of Positioner 15. Lever of Feedback sensor

8. MS connector of Positioner 16. Remote cable


Rotary Sensor

Linear Sensor

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Ver. 1.13 22

2.8 Product Dimension

2.8.1 YT-3300

Fig. 2-4: YT-3300L (Standard Lever Type) Fig. 2-5: YT-3300L (Adapter Lever Type)

Fig. 2-6: YT-3300R (Fork lever Type) Fig. 2-7: YT-3300R+LS (Namur Type)

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Ver. 1.13 23

2.8.2 YT-3350

Fig. 2-8: YT-3350L (Standard Lever Type) Fig. 2-9: YT-3350L (Adapter Lever Type)

Fig. 2-10: YT-3350R (Fork lever Type) Fig. 2-11: YT-3350R+LS (Namur Type)

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Ver. 1.13 24

2.8.3 YT-3303

Fig. 2-12: YT-3303L Fig. 2-13: YT-3303R (Fork lever Type)

Fig. 2-14: YT-3300R+LS (Namur Type)

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2.8.4 YT-3301

Fig. 2-15: Linear Feedback Sensor

Fig. 2-16: Rotary Feedback Sensor

Fig. 2-17: YT-3301 Positioner

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Ver. 1.13 26

3. Installation

3.1 Safety

When installing a positioner, please ensure to read and follow safety instructions.

Any input or supply pressures to valve, actuator, and / or to other related devices must

be turned off.

Use bypass valve or other supportive equipment to avoid entire system “shut down”.

Ensure there is no remaining pressure in the actuator.

The positioner has a vent cover to exhaust internal air and drain internal condensation

water. When installing the positioner, make sure the vent cover must be facing

downward. Otherwise, the condensation water could cause damages to PCB.

Fig. 3-1: The correct positions of a vent cover

※ Installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code(NEC), ANSI/NFPA 70, or

CEC Part 1 as applicable.(FM approved product)

3.2 Tools for installation

Hex key set for hex socket cap bolts

(+) & (-) Screw drivers

Spanners for hexagonal-head bolts

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Ver. 1.13 27

3.3 Linear positioner Installation

Linear positioner should be installed on linear motion valves such as globe or gate type

which uses spring return type diaphragm or piston actuators.

3.3.1 Linear positioner Installation of Standard lever type

Fig. 3-2: YT-3300L / 3350L installation of standard lever type example

Fig. 3-3: YT-3303L installation example

Fig. 3-4: YT-3301L installation example

Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available.


Linear feedback sensor (Only YT-3301L)

Remote cable (Only YT-3301L)

Feedback lever and lever spring

M6 nut and spring washer (fastening feedback lever to a main shaft)

Bracket, bolts and washers for positioner or sensor – not supplied with the positioner

Connection bar – not supplied with the positioner

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 28 Safety

Proper bracket must be made in order to adapt the positioner on the actuator yoke.

Please consider following important points when a bracket is being designed.

Positioner’s feedback lever must be vertical to the valve stem at 50% of the valve stroke.

The connection bar of the actuator clamp for the feedback lever should be installed in

such a way that the valve stroke length coincides with the corresponding figure in “mm”

marked on the feedback lever. Improper setting may cause poor linearity Standard lever type positioner Installation Steps

1. Assemble the positioner or feedback sensor with the bracket made in previous step by

fastening the bolts.

Fig. 3-5: YT-3300L / 3350L (Standard Lever Type)

Fig. 3-6: Attaching positioner to bracket (YT-3303L) Fig. 3-7: Attaching the bracket to actuator yoke (YT-3303L / 3301L)

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Ver. 1.13 29

2. Attach the positioner (or feedback sensor) with the bracket to the actuator yoke


3. Connect connection bar to the actuator clamp. The hole gap on the feedback lever is

6.5mm so the connection bar’s outer diameter should be less than 6mm.

4. Connect an air-filter regulator to the actuator temporarily. Supply enough air pressure to

the actuator in order to position the valve stroke at 50% of the total stroke.

Fig. 3-8: YT-3300L / 3350L (Standard Lever Type) Fig. 3-9: YT-3303L / 3301L

5. Insert the connection bar between the feedback lever and lever spring. The connection

bar must be located upward from the spring lever as shown below left figure. If it is

located downward from the spring lever as shown below right figure, the connection bar

or the spring lever will be worn out quickly because of excessive strong tension.

Fig. 3-10: Proper way to insert connection bar between feedback lever and lever spring

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Ver. 1.13 30

6. Check if feedback lever is vertical to the valve stem at 50% of the valve stroke. If it is

not vertical, adjust the bracket or the connection bar to make vertical. Improper

installation may cause poor linearity.

Fig. 3-11: YT-3300L / 3350L Feedback lever and valve stem

Fig. 3-12: YT-3303L / 3301L Feedback lever and valve stem

7. Check the valve stroke. The stroke numbers are engraved on the feedback lever of the

positioner. Position the connection bar at the number on the feedback lever which

corresponds with the desired valve stroke. To adjust, move the bracket, the connection

bar or both.

※ The effective linear lever angle of YT-3300L / 3350L is 60 degree and it of YT-3303L /

3301L is 30 degree.

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Ver. 1.13 31

Stroke : 75mm

Stroke : 45mm

Fig. 3-13: YT-3300L / 3350L Feedback lever and location of the connection bar

Stroke : 30mm

Stroke : 70mm

Fig. 3-14: YT-3303L / 3301L Feedback lever and location of the connection bar

8. After installing the positioner, operate the valve from 0% to 100% stroke by using direct

air to the actuator. On both 0% and 100%, the feedback lever should not touch the

lever stopper, which is located on the backside of the positioner. If the feedback lever

touches the stopper, the positioner should be installed further away from the yoke.

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Ver. 1.13 32

Fig. 3-15: YT-3300L / 3350L Feedback lever should not touch lever stopper on 0% ~ 100% valve stroke.

Fig. 3-16: YT-3303L / 3301L Feedback lever should not touch lever stopper on 0% ~ 100% valve stroke.

9. After the installation, tighten all of the bolts on the bracket and the connection bar.

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Ver. 1.13 33

3.3.2 YT-3300L / 3350L Installation of Adapter lever type (on tubeless actuator)

Fig. 3-17: YT-3300L / 3350L installation of adapter lever type example

Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available.


Feedback lever

M6 nut and spring washer (fastening feedback lever to a main shaft of positioner)

O-ring(Connect out1 port of positioner and actuator) – not supplied with the unit

1/4 plug – not supplied with the unit

Adapter holder – not supplied with the unit

2 pcs x bolts (M8 x 1.25P) – not supplied with the unit

※ When using adapter lever, generally tubeless actuator which doesn’t requires pipe

between actuator and positioner is used. Therefore, in this section, installation method of

tubeless actuator and positioner will be introduced like below. Safety

Positioner’s feedback lever must be vertical to the valve stem at 50% of the valve stroke.

Adapter of feedback lever should be installed in such a way that the valve stroke length

coincides with the corresponding figure in “mm” marked on the feedback lever.

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Ver. 1.13 34 Adapter lever type positioner Installation Steps

1. Remove Out1 Plug(Fig. 3-18) on the bottom of the positioner. Plug up out1 port of gauge

block with 1/4 plug using sealant.

2. Check the valve stroke. The stroke numbers are engraved on the feedback lever of the

positioner. Position the adapter at the number on the feedback lever which

corresponds with the desired valve stroke. To adjust, loosen M6 nut behind the adapter,

move the adapter to correct position, and then tighten the M6 nut.

Stroke : 75mm

Stroke : 30mm

Fig. 3-18: Feedback lever and location of the connection bar

3. Loosen Adapter holder on actuator’s stem.

4. Add O-ring between the positioner and actuator and attach the positioner to the actuator

yoke tightly by fastening the bolts (M8 x 1.25P, 2 pieces).

Fig. 3-19: Installing the positioner on the actuator

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Ver. 1.13 35

Fig. 3-20: YT-3300 / 3350L(Adapter Lever Type)

5. Connect Air-filter regulator to Supply port of the positioner.

6. Turn the Auto/Manual switch counterclockwise (toward “M”). Refer to 6.2 for more detail.

Supply enough air pressure to the actuator in order to position the valve stroke at 50% of

the total stroke.

7. Check if feedback lever is vertical to the valve stem at 50% of the valve stroke. If it is

not vertical, adjust the adapter holder on the actuator’s stem to make vertical – DO NOT

TIGHTEN THE ADAPTER HOLDER COMPLETELY. Improper installation may cause

poor linearity.

Refer to Fig 3-10.

8. After installing the positioner, operate the valve from 0% to 100% stroke by using direct

air to the actuator. On both 0% and 100%, the feedback lever should not touch the

lever stopper, which is located on the backside of the positioner. If the feedback lever

touches the stopper, the adapter holder should be moved or the adapter of feedback

lever should be moved further away from the main shaft of the positioner.

Refer to Fig 3-14.

9. After the installation, tighten the adapter holder. And Turn the Auto/Manual switch

clockwise (toward “M”) tightly. Refer to 6.2 for more detail.

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Ver. 1.13 36

3.4 Rotary positioner Installation

Rotary positioner should be installed on rotary motion valve such as ball or butterfly type

which uses rack and pinion, scotch yoke or other type of actuators which its stem rotates 90

degrees. Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available.

3.4.1 YT-3300R / 3350R Components


Fork lever (Only Fork lever type)

Rotary bracket set (2 piece) → The upper brackets of fork lever type and Namur type

are different.

4 pcs x hexagonal headed bolts (M8 x 1.25P) → Fork lever type

4 pcs x M8 plate washers → Fork lever type

4 pcs x wrench headed bolts (M6 x 1P x 10L) → Namur type

4 pcs x wrench headed bolts (M6 x 1P x 15L)

4 pcs x M6 nuts

4 pcs x M6 spring washers

Bolts and washers to attach bracket to actuator – not supplied with the positioner

Fig. 3-21: YT-3300R / 3350R Fork lever type Fig. 3-22: YT-3300R / 3350R Namur type

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Ver. 1.13 37

3.4.2 YT-3303R Components


Fork lever (Only Fork lever type)

Rotary bracket set (2 piece)

4 pcs x hexagonal headed bolts (M8 x 1.25P)

4 pcs x M8 plate washers

4 pcs x wrench headed bolts (M6 x 1P x 15L)

4 pcs x M6 nuts

4 pcs x M6 spring washers

Bolts and washers to attach bracket to actuator – not supplied with the positioner

Fig. 3-23: YT-3303R Fork lever type Fig. 3-24: YT-3303R Namur type

3.4.3 YT-3301R / 3302R remote sensor components

Rotary feedback sensor

Bracket for actuator stem height 20mm (1 piece)

4 pcs x hexagonal headed bolts (M6)

4 pcs x M6 spring washers

Bolts and washers to attach bracket to actuator – not supplied with the positioner

Fig. 3-25: YT-3301R Rotary feedback sensor

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Ver. 1.13 38

3.4.4 Rotary Bracket Information (Only YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R)

The rotary bracket set (included with the positioner) contains two components. (but the upper

brackets of Fork lever type and Namur type are different in case of YT-3300 / 3350). The

bracket is designed to fit onto the actuator with 20mm, 30mm and 50mm stem height (H)

according to VDI/VDE 3845 standard. Please refer to below table how to adjust the height of

the bracket.

Actuator stem

height (H)

Markings of bolt holes


20mm H : 20 H : 20, 30 H : 20 H : 20, 30

30mm H : 30 H : 20, 30 H : 30 H : 20, 30

50mm H : 50 H : 50 H : 50 H : 50

Fig. 3-26: YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R Brackets and positioner

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Ver. 1.13 39

Fig. 3-27: Actuator stem Height Fig. 3-28: Exploded Brackets

3.4.5 Rotary positioner Installation Steps

1. Please check the actuator’s stem height and adjust the brackets by referring to the

above bracket table. 2. Attached the brackets onto the actuator. It is recommended to use spring washer so

the bolts will not be loosen from vibration. 3. Set rotation position of the actuator stem at 0%. For single acting actuator, it is easy to

check 0% point by supplying no pressure to the actuator. For double acting actuator,

check actuator stem’s rotation direction – clockwise or counter-clockwise — by supplying

pressure to the actuator. 4. (Only Fork lever type) Install the fork lever after setting actuator’s stem at 0%. Check

the actuator stem’s rotation direction – clockwise or counter-clockwise.

Installation angle of the fork lever should be 45 to the longitudinal direction of the


Fig. 3-29: Counter-clockwise and clockwise rotation.

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Ver. 1.13 40

5. (Only Fork lever type) After setting fork lever position, fasten lock nuts which are located

on the bottom of the fork lever. Ensure to set the gap between the bottom of upper

bracket and the top of the fork lever within 23~28mm.

Fig. 3-30: Height to the bracket (fork lever type)

6. Attach the positioner to the bracket. <Only fork lever type of YT-3300R / 3350R /

3303R: Fix the clamping pin (5mm Dia.) into the fork lever slot and insert center pin

(2mm Dia.) of the main shaft of the positioner into the hole of center of the fork lever.

The clamping pin will be locked to the fork lever spring.> Setting alignment of center of

main shaft of the positioner and center of the actuator ’s stem is very important. Poor

alignment of the main shaft and the actuator ’s stem decreases the positioner ’s durability

due to unnecessary forces on the main shaft.

Fig. 3-31: Main shaft center alignment (Fork lever) Fig. 3-32: Main shaft center alignment (Namur)

7. Tighten the positioner and the bracket with bolts after checking the positioner’s


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Ver. 1.13 41

4. Connection — Air

4.1 Safety

Supply pressure should be clean and dry air – avoiding moisture, oil or dust.

Always recommended to use air filter regulator (i.e. YT-200 series).

Young Tech Co., Ltd has not tested positioner’s operation with any other gases

other than clean air. Please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd for any questions.

4.2 Supply Pressure Condition

Dry air with at least 10 lower than ambient temperature.

Avoid from dusty air. Use 5 micron or smaller filter.

Avoid oil.

Comply with ISO 8573-1 or ISA 7.0.01.

Supply pressure range is 0.14 ~0.7 MPa (1.4 ~ 7 bar)

Set air filter regulator’s pressure level 10% higher than actuator’s spring range pressure.

4.3 Piping Condition

Ensure inside of pipe is clean of obstructions.

Do not use pipeline that is squeezed or shows any type of damamges.

Pipeline should have more than 6mm of inner diameter (10mm outer diameter) to

maintain flow rate.

The length of pipeline system should not be extremely long. Longer pipeline system

may affect flow rate due to the friction inside of the pipeline.

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Ver. 1.13 42

4.4 Connection – Piping with actuator

4.4.1 Single acting actuator

Singe acting type positioner is set to use only OUT1 port. OUT1 port of positioner should be

connected with supply port of actuator when using spring return actuator of single acting type.

Fig. 4-1: Single acting linear actuator Fig. 4-2: Single acting rotary actuator

(YT-3300L / 3350L / 3303L) (YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R)

Fig. 4-3: Single acting linear actuator (YT-3301L) Fig. 4-4: Single acting rotary actuator (YT-3301R)

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Ver. 1.13 43

4.4.2 Double acting actuator

Double acting type positioner is set to use OUT1 and OUT2 port. As input signal increases,

the supply pressure will be supplied through OUT1 port.

Fig. 4-5: Double acting linear actuator Fig. 4-6: Double acting rotary actuator

(YT-3300L / 3350L / 3303L) (YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R)

Fig. 4-7: Double acting linear actuator (YT-3301L) Fig. 4-8: Double acting rotary actuator (YT-3301R)

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Ver. 1.13 44

5. Connection – Power

5.1 Safety

Conduit entry connection tap is G(PF) 1/2.

Before connecting terminal, ensure that the power is off completely.

Please use ring terminal to protect against vibration or any other external impact.

Positioner usually uses 4~20mA DC. Minimum ampere of input signal of standard type

positioner is 3.5 mA and Hart internal type positioner’s minimum ampere of input signal

is 3.8 mA but maximum ampere of input signal should be 24mA or under.

Positioner with PTM options must be supplied with 9~28V DC separately. For

mechanical limit switch option, separate 12~30V DC must be supplied. For Proximity

limit switch option, separate 8.2V DC must be supplied.

Positioner should be grounded.

Please use twisted cable with conductor section are 1.25mm2 and that is suitable for

600V (complying with the conductor table of NEC Article 310.) The outer diameter of

the cable should be between 6.35 ~ 10mm. Use shield wire to protect against electro-

magnetic field and noise.

Please do not install the cable near high noise equipment, such as high-capacity

transformer or motor.

5.2 Connection

Fig. 5-1: Terminal Overview

IN +: Input Signal (+)

IN -: Input Signal (-)

F.G : Frame Ground

OUT+: Feedback Signal (+)

OUT-: Feedback Signal (-)

AO: Analog Output

AI: Analog Input

Vs: Voltage Source

RL: Load Resistance

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Fig. 5-2: Mechanical Switch Terminal (Only YT-3300 / 3350)

Fig. 5-3: Proximity Sensor Switch Terminal (Only YT-3300 / 3350)

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Ver. 1.13 46

Fig. 5-4: Remote module and cables (Only YT-3301L)

5.3 Ground

1. Ground must be done before operating the positioner.

2. Open base cover and there is an internal ground “F.G” on the left hand.

An external ground bolt is located next to the conduit entry. Please make sure that the

resistance is less than 100 ohm.

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Ver. 1.13 47

6. Adjustments

6.1 Limit Switch Adjustment

YT-3300 / 3350 can have limit switch option. If user wants to adjust the sensing position,

please loosen bolts and adjust cam.

Fig. 6-1: Mechanical Type

Fig. 6-2: Proximity Type

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Ver. 1.13 48

6.2 A/M switch adjustment

1. On the right hand bottom of positioner, there is A/M switch (Auto/Manual). A/M Switch

allows the positioner to be functioned as by-pass. If the switch is turned clockwise

(toward “A”) and it is fasten tightly, then the supply pressure will be transferred to

actuator through outport by positioner control. On the other hand, if the switch is turned

counter-clockwise (toward “M”), it is loosened, then the supply pressure will be directly

supplied to the actuator regardless of positioner control. It is extremely important to

check the allowed pressure level of the actuator when the switch is loosened.

2. Check whether the supply pressure is too high.

3. After using “Manual” function, A/M switch should be returned to “Auto”.

※ Please note that the direction of “—“ slot of A/M switch has nothing to do with the direction

of “M” or “A”.

Fig. 6-3: A/M switch adjustment

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Ver. 1.13 49

6.3 Orifice Installment

Hunting can be occurred when the actuator ’s volume is too small. In order to prevent

hunting, orifice can be used.

6.3.1 Plate type Orifice Installment (except


By installing the plate type orifice,

the flow rate of the supply pressure

to actuator can be reduced. The

diameter of orifice hole is 1 mm.

Fig. 6-4: Plate type Orifice installment

6.3.2 Variable Orifice Adjustment (Only YT-3303)

By adjusting the orifice, the flow rate of the supply pressure to actuator can be adjusted.

Please use (-) driver to adjust the orifice. When slot (-) of the orifice is vertical like the below

left figure, the flow rate becomes maximum. When slot (-) of the orifice is horizontal like the

below right figure, the flow rate becomes minimum.

Fig. 6-5: Variable orifice adjustment

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Ver. 1.13 50

7. Optional Sub-PCB Installment

By adding sub-PCB, the positioner can have additional functions. There are 3 types of sub-


Hart Only Ptm Only Ptm+Hart

Fig. 7-1: Three types of Sub-PCB

When purchasing option sub-PCBs separately, 4 Bolts and 2 supports are supplied together

with sub-PCB.)

7.1 Installation steps

1. Mount 2ea of sub-PCB support on sub-PCB with 2ea of bolt.

2. Open base cover, PCB cover. Separate the Main PCB from base body.

3. Insert connector of sub-PCB into connector of main PCB correctly.

4. Fasten sub-PCB with the rest of bolt 2ea.

Standard type Mechanical Limit switch type

Fig. 7-2: Installation of Option PCB on Main PCBs

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Ver. 1.13 51

Proximity Limit switch type

Fig. 7-3: Installation of Option PCB on Main PCBs

JP1 jumper must be removed, when HART option included sub-PCB is being mounted.

5. After PTM sub-PCB is installed newly, values of TR_ZERO and TR_END must be calibrated

for correct output signals. For the calibration of TR_ZERO and TR_END, please refer to

section 8.7.2 of this manual.

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Ver. 1.13 52

8. Auto Calibration and PCB Operation

8.1 Warning

Following process will operate valve and actuator. Before proceeding with any Auto

Calibration, please separate valve from the entire system by using bypass valve, so

Auto Calibration will not affect entire valve process.

8.2 Button Description

Positioner has 4 buttons, and they enable to perform various functions.

Fig. 8-1: <UP> & <DOWN >: Move to next menu, and adjust.

<ENTER>: Enter to main and sub menus, and save

<ESC>: Return to previous menu

8.3 Run Mode (RUN)

After power connection to the positioner, Run Mode will be

appeared on positioner’s LCD screen in about 0.5 seconds.

“RUN” indicates that the positioner adjusts the valve stroke

according to the receiving signal. There are six types of display message in “RUN” Mode.

1. Run PV (%): Process Value — valve stroke %

2. Run SV (%): Set Value – input signal 0~100%

3. Run SV (mA): Set Value – input signal 4~20mA

4. Run MV: Manipulate Valve – Motor Manipulate Value (Digit)

5. Run VEL: Velocity – Current valve stem’s velocity (Digit)

6. Run ERR: Error – Difference between SV and PV (%)

To change display, Press and hold <ESC>, press <DOWN> several times until a desired

display appears. The display will change in the order indicated above. If <ESC> + <UP>

pushed, the order will be appeared in opposite order. By pressing <ESC>, the display will

return to “RUN PV” mode.

※ Please note that the screen will return to “RUN PV” mode if 100 seconds elapse from the

last button pressed.

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Ver. 1.13 53

※ By pressing <ESC> button several times from any MODES, it will return to “RUN PV” mode.

Therefore, if the users have entered into wrong modes by mistake or do not wish to

proceed with their current work, they could return to “RUN PV” mode.

8.4 Auto Calibration mode (AUTO CAL)

Auto Calibration mode (AUTO CAL) automatically calibrates the positioner. “AUTO CAL”

process takes about 2~3 minutes, and the duration of the process varies upon the size of the

actuator. There are 3 types of AUTO CAL.

Zero Point

End Point P, I, D RA / DA BIAS V_0




It is recommend to perform AUTO2 calibration for initial positioner setting.

8.4.1 AUTO1 Calibration (AUTO1)

AUTO1 changes only zero and end points; however other parameters(P, I, D etc.) will not be

adjusted. It is recommended to perform AUTO1 when the positioner has been set by the

valve manufacturer already, and the field user wants to re-calibrate the positioner.


3 seconds



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


A few



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Ver. 1.13 54

8.4.2 AUTO2 Calibration (AUTO2)

AUTO2 changes all of the parameters. It is recommended to perform AUTO2 when the

positioner has been installed on the valve for the first time or the positioner has been

reinstalled after dissemble from an actuator.



A few



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


8.4.3 AUTO HF Calibration (AUTO HF)

AUTO HF calibration is same calibration process as to AUTO2, but AUTO HF is used when

the valve has high friction level.



A few



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


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Ver. 1.13 55

8.5 Manual Mode (MANUAL)

Manual mode is used to maneuver valve stem manually. In Manual mode, the positioner

does not control the valve by the signal received from outside, but it could be controlled to

move up and down by pressing <UP> and <DOWN> button.


3 seconds



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not




8.6 Parameter Mode (PARAM)

AUTO CAL optimizes most of the valve actuator control values. However, in some

instances, hunting or oscillation may occur when the valve actuator control values are not

optimized. Hunting or oscillation can be prevented by adjusting parameter values.

Once parameter values have been changed, the changed values are being affected as

soon as you save the value. To save the changes, please ensure to press “ENTER”

button. There is no need to go back to “RUN” mode after changes are being made to

observe the changes.

Below are the list of features which could be set from Parameter mode.

1) Dead-Zone (dEAdZONE)

2) P value (KP)

3) I value (KI)

4) D value (Kd)

5) P_, I_, D_ value (KP_, KI_, Kd_)

6) KF Up value (KFUP)

7) KF Down value (KFdN)

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Ver. 1.13 56

8.6.1 Dead-Zone (dEAdZONE, %)

Dead-Zone indicates the percentage of error allowance. In case of high level of packing

friction, which may cause hunting, increasing the value of Dead-Zone can stable the valve



3 seconds



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not





3 times

8.6.2 P Value (KP)

P value indicates the ratio of the compensation signal based on the percentage of error

allowance. As the value increase, the positioner finds the target point quickly, but it is more

likely to have hunting. As the value decrease, the stability of the positioner is higher, but it

finds the target point slowly.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 57

8.6.3 I Value (KI)

I value indicates the additional compensation signal based on the percentage of error

allowance. As the value increase, it is more likely to have hunting. As the value

decreases, the positioner will move slowly to the target position.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

8.6.4 D Value (Kd)

D value indicates the derivative value of the compensation signal based on the percentage of

error allowance. As the value increase, it is more likely to have hunting. As the value

decreases, it can have poor linearity or dynamic characteristic.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

8.6.5 P_ (KP_), I_(KI_), D_ (Kd_) Values

P_, I_, and D_ values’ principles are same as P, I, and D values, but these values will be

activated when the error percentage is within 1%.

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Ver. 1.13 58

8.6.6 KF Up Value (KFUP)

KF Up Value is a control parameter value for high level of valve friction when the valve move

up from 0% to 100%.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

8.6.7 KF Down Value (KFdN)

KF Down Value is a control parameter value for high level of valve friction when the valve

move down from 100% to 0%.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 59

8.7 Hand Calibration Mode (HAND CAL)

Manual Calibration mode is used when zero-point and end-point require re-adjustment to use

partial range of total strokes after Auto Calibration has been performed.

Below are the list of features which could be set from Hand CAL mode.

1) Zero-Point (PV ZERO) and End-Point (PV END) for Valves

2) Zero-Point (TR ZERO) and End-Point (TR END) for Transmitter

3) Normal / Reverse Feedback Signal (TR NORM / REVS)

4) Normal / Reverse HART Signal (HT NORM / REVS)

8.7.1 Zero-Point (PV ZERO) and End-Point (PV END) for Valves

PZ ZERO adjusts the zero point of the valve, and PV END adjusts the end point of the valve.


3 seconds



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


Zero Adjustment









End Adjustment


2 times

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Ver. 1.13 60

8.7.2 Zero-Point (TR ZERO) and End-Point (TR END) for Transmitter

TR ZERO adjusts the zero point of the transmitter (4mA feedback), and TR END adjusts the

end point of the transmitter (20mA feedback). This is used when output signal becomes

unstable and requires re-adjustment or when feedback output signal and actual stroke need

to be used differently.

