Zebra zt410 инструкция на русском

Zebra ZT410 — принтер этикеток промышленного класса. Устройство предназначено для печати наклеек, бирок, браслетов, ярлыков, RFID-меток, стикеров и ценников на различных материалах. Благодаря совмещению двух видов печати — прямой термической и термотрансферной — аппарат находит применение в таких сферах:

  • производство: изготовление упаковочных этикеток, стикеров для сортировки и учета продукции, серийных номеров для товаров;
  • розничная торговля: распечатка ценников и наклеек с указанием срока годности и веса продукции, маркировка товаров;
  • аэропорты, вокзалы: формирование ярлыков для прослеживаемости и идентификации багажа, печать посадочных талонов;
  • медицина: идентификация пациентов с помощью браслетов, печать бирок для пакетов с кровью, учет медикаментов
  • логистика: маркировка грузов, почтовых отправлений, партий товаров.

Высокие эксплуатационные возможности модели обеспечивают быстрое выполнение различных задач в области маркировки.

Подскажем, какой принтер Zebra из нашего каталога подойдет для вашего бизнеса.

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Характеристики и функциональные возможности

Основная функция рассматриваемого устройства — нанесение текстов, графики, штрихкодов на этикет-ленту и другие носители. Быстродействие принтера обеспечивается внутренней памятью 256 Мб. Флэш-память объемом 512 Мб содержит встроенные шрифты. При желании пользователь может загрузить дополнительные шрифты, логотипы и прочие изображения. Поддерживается печать линейных и двумерных штрихкодов. Дополнительно принтер может оснащаться радиочастотным модулем для кодирования противокражных RFID-меток. Принтер поддерживает несколько языков программирования:

  1. ZBI 2.0 — служит для подключения периферийных устройств, запуска автономных приложений и выполнения других операций.
  2. ZPL, ZPL II — обеспечивает расширенные возможности редактирования шаблонов этикеток и управления устройством.
  3. EPL, EPL2 — обеспечивает простое форматирование этикеток; совместим с устаревшими форматами приложений.

Пользователю доступен выбор языка управления в программных настройках.


Zebra ZT410 имеет три режима скорости печати, зависящих от выбранного разрешения изображения: до 356 мм/с при 203 dpi, до 254 мм/с при 300 dpi и 102 мм/c при 600 dpi. Ширина печати достигает 104 мм, длина также зависит от качества печатаемого изображения. При разрешении 203 dpi она составляет 3 988 мм, при 300 dpi — 1 854 мм, при 600 dpi — 991 мм.


Подключить внешнее оборудование к Zebra ZT410 можно несколькими способами. Проводное подключение обеспечивают порты USB 1.1, USB Host, RS-232 и плата расширения Ethernet. Беспроводная передача информации происходит посредством модуля Bluetooth 2.1. и технологии NFC.

Все вышеперечисленные интерфейсы доступны в стандартной комплектации. В качестве дополнительных опций модель может оснащаться модулем беспроводной связи Wi-Fi и портом LPT.

Рабочая температура оборудования при термотрансферной печати составляет 5–40 °C, при прямой термической — 0–40 °C. Допустимый уровень влажности при эксплуатации — от 20 до 85 %. Хранить устройство необходимо при температуре от -40 до 60 °C и влажности 5–85 %.

При соблюдении правил эксплуатации на устройство предоставляется гарантия от производителя — 1 год.

Базовая комплектация Zebra ZT410

В стандартный комплект поставки входят:

  • принтер;
  • кабель и блок питания;
  • руководство пользователя;
  • компакт-диск с ПО.

Для упрощения работы принтер может оснащаться дополнительными элементами:

  • отделитель — производит снятие этикетки с подложки и подачу пользователю по одной;
  • отрезчик — обеспечивает автоматическую обрезку ленты;
  • держатель для рулона этикет-ленты диаметром 25,4 мм;
  • валик для размотки риббона красящей стороной внутрь.
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Внешний вид и удобство эксплуатации

Модель имеет металлический корпус, выполненный в форме куба. Габариты принтера — 495 (Д) × 269 (Ш) × 324 (В) мм. Вес составляет 16,33 кг.

На боковой панели находится крышка с прозрачным окошком для контроля остатка расходных материалов. Реализована боковая загрузка носителя и риббона.

Разъемы для подключения внешних устройств и кнопка включения располагаются на задней панели.

На передней находится ЖК-дисплей с подсветкой и клавишный блок для управления принтером. Над экраном Zebra ZT410 расположены двухцветные светодиодные индикаторы, оповещающие о том, что закончилась лента, и о других состояниях оборудования.

Для быстрой настройки печати в принтере Zebra ZT410 реализована функция автоматической калибровки. При загрузке нового типа носителя оборудование определяет размеры этикетки и настраивает печатный механизм под нужные параметры. Заданные настройки сохраняются даже при выключении принтера и меняются при следующей загрузке носителя другого размера.

Подберем принтер для печати этикеток и штрихкодов, установим и настроим за 1 час.

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Расходные материалы Zebra ZT410

Использование двух методов печати позволяет применять различные материалы для производства этикеток:

  • этикет-лента с термочувствительным слоем;
  • картон;
  • бумага;
  • полипропиленовые, полиэтиленовые носители;
  • ткань.

Для печати используются носители в рулонах с внешним диаметром не более 203 мм. Диаметр втулки составляет 76 мм.

Ширина этикет-ленты может быть от 25,4 до 108 мм (при использовании отрезчика — до 114 мм). Минимальная длина этикетки составляет 12,7 мм (при применении резака — 25,4); максимальная — 991 мм.

Толщина носителя вместе с подложкой может варьироваться от 0,058 до 0,25 мм. Носители могут быть:

  • непрерывными;
  • с засечками;
  • штампованной формы;
  • с черной меткой.

Для термотрансферной печати также требуется красящая лента шириной от 51 до 110 мм. Длина используемого риббона может достигать 450 м, внутренний диаметр катушки — 25 мм.

Инструкция, драйверы и прошивки Zebra 410

На официальном сайте производителя можно найти все необходимое ПО и документацию для работы с оборудованием: драйверы, руководство по программированию, руководство по эксплуатации на английском языке. Инструкция к Zebra ZT410 на русском языке входит в комплект поставки.

Для настройки сети и корректной работы с Zebra ZT410 требуется установка драйверов — на сайте изготовителя представлено несколько файлов, подходящих для различных ОС: Windows 7/10/8.1 driver, Windows Server 2012/2016/2019/2008 R2. При необходимости с сайта можно скачать различные версии прошивок, утилиты и ПО.

Для настройки работы с RFID-метками с оборудованием поставляется руководство по программированию RFID, копия которого также находится на веб-сайте разработчика.

Отзывы о Zebra ZT410

Модель пользуется популярностью у пользователей, которые отмечают высокую производительность устройства. Клиентам нравится удобство управления принтером благодаря наличию ЖК-дисплея с интуитивно понятным меню.

Судя по отзывам, несомненное преимущество оборудования — быстрая скорость печати в сочетании с высоким качеством изображения, что позволяет производить этикетки в промышленных объемах.

Стоимость Zebra ZT410

В зависимости от модификации, принтер имеет различную стоимость. Наиболее бюджетный вариант — стандартная комплектация, включающая базовый набор интерфейсов (USB 1.1, USB Host, RS-232, Ethernet, Bluetooth 2.1., NFC). Дороже обойдется модель с встроенным модулем RFID. На стоимость также влияют дополнительные элементы: отделитель этикеток, смотчик этикет-ленты и резак.

Как выбрать

Пользователю доступно несколько модификаций Zebra ZT410. Выбор подходящего устройства зависит от целей маркировки. Для стандартных задач достаточно базовой модификации с набором проводных и беспроводных интерфейсов подключения.

Если требуется кодировка противокражных радиочастотных меток, рекомендуется выбрать модель с модулем RFID. Для улучшения работоспособности оборудования приобретаются дополнительные устройства, ускоряющие печать этикеток (отрезчик, отделитель этикеток, смотчик носителя, размотчик красящей ленты).


Zebra ZT410 — промышленное оборудование, подходящее для выполнения большого спектра задач в области маркировки. Высокие эксплуатационные способности принтера позволяют производить этикетки в больших объемах — около 20 000 шт./день. Наличие различных модификаций позволяет пользователю выбрать модель с необходимым набором функций.

Техническое сопровождение принтеров Zebra. Решим любые проблемы!

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    © 2014 ZIH Corp. The copyrights in this manual and th e software and/or firmware in the printer described therein are owned by ZIH Corp. and Zebra’ s licensors. Unaut horized reproduction of this manual or the software and/or firmware in the printer may result in impr isonm ent of up to one year and fines of up to $10,000 (17 U.S.C.506). Copyrig[…]

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    Contents 6 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Load the Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Final S teps f or T ear-Off Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Final S teps for Peel-Off Mode (with or wi[…]

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    7 Contents 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5 • T roubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Meaning of Indicator Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Printing Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[…]

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    Contents 8 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _____________________ ___________________[…]

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    4/8/14 P1066582-002 About This Document This section provides yo u with contact informat ion, document structure and or ganization, an d additional re ference documents. Content s Who Should Use This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 How This Document Is Organized . . . . . . . . . . .[…]

  • Страница 10

    About This Document Who Shoul d Use This Do cument 10 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Who Should Use This Document This User Guide is intend ed for use by any person who needs to perform routine maintenance , upgrade, or trou bleshoot problems w ith the printer. How This Document Is Organized The User Guide is set up as follows: Sect[…]

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    4/8/14 P1066582-002 1 Introduction This section provides a high-level over vi ew of the printe r and its compone n ts. Content s Printer Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[…]

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    13 Introd uction Printer Components 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Printer Component s Figure 2 shows the components inside the medi a compartment of a stan dard printer. Depending on the printer model and the installed options, y o ur printer may look sligh tly different. The componen ts that are labeled are menti o ned in proced u[…]

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    Introduction Control Pane l 14 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Control Panel The control pane l indicates the printer’ s current status a nd allows the user to control basic printer ope ration. 6 13 12 9 8 11 10 1 2 3 4 5 14 15 16 Figure 3 • Control Panel 7 1 ST A TUS lig ht These indicator lights show the current status of the p[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation T ypes of Media 16 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 T ypes of Media Y our printer can use various types of media: • S tandar d media —Most standard media uses an adhesive backing that sticks individual labels or a continuo us length of labels to a liner . Stand ard media can come on rolls or in a fanfol[…]

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    17 Printer Setup and Operation T ypes of Media 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 T able 1 • Roll and Fanfold Media Media T ype How It Looks Descriptio n Non-Continuous Roll Media Roll media is wound on a core that can be 1 in. to 3 in. (25 to 76 mm) in diameter . Individual label s or tags are separated by one or more of the followin[…]

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    19 Printer Setup and Operation Ribbon Overview 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Adhesive T est If you have lab els available, p erform the adhesive test to determine which side of a ribbon is coated. This method works well for ribbon that is already insta lled. T o perform an adhesive test, comple te these step s: 1. Peel a label fro […]

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    4/8/14 P1066582-002 2 Printer Setup and Operation This section assists the technician with initial setup a nd operation of the printer. Content s Handling the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Unpack and Inspect the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . […]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Handling the Printer 22 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Handling the Printer This section describes how to han dle your printer. Unp ack and Inspect the Printer When you receiv e the printer, immediately unp ack it and inspec t for shipping damage. • Save all packing mate rials. • Check all exterior su[…]

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    23 Printer Setup and Operation Select a Location for the Printer 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Select a Location for the Printer Select a location for the prin ter that meets these condition s: • Surface: The surface where the pr inter will be located must b e solid, level, and of suffi cient size and strength to h old the printe[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Select a Communication Inte rface 24 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Select a Communication Interface Y ou may connect yo ur printer to a computer using o ne or more of the available con nections. The standard connections are shown in Figure 1 . A ZebraNet wired or wireless print server option or a paralle[…]

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    25 Printer Setup and Operation Select a Communication Interface 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 T able 2 • Communic a tion Interfac es Interface St andard or Option Description Bluetooth ® Sta nd ar d Limit ations and Requirements Many mobile devices can communicate wi th the printer with in a 10-foot radius of th e printer . Conn[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Select a Communication Inte rface 26 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Dat a Cables Y ou must supply all data cabl es for your application. Ethernet cables do not requ ire shielding, but all other da ta cables must be fully shielded and fitted with me tal or metallized connector shells. Unshielded data cable[…]

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    27 Printer Setup and Operation Connect the Printer to a Po wer Source 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Connect the Printer to a Power Source The AC power cord must ha ve a three-prong fema le connector on one end that plugs into the mating AC power connector at the rear of the printer. If a power cable was not included with your print[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Connect the Printer to a Power Source 28 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 3. Tu r n o n ( I ) the printer. The printer boots up an d performs a self-test. The prin ter reports its statu s through the indicator lights on the control panel (see T able 1 on page 146 for the meani ng of the ligh t colors and co[…]

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    29 Printer Setup and Operation Connect the Printer to a Po wer Source 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Figure 2 • Power Cord Specifications Figure 3 • International Safety Organization Certification Symbols 1 AC power plug for your co untry—This shou ld bear the certifi cation mark of at least on e of the known i n ternational s[…]

  • Страница 30

    Printer Setup and Operation Select a Print Mode 30 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Select a Print Mode Use a print mod e that matche s the media be ing used and the printer options availa ble ( Ta b l e 3 ). The media pa th is the same for roll and fanfold media. T able 3 • Print Modes and Printer Options Print Mode When to Use/Pri[…]