Fig. 8-2: Setting transmitter





Zero Adjustment.

Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


Match feedback

signal with 4mA




End Adjustment




Match feedback

signal with 20mA

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Ver. 1.13 61

8.7.3 Normal / Reverse Feedback Signal (TR NORM / REVS)

The feedback signal from the positioner can be changed to normal or reverse.




Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not




3 times

8.7.4 Normal / Reverse HART Signal (HT NORM / REVS)

Feedback signal of HART communication from the positioner can be changed to normal or





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not




3 times

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Ver. 1.13 62

8.8 Valve Mode (VALVE)

Valve mode offers useful and various function settings for operating the control valve.

Below are the list of functions which could be set from Valve mode.

1) Acting Adjustment (ACT RA / dA)

2) Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR)

3) User Characteristics (USER SET)

4) Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP)

5) Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL)

6) Split Range Mode (SPLIT)

7) Custom Zero Setting Mode (CST ZERO)

8) Custom End Setting Mode (CST ENd)

9) Interpolation Mode (ITP OFF / ON)

10) Acting Type (SINGLE / dOUBLE)

11) Lever Type (STd / AdT)

8.8.1 Acting Adjustment (ACT RA / dA)

RA & DA are automatically set by performing “AUTO 2” from Auto Calibration. However, this

function is used when the user wants to change RA & DA.

The positioner can be set as Direct Action (DA) or Reverse Action (RA).


3 seconds



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not





3 times

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Ver. 1.13 63

8.8.2 Valve flow Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR)

The valve flow characteristic can be set on the field’s

requirement. There are 4 types of characteristics –

linear (LIN), user setting (USR), quick open (QO), and

equal percentage (EQ).





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 64

8.8.3 User defining flow Characteristics (USER SET)

In case positioner requires a specific characteristic, the valve characteristic curve can be

made by selecting up to 18 points of the curve. This function can be activated by selecting

“CHAR USR” mode of above 8.8.2 Valve flow Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR).





or <ENTER>

Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not




or <ENTER>

Repeat step

if necessary



or <ENTER>



or <ENTER>

1 Second later


3 times

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Ver. 1.13 65

8.8.4 Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP)

Tight shut open shows the current value in percentage (%). Input current of 4mA is 0%,

20mA is 100%. If temporary Tight shut open value (≤100%) is set and input current value is

above the set % value, the valve’s position is immediately moved to 100%. For example, if

linear actuator is used and the valve’s closing direction is 100% and input value of the

current is above Tight shut open set value, the set pressure from the regulator will be

transferred to the actuator which will enhance the power to close the valve and keep it from

any leakage.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

8.8.5 Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL)

Tight shut close shows the current value in percentage (%). Input current of 4mA is 0%,

20mA is 100%. If temporary Tight shut close value (≤100%) is set and input current value is

below the set % value, the valve’s position is immediately moved to 0%. For example, if

rotary actuator is used and the valve’s closing direction is 0% and input value of the current

is above Tight shut open set value, it will release all the remaining pressure from Out1 of the

actuator which will have the return spring power of the actuator or Out2 pressure to close the

valve and keep it from any leakage.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 66

8.8.6 Split Range Mode (SPLIT)

The valve can be operated in full stroke by split range control of input signal as 4~12mA or






Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


4~20mA Control


3 times

4~12mA Control

8.8.7 Custom Zero Setting Mode (CST ZERO)

From the initial 4~20mA control settings of valve stroke from 0~100%, this mode allows the

user to change the zero point to (≥4) mA instead of 4mA.

For example, the user could change the control settings of the valve stroke from 4~20mA to

7~20mA for 0~100% stroke.

However, please note that the “Zero” and “End” points’ deviation current value must

be above 4mA.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 67

8.8.8 Custom End Setting Mode (CST ENd)

From the initial 4~20mA control settings of valve stroke from 0~100%, this mode allows the

user to change the end point to (≤20) mA instead of 20mA.

For example, the user could change the control settings of the valve stroke from 4~20mA to

4~16mA for 0~100% stroke.

However, please note that the “Zero” and “End” points’ deviation current value must

be above 4mA.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 68

8.8.9 Interpolation Mode (ITP ON/OFF, ITP USER SET)

In case of linear positioner, the error of accuracy occurs when the linear motion of actuator

changes into the rotary motion of feedback lever. After the auto calibration, the positioner

turns on ITP function with an appropriate value of interpolation automatically. The user can

manually turn on or off the ITP function, also can set any value of the interpolation. (in ITP

USER mode)

※ The below shows that the user manually change ITP ON into OFF.




Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not




3 times

※ The below shows that the user manually set any value of the interpolation.




2 times

Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not






3 times

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Ver. 1.13 69

8.8.10 Acting Type (SINGLE / dOUBLE)

Displays or changes actuator’s current acting type.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

8.8.11 Lever Type (STd / AdT)

Displays or changes current lever type into standard type or adapter type. If the Lever type

mode is set correctly, the accuracy will be worse at ITP ON than at ITP OFF.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 70

8.9 Diagnostic (dIAGNO)


3 seconds

Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


8.9.1 PST Introduction

Unlike FST (Full Stroke Test) where a valve such as an emergency shut-off valve is

physically closed and opened in full,

PST is a method used to test a percentage of the possible failure of the valve by slightly

closing and opening the valve when testing.

Rather than only performing FST regularly, PST is alternately applied with FST which could

reduce the overall cost and risk.

YT-3300 positioner includes PST function and it could operate while offline without any other


Also, PST function and results could be set and checked through HART communication.

When PST runs by PST NOW or SCHD, if valve position is in the range of TOL from START

PO, Positioner supply or vent air until the valve reach the TARGET 1, 2. But PST test will

stop if valve position goes out of the TOL or doesn’t reach TARGET1, 2 within the LIMIT TM.

After the valve position reach the TARGET 1, 2, the valve will pause during the LATENCY

and move back to the START PO. The valve will be under ready state during the INTERVAL

time after completing 1 cycle of PST in the SCHD mode.







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Ver. 1.13 71

8.9.2 PST Mode

To run PST, select a PST mode. There are 3 mode for running





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not





3 times

8.9.3 PST CFG

Check PST parameter values and configuration


Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


Mode Description

PST OFF Stop PST Schedule. It’s a default mode

PST SCHD Run PST immediately. After PST complete, it turns back to the previous mode

PST NOW PST runs repeatedly by interval value

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Ver. 1.13 72 START PO

Sets start position when PST initiates. The position must be in between 0 and 100%, and

default value is 100%.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times TARGET 1

Sets 1st target position of PST. The position must be in between 0 and 100%, and

default value is 90%.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times TARGET 2

Sets 2nd target position of PST. The position must be in between 0 and 100%, and

default value is nA(Not Application).





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times

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Ver. 1.13 73 INTERVAL

Interval time (days) between 1st PST and the next PST. The value must be between 1 ~

365, and default value is 365 (days).





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times TOL

Tolerance level of the start position when PST runs. The value must be between 0.1 ~ 10%,

and default value is 5%.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times LIMIT TM

Limit the stroke time between start position and Target 1 and 2. The value must be

between 0~600 sec, and default value is 600 (sec).





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times

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Ver. 1.13 74 LATENCY

Latency for next movement after valve move. The value must be between 1~60 sec, and

default value is 10 (sec).





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times

8.9.4 PST RSLT

It will record or memorize maximum three PST results. The longest stroke time from START

PO to the TARGET 1, 2 or Error messages will be recorded


PST REC1 OOT,LTO,NR, 0 ~ 600(sec) 0

PST REC2 OOT,LTO,NR, 0 ~ 600(sec) 0

PST REC3 OOT,LTO,NR, 0 ~ 600(sec) 0

Error Message

OOT When the valve position is out of tolerance(TOL) from Start

Position(START PO)

LTO When the valve doesn’t reach to the target position within the Limit


NR When the valve doesn’t move




Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not




3 times

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8.10 View Mode (VIEW)

Displays various information of the positioner.


3 seconds



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not
















3 times

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Ver. 1.13 76

ITEM Description

YT-3300L Positioner model.



2016MR 8

1’st row→version number of firmware.

2’nd row→VERSION: Main software version / 2016MR 8: loading date

of software.

※ You can toggle them, pushing <ENTER>

HART REV HART protocol version

POL AddR HART protocol channel address.

※ You can change it, pushing <ENTER>

bIAS 25 BIAS value when valve position is at 25%

bIAS 75 BIAS value when valve position is at 75%


0Y 0d

Total used time duration. If a unit was used less than 1 minute, the

time will not accumulate.

1’st row→”4.18” means 4hours and 18minutes.

2’nd row→0Y: years, 0d: days



Time required (seconds) to fully open the current valve from the

closed state.

Saved after AUTO 2 or AUTO HF Calibration.



Time required (seconds) to fully close the current valve from the

opened state.

Saved after AUTO 2 or AUTO HF Calibration.




Display types of valve stroke on LCD.

VM NORM : View Mode Normal. 4mA 0%, 20mA 100% display.

VM REVS : View Mode Reverse. 4mA 100%, 20mA 0% display.

VM dIZ : Raw data.

※ You can change it, pushing <ENTER>

Erro Error code(C, D) or warning code(B, F, G, H).

Refer to 9.1 or 9.2 sections

VALUE I Current accumulated value of I

ABS Absolute resistance value.

Temp Current Temperature. ()



When W UNLOCK, you can parameters including auto calibration function. When W LOCK, cannot.

You can change it, pushing <ENTER>

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Ver. 1.13 77

9. Error and Warning Code

Below error and warning codes can be checked from “View” mode if there are any problems

while using the product.

9.1 Error code

Error codes are indicated if the positioner cannot be controlled, malfunctions or becomes


Error Code Code Description and Cause Action


Indicates that due to wrong

positioning and installation of the

positioner, there is a chance that

the feedback lever and the

positioner’s stopper could collide

when the lever is at 0% during

auto calibration.

when this error is detected, auto

calibration is aborted and this

message is indicated

immediately on LCD display.

Set the feedback lever

horizontally when at 50%.

Re-adjust the position of the

positioner by referring to the

following effective range of the

feedback lever’s angle

(YT-3300 / 3350 linear : 60

deg., YT-3303 / 3301 linear :

30 deg., rotary : 90 deg.)


Indicates that due to wrong

positioning and installation of the

positioner, there is a chance that

the feedback lever and the

positioner’s stopper could collide

when the lever is at 100% during

auto calibration.

when this error is detected, auto

calibration is aborted and this

message is indicated

immediately on LCD display.


Indicated when the valve is not

moving despite the positioner

has given “Full Open” signal

during auto calibration.

when this error is detected, auto

calibration is aborted and this

message is indicated

immediately on LCD display..

Check if pressure is being

supplied normally to the



Indicated when the feedback

lever’s angle used is excessively

small during auto calibration.

when this error is detected, auto

calibration is aborted and this

message is indicated

immediately on LCD display.

Re-install the positioner by

moving it towards the actuator

stem so that the angle use of

the feedback lever becomes


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Ver. 1.13 78


Indicated if the deviation between

SV and PV is above 10% and is

continued for over one minute.

Indicated when the valve does not

operate, friction is extremely high or

when the air regulator’s set pressure

is too low.

Can be checked from “Error”

category in View mode. (Refer to

section 8.10)

Re-perform auto-calibration.

Check air regulator’s set pressure

and re-adjust to appropriate



Accumulated I value is I max or

min’s limit.

Degree of precision is low.

Indicated if valve’s friction is

extremely high or set pressure of air

regulator has been changed.

Can be checked from “Error”

category in View mode. (Refer to

section 8.10)

Re-perform auto-calibration

Check air regulator’s set pressure

and re-adjust to appropriate


9.2 Warning code

Below codes are indicated when the positioner can be controlled, but there is a possibility of

malfunctioning or degree of precision has dropped.

Warning Code Code Description and Cause Action


PV Span – PV Zero range is below


Feedback lever’s angle use is too


Can be checked from “Error”

category in View mode. (Refer to

section 8.10)

Re-position the positioner so that

the angle use of the feedback

lever is larger than current angle.

Then, perform AUTO1 calibration.


Full open & Full close time is less

than 1 second.

Size of the actuator is too small.

Can be checked from “Error”

category in View mode. (Refer to

section 8.10)

Use orifice and lower the flow


Or replace the actuator with

bigger size.


PV is set below 100.

Feedback lever’s angle use is set

too high.

Can be checked from “Error”

category in View mode. (Refer to

section 8.10)

Re-position the positioner so that

the angle use of the feedback

lever is smaller than current

angle. Then, perform AUTO1

calibration. H

PV is set above 4000.

Feedback lever’s angle use is set

too high.

Can be checked from “Error”

category in View mode. (Refer to

section 8.10)

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Ver. 1.13 79

10. Main Software Map

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Ver. 1.13 80

11. Intrinsically installation drawing

11.1 FM certification

Page 81: SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / …€¦ · Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual Ver. 1.13 6 God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic

Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 81

11.2 CSA certification

Page 82: SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / …€¦ · Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual Ver. 1.13 6 God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic

Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 82


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Поворотный пневматический позиционер Серия YT-1200RЛинейный пневматический позиционер Серия YT-1200L

СМАРТ Позиционер Серия YT-3300 / YT-3350

СМАРТ Позиционер Серия YT-3300 / YT-3350

СМАРТ Позиционер
Серия YT-3300 / YT-3350

СМАРТ Позиционер cерия YT-3300 / YT-3350

— Автокалибровка
— ЖК дисплей
— Сигнал обратной связи 4-20 мА
— Ручное / автоматическое управление
— ПИД-регулирование
— Датчики конечных положений
— HART протокол
— Клавиши для локального управления

Смарт-позиционер необходим для управления запорной арматурой с высокой точностью по заданному входному сигналу 4-20мА. Модель позиционера серии 3300/3350 использует высокопроизводительный процессор, обеспечивающий возможность самостоятельной настройки (автокалибровки), изменяемый вид характеристики (линейный, равнопроцентный,быстрым открытие, иные настройки). Наличие встроенного дисплея позволяет производить визуальную диагностику, изменения настроек ПИД-регулирования, а опция HART-протокола расширяет возможность передачи данный о состоянии узла в систему управления.
Опционально, позиционер снабжается сигналом обратной связи 4-20мА, а также механическими или индуктивными датчиками конечных положений. По умолчанию, во всех моделях установлены пневматические дроссели, позволяющие адаптировать расход воздуха позиционера под любой тип пневматического привода.
Степень защиты корпуса — IP66.

Основные характеристики

Тип привода



Материал корпуса алюминиевое литье

нержавеющая сталь AISI 316

Входной сигнал управления

4 ~ 20 mA

Давление управления

1,4 ~ 7 бар

Тип позиционера

линейный 10 ~ 150 мм
поворотный 0 ~ 90°

Сопротивление макс. 500 Ом @ 20 mA DC
Подключение сжатого воздуха 1/4’’

NPT1/4’’ *

Подключение манометра 1/8’’

NPT1/8 *

Кабельный ввод


Температура окружающей среды

стандартная версия -30°C ~ 85°C
низкотемпературное исполнение -40°C (-60°C) ~ 85°C


± 0,5 %


± 0,5 %


± 0,2 %


± 0,3 %

Расход сжатого воздуха

менее 2 л3/мин

Расходная характеристика

70 л3 /мин

Тип выходного сигнала линейный, равнопроцентный, быстрое открытие (16 точек)
Тип защиты


Тип взрывозащиты

Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex iaD IIIC T100°C/T85°C Db IP66

Подключение (опция) HART (ver. 7)
Датчики положения механические (Omron) AC 125V — 3A; DC 30V — 2A
индуктивные (P&F) DC 8.2V — 8.2 mA
Вес 2 кг

5,1 кг

* = Для подключения фитингов с резьбой G’’ и R’’ потребуется переходник



D N 5 3 0 0 S
YT-3300 = стандартный корпус
YT-3350 = корпус из нержавеющей стали
R = поворотный
L = линейный
S = одностороннее
D = двустороннее
N = стандартное (невзрывозащищенное)
i = взрывозащищенный Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb
0 = 10-40 мм
1 = 20-100 мм
2 = 30-70 мм

5 = присоединение NAMUR

3 = G1/2 — G1/4
0 = отсутствует
2 = HART протокол
0 = без опций
1 = датчик обратной связи 4-20мА
2 = датчики конечных положений (механические)
3 = датчики конечных положений (индуктивные)
4 = датчик обратной связи 4-20мА + датчики конечных положений (механические)
5 = датчик обратной связи 4-20мА + датчики конечных положений (индуктивные)
S = -30°C ~ 85°C (стандарт)
L = -40°C (-60°C) ~ 85°C

Размеры СМАРТ позиционеров серии YT-3300/YT-3350


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rotork YT-3300 Series Product Manual

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  4. Valve Positioners
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YT-3300 (PA/FF)

YT-3350 (PA/FF)



Rotork YTC Limited

Related Manuals for rotork YT-3300 Series

Summary of Contents for rotork YT-3300 Series

  • Page 1
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Contents Introduction …………………………5 General Information for the users ………………….5 Manufacturer Warranty …………………….5 Explosion Proof Warning (Only for Intrinsic safety type positioners) …………6 Product Description ………………………7 General …………………………7 Main Features and Functions …………………..7 Label Description ……………………..8 Product Code ……………………….9…

  • Page 3
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Connection ……………………….29 Ground …………………………. 30 Adjustments ……………………….. 31 A/M switch adjustment ……………………31 Orifice Installment ……………………..32 Maintenance ……………………….. 33 Supply air ……………………….33 Seals …………………………33 Typical connection of YT-3300 with Profibus PA and Foundation Fieldbus ……..
  • Page 4
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual 9.8.7 Acting Type (SINGLE / dOUBLE) ………………..50 9.8.8 Lever Type (STd / AdT) ……………………. 51 Diagnostic (dIAGNO) ……………………. 52 9.9.1 Diagnosis Limit Configuration (LIMT CFG) ………………52 Deviation (dEV) ……………………
  • Page 5: Introduction

    Introduction General Information for the users Thank you for purchasing Rotork YTC Limited products. Each product has been fully inspected after its production to offer you the highest quality and reliable performance. Please read the product manual carefully prior to installing and commissioning the product.

  • Page 6: Explosion Proof Warning (Only For Intrinsic Safety Type Positioners)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Explosion Proof Warning (Only for Intrinsic safety type positioners) Please ensure the unit is being used and installed in conformity with local, regional, and national explosion proof within the proper safety barrier environment. ➢…

  • Page 7: Product Description

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Product Description General YT-3300 / 3350 (PA/FF) series Smart Valve Positioner accurately controls valve stroke in response to an input signal of Communication from the controller. Built-in micro-processor optimizes the positioner’s performance and provides unique functions such as Auto-Calibration, Profibus PA or Foundation fieldbus Protocol Communications.

  • Page 8: Label Description

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Label Description • MODEL : Indicates the model number and additional options. • INTRINSIC SAFETY / NONINCENDIVE : Indicates intrinsic safety explosion proof grade. • INGRESS PROTECTION : Indicates enclosure protection grade. •…

  • Page 9: Product Code

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Product Code YT-3300 / 3350 (PA/FF) series follows suffix symbols as follows. 2.4.1 YT-3300 / 3350 1 Linear (Positioner is attached the right yoke of actuator.) Motion Type Rotary Single Acting type…

  • Page 10: Product Specification

    2 kg (4.4 lb) 5.1 kg (11.2 lb) Painting Polyester Powder Coating Tested under ambient temperature of 20 °C, absolute pressure of 760 mmHg, and humidity of 65 %. Please contact Rotork YTC Limited for detailed testing specification. Ver. 1.00…

  • Page 11: Certifications

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Certifications ※ All certifications below are posted on Rotork YTC Limited homepage( ATEX ➢ Type : Intrinsic safety Rating : II 2G Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, II 2D Ex ia IIIC T100°C/T85°C Db, IP6X Certification No.

  • Page 12: Parts And Assembly

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Parts and Assembly Fig. 2-1: exploded view 1. Base Cover 8. Pilot Block 2. PCB Cover 9. Base body 3. Main PCB 10. Feedback Lever 4. Torque Motor 11.

  • Page 13: Product Dimension

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Product Dimension YT-3300 2.8.1 Fig. 2-2: YT-3300L (Standard Lever Type) Fig. 2-3: YT-3300L (Adapter Lever Type) Fig. 2-4: YT-3300R (Fork lever Type) Fig. 2-5: YT-3300 (Namur Type) Ver.

  • Page 14
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual YT-3350 2.8.2 Fig. 2-6: YT-3350L (Standard Lever Type) Fig. 2-7: YT-3350L (Adapter Lever Type) Fig. 2-8: YT-3350R (Fork lever Type) Fig. 2-9: YT-3350R (Namur Type) Ver. 1.00…
  • Page 15: Installation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Installation Safety When installing a positioner, please ensure to read and follow safety instructions. ➢ Any input or supply pressures to valve, actuator, and / or to other related devices must be turned off.

  • Page 16: Linear Positioner Installation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Linear positioner Installation Linear positioner should be installed on linear motion valves such as globe or gate type which uses spring return type diaphragm or piston actuators. Linear positioner Installation of Standard lever type 3.3.1 Fig.

  • Page 17: Standard Lever Type Positioner Installation Steps

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Standard lever type positioner Installation Steps 1) Assemble the positioner or remote sensor with the bracket made in previous step by fastening the bolts. Fig. 3-3: Standard Lever Type 2) Attach the positioner (or remote sensor) with the bracket to the actuator yoke –…

  • Page 18
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual 5) Insert the connection bar between the feedback lever and lever spring. The connection bar must be located upward from the lever spring as shown below left figure. If it is located downward from the lever spring as shown below right figure, the connection bar or the lever spring will be worn out quickly because of excessive strong tension.
  • Page 19
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual 7) Check the valve stroke. The stroke numbers are engraved on the feedback lever of the positioner. Position the connection bar at the number on the feedback lever which corresponds with the desired valve stroke.
  • Page 20: Installation Of Adapter Lever Type (On Tubeless Actuator)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Installation of Adapter lever type (on tubeless actuator) 3.3.2 Installation of adapter lever type example Fig. 3-9: Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available. ➢…

  • Page 21: Adapter Lever Type Positioner Installation Steps

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Adapter lever type positioner Installation Steps 1) Remove Out1 Plug(Fig. 3-11) on the bottom of the positioner. Plug up out1 port of gauge block with 1/4 plug using sealant. 2) Check the valve stroke.

  • Page 22
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Fig. 3-12: Adapter Lever Type 5) Connect Air-filter regulator to Supply port of the positioner. 6) Turn the Auto/Manual switch counterclockwise (toward “M”). Refer to 6.1 for more detail. Supply enough air pressure to the actuator in order to position the valve stroke at 50 % of the total stroke.
  • Page 23: Rotary Positioner Installation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Rotary positioner Installation Rotary positioner should be installed on rotary motion valve such as ball or butterfly type which uses rack and pinion, scotch yoke or other type of actuators which its stem rotates 90 degrees. Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available.

  • Page 24: Rotary Bracket Information

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Rotary Bracket Information 3.4.2 The rotary bracket set (included with the positioner) contains two components. (but the upper brackets of Fork lever type and Namur type are different.) The bracket is designed to fit onto the actuator with 20 mm, 30 mm and 50 mm stem height (H) according to VDI/VDE 3845 standard.

  • Page 25: Rotary Positioner Installation Steps

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Fig. 3-16: Actuator stem Height Fig. 3-17: Exploded Brackets Rotary positioner Installation Steps 3.4.3 1) Please check the actuator’s stem height and adjust the brackets by referring to the above bracket table.

  • Page 26
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual 5) (Only Fork lever type) After setting fork lever position, fasten lock nuts which are located on the bottom of the fork lever. Ensure to set the gap between the top of upper bracket and the top of the fork lever within 23 ~ 28 mm.
  • Page 27: Connection — Air

    Always recommended to use air filter regulator (i.e. YT-200 series). ➢ ➢ Rotork YTC Limited has not tested positioner’s operation with any other gases other than clean air. Please contact Rotork YTC Limited for any questions. Supply Pressure Condition ➢…

  • Page 28: Connection — Piping With Actuator

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Connection – Piping with actuator Single acting actuator 4.4.1 Singe acting type positioner is set to use only OUT1 port. OUT1 port of positioner should be connected with supply port of actuator when using spring return actuator of single acting type.

  • Page 29: Connection — Power

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Connection – Power Safety ➢ There are two conduit entries on the product. See “2.4 Product Code” for conduit entry threads. Before connecting terminal, ensure that the power is off completely. ➢…

  • Page 30: Ground

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Ground 1) Ground must be done before operating the positioner. 2) Open base cover and there is an internal ground “F.G” on the left hand. An external ground bolt is located next to the conduit entry. Please make sure that the resistance is less than 100 ohm.

  • Page 31: Adjustments

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Adjustments A/M switch adjustment 1) On the right hand bottom of positioner, there is A/M switch (Auto/Manual). A/M Switch allows the positioner to be functioned as by-pass. If the switch is turned clockwise (toward “A”) and it is fasten tightly, then the supply pressure will be transferred to actuator through outport by positioner control.

  • Page 32: Orifice Installment

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Orifice Installment Hunting can be occurred when the actuator’s volume is too small. In order to prevent hunting, orifice can be used. By installing the plate type orifice, the flow rate of the supply pressure to actuator can be reduced.

  • Page 33: Maintenance

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Maintenance Supply air If Supply air pressure is not stable or Supply air is not clean, the positioner may not function properly. Air quality and pressure should be checked regularly to see if the air is clean and pressure set is normal. Seals Once a year, it is recommended to check if there are any damaged parts of the positioner.

  • Page 34: Typical Connection Of Yt-3300 With Profibus Pa And Foundation Fieldbus

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Typical connection of YT-3300 with Profibus PA and Foundation Fieldbus Profibus PA The diagram below shows how to connect YT-3300 PA using EDD for Simens SIMATIC PDM. Commands from the host PC are transmitted to the DP/PA coupler through the Profibus DP interface module, and then converted into low-speed signals and transmitted to the positioner.

  • Page 35: Configurations For High Speed Solution & Low Speed Solution

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Configurations for high speed solution & low speed solution Fig. 8-2: High Speed solution with Profibus PA Link & Low speed solution with DP/PA coupler Foundation Fieldbus YT-3300 is connected to junction box of Foundation Fieldbus HI bus system (31.25 kbps) and its signals are transmitted to HSE (High Speed Ethernet) through Fieldbus controller (or linking device).

  • Page 36: Auto Calibration And Pcb Operation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Auto Calibration and PCB Operation Warning Following process will operate valve and actuator. Before proceeding with any Auto Calibration, please separate valve from the entire system by using bypass valve, so Auto Calibration will not affect entire valve process.