  • Страница 31

    31 Printer Setup and Operation Select a Print Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Cutter Use if the printer has a cut t er option when you want the labels to be cut apart. The printer prin ts a label an d then cuts it free. Cutter mode Peel-Off Use if the printer has the Peel-Of f option, the Liner T ake-Up op tion, or the Rewi nd o[…]

  • Страница 32

    Printer Setup and Operation Select a Print Mode 32 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Peel-Of f (with Liner T ake-Up) Use if the printer h as the Liner T ake-Up option or the Rewind op tion. The printer peels the labe l from the liner during printin g and then pa uses until the label is removed. The liner winds onto the liner take-up sp[…]

  • Страница 33

    33 Printer Setup and Operation Select a Print Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Rewind Use if the printer has the Rewind opti on. The printer winds the labels an d liner onto the rewind spindle without peeli ng the labels from the liner . Rewind mode T able 3 • Print Modes and Printer Options Print Mode When to Use/Printer Optio[…]

  • Страница 34

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media 34 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Load the Media Use the instruc tions in this sect ion for load ing roll or fanfol d media in an y print mode. T o load media, complete these step s: 1. Raise the media door . Caution • While performing any tasks near an open printhe ad, remove all rings, […]

  • Страница 35

    35 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 2. 3. Insert media int o the printer. Follo w the instructions for roll or fanfold media, as appropriate. Caution • The printhead may be ho t and could cause severe burns. Allow the printhead to cool. Open the printhead assembly by rotatin g the printhead[…]

  • Страница 36

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media 36 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 3-b. Pull out the media su pply guide as far as it goes. Feed the media through the re ar or bottom access slot. Rear Feed Bottom Feed 3-c. Place the roll of media on the media supply hanger . Push the roll back as far as it will go. Drape the media over th[…]

  • Страница 37

    37 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 4. Slide the media guide all the way out. 3-d. Slide in th e media supp ly guide, u ntil it touches th e edge of the rol l. Slide in th e media supp ly guide , until it touches th e edge of the media. 3-e. Continue with step 4 . Continue wit h step 4 and th[…]

  • Страница 38

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media 38 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 5. From the media hanger ( 1 ), feed the media under the dancer assembly ( 2 ), through the media sensor ( 3 ), and under th e printhead assembly ( 4 ). Slid e the media back until it touches the inside back wall of t he media sensor . 1 2 3 4[…]

  • Страница 39

    39 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 6. In which print mode wi ll your printer be operating? (For more informati on on print modes, see Select a Print Mode on page 30 .) If using… Then… T ear-Of f mode Continue with Final S teps for T e ar-Off Mode on page 40 . Peel-Of f mode (wit h or wit[…]

  • Страница 40

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—T ear-Off Mode 40 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Final St ep s for T ear-Off Mode 1. Slide in the med ia guide unt il it just touc hes the edge of the media. 2. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver ( 1 ) downwa rd until it locks the printhead in pla ce. 3. Does the media that you are u sing […]

  • Страница 41

    41 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—T ear-Off Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 4. Close the media door . 5. Set the prin ter to T ea r-Of f m o de (for more information, see Print Mode on page 69 ). 6. Press P AUSE to exit pause mode and enable printing. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, de[…]

  • Страница 42

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 42 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Final St ep s for Peel-Off Mode (with or without Liner T ake-Up) 1. Push down the peel-of f mechanism rele ase lever to open the peel a ssembly .[…]

  • Страница 43

    43 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 2. Extend the media approximately 18 in . (500 mm) out of the printe r. 3. Remove the exposed labels so that only the lin er remains.[…]

  • Страница 44

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 44 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 4. Feed the liner behind the pee l assembly . Make sure that the end of the liner fa lls outside of the printer.[…]

  • Страница 45

    45 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5. Complete this step only if you want to use Peel-Of f mode with Liner T ake-Up. Y our printer must have the Liner T ake-Up option or the Re wind option installed. Fo llow the instructions for yo ur printer[…]

  • Страница 46

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 46 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Rewind Option (Continued) Liner T ake-Up Option (Continued) 5-c. Loosen the thumbscrew on the rewind media guide. Push the liner back until it touche s the back plate of the liner take -up spindle assembly .[…]

  • Страница 47

    47 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Rewind Option (Continued) 5-e. Slide an empty core onto the rewind spindle. 5-f. W rap the liner arou nd the core as shown, and the n turn the rewind spindle to ti ghten the me dia. Ensure that the edge o f […]

  • Страница 48

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 48 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Rewind Option (Continued) 5-g. Fold up the rewind medi a guide, and then slide it in until it t ouches the liner . 5-h. T ighten the thumbscrew on the rewind media guide. 5-i. Loading of the liner is c o mpl[…]

  • Страница 49

    49 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 6. 7. Slide in the med ia guide unt il it just touc hes the edge of the media. 8. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver ( 1 ) downwa rd until it locks the printhead in pla ce. Caution • Use the peel release le[…]

  • Страница 50

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 50 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 9. Does the media that you are u sing require ribbon for printing? If you are not sure, see When to Use Ribbon on page 18 . 10. Close the media door . 11 . Set the prin ter to Peel-Off mode (for more informa[…]

  • Страница 51

    51 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—R ewind Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Final St ep s for Rewind Mode 1. Extend the media approximately 18 in . (500 mm) out of the printe r. 2. Feed the media over the peel assembly .[…]

  • Страница 52

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Re wind Mode 52 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 3. Thread the media into the slot below the peel assembly . 4. Feed the media under the me dia alignment roller . 5. Loosen the thumbsc r ew on the rewin d media guide.[…]

  • Страница 53

    53 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—R ewind Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 6. Slide the rewind media guide all the way out, an d then fold it down. 7. Slide an empty core onto the rewind spindle. 8. W rap the media around the co re as show n and turn the rewind spindle t o tighten the media. Ensure that the edge of […]

  • Страница 54

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Re wind Mode 54 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 9. Fold up the rewind media guide, and then slide it in until it touches the media. 10. T ighten the thumbscre w on the rewin d media guide. 11 . Slide in the outer med ia guide unti l it just touch es the edge of the media.[…]

  • Страница 55

    55 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—R ewind Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 12. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver ( 1 ) downwa rd until it locks the printhead in pla ce. 13. Does the media that you are u sing require ribbon for printing? If you are not sure, see When to Use Ribbon on page 18 . 14. Close the media doo[…]

  • Страница 56

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Re wind Mode 56 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 16. Press P AUSE to exit pause mode and enable printing. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, depending on your sett ings. 17. If desired, perfo rm the CANCEL Self T est on page 163 to verify that yo ur printer i s ab[…]

  • Страница 57

    57 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Cutter Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Final St ep s for Cutter Mode 1. Caution • The cutter blade is sharp. Do not touch or rub the blade wi th your fingers. Feed the media through the cut t er .[…]

  • Страница 58

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Cutter Mode 58 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 2. Slide in the out er media guide un til it just to uches the edge of t he media. 3. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver ( 1 ) downwa rd until it locks the printhead in pla ce. 4. Does the media that you are u sing require ribbon for printing? […]

  • Страница 59

    59 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Cutter Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5. Close the media door . 6. Set the printe r to Cutter mode (for more information, see Print Mode on page 69 ). 7. Press P AUSE to exit pause mode and enable printing. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, depending on[…]

  • Страница 60

    Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 60 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Load the Ribbon Ribbon is used o n ly with thermal t ransfer labels. For dire ct thermal labels, do not load ribbo n in the printe r. T o determine if ri bbon must be used with a particular media , see When to Use Ribbon on page 18 . T o load ribbon, complete th ese ste[…]

  • Страница 61

    61 Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 2. 3. Place the roll o f ribbon on the ribbon supply spind l e with the lo ose end of th e ribbon unrolling as shown. Push t he ro ll back as far as it will go. Caution • The printhead may be ho t and could cause severe burns. Allow the printhead to cool. Open the pri[…]

  • Страница 62

    Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 62 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 4. Bring the ribbon under the printhea d assembly , and then wrap it several turn s around the ribbon ta ke-up spindl e.[…]

  • Страница 63

    63 Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5. Is media already loaded in the printer? If… Then… No Continue with step 3 on page 35 to lo ad media in the printer . Ye s a. Rotate the pri nthead-open lever ( 1 ) downward until it locks the printhe ad in plac e. b. Close the media door . c. If necessary , press[…]

  • Страница 64

    Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 64 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ ___________________[…]

  • Страница 65

    4/8/14 P1066582-002 3 Printer Configuration and Adjustment This section assists yo u with config uration of and a djustments to the p rinter. Content s Adjust Printer Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 Print Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[…]

  • Страница 66

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 66 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Adjust Printer Settings This section p resents the pr inter setti ngs that you c an change a nd identifies t he tools for changing them. Th ese tool s include the following: • ZPL and Set/Get/Do (SGD) commands (See the Zebra ® Pr ogramm[…]

  • Страница 67

    67 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Print Settings T able 1 • Print Sett ings Print Darkness Set the darkn ess to the lowest setting th at provides good print quality . If you set the darkness too high, the label image may print unclearly , bar codes may not scan correctl[…]

  • Страница 68

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 68 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Print Method Specify if the pri nter is to use Direct Therma l mo de (no ribbon) or Thermal Transfer mode (using thermal t ransf er media and ribbon). Accepted values: • THERMAL TRANS • DIRECT THERMAL Related ZPL command( s): ^MT SGD c[…]

  • Страница 69

    69 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Print Width Specify t h e width of the labels be ing used. The default v alue is the maximu m width for the printer , based on t he printhead ’ s DPI value. Note • Setting the width too narro w can result in portions of a label forma […]

  • Страница 70

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 70 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Reprint Mode When reprint mode is enabled, you can repri nt the last label pri nted by pressing and hold ing P AUSE + CANCEL on the printer ’ s control pan el. Accepted values: • ON • OFF Related ZPL command( s): ^JZ SGD command us e[…]

  • Страница 71

    71 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Calibration and Diagnostic T ools T able 2 • Calibration and Diagnostic T ools Print Informat ion Print the specified i n formation on on e or more labels. Accepted values: • SETTINGS—prints the pr inter configuration label. • NET[…]

  • Страница 72

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 72 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 LCD Contrast Change the contrast on the printer ’ s display . Accepted values: 3 to 15 Related ZPL command( s): none SGD command us ed: display.contras t User menu item: LCD CONTRAST on page 97 Printer web page: N/A Idle Disp lay Select […]

  • Страница 73

    73 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Head-Cl ose Action Set the action for the printer to take when yo u close the prin thead. • CALIBRA TE adjusts sensor levels and th resholds, determines th e label length, and feeds the media to the next web. • FEED —feeds the l abe[…]

  • Страница 74

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 74 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Load Defaults Restore specific printer , print server , and ne tw ork settings b ack to the factory defaults. Use care when loading defaults bec ause you will need to reload all settings that you changed ma nually . • F ACTO R Y—Restor[…]

  • Страница 75

    75 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Media and Ribbon Sensor Calibration Calibrate the printer to adjust th e sensitivity o f the media and rib b on sensors. For comple te instruction s on how to perform a calibratio n procedure, see Cali brate the Ribbon and Med ia Sensors […]

  • Страница 76

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 76 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Enable ZBI Zebra Basic Interpret er (ZBI 2.0™) is a programming option that may be purchased for your printer . If you would like to purcha se this option, contact your Zebra reseller for more information. Accepted values: N/A Related ZP[…]

  • Страница 77

    77 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Network Settings T able 3 • Network Settings IP Address V iew and, if necessary , change the printer ’ s IP address. Changes to this sett ing are saved on ly if IP PROTOC OL is set to PERMANENT . T o allow any saved cha nges to take e[…]

  • Страница 78

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 78 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 IP Protocol This parameter tells if t h e user (permanent) or the server (dynamic) se lects the IP address. When a dynamic optio n is chosen, this p arameter tells the method(s) by which the wi red or wireless prin t server receives the IP[…]

  • Страница 79

    79 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Channel V iew the wireless channel being used wh en the wirel ess network is active and authenticated. Accepted values: N/A Related ZPL command( s): none SGD command us ed: wlan.channel User menu item: CHANNEL on page 105 Printer web page[…]

  • Страница 80

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 80 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 RFID Settings T able 4 • RFID Settings RFID S tatus Display the status o f the RFID subsystem of the printer . Accepted values: N/A Related ZPL command( s): ^HL or ~ HL SGD command us ed: rfid.error.resp onse User menu item: RFID ST A TU[…]

  • Страница 81

    81 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Programming Position If the desired programming po sition (read/wri te position) is not ach ieved through RFID tag calibrati on, a value ma y be specified. See the RFID Pr ogramming Guide 3 for more information. Accepted values: F0 to Fxx[…]

  • Страница 82

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 82 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 RFID Read Power If the desired read power is not achiev ed through RFID tag calib ration, a value may be specified. Accepted values: 0 to 30 Related ZPL command( s): ^RW SGD command us ed: rfid.reader_1.p ower.read User menu item: RFID REA[…]

  • Страница 83

    83 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Language Settings T able 5 • Language Settings Language If necessary , change the la nguage that the printer di splays. This change a ffects the words shown on t he followin g: • the Home menu • the user men us • error messages ?[…]

  • Страница 84

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 84 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Command Character The format command prefix is a two-digit hex value used as a parameter place marker in ZPL/ZPL II format instruct ions. The printer loo ks for this hex character t o indicate the start of a ZPL/ZPL II fo rmat instruct ion[…]