  • Page 37: Auto Calibration Mode (Auto Cal)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual ※ By pressing <ESC> button several times from any MODES, it will return to “RUN PV” mode. Therefore, if the users have entered the wrong mode by mistake or do not wish to proceed with their current work, they could return to “RUN PV”…

  • Page 38: Auto2 Calibration (Auto2)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual AUTO2 Calibration (AUTO2) 9.4.2 AUTO2 changes all of the parameters. It is recommended to perform AUTO2 when the positioner has been installed on the valve for the first time or the positioner has been reinstalled after disassemble from an actuator.

  • Page 39: Manual Mode (Manual)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Manual Mode (MANUAL) Manual mode is used to manually raise or lower the valve stem. In the manual mode, the positioner does not control the valve according to the electric signal inputted from the outside but the stroke of the valve can be adjusted only by the operation of <UP>…

  • Page 40: Dead-Zone (Deadzone, %)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Dead-Zone (dEAdZONE, %) 9.6.1 Dead-Zone indicates the percentage of error allowance. In case of high level of packing friction, which may cause hunting, increasing the value of Dead-Zone can stable the valve operation. 3 seconds →…

  • Page 41: I Value (Ki)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual I Value (KI) 9.6.3 I value indicates the additional compensation signal based on the percentage of error allowance. As the value increase, it is more likely to have hunting. As the value decreases, the positioner will move slowly to the target position.

  • Page 42: Kf Up Value (Kfup)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual KF Up Value (KFUP) 9.6.6 KF Up control value corrects valve friction when moving from 0 % to 100 %, reducing the dead time. <UP>/<DOWN> → → →…

  • Page 43: Control Mode (Ctrl)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Control mode (CTRL) 9.6.8 This function is used to select the PID tuning set that already stored corresponding to the stability or responsiveness, not in the way the user changes the KP, KI, or KD manually. •…

  • Page 44: Hand Calibration Mode (Hand Cal)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Hand Calibration Mode (HAND CAL) Hand Calibration mode is used when the zero-point or end point of the valve is required to be readjusted after Auto Calibration has been performed. Zero-Point (PV ZERO) and End-Point (PV END) for Valves 9.7.1 PZ ZERO adjusts the zero point of the valve, and PV END adjusts the end point of the valve.

  • Page 45: Valve Mode (Valve)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Valve Mode (VALVE) Valve mode offers useful and various function settings for operating the control valve. Below is the list of functions which could be set from Valve mode. 1) Acting Adjustment (ACT RA / dA) 2) Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR) 3) User Characteristics (USER SET)

  • Page 46: Valve Flow Characteristic Adjustment (Char)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Valve flow Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR) 9.8.2 The valve flow characteristic can be set on the field’s requirement. There are 4 types of characteristics – linear (LIN), user setting (USR), quick open (QO), and equal percentage (EQ).

  • Page 47: User Defining Flow Characteristics (User Set)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual User defining flow Characteristics (USER SET) 9.8.3 User can make its own flow characteristic curve with this mode. USER SET can be set in two ways, 5 points and 11 points.

  • Page 48
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual 2) 11 points setting can be set with 1mA intervals. The initial positions are P0(0 %), P1(10 %), P2(20 %), … P9(90 %) and P10(100 %) but user can change the % values to different values. User can change all 11 points or only change partially and exit the menu by pressing <ESC>…
  • Page 49: Tight Shut Open (Tshut Op)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP) 9.8.4 Tight shut open shows the current value in percentage (%). Input current of 4 mA is 0 %, 20 mA is 100 %.

  • Page 50: Interpolation Mode (Itp On/Off, Itp User Set)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Interpolation Mode (ITP ON/OFF, ITP USER SET) 9.8.6 In case of linear positioner, the error of accuracy occurs when the linear motion of actuator changes into the rotary motion of feedback lever. After the auto calibration, the positioner turns on ITP function with an appropriate value of interpolation automatically.

  • Page 51: Lever Type (Std / Adt)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Lever Type (STd / AdT) 9.8.8 Displays or changes current lever type into standard type or adapter type. If the Lever type mode is set correctly, the accuracy will be worse at ITP ON than at ITP OFF. <UP>/<DOWN>…

  • Page 52: Diagnostic (Diagno)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Diagnostic (dIAGNO) Below is the list of functions which could be set from Diagnostic mode. 1) Diagnosis Limit Configuration (LIMT CFG) Deviation (dEV) Deviation Time (dEV TIME) C.

  • Page 53: Deviation (Dev)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Deviation (dEV) This is used to set the deviation in % between the target position and actual position. Default is 10 %. Alarm is triggered if actual deviation greater than the preset deviation “dEV” persists longer than the preset Deviation Time “dEV TIME”.

  • Page 54: Travel Accumulator Limit (Tvla Lmt)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Travel Accumulator Limit (TVLA LMT) Travel Accumulator Alarm is triggered when total valve travel accumulated exceeds this Travel Accumulator Limit “TVLA LMT”. <UP>/<DOWN> → → → Press <UP>…

  • Page 55: Low Low Limit Alarm (Ll Alrm) And High High Limit Alarm (Hh Alrm)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Low Low Limit Alarm (LL ALRM) and High High Limit Alarm (HH ALRM) This is used to set a position to trigger Low Low Limit Alarm or High High Limit Alarm when the valve moves to the position lower than LL ALRM or higher than HH ALRM.

  • Page 56: Pst Introduction

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual PST Introduction 9.9.2 Unlike FST (Full Stroke Test) where a valve is fully closed and opened, PST (Partial Stroke Test) is a method used to test a percentage of the possible failure of the valve by slightly closing and opening the valve.

  • Page 57: Pst Mode (Pst)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual PST Mode (PST) 9.9.3 To run PST, select a PST mode. There are 3 mode for running PST. Mode Description PST OFF Turn off PST. It’s a default mode Run PST once immediately.

  • Page 58: Start Position (Start Po)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Start Position (START PO) It is used to set a start position when PST initiates. The position must be in between 0 and 100 %, and default value is 100 %.

  • Page 59: Interval (Interval)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Interval (INTERVAL) Interval time (days) between 1 PST and the next PST. The value must be between 1 ~ 365, and default value is 365 (days). <UP>/<DOWN>…

  • Page 60: Latency (Latency)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Latency (LATENCY) Latency for next movement after valve move. The value must be between 1 ~ 60 sec, and default value is 10 (sec). <UP>/<DOWN> → →…

  • Page 61: View Mode (View)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual View Mode (VIEW) 9.10 Displays various information of the positioner. <DOWN> 3 seconds → → → Press <UP> or <DOWN> button if the above is not displayed. <DOWN>…

  • Page 62
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual bIAS 25 BIAS value when valve position is at 25 % bIAS 75 BIAS value when valve position is at 75 % Total operation time. If the device is used for less than 1 hour, the time does not accumulate.
  • Page 63: Warning / Alarm Code

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Warning / Alarm Code This is the status and alarm code displayed on the LCD screen when a change in the state of the product and process occurs while using the product. Please refer to the table below to check the code for the status and alarm and take the appropriate action.

  • Page 64
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Category Alarm Code Code Description and Cause Action ➢ Displayed when the valve does not move even though the positioner sends “Full Open” signal during ➢ Check if air pressure is Auto Calibration.
  • Page 65
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Warning Category Code Description and Cause Action Code ➢ Warning is triggered when the actual position (PV) is lower than ➢ Make sure that the «LO setting in «LO ALARM». LO ALRM ALRM»…
  • Page 66: Main Software Map

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Main Software Map Ver. 1.00…

  • Page 67
    Product Manual Manufacturer: Rotork YTC Limited Address: 81, Hwanggeum-ro, 89 Beon-gil, Yangchon-eup, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Postal code: 10048 Tel: +82-31-986-8545 Fax: +82-70-4170-4927 Email: Homepage : Issued : 2021-01-21 Copyright © Rotork YTC Limited. All Rights Reserved. Ver. 1.00…
  • Contents

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YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 SERIES (New Software)

YT-3300 (New NCS type)

YT-3350 (New NCS type)

YT-3300 + Internal Limit Switch

YT-3350 + Internal Limit Switch

(Potentiometer type)

(Potentiometer type)


(Potentiometer type)



(Potentiometer type)

Rotork YTC Limited


Related Manuals for rotork YT-3300 Series

Summary of Contents for rotork YT-3300 Series

  • Page 1
    YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 SERIES (New Software) YT-3300 (New NCS type) YT-3350 (New NCS type) YT-3300 + Internal Limit Switch YT-3350 + Internal Limit Switch (Potentiometer type) (Potentiometer type) YT-3303 (Potentiometer type) YT-3303 YT-3301 (Potentiometer type) Rotork YTC Limited VERSION 2.06…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Contents Introduction …………………………6 General Information for the users ………………….6 Manufacturer Warranty …………………….6 Explosion Proof Warning (Only for Intrinsic safety type positioners) …………7 Product Description ………………………9 General …………………………9 Main Features and Functions …………………..9 Label Description ……………………..

  • Page 3
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual 3.4.4 Rotary Bracket Information (Only YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R) ………… 44 3.4.5 Rotary positioner Installation Steps ………………..45 Connection — Air ……………………….47 Safety …………………………47 Supply Pressure Condition ……………………
  • Page 4
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Manual Operation (MAN OPER)………………….72 9.7.1 Manual Operation by Set position (MAN SP) …………….72 9.7.2 Manual Operation by Manipulator Value (MAN MV) …………..73 Control Parameters (CTL PARM) …………………. 74 9.8.1 Dead Band (dEAdbANd) ……………………
  • Page 5
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual 9.12 Diagnosis Mode (dIAGNd) ……………………. 97 9.12.1 Default Alarm Settings ………………….. 98 9.12.2 Process Status (PS) ……………………99 9.12.3 Device Status (dS) ……………………100 9.12.4 View Monitoring Counts (VI CNTS) ………………101 9.12.5 Diagnostic Limit Configuration (LIMT CFG) …………….
  • Page 6: Introduction

    Introduction General Information for the users Thank you for purchasing Rotork YTC Limited products. Each product has been fully inspected after its production to offer you the highest quality and reliable performance. Please read the product manual carefully prior to installing and commissioning the product.

  • Page 7: Explosion Proof Warning (Only For Intrinsic Safety Type Positioners)

    God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic damage. Improper or incorrectly performed maintenance will void this limited warranty. For detailed warranty information, please contact the corresponding local Rotork YTC Limited ➢…

  • Page 8
    FM & CSA only : Tapped Exhaust option is used when it is required to vent away Group D, Div/Group IIA, Zone gases to a safe area. Using gases other than air must be compatible with the YT-3300 series wetted parts. Ver. 2.06…
  • Page 9: Product Description

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Product Description General YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Smart Valve Positioner accurately controls valve stroke in response to an input signal of 4 ~ 20 mA from the controller. Built-in micro-processor optimizes the positioner’s performance and provides unique functions such as Auto-Calibration, PID Control, and HART Protocol Communications.

  • Page 10: Label Description

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual ➢ Hand calibration function can set Zero point or End point manually. It has IP66, Type 4X(FM) protection grade. ➢ ➢ Polyester powder coating resists the corrosion process. (except YT-3350). ➢…

  • Page 11
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Fig. L-2: YT-3300 Non-explosion proof (EAC) Fig. L-3: YT-3300 / 3301 / 3303 Intrinsic safety type (UKEX, ATEX, IECEx, KCs, NEPSI, PESO) (PESO applies only to YT-3300) Fig.
  • Page 12
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Fig. L-5: YT-3301 Intrinsic safety type (FM, CSA) Fig. L-6: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 Intrinsic safety type (EAC) Fig. L-7: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 Intrinsic safety type (INMETRO) Ver.
  • Page 13
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Fig. L-8: YT-3300 Intrinsic safety type (CCC) Fig. L-9: YT-3303 Intrinsic safety type (CCC) Fig. L-10: YT-3301 Intrinsic safety type (CCC) Ver. 2.06…
  • Page 14
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Fig. L-11: YT-3350 Non-explosion proof Fig. L-12: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (UKEX, ATEX, IECEx, KCs, NEPSI) Fig. L-13: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (FM, CSA) Ver. 2.06…
  • Page 15
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Fig. L-14: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (EAC) Fig. L-15: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (INMETRO) Fig. L-16: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (CCC) Ver. 2.06…
  • Page 16: Product Code

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Product Code YT-3300 / 3350 series follows suffix symbols as follows. 2.4.1 YT-3300 / 3350 1 Linear (Positioner is attached the right yoke of actuator.) Motion Type Rotary Single Acting type…

  • Page 17: Yt-3303 Series Follows Suffix Symbols As Follows

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual None + Position Transmitter + Limit Switch(Mechanical Type) + Limit Switch(Inductive Proximity Type) Option + Position Transmitter and Limit Switch (Mechanical Type) + Position Transmitter and Limit Switch (Inductive Proximity Type) -30 ~ 85 °C (-22 ~ 185 °F, except EAC) Operating Temp.

  • Page 18: Yt-3301 Series Follows Suffix Symbols As Follows

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual 10 ~ 40 mm 20 ~ 70 mm Linear 50 ~ 100 mm 100 ~ 150 mm Lever Type M6 x 34L M6 x 63L M8 x 34L Rotary M8 x 63L Namur…

  • Page 19
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Non-Explosion ATEX, IECEx, KCs, NEPSI, INMETRO , UKEX : Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex iaD IIIC T100°C/T85°C Db, IP66 FM & CSA : Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6 Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100°C/T85°C;…
  • Page 20: Product Specification

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Product Specification YT-3300 / 3303 / 3350 Specification 2.5.1 Model YT-3300 / 3303 YT-3350 Housing Material Aluminum Stainless Steel 316 Motion Type Linear Rotary Linear Rotary Acting Type Single / Double Input Signal…

  • Page 21: Yt-3301 Specification

    2 kg (4.4 lb) 5.1 kg (11.2 lb) Painting Polyester Powder Coating Tested under ambient temperature of 20 °C, absolute pressure of 760 mmHg, and humidity of 65 %. Please contact Rotork YTC Limited for detailed testing specification. YT-3301 Specification 2.5.2 Model YT-3301…

  • Page 22: Certifications

    Tested under ambient temperature of 20 °C, absolute pressure of 760 mmHg, and humidity of 65 %. Please contact Rotork YTC Limited for detailed testing specification. Certifications ※ All certifications below are posted on Rotork YTC Limited homepage( KCs (Korea) ➢…

  • Page 23
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual IECEx ➢ Type : Intrinsic safety Rating : Ex II 2G Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex II 2D Ex ia IIIC T100°C/T85°C Db, IP6X Certification No. : IECEx EPS 12.0017X Ambient temperature : -40 ~ +60°C (T5/T100°C), -40 ~ +40°C (T6/T85°C) NEPSI ➢…
  • Page 24
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual UKEX ➢ Type : Intrinsic safety Rating : II 2G Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, II 2D Ex ia IIIC T100°C/T85°C Db, IP6X Certification No. : CML 22UKEX2460X Ambient temperature : -40 ~ +60°C (T5), -40 ~ +40°C (T6) PESO (India) : Only available for YT-3300 ➢…
  • Page 25: Parts And Assembly

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Parts and Assembly YT-3300 / 3350 2.7.1 Fig. 2-1: YT-3300 / 3350 exploded view 1. Base Cover 7. Base body 2. PCB Cover 8. Pilot Block 3.

  • Page 26
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual YT-3303 2.7.2 Fig. 2-2: YT-3303 exploded view 1. Base Cover 7. Potentiometer 2. PCB Cover 8. Base body 3. Main PCB 9. Auto Manual Switch 4. Support PCB 10.
  • Page 27
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual YT-3301 2.7.3 Positioner Rotary Remote Sensor Linear Remote Sensor Fig. 2-3: YT-3301 exploded view 1. Base cover of Positioner 9. Dome cover of Remote sensor 2. PCB cover of Positioner 10.
  • Page 28: Product Dimension

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Product Dimension YT-3300 2.8.1 Fig. 2-4: YT-3300L (Standard Lever Type) Fig. 2-5: YT-3300L (Adapter Lever Type) Fig. 2-6: YT-3300R (Fork lever Type) Fig. 2-7: YT-3300R+LS (Namur Type) Ver.

  • Page 29
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual YT-3350 2.8.2 Fig. 2-8: YT-3350L (Standard Lever Type) Fig. 2-9: YT-3350L (Adapter Lever Type) Fig. 2-10: YT-3350R (Fork lever Type) Fig. 2-11: YT-3350R+LS (Namur Type) Ver. 2.06…
  • Page 30
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual YT-3303 2.8.3 Fig. 2-12: YT-3303L Fig. 2-13: YT-3303R (Fork lever Type) Fig. 2-14: YT-3300R+LS (Namur Type) Ver. 2.06…
  • Page 31
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual YT-3301 2.8.4 Fig. 2-15: Linear Remote Sensor Fig. 2-16: Rotary Remote Sensor Fig. 2-17: YT-3301 Positioner Ver. 2.06…
  • Page 32: Installation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Installation Safety When installing a positioner, please ensure to read and follow safety instructions. ➢ Any input or supply pressures to valve, actuator, and / or to other related devices must be turned off.

  • Page 33: Linear Positioner Installation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Linear positioner Installation Linear positioner should be installed on linear motion valves such as globe or gate type which uses spring return type diaphragm or piston actuators. Linear positioner Installation of Standard lever type 3.3.1 Fig.

  • Page 34: Safety

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Safety Proper bracket must be made in order to adapt the positioner on the actuator yoke. Please consider following important points when a bracket is being designed. ➢…

  • Page 35
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual 3) Connect connection bar to the actuator clamp. The hole gap on the feedback lever is 6.5 mm so the connection bar’s outer diameter should be less than 6 mm. 4) Connect an air-filter regulator to the actuator temporarily.
  • Page 36
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual 6) Check if feedback lever is vertical to the valve stem at 50 % of the valve stroke. If it is not vertical, adjust the bracket or the connection bar to make vertical. Improper installation may cause poor linearity.
  • Page 37
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Stroke : 30 mm Stroke : 70 mm Fig. 3-14: YT-3303L / 3301L Feedback lever and location of the connection bar 8) After installing the positioner, operate the valve from 0 % to 100 % stroke by using direct air to the actuator.
  • Page 38
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Fig. 3-15: YT-3300L / 3350L Feedback lever should not touch lever stopper on 0 % ~ 100 % valve stroke. Fig. 3-16: YT-3303L / 3301L Feedback lever should not touch lever stopper on 0 % ~ 100 % valve stroke. 9) After the installation, tighten all of the bolts on the bracket and the connection bar.
  • Page 39: Yt-3300L / 3350L Installation Of Adapter Lever Type (On Tubeless Actuator)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual YT-3300L / 3350L Installation of Adapter lever type (on tubeless actuator) 3.3.2 Fig. 3-17: YT-3300L / 3350L installation of adapter lever type example Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available. Positioner ➢…

  • Page 40: Adapter Lever Type Positioner Installation Steps

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Adapter lever type positioner Installation Steps 1) Remove Out1 Plug(Fig. 3-19) on the bottom of the positioner. Plug up out1 port of gauge block with 1/4 plug using sealant. 2) Check the valve stroke.

  • Page 41
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Fig. 3-20: YT-3300 / 3350L(Adapter Lever Type) 5) Connect Air-filter regulator to Supply port of the positioner. 6) Turn the Auto/Manual switch counterclockwise (toward “M”). Refer to 6.2 for more detail. Supply enough air pressure to the actuator in order to position the valve stroke at 50 % of the total stroke.
  • Page 42: Rotary Positioner Installation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Rotary positioner Installation Rotary positioner should be installed on rotary motion valve such as ball or butterfly type which uses rack and pinion, scotch yoke or other type of actuators which its stem rotates 90 degrees. Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available.

  • Page 43: Yt-3303R Components

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual YT-3303R Components 3.4.2 ➢ Positioner ➢ Fork lever (Only Fork lever type) ➢ Rotary bracket set (2 piece) ➢ 4 pcs x hexagonal headed bolts (M8 x 1.25P) 4 pcs x M8 plate washers ➢…

  • Page 44: Rotary Bracket Information (Only Yt-3300R / 3350R / 3303R)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Rotary Bracket Information (Only YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R) 3.4.4 The rotary bracket set (included with the positioner) contains two components. (but the upper brackets of Fork lever type and Namur type are different in case of YT-3300 / 3350). The bracket is designed to fit onto the actuator with 20 mm, 30 mm and 50 mm stem height (H) according to VDI/VDE 3845 standard.

  • Page 45: Rotary Positioner Installation Steps

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Fig. 3-27: Actuator stem Height Fig. 3-28: Exploded Brackets Rotary positioner Installation Steps 3.4.5 1) Please check the actuator’s stem height and adjust the brackets by referring to the above bracket table.

  • Page 46
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual 5) (Only Fork lever type) After setting fork lever position, fasten lock nuts which are located on the bottom of the fork lever. Ensure to set the gap between the top of upper bracket and the top of the fork lever within 23 ~ 28 mm(YT-3300R / 3350R) and 6 ~ 11 mm(YT-3303R).
  • Page 47: Connection — Air

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Connection — Air Safety ➢ Supply pressure should be clean and dry air – avoiding moisture, oil and dust. Always recommended to use air filter regulator (i.e. YT-200 series). ➢…

  • Page 48: Connection — Piping With Actuator

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Connection – Piping with actuator Single acting actuator 4.4.1 Singe acting type positioner is set to use only OUT1 port. OUT1 port of positioner should be connected with supply port of actuator when using spring return actuator of single acting type.

  • Page 49: Double Acting Actuator

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Double acting actuator 4.4.2 Double acting type positioner is set to use OUT1 and OUT2 port. As input signal increases, the supply pressure will be supplied through OUT1 port. Fig.

  • Page 50: Connection — Power

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Connection – Power Safety ➢ There are two conduit entries on the product. See “2.4 Product Code” for conduit entry threads. Before connecting terminal, ensure that the power is off completely. ➢…

  • Page 51: Connection

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Connection Standard Terminals 5.2.1 Terminal Signal name Function name Current input signal (+) Apply analog current command 4 ~ 20 mA to this terminal to supply power and signal to the positioner. Current input signal (-) Safety ground Safety ground…

  • Page 52: Terminals With Micro-Limit Switch Option

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Terminals with micro-limit switch option 5.2.2 The input and output terminals of products equipped with micro-limit switches can be connected to an external system as shown below. Refer to the table below for the signal name and function of each terminal.

  • Page 53: Terminals With Inductive Proximity Limit Switch Option

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Terminals with inductive proximity Limit Switch option 5.2.3 The input and output terminals of products equipped with inductive proximity limit switch switches can be connected to an external system as shown below. Refer to the table below for the signal name and function of each terminal.

  • Page 54: Ground

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Fig. 5-4: Remote sensor and cables (Only YT-3301L) Ground 1) Ground must be done before operating the positioner. 2) Open base cover and there is an internal ground “F.G” on the left hand. An external ground bolt is located next to the conduit entry.

  • Page 55: Adjustments

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Adjustments Limit Switch Adjustment YT-3300 / 3350 can have limit switch option. If user wants to adjust the sensing position, please loosen bolts and adjust cam. Fig.

  • Page 56: A/M Switch Adjustment

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual A/M switch adjustment 1) On the right hand bottom of positioner, there is A/M switch (Auto/Manual). A/M Switch allows the positioner to be functioned as by-pass. If the switch is turned clockwise (toward “A”) and it is fasten tightly, then the supply pressure will be transferred to actuator through outport by positioner control.

  • Page 57: Orifice Installment

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Orifice Installment Hunting can be occurred when the actuator’s volume is too small. In order to prevent hunting, orifice can be used. Plate type Orifice Installment (except YT-3303) 6.3.1 By installing the plate type orifice, the flow rate of the supply pressure to actuator can be reduced.

  • Page 58: Optional Sub-Pcb Installment

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Optional Sub-PCB Installment By adding sub-PCB, the positioner can have additional functions. There are 3 types of sub-PCB. HART Only Ptm Only Ptm+HART Fig. 7-1: Three types of Sub-PCB When purchasing option sub-PCBs separately, 4 Bolts and 2 supports are supplied together with sub- PCB.

  • Page 59
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Inductive proximity limit switch type (Only YT-3300 / 3350) Fig. 7-3: Installation of Option PCB on Main PCBs JP1 jumper must be removed, when HART option included sub-PCB is being mounted. 5) After PTM sub-PCB is installed newly, values of PTM ZERO and PTM ENd must be calibrated for correct output signals.
  • Page 60: Maintenance

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Maintenance Supply air If Supply air pressure is not stable or Supply air is not clean, the positioner may not function properly. Air quality and pressure should be checked regularly to see if the air is clean and pressure set is normal. Seals Once a year, it is recommend to check if there are any damaged parts of the positioner.

  • Page 61: Auto Calibration And Pcb Operation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Auto Calibration and PCB Operation Warning Following process will operate valve and actuator. Before proceeding with any Auto Calibration, please separate valve from the entire system by using bypass valve, so Auto Calibration will not affect entire valve process.

  • Page 62: Button And Function

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual 9.2.2 Button and function Positioner has 4 buttons that perform various functions. Fig 9-2 Buttons Function Used to navigate to each menu at the same level or to increase the value of the selected parameter.

  • Page 63: Menu Levels

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Menu levels The basic menu structure consists of the RUN Mode Monitor and the Configuration/Operation. The Run Mode Monitor menu allows you to monitor the values of various variables. The Configuration/Operation menu provides calibration and tuning, manual operation, configuration of I/O port function, configuration and self-test of positioner, configuration of diagnostic function, and basic information of the positioner.

  • Page 64: Run Mode (Run)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Run Mode (RUN) The RUN Mode Monitor is displayed on the LCD display when power is provided to the positioner. Pressing the UP/DOWN button scrolls through the various process variables shown in table below.

  • Page 65: Configuration And Operation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Configuration and Operation The Table below shows the eight Configuration/Operation menus, each submenu, ranges for each parameter, and initial factory settings. The words shown in [ ] for each menu represent the abbreviations of each word displayed when operating the LCD screen.

  • Page 66
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Level 1 Level 2 Range Initial factory setting Linear, Quick Open, Equal Percent, User Set Characterization [CHAR] 5point, User Set 21point [LIN, QO, EQ, U5, U21] User Set Characterization 5p 0 %, 25 %, 50 %, 75 %, 0 ~ 110[%]…
  • Page 67
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Level 1 Level 2 Range Initial factory setting View Event Log [EVT LOG] RECORd 0 — 19 View PST Result Record bLANK RECORd 1 — 10 [PST RSLT] INTERVAL, 365 d,…
  • Page 68
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Level 2 Level 3 Range Initial factory setting PST Interval [INTERVAL] 1 ~ 365 [days] PST Starting Position 0 ~ 100 [%] 100 % [START PO] PST Tolerance [TOL] 0.1 ~ 10 [%] PST Target Position [TARGET]…
  • Page 69: Calibration (Calib)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Calibration (CALIb) The calibration consists of five menus. Acting Type Set manually single or double acting by actuator type [SINGLE/ dOUbLE] Auto Calibration 1 [AUTO 1] Calibration on the zero and end points of the valve Calibration [CALIb]…

  • Page 70: Auto Calibration 1 (Auto 1)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Auto Calibration 1 (AUTO 1) 9.6.2 AUTO 1 is used to set only the origin and end points. It does not change the PID and other parameter values that already have been set.