  • Страница 85

    85 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 ZPL Mode Select the mo de that matches what is used in your label formats. This printer acce pts label formats written in e ither ZPL or ZPL II, el iminating the need to rewrite any ZPL formats that alr eady exist. The prin ter remains in[…]

  • Страница 86

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 86 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Sensor Settings T able 6 • Sensor Settings Sensor T ype Select the media sensor t h at is appropri ate for t h e media that you are using. The reflective sen sor typically is used only for black mark media. Th e transmissive sen sor typi[…]

  • Страница 87

    87 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Port Settings T able 7 • Port Settings Baud Rate Select the baud value that matc hes the one being used by the host comp uter . Accepted values: • 1 15200 • 57600 • 38400 • 28800 • 19200 • 14400 • 9600 • 4800 Related ZPL[…]

  • Страница 88

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 88 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Host Handshake Select the handshake protocol that mat ches the o ne being us ed by the ho st computer . Accepted values: • XON/XOFF • RT S / C T S • DSR/DTR Related ZPL command( s): ^SC SGD command us ed: comm.handshake User menu ite[…]

  • Страница 89

    89 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 BlueT ooth Settings T able 8 • BLUETOOTH Menu Bluetooth Address Displays the printe r ’ s Bluetooth Device Add ress Accepted values: N/A SGD command us ed: bluetooth.addre ss Mode Displays the Bluetooth con nection pair printer ’ s […]

  • Страница 90

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus 90 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 User Menus The printer ’ s control panel includes a di splay , where you can view the printer’ s status or change its op erating parameters. In this section, yo u will learn how to naviga te through the printer ’ s menu system and change value s […]

  • Страница 91

    91 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Home Menu The printer’ s operating paramete rs are sorted into eight user menus, which you can access through the printer’ s Home menu ( Figure 2 ). For detailed i nformation about changing the p rinter settings, see Adjust Printer Settings on pag[…]

  • Страница 92

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus 92 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Navigation Ta b l e 9 shows the options a vailable for navigating throug h the screens in the control panel displ ay . T able 9 • Navigation Idle Display At the Idle Display ( Figure 1 on page 90 ), pres s LEFT SELECT to go to the printer’ s Home m[…]

  • Страница 93

    93 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 User Menus Press LEFT SELECT to return to the Home menu. The printer automatically returns to the Home menu after 15 seconds of inactivity in a user menu. ▼ and ▲ indica te that a val ue can be changed. An y changes that you make are saved immedia[…]

  • Страница 94

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—SETTINGS Menu 94 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 SETTINGS Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see Print Settings on page 67 . Adjust the Print Darknes s Set the darkness to […]

  • Страница 95

    95 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—SETTINGS Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Adjust the T ear -Off Position If necessary , adjust the position of the media over t h e tear -off bar after printing. See T ear-Off Positi on on page 68 for more information. Adjust the Print Width Specify the width o f the labels be[…]

  • Страница 96

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—SETTINGS Menu 96 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Set the Maximum Label Length Set the maximum label length to a value tha t is at least 1.0 in. (25.4 mm) greater th an the actual label length plus the interla bel gap. If you set the value to one that is smaller than the label le ngth,[…]

  • Страница 97

    97 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—TOOLS Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 TO O L S M e n u Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see Ta b l e 2 , Cali bration and Di agnostic To o l s on page 71 . List the P[…]

  • Страница 98

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—TOOLS Menu 98 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Set the Head-Close Action Set the action for the printer to t ake when you close the printhead. See Head-C lose Action o n page 73 for more information. Set the Head-Open Light Action Set the brightn ess of the light t h at turns on when t[…]

  • Страница 99

    99 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—TOOLS Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Enable Commun icatio n Diagnostics Mode Use this diagnostics tool to cause the prin ter to output the hexadecimal v alues for all data re ceived by the prin ter . See Communication Diag nostics Mode on page 75 f or more information. Is ZB[…]

  • Страница 100

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—TOOLS Menu 100 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Print a File fr om a USB Flash Drive* Use this menu item to select files to print from a USB Flash drive. 1. Use the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to select one file or all files from this menu . 2. Press RIGHT SELECT to select PRINT . * This me[…]

  • Страница 101

    101 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—TOOLS Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Network Menu Shortcut • T o be taken to th e next user menu, press OK or press RIGHT SELECT to select GO . • T o continue to na vigate in the same user menu, press th e LEFT ARRO W or RIGHT ARROW . NETWORK MENU GO GO IP ADDRESS 000.0[…]

  • Страница 102

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—NETWORK Menu 102 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 NETWORK Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more information ab out these setting s, see Ta b l e 3 , Network Setti ngs on page 77 . For more information ab out prin[…]

  • Страница 103

    103 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—NETWORK Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Set the Default Gateway V iew and, if necessary , change the default gateway . Changes are saved on ly if WIRED IP PROTOCOL on page 103 is set to PERMANENT . T o allow any saved changes to take effect, use RESET NETWORK on page 106 to […]

  • Страница 104

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—NETWORK Menu 104 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Set the Printer’s IP Addr ess* V iew and, if necessary , chan ge the printer ’ s IP ad dress. Changes are saved on ly if WIRED IP PROTOCOL on page 103 is set to PERMANENT . T o allow any saved changes to take effect, use RESET NETWO[…]

  • Страница 105

    105 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—NETWORK Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 V iew the MAC Add ress* V iew the Media Access Control (MAC ) address of the print server that is instal led in the printe r (wired or wire less). See MAC Addr ess on page 78 for more information. * This menu it em, which cannot be mo […]

  • Страница 106

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—NETWORK Menu 106 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Print the Ne twork Sett ings* This option prin ts a network config uration label, which l ists the settings for an y print server that is installed. See Print Information on page 71 for more information. * Other options are available by[…]

  • Страница 107

    107 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—NETWORK Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 RFID Menu Shortcut • T o be taken to th e next user menu, press OK or press RIGHT SELECT to select GO . • T o continue to navigate in the same user menu , press the LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW . RFID MENU GO GO ▼ LANGUAGE ENGLISH ?[…]

  • Страница 108

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—RFID Menu 108 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 RFID Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see Ta b l e 4 , RFID Settings on page 80 . Select the RFID Country Code Select the RF[…]

  • Страница 109

    109 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—RFID Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Perform an RFID T est During the RFID test , the printer attempts to read and write to a transponder . No printer movement occurs with this test. If you wish to test an RFID label: 1. Position the RFID label with its tran sponder over the[…]

  • Страница 110

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—RFID Menu 110 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Display or Reset the RFID V alid Counter Displays the RFID vali d label count or resets t he counter to zero. See RFID V alid Counter on pa ge 82 for more information. Display or Reset the RFID V oid Counter Displays the RFID void l abel c[…]

  • Страница 111

    111 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—LANGUAGE Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 LANGUAGE Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see Ta b l e 5 , Language Setting s on page 83 . Select the Display Language […]

  • Страница 112

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—LANGUAGE Menu 112 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Set the Delimiter Characte r V alue Set the delimiter charac ter to match what is used in your label formats. See Delimiter Chara cter on page 84 for more information. Set the ZPL Mode Select the mode that matches what is use d in your[…]

  • Страница 113

    113 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—SENSORS Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 SENSORS Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see Ta b l e 6 , Sensor Settings on page 86 . Select the Media Sensor Select th[…]

  • Страница 114

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—SENSORS Menu 114 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Set the Intensity of the T ake Label LED Import ant • This value is set during sensor calibrat ion. Do not change thi s setting unless y ou are told to do so by Zebra T echnical Support or by an authorized serv ice technician. See Ta […]

  • Страница 115

    115 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—PORTS Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 PORTS Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see Ta b l e 7 , Port Settings on page 87 . Set the Baud Rate Select the baud value[…]

  • Страница 116

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—PORTS Menu 116 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 V iew the Wireless Markup Language (WML) V ersion This value cannot be changed. BlueT ooth Menu Shortcut • T o be taken to th e next user menu, press OK or press RIGHT SELECT to select GO . • T o continue to na vigate in the same user[…]

  • Страница 117

    117 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—BLUETOOTH Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 BLUET OOTH Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see BlueT ooth Setting s on page 89 . V iew the BlueT ooth Address Display[…]

  • Страница 118

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—BLUETOOTH Menu 118 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 V iew the Printer ’s BlueT ooth Mode Displays the Blu etooth opera tional specifica tion level. See Baud Rate on page 87 for more information. V iew the Printer ’s BlueT ooth Mode Displays the printer ’ s Bluetooth minimu m leve[…]

  • Страница 119

    119 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Sensors 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Sensors Use the procedure in this section to calibrate the printer , which adj usts the sensitivi ty of the media and ribbon sens ors. • For issues that may b e resolved by sensor calibrati[…]

  • Страница 120

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Senso rs 120 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 2. 3. Extend the media approximately 8 in. (203 mm) out o f the printer. 4. Remove the exposed labels so that only the liner remains. Caution • The printhead may be ho t and could cause severe burns. Allow the printhead […]

  • Страница 121

    121 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Sensors 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5. Pull the med ia into the p rinter so that on ly the backin g is between t he media senso rs. 6. Remove the ribbon (if used). 7. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver ( 1 ) downwa rd until it locks the printhead in pla ce. 8[…]

  • Страница 122

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Senso rs 122 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 When the process is complete: • The SUPPLIES light stops flashing. • The P AUSE light flashes yel low . • The control panel di splays: 9. Open the printhead assembly by rotatin g the printhead-op en lever . MEDIA/RI […]

  • Страница 123

    123 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Sensors 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 10. Pull the media forw ard until a label is positioned under the media senso rs. 11 . Reload the ribbon (if used). 12. Close the printhea d. 13. Close the media door . 14. Press P AUSE to enable printing.[…]

  • Страница 124

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust the Printhead Pressure 124 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Adjust the Printhead Pressure Y ou may need to adj ust printhead pressure if printing is too light on one side, if y ou use thick media, or if the media drifts fr om side to side during prin ting. Use the lowest printhead pressure n[…]

  • Страница 125

    125 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust the Printhead Pressure 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 If necessary , adjust the printhead pre ssure adjustment dials as follows: If the media… Then… Requires higher pressu re to print well Increase bo th dials one p osition. Prints too lightly on the left side of the label. Increa[…]

  • Страница 126

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust the Printhead Pressure 126 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Shifts left while printi ng Increase the outsi de dial setting o n e position. OR Decrease the inside di al setting one position. If the media… Then…[…]

  • Страница 127

    127 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust the Printhead Pressure 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Shifts right while prin ting Increase the in side dial setting o ne position. OR Decrease the outside di al settin g one position. If the media… Then…[…]

  • Страница 128

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Remove Used Ribbon 128 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Remove Used Ribbon Remove used ribbon from the ribbon take -up spindle each time you ch ange the roll of ribbon. T o remove used ribbon, com plete these step s: 1. Has the ribb on run out? 2. While holdin g the ribbon take-up spindle, turn the[…]

  • Страница 129

    4/8/14 P1066582-002 Routine Maintenance This section provid es routine cl eaning and maintenance pro cedures. Content s Cleaning Schedule and Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Clean the Exterior , the Media Compartment, and the Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Clean the Printh[…]

  • Страница 130

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 130 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Cleaning Schedule and Procedures Routine preve ntive maintenance is a crucial p art of normal printer operation. By taking good care of your pri nter , you can minimize the potential problems that yo u might have wit h it and help to achi eve and[…]

  • Страница 131

    131 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Clean the Exterior , the Med ia Comp artment, and the Sensors Over time, dust, grime, and other debris may bu ild up on th e outside and inside of your printer , particularly in a h ars h operating environment. Printer Exterior Y ou may clean th[…]

  • Страница 132

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 132 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Clean the Printhead and Platen Roller Inconsistent prin t quality , such as voids i n the bar code or graphics, may in dicate a dirt y printhead. For the rec ommended cleaning schedule, see T able 1 on p age 130 . T o clean the printhead and plat[…]

  • Страница 133

    133 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 2. 3. Remove the ribbon (if used) and the media. 4. Using the swa b from a Zebra Prevent ive Maintenan ce Kit, wipe along the brown strip on the printhead assembly from end to end. In plac e of the Preventive Maintenance Kit, you may use a clean[…]

  • Страница 134

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 134 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 5. While manually rotating th e platen roll er, c lean it thoro ughly with th e swab. Allow the solvent to evaporate. 6. Reload the ribbon (if used) and the media. For instruc tions, see Load the Ribbon on page 60 or Load the Media on page 34 . 7[…]

  • Страница 135

    135 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 8. Close the media door . The printer is ready to operate. 9. Press P AUSE to exit pause mode and enab le printing. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, depending on your sett ings. Note • If performing this p rocedure[…]

  • Страница 136

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 136 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Clean the Peel Assembly The peel assembly , which is pa r t of the Peel-Off and Liner T ake-Up option s, consists of several spring-loaded roll ers to ensure the proper roller pressu re. Clean the pinch roller and tear-of f/p eel-off bar if adhes[…]

  • Страница 137

    137 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 3. Push down the peel-of f mechanism rele ase lever to open the peel a ssembly . 4. Remove any media l iner to expose the pinch rolle r . 5. While manually rotating th e pinch roller , clean it thoro ughly with the swab from the Preventive Maint[…]

  • Страница 138

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 138 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 8. 9. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver ( 1 ) downwa rd until it locks the printhead in pla ce. Caution • Use the peel release lever and y our right hand to close the peel assembly . Do not use your left hand to assist in closing. T he top edge[…]