  • Page 71: Travel Zero (Tvl Zero) And Travel End (Tvl End)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Travel Zero (TVL ZERO) and Travel end (TVL ENd) 9.6.4 This is a manual adjustment of the zero point or endpoint of the valve after auto calibration. Once you enter the TVL ZERO (or TVL ENd) setting, press the UP/DOWN button to change the zero point (or endpoint) of the valve, and then press the ENTER button to save it.

  • Page 72: Manual Operation (Man Oper)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Manual Operation (MAN OPER) It is used to manually raise or lower the valve stem by operating the UP or DOWN buttons. This can be used to observe the move of valve stem without any external input signals. When engaged, the current input signal to the positioner has no effect on the positioner.

  • Page 73: Manual Operation By Manipulator Value (Man Mv)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Manual Operation by Manipulator Value (MAN MV) 9.7.2 The input to I/P converter is incremented or decremented by the UP and DOWN buttons based on the currently entered I/P input value, which moves the stem of the valve up and down.

  • Page 74: Control Parameters (Ctl Parm)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Control Parameters (CTL PARM) Followings are the values changeable at the Control Parameters Mode. 1) Dead Band (dEAdbANd) 2) Forward P parameter (KP UP) and reverse P parameter (KP dN) 3) Forward Integral time parameter (TI UP) and reverse Integral time parameter (TI dN) 4) Forward D parameter (Kd UP) and reverse D parameter (Kd dN) 5) GAP Parameter (GAP)

  • Page 75: Forward P Parameter (Kp Up) And Reverse P Parameter (Kp Dn)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Forward P parameter (KP UP) and reverse P parameter (KP dN) 9.8.2 The KP parameter is the proportional control constant to the calibration signal to reduce the error between the target position and the current position, the KP UP is applied when the valve moves in the direction of increasing output air pressure, and KP dN is applied when the valve moves in the direction of venting output air pressure.

  • Page 76: Forward D Parameter (Kd Up) And Reverse D Parameter (Kd Dn)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Forward D parameter (Kd UP) and reverse D parameter (Kd dN) 9.8.4 The Kd parameter is a differential value that adds the correction signal due to the rate of error to the existing calibration signal.

  • Page 77: Gap P Parameter (Gp)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual GAP P parameter (GP) 9.8.6 GP is a proportional gain. If the valve position is within the GAP parameter range, a proportion gain created based on KP and GP is applied to valve control. 3 seconds →…

  • Page 78: Auto Dead Band Mode (Auto Db)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Auto Dead band Mode (AUTO db) 9.8.9 This function is used to suppress a hunting for valves with high static friction. The initial value is OFF and it shall be set to 0 % to activate the auto dead band automatically.

  • Page 79: Input Configuration (In Cfg)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Input Configuration (IN CFG) Followings are the values changeable at the Input Configuration Mode. 1) Signal Direction (SIG NORM / REVS) 2) Split Range Mode (SPLIT) 3) Custom Split Range Zero (CST ZERO) 4) Custom Split Range End (CST ENd) 5) Characterization Curves (CHAR)

  • Page 80: Split Range Mode (Split)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Split Range Mode (SPLIT) 9.9.2 This is used to set the range of the input signal to control the entire stroke of the valve. You can select one of the four input signals that consists of 4 ~ 20 mA, 4 ~ 12 mA, 12 ~ 20 mA, and user settings (Custom, CSt).

  • Page 81: Custom Split Range End (Cst End)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Custom Split Range End (CST ENd) 9.9.4 It is used to set the current corresponding to the endpoint when the valve position of 0 to 100 % is controlled by the user-set CUSTOM.

  • Page 82: User Set Characterization 5 Points (U5)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual User Set Characterization 5 Points (U5) 9.9.6 A total of 5 target positions are set every 4 mA intervals. When shipped from the factory, the initial positions are P0 (4 mA, 0 %), P1 (8 mA, 25 %), P2 (12 mA, 50 %), P3 (16 mA, 75 %), and P4 (20 mA, 100 %).

  • Page 83: User Set Characterization 21 Points (U21)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual User Set Characterization 21 Points (U21) 9.9.7 A total of 21 target points can be set every 0.8 mA intervals. When shipped from the factory, the initial P0 (4 mA, 0 %), P1 (4.8 mA, 5 %), P2 (5.6 mA 10 %), — — -, P19 (19.2 mA, 95 %), and P20 (20 mA, 100 %).

  • Page 84: Tight Shut Open (Tshut Op)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP) 9.9.8 It is used to ensure that the valve is fully opened with a large force. When the input signal SP is greater than the value set in the TSHUT OP, all available force is applied to OUT 1 port to tightly open the valve.

  • Page 85: Tight Shut Close (Tshut Cl)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL) 9.9.9 It is used to ensure that the valve is fully closed with a large force. When the input signal SP is smaller than the value set in the TSHUT CL, air pressure is vented through OUT 1 port to tightly close the valve.

  • Page 86: Target Position Ramp Up Rate (Ramp Up) And Target Position Ramp Down Rate (Ramp Dn)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Target Position Ramp Up Rate (RAMP UP) and Target Position Ramp Down Rate (RAMP dN) 9.9.10 It is used to prevent the valve from moving too fast when the process to be controlled is too sensitive to rapid changes in flow or pressure.

  • Page 87
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual 3 seconds → → → Press <UP> or Press <UP> or <DOWN> button <DOWN> button if the above is not if the above is not displayed. displayed.
  • Page 88: Output Configuration (Out Cfg)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Output Configuration (OUT CFG) 9.10 Followings are the values changeable at the Output Configuration Mode. 1) Position Transmitter Direction (PTM NORM / REVS) 2) Position Transmitter Zero / End (PTM ZERO / ENd) 3) HART Feedback Direction (HT NORM / REVS) 4) Back Calculation (bACKCAL oFF / on) Position Transmitter Direction (PTM NORM / REVS)

  • Page 89: Position Transmitter Zero / End (Ptm Zero / End)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Position Transmitter Zero / End (PTM ZERO / ENd) 9.10.2 ZERO adjusts the zero point of the position transmitter (4 mA feedback), and ENd adjusts the end point of the transmitter (20 mA feedback).

  • Page 90: Hart Feedback Direction (Ht Norm / Revs)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual <UP>/<DOWN> 3 seconds → → → Press <UP> or Adjusting zero The actuator <DOWN> button point. moves to zero if the above is not Press <UP> or point.

  • Page 91: Back Calculation (Backcal Off / On)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Back Calculation (bACKCAL oFF / on) 9.10.4 This function recalculates the output «RUN AP» value changed by the flow characteristics setting mode to display it linearly proportional to actual input current. For example, if the flow characteristic mode is set from «LIN»…

  • Page 92: Device Configuration (Dev Cfg)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Device Configuration (dEV CFG) 9.11 Followings are the values changeable at the dEV CFG Mode. 1) Action Setting (ACT REVS / dIR) 2) Linear Lever Type (STd / AdT) 3) Linear Interpolation (ITP oFF / on) 4) Lock of Parameters (Write Protect, W UNLOCK / LOCK) 5) Actual Position View Mode (View Mode, VI NORM / REVS)

  • Page 93: Linear Interpolation (Itp Off / On)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Linear Interpolation (ITP oFF / on) 9.11.3 ITP is used to compensate the linear motion of the actuator into rotary motion of the feedback lever. Following Auto Calibration, the ITP mode is set automatically to “on” when the angle range of the feedback lever is greater than 20 °, but it is set to oFF when this angle is less than 20 °…

  • Page 94: Actual Position View Mode (View Mode, Vi Norm / Revs)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Actual Position View Mode (View Mode, VI NORM / REVS) 9.11.5 This function is used to set the «RUN AP» value on the LCD to be displayed as direct (NORM) or reversely (REVS) as the actual position of the valve.

  • Page 95: Factory Reset (Default Off / On)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Factory Reset (dEFAULT oFF / on) 9.11.7 This function initializes all parameters stored in the positioner to initial factory setting. In the dEFAULT mode, press the Enter button to enables ON/OFF setting and then pressing Enter button for approximately 3 seconds changes the dEFAULT mode from oFF to “on».

  • Page 96: Positioner Self-Test (Selftest)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Positioner Self-Test (SELFTEST) 9.11.8 This function is used to diagnose the operation of the memory (RAM or NVM) inside the positioner. If no error is found during SELFTEST, the SELFTEST menu is displayed after FINISH is displayed, and if abnormalities are detected, the message «SEt / NVMW»…

  • Page 97: Diagnosis Mode (Diagnd)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Diagnosis Mode (dIAGNd) 9.12 Followings are the values changeable at the dIAGNO Mode. 1) Default Alarm Settings 2) Process Status (PS) 3) Device Status (dS) 4) View Monitoring Counts (VI CNTS) 5) Diagnostic Limit Configuration (LIMT CFG) 6) Reset Alarm Status (RST ALRM) 7) View Event Log (EVT LOG)

  • Page 98: Default Alarm Settings

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Default Alarm Settings 9.12.1 The table below shows the initial values set at factory for handling the positioner status or associated process conditions. Each status or alarm is set to one of the Failure, Out of Specification, Maintenance Required, or Functional Check at factory, so that the corresponding NE107 symbol is displayed when a specific alarm occurs.

  • Page 99: Process Status (Ps)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Process Status (PS) 9.12.2 The status of the current process is indicated as GOOd, NE107 symbol, and abbreviation for alarm. NE107 symbols Function Abbreviation None PS GOOd Good PS FAIL Failure…

  • Page 100: Device Status (Ds)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Device Status (dS) 9.12.3 The status of the current device is indicated as GOOd, NE107 symbol, and abbreviation for alarm. NE107 symbols Function Abbreviation None dS GOOd Good dS FAIL Failure…

  • Page 101: View Monitoring Counts (Vi Cnts)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual View Monitoring Counts (VI CNTS) 9.12.4 It is used to just view the accumulated data information for valve movement up to now. Counter Name Abbreviation [unit] Function The accumulated number of times the valve has changed its Cycle Count…

  • Page 102: Diagnostic Limit Configuration (Limt Cfg)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Diagnostic Limit Configuration (LIMT CFG) 9.12.5 This configuration is used to set the upper or lower limit that is generated by the Travel High Limit Alarm and Travel Low Limit Alarm.

  • Page 103: Reset Alarm Status (Rst Alrm Off / On)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Reset Alarm Status (RST ALRM oFF / on) 9.12.6 The alarm is automatically released when the cause of the alarm is removed. For example, if the Partial Stroke Test fails or Auto Calibration fails, use this function to release the alarm.

  • Page 104: View Event Log (Evt Log)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual View Event Log (EVT LOG) 9.12.7 This is used to show the 20 most recent events that occurred in operation. Record 0 is the most recent of the 20 events and Record 19 is the oldest event.

  • Page 105: Partial Stroke Test Record (View Pst Result Record, Pst Rslt)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Partial Stroke Test Record (View PST Result Record, PST RSLT) 9.12.8 This is used to show information about the 10 most recent Partial Stroke Tests performed. Record 1 is the most recent of the 10 PST histories, and Record 10 is the result of the oldest PST operation.

  • Page 106: Pst Configuration (Pst Cfg)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual PST Configuration (PST CFG) 9.12.9 Parameter names Abbreviation [unit] Description Sets time interval PST is triggered. Initial factory setting PST Interval INTERVAL [days] is 365 days. Sets the start position to launch PST.

  • Page 107: Run Pst (Pst Now)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual 3 seconds → → → Press <UP> or Press <UP> or <DOWN> button <DOWN> button if the above is not if the above is not displayed. displayed.

  • Page 108: Periodic Pst Test (Pst Schedule, Pst Schd Off / On)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual 9.12.11 Periodic PST Test (PST Schedule, PST SCHd oFF / on) When PST SCHd is set to ON, the Partial Stroke Test is executed regularly under the conditions set in 9.12.9 above.

  • Page 109
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual LCD display Description YT3300L Model Name Software Version [SOFT VER] “4.0.00” Software Input date : “2022-01(JA)-31” 4.0.00 (January JA, February FB, March MR, April AR, May MY, June JN, July JL, SOFT VER August AG, September SP, October OT, November NV, December DC) 2022JA31…
  • Page 110: Error Codes During Automatic Calibration

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Error codes during automatic calibration 9.14 The error detected during the automatic calibration is displayed on LCD especially when the positioner may become out of control, may malfunction or may become poor in precision. Once it is detected, the auto calibration is aborted.

  • Page 111: Status And Alarm Code

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Status and Alarm Code 9.15 Refer to the table below to check the status and alarm codes that can be displayed on LCD screen or HART monitor, and then take the appropriate action. Note 1.

  • Page 112
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Alarm Abbreviation Status / Alarm name Description or proposed actions Code It is active when auto-calibration has not done after NCAL Not Calibrated installation. Perform AUTO 2 calibration after checking if the installed state is good.
  • Page 113: Main Software Map

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series (New Software) Product Manual Main Software Map Ver. 2.06…

  • Page 114
    Product Manual Manufacturer: Rotork YTC Limited Address: 81, Hwanggeum-ro, 89 Beon-gil, Yangchon-eup, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Postal code: 10048 Tel: +82-31-986-8545 Fax: +82-70-4170-4927 Email: Homepage : Issued : 2022-12-23 Copyright © Rotork YTC Limited. All Rights Reserved. Ver. 2.06…

YT-3300/3301 SERIES




1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

1.1 General information for the users ………………………………………………………………. 5

1.2 Manufacturer Warranty …………………………………………………………………………… 5

2.1 General …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

2.2 Main Features and Functions ……………………………………………………………………. 6

2.3 Label Description ………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

2.4 Product Number …………………………………………………………………………………… 7

2.5 Product Specification ……………………………………………………………………………… 8

2.6 Parts and Assembly – YT-3300L & YT-3300R………………………………………………….. 9

2.7 Parts and Assembly – YT-3301L & YT-3301R ………………………………………………….. 10

2.8 Product Dimension ………………………………………………………………………………… 10

3.1 Safety ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13

3.2 YT-3300/3301L Installation …………………………………………………………………… 13

3.3 YT-3300L Direct-Mounting Installation ………………………………………………………….. 15


3.4 YT-3300R Installation ……………………………………………………………………………… 16

3.4.1 Bracket Information ……………………………………………………………………… 16

4.1 Safety ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17

4.2 Supply Pressure Condition ……………………………………………………………………….. 17

4.3 Piping Condition ……………………………………………………………………………………. 17

4.4 Connection – Actuator ……………………………………………………………………………… 18

4.4.1 Single acting actuator – YT-3300……………………………………………………… 18

4.4.2 Double acting actuator – YT-3300…………………………………………………….. 18

4.4.3 Singe acting actuator – YT-3301 ……………………………………………………… 18

4.4.4 Double acting actuator – YT-3301 …………………………………………………….. 19

4.5 Connection – Power ……………………………………………………………………………….. 19

4.5.2 Terminal Overview ………………………………………………………………………. 20 Limit Switch Terminal-Mechanical Type <YT-3300>………………………. 20 Limit Switch Terminal-Proximity Type <YT-3300>………………………… 21

YT-3300/3301 series

5.1 Limit Switch Adjustment …………………………………………………………………………… 21

5.2 Auto/Manual Switch (A/M Switch)………………………………………………………………. 22

5.3 Variable Orifice Adjustment ………………………………………………………………………. 22

5.4 Option PCB Adjustment ………………………………………………………………………… 22

6.1 Safety ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23

6.2 Button Description ………………………………………………………………………………… 23

6.3 Run Mode (RUN) ………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

6.3.1 Auto Calibration (AUTO CAL) …………………………………………………………. 24 AUTO1 Calibration (AUTO1) ……………………………………………….. 24 AUTO2 Calibration (AUTO2) ……………………………………………….. 24

6.3.2 Manual Mode (MANUAL) ……………………………………………………………… 25

6.3.3 Parameter Mode (PARAM) ……………………………………………………………. 25 P Value (KP) …………………………………………………………………. 26 D Value (Kd) …………………………………………………………………. 26 I Value (KI) ……………………………………………………………………. 26 P_(KP_), D_(Kd_), I_(KI_) values…………………………………………… 27

6.3.4 Hand Calibration Mode (HAND CAL) …………………………………………………. 27 Zero-Point (PV_ZERO) and End-Point (PV_END) for Valves …………… 27 Zero-Point (TR_ZERO) and End-Point (TR_END) for Transmitter …….. 27 End-Point Ratio for Valve (PE_TRIM) ……………………………………… 28 Normal / Reverse Feedback Signal (TR_NORM / REV) ………………… 28 Normal / Reverse HART Signal (HT_NORM / REVS) …………………… 28

6.3.5 Valve Mode (VALVE) ……………………………………………………………………. 29 User Characteristics (USER SET) ………………………………………….. 30 Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP) ………………………………………………. 30 Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL) ………………………………………………. 30 Split Range Mode (SPLIT) …………………………………………………… 31 Custom Zero Setting Mode (CST ZERO) ………………………………….. 31 Custom End Setting Mode (CST ENd) …………………………………….. 31 Interpolation Mode (ITP OFF / ON) …………………………………………. 31

6.3.6 View Mode (VIEW) ………………………………………………………………………. 32

7. Error and Warning Code ………………………………………………………………………………. 33

7.1 Error Code ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 33


YT-3300/3301 series

7.2 Warning Code ……………………………………………………………………………………… 33

8. Main Software Map …………………………………………………………………………………….. 35


YT-3300/3301 series

1. Introduction

1.1 General Information for the users

Thank you for purchasing Young Tech Co., Ltd products. Each product has been fully inspected after its production to offer you the highest quality and reliable performance.

Please read the product manual carefully prior to installing and commission the product.

 For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Young Tech Co.,

Ltd will not be responsible for any damages caused by user’s negligence.

 The manual should be provided to the end-user.

 Any modifications or repairs to the product may only be performed if expressed in this manual.

 The manual can be altered or revised without any prior notice. Any changes in product’s specification, design, and/or any components may not be printed immediately but until the following revision of the manual.

 The manual should not be duplicated or reproduced for any purpose without prior approval from Young Tech Co., Ltd, Gimpo-si, South Korea.

For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Manufacturer will not be responsible for any damages caused by user’s negligence.

 Manufacturer will not be responsible for any damages or accidents as a result of any alteration or modification of the product and its parts. If any alteration or modifications are necessary, please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd directly.

 Manufacturer warrants the product from the date of original purchase of the product for one (1) year, except as otherwise stated.

Manufacturer warranty will not cover products that have been subjected to abuse, accidents, alterations, modifications, tampering, negligence, misuse, faulty installation, lack of reasonable care, repair or service in any way that is not contemplated in the documentation for the product, or if the model or serial number has been altered, tampered with, defaced or removed; damages that occurs in shipment, due to act of

God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic damage. Improper or incorrectly performed maintenance will void this limited warranty.

 For detailed warranty information, please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd – South Korea.


YT-3300/3301 series

2. Product Description

2.1 General

YT-3300 series Smart Valve Positioner accurately controls valve stroke in response to an input signal of 4-20mA from the controller. Built-in micro-processor optimizes the positioner’s performance and provides unique functions such as Auto-Calibration, PID

Control, Alarms, and HART Protocol Communications.

2.2 Main Features and Functions

 LCD display enables users to monitor the positioner status.

 Positioner operates normally during sudden changes in supply pressure and / or high vibration environment.

 Low air consumption level and low voltage use (8.5 V) yield to lower plant operating costs. The YT-3300 is compatible with most of controllers.

 Variable orifice can be used to minimize the hunting occurrence and optimize operating conditions.

 Valve system feedback is greatly improved by the accuracy and fast response of the YT-


 Different valve characteristics can be adjusted – Linear, Quick Open, Equal Percentage, and Custom which user can make 16 points characterizations.

 Tight Shut – Close and Shut — Open can be set.

 PID parameters can be adjusted in the field without any additional communicator.

 A/M switch can be used to direct supply air to the actuator or to manually operate the positioner or valve.

 Split range 4-12mA or 12-20mA can be set.

 Operating temperature is -40 ~ 85’C.

 Manual Operation allows the user to operate the valve manually.


A. Model:

B. Explosion Proof:

C. Input Signal:

D. Operating Temp.:

E. Supply Pressure:

YT-3300/3301 Body Label

Indicates the model number of the positioner.

Indicates certified explosion proof grade.

Indicates input signal range.

Indicates the allowable operating temperature.

Indicates the supply pressure range.


YT-3300/3301 series



** YT-3300 series can be used for direct-mounting application.

** YT-3301 standard cable length is 5 meters. Maximum cable length is 20 meters.

YT-3300/3301 series

Acting Type

Input Signal

Min. Current Signal

Supply Pressure



Air Connection

Gauge Connection

Conduit Entry

Protection Grade

Explosion Proof



YT-3300L YT-3300R YT-3301L YT-3301R


Double Single Double Single Double Single Double

4~20mA DC

3.2mA(Standard), 3.8mA(Hart Included)

0.14~0.7 MPa (1.4~7 bar)

10~150 mm 0~90° 10~150 mm

Max.450Ω @ 20mA DC


PT, NPT 1/4

PT, NPT 1/8

PF(G) 1/2


Ex ia IIC T6 / T5 Non-Explosion Proof

Ambient Temp.





Flow Capacity

Air Consumption

Output Characteristic



Operating Temp. :-30~85

Operating Temp : -30 ~ 85

Sensor Temp: -40 ~ 120

±0.5% F.S. (cable length: 5 m)

0.5% F.S.(cable length: 5 m)

±0.2% F.S (cable length: 5 m)

±0.3% F.S.(cable length: 5 m)

70 LPM (Sup.=0.14 MPa)

Below 2 LPM (sup = 0.14 MPa), Below 3 LPM (sup = 0.7MPa)

Linear, Quick Open, EQ%, User Set (16 point)

No Resonance upto 100Hz @ 6G

5-95% RH @ 40


Feedback Signal

HART Communication

4~20mA (DC 10~30V)




Aluminum Diecasting

Body: 2.2 kg Sensor: 0.6 kg


Epoxy Powder Coating

Tested under ambient temperature of 20’C, absolute pressure of 760mmHg, and humidity of 65%. Please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd for detailed testing specification. * Explosion proof certification is in progress.


YT-3300/3301 series

2.6 Parts and Assembly – YT-3300L & YT-3300R


YT-3300L series exploded view

YT-3300/3301 series

YT-3300R series exploded view

2.7 Parts and Assembly – YT-3301L & YT-3301R


2.8.1 YT-3300L


YT-3300/3301 series

2.8.2 YT-3300R standard YT-3300R with L/S option


YT-3300/3301 series

2.8.3 YT-3301L

2.8.4 YT-3301R


YT-3300/3301 series

3. Installation

3.1 Safety

When installing a positioner, please ensure to read and follow safety instructions.

 Any input or supply pressures to valve, actuator, and / or to other related devices must be turned off.

 Use bypass valve or other supportive equipment to avoid entire system “shut down”.

 Ensure there is no remaining pressure in the actuator.


YT-3300/3301L should be installed on linear motion valves such as globe or gate type which uses spring return type diaphragm or piston actuators. Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available.

 unit

 Feedback lever and lever spring

 Flange nut (bottom side of YT-3300/3301L)

 4 pcs x hexagonal headed bolts (M8 x 1.25P)

 4 pcs x M8 plate washer


1. Proper bracket must be made in order to adapt the positioner on the actuator yoke.

Please consider following important points when a bracket is being designed.

 Positioner’s feedback lever must be parallel to the ground at 50% of the valve stroke.

 Feedback lever connection with the pin of the actuator clamp should be installed in such a way that the valve stroke length coincides with the corresponding figure in

“mm” marked on the feedback lever. Improper setting may cause poor linearity and may create unnecessary hunting during the operation.

2. Assemble the positioner with the bracket made in previous step by fastening the bolts.

Please refer to the backside of the positioner for size of the bolts. The standard bolt size is M8 x 1.25P. Please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd for other bolt sizes.



YT-3300/3301 series


3. Attach the positioner with bracket to the actuator yoke – DO NOT TIGHTEN


4. Connect positioner’s feedback lever to the actuator clamp. The hole gap on the feedback lever is 6.5mm. The connection pin’s outer diameter should be less than


5. Connect supply pressure to the actuator temporarily. Supply enough supply pressure to the actuator in order to position the actuator clamp at 50% of the total valve stroke.

6. Insert connection pin into the feedback lever. The pin should be inserted when the actuator clamp is at 50% of the total valve stroke.

Proper way to connect feedback lever, connection pin, and lever spring <YT-3300 and YT-3301 sensor>

7. Check if feedback lever is parallel to the ground at 50% of the valve stroke. If it is not parallel, adjust the bracket or feedback link bar to make parallel. Improper installation may cause poor linearity and may create unnecessary hunting during the operation.

8. Check the valve stroke. The stroke marks are indicated on the feedback lever of the positioner. Position the connection pin at the number on the feedback lever which corresponds to the desired valve stroke. To adjust, move the bracket, the connection pin or both.

Proper way of Pin Insertion

YT-3300/3301 series


9. After installing the positioner, operate the valve from 0% to 100% stroke by using direct air to the actuator (manual position). On both 0% and 100%, the feedback lever should not touch the lever stopper, which is located on the backside of the positioner. If the feedback lever touches the stopper, the positioner should be installed further away from the yoke.

Feedback lever should not touch lever stopper 0% ~ 100% valve stroke.

10. After the installation, tighten all of the bolts on the bracket, the feedback lever, and the connection pin.


YT-3300L can be installed on direct-mounting / tube-less type actuator.


1. Please remove the plug which blocks OUT port on the back of the YT-3300 unit. OUT ports on the side of the positioner should be blocked by plugs.



YT-3300/3301 series


2. Mount YT-3300L onto actuator’s yoke by using 2 bolts. As you mount the positioner, please be careful not to lose o-rings from the air channel. Please ensure that the lever adapter connection has been properly installed onto actuator’s stem before tightly fastened.


YT-3300R should be installed on rotary motion valve such as ball or butterfly type which uses rack and pinion, scotch yoke or other type of actuators which stem rotates 90 degrees.

Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available.

 unit

Fork lever and lever spring

 Standard rotary bracket (included with the positioner)

 4 pcs x hexagonal headed bolts (M8 x 1.25P)

 4 pcs x M8 plate washer information

YT-3300R series is supplied with standard bracket. This bracket can be used for both fork and NAMUR lever. Please refer to below table how to adjust the bracket.