  • Страница 139

    139 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 10. Close the media door . The printer is ready to operate. 11 . Press P AUSE to exit pause mode and enable printing. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, depending on your sett ings.[…]

  • Страница 140

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 140 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Clean the Cutter Module If the cutter is no t cutting the labels cleanly or if it jams with labels, clean th e cutter . T o clean the cutter module, complete thes e steps: 1. T urn the printer of f ( O ), and unplug the printer from its pow er so[…]

  • Страница 141

    141 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5. 6. If necessary , rotate the cutte r motor thumbscr ew to fully expose the V -shaped cutter blade ( 1 ). Caution • The cutter blade is sharp. Do not touch or rub the blade wi th your fingers. Remove the cutter shield. 1[…]

  • Страница 142

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 142 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 7. Using the swab from the Preventive Maintenance Ki t (part number 47362 ), wipe along the upper cutting surface ( 1 ) and the cutter blade ( 2 ). In place of the Preventive Mainte nance Kit, you may use a clean swab di pped in a solutio n of is[…]

  • Страница 143

    143 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 9. Close the media door . 10. Plug the printe r into its po wer source, a nd then turn on ( I ) the prin ter . The cutter blade returns to its operating position. 11 . If the cutter contin ues to perfo rm unsatisfactori ly , contact an autho riz[…]

  • Страница 144

    Routine Maintenance Replacing Printer Co mponents 144 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Replacing Printer Component s Some printer compon ents, such as the printhead and pla t en roller , may wear out over time an d can be repl aced easily . Regular cleaning may ex tend the life o f some of thes e components. See T able 1 on page 13 0 […]

  • Страница 145

    4/8/14 P1066582-002 5 Troubleshooting This section provides information about errors that you mig ht need to troubl eshoot. Assorted diagnostic test s are includ ed. Content s Meaning of Indicator Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Printing Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . […]

  • Страница 146

    T roubleshooting Meaning of Indicator Lights 146 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Meaning of Indicator Light s The indicato r lights on th e control pane l sh ow the current status of the printer ( Ta b l e 1 ). T able 1 • St atus of Printer As Shown by Indicator Light s ST A TUS light steady gr een (other lights steady y ellow for […]

  • Страница 147

    147 T roublesh ooting Meaning of Indicator Lights 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 ST A T US light flash ing r ed The printer is un able to read th e dpi setting of the printhead . Printers with a ZebraNet wire d Ethernet option NETWORK ligh t off No Ethernet link is available. NETWORK ligh t steady gr een A 100 Base link w a s found.[…]

  • Страница 148

    T roubleshooting Printing Issues 148 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Printing Issues Ta b l e 2 identifies possible issues with p rinting or print q uality , the possible cau s es, and the recommended solution s. T able 2 • Printing Issues Issue Possib le Cause Recommended Soluti on General pr int quality issues The printer is set […]

  • Страница 149

    149 T roublesh ooting Printing Issues 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Fine, angular gray lines on blank labels W rinkled ribbon. See w r inkled ribbon causes and solutions in Ribbon Pr oblems on page 151 . Printing too light or too dark over the entire labe l The media or ri bbon is not designed for high-sp eed operation. Replace sup[…]

  • Страница 150

    T roubleshooting Printing Issues 150 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 V ertical image or label drift The printer is usi ng non-continuous l abels but is configured in contin uous mode. Set the printer for t he correct media ty pe (gap/notch, continuo us, or mark—see Media Ty p e on page 67 ) and c alibrate the pr inter , if necessar[…]

  • Страница 151

    151 T roublesh ooting Ribbon Problems 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Ribbon Problems Ta b l e 3 identifies problems that may oc cur with ribbon, the possibl e causes, and th e recommended solution s. T able 3 • Ribbon Problems Problem Possible Cause Recommende d Solution Broken or mel ted ribbon Darkness sett ing too high . 1. Red[…]

  • Страница 152

    T roubleshooting RFID Problems 152 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 RFID Problems Ta b l e 4 identifies problems that may occur wit h RFID print ers, the possible causes, and th e recommended solution s. For more information ab out RFID, refer to the RFID Pr ogramming Guide 3 . A copy of the manual is a vailable at http://www .zebra.c[…]

  • Страница 153

    153 T roublesh ooting RFID Problems 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Low yields. T oo many RFID tags per ro ll are voided. The RFID labels a r e not withi n specifications for the printer, which means that the transponder is not in an area that can be programmed consistently . Make sure th at the labels mee t transponder placement spe[…]

  • Страница 154

    T roubleshooting RFID Problems 154 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 RFID parameters do not appear in Setup mode, and RFID information does not appear on the pr inter configuration labe l. The printer does not void RFID labels that are not pr ogrammed corr ectly . The printer was powere d off ( O ) and then back on ( I ) too quickly fo[…]

  • Страница 155

    155 T roublesh ooting Error Messages 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Error Messages The control pa nel displays me ssage s when there is an error . See Ta b l e 5 for errors, th e possible causes, and the recommended solut ions. QuickHelp Pages Most error messages will incl ude the option to view a Qui ckHelp page. The lower right-ha[…]

  • Страница 156

    T roubleshooting Error Messages 156 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 ST A TUS light stead y yellow SUPPLIES light fl ashing yellow In thermal transfer mode: • ribbon is not loaded • ribbon is loaded in correctly • the ribbon sens or is not detecting ribbon • media is blocki ng the ribbon sensor 1. Load ribbon correctly . See L[…]

  • Страница 157

    157 T roublesh ooting Error Messages 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 ST A TUS light stead y yellow Caution • The printhead may be hot enough to cause severe burns. Allow the printhead to cool. The printhead is over temperatur e. Allow the printer to cool. Printing automatically resumes when the pr inthead element s cool to an accep[…]

  • Страница 158

    T roubleshooting Error Messages 158 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 ST A TUS light st eady red P AUSE light steady yellow Caution • The cutter blade is sharp. Do not touch or rub the blade with your fingers. The cutter blade is in t he media path. T urn off the printer power and unplug the prin ter. Inspect the cutter module for de[…]

  • Страница 159

    159 T roublesh ooting Communicat ions Problems 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Communications Problems Ta b l e 6 identifies problems with communications, the possible causes, and the recommended solutions. T able 6 • Commu ni cations Problems Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution A label format was sent to the printer but wa[…]

  • Страница 160

    T roubleshooting Miscellaneous Issues 160 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Miscellaneous Issues Ta b l e 7 identifies miscellaneous i ssues with the printer, th e possible causes, and the recommended solution s. T able 7 • Miscellaneous Printer Problems Problem Possible Cause Recommende d Solution The control panel display shows a l[…]

  • Страница 161

    161 T roublesh ooting Miscellaneous Issues 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 The printer is not acknowledging a USB device or is not reading the files on a USB device t hat is plugged into the U SB host port. The printer currently supports USB drives only up to 1 TB in size. Use a USB drive that is 1 TB or small e r . The USB drive may[…]

  • Страница 162

    T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 162 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Printer Diagnostics Self tests and other diagnost ics provide specific in formation about t he condition of th e printer. The self tests produce sample printouts and provide specific information that helps determine the operating conditions for the printe r. Eac[…]

  • Страница 163

    163 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 CANCEL Self T est The CANCEL self test prints a printer configuratio n label and a n e twork configuration l abel. For other ways to print these labels, see Print Informat ion on page 71 . T o perform the CANCEL Self T est, complete these step s: 1. Tu r n o ff[…]

  • Страница 164

    T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 164 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 PA U S E S e l f Te s t This self test can be used to prov i de the test lab els required when making adjustment s to the printer’ s mechanical assemblies or t o determine if any prin thead elements are not working. Figure 3 shows a sample printout. T o perfor[…]

  • Страница 165

    165 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 FEED Self T est Different types of media may require differen t darkness settings. This sect ion contains a simple but ef fective method for determi ning the ideal darkness for printi ng bar codes t hat are within specifications. During the FEED self test, labe[…]

  • Страница 166

    T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 166 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Figure 5 • Bar Code Darkness Comparison T able 8 • Judging Bar Code Quality Print Quality Description To o d a r k Labels that are too dark are fai rly obvious. They may be readable but not “in-spec.” • The normal bar code bars i ncrease in size. • T[…]

  • Страница 167

    167 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5. Note the relat ive darkness value a nd the print speed printed on the best test label . 6. Add or subtract th e relative darkness value from the darkness value specified on th e configuration la bel. The resulting numeric v alue is the best darkness value fo[…]

  • Страница 168

    T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 168 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 FEED + P AUSE Self T est Performing this self test resets the printer conf iguration to the factory d efault values. Pe rform a sensor calibration a f ter this self test. (See Cal ibrate the Ribbon and Med ia Sensors on page 119 .) T o perform a FEED and P AUSE […]

  • Страница 169

    169 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Communication Diagnostics T est The communicat ion diagnostic s test is a troublesho oting tool fo r checking the int erconnection between the printe r and the host computer . When the print er is in diagnostics mo de, it prints all data received from the host […]

  • Страница 170

    T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 170 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Sensor Profile Use the sensor profile image (which will extend across several actual labels or tags) to troubleshoot the foll owing sit uations: • The printer ex periences dif ficulty in determinin g gaps (web) betwee n labels. • The printer in correctly ide[…]

  • Страница 171

    171 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Ribbon Sensor Profile ( Figure 7 ) The lin e labeled RIBBON ( 1 ) on the sensor profile indicates the rib bon sensor readings. The ribbon sensor threshold setting is ind icated by OUT ( 2 ). If the ribbon read ings are below t h e threshold va lue, the printer […]

  • Страница 172

    T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 172 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ ___________[…]

  • Страница 173

    4/8/14 P1066582-002 6 Specifications This section lists g eneral printer specificatio ns, printing spec ifications, ribbon specifications, and media specifications. Content s General S pecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Printing S pecifications . . . . . . . . . . . […]

  • Страница 174

    Specifications General S pecifications 174 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 General Specifications Model ZT410™ ZT420™ Height 12.8 in.(32 5 mm) 12.8 in. ( 325 mm) W idth 10. 7 in. (272 mm) 13.2 in. (335 mm) Depth 19. 7 in. (500 mm) 19.7 in. (500 mm) W eight 36 lb (16 kg) 40 lb (18 kg) Electrical 90–265 V AC, 48-62 Hz 90–265 V […]

  • Страница 175

    175 Specifications Printing S pecificatio ns 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Printing S pecifications Model ZT410 ZT420 Print resolution 203 dpi (dots/in.)/ 8 dots/mm 203 dpi (dots/in.)/8 dots/mm 300 dpi/12 dots/mm 300 dpi/12 dots/mm 600 dpi/24 do ts/mm N/ A Dot size (nominal) (width x lengt h) 203 dpi 0.0049 in. x 0.0049 in. (0.125 […]

  • Страница 176

    Specifications Media S pecifi cations 176 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Media S p ecifications Model ZT410 ZT420 Label length Minimum Non-RFID T ear-of f 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) 0.5 in. (12. 7 mm) Peel-off 0.5 in (12.7 mm) 0.5 in (12.7 mm) Rewind 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) Cutter 1.0 in. (25.4 mm) 1.0 in. (2 5.4 mm) RFID V aries[…]

  • Страница 177

    177 Specifications Ribbon S pecifications 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Ribbon S p ecifications Model ZT410 ZT420 Ribbon width* Minimum 2 in.** (51 mm**) Maximum 4.33 in. (1 10 mm) Maximum r ibbon length 1476 ft (4 50 m) 1476 ft (4 50 m) Ribbon core inside diamet er 1 in. (25 mm) * Zebra recommend s using ribbon that is at least as[…]

  • Страница 178

    Specifications Ribbon S pecificatio ns 178 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _________[…]

  • Страница 179

    4/8/14 P1066582-002 Glossary alphanumeric Indicating lette rs, numerals, and c haracters such as punct uation mark s. backfeed When the printer pulls the medi a and ribbon (if used) backward into the printer so that the beginning of th e label to be printed is properly pos itioned behind the prin thead. Backfeed occurs whe n operating the prin ter […]

  • Страница 180

    Glossary 180 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 die-cut media A type of l abel stock that has individual labels stuck to a media liner . The labels may be either lined up against each othe r or separa ted by a small distance. T ypically the material surrounding the l abels has been removed. (See non-continuou s media .) direct thermal A[…]

  • Страница 181

    181 Glossary 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 media sensor This sensor is located behind the prin thead to detect the presence of media and, for non-cont inuous media, th e position of the web, hole, or notch used to indicate the sta r t of each label. media supply hanger The stationary arm that supports the media roll. non-continuous[…]

  • Страница 182

    Glossary 182 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 tear-off A mode of operation in which the user t ears the label or t a g stock away from the remaining media by hand. thermal transfer A printing method in whi ch the print head presses an in k or resin coated ribbon against the media. Heating the printhead elements causes the ink or resin[…]

  • Страница 183

    4/8/14 P1066582-002 Index A active print se rver user menu item, 10 2 adhesive test for ribbon coatin g, 19 adjustments display contrast LCD contrast u ser menu ite m, 97 ways to adjust, 72 label left posi tion, 69 maximum label leng th, 70 print darkness, 67 print widt h, 69 printhead pressure , 124 tear -of f position, 68 antenna element ways to […]

  • Страница 184

    Index 184 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 communication d iagnostics mode how to initiate, 75 overview , 169 user menu item, 99 communication i nterfaces, 24 communications problems , 159 configur ation la bel network printing using CANCEL self test, 163 user menu item, 106 ways to print, 71 printer printing fro m TOOLS menu, 97 prin[…]