Actuator stem

Markings of bolt holes


30 x 80 x H20mm

30 x 80 x H30mm

30 x 130 x H30mm

30 x 130 x H50mm













YT-3300/3301 series

Using hexagonal bolts and washer, fasten YT-3300R with the supplied bracket. Do not tighten bolts completely before correct mounting of YT-3300R has been confirmed. Insert

YT-3300R’s main shaft into actuator’s stem, and place the bracket align to the actuator’s bolt holes. After the alignment, please fasten all of the bolts.

4. Connections

4.1 Safety

 Supply pressure should be clean and dry air – avoiding moisture, oil or dust.

 Always recommended to use air filter regulator (i.e. YT-200 series).

 Young Tech Co., Ltd has not tested positioner’s operation with any other gases

other than clean air. Please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd for any questions.

4.2 Supply Pressure Condition

 Dry air with at least 10

℃ lower than ambient temperature.

Avoid from dusty air. Positioner’s inner filter can only filter 5 micron or larger.

 oil.

 Comply with ANSI/ISA-57.3 1975(R1981) or ISA S7.3-1975(R1981).

 Supply pressure range is 1.4 ~ 7 kgf/cm


(140-700 kPA)

 Set air filter regulator’s pressure level 10% higher than actuator’s spring range pressure.


 Ensure inside of pipe is clean of obstructions.

 Do not use pipeline that is squeezed or shows any type of damamges.

Pipeline should have more than 6mm of inner diameter (10mm outer diameter) to maintain flow rate.


YT-3300/3301 series

 The length of pipeline system should not be extremely long. Longer pipeline system may affect flow rate due to the friction inside of the pipeline.


4.4.1 Single acting actuator – YT-3300

Singe acting type positioner is set to use OUT1 port. OUT1 port should be connected with supply pressure port from actuator when using single acting type of spring return actuator.

Singe acting linear (left) and rotary (right) type actuator

4.4.2 Double acting actuator – YT-3300

Double acting type positioner is set to use OUT1 and OUT2 port. As input signal increases, the supply pressure will be supplied through OUT1 port.

Double acting linear (left) and rotary (right) type actuator

4.4.3 Single acting actuator – YT-3301

Single acting linear (left) and rotary (right) type actuator


YT-3300/3301 series

4.4.4 Double acting actuator – YT-3301

Double acting linear (left) and rotary (right) type actuator

4.5 Connection – Power

4.5.1 Safety

 When installing in hazardous and explosive gas area, conduit tube or pressure-proof packing union must be used. The compound charging box should be the flameproof type and must be sealed completely.

 Conduit entry connection tap is PF 1/2 or G 1/2.

Before connecting terminal, ensure that the power is off completely. Do not open the

cover when the power is still alive.

 Please use ring-type rug to protect against vibration or any other external impact.

 Positioner with PTM options must be supplied 10~28V DC separately. For L/S option, separate 12-24V DC must be supplied. For both options, it should not exceed 30V


 Positioner should be grounded.

 Please use twisted cable with conductor section are 1.25mm


and that is suitable for

600V (complying to the conductor table of NEC Article 310.) The outer diameter of the cable should be between 6.35 ~ 10mm. Use shield wire to protect against electromagnetic field and noise.

 Please do not install the cable near high noise equipments, such as high-capacity transformer or motor.


YT-3300/3301 series

Positioner Terminal

IN +: Input Signal (+)

IN -:




Input Signal (-)


Feedback Signal (+)

Feedback Signal (-) Limit Switch Terminal – Mechanical Type <YT-3300>


YT-3300/3301 series Limit Switch Terminal – Proximity Type <YT-3300> Ground

1. Ground must be done before operating the positioner.

2. Open terminal cover and locate ground terminal plate on the right hand bottom side of the terminal plate. The outer cable entry is located at outside of the terminal. Please make sure that the resistance is less than 100ohm.

3. When using external ground, use (+) screw driver to unscrew the ground bolts. Insert outside ground bolts and spring washer into ring type terminal of the ground cables and tighten them with bolts.

4. When using inside ground, use 3mm wrench to loosen locking bolts of the terminal box cover.

5. Adjustments


YT-3300 series can have limit switch option. If user wants to adjust the position, please loosen cam bolts and adjust cam.


YT-3300/3301 series



Auto/Manual Switch (A/M Switch)

Auto/Manual Switch allows the positioner to be functioned as by-pass. If switch is set as

Auto, the positioner will operate per input signal. If switch is set as Manual, the positioner will send supply pressure directly to the actuator.


Positioner can cause hunting with extremely small size of the actuator. To adjust flow rate to the actuator, variable orifice can be inserted. The sizes of orifice are 1 pie and

2 pie.


By adding option sub-pcb, the positioner can have options. There are 3 types of sub-pcb’s

HART only PTM only PTM + HART

Installation Steps

1. Open the cover and remove the main PCB from the positioner.

2. Mount support PCB and plug sub-PCB into main PCB connector.

Option Jumper


** Option Jumper must be removed, when HART option included sub-PCB is being mounted.

YT-3300/3301 series

6. Operation

6.1 Safety

Following process will operate valve and actuator. Before proceed with any AUTO

Calibration, please separate valve from the entire system, so AUTO Calibration will affect entire valve process.



Positioner has 4 buttons, and they enable to perform various functions.

Fig. 11: <ENTER>: Enter to main and sub menus, and save

<UP> & <DOWN>: Move to next menu, and adjust.

Run Mode (RUN)

After power connection to the positioner, Run Mode will be appeared on positioner’s LCD screen within 6 seconds. “RUN” indicates that the positioner adjusts the valve stroke according to the receiving signal. There are six types of display message in

“RUN” Mode.

1. Run PV:

2. Run SV %:

3. Run SV mA:

Process Value — valve stroke %

Set Value – input signal 0~100%

Set Value – input signal 4~20mA

4. Run MV:

5. Run Vel:

6. Run Err:

Manipulate Valve – Motor Manipulate Value (digit)

Velocity – Current valve stem’s velocity (digit)

Error – Difference between SV and PV (%)

To change display, push <ESC> + <UP> buttons at the same time. The display will change in the order indicated above. If <ESC> + <DOWN> pushed, the order will be appeared in opposite order. By pressing <ESC>, the display will return to “RUN” mode.

YT-3300/3301 series

6.3.1 Auto Calibration (AUTO CAL)

Auto Calibration (AUTO CAL) automatically calibrates the positioner. “AUTO CAL” process takes about 2~3 minutes, and the duration of the process varies upon the size of the actuator.

There are 3 types of AUTO CAL.

Zero Point End Point KP, KI, KD RA / DA BIAS V_D










It is recommend to perform AUTO2 calibration for initial positioner setting.


AUTO1 changes zero and end points; however, KP, KI, KD will not be adjusted. It is recommended to perform AUTO1 when the positioner has been set by the valve manufacturer already, and the field user wants to re-calibrate the positioner.


6 seconds




AUTO2 changes all of the parameters. It is recommended to perform AUTO2 when the positioner has been installed on the valve for the first time.


6 seconds




YT-3300/3301 series

6.3.2 Manual Mode (MANUAL)

Manual mode is used to maneuver valve stem manually. During “MANUAL”, the positioner bypasses supply air to the actuator. The movement of the stroke does not affect the positioner’s save data valves.


6 seconds






6.3.3 Parameter Mode (PARAM)

AUTO CAL optimizes most of the valve actuator control values. However, in some instances, hunting or oscillation may occur when the valve actuator control values are not optimized. Hunting or oscillation can be prevented by adjusting parameter values.

Once parameter values have been changed, the changed values are being affected as soon as you save the value. To save the changes, please ensure to press “ENTER” button. There is no need to go back to “RUN” mode after changes are being made to observe the changes.

Dead-Zone indicates the percentage of error allowance. In case of high level of packing friction, which may cause hunting, creating Dead-Zone can stable the valve operation.


6 seconds



2 times





3 times


YT-3300/3301 series P value (KP)

P value indicates the ratio of the compensation signal based on the percentage of error allowance. As the value increase, the positioner finds the target value quickly, but it is more likely to have hunting.







3 times

<ENTER> D value (Kd)

D value indicates the derivative value of the compensation signal based on the percentage of error allowance. As the value increase, it is more likely to have hunting. As the value decreases, it can have poor linearity.



2 times





3 times

· I value (KI)


I value indicates the additional compensation signal based on the percentage of error allowance. As the value increase, it is more likely to have hunting. As the value decreases, the positioner will move slowly to the target position.



3 times





3 times

YT-3300/3301 series P_ (KP_), D_ (Kd_) , I_(KI_) values

P_, D_, and I_ values’ principles are same as P, D, and I values, but these values will be activated when the error percentage is within 1%.

6.3.4 Hand Calibration Mode (HAND CAL)

The positioner can be manually calibrated by entering into Hand Calibration Mode. Zero-Point (PV_ZERO) and End-Point (PV_END) for Valves

PZ_ZERO adjusts the zero point of the valve, and PV_END adjusts the end point of the valve.


6 seconds


3 times





Zero Adjustment





End Adjustment


<ESC> Zero-Point (TR_ZERO) and End-Point (TR_END) for Transmitter

TR_ZERO adjusts the zero point of the transmitter (4-20mA feedback), and TR_END adjusts the end point of the transmitter (4-20mA feedback)





Zero Adjustment


signal with 4mA

End Adjustment



YT-3300/3301 series



signal with 20mA End-Point Ratio for Valve (PE_TRIM)

When reverse acting operating is used, End-Point can be adjusted within 10% of total valve stroke, without adjusting valve’s zero point.



4 times




3 times

<ENTER> Normal / Reverse Feedback Signal (TR_NORM / REV)

The feedback signal from the positioner can be viewed as normal or as reverse.



Zero Adjustment


5 times

<ENTER> Normal / Reverse HART Signal (HT_NORM / REVS)

HART signal from the positioner can be viewed as normal or as reverse.



3 times




6 times

Zero Adjustment

YT-3300/3301 series




6.3.5 Valve Mode (VALVE)

The positioner can be set as Direct Action (DA) or Reverse Action (RA).


6 seconds


3 times





3 times



3 times Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR)

The valve characteristic can be set on the field’s requirement. There are

3 types of characteristics – linear (LIN), equal percentage (EQ), and quick open (QO).







3 times


YT-3300/3301 series User Characteristics (USER SET)

In case positioner requires a specific characteristic, the valve characteristic curve can be made by selecting up to 16 points of the curve.


6 seconds


2 times








3 times

Repeat step if necessary Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP)

Tight Shut Open allows the valve to open completely as the input signal reaches around



6 seconds


3 times




3 times

<ENTER> Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL)

Tight Shut Close allows the valve to close completely as the input signal reaches around



6 seconds


4 times





3 times


YT-3300/3301 series Split Range Mode (SPLIT)

The valve can be operated by split range control – 4~12mA or 12~20mA.


6 seconds


5 times




3 times

<ENTER> Custom Zero Setting Mode (CST ZERO)

Custom Zero Setting Mode allows the user to set any specific point as zero position. For example, the zero point can be set at input signal of 7mA.



6 times




3 times

<ENTER> Custom End Setting Mode (CST ENd)

Custom End Setting Mode allows the user to set any specific point as end position. For example, the end point can be set at input signal of 11mA. The difference between zero

and end point must be greater or equal to 4mA.



7 times




3 times

<ENTER> Interpolation Mode (ITP OFF / ON)

Positioner can control the valve accurately if the feedback lever angle range is within designed range. For some instance, the angle exceeds the suggested range angle.

Positioner can reduce the error through interpolation.


YT-3300/3301 series



8 times




3 times


6.3.6 View Mode (VIEW)

Different information can be shown on the positioner’s LCD.


4 times




Positioner model


Main software version



HART protocol version

HART protocol channel address

bIAS 25

BIAS value when valve position is at 25%



bIAS 75

0Y 0d







BIAS value when valve position is at 75%

Total used time duration. If a unit was used less than 1 minute, the time will not accumulate.

Time elapsed for valve to fully open

Time elapsed for valve to fully close.

Type of valve stroke on LCD. (in percentage or in value)

Error code or warning message.

Current I value

Absolute resistance value.


YT-3300/3301 series

7. Error and Warning Code

Error Code


Code Description and Cause





Positioner is improperly installed.

 Positioner is not parallel to the ground at 50% point. Lever is at lower position than actual 50% point.


 Positioner is improperly installed.

 Positioner is not parallel to the ground at 50% point. Lever is at higher position than actual 50% point.


 Valve does not operate when positioner receive “Full Open” signal during the auto calibration.

Re-install the positioner.

 Ensure the feedback lever does not touch the lever stopper at 0% and 100%.

 Re-install the positioner.

 Ensure the feedback leer does not touch the lever stopper at 0% and 100%.

 Check supply pressure level.



 Operating angle is too small due to improper positioner installation.

 Adjust bracket so the positioner can be mounted closer to actuator.

Error of 10% or more persists more than 1 minute.

 Perform BIAS calibration.

 No valve movement.

 Check setting pressure of actuator.

 High level of valve friction

 Changes in setting pressure of actuator.


I-value reaches at maximum or minimum limit.

 Changes in valve friction.

 Changes in setting pressure of actuator.

 Perform auto calibration.

 Check setting pressure of actuator. code



Description Action

 Re-install the positioner.

 Pv Span – Pv Zero range is below 500.

 The angle of feedback lever is too small.

 Ensure the feedback lever does not touch the lever stopper at 0% and


 After re-installation, perform AUTO1.

 Full open/close elapsed time is less

 Use variable orifice. than 1 second.

 Use larger actuator.

 Actuator size is too small.


YT-3300/3301 series




 Pv is below 100.

 The angle of feedback lever is too large.

 Re-install the positioner.

 Ensure the feedback lever does not touch the lever stopper at 0% and


 After re-installation, perform AUTO1

 Pv is over 4000.

 The angle of feedback lever is too large.

 Re-install the positioner.

 Ensure the feedback lever does not touch the lever stopper at 0% and


 After re-installation, perform AUTO1

YT-3300/3301 series

8. Main Software Map


YT-3300/3301 series


Young Tech Co., Ltd

#3022, Hagun-ri, Yangchon-myeon

Kimpo-si, Kyeonggi-do, 415-843

South Korea

Tel: +82-31-986-8545

Fax: +82-31-986-2683

Email: [email protected]

Copyright © Young Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


YT-3300/3301 series

Page 1: SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / …€¦ · Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual Ver. 1.13 6 God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic


YT-3300 YT-3300 with limit switch

YT-3350 YT-3303




Page 2: SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / …€¦ · Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual Ver. 1.13 6 God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic

Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 2

Contents 1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

1.1 General Information for the users ………………………………………………………………………………. 5

1.2 Manufacturer Warranty …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

1.3 Explosion Proof Warning (Only for Intrinsic safety type positioners) ……………………………….. 6

2. Product Description ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

2.1 General …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

2.2 Main Features and Functions …………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

2.3 Label Description …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

2.4 Product Code ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

2.4.1 YT-3300 / 3350 series follows suffix symbols as follows. …………………………………………. 12

2.4.2 YT-3303 series follows suffix symbols as follows. …………………………………………………… 13

2.4.3 YT-3301 series follows suffix symbols as follows. …………………………………………………… 14

2.5 Product Specification ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

2.5.1 YT-3300 / 3303 / 3350 Specification ……………………………………………………………………… 15

2.5.2 YT-3301 Specification …………………………………………………………………………………………. 16

2.6 Certifications………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17

2.7 Parts and Assembly ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19

2.7.1 YT-3300 / 3350…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

2.7.2 YT-3303 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20

2.7.3 YT-3301 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21

2.8 Product Dimension …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22

2.8.1 YT-3300 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22

2.8.2 YT-3350 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

2.8.3 YT-3303 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24

2.8.4 YT-3301 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25

3. Installation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 26

3.1 Safety …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26

3.2 Tools for installation ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 26

3.3 Linear positioner Installation ……………………………………………………………………………………. 27

3.3.1 Linear positioner Installation of Standard lever type ………………………………………………… 27 Safety ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28 Standard lever type positioner Installation Steps ……………………………………………… 28

3.3.2 YT-3300L / 3350L Installation of Adapter lever type (on tubeless actuator) ………………… 33 Safety ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33 Adapter lever type positioner Installation Steps ……………………………………………….. 34

3.4 Rotary positioner Installation ……………………………………………………………………………………. 36

3.4.1 YT-3300R / 3350R Components …………………………………………………………………………… 36

3.4.2 YT-3303R Components ………………………………………………………………………………………. 37

Page 3: SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / …€¦ · Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual Ver. 1.13 6 God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic

Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 3

3.4.3 YT-3301R / 3302R remote sensor components ……………………………………………………… 37

3.4.4 Rotary Bracket Information (Only YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R) …………………………………. 38

3.4.5 Rotary positioner Installation Steps……………………………………………………………………….. 39

4. Connection — Air ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 41

4.1 Safety …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41

4.2 Supply Pressure Condition ………………………………………………………………………………………. 41

4.3 Piping Condition …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 41

4.4 Connection – Piping with actuator ……………………………………………………………………………. 42

4.4.1 Single acting actuator ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 42

4.4.2 Double acting actuator ………………………………………………………………………………………… 43

5. Connection – Power …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 44

5.1 Safety …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44

5.2 Connection ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 44

5.3 Ground …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 46

6. Adjustments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 47

6.1 Limit Switch Adjustment ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 47

6.2 A/M switch adjustment ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 48

6.3 Orifice Installment ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 49

6.3.1 Plate type Orifice Installment (except YT-3303) ……………………………………………………… 49

6.3.2 Variable Orifice Adjustment (Only YT-3303) …………………………………………………………… 49

7. Optional Sub-PCB Installment ……………………………………………………………………………………… 50

7.1 Installation steps ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 50

8. Auto Calibration and PCB Operation ……………………………………………………………………………. 52

8.1 Warning ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 52

8.2 Button Description ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 52

8.3 Run Mode (RUN) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 52

8.4 Auto Calibration mode (AUTO CAL) …………………………………………………………………………. 53

8.4.1 AUTO1 Calibration (AUTO1) ………………………………………………………………………………… 53

8.4.2 AUTO2 Calibration (AUTO2) ………………………………………………………………………………… 54

8.4.3 AUTO HF Calibration (AUTO HF) …………………………………………………………………………. 54

8.5 Manual Mode (MANUAL) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 55

8.6 Parameter Mode (PARAM) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 55

8.6.1 Dead-Zone (dEAdZONE, %) ………………………………………………………………………………… 56

8.6.2 P Value (KP) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 56

8.6.3 I Value (KI) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 57

8.6.4 D Value (Kd) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 57

8.6.5 P_ (KP_), I_(KI_), D_ (Kd_) Values ………………………………………………………………………. 57

8.6.6 KF Up Value (KFUP) …………………………………………………………………………………………… 58

8.6.7 KF Down Value (KFdN) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 58

8.7 Hand Calibration Mode (HAND CAL) ………………………………………………………………………… 59

Page 4: SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / …€¦ · Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual Ver. 1.13 6 God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic

Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 4

8.7.1 Zero-Point (PV ZERO) and End-Point (PV END) for Valves …………………………………….. 59

8.7.2 Zero-Point (TR ZERO) and End-Point (TR END) for Transmitter ………………………………. 60

8.7.3 Normal / Reverse Feedback Signal (TR NORM / REVS) …………………………………………. 61

8.7.4 Normal / Reverse HART Signal (HT NORM / REVS) ………………………………………………. 61

8.8 Valve Mode (VALVE) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 62

8.8.1 Acting Adjustment (ACT RA / dA) …………………………………………………………………………. 62

8.8.2 Valve flow Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR) ………………………………………………………… 63

8.8.3 User defining flow Characteristics (USER SET) ……………………………………………………… 64

8.8.4 Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP) ……………………………………………………………………………… 65

8.8.5 Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL) ………………………………………………………………………………. 65

8.8.6 Split Range Mode (SPLIT) …………………………………………………………………………………… 66

8.8.7 Custom Zero Setting Mode (CST ZERO) ………………………………………………………………. 66

8.8.8 Custom End Setting Mode (CST ENd)…………………………………………………………………… 67

8.8.9 Interpolation Mode (ITP ON/OFF, ITP USER SET) …………………………………………………. 68

8.8.10 Acting Type (SINGLE / dOUBLE) ……………………………………………………………………… 69

8.8.11 Lever Type (STd / AdT) ……………………………………………………………………………………. 69

8.9 Diagnostic (dIAGNO) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 70

8.9.1 PST Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 70

8.9.2 PST Mode …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 71

8.9.3 PST CFG …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 71 START PO ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 72 TARGET 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 72 TARGET 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 72 INTERVAL ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 73 TOL……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 73 LIMIT TM ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 73 LATENCY …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 74

8.9.4 PST RSLT …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 74

8.10 View Mode (VIEW) …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 75

9. Error and Warning Code ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 77

9.1 Error code ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 77

9.2 Warning code ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 78

10. Main Software Map ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 79

11. Intrinsically installation drawing ……………………………………………………………………………….. 80

11.1 FM certification ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 80

11.2 CSA certification …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 81

Page 5: SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / …€¦ · Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual Ver. 1.13 6 God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic

Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 5

1. Introduction

1.1 General Information for the users

Thank you for purchasing Young Tech Co., Ltd products. Each product has been fully

inspected after its production to offer you the highest quality and reliable performance.

Please read the product manual carefully prior to installing and commission the product.

The manual should be provided to the end-user.

Factory Mutual approved Intrinsically Safe and Non-Incendive units must be

Installed Per drwg SKC_18601_150326.pdf

CSA approved Intrinsically Safe and Non-Incendive units must be Installed Per

drwg SKC-8465.pdf

The manual can be altered or revised without any prior notice. Any changes in

product’s specification, design, and/or any components may not be printed immediately

but until the following revision of the manual.

When the manual refers to “Valve Zero / Zero” means the final valve position upon

pneumatic pressure has been fully exhausted from positioner’s OUT1 port. The valve

zero position may differ between linear direct and reverse actions. (DA/RA)

The manual should not be duplicated or reproduced for any purpose without prior

approval from Young Tech Co., Ltd, Gimpo-si, South Korea.

In case of any other problems that are not stated in this manual, please make immediate

contact to Young Tech co., Ltd.

Positioner is an accessory of the control valve, so please make sure to read the

applicable instruction manual of the control valve prior to installation and operation.

1.2 Manufacturer Warranty

For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Manufacturer will

not be responsible for any damages caused by user ’s negligence.

Any modifications or repairs to the product may only be performed if expressed in this

manual. Injuries and physical damages caused by customer’s modifying or repairing the

product without a prior consultation with Young Tech co., Ltd will not be compensated. If

any alterations or modifications are necessary, please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd


Manufacturer warrants the product from the date of original purchase of the product for

eighteen (18) months, except as otherwise stated.

Manufacturer warranty will not cover products that have been subjected to abuse,

accidents, alterations, modifications, tampering, negligence, misuse, faulty installation,

lack of reasonable care, repair or service in any way that is not contemplated in the

documentation for the product, or if the model or serial number has been altered,

tampered with, defaced or removed; damages that occurs in shipment, due to act of

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 6

God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic damage. Improper or incorrectly

performed maintenance will void this limited warranty.

For detailed warranty information, please contact the corresponding local Young Tech

Co., Ltd office or main office in South Korea.

1.3 Explosion Proof Warning (Only for Intrinsic safety type positioners)

Please ensure the unit is being used and installed in conformity with local, regional, and

national explosion proof within the proper safety barrier environment.

Refer to “2.6 Certifications”

Explosion proof type of cables and gaskets should be used, when explosion gases are

present at the installation site.

Positioner has 2 ports for power connection. Explosion proof type wires and packing

should be used. Blind plug is required when any port is not being used.

Ring terminal with surface area of more than 0.195mm2 with M4 spring washer should

be used to connect the power.

For external ground terminal, ring terminal with surface area of more than 5.5mm2

should be used.

Wiring in these applications shall utilize appropriate methods for Class I, Division 2 /

Zone 2

Substitution of components may impair intrinsic safety.

Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2.

EXPLOSION HAZARD. Do not connect or disconnect wiring unless all sources of power

have been removed or the area is known to be non-hazardous.

(French) RISQUE D’EXPLOSION. Ne pas raccorder ou débrancher le câblage à moins

Toutes les sources d’énergie ont été enlevées ou la zone est connue pour être non


The enclosure of models YT-3300, YT-3301, and YT-3303 contains aluminum, which is

considered to constitute a potential risk of ignition when subjected to impact or friction.

Care must be used during installation in locating this equipment to prevent impact or


Parts of the enclosure are made of non-metallic materials. To prevent the risk of

Electrostatic sparking, clean the enclosure only with a damp cloth.

The product must be installed in such a manner as to minimize the risk of impact or

friction with other metal surfaces.

For Intrinsically Safe installations, the product must be connected to suitably rated

intrinsically safe equipment, and must be installed in accordance with applicable

intrinsically safe installation standards.

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 7

2. Product Description

2.1 General

YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Smart Valve Positioner accurately controls valve stroke

in response to an input signal of 4~20mA from the controller. Built-in micro-processor

optimizes the positioner’s performance and provides unique functions such as Auto-

Calibration, PID Control, and HART Protocol Communications.

2.2 Main Features and Functions

LCD display enables users to monitor the positioner status.

User will easily understand the method of using 4 buttons because it work same in all

versions of firmware interfaces.

When unexpected situation like momentary blackout happens, our positioner boot-time

only take 0.5 second and this can minimize the travel of valve which consequentially

increase the safety of system.

Positioner operates normally even there are sudden changes in supply pressure and / or

high vibration environment.

YT-3301 remote positioner is stronger on high temperature and vibration environment

because it is separated into feedback sensor and positioner.

The method of Auto Calibration is very simple.

As an advantage of having very low air consumption, It could greatly reduce operating

costs in large-scale plants.

It is compatible with most of controllers.

Orifices can be installed even in the field to minimize the hunting occurrence and

optimize operating conditions.

Various information about positioner can be processed by HART communication (HART

option) Valve system becomes more stable by outputting analog feedback signal.

Different valve characteristics can be adjusted – Linear, Quick Open, Equal Percentage,

and Custom which user can make 18 points characterizations.

Tight Shut – Close and Shut — Open can be set.

PID parameters can be adjusted in the field without any additional communicator.

A/M switch can be used to direct supply air to the actuator or to manually operate the

positioner or valve without any signal.

Split range 4~12mA or 12~20mA can be set.

Operating temperature for sensor module of YT-3301 is -40 ~ 120.

Operating temperature for positioners is -30 ~ 85 or -40 ~ 85 (Please check certified

explosion proof temperature)

Hand calibration function can set Zero point or End point manually.

It has IP66, Type 4X(FM) protection grade.

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 8

Epoxy polyester powder coating resists the corrosion process. (except YT-3350).

Maintenance of the positioner is easy because of modularized inner structure.

SIL2 certified.(For more information, see SIL Safety Instruction on homepage)

2.3 Label Description

• MODEL : Indicates the model number and any options of the positioner.