  • Страница 185

    185 Index 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 F fanfold media described, 17 loading, 35 FCC compliance, 4 FCC radiation exposure limits, 4 feed a labe l how to set as hea d-close action, 73 how to set as power -up action, 72 through the control pan el, 14 FEED button FEED and P AUSE self test, 168 FEED self test, 165 location, 14 fonts l[…]

  • Страница 186

    Index 186 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Liner T ake-Up mo de description and media path, 31, 32 how to select, 69 select print mode throug h user menu, 95 load defaults how to load printer or print server defaults, 74 network user menu item, 106 ways to initiat e, 74 user menu item, 98 location for printe r , 23 lubricatio n, 144 M[…]

  • Страница 187

    187 Index 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 P parallel port characteristics of parallel connection, 26 specifications, 174 parity user menu item, 115 ways to set, 87 P AU SE button FEED and P AUSE self test, 168 location, 14 P AUSE self test, 164 Peel-Off mode cleaning peel-off assembl y , 1 36 description and media path, 31, 32 how to[…]

  • Страница 188

    Index 188 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 printer sett ings darkness, 67 label left posi tion, 69 maximum label leng th, 70 media type, 67 print metho d, 68 print mode, 6 9 print speed, 67 print widt h, 69 reprint mode , 70 settings not taking effect, 160 tear -of f position, 68 printhe ad adjust printhe a d pressure, 124 HEAD COLD m[…]

  • Страница 189

    189 Index 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 sensor type user menu item, 113 ways to select, 86 sensors interpreting sensor profile , 170 serial port characteri stics of serial connectio n, 25 specifications, 174 SETTINGS menu, 94 setup unpack the printer , 22 shipping report damage, 22 reshipping the printer , 22 SHOR T CAL how to set […]

  • Страница 190

    Index 190 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 V valid RFID labe l counter view or reset th rough user menu , 110 ways to reset, 82 ventilation requ irements, 23 vertical drift top-of-for m position, 1 49 void RFID label co unter view or reset th rough user menu , 110 ways to reset, 82 W web media described, 17 wired print server characte[…]

  • Страница 191


  • Страница 192

    Zebra T echnologies Corporation Zebra Technolo gies Corporation 475 Half Day Road, Suite 500 Lincolnshire, IL 6006 9 USA T: +1 847 63 4 6700 Toll-free +1 866 230 9494 F: +1 847 913 8766 Zebra T echnologies Europe Limited Dukes Meadow Millboard Road Bourne End Buckinghamshire, SL8 5XF , UK T : +44 (0)1628 5560 00 F: +44 (0)1628 55600 1 Zebra T echno[…]

  • Page 1: Zebra ZT410

    P1066582-002 Rev . B Zebra ® ZT400 Series™ User Guide[…]

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    © 2014 ZIH Corp. The copyrights in this manual and th e software and/or firmware in the printer described therein are owned by ZIH Corp. and Zebra’ s licensors. Unaut horized reproduction of this manual or the software and/or firmware in the printer may result in impr isonm ent of up to one year and fines of up to $10,000 (17 U.S.C.506). Copyrig[…]

  • Page 3: Zebra ZT410

    3 Declaration of Conformity 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Declaration of Conformity W e have determined that the Zebra printers identified as the ZT410™ and ZT420™ manufactured by: Zebra T echnologies Corpor ation 475 Half Day Road, Suite 500 Lincolnshire, Illinois 60069 U.S.A. Have been shown to comply with the a pplicable tec[…]

  • Page 4: Zebra ZT410

    Declaration of Conformity Compliance Information 4 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Compliance Information FCC Compliance S t atement This device compli es with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the fo llowing two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful in terferen ce, and 2. This device must accept any interf[…]

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    4/8/14 P1066582-002 Contents Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Compliance Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 About This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . […]

  • Page 6: Zebra ZT410

    Contents 6 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Load the Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Final S teps f or T ear-Off Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Final S teps for Peel-Off Mode (with or wi[…]

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    7 Contents 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5 • T roubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Meaning of Indicator Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Printing Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[…]

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    Contents 8 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _____________________ ___________________[…]

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    4/8/14 P1066582-002 About This Document This section provides yo u with contact informat ion, document structure and or ganization, an d additional re ference documents. Content s Who Should Use This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 How This Document Is Organized . . . . . . . . . . .[…]

  • Page 10: Zebra ZT410

    About This Document Who Shoul d Use This Do cument 10 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Who Should Use This Document This User Guide is intend ed for use by any person who needs to perform routine maintenance , upgrade, or trou bleshoot problems w ith the printer. How This Document Is Organized The User Guide is set up as follows: Sect[…]

  • Page 11: Zebra ZT410

    4/8/14 P1066582-002 1 Introduction This section provides a high-level over vi ew of the printe r and its compone n ts. Content s Printer Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[…]

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    Introduction Printer Options 12 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Printer Options The available printer options are sh own in Figure 1 . For informatio n about the print modes that can be used with the printer op tions, see Select a Print Mode on page 30 . Figure 1 • Printer Options 1 T ear-Of f (standard) 2 Peel with Liner T ake-Up […]

  • Page 13: Zebra ZT410

    13 Introd uction Printer Components 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Printer Component s Figure 2 shows the components inside the medi a compartment of a stan dard printer. Depending on the printer model and the installed options, y o ur printer may look sligh tly different. The componen ts that are labeled are menti o ned in proced u[…]

  • Page 14: Zebra ZT410

    Introduction Control Pane l 14 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Control Panel The control pane l indicates the printer’ s current status a nd allows the user to control basic printer ope ration. 6 13 12 9 8 11 10 1 2 3 4 5 14 15 16 Figure 3 • Control Panel 7 1 ST A TUS lig ht These indicator lights show the current status of the p[…]

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    15 Introd uction Near Fie ld Comm unication (NFC) 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Near Field Communication (NFC) The Zebra Print T ouch™ feature allows yo u to touch an Android™ -based, NFC-en abled smartphone or tablet to th e Zebra Print T ouch logo ( Figure 4 ) to pair the devic e to the printer . Y our device then launches an[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation T ypes of Media 16 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 T ypes of Media Y our printer can use various types of media: • S tandar d media —Most standard media uses an adhesive backing that sticks individual labels or a continuo us length of labels to a liner . Stand ard media can come on rolls or in a fanfol[…]

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    17 Printer Setup and Operation T ypes of Media 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 T able 1 • Roll and Fanfold Media Media T ype How It Looks Descriptio n Non-Continuous Roll Media Roll media is wound on a core that can be 1 in. to 3 in. (25 to 76 mm) in diameter . Individual label s or tags are separated by one or more of the followin[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Ribbon Overview 18 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Ribbon Overview Ribbon is a t hin film that is co ated on one side with wax, resin, o r wax resin, which is transferred to the media duri ng the therm al transfer process. The me dia determine s whether you need to use ribbon and how wide the ribb on must […]

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    19 Printer Setup and Operation Ribbon Overview 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Adhesive T est If you have lab els available, p erform the adhesive test to determine which side of a ribbon is coated. This method works well for ribbon that is already insta lled. T o perform an adhesive test, comple te these step s: 1. Peel a label fro […]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Ribbon Overview 20 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _____[…]

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    4/8/14 P1066582-002 2 Printer Setup and Operation This section assists the technician with initial setup a nd operation of the printer. Content s Handling the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Unpack and Inspect the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . […]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Handling the Printer 22 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Handling the Printer This section describes how to han dle your printer. Unp ack and Inspect the Printer When you receiv e the printer, immediately unp ack it and inspec t for shipping damage. • Save all packing mate rials. • Check all exterior su[…]

  • Page 23: Zebra ZT410

    23 Printer Setup and Operation Select a Location for the Printer 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Select a Location for the Printer Select a location for the prin ter that meets these condition s: • Surface: The surface where the pr inter will be located must b e solid, level, and of suffi cient size and strength to h old the printe[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Select a Communication Inte rface 24 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Select a Communication Interface Y ou may connect yo ur printer to a computer using o ne or more of the available con nections. The standard connections are shown in Figure 1 . A ZebraNet wired or wireless print server option or a paralle[…]

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    25 Printer Setup and Operation Select a Communication Interface 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 T able 2 • Communic a tion Interfac es Interface St andard or Option Description Bluetooth ® Sta nd ar d Limit ations and Requirements Many mobile devices can communicate wi th the printer with in a 10-foot radius of th e printer . Conn[…]

  • Page 26: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Setup and Operation Select a Communication Inte rface 26 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Dat a Cables Y ou must supply all data cabl es for your application. Ethernet cables do not requ ire shielding, but all other da ta cables must be fully shielded and fitted with me tal or metallized connector shells. Unshielded data cable[…]

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    27 Printer Setup and Operation Connect the Printer to a Po wer Source 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Connect the Printer to a Power Source The AC power cord must ha ve a three-prong fema le connector on one end that plugs into the mating AC power connector at the rear of the printer. If a power cable was not included with your print[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Connect the Printer to a Power Source 28 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 3. Tu r n o n ( I ) the printer. The printer boots up an d performs a self-test. The prin ter reports its statu s through the indicator lights on the control panel (see T able 1 on page 146 for the meani ng of the ligh t colors and co[…]

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    29 Printer Setup and Operation Connect the Printer to a Po wer Source 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Figure 2 • Power Cord Specifications Figure 3 • International Safety Organization Certification Symbols 1 AC power plug for your co untry—This shou ld bear the certifi cation mark of at least on e of the known i n ternational s[…]

  • Page 30: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Setup and Operation Select a Print Mode 30 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Select a Print Mode Use a print mod e that matche s the media be ing used and the printer options availa ble ( Ta b l e 3 ). The media pa th is the same for roll and fanfold media. T able 3 • Print Modes and Printer Options Print Mode When to Use/Pri[…]

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    31 Printer Setup and Operation Select a Print Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Cutter Use if the printer has a cut t er option when you want the labels to be cut apart. The printer prin ts a label an d then cuts it free. Cutter mode Peel-Off Use if the printer has the Peel-Of f option, the Liner T ake-Up op tion, or the Rewi nd o[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Select a Print Mode 32 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Peel-Of f (with Liner T ake-Up) Use if the printer h as the Liner T ake-Up option or the Rewind op tion. The printer peels the labe l from the liner during printin g and then pa uses until the label is removed. The liner winds onto the liner take-up sp[…]

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    33 Printer Setup and Operation Select a Print Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Rewind Use if the printer has the Rewind opti on. The printer winds the labels an d liner onto the rewind spindle without peeli ng the labels from the liner . Rewind mode T able 3 • Print Modes and Printer Options Print Mode When to Use/Printer Optio[…]

  • Page 34: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media 34 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Load the Media Use the instruc tions in this sect ion for load ing roll or fanfol d media in an y print mode. T o load media, complete these step s: 1. Raise the media door . Caution • While performing any tasks near an open printhe ad, remove all rings, […]

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    35 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 2. 3. Insert media int o the printer. Follo w the instructions for roll or fanfold media, as appropriate. Caution • The printhead may be ho t and could cause severe burns. Allow the printhead to cool. Open the printhead assembly by rotatin g the printhead[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media 36 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 3-b. Pull out the media su pply guide as far as it goes. Feed the media through the re ar or bottom access slot. Rear Feed Bottom Feed 3-c. Place the roll of media on the media supply hanger . Push the roll back as far as it will go. Drape the media over th[…]

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    37 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 4. Slide the media guide all the way out. 3-d. Slide in th e media supp ly guide, u ntil it touches th e edge of the rol l. Slide in th e media supp ly guide , until it touches th e edge of the media. 3-e. Continue with step 4 . Continue wit h step 4 and th[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media 38 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 5. From the media hanger ( 1 ), feed the media under the dancer assembly ( 2 ), through the media sensor ( 3 ), and under th e printhead assembly ( 4 ). Slid e the media back until it touches the inside back wall of t he media sensor . 1 2 3 4[…]

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    39 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 6. In which print mode wi ll your printer be operating? (For more informati on on print modes, see Select a Print Mode on page 30 .) If using… Then… T ear-Of f mode Continue with Final S teps for T e ar-Off Mode on page 40 . Peel-Of f mode (wit h or wit[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—T ear-Off Mode 40 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Final St ep s for T ear-Off Mode 1. Slide in the med ia guide unt il it just touc hes the edge of the media. 2. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver ( 1 ) downwa rd until it locks the printhead in pla ce. 3. Does the media that you are u sing […]

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    41 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—T ear-Off Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 4. Close the media door . 5. Set the prin ter to T ea r-Of f m o de (for more information, see Print Mode on page 69 ). 6. Press P AUSE to exit pause mode and enable printing. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, de[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 42 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Final St ep s for Peel-Off Mode (with or without Liner T ake-Up) 1. Push down the peel-of f mechanism rele ase lever to open the peel a ssembly .[…]

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    43 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 2. Extend the media approximately 18 in . (500 mm) out of the printe r. 3. Remove the exposed labels so that only the lin er remains.[…]

  • Page 44: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 44 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 4. Feed the liner behind the pee l assembly . Make sure that the end of the liner fa lls outside of the printer.[…]

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    45 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5. Complete this step only if you want to use Peel-Of f mode with Liner T ake-Up. Y our printer must have the Liner T ake-Up option or the Re wind option installed. Fo llow the instructions for yo ur printer[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 46 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Rewind Option (Continued) Liner T ake-Up Option (Continued) 5-c. Loosen the thumbscrew on the rewind media guide. Push the liner back until it touche s the back plate of the liner take -up spindle assembly .[…]

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    47 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Rewind Option (Continued) 5-e. Slide an empty core onto the rewind spindle. 5-f. W rap the liner arou nd the core as shown, and the n turn the rewind spindle to ti ghten the me dia. Ensure that the edge o f […]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 48 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Rewind Option (Continued) 5-g. Fold up the rewind medi a guide, and then slide it in until it t ouches the liner . 5-h. T ighten the thumbscrew on the rewind media guide. 5-i. Loading of the liner is c o mpl[…]

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    49 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 6. 7. Slide in the med ia guide unt il it just touc hes the edge of the media. 8. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver ( 1 ) downwa rd until it locks the printhead in pla ce. Caution • Use the peel release le[…]

  • Page 50: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Peel-Off Mode (with our without Liner T ake-Up) 50 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 9. Does the media that you are u sing require ribbon for printing? If you are not sure, see When to Use Ribbon on page 18 . 10. Close the media door . 11 . Set the prin ter to Peel-Off mode (for more informa[…]

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    51 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—R ewind Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Final St ep s for Rewind Mode 1. Extend the media approximately 18 in . (500 mm) out of the printe r. 2. Feed the media over the peel assembly .[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Re wind Mode 52 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 3. Thread the media into the slot below the peel assembly . 4. Feed the media under the me dia alignment roller . 5. Loosen the thumbsc r ew on the rewin d media guide.[…]

  • Page 53: Zebra ZT410

    53 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—R ewind Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 6. Slide the rewind media guide all the way out, an d then fold it down. 7. Slide an empty core onto the rewind spindle. 8. W rap the media around the co re as show n and turn the rewind spindle t o tighten the media. Ensure that the edge of […]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Re wind Mode 54 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 9. Fold up the rewind media guide, and then slide it in until it touches the media. 10. T ighten the thumbscre w on the rewin d media guide. 11 . Slide in the outer med ia guide unti l it just touch es the edge of the media.[…]

  • Page 55: Zebra ZT410

    55 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—R ewind Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 12. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver ( 1 ) downwa rd until it locks the printhead in pla ce. 13. Does the media that you are u sing require ribbon for printing? If you are not sure, see When to Use Ribbon on page 18 . 14. Close the media doo[…]

  • Page 56: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Re wind Mode 56 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 16. Press P AUSE to exit pause mode and enable printing. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, depending on your sett ings. 17. If desired, perfo rm the CANCEL Self T est on page 163 to verify that yo ur printer i s ab[…]

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    57 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Cutter Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Final St ep s for Cutter Mode 1. Caution • The cutter blade is sharp. Do not touch or rub the blade wi th your fingers. Feed the media through the cut t er .[…]

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    Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Cutter Mode 58 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 2. Slide in the out er media guide un til it just to uches the edge of t he media. 3. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver ( 1 ) downwa rd until it locks the printhead in pla ce. 4. Does the media that you are u sing require ribbon for printing? […]

  • Page 59: Zebra ZT410

    59 Printer Setup and Operation Load the Media—Cutter Mode 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5. Close the media door . 6. Set the printe r to Cutter mode (for more information, see Print Mode on page 69 ). 7. Press P AUSE to exit pause mode and enable printing. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, depending on[…]

  • Page 60: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 60 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Load the Ribbon Ribbon is used o n ly with thermal t ransfer labels. For dire ct thermal labels, do not load ribbo n in the printe r. T o determine if ri bbon must be used with a particular media , see When to Use Ribbon on page 18 . T o load ribbon, complete th ese ste[…]

  • Page 61: Zebra ZT410

    61 Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 2. 3. Place the roll o f ribbon on the ribbon supply spind l e with the lo ose end of th e ribbon unrolling as shown. Push t he ro ll back as far as it will go. Caution • The printhead may be ho t and could cause severe burns. Allow the printhead to cool. Open the pri[…]

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    Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 62 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 4. Bring the ribbon under the printhea d assembly , and then wrap it several turn s around the ribbon ta ke-up spindl e.[…]

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    63 Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5. Is media already loaded in the printer? If… Then… No Continue with step 3 on page 35 to lo ad media in the printer . Ye s a. Rotate the pri nthead-open lever ( 1 ) downward until it locks the printhe ad in plac e. b. Close the media door . c. If necessary , press[…]

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    Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 64 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ ___________________[…]

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    4/8/14 P1066582-002 3 Printer Configuration and Adjustment This section assists yo u with config uration of and a djustments to the p rinter. Content s Adjust Printer Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 Print Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[…]

  • Page 66: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 66 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Adjust Printer Settings This section p resents the pr inter setti ngs that you c an change a nd identifies t he tools for changing them. Th ese tool s include the following: • ZPL and Set/Get/Do (SGD) commands (See the Zebra ® Pr ogramm[…]

  • Page 67: Zebra ZT410

    67 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Print Settings T able 1 • Print Sett ings Print Darkness Set the darkn ess to the lowest setting th at provides good print quality . If you set the darkness too high, the label image may print unclearly , bar codes may not scan correctl[…]

  • Page 68: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 68 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Print Method Specify if the pri nter is to use Direct Therma l mo de (no ribbon) or Thermal Transfer mode (using thermal t ransf er media and ribbon). Accepted values: • THERMAL TRANS • DIRECT THERMAL Related ZPL command( s): ^MT SGD c[…]

  • Page 69: Zebra ZT410

    69 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Print Width Specify t h e width of the labels be ing used. The default v alue is the maximu m width for the printer , based on t he printhead ’ s DPI value. Note • Setting the width too narro w can result in portions of a label forma […]

  • Page 70: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 70 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Reprint Mode When reprint mode is enabled, you can repri nt the last label pri nted by pressing and hold ing P AUSE + CANCEL on the printer ’ s control pan el. Accepted values: • ON • OFF Related ZPL command( s): ^JZ SGD command us e[…]

  • Page 71: Zebra ZT410

    71 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Calibration and Diagnostic T ools T able 2 • Calibration and Diagnostic T ools Print Informat ion Print the specified i n formation on on e or more labels. Accepted values: • SETTINGS—prints the pr inter configuration label. • NET[…]

  • Page 72: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 72 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 LCD Contrast Change the contrast on the printer ’ s display . Accepted values: 3 to 15 Related ZPL command( s): none SGD command us ed: display.contras t User menu item: LCD CONTRAST on page 97 Printer web page: N/A Idle Disp lay Select […]

  • Page 73: Zebra ZT410

    73 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Head-Cl ose Action Set the action for the printer to take when yo u close the prin thead. • CALIBRA TE adjusts sensor levels and th resholds, determines th e label length, and feeds the media to the next web. • FEED —feeds the l abe[…]

  • Page 74: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 74 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Load Defaults Restore specific printer , print server , and ne tw ork settings b ack to the factory defaults. Use care when loading defaults bec ause you will need to reload all settings that you changed ma nually . • F ACTO R Y—Restor[…]

  • Page 75: Zebra ZT410

    75 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Media and Ribbon Sensor Calibration Calibrate the printer to adjust th e sensitivity o f the media and rib b on sensors. For comple te instruction s on how to perform a calibratio n procedure, see Cali brate the Ribbon and Med ia Sensors […]

  • Page 76: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 76 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Enable ZBI Zebra Basic Interpret er (ZBI 2.0™) is a programming option that may be purchased for your printer . If you would like to purcha se this option, contact your Zebra reseller for more information. Accepted values: N/A Related ZP[…]

  • Page 77: Zebra ZT410

    77 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Network Settings T able 3 • Network Settings IP Address V iew and, if necessary , change the printer ’ s IP address. Changes to this sett ing are saved on ly if IP PROTOC OL is set to PERMANENT . T o allow any saved cha nges to take e[…]

  • Page 78: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 78 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 IP Protocol This parameter tells if t h e user (permanent) or the server (dynamic) se lects the IP address. When a dynamic optio n is chosen, this p arameter tells the method(s) by which the wi red or wireless prin t server receives the IP[…]

  • Page 79: Zebra ZT410

    79 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Channel V iew the wireless channel being used wh en the wirel ess network is active and authenticated. Accepted values: N/A Related ZPL command( s): none SGD command us ed: wlan.channel User menu item: CHANNEL on page 105 Printer web page[…]

  • Page 80: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 80 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 RFID Settings T able 4 • RFID Settings RFID S tatus Display the status o f the RFID subsystem of the printer . Accepted values: N/A Related ZPL command( s): ^HL or ~ HL SGD command us ed: rfid.error.resp onse User menu item: RFID ST A TU[…]

  • Page 81: Zebra ZT410

    81 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Programming Position If the desired programming po sition (read/wri te position) is not ach ieved through RFID tag calibrati on, a value ma y be specified. See the RFID Pr ogramming Guide 3 for more information. Accepted values: F0 to Fxx[…]

  • Page 82: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 82 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 RFID Read Power If the desired read power is not achiev ed through RFID tag calib ration, a value may be specified. Accepted values: 0 to 30 Related ZPL command( s): ^RW SGD command us ed: rfid.reader_1.p ower.read User menu item: RFID REA[…]

  • Page 83: Zebra ZT410

    83 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Language Settings T able 5 • Language Settings Language If necessary , change the la nguage that the printer di splays. This change a ffects the words shown on t he followin g: • the Home menu • the user men us • error messages ?[…]

  • Page 84: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 84 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Command Character The format command prefix is a two-digit hex value used as a parameter place marker in ZPL/ZPL II format instruct ions. The printer loo ks for this hex character t o indicate the start of a ZPL/ZPL II fo rmat instruct ion[…]

  • Page 85: Zebra ZT410

    85 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 ZPL Mode Select the mo de that matches what is used in your label formats. This printer acce pts label formats written in e ither ZPL or ZPL II, el iminating the need to rewrite any ZPL formats that alr eady exist. The prin ter remains in[…]

  • Page 86: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 86 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Sensor Settings T able 6 • Sensor Settings Sensor T ype Select the media sensor t h at is appropri ate for t h e media that you are using. The reflective sen sor typically is used only for black mark media. Th e transmissive sen sor typi[…]

  • Page 87: Zebra ZT410

    87 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Port Settings T able 7 • Port Settings Baud Rate Select the baud value that matc hes the one being used by the host comp uter . Accepted values: • 1 15200 • 57600 • 38400 • 28800 • 19200 • 14400 • 9600 • 4800 Related ZPL[…]

  • Page 88: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Printer Settings 88 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Host Handshake Select the handshake protocol that mat ches the o ne being us ed by the ho st computer . Accepted values: • XON/XOFF • RT S / C T S • DSR/DTR Related ZPL command( s): ^SC SGD command us ed: comm.handshake User menu ite[…]

  • Page 89: Zebra ZT410

    89 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust Printer Settings 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 BlueT ooth Settings T able 8 • BLUETOOTH Menu Bluetooth Address Displays the printe r ’ s Bluetooth Device Add ress Accepted values: N/A SGD command us ed: bluetooth.addre ss Mode Displays the Bluetooth con nection pair printer ’ s […]

  • Page 90: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus 90 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 User Menus The printer ’ s control panel includes a di splay , where you can view the printer’ s status or change its op erating parameters. In this section, yo u will learn how to naviga te through the printer ’ s menu system and change value s […]

  • Page 91: Zebra ZT410

    91 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Home Menu The printer’ s operating paramete rs are sorted into eight user menus, which you can access through the printer’ s Home menu ( Figure 2 ). For detailed i nformation about changing the p rinter settings, see Adjust Printer Settings on pag[…]

  • Page 92: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus 92 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Navigation Ta b l e 9 shows the options a vailable for navigating throug h the screens in the control panel displ ay . T able 9 • Navigation Idle Display At the Idle Display ( Figure 1 on page 90 ), pres s LEFT SELECT to go to the printer’ s Home m[…]

  • Page 93: Zebra ZT410

    93 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 User Menus Press LEFT SELECT to return to the Home menu. The printer automatically returns to the Home menu after 15 seconds of inactivity in a user menu. ▼ and ▲ indica te that a val ue can be changed. An y changes that you make are saved immedia[…]

  • Page 94: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—SETTINGS Menu 94 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 SETTINGS Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see Print Settings on page 67 . Adjust the Print Darknes s Set the darkness to […]

  • Page 95: Zebra ZT410

    95 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—SETTINGS Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Adjust the T ear -Off Position If necessary , adjust the position of the media over t h e tear -off bar after printing. See T ear-Off Positi on on page 68 for more information. Adjust the Print Width Specify the width o f the labels be[…]

  • Page 96: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—SETTINGS Menu 96 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Set the Maximum Label Length Set the maximum label length to a value tha t is at least 1.0 in. (25.4 mm) greater th an the actual label length plus the interla bel gap. If you set the value to one that is smaller than the label le ngth,[…]

  • Page 97: Zebra ZT410

    97 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—TOOLS Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 TO O L S M e n u Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see Ta b l e 2 , Cali bration and Di agnostic To o l s on page 71 . List the P[…]

  • Page 98: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—TOOLS Menu 98 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Set the Head-Close Action Set the action for the printer to t ake when you close the printhead. See Head-C lose Action o n page 73 for more information. Set the Head-Open Light Action Set the brightn ess of the light t h at turns on when t[…]

  • Page 99: Zebra ZT410

    99 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—TOOLS Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Enable Commun icatio n Diagnostics Mode Use this diagnostics tool to cause the prin ter to output the hexadecimal v alues for all data re ceived by the prin ter . See Communication Diag nostics Mode on page 75 f or more information. Is ZB[…]