• EXPLOSION PROOF : Indicates certified explosion proof grade.

• INGRESS PROTECTION : Indicates protection grade.

• INPUT SIGNAL : Indicates input signal range.

• OPERATING TEMP. : Indicates the allowable operating temperature.

• AMBIENT TEMP. : Indicates the allowable ambient temperature for explosion proof.

• SUPPLY PRESSURE : Indicates the supply pressure range.

• Ui, Ii, Pi, Ci, Li : Indicates the allowable electrical data in the certificate.

ATEX: Ui = 28 V, Ii = 93 mA, Pi = 651 mW, Ci = 0.6 nF, Li = 10 μH

FM: Ui = 28 V, Ii = 93 mA, Pi = 651 mW, Ci = 0.55 nF, Li = 12 μH

You can also see the details in the certificate.

• SERIAL NUMBER : Indicates unique serial number.

• YEAR : Indicates manufactured year.

Fig. L-1: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 Non-explosion proof

Fig. L-2: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 Intrinsic safety type (ATEX, IECEx, KCs, NEPSI)

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 9

Fig. L-3: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 / 3302 Intrinsic safety type (FM, CSA)

Fig. L-4: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 Non-explosion proof (TRCU)

Fig. L-5: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 Intrinsic safety type (TRCU)

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 10

Fig. L-6: YT-3300 / 3303 / 3301 Intrinsic safety type (INMETRO)

Fig. L-7: YT-3350 Non-explosion proof

Fig. L-8: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (ATEX, IECEx, KCs, NEPSI)

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Ver. 1.13 11

Fig. L-9: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (FM, CSA)

Fig. L-10: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (TRCU)

Fig. L-11: YT-3350 Intrinsic safety type (INMETRO)

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Ver. 1.13 12

2.4 Product Code

2.4.1 YT-3300 / 3350 series follows suffix symbols as follows.

YT-3300 / 3350 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Motion Type L :

R :

Linear (positioner is attached the right yoke of actuator.)


2 Acting type S :

D :



3 Explosion Proof N :

i :

A :



Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex iaD IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP66

FM & CSA :

Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6

Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100/T85; Class III

Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T5/T6,

Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga; Ex tb IIIC T100/T85 Db

Type 4X(FM), IP66

4 Lever Type


0 :

1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

6 :

10 ~ 40 mm (Standard type)

20 ~ 100 mm (Standard type)

90 ~ 150 mm (Standard type)

16 ~ 30 mm (Adapter type)

16 ~ 60 mm (Adapter type)

16 ~ 100 mm (Adapter type)

90 ~ 150 mm (Adapter type)


1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

M6 x 34L

M6 x 63L

M8 x 34L

M8 x 63L


5 Conduit — Air

Connection Type

1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

G 1/2 — PT 1/4

G 1/2 — NPT 1/4 (YT-3350 is available for No. 2 ONLY)

G 1/2 — G 1/4

M20*1.5P — NPT 1/4

NPT 1/2 — NPT 1/4

6 Communication 0 :

2 :


+ HART Communication

7 Option

0 :

1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :


+ Position Transmitter

+ Limit Switch(Mechanical Type)

+ Limit Switch(Proximity Type)

+ Position Transmitter and Limit Switch (Mechanical Type)

+ Position Transmitter and Limit Switch (Proximity Type)

8 Operating Temp. S :

L :

-30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

-40 ~ 85 (-40 ~ 185)

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Ver. 1.13 13

2.4.2 YT-3303 series follows suffix symbols as follows.

YT-3303 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Motion Type L :

R :

Linear (positioner is attached the left yoke of actuator.)


2 Acting type S :

D :



3 Explosion Proof N :

i :

A :



Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex iaD IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP66

FM & CSA :

Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6

Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100/T85; Class III

Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T5/T6,

Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga; Ex tb IIIC T100/T85 Db

Type 4X(FM), IP66

4 Lever Type


1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

10 ~ 40 mm

20 ~ 70 mm

50 ~ 100 mm

100 ~ 150 mm


1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

M6 x 34L

M6 x 63L

M8 x 34L

M8 x 63L


5 Conduit –

Air Connection Type

1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

G 1/2 — PT 1/4

G 1/2 — NPT 1/4

G 1/2 — G 1/4

M20*1.5P(Adapter type) — NPT 1/4

NPT 1/2 — NPT 1/4

6 Communication 0 :

2 :


+ HART Communication

7 Option 0 :

1 :


+ Position Transmitter

8 Operating Temp.

S :

L :

-30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

-40 ~ 85 (-40 ~ 185)

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Ver. 1.13 14

2.4.3 YT-3301 series follows suffix symbols as follows.

YT-3301 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Motion Type L :

R :



2 Acting type S :

D :



3 Explosion Proof N :

i :

A :



Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex iaD IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP66

FM & CSA :

Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6

Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100/T85; Class III

Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T5/T6,

Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga; Ex tb IIIC T100/T85 Db

Type 4X(FM), IP66

4 Lever Type


1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

10 ~ 40 mm

20 ~ 70 mm

50 ~ 100 mm

100 ~ 150 mm

Rotary 5 : Namur

5 Conduit –

Air Connection Type

1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

G 1/2 — PT 1/4

G 1/2 — NPT 1/4

G 1/2 — G 1/4

M20*1.5P(Adapter type) — NPT 1/4

NPT 1/2 — NPT 1/4

6 Communication 0 :

2 :


+ HART Communication

7 Option 0 :

1 :


+ Position Transmitter

8 Operating Temp.

S :

L :

-30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

-40 ~ 85 (-40 ~ 185)

9 Cable Length 1) 1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :





1) Maximum cable length is 20m.

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Ver. 1.13 15

2.5 Product Specification

2.5.1 YT-3300 / 3303 / 3350 Specification

Model YT-3300 / 3303 YT-3350

Housing Material Aluminum Die-casting Stainless Steel 316

Motion Type Linear Rotary Linear Rotary

Acting Type Single / Double

Input Signal 4~20mA DC

Minimum Current Signal 3.2mA(Standard), 3.8mA(Hart Included)

Supply Pressure 0.14 ~ 0.7 MPa (1.4 ~ 7 bar)

Stroke 10 ~ 150 mm 0 ~ 90° 10 ~ 150 mm 0 ~ 90°

Impedance Max. 500Ω @ 20mA DC

Air Connection PT, NPT, PF(G) 1/4 NPT 1/4

Gauge Connection PT, NPT 1/8 NPT 1/8

Conduit Entry G(PF) 1/2 or NPT 1/2 or M20*1.5P G(PF) 1/2

Ingress Protection IP66, Type 4X(FM)

Explosion Proof


Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex iaD IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP66


Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6

Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100/T85; Class III

Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T5/T6,

Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga; Ex tb IIIC T100/T85 Db



Standard Type -30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

Low Temp. Type -40 ~ 85 (-40 ~ 185)

LCD Operating Temperature -30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

Ambient Temperature

Of Explosion proof

T5 -40 ~ 60 (-40 ~ 140)

T6 -40 ~ 40 (-40 ~ 104)

Linearity ±0.5% F.S.

Hysteresis ±0.5% F.S.

Sensitivity ±0.2% F.S

Repeatability ±0.3% F.S.

Flow Capacity 70 LPM (Sup.=0.14 MPa)

Air Consumption Below 2 LPM (Sup.=0.14 MPa @ idle)

Output Characteristic Linear, Quick Open, EQ%, User Set

Vibration No Resonance up to 100Hz @ 6G

Humidity 5-95% RH @ 40

Communication (Option) HART Communication (Rev. 7)

Feedback Signal (Option) 4~20mA (DC 9~28V)

Weight 2 Kg (4.4 lb) 5.1 Kg (11.2 lb)

Painting Epoxy Polyester Powder Coating —

Tested under ambient temperature of 20’C, absolute pressure of 760mmHg, and humidity of 65%.

Please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd for detailed testing specification.

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Ver. 1.13 16

2.5.2 YT-3301 Specification

Model YT-3301 / 3302

Housing Material Aluminum Die-casting

Motion Type Linear Rotary

Acting Type Single / Double

Input Signal 4~20mA DC

Minimum Current Signal 3.2mA(Standard), 3.8mA(Hart Included)

Supply Pressure 0.14 ~ 0.7 MPa (1.4 ~ 7 bar)

Stroke 10 ~ 150 mm 0 ~ 90°

Impedance Max. 500Ω @ 20mA DC

Air Connection PT, NPT, PF(G) 1/4

Gauge Connection PT, NPT, 1/8

Conduit Entry G(PF) 1/2 or NPT 1/2 or M20*1.5P

Ingress Protection IP66, Type 4X(FM)

Explosion Proof


Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex iaD IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP66


Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6

Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100/T85; Class III

Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T5/T6,

Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga; Ex tb IIIC T100/T85 Db



Sensor -40 ~ 120 (-40 ~ 248)

Body Standard -30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

Low temp. -40 ~ 85 (-40 ~ 185)

LCD Operating Temperature -30 ~ 85 (-22 ~ 185)

Ambient Temperature

Of Explosion proof

T5 -40 ~ 60 (-40 ~ 140)

T6 -40 ~ 40 (-40 ~ 104)

Linearity ±0.5% F.S.

Hysteresis ±0.5% F.S.

Sensitivity ±0.2% F.S

Repeatability ±0.3% F.S.

Flow Capacity 70 LPM (Sup.=0.14 MPa)

Air Consumption Below 2 LPM (Sup.=0.14 MPa @ idle)

Output Characteristic Linear, Quick Open, EQ%, User Set

Vibration No Resonance up to 100Hz @ 6G

Humidity 5-95% RH @ 40

Communication (Option) HART Communication (Rev. 7)

Feedback Signal (Option) 4~20mA (DC 9~28V)


Positioner 2.2 Kg (4.9 lb)

Sensor 0.6 Kg (1.2 lb) 1.0 Kg (2.1 lb)

Cable(5M) 0.6 Kg (1.3 lb)

Painting Epoxy Polyester Powder Coating

Tested under ambient temperature of 20’C, absolute pressure of 760mmHg, and humidity of 65%.

Please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd for detailed testing specification.

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Ver. 1.13 17

2.6 Certifications

※ All certifications below are posted on YTC homepage(

KCs (Korea)

Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : Ex ia IIC T5/T6, Ex iaD T100/T85, IP66

Certification No. : 12-KB2BO-0398X(YT-3300)

12-KB2BO-0399X(YT-3300+LS(Dry contact))



12-KB2BO-0401X(YT-3350+LS(Dry contact))




Ambient temperature : -40 ~ +60 (T5/T100), -40 ~ +40 (T6/T85)


Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : II 2G Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, II 2D Ex ia IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP6X

Certification No. : EPS 12 ATEX 1 456 X

Ambient temperature : -40 ~ +60 (T5), -40 ~ +40 (T6)


Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : Ex II 2G Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex II 2D Ex ia IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP6X

Certification No. : IECEx EPS 12.0017X

Ambient temperature : -40 ~ +60 (T5/T100), -40 ~ +40 (T6/T85)


Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : Ex ia IIC T5/T6

Certification No. : GYJ11.1599X


Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : 1Ex ia IIC «T6 … T5» Gb X, Ex ia IIIC «T85 ° C … T100 ° C» Db X

Certification No. : RU C-KR.MЮ62.B.04756

Ambient temperature : -40 ~ +60 (T5/T100), -40 ~ +40 (T6/T85)


Rating : Class I, Div 1, Groups ABCD Class I, Zone 0 AEx ia IIC Class II/III, Div 1, Groups EFG Class I, II, III, Div 2, Groups ABCDEFG NEMA Type 4X, IP66 Certificate No.: FM16US0268X

Ambient temperature : -40 to +60(T5), -40 to +40(T6)

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Ver. 1.13 18


Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : Class I, Division 1&2 Groups ABCD T5/T6

Class II, Division 1&2 Groups EFG T100/T85

Class III Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga

Ex tb IIIC T100/T85 Db


Certificate No.: CSA 17.70131426

Ambient temperature : -40 to +60(T5), -40 to +40(T6)


Type : Intrinsic safety

Rating : Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex ia IIIC T100/T85 Db, IP66

Certification No. : DNV 17.0070 X

Ambient temperature : -40 ~ +60 (T5), -40 ~ +40 (T6)

SIL2 (in a redundant structure up to SIL 3)

Intended application : Safety function is defined as to move into fail-safe-position, when

signal to positioner in interrupted.

Certification No. : V 460.02/15

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

— EMC directive 2014/30/EC from April 2016

— EC Directive for CE conformity marking

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Ver. 1.13 19

2.7 Parts and Assembly

2.7.1 YT-3300 / 3350

Fig. 2-1: YT-3300 / 3350 exploded view

1. Base Cover 8. Pilot Block

2. PCB Cover 9. Base body

3. Main PCB 10. Feedback Lever

4. Torque Motor 11. Auto Manual Switch

5. Main Shaft 12. Gauge Block

6. Potentiometer

7. Pilot

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Ver. 1.13 20

2.7.2 YT-3303

Fig. 2-2: YT-3303 exploded view

1. Base Cover 7. Potentiometer

2. PCB Cover 8. Base body Pilot Block

3. Main PCB 9. Auto Manual Switch

4. Support PCB 10. Main Shaft

5. Pilot 11. Feedback Lever

6. Torque Motor

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Ver. 1.13 21

2.7.3 YT-3301

Fig. 2-3: YT-3301 exploded view 1. Base cover of Positioner 9. Dome cover of Feedback sensor

2. PCB cover of Positioner 10. Base cover of Feedback sensor

3. PCB of Positioner 11. Terminal of Feedback sensor

4. Pilot of Positioner 12. Main shaft of Feedback sensor

5. Torque motor of Positioner 13. Potentiometer of Feedback sensor

6. Body base of Positioner 14. Base body of Feedback sensor

7. Gauge block of Positioner 15. Lever of Feedback sensor

8. MS connector of Positioner 16. Remote cable


Rotary Sensor

Linear Sensor

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Ver. 1.13 22

2.8 Product Dimension

2.8.1 YT-3300

Fig. 2-4: YT-3300L (Standard Lever Type) Fig. 2-5: YT-3300L (Adapter Lever Type)

Fig. 2-6: YT-3300R (Fork lever Type) Fig. 2-7: YT-3300R+LS (Namur Type)

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Ver. 1.13 23

2.8.2 YT-3350

Fig. 2-8: YT-3350L (Standard Lever Type) Fig. 2-9: YT-3350L (Adapter Lever Type)

Fig. 2-10: YT-3350R (Fork lever Type) Fig. 2-11: YT-3350R+LS (Namur Type)

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Ver. 1.13 24

2.8.3 YT-3303

Fig. 2-12: YT-3303L Fig. 2-13: YT-3303R (Fork lever Type)

Fig. 2-14: YT-3300R+LS (Namur Type)

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Ver. 1.13 25

2.8.4 YT-3301

Fig. 2-15: Linear Feedback Sensor

Fig. 2-16: Rotary Feedback Sensor

Fig. 2-17: YT-3301 Positioner

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Ver. 1.13 26

3. Installation

3.1 Safety

When installing a positioner, please ensure to read and follow safety instructions.

Any input or supply pressures to valve, actuator, and / or to other related devices must

be turned off.

Use bypass valve or other supportive equipment to avoid entire system “shut down”.

Ensure there is no remaining pressure in the actuator.

The positioner has a vent cover to exhaust internal air and drain internal condensation

water. When installing the positioner, make sure the vent cover must be facing

downward. Otherwise, the condensation water could cause damages to PCB.

Fig. 3-1: The correct positions of a vent cover

※ Installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code(NEC), ANSI/NFPA 70, or

CEC Part 1 as applicable.(FM approved product)

3.2 Tools for installation

Hex key set for hex socket cap bolts

(+) & (-) Screw drivers

Spanners for hexagonal-head bolts

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Ver. 1.13 27

3.3 Linear positioner Installation

Linear positioner should be installed on linear motion valves such as globe or gate type

which uses spring return type diaphragm or piston actuators.

3.3.1 Linear positioner Installation of Standard lever type

Fig. 3-2: YT-3300L / 3350L installation of standard lever type example

Fig. 3-3: YT-3303L installation example

Fig. 3-4: YT-3301L installation example

Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available.


Linear feedback sensor (Only YT-3301L)

Remote cable (Only YT-3301L)

Feedback lever and lever spring

M6 nut and spring washer (fastening feedback lever to a main shaft)

Bracket, bolts and washers for positioner or sensor – not supplied with the positioner

Connection bar – not supplied with the positioner

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 28 Safety

Proper bracket must be made in order to adapt the positioner on the actuator yoke.

Please consider following important points when a bracket is being designed.

Positioner’s feedback lever must be vertical to the valve stem at 50% of the valve stroke.

The connection bar of the actuator clamp for the feedback lever should be installed in

such a way that the valve stroke length coincides with the corresponding figure in “mm”

marked on the feedback lever. Improper setting may cause poor linearity Standard lever type positioner Installation Steps

1. Assemble the positioner or feedback sensor with the bracket made in previous step by

fastening the bolts.

Fig. 3-5: YT-3300L / 3350L (Standard Lever Type)

Fig. 3-6: Attaching positioner to bracket (YT-3303L) Fig. 3-7: Attaching the bracket to actuator yoke (YT-3303L / 3301L)

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Ver. 1.13 29

2. Attach the positioner (or feedback sensor) with the bracket to the actuator yoke


3. Connect connection bar to the actuator clamp. The hole gap on the feedback lever is

6.5mm so the connection bar’s outer diameter should be less than 6mm.

4. Connect an air-filter regulator to the actuator temporarily. Supply enough air pressure to

the actuator in order to position the valve stroke at 50% of the total stroke.

Fig. 3-8: YT-3300L / 3350L (Standard Lever Type) Fig. 3-9: YT-3303L / 3301L

5. Insert the connection bar between the feedback lever and lever spring. The connection

bar must be located upward from the spring lever as shown below left figure. If it is

located downward from the spring lever as shown below right figure, the connection bar

or the spring lever will be worn out quickly because of excessive strong tension.

Fig. 3-10: Proper way to insert connection bar between feedback lever and lever spring

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Ver. 1.13 30

6. Check if feedback lever is vertical to the valve stem at 50% of the valve stroke. If it is

not vertical, adjust the bracket or the connection bar to make vertical. Improper

installation may cause poor linearity.

Fig. 3-11: YT-3300L / 3350L Feedback lever and valve stem

Fig. 3-12: YT-3303L / 3301L Feedback lever and valve stem

7. Check the valve stroke. The stroke numbers are engraved on the feedback lever of the

positioner. Position the connection bar at the number on the feedback lever which

corresponds with the desired valve stroke. To adjust, move the bracket, the connection

bar or both.

※ The effective linear lever angle of YT-3300L / 3350L is 60 degree and it of YT-3303L /

3301L is 30 degree.

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Ver. 1.13 31

Stroke : 75mm

Stroke : 45mm

Fig. 3-13: YT-3300L / 3350L Feedback lever and location of the connection bar

Stroke : 30mm

Stroke : 70mm

Fig. 3-14: YT-3303L / 3301L Feedback lever and location of the connection bar

8. After installing the positioner, operate the valve from 0% to 100% stroke by using direct

air to the actuator. On both 0% and 100%, the feedback lever should not touch the

lever stopper, which is located on the backside of the positioner. If the feedback lever

touches the stopper, the positioner should be installed further away from the yoke.

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Ver. 1.13 32

Fig. 3-15: YT-3300L / 3350L Feedback lever should not touch lever stopper on 0% ~ 100% valve stroke.

Fig. 3-16: YT-3303L / 3301L Feedback lever should not touch lever stopper on 0% ~ 100% valve stroke.

9. After the installation, tighten all of the bolts on the bracket and the connection bar.

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Ver. 1.13 33

3.3.2 YT-3300L / 3350L Installation of Adapter lever type (on tubeless actuator)

Fig. 3-17: YT-3300L / 3350L installation of adapter lever type example

Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available.


Feedback lever

M6 nut and spring washer (fastening feedback lever to a main shaft of positioner)

O-ring(Connect out1 port of positioner and actuator) – not supplied with the unit

1/4 plug – not supplied with the unit

Adapter holder – not supplied with the unit

2 pcs x bolts (M8 x 1.25P) – not supplied with the unit

※ When using adapter lever, generally tubeless actuator which doesn’t requires pipe

between actuator and positioner is used. Therefore, in this section, installation method of

tubeless actuator and positioner will be introduced like below. Safety

Positioner’s feedback lever must be vertical to the valve stem at 50% of the valve stroke.

Adapter of feedback lever should be installed in such a way that the valve stroke length

coincides with the corresponding figure in “mm” marked on the feedback lever.

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Ver. 1.13 34 Adapter lever type positioner Installation Steps

1. Remove Out1 Plug(Fig. 3-18) on the bottom of the positioner. Plug up out1 port of gauge

block with 1/4 plug using sealant.

2. Check the valve stroke. The stroke numbers are engraved on the feedback lever of the

positioner. Position the adapter at the number on the feedback lever which

corresponds with the desired valve stroke. To adjust, loosen M6 nut behind the adapter,

move the adapter to correct position, and then tighten the M6 nut.

Stroke : 75mm

Stroke : 30mm

Fig. 3-18: Feedback lever and location of the connection bar

3. Loosen Adapter holder on actuator’s stem.

4. Add O-ring between the positioner and actuator and attach the positioner to the actuator

yoke tightly by fastening the bolts (M8 x 1.25P, 2 pieces).

Fig. 3-19: Installing the positioner on the actuator

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Ver. 1.13 35

Fig. 3-20: YT-3300 / 3350L(Adapter Lever Type)

5. Connect Air-filter regulator to Supply port of the positioner.

6. Turn the Auto/Manual switch counterclockwise (toward “M”). Refer to 6.2 for more detail.

Supply enough air pressure to the actuator in order to position the valve stroke at 50% of

the total stroke.

7. Check if feedback lever is vertical to the valve stem at 50% of the valve stroke. If it is

not vertical, adjust the adapter holder on the actuator’s stem to make vertical – DO NOT

TIGHTEN THE ADAPTER HOLDER COMPLETELY. Improper installation may cause

poor linearity.

Refer to Fig 3-10.

8. After installing the positioner, operate the valve from 0% to 100% stroke by using direct

air to the actuator. On both 0% and 100%, the feedback lever should not touch the

lever stopper, which is located on the backside of the positioner. If the feedback lever

touches the stopper, the adapter holder should be moved or the adapter of feedback

lever should be moved further away from the main shaft of the positioner.

Refer to Fig 3-14.

9. After the installation, tighten the adapter holder. And Turn the Auto/Manual switch

clockwise (toward “M”) tightly. Refer to 6.2 for more detail.

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Ver. 1.13 36

3.4 Rotary positioner Installation

Rotary positioner should be installed on rotary motion valve such as ball or butterfly type

which uses rack and pinion, scotch yoke or other type of actuators which its stem rotates 90

degrees. Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available.

3.4.1 YT-3300R / 3350R Components


Fork lever (Only Fork lever type)

Rotary bracket set (2 piece) → The upper brackets of fork lever type and Namur type

are different.

4 pcs x hexagonal headed bolts (M8 x 1.25P) → Fork lever type

4 pcs x M8 plate washers → Fork lever type

4 pcs x wrench headed bolts (M6 x 1P x 10L) → Namur type

4 pcs x wrench headed bolts (M6 x 1P x 15L)

4 pcs x M6 nuts

4 pcs x M6 spring washers

Bolts and washers to attach bracket to actuator – not supplied with the positioner

Fig. 3-21: YT-3300R / 3350R Fork lever type Fig. 3-22: YT-3300R / 3350R Namur type

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Ver. 1.13 37

3.4.2 YT-3303R Components


Fork lever (Only Fork lever type)

Rotary bracket set (2 piece)

4 pcs x hexagonal headed bolts (M8 x 1.25P)

4 pcs x M8 plate washers

4 pcs x wrench headed bolts (M6 x 1P x 15L)

4 pcs x M6 nuts

4 pcs x M6 spring washers

Bolts and washers to attach bracket to actuator – not supplied with the positioner

Fig. 3-23: YT-3303R Fork lever type Fig. 3-24: YT-3303R Namur type

3.4.3 YT-3301R / 3302R remote sensor components

Rotary feedback sensor

Bracket for actuator stem height 20mm (1 piece)

4 pcs x hexagonal headed bolts (M6)

4 pcs x M6 spring washers

Bolts and washers to attach bracket to actuator – not supplied with the positioner

Fig. 3-25: YT-3301R Rotary feedback sensor

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Ver. 1.13 38

3.4.4 Rotary Bracket Information (Only YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R)

The rotary bracket set (included with the positioner) contains two components. (but the upper

brackets of Fork lever type and Namur type are different in case of YT-3300 / 3350). The

bracket is designed to fit onto the actuator with 20mm, 30mm and 50mm stem height (H)

according to VDI/VDE 3845 standard. Please refer to below table how to adjust the height of

the bracket.

Actuator stem

height (H)

Markings of bolt holes


20mm H : 20 H : 20, 30 H : 20 H : 20, 30

30mm H : 30 H : 20, 30 H : 30 H : 20, 30

50mm H : 50 H : 50 H : 50 H : 50

Fig. 3-26: YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R Brackets and positioner

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Ver. 1.13 39

Fig. 3-27: Actuator stem Height Fig. 3-28: Exploded Brackets

3.4.5 Rotary positioner Installation Steps

1. Please check the actuator’s stem height and adjust the brackets by referring to the

above bracket table. 2. Attached the brackets onto the actuator. It is recommended to use spring washer so

the bolts will not be loosen from vibration. 3. Set rotation position of the actuator stem at 0%. For single acting actuator, it is easy to

check 0% point by supplying no pressure to the actuator. For double acting actuator,

check actuator stem’s rotation direction – clockwise or counter-clockwise — by supplying

pressure to the actuator. 4. (Only Fork lever type) Install the fork lever after setting actuator’s stem at 0%. Check

the actuator stem’s rotation direction – clockwise or counter-clockwise.

Installation angle of the fork lever should be 45 to the longitudinal direction of the


Fig. 3-29: Counter-clockwise and clockwise rotation.

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Ver. 1.13 40

5. (Only Fork lever type) After setting fork lever position, fasten lock nuts which are located

on the bottom of the fork lever. Ensure to set the gap between the bottom of upper

bracket and the top of the fork lever within 23~28mm.

Fig. 3-30: Height to the bracket (fork lever type)

6. Attach the positioner to the bracket. <Only fork lever type of YT-3300R / 3350R /

3303R: Fix the clamping pin (5mm Dia.) into the fork lever slot and insert center pin

(2mm Dia.) of the main shaft of the positioner into the hole of center of the fork lever.

The clamping pin will be locked to the fork lever spring.> Setting alignment of center of

main shaft of the positioner and center of the actuator ’s stem is very important. Poor

alignment of the main shaft and the actuator ’s stem decreases the positioner ’s durability

due to unnecessary forces on the main shaft.