  • Page 100: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—TOOLS Menu 100 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Print a File fr om a USB Flash Drive* Use this menu item to select files to print from a USB Flash drive. 1. Use the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to select one file or all files from this menu . 2. Press RIGHT SELECT to select PRINT . * This me[…]

  • Page 101: Zebra ZT410

    101 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—TOOLS Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Network Menu Shortcut • T o be taken to th e next user menu, press OK or press RIGHT SELECT to select GO . • T o continue to na vigate in the same user menu, press th e LEFT ARRO W or RIGHT ARROW . NETWORK MENU GO GO IP ADDRESS 000.0[…]

  • Page 102: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—NETWORK Menu 102 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 NETWORK Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more information ab out these setting s, see Ta b l e 3 , Network Setti ngs on page 77 . For more information ab out prin[…]

  • Page 103: Zebra ZT410

    103 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—NETWORK Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Set the Default Gateway V iew and, if necessary , change the default gateway . Changes are saved on ly if WIRED IP PROTOCOL on page 103 is set to PERMANENT . T o allow any saved changes to take effect, use RESET NETWORK on page 106 to […]

  • Page 104: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—NETWORK Menu 104 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Set the Printer’s IP Addr ess* V iew and, if necessary , chan ge the printer ’ s IP ad dress. Changes are saved on ly if WIRED IP PROTOCOL on page 103 is set to PERMANENT . T o allow any saved changes to take effect, use RESET NETWO[…]

  • Page 105: Zebra ZT410

    105 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—NETWORK Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 V iew the MAC Add ress* V iew the Media Access Control (MAC ) address of the print server that is instal led in the printe r (wired or wire less). See MAC Addr ess on page 78 for more information. * This menu it em, which cannot be mo […]

  • Page 106: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—NETWORK Menu 106 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Print the Ne twork Sett ings* This option prin ts a network config uration label, which l ists the settings for an y print server that is installed. See Print Information on page 71 for more information. * Other options are available by[…]

  • Page 107: Zebra ZT410

    107 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—NETWORK Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 RFID Menu Shortcut • T o be taken to th e next user menu, press OK or press RIGHT SELECT to select GO . • T o continue to navigate in the same user menu , press the LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW . RFID MENU GO GO ▼ LANGUAGE ENGLISH ?[…]

  • Page 108: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—RFID Menu 108 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 RFID Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see Ta b l e 4 , RFID Settings on page 80 . Select the RFID Country Code Select the RF[…]

  • Page 109: Zebra ZT410

    109 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—RFID Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Perform an RFID T est During the RFID test , the printer attempts to read and write to a transponder . No printer movement occurs with this test. If you wish to test an RFID label: 1. Position the RFID label with its tran sponder over the[…]

  • Page 110: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—RFID Menu 110 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Display or Reset the RFID V alid Counter Displays the RFID vali d label count or resets t he counter to zero. See RFID V alid Counter on pa ge 82 for more information. Display or Reset the RFID V oid Counter Displays the RFID void l abel c[…]

  • Page 111: Zebra ZT410

    111 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—LANGUAGE Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 LANGUAGE Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see Ta b l e 5 , Language Setting s on page 83 . Select the Display Language […]

  • Page 112: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—LANGUAGE Menu 112 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Set the Delimiter Characte r V alue Set the delimiter charac ter to match what is used in your label formats. See Delimiter Chara cter on page 84 for more information. Set the ZPL Mode Select the mode that matches what is use d in your[…]

  • Page 113: Zebra ZT410

    113 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—SENSORS Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 SENSORS Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see Ta b l e 6 , Sensor Settings on page 86 . Select the Media Sensor Select th[…]

  • Page 114: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—SENSORS Menu 114 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Set the Intensity of the T ake Label LED Import ant • This value is set during sensor calibrat ion. Do not change thi s setting unless y ou are told to do so by Zebra T echnical Support or by an authorized serv ice technician. See Ta […]

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    115 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—PORTS Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 PORTS Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see Ta b l e 7 , Port Settings on page 87 . Set the Baud Rate Select the baud value[…]

  • Page 116: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—PORTS Menu 116 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 V iew the Wireless Markup Language (WML) V ersion This value cannot be changed. BlueT ooth Menu Shortcut • T o be taken to th e next user menu, press OK or press RIGHT SELECT to select GO . • T o continue to na vigate in the same user[…]

  • Page 117: Zebra ZT410

    117 Printer Configuration and Adju stment User Menus—BLUETOOTH Menu 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 BLUET OOTH Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGHT ARROW . For more informa tion about t hese settings, see BlueT ooth Setting s on page 89 . V iew the BlueT ooth Address Display[…]

  • Page 118: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment User Menus—BLUETOOTH Menu 118 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 V iew the Printer ’s BlueT ooth Mode Displays the Blu etooth opera tional specifica tion level. See Baud Rate on page 87 for more information. V iew the Printer ’s BlueT ooth Mode Displays the printer ’ s Bluetooth minimu m leve[…]

  • Page 119: Zebra ZT410

    119 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Sensors 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Sensors Use the procedure in this section to calibrate the printer , which adj usts the sensitivi ty of the media and ribbon sens ors. • For issues that may b e resolved by sensor calibrati[…]

  • Page 120: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Senso rs 120 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 2. 3. Extend the media approximately 8 in. (203 mm) out o f the printer. 4. Remove the exposed labels so that only the liner remains. Caution • The printhead may be ho t and could cause severe burns. Allow the printhead […]

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    121 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Sensors 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5. Pull the med ia into the p rinter so that on ly the backin g is between t he media senso rs. 6. Remove the ribbon (if used). 7. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver ( 1 ) downwa rd until it locks the printhead in pla ce. 8[…]

  • Page 122: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Senso rs 122 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 When the process is complete: • The SUPPLIES light stops flashing. • The P AUSE light flashes yel low . • The control panel di splays: 9. Open the printhead assembly by rotatin g the printhead-op en lever . MEDIA/RI […]

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    123 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Sensors 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 10. Pull the media forw ard until a label is positioned under the media senso rs. 11 . Reload the ribbon (if used). 12. Close the printhea d. 13. Close the media door . 14. Press P AUSE to enable printing.[…]

  • Page 124: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust the Printhead Pressure 124 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Adjust the Printhead Pressure Y ou may need to adj ust printhead pressure if printing is too light on one side, if y ou use thick media, or if the media drifts fr om side to side during prin ting. Use the lowest printhead pressure n[…]

  • Page 125: Zebra ZT410

    125 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust the Printhead Pressure 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 If necessary , adjust the printhead pre ssure adjustment dials as follows: If the media… Then… Requires higher pressu re to print well Increase bo th dials one p osition. Prints too lightly on the left side of the label. Increa[…]

  • Page 126: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust the Printhead Pressure 126 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Shifts left while printi ng Increase the outsi de dial setting o n e position. OR Decrease the inside di al setting one position. If the media… Then…[…]

  • Page 127: Zebra ZT410

    127 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust the Printhead Pressure 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Shifts right while prin ting Increase the in side dial setting o ne position. OR Decrease the outside di al settin g one position. If the media… Then…[…]

  • Page 128: Zebra ZT410

    Printer Configuration and Adjustment Remove Used Ribbon 128 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Remove Used Ribbon Remove used ribbon from the ribbon take -up spindle each time you ch ange the roll of ribbon. T o remove used ribbon, com plete these step s: 1. Has the ribb on run out? 2. While holdin g the ribbon take-up spindle, turn the[…]

  • Page 129: Zebra ZT410

    4/8/14 P1066582-002 Routine Maintenance This section provid es routine cl eaning and maintenance pro cedures. Content s Cleaning Schedule and Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Clean the Exterior , the Media Compartment, and the Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Clean the Printh[…]

  • Page 130: Zebra ZT410

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 130 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Cleaning Schedule and Procedures Routine preve ntive maintenance is a crucial p art of normal printer operation. By taking good care of your pri nter , you can minimize the potential problems that yo u might have wit h it and help to achi eve and[…]

  • Page 131: Zebra ZT410

    131 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Clean the Exterior , the Med ia Comp artment, and the Sensors Over time, dust, grime, and other debris may bu ild up on th e outside and inside of your printer , particularly in a h ars h operating environment. Printer Exterior Y ou may clean th[…]

  • Page 132: Zebra ZT410

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 132 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Clean the Printhead and Platen Roller Inconsistent prin t quality , such as voids i n the bar code or graphics, may in dicate a dirt y printhead. For the rec ommended cleaning schedule, see T able 1 on p age 130 . T o clean the printhead and plat[…]

  • Page 133: Zebra ZT410

    133 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 2. 3. Remove the ribbon (if used) and the media. 4. Using the swa b from a Zebra Prevent ive Maintenan ce Kit, wipe along the brown strip on the printhead assembly from end to end. In plac e of the Preventive Maintenance Kit, you may use a clean[…]

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    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 134 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 5. While manually rotating th e platen roll er, c lean it thoro ughly with th e swab. Allow the solvent to evaporate. 6. Reload the ribbon (if used) and the media. For instruc tions, see Load the Ribbon on page 60 or Load the Media on page 34 . 7[…]

  • Page 135: Zebra ZT410

    135 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 8. Close the media door . The printer is ready to operate. 9. Press P AUSE to exit pause mode and enab le printing. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, depending on your sett ings. Note • If performing this p rocedure[…]

  • Page 136: Zebra ZT410

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 136 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Clean the Peel Assembly The peel assembly , which is pa r t of the Peel-Off and Liner T ake-Up option s, consists of several spring-loaded roll ers to ensure the proper roller pressu re. Clean the pinch roller and tear-of f/p eel-off bar if adhes[…]

  • Page 137: Zebra ZT410

    137 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 3. Push down the peel-of f mechanism rele ase lever to open the peel a ssembly . 4. Remove any media l iner to expose the pinch rolle r . 5. While manually rotating th e pinch roller , clean it thoro ughly with the swab from the Preventive Maint[…]

  • Page 138: Zebra ZT410

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 138 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 8. 9. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver ( 1 ) downwa rd until it locks the printhead in pla ce. Caution • Use the peel release lever and y our right hand to close the peel assembly . Do not use your left hand to assist in closing. T he top edge[…]

  • Page 139: Zebra ZT410

    139 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 10. Close the media door . The printer is ready to operate. 11 . Press P AUSE to exit pause mode and enable printing. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, depending on your sett ings.[…]

  • Page 140: Zebra ZT410

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 140 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Clean the Cutter Module If the cutter is no t cutting the labels cleanly or if it jams with labels, clean th e cutter . T o clean the cutter module, complete thes e steps: 1. T urn the printer of f ( O ), and unplug the printer from its pow er so[…]

  • Page 141: Zebra ZT410

    141 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5. 6. If necessary , rotate the cutte r motor thumbscr ew to fully expose the V -shaped cutter blade ( 1 ). Caution • The cutter blade is sharp. Do not touch or rub the blade wi th your fingers. Remove the cutter shield. 1[…]

  • Page 142: Zebra ZT410

    Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 142 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 7. Using the swab from the Preventive Maintenance Ki t (part number 47362 ), wipe along the upper cutting surface ( 1 ) and the cutter blade ( 2 ). In place of the Preventive Mainte nance Kit, you may use a clean swab di pped in a solutio n of is[…]

  • Page 143: Zebra ZT410

    143 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 9. Close the media door . 10. Plug the printe r into its po wer source, a nd then turn on ( I ) the prin ter . The cutter blade returns to its operating position. 11 . If the cutter contin ues to perfo rm unsatisfactori ly , contact an autho riz[…]

  • Page 144: Zebra ZT410

    Routine Maintenance Replacing Printer Co mponents 144 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Replacing Printer Component s Some printer compon ents, such as the printhead and pla t en roller , may wear out over time an d can be repl aced easily . Regular cleaning may ex tend the life o f some of thes e components. See T able 1 on page 13 0 […]

  • Page 145: Zebra ZT410

    4/8/14 P1066582-002 5 Troubleshooting This section provides information about errors that you mig ht need to troubl eshoot. Assorted diagnostic test s are includ ed. Content s Meaning of Indicator Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Printing Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . […]

  • Page 146: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting Meaning of Indicator Lights 146 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Meaning of Indicator Light s The indicato r lights on th e control pane l sh ow the current status of the printer ( Ta b l e 1 ). T able 1 • St atus of Printer As Shown by Indicator Light s ST A TUS light steady gr een (other lights steady y ellow for […]

  • Page 147: Zebra ZT410

    147 T roublesh ooting Meaning of Indicator Lights 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 ST A T US light flash ing r ed The printer is un able to read th e dpi setting of the printhead . Printers with a ZebraNet wire d Ethernet option NETWORK ligh t off No Ethernet link is available. NETWORK ligh t steady gr een A 100 Base link w a s found.[…]

  • Page 148: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting Printing Issues 148 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Printing Issues Ta b l e 2 identifies possible issues with p rinting or print q uality , the possible cau s es, and the recommended solution s. T able 2 • Printing Issues Issue Possib le Cause Recommended Soluti on General pr int quality issues The printer is set […]

  • Page 149: Zebra ZT410

    149 T roublesh ooting Printing Issues 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Fine, angular gray lines on blank labels W rinkled ribbon. See w r inkled ribbon causes and solutions in Ribbon Pr oblems on page 151 . Printing too light or too dark over the entire labe l The media or ri bbon is not designed for high-sp eed operation. Replace sup[…]

  • Page 150: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting Printing Issues 150 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 V ertical image or label drift The printer is usi ng non-continuous l abels but is configured in contin uous mode. Set the printer for t he correct media ty pe (gap/notch, continuo us, or mark—see Media Ty p e on page 67 ) and c alibrate the pr inter , if necessar[…]

  • Page 151: Zebra ZT410

    151 T roublesh ooting Ribbon Problems 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Ribbon Problems Ta b l e 3 identifies problems that may oc cur with ribbon, the possibl e causes, and th e recommended solution s. T able 3 • Ribbon Problems Problem Possible Cause Recommende d Solution Broken or mel ted ribbon Darkness sett ing too high . 1. Red[…]

  • Page 152: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting RFID Problems 152 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 RFID Problems Ta b l e 4 identifies problems that may occur wit h RFID print ers, the possible causes, and th e recommended solution s. For more information ab out RFID, refer to the RFID Pr ogramming Guide 3 . A copy of the manual is a vailable at http://www .zebra.c[…]

  • Page 153: Zebra ZT410

    153 T roublesh ooting RFID Problems 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Low yields. T oo many RFID tags per ro ll are voided. The RFID labels a r e not withi n specifications for the printer, which means that the transponder is not in an area that can be programmed consistently . Make sure th at the labels mee t transponder placement spe[…]

  • Page 154: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting RFID Problems 154 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 RFID parameters do not appear in Setup mode, and RFID information does not appear on the pr inter configuration labe l. The printer does not void RFID labels that are not pr ogrammed corr ectly . The printer was powere d off ( O ) and then back on ( I ) too quickly fo[…]

  • Page 155: Zebra ZT410

    155 T roublesh ooting Error Messages 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Error Messages The control pa nel displays me ssage s when there is an error . See Ta b l e 5 for errors, th e possible causes, and the recommended solut ions. QuickHelp Pages Most error messages will incl ude the option to view a Qui ckHelp page. The lower right-ha[…]

  • Page 156: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting Error Messages 156 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 ST A TUS light stead y yellow SUPPLIES light fl ashing yellow In thermal transfer mode: • ribbon is not loaded • ribbon is loaded in correctly • the ribbon sens or is not detecting ribbon • media is blocki ng the ribbon sensor 1. Load ribbon correctly . See L[…]

  • Page 157: Zebra ZT410

    157 T roublesh ooting Error Messages 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 ST A TUS light stead y yellow Caution • The printhead may be hot enough to cause severe burns. Allow the printhead to cool. The printhead is over temperatur e. Allow the printer to cool. Printing automatically resumes when the pr inthead element s cool to an accep[…]

  • Page 158: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting Error Messages 158 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 ST A TUS light st eady red P AUSE light steady yellow Caution • The cutter blade is sharp. Do not touch or rub the blade with your fingers. The cutter blade is in t he media path. T urn off the printer power and unplug the prin ter. Inspect the cutter module for de[…]

  • Page 159: Zebra ZT410

    159 T roublesh ooting Communicat ions Problems 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Communications Problems Ta b l e 6 identifies problems with communications, the possible causes, and the recommended solutions. T able 6 • Commu ni cations Problems Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution A label format was sent to the printer but wa[…]

  • Page 160: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting Miscellaneous Issues 160 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Miscellaneous Issues Ta b l e 7 identifies miscellaneous i ssues with the printer, th e possible causes, and the recommended solution s. T able 7 • Miscellaneous Printer Problems Problem Possible Cause Recommende d Solution The control panel display shows a l[…]

  • Page 161: Zebra ZT410

    161 T roublesh ooting Miscellaneous Issues 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 The printer is not acknowledging a USB device or is not reading the files on a USB device t hat is plugged into the U SB host port. The printer currently supports USB drives only up to 1 TB in size. Use a USB drive that is 1 TB or small e r . The USB drive may[…]

  • Page 162: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 162 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Printer Diagnostics Self tests and other diagnost ics provide specific in formation about t he condition of th e printer. The self tests produce sample printouts and provide specific information that helps determine the operating conditions for the printe r. Eac[…]

  • Page 163: Zebra ZT410

    163 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 CANCEL Self T est The CANCEL self test prints a printer configuratio n label and a n e twork configuration l abel. For other ways to print these labels, see Print Informat ion on page 71 . T o perform the CANCEL Self T est, complete these step s: 1. Tu r n o ff[…]

  • Page 164: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 164 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 PA U S E S e l f Te s t This self test can be used to prov i de the test lab els required when making adjustment s to the printer’ s mechanical assemblies or t o determine if any prin thead elements are not working. Figure 3 shows a sample printout. T o perfor[…]

  • Page 165: Zebra ZT410

    165 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 FEED Self T est Different types of media may require differen t darkness settings. This sect ion contains a simple but ef fective method for determi ning the ideal darkness for printi ng bar codes t hat are within specifications. During the FEED self test, labe[…]

  • Page 166: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 166 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Figure 5 • Bar Code Darkness Comparison T able 8 • Judging Bar Code Quality Print Quality Description To o d a r k Labels that are too dark are fai rly obvious. They may be readable but not “in-spec.” • The normal bar code bars i ncrease in size. • T[…]

  • Page 167: Zebra ZT410

    167 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 5. Note the relat ive darkness value a nd the print speed printed on the best test label . 6. Add or subtract th e relative darkness value from the darkness value specified on th e configuration la bel. The resulting numeric v alue is the best darkness value fo[…]

  • Page 168: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 168 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 FEED + P AUSE Self T est Performing this self test resets the printer conf iguration to the factory d efault values. Pe rform a sensor calibration a f ter this self test. (See Cal ibrate the Ribbon and Med ia Sensors on page 119 .) T o perform a FEED and P AUSE […]

  • Page 169: Zebra ZT410

    169 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Communication Diagnostics T est The communicat ion diagnostic s test is a troublesho oting tool fo r checking the int erconnection between the printe r and the host computer . When the print er is in diagnostics mo de, it prints all data received from the host […]

  • Page 170: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 170 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Sensor Profile Use the sensor profile image (which will extend across several actual labels or tags) to troubleshoot the foll owing sit uations: • The printer ex periences dif ficulty in determinin g gaps (web) betwee n labels. • The printer in correctly ide[…]

  • Page 171: Zebra ZT410

    171 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Ribbon Sensor Profile ( Figure 7 ) The lin e labeled RIBBON ( 1 ) on the sensor profile indicates the rib bon sensor readings. The ribbon sensor threshold setting is ind icated by OUT ( 2 ). If the ribbon read ings are below t h e threshold va lue, the printer […]

  • Page 172: Zebra ZT410

    T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 172 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ ___________[…]

  • Page 173: Zebra ZT410

    4/8/14 P1066582-002 6 Specifications This section lists g eneral printer specificatio ns, printing spec ifications, ribbon specifications, and media specifications. Content s General S pecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Printing S pecifications . . . . . . . . . . . […]

  • Page 174: Zebra ZT410

    Specifications General S pecifications 174 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 General Specifications Model ZT410™ ZT420™ Height 12.8 in.(32 5 mm) 12.8 in. ( 325 mm) W idth 10. 7 in. (272 mm) 13.2 in. (335 mm) Depth 19. 7 in. (500 mm) 19.7 in. (500 mm) W eight 36 lb (16 kg) 40 lb (18 kg) Electrical 90–265 V AC, 48-62 Hz 90–265 V […]

  • Page 175: Zebra ZT410

    175 Specifications Printing S pecificatio ns 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Printing S pecifications Model ZT410 ZT420 Print resolution 203 dpi (dots/in.)/ 8 dots/mm 203 dpi (dots/in.)/8 dots/mm 300 dpi/12 dots/mm 300 dpi/12 dots/mm 600 dpi/24 do ts/mm N/ A Dot size (nominal) (width x lengt h) 203 dpi 0.0049 in. x 0.0049 in. (0.125 […]

  • Page 176: Zebra ZT410

    Specifications Media S pecifi cations 176 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Media S p ecifications Model ZT410 ZT420 Label length Minimum Non-RFID T ear-of f 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) 0.5 in. (12. 7 mm) Peel-off 0.5 in (12.7 mm) 0.5 in (12.7 mm) Rewind 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) Cutter 1.0 in. (25.4 mm) 1.0 in. (2 5.4 mm) RFID V aries[…]

  • Page 177: Zebra ZT410

    177 Specifications Ribbon S pecifications 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 Ribbon S p ecifications Model ZT410 ZT420 Ribbon width* Minimum 2 in.** (51 mm**) Maximum 4.33 in. (1 10 mm) Maximum r ibbon length 1476 ft (4 50 m) 1476 ft (4 50 m) Ribbon core inside diamet er 1 in. (25 mm) * Zebra recommend s using ribbon that is at least as[…]

  • Page 178: Zebra ZT410

    Specifications Ribbon S pecificatio ns 178 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ___________ _________[…]

  • Page 179: Zebra ZT410

    4/8/14 P1066582-002 Glossary alphanumeric Indicating lette rs, numerals, and c haracters such as punct uation mark s. backfeed When the printer pulls the medi a and ribbon (if used) backward into the printer so that the beginning of th e label to be printed is properly pos itioned behind the prin thead. Backfeed occurs whe n operating the prin ter […]

  • Page 180: Zebra ZT410

    Glossary 180 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 die-cut media A type of l abel stock that has individual labels stuck to a media liner . The labels may be either lined up against each othe r or separa ted by a small distance. T ypically the material surrounding the l abels has been removed. (See non-continuou s media .) direct thermal A[…]

  • Page 181: Zebra ZT410

    181 Glossary 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 media sensor This sensor is located behind the prin thead to detect the presence of media and, for non-cont inuous media, th e position of the web, hole, or notch used to indicate the sta r t of each label. media supply hanger The stationary arm that supports the media roll. non-continuous[…]

  • Page 182: Zebra ZT410

    Glossary 182 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 tear-off A mode of operation in which the user t ears the label or t a g stock away from the remaining media by hand. thermal transfer A printing method in whi ch the print head presses an in k or resin coated ribbon against the media. Heating the printhead elements causes the ink or resin[…]

  • Page 183: Zebra ZT410

    4/8/14 P1066582-002 Index A active print se rver user menu item, 10 2 adhesive test for ribbon coatin g, 19 adjustments display contrast LCD contrast u ser menu ite m, 97 ways to adjust, 72 label left posi tion, 69 maximum label leng th, 70 print darkness, 67 print widt h, 69 printhead pressure , 124 tear -of f position, 68 antenna element ways to […]

  • Page 184: Zebra ZT410

    Index 184 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 communication d iagnostics mode how to initiate, 75 overview , 169 user menu item, 99 communication i nterfaces, 24 communications problems , 159 configur ation la bel network printing using CANCEL self test, 163 user menu item, 106 ways to print, 71 printer printing fro m TOOLS menu, 97 prin[…]

  • Page 185: Zebra ZT410

    185 Index 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 F fanfold media described, 17 loading, 35 FCC compliance, 4 FCC radiation exposure limits, 4 feed a labe l how to set as hea d-close action, 73 how to set as power -up action, 72 through the control pan el, 14 FEED button FEED and P AUSE self test, 168 FEED self test, 165 location, 14 fonts l[…]

  • Page 186: Zebra ZT410

    Index 186 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 Liner T ake-Up mo de description and media path, 31, 32 how to select, 69 select print mode throug h user menu, 95 load defaults how to load printer or print server defaults, 74 network user menu item, 106 ways to initiat e, 74 user menu item, 98 location for printe r , 23 lubricatio n, 144 M[…]

  • Page 187: Zebra ZT410

    187 Index 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 P parallel port characteristics of parallel connection, 26 specifications, 174 parity user menu item, 115 ways to set, 87 P AU SE button FEED and P AUSE self test, 168 location, 14 P AUSE self test, 164 Peel-Off mode cleaning peel-off assembl y , 1 36 description and media path, 31, 32 how to[…]

  • Page 188: Zebra ZT410

    Index 188 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 printer sett ings darkness, 67 label left posi tion, 69 maximum label leng th, 70 media type, 67 print metho d, 68 print mode, 6 9 print speed, 67 print widt h, 69 reprint mode , 70 settings not taking effect, 160 tear -of f position, 68 printhe ad adjust printhe a d pressure, 124 HEAD COLD m[…]

  • Page 189: Zebra ZT410

    189 Index 4/8/14 ZT400 Series™ User Guide P1066582-002 sensor type user menu item, 113 ways to select, 86 sensors interpreting sensor profile , 170 serial port characteri stics of serial connectio n, 25 specifications, 174 SETTINGS menu, 94 setup unpack the printer , 22 shipping report damage, 22 reshipping the printer , 22 SHOR T CAL how to set […]

  • Page 190: Zebra ZT410

    Index 190 P1066582-002 ZT400 Series™ User Guide 4/8/14 V valid RFID labe l counter view or reset th rough user menu , 110 ways to reset, 82 ventilation requ irements, 23 vertical drift top-of-for m position, 1 49 void RFID label co unter view or reset th rough user menu , 110 ways to reset, 82 W web media described, 17 wired print server characte[…]

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  • Page 192: Zebra ZT410

    Zebra T echnologies Corporation Zebra Technolo gies Corporation 475 Half Day Road, Suite 500 Lincolnshire, IL 6006 9 USA T: +1 847 63 4 6700 Toll-free +1 866 230 9494 F: +1 847 913 8766 Zebra T echnologies Europe Limited Dukes Meadow Millboard Road Bourne End Buckinghamshire, SL8 5XF , UK T : +44 (0)1628 5560 00 F: +44 (0)1628 55600 1 Zebra T echno[…]

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