Fig. 3-31: Main shaft center alignment (Fork lever) Fig. 3-32: Main shaft center alignment (Namur)

7. Tighten the positioner and the bracket with bolts after checking the positioner’s


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Ver. 1.13 41

4. Connection — Air

4.1 Safety

Supply pressure should be clean and dry air – avoiding moisture, oil or dust.

Always recommended to use air filter regulator (i.e. YT-200 series).

Young Tech Co., Ltd has not tested positioner’s operation with any other gases

other than clean air. Please contact Young Tech Co., Ltd for any questions.

4.2 Supply Pressure Condition

Dry air with at least 10 lower than ambient temperature.

Avoid from dusty air. Use 5 micron or smaller filter.

Avoid oil.

Comply with ISO 8573-1 or ISA 7.0.01.

Supply pressure range is 0.14 ~0.7 MPa (1.4 ~ 7 bar)

Set air filter regulator’s pressure level 10% higher than actuator’s spring range pressure.

4.3 Piping Condition

Ensure inside of pipe is clean of obstructions.

Do not use pipeline that is squeezed or shows any type of damamges.

Pipeline should have more than 6mm of inner diameter (10mm outer diameter) to

maintain flow rate.

The length of pipeline system should not be extremely long. Longer pipeline system

may affect flow rate due to the friction inside of the pipeline.

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Ver. 1.13 42

4.4 Connection – Piping with actuator

4.4.1 Single acting actuator

Singe acting type positioner is set to use only OUT1 port. OUT1 port of positioner should be

connected with supply port of actuator when using spring return actuator of single acting type.

Fig. 4-1: Single acting linear actuator Fig. 4-2: Single acting rotary actuator

(YT-3300L / 3350L / 3303L) (YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R)

Fig. 4-3: Single acting linear actuator (YT-3301L) Fig. 4-4: Single acting rotary actuator (YT-3301R)

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Ver. 1.13 43

4.4.2 Double acting actuator

Double acting type positioner is set to use OUT1 and OUT2 port. As input signal increases,

the supply pressure will be supplied through OUT1 port.

Fig. 4-5: Double acting linear actuator Fig. 4-6: Double acting rotary actuator

(YT-3300L / 3350L / 3303L) (YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R)

Fig. 4-7: Double acting linear actuator (YT-3301L) Fig. 4-8: Double acting rotary actuator (YT-3301R)

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Ver. 1.13 44

5. Connection – Power

5.1 Safety

Conduit entry connection tap is G(PF) 1/2.

Before connecting terminal, ensure that the power is off completely.

Please use ring terminal to protect against vibration or any other external impact.

Positioner usually uses 4~20mA DC. Minimum ampere of input signal of standard type

positioner is 3.5 mA and Hart internal type positioner’s minimum ampere of input signal

is 3.8 mA but maximum ampere of input signal should be 24mA or under.

Positioner with PTM options must be supplied with 9~28V DC separately. For

mechanical limit switch option, separate 12~30V DC must be supplied. For Proximity

limit switch option, separate 8.2V DC must be supplied.

Positioner should be grounded.

Please use twisted cable with conductor section are 1.25mm2 and that is suitable for

600V (complying with the conductor table of NEC Article 310.) The outer diameter of

the cable should be between 6.35 ~ 10mm. Use shield wire to protect against electro-

magnetic field and noise.

Please do not install the cable near high noise equipment, such as high-capacity

transformer or motor.

5.2 Connection

Fig. 5-1: Terminal Overview

IN +: Input Signal (+)

IN -: Input Signal (-)

F.G : Frame Ground

OUT+: Feedback Signal (+)

OUT-: Feedback Signal (-)

AO: Analog Output

AI: Analog Input

Vs: Voltage Source

RL: Load Resistance

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Fig. 5-2: Mechanical Switch Terminal (Only YT-3300 / 3350)

Fig. 5-3: Proximity Sensor Switch Terminal (Only YT-3300 / 3350)

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Ver. 1.13 46

Fig. 5-4: Remote module and cables (Only YT-3301L)

5.3 Ground

1. Ground must be done before operating the positioner.

2. Open base cover and there is an internal ground “F.G” on the left hand.

An external ground bolt is located next to the conduit entry. Please make sure that the

resistance is less than 100 ohm.

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Ver. 1.13 47

6. Adjustments

6.1 Limit Switch Adjustment

YT-3300 / 3350 can have limit switch option. If user wants to adjust the sensing position,

please loosen bolts and adjust cam.

Fig. 6-1: Mechanical Type

Fig. 6-2: Proximity Type

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Ver. 1.13 48

6.2 A/M switch adjustment

1. On the right hand bottom of positioner, there is A/M switch (Auto/Manual). A/M Switch

allows the positioner to be functioned as by-pass. If the switch is turned clockwise

(toward “A”) and it is fasten tightly, then the supply pressure will be transferred to

actuator through outport by positioner control. On the other hand, if the switch is turned

counter-clockwise (toward “M”), it is loosened, then the supply pressure will be directly

supplied to the actuator regardless of positioner control. It is extremely important to

check the allowed pressure level of the actuator when the switch is loosened.

2. Check whether the supply pressure is too high.

3. After using “Manual” function, A/M switch should be returned to “Auto”.

※ Please note that the direction of “—“ slot of A/M switch has nothing to do with the direction

of “M” or “A”.

Fig. 6-3: A/M switch adjustment

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6.3 Orifice Installment

Hunting can be occurred when the actuator ’s volume is too small. In order to prevent

hunting, orifice can be used.

6.3.1 Plate type Orifice Installment (except


By installing the plate type orifice,

the flow rate of the supply pressure

to actuator can be reduced. The

diameter of orifice hole is 1 mm.

Fig. 6-4: Plate type Orifice installment

6.3.2 Variable Orifice Adjustment (Only YT-3303)

By adjusting the orifice, the flow rate of the supply pressure to actuator can be adjusted.

Please use (-) driver to adjust the orifice. When slot (-) of the orifice is vertical like the below

left figure, the flow rate becomes maximum. When slot (-) of the orifice is horizontal like the

below right figure, the flow rate becomes minimum.

Fig. 6-5: Variable orifice adjustment

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Ver. 1.13 50

7. Optional Sub-PCB Installment

By adding sub-PCB, the positioner can have additional functions. There are 3 types of sub-


Hart Only Ptm Only Ptm+Hart

Fig. 7-1: Three types of Sub-PCB

When purchasing option sub-PCBs separately, 4 Bolts and 2 supports are supplied together

with sub-PCB.)

7.1 Installation steps

1. Mount 2ea of sub-PCB support on sub-PCB with 2ea of bolt.

2. Open base cover, PCB cover. Separate the Main PCB from base body.

3. Insert connector of sub-PCB into connector of main PCB correctly.

4. Fasten sub-PCB with the rest of bolt 2ea.

Standard type Mechanical Limit switch type

Fig. 7-2: Installation of Option PCB on Main PCBs

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Ver. 1.13 51

Proximity Limit switch type

Fig. 7-3: Installation of Option PCB on Main PCBs

JP1 jumper must be removed, when HART option included sub-PCB is being mounted.

5. After PTM sub-PCB is installed newly, values of TR_ZERO and TR_END must be calibrated

for correct output signals. For the calibration of TR_ZERO and TR_END, please refer to

section 8.7.2 of this manual.

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Ver. 1.13 52

8. Auto Calibration and PCB Operation

8.1 Warning

Following process will operate valve and actuator. Before proceeding with any Auto

Calibration, please separate valve from the entire system by using bypass valve, so

Auto Calibration will not affect entire valve process.

8.2 Button Description

Positioner has 4 buttons, and they enable to perform various functions.

Fig. 8-1: <UP> & <DOWN >: Move to next menu, and adjust.

<ENTER>: Enter to main and sub menus, and save

<ESC>: Return to previous menu

8.3 Run Mode (RUN)

After power connection to the positioner, Run Mode will be

appeared on positioner’s LCD screen in about 0.5 seconds.

“RUN” indicates that the positioner adjusts the valve stroke

according to the receiving signal. There are six types of display message in “RUN” Mode.

1. Run PV (%): Process Value — valve stroke %

2. Run SV (%): Set Value – input signal 0~100%

3. Run SV (mA): Set Value – input signal 4~20mA

4. Run MV: Manipulate Valve – Motor Manipulate Value (Digit)

5. Run VEL: Velocity – Current valve stem’s velocity (Digit)

6. Run ERR: Error – Difference between SV and PV (%)

To change display, Press and hold <ESC>, press <DOWN> several times until a desired

display appears. The display will change in the order indicated above. If <ESC> + <UP>

pushed, the order will be appeared in opposite order. By pressing <ESC>, the display will

return to “RUN PV” mode.

※ Please note that the screen will return to “RUN PV” mode if 100 seconds elapse from the

last button pressed.

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Ver. 1.13 53

※ By pressing <ESC> button several times from any MODES, it will return to “RUN PV” mode.

Therefore, if the users have entered into wrong modes by mistake or do not wish to

proceed with their current work, they could return to “RUN PV” mode.

8.4 Auto Calibration mode (AUTO CAL)

Auto Calibration mode (AUTO CAL) automatically calibrates the positioner. “AUTO CAL”

process takes about 2~3 minutes, and the duration of the process varies upon the size of the

actuator. There are 3 types of AUTO CAL.

Zero Point

End Point P, I, D RA / DA BIAS V_0




It is recommend to perform AUTO2 calibration for initial positioner setting.

8.4.1 AUTO1 Calibration (AUTO1)

AUTO1 changes only zero and end points; however other parameters(P, I, D etc.) will not be

adjusted. It is recommended to perform AUTO1 when the positioner has been set by the

valve manufacturer already, and the field user wants to re-calibrate the positioner.


3 seconds



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


A few



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Ver. 1.13 54

8.4.2 AUTO2 Calibration (AUTO2)

AUTO2 changes all of the parameters. It is recommended to perform AUTO2 when the

positioner has been installed on the valve for the first time or the positioner has been

reinstalled after dissemble from an actuator.



A few



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


8.4.3 AUTO HF Calibration (AUTO HF)

AUTO HF calibration is same calibration process as to AUTO2, but AUTO HF is used when

the valve has high friction level.



A few



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


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Ver. 1.13 55

8.5 Manual Mode (MANUAL)

Manual mode is used to maneuver valve stem manually. In Manual mode, the positioner

does not control the valve by the signal received from outside, but it could be controlled to

move up and down by pressing <UP> and <DOWN> button.


3 seconds



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not




8.6 Parameter Mode (PARAM)

AUTO CAL optimizes most of the valve actuator control values. However, in some

instances, hunting or oscillation may occur when the valve actuator control values are not

optimized. Hunting or oscillation can be prevented by adjusting parameter values.

Once parameter values have been changed, the changed values are being affected as

soon as you save the value. To save the changes, please ensure to press “ENTER”

button. There is no need to go back to “RUN” mode after changes are being made to

observe the changes.

Below are the list of features which could be set from Parameter mode.

1) Dead-Zone (dEAdZONE)

2) P value (KP)

3) I value (KI)

4) D value (Kd)

5) P_, I_, D_ value (KP_, KI_, Kd_)

6) KF Up value (KFUP)

7) KF Down value (KFdN)

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Ver. 1.13 56

8.6.1 Dead-Zone (dEAdZONE, %)

Dead-Zone indicates the percentage of error allowance. In case of high level of packing

friction, which may cause hunting, increasing the value of Dead-Zone can stable the valve



3 seconds



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not





3 times

8.6.2 P Value (KP)

P value indicates the ratio of the compensation signal based on the percentage of error

allowance. As the value increase, the positioner finds the target point quickly, but it is more

likely to have hunting. As the value decrease, the stability of the positioner is higher, but it

finds the target point slowly.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 57

8.6.3 I Value (KI)

I value indicates the additional compensation signal based on the percentage of error

allowance. As the value increase, it is more likely to have hunting. As the value

decreases, the positioner will move slowly to the target position.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

8.6.4 D Value (Kd)

D value indicates the derivative value of the compensation signal based on the percentage of

error allowance. As the value increase, it is more likely to have hunting. As the value

decreases, it can have poor linearity or dynamic characteristic.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

8.6.5 P_ (KP_), I_(KI_), D_ (Kd_) Values

P_, I_, and D_ values’ principles are same as P, I, and D values, but these values will be

activated when the error percentage is within 1%.

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Ver. 1.13 58

8.6.6 KF Up Value (KFUP)

KF Up Value is a control parameter value for high level of valve friction when the valve move

up from 0% to 100%.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

8.6.7 KF Down Value (KFdN)

KF Down Value is a control parameter value for high level of valve friction when the valve

move down from 100% to 0%.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 59

8.7 Hand Calibration Mode (HAND CAL)

Manual Calibration mode is used when zero-point and end-point require re-adjustment to use

partial range of total strokes after Auto Calibration has been performed.

Below are the list of features which could be set from Hand CAL mode.

1) Zero-Point (PV ZERO) and End-Point (PV END) for Valves

2) Zero-Point (TR ZERO) and End-Point (TR END) for Transmitter

3) Normal / Reverse Feedback Signal (TR NORM / REVS)

4) Normal / Reverse HART Signal (HT NORM / REVS)

8.7.1 Zero-Point (PV ZERO) and End-Point (PV END) for Valves

PZ ZERO adjusts the zero point of the valve, and PV END adjusts the end point of the valve.


3 seconds



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


Zero Adjustment









End Adjustment


2 times

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Ver. 1.13 60

8.7.2 Zero-Point (TR ZERO) and End-Point (TR END) for Transmitter

TR ZERO adjusts the zero point of the transmitter (4mA feedback), and TR END adjusts the

end point of the transmitter (20mA feedback). This is used when output signal becomes

unstable and requires re-adjustment or when feedback output signal and actual stroke need

to be used differently.

Fig. 8-2: Setting transmitter





Zero Adjustment.

Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


Match feedback

signal with 4mA




End Adjustment




Match feedback

signal with 20mA

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Ver. 1.13 61

8.7.3 Normal / Reverse Feedback Signal (TR NORM / REVS)

The feedback signal from the positioner can be changed to normal or reverse.




Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not




3 times

8.7.4 Normal / Reverse HART Signal (HT NORM / REVS)

Feedback signal of HART communication from the positioner can be changed to normal or





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not




3 times

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Ver. 1.13 62

8.8 Valve Mode (VALVE)

Valve mode offers useful and various function settings for operating the control valve.

Below are the list of functions which could be set from Valve mode.

1) Acting Adjustment (ACT RA / dA)

2) Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR)

3) User Characteristics (USER SET)

4) Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP)

5) Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL)

6) Split Range Mode (SPLIT)

7) Custom Zero Setting Mode (CST ZERO)

8) Custom End Setting Mode (CST ENd)

9) Interpolation Mode (ITP OFF / ON)

10) Acting Type (SINGLE / dOUBLE)

11) Lever Type (STd / AdT)

8.8.1 Acting Adjustment (ACT RA / dA)

RA & DA are automatically set by performing “AUTO 2” from Auto Calibration. However, this

function is used when the user wants to change RA & DA.

The positioner can be set as Direct Action (DA) or Reverse Action (RA).


3 seconds



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not





3 times

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8.8.2 Valve flow Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR)

The valve flow characteristic can be set on the field’s

requirement. There are 4 types of characteristics –

linear (LIN), user setting (USR), quick open (QO), and

equal percentage (EQ).





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 64

8.8.3 User defining flow Characteristics (USER SET)

In case positioner requires a specific characteristic, the valve characteristic curve can be

made by selecting up to 18 points of the curve. This function can be activated by selecting

“CHAR USR” mode of above 8.8.2 Valve flow Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR).





or <ENTER>

Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not




or <ENTER>

Repeat step

if necessary



or <ENTER>



or <ENTER>

1 Second later


3 times

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Ver. 1.13 65

8.8.4 Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP)

Tight shut open shows the current value in percentage (%). Input current of 4mA is 0%,

20mA is 100%. If temporary Tight shut open value (≤100%) is set and input current value is

above the set % value, the valve’s position is immediately moved to 100%. For example, if

linear actuator is used and the valve’s closing direction is 100% and input value of the

current is above Tight shut open set value, the set pressure from the regulator will be

transferred to the actuator which will enhance the power to close the valve and keep it from

any leakage.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

8.8.5 Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL)

Tight shut close shows the current value in percentage (%). Input current of 4mA is 0%,

20mA is 100%. If temporary Tight shut close value (≤100%) is set and input current value is

below the set % value, the valve’s position is immediately moved to 0%. For example, if

rotary actuator is used and the valve’s closing direction is 0% and input value of the current

is above Tight shut open set value, it will release all the remaining pressure from Out1 of the

actuator which will have the return spring power of the actuator or Out2 pressure to close the

valve and keep it from any leakage.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 66

8.8.6 Split Range Mode (SPLIT)

The valve can be operated in full stroke by split range control of input signal as 4~12mA or






Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


4~20mA Control


3 times

4~12mA Control

8.8.7 Custom Zero Setting Mode (CST ZERO)

From the initial 4~20mA control settings of valve stroke from 0~100%, this mode allows the

user to change the zero point to (≥4) mA instead of 4mA.

For example, the user could change the control settings of the valve stroke from 4~20mA to

7~20mA for 0~100% stroke.

However, please note that the “Zero” and “End” points’ deviation current value must

be above 4mA.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 67

8.8.8 Custom End Setting Mode (CST ENd)

From the initial 4~20mA control settings of valve stroke from 0~100%, this mode allows the

user to change the end point to (≤20) mA instead of 20mA.

For example, the user could change the control settings of the valve stroke from 4~20mA to

4~16mA for 0~100% stroke.

However, please note that the “Zero” and “End” points’ deviation current value must

be above 4mA.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 68

8.8.9 Interpolation Mode (ITP ON/OFF, ITP USER SET)

In case of linear positioner, the error of accuracy occurs when the linear motion of actuator

changes into the rotary motion of feedback lever. After the auto calibration, the positioner

turns on ITP function with an appropriate value of interpolation automatically. The user can

manually turn on or off the ITP function, also can set any value of the interpolation. (in ITP

USER mode)

※ The below shows that the user manually change ITP ON into OFF.




Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not




3 times

※ The below shows that the user manually set any value of the interpolation.




2 times

Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not






3 times

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Ver. 1.13 69

8.8.10 Acting Type (SINGLE / dOUBLE)

Displays or changes actuator’s current acting type.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

8.8.11 Lever Type (STd / AdT)

Displays or changes current lever type into standard type or adapter type. If the Lever type

mode is set correctly, the accuracy will be worse at ITP ON than at ITP OFF.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



3 times

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Ver. 1.13 70

8.9 Diagnostic (dIAGNO)


3 seconds

Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


8.9.1 PST Introduction

Unlike FST (Full Stroke Test) where a valve such as an emergency shut-off valve is

physically closed and opened in full,

PST is a method used to test a percentage of the possible failure of the valve by slightly

closing and opening the valve when testing.

Rather than only performing FST regularly, PST is alternately applied with FST which could

reduce the overall cost and risk.

YT-3300 positioner includes PST function and it could operate while offline without any other


Also, PST function and results could be set and checked through HART communication.

When PST runs by PST NOW or SCHD, if valve position is in the range of TOL from START

PO, Positioner supply or vent air until the valve reach the TARGET 1, 2. But PST test will

stop if valve position goes out of the TOL or doesn’t reach TARGET1, 2 within the LIMIT TM.

After the valve position reach the TARGET 1, 2, the valve will pause during the LATENCY

and move back to the START PO. The valve will be under ready state during the INTERVAL

time after completing 1 cycle of PST in the SCHD mode.







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Ver. 1.13 71

8.9.2 PST Mode

To run PST, select a PST mode. There are 3 mode for running





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not





3 times

8.9.3 PST CFG

Check PST parameter values and configuration


Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not


Mode Description

PST OFF Stop PST Schedule. It’s a default mode

PST SCHD Run PST immediately. After PST complete, it turns back to the previous mode

PST NOW PST runs repeatedly by interval value

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Ver. 1.13 72 START PO

Sets start position when PST initiates. The position must be in between 0 and 100%, and

default value is 100%.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times TARGET 1

Sets 1st target position of PST. The position must be in between 0 and 100%, and

default value is 90%.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times TARGET 2

Sets 2nd target position of PST. The position must be in between 0 and 100%, and

default value is nA(Not Application).





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times

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Ver. 1.13 73 INTERVAL

Interval time (days) between 1st PST and the next PST. The value must be between 1 ~

365, and default value is 365 (days).





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times TOL

Tolerance level of the start position when PST runs. The value must be between 0.1 ~ 10%,

and default value is 5%.





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times LIMIT TM

Limit the stroke time between start position and Target 1 and 2. The value must be

between 0~600 sec, and default value is 600 (sec).





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times

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Ver. 1.13 74 LATENCY

Latency for next movement after valve move. The value must be between 1~60 sec, and

default value is 10 (sec).





Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not



4 times

8.9.4 PST RSLT

It will record or memorize maximum three PST results. The longest stroke time from START

PO to the TARGET 1, 2 or Error messages will be recorded


PST REC1 OOT,LTO,NR, 0 ~ 600(sec) 0

PST REC2 OOT,LTO,NR, 0 ~ 600(sec) 0

PST REC3 OOT,LTO,NR, 0 ~ 600(sec) 0

Error Message

OOT When the valve position is out of tolerance(TOL) from Start

Position(START PO)

LTO When the valve doesn’t reach to the target position within the Limit


NR When the valve doesn’t move




Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not




3 times

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8.10 View Mode (VIEW)

Displays various information of the positioner.


3 seconds



Press <UP> or

<DOWN> button

if the above is not
















3 times

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Ver. 1.13 76

ITEM Description

YT-3300L Positioner model.



2016MR 8

1’st row→version number of firmware.

2’nd row→VERSION: Main software version / 2016MR 8: loading date

of software.

※ You can toggle them, pushing <ENTER>

HART REV HART protocol version

POL AddR HART protocol channel address.

※ You can change it, pushing <ENTER>

bIAS 25 BIAS value when valve position is at 25%

bIAS 75 BIAS value when valve position is at 75%


0Y 0d

Total used time duration. If a unit was used less than 1 minute, the

time will not accumulate.

1’st row→”4.18” means 4hours and 18minutes.

2’nd row→0Y: years, 0d: days



Time required (seconds) to fully open the current valve from the

closed state.

Saved after AUTO 2 or AUTO HF Calibration.



Time required (seconds) to fully close the current valve from the

opened state.

Saved after AUTO 2 or AUTO HF Calibration.




Display types of valve stroke on LCD.

VM NORM : View Mode Normal. 4mA 0%, 20mA 100% display.

VM REVS : View Mode Reverse. 4mA 100%, 20mA 0% display.

VM dIZ : Raw data.

※ You can change it, pushing <ENTER>

Erro Error code(C, D) or warning code(B, F, G, H).

Refer to 9.1 or 9.2 sections

VALUE I Current accumulated value of I

ABS Absolute resistance value.

Temp Current Temperature. ()



When W UNLOCK, you can parameters including auto calibration function. When W LOCK, cannot.

You can change it, pushing <ENTER>

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Ver. 1.13 77

9. Error and Warning Code

Below error and warning codes can be checked from “View” mode if there are any problems

while using the product.

9.1 Error code

Error codes are indicated if the positioner cannot be controlled, malfunctions or becomes


Error Code Code Description and Cause Action


Indicates that due to wrong

positioning and installation of the

positioner, there is a chance that

the feedback lever and the

positioner’s stopper could collide

when the lever is at 0% during

auto calibration.

when this error is detected, auto

calibration is aborted and this

message is indicated

immediately on LCD display.

Set the feedback lever

horizontally when at 50%.

Re-adjust the position of the

positioner by referring to the

following effective range of the

feedback lever’s angle

(YT-3300 / 3350 linear : 60

deg., YT-3303 / 3301 linear :

30 deg., rotary : 90 deg.)


Indicates that due to wrong

positioning and installation of the

positioner, there is a chance that

the feedback lever and the

positioner’s stopper could collide

when the lever is at 100% during

auto calibration.

when this error is detected, auto

calibration is aborted and this

message is indicated

immediately on LCD display.


Indicated when the valve is not

moving despite the positioner

has given “Full Open” signal

during auto calibration.

when this error is detected, auto

calibration is aborted and this

message is indicated

immediately on LCD display..

Check if pressure is being

supplied normally to the



Indicated when the feedback

lever’s angle used is excessively

small during auto calibration.

when this error is detected, auto

calibration is aborted and this

message is indicated

immediately on LCD display.

Re-install the positioner by

moving it towards the actuator

stem so that the angle use of

the feedback lever becomes


Page 78: SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / …€¦ · Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual Ver. 1.13 6 God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic

Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 78


Indicated if the deviation between

SV and PV is above 10% and is

continued for over one minute.

Indicated when the valve does not

operate, friction is extremely high or

when the air regulator’s set pressure

is too low.

Can be checked from “Error”

category in View mode. (Refer to

section 8.10)

Re-perform auto-calibration.

Check air regulator’s set pressure

and re-adjust to appropriate



Accumulated I value is I max or

min’s limit.

Degree of precision is low.

Indicated if valve’s friction is

extremely high or set pressure of air

regulator has been changed.

Can be checked from “Error”

category in View mode. (Refer to

section 8.10)

Re-perform auto-calibration

Check air regulator’s set pressure

and re-adjust to appropriate


9.2 Warning code

Below codes are indicated when the positioner can be controlled, but there is a possibility of

malfunctioning or degree of precision has dropped.

Warning Code Code Description and Cause Action


PV Span – PV Zero range is below


Feedback lever’s angle use is too


Can be checked from “Error”

category in View mode. (Refer to

section 8.10)

Re-position the positioner so that

the angle use of the feedback

lever is larger than current angle.

Then, perform AUTO1 calibration.


Full open & Full close time is less

than 1 second.

Size of the actuator is too small.

Can be checked from “Error”

category in View mode. (Refer to

section 8.10)

Use orifice and lower the flow


Or replace the actuator with

bigger size.


PV is set below 100.

Feedback lever’s angle use is set

too high.

Can be checked from “Error”

category in View mode. (Refer to

section 8.10)

Re-position the positioner so that

the angle use of the feedback

lever is smaller than current

angle. Then, perform AUTO1

calibration. H

PV is set above 4000.

Feedback lever’s angle use is set

too high.

Can be checked from “Error”

category in View mode. (Refer to

section 8.10)

Page 79: SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / …€¦ · Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual Ver. 1.13 6 God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic

Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 79

10. Main Software Map

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 80

11. Intrinsically installation drawing

11.1 FM certification

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Ver. 1.13 81

11.2 CSA certification

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Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series Product Manual

Ver. 1.13 82


Young Tech Co., Ltd

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Issued : 2018-06-06

Copyright © Young Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

1 SMART POSITIONER PRODUCT MANUAL YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 SERIES VERSION YT-3300 YT-3350 YT-3303 YT-3301 Rotork YTC Limited SMART POSITIONER YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series PRODUCT MANUAL Ver. 2 Contents 1 Introduction ..5 General Information for the users ..5 Manufacturer Warranty ..5 Explosion Proof Warning (Only for Intrinsic safety type positioners) ..6 2 PRODUCT Description ..8 General ..8 Main Features and Functions ..8 Label Description ..9 PRODUCT Code .. 15 YT-3300 / 3350 series follows suffix symbols as follows.. 15 YT-3303 series follows suffix symbols as follows.. 17 YT-3301 series follows suffix symbols as follows.. 18 PRODUCT Specification .. 19 YT-3300 / 3303 / 3350 Specification .. 19 YT-3301 Specification.

2 20 Certifications .. 22 Parts and Assembly .. 24 YT-3300 / 3350 .. 24 YT-3303 .. 25 YT-3301 .. 26 PRODUCT Dimension .. 27 YT-3300 .. 27 YT-3350 .. 28 YT-3303 .. 29 YT-3301 .. 30 3 Installation .. 31 Safety .. 31 Tools for installation .. 31 Linear POSITIONER Installation .. 32 Linear POSITIONER Installation of Standard lever 32 Safety .. 33 Standard lever type POSITIONER Installation Steps .. 33 YT-3300L / 3350L Installation of Adapter lever type (on tubeless actuator) .. 38 Safety .. 38 Adapter lever type POSITIONER Installation Steps .. 39 Rotary POSITIONER Installation .. 41 YT-3300R / 3350R Components .. 41 YT-3303R Components .. 42 YT-3301R remote sensor components .. 42 SMART POSITIONER YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series PRODUCT MANUAL Ver. 3 Rotary Bracket Information (Only YT-3300R / 3350R / 3303R).

3 43 Rotary POSITIONER Installation Steps .. 44 4 Connection — Air .. 46 Safety .. 46 Supply Pressure Condition .. 46 Piping Condition .. 46 Connection Piping with actuator .. 47 Single acting actuator .. 47 Double acting actuator .. 48 5 Connection Power .. 49 Safety .. 49 Connection .. 49 Ground .. 51 6 Adjustments .. 52 Limit Switch Adjustment .. 52 A/M switch adjustment .. 53 Orifice Installment .. 54 Plate type Orifice Installment (except YT-3303) .. 54 Variable Orifice Adjustment (Only YT-3303) .. 54 7 Optional Sub-PCB Installment .. 55 Installation steps .. 55 8 Maintenance .. 57 Supply air .. 57 Seals .. 57 9 Auto Calibration and PCB Operation .. 58 Warning .. 58 Button Description .. 58 Run Mode (RUN) .. 58 Auto Calibration mode (AUTO CAL) .. 59 AUTO1 Calibration (AUTO1) .. 59 AUTO2 Calibration (AUTO2) .. 60 AUTO 3 Calibration (AUTO 3) .. 60 AUTO HF Calibration (AUTO HF).

4 60 MANUAL Mode ( MANUAL ) .. 61 Parameter Mode (PARAM) .. 61 Dead-Zone (dEAdZONE, %) .. 62 P Value (KP) .. 62 I Value (KI) .. 63 D Value (Kd) .. 63 P_ (KP_), I_(KI_), D_ (Kd_) Values .. 63 SMART POSITIONER YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series PRODUCT MANUAL Ver. 4 KF Up Value (KFUP) .. 64 KF Down Value (KFdN) .. 64 Control mode (CTRL) .. 65 Hand Calibration Mode (HAND CAL) .. 66 Zero-Point (PV ZERO) and End-Point (PV END) for Valves .. 66 Zero-Point (TR ZERO) and End-Point (TR END) for Transmitter .. 67 Normal / Reverse Feedback Signal (TR NORM / REVS) .. 68 Normal / Reverse HART Signal (HT NORM / REVS) .. 68 Valve Mode (VALVE) .. 69 Acting Adjustment (ACT RA / dA) .. 69 Valve flow Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR) .. 70 User defining flow Characteristics (USER SET) .. 71 Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP).

5 73 Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL) .. 73 Split Range Mode (SPLIT) .. 74 Custom Zero Setting Mode of Split Range (CST ZERO) .. 74 Custom End Setting Mode of Split Range (CST ENd) .. 75 Interpolation Mode (ITP ON/OFF, ITP USER SET) .. 75 Acting Type (SINGLE / dOUBLE) .. 76 Lever Type (STd / AdT) .. 76 Diagnostic (dIAGNO) .. 77 PST Introduction .. 78 PST Mode (PST).. 79 PST Configuration (PST CFG) .. 79 Start Position (START PO) .. 80 Target 1 (TARGET 1) .. 80 Target 2 (TARGET 2) .. 80 Interval (INTERVAL) .. 81 Tolerance (TOL) .. 81 Limit Time (LIMIT TM) .. 81 Latency (LATENCY).. 82 PST Result (PST RSLT) .. 82 View Mode (VIEW) .. 83 10 Error and Warning Code .. 85 Error code which is displayed during Auto calibration .. 85 Error code which is displayed while using the PRODUCT .. 86 Error code which can be checked from View mode .. 86 Warning code which can be checked from View mode.

6 87 11 Main Software Map .. 88 SMART POSITIONER YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series PRODUCT MANUAL Ver. 5 1 Introduction General Information for the users Thank you for purchasing Rotork YTC Limited products. Each PRODUCT has been fully inspected after its production to offer you the highest quality and reliable performance. Please read the PRODUCT MANUAL carefully prior to installing and commissioning the PRODUCT . Installation, commissioning, and maintenance of the PRODUCT may only be performed by trained specialist personnel who have been authorized by the plant operator accordingly. The MANUAL should be provided to the end-user. Factory Mutual approved Intrinsically Safe and Non-Incendive units must be Installed Per drwg CSA approved Intrinsically Safe and Non-Incendive units must be Installed Per drwg The MANUAL can be altered or revised without any prior notice.

7 Any changes in PRODUCT s specification, design, and/or any components may not be printed immediately but until the following revision of the MANUAL . When the MANUAL refers to Valve Zero / Zero means the final valve position upon pneumatic pressure has been fully exhausted from POSITIONER s OUT1 port. For example, the valve zero position may differ between linear direct and reverse actions. (DA/RA) The MANUAL should not be duplicated or reproduced for any purpose without prior approval from Rotork YTC Limited, Gimpo-si, South Korea. In case of any other problems that are not stated in this MANUAL , please make immediate contact to Rotork YTC Limited. POSITIONER is an accessory of the control valve, so please make sure to read the applicable instruction MANUAL of the control valve prior to installation and operation. Manufacturer Warranty For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the MANUAL .

8 Manufacturer will not be responsible for any damages caused by user s negligence. Any modifications or repairs to the PRODUCT may only be performed if expressed in this MANUAL . Injuries and physical damages caused by customer s modifying or repairing the PRODUCT without a prior consultation with Rotork YTC Limited will not be compensated. If any alterations or modifications are necessary, please contact Rotork YTC Limited directly. The warranty period of the PRODUCT is (18) months from the date of shipment unless stated otherwise. Date of shipment can be checked by providing the LOT NO. or SERIAL NO. to us. SMART POSITIONER YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 series PRODUCT MANUAL Ver. 6 Manufacturer warranty will not cover products that have been subjected to abuse, accidents, alterations, modifications, tampering, negligence, misuse, faulty installation, lack of reasonable care, repair or service in any way that is not contemplated in the documentation for the PRODUCT , or if the model or serial number has been altered, tampered with, defaced or removed; damages that occurs in shipment, due to act of God, failure due to power surge, or cosmetic damage.

9 Improper or incorrectly performed maintenance will void this limited warranty. For detailed warranty information, please contact the corresponding local Rotork YTC Limited office or main office in South Korea. Explosion Proof Warning (Only for Intrinsic safety type positioners) Please ensure the unit is being used and installed in conformity with local, regional, and national explosion proof within the proper safety barrier environment. Refer to Certifications Explosion proof type of cables and gaskets should be used, when explosion gases are present at the installation site. POSITIONER has 2 ports for power connection. Explosion proof type wires and packing should be used. Blind plug is required when any port is not being used. Ring terminal with surface area of more than mm2 with M4 spring washer should be used to connect the power. For external ground terminal, ring terminal with surface area of more than mm2 should be used.

10 Wiring in these applications shall utilize appropriate methods for Class I, Division 2 / Zone 2 Substitution of components may impair intrinsic safety. WARNING EXPLOSION HAZARD Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2. AVERTISSEMENT RISQUE D’EXPLOSION Remplacement des composants peut nuire la conformit de Classe I, Division 2 EXPLOSION HAZARD. Do not connect or disconnect wiring unless all sources of power have been removed or the area is known to be non-hazardous. (French) RISQUE D’EXPLOSION. Ne pas raccorder ou d brancher le c blage moins Toutes les sources d’ nergie ont t enlev es ou la zone est connue pour tre non dangereux. The enclosure of models YT-3300 , YT-3301, and YT-3303 contains aluminum, which is considered to constitute a potential risk of ignition when subjected to impact or friction. Care must be used during installation in locating this equipment to prevent impact or friction Some of the enclosure parts are made of non-metallic materials.

  • Page 1
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Contents Introduction …………………………5 General Information for the users ………………….5 Manufacturer Warranty …………………….5 Explosion Proof Warning (Only for Intrinsic safety type positioners) …………6 Product Description ………………………7 General …………………………7 Main Features and Functions …………………..7 Label Description ……………………..8 Product Code ……………………….9…

  • Page 3
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Connection ……………………….29 Ground …………………………. 30 Adjustments ……………………….. 31 A/M switch adjustment ……………………31 Orifice Installment ……………………..32 Maintenance ……………………….. 33 Supply air ……………………….33 Seals …………………………33 Typical connection of YT-3300 with Profibus PA and Foundation Fieldbus ……..
  • Page 4
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual 9.8.7 Acting Type (SINGLE / dOUBLE) ………………..50 9.8.8 Lever Type (STd / AdT) ……………………. 51 Diagnostic (dIAGNO) ……………………. 52 9.9.1 Diagnosis Limit Configuration (LIMT CFG) ………………52 Deviation (dEV) ……………………
  • Page 5: Introduction

    Introduction General Information for the users Thank you for purchasing Rotork YTC Limited products. Each product has been fully inspected after its production to offer you the highest quality and reliable performance. Please read the product manual carefully prior to installing and commissioning the product.

  • Page 6: Explosion Proof Warning (Only For Intrinsic Safety Type Positioners)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Explosion Proof Warning (Only for Intrinsic safety type positioners) Please ensure the unit is being used and installed in conformity with local, regional, and national explosion proof within the proper safety barrier environment. ➢…

  • Page 7: Product Description

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Product Description General YT-3300 / 3350 (PA/FF) series Smart Valve Positioner accurately controls valve stroke in response to an input signal of Communication from the controller. Built-in micro-processor optimizes the positioner’s performance and provides unique functions such as Auto-Calibration, Profibus PA or Foundation fieldbus Protocol Communications.

  • Page 8: Label Description

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Label Description • MODEL : Indicates the model number and additional options. • INTRINSIC SAFETY / NONINCENDIVE : Indicates intrinsic safety explosion proof grade. • INGRESS PROTECTION : Indicates enclosure protection grade. •…

  • Page 9: Product Code

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Product Code YT-3300 / 3350 (PA/FF) series follows suffix symbols as follows. 2.4.1 YT-3300 / 3350 1 Linear (Positioner is attached the right yoke of actuator.) Motion Type Rotary Single Acting type…

  • Page 10: Product Specification

    2 kg (4.4 lb) 5.1 kg (11.2 lb) Painting Polyester Powder Coating Tested under ambient temperature of 20 °C, absolute pressure of 760 mmHg, and humidity of 65 %. Please contact Rotork YTC Limited for detailed testing specification. Ver. 1.00…

  • Page 11: Certifications

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Certifications ※ All certifications below are posted on Rotork YTC Limited homepage( ATEX ➢ Type : Intrinsic safety Rating : II 2G Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb, II 2D Ex ia IIIC T100°C/T85°C Db, IP6X Certification No.

  • Page 12: Parts And Assembly

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Parts and Assembly Fig. 2-1: exploded view 1. Base Cover 8. Pilot Block 2. PCB Cover 9. Base body 3. Main PCB 10. Feedback Lever 4. Torque Motor 11.

  • Page 13: Product Dimension

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Product Dimension YT-3300 2.8.1 Fig. 2-2: YT-3300L (Standard Lever Type) Fig. 2-3: YT-3300L (Adapter Lever Type) Fig. 2-4: YT-3300R (Fork lever Type) Fig. 2-5: YT-3300 (Namur Type) Ver.

  • Page 14
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual YT-3350 2.8.2 Fig. 2-6: YT-3350L (Standard Lever Type) Fig. 2-7: YT-3350L (Adapter Lever Type) Fig. 2-8: YT-3350R (Fork lever Type) Fig. 2-9: YT-3350R (Namur Type) Ver. 1.00…
  • Page 15: Installation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Installation Safety When installing a positioner, please ensure to read and follow safety instructions. ➢ Any input or supply pressures to valve, actuator, and / or to other related devices must be turned off.

  • Page 16: Linear Positioner Installation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Linear positioner Installation Linear positioner should be installed on linear motion valves such as globe or gate type which uses spring return type diaphragm or piston actuators. Linear positioner Installation of Standard lever type 3.3.1 Fig.

  • Page 17: Standard Lever Type Positioner Installation Steps

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Standard lever type positioner Installation Steps 1) Assemble the positioner or remote sensor with the bracket made in previous step by fastening the bolts. Fig. 3-3: Standard Lever Type 2) Attach the positioner (or remote sensor) with the bracket to the actuator yoke –…

  • Page 18
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual 5) Insert the connection bar between the feedback lever and lever spring. The connection bar must be located upward from the lever spring as shown below left figure. If it is located downward from the lever spring as shown below right figure, the connection bar or the lever spring will be worn out quickly because of excessive strong tension.
  • Page 19
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual 7) Check the valve stroke. The stroke numbers are engraved on the feedback lever of the positioner. Position the connection bar at the number on the feedback lever which corresponds with the desired valve stroke.
  • Page 20: Installation Of Adapter Lever Type (On Tubeless Actuator)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Installation of Adapter lever type (on tubeless actuator) 3.3.2 Installation of adapter lever type example Fig. 3-9: Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available. ➢…

  • Page 21: Adapter Lever Type Positioner Installation Steps

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Adapter lever type positioner Installation Steps 1) Remove Out1 Plug(Fig. 3-11) on the bottom of the positioner. Plug up out1 port of gauge block with 1/4 plug using sealant. 2) Check the valve stroke.

  • Page 22
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Fig. 3-12: Adapter Lever Type 5) Connect Air-filter regulator to Supply port of the positioner. 6) Turn the Auto/Manual switch counterclockwise (toward “M”). Refer to 6.1 for more detail. Supply enough air pressure to the actuator in order to position the valve stroke at 50 % of the total stroke.
  • Page 23: Rotary Positioner Installation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Rotary positioner Installation Rotary positioner should be installed on rotary motion valve such as ball or butterfly type which uses rack and pinion, scotch yoke or other type of actuators which its stem rotates 90 degrees. Before proceeding with the installation, ensure following components are available.

  • Page 24: Rotary Bracket Information

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Rotary Bracket Information 3.4.2 The rotary bracket set (included with the positioner) contains two components. (but the upper brackets of Fork lever type and Namur type are different.) The bracket is designed to fit onto the actuator with 20 mm, 30 mm and 50 mm stem height (H) according to VDI/VDE 3845 standard.

  • Page 25: Rotary Positioner Installation Steps

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Fig. 3-16: Actuator stem Height Fig. 3-17: Exploded Brackets Rotary positioner Installation Steps 3.4.3 1) Please check the actuator’s stem height and adjust the brackets by referring to the above bracket table.

  • Page 26
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual 5) (Only Fork lever type) After setting fork lever position, fasten lock nuts which are located on the bottom of the fork lever. Ensure to set the gap between the top of upper bracket and the top of the fork lever within 23 ~ 28 mm.
  • Page 27: Connection — Air

    Always recommended to use air filter regulator (i.e. YT-200 series). ➢ ➢ Rotork YTC Limited has not tested positioner’s operation with any other gases other than clean air. Please contact Rotork YTC Limited for any questions. Supply Pressure Condition ➢…

  • Page 28: Connection — Piping With Actuator

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Connection – Piping with actuator Single acting actuator 4.4.1 Singe acting type positioner is set to use only OUT1 port. OUT1 port of positioner should be connected with supply port of actuator when using spring return actuator of single acting type.

  • Page 29: Connection — Power

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Connection – Power Safety ➢ There are two conduit entries on the product. See “2.4 Product Code” for conduit entry threads. Before connecting terminal, ensure that the power is off completely. ➢…

  • Page 30: Ground

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Ground 1) Ground must be done before operating the positioner. 2) Open base cover and there is an internal ground “F.G” on the left hand. An external ground bolt is located next to the conduit entry. Please make sure that the resistance is less than 100 ohm.

  • Page 31: Adjustments

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Adjustments A/M switch adjustment 1) On the right hand bottom of positioner, there is A/M switch (Auto/Manual). A/M Switch allows the positioner to be functioned as by-pass. If the switch is turned clockwise (toward “A”) and it is fasten tightly, then the supply pressure will be transferred to actuator through outport by positioner control.

  • Page 32: Orifice Installment

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Orifice Installment Hunting can be occurred when the actuator’s volume is too small. In order to prevent hunting, orifice can be used. By installing the plate type orifice, the flow rate of the supply pressure to actuator can be reduced.

  • Page 33: Maintenance

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Maintenance Supply air If Supply air pressure is not stable or Supply air is not clean, the positioner may not function properly. Air quality and pressure should be checked regularly to see if the air is clean and pressure set is normal. Seals Once a year, it is recommended to check if there are any damaged parts of the positioner.

  • Page 34: Typical Connection Of Yt-3300 With Profibus Pa And Foundation Fieldbus

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Typical connection of YT-3300 with Profibus PA and Foundation Fieldbus Profibus PA The diagram below shows how to connect YT-3300 PA using EDD for Simens SIMATIC PDM. Commands from the host PC are transmitted to the DP/PA coupler through the Profibus DP interface module, and then converted into low-speed signals and transmitted to the positioner.

  • Page 35: Configurations For High Speed Solution & Low Speed Solution

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Configurations for high speed solution & low speed solution Fig. 8-2: High Speed solution with Profibus PA Link & Low speed solution with DP/PA coupler Foundation Fieldbus YT-3300 is connected to junction box of Foundation Fieldbus HI bus system (31.25 kbps) and its signals are transmitted to HSE (High Speed Ethernet) through Fieldbus controller (or linking device).

  • Page 36: Auto Calibration And Pcb Operation

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Auto Calibration and PCB Operation Warning Following process will operate valve and actuator. Before proceeding with any Auto Calibration, please separate valve from the entire system by using bypass valve, so Auto Calibration will not affect entire valve process.

  • Page 37: Auto Calibration Mode (Auto Cal)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual ※ By pressing <ESC> button several times from any MODES, it will return to “RUN PV” mode. Therefore, if the users have entered the wrong mode by mistake or do not wish to proceed with their current work, they could return to “RUN PV”…

  • Page 38: Auto2 Calibration (Auto2)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual AUTO2 Calibration (AUTO2) 9.4.2 AUTO2 changes all of the parameters. It is recommended to perform AUTO2 when the positioner has been installed on the valve for the first time or the positioner has been reinstalled after disassemble from an actuator.

  • Page 39: Manual Mode (Manual)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Manual Mode (MANUAL) Manual mode is used to manually raise or lower the valve stem. In the manual mode, the positioner does not control the valve according to the electric signal inputted from the outside but the stroke of the valve can be adjusted only by the operation of <UP>…

  • Page 40: Dead-Zone (Deadzone, %)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Dead-Zone (dEAdZONE, %) 9.6.1 Dead-Zone indicates the percentage of error allowance. In case of high level of packing friction, which may cause hunting, increasing the value of Dead-Zone can stable the valve operation. 3 seconds →…

  • Page 41: I Value (Ki)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual I Value (KI) 9.6.3 I value indicates the additional compensation signal based on the percentage of error allowance. As the value increase, it is more likely to have hunting. As the value decreases, the positioner will move slowly to the target position.

  • Page 42: Kf Up Value (Kfup)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual KF Up Value (KFUP) 9.6.6 KF Up control value corrects valve friction when moving from 0 % to 100 %, reducing the dead time. <UP>/<DOWN> → → →…

  • Page 43: Control Mode (Ctrl)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Control mode (CTRL) 9.6.8 This function is used to select the PID tuning set that already stored corresponding to the stability or responsiveness, not in the way the user changes the KP, KI, or KD manually. •…

  • Page 44: Hand Calibration Mode (Hand Cal)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Hand Calibration Mode (HAND CAL) Hand Calibration mode is used when the zero-point or end point of the valve is required to be readjusted after Auto Calibration has been performed. Zero-Point (PV ZERO) and End-Point (PV END) for Valves 9.7.1 PZ ZERO adjusts the zero point of the valve, and PV END adjusts the end point of the valve.

  • Page 45: Valve Mode (Valve)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Valve Mode (VALVE) Valve mode offers useful and various function settings for operating the control valve. Below is the list of functions which could be set from Valve mode. 1) Acting Adjustment (ACT RA / dA) 2) Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR) 3) User Characteristics (USER SET)

  • Page 46: Valve Flow Characteristic Adjustment (Char)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Valve flow Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR) 9.8.2 The valve flow characteristic can be set on the field’s requirement. There are 4 types of characteristics – linear (LIN), user setting (USR), quick open (QO), and equal percentage (EQ).

  • Page 47: User Defining Flow Characteristics (User Set)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual User defining flow Characteristics (USER SET) 9.8.3 User can make its own flow characteristic curve with this mode. USER SET can be set in two ways, 5 points and 11 points.

  • Page 48
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual 2) 11 points setting can be set with 1mA intervals. The initial positions are P0(0 %), P1(10 %), P2(20 %), … P9(90 %) and P10(100 %) but user can change the % values to different values. User can change all 11 points or only change partially and exit the menu by pressing <ESC>…
  • Page 49: Tight Shut Open (Tshut Op)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP) 9.8.4 Tight shut open shows the current value in percentage (%). Input current of 4 mA is 0 %, 20 mA is 100 %.

  • Page 50: Interpolation Mode (Itp On/Off, Itp User Set)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Interpolation Mode (ITP ON/OFF, ITP USER SET) 9.8.6 In case of linear positioner, the error of accuracy occurs when the linear motion of actuator changes into the rotary motion of feedback lever. After the auto calibration, the positioner turns on ITP function with an appropriate value of interpolation automatically.

  • Page 51: Lever Type (Std / Adt)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Lever Type (STd / AdT) 9.8.8 Displays or changes current lever type into standard type or adapter type. If the Lever type mode is set correctly, the accuracy will be worse at ITP ON than at ITP OFF. <UP>/<DOWN>…

  • Page 52: Diagnostic (Diagno)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Diagnostic (dIAGNO) Below is the list of functions which could be set from Diagnostic mode. 1) Diagnosis Limit Configuration (LIMT CFG) Deviation (dEV) Deviation Time (dEV TIME) C.

  • Page 53: Deviation (Dev)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Deviation (dEV) This is used to set the deviation in % between the target position and actual position. Default is 10 %. Alarm is triggered if actual deviation greater than the preset deviation “dEV” persists longer than the preset Deviation Time “dEV TIME”.

  • Page 54: Travel Accumulator Limit (Tvla Lmt)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Travel Accumulator Limit (TVLA LMT) Travel Accumulator Alarm is triggered when total valve travel accumulated exceeds this Travel Accumulator Limit “TVLA LMT”. <UP>/<DOWN> → → → Press <UP>…

  • Page 55: Low Low Limit Alarm (Ll Alrm) And High High Limit Alarm (Hh Alrm)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Low Low Limit Alarm (LL ALRM) and High High Limit Alarm (HH ALRM) This is used to set a position to trigger Low Low Limit Alarm or High High Limit Alarm when the valve moves to the position lower than LL ALRM or higher than HH ALRM.

  • Page 56: Pst Introduction

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual PST Introduction 9.9.2 Unlike FST (Full Stroke Test) where a valve is fully closed and opened, PST (Partial Stroke Test) is a method used to test a percentage of the possible failure of the valve by slightly closing and opening the valve.

  • Page 57: Pst Mode (Pst)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual PST Mode (PST) 9.9.3 To run PST, select a PST mode. There are 3 mode for running PST. Mode Description PST OFF Turn off PST. It’s a default mode Run PST once immediately.

  • Page 58: Start Position (Start Po)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Start Position (START PO) It is used to set a start position when PST initiates. The position must be in between 0 and 100 %, and default value is 100 %.

  • Page 59: Interval (Interval)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Interval (INTERVAL) Interval time (days) between 1 PST and the next PST. The value must be between 1 ~ 365, and default value is 365 (days). <UP>/<DOWN>…

  • Page 60: Latency (Latency)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Latency (LATENCY) Latency for next movement after valve move. The value must be between 1 ~ 60 sec, and default value is 10 (sec). <UP>/<DOWN> → →…

  • Page 61: View Mode (View)

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual View Mode (VIEW) 9.10 Displays various information of the positioner. <DOWN> 3 seconds → → → Press <UP> or <DOWN> button if the above is not displayed. <DOWN>…

  • Page 62
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual bIAS 25 BIAS value when valve position is at 25 % bIAS 75 BIAS value when valve position is at 75 % Total operation time. If the device is used for less than 1 hour, the time does not accumulate.
  • Page 63: Warning / Alarm Code

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Warning / Alarm Code This is the status and alarm code displayed on the LCD screen when a change in the state of the product and process occurs while using the product. Please refer to the table below to check the code for the status and alarm and take the appropriate action.

  • Page 64
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Category Alarm Code Code Description and Cause Action ➢ Displayed when the valve does not move even though the positioner sends “Full Open” signal during ➢ Check if air pressure is Auto Calibration.
  • Page 65
    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Warning Category Code Description and Cause Action Code ➢ Warning is triggered when the actual position (PV) is lower than ➢ Make sure that the «LO setting in «LO ALARM». LO ALRM ALRM»…
  • Page 66: Main Software Map

    Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 series (Profibus PA & Foundation Fieldbus) Product Manual Main Software Map Ver. 1.00…

  • Page 67
    Product Manual Manufacturer: Rotork YTC Limited Address: 81, Hwanggeum-ro, 89 Beon-gil, Yangchon-eup, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Postal code: 10048 Tel: +82-31-986-8545 Fax: +82-70-4170-4927 Email: Homepage : Issued : 2021-01-21 Copyright © Rotork YTC Limited. All Rights Reserved. Ver. 1.00…

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